#maybe he got locked up for 5 yrs
puretalents · 5 months
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❝    in    my    defense    —    ❞    &    he’s    spitting    blood    onto    the    outside    of    the    clubs    gravel,    talking    through    pants.    ❝    why    the    fuck    are    you    even    here    with    a    guy    like    that    ?    ❞
open to f
plot here
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baziutawrites · 2 years
Xavier Thorpe x Female OC
Beginnings part 2
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8]
Other smut fics through my Masterlist.
WARNING! There are smutty parts throughout this piece. Proceed with caution if you are under 18 yrs old.
Was she the one that he dreamt about?
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If someone said he was making a fool of himself, they would be completely right.
But now Xavier had a bit more pressing matters at hand, than to worry about not looking like an idiot. Like a growing hard-on that would be very hard to conceal while wearing a pair of swimming trunks. Another one was Val and her hands still against his chest, the touch almost burning his skin. But he kept his arm around her, unable to let go as he stared into her face, completely lost for words.
How could it be? Was it truly her? Why?
She wasn't the only one with grey eyes and those glints of green dancing around her hair. Surely there was an explanation for that. Like, a magnetic field? Or chemical imbalance in the air? Or—
"Like what you see?" She wiggled her eyebrows at him, her own face feeling a little warm from the intensity of his stare. 
"Yes." He blurted out, eyes now darting away from her as his blurry vision from before started invading his mind. "Wait, no! No, I mean, yes. I—"
He let go of her suddenly, as if she burned him, almost making her topple backwards.
"Last one in water is a loser!" Ajax came to his rescue, noticing his best friend's distress. 
Xavier bolted towards the lake, praying she didn't notice his raging boner he now sported. Ajax splashed in right behind him and Xavier could swear he felt the judgement of his friend's stare through his skin.
"What was that?" Gorgon murmured, his dark eyes searching his friend's face with a knowing grin.
"I am stupid." Xavier groaned, dunking his head underwater.
Somehow he ended up with Divina's camera in his hands and an idea came to his drunken mind.
"Hey, we should document the meetings. Have a chronicle, snap some pictures. What d'yall think?"
That's how he got tasked with being the cameraman for the night, clicking away, catching some silly moments. But he also did some portraits - the idea pitched to him by Ajax and he gladly followed with it. He did everything in his power not to spend too much time taking pictures of Val separately, so he resorted to having her in the frame almost every time he took a group one. He promised to upload them from his own laptop later on if Divina agreed to lend him the camera for longer.
When he got back to the dorm with Rowan, he immediately went to the laptop. Thankfully his roommate went straight to his bathroom, so he could flip through the pictures, stopping at the ones with Val without raising suspicion. He felt the heat spreading through his body again and he had to stop himself from palming his dick through his sweatpants. He felt like a pervert, but couldn't take his eyes off of one particular picture of her that made his dick get harder and harder, his still tipsy mind swimming.
His phone dinged and he saw he'd been added to a group chat.
Heeey 🥰
I'm soo drunk
But the pics @Xav
Where the pics!
Just the good ones tho
Give us the pics pretty boy!
Xavier gaped at the last message. The heat pooled in his core and he felt his body tingling with excitement. Pretty boy. His hand cupped his erection at once but before he could relieve the tension, the door of Rowan's bathroom clicked and he almost jumped out of his chair at the sound. He quickly clicked away to send the entire folder from the night and locked himself in his own bathroom before Rowan could see him in this state.
His phone trembled in his hand as he fought with himself. This would be wrong, so, so wrong to do.
But maybe… just this one time. Just once. Wouldn't hurt, right?
He stepped into his shower, his hard on heavy in between his legs, feeling ashamed of what he was about to do. But when he sat down on the cold floor, warm water spraying his side and he opened that one particular picture of Val - of his friend - he could not help himself anymore. His eyes roamed over the half naked form of her, as she was just out of the lake in the middle of drying her hair with a towel, making a face at the camera. His palm traveled down his stomach to grip his shaft and he let out a small gasp, his eyes never leaving the picture. It felt so wrong, yet so right. He started to work his fist over his cock and as the jolts of pleasure washed through him, every last piece of self control flew out of the window. 
Just this once. Just once. He would not speak about this to anyone, he would never open this picture again, he told himself as he jerked himself off, imagining his friend to be the one that worked her hands over his dick. This would not become a regular thing, surely not.
He lied to himself.
The weeks leading up to the Poe Cup were turning more and more unbearable for him. Not only his dreams seemed to overcompensate with the frequency for the brief time he didn't have them, but just her mere presence started to make him hot and bothered. He started imagining his dream encounters in real time, oftentimes having to excuse himself mid conversation, or even worse, during the Foreign Beings and Legends class they were paired together at. He felt ashamed, while he then fisted his cock in the bathroom stall, the picture of Val he promised himself not to look at again, displayed on his screen, among many other pics he took during the meetings. His eyes fixated on her face as he came over his hands, biting his lips not to let out any sound. And then he had to come back and watch her, pretending he didn't do this filthy things mere minutes before, as his imagination ran wild again when she smiled at him.
It only made it worse, being combined with the conflicting, constant need to be around her. He was desperate to hear her voice, listen to what she had to say, to be the one she talked to, that made his chest warm. Without it, he felt this weird tension in it, almost as if his heart wanted to rip its way out of there.
Yet she still confused him. On one hand, she gave him all those signals - every time she touched his hand it made him feel sparks between them, he noticed how her breath seemed to quicken a little, or how she stood a bit closer than she needed to whenever they spoke, the way she looked at him over her shoulder when they parted their ways with a smile that made the butterflies in his stomach go crazy, he was almost sure she liked him a bit more than a friend. The same way he seemed to like her.
But then she did those little gestures with Kent too. She looked from under her eyelashes at Rowan whenever he talked to her about his Botany homework - a subject she seemed to be very good at although she chose not to show off during classes like Bianca. 
Her confidence intimidated him as much as it seemed to draw more people to her the more she socialized. And she didn't even have any social media presence.
Maybe this meant nothing at all? Maybe she just was this friendly with everyone? But this thought did not help him as his eyes actively sought her out in the corridors.
Yoko introduced Val to Enid a few days before the Poe Cup. They needed a fourth person onto their Black Cats' team and Val was their first pick. She was a great swimmer, as the word from her practice spread on. Val agreed - the competition was supposed to be very dangerous and she longed for something exciting, different than the schoolwork. There were supposed to be no rules. However, this also seemed to apply to her new friend. She didn't expect Enid to know almost everything about everyone at Nevermore, despite not knowing everyone in person.
"So, what's with you and Xavier? Cuz I've seen the looks he has been giving you and ohmygod that's sooo exciting like, the way he always stands in a way that he could see you, and he looks, like literally, he like stares so much, like this must mean something, right? I mean…"
It went on for hours while they prepared the boat for the competition near the shore. And it made Val feel a bit fuzzy. Could Xavier really like her this much?
"I feel like he isn't really that interested if at all, Enid." Val mused, trying to tone the girl down a notch. "He has been kinda avoiding me lately. Like, he walks away in the middle of us talking quite often. Doesn't really scream 'interested' to me to be honest."
There was a brief pause in which Enid shook her head and giggled.
"Xavier’s the captain of one of the other teams. You could try flirting with him to see if he 'isn't really that interested', you know? Oh, he's also on the team with Ajax, ohmygod, did I tell you about Ajax? He is so cute!"
Val and Yoko shared a look and smiled at each other, as the other girl blabbered away about her obvious crush. At least it saved them from further interrogation.
Val liked Xavier, that was for sure. But she didn't think of him as a person to be interested in her in any other way than just a friend. He seemed really stiff at times, distant and even avoided her recently. However, Enid was supposed to be the observant one, so testing the theory out wouldn't hurt. It might even be fun.
The day of the race came fast and Val couldn't help but feel excited about the oncoming challenge. Underneath the shivers however was a weird, a bit heavy weight in her stomach. What if she makes a fool out of herself? She fixed the leather-like material of her catsuit, checking if everything was tied as it should be, feeling the ears flopping annoyingly in the wind. Enid really had a field day with those costumes.
She saw Xavier's team exit their tents and she snorted at the utmost ridiculous sight that greeted her eyes. The jester costumes were something else.
This caused his eyes to meet hers and she gave him a big smile with a wink, that he reciprocated, although his eyes went down, sheepishly and she could see his neck reddened a little. Okay, this could still mean nothing. She needed more solid evidence. Enid giddily nudged her shoulder and gave her thumbs up before they settled into their boats.
The idea of Xavier slowly grew on her and she had to admit, she couldn't help but admire his hands whenever he showed off his abilities to make his art move or how she tried not to stare at his jawline, whenever he had his hair pulled back into a bun. He certainly was handsome.
She looked to the side only to meet Xavier's eyes immediately and went for a bolder move - she blew him a kiss over her shoulder and to her pleasant surprise, heard the paddle clatter as he most certainly dropped it. This was curious.
She missed the knowing glances Enid and Ajax exchanged between themselves.
Xavier couldn't even focus on such a simple task as rowing and he cursed under his breath, as the Black Cats kept getting smaller and smaller ahead of them. The picture of Val's ass in that tight, pleather costume and the kiss she blew him were messing with his head and the competition didn't even start properly.
They were the last out of three boats left to arrive on the island. He and Ajax, being the best runners, set out sprinting into the woods. They had no idea where the flags could be, so they separated in order to cover as much ground as possible. 
And then he saw her in this god forsaken catsuit, holding his flag, hers nowhere to be seen, sporting a sneaky smirk on her face. Something wasn't quite right.
She smirked, as she watched Xavier stop dead in his tracks like a deer in the headlights. She straightened, planting her feet firmly on the stone she was standing on and hid the flag unsuccessfully behind her back. The top of it comically towered over her head but the gesture seemed to get the point across, as he slowly started towards her, his eyes narrowed.
"I don't think those are your colours." He pointed at the material flapping in the air over her head when he stopped in front of her. She raised her eyebrow at him, a challenge in her gaze, her eyes on the same level with his.
"Maybe, maybe not. But it's mine now. Finders keepers." 
She turned swiftly, her hand stretched out behind her back as Xavier snatched at her from the other side and she laughed at him huffing in fake annoyance, his full lips fighting a smile. They both knew he could easily overpower her if he wanted to but the fact he didn't made her feel tiny butterflies in her stomach. He was a competitive one and yet, he stood there, playing with her instead of trying to get to the boat in time.
"Nuh-uh." She wiggled her finger at him and he let out a chuckle. "You've gotta earn it."
"Earn it?"
"Yeah. Pay for it, in other words."
"Smartass." He mumbled with a smile and tried snatching at the flag from the other side and he lurched forward, bumping his cheek against her nose. "How do I pay for… for it."
He now seemed to notice the proximity of their faces, his breath fanning her cheek as he turned towards her, slowly.
"I'm sure you can figure it out." She breathed, his smell making her slightly dizzy and her half-lidded eyes darted towards his lips. They were adorned with red paint, plump and parted slightly and she swore they were getting closer. And she panicked.
She kinda got what she wanted. This was quite enough of a confirmation for now, she thought to herself as she felt her heart pounding in her throat. Her own lips contorted into a wide, although very nervous grin.
"Catch me if you can then, smartass."
And with that, she was gone, running deeper into the woods, waving his flag at him. After a few seconds she heard heavy footfalls following her and she laughed at the curses Xavier spewed with his every breath, although fighting the laughter himself. It wasn't long before she felt large palms around her middle and with a squeal, their bodies collided and toppled to the forest floor in a tangle of limbs. The flag flew out of Val's hand towards the shore as she wildly grabbed at the front of the jester costume, pulling Xavier underneath her and onto his back before he noticed what happened, his eyes focused on the flag.
