sakuraswordly · 4 months
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Note: The beginning of next month is not convenient. I would like to post now in mid-June.(Change time post only this month)
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path(Butterfly Effect)) (the prime world timeline)
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Homura: Tsubasa......he's dead......what are we going to do.....?
Danny: That's why I had to go. If I don't do something.....both you and Punch will be dead.
Homura: But it's impossible! No one could defeat that thing alone! You'll just be killed, too!
Danny: But if there were no other choice, I know I'd never have the courage to do something like that.
Homura: Stop, Daniel!! I already lost Madoka......I can't lose you! I made a promise to Sam that I will protect you! Please, don't sacrifice yourself for me!! Listen.......Daniel.......let's just run away........there's nothing we can do, so........no one will blame you...
Danny: Homura...I am no longer to be called alive anymore....L was a being so powerful that I had to be erased from the timeline entirely. Even that "meddling" agrees with that.
Homura: But you had us! Arthur, Punch, Tsubasa and me! We're your friends! Very preciously!
Danny: That's why......I won't to do something pointless for this world again......Homura....I'm really glad I became friends with you. Even now, the fact that we were in time to save you from that monster. It's one of my proudest accomplishments. You three accept me for who I am.....I don't have any grief or sadness to be vanish to this world once again.....
Homura: Daniel.......
Danny: I'm sorry and thank you for everything, Homura.
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Homura: No! Don’t go, DANIEL!!
Tsofph season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path)
Danny: Aren't you not going to be afraid of that witch?
Peter: You mean Morgana?
Danny: Even she's changed to become Punch allies but don't forget She is the darkness to your light, the hatred to your love. Someone a kind-hearted individual, Morgana changed entirely, becoming evil after being corrupted by Morgause and being betrayed by her former friend, Merlin. She subsequently turned against her family and friends, even helping to cause the death of her own father; she was ruthlessly determined to take over Camelot and allowed nothing to stand in her way. Aren't you thought she might chop your head off again, right? She betrayed both Syaoran and Sakura's trust when they were King Arthur and Queen Guinevere.
Peter: That's fine.
Danny: What?
Peter: I think if we don't give her a second chance, it will be more painful not being able to believe than to worry about betrayal.
Danny: .................................
Peter: "Don't disappoint me! Just keep believing in what you believe! Like you keep believing in Punch! What about your vow to protect Punch and your people!?" It was you who told me that. Because of that...I saved both Pit and Morgana thanks to you.
Danny: Peter......then I ask.....when you found out about Morgana behind all of this, the destruction of Camelot....what did you think?
Peter: Huh?
Danny: She never mentioned it once and left King Arthur alone. Doesn't that bother you?
Peter: Talking about out of the blue, Danny.
Danny: Answer me......you as the first King Arthur. She pointed a sword at you once........
Peter: If I am Syaoran...well....that did make me both angry and sad a lot, but I think Morgana had her own reasons for doing that even turning on the Pendragon family. What King Uther did in the past is wrong that's why it is right for her to be judged like that one wants to become evil if not to protect someone you dearest the most.
Danny: "Become evil if not to protect someone you dearest the most." huh.......
Peter: I've also come this far with my own reasons too. So for now I'll just do what I can do as best as I can!
Danny: Do your best......huh.....that phrase never suited to me at all. So Peter chose the same path as I do.....After all, it's natural to protect the ones you love, isn't that right, Syaoran.
Source Character:
Daniel or "Danny" Fenton, also known by his superhero codename Danny Phantom, is the titular protagonist of the television series Danny Phantom. Originally an unpopular high school student facing ordinary teenage problems, Danny becomes a half-human/half-ghost hybrid during a lab accident via stepping into and activating his parents' Ghost Portal. Since then, Danny has taken on the role of a ghostly superhero to protect Amity Park and the world from the dangerous ghosts that escape the Ghost Zone while ensuring his alter ego "Danny Phantom" remains secret from all save his best friends, Tucker and Samantha, and his older sister Jazz.
