#maybe I should unfriend them
averagelonelypotato · 2 years
me: i will let my past die and leave it behind me
me: *see’s the people I thought who were my friends, but stopped talking to me after high school ended, no closure or anything. All hanging out together having fun on snapchat, especially two of them who moved out of this city*
me: :( 
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moviestarmartini · 6 months
i’ve had such wasteful interactions with people i once considered friends and after hanging out with my best friend today my heart just feels whole 🥹🤍
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wild-at-mind · 8 months
Listened to the podcast series 'Eight years hard Labour' which is about the Corbyn years of Labour, and they talk a lot about the Labour party internal divide- there was the internal right wing, who were more like centrists, and the internal left wing, which was the Corbyn side. To tell you where I stand on this man: I voted for Labour, and therefore Corbyn, in both the 2017 and 2019 elections but was absolutely not part of his cult of personality, and I found it disturbing how devoted people got so quickly. Mainly the leftist queer people section of my social circle were doing a LOT of facebook meme posting in the run up to particularly the 2019 election. I could literally look down my feed and see a very long, very detailed defense of how Corbyn could not possibly be even the teeniest bit antisemitic, and below that a different Corbyn devotee would be proclaiming that the only reason Jewish Brits would not vote for Corbyn was because they were all too wealthy. I mean....what more conclusion could I possibly draw from that?? I do not care to get caught in the weeds of whether Corbyn knew what was in the fucking mural or not before saying it shouldn't have been removed, and I know the tabloids really did do plenty of smear jobs on him, but the fact that I could see his devoted supporters becoming antisemitic before my eyes was incredibly damning and was all I needed really. Anyway, obviously Corbyn lost the 2019 election by a massive amount and it was a surprise to literally no one except Corbyn's fans who had been in social media meme echo chambers the whole time. Corbyn left the Labour party and now we have Starmer who leaves a lot to be desired, but is still the head of the most left wing mainstream party. But it made me think- what hope is there for left wing politics in the UK? Can we ever hope for a hard left of the left leaning party that doesn't go off in these weird antisemitic, Putin defending directions? (Oh god...imagine Corbyn being PM during the Ukraine war. :S) Do we always have to settle for centrism just to be on the left of the Tories? We have had leftist governments in our history that brought in genuine social change, the formation of the NHS being the biggest example, so it is possible, but why are things so right wing now, and for so long, especially while things are so objectively shitty for so many people? I don't expect anyone has any answers but I want to hope for better. There are massive limitations to party politics, but I'm not an anarchist and I do think running the country is a job someone has to do. I don't know how to make things better, I just know that genuine compassion for all people is needed in order to do it, not just some people, and I don't know if hard left conspiracy types can ever feel that for people they consider their enemy.
#uk politics#i'm just rambling#btw i did comment on both the corbyn defense screed and the 'jews are all rich' screed (2nd one unfriended also)#1st one i said maybe with the same effort someone made in making this long defense corbyn should put that effort into#meeting Jewish populations in the uk and reassuring them! The person posting it was even like '...oh yeah he probably should shouldn't he'#the corbyn campaign in 2019 was a mess anyway which the podcast goes into in more detail#btw the putin defending part comes from Corbyn's response to the poisoning of the Skripals#he said there was no reason to think it was russia and also said we should send the nerve agent to russia for testing#i'm not saying we should be like 'omg red scare russia is attacking!!!!' but there was evidence to suggest it was putin#which only became more clear- not to mention the accidental death of Dawn Sturgess which happened not long after as a consequence#genuinely so fucked up! this all happened in my hometown and the surrounding area so it's particularly close to home#Corbyn just reacted super weirdly to the whole thing- he was the leader of the labour party but behaving like an online commentator#which i assume is a plus for some and a minus for most#i've tried joining a local socialist group twice now and they are pushing for a socialist party in government#but it's all super corbyn-y vibes with them- i swear it takes very little for them to start ranting about how corbyn was smeared or w/e#like...can we move on from this please!!!#and lessons learned- forget it!#anyway i'm done rambling now.
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wawataka · 1 month
was reminded of my ex now i’m going through emotional whiplash
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rantnrant · 2 years
lots of issues with social stuff lately
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capulated-canthea · 2 years
i think im a little insane i meet one person online, fall head over heels for them for the half an hour i know them, then get sad when we seperate and never see eachother again
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whateverloomis · 5 months
Hi! Can you write about a reader who is a traditional goth x billy and stu?
Shes the new girl at school and she seems cool so tate invites her over to the group and when they see her they are like: 😲😍
Ugh, I'm so glad you requested this. Billy and Stu would so be into alt. people, I just know it. (Totally not saying that because I'm alt. myself *cough*)
Note: Scroll to the bottom for extra content before reading 🖤
Warnings: SMUT, infidelity, making out, fingering, double penetration, outdoor s3x, smoking (weed,) AFAB reader (she/her,) use of YN, unedited
Word count: 2.5k (Got carried away lmao)
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"Dude, what's Tatum doing with the goth chick?" Stu asked Billy, as if he had a clue who Tatum even hung out with anymore. Sidney had always been her best friend and Tatum wouldn't ever replace her, but she was always picking someone new to introduce to the group until some kind of drama happened and she unfriended them.
"Fuck should I know." Billy answered, trying to seem uninterested in the topic, but Stu knew better. He had caught his friend taking a peek or two at the new girl when she had arrived the week prior as a transfer student.
"She's hot as fuck man, I bet we could tag team her-" -- "Keep it down, would you?" Billy whispered, elbowing Stu to avoid Sid and Randy from listening.
The boys had done it a few times before. They picked someone they both liked and had a little fun with them, and this new girl was definitely first in line the moment they saw her.
Tatum approached the group with her new friend and the boys couldn't help but eye her from head to toe. She was wearing a black crop top that sat just below her tits, a leather skirt with detailed lace thigh highs, paired with pointy knee high black boots. Her jet black hair sat just above her shoulders, her baby bangs had a perfect little point in the middle creating a perfect triangle that aligned with her pierced nose and matte black lipstick. What a sight.
"Hi guys! Meet our new friend, YN!" Tatum cheered and YN waved at everyone and smiled, revealing a dimple on her left cheek. Fuck, that drove Billy and Stu crazy. She was so effortlessly cute yet mysterious and intense looking. The perfect combination.
