#maybe work on my halloween story a bit? 🤔
thedustyleaves · 2 months
Do you have any tip (or like a book rec) for composition and/or perspective? I'd like to improve that skills but I dont even know where to start 😭
Oh boy, I'm not sure if the way I do it is the best way 🥲. I avoid studying art like the plague in the traditional sense. I don't look up tutorials, read art books, or use grids for perspectives because I straight up don't understand them. That way of working, where you break down the steps in such a methodical way, doesn't work for me. The few times I've tried to use a grid, it ended up looking so wrong to me, and I couldn't make it work, hah! Whenever I've tried to take a 'study' approach to my art, it has stunted my progress and taken the joy out of it.
I wing it a lot. Sometimes I take photos of various items like cups and books and use them as perspective lines because I like a very tactile and hands-on approach to feeling out the composition in real life. The same goes for reference photos for anatomy —I try to understand it in a physical way by moving around myself and sometimes filming or taking photos of myself, but most of the time, I just wing it!
For this piece, I just closed my eyes and prayed. One of the easiest ways for me to build up a composition, is by stacking things and avoiding the floor (it's basically cheating, hah). It makes it look like you know what you're doing when really, you don't. I stacked the front of the boat in front of the mast, which is in front of the tentacle, and so on. Then I just gradually made things smaller as they moved further away until it felt right, rather than being accurate. And if you tilt the composition a bit (this one tilts a bit to the left) and make the characters overlap, then BAM, it looks like it's all intentional.
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For this one, I took a picture of the bottom corner of my shelf with a wide-angle, to get the floor right because my brain couldn't comprehend it 🤔
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I do study art somewhat by actively observing and breaking down pieces I love that are made by other artists. For example, when I started drawing my comic, I read all of One Piece and Fullmetal Alchemist and took my time to understand their panelling and the tricks they used. I'd stop and look at a page, really taking my time to understand how they were telling the story. I was surprised to find that sometimes they barely drew anything at all for several panels, yet I was never in doubt about who was talking and where they were.
I think, by looking at my art, you can tell that I grew up with Oda's illustrations. I still love how vibrant and well-composed they are, especially how he plays with perspective until it feels right and looks amazing, even if it doesn’t always make anatomical or logical sense. That's the vibe I'm going for as well—just mashing things around until I feel good about it.
One thing that really helped me was letting go of the idea that it has to be perfect or always make sense. For example, this Halloween piece is one of my personal favorites, but if you look at Dakon's foot for too long, you can tell that it's way too small and doesn't match the perspective at all. However, I was satisfied with the overall feeling of the piece, so I just left it.
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The only time I've ever "studied" anything art-related was when I went to film school for animation and learned how to animate in 3D, and let me tell you, what a fucking scam. You can learn all of that, and more, just by watching YouTube videos (which I did, lol).
I feel like that wasn't very helpful at all 😭 Is there a particular piece you're curious about, maybe? I'm always ready to break down my pieces and explain how I go about composing them!
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misshoneyimhomeagain · 4 months
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Chapter 5 -
Summary; a nice walk with the dogs and a good punch in the face can really stir up the deeper emotions of a friendship. 
Tags; William NylanderxOfc, soft!William; “We never go out of style”
Warnings; Probably language (swearing); blood?; Foreign language (Swedish); 
A/N; we’re gettinga little more emotional (emotionallier?) and we all know where this is going, and yes, it will be a slow-burn; plus, introducing: Willy Styles;
Words; 4.5K+
“We keep this love in a photograph”
November, Tuesday, 1st -
On the morning following Halloween, Julia still felt the lingering sugar rush from the previous night's candy hunt. She had indulged a bit too much, but the night had been nothing short of eventful, and she truly appreciated William's hospitality when she’d been out with Phoebe, Tyler, and Keith for trick-or-treating. The kids were completely starstruck by him, and Julia knew that William, both secretly and openly, enjoyed the adoration he received from young fans.
However, today, Julia decided to grant herself a day at home, with the option to work remotely. Andrew had been immensely grateful for her help the day before, allowing him to stay longer at the office. So, granting Julia a day to work from home was the least he could do.
