#and i will be more than happy to show off my permanent reminder im probably autistic lmao
saintslaughter-a · 11 months
its been long enough since my last tattoo that ive resolved for my birthday im gettin the fleur de lis done
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peachiimilquetea · 3 years
something angsty with tenya leaving fem reader for the event? ty! prompt: “you can’t leave me. i don’t know how to survive without you.”
“𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞. 𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮.” + tenya iida
a/n: bro… i don’t really like angst without the potential for a somewhat happy ending so i hope you’re ok with the fact that it’s not completely sad. i did pull on the heartstrings quite a bit tho, i hope you enjoy! check out the event here
contains: angst (obviously), iida being heavily influenced by his family, tensei to the rescue lowkey, crying, insecurities, mentions of alcohol, ambiguous ending, miscommunication
length: 2.0k
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at first things had started off small.
iida worked long hours as the work of his brother’s hero agency fell on his shoulders. he tried his best to make time for you, but it always felt like your schedules could never line up just right.
you tried to work something out, quick calls on break times and cute messages around the house to remind you of one another, but most efforts fell flat.
then things started to get worse.
long and empty nights were spent building up resentment towards the man you had married. he was always doing something, something that took precedence over the vows you made when you walked down the isle no more than three years ago.
you knew his family didn’t like you that much, feeling that a marriage for love was a waste of such a powerful commitment. a commitment that could built them an empire, and boost the rank of their hero agency, solidifying a legacy for them.
tenya defied them for you, boldly declaring that he would marry whoever he wanted and that you were in it for the long haul. you were the girl of his dreams, he said, and anything that got in the way of his happiness was not something he would subscribe to. that only made them hate you more.
so when his texts of encouragement grew shorter and more sparse, and he began to have more special responsibilities bestowed upon him by none other than his father, you knew it was on purpose.
unfortunately, it was an effective strategy to chip away at a young and unseasoned marriage.
“tenya can you please just check your schedule? i really want to spend more time with you.”
he sighed and rubbed his temples as he sat in his office. why were you bothering him with something so insignificant? you knew how important this transition of power was for the iida family, for the legacy of ingenium, but you still persisted.
he could feel the anger beginning to build until he looked in your eyes and saw the sadness brimming in them. his heart squeezed in his chest as he watched you, his wife, plead with him to spend time together. when had things come to this?
“i’ll try my best, but i cant promise anything.”
at this point, that was better than anything you could’ve hoped for.
with a kiss to his forehead you left him alone to get the heaps of paperwork he had to do, spirits lifted at the prospect of spending time with him again. just like the way it used to be.
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you checked the time on the microwave for the 9th time. fifty-seven minutes had passed and your husband was officially late.
you should have seen it coming really, empty promises were becoming more and more common amongst the two of you. he would promise to try harder and you would promise to cut him more slack, the constant push and pull never being enough for either party.
getting up from the barstool at your kitchen island you made your way to the wine cooler to get a drink. not even bothering to pick up a glass you slumped on the couch, kicking off your shoes and splaying yourself out, just wanting the cushions to swallow you whole and dull the aching in your heart.
he wasn’t coming.
he was never coming.
you laid passed out on the couch when iida finally came home 2 hours later. he was only stopping by for a quick break, then going back out on patrol and he completely forgot about the things he said, smiling through tired eyes as he thought, this time i’ll make it up to her.
at the very least he could clean you up and tuck you in. he could brace himself for the impending fight later, but he was concerned about you. you never drank, not unless there was something wrong.
iida easily hoisted you up over his shoulder, discarding the various wine bottles and taking you to your shared room, although he wasn't sure if it was still considered shared anymore.
he laid you on the bed softly, changing you into one of his old shirts. his fingers ghosted over your cheek as he watched you sleep, the reality of where he was sitting heavy on his heart.
he loved you and yet there was nothing he could do to help at this moment. he had to leave for night patrol. he had to leave you.
his gentle touches roused you from your sleep and your eyes felt heavy as you tried to blink them open.
“you came?” you breathed, voice sounding foreign even to yourself.
iida gave you a small smile, “im sorry.”
your demeanor did a 180 at his apology. he was sorry. he was always sorry. but sorry couldn’t fix this. not when it had been so broken.
you winced and sat up, “sorry for what? sorry that you broke your promise for the thousandth time or sorry that you’ve been such a shit husband for the past few months?!”
“no tenya. you do this every single time! every time i want to spend time with you theres always something more important! what could be more important than your wife?!”
“______ you know my father-”
you laughed bitterly at the mention of his dad. he always had to be such a good little iida child, always on daddy’s beck and call. it made you sick.
“your father doesn’t even want us to be together! cant you see that he’s doing this on purpose! youre a grown man! not a child permanently tied to his mommy and daddy!” you spat
“hes giving more responsibility for the sake of the agency! for the ingenium legacy! why are you always so selfish when it comes to these things?”
“selfish? selfish?” you asked, incredulous. you couldn’t believe your ears.
“yes selfish. do you know how much i sacrificed to be with you? how much i already have on my plate on top of trying my best to make time for you?”
you stared in astonishment.
what had he sacrificed for this relationship? he got to do what he wanted, come and go as he pleased with virtually no regard for how you felt or what you did. what sacrifice was there in that way of living?
“fuck you, tenya.”
tenya took a deep breath and ran his hand down his face. he chose his words carefully before finally saying, “i cant do this. im leaving.”
you could hear a pin drop in the room. you felt your blood pound in your ears as you stood up quickly, dizzy from the alcohol but still trying to process the words you had just heard.
“youre leaving?”
“yes, i have to go. im not doing this with you, not now.”
your heart felt like it had been smashed by a sledgehammer, as you tried to regulate your breathing. leaving. he was leaving.
“w-wait,” you feebly attempted to cling onto him as he gathered a few of his things.
“tenya you cant leave me.”
“_____ i do not want to do this right now,” he sighed, easily shaking you off and moving to collect more things. his words were buzzing around on the inside of your skull. he was leaving.
leaving without so much of a second thought. he had been planning this. still unsteady on your feet you hobbled after him as quickly as possible, desperation taking over every fiber of your body. you didn't want to lose him, you just wanted your husband back, you happiness back.
“y-you cant do that! you cant leave me! i dont know how to survive without you, tenya, please-”
“_____, just go to bed. you’re drunk.”
you trailed him around the house,“no, you don’t get to decide when this is over. i'm the one whos been hurting for months you cannot just leave me by myself.”
iida spared you one last glance before grabbing his bag, “goodbye, _____”
crushed, you sank to your knees, leaning on the couch for support. you felt like you were dying., hell, you probably were dying. you had never had so much to drink in your life, and you were desperate to make the pounding pain in your chest stop.
you cried yourself to sleep that night, waking up to the sunlight coming through the window with a splitting headache. you felt like your skull was trying to crack itself open from the inside but you shakily got to your feet, remembering bits and pieces from your fight with iida.
you could tell he didn't come home last night; everything was exactly the way you had left it last night. the house alarm was still on, and his shoes were gone.
he actually left.
anger bubbled in your chest as you thought about what had actually happened. you would not let him get the last laugh, or be the last one left, the one waiting on him patiently to pick up the pieces after trying to keep it together. you would leave too, as much as it hurt, and show him just how selfish you could be.
in a flash, you haphazardly packed a bag with essentials and had texted your friends that you needed a place to stay for a few days. you didn’t get into specifics- your heart ached too much to relive the events of the previous night- but you told them you had reached your limit and you needed to take some time to cool off.
alternatively, iida did not sleep that night. after finishing patrols, he stayed at his brother’s apartment out of pure convenience, not feeling prepared to face you after everything that had transpired between the two of you.
the dark-haired man laid staring at the ceiling of tensei’s guest bedroom, wracking his brain and trying to pinpoint how things had gone south so fast. he wanted to fix things, but really didn’t know how. he couldn’t even tell you what was broken, let alone how to begin to fix them.
his brother had tried to give him advice after listening to the entire story, but there was only so much he could do. he knew that you were right, their father was keeping him from you on purpose, slowly making tenya think that he was in the right in an attempt to break you up, but he couldn't be the one to tell him.
tenya had to come to that conclusion himself. he needed to be the one to set boundaries and save your relationship, but from the looks of it, soon any attempts would be futile.
“_____? darling?” iida called as he came into your home. immediately noticing your missing shoes, he moved to the bedroom in a flash, checking to see if you had just moved them or something.
the room was a mess, drawers left open and clothing strewn across the bed and floor. the bathroom had been cleared of almost all your essentials, and a note was left on the dresser. gingerly, iida picked it up and read it, offering up a silent prayer that it didn't say what he thought it did.
i don't know when you'll see this, or if you ever will. if you're reading it, that means you came back home but you will not find me there.
im tired, tenya.
im tired of always being the one to extend the olive branch or bend over backwards for you.
i refuse to be in that position any longer. i love you… i love you so much it hurts sometimes because i know this isn't the way things were supposed to be. but you left, and so i decided to leave too.
if a way to fix things exists, i want us to find it, but right now i need some time to reevaluate us and what that means. i hope you understand, i know you will.
if you want to reach out, im open to talking about this further, but for right now i need to think.
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juiceastronaut · 3 years
If I can throw in my two cents about the whole Camila situation:
Honestly what I think is happening is people are projecting their own experiences a little too deeply onto Luz and vilifying Camila because they don't have a great relationship with their parents. I also think people's minds are jumping to the worst-case scenario of what the camp actually is (I don't think the answer is conversion therapy cmon guys this is a kid's show). The overall lesson in the Boiling Isles is that one needs to learn to consider the effect of their actions on others, especially if it's linked to one's creativity. It celebrates being different but also doesn't say that you can act any way you want because you're different. I think a lot of people are closer to Pilot Luz than they realize, and since they haven't gotten that reality check themselves, view these lessons for Luz as an attack on her, and thus an attack on themselves because they haven't learned that lesson yet. But anyway, back to the camp.
I think what's happening is people are getting really hung up about the "Think Inside the Box!" slogan from the first episode, which may seem to directly want to stifle kids' creativity. I think there are two explanations this can fall under, an in-universe one and an out-of-universe one. The in-universe explanation is that maybe the marketing team really sucks and in an attempt to be quirky and creative (look at us we're subverting a popular phrase!) it came off as really bad. The second explanation is, I don't think the Owl House team was thinking that far ahead when constructing the pilot, and how relevant the camp was going to be in later episodes, so they put a little joke in there to both get a laugh out of people, and to quickly solidify that Luz doesn't want to go to that camp and the reason for that. I think some light dismissal of earlier episodes is in order here, because a lot has happened between the pilot and now, and obviously, the reconstruction in Yesterday's Lie is the reality that the crew wants the viewers to go forward with. Maybe the camp wouldn't have even been that bad.
Maybe if Luz actually went she would've had a good time there. I think the more accurate interpretation is...maybe it did suck, but she would've still been able to garner good experiences from it, friends as well, so that going wouldn't have been all that bad, or at least not a living nightmare. Remind you of anyplace? (the answer is school). So maybe Luz would've had the reality check she needed, learning skills and making friends, and still have the camp be an unpleasant experience. I think those can both coexist, and I don't think the camp needs to be literal conversion therapy in order to achieve that. Okay, onto Camila.
Camila isn't perfect. I know people throw around that phrase a lot but I don't think you can find a more apt situation to apply this too. Carmilla, trying her best to do what's right by Luz, sometimes stumbles and does the exact opposite, but doing that out of love for Luz. I fully subscribe to the theory that the camp wasn't really her idea, and more of a suggestion by the school or Luz would have faced expulsion. Again, the pilot didn't really put weight on Luz's actions, but as of the most recent episode its obvious that Luz was close to receiving a very serious consequence by endangering people by bringing snakes and explosives into school. In the first few episodes it was a way to show that Luz was quirky and didn't fit in with the other kids, but as Luz has matured on the Boiling Isles that lets us revisit those scenarios in a different light. I'm sure Luz didn't see anything wrong with what she did, and the framing reflects that, maybe she'll feel differently now after the character growth she's gotten.
Camila loves that Luz is creative, and she loves her daughter for who she is. She even actively engages with Luz in her interests, as seen in Yesterdays's Lie. But as a parent its also Camilas responsibility to raise Luz into a person that can interact with society in a healthy way. Of course, that would be personally tailored to Luz as a person, and she shouldn't try to make Luz fit a certain standard, but that's not what's happening here.
Camila would be enabling Luz if she just allowed her to continue with these high stakes, highly dangerous expressions of "creativity" because Luz was posing a danger to others and to herself. I would actually say Camila would have been a bad parent if she made excuses for Luz's behavior and didn't do anything to curb that. Maybe camp wasn't 100% the best course of action to take, but at least she does something to make sure Luz feels the weight of her actions. I don't even think of the camp as a punishment per se, which is leaps and bounds above what any other parent would do in that situation (I'm under the belief that punishment isn't always the most effective way to facilitate behavior in children). Camila putting her foot down doesn't make her a bad parent, its what a parent should be doing in this situation!
By the end of the episode Yesterdays Lie, Camila's whole life was turned upside down. The person she thought was her daughter actually wasn't her daughter and her actual daughter chose to leave her and is now stuck in a completely different world where she can't reach or even talk to her. I think it's unfair to her to expect her to rationally react to that situation in any capacity. Her daughter left her and she desperately wanted her back, and was/is fearful of losing her again. That's why she made Luz promise to stay when she got back. She doesn't want to lose her again. She blames herself for driving her daughter away, probably for all the above reasons in relation to the camp, maybe for something else entirely.
The thing is, Luz didn't have enough time to explain to her mom what exactly went into her motivations to stay on the Boiling Isles. She wasn't even going to stay there permanently, she was going to go back when camp ended why? For her mom. She didn't want to be away from her any longer than she expected to be away. It was only after the whole Belos thing happened that she was stuck. But she didn't have the time to explain that. So essentially what Camila heard was "Im stuck over here with no way home and I chose that. for myself." Damn I'd get upset too! This whole thing is a misunderstanding I don't for one second think any situation where Camila forces her home to never see her friends again, or Luz being forced to break her promise and stay on the Isles forever is actually going to come to fruition. Luz will probably tell Camila about her time in the Isles and Camila will go "Oh my god I'm so happy you made friends, okay of course you can go back and forth" because I assume they'll have fixed/have another door by then.
In conclusion, Camila is an actual imperfect mother in the most literal sense, instead of saying someone's imperfect but never misstepping when it comes to taking care of her kids. She messes up, doesn't do the right thing because she's working against forces outside of her control or is having a very human reaction to a genuinely stressful situation. People are projecting their own home lives a little too much into Luz's situation which I think leads to people being harsher with Camila than she deserves. She's a good mom, and I think a realistic and complex character. Y'all are just mean.
Also anyone saying that Camila having a flip-flop (la chancla) in her purse is a sign that Luz is being abused...are you on crack? Is it crack you're smoking? No, but it's a haha shout out to the latino community it's not that deep oh my go--
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fandom-blackhole · 3 years
I'll See You in my Dreams- Soulmate AU
AN: First off, sorry I didn't have this up earlier, I went through so tough writer's block that is kicking my ass and my school year has begun so I had to focus on that for a bit. Second, I wanted to say, the next thing I write is probably going to be the next part for Merman!Din because I hit 100 kudos on the fic over on Ao3. Third, starting probably towards the end of this week, maybe Thursday or Friday, I am going to start character takeovers. I will make a post about who it will be and how long it will be around during the morning and reblog it throughout the day along with any disclaimers/rules. I am thinking this is something I can do during the weekends when I don't have classes and Im not writing. Love you all and I hope you enjoy this fic!