The group welcomed YN and clicked with her right away. Randy didn't hesitate to make flirty comments at the new girl and she was a natural flirt just like him, so it became a casual back and forth game between them. Stu obviously joined in, he's usually a flirt with everyone so it didn't seem out of the ordinary, but oh boy, if they only knew the plans he had with the girl.
Billy however, remained in the small talk zone. He felt safe there, plus he didn't want to reveal his intentions to Sidney who was sitting between his legs at the moment. He did make eye contact with YN from time to time and couldn't help but get tense at her gaze. Her eyes were piercing, like a black cats would be at night and it was driving him mad. He wanted to look into them while being on top of her... or maybe YN on top of him would be much better... Gosh, if he kept his imagination running it was gonna be impossible to stop his half boner from getting rock solid.
"YN should join, we have lot's of fun up there when we escape this hell hole." Stu said, snapping Billy out of his thoughts. "The cabin?" The boy thought out loud and Sidney turned around to face him. "Yeah, Stu is planning to ditch last period on Friday again and going up to his dads cabin. We're inviting YN to come along with us." Sid explained and Billy smirked in response and gave Stu a knowing look. "Yeah... Yeah YN, you should join us. Who wants to attend English class anyways?" He replied and Stu patted his back, "That's what I'm talking about." his best friend said, earning an annoyed look from Billy.
"Bring a swim suit too new girl, there's a kick ass lake up there." Stu said and smirked. "Awesome! I love lakes and it's been a while." YN replied and Randy pitched in; "Or better yet, a bikini." he said and the girl smirked at him; "Yeah, I bet you'd like that." YN said and Randy gasped in fake surprise; "I never said such a thing." The boy replied and YN gave him a flirty laugh.
Stu seemed amused with their exchange, knowing damn well Randy is all talk and no show. Meanwhile Billy was annoyed and poking his left cheek with his tongue in attempt to keep himself from saying anything stupid that could reveal his excitement about the new girl joining.
Friday came along quicker that expected and the group was already on their way to their little weekend trip. They were all bunched up in Stu's family van. His parents were conveniently out of town so he "borrowed it" for the weekend.
YN ended up sitting next to Billy after everyone argued about who would sit where and the boy was trying his hardest not to get his hands on her. "You comfortable?" Billy asked loud enough for her to hear as she closed the door. "Never better." She replied while she leaned back on the seat. Her exposed thigh brushed against his and she felt the boy tense up. She bit her lip in amusement and looked at him, smirking before looking out the window. Oh boy... new girl knew exactly what she was doing and it didn't go unnoticed by Billy or Stu who was looking at them through the rear view mirror.
"Why does it have to be me again?!" Randy complained. The group wanted him to test the water to see how cold it was but all he did was stand on the edge of the little wooden walkway and whine about how cold it was last time.
"Oh c'mon, it can't be that bad." YN said while taking her short black dress off. She had a bikini on that sat a little bit above her tits, exposing the perfect amount of under boob along with cheeky bottoms that barely covered her ass. The girls started to cheer and whistle at her in encouragement; "Yes girlie! You look hot as fuck!" Tatum said and Sidney agreed with her, taking her own clothes off and revealing a bright red colored bikini. Tatum had a yellow one on that exposed just as much under boob as the new girl's did, maybe a bit more. The boys stood there looking at them like hungry dogs before they cheered them on. Billy however just sported a smirk and followed the girls with his eyes taking an extra peek at YN's tits bouncing while she ran and jumped into the lake.
"It's not that cold guys, c'mon!" Sidney encouraged and Randy jumped in without hesitating.
"You gonna be able to keep it in your pants big boy?" Stu said loud enough for Billy to hear. "Shut up asshole, speak for yourself." He responded and looked at Stu's crotch before jumping in. Stu looked at his trunks and noticed his hard on was visible and jumped in quickly before muttering "Fuck."
The day was filled with fun, laughs and picking on Randy. It was unlike any other cabin weekend thanks to the new girl. She was cute, funny, a flirt and totally into Billy and Stu. At least that's what the boys were convincing themselves of with every little word and look she gave them. She was hard to read, Billy found, but that made it all the more fun for him.
The group were now sitting around a fire pit, talking about previous school crushes and other adventures. "So, who was your first kiss?" Tatum asked YN as she took a drag from the blunt they were passing around.
"It wasn't a big deal. We were best friends back in middle school, she was a pretty good kisser though." YN replied, taking a quick drag and passing it to Sidney who politely declined.
"Wait, she?!" Randy questioned in shock, choking on his beer along the way.
YN laughed at his exaggerated reaction and bit her lip; "Yes she, I'm bisexual, idiot." She replied while rolling her eyes playfully.
"Hot! I dare you to kiss Tatum!" Stu said rather loudly, earning a smack on his shoulder from his girlfriend. "Don't be an asshole, Stu!"
"What?! I was joking!" -- "No you weren't. Typical." YN replied and smirked at him knowingly. It's not the first time YN has heard those comments. At this point she calls the person out and brushes it off. That being said, she wouldn't mind kissing Tate at all, she's hot too just like her boyfriend.
Everyone laughed at Stu being called out, then continued talking, smoking weed and drinking alcohol around the fire. YN hadn't had this much fun in a long time and she intended on making the best out of that weekend.
After what seemed like hours of conversation, Billy, Stu, Tatum and YN were high as kites, Randy and Sid were drunk, and half of the group was nearly to the point of passing out and falling asleep for at least 12 hours that night. However, YN had other plans.
"I'm gonna go take a walk." She said, and Tatum gasped in surprise; "Alone in the woods, YN? Are you crazy! You can get killed!" the girl practically screamed and the new girl laughed; "It's okay babe, i'll be fine. Maybe I do wanna encounter a slasher, who knows..." She joked and stood up.
"YN, maybe you should take someone with you. It's seriously not safe, especially with the ghost face killings." Sidney said.
Billy and Stu looked at each other knowingly before anyone else spoke.
"I'll go with you. I need a breather myself." Billy said and smirked at Stu subtly before walking away with YN.
"So, you're actually not freaked about the possibility of you getting killed by ghost face?" Billy asked YN and she laughed before responding; "Not really, he clearly has targets and I highly doubt I'm one of them. Besides, I'd probably wanna fuck him instead of being scared."
Billy was amused at her response. If only she knew. "Is that so? You have a thing for slashers then?" He asked and she chuckled, a flirty tone to her voice. "Maybe, do you?" She asked him jokingly. "Nah, I'd say I have a thing for victims." At his answer YN slowed down her pace. His answer didn't exactly scare her but it did take her by surprise.
