#maybe once I fucking draw my current fursona
monster-noises · 5 months
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You know sometimes you spend an afternoon re-filing your old art by Year and it makes you think about an old silly project you did a bit ago that you Know you messed up the timeline on and also missed So many pieces and now that you've got everything organized... Gosh, wouldn't it be interesting to try that again and get the chronology right? That happens to you guys right? anyway here's a chronology of the way I've drawn myself since, well, basically since I started drawing. I have doubts anyone will find this as interesting as I do but that isn't going to stop me from throwing it at the lot of you (/v-v)/
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surlifen · 1 year
guide to surlis sonas
aka an excuse to Poast Images and drone on because I love to do that!
current main sona I think and closest to a truesona: this otter guy who remains unnamed because all the names that are my name have already been used at this point LMAO
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art by nepeteaa and by me! I'd honestly draw him more often if he weren't hard to draw? surli was easy because. Fox. (and Generic Thin whereas my body type is, while still pretty thin, specific in a way that's hard for me to draw) and honestly I enjoy drawing him more oTL.... otters are super hard to stylize cutely + in a way that looks Like Me... surli does not look Like Me teebeehaiche
surli fennec surlifen main sona of the past and still like... kind of me it's complicated
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imbages by jilf and vhsdruid
i kinda ended up disconnecting from his Design as a Whole and the alt palette didn't really fix it but nonetheless he's never leaving my possession. it's weird cause my brain can really only connect fully to one character per Thing/Setting as a Sona who is Me so ever since splitting off into otter I don't feel FULLY connected to either the way I once did to surli :( but I am experimenting with having multiple sonas and maybe ill try that thing people do where they also do sonas for different Aspects of themselves so I don't just have an army of Normal Nice Blonds
pokesona: liam
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art by me, cicadaghost, me
not much 2 say he is me pokemonned! he's much Smaller Cuter than I am and I really enjoy his simple design + imagining him in the pokemon world :3 like what berries he'd like best and what specific cities/landmarks he hangs out at... hiking in ilex forest and visiting the national park yk
lee: bunny....sona....?
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art by me, purrker
he was a bit of an experiment in "CAN I have more than one fursona?" and also "CAN I make a sona who isn't Exactly Like Me?" i've always seen people whose sonas have Supernatural Elements and been like how can you do that. I respect it so much but if EYE am a normal human person how can I connect to something with strange abilities and qualities. and I still couldn't go so far as like... my friend whose sona is an honest to god several stories tall kaiju with a backstory and shit, but lee has supernatural luck and a connection to/control of storms/lightning because that's sick and awesome and cool. and also glows and has cool antlers when he wants. he's not as me as the others but he's there and he's not... NOT me?
fucking... willie dustice, silver city "self-insert" joke guy
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unfortunately I DO love his stupid ass. you know how sometimes in a comic or animated show there'll be some obscure reference to one of the creators or someone on the team like as a gag that goes over most people's heads well he's supposed to be that. his appearance is me at my worst (needs haircut + shave) and he has the OP superpower of putting people in pocket dimensions of altered reality he controls entirely but he ONLY uses it to make stupid filler bottle episodes like They All Have To Play Softball or Beach Episode or whatever. represents my oft-abused ability as a creator to Put Those Guys in a Situation. he's not so much a sona (cause if I made a silver city sona it would be genuine not this greasy freak) but he sure is Representative of Me.
