#maybe i'll recognize him now that i've more familiar with all of the different animes and characters
teddybeartoji · 5 months
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chat rate my fit? 😋😋😋😋😋
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amaranthineoceans · 3 years
Everything Weird About Deltarune!
Spoiler Warning for Undertale and Both Chapters of Deltarune! Really! I Literally Go Through Everything I Can Remember About Them!
This is a long post so get comfortable. Also note that my brain doesn't process thoughts into words very well so some of these might not be worded in the best way. :)
Deltarune. The first teaser chapter was released on October 31, 2018, and it came out of nowhere. We've all gone through this, but I'll try and go through every single painstaking detail I can remember. Feel free to reblog and add/correct things.
The weirdness begins right off the bat. The title is an anagram of UNDERTALE. We all know Toby likes to use anagrams when he wants to indirectly tell us when things are related, so it's no surprise that when you go to download DELTARUNE, it warns you that the game is designed for people who have played UNDERTALE. You think, "Cool, so it's a sequel? Or maybe a prequel? A different perspective of UNDERTALE perhaps?" You were wrong; so terribly, terribly wrong! I'll elaborate on this later.
Before you download the application, the terms of service that you must agree to beforehand reads simply and plainly, "You accept everything that will happen from now on." This detail was kinda brushed off in the beginning, because, hey, it's Toby Fox. He does weird stuff all the time. But even in the first chapter, it's apparent that the concept of choice, or more accurately, the lack of it, is a very present theme in the game. I would like to remind you that Toby has announced that there will be one ending in the game. One. I'll elaborate on this later.
The program (as in, what the game is called in your files) is named SURVEY PROGRAM. Why not just call it Deltarune like it is when you download chapter two?
The game launches you, without a title screen, without any setting adjustment options, straight into a reference to the theme of the entire franchise: the lack of choice. A strange formless voice guides you through "making a vessel", with what we know now as a fountain in the background. You have the option to make some very disturbing choices in this character creator, such as making its favorite flavor "pain" or expressing your feelings about it with options such as "fear" and "disgust." You name your "creation," tell the formless voice your name (which is different from your vessel's name) and watch as said formless voice muses over your name at an agonizing pace. It thanks you for your time and tells you that your wonderful creation, (cue music cutout and background removal) will now be discarded. "No one can choose who they are in this world." The screen slowly turns white as the voice says, "Your... name... is..."
It gets weirder. The next scene appears from the whiteness and showcases Toriel calling "Kris" out of bed. Kris' area of the room is very bare in contrast to the other side, which we later discover is Asriel's.
It's Toriel. Why is Toriel here?
Kris is kind of an anagram of Frisk (the protagonist of UNDERTALE) but without the F. I highly doubt this is a coincidence.
Speaking with Noelle is the only reason you can proceed (see what i did there?) while finding a partner in the classroom. This means you can't go through the 1st chapter without knowing who she is. Is it because of the Snowgrave route?
Ralsei is just suspicious to me. There's no way he was just waiting in that castle his whole life alone without some mental toil. So either he's insane or he wasn't alone the whole time. What happened? Is it related to how he can close his eyes and see what Susie is going through when she's apart from the party? Was he just watching everything? Is he related to the formless voice?
Susie's icon is the only one without color in the Dark World.
Jevil's fight is more difficult than Sans'.
Your actions have little consequence in the first chapter. If you choose to go genocide, the only difference in the ending is being run out of the kingdom, and this doesn't carry over to the next chapter. Again, lack of choice, people.
If at the end of chapter one, you walk around town, it's mentioned (notably by Noelle) that you're usually not this talkative. If you go to the hospital and speak with the receptionist, they mention that you used to play the piano in the corner. If you decide to attempt to play the said piano, an out-of-key bash can be heard and the receptionist comments on how you used to play beautifully. If you try this in chapter two, the result is the same. All this is confirmation that Kris is acting noticeably weird.
When you leave the Dark World and walk around town, you can find Sans. He "pretends" to recognize you, and if you tell him you recognize him, he tells you it's funny, considering that you two have never met before. He winks. I'm pretty sure he knows that the player is there.
The mention of Papyrus in both games, but the purposeful lack of him. Like he's avoiding you.
If you go upstairs while inside Asgore's flower shop, there are flowers in glass cases resembling his SOUL collection in UNDERTALE. There's a red flower.
You can't enter the church.
The clock in the storage closet shows a different time than all the others in the school.
If you go all the way south in town and into the woods, the music stops and you come across a rusty, double door is in a hill covered in crass. It's locked. If you go this way in chapter two, however, you watch a cutscene where you and susie happen to find Monster Kid from UNDERTALE (or someone resembling them) and an owl kid in front of the door. The owl kid is pressuring Monster Kid to (presumably) break inside, telling them that they don't want to be a wimp like Kris. Does this imply that Kris is connected to this strange door somehow?
