#the idea of humanity going extinct sounds so peaceful
It's just wishful thinking and logically I know it wouldn't be good at ALL (TW: romanticizing death) but GOD it sounds so nice
just thought I would let you know I am uh what's the fucking word
not genocidal because genocide is targeting specific groups of people OMNICIDAL. I want EVERYONE to die. I love you guys but it would be SO much better for the Earth if every last human being on it died Think about it no more destroying the rainforests no more hunting species to extinction no more dumping tons of plastic and metal and textiles into the ocean and third world countries every year no more polluting the air with massive amounts of CO2 Really. No more depression. No more anxiety. No more queerphobia. No more ableism. No more racism. No more fatphobia. No more impossible beauty standards. No more hunger. No more crime. No more war. No more suffering. No more comparing yourself to other people. You don't have to worry about what other people think about you because there are NO MORE OTHER PEOPLE- and there is NO MORE YOU. You don't have to worry or care about a single thing. Just close your eyes. And dream. Forever. No more fretting. The Earth will take care of itself. It took care of itself for thousands of years before us. It will take care of itself once we're gone. It will take care of itself better than we took care of it.
Doesn't that sound nice?
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gardens-light · 1 year
Finding Peace
Taking shelter in an abandoned petrol station, tension builds between you and your family. As blame and arguments raise- not like you didn't feel guilty enough already. You didn't ask for this- any of this! You just wanted to help Optimus. And it's not like the Autobot leader didn't have problems of his own. Being hunted down by humans for reasons yet unknown was bad enough- but ignoring the yearning of his Spark has slowly become problematic. Occasionally shaking his helm attempting to get you out of his processors, trying to convince himself that a 'Sparkmate' was nothing but a romancide idea that the younger bots came up with. Or is it?...
Content: Minor coarse language. Event's take part in Transformers- Age of Extinction. (Leading to major spoilers in Part 4.) Optimus x Human F/Reader. Fluff. (Reader insert.)
Sparkmate Series- Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5
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"Well... on the bright side." Tessa's voice lowly spoke, while sitting upon a dusty bar. Playing with some fairy lights. "You two have finally met.."
"Where's he from?"
"I told you. He's a driver from Texas."
"Texas?" Cade scoffed at Tessa's words. "Where? Dublin, Texas? Shamrock, Texas? So why does he sound like a leprechaun?"
Shane's brows knitted together, as he leaned against the bar. "You'd get your ass kicked in Ireland for saying that."
"Well we're not in Ireland, Lucky Charms. We're in Texas." Cade's attention turned back onto Tessa. "So he drives? What's that supposed to mean? Like he drives for a living?"
"Yeah... at least he makes a living."
Tessa's words caused Cade to fall silent. His eyes flickering up to you, frowning as you tried to avoid him.
"How old are you?" Cade challenged, approaching Shane.
"And my daughter is seventeen. So as far as I'm concerned, this can go two ways." Cade leaned on the other side of the bar, glaring at Shane. "One, I punch you in the mouth right here, right now. And you call the police on me."
"Or two. I just call the cops on you because this is illegal. She's a minor!"
Steady... Steady... your thoughts wandered, while trying to focus on making a 'house of cards' out of beer coasters.
"We're protected by the 'Romeo and Juliet laws'-"
"We dated for a little while." Tessa explained, cutting Shane off. "I was a sophomore, and he was a senior. It's fine."
"We've got a pre-existing juvenile foundational relationship. Statute 2705-3." Shane took out his wallet, showing Cade the small card stating the law. "We're above board."
Cade sighed, "Romeo and Juliet, huh? Do you know how they ended up?"
Just... one more coaster...
"In love-"
"Dead." Cade turned to you. "And you, Y/N?"
An unamused expression fell across your features as the coasters came tumbling down.
"Don't look at me like that, young lady. How long have you known about this?"
Cade rubbed his temples as you silently responded with a small shrug. "Well tell me. Days? Weeks?-"
"Months...? And you didn't think that I would of wanted to know about this?-"
"Dad. Tessa is a full grown ass adult." You groaned. "She's capable of learning from a mistake or two."
"I trusted you. Both of you-"
"To what?" Tessa butted in. "Never have fun. Take a risk. Be a normal teenager like you?"
"I am your father, okay!" Cade firmly spoke, turning his attention onto Tessa. "And I've been busting my ass to take care of you and your sister!-"
"Oh so is that why I'm busting a gut trying to juggle two jobs?" You scoffed. "And here I thought, I'm the one who took care of this family."
"Is that what you were doing when you continued working on that damn truck?" Tessa spoke to you. A frown forming upon her lips, "all you had to do was report it.-"
"You know I couldn't do that-"
"And now we're forced into hiding. And my life is over! So 'thank you', Sis. You've taken 'real good' care us-"
"None of this would of happened! If you just kept your fucking mouth shut!-"
"Don't talk to your sister like that!" Cade stepped in.
"Sure Dad. Take her side... you always do."
"Look! I get it!" you raised onto your feet. "I know I'm 'the disappointment', 'the let down'-"
"Sweetie, I've never said that-"
Your eyes wandered over your dad's disappointed expression. "You didn't had to..."
Sitting upon the petrol stations' roof, the gentle breeze of the cool night air felt refreshing against your skin. Soft chirping of crickets eased your headache, your eyes gazing out into the dark empty road. The sound of small grunts and sighs caught your attention, briefly gazing over your shoulder. Rolling your eyes, once seeing Tessa struggling to climb the ladder with a mug in hand.
"What do you want?" you sighed, turning your attention back onto the road ahead.
"I thought- ouch!- that you could do with a hot drink."
The sound of the metal roofing warping and creaking, under Tessa's feet suddenly felt loud. As she approached you, taking a sit upon the roof's edge, leaving a small gap between you.
"I made your favourite." She kindly spoke, handing you the hot beverage. "I couldn't make it exactly to your liking, but it's the thought that counts. Right?"
Her weak smile faded as you remained silent. Speechlessly accepting the mug from her and holding it in your hands.
"You're not a disappointment." Tessa spoke after a brief hesitation. "For if it wasn't for you, we would of lost our home ages ago."
Tessa bit her lip before continuing, "I... did tell a friend about the truck. B-But I honestly didn't think he would believe me! If I knew- I wouldn't of..."
Your side glance caused her voice to trail off into silence.
"Well... what I'm trying to say... is that I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."
Sipping the hot beverage, feeling the gentle warmth fill you inside. Tessa followed your gaze, a small smile returning to her lips.
"You're worried about him. Aren't you?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"Yes." Tessa teased. "Like a lovesick girl."
You returned her smile, playfully pushing her away. "Oh shut up. You're talking nonsense, I'm just concerned about him. That's all."
"Uh-huh?" Tessa raised an eyebrow. Seeing a glimpse of you trying to hide a shy smile behind the mug.
"So... What's Dad doing?" you asked, trying to change the subject.
"Playing with some drone that he stole from the one of the guys. Dad's convinced that they would of truly killed us."
Tessa's heart sank as she watched you pull your legs close to your chest, hugging your knees a little while resting your mug against them.
"B-But that's just Dad's crazy thought." Tessa's guilt weighed on her heart a little more. Starting to wish she never said anything.
"Everything would of been fine, if only I watched what I was saying." You buried your head, resting your forehead against your knees and hiding your face. "I-If I didn't panic..."
"Shhh. Shhh." Tessa cooed, closing the gap between you. Placing her arm around your shoulders and resting her head against yours. "It's not your fault. You have a big heart, Y/N. Never be ashamed of that."
She gently pulled away, cupping your tearstained face and making you face her. "You are a rare treasure, and that Transformer better know that."
Finally smiling through your tears, Tessa rested her forehead against yours. The sound of a horn blaring in the distance broke the silence, while bright headlights burned the darkness away. You quickly raised onto your feet, causing Tessa to catch the falling mug while the hot beverage spilled onto the ground below.
You placed both hands against your chest, while gazing at the oncoming truck. Feeling it flutter with joy, as the sound of a faminular engine came to your ears.
Tessa rose onto her feet, giving you one last soft glance before leaving. A knowing smile forming upon her lips. You've got it bad...
Optimus carefully reduced his speed, as he walked out of his altmode. Trying to slow the pulsing rhythm of his spark as he approached you. Being mindful of each step he took, so it didn't appear like he was in a rush to be beside you again.
"Optimus..." your voice was low. Trying to hide the excitement within your tone.
"My deepest sympathies for your home." His soothing tone washed away the doubt and worries, that had been building up inside you. "And for leaving you so promptly. But I had to confirm we weren't followed."
You speechlessly nodded, trying to hold a relaxed expression as your eyes took in the sight of him.
Oh my...
Rust and dirt no longer coated his exterior, instead deep blue metal plates framed his chrome fisque, like pieces of armour. Your heart skipping a beat as your eyes wandered over him, taking in every detail of his broad shoulders and strong biceps.
Red flames danced across the gauntlets, but it was his torso you couldn't look away from. Your cheeks matched the warmth of Optimus' spark, as you gazed at his chest plate. Hands clutching onto your shirt, stopping the urge to reach out and run your fingertips over his toned form. Knowing that your touch wouldn't just stopped at that chromed waist of his.
"Loving the upgrade." Forcing the words out of your mouth, after swallowing your nerves.
Optimus got down on one knee, as you edged a little closer to the side of the roof. His blue optics studied you for a moment.
"You've been crying..."
Something inside him ached a little, as you temporarily turned away from him.
"It's nothing." You assured, brushing the dried tears off your cheeks. "I've just been... a little worried that's all."
"And I admittedly have been concerned about you."
That little sentence erupted butterflies in your stomach. Simply gazing up at him with wondering eyes.
How the stars sparkled in your eyes almost caused Optimus to choke on his own breath. Warmth begun to build beneath his metal plates, as his yearning spark called out for you.
His head tilted slightly as his scanners picked up something. Your body froze as he slightly hesitated before reaching out to you. Optimus' servo curled into a relaxed fist, your eyes peering down at it as he gently placed the knuckle of his index digit under your chin. While his thumb rested against your cheek.
His spark skipped a beat as a loving sigh slipped out of your mouth. Enjoying the cool touch of his metal against your soft skin.
Optimus carefully turned your head from side to side, studying your features. His scanners picking up the bruise that begun to form upon the bridge of your nose.
"That bastard hurt you." The small underlying anger within his tone caught you off guard. "I promise... I'll make him pay for what he's done to you."
"Optimus." You cooed, placing your hand on the back of his servo. Bringing it to the side of your face, resting your head against his digits.
His fans tried to push the warm air out of Optimus' vents, as the heat beneath his plates begun to build. His spark aching with a yearn he could no longer deny.
Closer... The word played on his processors. Causing him to fully kneel against the concrete ground, leaning in a little more.
Your loving eyes met the soft glow of his optics, as his servo slowly trailed down towards your waist. His thumb tracing the curves of your thighs, hips and waist.
The butterflies in your stomach tangled your nerves, your heart fluttering against your chest as a small gasp slipped from your lips. Eyes lingering over his features before closing, as you rested a hand against his chest plate.
As your heart matched the beat of Optimus' spark, syncing in harmony. A beautiful glow enveloped the pair of you, creating a warmth that made you almost forget about the world, as your lips ghosted over one another.
"Mr. Leader of the Free Galaxy is back!" an unknown mechanical voice caused you to quickly jump away from Optimus. "I knew you'd make it! I never doubted."
Crosshairs... Optimus' processors sighed. Trying to hide his disappointed expression as the leader faced his joyful Autobots. The sound of their roaring engines calming, before stepping out of their altmodes.
"We've got your warning." Drift greeted, "we've been waiting."
"Hell yeah! Boom time!" Hound cheered. "We've got the gang back together."
Drift tilted his head to the side, as his blue optics switched between you and Optimus. Smiling to himself as his processors picked up, the afterglow that slowly faded from the pair of you.
Optimus cleared his throat before speaking, "Autobots. The humans have asked us to play by their rules. Well... those rules have just changed."
"Humans, bunch of backstabbing weasels." Hound groaned, causing the ground to shake as he disarmed. Throwing heavy weaponries onto the floor.
"Hound, find your inner compass. Loyalty is nothing but a flower in the winds of fear and temptation."
Hound raised a brow at Drift's wise tone, "what the hell are you saying?"
The blue Autobot smiled, "it's a haiku-"
"Cut the crap! Before I drop a grenade down your throat."
You backed away from the edge of the roof, as Drift unsheathed his swords. "Try it" he challenged, "you'll be dead."
"Oh please do it." Hound taunted. "I wanna see you do it."
"You know what?" Bumblebee's radio buzzed, "it save us so much time."
Optimus gave you an unimpressed expression, as you gazed up at him, raising an eyebrow. A small chuckle left you as he speechlessly gestured to his Autobots. As to say, 'look what I have to put up with.'
"Well raise your hand, if you're thoroughly disenchanted with our little 'Earth vacation.'" Crosshairs spoke, while circling the petrol station. His green optics studying you, "so who's the spy?"
"Whoa! Whoa! Put those things away!" you yelped as Hound and Crosshairs immediately withdraw their guns, and pointing them at you.
"Stop, Hound! Both of you!" Optimus commanded, stepping in front of the building.
Both Autobots gave their leader a puzzled expression, as he continued. "Y/N, risked her life for mine. We owe her..."
Drift gave Bumblebee a playful nudge, discreetly pointing at you and Optimus. While Hound and Crosshairs briefly looked at one another, and turning their attention back onto their leader. Watching him stepping aside, and silently encouraging you to return to the roof's edge.
"Has there been... any sign of the others?" Optimus asked.
"No..." Hound sighed, withdrawing his weapon and settling himself upon the ground. "We're all that's left."
"They're picking us off, one by one!" Crosshairs explained.
"We're the pathetic, dirty foursome." Hound joked, "and you make five."
"Is this our best-case scenario?" Shane's teasing voice questioned you. Your eyes gazed at him, watching the Irishman climb onto the roof. "Autobot witness protection?"
"Hey Lucky Charms." you spoke, placing a hand upon your hips. "You're welcome to leave at anytime."
"Well, for the record, Super Sister. I'm not hiding with you." Shane gestured towards Optimus, "I'm hiding out with that big guy."
Tessa and Cade followed Shane's lead, as the three of them approached your side. All looking at the Autobots and they chatted among themselves.
"Sensei, with your fate unknown Bumblebee has held command." Drift's optics gazed at the yellow scout.
Bee fist bumped the air, while Drift rolled his optics. "Despite his complete and total lack of anything resembling warrior discipline."
An annoyed whirl weeze out of Bumblebee, as his optics narrowed on his comrade.
"He's like a child-"
"This 'child' is about to kick your ass!" Bee's radio buzzed. Landing the first hit against Drift's helm.
"Cage fight." Hound whispered to you, slightly leaning against the petrol stations' roof.
"What's the matter with them?" Tessa lowly asked, reaching out for your hand.
"They're on edge." You briefly explained, allowing her hand to slip into yours. "Who could blame them? They're being hunted."
"Am I the only one who sees through this puppy-dog act of yours?" Drift taunted Bee, while holding him in a headlock. "It's beneath you."
"Yes, I've been waiting for them all to dispatch each other." Crosshairs cheered. His servos gently clapping, "so I could take charge with no trouble at all. Just me. Reporting to me."
"Well, it sure looks like you've been missed." You said to Optimus.
"Autobots, humans are hunting us down. We need to know why."
"Listen..." Cade spoke, stepping towards Optimus. "I don't know why, but I might have an idea about who..."
"This drone I stole recorded footage of an Autobot raid." Cade explained.
You placed an affectionate hand upon Optimus' knee, as he sat cross-legged upon the floor. His servo clenching into a fist, as the dragonfly-like drone projected the video footage.
"It's in pieces, but watch what happens here." Cade pointed out, "they ripping them apart."
"That's Leadfoot." Hound spoke, as he placed a part of his helm over his spark. Feeling the saddened energy sink within his chest plates. "Savages."
"And later, this truck comes to haul him off to K.S.I. Kinetic Solutions." Cade continued. "They're creating defenses, aerospace, government contracts. They designed this drone."
"So these government guys are hunting you down, and then passing you of to this K.S.I?" Shane questioned.
"Do you know anything else?" Optimus asked.
"Only that their company headquarters is in Chicago." Cade spoke.
Perhaps... There's a chance of the Autobots being taken there. You thought.
"No way to get inside without a battle." Hound thought out loud.
"What if you had some human help?" everyone looked at you.
"Sweetie, no." Cade protested. "Besides, what are you two partners now?"
"Dad, we're targets now too." You spoke, feeling his worried stare on you. "We need to know why, or we'll never get our lives back."
"Y/N. You have done more than any of us could've asked for." Optimus kindly spoke. "I do not-"
"I'm coming." You gently argued. Seeing Tessa's encouraging smile from the corner of your eye.
"It's going to be dangerous." Drift warned, as he lend towards you.
The blue Autobot stiffed as you placed a comforting hand upon his knee. Giving him a warm smile, "you're important Optimus. Therefore, you're important to me.
A suttle warmth radiated from underneath Drift's metal plates.
"Autobots." Optimus spoke, as he raised onto his feet. "I have sworn to never kill humans."
"Big mistake." Hound mumbled
"But when I find out who's behind this. He's going to die..."
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Candy Coated [Chapter Seven] Xs and Os [Buddha]
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A/n: thank you all for the support and patience. The art above was created by the talented Somanoko on AO3.
Warning(s): anxiety, animal death, humiliation, mentions of human extinction, female reader (though I do my best to leave out pronouns), comfort.
Tag list: @useless-potatho , @tojibreedingme , @quinloki , @yingxian, @2lottie2, @lunas-nova , @anduinandwrathionlover, @tiredfairy, @the-queen-of-sorrows , @alientee, @lawlietliet, @hanaibea, @69your-best-night-mare69
Your nerves are a complete mess as you get ready for the important meeting that Buddha had invited you to. For some strange reason, you aren't bought with the idea that he wants you there simply because the two of you are tethered, but it's not in your nature to nag him about his plans, so for now, you let it go. 
Opting for an outfit, the Buddha recently had made for you, with comfort in mind, you quickly dress and then leave the confines of your room, sauntering toward the main hall where the God in question is waiting, having what seems to be a serious conversation with Jataka. 
Upon approaching them, the former turns to you and grins. 
"Are you ready to go?"
"I suppose so," you answer. 
Your eyes turn to Jataka in question. 
"Are you going with us?"
"Unfortunately not," the man in question answers. He gives you a gentle smile. "This meeting is meant only for the Gods."
Knowing this puts an even heavier strain on your nerves. What reason does Buddha want you to go? A comforting hand on your shoulder turns your attention to Jataka, who smiles at you. 
"So long as you listen to Siddhartha everything will be fine."
You know this, but it does little to make you feel better. Thanking him, you force a smile and turn to Buddha, giving him a nod. He offers you his hand, warm against your own, and within seconds the scrolls appear, transporting you both. 
It takes but a few seconds to arrive and once you do, the anxiety you feel only worsens. The sound of chatter feels your ears; a noise that easily overwhelms you. Tightening your jaw, you glance around to see that you and the Buddha are in an ornate hall with a gorgeous marble floor, one that reminds you of the Valhalla Arena.
"Where are we?" You ask. 
"The Council Chamber," Buddha answers in a bored tone. "We're here as part of the Council of Valhalla."
You hum. It sounds similar to the Assembly Hall, used to house the United Nations. Perhaps it's similar in the aspect of protecting each of the God Realms. You aren't sure, but you know that you aren't meant to be here.
Releasing your hand, much to your annoyance, Buddha saunters down the hall in the direction of the noise. You rush to his side, allowing him to lead, but at the top of some stairs, overlooking an enormous circular room, you pause in fright. There are thousands of seats and each one is occupied by a God or Goddess.
Despite the composure you struggle to maintain, your mind is racing with thoughts.
There are so many Gods. I'm going to make a complete fool out of myself in front of them and I know it.
Buddha glances over his shoulder once he realizes that you aren't following him down the stairs and offers you a smile. An air of peacefulness surrounds you a moment later and though it eases your nerves, enough to help you move forward, you are still losing your shit.
Please don't let me trip down these stairs. Who needs this many steps anyway? This is ridiculous.
"Is that a…human?" A hushed voice asks. 
Your legs feel numb. Of course, someone would notice. You ignore them, reaching out to grasp your soulmate's shirt. He leads you down to a section where several familiar Gods sit, one of which is Ganesha, the Hindu God of success, who comes across as a short overweight man with an elephant head.
"Are each of these from the Hindu Pantheon?" You ask in a whisper to Buddha. 
He tosses his feet up on the table in front of him and nods. 
"Relax. It won't be long."
You attempt to, but you feel eyes all over you. Glancing ahead, due to the way the seats are arranged, you can see a raised circular platform at the base of the stairs. Resting on it, behind a gorgeous ornate throne and a small table is what appears to be a large horned lizard. You've never seen anything like it. 
You consider asking Buddha what it is, but a frail old man totters toward the throne, catching your attention. A small tuft of spiky gray hair sits on top of his head and when he sits on the throne, you notice that his eyes are sunken. It's hard to tell where he's staring but for a moment a sense of dread consumes you, turning your stomach. It almost feels like he's looking at you, but just as quickly as it happens, it passes. You take an uneasy breath, watching as the old man pets the lizard's head. 
"Who is h-he?" You ask in a whisper. 
"The old man? That's Zeus," Buddha answers. He grins and nudges you with his arm. "Scary, isn't he?"
No kidding. He's an A-lister God. The Father of the Cosmos. 
"Does he rule over the other Gods?" You ask.
Buddha bursts into a laugh, making you regret asking. The feeling of being watched intensifies and you plead with him to stop in fear of drawing too much attention. 
"He's just the chairman," he clarifies, raising his glasses to clear the tears from his eyes.
This explains why he's sitting before the others. You sigh. This entire ordeal is nerve-wracking.
Retrieving a gavel from the table beside him, Zeus quietens the room.
"Now then…my fellow Gods," he announces. "It's been a thousand years since we held one of these. Let us begin the conference."
You raise a brow. A thousand years. What sort of conference could this be? 
"Now…I ask you all, shall we give humanity another millennium of existence?" Zeus asks as he raises two paddles. One has a circle on it and the other has an X. "Yay…or nay? Do we put an end to them? Let each God show their will."