horse: horse
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i was challenged to make a horsesona. I don't plan to do anything with him but kept him around because I liked his design. someday I might make a more natural horse sona for in case I ever joined some kind of equine rp setting or some shit equivalent but for now my sparklehorse
spinxynsona: coast
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art by capricorne, me, me
coasty woasty... made for the nephfei world for the spinxyn closed species. first closed species sona ive ever had and i think hes neat! nephfei is such a well designed world that is really conducive to stories and characters influencing each other's arcs but coast is just some guy he's just there. he just lives there and minds his own business. (he has no gifts or curses so nothing really requiring a Story) but maybe i should get him some Friends at least maybe i can have a sona who has Story OC Friends from other people and still be like yes thats me if i was friends with everybody's ocs
dnd character who was based on me: august
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art by me, thembodino
it was suggested since I have a very hard time being In Character (i get so self conscious) that I start with a character similar to myself! so august is incredibly Just Me FR. if i were to go on an adventure i would be bad at it and terrified. his campaign is suspended due to Life but i accidentally, due to knowing nothing, picked a pretty OP blend of stats that has made him bizarrely competent (not like. the best in the party or anything but he really can hold his own and once like critted twice and turned invisible and flew and killed a dragon) and honestly that's hilarious and I like it for him
that's it! the rest of my characters are just characters not sonas though I still love them dearly, some of them even more than some of my sonas i won't name names though ty if you made it this far. i love to Talk
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kylecoopers · 5 years
i’m also stealing this from @bastianlis​ and @westcfsalem​ bc quite frankly i’m aLWAYS down to plot and while i’ve tried my best to reach out to everyone, i’ve gotten a little swamped in messages and i think i’ve missed some people. so, in hopes of reaching out to new members and characters i may not have plotted a lot with, here are some plots i think could work for my babes.
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key: plots that are in italics are uber wanted just bc i think it’d be good for growth or just fun to play out !!
kyle cooper. resident sad boi, will agree with you if you try to bully him. kinda over life. trans and proud and pan and proud! avid dog lover, will only accidentally sleep with your ex and feel terrible about it for the rest of his life. rooms with his hubby who’s not his hubby sonny in audax and sonny’s his front man in his own little drug scheme where he sells his adderall so they can afford weed n stuff. really sweet, just wants to make people happy and v v selfless tbh. will die 4 u but will sacrifice u for a dog at the same time. not to be trusted for this reason alone.definitely true good or lawful good like i have no idea which one. definitely uwus and owos unironically. kermit the frog is his fursona even tho he’s definitely not a furry, he just says he is so another furry feels comfortable and if ur reading this u know who u are. intro | secret | pinterest | spotify playlist 
wanted connections: more antagonistic plots tbh. like give me enemies, give me physical fights, give me him sticking up for his friends since i know he won’t stick up for himself. ex friends that he’s lost along the way. give me more bad influences too who keep him out too late and let him make out with random people in parties during his transitional phase, give me the people he’s making out with. childhood friends are a must too, he grew up in new york and was in the suburbs for a little while but in the city for the other half. and honestly a LOT of people who are getting their supply of adderall from kyle and sonny bc like that’s their secret and there’s none bc we just recently decided it was gonna be an active thing they’re doing. and some more friend plots are always wanted but he lowkey needs his own little emotional support friends for when him and sonny are being useless gays and can’t just tell each other what is going on.
nicole woods. a hot motherfucking mess. will ghost you, collective heartbreaker and occasional other woman. honestly a coward, terrified of her own feelings so she’s always doing dumb shit. chaotic neutral. current roommates with the only person she is 100% selfless for and will kill 4 her or indira tbh. an effortlessly bitchy person, doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut and will tell you what she thinks if it doesn’t have to do with her feelings. proud wiw but will fuck guys, probs is the top regardless won’t lie, 5′3 and full of fury.
intro | secret | pinterest | spotify playlist
wanted connections: she’s notorious for ghosting people and collecting hearts so having more people she’s fucked over is kinda a need. maybe more enemies like, she has some but she’s probs not number one in terms of how liked she is in lockwood. give me more flings too; she’s biromantic so she’d go any way. maybe a partner in crime she does fuck shit with. she’s from baltimore so she might not have any childhood friends but maybe some friends she made over the internet that ended up going to the same school as her? her stepsiblings are still connections but i’m always down for cousins n such. also hookups n stuff idk if i said that but it’s always welcome.
