#maybe someday i'll get the idols eye too who knows
saintslaughter-a · 11 months
its been long enough since my last tattoo that ive resolved for my birthday im gettin the fleur de lis done
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cheeseceli · 1 year
If skz wrote a song for their s/o
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Pairing: ot8 skz × gn!reader (individually)
Description: Stray Kids write a song for their s/o, inspired by their actual songs and respective lyricists
Genre: Fluff and maybe a little bit of angst (couple fights, low self-esteem and fear of rejection are mentioned)
A/n: Kinda of unexpected of me to post something like that since I only write short scenarios but! i felt like doing something like this, hope you guys can enjoy
Chan - youtiful
You know whenever there is a chance I'll tell you that you are amazing as you are; Cause when you give me a glance I'm sure that I see the universe in your eyes
He knows how hard insecurities can get and he would hate to see you doubting yourself. He wrote this song with you in mind, hoping it would help you to feel more confident and see your worth.
Lee Know - Waiting For Us
Cause I'm right here waiting for us; At times I was afraid; I didn't think you'd ever come again; So I'll tighly hold your hand; No matter what moment comes; I won't let you go
He probably wrote this one after an argument and he is sure he never wants to fight with you ever again. You are the love of his life and he wants to be with you no matter what and no matter when. This would also be his comfort song whenever he was in tour and far away.
Changbin - Sorry, I Love You
I know I’ll regret, so I end this; I know I’ll regret, so I decide to express my feelings; I want to be more than just friends; I like you too much; Sorry that I like you so much, I'm sorry; I tried to hide my feelings but I guess it was too obvious
He wrote this right before he confessed. He was so sure you didn't like him back?? Up to him, he'd never say anything about his feelings 'cause he didn't want to ruin the friendship. But you are too beautiful to be just friends and he needed to tell you everything. Even though the scenario of the song is pessimistic, it encourages him to confess.
Hyunjin - Hoodie Season
Hey baby, I'll make you my lover ey; When you feel the winter wind in autumn; Ooh ah, ooh ah will you hug me warmly; Fallen leaves, like fallen leaves; We gon' fall in love
And they fell in a love in a spring autumn day. Even though this part of the lyrics talks directly to you, this song is not exactly about you, it's about what you make him feel. A hopeless romantic, he was born to love but he also expects to be loved and you make him feel this way. You are like the hoodie that protects him from the cold wind and makes him feel warm.
When my hands touch you; We take each other's breath away; At each other's gaze the feeling we've never felt before; This has no explanation; I know it's nothing ordinary; Makes me want more
This one would be written before you guys got into a relationship and he would be so confused. Did you want the same as him? That was just attraction or perhaps something more? This song was basically a brainstorming, trying to figure out the whole situation as it was something new to him.
Felix - WOW
You who's different, curious of you; Your vibe which has changed, curious of you; My feelings that I cannot name, mysterious of you; your gaze when you're staring at me; Let me say wow
He wrote this one in his delulu era i'm 100% sure. You would look at him for a second and he would be speechless. He would spend the whole day thinking about you and wondering if you felt the same, trying to read all the possible signs, even writing about it.
Seungmin - my universe
So close yet so far, your and my world; I will always find you till the end always; Even if I fall behind, I will follow you; My universe
He knows the idol life is hard to keep up with, but still you were there for him in all those hard moments and he is so, so grateful for that! If he believes in afterlife, he is sure he will find you in his next life. That's how it is: you guys are meant to be.
I.N - #LoveSTAY
I will never make you lonely; you'll always be beside me; Someday I'll get exhausted and cry; Fall down and feel pain again; it doesn't matter once again; I can endure it by looking at you; Cause I love you
Yes, it is about Stay. But I.N can't help but think about you in some verses. He considers himself so so lucky to have you: you were there in his worst moments and you made ordinary days become the best moments of his life. You are his medicine and he hopes he can be the same to you
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My darling Dolls AU
You admire and love dolls. You always walk this certain shop from school when your young.
You always gaze longingly at the beautiful dolls that are being sold and displayed.
Yet as someone who cannot afford much, those dolls are luxuries you can never own.
Yet even knowing that fact. It doesn't stop you from wanting to own one. That's why you save and save, from pennies to a few cents.
Maybe with those mere changes and money, you have saved your able to buy one, someday.
Even the dolls arent new, or branded, or even if they are broken or haunted. You want the doll.
That's why when there's a chance of having one thrown your way, even if it's from a shady street toy seller, you are quick to run back home to get your savings and brought the only doll in the stock.
It's a beautiful doll with dark purple hair that reminds you of the night sky and beautiful shade of blue eyes.
The doll have a nervous sharp teeth smile, as if not sure what to do while you stare at it with a wide happy grin.
There's a a bit of damage in the doll but it's not something you cannot learn to fix.
That's why you hug the doll lovingly and welcome the first doll to your life. Not even minding the words of the seller.
"Remember dolls can have a soul. If they love and care enough, they will gain a heart. Maybe one day with enough love they can become a human too. So little deary, take care of mayoi for me ok?" The seller says as he give you the doll
"Ok!" The young you replied happily to the seller. Not even knowing such fate have been created that day you choice to take the doll home.
As you play with the doll beside you, after fixing the small problem it has, the nervous smile becomes a happy smile as it turns its head to look at your sleeping form that hugs its soft plushie body. "Hello, my owner... I'll take care of you too... Even though I won't do much. In this state of mine but maybe one day I can do more..... So please continue to love me till that day." A voice spoke out in your humble room but you were too asleep to hear it.
Soon a singing voice that lullaby you to a deep sleep can be heard in the room, as your doll sing you a song of a phantom who finally found a home.
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Table of content:
Part 1: My darling dolls: Alkaloid, Crazy:B
01: Mayoi Ayase
02: dolls, gods and Tatsumi Kazeheya
03:Idols, 3rd-4th Dolls and Watchful gaze.
04: Lost, Classmate, haunted and Blue star
05: Reunion, Alkaloid and Crazy:b
06: Mofumofu and The phantom
Part 2: The Phantom, the haunted dolls and the blue star.
07: Playing dress up
08: Sewing a dolls pt1
09: Sewing a Doll pt2
10: A dream of a doll maker
11: The theory of time travel and no place as home
12: there's an odd kid outside
Part 3: The Sleeping Beauty, The forgotten Past and a Contract
13: The Sleeping Beauty
14: the same feathers flock together
15: The Plan
16: Worry
17: selfishness, hypocrisy and a contract.
18: The doll who become a puppeteer
Part 4: mischievous adventure of a Doll-MC
19: Kaname knows how to Jinx someone
20: Kaname knows how to Jinx someone pt 2.
21: Pseudo darling doll MC
22: Pseudo darling doll MC
23: Aoi twins Past, The 6th Doll and The Pikachu
24: ii Hiyori and the Sakumas brothers
Part 5: the sakuma siblings.
25: the pestering Rei, the Shadow Doll, and The Void
Part 7: The first dollmaker(s)
PART 9: the Lost God
PART 10:
PART 11:
To be added
My Darling Dolls AU Mini Corner: Dear sleeping beauty
Episode one
Episode two
Episode three
Episode four
Episode five
Episode Six
My darling doll au: crossover PT 3 "la mort"
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
A/N: a fairy tale inspired au. A Pinocchio retelling. This is supposed to be a mayoi ayase one but I decided to make it an AU where the alkaloid are dolls. This is also inspired by a game known as 'nameless'.
UPDATE: I'm adding Crazy:b and MaM in this AU.
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The Stick Notes guy | Kim Namjoon x Reader
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Kim Namjoon x reader
This is a third person pov and the reader has she/her pronouns. The names of the idol and the others aren't mentioned but the characteristics make it pretty obvious about who the fanfic is. This can be read as a simple one shot without the label of fanfic too.
Genre: fluff (little angst if you squint)
Warnings: no major warnings, mention of college parties
Summary: What will happen if you have a crush on two different people according to you, one is mysterious and the other being someone you see everyday?
Words: 2.5k approximately
(It's Namjoonie's birthday, Happiest birthday to one of the most beautiful humans on this planet and the best leader BTS could ever ask for ♡)
'Plants are pretty and so are flowers, maybe someday I'll get them for you'
The note said.
She smiled as she looked at the note. It was crazy how just a piece of yellow paper with something cheesy scribbled on it made her smile. She never knew who was it that stuck the notes there everyday but they were always there.
"You got another one of these?" Her best friend asked in his soft voice as he pursed his lips looking at her read the note.
"Yessh." She said in a hush like voice as she placed the note in her notebook to take it to her room and put it safely in the little box she made for all the little notes she got.
"Ah, you and your notes. I'll get going, I have a class." Her friend said as he started walking out of the alley between the bookshelves they were in and she turned around to tell him to not go.
But, her dearest friend just dismissed her as he let out a soft chuckle and felt the glares of the people sitting in the library on him as he walked away from the book shelves. He apologised as she just shook her head.
"I'll see you later." He, her best friend,  mouthed looking at her before giving his iconic smile which made his eyes disappear and walked out of the library.
She stood there holding her books closer to her chest. This mysterious note giver, he was one of a kind, she remembered the first time she stuck a note there with no hopes of getting a reply.
Hey, Stranger!
Her note said.