Billy turned around to face her as they both stopped walking. "What?" He asked, a slight seriousness coating his voice. YN looked down and bit her lip before looking him in the eye for God knows the number of times that day.
"Are you hinting at something, Loomis?" She asked him and the boy took a few steps forward leaving a few inches away between them. "Did it sound like I am? Or do you want me to be hinting at something?" He responded. Smooth.
YN looked up at him and chuckled, not knowing what to say at that point. She was too high to think about any coherent answer, especially with a guy that hot in front of her who was clearly looking to get freaky in the middle of the woods.
"Maybe..." Billy started, placing his left hand on YN's hip; "...I'm hinting at something like this." He spoke his final words before kissing YN slowly. They made out at the slowest most intense way you could imagine. Their tongues danced with each other and YN exhaled little whimpers into his mouth. He loved her little noises and couldn't help but grab both her hips and squeeze the flesh. As they continued kissing, Billy moved his hands to her ass and squeezed it before running his hands up her body and squeezing her tits that were threatening to pop out of her bikini top.
Billy took a few steps forward and pushed YN against a tree trunk, pressing himself against her while deepening the kiss. The girl sneaked her hand down his lower body and gave his throbbing dick a firm squeeze, moaning at the feeling.
YN didn't really care that he had a girl, if anything she would've done the same with her if given the chance, plus she was too high to make sense of anything so she just went with it.
YN pulled the string at the front of Billy's black swimsuit and kneeled in front of him but before she could pull his dick out they both heard the crunching of foot steps, and the girl stood up quickly.
"Well fuck, you guys started without me?" Stu said and appeared from behind the large tree she was against. "Thank's for ruining the mood, asshole" Billy said sarcastically, not even bothering to tie his pants back in place.
"Oh c'mon Billy, aren't you gonna share your meal?" -- "I sure wouldn't mind that." YN followed Stu's words and chuckled at herself. She was so high that this whole situation seemed more amusing than it would've been if she had been sober.
Billy looked at her in mild surprise and smirked, raising an eyebrow before kissing her again. Stu walked towards them and moved YN forward, Billy pulling her forward as well to allow Stu to lean against the tree, her ass pressed against his hard cock. They moved swiftly, as if they had done this countless times before... And they have.
Stu wrapped his arms around YN and pulled her bikini top down, exposing her perfect tits to Billy who started to play with her nipples while deepening the kiss. Stu sneaked his hand up her black skirt and untied her bikini bottoms, letting it fall between her legs. The boy didn't waste anymore time and started to rub YN's clit expertly. She let out hushed moans into Billy's mouth while reaching between her legs, moving Stu's fingers towards her entrance and he knew exactly what she wanted. As if on command he finger fucked her all while Billy was pinching her nipples and kissing her neck.
YN was so impossibly aroused, mostly because of the weed, but having these two hot idiots touching her like this made her feel as if she were in heaven.
"Mm, fuck me... Both of you." She said and the boys quickly stopped their movements and pulled their pants down just enough to release their dicks. YN wrapped her legs around Billy and he picked her up pushing her against Stu in order for them to line up their cocks to her cunt. She was so soaking wet they both slipped in easily. The stretch felt so delicious that she couldn't contain her moans.
Billy and Stu pounded into her like wild animals, breathing heavy and grabbing her steady.
"Fuck... You feel so good..." Billy whispered and YN wasn't sure if he meant her or Stu rubbing his cock against his friends. Either way it was hot as fuck and YN was going to cum any second. The boys were close behind, thrusting out of unison, moaning and groaning. It was music to YN's ears.
"I'm close... Fuck, I'm so close..." The girl moaned as she squeezed around both of their dicks. Billy and Stu couldn't say anything at that point up until they all came at the same time.
They filled YN up so much that their combined juices dripped on the ground.
Once they all caught their breath's, Billy placed YN down on her feet and stabled her. The girl nearly fell from how hard the two fucked her.
"Damn, did we really fucked you that good new girl?" Stu said from behind her.
"Oh, shut up." She answered before getting dressed along with the boys and returning to the cabin as if nothing had happened.
Extra detail for fun: I found this pic scrolling through Tumblr last night and it's exactly how I imagine readers'hair! 🖤
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(Picture not mine. If anyone knows the owner lmk so I can credit. Thank you!)
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polyamorousmood · 3 months
Hi! I'm rather new to poly and have found your blog to be a source of reassurance. I was wondering if I could ask for some advice-- no worries if you can't respond!
My partner and I opened our relationship about half a year ago. I don't really like my meta as a person; there isn't anything particularly wrong with her, our personalities are just too different and her energy stresses me out a little. Think grumpy cat and hyper puppy.
We share a friend group and this friend group does a lot of events together so we often share the same space. For context, she's known some of them for longer than I have, but I have become more enmeshed into the group since I joined. Hinge and I also live together (with two of said friends). Because of that, I always let her spend time with hinge whenever we have a gathering because I get to see hinge more often than her. In fact I almost actively avoid hinge and hang out with other people to give them space. Afterwards, I sleep on the couch so she can sleep in the (hinge and my) bed with hinge.
I feel like I'm doing my best to give her/them space but I can tell she isn't happy. The group went out to a restaurant for my birthday and when I walked into the lobby where she was waiting with some of the others, she started crying at the sight of me and had to excuse herself. I'm not sure what I did wrong. I had just had a date with hinge and we walked in together so maybe I forgot to stop holding hands with hinge (?) Maybe she saw my phone screen which was a picture of me and hinge (?) (A normal picture of us hugging not anything too intimate)
I feel awkward now and like I have to watch myself to make sure I don't "slip up" again. I don't think I should need to hold myself to such strict standards but perhaps I'm wrong. It feels like walking on eggshells around her and if I show hinge any affection then she'll be upset. The other day hinge sent a picture of us to the group chat and I think she's unfriended me on socials since then.
What should I do in a situation like this? Can I even do anything? Was my mistake really that bad?
I'm just going to put the read more here
TL;DR: yeah, you should do something. I don't think its all on you for not adhering to 0 affection in front of the girlfriend ever though.
This brings up a lot of personal struggles for me. I am going to present as best I can a good faith reading of all parties here, but know that my bias favors you, dear asker.