After a quick morning workout, Julia treated herself to a delicious breakfast and a steaming cup of coffee, before she settled down to check her emails. Well, at least that was the plan until a message popped up in her inbox.
williamnylander: shouldn’t you be at work? 😉
William, in his characteristic playful style, had replied to her Instagram story; she'd posted a picture of her early morning at the gym and just now a photo of her Instagram-worthy breakfast.
jjonesss: I am - just working from home ☺️
williamnylander: right… “working” from home 😂
jjonesss: Oi! just because some of us don’t lack the ability of discipline😂
williamnylander: … you’re not doing shit, are you? 😂
jjonesss: not one bit  😂🙈
williamnylander: so… you want to come on a walk with Pablo and Banksy? 😊
jjonesss: depends… will you also be there? 🤔
williamnylander: yes JJ! They’re MY dogs! 😂
jjonesss: Hm, alright then 😩😂
williamnylander: we can meet at the park? 😊
jjonesss: Sure, just give me 20 😉
And about 20 minutes later, she was all set to join William as she’d bundled up in her warm coat, grabbed her phone, and sent him a text to let him know she was good to go.
At the park, she found William already there, hanging out with Pablo and Banksy.
“Hello Wonka, how are you," Julia greeted him with a warm grin as she approached.
“Oh no, please don’t call me that,” William returned the smile. "Ready for a walk?"
"As ready as I'll ever be," she replied, amused.
With the dogs leading the way excitedly, they set off on their morning stroll through the tranquil park. The crisp Autumn air was refreshing, and they chatted away like old friends.
"So, any big plans for today?" William asked, a playful glint in his eye.
Julia chuckled. "Nah, just some work and then maybe catching up on a few shows. How about you?"
William shrugged. “Just practice later this afternoon."
Julia appreciated the simplicity of the moment. As they chatted and the dogs bounded around them, she couldn't help but treasure the genuine friendship that was growing between them. It felt easy and comfy, like they'd known each other way longer than a couple of months.
"Willy, mind moving aside a bit? I want to snap a video of Pablo and Banksy," Julia said playfully.
"You don't want me in it?" William asked, with a grin.
"Eh, sure, if you don't mind," Julia replied with a warm smile. "But it's going on my story."
"Sure, then trust me; you'll get more likes than ever."
Julia whipped out her phone, framing both William and the dogs in the shot.
He grinned and posed, while Pablo and Banksy continued their playful antics, completely oblivious to the video recording.
The dogs chased each other and explored their surroundings, while William and Julia strolled alongside, their laughter making another video come alive.
Julia eventually stopped recording, feeling content with the snippet of their little morning adventure.
And William couldn't resist teasing her. "You're turning into quite the influencer, JJ."
"Just trying to capture the fun moments in life,” she smiled.
William smiled, liking her approach. While laughing and giggling, he even started to pose for more pictures, and he took a few of her as well.
They continued their walk for a bit before William suggested grabbing something to drink.
"You look pretty good, actually," Julia said as they sat down outside by a coffee shop, their warm drinks in hand after the walk.
William playfully quipped, "Don't I always?"
"Ha-ha, very funny,” Julia laughed. “But you do look quite pretty in that outfit.”
Julia couldn't help but notice William's impeccable street style. He was seriously fashionable, especially compared to her usual outfits, which ranged from business attire with heels for work to casual jeans, a T-shirt, a blazer, and either trainers or heels.
William chuckled at Julia's observation. "Well, you know, I try to stay up to date with the latest trends. Got to live up to the 'Willy Styles' nickname, right?"
Julia took a sip of her warm drink, her gaze drifting over William's stylish outfit. His effortlessly cool look stood out against her own.
"I've got to admit, you've got quite the fashion sense. You always look like you just stepped out of a fashion magazine,” she offered him a genuine compliment.
William grinned, clearly flattered. "Well, you know, it's part of the job. Being in the public eye, you kind of get used to it.”
“Oh boy, please you need to work on your confidence,” Julia joked sarcastically. “Well, at least, that moustache of yours…”
“What, you don’t like my stache!” William asked with a grin.
Julia burst out in laughter and shook her head. “It’s just really not to my liking,” she said with a slightly cringed expression. “I like the scruff better.” 
William chuckled. “Well, I like it - and so do a lot of ladies,” he winked. “What I don’t get is how you manage to walk in those high heels."
Julia chuckled. "It's pure talent, baby."
Their conversation flowed on, discussing fashion preferences and favourite styles, all while they enjoyed their warm drinks and each other's company, with the dogs contentedly resting at their feet.
As they walked back and came to the part where they’d had to part ways, William turned to Julia.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked.
Julia nodded. “Of course, now that Charlie and Auston are becoming somewhat of an item, believe me, we’ll probably be at most home games,” she joked. 
William chuckled at her remark as they hugged goodbye. 