Only when she straddled his hips he let out a gasp and his wide eyes flew back towards her face, gliding along her body. He writhed, trying with all his might to pull her off of him, praying she wouldn't notice the constant erection he had since when she got out of her tent in that fucking tight costume. But he failed, fighting his nervous laughter, trying to grab her hands away from him as her fingers dug into his sides, tickling him without mercy. He noticed her hair was now glittering with green, almost taunting him.
Then it all happened too fast for any of them to process what was going on.
Suddenly, his vision changed just as he felt Val's hips grinding down on his crotch after he bucked them a little too hard, trying to throw her off. And before he knew it, a moan tore from his throat, as he watched Val plung herself down on his cock, her pussy swallowing his length repeatedly for a few seconds before his vision turned back to normal.
Val watched, dumbstruck, as Xavier stiffened underneath her all of a sudden, moaned while looking at her with his brows furrowed, eyes wide and looking at her with such intensity she felt herself go red in the face. His fingers dug into her thighs so hard she wouldn't be surprised she would have bruises later that day. She then realized she was pressing against something hard and when she moved forward slightly, her hips rolling against it, she felt a hot jolt running through her spine when he stifled another moan. The shock and realization dawned on her. He was rock hard and she was shamelessly grinding on his dick just now.
Before she could say anything however, a twig snapped somewhere in front of them and she saw Ajax run out from behind a tree, their flag in hand, looking straight at them incredulously, as they were still sprawled on the ground in a very telling pose. She bolted upright, unable to look Xavier in the face and instantly sprinted back towards the boats, shame creeping up her cheeks.
"See ya, pretty loser boy!"
Ajax stood there, watching his best friend let out a long groan and fling his arms over his face, clearly beetroot red under all the white face paint. His bulge clear as day in his pants.
"Bro. I think we have some shit to talk about tonight."
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roguekhajiit · 7 months
A man walked up to me today with his peen hanging out.
I'm a mail carrier on a highway contracted route in Alaska. I do work for the USPS, but I'm not employed with them. These are routes that are too spread out and too rural even for the USPS employed rural carriers, so they contract these routes out to independent carriers like us.
So, that's what I was doing today when I got an eye full of a 50 yr old penis. This is how it happened.
I pull up to a stop, and since this particular stop was what I consider to be the halfway point of my route, I decided to check my email. I was waiting for something important and I didn't want to miss it. I wasn't even there a minute when I looked up to see a big white truck pull up in front of my little Forester.
I decided, ok, I'll wait a little more and proceed to mess around on my phone while this dude gets out of his truck and goes to check his mail.
He gets back into his truck, and I wait another minute, but he doesn't leave. OK, I think to myself, maybe he decided to read his mail before he drives off. So, I get out, grab the next bundle of mail, and pull the arrow key out of my pocket to open the first CBU (Cluster Box Unit), and I start delivering the mail all the while I'm acutely aware of everything around me. I'm delivering mail on the side of a highway with only my car to shield me from the traffic going by 20 mph over the posted speed limit. By now I can tell by the sounds of the tires on each car if they are just driving past me or if they are going to stop behind my car and ask me some inane question like "Do you have anything for me?" You're a complete stranger to me. Am I supposed to know who you are? But on this particular day, the traffic on that road was nearly non-existent
Since he hasn't left yet, I decided to deliver the mail to each CBU before I even start on the packages. I don't care that he's sitting there as long as he stays in his truck. I get halfway done with the third unit when I hear his truck door open again. I can hear the snow crunch under his feet as he approaches me. So, I close up the CBU all the while mentally preparing myself for yet another stupid question. He doesn't disappoint, either. Upon seeing that I closed up the CBU, he asks, "I guess I have to go get my key then?" I turn to answer him and tell him that yes, he needs his key to get his mail when I see something that I never once saw in all my seven years of working retail.
Don't get me wrong, though, I've seen a lot of shit working retail. Some of it even included actual shit. But seeing a grown ass man piss himself in the produce section while snacking on grapes still could not mentally prepare me for what I saw today.
This man stood there and asked me if I finished delivering the mail for box #5 all the while free ballin with his little Vienna sausage poking out of his fully unzipped and unbuttoned pants. It was roughly 20 degrees outside today. How could he not feel his Vienna sausage shrivel up like a piece of Jerky?
I quickly told him no and finished locking up the CBU. Then, as he was walking back to his truck to get his key, I walked back to my own vehicle and fully noped the fuck outta there. It didn't matter that I hadn't finished delivering the letters, nor did it matter that I never even started delivering the parcels. I just had to get away from there. I circled back, of course, after completing all the other stops on that street. But I found he was still sitting there in his truck. So I passed the stop up again.
Later, after all my other stops had been completed, I would circle back one more time to find he finally vacated that stop. The folks got their mail and packages, just a little bit later than usual, thanks to their free ballin neighbor.
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spirit-shroud · 1 year
Okay gimme 1, 3, and 14 for your little guy
>:3!!!! from this ask meme thing
answering these out of order since question 1 got Lengthy
3. What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
idk how much this counts but it is like. 98% of his personality??
casil firmly believes that every single person is good (by his arbitrary standard) and if they aren't good, they can be "fixed" (unless they're just straight up evil [again, by his own arbitrary standard] in which case they're going to explode.)
as an extension of this, he'll trust anyone, put his life into anyone's hands, etc as long as they're the least bit aligned with his interests. ultimately he wants to help as much as possible but his methods of going about it are oftentimes far more consequential than if he'd just walk past.
he has enough awareness to be like 'maybe i should trust people less' but then he just leans on his friends' morals more and they're. well. they are all making each other better AND worse in wildly different ways in there
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
i think ultimately he wants to be seen as someone who's moved beyond his criminal past and is now some kinda shining beacon of hope and wisdom.
he is a beacon of hope but maybe not wisdom, yet. he's the glue that holds everything together and he's the reason everyone will keep pressing on but, he never really grew out of his background despite desperately wanting to atone for it. so much of him is still stuck metaphorically on the streets that he can't escape it, ykno? if the path of least resistance means picking a lock he's still #1 lockpicking guy
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
first thing that comes to mind would probably be when he lost his oath?
so for the uninitiated, my oc casil is a paladin, oath of devotion type guy. swearing to protect the innocent and his cause. before he became a paladin, he was a thief and he was pretty good at it, until he kept getting overconfident and his 'petty teenaged pickpocket just trying to get by' thing became a 'guy who is two steps away from running a small crime ring with other petty teenaged pickpockets' thing. and he generally got into trouble a bunch. he spent a Lot of time getting arrested and getting fished out of bigger issues with the law by his mom (was a paladin, considers herself retired now, loves him very much)
he's a paladin now because after a lot of this he was like 'ykno. this sucks. i should be like my mom and do better for myself and my friends' and had like a 5 yr training montage of squireship. graduated from squire school. took his oath. got abducted by aliens shortly after. ykno
so anyways, that memory he wants to forget:
tldr trying to get back into his hometown didn't go so well from a combination of him refusing to pay the fine to enter the city and him being recognized as That Incredibly Annoying Kid From Five Years Ago, and they didn't really care to hear about his arc of recovery and finding himself.
so he ends up in jail . a very familiar place for him, and there's nobody who can help him. he broke out of his cell by sheer force of will, picked the locks to get his friends out, got all their gear back, and when the guards swarmed in to be like, 'hey, dude, get back in there,' and attacked him he kind of. freaked out a lot? and single-handedly took out all of them.
he had a tangible moment of clarity and awareness that his oath was broken after the first guard and he didn't really care after that, since, without his oath, he didn't really have anything else to lose, and his friends weren't going to hold him back.
anyways in his current state he'd do it again . and he doesn't want to think about that too hard so he'd rather forget the whole thing. he desperately wants his oath back but he's not sure if that's possible anymore
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nicks-fairy-lights · 2 years
notes i took while rewatching heartstopper (it's a lot)
ep 1. meet
british boys playing rugby
oh this mf is all secretive (yr flashbacks, wille, why???)
no ben is kinda crunchy tho
ew why ben
nick is kinda. yeah
oh wow prince charming move there buddy
"thank you x" nice one, charlie spring
ep 2. crush
charlie spring is kinda sad tho
nick nelson: message delete count x2
charlie's lock screen :sob:
heart emoji
oh nick is blushing now
haha "i know he's straight" lol no u dont my guy
i love this art teacher :O
nellie <3
i love how elle walks in and girl in red cues
oh wow tori big brain moment right there
mario kart
"youre a proper little nerd"
nick nelson's turquoise hoodie
observant mother
nick has hardcore straight friends D:
charlie emergency
charlie helping nick play the drums gasp
nick just became charlie's lock screen
"you look so cuddly like that"
yep, tori, got to side with you on that one
i wish i had charlie's friend group
"am i gay?" yeah def take that buzzfeed quiz
ep 3. kiss
imogen likes him :/
ayo nick invited him
oh no film night is cancelled
why does everyone live in like mansions
tara jones needs to stop being the center of every convo in the straight club
tao is my favourite boy
tara my girl :D
charlie spring has disappeared
wow nick's straight friends suck so much its indescribable
ew ben is back
imogen is coming on pretty thick, like chill dude
tara and her gf kissed awwwhh my heart
charlie spring is found
mysterious mr. nelson
no why is the house so big.
"are they not a girl?"
"would you go out with someone thats not a girl?"
"would you kiss someone that wasnt a girl"
oh the little fireworks and the flowers
"would you kiss me?"
no nick go back >:(
nick nelson, the loo is not charlie spring
okay nick nelson went back
ep 4. secret
charlie and his curls and the mirror
yeah no way to shut out self deprication by kissing
they do say sorry a lot
"did i forget something?" yeah, charlie springs lips
tara jones and her girl !!!
oh em gee this art teacher 😭
harry is an idiot
"its hard to be confident when they see me as a stereotypical gay boy who can't do sports"
why are they so muddy
okay so isaac knows now
imogen. girl. why.
ep 5. friend
tao is going to crush them verbally
ooh birthday party
awwh poor doggo
"nothing" okay go away
they want to eat at nANDO's
so is nick coming or
imogen D:
yeahh you tell them nick
yeahh you too tao
okay nvm
"yeah, well, her dog died."
"the right girl will come along, just you wait"
no tao dont be sad
"murder's fine too"
awwh no that gift is so cute :(
ep 6. girls
okay so maybe nick nelson is bi
what but "girls" by girl in red played.
okay maybe elle is bi too??
tao is so overprotective but i love it
ooh the special room
…please god
anti-homophobia cheese
yeah they do say sorry a lot
oop- her name is darcy. i know that now
tori my beloved
insta bestie
imagine homework
literally the most awkward way to ask someone out
no they suck at asking each other out
and i love it
tao is lowkey oblivious
the other girls are so mean >:(
tara and darcy have disappeario
ahah they got locked in
thank you for good lesbian dynamic
ep 7. bully
tori :') ily so much
charlie spring and his hair again
crunchy ben >:(
charlie has an epic dad
golden retriever has entered the chat
"well you kind of are a gay nerd."
