#or I drew myself as my Fursona instead
monster-noises · 8 months
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You know sometimes you spend an afternoon re-filing your old art by Year and it makes you think about an old silly project you did a bit ago that you Know you messed up the timeline on and also missed So many pieces and now that you've got everything organized... Gosh, wouldn't it be interesting to try that again and get the chronology right? That happens to you guys right? anyway here's a chronology of the way I've drawn myself since, well, basically since I started drawing. I have doubts anyone will find this as interesting as I do but that isn't going to stop me from throwing it at the lot of you (/v-v)/
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mllenugget · 11 months
WIP dump for my QSMP Leaderboard animation ←
Trivia dump :
At first I was considering making this with my own fursona (following a tradition of mine to make them wiggle to silly dances for each time I change their design), which shows on the first roughs here with the way I drew the legs
Entirely based on Charleston, I mainly used these videos as reference, and a couple of personal ones I made myself with a stinky blanket on top of my shoulders because I had to concede that animating cloth was harder than I thought after a couple of failed attempts
At first I had planned to not simplify BBH's design, I wanted to add in the halo floating, the tip of the belt and a couple of straps and chains and whatnot but later realized that the animation was already really heavy to read with so many design elements moving independently from one another and decided to indulge
While I usually script my animation videos, I entirely winged this one and even changed the song twice Decided last minute to go with the Baghera ending, but at some point I was going to illustrate scenes from the political debates instead
Started this animation a whole week before the election results btw, yes I voted Etoiles, but I did not believe he would make it even weeks before voting for him lol
Dapper Pomme bopping Time
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viiridiangreen · 8 months
there is Real Shit happening in the world but my idiot brain decided to rant about Funko Nerds for a sec sorry
listen it's whatever i'm not about to pull a picture of someone's ShelfieTM(💀) and have an aneurysm over it like Some Twitterheads did over pics of white ladies' stupid pointless consumerist stanley cup collections which ARE dumb and annoying and woefully uncreative expressions of suburban soulrot etc yet. harmless in the grand scheme of things (esp when some of those ladies' husbands collect firearms lmfao I DIGRESS). im not gonna name names im not gonna repost anyone's pic im not gonna go be an asshole in their comments.
but i do need to rant On This Here My Toxic Dump Of A Blog for a sec bc i just don't get.... the breed of collector that i'm gonna call Funko Nerd 4 short
like i GET the impulse to be Part Of The Club and ig a couple pieces of official merch have At Times caught my eye. a few have made me deranged obsessed unwell. I DID make that extremely silly art trade with this furry i met online where i drew its fursona in exchange for a code for bluesky which i ended up using like twice and the chance to buy a years old yet unworn Very Cool destiny sweatshirt off them. i was Besotted since that particular merch drop Dropped because it DOESN'T scream to the four winds that it's A Game Merch but instead it all had the First Light Lunar Installation logo.... stealth nerd apparel my beloved. i don't wanna look like a fan of the thing i wanna look like someone IN or FROM the thing. designers of shit like that you get it. i love you. i would've gone for the boots too on either that or the Europa drop if i'd had disposable income at the time.
BUT. UHH. if i ever found myself or a close loved one filling shelf after shelf & maybe getting a whole dedicated piece of light-up furniture for like. Licensed Merch perhaps even Still In Its Box & Meant To Remain There i'd just. i'd want piglet to pull the trigger yknow? lmao
and like i FULLY GET the impulse to collect shit. gathering Trinkets and Thingamabobs and Tchotchkes is the absolute shit. minimalism be damned magpie swag is hot & sexy etc whatever
but WHY.... THE HELL.... would someone choose to collect samey mass produced shit when fanmade merch sometimes even HANDMADE is fucking RIGHT THERE ?????