Hello fellow homo sapiens!
Was the reply she got.
And that was the start of it. Their little everyday conversation through yellow stick notes which they stuck on the apparent not regularly visited section of the library.
She always wondered if it was a ghost that she communicated with everyday because she never saw anyone walk into that alley which led to that bookshelf, cause that bookshelf had books from the stream where people barely studied anything in.
This mysterious stick notes giving guy felt like a part of her imagination indeed.
She walked away from the bookshelf and sat in her usual place in the library. She placed the books to study on the table and looked in front of her.
There he was, the guy she had an enormous crush on. I mean, how could one not have a crush on him? He was tall, smart, killed people when he glared at them with those perfectly hooded monolid eyes of his but at the same time healed people with that dimpled smile of his.
She observed him as he adjusted the glasses on his nose. He scrunched his nose just a little bit flinching slightly at the sound of someone pulling a chair around them. She hid behind her book as his eyes suddenly looked around and she pretended to be very much into the book to even notice that it was upside down. She facepalmed herself as she quietly turned her book back to it's normal position and pretended to read it again. She slowly looked back up to look at him and found his dark brown eyes looking at hers. She stopped working as his eyes continue to remain in contact with hers, it was almost as if he was assessing her.
What was she supposed to do?
She didn't know so she just looked at the page that she was pretending to read. After a while, she hesitantly looked back and much to her good luck, he went back to reading the book.
She felt terrible for having a crush on the guy and the guy who sent her those cute little sticker notes. But, it was what it was.
Sometimes, she wondered if both of these two people were the same. But, she eventually came to a conclusion that it wasn't possible, a lot of times, she never found the tall guy around her when there was a sticky note on the bookshelf and sticky notes guy seemed more of an outgoing person with those crazy one liners and adorable plant emojis.
The sticky note guy made her feel good, made her feel those butterflies, made her appreciate the little creatures on the earth, made her believe in the magical feels of having a crush, made her laugh with those cheesy one liners he made, made her tear up at those thought provoking quotes and made her fall for him. But then there was also this guy in front of her who made her feel almost all the same things but from a distance.
She sighed as she closed the book and removed her yellow stick notes pad and scribbled something along the lines of
'Aha, tulips will be perfect ;)'
She walked towards the place and stuck it perfectly at the spot she always found the stick notes.
She brushed her hands off to remove the dust, collected her books and walked out of the shelf and then out of the library not before giving the guy with the crab pattern shirt a glance.
"So there is this party." Her friend announced as she glared at him.
"I am not gonna come." She said plastering a sickeningly sweet smile and her friend frowned.
"But. I came to that bookstore with you last week." He said to reason and she just shrugged it off.
"That was your choice." She said instead.
"Ahh, I hate you so much." He blurted.
"I love you too." She said with a smirk on her face and he just glared at her.
Her eyes drifted away from her angry friend to the familiar dimpled guy. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at him smile at a person who handed him a pamphlet and walked away.
"I will come to the party." She blurted out of nowhere.
"You what?" Her friend asked as he blinked at her.
"Just be happy that I said yes, bro." She said instead and walked away before he could ask her any other questions she didn't wanna answer.
She looked at the note in her hand, the note she got today.
Would you like to meet someday? :)
The note said.
She was blushing like crazy. She was nervous, really nervous because she did a weird thing, she invited him to meet her near the infamous lamp post on the campus. Now, the thing was, the party was today and it was on the campus and a lot of people loved talking pictures at the lamp post and there was a party. She wanted to smack herself right in the face for doing such a stupid thing.
She placed the note back in her collection and walked towards the mirror to look at herself one last time before heading out. She wore a simple pair of blue washed jeans and matched it with a black full sleeved off shoulder top. She applied minimal makeup feeling self conscious and resisted the urge to wipe it off her face.
The campus was lit up and she could hear the bass booming through the halls of the dorm. She silently walked out of her dorm without interacting with anyone and kept walking till she reached the famous lamp post. She couldn't see anyone there except a group of girls who were talking a bunch of selfies leaning on the lamp post. She frowned slightly and made her way towards the party feeling a little disheartened.
"So, I found out why you came here." Her friend said as she raised one of her eyebrows while looking at him.
"It is him. Isn't it?" He asked and she blinked.
"Which him are you talking about?" She asked him.
"Ah, shoot, I forgot that there are two of hims." He said and she glared at him.
"That guy, the one from library." She said.
"Ha, I figured that out when I saw him walk out." He said and her eyes stopped wandering around.
"Walk out?" She asked him.
"Yeah. Why?" He asked but she dismissed him and hurried out of there pushing bodies out of her way.
She kept walking till she reached the lamp post and stopped when she looked at him. The familiar dimples etching on his face as he looked at the little stick note in his hand and smiled at it. Her heart beat so fast in her chest that she was scared that in another moment she will wake up from her dream or die. Her stomach and chest filled with butterflies which were fluttering all over there. She gulped as she blinked looking at him lean on the lamp post and smile as his eyes wandered around and stopped on her. He stopped leaning and stood straight as he looked at her.
She slowly walked towards him as he blinked looking at her. It was strange how both of them knew almost every small thing about each other but were strangers just because they never met. It was a strange feeling, she felt, it was him, the guy she had been in love and it was also him, the guy she wanted him to be. It would make no sense to anyone else but she couldn't explain how happy she felt and at the same time she was nervous.
She finally stood in front of him and he looked at her as he placed her note back in his pocket. There was a bag in his hand, it looked like a gift but she didn't wanna pry so she remained silent.
"Hey." He said hesitantly and it almost felt unreal to hear that voice, the voice she always heard in the form of a deep chuckle or when he called someone out from a distance, speak to her. His voice was different, raspy, leathery and unique just like him.
"Hey!" She exclaimed as he smiled at her.
"I got this for you." He said as he handed her the gift bag and she smiled at him and thanked him.
She looked at the pretty bag which had small potted plant in it with small flowers buds on its branches.
"Its a bonsai." He said as she looked up.
"A Jasmine plant." He said further as she looked at the little potted plant with a sparkle in her eyes.
He slowly leaned on the lamp post and looked at her with a smile as she touched the flower buds. She looked up and felt nervous under his gaze.
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"What?" She asked him.
"I wish I could get flowers but I didn't expect us to meet this soon." He said instead.
"But you got me a plant that will eventually give me flowers." She said and he looked at her with a soft smile.
"Its one of my bonsai collection." He said nonchalantly and she felt a wave of flutters in her stomach, she remembered all the times he told about having a little plant nursery in his dorm room and about his roommate kept scolding him for making their room a zoo.
"Thank you." She said meaning it as she looked into his eyes.
"You're welcome." He said with a small nod.
"Wanna take a walk and talk or head to the party?" He asked.
"Let's take a walk." She said and he nodded.
They both walked in silence as they admired the surroundings with the booming sound that came from the party. They kept walking till the sound was faint and stood in front of the campus cafeteria which faced the garden. They sat on one of the benches as he looked at the night sky. She turned around and looked at him, his jaw was sharper than the knife in her kitchen and she resisted the urge to boop his nose. How can a person be so irresistible and adorable at the same time?
She wondered as she observed his features and his side profile in the calm surroundings.
"I saw you, one day, at the library sticking the note up." He said after a while and she froze.
"You did?" She asked.
"Yeah." He said as he let out a soft chuckle.
"I couldn't believe that it was you." He said instead and she felt her heart drop.
_What did he mean? Did she disappoint him? Did he expect someone prettier?_
Well, ofcourse he did. He deserved the best. Ofcourse, he had expectations. She thought.
A faint red flush appeared on his cheeks as he looked ahead avoiding her gaze and she felt her cheeks heat up too for no particular reason.
"You might not remember, but freshman year, I bumped into you and you guided me to my class. I found you fascinating since then and I don't want to creep you out but everytime I stuck that note on the shelf. I wish it was you who found it and you did." He said and her heart was on the verge to explode.
Ofcourse, she remembered the first time she saw him, he was so lost and she happened to bump into him. It felt like destiny had its own twisted way of making things happen.
"I remember." She said as he turned around to look at her and their eyes held the contact for longer than they should've.
"It's getting late, we should head back" He said as she nodded and moved her eyes away from his face to look at her hands.
They got up and walked in silence, their hands brushed slightly when they walked and her heart raced everytime it did. They finally reached her dorm area. She looked at him stand in front of her wearing that black oversized sweatshirt with that cap on his head.
"I'll see you tomorrow, same time, same place." He said as she looked at him and nodded with a smile.
He came closer to her hesitantly and leaned forward to place his lips softly against her cheek. It made her heart beat so fast that she was sure that she will collapse on the floor. Her entire face warmed at the feeling of his lips against her skin and she smiled as he pulled away and whispered a soft good night in her ears and she squeaked a good night back and ran back to her dorm.
She locked her door up and looked outside her window and found him nervously scratch the back of his neck with that dimpled smile on his face and look around. His eyes stopped when he looked at her figure at the window and waved at her. She waved her hand back at him with the same enthusiasm as he gave her one last bright smile before walking away.
She had a lot to think about and a lot of pending assignments and a hell of lecture from her best friend for leaving her at the party like that but she couldn't care less as she sighed and let herself fall on her bed to escape to her world of dreams.