The ending. You know what I'm talking about.
Did Kris actually rip out the SOUL (I say "the" because I'm not entirely sure it's Kris') and knife because they wanted to eat the pie? Did they only eat the pie because Toriel caught them?
Why did they look at the player? Are they sick of being controlled? Is that why they freaked out after the Spamton fight? (later)
Anyway, now we're at chapter two.
DELTARUNE Chapter Two was released on September 17th, 2021. 17. Entry Number 17. Sound familiar?
Asriel's part of the room is different from the last chapter. I don't think this means anything sinister, but I think it means Kris notices different things about the room as the story progresses. My theory is that it will become more sinister in each chapter.
Ralsei getting super excited to see Susie and Kris after a day. As in he has separation anxiety and it breaks my heart. not anything suspicious but it makes me sad so it's on the list.
Kris and Susie's rooms. Ralsei REALLY doesn't want them to leave. Seriously get this boy a therapist. Or a stuffed animal. SOMETHING.
Kris having to gather everything from the storage closet so that people appear in the Dark World????? Why??????????????? They had to do the same thing for the computer lab too.
The golden door. I don't trust it.
How/why the heck did Noelle and Berdley go into the Computer Lab Dark World? I don't see either of them just walking into pulsing void doors without Susie.
Apparently the knight has been gone for a bit and can corrupt people's minds? The king in the first chapter doesn't seem like he can be redeemed but Queen just seems,,, not bad, but a little crazy. I wonder what happened.
Then again, name ONE person in this franchise without trauma.
Horror doesn't bother me. Spamton? Spamton bothers me.
A Kromer is a type of hat invented in the '70s. Nobody named Mike is associated with it, that I can find.
The way he asks Kris is they want to be a heart on a chain their whole life. Like, dude, no wonder they were screaming after the fight.
Kris screaming after the fight and the player not being able to hear it. Don't you dare tell me that's just how the game is designed. There are sound effects characters make throughout the game. None that I can think of apply to Kris, apart from when they rip their soul out.
Ralsei brushing off the Spamton fight. Either that's his coping mechanism or he was trying to shut Susie and Kris up to protect them from... something. I'll touch on that in a minute.
According to Queen, DETERMINATION is a key factor in creating a fountain.
Also according to Queen, Kris, Noelle, and Susie all have DETERMINATION SOULS.
Ralsei freaking out about Berdley making a fountain implies that he may also have DETERMINATION. Why I'm bringing all this up will make sense soon.
How was Noelle able to cast Snowgrave... a spell that she, according to her, didn't know?
The Snowgrave route is so twisted.
You manipulate Noelle into killing Berdley and then, when you get back to the computer lab and investigate his corpse, the text box says that he doesn't seem to be awake. As if you're in denial?
Burgerpants recognizes you. Not Kris. As in the player.
The ending. I don't think I need to describe it. Kris is very methodical without the SOUL. (I say "the" because, again, I'm not 100% convinced it's theirs.) I'm saying this about how they left clues that someone broke into the This proves that they are NOT a mindless, vengeful husk.
Another point I would like to make is my theory that Ralsei knows much more than he would have us believe. I might put this into a different post because I have yet to gather my points into a coherent bullet point list, so keep an eye out for that.
Anyway apart from Toriel and Susie being VERY heavy sleepers, I think I've gone through everything. I have a few theories.
1. Kris is possessed by the player and figured out that they could make a fountain from Queen and related to Spamton freaking out about freedom. They then decided to make a fountain going by the logic that "this would tick the player off." This is one of my top theories that assumes that the SOUL is theirs.
And 2. Kris is possessed by both the player and the knight. I think the formless voice at the very beginning of the game is the knight, and they somehow needed the player to possess someone with DETERMINATION. If so, then why Kris? We know from Queen that Noelle and Susie, and maybe even Berdley also have DETERMINATION. The most plausible thing I can think of is the fact that human souls are stronger than monster ones.
I do think that the popular theory (about the one that suggests that the Dark Word is nothing but a figment of a child's imagination, and the events that occur in said Dark World are simply children playing with toys) has been thoroughly dashed due to Berdley's murder in the genocide route of the second chapter. Unless he's not dead. Regardless, how the events (or lack thereof) that occur in the second chapter play through the next will be interesting, especially considering Toby's announcement about how there will be one ending to the game. So either Berdley isn't dead, or he will be.
Aaaand I think that's it! Sorry for the long post; let me know your thoughts and if I missed anything!