"shut up rugby lad."
ben u son of a
char :O
"i like it. it's cute."
oh no horror night flashbacks
literally piss off harry
oH oops i forGOT mAH raiNBOW
why harry gotta be like that thp
is ben jealous or something
oh my god shut up
there are no words
hearing songs i actually listen to in the soundtrack
tao ahh
harry really sucks
camera be goin' all shaky
awwh protective much <3
no charlie spring, stop self-deprecating
the 's' word :/
tao whyre you oblivious
no friendship drama is so bad
ahah deleting messages again charlie spring
tao's mum :D
tao and elle have such an adorable dynamic
ew harry
why is everyone beating up everyone. but its like
ep 8. boyfriend
yes charlie, drum out the feels
tori has my whole heart by now
like she knows so much D:
(ben is a piece of crap)
charlie spring is so sad
ofc pizza would help
issac reading "gender explorers"
ew sports day
tao rage writing
charlie looked like he was on the verge of tears right there :(
tao on his protective arc
no this is nice tho, theyre bonding
"secret guy you kiss sometime on the down-low"
heart emoji <3
no not this "typing.." again
elle looks pretty with yellow and blue
ahh gal pals :D
charlie spring just ran away from nick
why does it look like half of the school bunked
mr. ajayi's room is so cool
charlie said the 's' word D:
ben is so full of himself
yessss theyre not mad at each other anymore
oho elle and tao get some alone time
tao painted his friends :)))
ah yes finally
picking dandelions off in the corner
no he isn't fine. charlie spring hasn't been sighted
what is charlie standing on? a child?
charlie is spotted :O
holding hands <3
mr ajayi
ah em gee this is so cute i'm dying
they're so wholesome :sob:
"i like charlie spring!"
"in a romantic way, not just a friend way!"
you could see how scared charlie was for a second there
nick's smile just there :D
oh crap he's coming out
thank you alice oseman
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Aston Martin chargers ship season greatest in Singapore
Aston Martin loved a double top-ten end within the Singapore Grand Prix and the related factors haul was the most effective outcome achieved by the Silverstone-based workforce this season, permitting it to maneuver from P9 to P7 in F1’s Constructors’ standings. Lance Stroll and Sebastian Vettel completed respectively sixth and eighth at Marina Bay, with each drivers steering away from the commotion and incidents whereas avoiding the pitfalls of the tough wet-to-dry situations. Each drivers loved a powerful launch off the road however Vettel’s blistering begin from P14 on the grid noticed the German clock in P8 on the finish of the primary lap, two spots forward of Stroll who had began twelfth. “I knew I needed to be aggressive in the beginning, so after the preliminary little bit of endurance throughout the road, I knew I needed to push, which I did,” mentioned Vettel. “I used to be testing some strains on the lap to the grid and it labored, so proud of that.” Vettel discarded his inters for a set of mediums on lap 34, however the four-time world champion believed that he might have prolonged his first stint which might have maybe allowed him to stay in entrance of his teammate. “I believe we received a bit unfortunate,” he added. “I might have favored to remain out longer – we’ll take a look – however I believe it wasn’t nice that the Security Automotive simply got here out, which simply then banked the positions.” Learn additionally: F1i’s Driver Scores for the 2022 Singapore GP Within the closing phases of the race, Vettel was trailing Stroll, holding on to P7, when Lewis Hamilton tried to overhaul the German solely to lock up and lose monitor place to Max Verstappen? That gave the Crimson Bull driver a chance to mount an assault on Vettel on the final lap that proved profitable, the Dutchman thus splitting Aston martin’s drivers on the checkered flag. “They’re much quicker,” Vettel mentioned. “I can see within the mirrors they have been following with ease, so I used to be clearly a little bit bit caught with Lance at occasions and it didn’t assist that my rear tyres weren’t so recent on the finish. “I had a little bit of a wobble within the final lap exiting Flip 5, I knew it needed to be spot on; it wasn’t fairly spot on, so Max had a good run down they usually have a really robust high pace with their… automotive so it was tough. I attempted, but it surely was shut.” A bit additional down the highway, Stroll was delighted with each his efficiency and to see the end line after a grueling night. “We’ve received like plenty of P10s this yr, , we’ve had probabilities for large outcomes, however for no matter cause issues occurred, by no means actually scored, and immediately issues simply went our means,” mentioned the Canadian. “It was a tricky one, so joyful to select up a bunch of factors, that’s for positive.” Preserve updated with all of the F1 information through Fb and Twitter The publish Aston Martin chargers ship season greatest in Singapore appeared first on F1i.com. https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Originally published at Sunshine Coast QLD News Originally published at Sunshine Coast QLD News
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ringmyheart · 4 years
Can I request Vin Jin boyfriend headcanons and some fluff? (You don't have to force yourself)
(This and the other vin jin rq were merged!)
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Honestly the way I see it, it doesn’t matter if you’re a very calm person or outgoing person. No matter what this relationship is gonna end up being considerably chaotic
He ropes you into everything he does. Doesn’t matter if u r a design student or an architecture student or if ur on the opposite side of the school from him, u r practically in his class. Dating him is like signing a contract sealing away ur own life bc he makes it a point to be ALWAYS w u
In class he doesn’t gaf if the teacher has ur seat on the other end of class, he is somehow finding a way to sit next to u against ur will or not. And when the teacher moves u two away from eachother INTENTIONALLY bc of this, he is threatening whoever happened to sit next to u to trade seats w him. He will go as far as to dress up as them to make it look like they’re them to be next to u and he’s so dramatic ab it.... being away from u felt like u were star crossed lovers whom the world was fiercely against
And if UR against this cuz ur tired of getting in trouble in class, or if you reject any of his advances, he’s gonna be really, really, really offended. He will at first sputter and be kinda shy and embarrassed about it, before he goes “fine! Have fun on your own without me, the greatest thing in your fucking life!”
He move seats back and will glare at you periodically every five minutes to pavlov dog you so that every five minutes every day, even when he’s not there, you feel the burning stare of vin jin
If you’re his s/o, he’ll buy you a matching pair of sunglasses so ur the freshest looking couple around Seoul (they’re hideous and thick but he thinks u look fly)
The glasses don’t have nearly as many layers as his does for himself so u can see, and u wonder how he managed to make them just as bulky and if he did it on purpose to sabotage u. Like “did u make my glasses purposefully ugly so no one else will want me?”
U have to dodge a punch after saying anything like that ab his fashion decisions LMAOAO
He’s rlly proud of u two matching. With the glasses and anything in general. He’ll make you wear a jacket matching his, or the same shoes and he will stop people in the hall and be like “wait. Notice anything cool ab us today?? Cooler than normal??”
And when they don’t respond he boasts “that’s right!! Me and my other half r matching. Look at us and weep, losers.” He thinks u two look so good....... if ur enthusiastic ab wearing matching things too he is elated u have to pray that tomorrow he won’t show up w another “if lost return to Vin Jin” “I’m Vin Jin” pair of jackets or anything of the like bc it happens SO OFTEN
And on the topic of sharing when it’s cold he likes to share jackets and blankets w u. Ur desks r moved by eachother by vin jin himself and u two share one blanket over u and shiver bc he just likes it, sharing w u plus he’s slightly warmer. And yes if you guys had indivizual blankets you would be warmer, but u guys have to struggle together he doesn’t care what anyone says (yes even ur protests ur sharing that one blanket wether he has to wrap it around u himself and tear up the one u brought on ur own or what”
He is so blind in love that he cannot tell when u guys suck at stuff. Like if ur in the wrong he doesnt care ur RIGHT and he’s taking that to the grave. He can belittle u and call u out but if someone else says ur in the wrong it’s on sight
Will die protecting ur name even when ur the one who was genuinely wrong
He forces u to make a beat for him to rap to. He loves rapping and wants to enjoy it w u, so ur forcefed YouTube videos of how to beatbox so u can be his bgm and eventually u probably just start to enjoy it to
And u always start a beat and he starts busting out rhymes and it’s SO BAD. It doesn’t matter if ur good at beatboxing if vin Jin is on the track w u it’s gonna sound terrible he brings the quality down immensely but u two just cannot tell
Like after a two session ur like “omg... that was so good. We should go pro?” “Fuck yea we should we’re better than those posers” “we could rlly make it in the industry fr” no u absolutely could not
During the school festival, u sang with him and it was SO bad. Half the crowd is gonna have 2 be hospitalized but u two had FUN up on the stage
Like I said, he has absolute faith in u. All u do is right. If ur driving a car for the first time, he is going to be ur little hype man doesn’t matter if u suck. U hit a curb and he went “YES babe!! Ur killing it cant wait till u hit the road bby” Ur not allowed to touch a car for the next two years now bc he kept cheering u on when u we’re doing CLEARLY wrong things
On a plane u r looking for the bathroom like pensively and u see a handle and look back and r like “is this it???” And vin jin thinking u r all righteous will go “yea babe go for it” and u open it and u depressurizate the cabin immediately
Now both on like 5 no fly lists
He loves to do things with u, like I mentioned earlier, and things he wouldn’t do alone he’ll do w u. Like drawing alone?? Boring. Drawing w Y/N??!!! Who knows what could happen..... so much fun could ensue. Maybe he will draw u cutely. Maybe he will draw u so ugly u will be forced to engage in a fight.
He likes to play just dance w u and compete for the “greats/all star!” Little titles above, and it becomes like a Friday night ritual for u two to turn just dance on and just go at it. But sometimes he’ll get too intense and suddenly he’s actually fighting for the chance to beat u. Will trip u so u lose on purpose
He makes u listen to him sing and rap to u. And u try to leave and he hugs tightly and is like LISTEN IFS FOR U, DONT BE UNGRATEFUL and now u have to listen
He makes u a mixtape of songs he made himself and they are all considerably worse than “remember the times we had”. It’s uploaded on SoundCloud and all the comments r hate and u listen to it a lot bc u know he loves u sm he made u a mixtape ya ur gonna play that but everyone else hates it w a passion
Like the comments r like:
Daniel: well.... it’s definitely a song 😅 I’m glad you love (y/n) so much!
Duke: he’s not making it out the hood 😐
Zach: never let this man in a studio AGAIN
Mary: this should’ve stayed in the CD
(Y/N): love it! 😍
Zoe: kill your producer 💀
Mira: ...
He’s overprotective too
If someone looks at u for more than a second he’ll go “what?? U think she is hot, huh? I’ll kick ur ass fucking perv.... cmon babe let’s go”
Will throw his arm around u and streer u the opposite way of any potentially good looking ppl to keep ur eyes on him
Oh Daniel is coming?? What a coincidence u and vin Jin suddenly have to turn the corner to the other way of ur classroom for some reason
Eli is near?!!! Oh no u just got milk spilt in ur eye!! Oh no now he has to wipe ur eyes and u two have to leave the cafeteria whatever will he do
It’s not that he doesn’t have faith in u, he doesn’t have faith in other men. Like he thinks they r all competition, and doesn’t doubt ur loyalty rather doubts how good he can b for u
WILL beat someone up for u. If someone smokes while ur around suddenly his fists r swinging at them cuz even if u smoke or vape urself no one else can get that stuff in ur lungs but YOU or HIM!!
If ur crossing the street and a car almost hits u, it’s the cars fault and he’s kicking the license plate and cursing it out for almost touching u “stupid fucking piece of metal”
Is the type of boyfriend to call u when he knows ur in an Uber and be like “babe u got ur gun w u right?? Oh don’t forget ur BOMB and ur MACHETE!! Yeah just left the house I killed some ppl nbd haha anyways HRU what’s ur Uber driver like” so the driver of ur car won’t even think ab kidnapping u. He has got ur back even when u do not want it
He doesn’t want u to see his eyes, so he’ll tell you to look away so he can take his glasses off and look at u in full color in all ur glory but he never tells u WHY he’s telling u to look away u think it’s a weird thing of his, or he’s insecure ab his face which is partially true but really he’s taking his glasses off and just looking at u. Adoringly.....