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l000ey · 3 years
mamas 2019, pt. 1 ━ venus
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𝑷𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮 ━ 𝗆𝗈𝗈𝗇 𝖽𝖺𝖾𝗌𝗈𝗎𝗅 𝗑 𝗂𝗆 𝗃𝖺𝖾𝖻𝗎𝗆 ( 𝖿𝗍. 𝗆𝖺𝗆𝖺𝗆𝗈𝗈, 𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖻𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖺 𝗅𝖾𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗋𝗈𝗌𝖾𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖾 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗄 )
𝑺𝑼𝑴𝑴𝑨𝑹𝒀 ━ 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝟤𝟢𝟣𝟫 𝗆𝖺𝗆𝖺𝗌 𝗐𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖺 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝖼𝗋𝖺𝗓𝗒
𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺 ━ 𝗋𝗈𝗌𝖾́ 𝖻𝖾𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺 𝗉𝗌𝗒𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖺𝗍𝗁 𝖻𝗂𝗍𝖼𝗁, 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗋𝗒 𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗆, 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝗌𝖾𝗑
𝑨/𝑵 ━ 𝗂 𝗌𝖺𝗂𝖽 𝗂 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗀𝗈𝗇𝗇𝖺 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖽𝖺𝗒𝗌 𝖺𝗀𝗈, 𝗂'𝗆 𝗌𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝖺 𝖿𝖺𝗂𝗅𝗎𝗋𝖾 𝗈𝗆𝗀
𝒀𝑬𝑨𝑹 ━ 𝟤𝟢𝟣𝟫
• 𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘶𝘴’ 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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A feeling of excitement and euphoria ran through the place, the glitters of the idols' expensive clothes decorated the city of Nagoya, and the screams of the fans, excited to see their favorite artists perform. But Moon Daesoul didn't feel that but a great pressure and anxiety that made her hand tighten more and more against Hwasa's. She didn't want to attend the awards, but because she hadn't told anyone what happened that night she had no choice but to smile and nod like she was a sweet and silly girl.
She rolled her eyes, erasing her tight, fake smile as they escaped the flashes of the paparazzi on the carpet. Hwasa's hand was still trapped in her grip as they walked into the stadium ━rather laughing at the wig that Solar would have to wear for the performance━, she remained quiet until they reached their seats for the night watching the toes of her heels appear and disappear as they walked, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone.
She listened as Wheein thanked the staff girl who guided them as she sat down. She did a quick visual inspection and sighed in relief, at least Exo hadn't come. Her eyes met Storm's, who moved her eyebrows in her direction in a playful way at her making her eyes roll.
"Well, place your bets" Byul spoke attracting the attention of the four, who looked at her curiously although the curiosity faded as their eyes fell on Dae "Will something happen between JB and Vee or will they just look at each other like every damn event?" The tired and annoyed tone that she used to pronounce the last sentence made Wheein laugh, her laugh was accompanied by an exaggerated gesture that expressed the annoyance of the members every time the former couple starred for a moment from afar.
Immediately her body stiffened. They didn't know about Baekhyun, they didn't know that she was almost in a relationship with the Exo singer, but most of all, they didn't know about that night. Guilt returned to fill her body when the words and thoughts made a knot in her stomach and went up her throat wanting to come out of her in the form of vomit. She swallowed hard, diverting her gaze from her sisters, who were looking at her waiting for an answer.
“Maybe something will happen, but with someone else.” The leader's words reached her ears making her frown, but she still didn't look.
Hwasa gave her a light blow on the arm "Explain".
"I heard that a member of that new group, Ateez I think their name is, he is a very fan of our Venus" She raised her eyebrows and the girls laughed sounding like schoolgirls when they saw the boy they liked although to Dae they sounded more like old ladies bored with their husbands and gossiping about the misfortunes of others.
"Most of the members of that group were born in 99, I don't think Vee likes them so young." The other rapper denied skeptically, she was a fan of Jaedae.
Before any of them could answer the lights went out and the screaming increased. Venus smiled, she wouldn't have to hear them anymore until they had to go backstage or win an award.
Which happened eventually. She sighed before giving a staff boy a smile as he helped her down the stairs from the stage that led backstage. She looked at her groupmates before approaching Solar, touched her shoulder to get her attention.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom, see you in the dressing room" The leader nodded, checking her with a worried look.
"Are you okay?" Venus nodded and gave her a small smile before handing the headphones and microphone to the staff, she headed to the bathroom giving some smile and bows to the idols she was meeting on her way to her destiny.
She froze when she saw Got7 coming in her way, she looked down at her shoes to avoid making eye contact with any of them. She smiled in relief as she managed to enter the bathroom, her smile growing even wider when she saw that it was empty. She went to a cubicle but before she could open it a hand of her pulled her, alarmed she turned around.
Double shit.
She almost fainted when she saw the boy in front of her, she opened her eyes and pushed him away from her body. Her eyes moved to the door before looking back at him "Are you an idiot?! What are you doing here? If anyone sees us━“.
"We have to talk, it will only be a second" He interrupted her. The girl began to move her leg up and down, nervous about the situation.
"I don't want to talk, Jaebum" She took his arm in her hands to start pushing him towards the door.
"We have to talk about what happened, Vee." He put his feet on the ground making it impossible for her to move him. She snorted moving behind him to push him by the back but still he didn't move, he was so much stronger than her.
"God, someday you're going to kill me" She clenched her jaw and frustrated she moved away from him, she had no choice but to listen to him. She would let him speak, he would leave, and she would empty her bladder.
"I-I have sent you messages and I have even called you" He turned around to see her better, she looked at him with no expression other than annoyance.
"I know".
"You have not answered".
"I know".
JB dropped his head in defeat, this girl really got on his nerves when she got stubborn.
"Is that all you had to say? Well goodbye!" She tried again to push him but, again, she failed.
The long-haired boy placed his hands over hers that were positioned on his chest, the rapper swallowed hard when he looked at her.
"I can't stop thinking about that night" That's it, he said it. An awkward silence entered the bathroom, both former lovers looked into each other's eyes without being able to move their gaze from each other. Without knowing how or when, Moon's back met the wall of one of the cubicles while her tongue fought against the Im, her legs were wrapped around his waist and his hands traveled all over her body in fast and clumsy movements, excited to get around every curve again.
He moaned into her mouth when her hands met his hair and she smiled, forgetting that they were in a public bathroom in a building with millions of cameras and eyes that would benefit quite a bit from the scene. They were so focused on each other that they didn't even realize that two more presences had entered the room.
"How many times do I have to tell you? It was just sex, for God's sake!" A raspy but feminine voice made both of them stop the kiss, still tangled they looked at each other in panic. Venus was grateful that they closed the cubicle door.
"But I love you, Arabella!" The girl widened her eyes when she heard the name of her friend while Jaebum raised an eyebrow, curious.
"Fucking hell, I don't want to have anything with you" The BTS member made a face of disgust when the other girl got too close to her, took a couple of steps back raising a hand to not hit the wall and be cornered but in instead she pushed the door of the same cubicle in which both lovers were hiding, let's say they had not closed the door very well since it was opened revealing the other two idols in a very compromising situation. Arabella frowned when she saw how Rosé's face twitched in shock "What now?."
"Bells" Hearing the new voice, the italian made a little jump in her place before turning and seeing her two friends.
She pressed her full lips together causing them to disappear into a fine line "Shit".
Before anyone could say or do anything a flash and the "click" of a camera echoed throughout the bathroom, panic quickly filled the former couple's body as Lee turned around again to look at Blackpink's singer smirking at her as she moved her phone in her hands.
"Rosé, give me the phone."
"Come back with me and I will not publish the photo" The little girl pointed to the two older people in the room, who had already separated and left the cubicle "You don't want your friends' lives to go to hell do you?"
"This happens to me for having sex with virgins" She murmured to herself before giving the girl a wry smile "Am i that good in bed? because jesus, I don't think you want to date someone like me. "
"One click and it will be all over Naver" She unlocked her phone causing Venus to raise her hands to stop her.
"No, please" She begged, kneeling before her, her tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Jaebum walked over to her to pick her up.
The other rapper tensed her jaw seeing how her friend began to cry in the man's arms, she sighed in defeat.
"Okay, okay, I'll do what you want but delete the fucking photo" The singer smiled widely, this time the smile was a happy one before approaching the tallest one and planting a kiss on her lips.
"I'll erase it when you take me on a date, babe." She giggled sweetly when Arabella tried to grab her arm but she was faster than her and managed to avoid her before leaving the bathroom.
"Fottuta puttana" She cursed in a murmur with her gaze still on the bathroom door.
On the other hand, the couple was still holding each other, Venus cried on JB's chest while he stroked her hair and murmured in her ear trying to calm her down.
The girl looked at them with pity, went over to the sink and washed her lips trying to remove any trace of that manipulative bitch. She made eye contact with the boy through the mirror, gave a quick look at the girl in his arms and sighed wiping hdf hands "Go, I'll call Hwasa and tell her that she feels bad, my manager will take her to my house and keep her company. When this shit is over go there, we will talk about this."
After thinking about it for a few seconds, the black-haired man nodded before making the girl in her arms look at him, he placed his hands on her cheeks and wiped the tears that slid down her cheeks with his thumbs. He gave her a sad smile "I'm so sorry, Vee."