maple wolfe. the love child of fleetwood mac and hozier’s music tbh. aloof and kinda loner-like, can be found usually drawing somewhere in a quiet place or doing assignments out in the open. probably painted a school mural with a few art friends. used to roommates with tati but now lives in potentas alone. true neutral, really just stays to themself. can be a little too cunning and observant, keeps mental notes on people and tries to figure out their weakness in case they need it. probably wanted to be a forest nymph growing up and when that didn’t happen they were like “well fuck it ig” and went into art. can be kinda short in terms of talking if they’re not comfortable with you but if you bring up the right topics they’ll ramble for hours with thought-provoking conversations and debates about simple things such as who’s the best artist from certain eras and why the only reason things seem bad is because we see everything nowadays. also probs lowkey the epitome of the raven poem by edgar allen poe.
intro | secret | pinterest | spotify playlist
wanted connections: honestly some flings would be cool and maybe some exes because they’re a cutie. some people they maybe grow close to, maybe people from virginia who they know if there’s even anyone here. and potentially a connection to their secret; someone who was related to the person involved or knows of it for that sweet angst or someone who’s father was the cop on duty that night. art friends who painted a mural with them in memory of tati or something. honestly i’m down for anything w/ them they’re just easy to work with.
jasper beaumont. grade a dumbass, amazing singer, probably has a soundcloud tbh and he wouldn’t be ashamed. doesn’t give a fuck about anything, has mommy and daddy issues, the guy you should bring home if you wanna piss your dad off. honestly loyal as fuck to his friends but once you cross him, you’re done. deals with his issues w/ his fists and is just a violence drive person but he won’t hit w/o warrant. coulda been a comedian, definitely had a vine account that got some sort of traction. will fuck anything that consents and has a pulse. fuck gender norms and will show up to events in whatever the fuck he wants. pronouns are he/him and they/them so pls use correctly. his secret is tba but !! be on the look out ;))
intro | secret (tba!) | pinterest | spotify playlist
wanted connections. hook ups, ride or dies, people he’s taken the blame for because baby boy does lowkey have a huge crime sheet. people he cheated on, people he cheated with, people he was the other man to, flings, exes, way more antagonistic plots, maybe some bromance bc i mean bros. maybe somebody he knows from l.a or people he knows from high school? he was around tati for that. a roommate too! he lives in fidelis
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silver-falling-star · 5 years
EVERY dog ask
golden retriever: what are your best qualities?
I’d like to think how much I care about people honestly. Or my creativity I guess.
german shepherd: what is something new you’ve tried lately?
I tried schwarma for the first time last sunday when I went to dinner with @1890s-kid and their parents.
bulldog: what is your earliest childhood memory?
Walking up to my mom on my 3rd birthday asking if it was my birthday. Or maybe my birthday at cades cove, I can’t remember which was first.
beagle: what is your favorite book?
I’m currently enjoying the Dresden Files quite a lot, I don’t tend to have a favorite favorite book, those fluctuate.
yorkshire terrier: what is the meaning behind your url?
Silver comes from my fursona I created when I was in 6th grade, the falling star comes from the fact I used to draw her with a shooting star (or falling star) marking on one of her shoulders.
poodle: what is your favorite food?
Pizza or Mac and Cheese
rottweiler: what are your plans for tomorrow?
working on campaign stuff, and playing in my starfinder game provided I’m feeling well after the dentist.
boxer: what do you love about your closest friend?
How they’ll share their hyperfixations with me, I enjoy seeing my friends light up when they talk about stuff they care about. But honestly with my closest friends, I love them as a whole, because it all makes up who they all are.
siberian husky: what is the last thing you laughed at?
The tags of a tumblr post
dachshund: what is your morning routine like?
Wake up, take meds, eat breakfast (maybe)
great dane: what are some of your favorite stores?
Video game and book stores, or just gaming stores in general. I don’t really have favorite brands.
shih tzu: if you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you want to have with you?
A radio to signal to someone for rescue, A tent or sleeping bag, and a life straw kit.
welsh corgi: how many languages can you speak?
English and Semi-Decent Spanish.
pomeranian: where is somewhere that you’d like to travel?
Scotland. Or return to Japan.
boston terrier: what is your middle name?
I have two, one is Kathleen.
mastiff: what is the last song that you listened to?
Brighter by Patent Pending
cocker spaniel: what is the nicest compliment that you’ve ever received?