His tone seems to darken, sending shivers down your spine. You can hardly believe him. This is a serious matter. The fate of humanity depends on this. In horror, you listen as the Gods around you debate the situation. 
"I say end them," a nearby voice declares. 
You widen your eyes and turn your attention to the God; a muscular man with indigo skin and four arms. His short black hair falls to one side as he turns on the lavish pillow he rests on, lifting two paddles with the X on them. 
"I've been watching them closely and they've shown no signs of improvement. It's a total drag trying to guide them."
You clutch your hands into a fist. What does he know? Of course, humans are vile; they murder and destroy; spread sorrow and illness in their wake, but the Gods aren't perfect either. Perhaps it's because you are a human soul that it angers you so much. Not everyone deserves to perish, a notion that doesn't seem to be shared by the Gods. 
"Let's wipe the slate clean…and let some other species evolve," the four-armed God states in a sing-song voice. 
"Indeed…Shiva is right," another God agrees, a gorgeous woman. Her curly blonde hair is decorated with flowers and hangs over her shoulder. "The past thousand years have seen the world become increasingly ugly. Trash and oil in the seas. The forests, gone. Entire species extinct. Humankind itself is a cancer eating away at life on Earth. Or perhaps I should say…they're a plague that will bring about their own end." 
She isn't wrong, but it makes the Gods no better to wipe out all of humanity. Would it be wrong to allow them to destroy themselves? 
You sit and listen for someone to stand up and rise against them, but no one does. Not even Buddha. You glance at him in disbelief but he doesn't look at you. The paddle rests on his lap as if he's debating what to do.
Someone has to do the right thing. This can't be it. 
Taking the paddle from him, you raise it above your head with the opposite vote, ready to argue your decision, but Buddha grabs your hand and holds it down.
"Not yet," he utters. 
You don't follow.
"I'm a human despite being dead. I can't just–"
"That's exactly why they won't listen to you," Buddha interrupts. He turns to you and smiles. "Trust me. Wait a bit longer."
You want to argue with him, but he has a point. Sliding your hand from his, you turn your attention to Zeus, who raises the gavel.
"It appears we have a decision," he states. "And so…I hereby declare an end to–" 
"One moment sir!" A familiar voice shouts. 
You lean forward and glance over the back of the seat to see Brunhilde and Göll standing at the top of the stairs. 
What are they doing here?
All eyes turn to them and you watch in anticipation as they descend the stairs; Göll is shaking in fear, but you know that Brunhilde is just better suited at hiding hers.
"With reverence to the Gods, I humbly ask I be allowed to say a few words," the dark-haired Valkyrie urges.
"You and your manners Brunhilde!" A voice croaks. 
In the stands to the northwest of the throne, you notice a pair of ravens, one white and one black perched on a bearded man's shoulder. You recognize him, or rather you have heard of him before.
"That's Odin, right? And his ravens Huginn and Muninn."
"You identified him easily," Buddha utters with a pout.   
Of course, you did. He looks a bit like the images you have seen of him. Not to mention Welsh actor Anthony Hopkins set the image in your mind for him in 2011's 'Thor'. Buddha didn't look much like the man you had read about. Ignoring him for now, you focus on the matter at hand.
"Humanity's insolence and savagery is indeed unpardonable," Brunhilde remarks, agreeing with the Gods. "However simply annihilating them is so…cliche. Does humanity deserve to exist for another thousand years? May I suggest testing them? You can even display your divine might and mercy while doing so."
Is this what Sakata Kintoki had been referring to? All this time Buddha knew. 
"A test? Like another flood?" The white raven, Huggin, or Muninn asks. 
"Or perhaps an early ice age?" The black raven adds. 
Your thoughts return to the storm that had taken your life. Could the Gods have been responsible for it too? It seems possible. But what reason? 
It's too soon to point fingers. I'm basing this on an assumption. 
"No…there is a more effective way," Brunhilde retorts. "The Gods versus Humanity. The final conflict…Ragnarok."
Ragnarok! Your eyes widen in shock. Doom of the Gods. This can't be what Kintoki meant. 
"Defined in the extraordinary clause…in article 62, paragraph 15 of the Valhalla Constitution as a series of one on one showdowns between the Gods and Humankind," Brunhilde explains. 
A strange book materializes in her hand, opening to a page that you can not see, however, you assume it correlates to the rule she is reciting from. 
"Ha! That is your proposal?" The white raven asks. "You Valkyries should know very well–"
"That humans stand no chance against the Gods," the black raven concludes. 
Both croak in unison, "It'd be a waste of time!"
The Gods all agree with them. In a way, you can understand their decision. Humans are not on par with the Gods; to fight them would be pointless, but at least Brunhilde is trying.
"So the Gods' will is humanity's extinction and the avoidance of any direct confrontation with humans…is that right?" The Valkyrie asks. Her tone sounds almost condescending. She lifts a finger and rests it against her cheek. "Extinction without confrontation…refusal to meet face to face. By any chance…are you afraid?"
Buddha bursts into a laugh. The other Gods are not so humored.
"If so, I apologize," Brunhilde continues. "Please ignore my remarks. Let's just forget about the Ragnarok Clause."
Göll does her best to talk her sister down before she angers the Gods, but you understand now what she is trying to do; she's trying to play on their pride as Gods. And it's working. 
A choir of laughter echoes around the chamber, then all at once their humor shifts to anger, directed at Brunhilde. She simply grins, not caring.
"I see…Ragnarok, eh?" Zeus questions with a hearty laugh. He stands and pets the large lizard, who appears to be enjoying his attention. "That's an interesting proposal. Yup. It sure is. How…utterly…amazing."
Little by little you watch in horror as the muscles in one of his arms grow to a disproportionate mass. He buries his fingers into the lizard's snout and with the other arm, he twists its head until the poor thing's neck snaps with a horrifying crack. You feel Buddha slide his warm hand into yours, but you can't avert your eyes or focus on the calming sensation that is attempting to break down your guard.
"And I'm sure all of you," Zeus states as he tosses aside the creature and turns. His irises appear as a mass of swirling insanity and his face is covered in blood, painting him in a demonic light. "Are also longing to witness the wrath of the Gods!"
He's insane.
"What say you, my fellow deities? Shall we battle Humankind?" The father of the Gods asks, tossing out his arms. 
The chamber erupts in a mass of loud cheers, and once Zeus slams the gavel down, the conference comes to an end. 
I hope Brunhilde knows what she's doing.
You have faith in her, but you're having a hard time believing that humanity will stand a chance.
"You're leaving me," you utter in disbelief. 
Buddha gives you an understanding look.
"It won't be for long. The old man wants to talk to me about something."
You are aware. A handsome man dressed in a butler uniform approached you and Buddha as the two of you were about to leave, demanding that he see Zeus first. The man, Hermes, had escorted the two of you to a room, but Buddha had insisted that you wait in the hall.
"I'll be here I guess," you utter in agreement, feeling a bit anxious.  
Buddha grins and saunters into the room. In the meantime, you lean against the wall to wait. It's silent for the time being. You can't hear much, some mumbles here and there, but all seems to be well. At least you hope. You can't imagine what–
"What is this? Are you eavesdropping?" A teasing voice asks.
You jerk in fear and notice a man in a cloak floating beside you. No wonder you didn't hear him. He grins and floats down onto the ground, looking you over. 
"You're that human soul I've heard about. How scandalous," the man mentions. 
He leans down and observes the red cords around your ankles, then stands again. 
"I don't envy Buddha at all."
You assume he is referring to you being a human. Biting back a rude remark, you instead narrow your eyes. 
"It was not our decision."
The multi-colored-haired man hums. 
"No, I don't suppose it was. Yue-Lao is cruel, isn't he? To tether you to a God at a time like this, with humanity's extinction on the rise."
What does this matter? You raise a brow, an action that he notices. The grin on his face widens, and combined with the goat-like slits in his eyes, he looks almost sinister. 
"Did no one tell you, little soul?" He asks in a teasing voice. "The humans on Midgard are not the only ones who are going to face extinction. The souls as well."
Your eyes widen. No. Someone would have told you.
"You're lying! You have to–"
"Haven't you said enough, Loki?" A familiar voice interrupts.
Zeus stands in the doorway, clean of blood, holding a bag in his hand. Behind him is Buddha, glancing at you in concern.
"Perhaps I have," Loki remarks with a shrug. "It was good fun though."
The hell it is. You shoot him a glare, but a laugh from Zeus draws your attention to the frail-looking man. He steps over the red cord on the floor, examining it. 
"It's as you said. A human soul…who would have guessed." 
"Don't let it concern you," Buddha mentions. He saunters past Zeus and grabs your hand. "And enjoy your candy."
You almost forgot. Fortunately, he hasn't eaten them yet. As Buddha leads you away, you consider warning the Father of the Gods about them, but after this ordeal, you don't necessarily care. You hardly know what to think at this point. 
"You're a God, aren't you, Buddha?" Loki asks suddenly. "So why are you content with letting this human stick around? Are you…fucking it?"
Your face heats up. Why would he ask this? And once more, you aren't an object. Turning your eyes to Buddha, you witness him glance over his shoulder and yawn in disinterest. 
Loki snorts.  
"I suppose not. Shame."
Buddha clutches your hand tight and leads you away from them. You are thankful, however, your mind is a labyrinth. What are you to do?
"Yue-Lao wasn't here," Buddha mentions. He hums in thought. "I could ask Kintoki to–"
"Why did you bring me here? I don't understand why you wanted me to hear this," you ask, yanking your hand from his. 
Buddha stops and glances at you. 
"That was infuriating…and worse than that, I felt so helpless. Did you think I wanted to be humiliated like–"
Before you can finish the sentence, Buddha closes the gap and brings you into a hug. Your face heats up, but you lean against his chest, feeling at a loss. 
"I brought you here because I wanted you to be aware of what is to come," he mentions. His warm hand rubs your back. "You have every right to be mad…but you aren't the only one. I'm sure Bu-chan was just as upset as you and she isn't even a human. Leave this to her and focus on us."
On us. 
At this moment, those words sounded like heaven to you. But you couldn't get what Loki had said out of your mind. 
Why does Buddha keep you around? And what will become of you if the Gods win?
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seekingstars · 3 months
Poem for July 4, 1994 - Sonia Sanchez
It is essential that Summer be grafted to bones marrow earth clouds blood the eyes of our ancestors. It is essential to smell the beginning words where Washington, Madison, Hamilton, Adams, Jefferson assembled amid cries of:
       "The people lack of information"        "We grow more and more skeptical"        "This Constitution is a triple-headed monster"        "Blacks are property"
It is essential to remember how cold the sun how warm the snow snapping around the ragged feet of soldiers and slaves. It is essential to string the sky with the saliva of Slavs and  Germans and Anglos and French and Italians and Scandinavians, and Spaniards and Mexicans and Poles and Africans and Native Americans. It is essential that we always repeat:                            we the people,                            we the people,                            we the people.
"Let us go into the fields" one brother told the other brother. And the sound of exact death raising tombs across the centuries. Across the oceans. Across the land.
It is essential that we finally understand: this is the time for the creative human being  the human being who decides to talk upright in a human fashion in order to save this earth from extinction.
This is the time for the creative Man. Woman. Who must decide that She. He. Can live in peace. Racial and sexual justice on this earth.
This is the time for you and me. African American. Whites. Latinos. Gays. Asians. Jews. Native Americans. Lesbians. Muslims. All of us must finally bury the elitism of race superiority the elitism of sexual superiority the elitism of economic superiority the elitism of religious superiority. 
So we welcome you on the celebration of 218 years Philadelphia. America.
So we salute you and say: Come, come, come, move out into this world nourish your lives with a spirituality that allows us to respect each other's birth. come, come, come, nourish the world where every 3 days 120,000 children die of starvation or the effects of starvation; come, come, come, nourish the world where we will no longer hear the screams and cries of womens, girls, and children in Bosnia, El Salvador, Rwanda...AhAhAhAh AHAHAHHHHHH
       Ma-ma. Dada. Mamacita. Baba.        Mama. Papa. Momma. Poppi.        The soldiers are marching in the streets        near the hospitals but the nurses say        we are safe and the soldiers are        laughing marching firing calling        out to us i don't want to die i        am only 9 yrs old, i am only 10 yrs old        i am only 11 yrs old and i cannot        get out of the bed because they have cut        off one of my legs and i hear the soldiers        coming toward our rooms and i hear        the screams and the children are        running out of the room i can't get out        of the bed i don't want to die Don't        let me die Rwanda. America. United        Nations. Don't let me die..............
And if we nourish ourselves, our communities our countries and say
       no more hiroshima        no more auschwitz        no more wounded knee        no more middle passage        no more slavery        no more Bosnia        no more Rwanda
No more intoxicating ideas of racial superiority as we walk toward abundance we will never forget
       the earth        the sea        the children        the people
For we the people will always be arriving a ceremony of thunder waking up the earth opening our eyes to human monuments.     And it'll get better     it'll get better if we the people work, organize, resist, come together for peace, racial, social and sexual justice   it'll get better   it'll get better.
thanks to my pal Jimmy for the poem
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madrone33 · 7 months
Just found this in my docs! Apparently I wrote down my reaction when I first listened to Ulysses Dies At Dawn last november, soooo :D
Started listening to Ulysses Dies at Dawn by The Mechanists. First song is The City, let's gooo (19:44).
Just finished listening to Ulysses Dies at Dawn. Oh, shit, I just realised why the album is called that, fuck. My heart. His death was simultaneously heartbreaking, peaceful, and triumphant. I had no idea it was going to end like that. Amazing (22:24).
Ok, some rambling about it before I re-listen with lyrics:
The whole idea of trials, and each character's backstory getting introduced with them is cool. It lets the mystery soak for a bit, giving breadcrumbs out, and letting each character have time to breathe.
I like how the blind guy is almost exclusively referred to as "that motherfucker" XD. Ironic.
Ok, but the sphinx disease is legitimately horrifying. Wow, the Olympians are just straight up villains in this huh.
I think Daedalus has the coolest vibes (apart from Ulysses) 'cause he's just so smooth all the time. Calm and collected and unconcerned... until the end when Ulysses switches it up on him lol.
The line "Currently beaten, battered, bloody... Unbowed. Spits out a mouthful of teeth and disdain" perfectly encapsulates Ulysses' character. I love it.
Ulysses being this super smart inventor tactician dude is awesome. I was stunned by the Trojan Horse twist. Broken Horses was amazing, I had literal chills. Interestingly, it almost reminds me of Hell’s Comin’ with Me by Poor Man’s Poison? Also, the signal Ulysses designed for the Trojan Horse sounds a lot like the V-Day signal in Kingsman. Brutal.
The beat to My Name is No-One sounds like an alarm, like how False Peace by Precious Jewel Amor utilises the prison alarm as percussion, which is very cool. And the song is hilarious. Just waltz in, it'll be fine :D Love the way it fades out after he gives his name away, ending on an unresolved note a lot like in Remember Them from EpicTM. Yo, speaking of Epic, I kinda love how the electric guitar in this song unintentionally mirrors the way Odysseus in Epic has the electric guitar as his instrument when he’s doing badass shit.
And then Ulysses going from idealistic to traumatised, and you don't even see the extent of his hope for the world until right at the end, when it's already gone. Like, shit bro.
Love how even though he spends like- almost the whole thing being drunk and getting beaten up, he still always seems in control somehow. The only time he isn't is in Underworld Blues when he's begging to Hades. I'll have to relisten to that to figure out what he wanted, actually. It was a bit unclear. Did he just... want Hades to kill him or smth? Make sure his brain wasn't on the network? Yeah, I'll need the lyrics.
The twists on all the lore are honestly so great. From mythical and magical, to futuristic and mechanical. You can clearly see the real world myths all their backstories come from.
That simple, blunt "No" from Ariadne was great.
I love how in Torn Suits all of the mercs are singing about why they can't die, and how they're going to use the money to escape the City's hold on them. By running, or paying off debts, or taking a loved one back, or ruling it. But then Ulysses kills them and willingly dies himself, giving his body to the earth and escaping the City more fully than they ever could. Hell yeah, fuck them.
As soon as I heard the password was 'Elysian', I knew it was something about death. His death. And something about it will be peaceful. I was right.
And ARGOS!! The doggo reunites with his human, and yeah he still dies, but Ulysses practically goes with him! Also, are dogs extinct in this world, like horses? Did Ulysses manage to find the last tree and the last dog?? Damn, dude. Mad skillz.
Bro, I was wondering where Penelope was going to fit into all this, 'cause in The Odyssey, practically his entire life purpose is to get back to her, but here there was... nothing stopping him I thought? I thought either he was in huge debt to someone and was stuck in a completely different sector than Penelope, or he was staying away out of guilt and shame over his actions in the war. But then it's revealed that he is trying to get back to her... in death. Like, fuck bro, that's really fucking sad. Dude's been passively or actively suicidal for the past few decades, and then he finally gets to rest with her... Fuck, man. Hits hard.
Ulysses sounds a lot like Joel from The Last of Us games when he sings softly. It helps that Elysian Fields is literally just Wayfaring Stranger lol. Also gives the same feeling as the endish part of AC: Valhalla, after he talks to the king and rides away and Twilight of the Gods starts playing.
The cover art is so cool, as well. And the last ones? The plain wooden table, bare of any media or research or advertisement. So good. No more secrets. No more lies. The truth, laid out in the open, plain as can be. Nothing more, nothing less. And then the vault, blood splattered enemies dying, grasping for artificial life in the cold grey, while Ulysses lies under the living tree, surrounded by sunlight and green with his loved ones, at peace with his death. Amazing imagery.
The drums at the end of Elysian Fields are like a funeral march or the drums that play on Anzac Day. So good.
Okay, I think I've written all I wanted to say, so imma go read the lyrics now (22:56).
Finished listening with the lyrics! Love it even more now (01:44).
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feather-dancer · 6 months
for the made up fic title: Solar Revolution
Wanted to give my brain something completely different a few days ago (It's not been working right during March) and to keep up my "written thing each month sooo jumped on this. I wasn't expecting Blinky to go and hijack the thing. I'm sorry you've been living in my askbox this long.
For many of troll kind, gemstones have been used to mark eras, be they good ones or ill, much like humans apparently do with their ores, metals and crowns. Tales from these times are then passed down the generations by the spoken word and later, as language and nuance became shared, through text. It is to Blinky’s great pleasure that he happens to own some of the latter! Granted they are a touch archaic even in the sense of the long lived and their meanings have warped with age as much as dust. Eng wema bet eng wema!  Still, as a historian, these offer vital clues to the lost and lessons for the modern day that are just as valuable as when they were first spoken. It is in such great tradition that he continues to parse occurrences from his own lifetime for the records and while he firmly believes highly in accuracy over embellishment, there is the odd temptation here and there to do so. Really it should be, well, expected in particularly in such turbulent times as these…
Anyways enough with all this dilly dallying about with context. Onwards to knowledge and greater understanding!
The earliest period he wishes to cover occurs after troll-kind ventured out from their ancestral homes and long before the most recent descendants of the great Galadrigal line came to be. It is known as the era of the amethyst when the various clans and species of trolls led largely separated lives from one another. This said there are the odd mention of unions or trade meaning isolationist tendencies as the krubera do in the modern was not an absolute. Many so-called mythicals still roamed wild including the now extinct fae. Peaceful would be quite the misnomer though it is certainly one of the uh quieter in comparison.
The next era would be the obsidian or karp. This is believed to have had a different name once but was later renamed for it’s notorious association with Gunmar. Strife with humans was rapidly growing beyond the mere handfuls as space was stolen and the ground was put to flame leading to the War for the Surface Lands. This led to the rise of Orlagk who formed the original Gumm-Gumms though they were not the army they would later become. With so much blood and stone being shed it is hardly a wonder someone like him was formed nor his growing reputation prior to his recruitment as a General.
After winning the ‘battle’ for leadership, he quickly cemented himself as a protector using those under his sway to protect any and all from humans that would do them harm. Even to us who knew nothing of war, he became lauded in song and story for the lives and homes he saved. An Opradush of our very own! Joining the side of this unstoppable force was an honour and things seemed ever so hopeful. Putting aside the odd human that was snacked upon surely a truce could have been come to at some point and the sword might be laid down? It was just for now, just until it was safe. His erkl will remember this better than he assuming he would be willing to impart it.
The emerald or weyrn era is a rather… Complicated one for many reasons and it’s influence has lasted well into the present. Long before there was a name to put to the face there were many rumours even amongst their kind of a rather strange sounding man. Old by their standards yet never seemed to pass, a nose buried in books as much as wading through bogs and a thirst for knowledge that could quite rival his own were it not for the rather distasteful subjects he engaged in. A mastery of time itself…? Even now the very idea disturbs! Still, he left things be and all were willing to ignore it as long as it stayed that way.
Alas he did not keep to this neutral vow and the world would be forced to know of the name Myrddin Wylt when he nestled close to Dwoza. In choosing to back the pale tyrant over those he shared an unusual kinship with, he merrily stoked the flames of Gunmar’s rage bringing lives on both sides of the border under increasing threat. For the greater good he would call it and yet he would later grovel for his mistake with a gift of hope. His supposed liaisons with the future clearly having left him blind to the obvious.
The golden era, sometimes referred to as the oblau or even named after the Ram. did not have quite as clear cut a line from the previous. It ebbed and flowed against one another depending on who’s sway one lived under or how personal things became. When attempts to mediate broke down again and again to be resolved through the clash of armies, one of Camelot’s own turned her back on the humans. She gifted our then defender the ability to create in an attempt to lessen the losses and promised to induce the very klokaran to come to our aid! It seemed far too good to be true and perhaps it was. These were painfully naïve times and peace between the sides still believed possible.
Even this was not to last. Distant rumours that were once old to those fleeing from their razed villages suddenly became fresh to ears closer to the frontline. Caverns had been raided to bring fresh ruz into the fold, whelps snatched from bedfurs, honourless bloodlust and inscription threatened in return for lives being spared. Such things seemed so absurd until it was their doors being battered and demands made just as they were warned. One of his Generals came with an ultimatum for Vendel who was leader at the time: Stand with their protector against those who would put them to the sword without flinching or perish. Despite the desperate pleadings of an unusually armoured youngling, they chose to flee. Alas, war does not care for neutrality and it came for them anyway. Were it not for the wizard, as distasteful as he is, these writing may well not have come to exist.
