#maybe i'm just biased to the bird demon.........................
squishyseallikesmusic · 4 months
Can we talk about AOT's soundtrack ?
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(Spoilers obviously) I just need to ramble on about this soundtrack. I'm not even talking about the opening and ending songs (Akuma No Ko my love) but about the actual instrumental OST.
It's so good. So good. I don't think I heard such theatralic soundtracks for an anime yet (yes Demon Slayer has nice pieces, Narutos are iconic, Jujutsu Kaisen has some nice ones, but still). It really enhances the scope and emotional weight of the story, which, if you watched AOT, is immense.
It's my favourite anime so maybe I'm biased, but everything in the score makes it fantastic. The choirs, the string instruments, the electric sounds, everything is titanic (pun intended, ok I'm out).
One of my favourite pieces gotta be XL-TT. Just the choir gives such goosebumps and the melody is absolutely iconic. I remember being frozen seeing the titans for the first time, with the score playing in the background like doomsday just arrived, bells somberly chiming over the sinister drums, everything just melting together in this dreadfull and terrifying apocalypse score.
ətˈæk 0N tάɪtn is also such an iconic piece. These weird electric sounds and the fast paced drums... and then just the iconic part at 2:20. Goosebumps everytime.
Don't get me started on APETITAN. Zeke's theme is so dreadful it encapsulates the terror of another one of these abnormal Titans for the people behind the walls. It's so weird and sounds almost alien. And the small intermissions where the choir takes over, an amazing melody of despair and stakes at play for the survey corpse. Its so good.
Wanna cry ? Just listen to Vogel im Käfig. A bird in a Cage, that's what Eren was. It's so heartfelt and gutwrenching. Plus, the iconic part at the end. This score manages to blend slivers of hope with complete resignation, frustration and the realization that the situation will never shift to your advantage ever.
Then there is Ashes on The Fire. Such a masterpiece. It sounds different, since it's used for Marley and the warriors, but oh God does it sound good. The drums, the calm interludes where only piano notes play, the hectic string passages and the build up to the choirs chanting this epic music... it's amazing. It's so good. SO fucking good.
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spritehouse · 1 year
have you ever read the olden compass? or watched the show? If you have (and I would recommend you do) what do you thing the bau’s demons would be (if you haven’t but you still want to answer this you can just look it up) I have a few ideas but I’m not completely sure
I think Morgan’s would be a German Shepard and Reid’s would be an oriental longhair. And I know Gideon would be some sort of bird but I’m not sure about the rest of them
I would love your thoughts on it!
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i haven't read/watched it, but i have read fics about it and i love them! a particular favorite of mine is the series "his dark mind" by deejaymill which destroyed me in the best way possible.
i got so invested in the series that a lot of my hcs/ideas come from there, but here are my thoughts:
derek - pitbull(?) i don't know a lot about dogs, but derek's dæmon would absolutely be a dog.
pitbull might be a bit basic, but yk, looks tough and intimidating but actually a softie. i think it fits.
spencer - hare this is absolutely from the series i mentioned before because i love spencer and his hare dæmon sm, but it also fits so well.
alternatively, (and this is 100% me self-projecting) i think a type of cat or crow would fit too—intelligent, talkative, a little skittish, cunning, and loves shiny things :]
emily - cat not just because of sergio, but emily is 100% a cat, probably a black one too. i think a black cat would fit her so well and she and spencer would make great cat dæmon buds
jj - butterfly also from the series. just assume all of these come from there at this point but i digress.
partially because she collected butterflies as a kid, but also bright, charming, and deceptively delicate. or maybe a frog for similar reasons.
tbh, i haven't studied jj's character a lot simply because i'm not very good at writing her
hotch - wolf(?) i think hotch would have a canine dæmon (loyal, protective, smart, etc) but i also don't think he'd have a dog.
(the rest of hotch's explanation talks about child abuse in reference to hotch's implied backstory. the end of this section will be marked with *** if you skip)
anyways idk if this is canon or just from the fics i've read, but i saw somewhere that children who suffer from abuse before their dæmons settle often end up with large predators (or tiny prey). my personal hc for hotch/hotch's father was that he was forced to be strong and masculine, so his dæmon settled on a form that would fulfill those expectations to avoid further trouble.
also hotch would look really cool with a grey wolf.
penelope - blue jay penelope would absolutely have a corvid. small and very unscientific infodump: part of the classification for corvids is advanced throat. muscles to make more complex sounds. corvids are also the most intelligent birds researchers have studied to date (im getting my information from wikipedia and my brain so don't quote me on this). add in the blue jay's bright color and you have pg!
elle - fox alternatively: ferret, stout, or weasel
intelligent, cunning, proud, and a little tricky. i don't have an in-depth explanation for this, i just think it fits.
luke - shepard i'm so biased with roxy, but i do think it fits. loyal, intelligent, and protective. i've love to do a huge luke analysis about this but i really have nothing else to say. he's a shepard.
gideon - owl full honesty, i didn't put a lot of thought into this. i was kinda just like "yeah that vibes"
owls are stereotypically old and wise
rossi - hawk again, i really didn't put too much thought into this, just thought it fit the vibes
alex - serval this is self-projection and also not very thoughtful (i am in class as im typing this and maybe should be paying attention but the vibes).
servals are very intelligent felines and love puzzles. i was going to look into a large cat species that's very maternal (though serval mothers do care and hunt for their young alone and are very independent mothers) but again, im in class so this is what we're going with.
i didn't do kate, seaver, matt, or stephen, just because i feel like i dont know them well enough, but here are my unthought-out opinions:
kate: lion/lioness (ik dæmons are usually of the opposite gender of their humans, but i feel like she'd just. Have a Lioness.)
seaver: fox
idk the other two but i'd love to know what you think!
edit: i just realized i forgot to acknowledge your thoughts, i got very excited about my opinions, but i also agree with those! derek's as a german shepard (from my limited knowledge about shepards) makes a lot of sense for the same reason i think luke is and also spencer is such a feline guy idk how to explain it, he just Is.
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sarcasticmudkip · 4 years
Just a quick tip: Since the creator of helluva boss is the same as hazbin hotel, people will probably come into your notes and complain about how offensive, bad and discriminatory the series is.
Obviously thats all bs, this weird new definition of whats "problematic" is nonsensical anyways, but I just wanted to give you a quick heads up in case you didnt know how absolutely outraged people may become over this fictional show.
Hmm, I guess I can get the idea where people might find the show offensive, since it deals with more *cough* mature topics. Art style aside, it’s definitely something that’s for a bit of an older audience than, say, thirteen year olds, but I doubt that stops anyone :p lol. 
I think the show handles its topics and themes really really well, it’s definitely not half-assed!! So I think (take me with a grain of salt as you will as my analysis and soaking in of all the content hasn’t settled for more than 24 hours) that if people found it “problematic,” it was “problematic” because of the presence of those themes and topics itself, and not out of mis-representation or romanticism or something. (Well, maybe Stolas’ obsessives hots for Blitz is a bit over romanticized, I could see that argument. But overall show’s good in Kip’s book) Kind of an on-going pattern in fandom....if you talk about a topic like abuse or gender identity, you’re automatically problematic :/ Ah well. Should probably be fine overall, I’m just dipping into fanart and writing analysis, not too much into deep fandom 
Also it’s 4am so hopefully this is coherent and I didn’t accidentally say something stupid
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dorenarox · 2 years
do you like paimon stolas's father so far?
Ooooh, I didn't see him before, but now that I looked him up, yes! But I like the way the bird demons are designed anyways, so maybe I'm just biased...
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