#maybe not VenDell
puddlejumper38 · 9 months
I'm rereading Lost Metal and honestly, why were the Ghostbloods even there?
The whole book has its scope problems, since our main characters are out of the wild west, but the Ghostbloods really don't help.
Marasi's character arc didn't need them - she was headed away from the police anyways.
They added cosmere lore that really pulled away from the plot and Kelsier was barely even involved. Why introduce them and his non-death only to not Do Anything With It? I feel like Secret History should have been introduced Post-TLM instead as a build up for era 3, which surely must actually be dealing with these elements (I mean, working title Ghostbloods).
It felt like a lot to introduce in the last book of a series when it wasn't plot relevant.
Did Marasi need the more powerful character to reach the endgame? Maybe, but here's the thing. Use the kandra. The kandra were a big deal in era 2, only seriously underused in this book. Pair a kandra with Marasi for the end scenes!
You need a more powerful character? Use Marsh, instead of removing him from play for reasons I no longer understand! I admit to bias here, but if Marasi needs more spotlight at the end remove Marsh by saying he can't sneak through the village. Marasi was the first person Marsh approached, I just feel like this would have made sense. Also, he could say something that would lead to the hint that Kelsier is alive and hence the Secret History drop post-TLM. (I accept that Bands of Mourning would need some editing to make this possible but I don't think it would actually change the plot much).
And, again, putting a kandra with Marasi in that village would make sense! Since blending in is kind of their thing!
I think Branderson had already mentally moved on to era 3 and it didn't benefit The Lost Metal at all.
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theslayerbrother · 7 months
So there is a lot of Saying of how Jim changed characters Such as Draal Strickler Angor and Nomura to name a few but not that much of how the character changed him (especially his friends and family ) outside of bein Supportive.
edit - there Amazing headcannos by @albentelisa and by a few more so maybe i would return on Something that people already Said
Also i am not a Writer i'm so not calming it's 100% (well Claire mabye hehe) jk.
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Let's Start with the easiest and Probably the most loyal person to Jim and the first Person after Jim that was introduce was his BFF Toby. Toby Represent Jim mortality the fact that he Can be hurt and injured because toby very easily get hurt and injured because he only human and not in the best of shape but besides that he is able to Keep going Which is Why Jim kept going able to do things despite being only human.
(i am well aware that Jim was the one who push to toby to Keep going as well was the first but Jim a lot of the time felt a moment of weakness that he isn't good enough and toby Should him that isn't true it Kinda go visa versa)
another thing about toby is his happiness and he have a Positive out Look of things toby and Jim become friends a short time after his father Left Which is Why Jim able to Keep going as much as he did because toby was always being besides him.
that's Also Why the rott movie was bad because it tainted that idea.
but isn't canon still hunts me a lot of the time.
overall Jim became much more happy and Much less angsty that he Should've been without toby.
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moving on to Jim's Crash and Jim's Soulmate the Lovely but dorky Claire.
Claire represent Jim's fear especially the ones who relate to Losing his Loved ones and become evil Plus Lacking in Self belief.
thanks to Claire Jim able or have much easier time overcoming his insecurities his Lack of believing in self to do Something risky Such as the final Push in the bathtub Scene (Part of it obviously is the fact that Claire herself is a bit of a Dork lol).
the thing that Claire gave to Jim was her Love and acceptance that she trust him and he totally deserve the Love and care that Claire give him. as he doesn't need to be fear that he always feel accepted with her.
She is also extremely Smart So she can her only Second to Blinky so she help Jim with things that aren't trollhunting related and Very Powerful So She can Protect Jim when ever he need a hand.
Claire is Jim greatest Love and i think that Jim feel a lot more confidence and accepted because of her.
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even tho Jim Claimed that he doesn't care about his father but he def need one and Blinky was the Answer. i believe that Blinky Represent Jim desire for family and being a Leader because both of them becomes Leaders Jim become a Leader at part 1 of Season 1 and Blinky at the end of Season 2 after the Death of Vendel both were hurt by a close family relative Jim by his father leaving him and his mother as a little kid. and Blinky by his brother Joining the Side of gunmmar both able to make their own family Jim found toby as best friend and brother then Blinky became his troll Dad and ARRRGHHH his troll brother. Blinky befriend ARRRGHHH and Adopt Jim as his son.
Blinky made Jim the best trollhunter change him and give Jim a Parent figure that's all the Most wholesome.
Jim need a father figure to guide him in trollhunting world and Also being a father in general. Plus Someone to share his Knowledge with.
so Overall Jim need a guidance of mentor and a father and Blinky answer that call
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ARRRGHHH is everyone favorite wingman i do think AREGGGGG represent Jim entering a role that can be very well take your whole childhood away. both were enter the role of a Warrior in a young age i believe that ARRRGHHH form @albentelisa worlds he understand Jim as a role of trollhunter the Most and Probably Jim has much better time dealing with being a trollhunter thank to ARRRGHHH
Also his big heart and Adorable Personality help Jim have much better time entering a Strange world of the trolls well and Blinky and Draal Obviously.
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Draal is Jim troll brother one of my favorite relationships in the Series
Draal represent Jim defined by his father both were defined by their fathers until they able to break it Jim but overprotecting his mom and have carry all the responsibilities in the house and Draal by following his Dad's Job of being a trollhunter which is Why is He was a rival to Jim at first
Fun fact - i thought that Draal would be an Antagonist for Jim after he defeated him but i glad that he didn't became one and instead became an ally.
Draal was a role model for Jim because Jim understood honor of a Warrior and Also build confidence in Battle as well. Draal was Protector so much that Jim carried his wish and Kill gunmmar by his name and his death consider to be the best one in the Series.
Draal was able to Change Jim make him better as a Person i feel lIke because of Draal i believe that Jim is even honor then he used to before (he had a lot of honor before that but still) better Adjust to the troll world because he had a troll for a brother.
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@pinkytoothlesso11 and @rexnanorum @yavannah  @seekerofblades idon't know about the following two these following ones your expert not mine so i feel free to add up if i miss Something.
Barbara is Jim's mom and i think she represent his heart Barbara is Super Compassionate and have a Similar heart to Jim by being a Doctor and helping people both Jim and Barbara were hurt by Jim's father when he let the both of them down.
the Desire to help people so no one will be left out is Something that they both share Jim by being a trolhunter and Barbara being a Doctor.
Jim Learnt form Barbara that he doesn't need to be afraid to share the burden that you carry with your Loved ones. and that lies not matter what the intention behind it can and will damage your relationship with your Loved ones like what happen with them in Season 1.
Thanks to Barbara Jim become more honest Person who will have better time sharing his burden with his Loved ones and put his trust in them.
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now to everyone favorite avocado troll nerd dad Mister Strickler. Strickler is one of the few relationships that is more antagonistic cuz Jim and Strickler butt heads a lot in trollhuntes in Season 1.
i feel Like what Strickler represent in Jim is the Desire to be Loved and accepted Sure Jim have toby and Barbara but he bullied and for the first part of trollhunters by the trolls because he was a human and Strickler by being a Changeling both however fortunately get the acceptance and Love Jim by Killing Bular and getting together with Claire and Building a family with Blinky ARRRGHHH and Draal
and While Strickler by getting together with Barbara and creating a family with Jim.
Strickler give further Knowledge about troll history and Changeling history to Jim teach him Combat Moves that Blinky won't teach because they cross his Limit.
Also i feel Like the Credit goes to @pinkytoothlesso11 i feel Like when Jim has a half troll Strickler is one who can understand him the most.
Which is Why at the end thanks to Lovely nerdy Strickler Jim is much easier time handling and Seeking things that others might won't understand.
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drthrillerr · 5 months
So.... after watching Wizards, I saw something that caught my eye and thought it was interesting? Maybe? I don't know if anyone has ever pointed it out or mentioned it back then, but I might as well bring it up now.