He hates PDA. He loves PDA. Do u see his dilemma
Like he loves PDA but doesn’t want anyone seeing him vulnerable even u.... so he’ll hold ur hand and be like “EWWW WHAT R U DOING GET YR HAND OFF MINE”
If u take the lead THATS best bc he can blame it on u and it’s ur fault he HAS to lock fingers w u cuz u did it to him first and he has an excuse to touch u and v like u started this im just sending u ur own energy back 😤
The type to be just like blind, overwhelmed in love. Always thinks ab u, always wants to be w u, worries ab u a lot and frets over u without showing it.... he hates it and loves it to death. Despises it but wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world
Eats lunch w u in the cafeteria and if u sit w someone else u r the ultimate traitor and he will trash talk u to hide his hurt to Mary the entire lunchtime. Kinda possessive.... wants u to also only think about him
WOULDNT EVER fight u for real. Play fights occur VERY often, like pillow fights, tripping ur foot when u say a joke insulting him, grabbing ur collar but he would sooner die than lay a finger on u
Verbal fights happen a lot and if he ever like LOSES it he may lash out and almost hit u and follow thru. I don’t think he’d be able to catch himself that quickly, and if he ever did he’d regret it for the rest of his life. Literally until the day dies he will take it to his grave
He may not sputter out apologieswill just look at u incredulously and then at his hands because what had he done? What did he just do? To you???????? (Y/n))))?????? His (y/n)??? Light of his life?
Will apologize probably over text or through a note or call, and if u don’t respond he is consumed by regret and tries to find u instantly like runs back to ur place
If u forgive him he feels bad still, because does he deserve it? And he might just isolate himself for a bit bc he can’t face u and if it left a scar he is dead inside. It kills him, literally
I could go on w this but I’ll probably save it for another separate pair of hcs later 😭
If u guys ever break up he will fight for u again and won’t stop till ur back together like flowers in ur locker every day, chocolate give during lunch, etc. He wont ever give up hope that he can win u over again and be w u again. He would keep trying, when he wakes up his first thought is ur name in a cold panic bc he can’t rest easy till ur his again and he will try and show off and poorly serenade u and trash his price and be corny and cheesy to get u back
Will set up a performance w the school to let him rap w a mic during lunch for u and he’s saying bars like “(read in bad rapping voice w inconsistent beat) (y/n), love of my life, uh, without you I’d die, uh. Please won’t you take me back? Yuh, without you ima have a heart attack. (Wha!). (Y/n), love of my life, yeah, without you I’m in strife, yup! Please be mine again, (babe), I can never rest till then.”
If the embarrassment doesn’t make u take him back so he’ll pls stop, and when he stands up on the lunch tables to do a little performance doesn’t do it either, then the odd sincerity of his voice and pain in his look (even tho while rapping he sticks out his lower lip in a weird pout) definitely, hopefully will
U make everything worth it !! Truly the light of his life
I hope these were what u wanted, I just had fun w them and wrote stuff that came off the top of my head when I thought of VJ!! ❤️
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
“ I’m really supposed to believe Olivia is the best sexual partner Harry has ever had and she’s got him locked” I guess she is. He been with her for almost two years.
Oh please, I'll never forget listening to the woman he slept with that was talking abt him w her friends on some radio show & they kept pushing her to give them something on Harry. They wanted to know what he was like (in the bedroom) & she finally gave in & said, "I was surprised at how quickly it was over." They all laughed.
It used to be on youtube but now I can't find it anywhere. I think the more famous Harry gets these little windows into his past will start to (mysteriously) disappear.
I also think Olivia will get bored of Harry & originally gave them 3-5 yrs. Right now they're having fun & are both acting like two teenagers that have no responsibilities in the world, but she has stated in the past that she thinks long term monogamy is impossible so, maybe she is the reason behind the long engagement to Jason & not getting married. Harries like to blame everything on Jason (to protect Harry from looking like the bad guy) saying Olivia left him bc he didn't put a ring on it, but I think she is the problem.
I also think both Harry & Olivia fall for people really quickly. They might look happy & in love today, but things change & I'll tell you why. Nothing lasts forever. Especially between actors. They are always cheating on their partners bc they get too close while working together & fall into temptation. And we all know how charming & persuasive Harry is. He's a big flirt & is used to getting what he wants. He doesn't believe in waiting & doing the right thing. He does what feels good. And Olivia is no different. That's why they get along so well.
But one day we'll wake up to the news that they decided to go their separate ways, but still love, respect & support each other.
But not to worry bc there will be a new girl in the background just waiting to fill her shoes & it's probably someone he's already sleeping with.
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minnie-mei · 4 years
hi! would you please do headcanons for the miya twins sharing a darling? 🥺 hope you have a great day!
Yandere! Miya Twins sharing a darling Headcanons
this has given me inspiration for a fic possibly maybe
NSFW WARNING!!! (takes place at the bottom mostly)
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The twins are both protective obsessives, but they have differences in their tendencies
Osamu is on the manipulative side of things
While Atsumu is more possessive
neither of them are delusional at all
When it comes to their dynamic, Osamu is the one that 'sets the rules' so to speak
he's the more strategic and self aware twin in this scenario, which is established before they make any moves on you
he's also the more lucid one as well
understanding that their actions aren't right, but not really caring
He makes all the major plans when it comes to kidnapping you or just handling you in general
with osamu there, it's very unlikely the twins would ever get caught, as he is very intelligent and knows how to keep you under control and cover up everything they've done
Atsumu tends to be a little more reckless with their darling
he's still very smart as well, but his urges often get the better of him (unlike his twin)
he's very touchy and teasing, always messing with you in both good and bad ways
A little sadistic with his actions, he also really enjoys degrading you in certain situations
he thinks calling you things like 'little whore' is hot
Although Osamu comes up with the rules for you, Atsumu is who enforces them and punishes you in most cases
And despite the fact that they share you pretty equally, almost everything becomes a competition for them
they don't make it obvious to you, but they pay close attention to who you sit closer to, who you blush around more, who you talk to more, who you come to first when something's wrong, etc.
When in the bedroom, they usually take turns with you )not wanting to really touch each other), but they do sometimes take you at the same time
they like to know who can make you feel better
who can make you cum the most times is what they focus on often
Even before they kidnapped you (they definitely DO kidnap you), there was competition between them
Osamu notices how the small crush they developed on you turns into more of an obsession
they then distance themselves from you, partly because they want to get rid of the hold you have on them and partly so they wouldn't be suspected if they ever acted on their feelings
But no matter their distance, they still make a habit of stealing things from your bag and comparing them to see who got the better things
they can control their jealousy of each other relatively well; they're competitive but they're still brothers and are in on this together
but they CANNOT control their jealousy of other people
if there's a person you seem to have a crush on? they spread some pretty nasty rumors about them to get you to abandon your feelings
I'd say they have the same level of jealousy, but Atsumu expresses it obviously while Osamu is subtle
even after they have you, they still don't want you to think of anyone else the way you should think about them
If I'm being completely honest, your living situation wouldn't be bad at all as long as you behave
you'd have a good amount of freedom and would be able to do 'normal' things with them in the house
should you act up, these freedoms will be taken away
Osamu tries to keep the punishments from getting physical, preferring to just lock you up as a time-out and treating you as a child
he has more tactic behind this than is obvious: by treating someone in a childish manner, they tend to lose independence and act younger
that's how he likes it
Atsumu, however, like when the punishments get a little physical because that's his domain
he especially likes spanking you and slapping you in the face
the punishments overall never go too far, the farthest being maybe a couple broken fingers, because they both have some sense of love for you and don't want you ruined
most physical punishments are just things like biting, slapping, and bruising
Again, Osamu does his best to keep that from happening
but Asumu will find any excuse to punish you when his twin isn't there
he does get tires and soft sometimes though and will be sweet to you; it's mainly in sexual scenarios when he gets rough
Though they never let you go anywhere until well after stockholm syndrome has set in, Osamu likes dressing you up
mostly in pretty outfits (frilly skirts and dresses), regardless of your gender
he likes when you look like a delicate little doll he can just hold
Atsumu also likes seeing you like this, but doesn't enjoy the process of dressing you up and such like Osamu does
he likes it for more lustful reasons, but because it's osamu's thing, he doesn't usually act on urges
just teases you a bit
Once they graduate high school and move on with their lives, you end up spending more time with Osamu because of Atsumu's busy volleyball schedule
(unless it's off-season, when you stay home with 'Tsumu)
With this being far into your time with them (5 yrs or so) Osamu trusts you enough to bring you to his restaurant while he works, as long as you stay in his office
You're also allowed to go to Atsumu's games as long as Osamu is there with you as well
Atsumu's teammates are under the impression that you're his fiance, and the same with Osamu and his staff
luckily the two worlds never really collide so all is good there
Osamu is much gentler and domestic with you, and aims to have kids in the future
Atsumu doesn't really care to have kids; with his high sex drive, he feels kids will just get in the way of his time with you
should you end up pregnant, both of them would act as a father even though Osamu is low-key better at it
Marriage never really happens, it just kinda reaches the point where they call you their spouse
To add a little nsfw ;)
Atsumu is very kinky and degrading, he marks you constantly
he's selfish wants to pull your hair and treat you bad, but still wants to get you off
likes spitting on you
to him, even if you say no, as long as you're wet/hard that's consent to him
Osamu is a giver and gets off on you getting off, he loves to overstimulate you
on the rare occasion that he's pissed off, he goes hard and rough
he won't fuck you if you say no, but will still give you oral or make you watch him jack off over you and cum on you
ok so that's all I'mma say for now but I really like the idea of this so people should really request scenarios for them like rn
-Admin Duckie
art by 5600cm on twitter or insta
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slasher-smasher · 4 years
8 yrs old
Sinclair twins x Reader
This is literally my first fanfic and I would never have gotten the courage to post it if it wasn’t for the talented @thesightstoshowyou who also fixed my mistakes. I am eternally grateful. Other parts here: 16 yrs, 19 yrs pt1, 19 pt2
Warnings: none
The year was 1983 and the air created a film of sticky sweat on your skin from the 89° June Louisiana weather. Even with the windows down in your parent’s car you just felt more hot thickness whip you in the face. You glance at the toy that you have seated next to you. Your mother insisted on getting it for you. “Eight year olds shouldn’t be reading so many books,” she’d said. Well, this eight year old prefers to find out if Matt stays with Attean in The Sign of the Beaver or not, thank you very much.
Your parents were listening to the radio talk about the space shuttle Challenger's successful flight. “See Harold? Told you women are moving up in the world. First space, next president you’ll see,” Your mother said while fixing her lipstick in the small mirror she held up to her face.
“Yes Cheryl,” your father replied in a voice you have heard more than a thousand times. The car turned onto a road that seemed to magically appear. A little bit up the road you could see a town.
You got excited when the large building that read “HOUSE OF WAX” in large menacing letters rolled into view. Your father pulled the car in front of the gas station your Uncle Doyle owned. The car was barely parked when your shot out of the door and towards the man hunched over the hood of a car. You could hear a radio somewhere in the garage. “Hi Uncle Grumpy!” you shouted, rolling on the balls of your feet, giggling when you hear a bang, and a, “Fuck, damn it!” He reminded you of the grumpy dwarf from Snow White. So far he hasn’t corrected you.
The man stood up straight, rubbed his head and turned his lightly wrinkled face down at you.
“You’re a brat and I should throw you into the basement,” he growled. You just ran up and hugged his legs, not caring that you might get oil on your shirt. You were going to probably get it dirty playing with Vincent and Lester anyway. Maybe Bo too, if he is not going to be mean.