The Battle of Killahead has left scars that run deep in even the thickest of stone and have not eased since. The final gateway to the old lands was torn down to prevent the escape of Gunmar and his surviving Gumm-Gumms turning it into a prison. A truce made over the blood of a dying king to cease eating their kind and they would no longer be hunted. A Trollhunter gained by the name of Deya and the two wizards that had caused so many problems presumed to have destroyed one another. Nobody would admit their relief at the idea but it was there all the same. Come to think of it, the youngling was nowhere to be seen either.
The citrine era is marked from the moment Dwoza was abandoned in hopes of finding a new, safer home that would not be burdened with all the memories. The humans were fond of wandering even across the deepest of oceans and it stood to reason that troll-kind could do so themselves through the right method of transportation. While they lost many protector during the journey and a few of their own between an assassin and a survivor, they did successfully relocate in what would become Heartstone Trollmarket. This was a true melting pot of cultures, tribes and clans that had nowhere left to turn but each other to bring about something that had not existed before right under the human nose. It’s loss still causes his horns to itch.
This was not in fact an entirely peaceful time despite how it might sound. Between outbreaks of troll flu or other disease, the difficulties of frequent expansion and sabotage from those who were once mistakenly called impure it was wise not to be complacent but despite it all things endured. While their own progress was slow but meaningful, the world above simply moved on far faster than could have been imagined.
When the sapphire or meffa era came about it was the most dramatic thing to occur since the attempted assassination of Kanjigar a handful of decades prior. A human trollhunter? Such a silly concept when he could be crushed so easily by Bular’s claws! Yet much like them and against every odd, he endured and kept doing the impossible. He gathered around allies of all types including those unwelcome, defeated those who even their greatest never managed and even sacrificed his very self to protect everyone until his very last breath. While lost for a time after a feat of sorrow filled stupidity, he found a way to break Decimaar’s leash and while would not defeat it’s owner then, the killing blow would still be his to take.
Looking back, the young master had quite the habit of looking at encounters where he would be unlikely to walk away from and charging into them anyway for good or ill. Bones, his life, his humanity, nothing was too much to give! The problem with this attitude however is you yourself are a finite resource and you will run out. If such warnings fall on deaf ears there is simply nothing that could be done other than mourn when it finally happened.
The present era is simply known as the ved. The Amulet is lost to them and the Trollhunter exists merely as a concept now with the old wizard simply giving an apologetic shrug about it all while saying something meaningful only to him. As things are, matters had to be taken into their own hands if Daylight no longer wishes to fight on the behalf of good trolls. All they have ever wished for is to survive in a world that remains ignorant and hostile as the days of his youth so it stands to reason that if all else fails, it shall have to be seized instead. The two younger magic wards tried to talk the rest out of the idea but they have since been lost to misadventure and their return seen as unlikely. All the more reason to mark this as not a time for cowardice as they once might have done. If the balance is wrong, then it will take a revolution to make it right and their group of trolls, their favoured human companion along with his warhammer and a being known as an Akirdion who wished to assist are prepared for it.
In the name of our greatest Trollhunter who once walked both sides, under ram and klokaran, Humsween ti wemi vomi hi bruzen!
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cielcreations · 2 years
Husband From Another World (Rancher Duo DND AU)
Credit to @rainbowchaox​ and their Roll Initiative AU! It's also a DND AU and I just want to give them credit as their story is really nice so make sure to check them out! I'm well aware of their story and we have similar ideas but theirs was first, so SHOUT OUT TO THEM!
This wasn't suppose to happen and he wasn't sure how it happened.
Jimmy Moon, youngest of the Moon siblings, was Grian's little brother. The two went to the same college (the same college their sister, Pearl, went to as well) and shared a dorm room together. They had a living room, a mini kitchen, and they each got their own mini room. This was good, because Grian was a DM for a DND campaign and Jimmy wasn't a fan of the game. So, he got to spent time studying in peace in his room as Grian and their friends played in the living room, and later get free pizza for dinner (Grian and Jimmy took turns cooking/buying dinner)!
However, one day, Grian had come into his room, laid on his back, and began his pesky bird antics (an inside joke between them).
"Jimmmmmmmmmy! One of our players bailed last minute and everyone is going to be here in like 20 minutes and we neeeeeed a new player!" Grian whined.
Jimmy sighed, "G, you know I don't really like DND!"
"I knooooooow but pllllleeeeeeease? Just, like, ONE session! Just try out one? Please?"
"I'll make dinner for the next three days! And I'll do dishes!"
Jimmy hesitated. That sounded like a good deal, "...And I only have to do one session?"
"Try out one session and, if you like it, stay!"
"...Okay, fine! I will try it out!"
Jimmy groaned as the other pinched and pulled his cheeks, "G-GRIIIIII!"
Grian let go and left, calling out for him to follow. Jimmy got dressed and made himself look somewhat presentable. Grian helped him make his character. He made a human rouge, thinking it would be the easiest to play. However, he begged Grian to have canary wings, just for aesthetics.
Grian hummed, "...I will give you them, but you can't fly and you have to roll at a disadvantage for stealth because those things are gonna get in the way."
"That's fine!" 
Grian smiled, I'll give him an advantage in acrobatics.
Someone knocked on the door, Grian going to answer it. In walked Joel, Ren, and Scott, all waving at Jimmy as Grian explained the situation. They sat down and got set up and the game started. Grian began the story, introducing the characters. Solidarity, an Avian, a nearly extinct race (in the game universe), rouge whose family were all killed by human hunters, who had become a mercenary out of necessity, not because he wanted to. SmallishBeans (Joel), a Half-Orc Warrior who was employed by the king to take care of the BBEG. Smajor (Scott), an Elf Cleric who had found Solidarity and, after realizing how unlucky and hurt (and somewhat desperate) he was, became his friend and became partners to earn more money. Finally, Rendog, a Changeling Druid, who came to the kingdom to help them fight the BBEG. Both SmallishBeans and Rendog teamed together and eventually found and paired up with Smajor and Solidarity when the two fought and killed some monsters outside of the kingdom.
The game continued and, after about 2 hours, they ended the first session. Grian got pizza, the group laughed, talked, watched some TV, and eventually the others left.
"Sooooo?" Grian asked, sitting beside him, "Wanna join next session or am I making Solidarity an NPC?"
Jimmy hesitated, "Well... I don't mind playing another session..."
Grian cheered.
Jimmy continued joining in on the sessions, enjoying the game, having fun with the group. Jimmy tended to play Solidarity as someone who started off trying to first talk things out rather than immediately fighting. He wanted to help people and you didn't need to always fight to solve a problem. It worked about 10% of the time, but no one at the table seemed to mind. Especially since Joel had roleplayed flirting and getting intimate with three different nymphs (they all had a fade to black moment to not make anyone uncomfortable).
As the game progressed, Jimmy learned more about the BBEG. Tango, the demon king who had a base in a volcano. He had opened up the world to release all the monsters/demons that were attacking the party and everything else. Jimmy had seen the art Grian commissioned and he couldn't help but stare. Tango was hot, really, really, really hot (no pun intended). His hair was as bright as the sun, able to turn into actual flames when he got angry, his eyes a blood red. He was super confident, sassy, snarky, and completely adorable. Jimmy loved him. Especially when he learned about Tango's backstory.
Grew up alone, his parents died when he was young and he had to become king. He had to grow up quickly. He tried to form a peace treaty between the humans, but they nearly killed the young king. That's why he despised humans, thinking they were nothing but savage killers with nor remorse who banished "monsters", simply because they didn't like/couldn't understand something that was different from them.
"Jim." Grian said one night after one of their games.
"You like Tango, dontcha?"
The dirty blonde nearly spit out his drink, blushing darkly, "HUH?!"
Grian laughed, "Well, in game? Your character is the only one who knows about Tango, his backstory, and his motives. Also, I've definitely seen you staring at the commissioned artwork of Tango. I can give you the artist's at so you can request a comm~"
Jimmy blushed at the other's teasing before shaking his head, "I-It's not like that... Just... shut up."
Grian laughed but dropped it.
The game went on for a few months before they got to the very end. The final battle where the party had to confront the BBEG. Everyone rolled for initiative and Jimmy rolled the highest with a 17.
"Okay, Jim, what do you do?" Grian asked.
Jimmy hesitated and looked at the others. He then looked back at Grian, "Um, can I try to talk to him?"
"Do you want to talk or flirt?" Ren teased, making Jimmy blushed.
"JIMMY!" Grian teased as everyone laughed.
"Joel is the reason we can't have nice things!" Scott yelled, "I've been trying to go on ONE date with Owen and couldn't because I would roll a 15!"
"Not my fault I rolled a Nat20 with the nymphs!" Joel exclaimed.
Grian just laughed, "GUYS!" Everyone calmed down, chuckling. He hummed before he shrugged, "Honestly, you've been rolling kind of low, so I'll let you try. Roll for persuasion."
Jimmy nodded and rolled it. He jumped up, screaming, "NAT20!"
Everyone burst out laughing as Jimmy cheered, Grian groaning and yelling, "HOW CAN YOU FLIRT WITH THE BBEG AND SCOTT CAN'T GET ONE DATE WITH A RANDOM NPC SHOPKEEPER?!"
Jimmy sat down, smiling brightly. Grian rolled his eyes, chuckling, "Okay, Timmy, you managed to roll a Nat20. What do you say?"
The dirty blonde blushed, "Okay, so I step forward and tell Tango that we're not here to fight. I tell him that I've read and learned a lot about him and his history. I know about his loneliness, how he had no one basically his whole life, but it's okay now! I'd like to be his friend-"
"Shut up, Ren! B-But, yeah..." Jimmy blushed, "U-Um, I also say that a cute demon shouldn't be alone and that I really want to help him..."
Grian rolled his eyes, "You are awful at flirting." He then cleared his throat, "Anyways, Tango blushes and looked away, embarrassed by your words. He says 'No one has ever spoken to me like that before. People usually just want to kill me. I'm just a disgusting demon.'"
"Noooo, he's not disgusting-"
"ROLEPLAY DUMMY!" Scott teased.
"O-Oh, right! Uh, I say 'No, you're not disgusting, just misunderstood! I can help show you how amazing you are!'"
"Tango blushes more and goes, 'You're quite... strange. But also really nice... and handsome. Um, what's your name?'"
"'Solidarity... It's nice to meet you. You're... very bold, aren't you?'"
"Only when it comes to handsome demons!"
Grian gagged playfully before he hummed. He was silent for a moment before he smiled, continuing his narration, "Tango laughs shyly and faces Solidarity with a smile, 'You say you want to help me? You want to show me I'm amazing? Then... Solidarity, will you marry me?'"
Jimmy gasped, "WAIT REALLY?!"
Grian shrugged, "You rolled a Nat20 and, honestly, I think it's fitting that the campaign that has Joel sleeping with 3 nymphs, Ren marrying a fae, and Scott constantly trying to get one date with one guy, ends with the BBEG getting married to a party member. So, do you accept?"
"YES!" Jimmy nodded, everyone else laughing.
Grian rolled his eyes playfully, "Okay, so Solidarity and Tango get engaged and Tango undoes everything, putting the world back in order. SmallishBeans goes back to the forest to live with Lizzie, Sausage, and Etho. No, I don't care what headcannon you make up, Joel, I'm not roleplaying another flirting session. Anyways, Rendog goes back to his tribe and, of course, his husband Bdubs comes with him and they live happily ever after. And finally, Smajor goes back to town to continue flirting with Owen and, this time, he actually does get a date because I am merciful, thank you very much."
Everyone laughed and helped packed everything up. Jimmy offers to buy dinner tonight, even though it's Grian's turn, ordering some pizza. They ate dinner, played a small drinking game (small as in they did do shots, but didn't get super drunk), and watched TV. It ended up becoming a sleepover, simply because no one wanted to drive home. Scott got one of the couches, Joel and Ren shared the other couch, Grian went into his room, and Jimmy simply laid on the floor after falling asleep during the movie they chose to watch.
Jimmy woke up with a small gasp. He blinked, rubbing his eyes, confused, why did he suddenly wake up? He wasn't hungry, he didn't have to use the restroom, he doesn't ever just wake up randomly. He sat up, rubbing his eyes more before hearing a weird noise. It sounded like a crackle of flames, making him confused. He looked around, his head turning towards the DND table. He blinked, seeing it glowing, making him confused. Was he seeing things? He rubbed his eyes, as if trying to wake up more.
Nope, the table was still glowing.
He stood up and walked towards it, entranced by the way the table simply glowed. It was so weird but so amazing, it was surreal. He stood over it, confused yet intrigued, reaching out and touching the glowing table.
At first, nothing happened.
However, suddenly, a hand seemed to grab him, making him scream. He pulled back, but the hand holding him was stronger. He screamed again as he was pulled towards the table.
His brother's scream made him falter and he was yanked towards the table, his vision going black.
The next time he woke up, everything was sore. His eyes fluttered open, groaning as he looked around. He slowly noticed how he was in a different room. Above him was a chandelier, the place decorated with a crimson and black wood interior. Lit candles illuminated the giant room, tons of fancy gold trimmings everywhere, making him extremely confused. He wasn't in his living room anymore, he was in some sort of mansion. Nothing he could ever hope to afford, especially as some young college student.
"Are you okay?"
He turned his head and widened his eyes, being face to face with... Tango.
The demon king smiled, "Oh good, you're okay!" He gently cupped the other's cheek, "The gods weren't lying. You are way more attractive in person! Welcome home, Solidarity!"
The dirty blonde blinked and sat up, about to say something until he got a glance of himself in the mirror. He wore a white button up shirt with a brown cardigan, blue skinny jeans, and brown boots. Two big golden yellow canary wings rested on his back as well, fluttering a bit as he stared at his now light blue eyes. The dirty blonde blinked before looking back at Tango, his face turning red as he did so.
He's so much hotter in person! He thought.
"Are you okay...?" Tango gently put his hand on his forehead, concerned, "You didn't hit your head, did you?"
"You're pretty." He blurted.
Tango blushed before he chuckled, smiling, "Charmer, aren't you~?" He winked, making the dirty blonde blush more. He giggled, "Come on, let's get up. After all, we have a wedding to plan!"
Ji- Solidarity nodded. He took Tango's offered hand and stood, noticing he was a few inches taller than the demon king.
Tango smiled, "Let me give you a tour of your new home." He wrapped himself around Solidarity's arm, "I'm sure you'll love it."
Solidarity simply nodded. He was really confused, but he went along with the weirdness. He could figure this out later. Preferably after the wedding.
AN: There will be more chapters but they will only be posted on my AO3, as they will have more mature/explicit scenes and Tumblr don’t like that too much sooooo ye. Anyways, hope you liked it! :D
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forlorn-crows · 2 years
Sorry i'm so late to this response, but the reasonings behind these hozier songs for mounty!! while these are all love songs (and listen, side note, doing this annotation made me realize, holy fuck, all of these are mtndew songs, someone call kroas) im viewing them, for strictly mountain purposes, as his love for the earth and his element. i can go even DEEPER in analysis on how they're mtndew songs, but for the time being, here's my current annotations.
Wasteland, Baby!: It's a song about romanticizing the end of the world!!! That's adorable!!! i view it more as mountain loving the earth despite its flaws- dirt boys a big softie :) "Wasteland, baby, I'm in love, I'm in love with you" and "And I love too, That love soon might end"
Shrike: Because of how people portray Mountain as quiet and timid, so "I couldn't utter my love when it counted" and "I couldn't whisper when you needed it shouted". Also a shrike (a type of bird) and he's an earth ghoul, so the line "As the shrike to your sharp, And glorious thorn" works- it's just a little love song (all of hozier songs are)
NFWMB: this is a lot like Wasteland, Baby! where, while it's a love song, it's about mountains love for the earth :) "Nothing fucks with my baby, Nothing can get a look in on my baby" nothing is fucking with mother earth!!! he is protecting her!!! i love him sm :)))
Sunlight: i imagine, as an earth ghoul, mountain would've absolutely adored being on the surface, and ESPECIALLY adored the sun. that's his girlfriend you guys, he loves that flaming star up there. "On first and fierce affirming sight, Of sunlight, sunlight, sunlight" He saw that sun and was like "holy shit.". "Each day, you'd rise with me" He wakes up early to watch the sun rise and greets it with a little good morning, prove me wrong.
Movement: (this song actually reminds me more of rain) "So move me, baby, Shake like the bough of a willow tree" i read that line and thought "Oh yeah, mountain would love that" but it's totally a Rain song, so i apologize.
Run: THIS. SONG. IT IS LITERALLY ABOUT THE EARTH BEING DESCRIBED AS AN ETHEREAL BEING BUT ALSO HAVING A RIGID PERSONALITY. It is literally about the earth and the sea being a married couple, what more do i need to say, mountain eats that right up.
In the Woods Somewhere: I imagine this would be a more primal version of Mountain, but it still shows compassion in a way? it's about losing a lover in the forest, but it's also about running from a monster? so? im thinking primal ghouls, you tell me. I also like the lines about the fox, "A fox it was / He shook, afraid / I spoke no words, no sound he made / His bone exposed / His hind was lame / I raised a stone to end his pain" it's just showing that he's still an earth ghoul even when he's seemed to lose humanity.
In a Week: IT'S ABOUT DECAYING WITH A LOVER??? NEED I SAY MORE?? "I have never known peace, Like the damp grass that yields to me" & "We lay here for years or for hours / Thrown here or found / To freeze or to thaw / So long we become the flowers" & "After the insects have made their claim / I'd be home with you / I'd be home with you" DO I NEED TO EXPLAIN MORE
Be: I have no real reason behind this one, i just like the idea of mountain witnessing global warming and extinction and just getting really sad, so the lines "Be, be, be, be, be / Be as you've always been" is just him wanting the earth to revert back to being healthy and natural.
That's my take! I'm not a huge fan honestly, after I realized how mtndew centric these songs were, my focus shifted and it's all I could think about :// but here we are!! I hope you enjoyed my rambling, and thank you for letting me do so <3
heart. heart. thank you for this. i loved reading all your explanations!
i love this idea of mountain's relationship with his element and the earth itself. i think he would hold such reverence for mother earth and sorrow for the changes humans have caused.
"If I was born as a blackthorn tree / I'd wanna be felled by you, held by you / Fuel the pyre of your enemies" like that is mountain to the core (and the stanza following this just hits mountaindew SO hard).
i would love to know your thoughts on any mumford and sons songs, if you're a fan. been listening to them again and haven't had one jump out at me yet, but they, like hozier, have so many well-written lyrics im sure there's something. only if ya want.
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Mega Man A Live? Love to hear it, since jel got Mario and I did Disney.
Okay, so- There are so many scenarios, but I'll just ramble so-
First idea- As an Additional LaL chapter- This is going to sound absolutely stupid, but hear me out here:
In Megaman ZX, there's a thing called "Model W." It was once a human/cyborg, but hated so much that it's will continued over 100 years later. Therefore, it has the ability to corrupt and control anyone who feels too much hatred near its remaining fragments. At this point in the story, humanity is still trying to recover from the messes it made, so... hatred isn't really hard to find. The protagonist (either Vent or Aile) almost fall to them because they have Issues regarding the death of their family.
Each of the "Chosen Ones" have a different Model that enhances their powers, and choses a wielder based on... something. I have my headcanons but I won't say anything that can be taken As Fact. Anyway- One of them, an old, forgotten one, that's optional- is called Model Omega. (Or just Model O).
So. My absolutely dumb idea is that Model O ends up with the Not Protagonist (Vent if Aile is secected, and Aile if Vent is selected) and is a usurped Odio incarnation. Model W basically took their place- sure, Model O wants to bring about untold destruction, but it's Model W that has the Hatred.
The Protagonist is still the Protagonist, but in the background with be their twin occasionally helping or fighting them, and would probably not be able to help in the final fight due to it being too much of a risk to fight Model W with the amount of hatred they have. So- Protagonist fights Villain, they end up in the final chapter, and discover what was originally meant to happen to their twin. Free Emotions.
2. Second idea- If we're doing the Live A Live but all Megaman:
Okay, the last point I spent too long on, so I'll try to keep this brief-
The protagonists would be: Blues (The first android- trying to escape his creators to keep his free will), Rock and/or Roll (Modern Day- Helper Robots willing to battle), Quint (Close Future- A wondering robot trying to find it's purpose in a time that seems out of place), X (Unknown Future- A pacifist forced to fight- the fallen hero), (MM)Zero (Distant Future- An amnesiac trying to rebuild and protect those left, modelled after an old hero), Model ZX (Far Future- A support Model trying to find it's next wielder), Volnutt (Furthest point- A Carbon searching who lives a simple life, trying to collect minerals long past humanity's extinction), Lan Hikari (Parallel word- A human trying to train with his companion to became The Strongest(TM), and Geo Stelar (Digital World- A youth granted the ability to see aliens who needs to fight them off).
...I swear I'm not making these up. But I am bending the plot to suit the LaL format-
Anyway- I was thinking of, in this scenario, Sigma would be the Fallen Hero, but then I realised that X was the ideal choice. Originally, he was going to become the villain of the Zero series, but I won't go into Details. In this scenario, (MM)Zero doesn't meet X until the the Final Chapter, with his current one being focused on rebuilding from the previous war.
So in this scenario, X's lost memories in the Bad End remain lost, and all he remembers is the worst side of reploids. Because of this, he decides to maintain peace for humanity at any cost, all while he's believing he's the hero.
...I'm only just realising how much context this is missing. I'm so, so sorry.
3. Third idea- I will sum this up in one paragraph because I should probably stop:
Lumine from MMX8 is one of the Light Side Incarnations. His desire for paradise and belief of superiority would work with it. Including the idea that he and his model are the only ones with "free will" when it looks like they're the ones walking a destined path.
Anyway- Thanks for giving me permission to ramble! If you made it this far- Thanks again! And sorry if it didn't make a lot of sense, but it was fun to type about!
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melonisopod · 2 years
So the British Lostbelt has a Difference Depth of EX because while the other Lostbelts were “bad ends” this one is a “doomed end” that would have imploded the Earth upon itself.