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milkmateartist · 3 years
HEAVENS Black Garden English Translation 【 Main Story Pt. 1】
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[ --- I do not own Black Garden, HEAVENS, Utapri, or any of the characters. This is a fan translation using a combination of google translate and my own japanese knowledge --- ]
// Translated by MilkmateArtist
▽ = Speaking / Speaker
A deep forest covers the clear sky.
The air here is a little cooler than what's normal for the seasonal temperature.
The surroundings are quiet with only the noise of the trees and my footsteps.
▽ You
Is it really this way?
The continuing trail ahead of me looked more like an animal trail. It would be uncomfortable to even call it a road.
Anxious, I dropped my eyes down to the letter.
A letter that arrived to me even though I had no relatives.
It stated that I had the right to inherit the legacy of a person who claimed to be my paternal grandfather.
I lost my parents early and didn't know my grandfather, let alone his relatives.
Invited by the letter, I was now visiting the land mentioned there.
It was a place rich in nature called the "Heavenly Forest".
Everything I saw was shining.
▽ You
Maybe that is it over there...?
In an open area, there appeared to be a beautifully made road and an iron gate.
The gate is locked.
(A) Give up and go home
(B) Try calling out
(C) Break the lock
(A) Give up and go home
▽ You
There is no sign of anyone around, and there is no way to ask.
I have no choice but to give up ...
I went back the way I came and returned to my usual life.
(B) Call out
▽ You
I'm sorry! Is anyone there?
I shouted out loud. Behind the gath, the path led further back, and I could see a bit of the shadow of a house.
Maybe they will notice?. However, there was no reply.
(C) Break the Lock
I picked up a stone that had fallen nearby and swung it down at the key.
▽ You
The stone rolled off the hand without hitting the key.
My head hurt like it was burning, and my vision went red.. I had no choice but to fall into the place without power.
Next I tried to push the gate.
▽ You
It's no use, but I'll keep trying. I wonder what I should do now.
Suddenly, a loud noise came from a nearby tree.
A person jumped from the top of said tree.
▽ You
!! !!
▽ Hugo
Who are you? What business do you have at the mansion?
I could see that he's well trained from his large body and mannerisms,
▽ Hugo
Hey, answer my question.
▽ You
…… My name is (___). I got a letter and was invited here.
I answered frantically while under the pressure from his force.
▽ Hugo
(___) ?
▽ You
He brought his face closer, staring at me with a sharp look.
▽ Hugo
Nope! I haven't heard of you. You're pretty suspicious..
▽ You
▽ Virgil
Hugo, calm down. This person is a client. Moreover, they should be treated politely.
A man came running up from behind and got in between us.
▽ Virgil
I'm sorry, I seem to have surprised you.
With a concerned expression on his face, he bowed his head politely.
▽ Virgil
Hugo's job is to keep an eye on the area around the building since he's the mansions gatekeeper. Don't think too bad of him.
▽ Hugo
……Hmph.. I'm going to go look around. Take it from here.
▽ Virgil
I'm Virgil, the coachman of this building. I was supposed to pick you up, but there seems to have been a bit of a misunderstanding.
▽ Virgil
I apologize for the inconvenience, but you allow me to escort you to the mansion?
He extended his elbows as if he were dealing with a lady.
I was nervous, but followed him..
▽ Virgil
We have a short way to walk until we reach the mansion. Even someone whose familiar with the place can get lost.
▽ You
It's a very large area.
Even after walking for a while, I couldn't see the whole view of the building. I feel that the world they live in is different from my own.
▽ Virgil
Especially at night, it's pitch black, so it's dangerous. It's rumored that *things* come out around then.
▽ You
!! !!
I gasped, involuntarily making a large gesture.
▽ Virgil
Ah, that's a good reaction. You're cute, so I can't help but play around a bit. It's just a rumor!
▽ You
…… Oh, okay.
But it was true that there were dark places, that were black even in the daytime.
It's no wonder that something could lurk inside it.
▽ Virgil
Ah, we arrived!
Passing through the stone gate, there was a large mansion towering over it.
▽ Mika
Oh~ You're here~.
A child popped out from the entrance. He came down the stairs and stopped in front of me.
▽ Mika
I will guide you from here! Now go away Virgil!
When I took my arm from Virgil, he double-took as though he wanted to hug me.
▽ Virgil
Mika is pushy as always. But as many times as I say it, it doesn't matter.
He shrugged and went on, still somehow cheery in his tone.
▽ Virgil
I'll leave the rest to you. I'm going to the stables to check on the horses. I'll see you later.
▽ Mika
By the way, again ... I'm Mika! I'm working here as a messenger boy.