‘He’s always mean,’ you thought, running past your bickering parents and up the hill. You bypassed the House of Wax, headed for the house at the top.
You knock on the metal door and step back, feeling the hope that the boys are allowed to play and not shut in their rooms bubble in your chest, making you giddy. The door rattled as if the locks were being released and opened to a fatigued man with his tie looking more like a noose than a clothing accessory.
“Hello, Dr. Sinclair! Are the boys able to come out and play today?” you asked about to hold your hands together then realized you are still holding the dumb toy.
“Oh, Y/N, you’re in town. Vincent and Lester are out in the back. Bo is confined to his room though. The damn boy bit Lester’s nanny,” he mumbled the last part, the bags under his eyes looking darker as he spoke.
“Alright, I’ll just go around the side of the house. Thanks, Dr. Sinclair,” you spoke quickly and ran around the left side of the property.
Hopping over the short gate that had vines crawling up the bars, you spot a boy with a mask at a table playing with clay and a much smaller boy playing with a toy car in the mud. The smaller one of the two looked up and squealed your name as best a 5-year-old can pronounce. The boy at the table to looked up from the clay. His left eye, pale blue, seemed to look through you.
“Hi Lester, hi Vinny!” you exclaimed as you ran towards them. You noticed a woman sitting in a chair near the backdoor reading a book. One of her hands bandaged.
‘Must be the nanny Bo bit,’ you thought. You felt as though you were being watched. You looked up to the barred window facing the backyard and saw a face, pale blues dark with anger, glaring at you.
“Hi Bo,” you whisper to yourself.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Congratulations on 8000 followers. For your celebration drabble request, I suggest: Dean X Y/N quarantined from a witch's spell. I'll leave it up to you if you want fluff, angst, smut. You get the idea. This prompt is starting to give me ideas.
F*cking Witches
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8000 Followers Drabbles Masterlist
Prompt: None provided so I chose one. “Fucking witches!”
Warnings: language, angst, fun, fluff, cocky Dean, being quarantined due to an odd spell, Dean being a tease, tension, implied smut
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester
Word count:  1223 (it got a bit longer)
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“Fucking witches” Dean growls struggling against his brother's strength. “I can beat her! Let me just...” Sam pushes his brother into the bunker, almost causing Dean to fall down the stairs.
“Wait! Let us help!” Squeaking you end up pushed into Dean’s arms before the heavy door of the bunker locks behind you. “Hey! You can’t just lock us in!”
“We need to get out of here, Y/N! I will not survive for two weeks in this cage! I am not a good roommate while being a caged animal, sweetheart.” Dean pants heavily, not liking the idea of being locked in again.
“Dean, what if Rowena is right? What if we are toxic?” The hunter blinks a few times before he pokes your shoulder. “DEAN!”
“There, I am still alive. Cursed to kill my ass!” Eyes narrowed you poke Dean’s cheek only to giggle lightly at his pissed expression.
“Maybe we are only toxic to other people?” Not liking the idea Dean nods. “I’ll check on the lore. I bet I can find a way to get us out of here, Dean. I don’t want to be stuck with you either.”
“Hey, I am an awesome and great roommate,” Dean smirks, giving you one of his charming smiles followed by a wink. “Just push the right buttons, sweetheart.”
“I will not push anything, Winchester. Now, let's make a plan...”
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Day 1
You gave up on reading more books last night. Sam said they are getting closer to solving the case. Hopefully, Rowena can reverse the spell and free the grumpy hunter and you.
“I am bored,” Dean whines while you make a list of your supplies. “Play with me…”
“Dude, I am not going to play any games with you. I have to check on the supplies or do you want to starve for the next two weeks?”
“Starve?” Suddenly interested in whatever you started, Dean dips his head to glance at the list your prepared.
“We’ve got three six-packs of beer, which means you’ll only drink one bottle per day from now on. Good thing I hate that crap.” Dean gulps hard, glancing at your list.
“We’ve got enough water, though. Let’s check. Sam bought enough food for three weeks but, we need to prevent food craving attacks, Dean. No midnight snack for you, big boy.” Grinning you pat Dean’s belly.
“As if you never ate anything in the middle of the night. Damn, I am hungry now…”
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Day 3
“Can I not have one more beer and a slice of pie?” Dean whines, looking at you with big eyes, imitating his brother's puppy dog eyes. “Please?”
“Dean, if you drink more beer today, there will be nothing left at the end of the week. You have to choose…”
“I’ll choose to have one more tonight. Snacks are out soon…”
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Day 5
“Hmm…that’s a nice outfit, sweetheart. How do you call it?” Watching you walk around in hello kitty sweatpants and a crop top Dean ogles you shamelessly. “I bet; you’d like to lose it…”
“Winchester, I am warning you.” Poking your finger into Dean’s chest you narrow your eyes. “It’s only five days, Dean. I don’t think your balls are blue…”
“Wanna check?” Dean cocks his head when you glance at his crotch.
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Day 7
Another day in hell. The bunker is too cold today. Literally freezing your ass off you run around the large building to find the reason for the failure of the heating. “Damnit, Dean. Where is the heat gone?”
Dean smirks, stepping closer to open his coat. “Could warm you up, Y/N.” Debating to take Dean’s offer or to freeze to death you nod, letting Dean wrap you in his coat.
Head resting against his chest, you try to warm up. “I know a way to get you all hot and bothered, sweetheart.”
“Dean, what the fuck!” His swelling dick presses against your thigh. “That’s the problem. No fuck…”
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Day 9
Crawling up the walls you try to find anything useful to do but you end up rolling around your bed, staring at the wall. “Watcha doing, sweetheart?”
“I try to bore myself to death, Dean. And you?”
“Same. You know, we could do something useful.” Dean snickers, pointing toward your bed. “Just saying.”
Your pillow ends up in his face and you groan, hoping Sam will free you soon.
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Day 11
“For all that’s holy Dean, wear a fucking shirt and pants. You can’t just run around in boxers and socks!” Whining you glance at Dean’s ass when he bends over to grasp for the last beer.
“It’s unbearable hot today.” Huffing you wipe off some sweat. “I don’t know what’s wrong with the bunker. Days ago we almost froze off our asses and today I feel like getting roasted.”
“I had a shower and it was too warm. Not refreshing at all…”
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Day 12
“No, no! That’s not true! They both would’ve died if she shared the door with him.” Bickering about Titanic, Jack’s death, and the door you stuff the last popcorn into your mouth.
“I believe they could’ve been saved, both.” Dean pokes your side, smirking as you pat his chest.
“Fine, Dean. If we ever end up in the middle of the ocean, freezing our asses off I’ll share the door with you.”
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Day 13
“I am going to find you, sweetheart…” Dean yells through the bunker. Today you decided to play hide and seek, much to Dean’s amusement as he won all rounds so far. “There she is…”
Squeaking you try to outrun Dean, but he grasps for you, throwing you over his shoulder.
“I want my prize now, sweetheart. No chicken out. I am going to lay claim on this cute ass.”
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Day 16
The bedframe slams into the wall one last time.
Dean barely can roll off your body, not after non-stop fucking for three days.
“That was awesome, but I need a break.”
“Same, Dean.” Laughing you pat his head. “I mean, at least we released the tension. It was overdue we fucked.”
“You know, this means your ass is mine. No discussion.” Nodding you close your eyes to calm your racing heart. “Did Sammy call? It’s fifteen days today.”
“Sixteen, Dean…”
“Son of a bitch!”
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Day 21
“What the fuck, Sammy! What took you so long?” Cocking his head Dean glares at his brother.
“Three weeks, brother. You left us roast in this hell for three weeks while we had nothing else to do than…”
Sam’s eyes wander from you, wearing his brother’s plaid, to the hickey at Dean’s neck, back toward the handcuffs around your wrist Dean forgot to remove hearing the door of the bunker open.
“I think we are all happy Dean and I can leave the bunker again. Thanks to all of you, but Dean and I got a business to do. He owes me something and I want it now…”
Grabbing Dean’s hand you drag him toward his bedroom. “I want that orgasm, even if it kills us…”
“What the…?” Sam swallows thickly watching you ogle his brother shamelessly.
“Yeah, we ganked the witch, reversed the spell, got captured by a coven and almost tortured but it’s great you two found the time to…connect…”
“Fucking witches Sammy…” Dean snickers running off with you.
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
A/N: If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you.
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maximum118 · 4 years
Me- I decided to post in school
Me- Heisu. Hush
Zen- leans in* Sooo I found a locked door...
Me- snaps head to her* did you open it?
Zen- Maybe...*Glances to the destruction behind her* 
Zen- It said “Do open!”
Me- IT SAID “DO /N O T/ OPEN!!!” 
Zen- Oh...heheh...whoops...
Zen- But she-
Me- ZEN!!!
Zen- OK DAMN!! 
Episode 2- New Beginnings pt. 2
Episode 1 / Episode 2 (You here) / Chapter 4
           2 hours had passed when Kouten left the nest of the emochickens. He was just jumping on the rooftops trying to find minor heroes to rid of in the new area. If his younger set of twin siblings don't get in the way, that is. 
           Kouten looks behind him where Zen, also known as Retribution, was following him. He sighs. "Retribution. Why are you here?" he asks. Retribution pouts. "Can't a sister who is worried for elder brother follow him around?" she asks. 
           "No, she cannot because she might kill someone who isn't a hero and then land both of them in jail." He says lightly, pushing her away. 
           Archangel lands next to Retribution. "Then maybe the elder brother should not be a villain." He says—retribution snickers. Kouten pulls out a water bottle and aims it at Retribution. "Don't make me use this." He says. 
           Retribution hisses and hides behind Archangel. Kouten facepalms and smells a faint odor of a dead body. 
           "What the…" mumbles Kouten as he peeks over the building. He notices a dead body, "Uh. Archangel, You're a vigilante, right…?".
           Archangel arches his eyebrow and checks, almost retching, "OH, THAT'S DISGUSTING." He shouts. Retribution leans over. "Ooo, dead body. Let's burn it!" says Retribution taking some fire from her wings. 
           "Retribution, Kou no." 
           "Retribution, Kou yes." 
           "No. Can we not do this, you two?" asks Archangel as he looks at his twin and elder brother. 
           "But cremation…." Says Retribution as she puts her wings out. 
           "Actually, I'm in with cremation. I gotta satisfy my bloodlust." Says Kouten, Archangel facepalms. Peaking through the gaps in his fingers, Archangel recognized something in the dark. A light, moving towards the body. 
           The trio quietly looks from above. A black hooded person with a lantern tail stood over the body. 
           "Are they a hero?" whispers Zen to her brothers. Kouten looks at Archangel.
           "Not all heroes know vigilantes Kouten." Whispers Archangel. 
           Kouten shifts his gaze over to the person. The person kneels and opens the lantern top. Allowing something to light up the inside of the lantern. After the person closed the top, Kouten jumps down to the person. 
           The person turns to Kouten, briefly showing ginger hair and a mask. Kouten walks up to them. "Listen, Hero. I'll give you 5 seconds to run before scorch ya." He says. 
           The person tilts their head, gazing at Kouten. "Hero…? I am not a hero…" he says softly. 
           "Wait…you aren't a hero? Then are you a villain? If that's the case, Scat!" 
           "I am neither a villain. I am my own thing. I will not leave just so another can kill more."
           Kouten stares dumbfounded at the person. "So you are a hero?" he asks. 
           "…I am a person with morals and a person who senses you've been through something…years ago…" 
           "What..?? No, I haven't!" 