He kissed her forehead before releasing her and leaving the room.
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hugsandpeaches · 3 years
It's U Again
jiu x reader
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Minji and you are High School sweethearts, well, before.
Both of you wears the same clothes, dream the same dream, thinks the same thing most of the same time. You two are defined as 'soulmates'.
She was very talented, you too as well. As said earlier, both if you has the same dream. A dream of being idols.
"I got accepted as a trainee!" Both you two surprised each other at the same time. It was an accomplishment you two dreamt of. Both of your hardwork has been paid off. But there's a thing...
Trainees can't date.
Your dreams led the both of you to separate ways. It hurts. Minji's training period is coming and you have to send her away on the train station.
The day she's leaving was very gloomy. It rained hard as you and Minji waited for her train to come. Her head laying on your shoulders, hand holding yours tightly. She want to savor her last moments with you as her boyfriend.
"When you debut, I'll wait for you"
Her heart skipped a beat and then she lifted her head up, meeting your eyes.
"You'll do the same thing too, right?"
Her eyes glistened in tears and hugged you side ways.
"When we became successful someday, let's not forget each other." As she told you the words, her train came and you stood up, helping her with her bags. She entered the train and you were left behind the yellow line she just crossed. There's just a little number of passengers getting inside the train so the train doors closed as she stepped inside.
Minjin stopped on the glass door looking at you, tears streaming down her eyes. She waved her hands at you and you copied what she did.
"Y/n-ah, we'll meet again"
The train started moving slowly and you followed it's direction, still looking at Minji. She was smiling at your actions and was shocking her head. The train moved faster and you felt the rain slap your face as you ran.
"I love you"
Minji mouthed you behind the glass doors and you ran as fast as you can, dropping your umbrella, just to say back the words.
"Minji saranghae!"
Once again, Minji waved her hands and you stopped from running, rain washing you and your clothes.
<6 years later>
5 years ago, Minx debuted and then 1 year later, Dreamcatcher was born. The group's popularity started to climbed up as they toured around the world. Minji never forgot you. She always kept your picture on her bag without the members knowing. Minji always ask for you whenever she come home but too bad you weren't there. Your parents told her that you moved to US to do something. Minji understood but it kinda hurt her because you didn't let her know.
Well, she lastly asked for you 6 years ago. Now, dreamcatcher is having their comeback and have been busy this past few months not noticing this rookie soloist under SM Entertainment.
Fans started going crazy about his visual and how soothing his voice is.
Lee Y/n.
Your name was all over internet. You didn't knew you were going to be this viral after your cover of Xiumin's You last week. SM promoted you by singing their ballads then dropping your teaser the day after. You've been busy preparing for your debut for a month so you didn't recieved any news from her. Netizens was amazed by you and then started talking over you.
You were the current hot topic.
But the only thing that you want is being noticed by her.
Did she recieved the news?
Did she read something about me?
Is she proud of me now?
Questions took over your mind as you became nervous coming into the stage. You were the first performer of today's Mcountdown.
You placed your position on the stage and hopefully searching for her on the dark crowd but she wasn't there that broke your heart. You bowed your head in disappointment and then started performing as the your song started playing.
After performing, you took your last glance on the now bright crowd but still, didn't saw her figure. You forcefully smiled at your audience and bowed before exiting the stage. You saw your manager waiting at you and you hugged him, thanking him for your successful debut.
While walking, you were your sad expression. You can't believe she wasnt there supporting you.
"I miss her"
Just then, a loud heels running on the hallways was heard by you and then someone suddenly bumped on you while doing your turn on the intersection hall.
A tall yet not so taller than you just bumped their head on you chest and then ran off without saying sorry. That was rude but you guess she's chasing someone important.
You looked down and then saw bunny necklace, you were familiarized by it and took it anyway. It was the same necklace you gave Minji 8 years ago.
The girl must been dropped it while bumping at me. You thought and then walked back at your dressing room. You sat there and then looked at the thing on your hand.
"When will I meet you again, Minji?"
I placed the necklace on my pocket and then stood up.
"I'm hungry"
Jiu's POV
"I'm here, manager unnie" I opened the door and saw my members on their phones. "Unnie, there was a handsome guy on the monitor earlier. You're late to see him" Gahyeon said while munching her food. "And he's the same age as you, maybe..." Dami wriggled her eyebrows at me while smiling sheepishly. I sighed and then sat down beside the two maknaes.
"I told you guys, I'm not interested" I said and then placed my hand over my neck. An unfamiliar feeling came into my body as I didn't touched my necklace.
"My necklace is missing" Dami looked over at my neck to confirmed it. "You rarely took that off, maybe you didn't wore that earlier? " Gahyeon asked. I shook my head and stood up.
I went out of our dressing room to find my necklace.
That wasn't just a necklace. That was his gift from our 1st year anniversary, how can I lose it. I led my way to the girl's comfort room where I went earlier and again while turning into the hallway, I bumped into someone... again.
Wait, maybe I dropped the necklace after bumping on someone earlier!
I avoided who I bumped into and was about to run when I felt my arms being pulled.
"Wait miss, you bumped at me 2 times already and you didn't even apologize "
Is that- that voice sounds familiar.
"I'm so sorry, something important is missi-"
Third Person's POV
Minji stopped on her tracks as she saw the person's face. The person was also shock from who she is, forgetting his hands was still on her arms.
The bot immediately let go of her hand and then bowed at her. "Annyeaonghaseyo, Lee Y/n imnida" Y/n greeted with the widest smile plastered on your face.
Y/n can't believe what's happening just now. He's now face to face with his first love, the only girl he loved. Jiu on the other side was surprised but same as Y/n, she cant contain her happiness. Her lips started to spread into a smile and chuckled.
"Is that really you, Y/n? Am I only dreaming?" She pinched herself just incase. "Ani, I'm real" the boy spread his arms and turn around. "I'm real Minji" his smile never left his lips. Jiu came and pinched his cheeks as well.
"You're real!" Minji exclaimed. You then heard footsteps coming into one of the corners but luck is on your side. You two were just standing infront of your dressing room.
You opened the door and pulled Jiu in. She never complained, why would she? She had been waiting for this moment to happen.
As the both of you went inside, you immediately enveloped Minji a tight hug. You felt her hug back that made you tear up.
"I can't believe this is happening, please tell me I'm not dreaming!" You told her and you felt her shook her head on your chest. Then suddenly, you felt your shirt getting cold.
"Minji?" You broke the hug and you saw her brightly smiling at you, her tears rolling down her cheeks with her mascara. "Yah, don't ruin your make up" you wiped her tears using your sleeves. "You're performing soon, I'll watch beside the stage" she nodded at you and got out from your arms.
"Oh- I remember, your necklace " you grab the necklace on your pocket and turn her around to put on the necklace on her.
After putting in on, you kissed Minji's cheeks making her blush and turn around at you. "Yah, we're not official yet, take me out to date first" she said and pushed your shoulders.
"Hmm, noted. So...?"
Silence filled the room, the both of you smiling while staring at each other. "I missed you" you look down on the ground while fiddling your fingers. "Me too" you heard her said that made you blush.
"Have you watched my performance?"
Your head shot up and you glared at her. "Y oi u missed it, did you?" Minji bit her lip and looked down. You smiled at her cuteness and then went closer to her again.
"It's okay though, at least we met again. So Minji... I mean, Jiu-ssi" you said and took out you hand for her to take.
"Faith really made us see each other, would you like to go out on a date with me on Saturday" you kneeled down at her and she started squealing. "Yah~ what are you doing, get up" she held your hand and pulled you up but you remained in your place.
"Only if you agree, Jiu-ssi" she smiled sweetly at you and pecked your lips.
"Of course, I would love too" you smiled and then stood up, pulling your necklace that was hiding behind your shirt.
On your necklace, there are two rings that was familiar to Minji. It was your necklace since you were still together. You wore it everyday. She wants to ask why there are 2 rings on it but her head says 'it's just design, that's it's
"Kim Minji, you were mine before, I'll make you mine again" you pulled out the rings and put the small one on her left hand. She blushed and you put the larger ring on your left hand.
"Now we're unofficially enganged" you smiled cheekily and kissed her forehead.
"Welcome back"
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krowedes · 4 years
Oikawa Tooru - When we were young
Hello! I don't normally write for haikyuu but my oikawa simp ass had the urge to right a oneshot for him, this oneshot is inspired by Adele's When We Were Young; the song touched me so much I needed to write about it, this oneshot follows the sequence of the song but I kinda changed it a bit??? I am thinking about writing a black clover version of this (if I find the perfect character) so please stay tuned for that and enjoy this story!!
[Warning: Not necessarily angst/sad ending or happy ending, I'll leave the next parts of the story in your imagination.]
It was the 3rd year of your High School, you two planned to be together for the rest of your lives but it looked like he made a plan of his own and you did too.
You expected that you're the one who's supposed to make a plan, that you're the one who'll follow your dreams while Oikawa will be there, supporting you while achieving a dream of his own, y'know, V-League and everything.
Looks like he thought the same.
You planned staying in Japan, applying in a prestigious university then reach your dreams of becoming a well-known journalist.(And maybe you can write about Oikawa too.)
