#maybe (like the sisko) they can live with it... but i won't let them do that if i can make them worry about their own morality instead
nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
just realised - i enjoy it when blorbos feel guilt. even about things i reckon could be justified to some extent, and things where i'd do the same myself in their shoes. i like making them sit about feeling bad for things they did, even (god, ESPECIALLY!) when they're the hero of the story. i enjoy their moral angst and their endless suffering.
what the fuck's that about then, eh?
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DS9 4x05 Rejoined thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
[28 June '23]
"It's a trick!" "Of course it's a trick!" Oh, Quark 😆
"Painfully shy, introverted, a slight lack of confidence, just the kind of person who might want to dazzle the world with his magical abilities." - Okay, new headcanon that Julian is speaking from experience from when he was younger - he decided magic tricks would be how he'd make friends at new schools.
Interesting camera angle from Sisko's window
"Am I that dispensable around here?" "We'll never notice you're gone." I love their easy friendship and joking <3
"I'll be fine." That waver in her voice though ~
I love that Kira is the one who extensively knows Jadzia's lives. And I love how it really feels like they are all - even Quark - really, actually friends now.
The way Kira breaks into laughter at Julian's trick, I love her smile!
Kira's little touch of his arm, I live for platonic displays of affection.
"The Trill feel very strongly that it's unnatural." "Unnatural?" I LOVE Kira! Her outrage is just SO cathartic
"I don't understand how two people who've fallen in love, and made a life together, can be forced to walk away from each other because of a taboo." I know DS9 could generally have hit harder on LGBT topics, but this is Actually Very Good
"Curzon was even late for his hundredth birthday party." "You're never gonna let me forget that, are you?" Interesting that she switched from Ben's use of Curzon to "me" - highlighting how much she is the other hosts as well as herself.
"I'll be fine," she says, while pinning her badge on upside-down. 😅
"What do Klingons dream about?" I love Kira's gaiety and curiosity here
Hah! Had forgotten Worf's "Things that would send cold chills down your spine and wake you in the middle of the night. It is better you do not know. Excuse me." Okay I do like his deadpan humour.
"Quite an audience." "Seems a shame to disappoint them. Maybe we should do something." Their entire conversation at the party is electric
That purposeful look away they both do when the guy leaves them alone on the bridge.
"That's because you were a pilot and it made me nervous. Made her nervous. Torias being a pilot made Nilani nervous." The mixing up of pronouns - I love how complex the whole situation is allowed to be
"And whatever part of me is still Torias is very sorry and wishes he'd listened to you." - Lenara's nod of acknowledgment.. ohhh, I knew this episode was amazing but I'd forgotten just how compelling and emotional the threads all the way through were
"Would you be interested in dinner? I mean, I'm having dinner with some friends and I thought you might like to go along." I've never seen Jadzia this uncertain of herself!
Pffff Jadzia you made all that up about having dinner with friends?! You've got it baaad
"Something tells me I should say no, but you know I won't." Oh, Julian. And that kiss on the cheek!
Julian's so sulky, my goodness, what a child (affectionate)
Their chemistry is SO - JUST - Y'KNOW
No, I can't even, his little face is so scrunchy! I'm sorry ladies, let's go back and rewatch you rather than Julian being too ridiculous.
"Curzon would be horrified I'm a scientist." I thought Jadzia was a scientist before getting joined so didn't he know?
"The irony is, you and I have more in common than Torias and Nilani ever did." And that is what makes a tragedy 💔
Julian's complete startlement when he's hailed on comms 😂
"I think he enjoyed himself... Maybe not." You think? Especially if you were going through the highlights of your life he's already heard :p
Lenara just giving her the earrings!!! Like it's nothing!!! Like it's not deeply romantic!! I cannot be normal about these two!!!
"There is nothing going on, alright?" But you wish it were, don't you, Lenara?
Jadzia's so pretty in her gown and hair down (she's always pretty shhhh)
"I don't want to do anything to hurt you." Guyssss
Jadzia's brief touch to Lenara's face and forcing herself to take her hand away I cannn't
"I missed you." Oh boy the first time watching this thinking they were going to kiss? But no, and being disappointed but not wholly surprised, it's the 90s BUT NO WHAT'S THIS, they actually DO KISS and it's just so tender. This episode has my entire heart o swear.
I hate that this reasoning why Jadzia should stay away - that the consequence of exile would impact Dax the symbiont - makes sense (even if the taboo doesn't). And that Benjamin can sound so reasonable in trying to dissuade her.