and the folx who collect Funko Shit tend to have -10000 sense of visual harmony & taste. they just throw all the shit together and expect that bc fellow nolifers know how much it costs how long delivery takes how limited the runs are they'll be impressed but i just. gag. even when each individual thing is a nice & well made figurine or charm or pin or whatever instead of pukeworthy to begin with & only lent value through Licensing the way it happens w actual funkos..... it looks sososososo ugly just thrown together like that.
whatever. it's not Bad it just Deeply Offends my sense of aesthetics. if i'm gonna spend money on silly vidyagaem / generally geeky stuff i want it to approximate the look of something that came From Within The Thing's Fictional Universe. & not just give "Worthless-Until-Licensed Plastic Garbage To Make Money Off The Thing" vibes.
i'd rather have like. a tiny handful of things that were made with love for both the inspiration and the craft. that feel good as hell to hold or use or look at. that would only get clocked as Nerd Shit by someone who's been in the trenches & has crawled exactly as deep inside the creators' asshole as you have....... than a whole spare room's worth of things designed by an overworked underpaid intern to fulfill the collectibles quota or w/e. but that's just me!!
this goes for tattoos too. every time i see someone get a TRADEMARKED LOGO ETCHED DIRECTLY INTO THEIR INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM i projectile vomit inside ✨💖����
this Grievance is Especially Silly coming from ME like. my living space objectively looks (& functions) like shit. these ppl showing off their Nerd Caves tend to At Least have like. Real Indoors Finishes And Furnishings instead of unsealed concrete nonsense and Insect Condos masquerading as walls. but. yeagh i like to imagine that if i lived in an apartment that was Made & Meant To Be An Apartment (instead of a halfassed halfconverted storage area / outdoor garage...) & had a moderate budget for decoration (???? fucking bougie propaganda brainrot 2 even think abt that in my situation lmfaooooo). i'd make Slightly More Tasteful Choices.
also i'm not vagueing anyone i've literally only seen this nonsense on facebook / lil bit on twitter
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solradguy · 2 years
Might be an odd question, and I'm sorry if it's already been asked, but how did you come up with your fursona?
Not odd at all!! But it's a long story hahah I gotta start from the very absolute beginning. Minor warning for a mention of animal death.
So the first one was an orange and white cat with an olive green trench coat, glowing neon green eyes, a red bandanna (pirate-style, not ninja-style), and they had 7 stripes on their tail. They happened sort of on accident because I was actually 12 years old and couldn't draw humans in a way I was satisfied with and just drew people with cat heads instead. Idk where I got that idea from, probably Thundercats or Swat Katz or something lol. Eventually this character evolved from being based on my actual cat, Toby, to being a character I used to represent myself, 7oby. This fursona is what I refer to as 7oby v.1. They had a sword too, Excalon, that made a blade of frozen ice that was powered by the radiation that my fursona absorbed. I wanted to write a comic with them at once point and had a whole setting and cast fleshed out but this was right around when I entered a very dark period and self-criticism kept it from ever happening.
Unfortunately, Toby, the cat 7oby v.1 was based on, passed away in early 2013. I was really close to this cat, we'd been through a lot together. Around this time I was kind of falling out with the idea of having a fursona too and Toby's death made drawing 7oby v.1 feel... depressing. I tried mixing up their design a little around this time and decided it would be best to just retire them entirely.
This led to 7oby v.2, which was an android with a powerplug tail and 4 motorcycle exhaust pipes on his head lol. I was going through a lot of identity changes around this time (2013-2014) and had a falling out with a friend where they called me a robot and I got a little spiteful about it. I still kind of like 7oby v.2's design but he was a pain in the ass to draw. He didn't last long.
In 2015 I started missing having an actual fursona. I'd gotten a little back into the fandom and having a fuzzy guy I could draw hanging out with my friends' fuzzy guys is a lot of fun. But I needed to design a fuzzy guy again. I didn't know what species to go with and I didn't want to go with a house cat again so I asked my biologist friend for ideas and he suggested a spotted hyena. This was around the time I started realizing I was probably trans so I thought female hyena biology was especially humorous. 7oby v.3 was to be a hyena.