But he also had dreams of his own, he planned going to Argentina and training under his all time idol, Jose Blanco. And maybe, he can bring you with him in Argentina and you can apply in a university there and reach your dreams.
But it just so happened that life had different plans for the both of you.
"A-- A- Is this it?" You ask him, still not believing that the man that you promised to stay with forever is now saying goodbye to you.
"I- I'm sorry." Tooru says, your tears threatening to spill.
"Be- Before you go..." You speak up.
"C- C- Could we please take a photograph? Let's pretend to be happy... for the last time." You say, forcing a smile.
'Let me photograph you in this light incase this is the last time that we might be exactly like we were before we realized-'
You two took a picture, fake but bright smiles painting your faces.
"Remember when we were so happy, so excited that we'll grow old together but now..."
"We are sad of getting old, it made us restless."
"Our life... It was just like a movie... It was just like a song." He smiles.
"I promise, that maybe... just maybe... someday, we'll meet again and we can fulfil our for now broken promises." Tooru tells you with a smile as he caresses your cheek.
"I- I'll look forward to that..." You answer.
9 Years Later
It has been 9 years ever since you and Tooru decided to split paths.
You two didn't maintain any contact.
The connection that you two had was long gone the day you two 'broke' up.
Heck, do you still even have first name rights?
The Olympics was finished.
Too- Oikawa crushed everyone just like he dreamed.
You became a famous sports journalist, not only in Japan- but worldwide.
You even made articles about Oikawa, just like you imagined when you two were young.
The Aoba Johsai 2012 - 2013 Men's Volleyball Club, the club that you used to manage, was having a reunion.
For a moment, when you learned about the reunion, you forgot that Oikawa will attend- What you remembered was the time he told you he will go abroad, the time where your relationship went into pieces.
Nobody really told you that he'll be there, you just kinda assumed.
And the whole time that you were waiting for that reunion day to come, you were praying, begging that the Oikawa you'll meet will be the Oikawa you once knew.
Which was funny because you yourself changed a lot.
The kinda pretty volleyball nerd that got recruited by the almighty Aoba Johsai MVBC...
Is now a beautiful woman who's known all around the world for her marvelous journalism skills, specially in the category of sports; The perfect and skillful wording you execute when publishing articles won you titles and awards that a journalist can only dream of.
It's funny how you, a person who changed like a landslide is wishing for someone who lived in a different environment not to change.
Of course he changed. You did too.
The only thing that hasn't changed was the way you two felt for each other.
But you don't know that.
That you both still have each other as a phone wallpaper even after many changes of phones.
How much you both thought of how weird it will be if one of you is already dating somebody and they see your phone screens.
That the picture in you two's wallet is still the picture of the both of you in your first date.
That your phone gallery is still filled with pictures of one another.
And in a blink of an eye, you were already standing in front of a café.
You look around and you found many familiar heads.
Oikawa Tooru.
"It's been a long time, everyone." You smile at them.
"T- Oikawa." You smile, acknowledging Oikawa.
'You still look like a movie, You still sound like a song.' You thought.
Smiling unknowingly after remembering many memories, you only heard the last four words that Oikawa said after he made his captain-y speech.
"...When we were young."
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btsrmono · 4 years
Trial & Error | chapter 6
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Main Pairing: (jimin): student/idol x (main): foreign student
Side Pairs: main x taehyung,, main x (nct) jaehyun
You and Jimin did start hanging out a little more often after that Sunday. Your relationship grew and you could see the way he would attempt to make you a part of his plans every here and there and not to get you wrong, it wasn't much but it was a start. Not to mention an upgrade from how he used to treat you, which wasn't the worst, looking back at it, but for some reason, you just wanted his attention and he never really gave it to you so you guess you could say you grew bitter feelings towards him because of it.
As for Taehyung, you hadn't seen or heard from him in a couple days which made you worry about what happened. You really wished that he wasn't in trouble because of you. Whenever you asked Jimin about him, he would just tell you not stress over it and that he's okay but that was about it. But Taehyung was your best friend, you just needed to see if he was alright for yourself.
So after school on Friday, you decided you should make your way to their dorm. You had never been there before but you knew their address because Jimin gave it to you to come over a day prior.
When you got to the apartment, you almost didn't want to knock so you just stood at the front door, debating like a weirdo when someone suddenly opened the door.
It was Jungkook. You noticed him from school. You two occasionally talked but you knew very little about him. He never really showed up to school and when he did, he didn't necessarily associate with anybody who wasn't already his friend. But around his members, he seemed really outspoken and loud.
"Hyung, I told you it was her!" he shouted over his shoulder, banana milk in his right hand, slightly smirking at you.
You shyly smiled back, hoping he wouldn't see how nervous you were. Jungkook was one of the most popular boys at your school and in BTS in general. You swear, like, everyone had a crush on this man. And you couldn't blame them to be honest. He was hot.
"We have CCTV," he explained. "Saw you on the camera."
You swiftly nodded your head in understanding. "Ohhh, gotcha." You then looked away awkwardly, finding it hard to look him in the eyes with the way he was smiling at you in a cocky manner.
Just then, Jimin came up. "Yah, stop flirting with her like that," he teased Jungkook, making him laugh as he walked away. Jimin turned to you. "Hey, I didn't know you were coming today, come in."
You did as told and as he locked the door behind you, you took a moment to scan their living room. It was quite cramped and messy, which honestly didn't surprise you but still, something needed to be done about it.
"Jimin, this place is a pigsty," you said in disgust.
Jimin put his hands on his hips and stared at you. "Well, maybe if you told someone you were coming over, miss."
You cocked your head, disapprovingly. "So you mean to tell me you only clean up when you have company?"
He laughed. "What? No. Pfftt--"
"Yes he does," a voice spoke. You turned your head to see where it was coming from only to find a semi tall boy with black hair and tan skin, coming out of one of the rooms. He was wearing red boxers and a white T-shirt. "He never cleans. If and only if someone is coming over and he half asses that too," he continued as he walked to the kitchen.
You started laughing. He looked like he was annoyed at just the thought of it. "I believe it," you said back to him.
Jimin sucked his teeth. "Wow, so you guys are just gonna gang up on me, huh? I see how it is."
You and the boy both laughed before he looked at you fully. "I'm Hoseok," he finally introduced himself.
"I'm y/n," you replied, slightly bowing in his direction. "It's nice to meet you."
"Y/n," Hoseok repeated, slowly scanning over Jimin, grinning. "I see, I see." He looked back at you. "Well, it's nice to meet you too." He then turned around and went to the fridge.
Jimin rolled his eyes. "Let's go to my room," he said before grabbing your arm and pulling you into his room with him. It was small with two bunk beds, stuffed animals scattered around on almost every one.
"Well, wait," you spoke, making him turn around and look at you. "I actually came here to check on Taehyung. Do you know if he's around?"
Jimin's eyebrows raised in realization. "Oh... Taehyungie.. I-I told you he's fine, you don't need to worry about him." He shook his head and sat on his bed.
"I know you said that," you replied, sitting down next to him. "I just want him to know that I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what?"
"Getting him in this mess. He'd be okay if it weren't for me."
Jimin sighed. "It's not your fault, y/n. Or his. You guys didn't do anything wrong. It's just some fans... they... I don't know. But you didn't do anything and he's not mad at you."
You thought about it and he was right. You had no reason to feel guilty but for some reason, you did. "I just want to see him," you whispered, looking down.
You could feel Jimin staring at you as you both sat there in silence for a while. It had to be at least a minute or two before he spoke up again. "He's out right now and I don't know when he's coming back but I can tell him to give you a call."
You shook your head, knowing that there really wasn't any other option.
"And it's okay," he reassured. "We're not even that famous, this will die down in a few days," he laughed. "I honestly am surprised there were people that cared in the first place."
Honestly, this made you feel a little better about the situation. "Hey, don't say that," you chuckled. "You guys will be big one day, I just know it."
"Ha, yeah, right," he said, rolling his eyes and laying back comfortably. "Have you even looked us up? Like at all?"
Your eyes widened as you tried not to burst out laughing. You truly hadn't look them up and you never really thought to until he mentioned it. You suddenly felt like a horrible friend and you guess the fact that you, in fact, hadn't was present on your face because Jimin rose back up and got closer to you, examining your face. "Wow," he said. "You haven't looked us up, have you?" he shook his head in disbelief. "You're a fraud."
You felt like sinking. "I'm sorry?" you attempted to apologize. Eyes closed, he shook his head no. You grunted. "I'll do my research when I get home later. I promise!"
He opened his eyes. "And you have to take me out for ice cream. Maybe then I'll accept this apology."
You sighed at the pettiness but agreed anyway.
After leaving, you went straight home, took a shower, ate, studied, then did your research on the boys like you said you would.
If you were being truthful, you never looked them up, not because you weren’t interested but because you wanted to continue looking at the boys as friends rather than K-pop idols. But alas, you knew the day would come where you would have to see their work someday.
You took a look at the only three music videos it appeared they had. You liked them. Honestly. They were so talented, it left you in shock. You saw some dance videos their company uploaded and was even more in awe. How come they never bragged about their talents? And Jimin's doubting that they're gonna be big? Not a chance in this world, not with that kind of talent.