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As I was watching this episode, I was wondering why this particular frame looked off. Well, maybe not off, but it seemed strange to me.
Like is it just me or does Blinky look a little smaller than Troll Jim?
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Because the last time I checked, he was not that short.
So, my indication is that since Wizards takes place in the past, Blinky must be younger, yes? Alrighty, then. But honestly, they could have made some changes to his model to make him look younger.
I mean the first 4 to 5 times I've seen Wizards I never saw any difference in his model from this series and Trollhunters.
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Like they went out of their way to change Vendel's model to make him look younger than he does in Trollhunters.
So why not Blinky? I don't know, maybe budget n stuff. I just wanted to pointed this out.
(Btw I've had this idea for a fan story where instead of Hisirdoux sending Clair, Jim, and Steve back in time to Camelot times, they actually got sent back even further. I don't have all the details so this is just me throwing an idea at a wall)
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thorraborinn · 5 months
Hi there! I was wondering, would you know where I could find anything on like, social taboos involving marriage? I wanted to know if there's anything in the sagas or maybe in archaeology/anthropology that touches on forbidden unions. I know the goddess Lofn is cited as one who grants permission to such people to be together, but I wanted to know if we have anything on what these forbidden unions could look like? Off the top of my head, I imagine feuding families to be a good start, but I can't find much else on the subject. Thank you!
Marriages in Old Norse society were arranged by families (usually between the prospective husband and the father or other male relative of the prospective bride), and more for political and economic reasons than for personal ones. Some people were married specifically because their families were feuding, to bring the feud to an end (often the people involved wanted out but failure to retaliate could have consequences; uniting the families could end the feud in a way that saved face. In Old English a woman who is married into an enemy family for this reason is called freoðu-webbe, 'frith weaver'). Frands Herschend went as far as proposing to see women in Iron Age Scandinavia generally as hostages (in the sense that Freyr and Njörðr are hostages in Ynglinga saga). If the sagas are relatively accurate there does seem to have been an understanding that the family should be arranging things such that the woman is happy with the result, but they weren't legally obligated to.
In this kind of situation, a marriage that's forbidden would be basically any that either side of the family, especially the woman's closest male relatives, opposes. The reasons were probably diverse and personal, and not generally based on widespread taboos. Most of it probably had to do with money and social hierarchy.
Feuding certainly played a role here, or rather we should say relations based in reciprocity, whether positive or negative, did. As I said, marriages were sometimes arranged specifically to bring hostile families into a single family and end the conflict, but if one side thought they had the upper hand and stood to gain by continuing the hostilities then they would surely not permit such a marriage. Marriages might also be arranged out of obligation to more powerful people.
In fact, it might be possible to frame any actual social or legal prohibitions on marriage that did exist as protections for the woman from being married off to someone she didn't want, rather than restrictions on her freedom, because she hardly had any. We can surely consider divorce in a similar way, which was permitted in certain circumstances.
The main restriction that we do have evidence for is marrying someone who is too close a relation. There were probably situations where the financially or politically advantageous thing to do is to get two close cousins married to each other and it may have actually happened, but it's illegal in the laws we have a record of. This may have been less regulated in heathen times.
Of course, there could have been culturally-assumed restrictions that weren't formally prohibited in the law. There's speculation that, while a Nordic man marrying a non-Norse woman was not uncommon, happening the other way around was not generally permitted. This is supposedly reflected in the mythology, where the male gods marry jötunn women but the goddesses do not marry jötunn men. However, there is archaeological evidence from the Vendel period that contradicts this (the book I'm getting this from is over 20 years old, so by now there could be contradictory evidence from the Viking age too, but I'm not sure), so if there was ever such an ethnic taboo it must have either not been universal, or developed later. I'll also remind that there is a contradiction in the mythology as well; Gefjun isn't described as marrying a jötunn but she does have kids with one, which scholars do typically count as a violation of an ethnic taboo, sometimes as grounds to reject the myth itself as "impossible" (Lindow's description).
A lot of this may have varied by class. We mostly know about the land-owning class. It's hard to say whether poorer people would have even less freedom over whom they married because of their dependence on land-owners, or if they had more freedom because there was less social and financial stake in it. It seems likely that their marriages weren't as regulated, but their ability to actually move from place to place was the major limiting factor.
I'm not aware of any sources for it, but I have no trouble believing that illegal or otherwise unsanctioned marriage happened. The thing that kept people in line was inheritance. So if people were in a position where they could turn down their inheritance (whether because they had another source of resources or because their families were so poor their inheritance was negligible anyway), and could have a place to live, they could probably just do what they wanted.
So I think for the most part, if we were to picture Lofn's intercession as historical events, we might picture the site of those intercessions as kind of distant from the actual marriage, like opening opportunities to get by while forgoing one's inheritance, or unexpected changes elsewhere in the social network. Or a simpler example would be a woman successfully convincing her father, brother, or other male representative to let her do what she wanted.
This is a little out of step with Snorri's etymological explanation of Lofn's name as related to 'permission' but as I explained here I think the actual etymological meaning of her name was 'hope'.
Of course a lot of heathens read Lofn's description in the Edda as affirming of marriages that deviate from gender and sexual norms, which the text does in fact leave room for but probably isn't what Snorri had in mind. There's a lot of room for speculation about how this may have been relevant in pre-Christian times but it would be difficult to move it beyond speculation.
Unfortunately quite a lot of this is already pretty speculative, because of how much later our sources concerning marriage are than the time when Lofn may have actually been recognized. Frankly, the same applies to our sources for Lofn, and the time when she may have been recognized. If I'm right about the etymology of her name then I think it's at least a partial vindication of Snorri but that does not necessarily mean that his description of her is entirely reliable.
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rosemaidenvixen · 5 months
Between Daylight and Darkness
Chapter 2
<Previous Next>
Blinky’s feet scuffled against the well worn stone as he paced back and forth. The already narrow space was crowded enough with the bodies of him and the two other trolls without his scurrying about, but despite knowing that couldn’t find it in himself to stop his frantic movements.
“This is a disaster! A catastrophe! An absolute calamity!” he threw his arms out, one of them knocking against a tray of tools on the edge of the work table and sending them clattering to the floor.
“Blinkous!” Vendel said sharply “Compose yourself,”
“How can I compose myself when it’s been three days, three days with no sign of the amulet or our new trollhunter!”
AAARRRGGHH lumbered closer, flashing a hopeful smile “Maybe new Trollhunter…slow?”
“Or maybe they got trapped by the sun, or maybe a goblin stole the amulet before they could find it, or maybe Bular found it and he’s preparing to march on Trollmarket as we spe–”
His tirade was cut off by a firm hand being placed on his shoulder, Blinky reflexively turning to look up at Vendel’s stern gaze.
“If Bular had the amulet, believe me Blinkous we would know. I admit the situation is dire, but we have faced worse before, and above all else we can’t afford to lose our heads to panic,”
Blinky felt his chest tighten, immediately chastised “Of course of course, forgive me,”
Vendel’s grip on his shoulder loosened, and if he knew the older troll one iota less than he did Blinky would have missed the subtle softening of his gaze “It’s alright Blinkous, there’s nothing to forgive,”
Blinky’s guts gave an uncomfortable lurch. An objection rose up in the back of his throat, choking it back down before it could escape.
That wasn’t true, and they both knew it.
Both Blinky and AAARRRGGHH had been there to witness Kanjigar’s fall from the shadows of a sewer tunnel. Powerless to do anything but bear witness to their Trollhunter’s final moments. 
Kanjigar’s death was a steady ache in his side, it would be many a year before the pain of his loss faded, if it ever did, but that was a pain Blinky could bear. Part and parcel of being Trollhunter was accepting that one day there may be a battle you did not walk away from. And as much as Kanjigar’s death had wounded them all, they’d made their peace with it long ago.
No, Blinky’s unforgivable crime was failing to preserve the Trollhunter’s– his friend’s legacy.