7oby v.3 has gone through a lot of changes haha
7oby v.3 from 2015 through 2017 was just a normal spotted hyena.
From 2018 on he had a robotic endoskeleton like a Terminator and could also make super heated holographic claws and stuff.
In early 2019 I got REALLY into Legend of Zelda and Ganondorf and was like "7oby v.3 is going to be a hyena/boar hybrid now." He still had the Terminator skeleton and laser hands but now he had tusks too. I think this was around the time I gave him lightning/fire magic and decided to combine him with my art mascot, the Somnivagrant, too. Somni's a genderless, amorphous, eyeless, dream demon. It kind of looks like a white dog/wolf and has a sun orb between its ears. The Somnivagrant hitches a ride on my fursona (like a ghost) for fun.
2021 7oby v.3 (the last redesign I've done) is pretty much the same as 2019 but I cleaned up his general anatomy a little and brought back 7oby v.1's Excalon as a giant laser gunsword. Of course.
I think v.3 has gone through more changes than the other two because I've also changed an incredible amount between 2015 to now, but I think, too, that on some level I just don't entirely vibe with v.3. Like v.1 was absolutely me, v.2 was honestly just a stepping stone, and v.3's just kinda... I dunno. I think it might be time for v.4.
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bartoonist · 4 months
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Mom & Aunt Rea’s DreamKeeper Birthday Portraits: These are my Mom and Aunt’s Birthday Portraits as their DreamKeeper Fursonas that I decided to redraw for them fun ten years later, because I remember ten years ago when I drew Myself and the rest of my Extended Family Tree as our own DreamKeeper Fan Fursonas as Christmas Presents for my EFT and my Intermediate Family for fun, especially since I’ve been a DreamKeepers Fan for a longtime now too of course, first I redrew my late maternal grandmother’s Dolphin DreamKeeper peddling her in a wheelchair ten years later, and now I’ve redrawn my Mom and Aunt’s DreamKeepers ten years later too. I penciled and inked them on May 3rd and then later colored them on May 4th, because my Mom and Aunt’s birthdays are a day close to each other being May 3rd for Aunt Rea and May 4th for my Mom, which is why I chose to just put my Initial Full Name and Year Date down instead of the full dates since because I was already drawn their birthday sketch portraits on my Aunt’s Birthday and later finishing their color processes on my Mom’s Birthday after that. But I you folks like their DreamKeeper Fan Fursonas I drew for my Mom and Aunt as I hope they still like their DreamKeeper Fan Fursonas I redrew for them again for fun for old time sake these days too of course.
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magsmapsmtl · 11 months
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JAGUARA: Felines United - Reissue (2023)
A while back I seen a reel telling the story of 7 signs of beauty while OP drew portraits representing each, and I wanted in on that and I figured, instead of making whole new OCs, I'd finally do another redraw of my favorite OCs from middle school!
