#may break is basically for polish country holidays
mushroom-person · 1 year
hey, to all requesters, sorry i slowed down on these a bit, i wanted to finish all school stuff before, but, good news, i will be drawing them in weekend, since i will have a whole week because may break starts!!! :3
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tirednotflirting · 4 years
sleepyhead - c.h.
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right now i’m a few glasses of wine in and i’ve finally got the guts to post fic for the first time ever so here is a lil blurb thing i wrote in between studying for different finals last week when thinking of soft morning cal was distracting me from primate anatomy.
word count: ~1.9k
she woke up to the smell of cigarette smoke tickling at her nose. after a second breath, she caught a whiff of fresh coffee and rain on the brick walls of her building. knowing he must be out on the covered balcony, she listened closely for the sound of rain, wondering if it had stopped yet, and also picked up his quiet humming of a song she couldn’t quite figure out. a slight breeze blew into the room, causing her to pull the thick comforter up from where it rested at her waist and let her eyes finally flutter open as thoughts of sleeping later drifted off.
the room was dark for 9am, she observed after rolling over to grab her phone and seeing the time. her weather app told her that the storm was to continue well into the evening so if his plans for the day had included anything outside, they would likely need to be put on hold. she lifted her body from the mattress and finally caught sight of him out on the patio, the half-opened door giving her a view of him sipping from his favorite mug with the same hand that held his cigarette as he wrote something in a journal resting against the small glass table she had bought during the summer.
“your balcony has a nice view,” he had said one afternoon in june, soon after they had become friends who actively sought out each other’s company rather than waiting for the next time the world brought them together through mutual friends. “you should get a table out here when you’re more settled, would be a great morning coffee with a book spot.” she bought the table after he mentioned it a second time.
she thought of their initial meeting one another earlier in the year as she glanced up to check on him every couple of minutes as she went through her school inbox on her phone.
it was a grad party back in may for lianna, a friend a couple years her senior. it was out on some trendy rooftop place downtown her parents had rented out. lianna was the kind of girl who knew every kind of person, including the girlfriend of a drummer called ashton irwin. the couple had come along and brought with them ashton’s bandmate, calum. they blended in well with the ucla media studies crowd in their dress and overall low key attitude to the lights and sparkles and fruity drinks that came with downtown la in late spring.
she was a photography major and had met lianna when she got approval to take a senior level course that spring, despite only being a sophomore. she got on well with everyone at the party, all of them being her (now former) classmates and her face was growing achy with how much she was smiling as everyone told her their postgrad plans. she had been taking a social break and was standing at the bar, trying to flag down the bartender, her short stature failing her at that moment. she felt a presence to her left as she huffed in frustration, along with a deep “need some help?”. she turned and saw a man that she remembered recognizing when she had seen him walk in with a gorgeous couple earlier in the night. he was in a band, plays bass, lianna had told her over the tops of their wine glasses. he’s australian, and has a very cute dog, had also been added by the tall red-haired girl.
“yeah, thanks. guess he can’t hear me,” she replied, a tired smile returning to her face. a similar one spread across the curly-haired boy’s lips. “what are you drinking?” he asked, looking down to her as his hand lifted to grab the attention of the bartender, who immediately noticed the man. she took a moment before answering to admire the tattoos that she could see dancing across his forearm as his rolled sleeve pushed up to his elbow.
“the rosé.”
he lifted his chin in a short nod and recited the order as well as his own to the bartender. she pulled herself up into one of the stools at the bar to give her heeled feet a rest and to reduce at least a little bit of the difference in height between herself and the man.
“i’m calum,” he introduced himself, reaching a tattooed hand out into the somewhat limited space between the two of them.
“bennie,” she smiled lazily, her smaller hand accepting his as a glass of pink wine is placed beside her.
she set her phone back to charge and finally pushes back the covers. she reaches to the floor at the end of her bed to pick up a cardigan to throw on over the t-shirt she stole from him to wear when he got in the night before. he would always tease her for taking one of his ratty band t-shirts every time he ended up at her place after the airport rather than his own but never enough for her to toss it back in his duffle.
california in winter could just barely be called that, but the storm was bringing through something they would all call a cold front. he looks up from his writing as he hears her bare feet padding closer to the open door and gently shuts the leather journal, his pen marking his place.
he takes another drag of the cigarette, turning towards the street to blow away the smoke. “lovely weather we’re having today, huh?”
she scoffs at his sarcasm as she pulls out the seat across from him. “la is so happy to have you home that the whole city is crying tears of joy.” 