For clarity, the asker will be called you, the partner will be called Hinge, and the meta of the asker will be called gf/Girlfriend.
I think Girlfriend is not actually 100% okay with polyamory, and is doing her best to smother those feelings because she's so fond of Hinge.
In fairness to gf, I am making a lot of assumptions (limitations of tumblr asks and limited information), its still fairly new, and its a really complicated place to be in for her. You're all friends so god only knows what would happen to the dynamic of the friend group if she couldn't make this work. If she breaks up, that makes things really awkward, if she enforces a stricter thing about keeping your lives separate, that makes things really awkward. Basically every move she makes here risks ramifications for her whole (or at least a lot of) her social life, not just her relationship with Hinge (and you).
Based on what you've said, I would be surprised if gf's done the work to confront the reality of what polyamory will look like for y'all and make peace with it. Or renegotiate that reality until its something she can make peace with. I say this because in most healthy dynamics I have seen, it should be expected for a partner to give you attention on your birthday. Girlfriend not being able to handle whatever it was that set her off, to me is proof she wasn't preparing. Now once she was at that junction, gf did the right thing by excusing herself, but I can only imagine how much that killed the vibe. On your birthday 🎂🫤.
So to your questions: "What should I do in a situation like this? Can I even do anything?" I do have some things you could do, but not a lot. The first of which is to ask her wtf that was about (but very gently) assuming its recent enough to do that. I would come at this from a place of confused concern a la "I just wanted to check in with you after the dinner. You seemed really upset and I wasn't sure why. I really wanted you to have a nice time for my birthday".
And then the paths diverge. Maybe she says "it was fun, sorry, it was just hard seeing you laughing with Hinge" but maybe she says "My Aunt just died and I was trying to keep it together and I couldn't". I'm operating off assumptions because I have to. But you don't have to. Confirm that shit one way or another. Then, you have three options
You can ignore it (not recommended).
You can go for a heart-to-heart.
You can ask Hinge to work with gf on this.
For both 2 and 3, you're going to have to have an idea of what's acceptable to you and what isn't. How much (more) are you willing to compromise and realistically able to do? If you're making Hinge the go-between (which might be the good move if you and gf don't really get along!) you will have to lay it all out. Make a whole speech about why you're concerned, what a better for you set-up would look like, how you'd like Hinge to help facilitate that, and how long shit like this is something you're able to handle. Go into it as a problem solving endeavor seeking Hinge's input and support, with the understanding this is for gf's sake too. Talk about a how things would look in a few months. If you do ask Hinge to handle this, you two need to agree on what is reasonable, on what timeframe, and that Hinge will present it to gf as something they're concerned about too so as not to paint you as a snake in Hinge's and gf's garden
Because I only see a few things that can happen
Nothing changes. It goes on like this forever. Its always kinda weird, you probably start dreading inviting her to things for fear of a repeat of your birthday, but you all just kinda grin and bear it and its not ideal but its good enough.
You can separate more. Like, all three of you are never in the same room together. This will likely make things really weird with the friend group! Every group activity will require people to choose whether its you who gets the invite or gf. Friends also have to be on board with not talking about shit you did with Hinge. Hinge will probably have to kind of "live two separate lives." How does that work given that you live with Hinge? haha, good question! It will necessary limit how much time gf has with Hinge, how much time you have with Hinge, and how much free time outside of you two for the rest of his life Hinge has. All this is workable, but it will probably be difficult and kinda weird for a good while.
Girlfriend can pony up. She can go through the gut-wrenching process of desensitizing herself to seeing you two show affection and accept that you are always going to be there, too. I expect you and especially Hinge would do what you can to help her, and there will be benefits, too! but its still just going to be really hard on her for awhile. This can put Hinge in a pinch if your expectations and Girlfriend's aren't lining up, and since this is mostly on her, you don't have as much control.
Someone breaks up with someone. This doesn't need further explanation.
I will now show my ✨ biases✨. I don't know how long Hinge and Girlfriend have been together, but assuming its the full 6 months, and assuming the issue IS she's just not okay seeing you two like each other, ever... personally, that's "push comes to shove" time for me. Are you in or are you out? Is she actually okay with polyamory, or is she forcing herself into something that's making her miserable for love? Y'all's timeframe might look different, but if you don't address this soon, this sounds like shit that could force one of you to a point of ultimatums. Most people need good time to acclimate to polyamory! but if its six months and she is indeed crying about you two briefly holding hands... that's not acclimatization. And maybe you're Built Different💪, but I could not handle a those restrictions with those consequences long term. Personally, I'd sooner die than not be able to hold my partner's hand, so I think you're being very accommodating, and if gf can't handle human slip-ups, that's not on you.
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theharrowing · 10 months
i'm boycotting hybe merch and i think you should too
listen: i'm not going to hold anyone's feet to the fire and say "boycott or else" and i am not going to unfollow or unfriend people, but i have been thinking a lot about this, and then i saw a post on twitter basically outlining everything that i have been mulling over & then some, and it has just been on my mind all day (and tbh for a few days) and i thought that maybe if i put these thoughts out into the world, it might get people thinking.
i also realize that these thoughts would have been better if realized before black friday and current merch drops, but it is what it is. i didn't even know they were doing another merch drop because i do not pay attention.
we are witnessing the starbucks boycott working, and although it is yet to be stated whether that is making anyone on the upper level rethink their bullshit, they have been losing billions !!! of dollars.
i think people will be like "but i don't want to hurt BTS as people," and i hear that, but i also do not genuinely think a boycott would. they are literally fucking millionaires, and it is so hard to not get on my "i don't respect millionaires or believe they have the right to exist" soapbox when i do love them so much, but i also don't think they need our money, especially right now. especially because some (if not most) money can't go to them while they are in the military anyway (although i did see something about how the artist collection proceeds still might since it was initially sold before??? idk. still they are fucking millionaires.)
i think that what would be impactful would be for people to stop buying the merch for a while to send a message to hybe that we are not in support of zionists working with BTS. a romantic, faraway dream is for them to drop scooter braun's dumbass all together, but i do not genuinely think hybe or bang pd gives a shit about much beyond money, which is unfortunate. on this note tho, we could organize an email campaign??? i am more than down??? but it would depend on a lot of you participating. (if you're down tho i will type it up right away.)
do i think we need to boycott golden as a whole? no. i mean........i'm not buying the album because i have personally been more or less boycotting merch since the whole angel pt. 1 debacle, but i think that streams are fine bc they hardly bring in money anyway. but i am boycotting the justin timberlake and usher remixes because.......well, sorry but the favs are problematic.
