#maybe i'll go back and get the remainder of the ARs i need to do to get diamond
inkrabbit · 2 years
A Simple Reading
just something quick I had done for young Nihil and Silvanus. inspired by the tarot cards laid out from the Whiskey A Go Go event on the 4th
“Silvanus? What have you got there?”
“Hm? Oh! Tarot cards.”
“I didn't know you read them.”
“Not as often as I should.” The drummer extends his hand, gesturing to the chair that sat on the other side of the table. “Want a reading? We have some time before we're meant to get ready.”
“You know what? Sure.” Nihil pulls the chair out and sits down, drumming his hands on the top of the table. “So... how does this work?”
“Well, what kind of reading do you want?” Silvanus is already shuffling the cards, patiently waiting for a response.
“Ah... let's go for something basic. The Celtic cross spread?” He knew a little bit about the spread. Really, he had seen it done plenty of times, but he had never been on the receiving end of it. Silvanus nods as he continues to shuffle. He seems focused, like he's concentrating on the cards. Before Nihil can ask why he seems so serious about shuffling, Silvanus stops. He holds the deck in his hands, flipping over card after card, setting them up in that iconic cross he had seen time and time again. Page of Swords, Temperance, The Magician. He's seen these cards before; heard of their names and titles, but he never got the opportunity to look into them.
Finally, Silvanus is done dealing the cards. There are eleven in total, the black and gold cards staring up at him. The drummer sets the remainder of the deck to the side as he admires the cards.
“An excited young man with a whole lot of curiosity,” he starts out, giving Nihil a smirk. “but also some fear holding him back. Whether it be inexperience or just anxiety, you're normally not a go-getter. You need to learn to start taking charge. Don't get lost.
“Still, you seem to have mastered your emotions. You don't exactly have outbursts and you can hold your temper pretty well.” He lets out an amused huff. “Dunno how you managed to summon me or Ares.” Still, he continues. “It does call for balance. Moderation and all that, along with a lot of patience. This card suggests you should avoid anything too extreme.”
“Well, maybe we'll take a well-deserved vacation after tonight?” Nihil suggests with a smile. A soft laugh comes from the man sitting before him.
“Lucifer knows I could use a long vacation.” He knows he means it playfully, but the comment cuts him deep. If he thought about it for too long, he could still feel the searing pain of those fangs sinking into his arm.
“I promise you,” Nihil starts, reaching out to rest his hand on top of the table. “after tonight, we'll get it. I'll do my best for the pack.”
“Nothing has ever been your fault, master.” Silvanus gives him a smile and Nihil decides it's best to drop the conversation as they turn their attention back to the cards. “The Magician is a powerful card. It shows that, through willpower, you're able to make things happen.” The smile becomes more playful. “Such as summoning your own ghouls and becoming leader of a satanic church? Becoming famous and loved?”
“People are going to hear you!” But he's right. Never in his life did Nihil think he would ever accomplish anything like this. He always wanted to, sure, but there was always that lingering fear cemented inside of him that made him think he wasn't enough.
“It's a good card,” he laughs. “I promise you. It shows your success and how you powered through everything. You should be proud.”
“Thank you.”
“Knight of pentacles for the fourth card,” Silvanus continues, tapping the card lightly. “This is considered the strengths and/or weakness card, but this seems like a strength to me. The knight is a provider as well as a protector. Similar to you and your position in the church. Under your care, the clergy and ministry is able to thrive and grow. You've managed to build everything from the ground up. This card shows success.
“The fifth card shows what you'll become: enlightened, spiritual; you'll learn to listen to your intuition rather than focusing on your conscience. Maybe you won't be such a prick anymore.”
“I'm joking! I'm joking!” And still, Nihil matches that playful smile of his. But it slowly falls from the drummer's face as he stares at the sixth card. “The four of swords. It talks about retreat; to take a breather after all the headache and chaos you've been through.” Nihil watches as he swallows thickly. “This card reminds us of what we've lost. You might have the fear that something else is going to happen, but you have to take a break and recoup.
“The seventh card is the future. It goes as far forward as the sixth card goes back. Think of it as a sort of 'as above, so below' situation.” Silvanus stares at the card. The Emperor. “A firm ruler; a strategic thinker. Authority and regulation, but also organization and sort of father figure. It talks about acting rationally and doing what's best for the kingdom, which would be the church in this case.” His voice lowers, the question directed more to the card itself. “Why are you popping up?”
“Is it bad?” Nihil can feel the anxiety slowly starting to rise. Did he truly believe in these cards? They made sense so far, but the hesitation has him starting to worry.
“It's not bad. It just... feels weird to me.” Silvanus shakes his head as he looks at the next card. “Knight of swords... The fool...”
“I'm sorry, master. This just... doesn't make much sense to me.” He doesn't look at him. Those green eyes of his stay locked on the cards. “I know spreading the word of Satan is important to you and the church, but you've never seemed... obsessed with it. Not in a way it would ruin your judgment.”
“What does that card represent?”
“Who you are. I've seen you lose sleep over getting lyrics right, or trying to find the right words to incorporate into music but... I can't think of the consequences it might cause.”
“Maybe it's how I get lost in the music so often?”
“Maybe? I'm sorry. I wish I could read it better.”
“No, no! It's okay! What about the other cards?”
“This card shows where you are. It's 'The Fool'.”
“Well... I've been called that before.”
Silvanus barks out a laugh. “It's an okay card, master. It means you're pretty much going to be on a new adventure.”
“I hope after our little vacation,” Nihil groans. “I'm serious about that, you know. I'll talk to Sister Imperator after the show. See what we can do.”
“I'd like that.” Still, the confused look comes back. “King of swords reversed... huh...”
“What does that mean?”
“Abusive, manipulative-”
“It's about power. But you've never shown signs...” He can see how Silvanus shuffles uncomfortably. “This card represents hopes and fears. Can you... maybe make heads or tails of it?”
“Maybe my new position?” Nihil purses his lips, drumming his fingers on the table. “Sometimes it scares me. Don't get me wrong, I do love leading the church. I love being able to make the siblings feel safe. But it's all... new. Sometimes it scares me.”
“Are you worried it'll change you?”
“Sometimes?” He lets out a sigh. “I've seen what this kind of power can do to people. I've... felt it before. On stage. The love and attention, sometimes it's blinding.”
“I get it. But remember moderation? Not letting the extreme take hold?”
“I'm trying. I promise.” Nihil gives him a smile. “With you boys with me, I'm sure you'll all keep me in line.”
“We're trying.” Silvanus looks at the last card. “The final outcome: king of wands. Great time to get away and travel, but it could also mean you want to finish important tasks.”
“Oh, I don't wanna hear anything else about 'important tasks'.” Nihil brings his hands up to rub at his face. “I'd rather it be all of us going out somewhere. No responsibility. No church. Just... all of us relaxing.”
“I feel like we've earned it.” Silvanus stares at the cards a little longer before he finally gathers them up and shuffles them back into the deck. “I'm sorry I couldn't give you all of the answers, master. Sometimes the cards can be a little confusing.”
“I appreciate everything you could tell me. They're interesting.”
“Well, if you ever want another reading, all you have to do is ask.”
“We still have time, right? Would you mind...?”
“Not at all!” He gives him a smile. “How about we order a few drinks? I promise we'll still be able to perform.”
“I'm holding you to that.”
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simonxriley · 2 years
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