Pairing: Paz Vizsla x Reader
Words: 1K (sorry its short....)
Summary: What if you, someone from Earth, miraculously were soulmates to someone in a galaxy far, far away?
Warnings: descriptions of pains, sadness, yearning, soft love confessions and promises, unedited bc I am tired and just wanted to post this
The dreams, oh, the dreams….
They come and they never stop, always leaving wondering and wanting, aching.
You do not understand them, what they meant, if anything other than a manifestation of desires, but when he appears you feel like you are in another world, another galaxy all your own, made for you and him alone. He tells you you are his one, his only, and your heart soars with every small touch and smile. His whisper of your name, and promises sworn in a language so foreign, yet familiar after years of their whispered softness, cause you to feel like you're floating, like you are where you are meant to be, in this loving man's arms.
Only...each day as you wake, you come crashing down into the same disappointing reality, reminding yourself that he is not there, and he is only a cruel trick your mind plays upon you heart and soul each night, laughing as you wake to the same cold loneliness of day, ripped from the warmth of his arms that hold you each night. It had been like this since you could remember, even as you were a child he would appear in your dreams and ask if you wanted to play with him. He told you stories that his family, his culture taught him, the things that were even at that age obviously very important to him.nYou parents would praise you for your creativity when you repeated the stories to them. They never understood.
Your parents didn't understand why you never let go of this imaginary figure in your dreams. They couldn't comprehend why even after you grew away from the imaginary friend stage you still talked about the boy that simply did not exist to them.
The older you got, the more you realized that you wanted no one else but him. No one else could make you smile or laugh the way he could. No one else made you feel safe the way he did. No one could come close to making you feel cherished or content the way he did. No one could touch just how loved you felt each night when he gave you that shining smile, followed by an endearment in his sacred language- he had attempted to teach you a few basics at one point, but he only kept chuckling and teasing you softly as you tripped over the words he said so effortlessly.
It wasn’t until you were graduating high school and looking into colleges when it dawned on you how much you loved the man in your dreams. How you would never be happy with another, not knowing he was there, even if he was not real. You would never find anyone better than the boy you had watched grow into a man, than the person who listened to you talk endlessly about your life, the one you told all your secrets to never holding any information back because you knew he would never judge you. But this, this realization you kept to yourself, not wanting to share and find heartbreak from the one person you knew you would never be able to recover from.
So you pulled back slowly, never fully distancing yourself how could you, but you tried to never come too close, fearing the pain that would follow if you did. And you hated every second of it.
As you progressed through college, you both lamented your stresses to the other seeking comfort in just venting or just listening to the other’s voice. You were busy with school, stressing over finals and papers, while he was worried about his people, his covert who he was now lead and teach, he worried about the future generations as his people’s numbers kept diminishing.
Life and stresses seemed to take over and pass in rhythms. Soon you both found yourselves in a comfortable dance, but one that had each side aching for more but unable to ask for it.
By the time you graduated from school, on track already to work your dream job, you found yourself suddenly feeling hollow. A feeling that started showing up in dreams, a feeling that was only suppressed when you brushed against his hand, or he reached out and hugged you before you both woke. But it did not take long for the feeling to spread into your waking hours. Life became numb at best, painful at most. The feeling only getting worse as you were with him. Some nights it felt like your entire body was screaming for the man you could not have.
But it changed one night suddenly. You had not even got to say hello or hi to him before he pulled you into his embrace, whispering words of defeat, whispering how he could no longer hold back, being apart from you for so long hurt him. He said that his very soul was hurting and he just needed to hold you for the night. And you caved. You caved and held him as tightly as he held you, hot tears slipping down your cheeks as you hiccupped the words you never wanted to tell him. You stuttered through devotions and dozens and dozens of ‘i love yous’, and you were overjoyed, bursting at the seams when he returned each with his own love confession, with his own devotions for you. And you only cried harder, finding yourself slowly being soothed by his rumbling voice in his chest and his calm words.
You both stayed like that. The night ticking by but moving slower than normal, or it could just be the quiet nothing of the world as you held tight to each other. Maybe it was just wishful thinking, hopes to freeze in time and never wake again if it meant staying here wrapped in the other’s soft love and body.
But….like each night come to pass, you found yourself being lulled and pulled away from the man you loved so forcefully. He could feel it too, you knew he could by the way his arms tightened, and as his final words were whispered into your ear before you were ripped apart.
“Mesh’la, my fierce love, I swear on the name of my ancestors, that I, Paz Viszla, will find away to reach you in daylight. I will come for you, cyare, I promise with all my being I will come to you.”
700 Fic Taglist: @shellyc9 @ben-is-a-hoe @mrs-ghuleh @moodsare @mysticalgalaxysalad @eri16 @elinedjarin @reverielibrary @bunny-fair @justnat15 @ollovaemisc @indycaelumskywalker @just-someone11 @peach-child @remmyswritings @gotham-city-uber-driver @mindidjarin @kirinpl @katie-sheep-111 @lovecatsnotpeople @3braincells @bunny-fair @phoenixhalliwell @skellylady @kikiinden @lothiriel9 @misguidedandbeguiled
Permanent Tags: @mysticalgalaxysalad @phoenixhalliwell @moodsare @perpetual-fangirl900 @night-snows00 @dumbass-simp-for-fredweasley @stargazingthenightaway @meabravo @just-here-for-the-moment
Paz Tags: @bunny-fair @elinedjarin @shellyc9 @blackmarketmummy @djarin-junk
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sunjaesol · 3 years
the smile you gave me (it’s magic)
juke | meet-cute au | tw: alcohol + annoying men in bars | written for @alexjulies as we have the same headcanons about luke
What Julie Molina was about to do was horribly unfeminist and Flynn would hate her forever, but really, it was all the man’s fault - as usual.
She rejected his advances three times now in the last hour. The bartender gave her a drink on the man’s tab and she sent it back, the man brought it himself (introduced himself as Levi) and she politely declined once more. The third time he asked her to dance and then she fled to the bathroom. Julie wasn’t the biggest partygoer, occasionally joining Flynn for happy hour - like today. Her friend was late however, due to an emergency meeting at a magazine she worked at and Julie had to endure the bar alone. Grave mistake. She should’ve just waited at a McDonalds or something; even if she’d look out of place in her cocktail dress.
im there in 15!! hang in there <3 <3
Julie groaned. Great. Fifteen more minutes in a smelly bathroom stall as women outside were drunkenly crying in front of the mirrors and babbled about their own grievances regarding men. For such a universal problem, she had hoped all men would’ve taken the hint by now.
No, she didn’t want to dance. No, she didn’t want a drink. No, she wouldn’t give her number to someone that kept pushing and coming into her personal space. Levi could fuck off. It was bad enough how he had given her a suggestive once-over like he was deciding whether he wanted brunette or blonde tonight.  
The reminder angered her, pushed her out of the stall with a scowl. Was she really going to let a dumb man (nay: boy) ruin her night before it even started? Her songwriting session with Hayley Williams had gone really well and she deserved to celebrate that! She deserved to end her day on a high note! A quick look in the mirror to assure her make-up hadn’t smudged, she marched out the bathroom back into the dimly lit bar.
Her eyes scanned the room, relieved to not catch Levi close-by. Did he give up and leave? Was he cornering another girl? Whatever. As long as he wasn’t bothering her, she’d be able to breathe and maybe forget about the altercation.
If he did bother her again, she’d use her privilege as a girl and yell at the top of her lungs that he was harassing her. Surely then security would kick him out, right?
Over by the bartop was clamour, two men pulling each other into a laughing embrace as one hauled their backpack over their shoulder as the other dropped it. Changing shifts, Julie noted, halting on the man that had arrived. Well then. The theory that bars only hired attractive people seemed to be correct, the guy straight from a CW show. Mussed up brown hair, sharp features, big eyes, cute smile. A ten out of ten.  
He shrugged his red shacket off, fully black outfit beneath and began washing off discarded glasses. His muscular arms made her throat dry up; he wasn’t attractive, he was hot.
(Oh God. Was she just as bad as Levi, gawking over a stranger? But wasn’t part of his job that girls were supposed to gawk over him? More tips and all that? Julie decided she shouldn’t feel too guilty.)
Her feet moved on their own accord towards the bar, sliding into a leather high stool and wondering what she’d order as she waited for any of the bartenders (him?) to approach her.
Luck was on her side, the new bartender pressing his hands into the counter, brows raised expectantly. “What can I get you?”
Her lips tutted, debating between a margarita and a strawberry mojito. Both were appealing and at a marginally low price. “What’s better?”, she asked. “Margarita or mojito? Honestly.”
He grinned. “Honestly?”
“Yeah.” She crossed her arms atop the counter, a brush away from his hands. “I’ve bartended before. I know you have to lie a little.”
His muscle tee shifted around as he chuckled, slivers of tattoos peeking through on his chest. Her eyes averted, hoping she was a bit more subtle than she felt, and kept them trained on the stacks of whiskey in the glass rack.
His fingers drummed on the wood. “The mojito, then.” Leaning in as if imparting a secret, he added: “We’ve been buying the cheaper tequila. Gotta pay those bills.”
Satisfied at his reply, she gave him a pleased nod. “Okay. A mojito, please.”
He pushed himself off with a click of the tongue, as if he auctioned her something, and turned to grab the ingredients. As he poured the rum into a tall glass, he fell into casual conversation she was all too familiar with.
“You here alone?”
“Waiting on a friend.” Eager to distract herself from the reason why she waiting, and what caused her to wait in a fucking bathroom, she asked: “What’s the tattoo?”
The bartender paused for a beat, as if momentarily forgetting he was inked up, and then tugged his shirt out the way to showcase more skin. Had she not been so curious, she’d focus on the fact that he was defined as hell. The tattoo was a detailed sun with an ocean wave drawn inside. More uncovered: a play and pause button, ‘now or never’, a stick and poke tattoo of a lightning bolt. It was as if she herself doodled onto her skin and then left it there, but it somehow worked. It was personal. Maybe she was also a bit intrigued since he seemed especially interested by music. Granted, it was LA. Everyone was some type of artist with varying degrees of success. Still - she was curious.
“They’re cool,” she complimented, him going back to making her drink with an appreciative grin.
“Was the lightning bolt a drunk decision?”, she teased. The only instance someone got a stick and poke tattoo was when they felt chaotic or impulsive.
His grin widened, throwing crushed ice in the glass. “That obvious? Yeah, me and my boys all got one. This whole idea of-” He waved his hands around, trying to find the right words. “-bonding us together for life, I guess.”
Warmth thudded in her chest at his story, endeared by the way his voice became lighter when he talked about his friends. They must be like brothers to him.
As he placed the completed drink in front of her, she contemplated her answer. She’d rather keep talking to him than wait for Flynn in silence. “That’s nice. Having friends like that, it’s special.” Twisting her wrist, she showed her own tattoo. “I got this one when I turned eighteen.”      
They were two, small butterflies dancing on the inside of her forearm. When her mother passed away, she always knew she’d get something to commemorate her. Doodles of butterflies marked her skin in high school, finally becoming permanent when she was allowed to. Knowing everyone inevitably asked about the why, she continued talking.  
“It’s, you know, it’s about metamorphosis and beauty and transcendence and I just-” She caught herself before blabbing her sob story to a stranger. With a chuckle, she muttered: “It’s a reminder that change is good.”
When Julie looked up at him, she was struck by the wonder on his face. He didn’t look as confident as he did before, probably taken aback by her sudden spiritual spiel about butterflies - or by her, in general. The thought let a quiet thrill course through her.  
He snapped out of it, a smirk falling on his lips as his nail chimed against the glass. “It’s on me.”
“Is that a move?” Her head tilted, amused.
“You want me to lie or be honest?” The man leaned across the counter again, much closer this time. “Cool tattoo, by the way.”
She laughed, biting back a silly grin from blooming. This was his job, she reminded herself. Act all cute and get her to buy more drinks so that eventually, her tab would be enormous. It was like winning once at a game of poker and then becoming cocky.
Coy, she ripped her gaze from his and sipped on her drink. She’d let him simmer for a bit.
That was when it happened. Her unfeminist deed that would make Gloria Steinem shudder. Levi, the devil reincarnated, shot her a smug look from the other side of the bar. Swerving past people to the beat of the music, he tried approaching her again.
Julie groaned behind her glass, her good mood instantly shattered once more. Why couldn’t this idiot take a fucking hint?!
“Damn,” bartender mused, “I thought my mojito skills were good.”
The brash words tumbled out at a rapid pace, her need for a solution trumping her pride. “There’s a guy coming onto me right now and you need to help me ward him off. Please.”
He grimaced. “Yeesh. Ex-boyfriend?”
“Worse,” she bit. “A fool.”
A stressed smile pinned itself on her cheeks as Levi sidled beside her, one arm bracketing her left. Her back tensed as she shot a quick, pleading look at the bartender. He zeroed in on Levi, mouth curled downwards.    
“There you are,” Levi grinned. “Thought you left.”
Julie didn’t entertain him anymore. “I’ve told you. I’m not interested.”
He dismissed her. “I see you got yourself a drink? What is it?”
“I’m not interested,” she snapped, eyes flickering once more to the bartender. Was he really not going to help her?
It spurred him into action, his arm reaching over to create a barrier between Levi and her. “Dude, you heard her. Back off.”
Levi snarled. “Can you not? This is between me and her.”
“No, actually,” he exclaimed, blunt. “I’m her boyfriend.”
Her vigilance got her acting swiftly, shifting her expression into a believable nod and placing a hand on his outstretched arm.  
“He is?” Levi was gobsmacked, a hint of anger lacing his voice.
“Yeah,” Julie bit, silently thanking him when he played along and enveloped her hand with his. Her final strike spit his venom right back in his face. “So can you just leave us alone?”
The man rolled his eyes with a scoff, kicking one of the stools and mumbling a string of curses. “Bullshit…”
When he was out of sight again, having stormed off like a petulant child to a shadowy corner, Julie let out breath of relief. “Finally!” Shooting the bartender a bright smile, she kept babbling. “You have no idea how annoying that is. And smart idea - the boyfriend card always works!”
He squeezed her hand, worried. “You sure you’re okay? That was fucked up.”
“Yeah…” She trailed off, the soft touch reminding her of his words from before. Squeezing back, she watched as the pinch between his brows vanished. “I’m okay.”
They kept their stare for a beat, the revolving pop music and excited chatter merely background noise. Neither have let go of their hold on each other. She didn’t want to either; his hand was warm and gentle and a calloused thumb absentmindedly caressed her skin. Levi should learn from this.
Sometimes, a connection just happened.
He let go first, collecting himself into a casual stance that was far more amusing than it should be. Ducking beneath the bar and grabbing a beer, he tapped it against her glass with a cocky nod. “My name’s Luke.”
Julie matched his expression. Luke. Luke, the bartender. It fit him perfectly. “I’m Julie. Are you supposed to be drinking on the clock?”