Probably whenever you or one of the players gets excited over the campaign I’m running. It’s nice to know all the effort I’m putting in is appreciated.
chihuahua: what is your idea of the perfect day?
hanging out with friends, either just chilling or going on an adventure.
maltese: what is your greatest talent?
My art, be it physical or digital.
pug: what is your favorite movie?
James Cameron’s AVATAR
belgian malinois: what’s the story behind your most recent injury?
I’m not injured anymore, but my shoulder got hurt for 48 hours from a car crash that happened on the 6th. The other car was turning in the same direction I was, but was going faster and the front end of my car clipped the back of the other. I was jerked forward a bit and the shoulder that had the seatbelt on it got minorly hurt from the force.
Heeler: what is your best “hold my beer?” story?
I seem to have faint memories of going off on someone in a chatroom once, but I don’t remember it well.
Probably last day of 8th grade when one of my bullies came up to me to poke some fun and in a fit of frustration of being messed with for three straight years, I stood up and bellowed “FUCK OFF” in his face. Managed to shut up the whole room. And I somehow got away with it and not get in trouble either.
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35 facts about velvet!
buckle in lads because this got long
velvet welch is, if you haven’t guessed, not japanese! wow, surprising, i know. they were born in the united states, and moved to tokyo about a year and a half ago. they’re of white, syrian, and libyan descent— mostly syrian, though, although i don’t have the exact percentages figured out. 
their family is christian— southern baptist, specifically.  velvet is not, even though they were raised baptist. however, they are extremely spiritual. 
(velvet welch isn’t their birth name btw, but it is the name they have listed on all of their official japanese papers. they’d really prefer if you don’t try to pry and figure out what their dead name is.)
fun fact: i got their name from an old 90s instructional video teaching old people how to use the internet. i’m not joking. this was yuro’s idea.
they’re from myrtle beach, south carolina! as the name suggests, it’s a beach town. and as that implies, they love the ocean? it’s like home to them. i could go on and on with this fact alone because i may or may not have been self indulgent and plopped them in a city i’ve visited multiple times a year for like, the past ten years of my life, but. 
velvet’s family consists of their parents and their eleven-year-old sister, rachel! she really looks up to them, and they used to babysit her when she was younger. they’re really good with kids, which is surprising for a lex character.
velvet makes friendship bracelets when they’re bored, anxious, or trying to relax. it’s something they picked up when they were fourteen— their sister wanted to try it out, and velvet (as her babysitter) ended up getting into it as well. she eventually grew out of it (after like, a couple months), but velvet still enjoys it. they usually wear a bunch of bracelets, and will carry around half-finished ones. it calms them down. they will make bracelets for your oc. 
this is the important one, guys: they have a pet cockatoo. she’s going into the game with them because she’s kind of a handful and they didn’t feel right leaving her with their flatmates. her name is felt. she’s basically a small child and velvet adores her. good birb. 
oh yeah, they’re sharing an apartment with some friends, i may or may not make a separate post about them at a later date. 
they love animals in general (and i mean looooooove), and have always grown up around them. their parents have two dogs, their other friends have a bunch of cats, they had a hamster growing up, and they’d really like getting more pets in the future once they have a bigger living space.
velvet is a huge furry, and their fursona is a goat! one of these days i’ll draw it. also hashtag kinfeels. this is why you’ll see me calling them the goat kid a lot, btw. 
their first job was working at a candy store! they love sugar tbh. they’re especially fond of things like sour gummi worms and ring pops, but they like most sweets in general.
they also really love soft serve ice cream! like, a lot. there’s a place on the boardwalk that boasts over 100 flavors of soft serve, and it’s their aesthetic. they especially like chocolate soft serve dipped in a cherry shell!
they wear those LED light up sneakers. like. these
they’re a capricorn! i’m planning on filling out a natal chart for them soon. i associate them with the hierophant card, followed by the devil, the high priestess, and the star! 
they fucking love cool ass rocks. they’re also a steven universe fan. i think their favorite rocks are bismuth, any kind of quartz (especially aura quartzes), opal, and amethyst? i have no idea what their gemsona is yet.