"But I also know I love her, Benjamin." MY HEART
"If you're sure, if this is what you really want, I will back you all the way." After all the other arguments, thank you Ben, that means a lot. <3
Actually, no - it's weird that Dax is seen as a passive part of this decision - the poor symbiont who'll die if Jadzia gets herself exiled - but it's Dax who also, as far as I understand, very much has feelings for Kahn and Nilani, just as much as Jadzia does for Lenara et al. So Dax should also have a say through their link woth their host if they want to choose love over exile.
Jadzia's striding down the corridor to rescue Lenara (and others, ofc)
"I don't want to lose you, not again." "Not again. Never again. Never again. Never." MY HEART, DAMN YOU 90S, WORF WAS NO REPLACEMENT FOR THIS
Jadzia getting down eagerly onto her knees as she asks Lenara to stay. She's so sure she'll accept! And why shouldn't she be!
"Everyone is trying to look out for us. Protect us from ourselves." THIS IS STILL SO RELEVANT
"I can always come back later." I can't help thinking, what if she did change her mind a few years later... Maybe in that 3 month window between season 6 and 7? ... Why am I making myself sad like this? 😭😭😭
The way their eyes meet. Fuck this episode. (affectionate)
God, Jadzia was a wreck over that phasing-planet guy - what she's going to be like over Lenara who she's known for centuries? I just wanna hug her
This is just such a good story though, like even without the gay metaphor and actual gayness, aliens having dilemmas over their society's morality is fascinating, and the Trill very much so!
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DS9 S4 E17 Accession - Slippy Analysis
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Sisko is the Emissary....but then the wormhole poops out this super old Bajoran spaceship with some poet man named Akorem who claims to also be the Emissary.
This episode is about reconciling who people think you are compared to who you want to be. We all face the expectations and perspectives that people have for us, so let's take a page out of the Sisko playbook of self-confidence and learn for ourselves!
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First step is brooding. He is really talented at brooding.
Since the moment he took command of DS9 he has had the challenge of being viewed as a critical religious figure in an alien religion. I cannot imagine moving to a new town and then having everyone tell me that I am some spiritual messiah and savior for them.
At first there would be denial. Sisko does not accept the mantle of Emissary and denies that he is that figure in Bajoran society.
We see Sisko begin this episode as a man that humors Bajoran society. He knows their expectations for him and he carries out his duty out of sympathy, but he is not a believer. In fact, he is somewhat spiteful of the spiritual calling. Given the chance he would retire from the role.
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Enter the chance.
Akorem is all in with the Emissary calling. Sisko sees this and with relief abdicates his role.
Akorem wants to help Bajoran spiritual development. He is serving the Prophets because he believes their will is what is best for Bajorans. Thus, he reinstitutes the D'Jarras, that dreadful caste system.
We have our own D'Jarras in real life. The D'Jarras have potential for positivity and negativity. If your passions line up with your D'Jarra then all doors figuratively are open to you. One of my personal passions is reading. If my D'Jarra was to curate books and review books then I would naturally have all opportunities to pursue that and maintain some form of security to provide for my life's obligations. Sounds nice, but it still have the caveat of job inflexibility and someone else dictating what I can be allowed to do for my entire life.
The primary negative is that the D'Jarra system dictates levels of social standing and respect. This negates individuality, personal autonomy, and erases dignity based on who you are as a person.
Some societies might practice something more parallel to the DS9 caste system in reality, but we all feel the pressures of what others tell us to do in our lives. We hear things like "oh that won't give you financial stability or success" or we might be told "that is ridiculous don't do that". Some voices encourage and influence us in one direction or another. No one is immune.
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The key is, just like Sisko, we must find balance. We need support from people that love us and want us to pursue our own desires.
Society needs us and wants our abilities to make the entire community better. We need society as we benefit from everyone else's input. But our purpose in life is more than just to labor to keep the species alive. That purpose varies from individual to individual. Some find purpose in seeking divine connections or deity worship, others find it in creation and arts, while some find purpose through manipulation and power and greed.
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Sisko finds the D'jarra caste system deplorable, and it drives him to become a more genuine advocate for the Bajorans. He sees the pain and strife caused by the caste system. He has grown to accept that he can serve Bajor in a spiritual capacity while not compromising his personal dignity and at this point wants to do so. He is not humoring Bajorans, but genuinely serving them by providing them with spiritual comfort through ritual.