“I work in a bar,” Luke deadpanned. “It’s expected. And I’m sure Jack can handle it.”
“Why would he have to serve alone?” she inquired teasingly, eyes glimmering with challenge. If there was one thing she loved, it was getting the upper hand in a fun game of flirting.  
He lifted his bottle with a wink. “I’m drinking with you.” A pause, his gaze matching her intensity. Damn. He was a good opponent. “Unless you want me to go?”
She shook her head, took a sip from the mojito and wiggled her brows. “Cheers to warding off annoying men, fake boyfriend.”
“I better get some good karma from this,” he joked. “Cheers!”
(Later that night, she’d realise Flynn never came by. When she asked what happened, Flynn told her she had walked in and saw Julie completely wrapped up in a conversation ‘with that cute bartender’ and left. The joyous announcement that Julie got his number made her friend screech over the phone.
Julie went back to the bar many times. Drinking and talking bled until deep in the night, once till closing time and then he walked her to her apartment. He didn’t resist when she kissed him, his lips kissing back with hunger.
It didn’t take long for the ‘fake’ to be scrapped from that label.)  
@blush-and-books @willexx @bluefirewrites @ourstarscollided
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jeanslongschlong · 3 years
a-z fluff alphabet for connie springer
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requested by @squidonmywall​ !! i hope you enjoy <3
warnings: some swearing
word count: 1871
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Your sense of humor! Connie is a really funny guy, so it means a lot to him that you can match his energy at all times. He doesn’t believe in soulmates, but he’s starting to think that maybe, just maybe…
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Your cheeks! Connie LOVES to pinch them, caress them, kiss them, and so on. He makes it his life mission to make you blush, as seeing the red tint on your cheeks makes pride swell up in him over the fact that he made you have that reaction. He also loves when- jk, we’re keeping this PG here. I’ll expand more on this when I do his NSFW alphabet.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Under lots of blankets and on top of lots of pillows. But he will cuddle with you anywhere and everywhere; Connie is not shy about PDA with you.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
I get extremely romantic vibes from Connie, so probably some sort of mountain getaway, during which you spend time in a sauna, go skiing, and have a candlelit dinner with the breathtaking view of the snow-tipped mountains in the background. I can assure you he will do everything in his power to make you swoon, and (more likely than not) CRINGE at some of his cheesy attempts at flirting. He may be a romantic, but I never said anything about being smooth. That is a whole other story.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Connie is pretty open about his emotions with everyone, but even more so with you. You just make him feel so comfortable, he knows that no matter what he’s feeling you won’t judge him; you’ll try your hardest to sympathize and help him work through it. That’s another thing he loves about you, your empathy.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
CONNIE WANTS LIKE FIVE KIDS AND YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND. In any case, he only wants them if you want them of course. He isn’t going to force you into something you don’t want. However, I would say that it could be a deal breaker for him…but it just depends. If you do want to have kids as well, I’d say he wants to start having them around 24/25.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
HE LOVES GIVING GIFTS. I don’t think he has a lot of money so they probably aren’t expensive ones, but expect a bunch of small things randomly. He doesn’t need a holiday to buy you a gift, he just does it whenever he feels like it (which is almost always LMFAO he’s such a sweetie I am in love).
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
All the time. Everywhere. Everyday. He holds onto your hand like it’s his fucking LIFELINE. (please I simp for this man so much he is so precious help)
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Simply put, he would cry. Similar to Eren, he would most likely shut down, overwhelmed by the panic and regret that washes over him when someone informs him of your injury. He would be so patient and loving during your recovery period, though. If you were staying in a hospital room he would give you his pudding cups during dinnertime.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Obviously Connie likes to joke, he’s one of the funniest characters in AOT. However, pranks? Nah. Not alone, at least. Teamed up with Sasha is a whole other story. But I don’t think they’d be anything serious. If he did prank you, it would be like…hiding a whoopie cushion on the couch where you normally sit, not a breakup prank or a cheating prank. He thinks those are too cruel and he would feel wayyyy too bad about it.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Lowkey…I feel like he gives wet and sloppy kisses. But the type that make you feel warm inside. Kissing him brightens your whole day, they’re so infused with love that you could faint.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Words, gifts, kisses, random hugs, cuddles, you name it. He makes it VERY KNOWN in every way possible that he loves you. He is not embarrassed about it at all, and he makes sure you don’t forget it.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
Your first date. He stuttered so bad and yet you didn’t make fun of him. That’s when he knew that he had it BAD for you. He went home and literally couldn’t sleep he was so overwhelmed with affection for you.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
He’s afraid that his forwardness will eventually scare you away. He’s so open about everything, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you are, so he’s afraid that one day he will overstep his boundaries and drive you away permanently.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
French kissing is a no-no. Even though his kisses are wet and sloppy, I really think that the thought of your tongues in each other’s mouths gross him out. I think the same goes for Levi, too, if I’m being honest.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Angel, my love, my dearest. THIS BOY IS SO CHEESY BUT IT MELTS YOU
“You’re so pretty, angel. How the hell did I manage to get a girlfriend as heavenly as you?”
(And then you probably made fun of him and you two double over in the type of laughter that makes your stomach cramp. Oh, to be loved by Connie.)
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
A lot, quality time is his love language, second to gift giving. If he had it his way, the only time he would be away from you is when he was at work, at school, or going to the bathroom. Otherwise, he wants to be all up in your business. But, he respects your space so he tries to refrain from asking you to hang out every day. Key word: tries.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
“Two” by Sleeping At Last. No explanation needed.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
He tells you everything, even things you think ‘god, why did he tell me that?’ afterwards. SO, he tells you everything. He keeps nothing from you, which makes surprising you SUPER hard for him LMAO. He just wants to tell you as soon as he possibly can.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Not very long. 3 months at most. This boy can’t wait LOL he has 0 patience. He knew he wanted to make you his even before you had your first date, but he waited to give you time to think about what you wanted. (Although how could you not want him??? FR)
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Super supportive. He will be whatever you need him to be. If you need to scream at him to let out all of your frustration? He’ll let you. If you need him to hold a pillow for you to punch while you’re angry? Consider him your new punching bag. If you need him to just hold you and stroke your hair while you cry? He’ll do it. Anything for you.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He’s honestly just so happy that you love him. He loves to show you off; he tells anyone who will listen how amazing you are, how beautiful you are, how he’s convinced that if soulmates did exist, you’d be his.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Like Eren, Connie would lay down his life for you in a heartbeat. He gets a little scared when he thinks about you fighting, but he knows that you’d be fine, so he never really voices that fear.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Pretty damn well. He’s not dumb, he can tell when you’re actually mad and when you’re just crabby because you haven’t eaten. He’s memorized all of the indicators that point towards how you’re feeling, and he’s always prepared to deal with it.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
This is the only secret that I feel he would successfully keep from you; he wants to make it as special as possible (which is quite the opposite of Eren LOL). He would take you on a walk near sunset, and would time it so perfectly that you would end up at the place you first met right when the sun starts to set.
The sky is filled with picturesque shades of pinks, yellows, reds, and oranges, and you stop for a moment to gape in astonishment at its beauty. He admires you as you stare at the sky, your hand held to your forehead to shield your eyes from the brunt of the sun’s mighty rays, your eyes filled with such bewilderment that it warms him from the inside out. He takes this moment to kneel down onto one knee, reaching back to fish out the black ring box he had put in his pockets a few hours before.
“Y/N…” he says softly, trying to get your attention. You turn around, expecting him to make fun of you for being so infatuated with the colors of the sky, but instead let out a strangled gasp.
“Holy shit, are you-“
“Yes,” he smiles up at you and reaches out with his left hand to grasp your right. He gives your hand a loving squeeze, sucks in a breath, then continues, “I knew from the moment we met here all of those years ago that I was going to marry you. You know how I knew?” You shake your head no. “The moment our eyes met, I was filled with such a sense of completion that there was no other way to explain it. I’ve told you many times that I don’t believe in soulmates, that I think it’s just a shanty created by the romance genre to create unrealistic expectations when it comes to love. But…I’m now thoroughly convinced that you are mine.”
“Connie, I-“
“Marry me.”
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Taking a nap with you under a thick blanket. He loves to be held by you, so preferably with him on top of you, your arms wrapped tightly around him and him using your stomach as a pillow. Prime sleeping position for Connie Springer.
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peachiikawa · 4 years
Fly | Route Selected: S. Daichi
a/n: thank you all for being so patient with me. finally, here is the long awaited daichi route. hope you all enjoy!
genre: mafia au
warnings: blood, reader getting hurt, guns, violence
word count: 2.3k
Fly Masterlist
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“I choose you”
Your eyes locked with daichi
And daichi stared into yours trying to figure you out
“Are you sure?”
You nodded your head and held your ground
“Im sure”
He felt his eyes soften for a moment at the determination in your eyes before hardening again
“Fine. Everyone else, go home. Youre with me then. Lets go”
Daichi called for a car and drove you home
The silence between the two of you was only filled with the soft sound of a piano playing on the radio
The ride was finally over after about twenty minutes
“I’ll come get you tomorrow morning. Youll be working as an intern now so dress accordingly”
With that he left and you felt like you could breathe again
Just what had you gotten yourself into?
As he said he was at your house in the morning in a car that looked just a tad too expensive
You gulped before taking your first step towards him
“Good morning, Daichi”
He just nodded at you as you got into the car
The drive was once again silent
You looked over at the man behind the wheel and noticed how...formal he looked
Suit, straight back, both hands on the wheel
You felt yourself naturally adjusting yourself to mirror his mannerisms
He stole some glances at you without you noticing and felt his eyes soften upon seeing how nervous you looked
As soon as you stepped into the building you could feel the professional atmosphere
The endless windows and white walls gave off a chilling feeling
You only came back to reality when Daichi gently nudged your back
“I dont have all day. Hurry up and move”
The harshness of his words were the opposite of his touch but they still hurt nonetheless
You nodded your head and kept walking, trying to keep up with his quick stride
You followed him into an office as he took a seat behind the wooden desk
“This will be brief so don’t feel the need to sit”
Your eyes followed his every move as he organized his desk that was already pretty organized with stacks of papers
Daichi went on about your duties here but you honestly werent listening
You were a bit overwhelmed from the unfamiliar building you were in that you forgot about the man in front of you
Up until your eyes landed on the nameplate that sat on his desk
Sawamura Daichi, CEO
Without even knowing it, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion
Just who did you get yourself involved with?
Daichi finally noticed that his conversation with you wasnt going anywhere
“Hey. Are you even listening to me?”
You snapped out of it and shook your head
“Im listening!”
He just sighed and repeated everything he just said again
“Whatever. Just listen because this will be the last time i say this. Youll be working here at Sawamura Inc from now on as an intern. Your fellow interns are Hinata and Kageyama so feel free to ask them questions if you have any. You can leave now. I’ll come get you at the end of the day”
You nodded your head and started your day
Kageyama helped you the most in learning the ropes, you didnt see much of hinata. it was almost as if he was avoiding you
“Ok...so these files go here?”
He nodded his head
“Yeah i think you got it down now. If you need me ill be organizing some things for suga”
The rest of the day went on slowly until finally seven oclock hit
You could hear the faint sound of footsteps approaching you
“Lets go”
Daichi wasted no time in leaving
You quickly put down the rest of the papers you needed to organize and followed him out
The next couple weeks were like clockwork
Almost exactly the same as the day before
And no matter how hard you tried to get to know the man who took you to and from work he wouldnt budge
The only thing you ever got out of him were short replies and head nods
Did he really not like you that much?
But something you noticed every morning and every evening was the light sound of a piano playing from the radio
“Do you like the piano daichi?”
You werent even sure youd get an answer out of him
But he must if he listened to it everyday
You saw his hands lightly grip the steering wheel tighter before loosening, a ghost of a smile appearing on his lips
Your eyes widened when you saw it
In your two weeks together...youd never seen him give a look like this
Like he...enjoyed life
Like he was happy
“Yeah...its okay”
But just as fast as it appeared on his face, it quickly disappeared
Who knew that the stoic man next to you could make expressions like that
Almost made your heart race
“Do you play?”
Silence fell upon the both of you before you heard him let out a sigh
And now we’re back to stage one when you finally though you were getting more than one word answers
What could you do to make him see you?
This question played in your head as you filed away some papers for Asahi with Hinata
It was the first time youd done something with him but from what youve seen kageyama just calls him an idiot all the time and hits him
Also from what youve heard hinatas been with the sawamuras for a while so maybe he has some insight
“Hey hinata, can i ask you a question?”
He kept quiet so you took that as permission
“Do you know why daichi likes listening to the piano so much?”
That caused him to stop
“If he hasnt told you then dont ask me”
Youd be lying if you said that didnt make you more intrigued so naturally you did some digging
And eventually you stumbled upon an article from no more than five years ago
It told the tale of a young piano prodigy that had chosen to study music at the university of music and performing arts in vienna
And that piano prodigy was the now the distant leader of the Karasuno Mafia
You wonder what happened to him, what the story was behind his change in career path
The next day you decided that if you wanted to learn more about him then asking the questions would help
“Good afternoon daichi!”
You smiled at him as you delivered some paperwork to him
You set the small stack down on his desk in front of him
“These are the papers for the closing on the Inarizaki deal”
He picked them up and quickly skimmed it
“Okay, thank you. You may go now”
When you didnt move he looked back up
“Do you have something else for me?”
He saw the way you fidgeted with the tips of your fingers and his eyes softened for just a moment
“Would you like to have lunch with me?”
He knew that he should say no
That he shouldnt let you in
How harmful could one lunch possibly be
Little did daichi know he was about to be interrogated
“--no i dont know who my favorite superhero is”
This was probably the tenth question youve asked and he wished you would stop
But he didnt know how to tell you no
Not when you were asking genuine questions
He thought it was kind of nice to be talking to someone normal again
Not someone who was involved with the mafia
But someone who was just...ordinary
“Ok ok..one last question”
He smiled softly
You felt your breath hitch after him showing you that gentle smile
“Go ahead”
The way you talked to him with no filter was refreshing
So he wasnt expecting the next question really at all
“I came across an article the other day about this boy who loved playing the piano,”
Daichis heart almost stopped
“Why did you stop playing daichi?”
‘Because my father made me’
He clenched his fist, crumpling the napkin inside of it
“I just got bored of it”
His reply came out through gritted teeth and you knew he was lying
You gently laid your hand on top of his until you felt it relaxing under you
“Well, no matter the reason, I hope that someday ill be lucky enough to hear you play”
His heart melted
The thought of playing again is something hes always wanted
But his father wouldnt let him
And left a permanent reminder on him about it
“That probably wont ever happen so dont get your hopes up. Let’s get back to the office, lunch is over”
And just like that he was back to being cold towards you just when you thought you were making progress
A couple weeks go by and it seems like daichis pushed you out of his life all over again
So much so that suga was the one giving you assignments from daichi where daichi used to just tell you himself
“Hey, hinata, kageyama and y/n! Daichi wants you guys to go make some copies from the store around the corner. Printer is jammed here and we need to get those documents ASAP”
You all nodded your heads and headed out
You were really too caught up in your own thoughts to be thinking about your surroundings
Had you really crossed a line that day?