[going to center myself and my feelings quick and i apologize...] i just cannot get through a day without sobbing uncontrollably about what is happening in gaza. and i cannot, in good faith, support zionists or people who work with them. this falls in line with BTS preaching for us to "love yourself, speak yourself." everything they have stated in UN speeches and in many of their lyrics makes me feel like the only thing i can do as a fan is stand up for injustices when i see them, and hybe working with zionists is a huge injustice. and if you disagree.......idk. i cannot sympathize with or understand you; this post is not for you.
i think it is a huge injustice to what BTS instills in people and makes them believe if we sit back while hybe does whatever the fuck they want without caring about the consequences.
(disney is also on the list, by the way, of companies that support israel. if you need illegal links to disney+ bts content, we can figure something out.)
also, i will say that while silence is violence and choosing neutrality is choosing the side of the oppressor, i wonder if the reason none of the guys are speaking out about the conflict has to do with their enlistment (aka something pertaining to matters i do not understand within the korean government) or within the company itself because they work with scooter et al (aka bang telling them to stay quiet.) whatever the reason is, i guess i am choosing the side of wishful thinking right now. i have absolutely no proof for any of these thoughts, but i do see some people angry at BTS for not speaking up, and while i agree that everyone should use their platforms, i am wondering aloud whether there might be a reason for it. this is not me making excuses for anyone, though........i just don't know. i have no idea.
at the end of the day, we can only do what we can. if you can only boycott so much, you can only boycott so much. it takes time and effort to radicalize to the point of cutting out so many unnecessary things what we deem as "necessary." but it is possible. your money does make a difference, and wouldn't you want that difference to be good? and if you do have a moment of weakness, it is important to continue to stay the path and do not let guilt make you feel one way or another. we all make mistakes but the important thing is that we try.
ALSO if you want cute merch, support independent artists!!!!!!!!! the BTS army is full of amazing creatives and your money can help them for a little while instead!!!
i might be missing a lot, like i said, my brain is super scattered. but if this resonates or speaks to you or there is more i should consider, please reach out.
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cleverthylacine · 5 months
Okay. Wow. (also feel free to circulate this post to people even if they don't like me)
I didn't want to make a post like this but things have gone too far. I am still not mentioning names. If you know you know, if you don't know, ignore this post and be happy that you don't know.
Yesterday I went on a blitz of blocking people I was told had been sharing my private DMs and talking shit about me behind my back with an artist who is freaked out that I told them I wouldn't take down a reblog, and then explained that they are popular with RavWave shippers, and that I didn't know who they were until other shippers sent me their stuff, because their art does look shippy to us.
It seems that a lot of the people who are really mad about this (and you're welcome to share this one post of mine with those people, though I do not appreciate that their friends have been stalking my blog in general) think that I was trying to ARGUE with that person.
Much as their motivation in drawing the art was not to depict my OTP, my motivation in telling them that they accidentally did was not to argue with them about how they should view the relationship. It was information about why people get what is apparently the wrong idea about their art.
If I were writing or drawing something that was being misinterpreted all over creation, I would want to know why.
Then I would be armed with the knowledge to decide whether or not I wanted to do things differently in the future.
"I don't care what those people think" is a valid decision. So is "hmm, maybe she has a point." Whichever decision I made, I'd want to make it as an informed decision.
I feel a little sorry about this giant misunderstanding, but I'm absolutely disinclined to apologise because:
Their first message to me was insulting. Many people believe that it was a "polite request". But polite words can be used in a thoroughly rude and nasty way. There is no nice way to tell someone that you think they're so nasty you don't want your public posts appearing on their blog.
Saying no to requests is a thing that people are allowed to do.
Their second message to me, which evaded my block because it was sent to another account, was blatantly offensive and went into the quality of my family and relationships. I didn't respond to that because I'd have gone off.
They have their friends stalking my blog and have admitted to doing so, and have responded to venting on my part by vagueblogging in my own blogs by telling everyone that they're the person I am annoyed with and here are the receipts. Seriously, wtf?
I only know this because I'm trying to block all the assholes who are reposting my personal conversations with them, a thing i only know because a friend of mine told me so after receiving a demand they unfriend me.
This person and their friends are sending anon asks to my friends, or in one case, publicly demanding in an RP community, that people who want to interact with them unfollow me, because they will not interact with anyone who interacts with me. Go the fuck back to high school, Regina.
Don't put icing and sprinkles on a pile of shit and tell yourself you gave someone a chocolate cake. This person has never been "nice" to me.
Under the cut: why IDW Ravage would never allow herself to be handled like a pet cat, and why RavWave shippers feel the same way about the Earthspark deleted scenes, even though we know that's probably not what the showrunners meant us to think.
I have come to the conclusion that's it's just another case of antis thinking that if you can see two people in a non-platonic relationship that they think of as family, you're just nasty. Especially if the feline shaped character is being handled like a pet cat.
But the person who said "I look disrespectfully on anyone who ships this, that's just a goof and his cat" has missed the entire point of these characters' relationship. Soundwave would never treat or handle Ravage like she was a pet cat.
Anyone else who says RavWave shippers are nasty because "it's NoRMaL to handle your cat that way" is fundamentally not getting who Ravage is and how she feels about being touched.
Ravage is a sapient adult mech with a full range of sapient adult feelings, and touching her like she's an animal is a microaggression or a macroaggression, depending upon where and how you touch her. The oppression of beastformers is a big fucking thing in IDW 2005. Other beastformers also complain about constantly having to deal with unwanted and disrespectful touching. (Fortress Maximus is a known offender.)
IDW Ravage is sleeping in Megatron's bed throughout MTMTE (when she's under it, she's guarding him). She only allows him to touch her neck in front of others...because behaving like a pet cat increases the chances that people will treat her like one.
(She almost cut Nautica several times. That's another character I ship her with, because what would be funnier than her realising that this actually is a whole ass person and if she can't stop touching her, she might actually be attracted to her?)
(Note: Canonically, Ravage in IDW uses he/him, and I do know that. However, about half the fandom writes Ravage as female. I'm in that half.)