Nevermind that, excluding the Chinese Lostbelt which was at least doing okay with some world peace (though I think it’s implied the fuel consumption of QSH’s computer brain is depleting the ozone layer?) we have:
-a second Ice Age that already resulted in the remaining human population splicing themselves with Demonic Beasts, effectively rendering humans as a species extinct (not to mention how unsustainable it is for Yaga to need three times the calories in a world where food is this scarce)
-the sun being replaced with a ticking time bomb only held in check by a goddess’s allegedly infinite magic, that, again, would have destroyed the world with also there being no more sun
-the Indian Lostbelt was literally cracking apart at the seams towards the end of the chapter because Arjuna kept speeding up the Yuga Cycles, and even if he hadn’t, he definitely could not have gone on like that forever.
-Zeus was going to reconnect with the mothership and rip a hole in the Earth to take the remains of his already-dead Lostbelt into space to find a new planet to land on
So maybe I sound hasty in judging “Why is the British Lostbelt more doomed than these other, clearly already doomed timelines?” but here is where my actual question comes into play:
How did the British Lostbelt even become a possible hypothetical alternate history? Even if these were “doomed” events of Human History which were pruned from the multiverse, they were still in a sense “dreamed up” as possible avenues of history to fall down. Britain/Avalon literally was doomed from the beginning because Separ had wiped out most of humanity, meaning there is no human history here to begin with and the majority of the population is all fairies.
So then, why would Alya or whoever even conceive an idea of a “doomed” human history that quite literally is devoid of humans? (At least, save for like a small handful and probably Morgan)?
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hannah-the-red-head · 4 years
A Third Submission to the Imagines Society”
(League of villains meets an Autistic child with a quirk that is the definition of too good for this world and then some)
You were a tiny thing when Twice, Toga and Magne stumbled across you at the park, staring intently at what looked like your shoes with your back turned.
Magne summarized that you were most likely around 5 or 6 years old based on the kindergarten uniform you wore, the adorable hat hanging on your back while your (h/l), (h/s) (h/c) was out and about. Usually, the tree would lose interest after a while and go about their merry way.
But there was something about you that made them stay, Toga’s curiosity getting the best of her as she skipped over to where you were on your knees, she then peeked over a shoulder to see you staring in awe at butterfly that was softly moving it’s wings while resting on the petals of a blossom planted in the nearby garden.
It was one that she had never seen before, well at least in real life, but the sandy blonde remembered that she had once seen it on the internet somewhere.
It was a monarch butterfly, and last she or anyone else knew, the species were hanging by a thread and close to extinction over the last 56 years. She had admit that the pictures were close to nothing compared to the real thing as Toga watched with starry eyes at how the orange colors splashed with black and white glowed in the sunlight.
Magne herself, followed by Twice then decided to follow toga’s lead when she began to giggle like an actual schoolgirl instead of the blood obsessed vampire they knew and loved. The two peeking at the sight of both you and Toga being the surprising perches of a collection of what looked to be more Monarch butterflies that seemingly appeared out of no where.
And one of them was perched right on the tip of Toga’s nose.
Meanwhile, you had taken notice that you had a butterfly watching buddy the second you felt her crouched down next to you, your glowing (e/c) eyes staring at her with curiosity before deciding that she was interesting enough for you to deem her harmless, despite not knowing the truth.
Because in your young and innocent head, anyone that appreciated butterflies as much as you did was a good person and/or possible friend in your book.
She looked at you when she felt your eyes on her and gave you a big smile, which from what you learned meant that she was happy. So that meant that she likes you too. You smiled widely back and a series of bright rainbow colored balls of light lifted themselves off your little form, your quirk creating more butterflies from them while your new friend’s eyes sparkled.
Your quirk was called Wonder, the specialist who gave it that name having been inspired by the same emotion felt after witnessing you use your quirk at first hand to bring a rat back to life after it had been killed by a mousetrap, and later on when they returned back to the room to see that it had been filled with butterflies flying beautifully above them.
Nowadays, you mainly used your quirk to create butterflies.
Because butterflies made you happy, they made you calm, they took your worries away... and watching them was akin to what your therapist at the orphanage called stimming, your hand movements if you easily became overwhelmed resembling a butterfly flapping it’s delicate wings.
You were also fond of anything that felt like the texture closest to what you thought butterfly wings looked. However, this obsession was also the reason why your were ostracized by the other children, ignored completely by them at the worst despite how hard the workers at the orphanage tried to explain what your condition was.
You didn’t understand why the workers had the need to get the other kids to like you, if you wanted friends, you’d get some yourself on your own.
And you never understood why you had to take speech therapy, wasn’t writing in your notebook enough? You hated loud noises, they scared away things, things that are... nice.
Things like butterflies and rats and rabbits and deer, which meant that you couldn’t appreciate them anymore if they left.
So, why was there a need to make noise or let alone talk? You could never control how loud your voice was anyways. You didn’t care about how sometimes you overheard the caretakers at the orphanage whispered things about how alien you acted.
Which led to where you were now, little you having completely forgotten that you were separated from the other children heading back towards the orphanage after school had finished when you eyes spotted a flower that looked familiar until your quirk manifested the butterfly.
They sounded as if you were broken as a human.
When in reality you weren’t, you weren’t broken and needed to be fixed. At first it made you believe those words, but the moments where your eyes caught onto anything relating to those paper thin wings that radiated with the colors of the rainbow, you’re mind went to an alternate world where those who spoke about your strangeness were nonexistent.
It was then that you remembered seeing the same flower from the picture book at your school, the pink and green flora being the type of chosen roost for the orange, white and black insect to rest on if they got tired.
You never knew how much time passed when you felt your new friend’s presence near you until you turned around silently to see a schoolgirl older than your smiling peacefully at your creation, who then smiled at you.
Smiles meant something good, right?
Your quirk activated instinctually, your subconscious telling you to make your friend happy again by creating more things that made her happy, like how butterflies made you happy. You watched as the manifested insects flew over to the girl and rested on her shoulders, two nestled on the wild hair of her twin buns and one on her nose, the sensation of it’s delicate wings tickling her skin bringing a giggle out of her.
You copied her, giggling as well as you knew that laughing is what friends did. The exchange between you two led to a pair of others appearing behind your friend, the both of them watching in awe at how gentle you were.
Meanwhile in their perspective, Twice and big sis Magne were in awe.
This was a side of Toga that the pair had never seen before, so their interest in you grew steadily as they approached you both, seeing that the number of butterflies had grown the closer the became, the same orbs of light appearing to change into other species before the skies above the park had clouds of multicolored wings flying above like a piece of artwork created by nature.
It felt like a blessing to witness a sight like this, a much desired peace accomplished after so many months of being on the run from heroes and the police.
Twice jumped up and began to comically twirl about among the flocks of winged bugs, his splitting personalities having been silenced by the Nirvana he felt surrounding him, only stopping when he heard a few giggles left your mouth while you tried to keep up with him and Toga’s free styling dances without a care in the world.
The four of you not caring that you were getting strange looks and even scowls from those who crossed your paths in order to get a better look at the butterflies conjured by your beautiful quirk.
By the time the sun had set, you and your new friends had collapsed onto the grass, laughing in between breaths from all the fun you shared in those hours of innocent fun.
And you were the one to give that sense of childhood purity of fun back to them without realizing it. In your mind, you were happy that you had finally made friends by yourself as with a kick of your short legs you sat up and turned to the one closest to you, a tall woman with sunglasses and short hair the other two called “Big Sis Mag”.
You poked her cheek and she turned her face towards yours. Taking a deep breath, you decided to try something new that you hadn’t done or were comfortable with.
You: (Yy...yourrr n....nnamme!).... (Your Name)!
It was hard at first, being silent for most of your childhood being the reason as to why you sounded like a newborn attempting to say their first word. But the pride you felt as you pointed to yourself when you said your name clearly on the second try was amazing.
“Big Sis’” eyebrows shot up in surprise, and you understood why she was shocked as the only noises you made were giggles and squeals.
You: (Your name)!.... B-big sissy... Mmmmmag! Fr...friends! T-t-too...Toga! Fri..ends! Twi...Twice! Friends!
All three had unknown expressions present while you gave them a wide toothy grin that you had never given anyone except for your mama.
Twice: I think I’m gonna cry.... No, I’m not! Grow a pair!
Twice cartoonishly wept through his mask, tears that would only exist within an Animé pouring from the eyes of his black and grey mask before stopping almost immediately, his face changing to that of a stoic man drawn in comic books.
Toga just smiled at Twice, before a weak tug on her cardigan pulled her attentions to you, your arms held out wide and with an excited glow to you. You always remembered the warmth your mother’s hugs were growing up, how safe and loved you felt when your adorable self tackled her leg in a weak koala hug before she pulled you into her own arms.
Toga: Oh does (y/n)-chan want a hug?
You nodded and tackled the blonde, arms wrapped around her neck with you cheek pressed against hers, something your mother called “cuddle bumps” as you hated it when someone kissed you.
You: C-cu-cuddle bu-bumps!
Twice: I want cuddle bumps! No, I don’t that’s weird!
You nuzzled your cheek against hers, the teenage girl internally squealing and hugging you back as she was overcome with a sense of some maternal need to protect you and the light your little self emanated, both figuratively and literally as your quirk caused you to glow a warm pink color.
Toga playfully stuck out her tongue towards him, when an idea came to her.
Shigaraki: And the most logical thing that you could ever think of in that moment.... was to bring this brat home?!
Toga’s cheeks puffed up as she hugged your little form from behind while you fiddled with your quirk, a manifested butterfly perched in the palm of your hand. You loved the feeling of your big sister’s soft cardigan as she hugged you.
Toga: Of course, Shiggy! I mean they’re an orphan left behind by those “caretakers”, we even waited to see if anyone would come looking.
Twice: Yeah, it was so nerve wracking! I was bored beyond belief....
Shigaraki let out an aggravated sigh, knowing that you had wormed your way into the hearts of the most in the league, Dabi being the first to cave when you used your quirk to soothe the pain in his burnt skin. He didn’t know why, but the fire quirk user’s eyes softened when you gazed up at his skin and your smile faded, a look of genuine worry that he possibly never experienced in some time as your tiny hand went up to hold his hand with the both of yours.
The rest of the already shocked league watching as an aura glowed from your small form, the glow then moving up your arms and finally covering Dabi in the glow before then pulling away into orbs that popped like soap bubbles filled with fireflies.
Dabi reacted in a way that not even he could describe as all the unbearable burning pain his scars brought him disappeared, a strange surge of.... calm washed over him.
It was the kind of calm that one would feel when a powerful storm dissipates, allowing the warm sun to bathe the earth once again. 
And it was the type of calm that brought a heavy exhale out of Dabi, almost as if he had finally learned to breathe, tears falling down his cheeks and startling him, a hand shooting up to touch his wet face and pulling it away to see what was falling from his eyes.
This... made the tears fall harder.
Dabi had long forgotten what it felt like to cry actual salt water tears instead of blood. A relieved upwards tilt pulled at his lips as he fell to his knees before you, no words exchanged, just glances and a gentle grip of your joined hands.
You: No pain?
Your concern overweighed your struggling speech, your free hand raising up to hover next to his cheek. He chuckled softly, allowing you to place your hands onto his face.
Dabi: No pain. All better.
Your quirk was befitting for such a gentle, caring and kind being as you.
To put it simply, you could restore a person’s injuries, negative outlook on life due to traumatic experiences, and even their lost sense of morality via through your touch, being in your presence, or even by witnessing your creations first hand.
This was your power, a quirk that purified the evil living within this cruel world.
You could literally restore a person or persons lost sense of morality, your quirk changing a sociopathic killer into a saint seeking redemption just by spending an hour with you. 
Your quirk also allowed you to heal any kind of wound or cure any illness, it could even replace missing limbs and the like as long as you kept your focus.
And it was meant to be protected.
Which is why you were taken into the protection of the league of villains, the only group of people who were the first to actually care for you after your mama’s passing, and didn’t speak badly of you or your condition.
Because they didn’t mind that you were autistic, they didn’t see you as broken or wrong. How did you know that they didn’t ostracize you?
They told you.
Twice: You, broken? Ha, that’s fresh! At least you don’t have more than one voice in your head...
Toga: My quirk needs me to drink the blood of the person i’m going to transform into in order for it to work, and because of that, I was pushed away by everyone for how creepy it made me look.
Magne: Anyone would be proud to call you their kid with a drop of a hat. So what if your special needs, it doesn’t make you any less human, sweetie.
Dabi didn’t say anything when you asked, in your broken speech, if you were broken. Instead, he just ruffled your hair and let you wear his jacket all day.
Compress: This world is filled with imperfections, but who is to say that imperfections are ugly and unwanted. To me, imperfections are where true beauty lies as it shows that despite their flaws, they try again and again to make themselves better.
Spinner: Kid, I am a walking talking lizard with pink hair and a desire to follow Stain’s path to create a society where only those who embody the traits of true heroes like All Might are allowed to become heroes.
You didn’t know how to react as he continued.
Spinner: If anything, you are the most normal out of all of us, so don’t go hating on yourself because you’re brain is wired differently. You’re perfect just the way you are.
Magne: Aww, that’s so sweet of you to say, Spinner!
Toga: Enough to know that you give the best pep talks!~
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karanna1 · 4 years
AU - Lena Luthor Saves Krypton
Lena is somehow sent back in time and finds herself on Krypton 30 years before the planet explodes. Kara doesn’t exist yet. Krypton has no idea what’s about to happen to them.
Lena realizes that with her knowledge of what’s to come and intellect to devise a solution, she can do two things. One, she can save an entire species from near extinction. Two, she can save Kara from ever having to experience the pain of losing her family, her home, and being abandoned. Kara could live a happy life and never know the burden of Supergirl or being the last daughter of Krypton.
So instead of trying to find a way back to Earth, back to her own time, she settles into life on Krypton, becomes fluent in Kryptonese, and sets about with a spectacularly single-minded focus of changing the future - to save this dying world (and Kara).
She succeeds...mostly. They can’t fix the damage that’s already been done to the planet. Their sun will die and destroy Krypton still, but with Lena’s help they’re able to locate a barren planet in another system that has a white star. It’s brand new, strong, and will live for untold trillions of years (provided Kryptonians didn’t try to harness its power again).
They terraform the planet and create “New Krypton” using the dome concept that Zor-El invented fused with Coluan bottling technology. All Kryptonians are instantly transported to their new home that’s identical to the old one save for one difference - the white sun grants them god-like powers that are beyond what Lena ever saw Kara and Clark capable of on Earth. Kryptonians are overwhelmed en masse by these powers. Some go power mad and attempt coups and form radical sects. Others realize the gift they’ve been given and, with Lena’s guidance, Kryptonian society develops under a new mission - to travel the galaxy and offer help to all those in need. Not just offering knowledge and technology this time, but themselves with their newfound powers.
Lena keeps her distance from the House of El as much as she can. It’s nearly impossible considering their standing with the Kryptonian High Council. Lena has to work very closely with the Council. Jor-El and his brother, Zor-El, are brilliant scientists and statesmen. Alura In-Ze is a rising star in the judicial system. Her marriage to Zor-El, second born son of the House of El, caused quite a few waves, but when Lara Lor-Van, a brilliant biologist and prominent noble of the House of Van, agrees to marry Jor-El, it’s all anyone can talk about. All 4 of them live very public lives due to their professions, their positions on the High Council, and their nobility.
They’re ever so fascinated by Lena Luthor, the human from Earth that appeared one day to save their entire planet. Their savior. The one their people have named “The New Dawn”. Lena wants nothing to do with the House of El. It’s too much. She can’t bear to be so close to Kara’s family without Kara. It feels wrong. Unfortunately, with how much Lena tries to avoid them, the 4 nobles think they’ve done something to offend her, and constantly attempt ways to make amends. It only makes Lena’s life that much more difficult.
But she still knows the exact date and time that Kara Zor-El steps into existence. Later, she will know the moment Kal-El is born (mostly because Lara’s natural birth is all anyone can talk about).
Lena meets Kara on New Krypton entirely by accident one day when Zor-El brings his brilliant young daughter, a prodigy in the Science Guild, to see Krypton’s finest laboratory entirely unannounced. The same laboratory that Lena founded and runs. She’s stricken, having tried to avoid this moment for as long as she could, knowing that eventually she’d have to see Kara as child, which would spell the end of every fanciful dream or slightest hope she had of a chance that someday she would find Kara, her best friend, again. Seeing the reality both warms her heart and breaks it all the same. This bouncing bundle of joy and inquisitiveness has the same blinding smile, in all its purity, with that same head of golden hair.
“You’re THE Lena Luthor?”
She kneels before her so they’re at eye level. “I suppose I am. And you’re THE Kara Zor-El?”
The ten year old gasps. “You know who I am?”
“Of course. I know all the important people. And you are a very important person, Kara.”
“I am?”
Zor-El interjects. “I’ve told Lena all about you, my dear. I’m sure she’s grown tired of my endless babbling about my wonderful daughter and her keen scientific mind.”
“Not at all,” Lena replies a bit flatly and tries to tune him out as she focuses on the young girl who will one day be a most extraordinary woman. “Do you enjoy the Science Guild, Kara?”
“Yes! I love to learn new things. As many things as I can! Sometimes father asks me to work with him in his laboratory at home and I help him with his projects!”
“That does sound like fun. I enjoy creating things as well.”
“You’re the most brilliant bio-engineer on Krypton! I’ve read all about you! You saved us.”
Lena shies away from the praise and instead fumbles her way forward, uncomfortable under the scrutiny of Zor-El, whom she’d never given the time of day until he walked in with his daughter.
“Tell me, Kara, do you like other subjects besides science?”
Kara fidgets, a little confused. “Well, I don’t...they don’t give you much time for other subjects. I-I do try to read about other things like art and history when I have free time, but I’m not really allowed—“
“She’s a hard worker and a wonderful student,” Zor-El interrupts again.
Lena ignores him. “Do you enjoy writing, Kara?”
“Creation comes in many forms. I enjoy being able to create things with my hands. Machines. Technology. Things to help people. Science is my passion, but there are many other ways to help people. Ways that I’m not very good at, but others are. Writing takes a curious mind, creativity, and a way with words. I believe you might have a gift for that.”
“A gift for words?” Her little brow crinkles as she considers it.
Lena nods. “A writer can do a great many things that a scientist cannot. They are equally as powerful and important. What matters is doing what you love most, what inspires you most. You’re going to do great things one day, Kara. Maybe with the Science Guild, maybe with something else... The future is limitless for you.”
“You really think I could be that important someday?”
“You already are.” Lena smiles and breathes deeply. “Do you know what your name means where I come from?”
She shakes her head. “I have read about Earth. It’s very far away and my Aunt Astra says their civilization is primitive and filled with savages. They have my name there too?”
“Daughter, do not speak—“
Lena waves off Zor-El’s warning without looking at him.
“That’s not an unfair assessment of Earth compared to Krypton, but I do believe humanity would surprise a great many Kryptonians, including your Aunt. In my native language, Kara means ‘beloved friend’.”
Kara beams in a way that is so achingly familiar. It’s like an echo in Lena’s memory. Not exact, not complete, but the beginning of what it will become.
“I like that. Does that mean I’m your friend?”
Lena feels it in that moment. The melting warmth simultaneous with the absolute shattering of what was left of her heart.
“I will always be your friend, darling. Always.”
Kara leaves with her father and Lena’s coworkers are concerned when she goes off planet for an impromptu holiday without notice. She returns two months later and picks up as if she never left.
It’s around that time that one of the people she’s befriended in her years on Krypton remarks at how ageless she seems for a human that supposedly has a short life span. It sparks Lena’s curiosity. Indeed, it’s been nearly 30 years since she traveled back in time and found herself on a new planet. Yet you’d be hard pressed to find a single physical difference. Kryptonians aged slowly under a red star, and even slower still under the white star, but Lena was human. Her body wasn’t designed to accommodate solar radiation the way Kryptonians did. She was over 50 years old now, yet she still didn’t look a day over 28.
More years pass and New Krypton thrives. The galaxy is brought together through New Krypton’s diplomacy and thousands of planets and species are united under a banner of peace. There are always dissenters, but happiness and prosperity is widespread. Lena finds joy in friendships and attempts romantic relationships, but nothing ever really takes. Still, she’s content. She misses Earth, of course, and hopes to return one day before she dies, whenever that will be, but she’s found peace in knowing that she is able to be the one thing she’s always wanted - a force for good.
She’s at dinner with coworkers one night when Lara and Jor-El spot her. She sighs and straightens, preparing for their next attempt to get in her good graces.
“Do they never desist?” One of them mutters next to her ear. “Surely they’re intelligent enough to know when they’re not wanted?”
“Don’t be unkind, but help me keep it short if it goes on too long.”
“Lena! It’s wonderful to see you,” Lara says.
“You as well. How are you?”
“Very well, thank you.”
Lena’s table has gone conspicuously, and therefore awkwardly, silent.
Lara and Jor-El look around at the group uncomfortably.
“We were wondering...well, our niece is being inducted to the—“
“The Science Council as First Order,” Lena finishes for her. “Yes, I’m aware. It’s a great honor. I’m sure the House of El is quite proud.”
“Indeed we are,” Jor-El jumps in. “She’s a most remarkable young woman and we couldn’t be prouder of who she’s become.”
“We are holding a celebration to mark the occasion and were wondering if you might honor us by attending? It will be quite the event.” Lara does a slight eyeroll. “Jor is insisting on all the fantastical things.”
Jor-El nods enthusiastically. “My brother isn’t one for celebrations so I’ve taken up the mantle. Kara deserves all the praise she’s earned with her hard work and dedication.”
“You’ll have to forgive my mate’s enthusiasm. He’s quite invested in Kara since she can share his passion for his life’s work while our son is—“
“Disgustingly hopeless,” Jor-El grumbles.
“Oh?” She raises an eyebrow. “A great disappointment he’s been then?”
“Goodness no!” Lara shakes her head and shoots a warning look at her husband. “Kal is a fine boy. Just...a little lost.”
