#maybe it was a good luck charm
coral-nerd · 9 months
Walter, trying to be nice in his way:
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My farmer, literally that same day:
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His wasn't even osmium quality, smh
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abeinginsand · 1 year
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Lincoln and Garfield sketches for the soul
(image description below)
Top left dialogue: Went to visit a Garfield statue Linc likes ballerinas too Top right dialogue: The fav shirt It's well loved Love, laugh, lasagna Bottom left dialogue: Sign that says "No Cleat Inside" Slippers & Soft Soccer ball Bottom right dialogue: Game/Movie Night New Garfield Game Digital sketches of Lincoln Li Wilson with Garfield cat merch on. The page is divided into five sections. The top left shows a little lincoln being photographed by Marco on a purple background. Grant is standing beside Marco and with an arm around his waist. Link is giving the ballerina garfield statue bunny ears and has his free hand in a peace sign gesture. He is wearing a lasagna shirt and garfield striped shorts while smiling. Other orange section show a very worn garfield shirt that says love laugh lasagna with the shadow of the cat on it. It has striped sleeves and some sewed on patches. Bottom left blue area shows Link reading a no cleats inside sign made by Marco and then playing soccer inside with garf slippers instead with a red area behind him. The soccer ball is soft as well to avoid damaging stuff. Last sketch shows a game night with all his friends as teens. Normal and Taylor play a new garfield game with him while Scary sleeps next to him. All friends are wearing some of Link's extra clothing for the sleepover. The bg is yellow.
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blushouyo · 8 months
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my wife who came home in 70 pulls and my wife's husband who is very happy that he did
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narcissisticnugget · 2 years
rb to prove you were an evillious fan before the engpjsk aku no taizai collab release
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blusandbirds · 5 months
i do not hawkmoon at all but i was thinking about them both being little weirdos just with different vibes and i know he probably got it reinserted but the thought is that eli gave moon that tooth aisha knocked out of him in season 1 in some romantic gesture because he’s a freak like that and she still has it in a jewelry box somewhere because she’s also unhinged like that
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puppypeter · 5 months
I'm blanking. Who had the headcanon that Jamie gets called Duck by Simon?? Just wanted to let you know Phil has a little yellow duck on his running vest today 🦆
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the-east-art · 1 year
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We gotta throw this year away like it’s a bad luck charm
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 17 hours
god i have been..... so out of it. move happened, thankfully where i ended up was not the worst case scenario i was afraid of but it's still rough. stress, food insecurity, trying to process new unfamiliar chaotic environment without being able to see much, having basically zero time in the day where at there's not at least one person in the central room where the kitchen is when usually at worst in my old place i'd have a few sanity hours at night while my stepdad was asleep, having very little room to actually stretch my legs and therefore exercise + do my main stim, having a godawful bed jesus fucking christ i hate memory foam so much, and walking on eggshells because the sister i've been staying with has gone from 'oh yeah i've got your back and we're besties, everything's fine :)' to kicking me out with 12 hours' notice the last time i had to move in with her, and Worsening Health Issues have just. left me totally brainfogged and out of social spoons, except for poking at solo rpgs and occasionally replying to one or two people/firing off twitter threads off the cuff during Moments of Clarity since it's easier than finishing a tumblr post. should try to adapt some of those at some point.
i know i keep saying that i miss posting and interacting regularly on this blog, but i do miss y'all and i miss writing up essays on here. and i hope people are doing well, or are headed for better days if you aren't.
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owls-den · 1 year
You know what my favorite thing about Trip is?
He's the polar opposite of Absol:
When he's here with you, everything's fine (apart from his abrasive personality)!
The MOMENT he leaves your sight, your area almost gets nuked and/or a legendary appears.
No fucking in-between! Funny normal lil guy, cursed by every deity on this plane of existence to never live anything exciting whatsoever!
I'm not even exaggerating: He leaves the lab? Zeckrom appears. He leaves Castellia City? The city almost gets nuked by an ancient artifact. He doesn't join Alder for lunch? A Pokemon goes berserk. He leaves the series after the League's first turn? Neo Team Plasma shenanigans.
It's the funniest shit. I adore my normal man so much y'all have no fucking idea.
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frommybookbook · 6 months
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This one is for @epersonae, who desperately needs a change of luck right about now.
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bluishfrog · 4 months
IM CRYING 😭 I’m so sorry for laughing but the timing could not have been more unfortunate 😭
My timing was BAD 💀 (but yeah it's also quite a bit funny)
After that, my first art collab was supposed to be in dnf week 2023 (things happened again) and my second one was big bang which was supposed to be this feb (even more things happened).
So if bad things happen again during fem dnf week, I might actually have to start looking into whether it might be my fault somehow...
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serpulalacrymans · 4 months
Hey there, sweet doe <3! I've been so busy lately... but i just had to make some time for my favorite pretty boy <3!
I'm glad to see my last message kept you... entertained. And of course, you are very cute, Larry boy! What's not to love about your handsome face n mesmerizing blue eyes ? Can't help but fawn over ya <3!