“A grown-up woman, should never fall so easily”
Wednesday, 2nd - TOR 5 – PHI 2
Charlie was quick to finish her work and pack her bag, eager to get out of the door, and Julia couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's enthusiastic behaviour. She understood why, though – Charlie was looking forward to seeing her lover boy, Auston, play at tonight's home game.
Their situation-ship was beginning to evolve into a relationship, but despite the incredible sex and talks, neither of them was ready to label it.  
Julia found it endearing, though. She hadn't seen anyone so in love since she had been in a loving relationship herself. A part of her missed that warm feeling of having someone love her and coming home to share her day with. But whenever she thought of Ezra, those feelings quickly faded. No, she still wasn't entirely ready. She wanted to focus on her career and herself.
Although, she had been out with Charlie and some other co-workers a couple of times now, chatting with a few guys, which had been fun. But she just didn't want to get deeply involved in anything like that for the time being.
As the girls arrived at the arena, they quickly found the other friends and partners and enjoyed the game. It wasn't as thrilling as some of the other games had been, but the Leafs secured a magnificent win over the Philadelphia Flyers.
Following the match, Charlie practically sprinted down to the locker room to congratulate Auston on his amazing performance. He had managed to score three goals; one assisted by William and two assisted by Mitch. John Tavares had secured the other two goals.
While Charlie and Auston were caught up in a heated make-out session, Mitch and Mo stood nearby, casually discussing the game.
Julia caught eyes with William, who was playfully chatting with Rasmus and Tim. She managed to overhear a couple of their Swedish words but not well enough to fully understand their conversation. She could only grasp a couple of short sentences like "vi var bara och drack en kaffe tillsammans" (we were just having a coffee together) and "vi har bara lite kul" (we're just having fun). A small part of her thought William might be talking about her, but amidst the noise and her limited ability to understand Swedish, she dismissed the thought.
After all the players had finished up in the locker room, Julia then found herself standing alone in the car park, waiting for an Uber.
Charlie had naturally gone home with Auston, which meant that Julia had to find her own way back. Truth be told, she didn't mind at all. She was genuinely happy for the young couple, and besides, she was accustomed to being independent by now.
Caught up in her thoughts, she paid no attention to her surroundings, and out of the blue, she could feel a person's hand on her waist, making her jump and scream loudly as she per reflex swung her arm around and hit the person right in the face.
“Oh, fuck!” William exclaimed as he took his hand to his nose after Julia had panicky punched him.
“Shit! Fuck, Willy,” Julia shouted as well as she, in all surprise, turned around to see the blond Swede holding onto his hurting nose. “What the fuck were you doing?”
William shook his head lightly and blinked a couple of times. He could feel his nose bleeding, so he tilted his head back.
“What do you mean?” He shouted. “You hit me.”
“Well, you can't just sneak up on a woman like that in a parking lot at night!”
“You don’t say,” he remarked sarcastically, trying to hold his head back.
“Shit, Willy… perhaps we should go back in and take a look at that?” Julia timidly suggested as she could see that the blood flow didn’t seem to stop.
William simply nodded, and they made their way back into the arena and into the locker room, where Julia picked up some tissue paper for William to hold against his nose.
Both feeling calmer again after the adrenaline rush, William sat down in his stall, and Julia squatted in front of him to take a closer look.
“Don’t worry, love, I don’t think we messed up your pretty face too badly,” Julia softly chuckled. “Not more than usual, of course.”
William let out a small laugh. “Well, I guess you really are a big, tough girl, who can take care of herself, huh,” he smiled, making Julia laugh along.
They sat there for a moment in silence as Julia cleaned up William’s bloody face, their eyes occasionally locking.
“I’m sorry,” she spoke softly.
“It’s alright,” William replied, matching her low tone of voice.
“It was a good punch though.”
William simply chuckled, “It was.”
There was another moment of silence. William kept staring at Julia, who was more occupied with cleaning his face. He couldn’t help but enjoy their closeness. It had been a while since they'd been this near, and something about her still had a hold on him. Maybe it was the way her sweet perfume smelled so good, reminding him of their first encounter; or simply her sweet smile that always got to him whenever they spend time together. 
The past couple of weeks had been nothing but amazing. William enjoyed every moment with Julia, even though it was just as friends. She was unlike many other girls he’d ever been with; she wasn’t desperate or needy around him, and there wasn’t much drama or gossip about other women. She was just so cool and relaxed. Much like himself.
In that fleeting moment of gentle intimacy, William couldn't restrain himself, and almost instinctively, he leaned in closer to Julia.