“Perhaps he is simply in need of a different path than the one his father has in mind,” Lena finds the words tumbling out of her mouth without thinking twice. The couple stares at her agape, but she continues without care. “I can certainly sympathize with the need to step out of the shadow of a family’s overbearing legacy.” She sighs. “While I thank you for considering me, it’s simply not possible with my days usually booked from dawn to dusk. Besides, parties have never been altogether pleasant endeavors for me.”
The disappointment on their faces isn’t what changes her mind. It’s that as soon as she says the words, she regrets it. She’s, of course, kept up with Kara’s doings and was concerned when she heard about the recent move in the Science Guild. Was journalism just a secondary passion since she couldn’t truly use her mind on Earth the way she could on Krypton? Or was this a woman just following in her family’s footsteps because she believed it was the right thing to do? Lena hadn’t seen or spoken to Kara in 16 years. Not since the day Zor-El brought her to the lab.
In the end, it’s Lena’s concern and curiosity for Kara’s well being that wins out. Though she very well knows that the woman that existed in another life, on another planet, is not the woman who lives here now on New Krypton. Even if she shared the same name and the same face...maybe even the same bright eyes and sunny smile. Even then.
“Send me the invitation. I’ll see what I can do,” Lena says, to the surprise of everyone at her table, including the two standing next to it.
They nod, stunned but pleased, and say their goodbyes quickly, walking away.
Lena’s coworkers all turn to her in surprise, but she refuses to answer their questions and excuses herself early for the evening.
She doesn’t show for the celebration. She torments herself for a week coming up to it and can’t bring herself to go. The fear of the past and her memories being trod upon are too strong. But somehow she finds herself in the Starling Grove anyway, just as it comes to an end. The evening is late and guests slowly make their exit after the long day of partying. Lena practically sneaks in, staying in shadows, not knowing what she hopes to find or what she could see that would make all her fears come true.
Is it any wonder that fate would intervene? That there would be no circumstance in which Lena could fly so close to the sun and not be touched?
“If avoiding people is your specialty, you’re very skilled at it.”
It’s almost terrifying to hear her voice again. It’s a different language being spoken, but the voice is the same. As if it’d been snatched from the deepest recesses of Lena’s memories, of a different life and a different world, and brought to the present in flesh and blood with a bolt of lightning.
She turns and it’s Kara smiling at her. Not the sunny smile. The soft, tender, reassuring one. The one that she used to share with Lena when she had one of her harder days. Kara was no longer the small and precocious child she met all those years ago, the one that she could almost convince herself was a complete stranger and that there was no connection between the child and the woman she knew. But that was gone now. The Kara standing before her was the same one she’d left behind on Earth. The one she’d given up in order to save her. The one who walked into her office so many years ago, trailing behind her cousin, and Lena knew she was done for. 
Her eyes were so blue as she looked at her...bluer than Lena remembered and it seemed so impossible. Perhaps it wasn’t real. Perhaps she was dreaming. But she wasn’t...was she?
“My skills must be rusty since you were able to catch me.”
Kara put a finger to her smiling lips. “Shh. Finding people is one of my untold gifts.”
“I imagine you have a lot of those.”
Kara looks pleasantly flustered and she stammers over her words in a way that Lena knows so well that the sound of it squeezes her heart in a vise like grip.
She’s not the same person. She’s not your Kara. Your Kara doesn’t exist anymore. Over and over she repeats this in her head.
“Wait...” Kara finally collects herself and peers at Lena more closely. “You’re-you’re Lena Luthor! My Uncle said you might be here, but I never thought...”
“On my home world, they like to say it’s fashionable to be late. However, tonight was just a tad bit too far. I...I simply wanted to stop by and wish you well. A-and to congratulate you on your achievement.”
Did she manage to say that with any passing conviction?
“Thank you. That means a great deal coming from someone like you.”
“Are you happy?” She blurts before her good sense can kick in. “This life...does it make you happy?”
Kara looks at her oddly for a long moment, clearly thrown, but not put off. Lena doesn’t know what else to say that could fix her blunder. 
“Yes,” she says, a serene smile creeps across her face. “I’m very happy. I love my family and my friends. I enjoy my work. I hope to have a family of my own one day, but I don’t mind waiting for the right person. Everyone always wants to rush me into something, telling me that I shouldn’t be alone, but I don’t mind it. When it’s right, I know that it will be worth the wait.”
Lena’s heart stutters and freezes. “I-I’m glad to hear that. Truly. I shouldn’t take up anymore of your time though. I’m sure you have somewhere to be and it’s late so I really should be going anyway.”
“Oh! Um. Yes, of course.” She looks disappointed, but Lena can’t think about that. “Thank you for being here.”
Her legs feel as though they’re weighted with cement as she walks away. Her mind screams at her to run, but her body doesn’t seem to get the message. She doesn’t want to leave Kara’s side. Not like this. Not after she’s found her again.
But it’s not her. Not really.
“My Lady?”
She turns around at once. Kara stands there, fiddling with her hands, her head tilted to the side.
“Apologies. I-I remember reading that you never liked that title. You prefer...what was it...” She closes her eyes as she searches for it. “Oh!” Her eyes fly open again. “Miss Luthor. I should have addressed you as ‘Miss Luthor’, yes?”
The ‘Miss’ was heavily accented and sounded nothing like how she used to say it, but it still tore Lena apart.
“I never forgot what you said.”
The voice in Lena’s head screams again for her to run, but instead she draws closer. She needs to hear it. 
Her Kara.
No, it’s not her.
“What did I say?”
“I was a little girl. My father brought me to your lab to show me around.”
“I remember.”
Don’t let her do this. Don’t let her pull you in again. You can’t. For both of your sakes, you can’t.
“You talked about different ways of creating. Of passion. It’s silly, I know, and I’m sure you say it to all the children who read about you in school and have a serious case of hero worship, but...you told me I was important.”
“You are.” 
It’s a reflex. She can’t help it.
“And you said that I had a gift for words. I never understood why you would say that. How you could know...”
Lena chuckles awkwardly. “Looks like I was off the mark since you’ve just joined the Science Council.”
“But you weren’t.”
Lena’s breath hitches.
“I’ve never told anyone else this...” 
Kara steps closer, sharing a secret that Lena doesn’t know she deserves to hear. She wonders if she still knows how to breathe with Kara being this close after so long...so many years gone... 
“I started writing that day. That very night I went home and I tried it. I never stopped. I’ve never been happier than when I’m writing. Imagining stories or just writing my thoughts, putting memories into words, keeping a record of each day and what I’ve done, who I’ve seen, what my first thought is in the morning and my last thought at night. All of it.”
Kara was so close. She could smell her. Nothing like what she remembered. It was something altogether new and still...still... Lena’s heart beat so loudly, she was sure every Kryptonian within miles was wondering what that raucous drumming noise was. What must Kara think? Surely she could hear it. Lena was embarrassing herself.
“You inspired me.”
Lena doesn’t know how she manages it, but she somehow strings together coherent words. 
“But you continued to pursue...”
“The Science Guild, yes. I’m very good there. It comes easily. It makes my family proud.”
“It’s not your passion though.”
Kara shakes her head gently.
“What stops you?”
“Well, what if I’m not really good at writing after all? I’ve never told anyone about it. I’ve never let them read anything... What if I make a terrible mistake and humiliate myself and my family?”
“Following your heart isn’t a mistake.”
“That’s not a very Kryptonian sentiment.”
“No, but it is a human one.” Lena sighs. “I tried so hard, for so long, not to listen to mine. But it won out every time. Despite all the pain it brought me...I remind myself that it’s what brought me here. To this planet. To this time. To do good. To be good. Following your heart is the most terrifying notion, but in my experience, it has also led me to the greatest moments of joy and love that I’ve ever known.”
Kara stares at her in wonderment. Her long blonde locks flow over her shoulders. Her dress is white and flowing, almost luminescent under the glow of the evening flowers blooming in the garden. It became quickly apparent how very alone they were, the last guests and servers from the party were gone. The torches were still lit, but it was their own world.
Wasn’t it always?
It’s not her.
“I don’t think I could be as brave as you.”
“You have always been brave and I know that you are capable of the most extraordinary amount of courage...courage and boundless hope. You are the one who inspires me, Kara. You always have.”
“Me?” She replies in the softest utterance. “But I haven’t done anything nearly as incredible as you.”
“The kind of person you are is far more important than any sum of career achievements. Don’t let fear make you hide in the shadows, Kara. Step into the sun. You’ve always belonged there.”
“What about you?”
“When will you step out of the shadows, Miss Luthor?”
A voice calls for Kara in the distance. It’s jarring and breaks the spell that seemed to lock them together in time suspended.
They step away, now acutely aware of how close they’d been this whole time.
Kara blushes and opens her mouth to say something, but Lena can’t bear to hear it.
“Goodnight, Kara Zor-El. I hope you enjoyed your party.”
Another voice joins the first. Two people are calling for her now. Kara seems frustrated and turns back, yelling to them that she’d be there soon.
She turns back. “I—“
But Lena’s gone.
She leaves New Krypton again. Journeys to other planets under the guise of a holiday and scientific exploration. She wonders if now is the time to return to Earth. She can’t even call it home anymore, but it’s home...isn’t it? 45 years could be enough to make New Krypton home and maybe it was. Maybe it was more of a home than Earth. But New Krypton had spectres walking among the living. Lena’s past had caught up to her here as well. She was no longer alone. Would Earth be any better with a reminder at every street corner? A certain smell. A park bench. A pair of glasses. Food. All of the food on Earth. She would never truly escape there either. It has to be a different planet. Not New Krypton, not Earth, something else entirely. 
She searches across galaxies for it. Finally, one appeals to her. She can see herself settling down there. She can make a new life for herself...again. She returns to Krypton with determination. She resigns from her position, ignores the High Council’s pleas, ignores their more pointed demands, and even their attempted orders when it appeared that nothing else was working. She packs her things and bids farewell to her friends. They’ll visit now and again, but soon she won’t be seeing them at all. It doesn’t bother her all that much. She’d find replacements eventually. No one had ever been like... Well, she’d never let anyone get close enough to try.
She was walking out of her building for the last time, her luggage already sent ahead, and was headed to the transport when she heard her voice again on the wind, calling her name. Of course she would hear her now. This was exactly why she needed to leave this place. The sooner the better to end this torment.
The transport doors were nearly closed when a hand shot between them. The metal alloys were crushed in a powerful grip and the doors were jerkily pried open again.
Kara stood in front of her. Her hair windswept, almost what it used to look like when she would fly to Lena at breaking speed to rescue her. Did she fly here? Was she really here?
“Lena, don’t go.”
“What are y—?”
“That’s government property!” someone shouts at Kara from further away. 
A Kelex zooms in beside her. “And you were flying within city limits which is strictly prohibited. Unfortunately, Lady Kara, this means we must place you under arrest.”
A patrolman, the one who shouted, walks up behind Kara, nodding his head in agreement.
“Arrest?” She rolls her eyes at the Kelex and turns to the patrolman. “The doors were an accident and sorry about the flying thing. I’ll pay the fines. I doubt Alura In-Ze will take kindly to you dragging someone in for petty infarctions, let alone that someone being her daughter.”
Lena finds herself walking out of the transport, entirely of her own volition, and watches it leave without her. Kara is arguing with the patrolman over what her fines should be, but suddenly Lena feels someone take her hand. She looks down and sees that indeed there is another hand holding hers. She drags her gaze up to find those blue eyes again. A ghost. A spectre. Everything she was trying to escape.
“I’m sorry to just...burst in on you like this. But you’ve been gone for months and I only just heard that you’d come back, planning to leave New Krypton for good. I didn’t...”
“You didn’t what?”
“I don’t know.” Her brow furrows in frustration. “I didn’t plan this. I just...when I heard, I felt like I had to stop you.”
Lena pulls her hand away and crosses her arms. She needs to get ahold of herself. This was all so out of control.
Kara is just as bewildered as she is. “Well, I...I’m not sure. But we’ve only just started.”
“Don’t you feel it? I know you must.”
She swallows thickly. “Kara, I...”
“I think there’s a lot you haven’t told me. A lot that I hope you will tell me. You promised me once that you would always be my friend. Please, Lena. We both know that this...it’s not supposed to end here.”
“When is it supposed to end?”
“I hope not for very long time.”
“I’ve lived a lifetime already.”
Kara grins. “Then what’s one more? Should be easy if you’ve already done it.”
Lena shakes her head. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“Somehow I do...and I don’t. I know it’s strange. I know what I sound like. But I think you understand. Don’t you?”
“Are you hungry?” She interrupts. “I’m famished. The flying thing is really fun, but I always get so hungry after. How about it?”
“I’m supposed to be boarding a ship in 20 minutes.”
“We can eat fast!”
“I know you can eat fast, that’s not the point,” she mutters. “I have to go.”
“But you see? You say things like that. Like it’s normal to just know these things about me, but it’s not. How do you know? We’ve only met twice and both times it feels as though you know everything about me.”
“Everything?” She scoffs. “No. Never.”
“Well, the important things anyway.”
Lena falters.
“Please? Just...for a little while? There’s always another ship if you really must go.”
No, I’ve been through this before. I saved you. I saved your people. You’re happy. I don’t belong here. I’ve never belonged. This is your world. I don’t belong anywhere. I did what was right. I helped people. I still help people. But I won’t do this again.
“I’m pretty sure you know that a Kryptonian can tell when you’re lying. The white star brought us untold abilities. And the longer I’ve lived here, under this new sun, I’ve discovered more abilities. Would you like to know about them?”
Lena can only stare.
“If I’m close enough...and I concentrate hard enough...I can feel what you’re feeling. It’s not mind reading exactly, but something deeper. I can feel you right now.” She swallows hard. “What have I done to cause you such pain, Lena? I never thought that... If you have to go, I won’t stop you. I just thought...” She sighs defeatedly. “I don’t know what I thought. But it wasn’t this. It wasn’t pain. Or anger. Or betrayal.”
Lena’s eyes widen at the same time as Kara’s. She seemed to realize it only as she spoke the word aloud.
“Betrayal?” Kara whispers, half to herself. “I don’t understand.”
“There’s nothing to understand.”
“You’re lying.”
“Stop it.”
“I can’t! Tell me what’s happening. How can you be so angry with me, but also feel...like this...when we don’t even know each other?”
“But we do.” 
At last she admits it. 
In the quietest whisper. 
“We did. Once. In another life.”
Kara nods slowly. “Where?”
“On Earth.”
“I’ve never been to Earth.”
“Not in this time. But in another...you were Earth’s Champion. Our Protector. The Paragon of Hope.”
“As you are the Protector of Krypton? Our Salvation. The New Dawn.”
Lena shrinks uncomfortably under the titles.
“Will you tell me more?”
“You believe me?”
“Of course I do. You’re Lena Luthor. Also, with my powers I can sense you’re telling the truth, so...” She shrugs lightly at that, a sheepish smile.
“Right. Well, I admit I’m still a bit resentful that after everything I’ve been through, I still didn’t get even a hint of those powers.”
Kara takes her hand again, tentatively this time. She probably thinks Lena will pull away.
She doesn’t.
“There’s been a rumor for ages that you’re immortal. Are you saying that’s not true? From what I’ve read, humans have a shorter life span than us. Your species only live about 85 years or so.”
“I’ve heard the rumor and, yes, the average human lifespan is shorter than a Kryptonian’s.”
“You look pretty darn good for your age if you’re preparing to join Rao in a few cycles.”
Lena has to laugh. She lets Kara lead her away from the platform and down to the street. They walk hand in hand.
“So you’re not immortal?”
“It remains to be seen.”
“Then maybe our white sun did give you a hint of something after all.”
“Maybe. I have yet to ascertain the cause.”
“I could help you with your study, should you choose to explore it further.”
“You want to study me?”
Kara blushes. “I...I didn’t mean it like that. I only meant—“
“I know what you meant.”
Silence falls between them.
“You’re still holding my hand.”
“You’re still letting me.”
“It’s strange.” She stares. “You’re different. You’re so different than you were before, a completely different person, but somehow...when I look at you, you’re exactly who you’ve always been.”
“Are you different now too?”
“Yes.” She shrugs. “I think so anyway.”
“But we’ve still found each other. That means something.”
“Are you sure you want to hear this? You might be angry with me. I...I made choices that changed your life. A great number of lives.”
“I want to hear everything. But even if I do get angry, I won’t leave. I promise.”
Lena starts at that. How could she know exactly—? The realization hits her. 
“My fears...you feel them right now, don’t you?”
Kara nods. “I won’t betray you, Lena. Whatever mistakes I’ve made before...in that other life...I won’t make them again.”
“You’ll make other mistakes.”
“Of course!” She laughs. “I’m gifted, but hardly perfect. You’ll make mistakes too, even if you are the Great New Dawn.”
“Two prodigies...” Lena raises an eyebrow. “I don’t know how people stand us. We must be insufferable to be around.”
“I can’t be held accountable for the jealousy of others.”
Lena chuckles. “Good to know you’re as competitive as ever.”
“And you? Are you competitive as well?”
“On occasion...when it comes to the right things.”
Kara grins. “Tell me more about Earth.”
“Earth or...you on Earth?”
“Both. Or just one. Whatever you like. We have all the time we need. We’ll get to it eventually.”
“What do you want?”
“How do you know that?”
“I just do.”
“You’re not afraid?”
“Of losing you? Yes, I’m afraid. I thought I did when you left me in the Grove that night.”
“It’s different this time though.”
“Different how?”
“You were afraid before. O-on Earth. So you lied to me. Hid things from me. You were afraid I’d reject you.”
“So I lost you anyway?”
“For a while.”
“I know who I am and I want to share all of that with you. I’m afraid I’ll lose you if I don’t. Do you think that means I learned my lesson with a second chance?”
“Even though you don’t remember the first?”
Kara tilts her head thoughtfully.  “Are you familiar with the theological concept of reincarnation?”
Lena nods.
“Many species and cultures detail it differently, but the belief that a soul does not reside in an afterlife fascinates me. The idea that one could instead be reborn and is destined to learn new lessons with each life that it failed to learn in the last. Maybe we found a way to do that without needing to die at all.”
“Are you sure you’re the First Order of the Science Council? Because that sounds an awful lot like preaching I’ve heard from the Religious Guild. You’re in the wrong profession.”
Kara rolls her eyes. “If anything, I should have joined the Artisans. But it’s too late for that.”
Lena’s quiet for a moment. They’re walking along streets she’s never seen before and doesn’t care. It doesn’t matter.
“I think I’m learning...” she says softly, “that it’s never too late. If you want something enough, it’s never too late.”
“I hope you’re right.”
Lena looks around. “Do you know where you’re going?”
“No, I thought you did.”
“No. I guess we’re lost then.”
Kara shrugs with a charming, sunny smile that lights her whole face. It’s the one that Lena hasn’t seen in over 40 years and it takes her breath away.
“Oh well.” Kara squeezes Lena’s hand happily. “I suppose we’ll find our way together.”
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dat-town · 3 years
poison like you
Characters: princess!you & guard!Xukun feat. king!Yixing
Genre: historical, fantasy, royalty, bit of enemies to lovers, bit of childhood sweetheart to lovers, bit of i’d die for you, angst with hopeful open ending
Warnings: blood, violence, murder, poisoning and death
Summary: If you wanted to kill the last son of the Dragon Clan, first you needed to get through his right hand man. Too bad he knew you too well but it felt like you didn’t know him at all.
Words: 11.1k
Author’s note: please note that even though this historical fantasy is inspired by ancient China, it is not historically accurate because it isn’t set in any certain era or even at any existing place. the governor structure and politics might be confusing but this is basically about a lot of small kingdoms (called clans) having a never ending war for more power over the area. Chinese mythical creatures exist in this world but have gone almost extinct during the wars. to know how i imagine this world, watch Lay’s Lit mv!
for the one&only @lily-blue​ 💕
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As the only daughter of the Jade Clan's head, you had your responsibilities. To your father, his men and all the people under them. Most importantly, you had to do everything in order to protect the Clan. When the Dragon Clan started expanding its territory, winning over more and more land, becoming more and more powerful, you knew that no army could fight theirs, so you had to go to the war with wits instead of swords.
When your father proposed the idea of a reunion between the two Clans by marrying you to the son of the Dragon, you hated it. The other Clan was everything you despised: ruthless, brutal, selfish and while you knew arranged marriage was your future, you didn't want to rule next to a tyrant. But when your father said that this would be the perfect chance for you to kill their leader and rule over the united clans yourself, it suddenly wasn't that bad of a plan. Although you never wanted a huge empire and you didn't want the responsibility over so many people, freeing them from a bloody rule sounded like the best you could do. Especially now that the man needed an heir to secure his bloodline and power.
It took ridiculously few letters between your father and Zhang Yixing before you were off, on the road with only a chest of your belongings and another one full of gold and other jewels as marriage gifts. You had your most trusted maids and soldiers with you but otherwise you were alone, alone with your plan to poison your husband-to-be. Surely, you didn't think it was going to be easy while being surrounded by his people in a palace but getting there, the dark monstrum of a building wasn't like how you imagined your future to be. Everything wore the pattern of dragon scales, the city burned in the colours of fire and ash, even the waters were dark. People wore black clothes and wore their hair down without many accessories but despite the grayness of the place, the men and women you ran into didn't seem unhappy or living in fear. They must not have known any other life, so you felt sorry for them.
You were escorted to a chamber right away and compared to the light flowery room you were used to at home, this was very different but you didn't complain. Instead you inquired about Zhang Yixing's whereabouts and when you could meet him but the maid told you that he had a meeting with his generals, so you couldn't see him until the next day when you were supposed to have lunch together. You thanked her for enlightening you and after blaming your fatigue on the long voyage, you requested to be left alone. Opening your box of accessories, you pulled out a small glass bottle with yellow liquid inside. A few drops of it was enough to put a man to sleep, a whole spoon was surely death, so your only job was to get time alone with your fiance. Until then, you needed to play your cards well.
You were quite restless and maybe a bit paranoid but you couldn’t sleep during the night fearing that someone might attack you. Even though you knew you were now under the protection of the ruler of the Clan just by being Zhang Yixing’s fiancée, it didn’t calm your traitorous heart. You have seen enemies in every corner and yet, you raised your chin high, confident and proud when you were called to that lunch with your man to be.