By the end of the episode Sisko has become a better Emissary....maybe this was by design???
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We've got to talk about our favorite girl!!! Goodness I just love her so much.
Accession provides two characters for the audience to relate with. Sisko represents the moments where we feel responsibility does not fit our comforts or desires, but it is still good for us and we must grow into the new role.
Kira is when we are given a responsibility that ultimately does not work with us or provide positive growth.
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She is a phenomenal person. Despite her artistic challenges and inexperience she gives it her best. She has a high work ethic and is honest. When life gives her a task she dives in and tries no matter the opposition. Kira is the type of person that we should all emulate, but also learn from. She let her faith blind her to the truth.
She does not give up, but she recognizes that Sisko provides the progress Bajorans need. She overcame her blindness.
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Kira went on a spiritual journey herself in order to accept Sisko as the Emissary.
Imagine growing up and being told that someone will save your people from disaster. You are given a job in the building that used to imprison your friends and work them to death. The new big boss in town is a representative of a foreign government sending aid to your people. The Space Nuns now tell you and all your people that the new foreign government dude is the very savior you have all been waiting for.....
How could he be though? He doesn't know your religion. He does not know your culture. Hell, he doesn't even know traditional foods (well maybe Sisko does since he is such a foodie).
Anyway, that is a GYNORMOUS leap of faith. Kira has made it though. She believes is Sisko as the Emissary. I think she believes in him now more than ever since Akorem has taken over. Kira knows that Sisko is the Emissary, but she supports him to the point of even watching him reject his calling.
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We all should take confidence in ourselves. Public standing, reputation, social station, and responsibility are irrelevant. What you decide to do with your life despite all odds is your prerogative. There will always be obstacles and doubts that want to change or shape your path in life. Tread with determination and bring good friends with you.
Today's "thank you for reading this long post" is a lipstick heavy smooch on the cheek. 💋
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thegeminisage · 3 months
star trek update time! saturday we did ds9 "sons of mogh" and voy's "dreadnaught" and last night we did ds9's "bar association."
sons of mogh:
i keep waiting for worf to feel like he belongs on ds9 instead of tng and it keeps not happening. the klingon stuff on tng was always a little dry for me, but the klingon stuff on ds9 has always been really good! unfortunately, now that worf's here, it's gotten a little dry again. even the episode with kor was a drag near the end.
don't get me wrong, i love worf, and he was one of my favs on tng, but on ds9...aside from data, nobody on the tng cast can shine a candle to the ds9 cast. even quark beats them all (again, except data).
also, the entire plot of this episode was so horrible. basically worf was like yeah i HAVE become soft and human. so true. anyway!
like, firstly, again, WHY are we having sisko yell. i could buy him being pissed and it was kinda fun for him to go off like this but it's also lowkey shitty. this was a culture thing. i guess at least he didn't do a picard god could you imagine
like i'm not saying do a picard. i do not advocate for kurn killing himself. but why did we write that forced amnesia or death was the only way...like, someday there's gonna peace in the klingon homeworld again and kurn won't be able to enjoy it because they're effectively killing him one way or the other. what about his daughters?? like worf was all "we can protect the empire in our own way" and that could have been kurn's reason to live...getting his daughters to safety with worf's adoptive parents could have been a reason to live...he had them, we just chose to do whatever this was
i did like dax and worf flirting, and i think she's a good choice for him bc of all of curzon's connections with the klingons, but i don't think WORF is a good choice for DAX because he's so damn stiff and uptight, and there seems to be nothing to his personality beyond that. was he always like this on tng? it's funny for a gag sometimes but the rest of ds9 has Depth. come on!!
i did think it was fun that he was like yeah a klingon should be able to see the decision to kill in another person's eyes instantly. let's do more shit like that
doomsday machine of voyager fr. 1. big machine that cannot be stopped 2. have to beam out right as it explodes 3. personal stakes for either decker or b'elanna 4. STRESSED ME OUT!!!
firstly, i love that this thing not only personifies b'elanna's hatred of the cardassians but also her skill at what she does. she programmed it with so many failsafes SHE HERSELF was only barely able to stop it. the cardassians wouldn't have stood a chance. and now she's a different person but the weapon is the same
mention of chakotay/b'elanna past shenanigans. mwah. i love that he covered for her ass without missing a SINGLE beat.