However, she avoided him. Tilting her head back slightly, she avoided what could perhaps have become a tender kiss. 
"What are you doing?" Julia asked softly, a hint of surprise in her voice as she leaned back.
"Shit... Sorry, JJ," William chuckled, slightly embarrassed. "I don't know why I did that." He tried to brush off the awkward moment.
"It's okay," she replied, still a bit puzzled by the unexpected gesture.
A brief silence settled between them.
"Can I ask you something?" William suddenly spoke up, and Julia removed the tissue paper as his nosebleed appeared to have stopped.
"Why haven't you told anyone about us?" William's expression was gentle as he posed the question.
Julia offered him a friendly smile and a small shrug. "I'm not really sure..."
"Are you embarrassed by me?" he inquired, partly joking but also genuinely curious.
Embarrassed? How could she possibly be embarrassed about having slept with an attractive hockey player?
"Of course not," Julia offered a little smile. "I mean... not about you, at least," she admitted softly, glancing down at the tissue in her hand.
"Then what is it about?" he asked, slightly searching for an explanation.
Julia bit her lower lip, wrestling with whether to share her feelings with William. Ultimately, she decided to open up.
"Maybe I just felt embarrassed about the whole situation," she admitted softly. "Embarrassed that I'd felt a bit hurt, just because of a simple one-night stand." 
She had felt embarrassed, indeed. Embarrassed that she had developed feelings for a complete stranger so quickly, embarrassed that she had let her guard down when she knew she probably couldn't handle being hurt so soon again.
"A grown-up woman shouldn't fall so easily," she added, looking away from him.
William offered her a soft smile, attempting to meet her eyes. He wanted to say something, to delve deeper into her emotions, but he found himself at a loss for words.
Julia shook her head and then looked at him. "What about you - have you told Rasmus and Tim?"
William shook his head. "No... only Alex knows, because, well he was there that night - and no, I'm not embarrassed about you either," he chuckled.
"Then why not?" she inquired, forcing herself to look up at him. "Isn't it just typical locker room talk?" She smiled.
William simply shrugged. "I figured maybe you wouldn't want me to... Besides, it's not really any of their business."
Julia nodded slightly. "Thank you, I appreciate it."
"I don't know why I did it," William admitted softly.
"Did what?" Julia asked, her curiosity piqued.
"Left... that morning.”
"Willy, you don't have to explain yourself... we've talked about it," Julia reassured him.
"I know, it's just..." William paused. "I just don't want you to think badly of me. I'm usually not the kind of guy who'd just leave women like that."
Julia was taken aback by his honesty and willingness to discuss this. She had always assumed he was a bit of a playboy, capable of casually moving on from one woman to the next. But now, as she considered it, she realised she had never actually seen him with other women nor heard him discuss his dating life. Perhaps he wasn't as bad as she had initially thought. 
Julia looked down for a moment, collecting her thoughts, before raising her gaze to meet William's eyes. "I don't think of you like that - at least not anymore," she spoke softly. "You're an amazing person, Willy."
William let out a small sigh of relief, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He felt a strong urge to share more with her, to be completely honest about his feelings.
"I think, I got scared," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. Julia furrowed her brow in confusion. "I've never liked a girl like that... the way I liked you that night," he continued.
"So, you protected yourself," she finished his thoughts, and he nodded. "Yeah, I know a thing or two about that," she admitted, and they both shared a warm-hearted moment of understanding and soft intimacy.
Their eyes remained locked in a tender gaze, unspoken emotions flowing between them. Julia wasn't sure what exactly she felt for William, but she couldn't deny that he had a way of getting close to her, of igniting warm feelings within her. It was like an unexplainable magnetism that drew her towards him, not necessarily in a romantic or sexual sense, but in a comforting and soothing way. Everything about William Nylander seemed amazing to her - except perhaps for his moustache.
William returned her smile, his eyes soft and genuine. 
"Maybe we should get out of here?" he suggested with a chuckle, and she agreed. They both rose from their positions and walked back into the car park.
As they strolled towards William's car, he offered Julia a ride home. "Yeah, I believe you owe me that," she teased with a wink.
"Me? Do I owe you? You were the one who hit me," he laughed.
"Yes, well, because you startled me," she countered with a laugh of her own. “Besides, my Uber has left, because we needed to clean up your pretty face.” 
"Fair point - well, get in," he said, opening the door to his large Volvo.
To Julia's surprise, William drove straight to her flat. He didn't even ask her for her address, which made her wonder: did he really remember it from that night? And apparently, he did.