           The person walks closer to him, pointing to the scar on Kouten's cheek. 
           "that wound isn't from birth. Something truly happened to you."
           Kouten doesn't say anything as he looks down. From what he can see, the person was up to Kouten's chest. Kouten also noticed ginger hair with dyed black ends.
           "I also sense…you did have a heart of a hero once…" 
           Kouten stumbles back. "What are you…" he says, looking at them.
           "I am a human with a lantern tail and some skills." The person answers. 
           "…You don't sound human… you're reading my past like… it's nothing…" 
           The person giggles as they did some parkour-up metal balconies. Landing on the opposite building of where Retribution and Archangel were. The person stares down at Kouten. "Oh, I suggest leaving before the police come, villain." They say as they run on the rooftops away. 
           Kouten hears sirens and quickly gets up to his siblings. He looks to Archangel. "Better act that you came here." He says as he and Retribution leave the scene.
           Retribution looks at Kouten "what were you and the person talking about?" She asks. 
           "…they were able to read my past. Also, know I was a hero once." He answers, looking away.
           "Are we going to run into them more often?" 
           "For all of us? Rarely. For just me? Probably…" 
           "What do you mean?"
           "They seemed interested in me when they warned me to leave quickly before the police get there." 
           "So they might be following you after tonight?" 
           "Possibly. No one else told any villains before to leave the scene. They did. Either they're interested in me, they don't have a side, or they have a villainous family." 
           "Speaking of sides…did you find out if they're an ally? Or an enemy?"
           "They answered that they're a person of morals."
           Retribution stops flying and lands. "So…hero?" she asks.
           Kouten stops running and shakes his head. "Some villains have morals too. I think they're…neutral…" he answers. 
           "I'll trust your choice. For now, I found some minor heroes." Says Retribution smirking, Kouten smirks with her 
"about. Fuckin. Time."
           ~Next morning ~
           Kouten, Zen, and Hato came home at 3 am and passed the fuck out. That is until...
           Haruki bursts into Kouten's room at 6:30 am. "WAKKKKEEE UPPPP BREAKFAST TIME BROTHA!" he shouts, jumping on Kouten. 
           "OWWWW!!!!" Shouts kouten, looking at his adorable brother. 
           "Haruki! Go wake up, Sai!" says Kouten. Haruki Innocently smiles. 
           "but Sai told me to wake up you, Z, and Hato!" 
           ". . .SAIIII! SCREW YOU!" 
           Sai walks past Kouten's room door. "Told you not to stay up too late." He says, entering Hato's room. 
           "hato. Wake up. Hei can't wake Zen up." He says, shaking Hato. 
           Hato groans and grabs his phone, and plays an American song called "Worth it" by Fifth harmony. 
           Sai raises an eyebrow in confusion and then hears shouting from Zen's room-
           Sai blinks at the shouting then looks to Hato, who is currently half asleep. 
           "How in the world-"
           "Don't question it." Says Hato going into his mini-fridge. Pulling out two pinkie mice and placing them in his snake's tank. 
           "You just have frozen mice in your mini-fridge?" 
           "The snake gotta eat something, or it's eating Z. Toasted chicken." 
           Zen leans in "wait. You would feed me to your snake?" she asks.
           "If I run out of mice, yes. Either you, Kou or Satori. Peace and quiet then." 
           Zen gasps, "DAMN YOU! YOU TRAITOR!" She shouts. Hato gives her a look. 
           "you said yourself when you had scorpions, if you didn't have any food, you'll poison one of us. Guess who then squashed them..his name starts with a D." 
           Zen looks down "hey, Kouten, and you shouldn't have snitched!" She says. Sai looks at Zen. 
           "YOU HAD PET SCORPIONS!?" he shouts. Zen looks at him.
           "Currently, I have two female long-tailed chinchillas, both babies. One's name is Lechuza. She is more mischievous. The other, Adelita, is quieter and shyer." 
           Hato gets an idea and smirks. "Chinchillas?" he asks. Zen panics and runs to her room screaming, "DON'T TOUCH MY BABIES!!"
           Back with Kouten, who grabbing food for Haruki and gets ready for his day. Brushing his untamed hair, he looks out the bathroom where Sai is dragging Hato and somehow Zen to the kitchen. 
           "Hey, did the moving truck bring my bike here yet?" Asks Kouten. Sai looks over to Kouten. "Should be in the garage. You got to get going?" asks Sai. 
           Kouten shows a message from his modeling agency "Yup. A new designer wants me to model. I won't be in the office today anyways." Explains Kouten. Sai nods, gently pushing the 23 yr old twin set in the kitchen.
           "Alright, be safe. No killing either. Remember L is lobby! G is garage!" Says Sai as he gives Kouten a look. Going to Riku's and Satori's room to wake them up.
           Kouten rolls his eyes and grabs his keys and helmet. "See ya, Kou!" says Haruki as Kouten smiles leaving the penthouse to the elevator, pressing G to head to the garage. After stopping a few floors where people enter the elevator recognizing him from his TV appearances and modeling. Some asking for autographs, others pictures, and some with questions like "Are you with someone?", "How is your life with the former number 2 hero, Hawks?" or something else entirely strange. 
           Kouten looks around. When his eyes land on a red and black bike. 
           "Ah, hello, baby. Good to see you have no scratches." He says, wiping it down. "No dust either…" he mumbles. Getting on the bike placing his helmet on, he gets moving.
           ~Later at a cafe~ 
           Kouten removes his helmet and begins fixing his hair. "Ugh…stupid dad genes." Mumbles Kouten.
           He enters the cozy café in front of him. He was in the center of the city, a lively place where many shops were around. Upon entering, he got a text from his manager saying he's running late. Kouten sighs and thinks about getting a coffee.
           Looking at the menu, he waits in line. Once it was his turn, he ordered a coffee and waited at the end of the counter. After waiting a few minutes, the barista seeming bored and pushed two drinks, not even saying the names. 
           Kouten rolls his eyes fine bitch, so I won't fight you mainly for plot convince thinks Kouten and goes to grab one when he touched another's. Startled, he quickly retracted his hand and looks at the person next to him.
           "I am sorry-"Kouten cuts himself off. Staring at what he believes is male. The man had semi-tanned skin and lavender eyes. Along with that, he had a yellow crescent moon shape with two navy stars shapes near the moon on his left cheek. What Kouten noticed was the ginger hair with black dyed ends. Then the lantern tail, Remembering from the person last night.
           Kouten was breathless. He looks away, grabbing the other drink. A faint blush on his cheeks. "Sorry…I didn't know you also ordered coffee." Says Kouten. 
           "I didn't…I ordered hot tea…" says the male. Kouten looks at the cup he's currently holding and noticing the characters "Ei" (Crystal) and "ta" (gentle can be mean big/blessed. I prefer Gentle/blessed) and the characters spelling out Inoue. Kouten becomes embarrassed "here. This is yours then." He says, handing the cup to the male, Inoue Eita.
           Eita blushes and takes the cup. He then pushes the 1st  cup to Kouten. Quickly leaving to meet a black-haired purple-eyed male. Kouten watches as the two walk-offs from the café. After the duo wasn't in view, Kouten sits down and thinks I should've invited him to chat with me. He thinks. 
           Meanwhile, with Eita, the male next to Eita, smiling, looks to him. "So you met a celebrity?" he asks.
           "He was a celebrity?" Asks Eita glancing at the man.
           The male sweatdrops, "You, sir, are going to get killed one day." He says.
           "I'm surprised you haven't tried to kill me, Hotaru..." 
           The male, Hotaru, smiles more "It's Hiroshi in the daytime. Plus, you're useful to me. I got to have a proper fortune to see if I can get away with murder."  
           Eita looks down and looks to his tail, glowing faintly …Did he not see who I am? Or did he notice and not say? A chuckle escapes his throat Todoroki Kouten…you…interest me…He thinks. He looks to Hotaru as he chats up random people. Potential victims to kill, more lives needlessly killed.
           Eita thinks about 3 months ahead of now, a circus with some old friends is coming to the city. Eita looks at the sky. It'll be nice to see them again…Thinks Eita with a smile.
           Back with Kouten, he continues to wait for his manager. As another bright day is full of unexpected things begins in this world of new beginnings. 
           The barista, leaving for the day with her friend. The friend looks at her. "You are literally planning soft angst?" They say.
           The barista snickers, "I might. Truthfully the readers get a slow burn romance/slice of life for this." 
           "So maybe. You are evil." 
           "Am not. I just wanna play around with a crack head family and hopefully play with people's emotions expecting two of the main characters to kiss."
           "oh, hush. The main couple wouldn't have met if I didn't help." 
           "Damn. Your right. Also, fuck you. Go update RTS and SFU." 
           "I WILL. Damn! When I feel like it."
Saisho/Sai belongs to  @ulti-mal
Kouten belongs to @hairuko
Hato belongs to @juniperarts
Satori belongs to @fioresacros
Haruki belongs to @/_falyy on twitter
Riku & Hotaru to @diizaren
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thechosenburrito · 3 years
Intro to Love: 1.4-Thanks for Ghosting Me
Word Count: 1,581
Xochi and Carson are on their way to study when they’re rudely interrupted.
Author’s Note:
Almost done with Chapter 1!  Maybe I’ll be done tonight!
Previous Chapter: 1.3-I Can See Right Through You
It's hard to sleep when you feel like shit.  That's why I only slept for 30 minutes after my little episode the night before.  The clock read 7 o'clock which came as a shock to me as I usually only see it followed by a "pm".  I stayed in bed for a couple of hours, scrolling through an endless stream of nothing on my phone.
My stomach growled out of nowhere.  I smiled a bit when it wasn't immediately followed by nausea.  I got up and pulled a cold slice of pizza from the fridge.  I was able to finish a small slice and figured I could use this time to take an extra-long shower.
It was nice to shower some of the sadness away.   But, when I got out, my eyes were still puffy and had dark circles under them.  This wasn't unusual for a college student.  However, I generally try to present myself as someone who didn't have a mental breakdown the night before.  I dried my hair in front of the mirror in my room.  Drying my thick dark hair required using my blow-dryer on the maximum setting, which isn't optimal for dorms with paper walls.  My true hair revealed itself.  It was wavy in strange places and I had a sort of cowlick in the front.  I plugged in a flat iron to tame the crazy mess.  
I touched the dark bags under my eyes.  I considered putting concealer over them, then on the red marks on the side of my nose, and maybe followed by the weird freckle on my right cheek.  At that point, I didn't really feel like doing make-up anymore.  I looked closely at my eyebrows.  A bit over-grown, but thick brows were in.  I think? Oh well.  I toweled off and pulled on a tank top and hoodie ( Of course with proper supportive garments underneath).  I pulled on a pair of jeans and slipped on my black canvas sneakers.  The iron was finally hot enough and I got to work on my hair.  I've done this a million times, which made it the perfect time to let all my stupid thoughts out.
What if they made really tiny curling irons for eyelashes?  Actually, I don't want that THAT close to my vulnerable eyeball.
Am I strong enough to stand on the tips of my toes in these shoes?
Of course, I put the iron down and tried it out.
Not yet.  Next time for sure.
Should I become a beanie person?  Are beanies secretly my thing?
I pressed my hair to my head and imagined a beanie there.
Nope.  My head is a weird shape.  Guess I can't go bald either.