tom paris was very nearly annoying in this episode but he managed to stay on the right side of the line and not blow it with b'elanna a second time. he was really niceys when janeway almost sacrificed herself
SPEAKING OF. JANEWAY ALMOST SACRIFICING HERSELF. the way there was no tuvok in this episode and then he decided to stay behind with her WAAHHHHH. he can't be jealous of chakotay anymore HE didn't get to almost die with janeway
loved the mention of voyager's war machine reputation again. both funny and hot
the only thing i didn't like was that they FORGOT the doctor. that's so mean :( i did also maybe a little bit forget him bc i was stressing out but i'm not on the fucking ship with him am i!
bar association:
i was braced for the worst here because ferengi episodes are often so awful but i actually really enjoyed it
rom my new best friend and union man. wow <3 i can't believe they're giving him like. development and an arc. the most minor of fucking characters...o'brien did absolutely nothing on tng for YEARS and in ds9 the comedic 1-dimensional character starts a union and quits his job to make his relationship with his brother more healthy?? hello???
not only that but even though he didn't know union leaders can DIE going in once he found out he did not back down. i was so sure he would waver when bribed, or waver when his brother got beaten up, and he DIDN'T. girl i would waver if MY brother got beat up. rom didn't give a FUCK
loved also o'brien and worf brawling and julian getting tossed over a table. these things just happen. he's so light and tossable.
the part where odo read off tng episode plots was really funny. poor worf. i wish he hadn't moved to the defiant...literally girl you are going to have to get used to it here for MY sake
i do also feel like this episode helped me understand quark a little...he's a control freak because that's his way of like, handling people? like, he's in charge of everybody which means he's responsible for everybody so he has to control what everybody does. rom and nog work at his bar and nog doesn't go to starfleet. his mom doesn't sell snail farms or whatever the fuck. he's """protecting""" them as though they're assets, though he doesn't ever think to protect them from himself. it's not sympathetic exactly, but it is at least consistent
when rom and quark were yelling at each other and rom was like "YOU WERE MAKING ME FEEL DUMB SO YOU COULD FEEL SMART!" insert gif of dutch killjoys going "STOP MAKING ME FEEL SMALL SO YOU CAN FEEL BIG" like that's so funny but it literally is the same dynamic
TONIGHT: voy's "death wish" (SIGH) and ds9's "accession." ik the first one is a q episode...get his ass outta here. he's so unrealistic. like why can't he just zap them home etc. stupid.
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iforcedabot-blog · 6 years
I Forced a Bot To Watch Every TNG and DS9 Episode and Write One of Its Own
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You may have seen “I forced a bot to watch” posts where someone claims to have “forced a bot” to read or watch hours of video and written it’s own script. Those weren’t real but in recent history it has become possible to do it for real in a pretty convincing way with OpenAI’s GPT-2 system. This is an unbroken, unedited sample of GPT-2 ‘fine-tuned’ on all the TNG and DS9 scripts. Note that television scripts have have distinct formatting and style and all of that is copied perfectly by the bot. It even *almost* gets understands page numbers (in the first example – 28, 28, 28A).
28   EXT. PLAZA/SURFACE - DAY (OPTICAL)    Data and Worf as before.                    DATA                (puzzled)            You left him there? He left him            there?                    WORF            Yes. He had been there for            hours... then decided that I            was going to kill him.    Data frowns, he can't figure out how to phrase what    he did...                    DATA            I do not understand.                    WORF            You knew?                    DATA            I was afraid.    They exchange a look... Data thinking quickly, is    back to the source...                    DATA                (continuing)            I could have programmed some            medical bank monitors to monitor you            for a pulse response when you            could enter Klingon memory.                    WORF            We would have --        STAR TREK: "The House... " - REV. 08/10/94 - ACT FOUR       45. 28   CONTINUED:                    DATA            But I was afraid that it would            disrupt my memory.                    PICARD            I'll tell you what I have to do.    They look at him and then Picard EXITS. Data sits in    command.                                           CUT TO: 28A  INT. WORF'S QUARTERS    The room is DARK and distant. Worf is struggling to    regain his senses as Picard ENTERS.                    WORF            Captain... everything I saw is            gone... everything.    Worf regards him for a moment... then he starts to fight    it off... he stops in surprise... he doesn't know how    all this is going to impact his relationship with    him... he's uncertain what to do... he glances at the    wall panel and frowns, surprised at the way he sees    Worf... he glances around the room and tries to    find a way to fight it off-kilter... it's pretty    night... Worf hits the wall panel and it OFF.                    WORF            I was... heading somewhere.                    PICARD            Worf... what's the matter?    Worf decides to break for a moment... he EXITS.