This is Jaguara, my first major attempt at a series and OCs. When I was about 9 years old, one of my best friends at the time @malenacc11 was our grade’s resident cat girl, but had general fondness for animals. She was my kitty and I, her monkey (this is not the post where we unpack that 😬). One day she decided to arbitrarily assign our group of friends what some white girls on the internet today might refer to as their “spirit animal” when they probably mean “fursona”. Malena assigned me the jaguar, and when I say i RAN with that shit… Fast-forward to 6th or 7th grade when my Sailor Moon obsession has reach stasis and cat girl mangas were all the rage. I had a lot of side projects, such as my series “Superipets” with a “Recess-meets-Rugrats”-esque group of friends who all had talking pets. Or my more favoured one “Skunk Fu Rama”, an idea for a Hello Kitty:Super Mario/Street Fighter kind of game (it even had a theme song). But both paled in comparison to “JAGUARA: Felines United”. All the main characters were based off myself and my updated group of friends at this stage, and followed a pretty basic Chosen One/reincarnation/prophecy storyline. I remember once finding a site where I could email pitches to Cartoon Network, and in hindsight it seems very presumptuous since it’s now very evident to me that I didn’t have a single original thought 😂 Jaguara followed me all the way to high school. I had just started producing and I had a whole EP already that served as the soundtrack. I was very seriously writing arcs and characters, I had managed to complete a few tomes, designed covers for future chapters and already a Titans East-type team of characters that were set in the US (Jaguara of course being in Japan). Jaguara will always have a special place in my heart and my artist journey as it was one of the things that tethered me to our group of friends, and for a while the schoolyard bullying was paused to entertain the idea of other kids being put in the manga. Swipe to see a redraw from 2012. Thanks Male. 😽
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bananahoard · 1 year
I never depict myself in art other than weirdly stylized stuff next to not-stylized junk as a joke, & once someone asked me if I drew giant shoes on myself "because of Sonic (artstyle)." No- I just somehow have size 10 shoes & I'm barely 5'2" so it's funny to draw massive shoes on depictions of myself like a JRPG protag with giant boots. I keep thinking of this because I wanna draw myself with my end-game Pokemon team for my current replay of Crystal (since I haven't replayed OG Crystal since I was 13). I'm still gonna draw myself as a goblin with giant boots. I'd just draw my fursona instead, but then my trainer self would just look like a Quagsire in jorts.
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why are you a furry /nj
Ahem. tldr; Pokemon made me a furry
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team introduced me to the idea of pretending to be a different species after I did the personality quiz plus it gave me a fondness for absol. I consumed more pokemon media including online webcomics. Most notable of which was stupid short eevee comics which had a tumblr askblog linked. And I wanted more content from the comic so of course I made a tumblr. I drew myself as an umbreon which ended up becoming his own character of my main blog @storm-eye-the-umbreon
I wanted to do my own pokemon story so I changed my main into one but almost immediately lost motivation to draw for it. But because of that decision I felt uncomfortable reblogging unrelated items to that blog and made a sideblog @interabsol and drew my current pokesona of Inter. A permanent megasol with little variation at first. That blog handled much of the mass reblogging I currently do on this one and introduced me to a few new blogs.
The itch to roleplay began so I did under my pokeblogs. Then... It began. Just a simple editing battle between a person pretending to be Reece's and one pretending to be Kitkat. Thus the Candy Wars started and mass roleplay with lots of cool people began. I could not choose a candy so instead I made a pepsi drink rp blog. Others did similar things with other brands and spawned the brandom.
I had been aware of furries prior to this but they started to take up more of my dash than pokeblogs and I figured I would eventually make a proper fursona. I had no direction to go in so I continued roleplaying and building lore for my characters, adding furry elements in here and there despite the brandom's incessant need to follow Supernatural type worldbuilding. I originally was leaning towards fox until the brandom's decline. Less and less roleplay was happening but RoosterTeeth had just release season 1 of camp camp and I noticed a few roleplay blogs popped up for it.
A lot of those campcamp blogs were titled character(s)-search-history. And thus this blog was born. Using a brand name with the official title in url plus searchhistory. The reason my description says "not actually official" is because Reeses or Kitkat got sniped by the actual company for false impersonation and every brandom/candy war blog put something similar to continue roleplaying without legal threat. Anyways I roleplayed as the actual google search engine for a bit but as it was with my pepsi blog, I filled this blog with reblogs at first related, then not at all. Some reblogs were from the mods of brandom adjacent blogs who followed me here.
This blog becomes a reblog blog interspersed with personal posts and random musings. One such musing after I had a good chunk of followers was, 'can someone make me a fursona' and one of my followers did. Google cat who you see in my icon and header was designed by @/doeskies here on tumblr and I have loved him since. But... He always felt as a mascot to this blog and not a proper fursona.