“hush, ben.” he rolls his eyes but smirks nonetheless at her words.
he takes a moment to admire the girl that’s come to be one his best friends as she reaches forward to pour coffee from the French press he had made into a second mug. sleep had pulled most of her hair from the braid she had done up when they were eating pasta in the kitchen the night before. her eyes were dark around the edges due to the college-student style of exhaustion she always seemed to be and the eyeliner she had claimed she didn’t really need to wash away before bed. seeing her in his clothes made him feel warm in a way he didn’t really understand but always pushed away the thought of.
“ah, you’re right.” she says after a sighing as she takes her first sip from her mug. “she’s actually crying because you’re leaving again in a few days.”
the smile on his face drops as he reaches a foot out to tap against her leg. “hey now, yes i’ll be leaving but then you’re down for that party in the city for new years, right?”
she’s already down to the bottom of her mug (the French press was doing a shit job at retaining any heat and she was going to need to just go back into the kitchen and make more). “if you’ll still have me, yeah. which i hope you will because i’ve definitely already bought the flight.”
“bennie, you were supposed to let me get that.” he says to her with furrowed brows, a small pout forming.
she stands and holds a hand out for his mug so she can go in and make a second cup for the both of them. “okay, well you already got me a room and since your label are the ones hosting the party, you’re basically paying for all my drinks too. so i-“
“it was gonna be your Christmas present, love.” he sighs, handing his mug over.
“the room can be the prese-“
“bennie,” he cuts her off and places a hand at her hip to stop her as she tries to scoot around him to get back inside for coffee and to get away from the conversation. she looks down at where his chipped black polished fingers are placed. “just wanna be able to do something nice for you. i know you worked your ass off this semester and that you’re avoiding the fam for the holiday so i just wanted to treat you.”
she studies the mugs in her hands to avoid his gaze. calum turns his chair to face her so he can wrap both arms around her waist. she huffs and sets the mugs down on the table, letting her hands fall to his shoulders as she looks down to his patient brown eyes.
she takes a deep breath as she moves one hand to the back of his neck, her fingers twirling around the curls there. “and i appreciate it. and i’ve been feeling all warm and fuzzy ever since you asked me to join for this. i think i just convinced myself that letting you do too much for me would make it seem like i was taking advantage. don’t ever want you to feel that way about me.”
his bottom lip juts out further after hearing her think that he could ever even for a moment have some kind of ill opinion of her. “wouldn’t dream of thinking that, darling. i invited you to a party clear across the country, just wanted to make sure you were taken care of.”
she feels something flutter inside her when he calls her by pet names and talks about taking care of her but she pushes the thought away. “we should talk more when planning, huh?”
he laughs and shakes his head at her as he opens his legs so she can stand between them as he pulls her closer, his arms moving to wrap more fully around her waist. he lets his head fall against her stomach. “i’m still exhausted.”
she runs a hand through his hair. “it’s called jet lag, ace. go get back in bed. let’s finish the season of peaky blinders we fell asleep in the middle of last night and then we can go pick up duke.” 
he hummed his agreement with the plan for the rest of the morning before turning his head to place a kiss to the inside of bennie’s wrist. as she wanders past him, mugs and french press gathered into her arms, he puts out the last of his cigarette in the ashtray he brought over after she yelled at him for using one of her favorite mugs for the purpose. she’s already back in the kitchen, filling the kettle before setting it back on the stove and digging through her cabinets for the dark roast she’s decided she wants to make for her second cup of the day.
she comes back to her room several minutes later with two steamy mugs to find calum asleep again, her pillow tucked against his chest. she could almost coo at him cuddled under the blanket, chapped lips pouted out as he softly snores. she chuckles quietly to herself as she sets the mugs on her desk before gently climbing back into bed and pulling the pillow away from his arms. it’s only now that she notices the door is still open, the rain still falling at a steady pace and the breeze sneaking its way across the room. as she lays her head against the pillow that now smells of whatever new cologne he picked up on the road, an arm reaches over her body, pulling her against his warm chest. 
“thanks, love,” are the last words she hears before letting her tired eyes drift shut.
thnx for reading if you did and come say hello (i like new pals) and lemme know if i should ever give this kinda thing a shot again. happy saturday !
