#maybe he is evil in theory. the mind is willing but the flesh is weak. etc etc
artekai · 1 year
It's weird because I did say Fross was true neutral on his character sheet and my reasoning for that was that he's not particularly motivated by the pursuit of evil, he is mostly just motivated by whatever feels easiest/safest to him, and no matter how much he wants to hurt someone, he probably won't do it on purpose until it's the last resort. But then again I don't know anything about dnd alignments so I might be interpreting them all wrong. AND I suspect I may have underestimated his desire for evil. Or he might be becoming more evil as time goes on, who really knows
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nmshostclub · 6 years
Coming soon...Evilmen Academy AU
Ikemen Academy is not what it seems. At first glance, it’s a prestigious learning institution–but what the public doesn’t know is that Ikemen is training the next generation of killers and villains. Betrayal, lies, and manipulation is common…and what’s more, encouraged, amongst the students and staff.
To gain entry, you must murder…and to graduate, you must commit the same atrocity. How will Evilmen Academy fare when an unsuspectingly innocent maiden stumbles upon their campus? Only time will tell.
The classes are divided into four groups:
    Overlord, the highest rank. People in this class does not have to do anything yet there are a lot of people who’d beg to do their bidding. This position shows charisma and ability to lead and makes idea on how to kill their targets.
    Silent Killer, the second rank. Silent Killers have their own special method of killing. Since they still have to do things on their own, they are lower than Overlords.
    Enchanter, also known as the second rank. The difference between an Enchanter and a Silent Killer is their method. Silent Killers use a weapon while Enchanters use more of their mind, voice, and seduction.
    Anti-Hero, the lowest rank. People on this level are faced with threats of being eliminated from the school. The Anti-Hero rank is also offered special classes and courses to get them to a higher level.
Izumi (Nerd Senpai) AH
Izumi claims it was a mistake. He accidentally killed his best friend by mixing the wrong ingredients for the tea they drank when they had a study date. Since then, his reputation as a diligent student was tarnished, and he had no other school to go but the one that offered him placement for his misdeeds.
Yuu (Young Senpai) SK
Yuu says that the bunny he brings is sentient. It whispers to him things he needed to do, people to not trust and who to kill before they hurt him while also telling him what and how to do certain things. The Academy claimed his madness as his way of hiding his true ability as a natural born killer.
Ren (Lazy Senpai) E
Ren was accepted by his manipulative ability to have someone to do his bidding. He and Reiji were qualified by burning their old junior high school.
Touya (Art Club Senpai) SK
Rumors say Touya has multiple personalities that could be accessed by inhaling a particular pigment. For now, what is known as the yellow pigment triggers his murderous ability, the blue pigment returns him to a calm state, and the green pigment made him forget his deeds. He woke up in a mess in his art club smiling at his blood-stained masterpiece.
Hajime (School Festival Senpai) AH
Hajime was involved in an accident with a festival he held. There was a miscommunication with the fireworks department that resulted in several of the staff members losing their lives. As no other school accepted him for his reputation, he was tested by the Academy to kill one of his younger staff member who was rumored to be the cause of the miscommunication. He got accepted to the Academy afterward.
Reiji (Science Lab Senpai) SK
Reiji was overly eager and easy to please. His knowledge and ability in pyrotechnics was renowned not only in the science department. It was a shock when he used his technique to burn the school for some reason not specified, but the Academy has received both his and Ren’s admission letters to know what they had done.
Shun (Gamer Senpai) E
Shun was an ordinary student. Aside from his hobbies of playing games, he appears to not be hostile. In the gaming world, however, be is known as the number one reason why young students commit suicide. Armed with just words and anonymity, he collected the news of people dying without him ever having to move from his desk. The Academy found him and offered him a scholarship.
Souma (Gourmet Club Senpai) AH
Souma has a taste for rare and exquisite food. His reputation for using morbid ingredients made him unqualified as a young chef in the culinary industry. The Academy took this chance to recruit him, saying that there will be plenty of rare flesh to cook.
Wakatoshi (Delinquent Senpai) AH
Wakatoshi was protecting Izumi from being bullied due to his reputation. He accidentally killed someone in a fistfight and hence the same reputation as a murderer goes for him as for Izumi. He applied to the Academy hoping that Izumi does not have to do all of this alone.
Makoto (Basketball Captain Senpai) SK
Makoto received the scholarship due to his exceptional performance in all forms of evil: murde, assassination, manipulation, and even using his unique charisma to have people to kill for him. He plays basketball for fun and to establish friendship with fellow students.
Tokiya (Drama Club Senpai) AH
Tokiya protected someone from being killed by killing them. As a result, he was not accepted by any other school. Knowing that he cannot go back to the straight path, he decided he will protect the others by being the anti-hero.
Baa/Akira (Goat Senpai) AH
Akira uses his physical beauty to get people to do his bidding, however, it sometimes backfires to himself. Along with his weak physical ability, it made him fall into an inferior rank.
Soujiro (Calligraphy Club Senpai) O
Soujiro was an artist known for his calligraphy. In the black market, his paintings were sold by millions when made with the right amount of noble blood. He was personally invited to the academy for his family’s excellent reputation. As a young lord, it fitted to enter the prestigious Academy.
Souh (Butler Senpai) SK
As a butler, it was common to take orders without personal feelings nor remorse.  The Academy qualification was just a test for Souh to see how far he is willing to do for a future master. There is no flaw found in his technique, yet.
Touru (Student Council President) SK
For Touru, order was everything. He saw the world as something chaotic which went against his views of how the world should be. He knew that he was not strong enough just yet to get rid of the world’s impurities alone. That was the reason he applied for the Academy. His entrance score was beyond perfect. Not only did he kill the student council members, but he also killed his instructor for being lenient.