It had sat only a few precious feet away, but with the sunlight flooding the canal it may as well have been at the bottom of the sea. They’d kept vigil over it until the steadily rising sun forced them further into the tunnel and out of sight of the amulet. But those few hours had been enough. By the time the daylight had receded from the canal it had been too late. Kanjigar’s remains had been pilfered by unknown hands and the amulet was lost. 
With heavy hearts they gathered Kanjigar’s remains and brought them home, his legacy looted and lost to the surface.
The absolute worst was when they’d relayed these events to Vendel. Trollmarket’s elder had sat patiently and listened without interruption, then when they’d finished there hadn’t even been a trace of anger on him, his expression unbearably sad.
It was only then that Blinky realized the true magnitude of his failure.
“The ways of Merlin and his amulet have always been mysterious,” Vendel released Blinky’s shoulder to step towards his work table, gathering the fallen tools “While we may not know when or how the amulet will return to us it will choose a champion, we just have to be patient,”
AAARRRGGHH let out a soft grumble and nodded at the elder troll, before moving closer to Blinky “Vendel right, amulet does as amulet choses, it not up to Blinky where amulet goes,”
Blinky’s throat went tight with emotion “Thank you, both of you I–”
The thudding of approaching troll feet echoing in from the entrance tunnel interrupted him. All three trolls immediately fell silent, turning and fixing their gazes on the tunnel entrance just as Draal emerged.
The words ‘Did you find it’ hung on the edge of Blinky’s tongue, only held back with extraordinary willpower. But as soon as he saw him the question withered and died without ever leaving his mouth, one glance at the look on the younger troll’s face and it was clear he’d had no more luck than they had. 
“I’ve been to every neighboring community and tribe in the area. There’s been no sign of the amulet or word a new Trollhunter,”
A small sigh of disappointment accompanied Draal’s words, so slight Blinky might have missed it had he not known the troll since he was a hatchling, a new cluster of thorny emotions sprouting to life in his chest.
Draal’s desire to be his father’s successor was known to all of Trollmarket, but Kanjigar’s desire for the exact opposite was known to only a few, namely the four trolls in this room. Blinky found himself  of two minds on the matter. He had no desire to watch a troll he’d watch grow from a hatchling be thrown into battles risking life and limb. But Draal hadn’t been a whelp for centuries, he was a grown troll and a blooded warrior, what right did Blinky or even Kanjigar himself have to choose his path for him?
But it was a testament to Blinky’s own weakness that he would have been glad to see Draal take up the amulet become the next Trollhunter if only to end this awful uncertainty.
“Then we must continue the search,” Vendel said, voice solemn.
Blinky nodded in response “AAARRGGHH and I will continue to scour the surface,”
“And I will begin my inquiries anew,” Draal added “See if there has been any change, and if there has not I will expand my search to every community this side of the continent. We shall not rest until the amulet is found,”
Vendel looked at each of them in turn “Good. And do not lose faith. No matter how long it takes the amulet will return to us, and bring with it a new champion,”
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cosmerelists · 1 year
Cosmere Characters’ Favorite Tumblr Post
While writing my “if Cosmere characters were on tumblr” post, I started thinking not just about how they’d blog, but also what type of content they’d like to see. So I figured--let’s do a sort-of sequel! So if Cosmere characters were somehow on tumblr despite existing in their own worlds, here is what I think their favorite post would be. 
1. Siri: Do You Love The Color of the Sky (x)
She only wishes it could be longer.
Vivenna (in the notes): SIRI PLEASE
Vasher (in the notes): With respect, if you post this one more time, I will kill you.
Susebron (in the notes): So beautiful! Just like you! #reblogged
2. Pattern: Infinite Chocolate Glitch (x)
The one that purports to show how you can cut a chocolate bar to generate infinite chocolate forever.
Pattern: Mmmm...such a delicious, chocolately lie.
3. VenDell: Bone-Stealing Witch Drama (x)
Not that he likes it, but he does find it interesting.
VenDell: I am no stranger to wanting very specific bones for my...collection.
VenDell: But you offer to buy them! Not steal them!
VenDell: Some people give bone collecting a bad name.
4. Rlain: Tumblr Code (x)
As requested, he always reblogs tumblr code.
Rlain: As a trained spy, it is always important for me to know the code.
Renarin: R-Rlain, I don’t think...
Renarin: ...
Renarin: Wait, was that a joke?
Rlain: You’re getting better at hearing the rhythms!
5. Syl: Imagine How Is Touch The Sky (x)
She posts it with full sincerity...maybe.
Kaladin (in the notes): Am I losing my mind? What does this mean?
Shallan (in the notes): Yes <3
Syl (in the notes): Real spren understand.
Kaladin (in the notes): Do they??????
6. Marasi: Fucking Chocolate Guy (x)
Do you all remember how excited Marasi was by hot chocolate?
Marasi (in the tags): #HOLY SHIT IT CAN BE SOLID
7. Yumi: #not to be a lesbian (x)
If there’s a post with those tags, Yumi is likely to be a big fan. 
Yumi: Tumblr is full of goddesses!
Nikaro: You know that’s right.
8. Kaladin: Horse plinko (x)
And all of its many, many variations.
Kaladin: It just...soothes me.
9. Shallan: Flat Fuck Friday (x)
I just think she’d be sincerely delighted by all of the flat fucks.
Shallan: Adolin, look! Isn’t he beautiful?
Adolin: ...yes?
Shallan: Correct answer!
10. Dalinar: Gandalf Big Naturals (x)
For some reason...
Dalinar: I cannot explain it, but I feel a kinship with this man.
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winter-leftovers · 11 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter thirteen: Something Rotten This Way Comes (13/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: The aftermath of the battle with Angor Rot makes Jim take a decision. Douxie helps Y/n.
Word count: 2666
Warnings: this is one of my favourite chapters. That’s the warning.
(Episodes 26)
Song?: Afterglow by Taylor Swift
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Y/n sat on the floor and observed Vendel work on her mother's injuries. She sighed. If only she could be the master wizard that Al insisted she was, her mother wouldn’t be in this situation.
“We’ll have to move her to the heart stone” Vendel turned to Y/n before starting to fix Strickler's wounds.
She nodded “She can’t heal like this can she?”
“No. She can’t” Vendel answered.
“Is there something we can do about the spell?” She asked.
“I’m afraid not. It’s Gumm-Gumm magic and thus, I don’t know the proper incantation” Vendel explained.
Y/n sighed again and walked to Strickler. He was lucky she didn’t remember her magic training
“I know you know how to break this spell. For your own good, I suggest you help out because I will find a way to break the spell and then your spine” she whispered to the changeling.
He didn’t answer. He only nodded.
Y/n looked back at Vendel, the troll was looking at her with his eyebrows raised “Our sessions are working”
Y/n ignored him and followed her mother to the heart stone.
“So, when you and your friends said you were going camping…” Barbara asked.
“We were getting a Triumbric stone from a place called Gatto’s Keep” Jim fixed his mother’s blanket.
“Right. And when Steve crashed his vespa?”
“Vulture troll…?” Y/n answered. She was sitting at the feet of the bed made of stone.
“And your guidance counselor?”
Y/n and Jim looked at each other.
“Blinky” Jim sighed “He does give me a lot of guidance”
Y/n smiled.
“I just can’t. It’s just…too much” Barbara’s voice was shaking “You really shouldn’t be putting yourself in danger like this. I'm your mother. I protect you, that’s the deal”
“I’m fine, mom. You don’t need to protect me. I think this is what I was meant to do” Jim took out the amulet and put on his armor.
“Woah” Barbara was blinded by the lights coming out of Jim.
“I should’ve told you sooner. Maybe none of this would have happened”
“You’re supposed to be able to tell me anything” Barbara sniffled and put his hand on top of the amulet in Jim’s chest. The armor disappeared.
“I never should have lied to you” Jim said.
Y/n looked down. She was making the same mistake her brother did. She should be able to tell their mother about what had been going on with her but something inside wouldn’t let her.
