#maybe this is why When Flowers Bloom is my favorite instance of SCP-001
It's just wishful thinking and logically I know it wouldn't be good at ALL (TW: romanticizing death) but GOD it sounds so nice
just thought I would let you know I am uh what's the fucking word
not genocidal because genocide is targeting specific groups of people OMNICIDAL. I want EVERYONE to die. I love you guys but it would be SO much better for the Earth if every last human being on it died Think about it no more destroying the rainforests no more hunting species to extinction no more dumping tons of plastic and metal and textiles into the ocean and third world countries every year no more polluting the air with massive amounts of CO2 Really. No more depression. No more anxiety. No more queerphobia. No more ableism. No more racism. No more fatphobia. No more impossible beauty standards. No more hunger. No more crime. No more war. No more suffering. No more comparing yourself to other people. You don't have to worry about what other people think about you because there are NO MORE OTHER PEOPLE- and there is NO MORE YOU. You don't have to worry or care about a single thing. Just close your eyes. And dream. Forever. No more fretting. The Earth will take care of itself. It took care of itself for thousands of years before us. It will take care of itself once we're gone. It will take care of itself better than we took care of it.
Doesn't that sound nice?
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