You also decided to take the time out to listen to their albums. You pretty much watched and listened to them all night long, eventually falling asleep to their music. You now saw why the little amount of fans they had went as hard as they did for the boys. Can't say you could blame them. They were different from other groups and it showed. You knew that with time, they could really be something huge.
The next day at school, you excused yourself to use the bathroom and while heading towards your destination, you saw a familiar face walk by, stopping you in your tracks. He glanced black at you but continued to walk away. Did he really just walk pass me? you thought. You scratched your head in confusion.
"Taehyung," you called, turning around.
He stopped walking and just stood for a while, looking down at the ground. You repeated his name. He turned, an extremely annoyed look on his face. "What?" he asked blandly.
You flinched at his tone. It was much different from the one you were used to hearing from him. "Are you mad at me?" You knew Jimin said he wasn't but you just had to ask because with the way he was acting, it sure seemed like he was.
He sighed.
"You haven't been answering your phone or coming to school," you continued. "I tried to talk to you yesterday but you weren't home... Jimin said he'd tell you to call me."
"He did," he said sternly. "What about it?"
You started to feel sad, as if you were about to cry or something. Your eyes were definitely teary, at most. Taehyung was such a good friend to you, you had never seen him be like that before.
"Tae... What's wrong with you? Why are you acting this way?" you sulked, looking down at the floor.
"I'm not acting any way, y/n. Just leave me alone, alright?"
"What?" You looked back up, your heart beating a bit faster than before. What did he mean leave me alone? "Tae, come on. You don't mean that--"
"I do."
You were at a loss for words. This wasn't like Taehyung at all. He would never be so harsh and he was someone that truly valued every single type of relationship he had, no matter who it was with. This was way too out of his character and that's what caused a tear to drop.
You then heard a tsk as he rolled his eyes and looked slightly away from you, clearly feeling a tad bit guilty. 
"Taehyung, I don't want to lose our friendship over something so dumb," you stated. You had no idea how serious this was and some part of you actually did believe that he wasn't mad at you at some point. But you were wrong. He was mad at you, as you thought the first time. Before Jimin made you believe otherwise.
"It's not dumb, Y/n. My career is in jeopardy. And we're still rookies, it's not too late for them to kick me out--Jesus, why am I even explaining to you?" He scrunched his eyebrows before rolling his eyes once again. "It’s not even like you would get it. I'm leaving. And don't even think about contacting me again. It's best that we both keep our distance so that these rumors clear."
He turned and was ready to walk away before he stopped and turned around one last time. "Oh and that also means staying away from Jimin," he added.
You couldn't believe the attitude from him. It was so usual. What got him so upset? You understood about his career but the way he spoke to you was just so uncalled for. Maybe if it came from someone else's mouth you would have been okay but hearing it from Taehyung's was another story. Feeling hurt, you proceeded to head to the ladies room where you locked yourself in a stall and cried it out in private.
It only last about 30 seconds before you got it together and got out the stall to fix your appearance in the mirror. Your eyes were still puffy and red but at this point, you had been out of class long enough to stall any longer so you made your way back. You re-entered the class just as Mrs. Lim was putting in a movie.
Walking back to your seat, you passed Jimin who was leaning on his desk as if he were about to fall sleep. Until he saw you, that is. He peeped his head up, staring and looking back at you as you sat. His assigned seat was two rows up and one seat left of yours.
You looked at him, looking at you. "What's wrong?" he mouthed, seeming concerned.
You shook your head. "Allergies," you lied. You didn't want him to know. Not only was it embarrassing but you didn't want him and Tae to argue. So you decided to keep things quiet.
A few minutes passed. The lights were out and the movie was now on. Out of nowhere, balled up paper landed on your desk. You already knew it was Jimin.
"Pizza after?" it read. You semi smiled, looking up to a cheeky Jimin. You nodded your head as a ‘yes’, then put the note away and focused on your work for the rest of the class, although it was kind of hard to.
You was honestly just worried about how you and Taehyung would end up after this. You didn't want to stop being friends with him or at least make sure that it didn't end of the way that it did. You felt the two of you still needed to talk regardless, you just needed a plan on how.
A/N: Sigh, poor Y/N. that was a different side of taehyung huh. will they makeup though? stay tuned <3
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Part One: First Impressions
Pairings: Kyungsoo x OC, Jongin x OC
Genre: enemies to lovers
Word Count: 2k
taglist: @jineunwootrash​
Note: (oof a long note, here we go) Here is the first chapter from a Kyungsoo fic I will be working on. This is based on Pride and Prejudice; it is set in present-day, in the K-Pop industry. I’m experimenting with writing in first person, and the main character is named Maisa. There will be a few original characters in this story, and I am very excited because this is the first time I will write a full-length fic for this blog that is not mostly a Social Media AU. I will likely not post the rest until I have finished the story just so I will have plenty of time to develop and edit my ideas without publishing plot holes, but I was just too excited about this idea to keep it all to myself. I realllllllly hope you like it! -Ash
I couldn’t remember the last time I saw Jongin. The many years we spent together as children didn’t prepare us to be separated for months at a time because of his busy schedules as an official S.M. Entertainment idol. Although he never failed to brighten my day through texts, phone calls, and FaceTimes, nothing compared to seeing his smile in person. 
Will Taemin be somewhere in this building? I wondered as I approached the S.M. building where Jongin asked to meet. Surely he’s here somewhere. SHINee has just finished a tour in Japan. 
I squirmed at the thought of Taemin, not because we had some kind of disagreement or because I was as starstruck as almost every other person in the world, but because I had been avoiding him for what now seems like a very childish reason. 
Taemin had ventured far beyond the poor town we— he, Jongin, and I— had been raised in, and his fame grew daily. I wasn’t jealous— not maliciously, anyway— but I felt that he and I were living in very different worlds, and I worried that if I spent too much time with him, he would realize it too. 
This fear would have threatened my friendship with Jongin, too, if he wasn’t so determined to honor our childhood promise to be best friends forever.
However, when he smiled warmly as he stepped through the glass doors and drew me into a tight embrace, my fear was quickly quelled and replaced with confidence that Jongin would remind grounded at my side no matter how high his talents dared him to soar. And I couldn’t decide if that made me feel relieved or guilty. 
“So where’s this little restaurant you’re so obsessed with?” I asked as he released me. 
Pointing across the street, he replied, “Just there.” And when I tried to follow his directions he grabbed me by arm and said, “But first— I’ve convinced one of the executives to meet with you!”
"What?" My jaw dropped.
How had I not seen through the lunch invitation that thinly veiled Jongin's thousandth attempt to coerce one of his bosses into giving me a job? I had likely forgotten about that goal of his since his efforts never succeded past a few uncomfortable phone calls where I stubbornly maintained that, "I don't want to owe you or Taemin." But now that he dragged me into the building, a conversation with some professional executive seemed inevitable. 
"Ew!" Jongin shrieked and dropped my hand as soon as the elevator doors closed behind him and effectively trapped me into his plan. "Your palms are really sweaty." While wiping his hands off on his jeans, he advised, "You should see a doctor about that."
I argued," Clammy palms are a natural response to sudden extreme stress!" Still, I blushed at his observation and tried to pass my colored cheeks off as a symptom of annoyance by asking, "How could you trick me into some kind of job interview? I was promised sushi!"
Jongin laughed, probably mistaking my authentic blossoming panic for theatrics. "Don't worry, Mai, you'll still get your sushi-- you'll just get a chance at your dream job first."
His natural optimism should have been some sort of comfort. Instead, I crossed my arms, pressed my back against the cold steel elevator door, and mumbled, "Don't be ridiculous, Jongin, nobody would hire some random girl off the streets to write songs-- especially not one of the big three."
Ever determined to disagree, Jongin grabbed my shoulders, looked me in the eyes, and  reminded me, "You're not just some random girl-- you're my best friend, you're insanely talented, and on the off chance that Mr. Lee doesn't see that, I'll get you a meeting with everyone in this industry until you're hired."
Maybe it wasn't the best pep talk in history, but I swear that Jongin's smile could inspire anyone to do just about anything, so I shamelessly followed him out of the elevator, holding my head high. I only faltered when he stopped abruptly and said, "Wait here. Let me make sure Mr. Lee isn't busy."
Instantly, my confidence evaporated. The hall was eerily silent except for the clicking of keyboards that escaped from the  few open office doors, so I quietly hissed, "You mean you don't even have an appointment?"
Jongin held a finger up to his lips. Perhaps sensing my screaming instinct to run, he repeated, "Wait here. I'll be right back." He tapped his knuckles against the sleek black door, just under a gold sign that read Soo-man Lee: CEO, and he winked at me before entering the room at Mr. Lee's beckoning. 
Suffice it to say that I wasted no time racing back to the elevator once Jongin was out of sight. It wasn't that I wanted to disappoint Jongin or seem ungrateful of his efforts, but meeting the CEO of S.M. Entertainment seemed like a giant leap rather than the first step toward my dream of composing music. The fact that I was unprepared and uninvited made the whole situation feel like a nightmare-- not at all like a dream come true. 
As my tennis shoes slapped against the marble floor, I decided that I could easily beg for Jongin's forgiveness, and he would kindly grant it, but I could never reclaim my pride after being rejected by S.M. I could never recover from the crushing determination that I wouldn't get to achieve my dreams alongside Jongin and Taemin. I preferred to keep telling myself "someday, someday soon," because then I would never have to face the absolute of "never--you aren't good enough."