“Jim? A word?” Vendel interrupted.
Jim kissed her mother’s forehead and left the room to talk to Vendel.
Barbara looked at her daughter. Y/n smiled at her mother and laid down next to her.
“I’m sorry” Y/n whispered into her mother’s arm.
“You’re still kids” Barbara brushed Y/n’s hair with her hand “It’s too much responsibility”
Tears fell from Y/n’s eyes. She had never felt like a kid. She had always felt like something older than an adult, especially since Jim found the amulet and listening to her mother say that she was a kid made that uneasiness more heavy. She wondered if she ever felt like a kid back in her old life
Barbara grabbed Y/n’s hand and whimpered.
“Mom?” With her free hand she whipped the tears away
“It’s…okay” Barbara whispered.
“It’s not” Y/n grabbed her mother’s hand with both her hands and closed her eyes. She took her mother’s hand to her forehead and took a deep breath. A red lighting exploded in her head, the memory of an old spell came back to her.
“How are you doing it?” Barbara asked, her voice stronger than before.
“Doesn’t matter” Y/n opened her eyes and smiled.
Jim and Vendel came back and they brought Strickler and Blinky with them.
Strickler ran to hold Barbara's other hand.
“Thank you for doing this for me” Jim said from behind Y/n.
“I’m doing it for her” Strickler answered.
‘Too late to play Romeo’ Y/n thought.
A small portal opened and through it, the shadow staff came flying stabbing a piece of paper to the wall.
“The incantation” screamed Blinky grabbing the shadow staff
“But where are Toby and Claire?” Screamed Jim.
“We must prepare the conjuration at once!” Vendel grabbed the paper and read the incantation “Oh, it seems there is another problem”
“What?” Y/n let go of her mother’s hand and walked to Vendel
“What do you mean there’s another problem?” Jim complained.
Y/n took the paper from Vendel’s hands and read it.
“Oh” she said
“What is it?” Jim asked.
“When they severed the bond between mom and Strickler she’ll lose some of her memory” Y/n explained.
“What are you saying? I’m going to forget TrollMarket? That Jim is the trollhunter?” Barbara asked.
“I’ll leave you with a moment of privacy” Vendel took back the incantation and Strickler before leaving “then we should enact the conjuration”
“Guess we’re gonna have to have this conversation again” Jim said from the left side of the bed.
Barbara took their children’s hand “Jim, Y/n, listen to me. Promise me we will. Okay? It took all of this for you to tell me about” she winces “your other life”
“I just didn’t want to worry you and I know I have” Jim said
“Yes, yes, you have. I am worried. I’m scared. But listen to me. It is my job to worry. And it’s not your job to protect me. I want you to know something. Even before you found this amulet..way before all of this you were always my hero. My beautiful children” the three of them hugged.
The door opened. Vendel and Strickler were back.
“The time has come, '' Vendel had a yellow crystal in his hands “place your hands upon the gemstone”
Barbara lifted her hand.
Before Strickler could do the same he tried to apologize “Barbara, I..”
“Don’t talk to me. You’re the one thing I’m looking forward to forgetting” she looked away
Vendel recited the incantation.
“Jim, promise me. After this is over don’t keep your trollhunting a secret from me anymore. Promise me” Barbara asked one last time.
Yellow lighting traveled through Barbara’s arm back to the stone and from the stone to Strickler’s arm.
Y/n felt the magic travel through trollmarket. The spell was a powerful one and the magic it took to undo it was even more powerful.
“Forgive me, Barbara” he grunted.
“Jim promise me” Barbara pleaded.
Jim nodded.
Jim and Y/n sat in the emergency room next to her mother’s bed.
“She’ll be safe here” Y/n whispered.
Jim nodded
“I’m going to the bathroom” Jim stood up from the chair he was sharing with her sister and tucked her mother up. He was going to leave the room but
“Jim? Is that you?” Barbara woke up “Honey what happened?”
Y/n stood up and walked to her mother’s bed.
“Hi, mom” she moved her hair from her face. She turned to her brother and saw him looking down at his amulet.
“Something happened last night. Something you can’t tell anyone” Jim walked back to the bed.
“What is it? Why do you look so worried?” She turned to see him more closely.
“Well… uh…there was…an accident” Jim put back the amulet in his back pocket “you fainted, you bumped your head. I drove you here”
Y/n sighed “Mom…” Jim looked at her sister. His eyes pleading her to lie for him “I’m sorry. I should’ve been there”
“My hero” Barbara smiled and put his hand on Jim’s cheek “I know there are things going on with you, Jim. Things you don’t want to tell me.”
“There are? I mean you do?” Jim pulled back
“Well, sure, you’re sixteen. You have your own life. I just want you to know…there’s nothing you can’t share with me. Whatever it is, I can take it”
Jim looked at her sister. Y/n didn’t say anything. It was Jim's secret. She couldn’t choose for him. Jim looked back at her mother and smiled.
“I know you can”
Y/n sat in the cold hospital room looking at her mother sleep. Their mother was no longer in immediate danger. And maybe Jim was right, if Barbara knew about the secret they’ve been keeping it will only put her in more danger.
Y/n’s eyes started to close when her phone woke her up. It was Toby. Y/n stepped out of the room to take the call. She was closing the door when Toby’s words reached her ears “Jim went to the Darklands” She made the boy repeat those exact words a couple times still unable to understand when she hung up.
Y/n started to walk, without a destination in mind, she just wanted to get out. Out of this feeling. Out of this anxiety she’s been feeling. The air was getting stuck in her lungs and suddenly, she couldn’t breathe.
Y/n grabbed the pole of one of the lights and with the other hand grabbed her chest, her nails trying to pry it open and let the air in. She slowly sat down, tears pouring out of her eyes. She wasn’t sure when she started crying but her shirt was already soaked.
She sat there, her eyes set on Benoit's neon sign, too nervous to look anywhere else. She closed her eyes and tried to repel the thoughts of Jim in the Darklands, Jim fighting Gunmar, Jim being torn apart by Gunmar.
She opened her eyes and saw Douxie, he was crouching next to her. She didn’t hear him get close. The sadness in his eyes made her start to cry again
“Darling, what’s going on?” Douxie sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulders.
She just nodded, the words didn’t want to come out.
“It’s okay. Take your time” he rubbed her back.
“My mother is in the hospital” she was able to say after a while.
“Is everything okay? I mean…”
“Yes…she’s alright” she interrupted “She’ll be able to come home tomorrow” Tears started to fall again at the thought of Jim not being there tomorrow.
“It’s okay” Douxie hugged her “You can stay with me until you have to pick your mother up” he offered without letting her go.
“Oh, no” she pulled apart and cleaned the tears with her sleeve “I don’t want to bother. Really. I’ll be fine”
“You’re more than welcome” he kissed her forehead “c'mon. Follow me” he stood up and stretched his arm.
She followed him. She followed him anywhere.
“C’mon in” Douxie closed the door behind Y/n “It’s a little bit messy, sorry”
Y/n frowned. The room wasn’t messy and she lived with a sixteen year old boy if someone knew messy it was her.
“Let’s sit” Douxie took her by the shoulders and guided her to the couch “Do you want some tea?”
“Sure” Y/n sat down and listened to Douxie put the kettle on the stove.
Y/n looked around, the living room wasn’t big but it was big enough.
“Do you feel better?” He sat next to her.
She nodded. She didn’t want to talk. She was afraid to make him uncomfortable. And, if she was honest, she wouldn't be able to return home tonight.
She turned to him.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” He grabbed her hand from her lap.
“Yeah. I’m cried out” she smiled.
It wasn’t a lie. The sadness was there but she didn’t have any more tears.
“It must be hard. You and…fuzz buckets…Jim” Douxie stood up “Where is he? We should g…”
“No!” Y/n said firmy.
Douxie looked back alarmed.