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Homura Akemi is a New Transfer Student in Madoka's class and a stoic magical girl with unknown motives. For whatever reason, she will go to any length to prevent Madoka from striking a contract with Kyubey. The true nature of her magical powers is unknown at first, with hints being gradually dropped over the course of the series before being fully revealed in the last few episodes; however, beyond her magic, she also wields conventional weaponry such as handguns and explosives.
Samantha "Sam" Manson is Danny Fenton's closest and best friend and eventual girlfriend in the series finale. Responsible for the accident in which Danny gains his powers, she is also one of the first few people to know about Danny's ghost identity. She’s a self-proclaimed goth who’s fascinated with the subliminal and nether worldly and is a very outspoken ultra-recyclo-vegetarian.
Explanation 17(Analysis)
Danny’s been shot at by his own parents, hunted, tortured, brainwashed, threatened with experiments and even actually been experimented on (counting the cloning experiments), almost died several times, listened to his parents talk about wanting to dissect him, watched loved ones die (even if they ended up being alright), and that’s not even mentioning some of the other stuff Vlad puts him through or the fact that he was ruthlessly bullied long before any of this happened. As Homura, she will protect Madoka at any cost. This means Homura tunnel-visions on Madoka and regards everyone else as a nuisance, having no qualms with them dying so long as Madoka survives. This naturally conflicts with Madoka herself trying to save everyone she can.
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Imagine being in middle school and your crush dies and you’re so upset that you kickstart a time loop and repeat the same month 100 times over trying to stop her from dying but unwittingly you make her more and more important to the universe’s continuation (because you have effectively created 100 timelines that are dependent only on the survival of your crush) and therefore her death becomes more and more devastating to the world as a whole in every new timeline and finally your crush sacrifices her life willingly to become a god and you’re the only one who remembers her and this depresses you so much that you construct a whole imaginary universe where your crush is alive and you trap yourself and the souls of your friends inside it and then when you realize it’s Not Real.
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Anger in particular is often used to mask pain, sadness or other type of feelings. Dan or dark Danny carries that pre-existing sadness. Mix it with Danny's grief and you have a recipe for disaster. It seems the outer emotions consumed him and to fill that void he sought power. Homura is selfish. That is true and undeniable. However, all humans have moments of selfishness, and not all selfishness is inherently bad or wrong, same as not all selflessness is good. A person who puts themself first if they're going through a difficult time may be called selfish, but that does not make their actions bad. On the opposite end, spreading oneself so thin that they cannot care for themself may be called selfless, but that does not make what they are doing good. Both Danny and Homura does remake the world, which could be called selfish. But in doing so, they are selfless. They have the full ability to make the other do whatever they wants, but they did not. Homura erases some memories, yes, but does not exert full control over the others. If Homura wanted, she could use mind control to make them blindly love her. Instead, Homura's "selfish world" involves making Madoka human, something Madoka had previously asked for and something Homura believes she wants. As for Dark Danny, for "erases all memories" but he chooses not to control the others like Vlad but the opposite is destroying everything and resetting everything to zero like Homura did. Devil Homura and Dark Danny would have had to have broken themself inside, in order to continue with this self-indulgent new universe they created.  So they constantly wears this expression like they are “dead inside”.  Because they has to kill off their true nature in order to continue this uncharacteristic self-indulgence away from continuing to spritiually Fight.  
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Danny is part of a traumatized child that saw his own family and friends die, combine this with another ghost of a man who suffers from extreme loneliness and barely cares about others. Homura saw her friends die many times, suffers from extreme loneliness and barely cares about others as well. What you get is a very aggressive ghost who finds joy in hurting innocent and completely lacks empathy. But.. it´s there still one detail, they lack ¨humanity¨: They are not human. Dan mentions this a few times during the episode: about how he left his humanity behind.
" You know, if I had an ounce of humanity left in me, this would be a very touching little reunion. But of course, I surrendered my human half a long time ago."
In Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past(Gilgamesh’s Journal))
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“From the days of old there is no permanence. The sleeping and the dead, how alike they are, they are like a painted death.” ― The Epic of Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh himself causes much suffering by abusing his power as king and tormenting his subjects day and night. Enkidu is created to curb the king's energy and to alleviate the distress of the people. Gilgamesh's greatest joy in finding a true friend also turns into his greatest sorrow when Enkidu becomes ill and dies. Gilgamesh is inconsolable and his suffering drives him away from his palace and his city, in search of life everlasting. When a snake snatches away his last hope of living forever, he realises that life eternal is to be found in life here and now. The despair that Gilgamesh felt was because he saw death as an escape from his duty as the observer of humanity; in order to fulfill his mission completely, he was to observe humanity's path until its eventual end. Falling into depression and with his vigor gone, he sought out the Herb of Immortality, a spirit herb of perpetual youth and eternal life. He later also returned to the deep to retrieve the herb once more simply to complete his collection and for the off-chance he would ever be in a situation he could only tolerate as a child. 
Homura: This is the herb you want so much...but then what will you do after that?
Gilgamesh: Maybe like you.....
Homura: But if you still go back......again and again.....
Gilgamesh: I chose to walk this path as King....even it would change me forever......I can't go back, Homura. Just like before.....together with Danny.
Homura: Punch.......
Gilgamesh: I won't rely on anyone anymore! I don't care if no one understands! I won't let Punch die like in Prime World timeline! I'll destroy everything by myself if I have to! And this time... I'll change the future...If the world wants to give me misfortune, I'll give misfortune back to the world!
Homura: Then I will help you.
Gilgamesh: What about Danny? He didn't remember what happened in the prime world timeline.
Homura: If we find Danny, he will gladly to join us and help us.
Gilgamesh: Are you sure? Maybe you will become an enemy of humanity.
Homura: Not maybe. We lack ¨humanity¨. We are not human. So this is mostly a show in order to make others avoid me, as well as a coping mechanism to avoid becoming attached to those whose deaths I saw many times.
Gilgamesh: That's right.....we already saw deaths so many times and maybe forever.......
The epic shows this through the repetition of the opening lines, and through its concurrent theme that to struggle against mortality and fate is a poor decision, one that causes harm to those around Gilgamesh and causes him to suffer. Mortality within the modern mindset is thus something against which humanity can fight, and one's fate is something that one can, and perhaps should, seek to change. (Source: https://scielo.org.za)
"I don't mind playing the villain role for a while"./"Syaoran....if you want to change the world, ultimately, you have to change yourself. If the world wants to give me misfortune, I'll give misfortune back to the world. That's all."
In Conclusion Relationships between Danny, Homura, Phantom and King Gilgamesh shortly(Announce10: Link)
Punch: Danny...Homura....I'm not like the rest of you.
Danny; Of course you are! But No! You're not! I'm serious. Back when we first met. I think maybe then I did think we were different. But I now I know that isn't true! You and I are alike in more ways than you know. You made me think of this and made me to accept my ghost form too.
Homura: Everyone has their own pain that can be hard for other people to understand. I get that you must have a lot circling around the head of yours. And that's okay, I am not like you. But regardless of all that, I'm......we're here for you, Punch. You're not alone.
Punch: Homura I.......
Danny: That goes for me too. We all want to be there for you. If you lose your way and can't find your dad and mom, I will guide them to you.
Punch: Umm.....but the earth's so big to find you know.
Danny: But they still stay on Earth and never vanish right? Even though the earth's so big the earth still has a place to return to unlike the universe, right?
Homura: I agree with this one. I can think of this place as home now because of you, Punch. I mean....that's what friends are supposed to do, right? I learned a lot from Madoka.
Danny: I'll always be with you, Punch. Remember, even we're not here in front of your eyes. You're not alone.
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sea-jello · 1 year
CREEPY STOCK BOY ANON AGAIN just realised auditions are closed i read that as may30th so sorry for bothering you and good luck with this 🤝
technically they're not CLOSED they're not even open yet sjsbksdb the form was just for me to see if enough people were interested and i closed them cause i didn't want to obsessively check them every 10 minutes. auditions will be open near the end of the school year so you probably could audition if you wanted to ill see
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stevemichael2000 · 5 years
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Happy Birthday Mel!!!