What's making today such a hard time for you, pretty thing ?
You shouldn’t have to squeeze me in if you’re so busy.. It’s okay. I don’t want to be a burden. But I’m glad you’re here anyway.. I missed you..
I enjoy all of your messages. You entertain me overall.. You’re very nice to me. I don’t know how to respond often.. Thank you doesn’t feel enough especially when it comes from you.. But I’ll say it anyway. Thank you Elk.. Mesmerizing is a strong word.. Thank you a lot… You say a lot of things that make me feel special…
I can just feel it.
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httpiastri · 4 months
i’ll keep this short because i feel like you might be getting tired of my really really long long asks and also because my heart still aches from yesterday so im not feeling v talkative so
- you made a type in pepe’s name and you made him pee and idk i found it funny okay 😭😭 and its ironic because as i was typing this i made the same typo too
- def trust your intuition!! i’m literally just a teenage girl but there’s been instances where trusting my gut feeling has lead me out and away from really danger or at least warned me enough about it so i could mentally prepare for it
- and i also agree that there doesn’t have to be many coincidences for it to mean something!! sometimes just one coincidence is enough because of the timing and nature of the way it even came about yk?
- i was kinda raised with the beliefs of two religions…? if that makes sense, of course. but even when one religion contrasted the idea of fate and destiny i think it’s something younger me could never shake off and no amount of lessons could ever change that belief in me, and idk but pepe’s season so far kinda made me religious again (this sounds so stupid i’m so sorry 😭😭) but like i do believe in fate and destiny but also in manifestation (which basically means we choose and create our path in life) but rn i’m believing in fate and that there is a reason why his luck (and i say luck and not season, because he is a very talented driver, and the only thing that has been messing him up is his luck) is so awful rn, and that he will shine on the top step of the podium again. he won in barcelona last year, and did the so so good in all barcelona testing’s this year, so even if monaco messes up his race again (which i pray does not happen), barcelona will take good care of her golden child, pepe.
- i realise ive rambled too much again 😕😕
- but yeah omg one of my biggest questions when i was child was why i was put on this world at this exact time and this location because like?? i was always a very emotional child but i was always grateful to be surrounded by so many lovely people, even when i was being bullied in school or whatever. but i also used to feel guilty because why me? when there are others in the world suffering, why did i get the better life, but i think that’s a bit too much for rn.
- also i think paul’s cockiness isn’t too surprising, i think in circumstances where he’s doing really well after two very important teams didn’t stick by him, it’s understandable that he would be acting that way but some of the things he says just makes me go a bit 😦😦 like the wonder kid comment and yesterday’s comment
- but yes i tried to keep it short but i really hope pepe gets his chance to do well again, and i hope its a win, because you mentioned patterns with maiden wins and yesterday my feed decided to just fill itself with pepe posts and i saw one from you from last year: https://www.tumblr.com/httpiastri/732051888669917184 and in the tags you said he had such a good start to the season but then got unlucky and i just looked back at last year’s race results and his dnfs at the end of season were so horrible too BUT he also did end up with 3 wins that season so maybe its like a sandwich pattern thing… where he did well at the start last year, got unlucky at the end of season, got unlucky again (minus his first race podium) and then becomes supremely lucky again at the middle to end of this season
idk im so tired and upset rn and another word i don’t know in english but i hope your week gets better as it goes by!! monaco is just this week so in a few days time, this won’t be the most recent pepe race that we remember, and hopefully by then his luck has changed so the most recent pepe week we remember is an amazing one (i hope that sentence made sense because my brain’s been lagging a bit recently) but yes, thank you for taking the time to reply to my v long asks, and i hope i haven’t been stressing you out with these asks because i really don’t want you to feel pressured to always type out a really long reply to mine— but anyway, have a lovely day ahead, and an even better tomorrow!!💗💗
p.s. thank you for writing about pepe snapping at you and giving you the silent treatment and accidentally making you cry because i imagined the exact same thing yesterday and now it’s in written form so i’m def not going crazy 😵‍💫😵‍💫 but i think id feel guilty if i cried and he had to comfort me because he’s been the one with the horrible luck these past few months?? not me?? but i think it could lead to some really sweet bonding where i give him one of my good luck charms which lead him to win or at least score a podium finish in his next race so
oops i rambled again im so sorry 😭😭😭
- 🪷
?!?! i would NEVER get tired of your messages wth???????? theyre the highlights of my day honestly 😭 im so sorry for being late to answer sometimes but ive been so extremely tired these last few weeks…. i promise to get better 💔 but please never feel like you have to make a message short or like you can't send this or that!!!!!!!!