You just wanted to figure out the real daichi
Because to you, the real daichi had his walls up 24/7 but behind those walls was a gentle smile and just a guy who wanted nothing more than to just live a normal life
So you didnt notice when hinata and kageyama stopped causing you to run into their backs
“Why did you guys-”
Hinata held a protective arm out in front of you
“What are you doing here, mad dog?”
The boy you assumed was ‘mad dog’ pushed himself off of wall he was leaning against
“Boss wanted me to fetch something”
His eyes locked onto your form
“And im here to collect”
This sent chills down your back
What was he going to do for you?
Who was his boss?
Your mind was running a mile a minute
“y/n you need to run”
Hinata’s voice brought you back to reality
Hinata’s eyes never left the man in front of him
“Kageyama and i will take care of him. You need to get back to the office. Now!”
You sprinted as soon as hinata yelled for you to leave
‘Theyll be alright, right? They handle stuff like this all the time’
But you came to an abrupt halt at the sound of a gun going off
‘Fuck my life’
You turned back around help in any way you could
Only to come upon an unconscious kageyama and bleeding hinata
“You fucking idiot! Whyd you come back?!”
Meanwhile mad dog approached you and placed his hand under your chin
“You just made my job a whole lot easier”
Before you could even scream a piece of cloth was placed over your mouth and your vision went black
“Give your boss a message for me, carrot top. Tell him that if he wants his intern back he has to come get them himself”
Hinata gritted his teeth before passing out himself
Suga found them not too long after that
And after hinata told daichi what had happened...he was livid
He was supposed to protect you
To make sure that you stayed safe
And he was too weak to do it
Too afraid of what his father would have done if he found out that he was fond of a random person they picked up from the streets that had no ties to them
Afraid of what his father would have done to you
He clenched his jaw and let out a grunt as he punched the wall next to him
But fuck that
He knew that in this moment he needed to get you back right now
The thought of you being injured due to his own incompetence scared him more than what his father might ever do to him
So he was off
“When will they wake up?”
“Theyve been out forever”
“Dude its only been like three hours of course theyre still out”
The voices around you became clear as you regained consciousness
“Oh~ looks like theyre finally awake”
“Yeah probably because you wouldnt shut up”
Standing in front of you was a group of men you had only seen in brief pictures from the reports you made for daichi
From what you remember their boss is a major flirt and his right hand man keeps him humble
Mad dog was sitting off in the corner next to a brown haired man who just kept staring at you…’creepy’
You flinched as the one you recognized as their boss reached a hand out towards you
“Aww dont be scared! I promise i wont hurt you”
He bent down to your level with a hand on your shoulder and leaned in to the point that his breath tickled your ear
“Though im not too sure that some of the others here wont. So be good for me, okay y/n?”
You were scared out of your mind
But you were not going to let this guy get into your head
So you did what any reasonable person would do
You pulled your head back and headbutted him in the forehead
He stumbled back a bit
“Stay the fuck away from me”
Oikawa held his head and gave you a nasty glare
“Iwa take care of them”
Everyone filed out till it was just you and the spiky hair man in front of you
“Nothing against you, just doing what the boss said. Plus you could have just laid low but you had to provoke him”
Daichi wasted no time in getting to seijohs building
And as soon as oikawa heard he was in the building he sent for him
“Welcome daichi! What an unexpected surprise!”
Daichi always hated the sound of oikawas jovial voice
How fake it sounded
“Just give me y/n back”
Oikawa just shook his head 
“Never were a fan of small talk were you daichi? Okay, since youre just dying to see them ill bring them in now”
Daichi turned around and reeled at what he saw
Bruised and battered as you were set down onto the ground
“You fucking bastard”
Daichi clenched his jaw
He was at a loss of words for the sight in front of him
But he knew he had to get you out of here
So he scooped you up into his arms and headed for the door
But before leaving he stopped and spoke into his earpiece
“Get them”
And with that he left as a war ensued between the two gangs
Beep beep
The sound of your heart monitor brought you back to the land of the living
And next to you was a passed out daichi
You slowly felt around your bed before hitting the call button for your nurse
And as soon as you did daichi jumped up from his seat at the sound of footsteps approaching
You reached out and put your hand on his to get his attention and smiled at him
He sat back down and let the nurses tend to you, his gaze never leaving your body
“You should be able to leave within the next day or two. Rest up mx. l/n”
The nurse then left your room and left the two of you alone
You locked eyes with him before looking down at his hand and seeing how discolored it was
He noticed your eyes widen and tried to hide his hand once he realized what you were looking at
“Daichi! You need to take better care of yourself!”
You sat up from your bed and called a nurse to get a basic first aid kit
“Im fine y/n. You need to rest”
“Like hell youre fine! Daichi your hand is hurt. Please just let me fix it for you”
But before you could apply the bandages you hand your hand in his
“It cant be fixed y/n. This hand doesnt feel anything”
You looked up at him with confused eyes
“Its the reason i dont play anymore. My father crushed it a few years back so i wouldnt even think about playing. Said it was time i stopped playing with useless things”
The grip on your hand tightened a bit before slowly loosening
But you just gently squeezed it
“Well, even if your hand is ‘useless’ id still feel better if youd let me wrap it. Your hand is still a part of you and it can still bring so much joy into your life as well as those around you. You just have to have the courage to seize what you want.”
‘The courage to seize what I want’
Your words played out in his head over and over again
He made a promise to himself that day
That one day, you two would be happily together
No matter how hard this path may be
He was going to seize his happiness
Tag List:
@the-ironic-me​ @multisun​ @my-mass-hysteria​ @sugawsites @youbloodylegendyoudidit @sinthxy​ @celamoon​ @tinymouth @fait-de-fleurs​ @tsukifanbase​ @69owo​ @laglyssage​ @hearteyeskags​ @ntngann​ @shnnn​ @fukuro-dani-ace​
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merakiui · 4 years
You got any yandere hcs of the boys before we start. Im an yandere obsessed anon who lives and brreaths reading this shit and I wanna know how fucked we can get
(Here you go, wonderful anon! I’ll post yandere hcs for the other teams soon. I’d also like to post yandere fics for these boys, but I’m not sure if anyone’s interested. >-< I’ve got two sitting in my drafts, though!)
Yandere Morning and Day Teams
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 TW: (yandere) unhealthy/obsessive behaviors, mentions of kidnapping/captivity, gas-lighting, starvation, abuse
Morning Team (Mane)
🧩 Ghilley 🧩
Ghilley is definitely a stalker. He’ll be in your shadow whether you like it or not. Nothing escapes his watchful gaze, so it’s important that your enemies choose their words around you.
He’s already skilled at sneaking around, so he’ll use that to his advantage. Popping in to give you a spook, showing up when you’re out with someone else, and even when you think you’re alone.
He’ll follow you if he thinks you’re going to get yourself into trouble again. His poor manager just has a habit of attracting bad people. Just let Ghilley handle all those vengeful spirits. You won’t have to lift a finger!
If anyone gives you problems, tell Ghilley and that issue will be solved in no time. And if you get curious and ask him what happened, he’ll just shrug the question off in a playful manner.
His behavior is unpredictable, so you never know what he does in his spare time. Truthfully, Ghilley’s either watching you or he’s playing a few tricks on those who bothered you. They’ll remember not to mess with you if they’re given a permanent fright.
You won’t notice what’s going on until everyone starts to keep their distance. Friends will make up excuses so they won’t have to hang out with you, and those who might’ve had some romantic interest in you have cut communication altogether.
When you’re feeling down, Ghilley will swoop in to cheer you up. You start to normalize your relationship with him because it’s all you currently know. No one else is willing to talk to you, so you can only rely on him.
Ghilley knows it must hurt to be alone, but it’s the only way he can have you to himself. So he’s willing to bury his pain if it means he’ll get to console you.
He wouldn’t hurt you, but he might remind you every now and then that he’s the only one who hasn’t abandoned you yet.
Yet. A word that’s become part of his daily vocabulary. A word that reminds you of the fact that he could leave you one day.
☀️ Ell ☀️
He shouldn’t feel these emotions to begin with. It’s almost...dirty, in a way. Almost like he’s sinning.
He’s not doing anything bad, though. Loving you was what got him kicked out of Heaven in the first place, but that’s not entirely evil in itself. At first, he assumed Cupid’s Arrow was the one to blame for these lovey-dovey feelings, but it’s not Cupid’s job to foster obsession among former angels.
He doesn’t recognize how suffocating his presence truly is. You’d probably have to tell him to back off before he stops sticking by your side, and even if you did something like that it’d make Ell incredibly sad. Without realizing it, he’ll start to guilt-trip you. 
“I’m sorry, Manager! You just looked like you could use some company. I... I can leave you alone if that’s what you want. You might think I’m annoying and—achoo!”
Nowadays, he’s been sneezing a lot, but the idea that his love for you is what’s causing all of this never crosses his mind. He just can’t wrap his head around that. Why would love, a pure, wonderful feeling, make him sneeze?
Under that smile of his are a dozen worries. He’s afraid he’ll chase you away or that you’ll stop liking him. Ell would feel crushed if that ever happened, so all of his energy goes into appeasing you.
He’ll show up unannounced at your office with your favorite snacks, follow you around the campus, and talk to you about literally anything. He could ramble about the grass if it means you’ll spare him your time.
Ell doesn’t really know the meaning of jealousy or hatred. Having been an angel once, he’s not used to negativity. He doesn’t necessarily feel extreme envy, nor does he hate any of the Reapers, but he does sulk about it.
It’s hard to say when he got obsessed. Perhaps it was when you first met and you mistook him for your own guardian angel. Despite the fact that he’s not an angel anymore, Ell likes the sound of that.
It’s a guardian angel’s job to care for and protect humans, so surely you won’t mind if he stays glued to you like a fungus. After all, it’s harmless, happy Ell! You’ve got nothing to worry about!
🐴 Jamie 🐴
Jamie is so strong it’s scary. Good luck trying to beat him in a fight if you ever attempt an escape.
He seems so innocent and kind on the outside, always willing to lend a hand when you’re struggling with Non-Non. If he’s being honest, he likes doing chores with you. It almost feels like the both of you are working on a farm together in the desolate outdoors. Just you, him, sprawling farmland, and no civilization in sight. How cute is that?
No one suspects he's obsessed until they look beyond that soft appearance of his. His gaze will linger to the point where it’s creepy, and he’ll smile while he watches you work.
He’ll get better at technology and city life so he’ll have something else to chat about whenever it’s just you and him.
If he finds out that you’re interested in something, he’ll try his best to learn more about it. Oh, you mentioned a new movie that’s been released in the human world? Maybe he’ll have to see it for himself. Did you want to try a new pastry from your favorite bakery? Jamie will buy it for you, so you should go with him!
He’s reliable, kind, and helpful—surely you’ll fall for those qualities. If not, he’ll find another way. After all, there’s a saying that goes ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way,’ and it’s not like he’ll give up anytime soon.
Jamie likes to imagine a comfortable life with you on the farm. Both of you will tend to the land and the animals, you’ll always have fresh crops, and you'll be together forever. It’s an ideal fantasy, but if you’re not willing he might just have to lock you up in the stables. 
Jamie doesn’t fret over potential rivals. If he was able to silence the thugs in his neighborhood, a few pesky humans are nothing.
He’ll get flustered when you say anything nice to him. It really warms his heart to be at the receiving end of your caring words.
And it’s even better when you're accepting his suffocating love. You’ll find that the bed is much softer than the stable. Just don’t push him too far. Sometimes he doesn’t realize his own strength, and your bones can only take so much pressure.
💋 Licht 💋
Licht didn’t think he’d find his soulmate so soon! Whether you click or not, Licht certainly feels a special connection. He’s going to flirt with you no matter what.
It’s up to you whether you respond to his playful advances, but if you decide to humor him be prepared to have this man all over you. If you’re returning his playful gestures and remarks, it must mean something!
Licht lives for storybook romance. There’s something so lovely about sweeping his true love off of their feet, so he’d like to woo you in traditional ways. He’ll gift you your favorite candies, give you a bouquet of flowers, and buy you cute trinkets that remind him of you.
He takes note of what you wear and whether or not you put on a perfume/cologne on certain days. He’ll memorize your fashion style and then try to match it with his own. Licht’s happy whenever the two of you conveniently match outfits. It’s almost like you’re a couple.
He’ll probably spray his own cologne on your clothes if he ever gets a hold of them. You’ll wonder where this new scent came from, and Licht will be over the moon if you decide to leave it as it is.
Licht will invite you on dates under the guise that the two of you are just hanging out as friends. Lo and behold, his real motive is to act like your boyfriend. If you aren’t careful, he might just go around telling strangers that you’re his partner.
He’s always touching you in some way. Sometimes it’s an arm around your waist or his hands are on your shoulders. To some, it’s just his affectionate personality, but to you it’s completely suffocating.
Whenever he holds your hand, it almost feels like he’s daring you to try. Like he wants you to run off and get a taste of the scary world so that he can come in to save you like a true prince.
He hopes that enough flirting will have you confessing. All of these romantic gestures have got to count for something!
Despite this, Licht wants to believe you love him as much as he loves you. Tricking himself is easy, but convincing you is going to be a challenge.
Day Team (Die)
🎹 Theo 🎹
Theo’s harbored some dark thoughts ever since he witnessed you and Nine in the storage room, happily playing the piano like a pair of friends. Like a pair of lovers.
Theo can’t stand it when the others are around you, especially if they have ill-intent. Whenever he takes care of bullies or vengeful spirits, he’s got this dead look on his face. It’s devoid of any feeling, and his eyes are filled with silent anger. It’s a stare that does more than curse; it could probably kill.
He’s rather clingy, always insisting that he accompany you to and from your destinations. If you decline, he’ll just smile and act polite. But if he finds out that you decided to go with someone else...
Theo wants to be the only one in your life. Everyone else is just a worthless germ that needs to be scrubbed away. If they linger around you for too long, he worries you’ll become infected.
He doesn’t want to hurt you, but sometimes you need to learn a lesson. If you’re so picky about eating the food he so graciously went out and purchased, then maybe you don’t deserve to eat at all. Not until you warm up to his cooking, that is.
He’s willing to do anything for you in order to appear perfect. If you were to tell him to shoulder your workload, he’d do it without a single complaint. If you wanted him to watch paint dry, he’d do it with his head full of you.
All he ever thinks about is you. Sure, his mind flits from June to new recipes to the piano every now and then, but it always seems to settle on you in the end.
What did you eat for breakfast? Did you get enough sleep? Would you like something to drink? Where are you going with Youssef? Why is Nine getting close to you? Why aren’t you looking at him?
Theo will know everything about you in time. Whether you like it or not, he’s going to unearth every detail he can. Even mundane habits you don’t pay attention to. Before you know what’s happening, Theo’s got your schedule memorized thoroughly.
He holds no remorse for those who get in his way. As sweet and disarming as he may seem to those around him, Theo’s wicked behind closed doors. That spell book of his has no business gathering all this dust.
🌹 Louis 🌹
Everyone assumes Louis has no interest in anyone other than himself, so it’s a surprise when he starts to give you more attention than normal.
His compliments start getting personal and they still don’t make sense. Just the other day, you were trudging through the hall, dead-tired, when Louis passed you. He stopped, smiled, and said, “Thy radiance outshines the brightest of stars!”