When did I become so paralyzed by fear? My thoughts stunned me. I considered myself bold, unafraid to speak my mind, in all manners except the pursuit of my deepest dream. What good is it to be brave except when it really counts?
As I struggled to no avail to find an answer within myself, somebody rounded the corner at a sprint and collided with me. With what felt like a  thundering crash, I fell onto my back. My string of curses complimented that of whoever ran into me, but I was initially too dazed to glance at him. 
When I finally sat upright and glared at him, prepared to lecture him for failing to offer so much as an apology, I noticed that he was too busy gathering his scattered papers to even realize that he knocked me down. I was going to ask where he was going that was so important-- or if he had ever heard of a paperclip-- but I was shocked into silence when he looked at me over his glasses with eyes blown wide. 
I never imagined that I would meet Do Kyungsoo while running away from a job interview with the CEO of S.M. Entertainment that was set up by my best friend to help me achieve my dream. Actually, I never imagined that I would meet him at all, and I certainly never dreamed that he could be so rude as to ask, "Who are you looking at?"
Overwhelmed by an unprecedented blend of awe, embarrassment, and blind rage, I stuttered around an answer until he dismissively waved my babbling away. "Forget it. I don't have time for this."
Once I was away from him, I knew, I would think of a thousand ways to put him in his place. I wondered, what good is wit when it isn't quick when it counts? Quickly, I resolved to scramble to my feet and out of the building before matters could worsen. 
"Hey wait." 
I never would have admitted that my heart swelled with the rise of his voice because I assumed that he would apologize (for running into me and then for being so rude) and that I might be lucky enough to have one of those romantic first meetings that I learned about from Jane Austen and K-Dramas alike. 
But when I turned to face him, he stood tall, papers in hand, pushed the glasses further up the bridge of his nose, and ordered, "Bring me coffee and a cinnamon bagel from the kitchen; I'll be in Mr. Kim's office."
Had he not been staring right at me, I would have thought he was talking to somebody else.
Only when he turned around, started down the hallway, and freed me from his oppressive gaze did I find my voice. "No, I won't get your breakfast. First of all, it's well past noon, and second, I don't know where that is!"
Kyungsoo rounded again, his mouth slightly agape as if he assumed I was mute. His eyebrows knit together as he asked, "You don't know where the kitchen is? Or where Mr. Kim's office is?"
Unwilling to hear the explanation that this was my first (and likely only) time in the S.M. Building, and I wasn't here of my own choice, and-- above all-- I was not his servant, Kyungsoo demanded, "What good are you then? Does the help around here know anything these days?"
And just as I stormed toward him, dangerously close to succumbing to my temper's urging, Jongin appeared at Kyungsoo's side, locked eyes with me, and cheered, "There you are!"
Jongin would have had to be blind to miss how Kyungsoo and I glared at each other, each silently daring the other to say just one more word to justify our impending outburst. In what must have been an attempt to lighten the mood, he laughed, "I should have known you would run off to catch a glimpse of your bias."
I opened my mouth to rob Kyungsoo of the flattery by telling Jongin that I officially decided to change biases, but I was interrupted by Kyungsoo asking, "So you know this girl?"
Jongin joyfully thew an arm around my shoulders and, contrasting greatly against Kyungsoo's disgusted, disbelieving tone, cheerfully declared, "Oh yeah! Maisa has been my best friend forever. And you should get used to her, D.O., because she's gonna be the best songwriter in S.M.'s history!"
Jongin's boasting about me was never quite as humiliating as right then, when Kyungsoo simply rose his eyebrows and questioned, "She will?"
Don't misunderstand-- I wasn't offended because I was oozing with self-confidence or because I was so convinced that I was destined to be some composing legend. In fact, I had absolutely no confidence that Jongin's last-minute surprise interview would work to my advantage in the slightest. Had he not offended me from the moment our eyes met, I would have agreed that Kyungsoo's skepticism was supported by all rationality, but given the events of those past five minutes, I literally bit my tongue to keep from snapping at him for Jongin's sake. 
Without missing a beat, Jongin answered, "Definitely," and steered me back to Mr. Lee's office before I could bite through my tongue or say anything regrettable. 
Once I regained control of my thoughts, I started, "What a-- a--"
But I struggled to fathom an insult becoming of Kyungsoo. Finally, I settled on screaming, "Douche canoe!" with no concern for whether Kyungsoo, Soo-man Lee, or anyone else in the building heard. 
Jongin must have expected a tantrum, because he merely blinked and warned, "You shouldn't let Kyungsoo under your skin." He leaned against the wall beside the CEO's door, tried to nudge me out of my frustration, and claimed, "Seriously, Mai, he's just not one for first impressions--"
Although unamused, I laughed. "That has to be the biggest understatement ever. He isn't even half as pleasant as the most disagreeable character he's ever played--"
"Maisa!" Jongin interrupted. I only closed my mouth when I noticed his protruding pout. "We'll talk about Kyungsoo later because I know you're not gonna get over it any time soon. But for now, get in there and convince Mr. Lee that you belong in an office brainstorming lyrics, not locked away in the kitchens!"
I barely managed to quizzically repeat, "The kitchens?" before being shoved into the office. 
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Notes: this story was inspired by the song with the same title by Ed Sheeran, recent dating status of KDN and a real-life story. Dedicated to all fans
PS. This one is a hurried fanfiction in the midst of the heavy traffic so forgive the grammatical errors 😅
I was preparing to go to school for a research when, I got a message from my friend, saying that I should turn on the tv. There, I saw a news about you and her. It seems surreal when I remember seeing you few nights ago.
It's night time yet the moon shines bright. I opted to take a detour in a park near where my friends and I will hang out. I saw you with her. You are hugging her tight. It's been a month since I last saw you in this area with the hiatus and all, I knew you have someone now. Seeing you and her right before my eyes, you look happier. You really do. You two walked in a bar, that's where I will go to. I saw how you talk. She said something that made you laugh. I saw your smile, it's as twice as wide as ours when you were still with me. No one might notice the two of you with the disguise you both have but, I knew it was you. I can tell immediately.
I knew I hurt you like no one can. But, I did that because I love you so much and I don't want to be a distraction in reaching your dreams.
"Daniel, I'm sorry..." I said, not looking at him in the eye fearing that I might able to contain myself. "Y/N please don't... We can do this. We can work this out." You said, pleading for me to stay. "No we can't... You know that being an idol means a lot to you and I can't be in a way to reach your dream. Besides, you deserve someone better, someone like you not just an ordinary girl like me." I said, holding back my tears threatening to spill. "No, I don't need anyone, I just need you! Please Y/N, don't leave me. I love you." You said, trying to hugging me tightly.
I resisted and push you away. "I no longer love you please let's stop this. I'm done with this relationship." I said as I walked away
Honestly, I won't take it personal if you are moving on with someone new, someone like her because, you are happier. My phone rang and it's Seongwu. "Hey..." he greeted. "What's up?" I asked even though I knew what's this all about. "You saw the news right? I just want to make sure you're ok." He said. "Yes I am Seongwu, don't worry about it." I said, trying to hide the truth by pretending to be happy. "You'll find someone else so, cheer up, Y/N" he said. "I guess so, by the way you're filming right? Let's just talk later ok? Fighting Seongwu-ya!" I said, changing the subject. "Ya! Y/N wait..." I heard Ong Seongwu said before I hang up.
I sat here in the corner of my room, it reminds me of the days I had with you. Every little thing in this house reminded me of you. I walked to the kitchen and got a bottle of water. I saw a bottle of wine, I'm never a drinker but, I always kept a bottle of wine in case you drop by and want a drink. However, there's no longer you so, I picked it up and placed it on a bag to give out to my friends. "You're happier, aren't you?" I told myself.
I know no one dared to hurt you than I did. You are the nation's number one. You deserve another person who can always be by your side. That someone isn't me even though, you're the one I need the most yes, I'm still in love with you.
"Y/N-ah are you ok?" Seongwu asked. For a moment, I thought it was you. "What are you doing here? Did he send you here?" I asked back. "No, I came here on my own. I already know he's miserable but, he has the other members however, you're all alone so, as you bestest pal, I came here and as expected, you never let anyone see you cry." He said. He's lying, I know you send him here. "Did they forced you to break up with him?" He asked and took your silence as a yes. "You know you don't have to do that? Who cares about their opinion. Y/N fight for him please, don't leave him. He's miserable like you so please come back." Seongwu said, holding your hand. "Please, Daniel loves you and he need you right now, he's been crying and hurting too." He pleaded. It's all my fault that you are crying. "I can't. They are right, Daniel is at peak of his career and I cannot be his side any longer. He deserves someone like you guys, an idol who can understand him more than I do. He deserves every good thing in this world and I'm not one of them." You said. "Is that what you wanted? Do you love him?" He asked. "It doesn't matter Seongwu. This is what it supposed to be there's no room for what I wanted." I said. It hurt but, I have to bear it. "Ok, that's your decision and I, your best Ong friend, will respect that. I hope you'll be happy." He said, trying to cheer you up. "Yeah, someday I will."
But, I guess I will never be fine. Seeing you looking smiling with her by your side, hurts so much. I could only pretend a smile to hide the truth because I know, you're my only happiness.