"Thank you, and again sorry for the punch," Julia smiled as William parked the car in front of her apartment building.
"It’s alright," he chuckled, and they shared a warm hug before she left the car.
Friday, 4th - 
Thursday seemed to have flown by, and before she knew it, it was Friday; the day, that Julia had planned a special surprise for Tyler. She had managed to arrange a date for him to go ice skating with William at the players’ training rink. 
William had somehow secured some private ice-time at the rink for personal training. It was a perk that players could occasionally enjoy with their family and friends when the rink wasn't in use for professional training or games.
Julia had made the arrangement rather spontaneously together with William; but to their delight, it did prevent Tyler from telling it to everyone at school.
As the evening approached and Julia and Andrew finished their work for the day, Tyler was already packed and eager to meet up with his new idol: William Nylander. He had all his skating gear ready and couldn't wait to show William the skills he had acquired during his training.
"Hey guys," William greeted warmly as the four of them arrived at the rink.
"Hey, William!" Tyler exclaimed, practically bouncing at the entrance.
"Hi, Wonka," Phoebe said in her sweet little voice, and William couldn't help but smile. He didn't really like the nickname, except when it came from Phoebe.
Julia smiled at William and expressed her gratitude once again for the opportunity.
"Of course, JJ. I'd do anything to impress you, remember," he teased playfully as they headed to find some skates.
Julia chuckled in response, while Andrew was already engrossed in work emails on his phone.
Tyler, with a little assistance from William, got his skates on and was ready to hit the ice. He wasted no time in confidently gliding onto the players' training rink, eager to show off his skating skills to William.
"Looking good, buddy!" William called out from the side-lines as he laced up his own skates.
"So," Julia began, giving William a mischievous look, "where are Pablo and Banksy?"
William chuckled. "At home, JJ."
"What? I only came along to spend time with them," she explained in a mock serious tone, which elicited a laugh from William.
"Yeah, well, I thought about bringing them, but then I knew you'd never come onto the ice - you'd just be sitting here the whole time," William smirked.
"Well, yes, that was the plan," Julia smiled. "I'm not skating, Willy."
"Yes, you are."
"No," she protested, but she could already tell that she’d lost the battle, as William had a pair of skates prepared for her. "How do you even know my size?"
"Lucky guess, I suppose," he smirked and gave Julia a wink, making her roll her eyes. 
"William, I can't - I'd fall," she said with a softer voice.
"Well, then you'll just have to get back up again," he replied, rising from his seat and coming over to squat in front of her. "Come on, I'll help you out."
Julia relented, nodding lightly, and allowed William to help her put on the skates - which, annoyingly enough, fit perfectly. It felt like a true Cinderella moment, and William didn't hide his pride in having made a lucky guess.
It wasn't that Julia was bad at skating; she had tried it many times during her childhood, and she rarely fell. But she always felt insecure when skating, and the last time she fell, she had fallen hard and almost broken her wrist.
She gazed at William as he tied her laces. A warm feeling spread through her as they sat so close, and he knelt in front of her, helping her in his area of expertise. She couldn't help but feel emotional and touched by his generosity and care. He was truly a friendly person who wanted to create good times with his close friends.
"There you go," he said softly as he finished tying the second skate. "How do they feel?"
Julia was a bit mesmerised as he looked up at her, and their eyes locked. His blue eyes sparkled, and his calm demeanour made her feel comfortable and at ease. "Great... they feel great," she spoke softly, forcing herself back to reality.
"Good, they might feel a little tight at first, but that's just for good support."
Julia nodded. "It's all good," she smiled. They sat there for a few more seconds before they were interrupted by Tyler.
"Hey, are you guys coming?" he shouted out of excitement.
"Yeah, I'm right behind you, buddy," William chuckled. 
"Perhaps you should skate a few rounds with Tyler first," Julia smiled. "I'll join you in a bit, once I've summoned up some courage."
William offered her a soft smile and nodded before jumping onto the ice to join Tyler for a few rounds.
What’s the matter with me, Julia wondered. It was like all her feelings for William were being stirred up again, and she didn't know how to handle it.
‘No, nothing's going on’, she convinced herself. He was just being a really good friend, and they'd spent a lot of time together, bonding really well. It was all just friendly.
"Are you okay, Auntie J?" Phoebe asked softly sitting next to her, which made Julia shake her head.
"Yes, baby, I was just thinking," she explained, offering the young girl a soft smile, who then returned to playing on the iPad.