He’s always energetic like that, so it’s not like his behavior is particularly strange. But he spends more time flattering you than himself. His main priority isn’t his beautiful face anymore.
You deserve the world. Why hasn’t anyone given it to you yet? Fear not because Louis is determined to give you everything you could ever want. He’s a prince, after all, so it’s only fair that you sit upon the throne with him.
There’s no room for anyone else in this relationship. It’s just you and him. If you were to leave him, his heart would shatter! Sadness has never been a good fit on Louis, and you know how much he cares for his appearance. So you’ll do him a favor and stay so he won’t wilt like a rose, right?
It’s almost like he lives off of you. You’re his sunlight, water, and fresh air. Any less of your attention and he’s sighing dramatically. Won’t you be a dear and cheer him up? After all, it’s not every day you see Louis so upset.
He doesn’t want you to hate him. If you do, Louis will just ignore your hurtful feelings. He’s got more than enough love to go around. Surely that’ll convince you that he means no harm.
You’ll be treated like royalty, and everyone else is a mere peasant. Sure, Louis can say that he treasures everyone, but some people just aren’t worth his time.
Naturally, a prince deserves the finest, and he won’t settle for anyone who isn’t you.
So don’t fret! Those chains are only temporary, and once you show him some hospitality he’s willing to ease up on his restrictions. Although his sense of freedom is rather cracked.
♞ Ethan ♞
Ethan is a tough case. He hardly shows his emotions, so it’s difficult to determine how he’s feeling. He’ll never show any hostility towards you, though. It’s nothing but warmth and kindness.
When it comes to the others, he’ll give them the cold shoulder and a few cruel remarks. His patience tends to wear thin when he sees people bothering you.
Ethan’s like a hawk. He’ll keep an eye on you to make sure you’re staying out of trouble and he’ll swoop in as soon as something unsavory happens.
He’ll treat you like a glass figurine that’s always on the verge of breaking. At some point, he becomes your unofficial knight in a way. He’s willing to defend you by all means necessary, so everyone else should back off if they know what’s best for them.
At first, he scorned these feeble emotions for getting in the way of his stony resolve, but now he’s come to accept them.
It’s impossible to deter him from his motives. Once he’s got his mind set, he won’t change it. After all, everything he does is completely intentional.
He’ll just stare at you while you struggle in those bindings. If you were smart, you’d just accept your fate and act docile, but Ethan’s not a fool. He’ll keep you bound for as long as it takes.
You can try to reason with him, but nothing ever works. No matter how sweet the deal may seem, he never agrees to any of it.
Ethan will take care of you while you’re adjusting to a permanent life with him. You won’t go a day without a bath, healthy meals, or a lack of sleep. If Ethan says you’ll bathe, you’ll bathe. If he says you’ll eat, you’ll eat. His word are practically law.
Despite his harsh rules, he’s not that hard on you. He’d never lay a hand upon you, nor will you find yourself at the end of his sharpened sword. As long as you fall into a pleasant routine with little complaint, he’ll be happy.
💥 June 💥
June doesn’t realize his feelings for you are unhealthy. He just thinks they’re a natural part of life! Everyone falls in love at some point, right? So you can’t blame him when he’s doing everything he can to spend more time with you.
Your paperwork will never get done because June wants you to watch him while he trains. He’ll even show you his workout routine, hoping you’ll agree to train with him one day.
He’s one of the Reapers who doesn’t get jealous much. Unless someone’s really trying to get him to snap—which doesn’t happen often. But in the event that he does feel envious, he’ll frown a bit, his voice won’t be at its usual loudness, and he’ll sulk.
Immediately perks up the moment you give him any attention. He practically lives off of your reactions and has no problem announcing that to everyone.
June will remain loyal to you no matter what! Nothing can separate the two of you, and he’s convinced himself that you feel exactly the same. If you’re always smiling, it must mean that you accept his feelings! So then why have you started acting awkward when he continues to ramble passionately about how much he admires your strength and persistence?
Try to leave him and he’ll be so heartbroken. June won’t know how to react! Why would you want to leave? He’s never done anything that would warrant this kind of behavior. Maybe he just needs to give you more affection.
Bright and early, he’s knocking on your dorm with a huge grin. “Manager, the sun hasn’t risen yet, but that doesn’t mean we should wait for it! Let’s train hard today! Haha!”
June loves protecting you. Whenever he saves you from danger, he feels like a hero in those action movies he loves so much. Anyone would love to get saved by someone who’d die for them! This sort of loyalty will have you falling for him in no time.
And if it doesn’t, he can just create a few perilous scenarios. What you don’t know can’t kill you, right?
You’re his soulmate, so there’s no way he’d give you up in his afterlife.
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i am ready
already starting out with a bop
yo this is great
also im tapping my foot as a stim bc these are good
facetime with my mom tonight reminds me of like.....pop videos....like pop music videos, im saying it reminds me of “what do you mean” by justin bieber, as it was also shot in a single room
ah yes the butterfly effect
hello socko
socko be spittin’ facts
aw :( poor socko
if only the companies during pride month said the same lol (some are legit)
“against racism in theory” uh-
yo butterfingers are kinda nasty (to me)
an avocado
damn it got real, you good white woman’s instagram owner
a dreamcatcher bought from urban outfitters oml
some ppl can shut the fuck up lol...i cant, i choose not to
for an hour, hell yes
also this lighting is very nice
yo what the fu-
*cries in inception*
him reacting to him reacting (and on and on) glass after glass, i honestly really like how he portrayed that. that’s kinda how it feels when i go on a tangent, and have to pick up the pieces of my original thought, especially if i’ve lost my train of thought.
this is going on repeat, and i love the meaning
the scream is really good too
im....horny honestly same
you send me a peach....ill send a carrot back...cool cool
we love asking for consent (as should everyone)
sit why do you have a knife
the sexting song reminds me of “orange juice” by melanie martinez
sir why do you have a knife-
“well well, look who’s inside again, went out to look for a reason to hide again”
i didnt need to be called out
ah yes a wet hair segment
this is so 80s, giving me “holding out for a hero” we love it
bitch im trying to listen, shit ive been complicit, my brain
age is a very scary thing. i feel like a lot of people start throwing others away once they’ve reached a certain age and that isn’t really okay. people should be able to enjoy what they want to enjoy at any age (within reason, of course). the venom that some people face is so....gross. just because they’re in their 30s and enjoy reading fanfics, or making them like??? they arent hurting anyone, mind your fucking business. im honestly happy that a lot of my pals are older on here. i may not know what the fuck they’re talking about sometimes, but there’s still a lot of shared experiences, and things like that.
im absolutely terrified of getting older. i know and understand that i’m young, i’m literally 15 years old, what do i need to be scared of.....a lot. i just dont have a good relationship with death, and sometimes i lie awake at night, thinking about how nothing in life is permanent, besides the life cycle itself. things live, and things die. and i know it happens, i’ve just yet to accept it.
for so long, i’ve wanted to “be a big kid” and do all these different things, but i just...dont know. i feel like my brain is older than my body. and my thoughts, and things i like. it’s really weird. i’ve been told that im “mature for my age” and all that, which i see as a compliment, rather than someone trying to be a predator. which is understandable in both aspects. but i sometimes wonder if i wasnt...me...y’know. if i wasnt mature for my age, and looked a bit younger. (i look young in general, but eh, you get it) i look tired sometimes, (its because i probably am) but it’s odd. anyways, back to me reacting.
turning 30 is a bop
hes not out of touch, it’s honestly fine to not be on social media and shit
yeah, i already disassociate enough, it happens mostly when im listening to music...hmm
2030 i’ll be 40 and kill myself then.......yeah
dear lord, yeah its too real
i know i dont want to, but i really just....want things to stop sometimes. so i can breathe, and gather my bearings and get through it. things get a lot and i just need a break.
i really need help jesus christ
thank you for cleaning me mr burnham
yes i like the show, im not tired of it, its just fine :)
yo he put a whole game in this shit, hell yeah
yeah i want out of the house, but like......AUGH no
why tf is this so accurate
wake up at literally 4 in the afternoon, feeling like a bag of shit (oh no)
if i mentally feel like shit, i cant sleep it off lol, my dreams exhaust me at that point
“could i interest you in everything all of the time” me listening to tunes
love ur forehead glowstick dude
i like the idea of it being like...contained, but im sure that im losing it because i havent been like...NEAR OTHER PEOPLE. the pandemmie has NOT been great. anyway.
total disassociation, total out your mind, googling derealization, hating what you find
aw :(
its 4 in the morning so my hands are gonna be up, and im just looking at him
this is so beautiful
yo he put a “the living tombstone” on that one
him sitting on the chair reminds me of the one scene in “kill your darlings” where the main character has diarrhea, and they’re sitting on a chair bare ass naked (so they dont have to take the pants off, yada yada) while also writing on a typewriter.
yo this was great
okay i admit that i was mad sad earlier, but like....im fine now. and especially not now. i’ve been told not to watch inside when not in a good mental state, and i get it. im fine now, but that was good. i honestly laughed more than anything. i dont feel like crying. it represented a lot of my thoughts and feelings well. i like it.
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Prompt: Can I get a pov of harry over the years having two dads? Like instead of getting scolded for a prank, he gets a reward or advices on draco?
and “Im not sure if you’ve already receive this because I sent a prompt two months ago. Prompt: Harry’s POV growing up with two dads” 
Harry was laying face down on the floor, feeling miserable. Dad didn't seem to care, because other than an, "I'll listen to you when you have a better tone," he just let Harry be sad. Pop would save him, right? Because laying on the hard, cold wood was only making him feel worse, but if he got up, he'd be proving Dad right when he'd first said that all Harry needed was a little quiet time. 
The front door opened and closed, and Harry waited. "What's happening here?" Pop asked in a whisper. 
"Harry was getting overwhelmed, and when I reminded him that he couldn't yell at me, he decided the floor was his best friend." 
"Ah," Pop said, and Harry figured that this was the time where he'd step in. But all he did was pat him gently on the head and keep walking. 
Harry made a noise of frustration but didn't move. Now he was mad again, and he didn't want to get in real trouble if he screamed again. After ages and ages of listening to them walk around and move the chairs, he pushed himself up and shuffled off to his room. He'd still have to be quiet, but at least he could do it sitting on his bed. 
Hey Dad, can I go to Ron's tonight?" Neville was supposed to be there too, but his parents said it didn't really matter unless it was a whole bunch of people. 
Dad didn't look up, bringing the paper closer to his face to peer through his glasses at something (probably on the Quidditch page). "Go ask your father." 
Harry shuffled off and made his way to the garage. He opened the door and stepped onto the cold concrete steps, then looked up and saw Pop working on his motorbike, hair tied back. He said that Harry had to get older before he was allowed to ride it, but he'd said that years ago too, so Harry wasn't sure he'd ever be allowed. "Hey Pop, can I spend the night at Ron's?" 
"Go ask your father." 
"I just asked him." 
"And what did he say?" 
"To ask you." 
Pop nodded. "Uh-huh. Go ask him again, prongslet." 
"Okay." It didn't make any sense, but fine, he'd go back and ask Dad again. He went back in the house and walked to the living room again where Dad was now holding the newspaper a few centimeters from his nose. "Hey Dad? Can I go to Ron's for tonight?" 
"Er," Dad said, clearly not paying attention as his brow furrowed. "Go ask your father." 
"I just asked him," Harry said, a little annoyed. This wasn't a big thing he was asking, he'd been to Ron's a hundred times before. 
"Ask him again." 
"He told me to ask you again." 
"Well go ask him one more time Haz, just for good measure." 
Harry scowled at his father, but he still wasn't looking. "Fine," he said, throwing up his hands and turning towards the garage. This time, he opened the door but didn't step down. "Pop, can I go to Ron's?" 
"I thought you were going to ask Dad?" 
"I did, and he told me to ask you again." 
"How rude," Pop commented idly, clearly not meaning it. Harry kinda meant it. "When are you wanting to leave?" 
"Before dinner?" 
"And when will you be back?" 
"Before... lunch?" 
Pop nodded, finally looking up at him. "Sounds good. Let me know when you're ready and I'll bring you over." 
"Pop," Harry whined, blushing a little. "I'm not a little kid anymore, I know how to use the floo." 
"I know you do, but I don't let you wander the streets all by yourself, so you don't get to use the floo all by yourself." 
"I'm old enough to do both of those. I'm going to Hogwarts next year," he said, hoping that it would convince Pop to let him go by himself. It was so embarrassing to have his parents dropping him off every single time when he was perfectly capable of doing it himself. 
"Ugh, don't remind me," Pop said, making a face. "I'm not happy about that either, but it's not like you'll be traipsing about the town by yourself; you're going to be in school, and it's only once you're thirteen that you're allowed to go to Hogsmeade weekends. I can handle you doing that at thirteen. Not ten. You're too young. Oh Merlin how are you already ten this is ridiculous." 
"But I can go?" Harry asked. If he didn't stop Pop, he'd just keep going and going. 
"Yep. And don't even think about popping over by yourself because I will come get you back if you try it." 
"I won't," Harry sighed. The memory of the time he'd tried that was burned permanently into his brain, and he never wanted to be that embarrassed again. 
Dear Dad and Pop,
I got detention. Professor McGonagall looked pretty mad, but you don't think she hates me now, right? She let me on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, that must mean she likes me a little? Wait do you think she'll kick me off? No jokes, I need to know because now I'm freaking out. It was only fifteen points and that's not NEAR enough to get rid of me. I think. Maybe? Merlin, I'm panicking. She doesn't HAVE to keep me on because she was already breaking the rules to get me on in the first place! My quidditch career is over before it could get started :( I'm going to end up, like, writing on an endless piece of parchment for the rest of my life until the day I die. 
Anyways, I got detention because Malfoy (Draco, you remember him? What a prick) challenged me to a duel and I said yes only we had to do it after curfew because you're not allowed to duel, and instead of showing up he told Filch and I got caught out of bed. So yeah, Ron's got detention too, which isn't fun but at least we'll be writing lines together. It's supposed to be with Professor Quirrell, and I know he doesn't may that much attention so we'll be able to pass notes or something instead of dying of boredom. 
Homework is awful. I can't believe I have to do this for SEVEN YEARS, I'm not sure I'll survive another month of this. 
Love you! Harry 
James read it, then laughed and handed it over to Sirius. "Your son is a drama queen." 
"Our son," Sirius corrected. "Our son is a drama queen." Sirius got further down and snickered. "A very big drama queen. Why did he agree to a duel? Does he even know any spells that he could use?" 
"They're eleven, so he could probably use the Jelly Legs Jinx and win," James said automatically, then paused. "We should tell him not to accept any future duels, right? That's something responsible parents do?" 
"I think so," Sirius said, grabbing a sheet of parchment for their reply. The responding letter mostly consisted of a mini confetti explosion in celebration of his first detention, an assurance that McGonagall wasn't going to kick him off the team over fifteen measly points when James had easily cost Gryffindor three hundred points in his first year and still made it on the quidditch team in second year, and a reminder to not accept duels until he was at least fifteen and knew what he was doing. They may or may not have attached a list of possible pranks for Harry to use on Draco as payback for narcing on him, but they were merely suggestions. 