“Sorry. No” she said softly “He at Toby’s. At his best friend's house. I thought it would be better for him” she smiled.
Maybe if she repeated it enough, maybe if she thought it enough it would be true. Jim would appear at Toby’s house and his escape to the Darklands would be just a bad dream.
“That’s nice. Maybe that would take his mind off it” he sat back down.
Y/n nodded.
“Is there something I can do to keep your mind out of this bad place?” He took her hand back.
Y/n looked back at him, he looked sincere. He always looked sincere when he was talking to her. Maybe she was overreacting. Maybe the conversation he had the other day wasn’t about her. If he didn’t want her he wouldn’t had invited her to his house.
“Hey? Where you go?” He smiled.
“Can…can I ask you something?” She looked down
Douxie nodded.
“Do you think I’m annoying?” She didn’t want to look at his face, scared of what he might say.
He squeezed her hand “Where did you get that?” He sounded offended.
“Well…this is stupid…the other day I heard you talking with your friend and she said something about a boundary and I thought…”
“Darling, no. I would never. I was talking about my boss. Is that why you were mad the other day at the store? I would never…” he lifted her chin so she could look him into his eyes “I would never get tired of you…never”
Relief washed all over her. The sincerity that was always in Douxie's eyes was still there.
“You must think I'm a weirdo now” she looked down.
Douxie got a little closer making her look back at him “Never” and quickly close the distance between them. His right hand that was on top of Y/n’s hands got to her cheek, with his thumb wiping away the tears falling from her eyes.
Y/n grabbed Douxie’s shirt in an attempt to get him closer. She imagined kissing Douxie a thousand times but nothing could prepare her for what it actually was. She didn’t have words to explain what he was making her feel.
The kettle whistled making them separate.
“I should get that before…you know…” Douxie pointed to the kettle, his eyes still focused on Y/n.
She nodded.
Douxie disappeared into the kitchen and Y/n let herself fall into the couch, a big smile on her face.
“How about a tour?” Douxie put down his cup.
“Sure” Y/n chuckled.
“Over here is the couch where Arch and I watch TV and eat. Well, I eat, he hasn't been allowed to eat here since the ‘incident’ ” He whispered the last part. Y/n smiled. She remembered the picture Douxie had sent her after Archie ate a can of tuna on the couch smearing it all over the brown leather.
“That’s Archie’s corner” on the left side of the room, next to a window, there was a big cat tree that seemed new except for one of the small poles. “And that’s the guitar and books corner” on the other side, he had two electric guitars and an acoustic one.
“You really didn’t need all those strings” Y/n she laughed.
“Huuh” Douxie blushed.
Y/n smiled and walked to the small library next to the guitars. On top of the library he had three pictures: one of an annoyed Archie in a suit, one of him and Archie in a city that Y/n didn’t recognise and the last one, the one that caught Y/n eyes, it a was an old picture of a couple in Machu Picchu, the quality was so low that you couldn’t see the couple’s faces, the man looked like Douxie.
“Are these your parents?” Y/n lifted the frame from its place. She caressed the frame. “They looked happy”
“They were” he smiled. Douxie walked up to Y/n and kissed her head “They were”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t…” Y/n looked up to Douxie. He was looking at her and smiling.
“You have beautiful eyes” he whispered.
“You too” she put the frame back without taking her eyes off him.
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A/n: Hello hello. I’m back and I’m sad. My dog died. All words escape me this days so that’s why I didn’t update I’m sorry.
I really like how this chapter turned out. I like writing more out my head than rewriting something I’m seeing if that makes sense hshshs.
Anyway, hope you like it and hug your pets for me tonight 💖
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avirxy · 8 months
Hi! What do you think of an au where Claire never came back home after the events of First Frost, so everyone thinks she was kidnapped or ran away, maybe Blinky and AAARRRGGHH found her, so she ends up doing her Trollhunter duties alone, basically living in Trollmarket, but the other kids still get involved in some way?
Oh Anon we are so on the same wavelength, because First Frost was originally supposed to be a lot shorter, with this premise, when I started out.
So I’d say she officially ‘disappears’ in eighth grade, giving the kids time to bond and form a kind of coherent group, so when she does actually disappear it leaves a bigger impact than just right off the bat after Jim and Toby met her.
By the beginning of Sophomore year she’s still missing, and it’s assumed she’s either a runway or kidnapped but there’s not much evidence to back that, her parents are left in a state of disarray, Enrique is still born but he’s yet to meet his older sister.
Around Halloween Mary throws out the idea of heading to a party, it doesn’t end the way they hope.
They’re targeted by Bular, who believes the amulet has chosen a human due to the human stature this new Trollhunter has, he’s wrong of course but by the time the kids are cornered the real Trollhunter shows up, it’s impossible to tell who it actually is due to their helmet, which covers their face, but the five escape Bular’s ire.
Then Blinky and Aaarrrgghh show up after the attack, the Trollhunter tries to brush off the idea but the kids are taken down to Trollmarket for their protection until sunrise and basically given a rundown of why they were targeted.
Claire hasn’t actually told Blinky and Aaarrrgghh the full truth about her situation, as in she didn’t explicitly admit she ran away from home. Still she’s been living with them in Trollmarket.
The more Jim and co learn about what’s been going on under the surface of their town the more they begin to think that maybe Claire was attacked by Bular, or taken by the Janus Order. Blinky tries to dissuade them of the fact, because one, he knows where their friend is, and two, he doesn’t want them recklessly endangering themselves and gaining Bular’s ire again.
Claire won’t actually interact with her friends, due to the immense guilt she feels, and she’d left to keep the people she cared about out of Trollhunting specifically, now she’s still managed to involve them.
They’re rarely allowed into Trollmarket though, as Vendel disapproves immensely of their presence, it takes time but he eventually warms up and allows sparing visits so they can get more information from Blinky and Aaarrrgghh. Claire purposefully avoids the library at those times.
Barbara is the first parent to find out, after the four are given a Gaggletack for the surface, tipped with the threat of Changelings.
Strickler has an awkward dinner interruption after Jim manages to hit his shoulder to say the least and ends up fleeing, unable to face Jim and Barbara, the bridge is still being constructed in the museum.
Soon after Mary’s moms, Darci’s dad and Nana are brought into the situation, they hesitate the tell Nuñezs their daughter may have been an unfortunate victim to the creatures underneath their town. They’ve already been grieving their daughter for almost three years..is false hope really necessary?
By the Battle of the bridge the kids aren’t present for the fight, only Draal, Blinky, Aaarrrgghh and Claire are there, she frimly denies involving her friends in the fight.
Bular is killed by her alone, his mangled stone corpse left in the canal as a warning for any of the Janus Order.
Bular is dead, the threat is gone, she should go home-she can return to the surface.
But she doesn’t. She can’t.
The kids learn about the caves where Bular had kept the people he’d bitten and cursed. Barbara and Jim look into ways of contacting Strickler ,who disappeared after the Battle, surely he’d know if Bular had specifically targeted people.
Around this time Darci comes into an unfortunate accident with a gang of goblins, the Trollhunter intervenes thankfully but doesn’t get away unscathed.
Darci tries to help them but they pull away, grumbling they don’t need help.
It becomes an unfortunate occurrence, seeing the Trollhunter take hit after hit in battle, the kids try to assist but they’re quickly rebuffed. Each and every time, they’re also brushed with a weird sense of Deja vu.
The way the Trollhunter moves, talks, it’s so achingly familiar.
It goes on like that for weeks.
Until they find them curled in an alleyway at night. Their armor is off, and their side bleeds a sickly dark purple.
Darci is taken aback by how young they look. Trolls age differently of course but the ‘mighty’ Trollhunter can’t be anything more than a teenager in troll standards.
Their offer to help is finally accepted just this once, if only to keep her from bleeding out. But the pattern repeats itself and they find the Trollhunter willingly coming to them for help when they can’t take care of their injuries alone.