BTW, I feel exactly the same way about the Earthspark deleted scenes. Every RavWave shipper on the planet does. We've talked about it. We realise that the artists and showrunners probably intended it to be innocent on the grounds that she is a cat. But we are also people who like to write her as an adult Decepticon officer with agency and self-respect who wouldn't behave like that in front of other people unless they knew he has privileges they don't.
I am aware that half the fandom draws Ravage art that's basically cat memes. (I hate that so much. But as a proshipper, I recognise people have the right to depict characters any way they want. That doesn't mean I haven't had to vent to people like @bitegore and @miner16 to keep myself from saying something.)
Also, I strongly suggest that people who get this worked up about misinterpretations of their art or writing do not become professional creators. As a member of fandom since the 1970s, I'm kind of super extremely aware that most of what fandom does is counter to what the creator intended, and frequently that's the point.
I'm also kind of super extremely aware that if you don't have loads of people reinterpreting and remixing your work and your characters, that actually means nobody cares about your work enough to have blorbo feels about your characters.
(The side poll, which came from another blog and mentioned no names, was an irritated attempt to find out whether people really do think it's normal to cuddle your mom that way, because the second message insinuated that my mother and I must have a terrible relationship because we don't touch each other like that. I kinda wanted to know what people who were not predisposed to take my side and did not know what was going on would think of that idea, because I really do not think most people touch their mothers like that; their mothers aren't nonsapient animals and would thus consider it weird and inappropriate.)
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poesdaughter · 4 months
Fucking aggravated today
First I sat in on our first corporate Pride event and FFS I can't believe in the year of our gay lord 2024 we're still shilling out "A is for ALLY!!!!"
No. No it is not. Allies are wanted, allies are needed, allies have a place, but it is NOT IN THE ACRONYM. We don't get to give them a spotlight just for doing the bare minimum, sorry not sorry.
Then an old hs friend was like "Look at me going to the Harry Potter exhibit and giving JKR money even though I say I'm a trans ally!"
No. No you aren't.
You CANNOT pat the back of trans people with one hand and give money to literally the BIGGEST FART/TERF with the other. ESPECIALLY DURING PRIDE MONTH. That's not how allyship works and if you think it is? We don't fucking want you.
So I finally unfriended. Probably should have done that years ago.
Maybe one day they'll wake up and realize all the trans/enby friends have unfriended them (I'm not the only one). I doubt it.
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madmadmilk · 3 months
lol why else do i log into this account besides to complain? (idk if that sentence even makes sense lol)
but wedding planning rant below >>>>> ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
basic facts about us/the wedding: my bf and i have been together for 10 years, ya we've been talking about weddings but can't justify the $$$. then in feb we said fuck it, we'll never be able to afford a house lets just get married. sooo we've been cram planning through the year while doing comic/anime onventions for our wedding in august this year, yipppeee!!! we both have huge families, and tbh we don't have much drama between us but (of course) there's a lot of tension between family members everywhere. but main consensus is that we're both well liked and loved, so everyone is happy. (yay!) wedding planning has been stressful and fun, but also kind of made me conscious of things i literally don't care about.
the problem:
soooooooooo i don't want a big wedding party (but my mom wants me to give every single family member a role in the wedding -- no.). so i have a party of my sister, two close cousins, and a very good friend. yay? right!! should be, YAY, right???????
hm, so last week, i noticed that one of my cousins, we'll call her cousin A, hasn't really been replying or seen in a month? so that was like weird, and i've noticed some weird stuff but like... idk the world doesn't revolve around me (or my wedding) so I just assumed that life was being life, and gave space.
suddenly cousin A's mom blocks and unfriends most of my family across social media. (cousin A's dad is my mom's sister etc they have a lot of sisters) then everyone goes ???
even i'm like ??? cos i'm still on their friend list.
THEN, cousin A tells me she has to tell me something...
she says that her parents are struggling, and that she hasn't spoken to her dad in a month (my maternal uncle? idk if i phrased that right). and of course, life is life-- i have no judgment, only sympathy for everyone. BUT that means that she and her mom cut off everyone in my family..... because they don't want her dad to spread rumors etc, and don't know who has been told what...
cousin A and her mom wish to disappear from our lives.
like i said before, life is life, i can't understand their situation-- i dont' know all the sides, but i have immense sympathy for the situation. obviously i dont' want people to fight, i want people to be happy and able to live their lives to the fullest.
so---- though this is not the most important part>> she says that she and her mom and family will not attend my wedding. she's unsure of being there because she doesn't want to face questions and scrunity.
i understand.
i'm just horribly sad over it.
of course i didn't write all the details, but i'm just so sad over this. cousin a is like a sister to me, and i have a horribly hard time getting close to people. i'm so introverted and terrible at keeping up, and i haven't always been the most present for her but.. it just makes me really sad to watch her pull away.
a selfish part of me wishes she could just be there for me, but i understand she needs to go her own way and figure things out at her own pace.
just makes me sad.
and worse, i can't tell anyone about this because no one (on my side of the family) know why they've been distant. no one knows that she's said some bad things about them. no one knows the vague-posting they've been doing freakin facebook. it feels pretty irreparable to me, but no one has seen it all yet. then-- cousin A's family is going on a big trip together, just her, her parents , and her BF and she said who knows maybe they'll make up. maybe things will return.
i don't know what to say to that.
i'm grateful that she called me to give me an explanation instead of leaving me hanging, but it hurt my feelings to be told matter-of-factly. of course, this is something that her family has to work out but yeah.
i probably sound so selfish, but i can't even talk to my mom about this. there's too much of this that is not my story to tell or talk about. too many unkind words said, over something that might... return to "normal." kind of just feel miserable about it.
i wish there was an easy solution, i wish there was a way for ME to just.. be understanding and chill out but it's just sad. i'm not good at keeping secrets, or sitting still. but i'm trying to just focus on myself.
we'll see what happens.
people are going to ask me questions soon, idk what to tell them.
if things turn out to be "okay," then "great." i'll just have some lingering bitterness.
TL;DR: one of my bridal party (a cousin), is in the middle of excommunicating my family (over internal family matters)-- thus dropping out. of course it is sad and distressing, i'm trying to be understanding. i'm sad i'm losing a sister, and that she isn't choosing me.
^lol that makes me sound terrible tbh haha. like i said, lots of stuff can't be said but yeah... just sad. i'm literally not going to fill her spot, because doing so would make me feel worse. i'm too sentimental.