Happy Birthday To One Of The Legendary Voice Actors Of All Time "Mel Blanc", So Happy Birthday To You Mel Blanc And It's Very Sad That Mel Isn't With Us Today, But We Know That Mel Blanc Well Be Stay Alive In Our Hearts And Our Souls And Our Souls, So I Finished That Drawing In Just Three Or Four Hours So I Feel So Tried About It And Don't Worry Guys There Is Another Birthday Drawing That Will Be Tomorrow, And What Do You Guys Think About This Drawing Tell Me In The Comments Guys And See You Very Soon!!!
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ashleymichelew · 5 years
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Went to see Mt. Rushmore and it was so neat to see this place. #Ashley #deaf #deafproud #deafpride #ss #selfie #selfpic #mtrushmore #SouthDakota #vacationtrip #trip #pretty #beautiful #spring #nofilter #May2019 #May30th #May #2019 #niceweather #warmweather #likeback #walkingaround #fun #presidents #georgewashington #thomasjefferson #theodoreroosevelt #abrahamlincoln (at Mount Rushmore National Memorial) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByIupUth53K/?igshid=pnpek3gs1ew4
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newyorkloveny · 6 years
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📷 About yesterday.. #Manhattanhenge2018 🌆🌇 #Manhattanhenge #42ndStreet I❤️NY🗽🇺🇸 // #Wednesday #May30th #Spring2018 // #Manhattan #NYC #NewYork #NY #NewYorkCity #NewYorkLoveNY #ABC7NY #NBC4NY #CBSNewYork #streetphotography #streets_vision #urban_shots #total_newyork #instagramnyc #incrediblenewyork #unlimitednewyork #fatalframes #seeyourcity #what_i_saw_in_nyc #globalcapture #wow_newyork #newyork_ig (at New York, New York)
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eternalpiece · 6 years
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Come out this week to either of the two events my table will be set up at. I'll be show casing alot of new work I've been putting together and will be giving $5 any thing under $50 and $10 off anything $50-$100 as "long as you share this video and and tag me, anytime from now til the start time of either event". Tuesday (29th) will be "Sativa Soul Night" a jazz/r-n-b/Caribbean themed event with live performances from talented local artist and I've been invited out to present my work and also will be taking photography of this phenomenon. Start time is 9pm Wednesday (30th) will be "Fusion Showcase" which is a hip hop based event with live performers and live art as well. This event is located downtown Orlando at Sound Bar at 37 west pine Street and starts at 7:30pm. And I have $10 tickets so DM me for them or pay $15 at the door. If anyone has a piece that needs to be repair perfect place to drop off. It's a pleasure to attend both of these awesome events and look forward to seeing you guys out there keep in mind, both are business minded crowds so BE PREPARED TO NETWORK.. also hit me up if ya like any pieces you see in the video and want one for your own...bless #eternalpiece #jewelry #gemstones #jazz #hiphop #rnb #carribean #event #orlando #monthly #network #getout #customwork #innovate #build #unity #music #liveperformance #localartist #talent #business #may29th #may30th
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luispascualok · 4 years
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Mission Accomplished - Another great step for @nasa @spacex @nasakennedy all their partners and of course, personally, @globalspacetech delivering the impossible to space. #may30th #launchamerica #nasa #space (at International Space Station(ISS)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA3JWCknFO0/?igshid=3icqehcr41lj
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itsjustanthoff · 4 years
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In addition to a date, @ufc Fight Night @twooodley vs @gilbert_burns now has a location and additional fights. The card is set to emanate from the UFC Apex and will feature the following matchups in addition to the aforementioned headliner: - @shockwavecifers vs @mackenziedern - @klidsonabreu vs. @sweet_dreams_jhill - Roosevelt Roberts be. @brokweaverufc - @awkward_mma vs. @broyval - @ckmma135 vs. @lastsamuraiufc As this card continues developing, we will provides updates. #MMAPOVPodcast #WoodleyvsBurns #May30th #UFCApex #UFCFight Night #LasVegas https://www.instagram.com/p/CAdfolXHcMx/?igshid=r6bncd24pf27
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djdevbutcher · 5 years
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Great set Ronnie!!! 💪🏻 #nocovercharge #subtleeventsatlanta #supplyanddemandatl #deephousemusic #summervibes #may30th #coreyvonwaters #boozing #sexytime #drumcode #adambeyer #enricosangiuliano #atlantatechnolove #atlantatechno #laytongiordani #wehbba #bartskils #alanfitzpatrick #pastforward #hotcreations #houseeveryweekend #fortheloveofhouse #justdance #housenation #clubbanger #housemusiclovers #houseisafeeling #housedj #realhousemusic #undergroundhousemusic (at Marietta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/By6M-eaAFgU/?igshid=1l6t9rryxdfhe
0 notes
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“Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years.” ~ Ausonius Happiest Birthday dearest @arbysamson. Thank you for the treat. 😊❤️🎂🎁🎈🎉 #birthdays #celebrationoflife #maybirthdays #may30th #latepost #coffeetime #coffee #coffeewithlove (at Starbucks West Aeropark, Clark Global City) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByNoZDrBZZjDMrTY4hYAEzCbUL3nnf3IbAD2Uc0/?igshid=kc21i7lt7pbe
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amiawomf · 5 years
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30th Mermay Drawing of the Year!