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itmeansvictory · 5 years
❝ She did not need much, wanted very little. A kind word, sincerity, fresh air, clean water, a garden, kisses, books to read, sheltering arms, a cozy bed, and to love and be loved in return. ❞
BRIE LARSON? No, that’s actually VICTOIRE WEASLEY. Only TWENTY SIX years old, this HUFFLEPUFF alumni works as an CURSE-BREAKER and is sided with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. SHE identifies as CIS FEMALE and is a HALFBLOOD ( ONE EIGTH VEELA ) who is known to be OVERPROTECTIVE, STUBBORN, and SELF-DEPRECATING but also CONSCIENTIOUS, NURTURING, and PRAGMATIC. { r, 27, mst, she/her/hers }
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FULL NAME: Victoire Apolline Weasley NICKNAME(S): Vic, V, Tori, Tor AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: 26, 05/02/1997 OCCUPATION: Independently Contracted Curse-Breaker GENDER: Cis Female PRONOUNS: She/Her HOMETOWN: Tinworth, Cornwall, England CURRENT RESIDENCE: London, England POSITIVE TRAITS: Conscientious, Nurturing, Pragmatic, Loyal NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, Self-Deprecating, Overprotective, Moody
victoire apolline weasley - though you may know her as a number of monikers: blonde weasley, curse-breaking milf, mom friend™, whatever. she’s the eldest weasley cousin, part-veela, a mother, and yes she is a natural blonde. these are often the defining characteristics she is known by, but there’s a lot more than meets the eye.
born on may 2nd, 1997, almost two years after the fateful tri-wizard tournament where voldemort was defeated “once and for all”, she is the first child born to bill weasley and beauxbatons champion fleur delacour. the first of her generation; hers was a charmed childhood, only made more exciting by the arrival of two siblings and many cousins. seeing as she was older than most of them by a handful of years, victoire became somewhat of a “babysitter” for the family. she spent most of her formative years running after younger weasley-potters, patching up scrapes and kissing bruises as well as diffusing tense situations. from an early age she just naturally took on the role of “mom” among her social groups, the nurturing tendencies carry on even to her hogwarts years where her friends often teased her for being so overprotective of them and “babying” them.
at hogwarts she was sorted into hufflepuff - the first of her family to not be a gryffindor much to the changrin of several of her family members. while the hat had debated between the two houses, it was ultimately the pragmatic and sensible nature of the girl that lead her to being placed among the badgers. this turned out to be best suited to her traits. victoire’s easy going youth lead to her being soft and gentle but also incredibly empathetic and warm. aside from being the aforementioned “mom friend”, she was basically the poster child for hufflepuff - being dutiful, hard-working, trustworthy, loyal and fair. the one “weasley trait” that followed her was a deep love for quidditch, being a beater for the house team for a few years. but her true loves had been herbology, history of magic and charms; the girl spending most of her days studying old textbooks, hanging around the greenhouse, or learning new charms to advance her abilities.
due to a studious nature, she was usually in the favor of her professors and hadn’t found herself in detention like many of her family members might have. it was for this reason she was chosen as a prefect during her latter years, and head girl her seventh. she was responsible and organized in comparison to most of her peers, and actually took pride in being a role model. a side effect of being the oldest in her family - there were always eyes on her and victoire wanted to live up to their expectations.
following school, it was of little surprise when she announced she would be a curse-breaker in training under her father’s tutelage. she possessed much of her father’s qualities - she was an academic achiever as well as laid back in nature, while still managing to be serious when necessary. as a child she was a daddy’s girl and had a very keen interest in bill’s occupation. she used to pretend she was a curse-breaker, "disabling” curses and jinxes on teddy bears and various odd objects throughout the house. so when it came time to take her NEWT level classes, she made sure to structure her schedule around what classes would help her become a successful curse-breaker. it was a thrilling and adventure-filled career path, but her time with gringott’s would only last a few years before she opted to be an “independently contracted curse-breaker” - a choice made in order to continue the work she loved while being a single parent with full custody of her child.
before she began her apprenticeship, victoire spent the summer holiday after her seventh year in france with relatives. despite her claims she would come back “still very much the same victoire” the girl had returned from holiday a very different woman - a married one, actually. hardly one to make rash decisions, it was a shock to hear that after just four weeks of courtship victoire had married a beauxbatons alum she’d met while touring the french riviera. much of the family was opposed to the union, but victoire swore that she was happy and it was meant to be - and for a while that was true.
it turned into a tumultuous affair and would last all of four years before the ill-suited pair would inevitably call it quits - an embarrassing fact considering how adamant she had been that their love was “real” and that it would “work out just fine”. it turned out over time that the two were not exactly suitable and wanted very different things. for one, he wanted to live in france while victoire wanted to stay near her family in england. the only complication left after the marriage was a child that neither had originally planned for - a little girl named amélie whom victoire has full custody of. now her trips to france - via portkey every other weekend - are begrudgingly made in order to allow their daughter time to stay with her father, with whom she has remained (or has tried to remain) amicable and civil despite how poorly the relationship ended.