"I'm going to wrap you in a bubble charm and keep you home so you'll be safe," Pop said, practically suffocating Harry in a hug. He'd hugged him as soon as they came into the Hospital Wing, and he still hadn't let go. Dad had given him a very tight hug, then sat on the bed looking all worried. Harry had thought that was going to be the worst part-- the worried faces-- but Pop was still clinging to him. 
"You're choking me," Harry said. 
"Yeah and I don't think we can realistically keep him in the house that long. He'd pull a jailbreak, and then where would we be? C'mon Si, let the kiddo breathe," Dad said, tugging on Pop's arm. 
Pop finally let go, but it was very reluctant. Then he walked around the bed and cuddled up to Dad, looking like a sad puppy. 
"Look Harry, me and Pop talked about it and... maybe we should homeschool you next year."
"Last year was fine, you know? Unique sort of situation, you were trying to do the right thing, and it was just the once. But now, well now it's starting to feel like a pattern. I know you're not creating the trouble or summat, but this is the second time in two years that you've had a completely once-in-a-lifetime thing happen and it nearly killed you both times. Last time it was a philosopher's stone, this time it was a sodding basilisk, what's going to happen next year? Dumbledore's phoenix goes rogue?" 
"James," Pop said quietly, and Dad shook his head, expression turning half-worried, half-determined. 
"Right, just er, we think it would be safest this way. It's not set in stone yet or anything," he added when Harry realised they were being serious and not joking around, "but we- well, we're thinking about it for next year." 
"How is that any different than keeping me in a bubble?" 
"Lots of kids get homeschooled, it's not that strange. You'd still be able to leave the house and everything." 
"What about quidditch?" Even if both his parents and Uncle Moony played with him, that wouldn't be enough for a single team, let alone a game. 
"Like I said Haz, it's not decided yet." 
"But you're thinking about it," he muttered petulantly, picking at the white sheet covering his legs. 
"You almost died. Twice. That's not normal, so we don't get to treat it like it is." 
Harry wanted to cry because it wasn't fair, but Dad's voice was getting that edge to it that meant he was getting all emotional and wasn't going to be swayed no matter how much Harry tried to talk him out of it. Oh Merlin he was actually about to start crying. He scrubbed at his face, and now Pop was hugging him again but he didn't mind as much this time. 
"I know it seems like the end of the world, Harry," he said quietly, just for Harry's ears, "but all we want is for you to be safe, happy, and healthy. We'll figure it out together, okay?" 
Harry sniffled and didn't respond. 
"Hey, erm, can Draco come to dinner this Saturday?" 
"Yeah sure," Dad said, then paused, whipping his head around comically to look at Harry. "Draco Malfoy?" 
"Er. Yeah? Do you know any other Draco's?" 
"I thought you hated him." 
"Back in like, first year, when he was a total prat," Harry said, shifting awkwardly. He'd known this was going to be awkward as all hell when he asked if Draco wanted to come, but having to deal with it was a whole new level of mortifying. 
"Is not a prat anymore?" Dad asked, but it's not as though he had a personal stake in this, he was just confused. All he had to go on was the Malfoy name-- and therefore what he knew about Lucius and Narcissa-- and what Harry told him. Harry had been a touch, er, in denial about his obsession with Draco, but Ron had set him straight (as it were). 
"He's not that bad when you get him to use his brain." Once you pointed out the issues with blood purist logic, he started to get over it. It was a bit of a work in progress, but he was trying. He had even apologised to Hermione for calling her slurs, and after it became clear he meant it, they'd started getting along. Sort of. They both liked to be the smartest person in the room, so they had a tendency to butt heads. "You'll see, he's great." 
"Okay," Dad said slowly, peering at Harry in a way that made him shift again. "Oh." Dad's eyes went wide, and he had a little smirk on his face. 
Harry's face flamed in embarrassment. 
"Of course he can come." 
Harry was wringing his hands, waiting for the yelling to start. His fathers had never yelled at him before, but more and more often they'd been yelling near him, and with everything going on recently, they might actually yell at him this time. He'd broken into the Ministry, brought his friends with him, nearly died again, gone toe to toe with Death Eaters when they didn't think he should even be dueling yet, and... he'd had his arse saved by them and the other Order members showing up. They were going to be so mad at him for not only getting into this mess, but for dragging his friends into the trouble too. Sure Neville, Ron, and Hermione were all used to this by now, but this was a first time for the others. Ginny and Luna, for example. And Luna had gotten a cut on her leg so bad that she couldn't walk. Ginny had gotten sand from the time turners in the cuts on her hand and now she was having issues with her memory. Not the mention that Draco had specifically not been invited to help the situation with his family, but he'd come along anyways and gotten a bludgeoning spell right in the arm. 
And it was all his fault. 
Almost all of them had gotten hurt, and it was Harry's fault. Buggering hell, he deserved to get yelled at. Maybe next time he'd be smart enough to leave them all at Hogwarts, where they'd be safe. 
Dad came over to him, but Pop was still talking (more like arguing) with the aurors. "You hurt?" he asked. 
Mutely, Harry shook his head. 
Dad pulled him into a one armed hug, his other hand still clutched tight around his wand. "Let's go home." 
"My friends-" 
"Are going home too. You'll be able to check in with them tomorrow." 
They started to walk, but Harry stopped. "What about Pop?" 
"He'll meet us at home when he's done." 
"I... okay," Harry muttered. 
Voldemort was dead again, and Harry felt guilty for everyone that had died. Felt guilty for everyone that had gotten hurt. He felt... a lot, and none of it was good. Dad had almost died, and Pop hadn't been able to stop crying for three days. When Dad got out of hospital, he'd done a lot of crying too. 
Harry moved out, thinking it would help. 
His fathers kept calling him to make sure he was still eating and getting rest; he wasn't. They asked him to move back in, and he did because all moving out had done was make him feel worse. His nightmares had gotten worse and he never wanted to leave the flat, let alone cook himself anything decent. Living back at home though, Dad was cooking to deal with stress, and Pop forced him to come along for errands just so he'd get fresh air. 
"Hey Pop?" 
"What would you say if I told you I fancy women?" 
"I'd ask if there's a particular woman taking up your attention." 
"And if I fancy men?" 
"I'd ask if there's a particular man taking up your attention." 
"And if I fancy both?" 
Pop looked over at him and blinked. "I'd ask if you're dating two people at once, because that can be dangerous. Do they know about each other? Cause it's fine if they do, but if they don't, that's playing with fiendfyre, Haz." 
Harry laughed, shaking his head. "No, there's not anyone. Not a man or a woman, and certainly not one of each. I was just... I dunno, I guess I was wondering if you were okay with it?" 
"Course I am." Pop tilted his head a little. "Were you worried?" 
"I dunno. A little." 
"Has it escaped your attention that I am married to your father? Another man?" 
Harry rolled his eyes, giving Pop's shoulder a shove as he started to feel a little silly for being nervous. "Yeah, I noticed, thanks. Do you think Dad will care?" 
"He'll probably ask you the same questions I did." 
"Why would you both think there's someone I'm interested in?" 
"There was a certain Draco Malfoy that you were eyeing, if I remember correctly." 
"You knew about that?" Harry squeaked, cheeks reddening. 
"You aren't very subtle, prongslet. Did that ever go anywhere?" 
Harry thought about the almost dates they'd been going on, and his blush deepened. He cleared his throat, and Pop chuckled. 
"Don't worry about it, kiddo, I'm just taking the piss. Dad won't mind that you like one or the other or both anymore than I did." 
Harry cleared his throat again and willed for his cheeks to go back to their normal color. "Thanks, Pop." He'd won a war, been in more fights than he could count, but telling his fathers that he was bi was still embarrassing. 
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justicebled · 3 years
on yuri, on flynn. ‘
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when yuri / flynn are okay. the boys are okay. tina, you’re getting a tag. hmu if you don’t want it i laugh because we both hate ims but if you’re fine with it i’ll just do that rn tbh! lily being straightforward as always. 
but...i can finally reblog this hurt comfort art i found just for this occasion. as a yuri and genuinely someone who relates to him without projecting i can fully say i obviously i LOVE trolling flynn and my friends know i roast and defend him in equal measures. they’re good people and they honestly suffer enough tbh. i hope they rest one day.  ?  but i’ll be the first to defend him even if i can be hard on him. friends know i am very hard on flynn in the game and also go analytical for once about it and i don’t like thinking too much tbh. more a doer. yes, i actually really care about flynn’s character. i just am bad at conveying it.
 i don’t really expect anyone who writes flynn to go easy on me and i can take that. these two realistically hurt each other horribly and they’re trying their best to fix their world. one took an agonizingly heavy burden and job no one wanted and the party pretty much is like ‘lmao yuri this is the worst job man’. the other took the public eye and is stuck p much forever in the spotlight and can’t show weakness unless they both retire at some point. and he literally has the legacy of his father on his back? and yuri has the outside world to bear.
i mean it’s unrealistic i realize in the end to think one or the other, one of them does dirty to the other when they just...they want the other always to be okay. there’s no power imbalance i mean personally i write yuri pretty dominant in his relationships without overpowering but not because he’s superior. he’s a very strong-willed man? however you see them, i can see all ways, and i’ve really over time with a LOT of time loved them more as kinda star crossed dumbasses? yuri loves flynn as a best friend first but the road to liking them like THAT took me forever.
he will always be in any relationship, his best friend. he will never harbor resentment for him doing what he feels he has to if yuri strays from that unwavering, ‘pure justice’. and yes, he’s not just a hero but a criminal, and yuri owns that and flynn owns his mistakes. so i feel i have to defend both. not just be your unapologetic yuri stan.
 while it’s such a hard thing to watch, their initial most of the game journey...and how they fall and distance, i don’t think they’re an unsalvageable relationship and i’m a brutally honest realist. i don’t need to tell you guys that i think it’s obvious yuri / flynn in any form is insanely important to me just as much as any other tov bond. i mean, a lot of the ring a bell stuff pretty much is talking about them falling apart and wanting to get the other back however you see them. but JUST AS MUCH  i also think it talks about the entire cast / yuri’s relationships as a whole, and like or dislike, yuri and flynn are a huge theme to the game. so it’s both for me? like it genuinely phases even me who tries not to get very emotive about...things in general because reasons but, watching their descent and fall into not talking and being livid at each other to not smiling and laughing is meant to make anyone feel miserable. because you know they want each other to be okay. and they’re both so stubborn. 
but i admit like...it’s nice to see how flynn always fondly in spin offs is like ‘haha you remind me of my friend.’ like it’s a running theme that flynn openly and unashamedly hints at how fond and how much he cares for yuri. i mean the story sure, makes it hard to make it ‘normal’. they’ll never be normal. but they are yuri and flynn.
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 it’s nice how yuri always in the party is harsh / never gives him leeway on flynn because someone has got to get on him when he’s overdoing it. but also really fond in his mannerisms. how estelle says flynn says ‘he can never ignore someone in need’. how yuri looks fond and says, ‘well you tell him he’s the same way.’ so yeah it sucks! to watch them throw stones at each other when you know they’d die for each other. in any form! and idk. i just gotta defend their relationship because it isn’t just flynn. nor is it all yuri’s fault. 
this got long but. in any form, yuri / flynn has and is very important to me like all the tov relationships are for me and it took me a while to actually warm up and ship it beyond the fandom representation? but my own y’know? mostly because i disagreed with how i saw yuri being.. done but hey i don’t own him. 
  flynn gave just being his best friend and the angry kid ‘outside the wall’ his home beyond old hanks and the kids he led before flynn showed up and...beat the shit out of them and earned yuri’s respect and even his tightly guarded, absurdly kind heart. which tbh makes yuri suffer more than anything else. his selflessness and kindness. miss me with yuri being a bad person lmao, he’s far from it. 
and frankly neither is flynn or why would yuri keep at it? yuri is a good judge of who a person is. flynn makes him proud and he watches over him even if it’s far away. and probably pranks him with joke mail. :’ ) which probably has flynn scifo screaming from zaphias all the way to be heard from dahngrest.
so yeah i do want them to be happy! it just will never be normal or easy. but to say they hate each other or make each other at their core, miserable is... i don’t think that’s quite it. you never make someone just ‘one thing’. relationships are complicated. yuri / flynn is a great fictional example of one that is full of love and also...a lot of trauma and hurdles. 
basically while i’m ‘team yuri’ in terms of agreeing with him? i will be like yuri, in flynn’s corner and also like yuri...get mad at him LOL. because however you see it he’s a huge part of yuri and a major chunk of him. just like brave vesperia. but no one can take flynn’s place just because yuri has a pack now. neither cancels the other out in yuri’s life.
flynn has a permanent massive spot in yuri’s heart. 
and he always will. and yuri will always, always watch over him.
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syncogon · 4 years
sad only 480p version this time, and delayed. oh well, temptation too strong, and clips on the weibo looked promising, so let’s go
mjy sighhh i guess he’s just dumb not malicious but man
“the truth isn’t important” glasses shing. oh wow that hair swish tho that was like unnecessarily well animated hahaha
iiiii just want jhx to tell off yy!! i think that’d be great, what a faceslap! also wtf is this thing? iron supplements?? a spray? icy-hot? 铁打损伤喷雾?? god i spent like five minutes trying to mouse-trace those characters and i still don’t know if this is supposed to be significant or if it’s just significant that jhx caught yy doing shady shit 
anyway given music / context it seems jhx is annoyed at what yy is doing? so yay friggin finally. “our classes aren’t at nanhua” nice 
“xu-da” vs “xu-ge” hmm. anyway jhx don’t fall for the lies. jhx is like sx, annoying and chuuni but probably isn’t as obnoxiously awful as he first appears... probably.... maybe. 
goddd sucks that the full version of this op is kinda weird, because i LOVE this op so much like holy crap. jiyi bei yingfu huanxing.... 
man now im like stressed about the yf at the airport scene. trailer showed an airport. what’s gonna happennn
this exchange about dd feels so weird like it sounds like ctg is trying to explain they’re not in any pre-relationship or smth but maggie is like “i don’t mind” in a way that makes it sound like she wouldn’t mind if they’re together? what??? but whatever
ok i really enjoy this cr/yf dynamic. like i feel like it’s a bit ooc and yf as portrayed here is maybe too far on the acquiescence but also it’s really funny and sparks joy for me so i’ll buy it. i’m happy to see like established relationship stuff i think bc i generally don’t in the stuff i watch. speaking of which i’m super glad that they didn’t make the awful dumb move of trying to insert like Another wack love triangle drama dynamic thing in this like the fans want yecong and tianmai!!
wowwww it’s so nice how supportive cr is being tho like i love to see it!
handholding!! soft!! nice inversion of the earlier part where cr is bandaging his fingers. but like -
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WHY DOES SHE HAVE MARKS/CALLUSES ON HER THUMB AND NOT HER PINKY??? like ok i have not played ukelele but i sure have my own share of stringed instrument finger calluses and you don’t?? press on the string with your thumb???
still, they’re trying, it’s a cute detail, i appreciate it. i liked that one wwgk review i watched yesterday that pointed out s1 was like a coming of age story disguised as a music story, whereas s2 is like a real music story.... 
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wait this is incredibly cute wtf. oh my god. 