Claire knows she shouldn’t keep doing this, being in the armor is what keeps her a troll during the warm months, if she’s out of it too long she could start to change back, but she desperately wants to see her friends, see how much they’ve changed, and their kindness is something she’s absolutely taking for granted.
Angor Rot’s appearance makes things turn for the worse, he’s relentless, desperate for his promised soul in return for taking out the Trollhunter, Nomura isn’t senseless, she’ll do just that once he’s brought her proof. What better proof than the Trollhunters stone corpse?
The begrudging relationship the kids have built with the Trollhunter, who still hesitates to let them enter the fray, comes to a head when Angor’s latest attempt nearly succeeds.
Dawn is minutes away and Angor sends Claire rolling toward the edge of the incline, cutting her off, unable to reach any sort shadow or protection from the rising sun.
Angor knows, he has too, that’s why he’s watching smugly from the shade as her friends scream at her to move.
They can’t reach her fast enough, and in a desperate move the Trollhunter tears off their amulet, instead of a troll as the armor dissipates it’s a human, a girl, with long overgrown brown hair, edges faintly tinged blue, most of the dye faded out.
Then she looks up..
Jim isn’t sure he’s breathing, heart thudding in his chest, Mary and Darci have frozen beside him.
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beestalesofarcadia · 2 years
Hello beestrollhunterplace! Might I request either Blinky or Dictatious with a human librarian s/o? Maybe she had first joined the group when the kids asked for a ton of troll books, she notices all of their scars and bruises, she investigates and discovers their secret. She's not at ALL happy that a minor was picked to be the Trollhunter but she tutors the kids to help them in school.
This is literally so late I apologize 😭 
Blinky with a human librarian s/o
Jim is super obvious when he’s trying to hide a secret, especially the first few weeks he becomes the Trollhunter. Toby doesn’t help either. Their time at the library would become more frequent than usual, with him visiting every so often to pick up books from the fantasy section. “Didn’t take you as an avid reader, Mr. Lake.” You remark one day, to which Jim sheepishly replies with, “Well Mrs. (l/n), I’m just… trying to find myself through uh… reading!” You glance at Toby, who normally picked out comic books or mangas, with a 1000-page textbook about ancient folklore. With the bruises littered throughout their body and the sudden change in personality, you made it your duty as a librarian to make sure these kids were alright.
One night, you decided to stay at the library and catch up on work. A loud thud had distracted you from your paperwork, and curiously, you couldn’t help but walk over to investigate. “Keep it down, guys-!” A voice hissed, sounding strangely like Jim. “Psh, relax man, it’s not like anyone else is in here.” You could recognize that voice anywhere: Tobias! Considering that they broke into the museum a few nights before, it wasn’t really far-fetched that they’d do the same here. Geek duo, you thought to yourself as you shook your head. With a sigh and roll of eyes, you popped out from behind the bookshelf, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Listen, kids, couldn’t you break in somewhere else…” Your voice trailed off as you saw a large, brute of a stone, and a pair of six-eyes staring right at you.
You thought it was bullies at first. You thought it was adults at first. Hell, you even thought that it was some mafia that was threatening these kids. Not once did you consider the possibility of it being trolls or any other magical creature that existed. Of course, you freak out, with your first initial reaction to grab a book and throw it at the larger troll. With ease, he opened his mouth and swallowed it. He smiled and rubbed his stomach, humming “tasty.” You pulled Toby and Jim back, shielding them. “BACK AWAY- YOU BEASTS-!” “Pardon me madam, but we are trolls!” Despite his best efforts to dwindle the situation, it was futile. It took Jim and Toby having to stand in front of you to calm you down. They assure you that they would explain the situation, but you just needed to take a seat. Shakily, you agree to do so.
After a recap of the events of those past few weeks, your fear had shifted into anger. Mainly directed at Blinky- as you were under the impression that he chose Jim to become Trollhunter. “He’s a kid! He has school, he has finals, he has girls to worry about-!” “I understand your frustrations about Master Jim’s current predicament but realize that is the amulet’s will. It is his destiny. That, we cannot change.” Unless he died, you soon realized.
The weeks that followed soon became routine for you. You’d assist the kids, going as far as to help them even during school hours. Anything that they needed you’d get for them. Access to the classrooms after hours? You got it. Security camera footage of Strickler? That’s pushing it, but yeah. Your car keys? … There’s a line that needs to be drawn somewhere.
Outside of that, you become a frequent visitor to Trollmarket. Despite the other trolls’ blatant dislike of another human gracing their grounds, Blinky and Arrrgh are quick to be at your side. Vendel tolerates you since you seem sensible enough. But the minute you cause any ruckus around Trollmarket, you are out. Blinky assures him that it would never get to that point, to which you quickly agree. “I won’t tell a soul or cause any trouble,” You bow out of respect before continuing. “Cross my heart and hope to die.” “… A strange proclamation, but admirable effort nevertheless.” Now you gotta explain what idioms are.
Your intelligence is what initially draws Blinky. Whether it be from your wide range of vocabulary (as he’s seen whenever you’ve explained words that he couldn’t understand), or even the suggestions you’ve thrown into plans. Then it becomes your courage and selfishness, which you had demonstrated many times. From defending the kids to even fighting alongside them at the Killahead bridge. The determination and fierceness he saw in your eyes as you freed him from his bindings. No longer were you the little, fearful librarian he had met. You were now, as Tobias would put it, the “kick-a$$” librarian.
Post Killahead bridge is where you both get closer. Alone time becomes more frequent, as Arrrgh still remains Toby’s roommate/Wingman. You keep Blinky company, and his mood lively with the quick quips you often exchange with him. You tell him of the books you’ve read recently, even giving him a few copies to read himself. Although he’s more interested in historical fiction (“As a witness, I can tell you this is quite inaccurate-”), he doesn’t mind indulging in a few other genres here and there. Romance is a big guilty pleasure, followed by the occasional fantasy books (he thinks their interpretations are interesting). You two often find yourselves sitting together, reading and talking amongst yourselves. You would lay against him, your soft skin contrasting his own stone texture. It would always catch him off-guard, but that soft smile that grew along his face would always follow. Idle moments like those were what caused Blinky to realize his feelings for you.
Courting was difficult- mainly because Blinky can get in over his head. While he was going to go for the Troll customs, he then decided to go for the humans. But upon researching it, he found it so strange. Poisoning yourself, then actually turning out alive, then going back to your lover only to realize they offed themselves? Such oddity. Wait, that was Romeo and Juliet…
Blinky settles to do a combination of both. He manages to forge a small dagger for you (with Draal’s assistance) before shaping a crystal into a flower. Both are gifts that he hopes you would love, as small as they were. His confession was within his own library. He could never forget the soft expression as he handed you the gifts, the smile as he spoke, and the warm embrace that followed after his declamation of love.
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toodrasticallydumb · 11 months
*ahEM* So. What occurred is—as you can maybe see—i was studying Studio Ghibli’s art style to draw lil baby adorable kiddos and may or may not have gotten carried away a bit.
I can explain.
I just love baby Walt and wanted to draw him more and then i was watching Ponyo and Ponyo has red/orange hair like Barbara’s and then one thing led to another and yeah it’s a whole au thing now.
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Basically, Ponyo = Baby Barb, Sosuke = Weeny Walt, Fujimoto (Ponyo’s dad) = grown up Jim, Granmamare (Ponyo’s mom) = grown up Claire
Ponyo’s story (i’m gonna refer to as Barb in min) goes pretty much the same as in the movie: she’s a curious lil magical fish who wanders away from her overprotective father one day, excited to catch a glimpse at the infamous humans her father has warned her so much about on their motor boats, unfortunately she gets stuck in a tiny jar and gets swept up onto shore, being found and rescued by…a green human?