these days victoire is hardly around. contracted with many independent buyers and sellers of magical antiques and the like, the woman travels across the wizarding world in order to acquire such objects and to reverse whatever hexes have been placed on them as security measures. it’s become harder to balance this job with raising a child, and as such has made her home base in the UK in order to receive the support from her family. she was away on such trips when things began to escalate back home and has since taken on less jobs and has been spending more time in london and close to her relatives during what feels like the return of dark times.
joining the reinstated order of phoenix, victoire is at war with the impending fight. the young woman isn’t too eager to be part of another wizarding war. a little bit of a pacifist, victoire just wants to see a happy future again. having a young child, and seeing the aftereffects of her uncle’s death on his family, makes her worried to put herself in a position where she will no longer be able to take care of amelie. but she also knows that it is up to the order to put an end to the death eaters once and for all - choosing to ultimate put herself in harms way in order to make sure her daughter gets to grow in a safe and happy world like she herself did.
tbh i’ll probably be editing this as i go along.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Demisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Heteromantic LANGUAGES: English, French, Gobbledegook, Some German, Spanish and Chinese FAMILY: Bill Weasley (father), Fleur Weasley née Delacour (mother), Dominique Weasley (sister), Louis Weasley (brother), Amélie Weasley-Dufour (daughter), Bastien Dufour (ex-husband) PETS: Barn Owl named Athena, Kneazle named Pyewacket ZODIAC SIGN: Taurus MBTI: ISFJ AESTHETIC: black coffee forgotten and cooled to room temperature; books and files piled up on every surface; scuffed up doc marten’s, cracked brown leather jackets, vintage band tees; makeup-less face and messy buns; chipped black nail polish; teeth marks running along her wand; reading glasses sitting on the button of her nose, a finger shaped smudge on the right lens; world map with assorted pins and thread connecting cities across the globe; bleached shells, creased postcards, and faded photographs in a trinket box long forgotten in the far corner of the closet; freckles that only come out with the sun, sideways smirks and a mischievous twinkle in dark chocolate eyes; the cry of seagulls and the salty sea breeze; pressed flowers in leather bound notebooks lying e v e r y w h e r e, blue ink stains on hands; trinkets and odd little souvenirs from various countries and cities on every desk; finger paintings and crayon drawings with ‘i love mummy’ in the corners; bottomless bag with everything a mom ever needs; nights spent alone and welcoming the solitude
THE SCHOOL FRIENDS (2) - a couple fellow hogwarts alums who would have attended at the same time as victoire, they have remained close friends since leaving school and regularly meet up for drinks and to catch up and reminisce. they are hufflepuffs and have their own trio kind of like harry/ron/hermione. bonus points if one is a death eater, 1/2 taken
THE RIVAL - a fellow curse-breaker or someone from victoire’s youth who she has never seen eye to eye with. perhaps its because of opposing ideals, a dislike for the weasley-potter family or whatever petty reason - these two just don’t get along and are constantly butting heads. bonus points for being rivals in the curse-breaking field, open
THE EX - self explanatory; victoire’s ex-husband and the father of her daughter. this is not meant to be a romantic connection. they weren’t very well suited for each other and instead insist upon being civil and amiable for the sake of their daughter. is french/a beauxbatons alumni and would be newly arrived in britain should you take up this role, npc
tbh i’m really bad at these; just hmu and we can brainstorm afheahpfieaihfeiafpieafea
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
P J’s PokéAni Trivia Tuesday #13 (Global Tour edition)
This is part 3 of 5 PTTs digging into some really cool PokéAni facts from all over the world! This week’s global research was MASSIVE! I really wanted to cover as much EU as I can, since I know a lot of people in this fandom coming from Europe, but tried to make my post as minimal as I can! Due to a lot of info I’ve read, I will only mention 1 or 2 facts for each country (except U.K.). Good thing I had 2 weeks to prepare for this, otherwise this thing would have been more stressful to put together. Shoutout to all my European PokéAni peeps reading this! Let’s see if you may or may not know the trivia behind these countries 👀
Pokémon anime in EUROPE
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In the UNITED KINGDOM DID YOU KNOW? The Pokémon anime famously aired on ITV, a public service network station that broadcasts in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
SM:TV Live was a live Saturday morning entertainment show that replace the Who's That Pokémon? segment with small sketches that featured the famous English comedic duo, Ant & Dec as hosts, having their own "PokéFight" and even performed their own Pokérap.
ITV has skipped episodes or canceled airings mid-series. These are planned as the TV guides published over a week before date of transmission reflect this. It commonly happens other animated shows in the line-up such as ReBoot, Cardcaptors, Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh!.
Pokémon has been cancelled prematurely TWICE on different TV channels! Once during the Orange Islands arc, and another just after Pokémon: Advanced started. Neither series has been seen on ITV since.