Hideki (Crammer Senpai) SK
Balancing teaching evil kids and working as a professional mercenary was hard, but Hideki managed to do both. His endurance became the reason why he was sought out to be a substitute teacher for the Academy. Not dying while being in class of murderers for years is his strong point. He likes cosplaying in his free time.
Suzuki (Idol Senpai) E
The idol Suzuki has no time for school. He had thought that maybe the Academy had the flexible timetable for him to balance being an idol and a student. He quickly passed the test when he announced he needed to kill someone to enter the Academy. Hundreds of his fans committed suicide for him.
Yamato (Rocker Senpai) E
Similar to Suzuki, Yamato also has the skills and charisma to have people die for him. His only difference was that his music style brought forth different methods. He did not announce his enrollment directly, but through his music, his fans understood his means and did it for him.
Kyouya (Sensei) former AH
Kyouya Sensei enrolled the Academy the same way Wakatoshi did. He managed to keep himself pure till the end and graduated by killing his (apparently) undead friend Viktor. He swore to protect students that encountered the same experience as him and made sure they graduate untraumatized. He applied to be a teacher to save his friend Haruka from his madness.
Takeru (Childhood Friend Senpai) AH
Takeru came to the Academy after being randomly chosen as the lucky participant. He did not know the school was notorious for their evil students. Since he got in anyway, he asked Makoto for help in making him graduate the insanely hard academy tests. Why Makoto helped him was a mystery.
Haruka (School Infirmary Senpai) former AH
Haruka had the same case as Izumi when he was in his younger days. To cope with school curriculum and demands, he used to take special lessons for students who are falling behind. His kindness resulted in denial of what he was capable of. By the end of school term, he changed. Haruka was now known as the doctor who puts all his patients in eternal sleep. His doctor title was revoked, but he still was given the right to practice in the Academy. He encourages weaker students to take his mind-numbing medicine just like what he did back then. No great student would ever dare to come to the infirmary.
Jéan (Playboy Senpai) E
Jéan’s method of killing is tinted with seduction. As one of the silent killer specialists, Jéan works best when he gets the chance to stab the person from the back or poison them after gaining their trust. His other specialties has to do with connections, especially obtaining information concerning females.
Ai (Cupid Senpai) AH
Ai’s method is slower than Jéan’s. Ai usually gains the person’s trust before breaking their heart and make them commit suicide on their own. Since his method is less efficient than Jéan, he was ranked low in class.
Hinata (Tea Ceremony Senpai) E
Hinata received an offer from the Academy for his family’s skill in poisons. Although he was a good killer, he still has a lot to learn regarding a different approach concerning killing methods as he tends to be too emotional. His family status and theory skills earn him the Enchanter rank.
Sousuke (Archery Team Senpai) SK
Sousuke received the same offer with Hinata. His skills in archery, however, brought him to a more physical-typed skill, therefore, giving him the Silent Killer rank. Often times, Hinata would work as a pair with Sousuke to make a quicker and more efficient kill.
Kei (Ninja Senpai) SK
Born in a family of silent killers, it is only natural for Kei to pursue the family’s tradition. Aside from the school demands, he also has to prove himself to be better than his graduated siblings.
Takahiro (Part Time Job Senpai) SK/E
Takahiro could instantly be an Overlord if he ever wanted to. His enthusiasm and passion brought him to start from the bottom and do the bidding instead of letting others do it for him. Sometimes, he casually ordered Souh to help him with his work, which was why the Academy placed him in a special rank which he can switch between two of the second ranks.
Katsuo (Swim Team Senpai) AH
Katsuo once let someone drown out of spite and jealousy. He regretted his decision for the rest of life. He went to the Academy hoping to graduate and to atone for his sin. Little did he know there would be so many challenges for him.
Ryuu (Villain Senpai) O
Ryuu came from a noble family. For his enrollment in the Academy, his family sacrificed a whole village in his name. Annoyed by people doing his bidding even when he did not want to or wanted to do it himself, he joined the Drama Club to practice his swordsmanship and killing abilities.
Kurou (Director Senpai) O
Kurou used the Drama Club members to do his bidding for him under the guise of art. He knew very well Ryuu wanted to be trained to kill and Tokiya wanted to be better at saving people, so he used both to kill those on his list. In the end, someone needs to give out the instructions.
Viktor (Vampire Sensei) former O
It was no surprise Viktor’s “genetic condition” lets him command an army of loyal subjects. As a student, he was once proud of his ability to create chaos and murder. He was toned down back then by Kyouya who happened to be his group partner. By the end of the term, Viktor went soft enough that Kyouya drove a stake through his heart. It does not matter much for him because a vampire must die once to unlock their true abilities. Kyouya graduated from the Academy and Viktor lives on being stronger than ever afterwards. In present time, he was called to become a teacher and role model to discuss mass murder methods and history.
Itsuki (Ghost Senpai) AH
Itsuki has a gaunt presence which leads to giving students heart attacks. His ability was credible enough to be accepted into the Academy but his unwillingness to kill granted him the lowest rank. He was personally given to Viktor to be tutored after class.
Jae (Breakdance Senpai) E
Jae teaches the necessary physical routines the students so that they can have the stamina and physical fitness they need in their line of work. Jae was once like Suzuki, specializing in distraction while the others killed them or put poison in their drinks. For Jae, collaboration in evil is as important as collaboration in good. He was one of the only teachers that encouraged group work for the students.
Seiichi (Robotics Club Senpai) SK
Seiichi was always given clean cut orders and alwas proceeds to execute them efficiently. His lack of emotions and monotone speech decrease his value and rank to a mid-rank Silent Killer. He prefers quick and clean ways when killing someone. His weapon of choice was a double shotgun or a sniper.
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