▽ You
Messenger ... Boy?
I tilt my head, puzzled. It's a profession I'm not too familiar with.
▽ Mika
I take letters from my master and deliver them to other peoples residences, and vice versa. Also, I'm so cute, so I'll be asked to accompany people when I go out.
The owner of this building must be a fairly high-ranking person.
▽ Mika
Leave the area to me, let alone this mansion!! I'm very on top of things, so I know everything.
He probably has a lot of opportunities at his job to come into contact with a lot of different thing.
▽ Mika
Indeed, I even know about that letter you have! My master told me that I went out to the town.
▽ Mika
I'll call Abel, so wait a bit here!
That said, Mika disappeared into the front door.
Left behind, I stopped in front of the big door at the front entrance.. Looking closely, I was amazed at the size of it. .
(A) Observe the mansion
(B) Look into the window
(C) Wait as told
(A) Observe the mansion
I walked around the mansion, drawn to the splendor of the building.
▽ You
I've never seen such a nice house. I wonder if this is also in the inheritance of the heritage ...
When I gently touched the wall, the cool sensation seemed to tell me that this was not a dream.
▽ You
Oh, I want to know soon!
I was thrilled by the glorious life that would be waiting for me.
I thought I heard a loud noise, the next moment, a shock ran to my body.
A part of the dilapidated building collapsed and fell heavily on me.
I can't breathe and I can't move one finger. I feel like I heard someone's voice in the distance, but then I couldn't hear it anymore.
(B) Look into the window
I turned to the large window above the front door.
▽ You
!! !!
What I saw for a moment through the gap in the curtain was a devil with a terrifying appearance.
An indescribable horror struck me and I fainted.
When I woke up, I was in a small dark room.
There is no way to know how much time has passed. I was paralyzed.
I was just helpless, wrapped in darkness and waiting for the last moment.
(C) Wait as told
I did as I was told. While waiting, I heard an energetic voice from the other side of the door.
I don't know what they were talking about, but I recognized Mika's voice.
He was probably explaining my presence.
The door opened and showed his face, smiling.
▽ Mika
He said you can come in!
I nodded and stepped inside.
▽ Abel
You've arrived, (___). . I'm Abel. The person who is entrusted with this mansion.
▽ You
Nice to meet you…….
▽ Abel
The owner of the mansion wants to extend hospitality to you. Please think of this as your home and relax.
▽ You
Thank you. Um ... may I ask you something?
▽ Abel
Oh. I'll answer to any question.
▽ You
The letter said that the owner of the museum was my grandfather, but what was he like?
▽ Abel
Is that so? I'm sorry for this. There is no way he could have written that. He is still alive.
▽ You
Oh is that so ...!
▽ Abel
He is on a trip now and away from the building. He was very concerned about whether you would respond to the letter.
▽ Mika
He was worried that you wouldn't come to see him.. Because you haven't been in contact for a long time.
▽ You
Above all, I am glad that you have done your best for me. I want to meet him in person and talk.
▽ Abel
Its best to relax until the master returns. You can use this building freely.
Feel free to use this large mansion ... What a luxury! Just thinking about it made me excited.
▽ Abel
However ...
▽ Abel
Do not enter only in the garden at night. Absolutely ...
He spoke in a soft voice up to that point, and my spine froze.
▽ Mika
……Oh... Oh yeah, That's right. I'll go call Keith. See you.
Mika looked frightened and ran to the back of the house as though to escape from something.
▽ Abel
It's dark at night and it's dangerous because the beasts come out. Of course, it's not easy to get in.
Before I knew it, things had returned to the original calm atmosphere.
▽ Keith
...... I made you wait.
▽ Abel
You're here. This is (___).
▽ Keith
...... I'm Keith. ……Nice to meet you.
I waited for his next words, but apparently this was the end of his self-introduction. He seemed to be the quiet type.
▽ You
It's nice to meet you.
▽ Abel
Keith is a servant of the master. He is also an escort and is a very reliable man.
I wondered if the sword on his waist was for escort too..?
▽ Abel
Keith, could you please guide them through the mansion? I have office duties from now on.
▽ Keith
He nodded, extending a hand to me and we started walking.
▽ Keith
…… where to.. ...... Is there a place you're interested in?
(A) Somewhere to relax
(B) Somewhere fun
(C) A secret place
(A) A place to relax
▽ You
Where does everyone go to relax?
▽ Keith
……this way..
There was an open space beyond the entrance, with a large sofa.
▽ Keith
……the hall. Here ... people often talk ...
The light came in and there was a warm atmosphere. When I tried sitting on the couch I sank in, feeling how high quality it was.