That was one the first scenes I generated that impressed me, though it cheats a bit with by being mysterious enough that it’s hard to rate how coherent it is. But you could almost see as one of the more moody and experimental character-focused episodes in Season 7 TNG. Earlier networks could copy the formatting of a TV script but they totally fell apart when you tried to actually understand the content. Even which characters were present in a scene did not stay consistent from line to line. GPT-2 handles this amazingly keeping track of not just characters but subject of conversation in a scene.
Here are some more samples chosen mostly for the humor:
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                  DAX            I think we're lucky this was            just a bad batch of            equipment.                    KIRA            I'm glad you think that.                    DAX            I'm glad we're lucky.                    KIRA            Okay.  I'm going to let you use            the Bajoran storage bin to backup            your data on this trip.    And with that, Kira heads off down the Corridor.  We    HOLD on a thoughtful Dax. 19   INT. OPS    Kira and Dax EXIT the turbolift, followed by Sisko, who    goes to the Transporter Room in frustration.             DEEP SPACE: "The Wire" - 03/01/94 - ACT ONE            12. 19   CONTINUED:                    KIRA            It's not working.                    DAX            I'm having trouble retuning the            transceiver.  The adaptors            won't work.                    KIRA            Maybe they should replace us by            rentals.                    DAX            With what?                    KIRA            With your arms.                    DAX            With your hands.                    KIRA            Your arms.                    DAX            You're lifting your arms.                    KIRA            My arms.                    DAX                (the hurtiest)            Your arms.  They're my hands.    Kira takes a beat, looks down at her arms for a moment.                    KIRA            They're your hands.                (a beat)            You know what I see when I get            this...                    DAX                (laughing and crying)            Kira, you never told anyone about            your arms.             DEEP SPACE: "The Wire" - 03/01/94 - ACT ONE            13. 19   CONTINUED: (2)                    KIRA            When you get to the wormhole, you            should see them grow into shape-            shifters.  And you'd be right...            because their arms are like that...            closer than you can get.  They            grip off your arm.  Bad dreams.                    DAX            I thought you weren't going to talk            about me.                    KIRA            I told myself I was not.  But when            the time comes... I want to figure            out what we're doing and what we            are.  I always figure it out.    Dax looks at her own hands.  Kira's too fast for her    good measure.                    KIRA            I'm holding all the cards.  I'm            playing them all.  I'm a prisoner            in here.  I can't be happier.                    DAX            You seem like you've got a lot.                    KIRA            You have me all.    Kira takes one last look at her hands.  Kira can't help    her enthusiasm.  Her hand.  Kira takes another step toward the    desk.                    KIRA            You're not going to hurt me.                    DAX            You're not.  And that's a            good thing.
This is from a later batch where I stripped out some of the very repetitive content in the scripts before training — mostly headers and footers that repeat the exact same information every page. Another sample that was weirdly hands and arms themed:
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42   INT. ENGINEERING    Geordi and Data at their respective consoles.                    GEORDI            We're ready when you are, Data.                    DATA            I will prepare enough data for your            desire, Commander.                    GEORDI            Good. Data, what was the vessel            in which the shuttle was            launched?                    DATA            The vessel was slightly more            complex than the starship I            estimate, sir. It chose a            specific set of coordinates to            target the specific            nodes on the Enterprise-D.                    GEORDI            And it didn't work. That's            your fault, Data.                    DATA            I fault is very fault, sir.            I should have realized that.                    GEORDI            If you had, the Enterprise-C            could have taken out a few more            nodes...                    DATA            I do not believe we could have             survived the attempt on the            shuttle, sir.       STAR TREK: "The Loss" - REV. 10/10/90 - ACT FOUR       51. 42   CONTINUED:                    GEORDI            I know Data, it would have been            difficult for you to break into            hands and legs and grab a few            nodes... I've never run into a            shuttle in my life that didn't            get that lucky.    Geordi looks down at his hands and arms, frowning.                    GEORDI            What are you so angry about?                    DATA            My heart... and possibly my entire            psychology.                    GEORDI            That's not good.                    DATA            I am angry that Starfleet has            let you down, Commander.                    GEORDI            I know... but I was relieved            that no one tried to destroy            my shuttle.
