#maybe that'll make the game feel more absorbing
yuseirra · 5 months
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someone told me AGES ago that the protag put ryoji's music box on the top of his bed (I went and checked and it was @lapinparka, thank you very much!!)
I remembered about it but I KEPT forgetting about it when I actually turned the game on
today I finally checked: it is there
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johnstock17 · 25 days
Genshin Haul: Childe and Zhongli go clothes shopping (part 1)
The bell above the door jingled merrily as Childe burst into the clothing store, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. The racks of clothes before him stretched out like a colorful sea of fabric, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement run through him.
"Zhongli, look at all these outfits!" Childe exclaimed, practically bouncing on his toes. "I'm going to find something amazing!"
Right on Childe's heels, Zhongli entered the store with an air of grace that seemed to follow him wherever he went. His dignified presence was a stark contrast to Childe's whirlwind of energy, but he couldn't deny the infectious enthusiasm that radiated from his companion.
"Indeed," Zhongli replied in his elegant, even tone. "There is quite a selection here."
Childe darted from one rack to another, hands skimming over the various fabrics as if trying to absorb their essence through touch alone. His mind raced with possibilities, each outfit a new challenge waiting to be conquered.
"Ah, this one looks interesting!" Childe said, reaching for a particularly eye-catching item.
"Take your time," Zhongli said, his voice a calming balm to Childe's racing thoughts. "Fashion, after all, is an art form that requires careful consideration."
"Of course," Childe replied, his playful smirk never leaving his face. He knew Zhongli enjoyed watching him embrace life's little pleasures, even if the stoic man would never admit it outright. It was a dance they engaged in, a balancing act between Childe's exuberance and Zhongli's composure.
"Who knows?" Childe mused, not entirely to himself. "Maybe I'll find something that'll make even you raise an eyebrow."
"Ah," Zhongli responded, his cool amber eyes gleaming with a hint of amusement. "That would be quite the accomplishment."
As he set off in search for the perfect outfit, Childe couldn't help but revel in the thrill of it all. Wearing something new and exciting put him in a good mood, that’s why he dragged Zhongli here on their day off. The dark haired man “begrudgingly” accepted with a dragging tone, but Childe knew that he liked the prospect. 
A gleam sparked in Childe's eyes as he spotted an outfit that practically called his name. The ensemble was bold and daring, with a vibrant pattern that would undoubtedly make a statement wherever it was worn.
"Hey! Take a look at this!" Childe exclaimed, holding the outfit up for inspection with a grin plastered on his face. "Isn't this just perfect?"
"Ah, quite eye-catching indeed," Zhongli replied, his gaze flickering over the garment with a thoughtful expression. "However, have you considered trying on something more elegant and refined? It could be an opportunity to showcase your versatility."
Childe raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the idea. "Do you think I can't pull this one off?" he asked, a playful challenge lacing his words.
"Quite the contrary," Zhongli said, a ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “This outfit in particular seems like it was made for you. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to one style. I believe that you possess the ability to surprise even yourself."
"Alright then," Childe conceded, his competitive nature piqued. "I’m game. Let's find me something that'll make people think 'Wow, who's that dashing gentleman?'"
Zhongli chuckled inwardly, but said nothing. Instead, he turned and let his eyes explore the shop’s limitless options.
As Childe sifted through the racks, he began to imagine himself wearing some of the more sophisticated ensembles, attending lavish parties and making hearts swoon.
The faint scent of polished leather and finely tailored fabric hung in the air as Childe shifted his gaze from one exquisite outfit to another. He could already feel the thrill of trying on these luxurious garments, eager to see how they would transform him. A glint of mischief flickered in his eyes as he reached for a particularly eye-catching ensemble that seemed too daring to be displayed out in the open.
"Zhongli, what do you think of this one?" Childe asked, holding up a tight and deep crimson silk shirt. 
"An… interesting choice," Zhongli mused, steeling his voice so as to not sound rattled. He reminded himself that it was only a shirt, and not to… fantasize. “It will certainly match your hair pretty amazingly.”
