#maybe as a final summer holidays project. sit in the garden in the sun with a drink writing gay superhero fanfic 🎀 ugh delightful
thepunkmuppet · 4 months
I think I’m actually gonna write that long post-tfatws sambucky falling in love fic lads. they’re the only part of the mcu I give a shit about anymore and seems like we’re getting fuck all from the upcoming movies and bucky might DIE so I’ve got to take matters into my own hands
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unholyhelbig · 3 years
[A/N: I finally updated "Dead Ivy" after a good year. Here is Chapter one if you haven't checked it out yet!]
Beca could feel the soil beneath her fingertips. It was soft, freshly overturned, and in a way, comforting. She was careful not to let her knees touch the ground- not privy to the dark stains that would splay against the fabric. The tree stood tall above her, stretching its large oak branches towards the pluming blue sky. A nice summer breeze tussled her hair, and she was sure that if she breathed in, she would smell freshly cut grass and chlorine from the neighbor’s pool.
The treehouse had long since been torn down to make room for her mother’s garden. Something that stood at the end of the fenced in yard. For a while, she grew tomatoes and zucchini. Beca could still remember the first red bulb that poked its head from the dirt. They made a salad from store-bought spinach and divided up the little thing, no bigger than a golf ball. It was still the best tomato that Beca had ever had.
She sighed at the hand that squeezed her shoulder gently. Her father smelled of aftershave and bourbon. His tie wasn’t fastened all the way to his white button down, and he had strung his suit jacket over his arm. He held a sad look that was shielded by the sun as Beca squinted at him. She pulled herself to her feet, feeling the age of her aching bones as she stepped back from the large oak tree and stared up at the branches.
“Do you remember when I fell out of this tree and broke my arm?” She asked.
Her fathers’ eyes crinkled at the memory as he gave her a sad smile. She had needed him to run beside her when he first took the training wheels off her bike. She had needed him when she learned how to drive and took out the Johnson’s mailbox. But when she dropped from a higher spot in the oak tree and felt something audibly snap, it was her mother that came to the rescue.
She had been clipping up sheets to the clothesline, claiming that the summer air was always better for stuff like that. A beautiful woman that would beam endlessly and cradle Beca in her arms with her stormy eyes and eerie calm. Beca needed that right now. Needed it to get through the handshakes and the hugs. The baked goods and casseroles that people deemed necessary when something like this happened.
“I do.” He chuckled wearily, “I got a call at work that something had happened. You scared the hell out of me that day, kid.”
Beca snorted at the nickname. She and her father had gotten along significantly better since she moved out on her own- took up a place and a prominent career across the country in Los Angeles of all places. She had, of course, taken time off work to come back for the funeral. To pull into the sleepy little Georgia town with a giant oak tree that shook in the summer breeze. She squinted at the bark, at the carving so crudely made by a grooved pocket knife.
The second half was etched in different handwriting, something more elegant and thought out. It was funny, really. When they were kids, it was easier to think about the future in terms of relationships. Of course, they would always be with one another- they wouldn’t fathom being apart. But then college. Careers. Plane rides. Marriage, kids, and divorces. All inevitable. All anything but forever.
“She still lives around here, you know? Owns a little café in the far side of town.”
“That so?”
He grunted and sniffed away any feeling that still leaked in his voice. No one would question them for standing out here- but they still felt obligated to go back inside the old farm style house with the wrap around porch and the honeysuckle bushes. Beca didn’t know how he could still live here. “Yeah. You should pay her a visit while you’re here. I bet she’d like that.”
Beca simply nodded and let the tips of her fingers trace of the words that had been weathered over time, but they were still there. They had stood the test of time, unlike her treehouse. Unlike the little plants of tomatoes and zucchini that had rotted away to decaying vines that stretched like deadened ivy up the side of the fence.
“Right. Well, we should probably go back inside. The quicker we talk to everyone, the quicker they can go home and mourn their memories.”
It was a grim thing to say, but it was the truth, so her father let the words die in the air before sliding on the suit jacket to cover up the sweat stains against his dress shirt. She let her hand fall and looped it around his arm like he was escorting her down the carpeted floor of a chapel on her wedding day. Instead of white, she dawned black, though. And so, did he.
She thought that drinking and sadness walked hand and hand. It was why the only two bars in town did so well on any given night, and if things were bad, any given day. The other place, the snake eye, had karaoke on Friday nights and Beca didn’t think she was well equipped to listen to TLC, so she chose The Red Sun instead.
There were repurposed Christmas lights strung against the bottom of the counter, hot to the touch. A low rock ballad cracked over the loudspeaker. She wasn’t sure if the jukebox that changed light settings every few beats actually had a purpose or if it just ate up quarters. Either way, Beca Mitchell was in her own world.