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Baby Walt is a small youngling, abandoned when he was so small he had barely opened his eyes, or so his father, Vendel, tells the story. Without a proper mother and just a tiny whelp, Trollmarket’s leader (with his badly hidden soft heart) can’t help but end up adopting the small whelp. So baby Walt (as he is nicknamed because Waltolomew was FAR too long, Vendel.) is raised alongside his two much older big brothers, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh who watch over him when Vendel’s busy.
They take him on short, highly-supervised outings around Trollmarket and the beach shore during the night; the one rule? No head-butting anyone’s gronk-nuks. Okay, but also NO GOING IN THE SUN.
Vendel is incredibly acute about the rule and it was a long time of whinnying and complaining and pushing and puppy-dog eyes until he FINALLY let Walt go outside to the beach shore with Blinky and Aaarrrgghh. But Walt always knew his dad was so strict about the rule because if he ever touched the sun he’d burn himself and turn to stone.
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One night, Walt is feeling a little down and Aaarrrgghh suggests bringing a teeny bucket to collect seashells in, except they get kinda get caught up in all the serious work and sunrise comes before they know it. The sun is peeking out past the horizon when Walt gets distracted by a strange glittering in the shallow water. Aaarrrgghh is busy convincing Blinky to let them bring all the shells for Vendel so Walt goes after the shiny item himself. He pads over and finds a jar…with a goldfish inside?
Trying to pull the little fishy out of the jar as gently as he can, he tugs and bites at the glass with his short tusks, before feeling a strange stinging across his body and giving a big shiver—
“HEY! KIDDO GET OUT OF THE WATER!” someone shouts from above and his head whirls around to see a human waving his arms at him and heading down the rocks to get to him.
“Blinky!” he yelps, frozen on the spot, but the troll hushes him with a finger and after an anxious beat of his heart he sees them scramble to run away from the human as it reaches the bank and goes after him. “BLINKY?!” Walt cries out, tears coming to his eyes but he’s quickly scooped up into the arms of the chubby human.
“Be careful, kid, the tides comin’ up, let’s get you out of here.”
“But my papa-” he croaks.
“We’ll find him, don’t worry little dude.”
The rest of the story unfolds similarly to the movie, except Walt is nonverbal for a long part of the time Barb is a fish in the bowl of water. Later though, Barb licks a wound from Walt’s human skin and becomes a human girl (mostly), the two wander around getting into small hijinks at the senior center and around town while being (horribly) babysat by Toby and Wine Aunt Nomura, all the while Barb and Walt get closer and fall in love ❤️
But then Baby Barb is snatched away by Jim and Weeny Walt is left trying to find his big brothers and get back to Trollmarket but keeps questioning if they’ll take him back now.
Soon enough Baby Barb girlbosses her way out of Jim’s hold and makes it back to her green friend, in the process LITERALLY BRINGING THE MOON CLOSER TO THE EARTH AND RAISING THE TIDE UP MOUNTAINS. But it’s all chill, they figure it out in the end lol
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As if this post isn’t long enough: some hcs!!!
Barb thinks all humans turn green at night and is very Confused™️ when Toby and Nomura Don’t???
She also thinks all human children are as quiet as Weeny Walt and when they get stuck in school she is very shocked when kids start talking to Weeny Walt like nothing
Walt is VERY attached to Aaarrrgghh and very obvious about it, his favorite brother fr while his relationship w Blinky is more of a play fight of who can be the smartest little buttsnack to each other and impress papa
If it’s kinda confusing: basically changelings in this au change between troll and human when sunlight hits them or darkness/shadow does and since baby Walt didn’t go out in the sun he didn’t know (Vendel knew but was convinced it wouldn’t matter if his little baby knew either way)
Walt wears a moss gauntlet-type thing around his forearm as a sign that he was adopted and spoken for by someone other than his mother
Barb is kinda scared of the dark so Walt shows her cool stuff like fireflies and Walt is scared of the water (because rocks SINK) and Barb shows him cool stuff like big fish and swimming
Barb is the ONLY person Walt talks to during a majority of their time with Nomura and Toby, he is very nonverbal and Barb is VERY verbal so she has enough words to speak for them both
She drags him everywhere and he just lets it happen because of course he does
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(when i post, I POST OKAY)
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ksiondzkanexkiii · 4 months
Part of the story is on the wattpad (I originally put it there but I open to new pages), I put a link to every page where you can find the story. Choose where you like to read best No which history is not inserted yet on other pages such as Noebook or Tumblr
You can place orders for One-shot, I'll take anything. I'll write when I have time. Orders can be written on my profile or in pv messages (on any platform) If I didn't notice your message please don't be mad at me! I may have missed your message, or it was spammed.
List of characters on one-shot at the bottom
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Heimdall x OC
,,Until Odin Separates us"
One-shot coming soon
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Captain John Price x oc
,,Maybe you're not a bad person"
John ,,Soap" MacTavish x oc
,,A piece of child"
One-shot coming soon
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,,I will never leave you again"
One-shot coming soon
Plan for the next fanfics
☁️The Witcher universe (Game)
Vernone Roche, Iorweth, Eskel, Ge'els, Avallach, Eredin, Vesemir
☁️ Call of Duty universe
Alex Keller, Rudolfo Parra
☁️ Tales of Arcadia
Vendel, Angor Rot,
In the order put for whom is the one-shot (which character from the game/series/movie) briefly described what is to be included in the one-shot
You can ask for anything. I'll do my best to fulfill your requests.
Heimdall - God of war Ragnarok Captain John Price - Call of duty Johnny "Soap" MacTavish - Call of duty
Avallach - The Witcher
Eskel - The Witcher
Vernon Roche - The Witcher
Eredin - Witcher
Ge'els - Witcher
Angor Rot - Troll Hunters Tales Of Arcadia
Gunmar - Troll Hunters Tales Of Arcadia
Bular butcher - Tales of Arcadia
Iorweth - Witcher
Alex Keller - Call of duty
Rudolfo Parra - Call of duty
Vendel - Troll Hunters Tales Of Arcadia
Vesemir - Witcher
Negan Smith - The walking dead
Captain Robert ,,Bobby" Nash - 911
Captain Owen Strand - 911 TEKSAS
Philip Graves - Call of duty
Doctor Greg House - Dr. House
Tim Bradford - The Rookie
John Nolan - The Rookie
David ,,Deacon" Kay - S.W.A.T
I will not write one-shot/stories about actors, I do not feel comfortable with it, I prefer to describe fictional characters who play/voice. Give me time to write one-shot/stories, I'm human and I get busy because I have school and other private things…
Age differences (Too much age difference above <7 is no longer an option) Stories with Actors (Fictional Characters Only)
About me:
I come from Poland so English is not my first language, sorry for typos or incorrect grammatically sentences. I'm trying my best but I'm a man I've made mistakes
A head of great imagination and infinite. Keeping you in suspense and leading the reader into the good clouds of carefree life I have been writing since I was 10 years old, only now I gather my courage and insert my works Who knows? Maybe someday I will release my book on paper.
If you have questions find me here
Found me on instagram _kane_kii_ Tumblr: @ksiondzkanexkiii Neobook: https://neobook.org/ksiondzkanexkii/
or ask a question here (as you prefer)
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sonicasura · 1 year
I got another insane idea.
Trollhunters but it's a race to fix the Amulet of Daylight.
When Jim picks up the amulet, something... unnatural occurs. Magic surges uncontrollably through it before the item explodes. Shards of the amulet fly across Arcadia while one piece plunges into Jim's heart.
He falls unconscious and is taken to the hospital as the 'Daylight Fragment' in his chest begins to integrate itself. Meanwhile panic has spread across Trollmarket upon hearing about the Amulet's destruction. Without the Trollhunter, who will protect them from Gunmar's tyranny?
Vendel decides to form a group who shall collect the Daylight Fragments and rebuild the Amulet of Daylight! They already know where the first piece is... Although Jim ain't doing too hot even before the hunt begins.
The Daylight Fragment began altering his body from the inside as the boy wasn't meant to channel magic. Jim had multiple seizures and was put into ICU ward while the shard tries to keep the young man alive. It is only when night fell did shit really hit the fan.