▽ You
I might just wind up telling a long story now
(B) A place to enjoy
▽ You
What do you enjoy doing during your breaks?
▽ Keith
...... Enjoy, huh? Not much ... entertainment around but...
Thinking about it a bit, he stepped forward. There was a quiet place in the basement.
Opening the door revealed many books. inside.
▽ Keith
Doing research ..., reading aloud ... Besides books, there are also games.
▽ You
Wow! With all of this there will never be enough time
(C) A secret place
▽ You
Since this is such a huge mansion, is there a secret place? It's like a room that doesn't open.
Without thinking I curiously asked. Keith's eyes glistened.
▽ Keith
There is…….
▽ You
▽ Keith
...... no such room.
▽ You
Ah, I- I figured....
I then saw at the end of the corridor that there was dim passage.
As I approached, I saw a staircase leading upwards. It was dark, and I couldn't see how long it was.
Strangely anxious, I stepped up the stairs as though they were sucking me in.
▽ You
I couldn't understand what was happening.. A red stain was spreading at the soles of my feet.
▽ You
Those were my last words.
I was guided through the hall. There were various rooms, all of which were luxuriously constructed.
▽ Keith
There are still more rooms ... But I must not.. tire you out.
▽ You
Is there still more! ?? From the looks of things I think I can go on..
▽ Keith
You don't have to rush ... There is a lot of time ...
He smiled as he looked at me with my eyes rounded. Seeing that smile made me happy we were getting more acquainted.
▽ You
Hey, that sword is pretty neat. Is it for self-defense?
What I had been worried about for a long time just kind of spilled out of my mouth.
▽ Keith
This ...?
He touched the sword that hung from his waist.
▽ You
Yeah, I'm asking about what it's used for....
I swallowed words on their way out. Acutely my body froze up and I couldn't move.
Keith's eyes became sharp and sparkled with a suspicious light.
▽ Keith
I thought he was going to silently take out the sword from the sheath, but in an instant he thrust it at me.
▽ Keith
It's a cursed sword that seeks the blood of a young maiden. ...... Should I try it out?
He had a cold expression holding no emotion.
▽ You
Eek ...!
▽ Keith
……just kidding.
With that said, he rotated the handle of his heavy sword and put it back in its sheath.
▽ You
Ha, haha.... That was something.
The tension released at once, and I sighed loudly.
▽ Keith
I'm sorry ... I seem to have surprised you.
Seeing his clumsy smile, I understood this was his odd way of interacting with me.
▽ Eric
Hey, Keith. Can you taste the food for me? I think I did a good job!
A young man ran up with a smile.
▽ Eric
You are...! Could it be...
He corrected his posture, astonished when he noticed me.
▽ You
I'm ( ___ ), . The person who came here after receiving a letter.
▽ Eric
( ___ ), It's a nice name. I'm Eric. Nice to meet you.
A bit shy, his cheeks went pink and he bashfully looked down.
▽ Eric
About that, ... I was cooking for you. I hope you like it.
▽ You
Thank you!
▽ Eric
Ah, it's not a big deal at all. I was a little unsure because I made a special menu that I haven't all that often.
▽ Keith
Do not worry. Eric's food is ... always delicious.
▽ Eric
Is that so? I'm happy you say that. That's not all, I'm also in charge of cooking.
▽ Eric
Have you met everyone else yet?
▽ Keith
They have not met Simon....
▽ Eric
Simon should be in the garden at this time.
▽ Keith
Eric ... It would be good if you took them ... I will continue the cooking.
▽ Eric
Really ? I still have a lot of supper preparations left.
▽ Keith
It's fine……. You're able to convey the charm of the garden better as a gardener.
▽ Eric
All right. Thank you, Keith. Well then, let's go.
▽ Eric
It's better to go to the garden from outside the building. We will use the back road, it's a detour from where we are now.
Leaving the mansion, we walked side by side on the road leading to the garden.
▽ Eric
The roses are in full bloom this time of year, so I really recommend seeing them!
He spoke with an excited gesture. . I could tell he loved the garden from the bottom of his heart.
▽ Eric
It's breathtakingly beautiful. I see them everyday but I find myself visiting. I often have tea with my friends there.
▽ You
Friends……. What kind of relationship do you have with everyone? It's nice being close.
▽ Eric
I'm a colleague, but it's like we're a family. I've lived here together since forever and we're always by one anothers side.
I was very envious of that kind of family relationship since I had no relatives.
▽ Eric
Oh, Abel ... He's my real brother. So he's actually family.
Now that I think of it, it seems their hair and eye colors are similar. But their personality and energy are completely different.
▽ Eric
We'll arrive in the garden soon.