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suggestiveeyewaggle · 4 months
Only the two of us knew we'd hooked up during our senior week nearly two decades ago. Not his hot, blonde girlfriend. Not my fiance. Or at least I've never told anyone about it until now.
It's funny how I don't really remember much about it, now, except that it had been in his room on his tiny twin bed, door firmly locked.
We didn't have sex either; that would come a couple of years later, when my fiance broke up with me. It wasn't the same, him single and me now resolutely polyamorous.
I remember all the other times we cheated on our partners with each other. The chemistry we had together. The way that he was my first for a number of sexual milestones. The first French kiss I'd had. The first time I saw a cock, hard from desire for me. He would have been the first to go down on me if I'd let him, if I hadn't been trying to be a good Catholic and stopped him. I still know exactly where he kissed my thigh that night. I found a writing of mine about that night recently and I'd forgotten how much of our interactions were based on tickling each other. There was the time we made out in his bedroom, my fiance two floors below, after holding ourselves off for an hour. I don't know that I have ever had so much wanting in me as in the moments before we gave in.
All kinds of dumb sense memories jumbled together. The way his stomach and the tops of his boxers would show when he stretched. The way he forced my head up the first time he kissed me, starting my own grappling with being turned on by being forced, by being submissive. The way he kept hold of my hair in the subway, not caring who saw us. His intense, grey eyes.
So much of our relationship driven by that taboo, by the excitement of it. And a certain undercurrent of fear. I can't ignore that part of it either. Freshman year I'd been sitting on the inside of his room, him and his best friend between him and the door. I had attempted to tease them; they'd been referred to as nervous little freshman #1 and 2. But they'd grown up with more virulent homophobia than I had, and had each drawn their pocket knives on me, demanding that I tell them. They were certain other people were saying they were together.
It was, honestly, terrifying. I'd be on edge whenever he'd even pick up a butter knife for the rest of that year. He apologized for it, although the other one never did. But I don't think that lowkey fear of him ever really went away. I think it just fueled the attraction.
Why am I typing this all out? We grew distant over the years. He was the kind of friend who was there for you in a crisis, but not any other time. (Yes, I had a lot of crisises in college as a result.) Did his attraction to me wane or were there extenuating circumstances? Or was he unable to handle that I was now transmasc and yeah he actually wasn't that straight? Or was it less exciting because it was no longer taboo on my side? I don't know; it's not like he told me.
I moved to a new city recently, two hours' drive away, the closest we'd been in years. Messaged him about getting together in a public place (I'm not interested in fueling his cheating kink anymore). But he just made a comment about how far it was. And then I'd read an advice column about how we should let go of things that are one-sided. Like this torch I've carried for him for too long. I took it as a sign and unfriended him.
But still. I'm currently obsessed with writing fanfic of this certain character to fill out his shallow backstory. And while a lot of it is taking from my relationship with my ex-partner, I can't deny that a significant chunk is based on this guy and the... Whatever we had with each other. Maybe the writing will help excise him out. Remove the best and the worst and leave the meh, the majority of our situation.
I wanted so much more than he was willing to give and I kept thinking, maybe he'll finally fall in love with me. God. Pathetic. What really existed? If I could go back and redo it all as an adult, would I avoid him completely? Or would we be drawn together again, being in such close proximity to one another?
Time to let it go. I deserve better than the crumbs he gave me.
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zannolin · 6 months
For fic ask game: F, M
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
oh HELL yes i've written so much dialogue i love lately. this never happens (i fucking hate writing dialogue).
“Amanda’s mom unfriended me on Facebook, you know,” he tells Johnny one night, as they sit on the back deck with their feet in the grass. He doesn’t know why he says it. Maybe he just wanted someone to know. In the light glowing through the paper paneling of the door behind them, it’s hard to make out Johnny’s expression. Not that Daniel’s looking, or anything. “That blows,” Johnny finally says. He takes a swig of beer. “You should unfriend her back.” Daniel can’t help the laugh that bubbles up at that. He feels oddly light. Better. “That’s not how Facebook works, Johnny.” A huff, rendered softer by the darkness. “It should be.” “Yeah, everything’s a fight with you, isn’t it?” There’s a pause before Johnny says, “Not everything, LaRusso.” They don’t say anything else for a while after that.
this section from objects in motion is one of my favorite exchanges i wrote in the Entire piece. it just has like. the vibes. like (i hope) as a reader it's obvious with the context that johnny has changed, and johnny is talking about daniel here, and daniel hasn't caught on so there's two completely different levels of conversation going on. plus it's got johnny attempting to be supportive (he's so dumb i love him) and daniel trying to lighten things up with a joke that completely misses the mark and they just kind of sit there because well. what do you say after that. what do you do! they don't know! for me it really captured the essence of where they were in their developing relationship at that point in the narrative.
was also very happy with how the sam and daniel "are you getting a divorce" conversation turned out, but even more so how the subsequent kata-with-johnny one went because there's a lot of subtext there about sam starting to figure things out and she's not sure how to feel about it but she's sort of hesitantly giving a kind of blessing, or the hope of one someday, with the "miguel said you were good together"—like she's asking are you happy and daniel's maybe saying i think so and inviting her to be a part of it. if she wants. i could write essays about my own fics man i've thought about this so much. i love them. BUT ANYWAY i'll stop now.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
so many. sooooo many. i have one where sam and johnny get yeeted back to 1985 to witness the all valley that year since daniel's an eternal knot of repression; ft lawrusso kinda sorta, sam and johnny bonding, sam being her father's daughter, and mr miyagi my beloved. i have a concept where daniel from canon universe (somewhere in s1-3 i think) gets swapped with daniel from a different universe where mr. miyagi is still alive and lawrusso is canon, which is an absolute fucking disaster but also great because i get to explore more damanda marriage issues and hey here's a daniel who will actually COMMUNICATE with johnny, and here's a johnny who will actually COMMUNICATE with daniel, and it's not even ooc because i make the rules. there's a vague sam and johnny bonding werewolf au knocking around in my head also, and i really really want to write a johnny and ali fic eventually. i have like a million more but i think that's enough for now.
ask game!!