CN (Cartoon Network) TOO was the channel location for the world premiere of Pokémon Chronicles. The U.K. got their English dubbed The Legend of Thunder! specials first than the U.S. by a year early.
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In the Netherlands (Ik wil ze allemaal!), Fox Kids announced that it would stop broadcasting Pokémon on March 2001. Around 32,000 complaining children called to Fox Kids in outrage because of this, but it turned out to be an early April Fool’s joke. On April 1st, the channel announced that the 3rd season of the anime would begin airing the same day. GOT’EEM!!!
In Iceland (Þarf að fanga þá!), only the first 54 episodes of the 1st season aired. The first five movies were also dubbed. They pulled the plug on the Icelandic dub due to the lack of popularity it received in the country.
In Finland (Omakseni saan!), it was the first Nordic country to air the Pokémon anime, with Denmark, Norway and Sweden followed shortly in the spring of 2000. While it may have been the first, many episodes of the first couple of seasons in the Finnish dub were not shown (or skipped?) for unknown reasons. In fact, Advanced Challenge was the first ever season to be shown completely in the country, and moving forward after that, every season have been broadcasted entirety as well.
In Sweden (Måste fånga fler!), the Battle Frontier season broadcasted exclusively online via TV4+ and TV4′s site, as it got skipped and did not air after Advanced Battle, going directly to the Diamond & Pearl series.
In the Czech Republic (Všechny chytit máš!), Ash Ketchum’s voice actor was Radek Škvor, who was 10 years old at the time when the series first reached the country. He was same age as his assigned character! Eventually he got replaced by his older brother, Jan Škvor some time during the XY series. Ash may be 10 forever, but not the VAs.
In Belgium, the Pokémon anime is distributed in two dubbed languages: Flanders (Belgian Dutch) and Wallonia (Belgian French).
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In France (Attrapez-les tous!), they had an unprecedented 2-hour special for the first four episodes of the XY series on May 1st 2015 along with a bonus special airing Mega Evolution Special I afterwards. They did ANOTHER 2-hour special on April 13th 2016 with the premier of the first four episodes of the XY&Z season. The French sure do love the Kalos region...I mean isn’t Kalos based on the country of France?
In Greece (Τα θέλω τώρα εδώ! Ta thélo̱ tóra edó̱!), the anime first aired on Star Channel until it moved to Disney XD when they acquired the rights during Diamond & Pearl. Despite this, irregular broadcasts of specials and movies still show on Star Channel, especially during holiday seasons, but the regular series airs exclusively on Disney XD.
In Italy (Acchiappali tutti!), Brock's first Italian VA was Nicola Bartolini Carrassi. Who is Nicola you ask? He is a journalist, anchor, scriptwriter, anime expert, and the man who brought the Pokémon franchise to Italy in the first place. He has been chosen by Warner Bros, 4Kids, Pokémon INC., Nintendo Games Freak and Buena Vista to become the Italian dubbed voice of Brock and he has been praised for his work, even if it was only for 2 seasons. He left the show after the Orange Islands arc.
In Poland (Czy już wszystkie masz?), when the tenth season was dubbed by a new studio, Sun Studio Polska, they decided to ignore the previous cast of the series and choose all new actors for every character. There were a lot of mixed reactions among fans to the sudden recast, but in February 2009 when DP: Battle Dimension started, most of the original cast of the Polish dub were restored.
In Portugal (Vou apanhá-los todos!), the show aired in an irregular pattern, shifting from 6am to 10am, but it always in the same programing block, named LOL@SIC. On a side note, Ash Ketchum had no less than ten different Portuguese VAs over the years. Y I K E S
In Spain (¡Hazte con todos!), Adolfo Moreno has provided the voice of Ash Ketchum in the entire anime. This is quite rare as a lot of foreign dubs, constantly change VAs for their cast, and even the English dub had to recast Ash’s voice after Battle Frontier. One exception is the 3rd Pokémon movie and the Mewtwo Returns special since it had a different VA cast. On another interesting note, there were 2 different dubs for the Pokémon anime in Spain: an Iberian Spanish dub, and a Catalan dub.
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In Norway (Fanger alle nå!), the setting of the Pokémon movie Giratina and the Sky Warrior is based on Norway's nature. Three places were used as inspiration; Sognefjorden, Jostedalsbreen, and Bergen. The scene with the Glacier threatening to destroy the town was based on a little town of Geiranger, which is threatened by a collapsing mountainside in real life! Speaking of other movie trivia, the single Don't Say You Love Me, promoting the official soundtrack worldwide for Pokémon the First Movie, was performed by the Norwegian group M2M.
In Denmark (Jeg ska' fange dem!), the anime took a 3-season break from Danish TV after the episode Charizard Chiils. The series would not return until Address Unown! (with a new cast of voice actors) leaving no explanation as to why the episodes in between were never aired.