After about 10 minutes of William and Tyler skating back and forth, with William showing Tyler some techniques, they decided to race from the opposite end to where Julia and Phoebe were sitting. William let Tyler win - but only just.
"This is amazing, William!" Tyler shouted as they stood by the bench.
"So, am I your favourite player now?" William asked playfully.
"Oh yes, definitely!"
Julia couldn't help but chuckle at the two boys' interaction.
"So..." William said as he turned to Julia, who raised an eyebrow in response to his smirk. "Are you ready, JJ?"
"Nope, but I probably never will be," she smiled.
"Come on!" Tyler shouted as he set off again to skate around the ice.
Julia let out a sigh and got up from her seat, while Andrew joined Phoebe on the bench.
"I promise I'll catch you if you're about to fall," William reassured her in a gentle tone.
"Thanks - but if you haven't noticed, I don't really trust people that easily," she half joked, as she placed one foot onto the ice while gripping tightly to stabilise herself.
"Oh, I've noticed," William chuckled. "But don't worry, I've got you," he said, placing a hand on her arm and holding her securely, encouraging her to let go.  
Julia softly nodded and released her hands, relying on her feet and William to support her. She wobbled a bit at first, but true to his promise, William held her securely, ensuring she didn't fall. It felt like a crazy friendly trust test.
Slowly, they began to skate, with William demonstrating the best techniques for moving her feet, bending her knees, and maintaining her balance with her back slightly forward. She caught on quickly. Before long, they were gliding around in circles, laughing, and talking, while Tyler expended all his energy practicing everything William had shown him. Julia even had the confidence to take out her phone and send a snap to Charlie, only having to hold on to him a couple of times. 
William felt a sense of delight having Julia around. While he genuinely wanted to be a good friend and help Tyler with his skating session, there was also a part of him that wanted to impress her. He wanted to show her his best side, to demonstrate that he was there for her, and that he would catch her, both on and off the ice, if she ever stumbled.
They skated for a while before deciding it was time to wrap up for the night. Tyler was radiating with joy, unable to contain his excitement and chatting as they removed their skates. William couldn't help but chuckle at the young boy's enthusiasm and shared his best advice on how to become a professional hockey player.
Julia could see that he took pride in embracing his role as a role model in Tyler's eyes.
And as they stood outside in the cold autumn air, waiting for Andrew to finish his phone call, Julia smiled at William.
"Thank you for today - it truly meant a lot to all of us."
"No problem, it was fun for me too," he replied with a smile. "I always love showing off my skills."
Julia chuckled at his confidence. "I'm sure you do. By the way, how's your nose?"
"All better," he smiled softly. "But I think it deserves an apology."
"And how would you like me to do that?" Julia chuckled.
"I guess, a meal at Sugo's would be perfection," he playfully suggested.
Julia laughed at his cheeky demeanour but sighed playfully. "I'm sure we can work that out," she replied with a friendly wink.
They bid each other goodbye with hugs before parting ways, with William heading to his own car.
“Sugo's would be perfection” William mumbled; mentally mocking himself for that foolish comment. 
In the evening, William found himself unable to suppress a smile as he watched Julia's Instagram stories and Snapchats of their time on the ice. He even shared some of the content on his own social media as well. 
Their friendship had already become a little known to the public, though William knew Julia wasn’t much for the spotlight. They’d both shared a couple of pictures of their times together, but also underlined that it was just as friends; not wanting to give the public the wrong impression.
Although William was very aware of how he spoke and of what he published, he just simply wanted to share his good moments with Julia. She was simply so sweet and kind; her laughter was like sweet music to his ears, and he couldn't help but feel a warm, comforting sensation whenever he thought about the moments they had shared together so far.
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merv606 · 1 year
Okay I gotta know: what’s your favorite Silverusso era? Any AU preferences (Mafia, Omegaverse, etc.) or favorite “other verses” (like NINY!Daniel with Excessive Force!Terry for example)?
Asking me my own question 😂
You know - honestly - depends on my mood BUT KK3 era will always have a special place because that was what I saw first - my first introduction to Daniel/Terry.
I do so love Mafia AUs - so very much ♥️
Honestly, omega verse usually isn’t my thing lol even if I do get the majority of my asks in regards to ABO although I will say, that they are well suited to it - much like a lot of tropes actually.
Most times, it’s NINY Ralph and EF TIG I’m picturing and one day I swear, I’m going to write that crossover.
But, Distant Thunder Ralph has been on my mind lately and TIG has a lot of great looks throughout his movie career as does Ralph.