The prompt was sad, so I drew an emo little merm, their name is Irie and I think they turned out pretty cute!
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cemaphoenix · 5 years
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Feliz Dia da Batata Frita 🍟😋 . #30deMaio #DiaDaBatataFrita #AmoBatata #BatataFrita #FrenchFries #FrenchFriesDay #May30th #30May #Dia30 #FrenchFries🍟 #FrenchFriesLover #LoucosPorBatata #🍟 #AmoBatataFrita #FrenchDay #DiaDaBatata #BoaNoite✌#BuenasNoches #GoodNight🌙 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByHFYX7hqCl/?igshid=18bnswn1kvbyc
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everydayhoroscope · 3 years
Daily Horoscope for Sunday, May 30 2021
On Sunday, you will feel the need to be more active and more practical in not only doing your housework but also some professional or business responsibilities.
Photo by Dakis D on Pexels.com On Sunday, you will feel the need to be more active and more practical in not only doing your housework but also some professional or business responsibilities. This is a day for organizing relevant cases, the attention of which will be your priority until the end of next week. Forget laziness today because this is a day for building, developing, storing and…
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newyorkloveny · 6 years
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📷 Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift like #Manhattanhenge is a gift for New York City! 🌆🌇🔝💯 I❤️NY🗽🇺🇸 #May30th #Manhattanhenge #42ndStreet // #Thursday #May31st #Spring2018 // #Manhattan #NYC #NewYork #NY #NewYorkCity #NewYorkLoveNY #ABC7NY #NBC4NY #CBSNewYork #streetphotography #streets_vision #urban_shots #total_newyork #instagramnyc #incrediblenewyork #unlimitednewyork #fatalframes #seeyourcity #what_i_saw_in_nyc #globalcapture #wow_newyork #newyork_ig (at New York, New York)
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luispascualok · 4 years
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Mission Accomplished - Another great step for @nasa @spacex @nasakennedy all their partners and of course, personally, @globalspacetech delivering the impossible to space. #may30th #launchamerica #nasa #space (at International Space Station ISS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA3I9mKHbHI/?igshid=rhbyfikrxqyq
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thecheapshotartist · 5 years
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Hey everyone, I will be showing a few selected photographs from my website www.thecheapshotartist.com at Blue Salon www.bluecuts.com on Thursday May 30th from 6:30-8pm. Please come out, say hi and check out some great artwork. Any questions or anything else please feel free to contact me or DM me #artshow #photographyexhibition #bluecuts #photoshow #phillyphotography #sjphoto #sjphotography #instamaster #instaphoto #phillyphoto #southjerseyphotographer #southjerseyphotography #westmont #collingswood #collingswoodnj #instaphilly #phillyinsta #instaphotoshow #may30th #artexhibition #myartshow #instaexhibition #artshow #artshows #artshowcase #thecheapshotartist (at Blue Cuts) https://www.instagram.com/thecheapshotartist/p/BxIzNaXDa9G/?igshid=1c7mjpw0wic28
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