So I mused again and asked, 'what species should my new fursona be' and someone said lucario. @/Strinisaur on the same post replied bunny. I futzed around with creating a hybrid of the two and made Rya
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But whatever my initial idea for her was, I'm glad it became what she is now. Her design was further solidified by the drawing Strini made of her that is currently my pinned post and this one below drawn by @/exculis
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The drawing i made of her was with my own cutesy style that i could draw fast in. But I wanted more to her and so I drew this next and the fanart in response helped ground everything I wanted her to look like.
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Of course in that first image you can tell what I was playing and listening to when I created her. Power metal and DOOM ETERNAL. So of course I wanted my jackalope sona to be a jackedalope, which the above image tried to convey. And it did!
Exculis drew a wonderful pinup of her that I won't show here but it helped me know how I wanted her to look. And so I drew a suggestive picture trying to get close to the bodytype I had seen, also not showing here. But the back and forth on art solidified Rya as my fursona outside of this blog and my pokeblogs.
I mean, just look at her!
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drawn by @/exculis
That red outline one was actually inspired by my own drawing of Rya in Jessica Rabbit's outfit
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So, yeah. Pokemon got the ball rolling for me to become a furry and all my sonas were sort of a collaborative experience except inter. Inter came about because I became aware of my anxiety and absol seemed the best 'mon to represent myself.
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grox · 2 years
If I had watched breaking bad when I was like 5 instead of reading the rise of scourge, I would have kinned waltar white hardcore for half my lyfe, downloaded hundreds of breaking bad flipnotes to my dsi, called myself heisenberg in my head and online, drew drawings in mspaint of half walter half heisenberg, put the heisenberg glasses/hat/facial hair on my "fursonas", looked up badass drawings of walter killing domingo and made my computer wallpaper a big slideshow of all of them. I don't remember anything else I did regarding scourge
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xchimeracandy · 3 years
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Part 1/??
Congratulations, CJ! Your application to Fazbear Entertainment's latest and greatest location, Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, has been accepted!
 As the newest member of the Fazbear Entertainment family, you've received the one-of-a-kind opportunity to see behind the curtain, and discover exactly how the magic happens, and someday, even assist in creating that self-same magic!
Your start date is XX/XX/XXXX; come prepared to roll up your sleeves and get right down to business! 
(Please note: starting salary is non-negotiable; any potential illness, injury, or death--accidental or otherwise--is not the responsibility of Fazbear Entertainment Incorporated or any of its subsidiaries. Employees assume all costs incurred as a result of the aforementioned conditions and are not entitled to additional compensation.)
Honestly, that probably should've been the first sign that this job wasn't all it was cracked up to be. But I had my shiny, new Industrial Design degree, and I was so excited to finally have an opportunity to use it; a little corporate evil wasn't going to deter me from my dream career. 
Instead, the "one-of-a-kind opportunity" I was given was working the Prize Corner for barely minimum wage, so I could see how "at Fazbear Entertainment, even being down in the trenches is fun for the whole family." Still, it keeps the bills paid...usually...so I can tough it out until I can find a better gig. And besides, it's not all bad: I get a 2% employee discount off all the pizza and Fizzy Faz I can stomach. It's not like the job is hard, either--I just stand around handing out prizes, and draw between transactions. I draw a lot. Like...a lot, a lot. Drawing is the only thing that takes my mind off of how tiring it is being on my feet all day. At least I have a great view of the main stage...the animatronics here are so cool! I would love to get to design one someday! But I guess I'll just have to satisfy myself drawing my own animatronics instead. "Hey, Ceej! Got a bunch of kids comin' over from Monty Golf and--what's that?" Monty loomed over my desk, lifting his sunglasses up to his brow. I never understood how they stay on when he has no ears...
 "What?" Looking down, I remembered that I had been absent-mindedly doodling my own animatronic self, and immediately felt my ears burning like the hot dogs over at Bonnie Bowl.
 "Is that...is that your fursona or something?" Monty snickered, barely containing himself." "It's not! I just--" "It's...it's so...CRINGE!" I never knew whether or not a robot could bust a gut until now, and honestly, I could've gone my whole life without learning the answer. "BAHAHAHA! Oh, oh, I gotta get Freddy to see this. FREDDY! FREDDY, COME OVER HERE A SEC!"