She tilted her head back and let the bourbon burn on the way down. A nice and subtle sting that washed the taste of stale crackers out of her mouth. It was the only thing in her stomach- despite the spread that was now packed with tin foil in the fridge. Her father was drinking too, she was sure, at home in his study. The house was too quiet for her, though.
Beca felt a twinge of guilt in her gut.
She had ignored the last call from her brother. She was in the middle of the meeting, and at the time, the buzzing of her phone sounded louder than anything else in the world. She flushed instantly and clicked the side of the device before staring back down at her notes and sunk further into her seat.
He had died the next day, she had forgotten to call him back. A car accident and a drunk driver. Which, she supposed, defeated the purpose of being here- in this stupid some-hazy bar with nothing but time on her hands. She considered switching her flight to something earlier. But then reconsidered as quickly as the thought entered her mind. Her father needed her, at least for now.
“Beca Mitchell?” The voice startled her, it broke through the garbled focus of the next song. She blinked a few times and turned her head to the side. Stacie Conrad. She looked older, wiser even, but maybe that was the glasses. The smile on her face aged her, but in the best way. Still impossibly attractive, and confident, it seems. “Is that really you?”
“As I live and breathe.”
She winced at her use of words, but Stacie didn’t seem to notice as she quickly wrapped her in an awkward hug, Beca still half-sitting on a bar stool. Still, she craved the embrace and hugged back naturally.
“God, how are you?” She pulled away, “That’s a stupid question… I mean, as well as you can be, I hope.”
Before Beca could answer she lifted her hand in the air and signaled the bartender, the woman busied herself with preparing Stacie’s usual and pouring another sour edge of bourbon into Beca’s glass. She wasn’t sure if she would drink it or not, but she appreciated the sentiment behind it. Stacie settled into the seat next to her.
“I’m doing fine,” She finally managed, earning a detrimental look. “As well as I can be.”
The bartender set two glasses in front of them and Beca wrinkled her nose at it before focusing her attention on Stacie, the way her own drink looked like radioactive fluid. It was always the fruity things that packed the most punch. Not the gritty glass that she would be nursing for the rest of their conversation.
“I’m sorry to hear about him, you know.” Stacie finally said after a beat of silence.
Beca simply nodded. She was numb to the situation at this point. Her whole body felt like a lead pipe. She and Jason didn’t get along too well. He traveled the world and she resented him for that. But they played nice during the holidays and smiled for family pictures. He got divorced young, married even younger. It still ached her whole entire being.
“You and most of the town,” Beca chuckled dryly, begging for a change of subject. “I haven’t seen you in what? Eleven years?”
“Twelve. God, we’re old.”
She was thankful that her high school friend could take a keenly dropped hint. The two of them encircled the same click during those years. It was better than giving in to the southern tenacity of it all. They would smoke behind the bleachers and drink if they were feeling lucky. They usually were.
Beca caught a glimpse at the wedding band that took over Stacie’s finger. It was simple, not overstated with large diamonds. A simple one that was surrounded by two smaller stones. She smiled “You’re married now?”
She took another gulp of her fruity drink and hummed in response, instinctively twirling it around her ring finger. She got a goofy grin on her face and twirled slightly to make eye contact with Beca. Sure, she had seen the social media posts. The cute announcements and the picturesque scenes.
“Happily, at that, we invited you to the wedding, you know?”
“I know, I know. And I’m sorry I couldn’t make it.”
“S’alright,” Stacie said with a beaming smile “Rose loves the panini press.”
Beca scoffed and picked up her glass, chancing a sip of the molten liquid. It hissed as she swallowed, and she blinked away the residual prick of pain that collected behind her eyes. Stacie glanced behind her at the group of girls that she had come in with- doctors like her, she supposed. They all had that tired professional look that the woman beside her carried.
“Listen, uh, how long are you in town? I’d love a chance to catch up in a setting with better lighting.”
“A couple of weeks, at most. We have to settle his estate.” She grimaced at the technical term. “I’ll be around.”
“We’ll catch up, promise?”
She gave Beca a squeeze on her shoulder and a sympathetic smile, but she didn’t say it again and Beca was thankful for that. She watched as Stacie went to the four other colleges that were in her inner circle. They all asked questions and cast wary looks her way- she lifted the glass and gave a smile before turning back to the bartender. She was cleaning out a glass and eyeing her.
“Promise,” Beca mumbled, tipping her head back the rest of the way, finishing the glass of bourbon she hadn’t even ordered.
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aaronsniderus · 6 years
Your Ultimate Staycation Guide
Summer is almost at an end, and with that comes the final three-day weekend of the season, Labor Day weekend. This is our last chance to make the most of those summer activities, get in some fun and relax before it’s all about school and pumpkin spice lattes.
If you’re planning on staying home this three-day weekend, we’ve compiled a list of great activities to help you squeeze in as much fun as is humanly possible. Take a look and get inspired!