▽ You
Um……. I heard that you shouldn't enter the garden at night. Why is that?
I tossed out the words I've been contemplating for a while after asking Abel.
▽ Eric
...... Who, did you hear from?
Eric stopped.
▽ Eric
Who ...? Hey ...?
I was grabbed by my shoulder and interrogated. The energy he was giving off made it feel like he was a different person.
▽ You
…… M-, Mr. Abel.
▽ Eric
What my brother says is absolute. Don't go against it ... absolutely.
With a serious look, I nodded deeply.
▽ Eric
Haha. I thought you would understand. Well, we arrived.
After passing through the aisle, there was a grand "paradise".
The calm garden, full of flowers, praised the beauty of the world.
▽ You
Beautiful ...
▽ Eric
Right? I'm glad you liked it. But I can't find Simon.
I looked around, but there was no sign of anyone.
▽ Eric
He should be taking a nap somewhere in the garden, so let's split up and find search.
▽ You
We split up and started looking for Simon.
(A) Search behind the tall hedge
(B) Search in the flower field
(C) Search the boundary between the forest and the garden
(A) Search Behind the tall Hedge
▽ You
Is it behind this hedge ...?
It was a good hiding spot since it was as tall as a person and provided good shade for a nap.
I looked behind, but no one was there.
(B) Search in the Flower Field
▽ You
He must be in a flower field.
It felt like If I slept surrounded by these beautiful flowers, I'd have a good dream.
Pushing my way through the flowers, only butterflies took off and there was no harvest.
(C) Search the boundary between the forest and the garden
▽ You
Maybe he's further out.
The back of the vast garden was adjacent to the forest. Maybe there was a good place to take a nap in the woods, like under the shade of a tree.
I went deeper and deeper in.
( -----JUMP TO SIMONS ROUTE------)
▽ You
Where are you ...
Distracted by the surroundings, I tripped in the grass.
▽ You
Falling forward, I landed in a bush.
▽ You
This is…….
There was a small space in the bush that allowed me to get up, and in that place there also was a young man with transparent white skin.
▽ You
Are you Simon ...?
▽ Simon
Who are you ...? Why are you here ...
He curled up as if frightened, and bore the color of hostility in his eyes.
▽ You
I'm ( ___ ), I'm sorry to have surprised you.
▽ Simon
( ___ ) ……. The Lord's relative?
Most likely being explained to in advance, Simon looked relieved.
▽ You
This is a warm and comfortable place huh. It's very relaxing.
▽ Simon
Oh……. Do you understand too? A feeling of being gently wrapped in nature .... It seems to awaken a memory of before being born.
His expression was ecstatic and his eyes were shining. I could tell that he had a pure and straight heart.
▽ Simon
Oh ... what a wonderful day. I will once again enjoy the splendor while feeling the vibrations of the earth ....
Then he gently closed his eyelids.
▽ Simon
Zzzz …….
▽ You
Simon, don't sleep!
I grabbed his shoulders and shook him but it didn't help much.
▽ You
Eric was looking for you..
▽ Simon
...... Eric was ...?
▽ Eric
I found you! So you were here huh.
Eric looked into the bushes.
Suddenly, the low roar of thunder sounds.
A black rain cloud cast a shadow over the clear blue sky.
▽ Eric
The weather is going to change, so let's go back to the mansion.
We quickly left the garden.
Go to Black Garden English Translation Directory here for more routes.
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littleliv1 · 6 years
I Was Born To Love You- Part six
Such an overwhelming amount of support for this series! I’m almost done writing it, I’m on Part 9 and I think I’ll try to end it there. Maybe one more. I have some ideas for the ending, but who knows! Thank you all so much xx
Summary: Leah goes home to a shocking surprise. Flash forward and she’s 7 months pregnant.
Warnings: death of a dog, adultry, lots of tension.
Three weeks had passed since the party, and the next thing we knew, we were done with filming Live Aid. The guys did wonderful, but I was ready to see my little baby again. I missed Lola so much. The flight back was full of jittery guys, and and excited Lucy who never left my side. The absence of the baby daddy drove her into protective mode. She and I became very close throughout the weeks.
Once the plane landed, I drove everyone home, taking the rest of the next few days off. Bryan wanted me to get my new motherhood life situated before I came back. Two days was plenty for me. I was only about 6 weeks pregnant, so I wasn't showing yet. Austin's car was in the drive way, which was weird because he's usually at work at this hour. I opened the door, greeted by silence. Where's Lola? "Darling, I'm home," I said, setting my stuff on the coffee table. I looked in the kitchen and living room, Lola was no where to be found. I went into my bedroom to find a sleeping Austin. I smiled at the thought, but I quickly went away, I remembered what I had to do. I knocked at the door as he sprung up. "Leah," He said, getting up and wrapping himself with sheets. "You're home early," He said, not breaking eye contact.