YF SIGHED/FACEPALMED AT THAT? COME ON!! WTF THAT’S SO RUDE? THAT WAS ACTUALLY LIKE PRETTY GOOD?? AND SHE DID THIS JUST FOR YOU? like maybe not performance ready but bro she’s learned for two days!! also holy shit the strumming animation is really good for smth like this im impressed! that reminds me of the like actually legit violin animation they showed in the trailer yo im so ready 
like i totally understand the frustration (damn, maggie’s face... 3 free performances? really?) but also i feel SO BAD FOR CR HERE this is so awkward oh my godddd at least ctg like tries to apologize to her (and cr’s reaction to this whole thing is also v solid, good for her) but still like damn 
aww ahh man im glad maggie still like! supports encourages cr here! that’s also char dev being able to like get past her own complicated emotions at least for this sort of gesture 
awwww i also like seeing maggie’s coping, the happiness philosophy i always thought that was super interesting. she’s a great char! and i think running is good
animators animate a girl running normally challenge
oh nice you have to walk a bit after sprinting, good
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the train track scenes are so pretty wahhh 
does... does the track just end there? what
the ~significance~ of maggie now sharing this piece of her that used to be a yf thing, with ctg 
also excellent bgm - oh omg it’s og soul link remix!!! 
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“i don’t want you to go” 
MY GOD HE’S FINALLY MAKING A REAL MOVE. and one based in real friendship. GOD FUCKING FINALLY CTG AAAAAA she’s cryyying man this exchange is also pretty cute ngl 
i can’t believe they figured this out a full 4 episodes before the finale 
this is so pretty here wahhhhhh i wanna ss the whole thing in 1080p 
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they never released pink twilight shanghai!! i want this ver!!! 
aww yayyy open still cheering her on - YF BE NICE TO YOUR GF COME ON
haha this is like reverse of cr tutoring him - WAIT YEAH YF YOU WERE A SHITTY ASS STUDENT COMPARED TO HER BE EXTRA NICE 
also remixed dream i dig it! sounds like new lyrics? 
julliard hahahaha
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dong dong goddess
HAHAHA did dd just steal ctg’s fries
ctg: expressing some deep thoughts
me: just watching dd
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“forever confident, forever happy” 
wait sooooooo are they a thing now or what did that count as a confession
“and qing’er is finally here” WHAT’S THE TEAAAAA WE STILL DON’T REALLY KNOW
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“im a guitarist this is fine” YOU GO DD I LOVE YOU 
omg oyzq. you’d think they were trying to extort a confession from him. what the hell is this instrument he said what is a xiao 箫. A WOODEN FLUTE? YOOO THAT’S COOL my god PLEASE let us get some kickass trad/modern fusion music im so ready 
“i trust ouyang” ahhh double char surnames are cool
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ok this is interesting tho he’s not a dick for the hell of it it’s out of desperation or smth. but like half a year, oh no, what a horror. (i’m fresh out of hb feels ok you shaddap // tho i can also imagine the knife, like in lotus bloom, where they didn’t think szp’s injury was permanent). tho i do also like the “then we’ll be seniors we won’t have time to perform” but also that’s just a reminder that all of these ppl are like frigging 16 year olds and i still cannot take this seriously
i like “i didn’t expect, that i couldn’t give you the confidence to win”. god im so glad this confrontation is happening. man this feels like a wrap up already are they really spending all 3 last episodes on the competition? what’s the story gonna be? 
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feel like he’d be less ugly with hairstyle that looked more consistently like this. anyway sucks that both of them are so ugly otherwise there’s some nice sun/moon (+stars?) imagery you can get going here
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pretty! i wanna save this hq
it’s this bgm!!! godd i just want this track so bad
an empty beach?? in china near shanghai??? 
anyway ahhh it’s the iconic beach shot! i like how the promo ver cuts out dd lmfao
wow nine episodes in and cookie finally gets a character moment??? cookieeeeeeee i missed you
ok i can’t ship them he calls her shifu but also THIS IS SUCH A CUTE FRIENDSHIP calling every day 10 minutes?? wow!! i love dongdong and i love cookie. also this hits different in covid times “no one says that we can’t be friends because of distance” 
oh i guess they are pushing this as a ship. meh.
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wahhhhh. need this hq then i have more propic material. 
ah lang is VIBING oh to be the ah lang of my own life. parasurfing. walking into poles. 
wow this is so modern! the red bag thing! wow i do love this show flexing the modern-ness 
this is the mercedes benz arena im SURE of it ahhhh holy crap this crowd. oh to be in a crowd without mask
IT’S THIS DUDE AGAIN like the trailer spoiled this but if i found out this right here right now i would’ve lost my shit my god hahhaah
im like torn about how i feel about cr’s dress like idk if it fits her well even if it’s pretty
oh im scared i hope this doesn’t become embarrassing 
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ok anyway im happy!! spent like an hour watching this or something lmao but good times!! much better than last ep HAHA yayyy im so glad we’re finally at the comp and lots of these little things have been tied up now im ready for new song drops!!!
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deceits-left-glove · 4 years
My god.
I just found a really old logicality one-shot I made when I was very very very new in the fandom and dear god- I didn't think there was a time i wasn't a Janus Stan but here we are I guess
Patton PoV
As long as I could remember, I'd had a  tattoo on  my wrist. It was a cute little pair of glasses! My soulmark. There would be one other person in the world with that same pair of glasses on the same spot on their wrist! The thought had always made me giddy. There is someone out there destined to be with me, we've been looking at the same little picture all our lives! Like a secret museum just for us! Whenever I went out in public I would always look for peoples wrists. I didn't think about how weird it was until someone pointed it out to me. I didn't do it anymore after that. I was just scared of missing my soulmate! Imagine if you never found your soulmate! Knowing that you were destined to be with someone, and spending your whole life looking for that person, and then... I don't want to think about it. I was so so happy when I found out I needed glasses! I chose ones that looked like my soulmark, obviously! Then if my soulmate looks at my glasses, they would be reminded of their soulmark.  I was on my way to the cafe to meet up with my three best friends. Logan, Roman and Virgil! I was scared I was going to be late so I was running. My cardigan fell off and I had to go back to get it. It was around my shoulders, as usual. It was cold outside, but I hated covering up my soulmark! And hate is a strong word. I just thought that if my soulmate had their mark covered, then  them seeing mine could be the only way to find out. So I almost never covered it up. I was just glad  my cardigan didn't fall into a puddle! 
Logan PoV.
as long as I could remember, I'd had a tattoo on my wrist. A pair of glasses. It was my soulmark. I despised it. It was honestly a flawed method of finding the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. You could end up being the opposite of compatible. You could constantly argue and that would be an unhealthy relationship. I just think the whole thing is a falsehood. How can a mutated birthmark show the person you are going to be in a relationship with. It makes no sense and I just ignore  the whole... Mess entirely. I have never intentionally shown anyone  my soulmark and I never hope to in the future. It will always be covered, if not by a shirt then by that concealing makeup. I refuse to acknowledge my consentless tattoo other than when hiding it. I disregard it that much that when I was choosing my glasses, I found some particular frames rather familiar and  didn't realize why until I was at home with too pairs of the same glasses. That was one of the few times I have face-palmed in my life. The other times are normally when  Roman or Patton do something stupid. Like now, where I can see Roman at the counter trying to take three cups at once. I sometimes wonder how they are still alive. Probably because they usually have Virgil and I to reel them in from doing something overly dangerous. Like now, when i can see Virgil going over there to help him out with the other cups. With a ding from the shops bell, I watch Patton run through the door, hastily tying his cardigan around his shoulders. 
Patton PoV
I rush through the door and meet Logan's eyes. I smile at him and go over to our regular table. I felt other eyes on me, but that was probably me almost running into the door in my hurry to get to my friends. I pull out  my chair and sit down opposite him. 
"I told you you couldn't pick up all our drinks at once!" Virgil (that was the 666th word. I thought it would have been another character tbh ;) ) and Roman  come over from the counter, each holding two cups. Roman has a  chocolate milk and a  black coffee, and Virgil has a  mocha and  a hot chocolate. 
"I would have been fine!"
"Romano, buddy... you only have two hands." Virgil hands the hot chocolate to me from his seat, but Roman walks round to give Logan his drink. But there was someone walking past and -im sill not sure how it happened- Roman  tripped, spilling the coffee all over it's the guy who was ment to receive it (logan). Oh no! 
Deceit PoV (yea that's right! boom!)
From the moment I saw Patton pull out his chair I new what I had to do. He used his left hand. And on his left wrist was a pair of glasses. Just. Like. Logan's. I knew that wimp wouldn't do anything. When I saw his wrist he got all defensive. It's not like I did it on purpose! Jeez. Roman  carrying the drink round just made my job even easier- I didn't even have to waste my drink! I stood up and knocked  into him, and in an 'attempt to steady him' I pushed the drink out of his hand and onto Logan's left arm. Simple. He would either have to roll his sleeve up or take off his shirt- it was unbuttoned and he had a vest on, don't worry readers, I'm not making him strip (oi shut it you! Be grateful I added you into the story! Don't go turning into Deadpool) . Sure, I look like the bad guy, but I'm helping them, whether they realise it or not! 
"The Empire has fallen!" Virgil sweetie, as funny as that was... Leave the puns to Patton. He knows there's a time and a place. This isn't it.
"Ooh ya-"
"Logan! Are you ok?" At this point I can see the barista run around the counter with a cold cloth. He will be fine, just a little angry. 
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I've got to pretend to be at least a little remorseful. I can't look like a complete villain!  Then I lean closer to Logan and hiss in his ear  "you're welcome!" He knew what I ment. I  kept on walking to the bathroom so that it didn't look suspicious, and to stop  Logan from going in there to sort out his arm. This was fun. I should help people With their Soulmates more often.
Logan PoV
That snake! Why did he do that! He knows full well how I feel about my soulmark and he is making me show it for no reason! I should never have trusted him with something like that! 
"You're welcome!" What? Why would he say that. I'm stronger than him. I can show my soulmark just this once, nothing bad is going to happen, right? I roll my sleeve up and  take the damp cloth Remy is  handing to me. 
"Well he was rude.. anyway! lo, are you like, good? That was some hot coffee, girl!"
"Don't call me lo, or girl. And you don't need the 'like' in there."
"That's the Logan I know! At least it had no, like, permanent side effects!"
"What does that even mean? It's coffee! Not a potion!" 
"What do you mean by  'potion' ?" I'm not even listing to the conversation anymore. Patton is staring at the table and looking  distressed. Before I can ask, he blurts out 
"GLASSES!" He now has almost all of the shops attention. I take off my glasses to check if something has happened to them when he slams his arm down on the table, making all of us jump. Then Remy squeals. Drawing even more attention and confusing me even more. Then I notice Patton has a mark on his arm. It looks like a tattoo. His glasses? Wait. Oh..
I don't think he was looking at the table. 
This is my first one-shot and overall I'm happy with it. And I don't really know what else to put here.. so.. 
~Cyan 🖤
bonus scene (3rd person)
Patton is babbling nonsense, Logan is flushed and completely unresponsive, Remy reluctantly hands a very smug Virgil 5 dollars and Roman keeps repeating something under his breath. Deceit  comes back from the bathroom, struts up to the table like he owns the place and just
"You're welcome~*" 
And then Roman, slamming his hands on the table and screeching.
3.9 pages 
1435 words
First person PoV! I outright talked to Deceit! He didn't even get a name! I'm going to regret posting this but growth is important y'all!
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
The Diary of Riley Brooks
Entry Two
Wacky Drabble #8: Help me with this, would you?
Coincides with TRH Chapter 13
Some strong Language
Characters belong to Pixelberry
Drabbler Tags: @emceesynonymroll @burnsoslow @sirbeepsalot @jovialyouthmusic @romanticatheart-posts @stopforamoment @dcbbw @jessiembruno @katedrakeohd
Additional tags; I have no idea who is on my permanent tags list anymore😬 I didnt exactly keep up with it 😭 I'll do better. So please let me know so I can get that sorted out.
@ao719 @hopefulmoonobject
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September 7
I'm having a baby!
As I sit here trying to let that statement fully sink in, I think about where I was just one year ago today.
I had always dreamt of meeting my Prince Charming, never really expecting to find him. Liam made me realize that fairy tales do exist and sometimes wishes do come true. That sounds so cliche, yet, I don't know any other way to describe what we share together.
He is my heartbeat, my every breath, my reason for existing. Our love is built on passion and longing, his touch excites me and his very presence heats my core. Our bodies joined together, whether fierce or gentle, is pure, unadulterated magic. Liam is my warmth and sincerity, my goodness and truth.
In the depths of my belly, I am carrying the greatest symbol of that love, a part of him and a part of me, a tiny creature that will forever bring us joy.
I spent much of the reception, anxious to find out if I was indeed pregnant. As I wrote yesterday, Savannah admitted to taking a pregnancy test, as well. For whatever reason, possibly one I don't want to ever know, she placed her negative test in the bathroom drawer. Due to Madeleine's incompetence and unwanted presence for this event, she, too, put my test in the drawer. Is there some kind of weird Cordonian tradition I am unaware of that says these test work better in drawers? And why did Savannah leave hers in there? The damn thing was negative. In light of his objection, I have a strong feeling, Mr. Chuck knows more than he is letting on.
Freaked the hell out by Savannah, I knew then, I was the one who was pregnant. I needed air and a moment to think, far away from all the yee-haw bullshit. I sent Liam a text, asking him to meet me in a clearing by the house, I had a surprise for him. Within seconds, he approaches me with a flirtatious smile, looking as if he was ready to fuck me six ways from Sunday. I love that man and I'm always more than willing to participate in his freakish, outdoor sex fetish, but, this wasn't what I had in mind.
After I tell him we are a having a baby, he sweeps me up in his arms, gently placing me back to the ground. His happiness was written all over his face, until it wasn't. He went into Liam mode, panicking about the need to baby proof every room at the Palace and Valtoria. As much as I loved his cute response, I wanted tears dammit. I wanted him on his knees, crying his eyes out, unable to talk, worshipping my stomach. Mick Jagger said you can't always get what you want, but, sometimes you get what you need....well, I needed a sobbing, shaking Liam, is that too much to ask?
We discuss when to tell our friends and because I'm a petty, evil bitch, I decide we should tell them right in the middle of Savannah and Bertrand's reception. You propose at my wedding, I announce the equivalent of the second coming, in the form of my sacred child, at yours. I couldn't care less for the rest of the wedding attendees, but, seeing Hana, Drake, Maxwell and Bertrand delight in our news was exciting.
Afterwards, Liam wants to celebrate in private, which means, we might talk some, but, he still has every intention of getting off tonight. We head upstairs and I was correct in my assumption, he wants to celebrate making the baby by doing what we did to make it. He is a wet panty dropper for sure. And while some ride Harley's and horses, I propped my little pregnant ass on my own stallion and rode him hard. If Barthelemy weren't already out of his coma, me screaming Liam's name when I climaxed, would have awakened the old coot for sure.
If my panties weren't already off, after he sang a lullaby to our baby, that for sure would have melted them away. If he keeps this up, we'll have our own 20 Kids and Counting reality show.
I should have stayed in fucking bed this morning. At breakfast, Bertrand greeted us in kind, while Stick-It-In-A-Drawer Savannah, reminded us all that we are not at court. Why is she still here and not on her honeymoon? Then Leona tells me I can't have a cup of coffee....bitch, I was downing shots like no tomorrow just three days ago with Liv and Hana in Auvernal. This queen will drink a cup of coffee if she damn well pleases. My baby is probably going to come out with two heads.