Followed by a bunch of maids, you walked to the room on which Yixing decided and you took your seat on the opposite end of the long table full of delicious goods. The young king was already there, his pitch black hair falling into his almond-shaped dark eyes as he looked up at you sternly, eyes narrowing as if he wanted to see through you. His skin was pale against his black clothes that were simpler than you would have thought of a tyrant. You had never met him before but you heard stories of him and you heard descriptions of his looks. However, he was younger than you had expected, only a few years older than you, but with his defined jawline and rigid expression you could imagine him being the one behind the destruction of your neighbours.
He didn’t greet you but signalled that you should start eating and tentatively you reached out for the rice, chopsticks freezing in your hold as soon as he spoke up in a raspy voice.
"It's quite unexpected, your father's wish to join hands," he said calmly and it sounded like a challenge or a test, you couldn’t tell but you didn’t like the tone he was using to talk about your father. As if he was a weakling crawling to his feet.
"Is it?” you raised an eyebrow, daring to look straight into his cold eyes, watching his every move, every twitch. “I think it's a very reasonable timing. After all, you just reached our borders," you explained because he must have known there were not many choices you could take: it was either seeking peace or a war and your nation was a peaceful one, hence you would have done anything to keep it that way.
“Is your father afraid of me?” Yixing questioned and you bet he wanted to believe that, that he could scare the Jade Clan’s head. But your father was a born strategist, he always had a plan.
“Isn’t that why you’re doing this? You want other nations to fear you?” you counterattacked with a question, knowing the lesson yourself as well: If you cannot be loved, you must be feared.
You were well aware that it was a reckless thing to challenge the king. He might have been your fiance on paper but he could have just lifted his hand and have you killed and everybody you had with you to make it look like you were attacked on the road, never reaching his palace. However, for the first time since you had seen him, the man ahead of you looked amused, the corners of his mouth curling upwards.
"You have a sharp tongue for a princess," he said and it almost sounded like a compliment. You took pride in that with a raise of your chin.
"I'm the only child of the Jade Clan's head. I have learned how to wield any kind of weapon," you answered confidently. You might not have been an undefeated warrior but you had learned how to protect yourself and you knew too well that spoken words could cause just as harm as knives sometimes. But still, it seemed to make the young king interested as he bobbed his head towards you, leaning forward with his elbows balancing on the table.
"We could test that. Are you good at archery?" he asked, probably with the intention to invite you for a game. But his smugness irked you because he made it sound like he expected you to lose no matter what. So you did the least princess-like and least wise thing you could have done in that moment: you pulled your hairpin out, letting your long locks fall onto your shoulders before swinging your arm forward and letting the pin fly forward.
In the next moment two interestings things happened. Not only Yixing’s guards weren’t by your side, forcing you down or even killing you for your brazen act but he himself didn’t move. He looked into your eyes without fear and without anger. At the same time, you saw a shadow move so fast you didn’t think it was possible for a human and his sword hit you hairpin out of its path before it could have landed in the painting behind Yixing’s throne, hitting the dragon on it in the eye. The soldier, guard or whoever he was, wore black just like his ruler but there was a textil mask in front of his face, so he must have been a special kind of warrior. Not that you cared, your attention was back on Yixing immediately.
"You tell me... do you think I would be good at it?" you asked, finding the silence a bit unsettling, it was almost like the calm before the storm. But then the king laughed and you were baffled.
“What a bride you will make,” he tilted his head and then finally, you started eating.
 You were aware that you were lucky that you hadn’t been executed for that bold move you had made but it only ensured you that Zhang Yixing needed you. Or at least what you represented: the peace deal with your nation and a secured future bloodline. He could have probably forgiven as much. Or was he really that sure that either you miss the target or his guard would save him? You weren't sure but since you needed to know about his most trusted men anyways, you asked your maids about the masked figure. They didn’t know much, so you gave them the task to ask around among the Dragon Clan’s servants. You needed to know who your enemies were and where they laid. You also needed to know the palace as best as you could in case you needed an escape route or a secret passage to get to Yixing faster than anyone.
Hence, your night escapades started: once night have fallen, you pulled out a dark, comfortable clothing usually men wore and tied your hair high to not get into your way as you climb out of your window, up to the roof from where you could see the U-shaped building complex, knowing exactly where you should go: towards the king’s quarters. Running from rooftop to rooftop reminded you of your childhood when you practiced hide and seek in the palace back home. Your father had taught you how important it was to remain invisible and his advice still stayed with you as you made sure to dissolve into the shadows as you jumped to the gardens: step lightly, breath lightly like air in the morning but listen well and open your eyes because the smallest sounds, the smallest movements can be your enemy’s.
There were two guards in front of what you thought was Yixing’s suite but you didn’t care about that. You were more interested in the room where he planned his strategies to see if he really wanted to march through your home and bring war there just to conquer your other neighbours too. But before you could reach for the wooden door, you heard a shush and you crouched down just in time for the dagger to land in the wood instead of you. You bolted immediately, making a run for it, stepping up on a barrel you jumped onto the roof, so you could find a hiding place. You were prepared for such a thing. If things went South, you just needed to sneak back to your room, under the blanket and act alarmed when they banged on your door. You might have been from another Clan but nobody would have disrespected a princess by checking what she wore while sleeping and none of your maids would have said anything against you.
But you didn’t reach your quarters. No matter how lightly and in the shadows you tried to step, the one who followed you must have been really good because from one moment to another you felt yourself being hauled down from the roof, onto the ground. You and the man (based on his build) fell down together and lucky for you, it was him whose back hit the grass first with you on top of him. It gave you a bit of advantage to get to your feet immediately but you didn’t get far away. Dodging the man’s attacks, you had to admit that his training was very good, no fighter made it so hard for you to get even one hit and you grunted in annoyance when your back hit the wall of the stable. It was a full moon, so it was dark, only some tinkling light illuminating the palace for which you were grateful but it also gave you disadvantage because unlike your attacker you didn’t know this place. You felt a sudden pressure on your chest as a strong arm was pressed against it, a blade close to your neck but you only saw a silhouette.
“Speak, are you just a thief or a spy?” he asked, his voice sounding younger, softer than you expected but there was something dangerous to it. You didn’t wait enough to find out what it  was. You tightened your grip around the ceramic cup you had picked up earlier and smashed it against his head. You had indeed learned how to use everything as a weapon.
For a moment, it looked as if the guard’s eyes flashed gold in the moonlight but you were too busy running away, into the stable, scaring the horses and hiding behind a straw pile, controlling your breathing until the man who had come after you gave up and left.
You hissed when you touched the wound on your fair skinned neck. It wasn’t deep and didn’t hurt a lot but it was obviously a blade wound, one that a princess shouldn’t have. So to hide it, you brushed your head over your shoulders before you left for your archery practice with Zhang Yixing who wished to see your skills for real. He greeted you with an expectant smile to which you bobbed your head politely.
You didn’t talk much while taking turns, shooting arrows but you carefully and discreetly eyed his guards when it was the king’s turn, wondering if one of them was the one from the day before. Not that you could have told with their masks on.
After practice (you lost but only because you didn’t try too hard), you went to eat fruits in the gardens and you learned that Yixing was about to leave to check on his Eastern borders. He would be away for at least a week but promised to get the wedding preparations started with his servants. You knew that was why you came but still, it made you nervous as it meant you had less time.
“Princess!” A sudden, unexpected voice called after you when you were ready to leave with your maids. Nobody other than Yixing had initiated a conversation with you since you arrived, everyone waited for you to step first. So you were curious what this man, one of the king’s closest guards, could have wanted from you. Turning around, you saw him holding out your hairpin, the one you had thrown towards Yixing the first time you had seen him, the one someone dodged, could it be…
You looked up at the young man, his hair, somewhat ruffled in his forehead, mask covering his face under his eyes. He didn’t look at you, he casted his eyes down like a good servant would.
“Thank you,” you spoke up, a bit uncertain and there was a flicker in the guard’s eyes the moment he glanced up at you after his gaze lingered on your neck: something familiar yet scary but you blinked and it was over. You took the hairpin and left, your dress sweeping the floor behind you. That guard made you feel uneasy for some reason.
The next day Yixing indeed left and when you didn’t bump into the man from the other night for the next three days you were starting to think that he went with the ruler as well. It was only after you managed to sneak into the king’s room and out when you had to realize just how wrong you had been. You knew something was off the moment you stepped into your quarters. Your guards weren’t outside of your doors and the candle you left there lit up burnt out. It was already cold to touch when you lit it again which meant it must have blown out when your intruder opened the door earlier. You pulled out your sword and pointed it ahead of you, alarmed. Your shadow danced on the walls as the candle light flickered.
“It’s been a while… Princess,” the intruder spoke up much too calmly for someone who broke into a royal’s room. You could have gotten him killed for that but you froze. Not only because he must have known about your night adventures but because the playful tint of his voice was somewhat familiar.
The shadow stepped out from the corner, hands held up, defensive, revealing the guard from earlier. You furrowed your brows, not lowering the sword, not until the other pulled down his mask and the man you faced made you gasp.
“Xukun...” you whispered, almost whimpered, and you felt your knees weaken. But he– you thought he was dead.
“I think we have a lot to talk about,” he suggested with a hint of a smile and you couldn’t agree more.
You could still barely believe that it was Cai Xukun in front of you, alive and grown up unlike the boy you had last seen him as. The boy you practiced fighting with, the son of your father’s general, your childish first love. He had never known, of course, you never had a future to begin with but still. You remembered being sixteen and so in love, secretly gushing everytime he had brought you wild roses saying they reminded him of you. But then at eighteen, he had gone off to a battle and never came back. You remembered the crinkle around his eyes as he joked, telling you not to worry, he wasn’t that easy to kill. Apparently, he was right but you didn’t understand what he was doing in the Royal Palace of the Dragon Clan as one of the high rank guards when he was supposed to be back at your home. If his father still lived, what would he have said about his son becoming a traitor?
“I knew it was you,” he spoke up, eyes a mixed colour, mouth in a thin line. You looked at him questioningly. Then he pointed at your neck without a word and you reached for the now scar on your throat. “Obviously, I didn’t know then. Sorry.”
“Why didn’t you report me then?” you asked directly, looking straight into his eyes and you let your gaze linger on the slope of his nose, the corners of his mouth, the sharp line of his jaw. He had grown up, he was more handsome than ever. “Or why didn’t you kill me during the past two days when you were following me?”
“So you knew,” Xukun nodded at you, impressed but you just raised an eyebrow. You had a guess. Everything was too easy, too quiet. When you didn’t answer, the once boy now man standing in front of you sighed as if he carried the weight of the world with him. “You should know I would never hurt you.”
You scoffed at him. You would have been naive to believe him and you weren’t a child anymore. Hell, you came here to kill the king.
“How could I be sure? It’s been years, Xukun, and you were nowhere! You gave no signs that you were alive and here you are, in an enemy clan serving their ruthless ruler?!” you spat at him and you knew that your words were harsh, that your tone was cold but honestly, you knew a barely 18 years old boy and not the young man who was in front of you. You were conflicted to say the least.
“Zhang Yixing isn’t ruthless,” Xukun corrected you. Of all things you said, he found this the most obnoxious thing you had told him out of all, he decided to correct that. You wondered why. Why was he loyal to him? Why when you had only known him to be a murderer and someone who dared you to show him her best shot?
“Isn’t he? Then how does he keep destroying these nations around us? He burnt the Moon Clan to the ground for the deities’ sake!” your voice rose by the end and you had to remind yourself to stay quiet. It would have been a scandal if someone knew you had a man in your room while your fiance was away. Your whole plan would have gone down the gutter if your reputation was ruined just like that. But you heard all the stories: the massacre in the West, the burnt towns in the South, the sunk ships at the sea. They were his doing or so people said.
“That… that wasn’t him,” Xukun objected, so sure of himself that it almost made you feel sick. “And it’s a war either way. There are no saints here. Your father isn’t one either.”
You knew how wars were fought, you knew that everybody including you was a sinner, you had both grown up in a world where you knew nothing but neverending fights, losing loved ones and never knowing safety. Yet, when the boy who your father thought of fondly dared to call him out, anger flared in you.
“My father sent his only daughter to marry a tyrant to save his people from suffering, so don’t talk about him like you knew him!”
Maybe it wasn’t what you said but how you said it, the sword you still hadn’t let go of trembling in your hand but Xukun paused, licked his lip in consideration and his voice was softer when he continued:
“I can prove that Zhang Yixing isn’t as ruthless as you think he is,” he claimed but you didn’t really care about that. You wanted to know why he was there, in the Dragon Clan instead at what you had known as a home.
“Does it have something to do with why you never came back? Like you promised,” you reminded him, sounding bitter at the memory. Gosh, you had been such a child. But who could have blamed you? He smiled and it tipped your whole world back then. But he just visibly gulped now, so you must have been right.
“I owe him my life,” he said curtly and you sucked in a breath, wondering whether he meant it figuratively or literally. You didn’t have to ask, Xukun kept talking as if now that he started, a river flood. “When the Phoenix Clan attacked us 5 years ago, I was captured. They must have known that my father was a general and they wanted to get to him. When they took me in front of their leader, Yixing was also there, barely a boy not much older than me, caught while sneaking into the tent while stealing maps on a mission for his father. They confused him for someone from the Jade Clan and thought he came for me. They let him go to pass a message to my father and then they left me in the desert far enough from the battlefield with an open wound. I was so sure I would die.”
You had imagined before how it happened. How he died, or so you had thought. You’d had nightmares about it. Seeing his beautiful eyes wide open in shock and pain. You’d imagined it on the battlefield but his body was never found. The nearby river had been red though, so you thought maybe… But it was all wrong. He was never really there.
Xukun unconsciously touched his abdomen with a grimace on his face and you wondered whether he felt the phantom pain of the stab but he kept talking without addressing that.
“The next thing I remember is waking up to being carried on horseback and Yixing yelling for a medic. I wouldn’t have thought he would come back for me, we didn’t even know each other after all,” he stopped short at that as if he was still dumbfounded that the heir of the Dragon Clan saved him then. Honestly, in his place you had been too. Maybe Yixing hadn’t had his reputation back then but you were still enemies. “When the royal medic told him I’m a lost case, he took me to a shaman and they made me drink something that cured my wound by the next day.”
“Dragon blood,” you whispered in shock when Xukun gave you a meaningful look.
There was no other way but the magical powers of dragons. Although there were more rumours than credible sources on that, nobody denied that any essence of the heavenly, snake-like creature could save lives. But there were too few of them, maybe exactly because humans dared to hunt them down for either their scales, antlers or their blood, you wouldn’t have thought it was still possible. Yixing must have paid a fortune to save someone whom he barely knew.
“See why I can’t go back home?” Xukun asked and mouth open in agapé, you casted your eyes down.
Such medication… such witchcraft was illegal in Jade nation. He would have been branded as a monster and exiled even if he went back. Dragons and creatures like that were considered sacred in your home.
“Where did they even get dragon blood from? Nobody has seen a dragon in years,” you took a shallow breath, trying to work through your messy thoughts.
“What do you think caused the fire at Moon nation?” Xukun asked knowingly and with hope in his eyes resembled the boy you had once known. He hoped you would believe him and you did but it wasn’t easy to digest all this new information.
The two of you just looked at each other in silence, a heavy one, before the sounds of the midnight patrol startled you. Hushed, you blew out the candle light, leaving you in the dark, speaking in hushed voices.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to do but… please, don’t go against Yixing. I might not be able to save you then,” Xukun spoke up, his deep voice echoing in the room, you clenched your hands in fists. As if he was there to save you in the last years when you would have needed him.
“I don’t need you to save me,” you told him, hurt clear in your voice but he didn’t say anything. He left without saying a word, wind whizzing into your room as he became one with the shadows outside. His last words left you wondering. Would he have died for Yixing, even in his place even if the weapon was in your hands?
You told yourself it wasn’t because of Xukun but you didn’t sneak into the king’s quarters in the next few days. Instead you wrote a letter to your father telling him about recent events and what you have found out about the Dragon Clan’s plans based on what you had found in the strategy meeting room. You entrusted one of your best guards with the letter and sent him home.
Days had passed uneventfully then but only until Zhang Yixing and his men came back with news that knocked air out of your lungs: the Eagle Clan attacked the weakened eastern wing of your nation. You knew they had become daring lately no matter how your father wished to keep it a secret from you but it was still all too sudden. Your army wasn’t ready to not only stand guard in case you got attacked from the South but now from the sunrise side as well.
“You cannot tell me to just wait it out!” you rose from your chair at lunch when Yixing told you the news. You felt offended at how calm he was. It must have been just another attack for him, but for you, it was your home.
“What else could a princess do?” he raised an eyebrow at you challengingly and you would have liked to sneer at him.
“I’m not the type of princess you think I am,” you claimed, hating that he probably thought you were used to letting other people fight your battles for you. Just because your father didn’t let you go into the war because you were the sole heir of the clan, it didn’t mean you couldn’t have. But now, as Yixing’s fiancée you didn’t even have much choice. You knew you shouldn’t go against his words or he might dance back on his agreement with your father. But you panicked, so you did the only thing you could possibly do in such a situation. “What do you want? Do you want to marry immediately, so you would help? Or would you let them destroy my home even then?”
You were desperate, so you would have agreed to anything only if he sent a handful of soldiers to help your people. Hell, if you had become the queen you could have commanded them yourself. But the king seemed to have different ideas.
“I will help. On one condition,” he said slowly, tasting every word and you were holding your breath, waiting for him to reveal what he wished from you. “Show me what type of princess you are then. Let’s not lie to each other about these things, Princess.”
Well, you certainly did not expect that.
“What do you mean?” you stuttered and your heart skipped a beat when the man slid an overly familiar envelope onto the table. You were smart enough to not be obvious about what you wanted to discuss with your father but there were still hints in your letter about things you shouldn’t have known if you were just picking flowers and practicing embroidery like an ordinary princess would have.
“You don’t want to marry me,” the man said and even though it was an accusation, he didn’t make it sound like one. And yet…
“You don’t want to marry me either but it hardly matters what we desire. We come from the bloodline of royals, we have our responsibilities to our people. And my people need me,” you slammed your hand on the table, spilled rice wine pouring like melted snow. You caught one of the masked guards - probably Xukun - turning his head towards you at that.
“You don’t want to be a princess,” Yixing continued and it baffled you. As if you had a choice! “You have the heart of a warrior.”
Well, you couldn’t argue that, so you just gulped, looking over the table, at the man who was a mystery to you. What did he want you to say? You couldn’t possibly admit that you planned to kill him.
“Come with me,” the king said as if it was his ultimatum and there was something knowing in his dark eyes when he explained: “Come with me to the front. Fight with me and then I’ll help the Jade Clan.”
His offer was an interesting one, you didn’t quite get his reason but you nodded anyway. You were ready to fight alongside your people but you didn’t even have to look at Xukun to know he was frowning.
You left the next day, at dawn. You took all your guards with you and Yixing added his own as you departed towards the North… your home. You wore your comfortable man clothes, hair swirling in the air around you as you galloped on your horse next to the others. It took about two days to reach the endangered border, so on the night when you had to set up a tent you could be finally alone a bit. Since you were the only woman you got a separate place and nobody should have bothered you but the tent wasn’t empty when you got in there. Gosh, were your guards so imcompetent or how?
“Reckless of you to sneak into my tent. What would your king say?” you asked, words a bit biting. You didn’t have a chance to talk with Xukun ever since that night in your room and you knew, it could have been indecent to exchange words in front of others even if you explained that you knew each other from before.
“I came exactly because of that,” the once boy explained, sitting near your small table as if you had invited him over for tea. Only because you had known him before you noticed his fidgety fingers as a sign of nervousness. “Did you write about me in the letter he got his hands on?”
Oh. So that was what he was worried about. Disappointment made you taste bile in your mouth. You hated this feeling.
“I’m not stupid,” you told him curtly and turned your back on him to indeed pour some boiled water over tea leaves to soothe your nerves. Honestly, you thought about telling your father about Xukun but then you realized you didn’t know what to write. You weren’t sure what you should have. It wasn’t your place to decide and maybe it was for the better if your father still thought that he was dead.
“He… he has a man watching you. He told me he can’t trust me with that,” Xukun who once had jumped to hover above you when a wooden house fell upon the two of you during a heavy storm sounded pained admitting that. You gulped hearing his words and the worry lacing through them. You didn’t want to think of him caring. He disappeared from your life years ago, he didn’t get to worry about you now.
“Why are you telling me this?” you asked, slowly, tentative as you sat by the table across him, putting cups of tea between you. Xukun waited until you looked up, into his deep brown eyes that had the most beautiful golden specks in them you had ever seen. Maybe it was just the lights’ doing but he still took your breath away, unfairly so.
“You need to be careful. He knows you’re up to something,” he pressed, desperate and you forced a smile, a charming, confident one. Oh, Zhang Yixing had no idea what was coming for him if he betrayed you.
“If he helped my people, our people, I wouldn’t have a reason to plot against him, would I?” you voiced out your thoughts, the decision you made on your own. If the king proved to be not as ruthless, just as your old friend claimed, maybe he deserved another chance. So you meant it but Xukun didn’t look convinced.
“Princess, I have something to discuss,” the cold, authoritative voice of the Dragon Clan’s head could be heard from outside and the pace of your heartbeats picked up, whipping your head towards the entrance of your tent then back to Xukun… or where he had been just before. Now, nothing but a smell of smoke lingered after him. You had no idea how he did that.
As it turned out Yixing wanted to discuss the reports he had gotten from the battle and if he had noticed the two cups of steamy tea, he didn’t make a comment on it. The situation was quite bad, the enemy had already gotten over the walls you had pulled up all those years ago. He had already had a man of his own let the Jade Clan general there know that Dragon soldiers were coming to rescue and not to attack, so if things worked out, you could crowd out the attackers from two sides. If you were lucky enough you could bait them towards the river where they were more vulnerable. It didn’t sound like a bad plan at all and hearing Yixing’s strategies, you understood why he had won so many battles but what surprised you was that he didn’t intend to drown everyone in the river or kill them on the spot, he sounded like he hoped they would give up and retreat. You wouldn’t have thought that of the ruthless Zhang Yixing.
