#maybe MeLaan and she could have left afterwards
puddlejumper38 · 9 months
I'm rereading Lost Metal and honestly, why were the Ghostbloods even there?
The whole book has its scope problems, since our main characters are out of the wild west, but the Ghostbloods really don't help.
Marasi's character arc didn't need them - she was headed away from the police anyways.
They added cosmere lore that really pulled away from the plot and Kelsier was barely even involved. Why introduce them and his non-death only to not Do Anything With It? I feel like Secret History should have been introduced Post-TLM instead as a build up for era 3, which surely must actually be dealing with these elements (I mean, working title Ghostbloods).
It felt like a lot to introduce in the last book of a series when it wasn't plot relevant.
Did Marasi need the more powerful character to reach the endgame? Maybe, but here's the thing. Use the kandra. The kandra were a big deal in era 2, only seriously underused in this book. Pair a kandra with Marasi for the end scenes!
You need a more powerful character? Use Marsh, instead of removing him from play for reasons I no longer understand! I admit to bias here, but if Marasi needs more spotlight at the end remove Marsh by saying he can't sneak through the village. Marasi was the first person Marsh approached, I just feel like this would have made sense. Also, he could say something that would lead to the hint that Kelsier is alive and hence the Secret History drop post-TLM. (I accept that Bands of Mourning would need some editing to make this possible but I don't think it would actually change the plot much).
And, again, putting a kandra with Marasi in that village would make sense! Since blending in is kind of their thing!
I think Branderson had already mentally moved on to era 3 and it didn't benefit The Lost Metal at all.
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