 "No, Monty, stop! Don't call Fre--" 
 "You called, Monty? Hello, CJ!" And of course, Freddy would never ignore a call from his friends.
 "You...you gotta look at....you gotta look at this...!" Monty wheezed banging his fist on my counter as his sunglasses slid back down over his eyes. "Ceej here drew...she drew...HAHAHAHA!"
 "What've you got there, Superstar? A drawing?"
 "It's nothing! Don't worry about it!" 
 "Oh! It's you as an animatronic! What a stellar job you've done! You're really great at drawing, CJ! You really captured all the little details, too!" 
 At this point, it wasn't even worth attempting to hide the drawing anymore; all the blood had rushed to my face, leaving my knees weak, and arms heavy. What was more embarrassing? Having a giant alligator collapsing a lung over my 'fursona', or having Freddy praise me for my 'shame'?
 I need a new job, fast...
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judysdoodlehole · 2 years
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uhhhh. i think its been a minute LMFAO i drew myself a new icon though! i wanted something more recent/representative of my current art and while the xiao one was very cute i decided to draw my new fursona instead :] if i get off my ass and start feeling more confident im totally gonna start posting more often
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hitodama89 · 2 years
Eurovision 2022
Another year, another round of Eurovision! This was a decently good year with quite a few fun performances. It was great to watch everyone getting really into the whole thing (especially UK's surprising success was hilarious to follow) even if the winner was pretty much known from the very start. I personally liked everything else in Ukraine's show except the parts with rap music; I swear I don't hate rap on principle, I'm just very hard to please with it! Without those parts the song would've easily found its way into this list, but as things were, the following shows were a bit more to my liking.
Let's start from my last year's favorite, Australia. The lyrics of this song were very relatable, maybe even painfully so... And just as relatable was the minuscule amount of public votes it earned, too. That was big ouch moment, not gonna lie.
Lithuania's performance was cute and really minimalist. It reminded me of Eurovision music from many decades ago and sort of made me feel nostalgic for an era I have never even experienced myself.
I'm really glad that we got another weird forest rave this year, too! And from France no less, which was quite surprising. Another huge surprise was the used language, which was Breton instead of French! I really can't believe how few points this madness ended up getting.
Speaking of performances that didn't get nearly enough points, poor Austria didn't even make it to the finals. That's such a shame, as I feel like the finals could've really used the energy of this show to balance all the ballads that always get shoehorned through.
Then a couple of performances with weeeeird energy, the first one being Norway. Who would've ever expected that we'll see the fursonas of Minions on the stage, but here we are! I loved how hilariously absurd this whole thing was. I'm also always a sucker for mystery singers, so this one gets points from that, too.
The years designated ''serious weirdness show'' came this time from Serbia Like many Eurovision songs this very much requires translated lyrics to make much sense, but with those this one is just amazing. And topical here in Finland, considering we've just now seen a huge strike of the nurses who were fed up with the insanity of their line of work.
Poland's song then again was just such a huge damn MOOD. I immediately appointed this song to my theme song of this spring (and even drew some art of it.).
So what was my ultimate favorite this year, then? Well, the answer is the most boring it can be: Finland, my own country. Was it because of that bias? Yes and no. No because I don't like the song because it came from Finland, yes because it came from The Rasmus. Finnish kids of my age lived and breathed The Rasmus 20 years ago and Jezebel, their Eurovision song, sounds very much like their music already did back then. And still, even after all these years, I just really darn like that sound! I was incredibly surprised they didn't do better in the competition in the end.
That's that this time! Really interesting to see where and how the next Eurovision ends up being held. I guess we will see that in a year!
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morimakesfanart · 3 years
(7)what animal symoolizes you? (8) in Harry Potter are you in a House? if so which house ?(9) what do you do for a job ? (10) what is you're favourite female anime Character? (11) will you do a face reveal? (12) how often do you draw? (13) how tall are you ?
