#maybe im projecting !!
starpunkssgalaxy · 2 months
sbg headcanons pt. 2!!
- aiden steals traffic cones, he has several in his room (tyler got stuck in one of those big round ones, tripped and almost rolled into traffic if it hadnt been for logan who threw himself in front of it. taylor was also in one and wanted a pic for her social media so she convinced tyler to put one on too, thats how it happened 😭)
- ben is the type to trade shirts if the girls are feeling uncomfortable, just imagine taylor in bens baggy ass shirt and ben is wearing some cute little crop top lmaooo hes to sweet
- tyler the type to sit in the weirdest places, perfectly good chair?? nah he’s sitting precariously on an open windowsill (yes he did fall out of it once and it was actually aiden who jumped out after him because he was closest)
- when ash was little she would bring home all kinds of animals, her parents would have to search her pockets everytime she came back in from outside and they’d find all kinds of frogs, harmless snakes, bugs, baby birds (she has raised several birds)
- aiden will not move until he’s chosen music for the drive, he once stepped on a nail but refused to drive to the hospital until his bluetooth connected in the car and everyone was yelling at him
- building onto the bird thing and ashlyn, she’s befriended a murder of crows and has a ton of weird little trinkets theyve brought her because she feeds them in return
- ben has a diary/journal he religiously writes in purely with glitter gel pen. there are horrors beyond comprehension and he’s writing them all down in pink sparkly pen (ex. 🎀 𝒯𝓎𝓁𝑒𝓇 𝒾𝓈 𝒹𝑒𝒶𝒹 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝒻𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝐼 𝓂𝒶𝓎 𝒷𝑒 𝓃𝑒𝓍𝓉 🎀) LMAOO
- aiden on the other hand needs to invest in a journal because he has no filter, like much love aiden but unfortunately i dont want to hear in gross detail about what happened to you after you drank windex thinking it was gatorade
- logan’s guilty pleasure is watching minecraft videos before bed (its ldshadowlady)
- logan also owns a cat and im a firm believer in this, it’s a scottish fold and he would do anything for this cat
- girl scout cookie season comes around and Ben is SCOPING these girls out. he wants his damn cookies and hes gonna drag you everywhere w him to find them
- dont let Tyler in the kitchen alone, and its not because he lacks skill in cooking he is just so forgetful. he’s probably exploded several microwaves because he forgot to put water in w his ramen. he has so much on his plate already that he kinda gets lost in thought while in the kitchen and may burn food every once in awhile
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starch1ldz · 3 months
Everyone always says that Spencer Reid is submissive and whiney, and I get that! I do! And I agree. However, I also think he is the biggest brat ever. You tell him to do something and he'll straight up tell you no, just to see what you'll do, he rolls his eyes and crosses his arms and everything. Like have you seen season one and two Spence when he's not actually interacting with anyone??? BRAT.
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llannasvsp · 7 months
Lloyd already struggles with sleeping. I know this is a popular headcanon, but I think it's actually canon. In the Tales of the Monastery shorts we see he moves a lot in his sleep, which happens more frequently when someone does not sleep well. We also see this again in The Island. Pixal asks Lloyd if he had been awake all night and he responds "yes", and he was awake because he was stressing about escaped criminals and the uneasy feeling of the police using Ronin to capture them.
Now let me add on to this my little headcanon: mergequakes in the middle of the night. Lloyd had to close mergequakes by himself when Kai was off searching the merged lands. Lloyd already struggles with sleep because of nightmares and anxiety. But a mergequake can literally destabilize reality. Imagine that pressure on your shoulders alone. Yea. Dragons Rising Lloyd is absolutely sleep deprived.
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if luis survived he would never get rid of that jacket. Leather is kinda hard to repair esp with cuts in it like that but I think he would embellish that shit. He would so get like patches done on it or have a fringe added to it like.
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ririarts · 10 months
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" Tell me what your purpose is
Who it was that put you here and why?
Did anybody really put you here at all?
And what of those necessities?
Like how to cope with tragedy and pain?
Did anybody ever show you how?
When it hits will my heart burst or break or grow strong?
Is there really only one way to know now? " x
Reference painting: Christ flagellated, Giovanni Antonio Lappoli (1492-1552)
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em-xzm · 1 month
Kevin day the type of guy to say "keep the change" with a smirk, but turns out he owes the cashier another 2 dollars.