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INT. DATA'S QUARTERS    Data, still in his Starfleet uniform, is sitting at a desk    working at the computer. The door CHIMES.                    DATA            Enter.    The door OPENS and Geordi ENTERS.                    GEORDI            Data, what are you doing here?                    DATA                (stands)            This is my quarters.    He looks at the desk for a beat, then EXITS.                    DATA                (continuing)            You are here to examine my            computer.                    GEORDI            Computer, is there anything I can            do about your...            computer?                    DATA            Computer, are you aware of what I            have just said?                    GEORDI                (nods)            In case you're wondering... I've            told you something before...                    DATA            I have never spoken to my computer            before.                    GEORDI            That can't possibly be the case...    Data shakes his head.                    DATA            I have been trying, but I            have been unable.                    GEORDI            Why?                    DATA            I have been trying for over            three, four nights.                    GEORDI            It must be a pretty long night.                    DATA            As long as it is not.                    GEORDI            And what does it feel like?                    DATA            I have been experiencing a            sustained, transient, and            unsteady increase in the            emotional neurotransmitter-like            activity in my cerebral cortex.            The same as if I were completely            offered a cup of tea, or a            coffee, or an air horn.                    GEORDI            That sounds like someone who            has been through a lot.    Data nods.
I experimented with mixing other TV show scripts, the complete set of Frasier in this case. GPT-2 learns very quickly never to mix characters and language from the shows — too well, I wish it would mix them! But I swear the samples trained with some Frasier feel more like a sitcom:
ANGLE ON MAIN VIEWER (OPTICAL)    Riker's face...                    RIKER            Captain, I am detecting a Class-M            planet with high radiation            unaffected by the sun.                    PICARD            Which planet did you detect?                    RIKER            Class-M.                (beat)            I'm sure it looked like a Class-            M planet...                (beat)            What is it?                    PICARD            A small planet with low surface            radiation.                    RIKER                (laughs)            Not class-M.
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Here’s another one that feels more like a sitcom, in particular, the repeated dialog lines are something I see a lot in the post-Frasier samples.
======== SAMPLE 15 ========                    KIRA                (to Dax, explaining)            Dax, we were just talking about you.              I realize you're upset about            me, but I've always looked            good in a tuxedo.                    DAX            I don't look good in a tuxedo.              I've always looked good in a            clutch, Benjamin.  And I'm glad to            say, I haven't seen you since I left            the homeworld.                    KIRA                (smiles)            I know you're upset, but I've            always looked good in a chiffo            uniform.                    DAX            And I'm glad to see you've never worn            it anymore.                    KIRA            I've never looked good in a chiffo            uniform.                    DAX            Well, I've seen you look good in            it all... when you're wearing            anyone else's tux.                    KIRA                (smiles)            I never look good in a chiffo            uniform.                    DAX                (smiles)            I'm glad you said you were going to            be happy at the Bajoran wedding.                    KIRA                (smiles)            I'm glad you said that.    Dax smiles and they walk off.                    DAX                (re: the wedding)            I suppose I'll have to mention it            to someone.                    KIRA            I'm not planning to.                    DAX            Who's next?                    KIRA            My husband.                (a beat)            I guess he'll be staying with us            this year.                    DAX            He'll probably be staying with us            this year.                    KIRA            I know.  I just got here last            night.                    DAX            I mean it's just a question of...            who?                    KIRA                (beat)            I'm still not sure.  I've got a            surprise planned for the next few            weeks.  Besides, it sounds like            somebody's going to need a place to            keep me warm.                    DAX            I'm sure they will.                    KIRA            I'm sure they will.                    DAX            Now what about you... are you sure            you don't want to stay with me for            a while?                    KIRA                (re: the wedding)            I have a job to do... I'm a            pretty gal...                    DAX                (reacts)            I hear you're married...                    KIRA            That's right.                    DAX            And what about Jake?                    KIRA            He's leaving Starfleet.                    DAX            A few weeks ago he was sent back            to the Institute.                    KIRA                (reacts)            He's gone?                    DAX            He's been living on the station            all his life...                    KIRA                (beat)   ======== SAMPLE 16 ========
This sample is as long as you can get right now the limit on the output is about 1000 words in the tiny version of GPT-2 that OpenAI let’s us play with. It would still be possible to create an entire script by taking the output from one sample and using it a ‘prompt’ to generate the next sample, over and over until you have a complete script. Since the scripts do clear structure like page and act numbers it should eventually get to ACT 5 or stick an ending on there. Maybe a project for the future.
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