7) There's a few animals I've been related to. My family normally would joke that I'm a goat or ram because I'm an Aries. I turned that into a geep (goat/sheep hybrid) because born the year of the sheep. I'm also often referred to as a rabbit because I really like carrots and lettuce. I've even had lettuce instead of popcorn because I like it so much. I have drawn a fursona that's a jackalope with ram horns. I used to have a butterfly fae Sona that drew all the time in middle and high school. If I ever give Mori a Djinn it will probably be based in one of these animals.
8) I did read the books as they came out because my friends and mom really liked them, but I wasn't the biggest fan. I took a few of the placement quizzes online, but every time gave me a different house.
I support trans rights, and although many fans and even the actors have taken stances against JK Rowling, I cannot separate her from her writing enough to want to engage in it anymore.
9) I am currently working full time as a draftsman for microelectronics. I work with engineers to figure out the best layout for the internal parts of the device, and then I make a visual representation of what that will look like. The assemblers then use my drawings and notes to build the actual devices.
10) I have a few female characters I keep going back to in anime. It depends on what time period I'm feeling. From the 80's: A-Ko (Project A-Ko) and Iria (Iria: Xerium the Animation). From the 90's: Ryoko (Tenchi), and Akane (Ranma 1/2). From the 2000's: Duck and Rue (Princess Tutu), Paprika (Paprika), and Celty (DRRR). From 2010's Morgiana and Kougyoku (Magi), Chiyuki (death parade), Trish (JoJo's part 5)
Most of my favorite characters end up being male because they are often given more depth and more important roles in the plot.
11) XD I've shown my face a few times over the years including this winter, so I'm surprised by this one.
Here's one of the Christmas themed outfits I wore this past year, and one of the Halloween (plz excuse the messy bathroom). I just realized don't have many pictures of me with my hair down recently. I should work on that. XD My hair reaches my tail bone when down and straightened, but the curls keep it around my hips.
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I'm still working at drawing myself more accurately.
12) I try to draw everyday even if it's just a doodle. When I go a few days or even a week without drawing my skills start to drop, and it takes me a while to get them back.
13) I am 5ft nothing. (152.4 cm)
((I'll get to the next set during my next break. :D))
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onlyplatonicirl · 4 years
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DTIYS CHALLENGE!!! THANK YOU FOR (almost) 1k FOLLOWERS!!!! SUPER EPIC IM IMPATIENT AND IM DOING THIS RIGHT NOW HELLO I DONT WANNA WAIT ANOTHER WEEK TO PUBLISH THIS Deadline is November 20th, submit but tagging me in the post and also hashtagging #lorels1kdtiys 😋😋 So I got a lot of suggestions for my sona, so I just drew myself :D Also I went a little overboard with the shadows and glowy effects you don’t have to go that extreme G HH JGKGJGJG Like 5 people suggested I do something with me and Synni but I decided against that Bc I really felt like I should do something that highlights me and my individual achievements, because more often than not I’m only known as “Synthia’s friend” and it’s just like mmmmmmm I’m my own person mmmmmmmmmmm A few more notes: - if you want to draw my FURsona instead of my PERsona that’s fine too. She’s a Dutch angel dragon, so she’s got paws, wings, and a long tail. You can look one up for reference, and just come up with what you think the rest of the body looks like based on the headshot. Get creative! - I’ll be judging on which picture I like the most, but everything that is submitted will send me through the MOON. Even if you don’t think you’ll win I still encourage you to participate if you want to! The main goal is just giving you all something fun and enjoyable to do :D At the end I will be tagging and showcasing ALL ENTRIES DM ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS!!! (Please don’t be scared to DM me I’m rlly nice and I don’t actually get a lot of DMs so it’s not like you’ll bother me or anything ghgngng 👉👈) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHHgsLQg3V9/?igshid=1421takbjw7h1
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frisbeep · 3 years
okay, no joke (because April Fool's Day us my least favorite) but my week is going upwards (I hope) so, after drama, mental exhaustion and other things, I had a therapy appointment and tomorrow:
- my mom will be getting told the results of my autism screening
- I'm hanging out with an aquaitence (I can't spell) tomorrow after school and spending the night
- It's Topaz's enclosure cleaning weekend (basically when I deep clean his enclosure instead of my usual cleaning, kinda like litter boxes)
- I'm going to be learning to be more confident in myself and learning to be a little bit more self-centered (I'm a doormat)
- I drew this for a friend!