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ripjulie-gone · 1 year
Okay so I really, really didn't want to have to make this post and it took me… a lot to get to this point and i thought about it last night whether or not it would even do any good but in the end… well. i need to stop letting people walk all over me and drag me through the mud after everything i've done for them.
now, this post isn't meant as a callout or to have anyone "choose sides" or any of that childish stuff. it's just me being able to defend myself from the shit being said about me. i don't care who anyone is friends with or writes with. that's not my business nor is it my prerogative to dictate that kind of stuff. both can exist peacefully.
and yes, i will be naming who it is that is causing shit, because for once she needs to be held responsible and accountable for her actions.
so i've been dealing with some shit the past couple months and i guess it finally came to a head?? i don't know who has seen abi's ( wiredsmile + about a dozen other blogs ) post yesterday about me basically casting her aside and using her just when i need her. well all of that is bullshit.
now, i do have receipts for everything i'm going to be saying but because the point of this is NOT a callout, if you want to see them i am more than happy to send them to you privately.
i'm also prepared to lose a lot ( more ) people because of this, but i needed to at least try and defend myself. to show that i'm not some heartless person like i'm being made out to be.
there's a reason i severed the friendship between us. on three separate occasions she had betrayed my trust and tried to start shit amongst our shared friend group. she has actively tried to turn people against me ( and still is apparently ). she's also lied about what i've said and did on numerous occasions.
i have never cast her aside, but when she broke my trust not once… not twice.. but three times, it grew harder and harder to stay as close to her as i once was. i tried to let it slide, i did. because she was one of my best friends, but it kept happening and then i kept being made to feel bad because I was the one being distant and making her feel bad.
when she should have felt bad.
i had approached her about this behavior after every time it happened. and i thought maybe my boundaries would finally be acknowleged but alas.. it would happen again.
but what really sealed the deal was the fact that we were in a group verse together where is where i made my oc ( bandit ) and we shipped together and it was fine. well the group kind of dissolved and other ones rose. well, i decided to branch out my oc and explore some ships with him and she got mad at me because i wasn't shipping with her with this one character in this one verse ( we were shipping outside of that, it was just this one verse ), and then decided to talk shit behind my back to people and try and steal my friends just so she could flaunt them in front of me.
it got worse when things shifted to another verse. i was made to feel guilty about who i wrote with, who i shipped with, and who i was friends with.
we lost most contact when she started something horrible between me and a couple friends of mine and i came to her privately about it and she gave me a cookie cutter apology ( she also sent the same one, verbatim to one of the other ones she lied about ), but i was on vacation at the time and could not reply to it fast enough. by the time i did, i was unfriended on discord and blocked across tumblr and that's when she went on her run of playing the victim about how she was cast to the side and treated so badly.
she got someone else, evie ( who had also been a friend of mine ) to make a julie blog ( deadlysmile ) and all but lifted my blog for it, including the url and started saying how horrible she was being treated.
when i tried talking to her about it, because it bothered me because i have worked hard on julie and i had done a lot to build a world with both my julie and her suzie. she blocked me and again, tried to play the victim and dragged the friend in as well who called me names on a vague post.
so that brings us to the now.
now she's saying i treated her horribly and i used her and none of that is true. she was one of my best friends and i loved her. i supported her however i could. emotionally.. financially. whatever she needed i did my very best to help. i never cast her aside or suzie or any of her muses. i never used her just for my own enjoyment. i never did any of that. i was the best friend i could be until she stabbed me in the back and even then i gracefully bowed out. i never said anything bad about her, i didn't drag her name. i didn't do any of that. i simply cut ties with her because that was what i needed for my own mental health.
i try and be good to everyone around me. i try to be the best friend i can be. and it upsets me and breaks my heart to see myself get dragged and lied about for things i never even did.
so if you made it this far, thank you. i love you all.
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Are you safe? Online or home? Safe?
Word count 571
Mentions of online stalking and dick photos, home intruders.
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"This guy is a creep! Dick photos really! Unfriend" going through all the steps to unfriend the creep, mission accomplished I should have gone with my gut instinct in the first place. All the direct messages, the personal questions he was invading my privacy like a pest, unfriend the social media  post control. Where do you live? Vague, always reply with non descriptive vague answers.  What's your digits? Who talks like this? No you are not getting my number. The feeling that this creep was stalking my online activity. No proof, just a feeling. Now dick photos. I feel safer already. 
'You will regret this' what does this mean? What no more dick photos laughing out loud. A momentarily pause of unease, dont be stupid he is online he doesn't know where you live, your phone number or for that matter your name, he is just talking through his ass!
"Just great!" The shower rose continues to drip, "damn it". 
The main office politely informs  they will send someone to look at it, as soon as possible. 
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Knock knock knock.
Opening the door, San stands on the entranceway, overalls covering his frame, the apartment logo embroidered into the fabric, holding what can only be assumed as a tool kit. "Shower probs?" He asks in a polite congenial manner. Yes yes. San makes polite conversation as he works and fixes the issue. Once the job is completed "nice to meet you, if you have any other problems, call me" he hands over a piece of paper with a number. "Thank  you".
In the ensuing weeks, San waves as he passes on the maintenance buggy, a genuine smile canvases his face. Nice guy. 
"I'm just being paranoid," although I'm positive I did not use that coffee mug this morning. Looking into the Refrigerator, something is wrong. I just can not place my finger on it. 
Examining the shampoo bottle, "how much have I used? When did I buy it?" On closer inspection the conditioner seems to be lower than expected. The towels are still damp? 
A very faint scent of men's cologne lingers in the air, looking around 'am I alone?'  Frantically  searching the apartment, under the bed, the closest, every nook and cranny in fact. I am alone! Maybe a  maintenance guy was here? No! We always inform you beforehand, apartment rules. Just my imagination then.
"I can't find them anywhere?" Searching the drawers, the laundry basket, everywhere. "Dammit I just bought them" frustration edging the tone. Frigging sick of the dryer stealing my knickers.
How many pairs have gone AWOL? Lost count! It's not  like they are cheap! Guess I will order more, sighing.
"Dirt!" I know this is not me! I would not traipse dirt through the apartment aimlessly.  The dirt trail leads to the kitchen bathroom and bedroom. Sweeping up the soil, had to be the maintenance guys! Right?
"No there was no scheduled maintenance for your apartment"
Are you sure?  Nothing in the books.
Unlocking the door, the scent of men's fragrance is looming and drifting within. Flicking on the light switch,  "what the fuck!".
The apartment is plastered with dick photos, they cover all the walls, everywhere you look the photo mocks you. Stunned and stumbling walking through the apartment, something on the bed catches the eye.
A note in bold black lettering.
'You can not block me!'.
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