I looked behind him to the bathroom door. Someone was in there. God this cannot be. My heart sank. I gave up. "Who's in there?" I said, defeatedly. He looked down in shame. "Shelly," He said. I threw my hands up in a I-should-have-known way. I walked out, as he chased behind me. "Dear, come back let me explain." He said. I held my forehead, looking at him. "I want a divorce. I have some lawyers in mind. Keep the house. But where is my dog?" I said, not looking at him. He looked around. "I didn't tell you?" He said. "No, you hadn't called me for an entire month. Where's my dog?" I said, angrily. "She, she died. She was struck by a car." He said, as if I should have known that. My heart was no longer in my chest. It had exploded. My baby, my life. "How could you have not told me?" I said, very quietly, crying to myself.
I left the house, getting into my car. I sat there and sobbed. I called Brian. "Hello, dear! How are you?" He said. I found a break in between sobs to tell him what happened. "I'll get you the number to a really good divorce lawyer. You'll be able to walk away with everything." He said. I shook my head. "I don't- want- everything!" I half way screamed. "I'm pregnant- with a baby- who's father- doesn't want us!" I said. "Drive to the studio. Roger and I are up here working on some stuff, we will find you a place to stay." He said. "But calm down first. Everything will be okay. Stay on the phone with me until you get here.
It took a bit, but I calmed myself down, enough to drive. "Okay, I'm on my way there." I said. I drove off.
I was there in about 15 minutes, walking in. I was a complete mess. All of the guys where there, including Lucy. They all wrapped their arms around me. As loved as I was, I had never felt more betrayed in my life. My heart ached. My dog was gone for god knows how long. The only good thing happening was my baby. I felt my face in a familiar chest. Ben's. I held onto him so tight and just let it out.
-6 months later-
I stayed with Brian and Roger for a few weeks before I found my own place. It was a very nice house. Still one story, but it had a basement, it was pretty big, a pool. And I had it all to myself. I really didn't mind living alone, it was actually kind of nice. Ben was with me all the time, helping me with the house and taking care of my crazy pregnancy needs, coming with me to the doctor appointments. The only problem being, the media thought this baby was his. The divorce was near finalized as he still hadn't signed the papers. I was 7 months pregnant. I started to enjoy the silence. But at one point or anther, I missed my girl very much. I called up Ben on this day.
"Hey, so I think I want to get a dog. Come with me to the Shelter?" I asked him. We all had Sunday's off. "Absolutely! I love dogs." He said. "Alright, I'll pick you up in about thirty minutes or so." I said, with that I started to get ready. Being pregnant in the fall is hard. I just bought these new maternity jeans, and a shirt that showed my bump. I had to say, this pregnancy was going well. The baby has been super active the entire time. But I'm sure it's a girl. I put on some comfy slip ons and left to get him.
We got to the shelter and I explained how I wanted a dog of any size. I told them about my house size, yard size and occupation. "Well, Mrs. Hardy," she said, she recognized Ben. I guess she didn’t know that wasn’t his real last name. I raised my eye brows and I was about to correct her, when she spoke again. "I have the perfect set in mind. Follow me." She said. We walked through the loud barking of dogs, once we got to a pair of border collie Siberian husky mix pups. "Two?" I said, questionably. "Well it sounds like you'll be gone a good amount, you'll want to make sure they have company so they don't get lonely. They're very smart and protective dogs," she continued, patting my belly. "And your house size sounds perfect for them." She finished. I smiled, she knew how to tug at my heart strings. "The price is around $500. But you'll be getting two-" "I'll take them!" I said eagerly. She laughed, as we filled out the paperwork.
"I'm very happy for the two of you," she said. I let it slide again. The thought wouldn't kill anyone, would it? The two beauty's came with leashes. Ben held the both of them as we buckled in. "Where to now?" He said, fighting his giggles back as the pups liked his face. "Doggie store!" I said, driving off. We got to my favorite store, 'Mulers'. It was an animal company that fought against animal cruelty. 50% of their earnings a year went to finding good homes for animals throughout California. They had organic treats, you were able to read exactly what you were feeding your dog, natural dog soaps, things if that nature. Sure it was expensive, but it was worth it. We let the pups out, and walked in. "Let's put them in the cart!" Ben said. He put them both in like little babies. One of them was black, white and silver, with a green eye and a brown eye. He was a boy. The other was all black with white around her eyes and belly. She has two bright blue eyes, but she was deaf. He looked cute with them. I couldn't help but to snap a picture with my phone. I posted on my Instagram.