The hospital's power goes out as the Daylight Fragment let looses a large magical surge. Barbara and Toby rush over to Jim's room only to find it a wreck with the boy shuddering in the corner. He could barely mutter out 'Run' before he transforms into a full blown troll.
(This isn't Beast Jim if you are wondering. His form here is gonna be a more natural progression from canon Troll Jim. Larger like 18 ft but with an Olympic runner's build, fur covering his entire back, sides, front legs, front arms then down newly grown long tail, and maybe an extra pair of arms.)
What better way to traumatize your loved ones than by chasing them down as an stony beast suffering from magic overload? He catches Barbara but their strong bond allows Jim come to his senses before he could hurt her. A sweet moment that is ruined by Draal whose quick to misinterpret the situation upon arrival.
Both begin to fight with Jim at a clear disadvantage in this new form until Blinky and AAARRRGGHH intervene. They realize their task has become harder as the Daylight Fragment has fused into the boy's body thus any removal would be lethal. Not to mention two humans now know about their existence with one being the human now troll's mother.
In short, four trolls and two humans have to work together to gather the Daylight Fragments before Gunmar's forces do. Failure means not only will nothing be able to stop the Gumm-Gumm King but Jim will never become human again. Hopefully they can put aside their differences and work together...right?
What To Expect:
Jim isn't having a fun time. He's a tired bean who wants to sleep in his bed without breaking nor trying to eat it. Troll instincts tend to absolutely sucks.
Toby being an amazing best friend and wingman for his buddy. Someone has to be there for him so the big guy doesn't eat homework or chase stray cats. Plus Jim needs hugs and HE WILL GET THEM.
Barbara is ready to beat up everyone who dares to try hurting her son. The trolls are absolutely scared of the doctor. Especially when she gets out the broom or finds a sword.
Draal and Blinky are absolute disasters while AAARRRGGHH is the only one with some common sense. At this point someone needs to make troll proof leashes cause the Krubera needs to keep both from doing something stupid. Barbara will be happy to oblige.
Everyone, including the villains, are so fucking confused. Why is there magic metal shards everywhere? Strickler wondering what happened to Young Atlas and why does Barbara have a barb wire broom? Everyone is in for one hell of a chaotic wild ride.
If anyone wants to try their own hand at such an idea then go ahead! Like to see what you guys can make hence this being a prompt! Until next time folks, I'll see you back in Arcadia! For now enjoy the song that this partly stems from Control by Halsey.
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aevyk-ing · 11 months
Lights and Shadows of Camelot: Chapter 13
It was time to vote, after the Trolls had been pondering what to do for a week. For some reason, Blinky had made Jim train even harder, so he had been sore and exhausted for days. The Trolls lined up in the Hero’s Forge, which was being used by Vendel so all of them could take one colored stone (white for no, yellow for yes) and put it in the barrel. Blinky, Aaaarrrgghh and Jim inserted a white stone, Blinky almost in a ceremoniously way, with his head high, and then they all surrounded Vendel as he counted the stones.
“Well, that settles it.” Vendel said. “It’s a tie. Bular will come back tomorrow, so if anyone wants to change their answer, I’ll be back at my cave.” he concluded, heavily standing up.
The Trolls were confused, but none of them wanted to change their answers. Blinky was a little relieved.
“Huh, there was a big possibility of things turning way worse.” he said.
“Strange.” Aaarrrgghh said.
“But Merlin said I should be the one to talk to King Arthur... peacefully.” intervened Jim, shaking in anxiety as that was also the day he was going to meet with Claire at night. He hadn’t been able to sleep and he was already tired due to the training.
“Maybe I can convince Vendel that Merlin’s word should count as another vote against war. Perhaps… where are you going, Master Jim?”
“Eh... it’s market day. Gonna meet Tobes there.” answered Jim. Suddenly, the craziest idea formed in his head, probably after not sleeping a wink and the feeling that he was getting out of time.
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gal-palanaeum · 8 months
Calamine by kaoinim
Rated Teen, 74,000 words, Marasi/MeLaan A Bands of Mourning AU where Marasi gets agency, a proper character arc, and, most importantly, a hot shapeshifter gf
For two glorious hours, Marasi Colms mattered. 
VenDell wanted her. Sure, he’d gone to Waxillium first, and made no attempt to hide it. Sure, it was only her connection to Waxillium that made her relevant to the kandra’s interests in the first place. Sure, Wayne’s request to return to the mansion was a completely unsubtle ploy at getting Wax involved.
But none of that mattered, because Waxillium wasn’t working with them, and she was-
-and then he walked in, and she just knew that it was all over.
“Sorry about this,” she said, trying and failing to keep the colour from her face. “We were going to go to my flat to talk, but Wayne insisted…”
“Needed some nuts,” the man in question said, tiny fragments of half-chewed walnut flying from his lips as he spoke. “When you invited me to stay here, you did say to make myself at home, mate.” He was slouched in an easy chair with his filthy boots up on the coffee table, MeLaan draped over the other chair in the set next to him.
The kandra woman (if the word ‘woman’ even applied) was wearing a new body, one Marasi hadn’t seen before - tall and lean, straight blonde hair in a simple tail, wearing a loose blouse and trousers that looked almost uncomfortably tight. Her posture was similar to Wayne’s, loose and relaxed with her hands behind her head, but where Wayne’s was practised, deliberate insouciance, hers had more of an air of effortless confidence about it. Marasi wasn’t sure if it was part of the character MeLaan was playing, or a quality MeLaan herself possessed - if there even was any such thing as a ‘real’ MeLaan. 
Waxillium tucked his thumbs into his belt, something Marasi had noticed he did when he wanted to appear authoritative but not intimidating. Part of his ‘rough country lawman’ schtick- affect. His affect. 
“I’m still unclear as to why you needed a place to talk,” he said slowly. All eyes in the room had turned to him, and he seemed to unconsciously settle into the centre of attention. “I said I wasn’t going to help.”
“Quite so,” VenDell said. “As you were unavailable, of necessity I turned to other options.” That’s me, Marasi Second-Choice Colms. Maybe someday they’d start calling her that, the way they called Wax “Dawnshot”. “Lady Colms has been so kind as to listen to my proposition.
“Marasi?” Wax asked. “You went to Marasi?”
VenDell said something in reply, but Marasi didn’t hear it. She clenched her hands into fists at her sides, focusing on the thin crescents of pain to keep her from saying something. A lady is polite and courteous, a lady does not lose her temper. A small part of her brain, the one she ignored most of the time, whispered a warrior is blunt, a warrior is unafraid, but listening to that voice had never led to anything good.
Whatever VenDell had said, it didn’t seem to have convinced Wax.
“You’re trying to get to me through another route, aren’t you?” he accused VenDell.
“Look who’s full of himself,” MeLaan replied from her chair, saving Marasi from opening her mouth without thinking.
Keep reading
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termagax · 5 months
i guess it depends on how secretive you think the whole "draal is dating an (evil) changeling" thing is. i imagine theyd at least know about her after the fact if nothing else and would probably be the most normal about it, like, of the people who'd know (which i'd assume would be only kanjigar and maybe vendel. b+a never seem to acknowledge it). and she'd tease him about his little crush too. ultimately i think draal and nomura are very on and off with only actually seriously being together briefly and he does something stupid for her which gets him in huge trouble and calls the whole thing off and they go back to their weirdly charged battlefield banter.
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lifblogs · 1 year
“When you finish throwing them out, come back, and throw me out, too!” - Vendel
Such decisive leadership. Vendel was able to read the crowd and the tensions, and surely predicted multiple outcomes, and then weighed his own leadership into it and how many would be willing to listen to him. Maybe a couple would have actually wanted to do it, but the majority didn’t, which Vendel was fully aware of.
I love so many individual lines in Trollhunters, but all the backing this one has, and what it says about Vendel is truly awesome.
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