I finished up my hair and unplugged the iron.  I still had a couple of hours to kill and an orange soda from the vending machine down the hall was calling my name. I grabbed my room keys and wallet and headed down the hallway.  I passed a few early risers on the way.  Do people actually wake up this early? For fun?  I kept scrolling through my phone to avoid eye contact.  I wasn't really feeling the whole 'interaction' thing.  At some point, I realized I was scrolling and not even looking at anything.  Not my best moment.  A sponsored post caught my eye and made me audibly groan.
God, another ad for a Team StrikeForce! (TM).
"Even Superheroes need clean teeth!  Use StrikeForce SuperClean Toothpaste to fight back against plaque!"
StrikeForce was essentially a government-backed superhero team.  They purposely sought out conventionally attractive people with the most vanilla powers ever to represent the "ideal striker".  And they made sure to throw in some token minorities.  You had a strong girl, a flying man, someone that blasted fire from their hands,  and some other generic power. Speed maybe?  Telekinesis?  I did my best to avoid any media with them in it. They were essentially glorified cops who spouted government-approved messages like "It's cool to protect your chip from harm so keep yourself and others safe!  " and "Remember: Public use of powers is against the law!  Only teams like StrikeForce are allowed so everyone can be safe!". Right after the lightning storm, they actually did some important things like stopping individuals who abused their powers.  But, once people realized they could get away with more crimes by keeping on the down-low,  the StrikeForce lost their bite and became the government puppets on kids' backpacks we all knew and loved.
I sighed a bit.  Being critical was too tiring.  I quickly realized that I was going to crash. I didn't expect my sleep debt to catch up to me so quickly. I started getting everything to make coffee but hesitated at the thought of drinking something caffeinated after last night.  
I'll make a cup of tea first.  That'll cancel out the caffeine.
Yes, that's exactly how biology works.
I put on water to heat up and chugged an iced coffee from the fridge while it brewed.  Chasing ice cold coffee with nearly-boiling tea made my insides feel like an absolute mess of clashing temperatures.  
Phone buzzed.
(C) I forgot there's a staff meeting in the study room today.  Wanna go to the library instead?
I paused a moment before replying.
(X) Yeah that works.  I'm good to leave whenever you are
(C) Cool, I'll be downstairs in 5
(X) ok see you then
I threw all my supplies in my backpack, grabbed my keys, and started making my way to the dorm lobby.
I saw Carson chatting with someone at the front desk and laughing.  I'd seen the guy at the front desk a million times and barely made eye contact, except the time I got locked out of my room and was forced to talk to him.
I slowed down my pace and stared at my phone as if I didn't notice before taking a breath and walking up to him.
I struggled to plaster on a normal-looking smile.
"Hey! Ready to get going?" I asked, too cheerily.
"Yeah, just-"
A phone alert when off on all three of our phones.
My breath caught in my throat.
"Oh no.." I whispered.
"Wow," said Carson. "Juarez Street isn't even that far from here.  Do you think she was a student?"
I shrugged.  The guy at the desks scoffed.
"How do I turn these off? I hate the sound of those dumb ass alerts going off all the time," he said in a huff.
It was Carson's turn to shrug.  He pulled on this backpack.
"Ok, we should get going.  Let's be careful though.  We don't wanna get snatched up!" he said with a laugh.
I smiled and we headed out the door.  We walked for a bit in awkward silence before Carson casually broke it.
"So why did they have to put that the girl was a Striker? Doesn't exactly help identify her," he asked.
"Probably to make sure no one ever looks for her,"  I sighed.
"Really?" he responded innocently.
"Uh no. Ha, not really. I was just making a joke about how people don't tend to like Strikers," I tried to keep from stumbling over my words. "A lot of the time, when they find..uh...a body... they check to see if they're a Striker to help identify them."
We stopped at an intersection.  I decided to let Carson cross first, thinking they wouldn't try to hit me if they saw him first, even though there was only one car quite a bit away.
"Oh yeah.  That actually makes sense since they have..." he rubbed his shoulder "..those chip things.  Do you think it hurts?"
"I don't..." I heard the sound of a car speeding up.  I turned only to be met with the unmarked marked white van only 10 feet away from us.
I didn't have time to scream.  I lunged at Carson, praying that I'd grab onto him in time.  As soon as I got my hands on him, I did my best to think permeable thoughts.  
I watched the bumper pass right through us.  For a split second, I could see into the interior of the van.  The driver was wearing a bandana over his face and sunglasses, but even with both of those, you could tell he was sure that he turned me to roadkill.  I caught a brief glimpse of the back of the van.  I could make out a dark hunched figure and maybe some rope, but it was all going too fast.
We both hit the ground hard.  I was pretty grateful that I landed on a person and not the asphalt.  I rolled off him and tried to catch the breath that got knocked out of me.   It immediately occurred to me that we were both still in street, and I started helping Carson onto the curb.  His arms had some scrapes on his arms and a couple of holes in his T-Shirt, but otherwise, he didn't look too bad.  We collapsed onto the curb.
"Holy shit.  We got lucky." I managed between breaths.
I turned to him, but his face wore an expression of shock rather than relief.
"No.  That was beyond luck.  We should be dead." he said darkly.
He turned to look at me so quickly, I shot right up.
"How did you do that?"
Next Chapter: 1.5-The Good, The Bad, and The Unmasked
I can’t think of anything clever to put here but you should totally send me asks and stuff
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clairecrive · 5 years
"Visitor" - Bronson x reader
a girl on Wattpad asked: "Could you do one with charlie Bronson? Where the reader is more innocent but not completely sane and abt 18 yr." This is my first time writing Bronson so idk if I made him justice.
Tag list: @mollybegger-blog, @evelynshelby, @br0ck-eddie, @deaflikehawkeye, @fandom--0verdose, @shadow-of-wonder, @innerpaperexpertcloud (let me know if you wanna be added)
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You were visiting him in prison. For the last two weeks, you weren't allowed to see him because he was in isolation. So now you were even more eager to see him.
The first time you went to see him, the prison guards didn't want to let you in affirming that you weren't of age and that your I.D. was probably fake. You did look younger than you were, by at least 5 years; these things always happened to you so it didn't really take you by surprise. While most of the times you were annoyed by the mistake there were situations where it came in handy. Like in this moment.
Surely, everyone that saw you must be wondering what the hell you were doing in a prison and even more with a man like Charlie. But usually, they wouldn't give you another look.  What could a little sweet thing like you do after all? You didn't bother to prove them wrong and used it to your advantage. When you walked in the common room, you looked around trying to spot the bolded head you missed so much. When you saw him at the far back of the room, your heart flutter and you could barely contain the smile that crept on your face as you skipped over to him.
"Hi sweetie." You cradled your arms around his neck from behind, leaving a kiss on his balded head. Then he turned his head and you pecked him gently on his mouth.
"Trying to see you is a harder task than meeting up with the queen." You joked knowing that he wasn't having the time of his life in confinement.
"These fucking cunts put me in confinement. Not my fault." He mumbled a poor excuse which he didn't believe himself in the first place
Not getting your hands off of him, you just moved them to his hands, adorned by cuffs, while you took a seat on his right, your back to the guards.
"What did you do Charlie? They didn't let me see you for three weeks." You ask softly knowing that of course, he must have thrown one of his tantrums of his. Sometimes, you wondered if it wasn't all a plan to stay in prison longer, if he even wanted to get out.
"I might have kept the librarian in my cell and threatened to hurt him, but I didn't so I don't know why they got angry." He grumpily explained getting a hold of your hands as best as he could. You sighed showing all your disappointment but not letting go of his hands.
"Have you missed me Charlie?" you ask not meeting his eyes
"Of course I have, love. Like hell. I've made you a lot of drawings, you know? They didn't let me bring them, these cunts."
"Then why do you keep putting yourself in situations that prevent you from seeing me or to get out sooner rather than later?" you couldn't wait around for a man that didn't want to come back, he needed to see that. He had sensed that there was a subliminal question behind your words, he wasn't sure what it was but he hoped he could find the answer in your eyes like he always did.
"Maybe it's time that I show you what you've been missing since you've been locked up in here."
If you couldn't reach him with words you'd find another way, more practical, more tangible. He was a man after all. Slowly but steadily, your bare foot trailed his leg moving up. He slightly jumped at the contact but you managed to keep a straight face for the sake of the guards. Eventually, your foot reached his destination and stroked his balls before gently applying pressure on his manhood that was starting to react at your touch. His eyes began to darken and you couldn't help but smirk a little before removing your foot entirely. Acting none the wiser, you crossed your legs and tilted towards him until you were able to whisper in his ear.
"Does this jog your memory?" You nibbled his lobe to further prove your point and you felt his hands twitch.
He didn't answer you vocally but before you knew it, he was somehow able to put you on his lap, all the while being handcuffed. 
"Why are you doing this to me, woman? I'm already going crazy in here." He whispered in your neck before attacking it with angry kisses. For a moment you let him, the contrasting feeling of his soft lips and rough moustache bringing you back to a time where things were easier. However, when you felt him trying to dry humping you, you stopped him pushing him gently away. You could see at the end of your eye guards noticing what was happening and coming your way. Cupping his head in your hands, you softly speak to him.
"This is exactly what you're missing out on Charlie. So you better behave. It's not going to wait for you forever." 
Somehow angered by your words and still turned on, he got up and lifted you to the table standing between your legs making it look like you were about to have sex.
"You are mine" roughly putting a hand over your core he continued, "this is mine only. Don't ever forget that." he growled. Things were definitely getting steamier and you weren't sure that Charlie would refrain from taking you over this very table, so you took matters into your hands. Shooting a pointed look to the guards, you asked for a moment, letting them know that you had it under control. Then taking hold of the hand he had between your legs, you brought to your lips to give it a soft peck.
"Then come and get me, Charlie. I can't keep doing this forever. If the next time I come they tell me that you got yourself into trouble again and that I won't be able to see you for another couple of weeks, I'm not coming back." You softly promised and although deep down neither of you believed it to be true, he was still taken back, enough to fall back into the chair. He looked lost for a second, his empty eyes following your movements as you recomposed yourself.
"But I love you." He whispers quietly looking for your eyes.
"And I love you but now it's time you show it." You knew it wasn't fair to him since he had always been very affectionate to you but he had been in prison for the past two years and you were near to reaching your limit. 
Whatever made him behave.
He just nodded never leaving his eyes from yours, even when the guards came to collect him. You watched him go, waving your hand a little with a comforting smile, hoping to see him soon.
Part 2
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medusinestories · 4 years
Black Sails Confinement Challenge - Prompts
Here it is! The list of 50 prompts to inspire confined fic writers to write about confined characters. Here’s how I broke them down:
The General (G1 - G25) prompts only contain ideas for settings and sometimes simple plot ideas. They can be used for any ship or character. Please fill these prompts as closely to the general idea/mood as possible.
The Specific (S1 - S25) prompts tend to be more detailed and contain a ship request. If you choose a specific prompt, please write the ship/main characters requested in these prompts, whose names you have been bolded for your convenience.
Tomorrow I’ll be posting a form to let authors claim prompts. Prompts can be claimed anytime during the challenge but prompts are granted on a first-come, first-serve basis (this list will be updated to reflect which prompts are currently claimed). Specific prompts can only be claimed once. General prompts may be claimed several times AS LONG AS the writers are working on different characters/ships (they will be asked who they plan on writing in the submission form). There is no deadline or minimum length, but authors must make some progress within one month of claiming the prompt (ie, at least an outline and a few paragraphs). Prompts for which the author has gone radio-silent or made absolutely no progress in one month will be put back up for grabs. Authors can fill as many prompts as they like, on the condition that they claim one prompt at a time and finish each prompt before starting working on another.
As always my inbox or PMs stay open if you have any questions about this challenge!