The Morning
Sleep In
The first idea is the simplest: catch up on your rest. Give yourself a morning free from activities, rushing and places to be, even if it’s just for an hour. If you’re gearing up for the new school year, a slow morning can serve as a relaxing calm before the storm.
Make Breakfast
It’s amazing how often we skip breakfast. Most of us are just too busy to take the time to cook anything, let alone sit down and eat it. It doesn’t have to be fancy, maybe just toast and eggs, but give yourself a morning where you really sit down and enjoy a nice breakfast.
Work Out
If you’re planning on having any sort of party later in the day, this is the time to get your workout done. Maybe run or walk outside to shake things up a bit. This doesn’t have to be too intense. Remember, you’re on vacation!
Take Up a Good Book
Make the most of a bright summer morning by sitting down with that book you always meant to get around to. This is best enjoyed in your comfiest chair right by a window and with a cup of coffee or tea. You can stay in bed to read, but chairs are a better option if you’re prone to falling asleep while reading! If you’re feeling extra fancy, put on a little background music.
The Afternoon
Themed BBQ
Barbeques and summer weekends go together like avocados and toast. They’re the perfect way to have some friends over, spend time outside with great food and soak up a little sun. This weekend, dial your BBQ up to 11 by setting a theme for the party. Hawaiian, Cajun, or chili cook-off are all great options. The theme might ensure your guests bring food that complements the barbeque and gives you the excuse to try recipes you might not normally explore.  If you’re really looking to add some spice, have a signature cocktail.
Slip and Slide Party
It’s time to make the most of these warm summer days and find fun ways to cool off. One option is the Slip and Slide party. You can rent the big blow-up kind or go old-school with a few tarps. Wired has a great guide on how to build your own. Just make sure you have enough water! If you want to add a little extra fun, set up two slides near each other and host a race.
Pool Party
If you have a pool, then take this chance to get out there and enjoy it with some friends. We’ve put together a list of ways to throw a great pool party.  And remember, a pool party doesn’t always have to be complicated. People, food, drinks and a pool is the perfect recipe for a good time.
Outdoor Picnic
If having a party isn’t your thing, something much more low key can still be a lot of fun. Set up a few blankets and pillows out in your backyard and eat lunch outside. If you want to make things a little more special, have some homemade lemonade or put together a cocktail. You can also bring out that book you started in the morning.
DIY Time
Three-day weekends are practically designed for DIY projects. The extra time can give you the chance to really accomplish something without having to stop and start every few minutes. We’ve compiled a list of one-day home projects you can pick from.  If you like gardening, this could be a great chance to get your garden ready for the next season.
The Evening
Movie Marathon
One of the great things about three-day weekends is the chance to stay up a little later an extra night! Pick a movie series or a genre to add a theme to the evening and make yourself a bowl of popcorn. This is all about a little binge-watching so get some candy, your beverage of choice and settle in.
Outdoor Movie Party
If you want to make movie watching more of an event, set up a projector and make your backyard into a theater. This is best enjoyed with some friends – maybe even a friend who owns a projector if you don’t have one of your own. Set up comfy areas for everyone to sit and hang an old sheet to use as a screen. It’s best to pick a movie you’ve already seen since an outdoor set up can make it a little harder to hear. Be conscientious of your neighbors and volume, too!
Spa Night
Time for some TLC. This is all about taking a little time out for you. This doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. You can light a few candles and soak in the tub, give yourself a manicure or make a DIY face mask and relax on the couch. A spa night can also be a chance to spend a little quiet time with your family or a few close friends. Make or buy a few sweet treats for some extra indulgence.
Online Shopping
One of the great thing about Labor Day weekend is the sales. The holidays may feel like forever away, but this could be the time to buy those gifts while the price is right. You can also find a lot of summer items on sale – grills, summer clothes and gardening supplies will have pretty decent discounts. Techradar put together their own guide to the sales and every retailer listed has an online shop. Pick a place to hunker down and get your savings on.
Backyard Campout
This idea is great for families who want to spend some time away from technology. Leave the phones, tablets and other devices inside for a real tech-free experience. Set up a tent in the backyard and have yourself a good old-fashioned campout. You can even add a blowup mattress if sleeping on the ground isn’t your style. A bonfire and a few s’mores will give everyone something fun to do as they sit out under the stars.
Remember, this is your three-day weekend so make the most of it doing the activities you want to do! If we missed your favorite idea, be sure to share it in the comments.
The post Your Ultimate Staycation Guide appeared first on ZING Blog by Quicken Loans.
from Updates About Loans https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/ultimate-staycation-guide
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aaltjebarisca · 6 years
Your Ultimate Staycation Guide
Summer is almost at an end, and with that comes the final three-day weekend of the season, Labor Day weekend. This is our last chance to make the most of those summer activities, get in some fun and relax before it’s all about school and pumpkin spice lattes.