“Exactly,” the red headed man grinned, “I’m so glad you understand how utterly amazing I am.”
“Well,” Zhongli replied shyly, “I really wouldn’t say–” 
“Oh! Look at that one!” Childe cut him off, half-accidentally, then dashed to a nearby rack and submerged his arm into its soft entrails.
The excited man ran rampant for a few more minutes, shaking pieces off of shelves, racks and drawers. He picked up tops, pants, blazers, belts, sweaters. He moved swiftly, as in a battlefield. After tormenting the store with his frantic movements, the orange whirlwind settled down and called to his chaperone.
"Okay, Zhongli, I've got my choices," Childe announced, his arms holding a mountain made of all types of fabrics "Time to show you what I've got."
"By all means," Zhongli replied, his voice steady but not devoid of anticipation. “Let’s head to the fitting rooms.”
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HELLO I'M BACK!! GUESS WHO HAS A TERM BREAK COMING IN A FEW DAYS I'M VERY HAPPY :D this ask is Very Long so i'm going to split it up into a few parts
part 1/2
But honestly, it would probably be something like “I’m going to bring a (dead) chicken to class for show and tell and you two need to act horrified and cause a ruckus because it would be fun and it would scare the other kids :)”. (this is probably bullying, so in an effort to make them slightly better kids, an alternative plot is that a stray cat has been coming to their school and in order to make friends with it, they feed it a whole-ass dead chicken Nyo China got from the butchers and was planning to cook for dinner. The teachers are horrified and confiscate Yao’s backpack for fear of germs and salmonella.)
hhhhhh the first idea is SO FUN my gremlin repressed anger eight year old self would've loved it. the idea of bringing a stinking plastic bag to school, opening it, revealing a dead, fly-infested chicken and then maybe playing a small game of lobbing the chicken around for funsies is both simultaneously horrifying and amazing. however the second idea is also amazing, one of my previous schools had stray cats and staff and students would feed and pet them (and i miss it :( ) and it was the Best feeling... or maybe they could do BOTH? but this time they're planning to bring a dead chicken to feed the cat (aw, even if yao probably gets detention. also a lecture from nyo china on what exactly you should feed a cat, including why you shouldn't steal the chicken she bought to feed it.) and the next time they can bring like. a bunch of dead flies to show their classmates but in a not bully way. i went once to this family friend's house in a part of the countryside that had an abundance of flies. (i literally haven't thought of this in years i'm remembering so many childhood things because of this omg) they had this paper covered with glue that the flies would land on and then be stuck on the paper. it was both disgusting and amazing to watch a black mass of bulbous bodies straining with their legs (which were probably thinner than my hair) to escape the paper. i also think that indchuran, being both little sadists in the making and having an abudnace of fascination like many children, would take great delight in watching an unsuspecting fly landing on the glue, watch it still, glancing around eerily similarly to when humans realise they have gotten themselves in a bad situation, and then start struggling with all their might to get out. but fuck the flies tho they landed on our food all the time there and it sucked. they can die :)
THE PROBELM is... how will they get that many flies in what i assume would be a gentrified ass area with frequent fumigation efforts given that nyo china would not accept anything than the best elementary education for her ward?? (i have a solution) maybe indus has friends in the countryside and she goes with aditya to visit them. and while they are talking aditya wanders about and discovers a few pieces of paper filled with flies. because he is a gremlin, he is Fascinated with these pieces of paper, and he takes one out to Further Examine. all the adults yell at him, but he is Fascinated and will not be stopped. and then a Thought occurs to him: who would probably enjoy this as much as he would? duh, his friends of course! good things must be Shared even if they're kind of disgusting! so what he does is he gets a disposable plastic tupperware like container, very gently places the fly paper into it, pokes a few holes for air, sprinkles some sugar because he thinks that'll keep them alive, and wraps most of it up in duct tape he found so indus can't see it. unfortunately most of the flies died on the way home because the container was stuffed into aditya's bag and the paper slid to the side + there wasn't enough air, BUT the dead flies are still a Sight to behold when he visits iran's house (which yao is /coincidentally/ visiting) to show them. then he brings it to school after the weekend, and everyone is Fascinated and thinks it is Very Cool, at least until the teachers see it and start screaming. they throw it away but indchuran get an Idea to put dead flies into the bags of people they hate (this is now just bullying) so that opens up a very few interesting weeks of attempts to collect flies in a fumigated city and Horror for the school. fun times for all!