In Ireland, there is no Irish dub in the country since over 90% of people there speaks English as their primary language, and what they got was the English dub from the United States. For some reason though, two episodes from the Hoenn saga didn’t air. Specifically speaking the episodes: The Bicker the Better and Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?.
In Slovakia, only the first four seasons of the anime have been dubbed into Slovak, nothing else after. All the English theme songs were left in their original form, untranslated, however the Pokémon movies had both their opening and ending themes Slovak dubbed.
In Albania (Duhet ti kap!), Pokémon movies were dubbed in Albanian by "Jess" Discographic. This company is recognized for providing "illegal" dubbings of other shows they have done.
In Lithuania, the Pokémon anime debuted the Lithuanian dub at Christmas Eve of 2005 on BTV. The first seven Pokémon movies, on the other hand, aired at different channels, though the dates of their original airings cannot be traced and have gone lost.
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In Germany (Komm und schnapp sie dir!), one of Ash’s German VAs is named Veronika Neugebauer. She shares the same name (sort of) with Verinoca Taylor who is famous for being the original English dub voice actress for Ash. Unfortunately, Neugebauer died during the production of dubbing Diamond & Pearl, and they had to bring back the original German VA for Ash, Caroline Combrinck, who previously quit the show to study in New York City. Ash is currently voiced by, Felix Mayer, Sun & Moon. *Also I want to briefly mention one of the largest German Pokéfan sites: Filb.de. because I have been to that site a lot looking at screen-caps, and even using some of them for my posts (specifically PokéAni Highlights/Rewind). Basically the German Serebii.net!
In Croatia (Fes-te'ls tots teus!), they have dubbed a few Pokémon movies in their language, however the theme music remained in English.
In Romania (Să îi prind pe toți!), the Romanian dub has aired the first 5 seasons in the country, but everything else after that was skipped EXCEPT Diamond & Pearl (Sinnoh League Victors was SKIPPED though), and Sun & Moon which just recently debuted last month (as of this post).
In Serbia (Треба да скупиш све Treba da skupiš sve!), the only seasons to be fully dubbed in Serbian dubbed is the original series and Black & White. Advanced Challenge, and some of Pokémon Chronicles were dubbed as well. In the very few Pokémon movies they have dubbed, the opening and ending themes remained in English.
In Bulgaria (Да ги уловим! Da gi ulovim!), the anime was originally broadcasted on Nova Television, but eventually made the jump to Disney Channel Bulgaria. Some other countries air the series on Disney as well, so I guess America wasn’t the first country to make the jump, huh?
In Russia (Всех их соберём! Vsekh ikh soberyom!), after the first 104 episodes of the original series were shown, the Pokémon anime was not broadcasted in Russia for SEVEN years. Many Russian fans wrote to TV channels asking them to bring back the anime. Countless rumors of why the ORT channel pulled the anime off air included: newspapers and the yellow press pressuring the station to cancel the show for showing “offensive” content, while some say that Pokémon was “brainwashing children with subliminal stimuli”. ORT was worried about its reputation, so they stopped airing Pokémon, and that they couldn’t make an agreement on the price of licensing the anime with the Japanese creators. On September 20th 2008, the Pokémon anime made its miraculous return to Russian television via the TNT channel, where they premiered the first episode of the Diamond & Pearl series.
Source: Bulbapedia
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coolcollectorpeanut · 3 years
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Having bought a virtual reality system recently I quickly realised how this kind of experience could accelerate learning. Being able to actually be inside a pumping heart and see everything labelled and functioning is quite an experience. I was able to recall names of structures and how they function a great deal easier than from a book. The total immersion means you are alone with nothing but the educational program you are in. I even came across a fairly crude piece of software where you are able to sit in a virtual classroom and look at the people (avatars) next to yourself! I look forward to what happens next and I will be discussing these areas in more detail in the near future.
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jenmoboba · 6 years
Yellow Spectre (A Personal Essay)
By: Jennifer Moore
           Yesterday, I watched a video of two black women demonstrating a typical visit to the nail salon. At first, I was thinking, this might be a nice tutorial on how to do water-marbling or some technique on nails, but in hindsight, I should have anticipated it turning into a satirical skit on how Vietnamese/Chinese nail salon stylists work. The woman used a facsimile of an Asian accent to mock how they speak broken English, and then when she was “consulted” about the price she went into a full-blown “Vietnamese” pontification consisting of scrambled phonetic screeches and brassy hullaballoos. I couldn’t believe what I was watching, they took a seemingly racially neutral task and inflated stereotypes of Asian women, mocked their language, criticized their pricing techniques – as if they’ve never seen a Billy Mays or a Shamwow commercial in their lifetime, they shouldn’t apologize for being good businesswomen, no one forces you to buy extra services or products anywhere, that’s your own prerogative and gullibility. Just because comedian Anjelah Johnson covered the nail salon in one of her comedic routines, and this video is a spoof of that, does not grant it immunity for it being classified as racism.