If you’re planning on staying home this three-day weekend, we’ve compiled a list of great activities to help you squeeze in as much fun as is humanly possible. Take a look and get inspired!
The Morning
Sleep In
The first idea is the simplest: catch up on your rest. Give yourself a morning free from activities, rushing and places to be, even if it’s just for an hour. If you’re gearing up for the new school year, a slow morning can serve as a relaxing calm before the storm.
Make Breakfast
It’s amazing how often we skip breakfast. Most of us are just too busy to take the time to cook anything, let alone sit down and eat it. It doesn’t have to be fancy, maybe just toast and eggs, but give yourself a morning where you really sit down and enjoy a nice breakfast.
Work Out
If you’re planning on having any sort of party later in the day, this is the time to get your workout done. Maybe run or walk outside to shake things up a bit. This doesn’t have to be too intense. Remember, you’re on vacation!
Take Up a Good Book
Make the most of a bright summer morning by sitting down with that book you always meant to get around to. This is best enjoyed in your comfiest chair right by a window and with a cup of coffee or tea. You can stay in bed to read, but chairs are a better option if you’re prone to falling asleep while reading! If you’re feeling extra fancy, put on a little background music.
The Afternoon
Themed BBQ
Barbeques and summer weekends go together like avocados and toast. They’re the perfect way to have some friends over, spend time outside with great food and soak up a little sun. This weekend, dial your BBQ up to 11 by setting a theme for the party. Hawaiian, Cajun, or chili cook-off are all great options. The theme might ensure your guests bring food that complements the barbeque and gives you the excuse to try recipes you might not normally explore.  If you’re really looking to add some spice, have a signature cocktail.
Slip and Slide Party
It’s time to make the most of these warm summer days and find fun ways to cool off. One option is the Slip and Slide party. You can rent the big blow-up kind or go old-school with a few tarps. Wired has a great guide on how to build your own. Just make sure you have enough water! If you want to add a little extra fun, set up two slides near each other and host a race.
Pool Party
If you have a pool, then take this chance to get out there and enjoy it with some friends. We’ve put together a list of ways to throw a great pool party.  And remember, a pool party doesn’t always have to be complicated. People, food, drinks and a pool is the perfect recipe for a good time.
Outdoor Picnic
If having a party isn’t your thing, something much more low key can still be a lot of fun. Set up a few blankets and pillows out in your backyard and eat lunch outside. If you want to make things a little more special, have some homemade lemonade or put together a cocktail. You can also bring out that book you started in the morning.
DIY Time
Three-day weekends are practically designed for DIY projects. The extra time can give you the chance to really accomplish something without having to stop and start every few minutes. We’ve compiled a list of one-day home projects you can pick from.  If you like gardening, this could be a great chance to get your garden ready for the next season.
The Evening
Movie Marathon
One of the great things about three-day weekends is the chance to stay up a little later an extra night! Pick a movie series or a genre to add a theme to the evening and make yourself a bowl of popcorn. This is all about a little binge-watching so get some candy, your beverage of choice and settle in.
Outdoor Movie Party
If you want to make movie watching more of an event, set up a projector and make your backyard into a theater. This is best enjoyed with some friends – maybe even a friend who owns a projector if you don’t have one of your own. Set up comfy areas for everyone to sit and hang an old sheet to use as a screen. It’s best to pick a movie you’ve already seen since an outdoor set up can make it a little harder to hear. Be conscientious of your neighbors and volume, too!
Spa Night
Time for some TLC. This is all about taking a little time out for you. This doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. You can light a few candles and soak in the tub, give yourself a manicure or make a DIY face mask and relax on the couch. A spa night can also be a chance to spend a little quiet time with your family or a few close friends. Make or buy a few sweet treats for some extra indulgence.
Online Shopping
One of the great thing about Labor Day weekend is the sales. The holidays may feel like forever away, but this could be the time to buy those gifts while the price is right. You can also find a lot of summer items on sale – grills, summer clothes and gardening supplies will have pretty decent discounts. Techradar put together their own guide to the sales and every retailer listed has an online shop. Pick a place to hunker down and get your savings on.
Backyard Campout
This idea is great for families who want to spend some time away from technology. Leave the phones, tablets and other devices inside for a real tech-free experience. Set up a tent in the backyard and have yourself a good old-fashioned campout. You can even add a blowup mattress if sleeping on the ground isn’t your style. A bonfire and a few s’mores will give everyone something fun to do as they sit out under the stars.
Remember, this is your three-day weekend so make the most of it doing the activities you want to do! If we missed your favorite idea, be sure to share it in the comments.
The post Your Ultimate Staycation Guide appeared first on ZING Blog by Quicken Loans.
from Updates About Loans https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/ultimate-staycation-guide
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