they have four piercings— both ears, a septum, and a medusa! they’ve considered getting more. if they were to get more, they’d probably want a bridge piercing, a labret (maybe? that or snake bites, but not both), and/or probably some extra ear piercings. not sure if they’d go for an industrial bar there but [shrugs]
they've recently been trying to learn how to cook, with varying degrees of success. they’re not bad just..... still in the process of learning. and they’re fairly forgetful
[ear trauma implied?] velvet suffers hearing loss in their left ear and wears a hearing aid! 
they love glitter. especially in their makeup. they’re also the kind of person that’ll wear cute little stickers on their face for fun. they also like rainbow sprinkles and confetti
they follow a bunch of stimming accounts on instagram? they’ve made slime for themself before, and really like that kind of stuff in general. they like slime and frosting stuff more than kinetic sand and paints, though.
they own a bunch of decks, including:
the starchild tarot (which i desperately want)
the 1980s tarot deck 
the hardy tarot deck
the golden thread tarot
tbh i can’t decide between this, this, or this so i might just say they have all three
they also have the food fortunes deck but that one isn’t an actual tarot deck. it was a holiday gift
their hogwarts house is hufflepuff, and their god tier is the seer of light! yeah, they’re rose lalonde. they’re also an ESFP, a chaotic good, sanguine, and enneagram 2w3 (the giver)! they’re right-handed, type B blood, and yes i’m throwing all of the cheap facts together in one slot.
they know english and japanese! their japanese isn’t perfect, and sometimes they don’t make sense, but they’re trying. they also know ASL, but don’t practice it often, so they’re not that great at it. 
i feel like their handwriting would be similar to the woodlands? in english, they write in cursive! 
they love sweet tea. i don’t get it. i live in the south and i fucking hate sweet tea. but, in general, tea is their drink of choice? whether its iced or hot! herbal teas are super nice too, but you gotta be in the right mood for them, y’know? otherwise, they like strawberry lemonade.
alright lets break out the musical aus because you know i love them:
in hamilton, they’d be john laurens
in heathers, they keep accidentally being JD when I AU with sieves, but in all honesty they’d probably be ms fleming
reefer madness? jimmy harper
(”what musical do you associate the most with them, lex?” ha ha, well, that’s a secret)
i mentioned this in my earlier post, but they currently live in ikebukuro! they love the city aesthetic, almost as much as they love the boardwalk aesthetic. 
they’re also a huge fan of like.... idk how to describe it but? they like kitschy cheap tourist-trap souvenir shops with bright neon hoodies advertising the city (side note— they fucking hate that tan / pale blue “life is better at the beach” style of home decor. hate it. their parents love it.). on this note, the gay dolphin. it’s legendary. truly a landmark in myrtle beach. 
and they like... i don’t know how to describe this flavor of psychic advertisement. they also really love miss cleo commercials. because i love miss cleo. they also binge watch old 90s commercials sometimes. because i binge watch old 90s commercials sometimes. they also like that old VHS tape aesthetic. and neons. 
they prefer animated movies and tv shows tbh, and cry over them a lot. their favorite movies include howl’s moving castle, song of the sea, zootopia, and bee movie finding nemo? all animation is good tho. they also really love pokemon!
they’re kinda lowkey goth. on the inside. they went through a (closeted, as best as they could do when their parents would kill them if they get scenekid hair) scene phase when they were younger (it was kind of embarrassing in hindsight), and a lot of their friends are goth, so they still really appreciate the subculture, even if their everyday style is more colorful and floral and obnoxiously neon at times. on occasion, they’ll get dressed up in something trad, but...
they absolutely hate feeling stuffy and restricted in their clothes— you’d be hard pressed to catch them dead in a button-up shirt and trousers and a sportcoat. not happening unless the suit is bright pink or otherwise fun. 
they keep a dream journal! i hate that this became a popular meme.
they’re gay  (...pansexual and very polyamorous, to be exact, and prone to getting crushes on their friends and being super affectionate in general but. gay)
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