Knowing how wars worked was different than being there, in the middle of a battle, sweaty, limbs tired, blood dripping from the end of your sword and a painful bruise blossoming on your left shoulder. You saw red and adrenaline carried you as you shouted and attacked the next man with mace in his hand coming at you.
“Princess!” Someone screamed and you dodged the sword aiming at you just in time but its owner stepped closer, pushing you backwards on the slippery ground. You weren’t strong enough to push him back.
“Princess, huh? How interesting,” the man, covered in dirt and blood not his own, grinned at you, a hand clasping his hand around your throat, squeezing hard. You gasped, clawing at his arm with your free hand because he pushed the one that held the sword close to your chest with his. For the first time in your life, you felt powerless even with a weapon in your hand. You tried to kick and get away from the soldier but you couldn’t and felt disgusted by the names this disgusting leech called you.
You didn’t know how long you had fought back but the noises of the battle started to fade out when suddenly the man was yanked away from you but you still felt his blood splatter across your cheek as a sword pierced through his chest. Panting, gasping for air, you stared at Xukun behind the fallen soldier and he stared back at you, eyes glowing dark and golden. You smelled something burning...
You heard the screams before you had seen the source of sudden panic and shock.
You looked up to where everybody was pointing while running and you had seen a huge dragon appearing above the walls of Jade. Its fur and scales were dark like the night sky except a few gilded ones that looked like burning fire from afar while his antlers were long and ivory. It was terrifying yet beautiful. Its honey-coloured eyes gazed down upon you mere humans and it seemed to have a concrete target in its mind as it flew above you rippling the water and air behind.
Xukun grabbed your arm, trying to pull you away but his touch felt burning too and you couldn’t take your eyes off the dragon that halted in the air, levitating just above the ground, its huge head merely an arm away from Zhang Yixing who stood there alone, unmoving. It reminded you of the day when you threw your hairpin at him, how calm he was and you still couldn’t believe what you saw when the Dragon Clan’s leader lifted a hand and put it on its head as if he was trying to discipline a dog.
Thunder roared above and Xukun managed to pull you away now that everyone had scattered all over hell's half-acre. He took you farther, inside the wall of your nation and you only noticed that he must have been hurt when he stumbled and you had to catch him before he fell.
“Kun!” you shrieked, scared, the old nickname slipping naturally as you put his arm around your shoulder and pulled him inside of a half-destroyed house nearby. Your hands trembled as you let him sit down and then looked around to look for a lantern to light it.
In the dim lit room you kneeled next to the guard, his clothing soaked with his blood and you could see sweat forming on his forehead. How did it happen, you questioned, but it wasn’t the important thing. With a shaky breath, you reached out to peel off the bloody material from his chest to see the sword cut across one shoulder. You hissed seeing the fresh wound and all that blood. You cursed in frustration.
“Shh… it’s okay,” the boy whispered with droopy eyes, taking your hand, weakly pushing it away from the cut.
“It’s not okay,” you argued and you could feel tears in the corner of your eyes. Did he get hurt while trying to get to you? Did he forget to pay attention to himself because he saw you? You felt guilty and you hated that, you didn’t want to be the reason why he was hurt.
“There’s something you should know…” Kun coughed and grunted at the pain flashing through him. He had his eyes shut, teeth clenched and it hurt to look at him. “I– I heal faster than normal… The dragon blood that saved me…”
“I know,” you cut him off, not wanting him to exhaust himself with speaking. You could see him struggle, his eyes bright gold when he opened them briefly. His blood was working its magic.
To be honest, you didn’t know, you just had a guess up until now. His golden flashing eyes, the warmth radiating off him, how fast and soundless he could move or disappear leaving only smoke behind… It was because of the dragon inside of him.
There were legends saying that if a person spared a dragon, it would be bound to him for life and the blood of an alive dragon in a human would create a connection between the two. A connection that could call the other half if one felt threatened. Although it was just a theory, with the intensity of Kun’s eyes on you, the beautiful burning fire in his pupils made you believe you were right, that the dragon appeared because he feared for you.
There was a short cut growl leaving the boy’s mouth and you grabbed his hand, letting him squeeze yours while you could see his skin basically knitting itself back together, the wound closing in as if it had never been there. It might have been only a few minutes but it felt too long with how much it seemed to hurt the boy you had just saved your life. When it was over and he opened his eyes, they were plain brown again – your favourite though – and he looked tired.
Oh, thank the deities, you let out a relieved choked sound and you didn’t even notice you had been crying until Xukun didn’t wipe your tears off your cheek. He looked at you as if he had seen you for the first time, properly at least and you felt your lips tremble. Heavens, you had mourned him once and now you almost lost him again. Suddenly, a rush of emotions rippled through your body, your fingers tentatively touching the freshly healed skin.
“You’re so warm,” you whispered in awe since his skin was hotter than expected and you knew it wasn’t fever caused by the wound.
“Princess...” he muttered oh so gently and his hand, wet with your tears, slipping from your cheek to your neck, caressed your skin just like his voice caressed your soul.
“No,” you stopped him firmly and when confusion flashed in his orbs you told him to call you by your own name. It was a command, a request, a plea. It was everything and a sweet little nothing at the same time.
Kun’s eyes widened at the permission but pushed himself away from the wall to lean closer and he sighed your name into the seam of your mouth. You closed your eyes feeling his hot breath tingling on your lips and when he kissed you, you melted against him like wax melted near fire.
Once the storm passed, you could still feel Kun’s touch on you. It was like a vivid memory and it tasted sweet on your tongue even if you knew you were being naive.
You didn’t talk about it. About what it meant because you both knew you couldn’t. But you were stupid enough to forget about your other problems when you had seen the retreating army. Your people could be a bit more safe at least for a little while.
“Cai Xukun!” Another guard called out when he caught sight of his comrade next to you. He looked panicked and it scared you. What now? The man walking up to your duo looked at you warily before answering the question about his worried expression. “The king is injured.”
Oh. Interesting how it was what you had wanted since you had left home but now that Zhang Yixing was bedridden, you found yourself worrying and by the looks of it Kun too. The two of you were escorted to the king who lay on a makeshift bed, chest wrapped with a cloth that he had already bled through.
“What happened?” you questioned, looking from one soldier to another. This didn’t look like something caused by the dragon’s claws or teeth, it was definitely a human-caused injury and your guess was confirmed when one of the men told you that while he was trying to calm the dragon, someone from afar shot an arrow through him. It made you anxious because what if they captured the dragon? What would that have meant to your people, to Kun?
“And the dragon?”
“It chased them away and is probably in the mountains,” the man said and that made you a bit relieved even though you weren’t sure you were allowed to feel that while your fiance was bleeding out only a few steps from you. You nodded in acknowledgement and made a hand movement to excuse the soldiers. Soon, you were left with only Xukun in the room.
“Why isn’t he healing? Doesn’t he...” you looked at the boy, not understanding why the injury took its toll on the king when Xukun healed within an hour. Was it some kind of special arrow damped in poisonous liquid? Was it...
“No,” The guard cut your words off but you could already tell by the look on his face that it wasn’t how you thought. “He saved the dragon and it now serves him but he never got its blood and I… I think the dragon is hurt, too.”
“What?” you were dumbfounded how he could tell something like that when you had left the field together, so he couldn’t have known about this. Not by seeing it happen. But as Xukun clenched his hand in front of his chest as if he was hurting, you started to understand. They were indeed connected after all.
“I can feel it. I can’t explain but its energy...”
A hurt dragon in the mountains. A hurt king in the desert. Gosh, things really weren’t on the path you hoped them to be. You suddenly weren't sure what worried you more.
“Do you think the dragon is in danger?” you turned to Kun, fingers fidgeting with the handle of your sword by your side. If those from before knew that they managed to wound the creature, were they looking for it? Anyone who got control over a dragon could have immense power, you didn’t even want to think about it. Especially the dragon that had this special connection with the boy beside you.  “Go then. Help the dragon!”
He seemed surprised and conflicted at your nudging. He didn’t move, eyes flickering to the bed behind you.
“But Yixing...” His protest fell short when you quickly explained:
“I will stay with him and wait for the medic,” you promised but weren’t sure Xukun trusted you with something like this until he reached out to take your hands in his. His palm was warm like every other part of him too, his fingers felt nice against your dirtied, dry skin. He squeezed your hand gently in agreement.  
“Call for a shaman, too,” he added and you nodded with a lump in your throat. You needed to get prepared for any kind of situation.
You could have been called a loyal fiancée based on how you spent day and night next to Yixing, watching over his recovery. However, he didn’t get much better over the course of days and you didn’t hear about Xukun either. The only reassuring thing was that you weren’t attacked there, at the border of three Clans. You couldn’t leave either way because the king wasn’t well enough for such a long voyage and you wanted to be as close as the mountains anyway.
The medic said the arrow hit Yixing so close to his heart that it was a miracle that he was still breathing and it scared you more than you had expected. You let him change the bandage and stayed by the unconscious man, putting fresh wet cloth over his feverish forehead.
That night, marking the third without Xukun, the king stirred awake.
You looked up from your place beside his bed, startled. It was the first time he seemed more conscious than just to drink a bit of water or ginger soup because his eyes looked alert. For the first time since you had met him, he seemed scared.
“The dragon...” he croaked out with a hoarse voice due to not speaking for days.
“Xukun is looking after it,” you told him reassuringly and held a metal cup to the king’s chin, urging him to drink a bit. He gulped down the fresh water as if it was healing potion and once he finished with the entire cup, he fell back onto the sheets with a painful sigh. Closing his eyes, he traced his ribs until he reached the bloody bandage over his wound and hissed. He must have suffered more than he showed.
“I would have never thought I would have my fiancée look after me after a battle,” the man whispered, deep voice weak and uncertain, a little playful though. Although his words were conveying the truth, it made you feel like someone who committed adultery. You knew you didn’t swear either loyalty nor love to each other with the king but after learning how he had saved your first love from certain death, you didn’t want to do something like this to him. You needed to come clean even if the timing was quite off. 
“With all due respect, Zhang Yixing, I’m afraid I can't marry you,” you said quietly, expecting a frown or a scolding but none of it came. Maybe because he was injured but he didn’t react at all and for a moment you thought he had fallen back asleep but then he slowly opened his eyes again and turned his head to be able to look you in the eye.
“I had a feeling,” he nodded calmly. He didn’t seem angry nor disappointed. He had already said your father’s proposal was an odd one, one with interesting timing. There was nothing interesting about it, it was just a strategy, a plan you didn’t want to follow anymore. But before you could have spoken up, to apologize, to ask whether it meant your alliance was off, Yixing continued: “Xukun treasures you too much. He was the one who urged me to trust your father.”
“He… Did he tell you about me before we met?” Words stumbled out of your mouth before you could have stopped them. You were more than dumbfounded to know that. Had Xukun known about your father’s wish to marry you to Zhang Yixing even before he agreed? Was it him because of whom the king agreed at all? And here you thought that he had been just another guard, loyal to his king until death.
“He talked about you all the time,” the man reminisced with a faint smile on his lips as he stared at the ceiling. “He always says how I saved his life back then but with him here, not being able to return home, I feel like I have taken his life instead. Taking you from him would have been even worse.”
You cast your eyes down bashfully as you listen to him talk. Yixing’s side of the story was an interesting one as well. Learning how he didn’t save Xukun out of the kindness of his heart but because he wanted intelligence was something you could understand, something you could relate to as you lived in a world like that after all. You couldn’t even be angry, not when he told you how they had become friends over the years. As the king drifted back to sleep, you thought that maybe you could become friends as well, maybe you could still be allies. You didn’t necessarily have to be enemies.
But once being enemies, it was hard to forget and not everybody had the same insights as you.
You woke up to a small noise, only to open your eyes to see one of your own soldiers from Jade Clan stepping inside the tent. You had always felt safe next to your guards but this time, something was off.
“What are you doing here?” you questioned as you sprang to your feet from the seat you accidentally fell asleep in.
“Princess,” the guard bowed with respect. Though, he was clearly surprised to see you still there and you could see the hint of hesitation in his eyes before he answered. “I am here as per your father’s wish.”
You furrowed your brows. You hadn’t been notified of anything like this.
“My father’s wish?” you raised a brow, looking at the man expectantly but he didn’t reply, not with words at least. Instead he took out a small glass bottle with familiar yellow-ish liquid inside. It made the blood freeze in your veins.
“That wasn’t the plan,” you reminded the man even though you hadn’t even known your father told anybody else about it. Didn’t he trust you or… 
“It wasn’t your plan but your father had doubts whether you could do it with a cold heart. That’s why he sent me,” your guard informed you dutifully and your brain kept coming up with reasons why this was a terrible idea. It would have been much easier if Zhang Yixing was indeed the tyrant you had imagined him but after learning about his personality and starting to form an amicable acquaintance with him, it just didn’t make sense.
“I’m not the queen yet,” you objected but the guard didn’t seem to care.
He explained how the public sentiment had changed in your favour just because you stayed with the injured king in the last few days and there was something in his explanation that was quite logical: if Yixing passed away now, nobody would have looked for a murderer because he was already on his deathbed. Nobody would have known he didn’t die from the arrow. Nobody needed to know. But… it wasn’t the plan. If he died then, without a queen or heir, the Dragon Clan would remain without a leader and neighbouring nations would all want their pieces of it. If they got to know about the dragon too…
“It’s a chance we can’t waste. We need to prioritize the safety of Jade Clan,” your guard reminded you and for a moment you were stuck. If it hadn’t been for Xukun, you might have done it within a heartbeat, not even considering other options because Zhang Yixing was a dangerous man but now… you were torn, unsure what to believe. Your uncertainty must have been written on your face because your guard pushed the bottle into your hands, encouraging you to make a move and you gulped, too busy with your internal turmoil to react fast enough when you got company.
Four of the masked guards of Yixing stepped into the tent, one of them immediately slicing the throat of your man which made you scream. Two guards held you back from behind, not letting you move, to get any weapon while another one walked up to you, his dark eyes trained on you, his bloody dagger aimed at your throat. He forced the little glass bottle out of your hands.
“There was always something off with you, Princess. You should have been hung the moment you dared to fling your hairpin at the king,” he said, disgusted and you couldn't quite blame him. You raised your chin though, proud because as a royal it was expected of you even when you looked into the eyes of death. You weren't afraid of dying, you had walked out to the battlefield earlier with that mindset too, it was just… you wished you could have said goodbye to Kun.
You knew that the only reason the guard didn't kill you off like he did with your man was because you were a royal. If you died by a hand of a guard of the Dragon Clan, you knew your father would have gone to war against them and you also knew he would have lost which broke your heart even more. 
"So what now? Will you kill me too, in the name of justice because one of my men blabbered? You have no idea what we even talked about!" you accused the guard of making a scene over nothing because as of now prolonging the conversation was your best chance. Either Yixing could wake up and stop them, if he believed you didn't want to hurt him any more, or your other guards could show up as well.
"I have a good enough guess, Princess, but of course, you can prove your innocence by drinking this. If it isn't poison, you have nothing to lose, am I right?" the man turned the small glass bottle between his fingers. You didn't show reaction to that even though you knew you were going to die if you drank it all. But at least it was said to be a fast killer. You were contemplating whether you should have taken it and then spit it out saying it was bitter for your 'princess taste' because he wouldn't have been able to prove anything then. He could still kill you though but maybe it was worth a chance.
However, before you could have decided the tent's entrance flew open and a very dishevelled looking Xukun showed up. He looked like he was running and hadn't slept properly in days. The presence of guards, his comrades, seemed to surprise him, the dagger at your throat even more.
"What's going on here?" he asked in an authoritative voice even though you weren't sure he had a bigger rank just because he was friends with Yixing.
"The princess and her guard were caught trying to poison the king."
"That's not true!" You protested heavily looking for eye contact with Xukun, hoping he would believe you. It was all just a terrible misunderstanding. Once you might have wanted to cause harm but you had no reason anymore, not if you signed the Lotus pact with Yixing like you had agreed. When you met Kun's gaze, it was confused but not unkind.
"Then prove it, Princess," the older man said and pushed the blade closer to your neck where your earlier scar was still visible. The situation seemed to scare Xukun but you didn't want him to save you again, you only needed him to believe you. He seemed to think differently though.
"Let her go and lower your weapon, we don't have time for this," he stood in front of you pushing the man's hand away and flashing his golden eyes at the guards you kept you caged. Their hands immediately loosened their hold as Kun lifted his bag. "I have the dragon blood. Where is the shaman?"
One of the guards ran off with the bag to fetch the shaman but you could only breathe peacefully for a moment. Then the masked man with a slit across his eye crowded you and Xukun into a corner.
"My bad. Why would I have thought that you of all people can be rational? Do you think you were so discreet about disappearing, just the two of you? Are you maybe in it too? Did the two of you, Jade bastards, plan to get rid of our king to take over?" With each of his words, he poked Kun's chest with his index finger until the younger swatted his hand away. His voice didn't waver as he answered:
"If you really think that after all the fights we fought together, I feel very distraught," he said with his voice so cold like you never heard it before. Xukun's pride must have been on the line with his loyalty being questioned just because of his connection – maybe affection? – to you because the next thing you knew was him grabbing the glass bottle out of the other man's hand. "You know what? I'll prove it to you!" 
“Kun, no!” You grabbed his hands in panic, closing your fingers around his, so he couldn't lift the poison to his lips. Was he crazy? Did he want to die just for you to follow?
Or oh… he believed you. He really believed you and that it wasn't poison in the first place or maybe he believed you had nothing to do with it and knew nothing of it because when his eyes locked with yours, he seemed surprised that you stopped him.
You were both startled when the shaman arrived with the finished potion but before he could have stepped to the injured king, the man in front of you lifted his hand. Although you couldn't see his mouth, you would have bet he pulled it into a malicious smirk.
"Ah look at that, trying to save him from harm, how touching," he tsked, mocking before he pointed at the potion in the shaman hands and then at the bottle in Xukun's. “How about this? One cup has dragon blood that could save the Dragon Clan’s last son. The other which you claim isn't poison was retrieved from your room by your own guard. Choose wisely, Princess, what to give our king because your hero will drink the other one.”
“Why are you doing this?” you shrieked, having enough of this mind game of his. You knew he was just a loyal guard of Yixing and you couldn't blame him for not trusting you but did he have to go this far to make you suffer?
“I cannot let the filthy Jade Clan take over the Dragon Clan. So you either save him or be executed for killing him which was your original plan, wasn’t it?”
"Save the king, Princess," Xukun told you, determined and maybe he had a plan, a better one than you or at least you hoped. You looked him in the eyes mouthing Please don't at him but he just smiled. How could he act so nonchalant? "Trust me," he whispered.
You let go of his hands and maybe it was a mistake because he had told you: he owed Yixing his life. You barely stepped to the bed of the king, lifting his head to help the shaman give him the potion when you heard glass breaking. When you lifted your head you saw Xukun swaying, barely grabbing on a chair to stop him from falling and the broken glass was by his feet. The liquid from inside was nowhere which meant…
"Kun!" you screamed trying to run up to him, to help, to do anything but the guards turned towards you with their sword out and you could only do one thing, listen to the boy who had once saved you when the stable's roof collapsed onto you, he hovered over your body with his to save you from the impacts of the falling pieces. He always did.
So when Kun told you to run, you ran. Back to your own tent to get your sword to be able to fight off and it was ridiculous how only a few days ago you fought alongside these men but now they wanted to kill you. Oh, how fast the tables turn but maybe you deserved this, maybe you deserved to die for killing the boy you loved since you had been 16 and had given him your first kiss under the stars. You might not have a future but you wanted to believe nevertheless, but you ruined it all.
You felt tears running down on your cheeks as you dodged the daggers and swords coming your way, hissing when one managed to cut your arm. You ran, you didn't look where, you just wanted to get away. If you killed Yixing's men, peace wouldn't have been an option, so you needed to escape, that was the only way to stop another war.
You stumbled when a huge shadow overtowered you and heard the scared muffled sounds of the soldiers following you as well. Gulping, you looked up at the majestic dragon in front of you, its nostrils flaring and smoke coming out of its mouth as it huffed. It stood above you, staring at the soldiers behind you as if… as if it was protecting you. It made you feel safe, like Xukun, and gosh, you just cried harder because he was trying to save you even now. You fell onto your knees, not knowing what to do with this information and then…
"It isn't nice of you to chase my fiancée away from me, is it?" Yixing roared in a forever calm voice and through your tears you could barely believe your eyes when you saw him walk towards you. And not just him, it was Xukun who helped him move because he must have still been in pain. But how?
The masked guards seemed just as flabbergasted as you were. But Kun, oh the deities, Kun looked almost smug as he passed by them after Yixing pushed him towards you. Then he ran, ran until he knelt next to you, taking your face into his hands. You touched him as if you didn't believe he was real.
"I didn't want to…"
"I know," he assured you with a stupid smile on his stupid face like he did back in that ruined house where he kissed you like you were his life line.
"I can't believe you drank the poison! How could you be sure your blood would fight it off?" you whisper-yelled at him, hitting his chest all too weakly and he laughed, too. The nerve of him!
"I wasn't but Princess, I would drink poison over and over again if it tasted like you," he said with a smirk and you would have bet Yixing told him about your agreement because otherwise he wouldn't have been so daring. Or was it the near death experience? Or the thought of losing each other all over again? The wars might have been still messy, politics stressing, but in that moment, you didn't care, you just closed your eyes and kissed Kun back when he pressed his lips against yours, happily burning with him.
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robinchan-hananomi · 3 years
One Piece 1023
I have a lot of thoughts here about the new chapter. There is a lot of things to unpack here!
So first, things I loved! I absolutely loved Zoro and Sanji’s dynamic in this chapter. Yes, the two were bickering a bit but honestly it felt like their comments were more to reassure each other than anything. Zoro immediately noticed that something was wrong with Sanji and Sanji responded honestly, that his body has felt funny ever since using the raid suit a second time. Zoro probes to see just how deep the concern is, asking if Sanji is going to slow him down, and Sanji’s answer seems to reassure him enough that he almost jokes, teasing Sanji about his eyebrows. One the flip side Sanji knows better than almost anyone just what kind of shape Zoro is in right now. They both look out for each other and they tease each other during the start of this fight, but it is mostly them being more like ‘look asshole, I know you’re trying to see what the extent of the damage is but I swear I am fine enough to knock this son of a bitch out’.