😔 finding and reading that encyclopedia is probably one of my formative memories now and i wish it wasn't 😔 i bet yao during his teenage years would look back on it and be like "... oh my GOD." but i think he would appreciate her directness even if he didn't absorb all the information correctly or remember most of it lmao because it seems like only a very small percentage of the world has actually good sex ed and i don't think indchuran's school would be an exception. at least nyo china like you said instilled a good sense of consent with them 😔 also the idea of saying fuck in mandarin makes me break out in hives the AUDACITY of saying fuck in your first language but of course he would. he WOULD. nyo china probably wouldn't even have purposely taught him that which is why he doesn't know what it means, just that it's an insult, but once they come up to her to complain all she does is give them a Terrifying Contemptuous Glare and steer yao away from them. yao is her kid and therefore entitled to say fuck whenever he wants.
First things first I hope you had a good term break! this is... very overdue sorry about that :(
Second, ALSK:FJ:SLFDKSFDLKJSLDF the fly infested chicken is disgusting and I want so badly to intervene,,, they need hELP. Please learn about proper sanitation, children, I’m begging you T-T. Also, headcanon accepted: they’re ostensibly bringing it to feed the cats (which is hopefully allowed) but also they want to terrorize (or awe) their fellow classmates with this discovery. Watch the school call up nyo china about this, but she gets annoyed only because yao wasted human food in order to feed cats, not because he brought an inappropriately dead chicken to school that scared the younger kids and fellow classmates lol; what a great value system. Also this scenario def happened:  School: your child got in a fight. Nyo China: Oh no! Did he win?
I am both fully revolted and half fascinated by the flypaper thing because on one hand I CANNOT stand flies, and killing them is 178% gross. But also the way you described it is... very compelling and I would like to experience that, gross as it is lol. So yea I can definitely see those three nastily observing the flies getting stuck to the flypaper one by one... they all intently watch the flypaper with round and curious eyes and it really looks very cute from far away, three heads of fluffy hair close together and bent over something, carrying on an animated whispered discussion, until you get closer and see that they’re watching flies on flypaper •—•;; An even more gross scenario would be if one of them accidentally squashes one and they crowd around to see what fly guts look like 😭 bonus points if it happens during school. Also YES to Indus’s countryside friend; I feel like India would have a lot of fun exploring over there and would be able to bring back v cool stories for city slicker Yao, and also Iran (although I don’t know where they’d live precisely. I feel like they’d probably have a medium sized house with very nice art and Classy furniture (they got good taste from somewhere), but they’d also knows a lot about how rural areas work and stuff, so uh.. suburbs? Or something like that?)
“then he brings it to school after the weekend, and everyone is Fascinated and thinks it is Very Cool. . .” O—O sigh... three balls of absolute chaos. At least the other kids are fascinated this time instead of apprehensive ^-^ but the dead flies in lockers AL:KDSLFDSJF PLEASE NO me as an elementary student would have been absolutely horrified and I. really hope they get detention for that lol; Please Tone Down kids 😔 (also do y’all get flies in the lights at school? Because every single classroom I’ve been in has either had flies, wasps, moths, or some other black spots in the lights and they’d multiply as the year went on 😭 I never thought about it too much but... what if they linger around to watch the lights get cleaned? o-o)
“i bet yao during his teenage years would look back on it and be like "... oh my GOD."” YEAH there’s always a select few memories that make you realize “what even WAS that” and I think this is one lol. Yao just buries it in the back of his spacious mental closet and makes India and Iran swear not to bring it up again but inevitably they do :))))) they find it rather hilarious, actually. Also yes at least Nyo China did a good job in that department!