Looking at you Officer Haddix from the deuce and Terry crossover.
But I am partial to his vampire character, Valek in John Carpenter’s Vampires - I love vampires and werewolves especially - and should do more supernatural stuff.
Flesh out that Daniel as a FAE story maybe.
I would love to do a werewolf AU - I considered doing the Lawrusso one I started as Silverusso instead but that isn’t likely to happen - and I am planning on trying to get that Vampires AU I wanted to do for Silverusso day done for Halloween.
Truth be told, I have always wanted to do a universal monsters series Silverusso Style.
Love the universal classic monsters and I bought the box set a few years back and as I’m watching them I can’t help but think that they are suited to so many of them - especially the obsessive love ones.
I watched Creature from the Black Lagoon last week again and it gave major Rule 63 Silverusso Vibes this time around so I could see myself doing that for them 🤔
So many ideas and so little time really.
I wrote so much stuff so quickly that now, I feel that a lot of it is just repetitive - rehashing the same stuff over and over, which is why I slowed down a bit - that and work demands have changed over the years as I take new positions - but that may be something different and something that has been in the back of my mind for years.
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seiwas · 11 months
hi sel!
I’m so glad you enjoyed going back to the gym!!! And that you encouraged yourself to go!!! That’s amazing!!!(im currently setting off fireworks for you🎆)!!! I hope you were satisfied with your workout!!!🫶
and yeah psych has really peaked my interest since taking a psychology class in high school! I almost chose it as my major but I thought more deeply about it and I felt like I shouldn’t be trusted with the mentality of others lol💀 but that’s also why I have so much respect for those in the career tho!🫶
And I’m actually currently majoring in architecture!!! ♡
And I’m glad you get it😭 like I honestly would want to give it another chance but I hope that we would still have a fun compatibility with one another! but yes! IF our relationship could be sparked again somehow and we were still the same with one another, I would definitely think about trying it out haha!!
and! you really do paint such a good picture of you bf though😭 like it’s sweet the way you do it because it really does get the message across I feel like!!! ♡ and the teasing is honestly a plus in the relationship if it leaves you smiling afterward like awwww🥹💖🫶
and yeah the lecture was really interesting and I can’t wait for the next one! and thank you sel for listening about my day!🥺
and I’m sorry you didn’t feel satisfied with how your cookies turned out😭 but hey it’s cool that you still tried tinkering with it!!you tried to spice it up!!! there’s always some fun in that ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚ and now you know what probably works better when baking the cookies so I’m sure they’ll come out better next time, you go this!!!🥺💖 and thank you! some friends of mine want to throw like a mini Halloween dinner/party so we’re all dressing up and bringing different different things to the dinner! The things is tho!! I’m kinda better at baking than cooking lol!! so I’m gonna try making some Halloween themed ones (hopefully they don’t come out looking weird💀)!!!
And yes I started it hq again!!! I had watched a bit of season one I think when I was in middle school bc I remember some episodes lol, but I don’t remember why I didn’t continue to season 2🤔
but I really am enjoying it now!!!!! and I’m loving the fact that only games are being lost and not lives😭 (it’s a good change of scenery🥲)!!! and the fact that he’s cried twice because of how emotional it can be honestly has me more excited to continue🥹 like I love getting so immersed in their goals and relationships😭🫶 and since I’m at the beginning!! I’m really liking kageyama and hinata!! especially because of how funny their bond is!! and daichi and suga!! and!!! oikawa and iwa!!!! I’m really loving them all individually but I also really love their friendships too🥹🫶💖
and thank you sel😭🫶!! I loving coming over to talk with you🥹 and yes I really did want to come over and remind you that YOUR WRITING IS AMAZING!!!!💖🫶 I really have loved your recent additions!!! I feel like you add so many new layers of love on top of what you already put🥺 (I don’t know if that makes sense lol!! but like!! I feel like you give each new addition another layer of care and love!! like your care for these stories just keeps growing!!!)
and thank you sel!! I was actually able to rest up for a bit this weekend!!! I hope you did too and that you enjoyed it!!!🥺 I’m wishing you a wonderful week!!🥹💖🫶
⭐️ anon!