           Starbucks, Charlottesville, Reparations Happy Hour, and other BLM events have overshadowed the racism of every other demographic. Everyone always talks about the black and white spaces of racism, as if the earth is a mosaic chess board, but there are hordes of other races in existence. I don’t mean to condescend or make the racism against blacks seem minute, but what we need to acknowledge is that race is a global issue, and not specifically revolving around a specific pushpin upon the globe. After looking at the comments for the nail salon video, a lot of people of color felt the need to reassure me that what I watched was not an example of racism. It was instead, an illustration of “enforcing harmful stereotypes, and mocking a culture, and language.” Is that not an ad libitum mad-lib definition of racism?
           Personally, I did find the video funny like a lot of people, but comedic relief doesn’t void the fact that it was racist. I grew up with racial phrases thrown at my left and right like colorful Koopa shells in Mario Kart. When I was little, my peers would pull their eyes to the side like hot pink floral lace panties, chant “me chine me chine,” in an archaic Vietnamese accent, implore me to speak a sentence or two in Vietnamese just because they can, and being taught about Black History month, but not finding out about Asian American and Pacific Islander Pride Month until today. I knew what racism was from a young age, hearing girls snicker about their gossiping nail salon stylists, and how they couldn’t speak English well enough. But the hierarchy of racial oppression created by the left didn’t leave a crack in the bricklaying work for Asian Americans to fit in.
           Growing up in a mixed suburban neighborhood, I grew up thinking that neighborhoods were bingo boards, rife with potential to be blotted by variously colored daubers. Society doesn’t consist of white, black, and Neapolitan spaces – neighborhoods are allowed to be whatever they want to be, lighting up their porch lights whatever color they want, and no residence is necessarily owned by a specific demographic. I grew up as a Vietnamese, Chinese, and Irish mutt, not really neatly fitting into any particular racial bubble on a medical form. I got to learn English and Vietnamese simultaneously, learning the complexities and attributes of multiple languages and cultures. Now that I’m an adult, I don’t take lightly to those that insult others and those that facilitate racism in general, especially against my own cultures.
           Racism according to Merriam Webster, is “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.” The black woman in the video I watched evidently exhibited interpersonal racism through the use of inflated stereotypes, racy jokes, and concocting a comical version of the Vietnamese language. To the people that don’t think the video is racist, had the women been Asian, and spoke Khoisan, one of the languages with syllables pronounced as clicks, mocked a Jamaican accent, or spoke with a certain street cred with the words “swag,” “aks,” “hood,” “n*gga,” and other African American vernacular English lexicography, I’m sure that would immediately be categorized as racism. I thought we were past the days where white people were the only ones that took the stage, using black vernacular, exaggerated stereotypes, and other minstrel performances to depict African American people, but imitating other races is waking up the ghost of Shakespeare.
           People always tell me that because I’m a part of the yellow fever minority, that I should advocate for black rights. I advocate for equal rights across the board, regardless of sex, gender, orientation, race, and any other politically/nonpolitically protected class. Someone got upset at me when I shared that video because I wasn’t addressing the relevance of black racism, it’s called relevance for a reason. I shared a video concerning racism against Vietnamese people, I don’t feel compelled to extend my concern towards black racism when that’s not the topic at hand. I write captions and comments based on the post at hand, not dragging in irrelevant concerns that could be addressed elsewhere.
           Then the anonymous Facebook user alluded to me being racist because I was not addressing the black counterpart of racism. I shouldn’t have to spell out my entire knowledge of racism in order to establish my credibility in making a post, especially about my own race. But anyways, I shut her down when I mentioned the fact that all races have experienced some form of racism. There was Starbucks, Charlottesville, the Rwandan genocide, Japanese internment camps, and an influx of Chinese workers that she pejoratively called the yellow peril. And I’m supposed to be an advocate for black rights when they facilitate an environment that launches nuclear attacks against me and my fellow gooks? Their only perspective or impression of Vietnamese people are probably the Vietnamese prostitutes from Full Metal Jacket.