And now, without further ado, let yourself be inspired by these prompts and choose your favourites (1 main, 2 backup) for signup tomorrow! (write down the FULL code, fx G5 or S22)
GENERAL PROMPTS (any ship/character)
G1 Place: inside a whale Reason: the whale swallowed them Mood: banter, done with this shit, crack-y
G2 Place: a subaqueous lab Reason: the inaccessibility of the lab Mood: UST and a tinge of horror Extra: the heater is malfunctioning and they have to huddle for warmth
G3 Sexy times feat. character 1 being tied up and waiting for character 2 who's left them alone for a while.
G4 Place: a safehouse  Reason: they're in witness protection  Mood: sexual tension, banter, funny?  Extra: Character 1 is in witness protection but hates it, thinks it's unnecessary and is trying to leave. character 2 is personally responsible for their safety.
G5 Place: at the Oglethorpe plantation Reason: fear of disease Mood: bittersweet
G6 Place: a part of the ship Reason: punished by the crew Mood: cracky, ust. Extra: there is only 1 hammock
G7 Place: an elevator in an office building Reason: it broke down, nobody's responding and it's Friday night Mood: banter, arguing, enemies-to-friends-to-more? Extra: one of them isn't feeling well because of a medical condition (can be claustrophobia) but is trying to hide it
G8 Place: at the top of a Ferris wheel Reason: power cut Mood: funny, bickering
G9 Place: a supposedly haunted house Reason: the door is mysteriously stuck Mood: creepy, funny, possibly UST/smutty
G10 Place: a closet/wardrobe Reason: they're hiding from someone Mood: ust/smut
G11 Place: a tent Reason: it's pouring with rain Mood: first time, smutty
G12 Place: a store (grocery, book, clothes, you decide) Reason: they got locked in after closing Mood: funny, cracky, fluffy
G13 Place: a ship Reason: becalmed Mood: angsty, delirious, desperate
G14 Place: Miranda's house Reason: someone is sick/wounded Mood: angsty, hurt/comfort, confession (no death please)
G15 Place: mysterious Aztec/Mayan/Inca ruins Reason: they were looking for the Eldorado and got lost/trapped in the ruins. Mood: adventure, friendship, maybe hurt/comfort Extra: there's a jaguar lurking about
G16 Place: the Otherworld (heaven, limbo, hell… you choose) Reason: the last thing they remember is getting hit on the head. Mood: thoughts about the Afterlife. Could be as dark or as cracky as you like. Extra: The Good Place AU?
G17 Place: a library Reason: someone dared them to stay in after closing time  Mood: fun, cracky, adventurous
G18 Place: two houses far away Reason: quarantine Mood: longing, lonely, horny, smutty Extra: they're writing/texting/talking on the phone to keep in touch but It's Not Enough and it's driving them nuts
G19 Place: a steampunk Jules-Verne-ish submarine Reason: there's a giant squid outside Mood: spooky, adventure
G20 Place: a lighthouse Reason: a terrible storm with crashing waves Mood: intense, passionate
G21 Place: a cabin in the middle of nowhere Reason: zombie apocalypse (or other supernatural invasion/pandemic) Mood: horror, tension Extra: Character 1 arrives at the cabin after having fled the monsters, thinking it's empty. It's not, and Character 2 isn't all that happy about the intruder.
G22 Place: Skeleton Island Reason: marooned or left for dead Mood: spooky, angsty, paranoid
G23 Place: a hut on Maroon island Reason: Hurricane Mood: ust, angst, comfort
G24 Place: the Fort in Nassau Reason: they took the fort but now they're besieged Mood: bickering, going stir-crazy
G25 Place: a room in the brothel Reason: they're hiding from someone/something Mood: pining, ust Extra: everyone is having sex around them but they're not (yet) and it's driving them nuts
SPECIFIC PROMPTS (specific ship/character)
S1 Ranger trio is stuck in space prison and have to try to escape ft. Space ship Captain Vane, Anne with blaster shooters (or maybe a lightsaber if it’s a star wars au) and hacker Jack. Mood: Funny.
S2 Thomas and Silver are stuck in James' flat... without James. They're stuck there separated from James until the shelter in place order is lifted (pick your poison - pandemic? Bad storm? Dangerous escaped convict on the loose?). Sexual tension ensues.
S3 Inspired by S4: Madi and Eleanor are confined together in the hidden cellar of Miranda's house when Spanish troops are invading the island (and this time they don't get assaulted/killed). Unresolved sexual tension, unresolved sibling-like rivalry. Bonus: just some angry ✂️✂️✂️ 
S4 Eleanor is imprisoned in England and thinks about Max. Mood: angst, broken heart, angry.
S5 Silver is stranded at Miranda's house, could be with or w/o the captain. Reason: suspect outbreak on the Walrus, Silver can't go back on board, Flint doesn't want his map wandering around Nassau. Mood: funny, smutty, up to the writer.
S6 Israel Hands + character of your choice. Place: a ship, in a locked room Reason: misbehavior? crew shenanigans? Mood: writers choice.
S7 Utley pisses off a superior officer and gets locked in with Flint. Place: the cell in the fort. Mood: ust, smut!
S8 John Silver and the companion of yr choice. Place: an island. Reason: marooned by a pissed off crew. Mood: up to the writer (not too tragic?)
S9 Flint is stuck on shore and runs into someone he knew (and liked) in his old life. Place: a terrible tavern or a room above. Reason: too stormy to return to ship. Mood: friendly to smutty? I just want Flint have a little bit of happiness.
S10 Miranda comes to meet Flint but gets stuck at the brothel as things get dangerous on the streets. Reason: some kind of unrest, riots. Mood: fluff or smut or anything as long as Miranda is not miserable.
S11 Modern au first meeting Silver & Miranda. Place: Elevator. Reason: breakdown. Mood: up to the writer.
S12 Muldoon is sick and no one knows what with. Silver is worried and Flint extends a rare offering of comfort.
S13 It's 1721. James and Thomas are still incarcerated at the plantation but at least they live together in a separate little cabin. With smallpox spreading from Boston to the rest of the colonies, Oglethorpe shuts down work for a few days and has everyone shelter in place.
S14 Silver showed up on Flint and Thomas' doorstep and the reunion isn't going well. Just when Silver is about to leave in a huff, they get stuck indoors (b/c weather, plague, authorities looking for Silver, etc) and Thomas is stuck with Flint and Silver's angry/awkward UST. He knows the only way to resolve this is in bed, and starts dropping less-than-subtle hints. 👉🏻👌🏻 Mood: funny, smutty.
S15 A scientific research station in space (Solaris AU but with a happy ending!). Flint is sent to investigate a space station after receiving some weird reports. Silver is one the few remaining members of the crew. An incident make them unable to leave without some major repairs. Angsty, slow burn, where Flint slowly accepts to move on after the death of Miranda&Thomas. 
If you're not familiar with Solaris (book or movie) check wikipedia but: the space station is doing research on a mysterious planet covered with an ocean; but that ocean gives the crew some strange "side effects". Their secrets/fears/guilt take a material (often human) form. Flint sees Miranda (or Thomas, or both, as you prefer) for example. As Flint learns to deal with the loss of his loved ones he grows closer to one member of the crew, Silver.* Their bond help them break from the planet's melancholic influence, give them motivation to repair the station and finally leave together. *That could be a great opportunity to write about Silver's (probably very dark according to the BS writers) past!
S16 Silver / Flint - modern era, fake dating for some reason, now they're stuck together for a long time. Place: Somewhere travel related like a hotel room. Reason: quarantine like we're in now. Mood: angsty, UST.
S17 Flint's cabin on the Walrus. Silver is recovering from the leg amputation and discovers Flint has locked him in the cabin. Mood: angsty, angry, fluff if you want?
S18 Flint and Silver captured by the Spanish and Flint learns the truth about Silver’s past. Place: The plantation. Reason: Took control but hit some problems. Mood: Hurt/comfort or angst with happy ending.
S19 Silver & Flint reunion fic – they are stuck together in the room because of the snow and there is only 1 bed. Place: an inn. Mood: UST
S20 horror movie au (not really scary) silver & flint spend the night at a scary cabin after reading one too many ghost stories. Reason: someone locked the keys in the car and there's no signal. Mood: cracky.
S21 Silver and Flint in a magical au get stuck together by either a spell gone wrong or a curse and they find this frustrating in every possible way but have to get on the same page to reverse it.
S22 Flint and Silver are neighbours, but haven't spoken before. They both have gardens and can see each other through gaps in the fence. During the lockdown (because of a disease), Silver and Flint become aware of each other in close proximity but separated by the garden fence. So begins an odd flirtation involving sunbathing and topless gardening and water fights. Mood: Sexual tension. Flirting. Maybe voyeurism?
S23 Place: a house with large backyard (probably farmhouse?) Reason: Snowstorm for a week. Snowstorms happened and they had blackout in the house. Silver doesn't like darkness and he keep clinging to Flint. Flint doesn't like Silver's but he had to because Flint doesn't remember their house (floor plan, I mean) and ended up spending their time in other bedroom. Mood: sexual tension, confession, first kiss and first time.
S24 Silver and Flint bicker about emergency prep and then make up. Place: modern apartment. Reason: some disaster.
S25 Silver is talking to Flint, Flint is avoiding De Groot and so Silver finds himself manhandled into a very small compartment he'd never noticed on the Walrus. Mood: silly, ust
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The waiting game
Noah and his family was in the ark for 378 days (See timeline below). The story of being locked up for a long period reminds me of our quarantine season. In their case though, the couldn't go out at all. 
I wonder what is must have been like. Cabin fever perhaps? Fear and anxiety? The world they once knew was wiped out, how would they start over again? What would it be like when they finally got out? How long before they could go out again?
We do not know and cannot say exactly what happened inside the ark because it isn't stated in the Bible. Maybe there were good days, maybe there were bad days. But we do know Noah was a righteous man.
Noah did what was within his control - sent out the dove to test the living conditions outside, and even when the earth was already dry he waited on God to tell him to go. 
Remember the 1st month of the ECQ - How after 1 month people couldn’t wait to get out of their houses?  If it were up to human logic, Noah could have gotten out on the 1st day of the 1st month of his 601st year. But he didn't. He waited on God (that was almost 2 months of waiting for God's word even if the land was already dry).
And when they left the ark, his first act was to build an altar and make a sacrifice to worship God. 
I love how Noah waited on God (even if the waiting was already more than a year in the ark), I love how Noah chose to worship God rather than question God for the devastating flood that had just happened.
When we have the right view of God and a proper relationship with Him, waiting becomes easier to do because we find hope and assurance in His good and unchanging character. We can find rest in His sovereign plans for us and for this world.
======================================= TIMELINE (Yr based on Noah's Age, MM-DD-YY)
> 02-10-600: Noah enters Ark (Gen 7:7)
> 02-17-600: Fountains of the deep burst open  (Gen 7:11)
--- 150 days: Water prevailed on earth (includes 40 day rain), (Gen 7:24)
--- Water recedes after the 150th day of water (Gen 8:3)
> 07-17-600: Ark rests on Mt. Ararat (Gen 8:4)
> 10-01-600: Tops of mountain are visible (Gen 5)
> 11-10-600: Noah sends out the dove and raven to see the living conditions outside, Dove returns (Gen 8:7-9)
> 11-17-600: Noah sends out dove again, returns with olive leaf (Gen 8:10-11)
> 11-24-600: Noah sends out dove, dove doesn't return (Gen 8:120
> 01-01-601: Waters have dried up (Gen 8:13)
> 02-27-601: God tells Noah to go out
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