“also the idea of saying fuck in mandarin makes me break out in hives the AUDACITY of saying fuck in your first language but of course he would” lol I wrote that thinking he'd call someone a 王八* (because it could technically pass as a regular noun o-o. Who knows, maybe he was insulting someone for being slow like a turtle but it got out of hand due to word choice lol) but... the second scenario is quite something... I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. RIP the other parents who just have to fervently hope that disgraceful kid from next door grows out of his foul mouth soon (he never does, just gets better at pretending his language is elegant and not at all dirty XD)
*for non mandarin speakers 王八 is literally a soft shelled turtle, but is actually a pretty big insult in mandarin :)
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romance2d-otomegame · 4 years
The Route Thief
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Sumary: Everybody used to tell me to stop playing those games, but what can I do? An otome game is pretty addictive and specially if is one like Wizardess Heart. This game is my life! Wait, I didn't mean literally... Then, why I'm suddenly inside on my game!? Is that Hiro and Zeus? When I said this game is my life I didn't mean to want that this game BE my life!
Pairing:Hiro x Marian
Chapter 5
The travel on train was definitely the best of my life. I've had never ride a train ever before! It was fantastic. Clarisse was accompanying me, but only to the front gate of the academy. I was already wearing my uniform, and I was surprised when I saw that it was a black uniform from the Night Class. I'm going to be on the Night Class!
"You look very excited young lady."
"Yea, I'm pretty nervous actually, I wonder if I'll be able to fit on that place."
"I'm sure that you'll be just okay."
The landscapes where so beautiful. This place is more big and amazing than I ever thought. After a long trip, we finally arrive to the Gedonelune station. We walked on the streets for a while and buy a few groceries. They give me one of those perams and I love it! Of course I didn't bring many things whit me, first because the stuff of Marian doesn't really are my taste, just a few casual dress might do the trick, and second, if there's something I learn from my first day on college is that more than the 50% of your packings will help you nothing. You can find new things wherever you go anyway. And in this place I'll be using my wonderful new black uniform so, I don't need that much. After a while we arrived at the main gate of the Academy.
"You finally show up!"
Oh God, I recognize that booming voice.
"Do you have any idea of how long I've been waiting for you here!?"
"Hi Zeus, sorry I just have to buy some stuff at the city."
"This is not the place for you to go shopping!"
Okay, this guy can't chill out at all huh?
"Hurry up, I'm late and I have a lot of things to do. I've no time to lose."
"Okay, okay. Thanks for accompanying all this way Clarisse."
"My pleasure young lady. Please take good care of you."
I stared walking along whit Zeus, well, actually I was trying to keep his steps.
"You didn't bring more luggage?"
"huh? No, I'm fine whit this."
I brought out my peram and raised proudly.
"huh... Really?"
"Where's Hiro?"
"He is working, or at least I hope he's working!"
He then let go a huge yawing.
"Gosh, this is a pain."
"Are you tired?"
"Huh? Uh, well, we're Night Class, when you get used is hard to stay awake at daytime."
"I see. Where are we going?"
"You're making so much questions today."
But he seems more relaxed somehow. At least he doesn't scream anymore.
"I have to take you whit the headmaster and then to your room."
"I see. Don't you feel hot whit that scarf?"
"Seriously, you are starting to get on my nerves..."
Zeus took me all the way to the headmaster's office. All the buildings were more than a picture, and I was absorbed on all of it. Is there a way to take pictures? When we entered the office, I was surprised to see that the headmaster was Rembrandt, this means, that I'm on a time beyond of the first seasons, probably the labyrinth still exists, but seriously, seeing Rembrandt in person, was a totally different deal. He was impressively tall, including his horns. And his tail didn't stop of moving someway or another. I just stayed there speechless while he was telling all the rules and welcomes for the new student. I was the only one anyway. He said about the party that'll be held tonight, or something like that, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was precious on the game. On real he was stunning. After that, Zeus walked me all the way to the Night Class building. We were passing the old cemetery, just like in the game. Since I already know I wasn't surprised at all but still, it feels a little chilly.