           To those people that make fun of Vietnamese and Chinese nail salon workers, nail polish was invented in Ancient China circa 3000 B.C. Over the years, the art has been perfected, transformed, and refined into the fashion conglomerate that it is today. Vietnamese and Chinese people are the ones that have the rich history and credibility to this underappreciated field of work, wouldn’t having anyone else do your nails be a façade, robbing you of an authentic experience? Just like those Chinese food and Vietnamese cuisine places, do you trust an Americanized version of Asian fusion dishes from Panda Express, or authentic Asian food from an immigrant family’s local restaurant? I was leaving Walmart yesterday when I saw what looked like an ordinary claw machine, that was called Prize Pagoda, with prizes packaged up in “Chinese” take-out boxes splashed with red calligraphy insignia, which are actually creased pieces of colorful cardboard topped with a wire, a box invented in Chicago by Frederick Wilcox, at the time in 1894 called a paper pail, but was just a level up from the basic box formerly called the oyster pail. America has facilitated the inflation of stereotypes of all people, but with the help of others to break the bamboo ceiling we can overcome the traps of Asian stereotypes and overlooking the myth of the “model minority” chicanery.
           Circling back to the video, judging by the haphazardness of the rant, it sounded more like the Hmong language rather than Vietnamese or Mandarin. It really sickens me that this is what people really think of Vietnamese and Chinese people, especially immigrants. If you can’t respect the person that does your nails, regardless of if they are Asian or not, plenty of cosmetic stores sell bottles of nail polish and you are free to do your own. Asians have it hard in this country, and just because there aren’t that many of us, it doesn’t mean that we are immune to misfortune. The stereotype of Asians being good at myth, isn’t anything to make fun of or use against someone else. The “A- is an Asian F” stereotype is a reality for many Asian American students. Their parents instill into them disciplinary actions if their academic achievements aren’t up to bamboo marked par. Asian parents want the best for their children, working tirelessly to put them through school, and making sure that they do their best. One of my teachers in seventh grade told me that I was eligible to skip a grade but told me that I shouldn’t because I was too short – and she wasn’t joking. I did really well in high school, but that doesn’t mean that my “Asian persuasion,” was the catalyst for my high grades. In college, I studied harder and applied myself more, and I sit with an approximate 3.3 GPA at the end of my freshman year. Sure, I’m disappointed in myself, but I’m human and make mistakes.
           Another stereotype I wanted to address was eating animals, more specifically dogs, cats, and monkeys. Yet again, the left uses a small demographic of people to scrutinize a majority. These people talk about the slaughter of dogs during the Chinese summer solstice festival known as the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. How is eating dogs, any worse than the dog fighting, kill shelters, and euthanasia of dogs (and other animals) in the United States? Humans consume many different animals for protein-sake, why is the cultural consumption of dogs so berated against? I have never once eaten dog meat, nor has anyone in my family. This is a part of Chinese culture, but not everyone necessarily partakes in it. Just like Columbus Day, not everyone celebrates it in America, but the holiday still exists none the less. I remember going out to a zoo for a class field trip, and one of the students pointed to the monkey cage, and said, “These are the animals that Jenn eats at home.” I was so utterly embarrassed at his ignorance, he even asked me what it tastes like. My mom had a bit of culture shock when coming to America. There was this one time where her and my dad were at a hotdog stand, and she was like “No I don’t want one, I don’t eat dog meat.” My dad had to explain to her that they weren’t actually dogs, and the two of us enjoy them from time to time. I just wanted to show you that not all stereotypes are necessarily true.
           Then there’s the stereotype that really gets under my skin; the perpetual foreigner. Aside from being asked how tall I am, the most irritating question I get asked is “Where are you really from? I was born in Framingham, Massachusetts, and I am not sorry if that answer wasn’t good enough for you. I don’t have a really neat immigration story, I’m not going to fabricate an interesting story to entertain you, nor do I have an accent to prove my nationality, but I have a wonderful Asian family if that’s what you’re asking.
           And then there’s the racial fetishization of Asian women, and men as well. I feel like this started with the rise in Vietnamese prostitutes, and in Asian mail-order “brides,” which led to the extortion of Vietnamese women in brothels, and by extension other places as well. When I had Tinder, the number of times I heard, “Wow, I’ve never been with an Asian before,” was seemingly endless. My only response is, “Wow, I didn’t know that your hand was yellow before.” Sure, Asian might be a category on Pornhub, but Asians have so much more to offer the world than fornication. And please for the love of God, stop asking me how I’m going to pay for college expecting me to say, “sucky sucky five dollah,” or “anything you want fifteen dollah.” I am utilizing scholarships and the good ol’ FAFSA just like everyone else. My mom raised me with self-respect, not just tossing me to the side to become a lotus blossom baby, geisha girl, china doll, “Dragon Lady,” or a war bride. Asian women are strong, confident individuals unlike the submissive, coquettish, helpless damsels in distress that are portrayed in movies.
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