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and she's going to draw my "fursona" Prince!
Also, I'm planning on drawing more SU characters, starting with Pink!
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alienpupy · 5 years
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Ok so i wanted to make a post to highlight how far my fursona has come in terms of design, and how it also showcases my artistic ability improving and reflects, in a way, my relationship to my gender over the past few years.
This is gonna b long and personal so I’m putting it below the cut (plus image descriptions of course, the alt. text function doesn’t allow super long descriptions)
(image description:
A poorly-drawn reference sheet of an anthropomorphic, skinny raccoon, though they look more like a cat that fell in a bucket of beige, green, and purple paint. Their body is the beige-brown colour, and their paws are green, as if they were wearing gloves. Their hair is the same shade, and their tail is striped green and brown. They are wearing a purple t-shirt, green shorts, and a sleeveless black jacket. They have heterochromia, one eye is green, and the other, purple. The colour palette is all over the place and poorly designed. The image is captioned “Mint: raccoon, 5 foot 5, androgynous (I hope)”.
An updated version of the previous reference. The character still looks more like a cat than a raccoon, and the colour palette is still bizarre, but the execution of it is a bit better.
Yet another updated version of this character’s design. This time, they look more like a fox than a cat, the ears have fluff at the tips. the colour palette has much more contrast to it, and it much simpler. The brown is very dark and the green is a very pastel, minty colour. The character is no longer wearing their cloths, though they are present in the image, and instead have a large purple band-aid on their shoulder. It’s still not very good.
The fourth version of this character’s reference. This time, they actually look a little bit like a raccoon, and the contrast has been toned down. The character looks a bit chubbier, too. The image is captioned: “Mint, species: raccoon, Age: ???, Gender: genderfluid/nonbinary, pronouns: they/them/theirs”
The fifth version of the reference sheet. They are even chubbier, and their colours are brighter, though still don’t go very well together. The image is captioned “Mint, genderfluid/genderqueer, like 15-16 probably, raccoon, fat and floofy.”
The sixth version of the character. Their design has changed a lot, and is now a lot more complex. Their gloves are now two-toned, a dark green for the paws themselves, and a lighter green for the forearm and calves. They also now have light green on their belly, like an actual animal, and their hair is longer. The nose is now a dark purple, instead of the black it was on the previous versions. They now also have seven digits on each paw. Their name has also changed, and they are now named Green.
The seventh version of the character. They look almost exactly the same, although they now have a bunch of piercings on their ears and the art is better.
The eight, and current version of the character. The design has now changed to be much more complex, with two more shades of brown to the body, one light and one dark, so the fur looks more natural apart from the green parts. Their “gloves” are now stripy, like their tail, and now the heterochromia has been dropped, their eyes are both purple. They looks really nice in this version.
end descriptions)
I first made my sona when I was just starting to figure myself out, when I had just really come to terms with the fact that I don’t fit in the gender binary, and as you can see, how i labelled my sona reflected that. The “androgynous (I hope)” caption in the first reference i drew of them was really honest, because that was how I wanted (and still want) to be percieved.
Representing myself as a raccoon also allowed me to separate myself from the more feminine cat-sona i had before, and really restart with how i presented and described myself. if you looks at my old posts when i first put these references out there, the language i used to describe them and me really changed over time, and that transition of vocabulary is quite dear to me.
Idk, this is a dumb, long, rambly post but I felt like making it. It’s important to reflect on how you evolve sometimes.
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