i looooved reading the pee part of this message because i was like "😭😭 r u gonna realize why i wrote that maybe…." 😭😭😭😭😭😭 and then seeing these messages made me laugh out loud aaaa
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i have decided to trust my intuition more bcs of you !!! it will be interesting where it takes me even if it's abt smaller things :)
don't say it's stupid, i think it makes sense!!! personally i feel like life is a good mix of all of those and while i do think you can choose a lot of what happens to you, i guess i believe that not everything can be changed because some things are more fate-y. but i do believe that everything will work out in the end and even if things don't go how you intend them to (/what you manifest), you'll get the right results in the end as long as you have the right mindset & so on? if that makes sense?? im also a believer in karma so like if you do good things then good things will definitely happen to you. so i 100% agree abt pepe and the fate thing, it doesn't matter if he has a few tough races because he's a good driver and deserves to do well, so if he just keeps fighting and doesn't give up then he will be rewarded in the end 🥺 oh i will be so so so happy if he gets that home race win again, it would truly be the highlight of my year 😭 but i have a good feeling about monaco again !!!!
yesss i feel the exact same way, i feel so insanely lucky to have grown up in this country, in this family, with all of these opportunities and all of the good stuff around me.... i think that a lot of stuff i do today also are very deeply connected to things i felt in my childhood? in a way that i feel like i've had like revelations abt stuff????? like i went through a rlly hard time with my family when i was like 10 and i really didn't wanna go to practice, but the second i met my friends and started playing i was just like "aH this sport has the ability of erasing all of my issues?? sign me the f up" and so 12 years later, ive dedicated my whole life to it..... idk if you get what i mean but i have so many other examples but 😭 but yes i totally get the guilty feeling, esp when im not doing what i should be or like using the opportunities ive been given. the fact that im allowed to go to school, which btw is for free (!!!!), and yet i don't find the energy to study? when people all over the world would kill to learn how to read?? and so on
oh yes 100%, i love the cockiness tbh, it's well-deserved. just like i love pepe's attitude too 🥰
yes yes yes it definitely could be!!!! fingers crossed for a good middle of the season 🥺 also so silly that i wrote abt spa because i was like sooo torn in spa 😭 because obvs i love him (wasn't as obsessed as i am rn tho) but i was so shocked at how he didn't get any kind of penalty (or did i forget abt that?...)...... yes it was probs the team's fault but still 😵
you put it very well, this weekend will be amazing and definitely one to remember <3333 thank you for taking the time to send me these long asks love!!! you definitely have not been stressing me out, i love love reading them and i do not feel pressured. i hope you're having a lovely week s far and that it gets better and better for the weekend !!!!!💗
awwww darling im definitely not going crazy too...... i love his soft side but i also like him showing a bit of emotion yk?? and yes pls like "no don't say you're sorry, im sorry that i haven't supported you enough for a win" 🥺 good luck charms thoooo....... my heart is melting 😭
yet again, shuuuush i don't wanna hear u saying u rambled too much!! you didn't ramble enough, i want twice this much next time!!!!!!! (pls don't feel pressured to write if you don't want to shdjfkhd i just love hearing from you 🥺 no matter if its short or long)(though i prefer long 🥰)
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bbyboybucket · 6 months
Notice how many Flo Pugh movies are among my highest rated on letterboxd 😭
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oooohno · 6 months
'charming shin-chan's pants off' now THAT is an idea
i haven't thought about it much but I just know that even with both of us being inexperienced it is still 100% easy to get him flustered
Absolutely! But now the question is how do you intend to fluster him hmmmmmmmmm
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grabbing the ichi plush by the neck and death gripping it like 'good things are to come its all going to be ok good things are to come' like its a lucky amulet
#snap chats#i didnt even pre order the ichi plush but spiritually i did. good luck charm.#anyway rant time look away from here. Im At My Limit <- i say this every week#I DONT EVEN KNOW WHATS WRONG <- lying. my moms home#i just feel terrible again. i feel so awful i gave myself a headache from being upset#do you know how upset you have to be to give yourself a headache just sitting and thinking#that happened when i was taking a spanish test once but i think i was just so stupid my brain actually started to hurt trying to think#i also remember being sad as hell that day tho so....... maybe it was both#everyday it feels like im sad thats so fucked up and theres nothing i can do about it#ALSO IT'S RAINING AGAIN rain never promises anything good unless you're a plant#im working but i should have this done in. idk a few hours#and then its the weekend right.... there's no limitations for sadness though brother doesn't run on a schedule#unless we're talking about seasonal depression but we know what i mean#ew im supposed to go to that con tomorrow i dont even know if i want to go anymore#i just don't want to do anything anymore ig is the vibe#idk i have a journal to whine bout all this in ╮(╯-╰)╭ squeezing ichi plush is a mood tho so im still posting#maybe if i play a lil y7 ill remember theres good things to wake up for..#also i gave myself another headache OWOWOWOW STOP when will it end#wait let me be sad again because my dad said we'd hang out today or tomorrow#but i just know that's not happening and now im even more sad WEHHH no one loves me etc etc die#sometimes you just need a melodramatic teenager moment i think we're all due that right like once a month#ok i have to stop my head really hurts ☠️☠️☠️
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