"How is that there's a graveyard so close of the school?"
"What? Scary?"
He asked whit an amusing smile
"No, I was just thinking on how strange is that, besides, the fact that there's a school in the middle of a graveyard is also out of place don't you think?"
"Hmm, you're not funny."
Whit out saying nothing more Zeus took me all the way until we reached the girls dorm. I must to say, that the simple picture that you see on the game doesn't make justice for the real thing. The Night class building, was like one of this old big mansions of the Victorian times. I love that style, I always was a fan of Gothic aesthetics.
"Here, this is your room. You don't have a roommate, and there's no servants, so you'll have to take care of your space by yourself. You think you can do that spoiled child?"
He was wearing on of those arrogant smiles of him.
"Are you telling me that Hiro doesn't do everything for you?"
He startle at my question.
"Of... Of course not! I also do stuff you know! Like... Clean and all that!"
"If Hiro forces you it doesn't count."
"Nhg!... Wh-Whatrever! There's a party at the big auditorium at night so make sure you be there on time understood!? And I'll be not coming for you!"
I think I'm starting to get Zeus. I already made my mind, I won't let that the past interfere whit my present. Hiro's words still were stuck on my head. It doesn't matter anymore, who this lady Marian was. I am Marian now, who knows for how long, so I'll be living this life at my way from here. This place was really huge! I have my own living room and kitchen, also there's two bedrooms but I'll be the only one here, so probably I'll use it like an office. I always wanted one! When the sun stared to fall, life raised on the dorms. All Night Class students show up, and they were chatting whit enthusiasm of the party of tonight. I've never were good making friends and is hard to me to approach new people. But this guy's, doesn't seem to care. They keep whit they business and ignored me like I was just somebody else. Somehow, it make me relax. The only girl that spoke to me was my neighbor of the front door and it was just for ask me not to be noisy at daytime since she sleeps all day. Not that I care, I've never been a noisy person anyway.
I followed a group a long of the way so I didn't get lost on my way to the main building. Enter the auditorium was such a vision. I definitely feel like I'm on Harry Potter, hehehe, how funny! Now, could it be that I meet some other boy of the game? Oh! Look at all that food! I love buffet!
"Hey Goldstein!"
Huh? Goldstein? That voice, that's definitely... I knew it! Is Zeus! I stood behind a column and watched the scene. Zeus was making his way through the people and heading to... That's Klaus!!? OMG is Klaus! And that two pigtails girl...no way... Seriously!? Is that Liz!? So she still is the MC uh? Why didn't I reincarnated on her? It will have been funnier. Zeus stared to talk whit Klaus. This scene... It seems to be familiar. Suddenly Zeus corned Liz against the window, I... Seen this before... Isn't this...? OMG! This is the first CG on Zeus's route!! Even Hiro is there just drinking his glass! Wait... Then, the timeline, is in Zeus's route!? Zeus had a fiance all this time!? How do this work? I don't understand but this is definitely the events on Zeus's route. Rembrandt approached the group and start talking, yea I also remember this. I think on moving from my spot to another more close but I bumped into someone's back.
"Ouch! Oh! I'm so sorry!"
"woa! Careful, are you okay?"
He turned to see me and I didn't give credit to my eyes. That angelic smile, those crystal eyes, That's Alfonse! I petrified while I admire him.
"You didn't get hurt do you?"
"Eh!? Ah... I'm ... I'm okay, sorry I stumbled on you."
Calm down! Calm down! Calm down!
"Don't worry, is normal when there's this much of people. Well, I need to get going, enjoy the party!"
"Eh, ah, su-sure... You too..."