And make no mistake, Zoro and Sanji are probably going to have a lot of physical issues after this chapter. Sanji mentions that his body is feeling weird. This could be anything from the raid suit being intentionally designed to hurt Sanji to his body just not being able to cope with the strain the new technology is putting on him. The mink doctor also just reminded Chopper that while Zoro is up now, he won’t be for long and that he doesn't even want to imagine what kind of shape Zoro is going to be at the end of the fight. No matter how Wano shakes out, Zoro and Sanji are going to be hurting and will require some serious rest and TLC.
After Sanji and Zoro face off against King and Queen, we also get a small moment for the opponents to communicate. On Queen and Sanji’s side, Queen talks about how Judge experimented on his children and questions the validity of Sanji’s claim of being completely human since he can light his body on fire. Sanji admits he’s probably just that dramatic. On the other side Zoro notes King’s unorthodox fighting and when King points out there is no need to follow technique and method in combat, Zoro agrees and reminds King there really isn’t anything preventing Zoro from ripping out King’s throat with his teeth.
Now Zoro and Sanji are only able to fight King and Queen in peace due to Hyogoro and Kawamatsu’s efforts. Kawamatsu prevented a Beast Pirate from taking a shot at Zoro and Hyogoro explains that anyone who tries to help either side at this point would just be in the four combatants way. While they watch the fight, they comment about Zoro.
The thing is, Zoro has been connected to the Shimotsuki Clan from the start. Zoro’s hometown is Shimotsuki Village. In the SBS corner, Oda explained that the village was founded about 55 years ago by Shimotsuki Kozaburo, the man who forged Wado Ichimonji and Enma. Kozaburo’s son Koshiro ran the Isshin Dojo, which used the Shimotsuki Clan crest as it’s symbol and Zoro had worn that crest his entire childhood. Koshiro’s daughter Kuina was Zoro’s best friend and rival. Then Zoro met and fought Shimotsuki Ryuma, whose family name was again confirmed in the SBS corner. More on Ryuma in a minute. Ever since Zoro has entered Wano, he has been even more connected to the Shimotsuki Clan. The Clan had two Daimyo’s that we know of, Ushimaru and Yasuie. Zoro has spent a lot of time in Ringo, Ushimaru’s territory, and even combated with Ushimaru’s retainer Onimaru a few times now for Ryuma’s sword Shusui. On the other side Zoro befriended Yasuie and his daughter Toko. While all the strawhats were seen to be fond of Toko and quite a few met Yasuie, Zoro spent the majority of time with him.
Now as for Ryuma. Ever since the Monsters oneshot was tied to the One Piece Manga, fans had noticed the similarities between Zoro and Ryuma. The two look very alike in appearance and they had many similar mannerisms. They also have the connection of sharing a sword, Shusui, and both decapitated a dragon in the air. And now, apparently, Ryuma had lost an eye in his adventures and was known as a one eyed swordsman...which I mean his zombie did have a scar on his face that would have gone over his right eye along with bandages covering his right eye so it’s not really a surprise.
The two citizens of Wano comment that Ushimaru is a direct descendant of Ryuma and note that Zoro has a similar appearance and style of fighting to Ushimaru and by extension Ryuma. Now if this is because Zoro is somehow part of the Shimotsuki Clan (which I actually kind of hope not), or if it is just a coincidence about appearance and the other similarities are because Zoro trained at a dojo from the Shimotsuki Clan is still up in the air. Either way, I really do like the idea of developing Zoro more and I have been waiting for someone, anyone, in the manga to finally notice just how much Zoro seems to be connected to this family.
Anyway, back to the chapter! While Zoro and Sanji keep two of the three calamities busy, we see there is a LOT of other things going on. I’m not going to go in order of the rest of the chapter because I want to organize my thoughts a little.
So first, which is actually the last thing to happen, is Momo is now 28 years old. He has Shinobu turn him into an adult because he can only do so much as an eight year old. It is a fantastic way to follow the panels of the battle that came before it, because we see the samurai are willing to die to bring about an age where Kaido’s reign has ended and Momo’s time can start. They believe that Momo will bring Oden’s will and bring Wano to a wonderful future, they believe it so much that they are willing to die for it. Momo answers that belief by giving up twenty years of his life. Understand while twenty years have passed for everyone else, it hasn’t for Momo. Momo just had Shinobu mature his body by twenty years in order to get stronger, bigger, and be able to take a stand against Kaido. There is going to be a lot of issues in the future with having an eight year old in a twenty eight year old man’s body, but just like Zoro and quite possibly Sanji’s physical health; this is a bridge to cross when we get to it. After all everyone has to survive the battle and win before they can worry about what is next. So now as a much bigger and stronger dragon, Momo and Luffy can go face Kaido together.
On a side note with everyone talking about being ghosts and all, it’s kinda fitting that it is implied that Momo looks like Oden. Now we really will have people think they’re seeing ghosts.
We also have Inu and Neko fighting Jack and Big Mom’s son. These fights are not just about defeating Kaido either. There is an element of revenge to them both. As Inu sends Jack through a wall, he expresses recalls all the pain Jack brought to the people of Zou. Just like Neko talks about Pedro while fighting. And yet the two talk about how everything they lost, all that they suffered through, was all part of the road to get there, now, to bring Kaido and his Beast Pirates to an end. And the two are using their badass Sulong Form.
The last big note for this chapter is Marco’s memory of his discussion with Whitebeard. It is implied that King’s race are the Lunarian, and that King is the last one. They lived up on the Red Line in a long ago past. Marco recalls Whitebeard talking about how it was ‘God’s Land’ which is honestly giving me super Skypeia vibes. What exactly is this God’s Land?
Because we hadn’t talked too much of the Red Line, I for whatever reason, always imagined other people living up there. We knew the Celestial Dragons lived on the Red Line, but because it is like a long continent of linked together islands I just naturally assumed other races and beings lived up there. That doesn't appear to be the case. Which to be fair I am a fool for even thinking that because now that it’s put that way I realize a group so pompous and self important as the Celestial Dragons would never allow anyone so lowly as normal people to live so high in the world as they do. So they enjoy their life in the clouds while driving any peoples and race either off the Red Line or to extinction.
Marco brings up the old conversation to Izo, after the latter saves him for drifting off in a battle, and Izo says Marco sounds like Whitebeard when he was drunk. Whitebeard was part of the Rocks Pirates, the Pirate crew that shook the world to it’s core almost a whole generation before Roger even appeared. Whitebeard has seen some real shit. I wonder just what all Whitebeard knew about the world, and I wonder just how much he tried to impart on his children only for them to think he was drunkenly rambling?
Anyway, it was a fantastic chapter and I am so freaking excited to see where we go next!!!
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literallymechanical · 3 years
Well, are you going to fill us in on "why we are morally obligated as a species to some day blow up the Earth"? Sounds like a supervillain backstory
(This was originally inspired by qntm’s fantastic satirical essay, “To Destroy The Earth,” but I disagree with him on a few key points. I highly recommend checking out qntm’s fiction, particularly Ra, Fine Structure, and There Is No Antimemetics Division. Disclaimer: this is a thought experiment, I’m not actually going to destroy the Earth.)
Let us begin with this: you want to destroy the Earth.
That’s not a question or an instruction, that’s an axiom. A fundamental truth from which a logical system is built. It’s your Statement Zero, the singular concept from which the rest of these instructions are built: you want to destroy the Earth. You might not know why, and you certainly don’t know how. Trust me, you really don’t know how. Take all of your cultural knowledge of Death Stars and hyperspace construction crews and throw it out the window, because it’s not worth a clipped penny.
That being said, here are a few reasons to somebody might want to destroy the Earth:
You want to wipe out humanity
You want to wipe out some other species
General misanthropy
It’s obstructing your view of the Moon.
You want us to colonize Mars or Venus, and you figure this is the best way to get everybody on board.
These are bad reasons to destroy the Earth. If any of these sentiments resonate with you, please stop reading this essay. This isn’t for you.
Anyway, let's put a pin in the “why” for now. We'll get to it later. Let's tackle the "how" first.
To destroy the Earth, you need a Plan, with a capital P.
The shape of the Plan is extremely simple to define, much simpler than the relatively detailed (and, in my opinion, fragile) instructions others have outlined. It has just two parts.
Figure out how to destroy the Earth. This is defined as the Earth not being there when you're done—any chump with nuclear weapons can scour the Earth, you're trying to make the entire thing go away.
Destroy the Earth.
However, a lot of shapes are simple to define, but hard to draw. The Mandelbrot set can be defined by a single equation and a couple of instructions, but the result is a fractal. This Plan will be fractally intricate as well. We certainly can’t draw up the full Plan right now. We can barely even begin to draw the outline. Let’s take a quick stab at it anyway.
First of all, I don’t know how to destroy the Earth. We can speculate a bit, but we certainly can’t choose a method yet—you'll likely need multiple redundant strategies anyway. “Blow it up” is one idea, but the gravitational binding energy of the Earth is about 2*10^32 joules, and there is no conceivable technology that can handle that sort of power right now. “Launch bits of it into space one by one until there’s nothing left” sounds promising, though it will take a while. “Mess with its orbit until it’s close enough to the Sun’s Roche limit to get ripped to shreds” is a fun idea. Or maybe in the next million years, you'll come up with a better way.
The most important part of that statement is “the next million years.” It will take a very long time to figure this one out. A million years is a pretty good estimate, though if you'll proactive it might take as little as a couple hundred thousand.
That brings us to the hardest part of the Plan: making sure the Plan survives a million years.
Right now, you're in a precarious position. Climate change probably won’t entirely wipe us out, but it will likely disrupt civilization enough that the Plan will be lost. Nuclear war might actually cause us to go extinct. A killer asteroid certainly would. Therefore, the first thing the Plan needs to do is save the world. Reverse climate change, or at least halt it. Nuclear disarmament. Peace, or as close as we can get to it. Medicine, spaceflight, art, prosperity, happiness, survival—all part of the Plan.
Colonizing other planets, and eventually other solar systems, is also in the Plan. Not just for a backup in case of killer meteor, but also because when you do destroy the Earth, you’ll need somewhere to stand. Remember, you're not trying to wipe out humanity here! Just destroy a planet. This will be tricky. It’s very likely that there’s no such thing as faster-than-light travel, so it will take a while to spread across the galaxy. This might take up the bulk of the million-year timeline.
(Quick note: you may be tempted to conquer the Earth, or set yourself up as some sort of galaxy-spanning God-Ruler. In my personal opinion, this is a bad idea. Right now, empires typically last a couple hundred years before falling. Do you think it would be easier to hold on to multiple planets than just a bit of land around the Mediterranean? I believe that it’s best to have your Plan set up a system where people can survive and thrive without needing you.)
But as tricky as interstellar colonization may be, it’s still the easy part. The hard part is that the entire Plan has to reconstruct itself from scratch if everything goes wrong.
The Plan has to be the most massively redundant, self-repairing, and robust project humanity has ever undertaken, or will ever undertake. The Plan needs to be able to resurrect our entire species on its own, without human intervention, in case something goes wrong (e.g. nuclear war) and we all get wiped out. Here’s one idea: computerize the Humanity Reboot Protocol, stamp the code onto platinum bricks, launch a million copies into deep space and onto every rocky body in the solar system, and have it check back in every once in a while. You can have that one for free.
The Plan also needs to have a way to re-motivate humanity to destroy the Earth. Maybe that’s as simple as posting it to tumblr and having a lot of people read it, but it will probably be a bit more complicated. Crucially, the Plan does not have to be visible. Nobody actually needs to know that the Plan exists, if you’re clever enough. You might be tempted to turn it into a religion, but religions change and die. Remember: the Plan has to eventually pop off, no matter what we do to ourselves.
The Plan is now its own entity, both distinct from and deeply intertwined with humanity.
(As a side note, this begs the question: What if the Plan is already in effect? If it’s a good Plan, we wouldn’t be able to tell. What if some sufficiently motivated creature set things into motion ten thousand or a hundred thousand or a million years ago? Food for thought.)
Alright. So, enough time has passed, and you’ve figured out how to destroy the Earth. I use “you” loosely at this point. Maybe, against all odds, you’ve figured out immortality, or mind-uploading, cloning, whatever. More likely, you’ve been dust for a million years. That’s not important. Regardless, “you” are standing on Mars or wherever and your metaphorical finger is hovering a metaphorical big red button marked “DESTROY THE EARTH.” Step 2 of the Plan.
Let’s pause here and go back to that pin from before: Why? Why are you destroying the Earth?
Well, a lot of reasons. If I were doing this, my Plan would include abandoning the Earth for other star systems and setting it up as some sort of museum. I'd take all the biosphere with me, of course, and make better Earths elsewhere. Imagine a hundred Earths, each of which are perfect nature preserves, or more! Imagine finding a good silica-heavy planet, turning it into molten glass, and sculpting it into something beautiful. Imagine spelling your name in an Oort cloud. Imagine an ocean planet full of whales.
Imagine coming back to a deserted G-type solar system with a few dusty rocks, an asteroid belt, and a handful of gas giants. Imagine breaking them down to make raw materials for a Dyson sphere.
Bam! Earth destroyed! You did it!
Maybe a paleontologist somewhere will figure out that this might be the planet where we first evolved, and it would be nice to put it somewhere safe. Hey, does that count as destroying the Earth? Where the Earth once was, there is now empty space. No more Earth! That sounds pretty destroyed to me. Bam! Earth destroyed! You did it!
Maybe your Plan is different, and the Earth is still inhabited. For what it’s worth, I hope you’ve made it a paradise, one of a thousand Edens across the galaxy. It would be a shame to blow it up… but if Sol-3 is just one paradise among many, what makes it significant? “Earth” is our homeworld, but now there are a thousand homeworlds, so what is “Earth?” What makes this one rock special? Nothing! You’ve successfully destroyed the entire concept of “Earth.” That might be harder than blowing up a planet! Well done! You did it!
In conclusion, here is why I say it’s a moral imperative to destroy the Earth:
Eventually, a baby bird has to leave the nest. Somebody needs to be the mom bird who lures her chicks off the edge, and it might as well be me.
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junglekookbook · 4 years
Yoongi × reader
Genre: crack, yandere, angst
A/n: I write for my one muse and one muse only, I am scared to be posting again but it really helps to have a friend always have your back and support you. Hopefully I don't disappoint people with my writing. @cosmostae
Prologue (for context)
The human species as Y/n would soon come to understand was extremely selfish and pompous. Not a week had passed since she had crashed onto this planet and suddenly it became her job to save them. Like she owed it to them, when she barely managed to survive there was not one huan that worried about her but only criticsed her and called her incompetent and said that she was bad at her job. Duties aside, she did not deserve this. Why was babysitting this ungrateful species her responsibility. Her duty was to protect earth, the planet not it’s inhabitants. Maybe she should let these pitiful creatures just freeze to death. She hated Yoongi, but somehow she had grown to loathe the human species more. She had managed to secure a home in a rundown building far away from the city. Really far away. Something called ‘radioactivity’ or something was present in the area. She found it funny. ‘Just another one of those superstitions’ she thought. Her large crimson wings shimmered in the golden light of the setting sun. The warmth soothed her skin and helped her take away her attention from the pain from all her injuries that she had sustained while duelling with Yoongi. Her species was really not equipped to handle the cold. A cold dry laugh escaped her lips, finding it comical how over the years while the species of other planets focused on evolving traits that could be weaponized, hers had focussed on peace and aesthetics. Look where that got them. Cryonovians had evolved a trait to specifically destroy her planet and win the long cold war while her planet focussed on stupid things like ‘what is the meaning of life?’ “Mass extinction” She blurted out bitterly. Whilst it was true that her loyalty would always be with her home planet she could not help but be filled with disdain at the pompousness of all those philosophers. Sounds of cracking glass shook her out of her thoughts, straightening her back she poked her head from the sill to survey the surroundings. It definitely was not a human, they were very rigid with this superstition. Swinging her legs off the window sill she floated over the floor to the source of the sound. Her hands were already preparing a small ball of energy. 
Yoongi stood leaning against the door frame, a plastic bag in his hands. Y/n was in no shape to fight and he knew that. If she chose to fight now, she could die, only he wouldn’t let her. He had always found them to be like lamb and lion. There was no winning chance for the lamb but he found it cute how it still tried. His amusement had developed into an infatuation that he had denied for a very long until Hoseok, his closest friend from the neighbouring planet had made him realize that he was smitten with the lamb. It was from then that he did everything in his power to get the two of them together on Earth, away from all the dirty politics, of course he did not want the annihilation of her planet, but then that Jimin showed up and suddenly that planet needed to go. The first time he saw her on this filthy planet, looking so vulnerable, he was ready to recite the confession he had spent days preparing. He expected her to be angry or cry but he really did not expect the way his throat constricted and heart raced at the sight of her. His words formed a lump in his throat that made it hard for him to breathe.  That night she had knocked him off his feet, in every sense of the phrase. The days that followed seemed like a fun show to put on. He realized that watching her lose made him happy. This part of himself he was still battling with. How could he enjoy hurting someone he loved? Was it the fact that he hurt her or the fact that he never killed her? He enjoyed the control and the act of mercy he showed her everytime they duelled. It felt like a bonding activity to him.
“What? What are you here for? You are going to kill me aren’t you?” Y/n asked when she saw him leaning against the door. Yoongi took in her bruised body, and ripped wing, the bruises on her knuckles when she had had the grand idea of using physical attacks with him, it had felt like punching a brick of ice. It pained him to see her like that, knowing that he was the reason for it. That is not what he wants their future to be, when they do get married he would not be caught dead hurting her. “Why would I do that?” He asked, furrowing his brow. Y/n’s lower lip jut out in annoyance, eyes glaring daggers at him. “Oh, right I forgot, you prefer to mock me publicly everytime we fight.” She spat. “Mock you? I-” Shaking his head, he chose not to talk about it, “I came here bearing gifts.” He said raising his hands and showing her the plastic bag, the act making her flinch and making a dull pain settle in his chest. She did not feel safe around him, but he would fix that, starting with these juice boxes and packed potato chips. “I want nothing from you.” she said, moving away to create distance between them. “No, don’t say that! I had to freeze the cashier for these!” He protested, walking towards her again. 
“I don’t have a home to go back to. Do you know what that is like?” She blurted out, her eyes welled up and voice broke at the end of the question. Yoongi felt his heart constrict, “I would not go back either, I will stay here with you.” He offered, he did not want to see her in more pain, he had already caused her enough of that. His offer was met with the faint feeling of getting hit by her energy blasts on the arm. She did not have the strength to hurt him, it felt like a slight tap on the shoulder at best. “You have people to go back to. People who love you, care about you, who are waiting for you. I- I am alone on this planet, trapped with no where to go, their stupid atmosphere feels like a glass jar. I have no one to go to and no one who would take care of me! I can’t live with this loneliness forever!” She screamed, tears streaming down her face, she hid her face in her hands, falling to her knees, cutting them against the glass shards. Green blood dripped from her wounds, unlike the humans it was nitrogen her species needed. Most species relied on nitrogen and helium, luckily earth had enough nitrogen to sustain her. “You’re right, I don’t know what that is like.” Yoongi finally admitted, he took slow steps when approaching her, with great caution he wrapped his glacial arms around her “but I am willing to understand. We are away from all the war, away in a world of our own, maybe sometimes we just don’t have to fight,” He cooed at her, running his hand through her hair. He did not receive an answer from her, but as the sun set, Y/n cried herself to sleep inYoongi’s embrace. 
When she woke up in the morning, Yoongi was not around, a cool sensation lingered on her arms but it wasn’t the kind that caused discomfort, it made her understand why humans used ice on wounds. After breaking down last night in front of the man she had sworn to kill, she felt the pain fade and dull in a manner that fomentation with ice could only do. His words played in her head “A world of our own” he had said, no one would know if they fought or not, last night she felt a comfort she had not felt in a long time, but then again, she had not been shown kindness in a long time. It was the bare minimum on Yoongi’s part, she brushed it off as basic courtesy, as for what he said, she would give him an answer once her wounds healed. In the words of the human philosopher, Taylor Swift “Band aids don’t fix bullet holes” and she had just endured air bombings. 
The wings took the longest to heal, it took great patience to see them come together and for the scar to disappear. She took a day for herself, tried those potato chips and almost gagged at the ridiculous amount of sugar in that litchi juice box. Given that she hated sugar so much, she figured that she would use it to address Yoongi. She was growing tired of using that Cryonovian name. She wrote him a letter that day, to be fair, she wrote him at least thirty but sent only one. 
“Dear Yoongi, Yoongi, Suga,
What happened between us, nothing happened betw Maybe it is easier for you to ask for a few moments of peace, you have not lost everything that you had known to be true about your existence or purpose. With my planet no longer existing, I have often questioned why I must still keep the promises of an extinct species, but I understand it now. You froze a man to death for some edibles, something I could never do, these humans, they are so fragile… they need my protection, I must protect them from people like you who simply take and take and take. You took my home and my love, you are taking from these people too. I may not be strong enough to defeat you yet, but I will never stop trying, so long as humans can see that I am good and you are not, I will fight. When next we speak it will be as rivals.”
They did meet as rivals again. High above in the sky, a crimson winged fairy fought a white haired cryokinesis wielding assassin. With new found motivation coursing through her veins, she fought Yoongi. A part of her acted impulsively, filled with denial for finding comfort in his arms. She was relentless in her rain of energy on his figure. She knew that she was doing better than she ever had, she might just win, maybe she would mock him too. Let him live to be defeated again. Make a spectacle out of him like he did everytime. She allowed herself a small glance at the crowd gathered below that cheered for her today. That believed in her after so long. Only… they didn’t. They hated her for doing well against the mysterious bad boy villain with ice powers. They hated her for trying. They hated her no matter what she did. A sudden sense of despair consumed her, making her mind go numb, a window that Yoongi used to gain the upper hand. He had not intended to hit her heart, he aimed for her arm, he watched with dread filled eyes as her unconscious body started falling through the air. In his panic and desperation he reached out his hand to hold her, letting her survive that fall. Losing control of his powers in his state of distress he watched the icicle impale her heart in horror. The screaming of the crowd died down and the sound that echoed in his head over and over was the thud that had accompanied Y/n’s fall. He had killed her.
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