"Welcome to the family! What should I name these beauties? Boy is on the left, girl on the right!"
Within minutes, comments of names emerged. I smiled at some of them, but I put my phone away. "How much do you have to spend?" He asked. "We will see. I had an extra thousand to spend from my last pay check, plus the money I'm getting from the divorce." He helped me pick out dog beds, with cages, puppy pads, little dog cloths, all things of that sorts. I had to put them in the cutest little shirts that said "Mommy's little diva" and "mommy's little prince". I held them with their backs facing out, as Ben snapped a picture himself. He posted it on his Instagram.
"Look who added to the family! @Joe_Mazello when can we start our own family?!?"
All of the young girls were a bit jealous, but I know they'll be okay. "I love them!" I said, putting them back. I picked out some dog food, a few different treats, some dishes and toys, and we were on our way. As I pulled into my drive way, I saw a lot of cars parked. My drive way was rather large, there was a spot titled "The Mother To Be". I giggled. "What's this?" I said. I took the girl pup, and Ben held the boy and we walked in. A group of balloons and confetti surprised me. I laughed at the startle. "You guys! You shouldn't have!" I said. Lucy approached me. "And who is this?" She said, holding the pup. She lost her mind when Ben walked in with the other. I laughed at her reaction to the two pups.
My closest friends threw me a baby shower. Lucy, still holding one of the pups, sat me on their make shift "Throne" (which was just a rocking chair they had gotten me), and placed a rather large crown on my head, with nipples sticking up, and she placed a sash on me that said "Soon to be mommy". I was so happy, this was so amazing. They had gotten me gift cards to places for paint, and baby stores to decorate the room whenever I decided I was ready to do that. They got me a changing table, crib, carrier, car seat, all of it was so beautiful. Lucy walked up to me, sneakily whispering in my ear. "I did a little snooping, and..." they brought out a box. I hadn't even thought about the gender, but I did really want to know. I don't even want to know how she got it.
Rami started to record. "Start!" He said. I giggled, standing up- or attempting to with the aid of Lucy- and wobbled to the box. "Before you open it, what do you think it is?" I heard Gwilym say. "Mmmm, I really think it's a girl. Every dream I've had it was a girl, so I think girl." Everyone had their bets, as it was displayed on the chalk board. Most thought it was a girl, too. I slowly cut the tape off, and opened it as different shades of blue appeared, balloons, all of it. It was a boy. I was having a boy. I started crying, happy tears. While I thought it was a girl, I felt so blessed to be carrying a little baby boy in my belly.
Lucy hugged me. "I'm so happy for you , Leah!" She said. The furniture that had already been bought was unisex, so it was up to you for decorations. As the party winded down, the guys had cleaned up, and everyone left, you held Bens hand as he started to leave. "Stay," I said. "For a little longer." He nodded. "So where's the nursery going to be?" He asked. I guided him down the hallway, the very last room. It was pretty big, had a rather large closet, and big windows. It was facing the back, though, so no one could see into his room. He smiled, walking in. "If I know your taste," He started. "The chair is going to go, here," he said pointing to an area that was surrounded you windows. I laughed, nodding, as I started to rub my belly. "And his crib will go, here, of course." He said, pointing against the wall. I smiled, nodding again, and walked in. My smile dropped. While I knew I had help by the dial of a phone, I could shake the feeling that I was alone. He could see it. He wrapped his arms around me, attempting to comfort me. "Hey, it'll be alright. This baby will be so loved, and I'm sure you'll met a man who will treat him like he was his own son. Hell, I'll teach him how to play catch. Brian can teach him how to sing-" I stopped him, pressing my lips against his. His hands held my elbows, as mine held his waist.
I pulled back, looking down. "I'm sorry," I said. He smiled. "It's alright, love. I was wondering when that was going to happen." He said. I took a deep breath, and cleared my throat. "I'm feeling a bit tired," I said. "Let me stay with you. You seem like you need a friend." Friend. Yes I needed him. But not like a friend. Something in me so wished this baby was his. I nodded. He had some cloths here from times that he and the guys got drunk and had to stay here. So he changed into what he had here, as did I, which was just a Queen t-shirt and shorts, and we both brushed our teeth. We walked into my room, boxes still packed up from the move, but I just never found the time to unpack them. My bed was across a wall of windows. It started to storm, which I liked the sound of rain when I slept, so I didn't mind. I maneuvered into the most comfortable position to sleep in, with my belly so big. Ben came up behind me, and wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my belly. It felt nice. Normal, really. He started to press kisses on my cheek and neck, which caused goose bumps to trail along my body. And we slept like that. All night.
Taglist: @amy-brooklyn99
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