All this time, I know you'll fall for someone new. Someone who can stand by your side more than I could.
Baby you look happier, you do
I knew one day you'd fall for someone new and she'll mean the whole world to you.
It’s the day of your last concert and its been a while since I saw my favorite boygroup with you in it. I braced myself and went to the venue. I blend with the crowd so no one from the staffs and the Wanna One's family, including yours will know. I saw how broken you all are in this event. You never wanted to be part with your brothers. You cried the hardest, was this how you did when we broke up? I thought as I wipe a tear I shed.
The night had ended. I prepared to leave the venue with a heavy heart like other fans did, at least, that's what I'm trying to tell myself, I knew clearly it's not the case. "Ms. Y/N." A staff said, I recognized her as one of the people in the company I used to see whenever I visit you back then. "Hi, it's been a while, Ms. Yuna." I greeted. "Can you please not tell anyone especially the members that I'm here." I said. "Actually... About that Kang Daniel-ssi wants to see you, he asked me to call you." She said. You knew I attended the concert, I still wonder how did you managed to know it.
I let her lead me to where you are. I know I should runaway but, I my hearts screamed to go where you are for one last time. She lead me to an empty waiting room, telling me to wait for you. In a few minutes, you are there right in front of me. "Y/N" you said. It sounded so sweet in my ears yet it felt bitter. "It's been a while." I manage to say. "Yes it was, it's been a year." You said. "Yeah..." I said, not daring to look at you. I feel my tears forming around my eyes. "How are you?" You asked. Sitting right in front of me. "I'm ok. What about you?" I asked, as I regained my control of my emotions. "I cried a lot, I'm gonna miss Wanna One for sure. You saw that right? How uncool." He joked lightly. I try to smile not letting you see my real emotions. "Yeah I did. You're still cool. I'm KDN stan after all." I jokingly said., humoring myself to prevent my tears to fall. "How did you know I am here?" I asked. "I just know you're going. So I asked the staff to look out for you." You said with all sincerity. "Why?" I asked again. You smiled as you kneel down in front of me. "I just want to see you maybe to have a closure." You said, grabbing a hold of my hand. "Y/N I know that we can't be together and you don't feel the same but, in my heart still beats for you. And if I ever, love someone else please know that I will never love anyone else as much as I love you." You said, my tears that I'm holding back were getting out of control. It fell the moment you said those words. You wiped my tears and smile, that beautiful smile I always love. "Why are you crying?" You laughed. Your hand still on my cheek "Because, Kang center is being cringy, it made my tears fall." I joked. "Silly kid but, I'm serious. You'll always be in my heart no matter." You said, messing up my hair. "I'm sorry. I hurt the nation's center." I said, another tears threatening to fall. "Aye... Stop crying Y/N." You said, bumping our foreheads together. "Don't cry, it makes me feel sad seeing you like that. I don't want seeing my number 1 fangirl cry." You said. You placed a kiss on my temple and held it there. We went out of the waiting room and you walked me out of the venue. You were holding my hand the whole time. I let you be and I stay silent the whole time, not trusting myself to utter a word because I know, my heart would speak before my mind and I will opted to stay with you. "So this is goodbye." You said. "Yeah it is." I replied. You pulled me again in your arms. I hugged you back this time for one last time. You pulled back and you place a hand on my chin, you lift my face up and place a kiss on my lips. You hugged me tighter not wanting to let go but, I knew we must because you are no longer mine. I responded to your kisses and tomorrow I'll try to forget you, I'll try to move on. We broke apart. "Y/N I said it before but, I'll repeat it again. I love you and my love for you will never be replaced." You said. "It's getting late, you should go." You said. "Yeah uhh... Thanks. For walking with my on my way out. I guess I'll see you around, Kang-ssi." I said, smiled at him and waved goodbye.
It's been 6 months since then, this news isn't new to me anymore I knew the moment I saw you few nights ago but, it still hurts hearing this news. I couldn't cry anymore, I could not feel anything. I might be in dazed the whole time not to notice my phone's blowing up with messages the whole time. I grabbed my phone from my bed and see the members messages, my friends and there's one from your mom but what had caught me is yours.
I hurried out of the house to my university. I saw you waiting on our usual spot unknown to most people "You never changed schedules after all these years. Today is still your off from school yet, you have research to finish, am I right?" You said as you walked to where I am. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at your company?" You asked. "I know but, I figured I should see you first." You said. "Why?" I asked. "I just want to tell you something but, I guess the media beat me to that." You said. "You don't have to, Daniel. I kinda know about you and her, I saw you at a bar few nights ago. I'm glad you found her, she seem nice, you deserve Jihyo." I said. "Yes, I'm glad I met her. I really want to tell you about her last time but, I'm not sure of anything that time, she's just a friend and we kinda happened after the concert." You said, scratching the back of your head. "I see. Does she make you happy?" I asked. "She does." You answered. I can see the sincerity in your eyes. "Well then, that's enough for me." I saw you were surprised by what I said as we seated on a bench at the back of the school building. "Say... You will support me right? You will always believe me?" You asked. "It depends on how well behave you are, choding." I teased, lightly to ease off this uncertain feeling. "Ya! I'm not choding, you mean kid. I'm taller than you." You protested, I laughed at your childishness. "Yeah yeah, whatever you say." I said to make him stop whining. "So, what will you say?" You said, waiting for an answer. "What?" I asked. "Will you trust and support me?" You repeated. "I will, I'm your fan, you knew that." I answered. "No, not as a fan as someone permanently dear in my heart?" You said. "Of course I will, you asked for it after all." I said with a small laugh. "Thanks it means a lot to me." You said. "It should matter, I'm you number 1 fan after all." I joked, nudging him playfully before standing up. "I'll support you no matter what. As long as it'll make you happy but, if she ever break your heart like lovers do, just know that I am here waiting for you." I said, playfully with a wink to mask my real feelings. "I gotta go now, see you around!" I said as I walked away from you trying to hide the pain as I let you go completely.
"But I guess you look happier, you do
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too
I could try to smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you" - Ed Sheeran (Happier)
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404fmdminjung · 3 years
fmdmeme002 — no longer accepting!
20. can you give some inspiring words for someone going through a hard time?
"it all passes — it's funny that you can ask a hundred idols, and usually that's what you're met with. but that's really all that can be said when you're watching someone drown from far away. i wish i could give you a buoy, or maybe swim over to pull you out — but i don't hold any power to do so when the only person that can save you is your own mind. so, instead, i say, i'm rooting for you because i know you can swim. you can swim faster and stronger to pull yourself out of even the darkest storms and harshest waves. so, close your eyes and paddle out — you can do it."
21. what words of advice would you give to someone studying for their college exam?
"i wish i'd taken my college exams, but i didn't. i don't know how hard the exam is, and i can only imagine how many times and years you've put into that moment. however, don't put all your rocks into one basket — it's not the end of the world. there are always second chances and life is full of it, so just know that in this second, this was the best you you put up, and i'm proud. the world is proud, so dance a little, smile, and push forth because you're almost done. if not, there's always next time."
22. give yourself a percent ranking from 0 to 100 in the following categories: cute, cool, and sexy.
"let's make this fun — shall we? if we're talking fuse minjung, sexy would have to be 100. after all, why else would gold star force to give me anything other than a small piece of cloth to dance around in? regular minjung is a modest quaker, i'd rank her sex appeal at 50. cute, i'm not cute — cuties are for the 2000's, which are up and coming. i'm a 빵점 there. cool? i don't know — isn't it uncool to call yourself cool? guess then, i'm a loser and the judging is up to your discretion."
23. what place do you want to travel to the most?
"i think i want to visit my childhood homes once, and see the sights i used to see. but america wise, i'm not too keen knowing the country has always been lackluster. i'd want to go back to amsterdam, visit croatia and russia. central europe is where i'd want to go, prague, czech. turkey too, though that's not entirely europe. someday, i'll travel it all."
24. what language would you like to learn?
"it's too cliche to say french — but for business purposes and to communicate directly with monsieur arnault, i'd like to speak french. but no business and all fun, shout out to spanish at kent foreign high school — i'd go back to my roots there and learn estoy, estas, estamos all over again. but then, i'd be at french and spanish — two sell out languages for the non-natives. so, let's be smart and choose arabic — i think the language is beautiful."
25. what is the first thing you think of when someone mentions your fans?
"neutral — they're the neutrality territory of the un composed of all the idol fan groups. in reality, i never see anything terrible on sns, nor do i see any ridiculous rumors spawned by them. if anything, the most they get into are little bouts with themselves, which is minuscule to me to get worried about. they're a collective group of fans, cool and composed just worried about the next fuse comeback to worry about others."
what is your favorite movie/book you’ve seen/read recently?
"i haven't seen anything new — just re-watching and re-reading the oldies. something new i did come across and read, however, was 곰돌이 푸 행복한 일은 매일 있어 / winnie the pooh, there's a happy moment in each day (winnie the pooh, happiness is everyday? idk which one is the official book title in eng). it's the gut-wrenching optimism book that forced a few tears out of me when i saw how each and every moment pooh took with happiness, and how to seize the little things around your life instead of honing in on the bag. i recommend this one to those who are in a rut."
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