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boomboxboi · 8 months
They’re a 10 But…. 🥊
Bruno Bucciarati
He licks your face constantly to see if you’re lying to him.
You also have to hear random zipper noises with no context as to where they came from.
He is an ‘acclaimed’ magician.
His favorite trick is the “sawed in half” trick.
He’s good at it.
But it’s getting old.
Also has depression but won’t go to therapy.
Because he has to help others.
Always puts everyone before himself.
Which leads to burnout.
A major enabler at times.
Leone Abbacchio
He has a grudge against a literal teenager for no reason.
He also has to constantly be petty and angry about everything even when you’re just trying to have a good time.
Also always has to have the last word.
Or gives the silent treatment.
You’re not sure which one is worse.
Also encourages everyone else to act like punks.
Always stirring the pot.
Pannacotta Fugo
A know it all.
But not in a fun-fact sort of way.
But the “I’m always right” way.
Even when he’s not right.
Also wants matching hole outfits.
But you just cannot wear that.
He also faintly smells off.
Like not dirty smelling.
Just off.
Narancia Ghirga
Never his fault for anything.
If he is blamed, he immediately has an excuse.
Or he freaks out because he’s “trying his best”.
He also will ask if it’s “because he’s not smart”.
Cries a lot.
Also blasts his music really loud.
And sometimes plays the same song on repeat for hours.
And can’t save his money because he feels the need to immediately blow it to get that dopamine hit.
Also gossips.
Guido Mista
A BIG gossip.
He just can’t help but to talk about everyone.
Always says he’d say it to their faces too.
But never actually does.
He also leaves his dirty laundry on the floor.
And is terrible at keeping up with chores when it’s his turn.
They won’t get done for weeks.
Except cooking.
But he can’t take criticism on his cooking, either.
Giorno Giovanna
Is emotionally cut off.
You can never tell what he’s thinking.
Also an enabler but only on his terms.
Hot and cold with what’s okay and what isn’t okay.
His morals give you whiplash and confuse you.
Also has a habit of stealing from others.
Probably a con artist.
Does he actually have feelings?
Or is he only looking out for himself?
You genuinely cannot tell at times.
Trish Una
Wants her needs fulfilled first and may not fulfill yours at all.
Drama queen.
If she stubbed her toe, it’s the literal end of the world.
Also wasteful.
Will take three bites of a sandwich before she decides she doesn’t want it anymore.
Thinks anything is replaceable.
Because it’s just a cover up for her own feelings of feeling like she’s replaceable.
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angelic--vomit · 4 months
Rick headcanon: he's not balding, it's trichotillomania from the stress of everything
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housewifebuck · 3 months
Oliver saying they "address" the natalia relationship pretty early on (so she's gone) and buck "puts himself out there again" OK WHY did we have to suffer through the whole she sees me bullshit then? They murdered couch theory for it and then nothing?
some of y'all r gonna hate me for this but I think it would be nice for buck to have a Single Season....like just let him date himself for a while and grow and shit yknow....characters dont have to be in a romantic relationship to have fulfillment and a happy ending
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goldenhourstudies · 3 months
has anyone else read the last man by mary shelley? i read it for a lit class and i need to know if anyone else (dark academia or not) has similarly strong feelings about it
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aweirdofangirl · 1 year
This is probably a silly observation, but it seems weird that during pride month I don't think I've seen anyone claim Gunwoo as a win for the aspecs.
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kuumara · 1 year
this is how mike would react if he saw all the homophobic anti will shit💞 and then crack those bitches skulls up wit a lamp
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he might not know how to fight but that makes him even more deadly
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!!! ch 377 spoilers !!!
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Funny as hell to me that everyone here is solemn, grieving the loss of toupe members and Illumi is completely unfazed and ready to tell them about being a newly wed.
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greeen-bean · 16 days
I think Teo should be allowed to kiss girls. I think he would enjoy that a lot
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apotheosisyphean · 1 year
just (as in <10 minutes into ep 1) started the ravening war and already love Brennan as a player character sm
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dqbbiegallaqher · 7 months
this whole song is so debbie gallagher (me) coded
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