Gosh! Why do I always ruin it like this! I didn't learn anything of all those games!? Alfonse leave and walked towards another boy, no way, that's Caesar! Please I don't want to stumbled on him if I do I don't think I'll manage well, I'll just embarrass myself again. I follow them until they walked towards... Liz. Wait, where do Zeus go? And Klaus? Oh right, this is were Liz meets Alfonse and Caesar. I need to properly remember all.
"What are you doing?"
"Kyaa! Hiro!? You scare me!"
"Sorry. I see there's no change whit you huh?"
"huh? Do you mean my head? There's... A few but not my memories."
"I see."
"Wait, what are you doing here? Weren't you whit Zeus?"
"I lost sight of him when I got this."
He bring a plate whit different color muffins on it.
"Oh, that looks good."
"Have you tried the food, is good."
"I was about when I... Got interrupted."
"Really? There's a table."
Hiro pointed a table full of many different types of dishes, but what bring my attention was the pasta dishes. Actually, I was working as a waitress on an Italian restaurant on my past life. I fell in love whit Italian cuisine, but, I don't know if something related exist on this world. I serve myself a plate of spaghetti that looked tasty, and when I tried.
"Mmm! Gosh this is delicious!"
How can be possible that they have the perfect savor!?
"You like it?"
"Is so good! I was missing Italian food so bad!"
Yikes! That doesn't exist here!
"Huh, I mean... That's not the name of this dish?"
"Of course not, that's spaghetti whit meat sauce. Where did you bring that?"
"Oh! Hehehe I... Reed it on a book, I guess I misunderstood..."
"You even forget that huh? But it seems you like so try a little more."
Gosh! I think I saved!
"You know, there's a good place on Queensblade where they serve the best spaghetti whit meat sauce on the world."
"Really? Is even better that this?"
"A lot better."
He smiled me, and my heart skipped a beat. God, he's so beautiful.
"I'll love to try it some day."
"Maybe some day. Now try this."
Hiro passed me another dish that seems to be lasagna.
"Mmm! This is also wonderful!"
And like that, Hiro and I spend a while trying every dish and dessert available. If partys are always like this I want to go to more!
"If you keep eating like that you'll get fat."
"So what?."
"Don't girls get worried for their weight?"
"Food is nothing for you to have to feel guilty about. They bring all this so you can enjoy yourself so that's what in going to do! Who cares weight!"
"Hehe, really?"
Hiro smiled again. This moment, it feels so precious right now. I hope, I can keep getting closer to him.
"What about you? You're eating a ton."
"I exercise so I don't get worried. Besides, who says no to free food? We worked so hard to get everything done in no time. I think I deserve a good meal."
"All is fantastic, it surely seems difficult to pull out."
"At the beginning it was supposed to be a party for prefects only, but headmaster changed his mind and we had to prepare more."
"Huh? Why the sudden change?"
"I don't know. But I'm glad everything went right."
So many dishes after, Hiro offered to walk me back to the Night Class.
"Uff, so many food, so late at night. What time is it?"
"More than ten o'clock."
"Ten on clock!? Is so late now."
"Is pretty early yet."
"But many are leaving too."
"Those are Day class. For you and they it surely is late."
"Wait, I have to get use to the schedule too!"
"Good luck whit that young lady."
"Don't call me like that!"
Hiro laughed and I playfully give a punch on his arm. Soon we reached the cemetery and the coffin that was the door to the Night Class.
"Can you continue for yourself from here?"
"Huh? You're not coming?"
"I got to search for Zeus. He can get in trouble if I don't watch on him."
"I see. Thanks for bring me here, I'll be alright, I think I remember the way."
"Good, then, see you tomorrow."
"Goodnight Hiro."
Hiro leave, and I went down stairs to the Night Class. I need to remember now, the events of Zeus's route. To bad I don't have my phone here. But I think I can remember the most. I saw Alfonse and Caesar tonight and a eat a lot of tasty food whit Hiro. Is been a long time since the last time I feel so good. But there's things that still bothers me. I wonder if I can... I don't know... Change the events of the routes?
To be continued ...
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