Like the lovable, little genius he is, Maxwell suggests everyone buys the baby a gift. Guess who further suggested we get these gifts from the local country general store? The same damn place that was using a priceless saddle as a fucking hat holder. I can't even write her name anymore. I have to wonder, why I have been playing second fiddle on Hee-Haw Hell to her during this trip.
So the gang and I pack into our vehicle and head back to said store, where I can share with all of Cordonia that the royal crib was purchased at Wild Chester's Gear and Steer on Bootleg Road. I watched Maxwell fawn over socks, Hana recreated painful memories of lonely tea parties, and Drake...well, Drake's little wooden horse was quite adorable.
I get a call from Olivia, who somehow managed to escape earlier from this shithole than I did. I thought we were amigas now Liv? She actually cried when I told her Liam and I were expecting. I don't know what the hell she is doing in my bedroom, but, if Livvie needs something there, I'm more than happy to help a girl out. She asked me for the most valuable thing in my room, I lied to her and told her it was the royal sceptre. If she only knew the value of the dildo I had in my nightstand....that better be exactly where I left it when I get back.
Back at the ranch, Liam says the five most beautiful, glorious words I have been waiting to here for weeks.....We're almost ready to go....Hot Damn!
Bianca asked me if I thought I could get away without saying goodbye...I already knew the answer was, no. If she only knew how hard I tried about twenty times since arriving to cut tail and run. And damn that heartless, nazi, Leona, she for real dissed my husband! Bitch, I will snap you in half over Liam.
Just when I think I'm finally in the clear, who in the blue fuck put me on a plane for the next 10 hours with Frick, Frack and Kiara?
Liam, I love you, but, damn you! I'm nauseous, tired, moody, and pissing buckets every 10 minutes, carrying your child, and you thought this was a good idea.
I blame pregnancy brain for my decision to tell these three our big news. I'm not the greatest at charades, Im not even the smartest person in the world, but, I swear to God, these three may quite possibly be the dumbest morons I have ever met. They guessed I was full, I was bloated, gluttony.....fucking gluttony???? Yes Penelope, the big news I wanted to share with you is I'm a glutton. Maybe a glutton for punishment, deciding to interact with you three. More guesses included, American Football, and a common pirate jig....one of these women is an ambassador and the other my communications director. I'm a waitress from Brooklyn, and my word, I'm truly baffled by the sheer stupididy I had just witnessed. I turned to Liam, pleading with my eyes, help me with this, would you?
As bad as those three were, out of no where, the most incompetant, security guard on this planet, appears right before me. I didn't have time to worry about her, because apparently, the bane of my existence just scheduled a press conference to announce my pregnancy. I haven't seen a doctor to even confirm yet, what the hell Madeleine. One of these days, I am gonna beat that green goblin's ass down.
Cordonia, I'm on my way and can't be there soon enough.
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bucky-at-bedtime · 5 years
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes (kind of.)
Summary: All it takes is being stuck in a basement with him for two days for Bucky to finally open up to Sam. Sam’s not too surprised by what he learns. A fic about love and friendship.
Just a lil stucky drabble. Maybe I’ll do a part two? idk
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Late one night, maybe early morning, Sam reached over and flicked on a dim torch. He and Bucky had been holed up in this basement for a day or two now, communications cut, escape impossible without critical injury. Not much had been said, past their regular banter and a few half-formed plans. Sam thought he might’ve been going crazy when Bucky sat up, ran his hands through his hair and began to speak.
“I was never just a soldier,” Bucky’s voice is solemn and Sam thinks he can hear the words shake with fear. Scared to tell him. Scared to hear it himself. “Not back then, no, I was his soldier.”
The look in Sam’s eyes changed then, to one of understanding. He and Bucky had fought when they first found themselves trapped, Sam doesn’t remember exactly what he said, but he knew Bucky had reacted strangely to the words ‘just a soldier.’ His mouth twisted up into a sorry smile, a silent way of telling Bucky to go on. And Bucky did – avoiding Sam’s eyes.
The room shook with another explosion outside – a reminder of the war of his past, a reminder of the war he still fought.
“Even before the war, I was his. I would’ve followed him anywhere,” He chuckled lightly, ran fingers across his bearded chin whilst his other hand played idly with the edge of an old photograph, “guess I did. Followed him all the way to the 21st century.”
It was a lame attempt at a joke, and Sam acknowledged it with a smile. He didn’t want to talk or make a noise. He didn’t want to ruin this moment of openness from the man that had never been anything but closed-off.
“Steve’s oblivious though – he doesn’t- he’s never been able to see it. Never thought he was enough for anyone, even after the serum.” The torchlight is all they have to illuminate Bucky’s face, but it’s enough to highlight the shine in Bucky’s eyes. “I wish he could see it – see how good he is. Wish he could see himself through my eyes because, god, he’s perfect.”
Bucky stopped talking then, and Sam thought he might’ve been done.
“Righteous and stubborn and reckless, but perfect.” The words fell from his mouth and filled the dusty silence of the room, and Sam would never admit it but his heart warmed. This is more than friendship, he thought. And he was soon proven correct.
“Y’know I kissed him once.” Bucky finally found Sam’s eyes, flashing with something new, something like fear and hope. “Way back when I shouldn’t have, and christ, he was barely even conscious. And I thought he was dying. His eyes were closed and his lips were dry and he was sick with something he’d never had before and I just kissed ‘im, real soft, hoped he wouldn’t notice.”
He was lost in the memory now. His eyes were on Sam but he wasn’t really looking at him, no. The memory swirled in the blue of his eyes, faded and cloudy but still there, unlike so many others. With a gentle shake of his head, he pulled himself out of it and looked back down at his hands. “He didn’t. Or he did and he never mentioned it. I don’t know.”
“Tore myself apart when we were kids trying to convince myself I didn’t love him – not in the way I loved girls.” Sam’s heart was breaking now, as he realised what this meant – how long Bucky had suffered. “In a way, I was right. Never loved him the way I loved them ‘cause I never really loved them. Just thought I should.”
Bucky glanced up at Sam. He’d never say it out loud but this man was his friend – they just had a strange way of showing it. Bucky trusted Sam – maybe because Steve did or maybe because he could just tell that Sam was worthy of his trust.
“Now I’m here and everything’s so different. I saw a pride march last week – all those people, so… so unafraid. So themselves.” His tongue poked out to wet his dry lips and he rubbed his cool metal fingers over his tired eyes. “I haven’t been myself for a very long time. Maybe since that kiss. Maybe since before it.”
“You should tell him,” Sam finally responds, the words bursting out of his lips before he can think them through. Because if a love lasts a hundred years, if a love goes through all the things this one has, surely there’s a point.
“Yeah, I probably should,” Bucky agreed with a dry smile. “All these years, all these things I should’ve been scared of and the one thing that I can’t do is tell that punk that I love him.”
The room falls quiet again, in the wake of the final confession. The faint sound of footsteps on the ground above them. The torchlight flickers and Sam looks back at Bucky, catches his eyes.
“I think he knows. Somewhere in that big, reckless brain of his, he’d know. He’s just too scared to see it.” Sam mumbles, racking his brain for some good advice. “One of you has gotta be brave.”
“Maybe if we make it home from this mission, I’ll do it. I could be brave.”
More footsteps, then shouting, and a door rattles in the house upstairs. They’ve been found.
“Yeah,” Sam agreed, “yeah, Tinman, I think you could.” And he knew he had to get Bucky home then, for Steve. He knew he’d do just about anything to make those two old men happy.
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banditthewriter · 5 years
Best You Ever Had - Billy Russo - 4
Part four! I hope you guys are enjoying this story! 
Future parts will have trigger warnings. Feel free to shoot me a message or ask off anon if you have questions or concerns!
Tags are at the bottom. Let me know if you would like to be added to one of my tag lists! Enjoy!
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It was the night before the conference actually started and you were nervous. You’d already gotten a cautionary email from your dad that essentially said “don’t fuck up” in business lingo.
He’d told you that he wouldn’t be there, that he had to have faith you’d make the company proud. You couldn’t help but wonder if he meant for you to make him proud.
Too excited to sleep, you paced your living room as you read over the file in hand. Some of the papers were covered in your penmanship, but there was one that had a handwriting you barely recognized. Billy had laid out a few changes for his men for the optimal coverage.
He was good at his job; you’d known that from day one. It was one of the things that drew you to him. He was good at his job and he was charming.
You should have seen through the facade. You should have been able to see the fact that that man wasn’t made for a relationship. Or maybe you had known it but you had just ignored it out of the hope that maybe you were wrong.
Even though you were alone, you still looked around as you went to the hall closet. There at the top was a nondescript white cardboard box.
Carefully you lifted the box out and carried it over to the couch. Your fingers played with the edge of the lid before you lifted it.
The top layer was made out of items you had collected over your relationship with Billy. Movie ticket stubs, pressed flowers, cards that had come in said flowers. Those were all on a sheet of cardboard and you lifted that up so that you could see the things underneath.
Photos of the two of you looking happy and in love. The mere thought made you want to laugh. He’d never been in love with you. You don’t hurt the person you love like he hurt you.
Pressed into the corner of the box, half covered by a photo of you and Billy asleep on a couch in the mountains with his friends, was a velvet box about the size of your palm. Your fingers brushed the lid before you pulled it out and flipped it open.
Inside were two necklaces. One was a gaudy thing that you were pretty sure his niece had gotten out of a gumball machine. It was in the shape of a B with fake rhinestones pressed into the malleable metal. The other consisted of two interlocking circles that had diamonds going around the edge of one of the circles. It was expensive and you’d only worn it twice since he’d given it to you.
You should give it back to him. Maybe not the B necklace, but the circle necklace was probably expensive. Although from what you’d heard about Billy and Anvil in the time since your split, he’d been doing well for himself.
You needed to get over Billy. You needed to get rid of this secret stash of memories; you needed to get rid of anything that reminded you of him and the time you had shared. It was past time to get over Billy.
There wasn’t anything that he could do that would change your mind about him.
There was a knock on your door and you frowned as you looked at the clock over the stove. It was late; way too late for you to have an uninvited visitor.
You made your way to the door, fully ready to call Billy if you needed to. He lived close enough that he could be there in less than ten minutes.
Through the peephole you saw Billy. He looked strange through the distorted tiny window but when you opened the door, you could see that it wasn’t the peephole that was the problem. He looked angry, looked frustrated.
“Babe? What’s wrong?”
He came into your apartment with a shake of his head, his eyes darting to your face and then away.
“I just had a conversation with… it's nothing,” he said instead, running a hand through his hair before he turned to you. “I just wanted to see you.”
You smiled and reached out to pull him in for a hug. It wasn't often that he let you see this side of him and you were determined to offer whatever comfort you could.
“It's late. We should go to bed.”
It was said as an invitation for more, hoping he could hear the suggestiveness in your tone. The look in his eyes told you that he probably did.
But he hesitated instead of agreeing immediately.
“I'm gonna take a shower first. Get rid of some of the frustration.”
You leaned up to press your lips against his.
“Not all of the frustration I hope,” you teased as you stepped back away from him.
You'd never seen the man take such a fast shower before.
You still had an hour before you needed to be at the hotel but you were on your way anyways. You'd stop by the little cafe on your way in to grab some coffee or tea if there wasn't a line, but you wanted to get to the hotel early.
The buzz of your cell phone made you jump. You pulled it out of your pocket and frowned at the name that pulled up.
Anvil, Russo
It was the only way you could put his name in your phone without wanting to break the device.
He was usually on top of things but a phone call this early?
“Hey Y/N. There's been a new threat on some of the members. It was sent to their offices and we just got the call from their security details. I'm going to up the security here since they'll start arriving soon but your father said we might have to look into canceling the conference.”
You weren't sure why it was a surprise that Billy had already talked to your dad about the situation as a whole.
You huffed out a breath as you spotted the cafe you meant to stop at. No coffee for you. Not yet at least.
“I'm almost there. I'll contact the people who are hosting the conference once I'm fully briefed on the threat. It'll be up to them as long as the threat isn't imminent.”
“It's not,” Billy promised, but his voice sounded strange. “There's something that doesn't feel right about it, but there wasn't any indication that the conference or the hotel is a target. I'll show you what I have when you get here.”
He was already at the hotel? That shouldn't surprise you either but it did.
“I'm just passing Laurenti’s. I'll be there in a moment.”
You heard him make a soft noise in the back of his throat.
“I picked up some coffee from there on my way in. I poured one into a travel mug for you. And I even grabbed a bag of breakfast croissants if you're hungry.”
It was so familiar that your steps stumbled a bit. How many times had he done that when the two of you were together?
“Thanks,” you said slowly before you turned down the street where the hotel was. “Wow it looks like a war zone out here.”
You could see Billy outside of the hotel with his phone to his ear. When he saw you, he waved and ended the call, tucking his ear piece back in before he crossed the barriers to where you were.
“This is what we consider upped security,” he said as he waved off someone who was approaching to probably check your ID. “We have a three man team out here, a guy outside and a guy inside each exit, and I've got a few mobile sentries just in case.”
Your eyes were probably as big as dinner plates as he guided you into the hotel.
“Wow,” you repeated for lack of anything better to say. And before you could censor yourself, “You're really good at this.”
You didn't miss the pride on his face and the way he stood up just a little straighter at your words. He gestured with an arm to a small table where a white paper bag and a travel mug sat.
“Here's breakfast if you're interested,” he said as he grabbed the travel mug.
You should draw a line. This was a professional setting and breakfast wasn't on your approved itinerary.
Instead you accepted it from him gratefully.
It didn't mean anything. It was just extra. It wasn't like he got it especially for you.
You took a sip of the coffee and bit your lip as the familiar taste hit you. It was your usual order when you went to Laurenti’s.
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Let me know if you want to be added to my Billy Russo Tag List @something-tofightfor @piink-magnolias @hoodedhavok @aylinnmaslow @musingsofbanana @bluebird214 @rileyblues @nerrdstark @that-bwitch @ethereal-heavcns @queenisabella789 @colddecember-night @j-finco @arthoeaesthetixbs @tomhiddlestonsbeard @mischiefs-never-managed @romanceyour-ego @evyiione @drinix @sweetheart-im-the-boss @thebabblingbook @katieswinforddiaries @benbarnesfanforever @releasethekracko @itsjustmylifeconfessions @nostalgic-uncertainty @aveatquevale- @clarasworldofwonders @ladyblablabla @thehanneloner @hellostarposts @girlwhoisfearless @maria-beretta @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo @marcelskittel @fictionwillneverdie @avipshamitra @hysteriadarling @living-on-rice @hello-la-v-en-rose @tiredofthisgeneration @marveliskindacool @giggleberts @stateofloveandvedder @encounterthepast @ironstank @spettrocoli @xserenax-13 @sleepwalkingelite @dreamingofonceuponatime @supernaturalcat7 @rosebunnie @damagelove @petersunderoos96 @dylanobrusso @littlemermaidprobz @agent-scully-182 @editboutique @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @ania2603 @screwmesiriusblack @figlia--della--luna @balladblood @cloudywithachanceofcupcakes-blog @jessicahh @flightoftheflightrisk @slamharder @roschele
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