⭐ anon hello!! welcome back 🥺
oh you're adorable setting fireworks for me 🥺 thank you!! the workout went great!!
i completely get what you mean omg but it's so cool that you decided to pursue architecture!! i hope you're enjoying and that it isn't giving you too much of a hard time 💗
you are so sweet coming in here to share these things w me!! and to update me on things like the lectures you're taking too!! of course i'll listen!! 💗🥹
and you're so right with the cookies!! i kinda did just throw them together so maybe it was my bday too 😭 and your halloween party with your friends!! that's so cute, picking outfits and decorating!! making halloween themed food too!! aaaah i hope you have the best time!! 💗 i'm sure your treats will turn out great!!
omg i was the exact same!! i think i picked up around mid-hs? but then stopped after the first season too and dk why 😭 i'm so happy you're enjoying it now!! it rly is a good change of pace after watching jjk ngl 😭 keep me updated as you go!! who your faves end up being/which teams you end up rooting for 🥺 tobio was my first hq!! loves and still has a special place in my heart today!! (even tho i'm a full on seijoh girlie now sjhdbfhsj)
i think it's so sweet that you come into my lil mailbox for a chat like this 🥺 and even reassuring me/complimenting my writing again omg 😭 (am rlly bad at taking compliments...) but aaah thank u so much 🥺 it's so nice how you put it that way, love continually stacked upon one another!! i think the more i write for col the more i feel it becoming so so precious to me 🥺 the col couple truly are my babies shdbfhjsad i love them more and more so i'm glad that that's felt in the recent additions!!
wishing you a wonderful week too, nonie!! my weekend has been very restful thank you so much!!! 💗🥹
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
outside of the mcr tag, the gnr tag, and one person in the type o tag (not you-know-who, thank fuck), did bandom like die overnight or some shit? i’ve been looking through ao3 tags the past few minutes and they all have been so quiet the past couple of weeks.
don’t be pinning this on me, either: i may have had opinions and i’ve stood up to plagiarism but that’s no excuse to stop creating, though (it never should be, either: this is something i’ve learned years ago, when i first embarked on an art career. someone’s opinion of you or your work should never discourage you, but rather inspire you). i’m a fic author: i support fic authors no matter who they are because fic and any kind of fanwork at its core is harmless. be yourself and do whatever you want as long as you aren’t hurting anyone. it’s just when you take from me (or anyone), indulge in behavior that ranges from utterly nefarious to just kind of annoying, and can’t practice what you preach if it saved the world—and blame me for calling you out and act like i owe you something—that’s where i draw the line.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 years
My SamBucky No Powers AU Masterlist
So, I started this series of masterlists, since I’ve sort of been accruing a variety of fics lately. I thought it would be good to make one for my SamBucky No Powers AUs, the ones where it's the regular world with no heroes 🥰
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1) The Only Thing That I Refuse to Forget (M, 17,543) - "Sam Wilson, head of a major digital vertical at the music magazine Shield, wants to make a month long event dedicated to the popstar Bucky Barnes; his current battle in the courts to get out of his contract with Hydra and his producer Zola as well as the complete one-eighty in Bucky's image and music once he took back agency over his career. But what happens when Sam starts to fall for the subject of his vertical?"
The Only Thing That I Refuse to Forget is a fun mixed media project about finding old love anew, about music, about not allowing the people who wronged you to make your life a living hell and to rebel by by finding happiness in spite of it all.
2) The Falcon Bird Cafe (M, 2,958) - The story about a the owner of a bird cafe falling for the new pâtissier at a the local desert place the cafe owner gets his baked goods from.
This was originally created for the WinterFalcon Week Anthology 2021 I made for the WinterFalcon Week 2021 hosted by the WinterFalcon Week tumblr. It's a fun mixed media Cafe AU about two cute guys and an entire town working together to get them on a date 🥰
3) I Can't Run in These Heels! (M, 1,397) - A story about ace teen detective, Sam Wilson, helping his latest client, the star quarterback turned pity of all the town turned prize winning mathlete overnight to anyone who hadn't been paying attention to the guy, Bucky Barnes.
The case subject matter is heavy, but it's a fun and funny romp that I made for the WinterFalcon Week Anthology 2021 as well and I'm planning on expanding it into a series with a teen detective turned adult detective Sam Wilson at some point.
4) Drunken Walk Through the Cemetery (M, 1,203) - "Sam had gone to the costume party at the Barnes manor. It wasn’t as if Sam went to a lot of the parties that happened during the weekend, he dedicated a lot of his time to make sure he kept his grades up so that he could keep his full ride to the private school known for having a near one-hundred percent college acceptance rate. But it was Sam’s senior year, and it was Bucky’s party, the only party he’d ever thrown before and maybe Sam was overstepping a bit, but he was scared for Bucky."
Drunken Walk Through the Cemetery was made for my SamBucky Halloween 2021 anthology for the SamBucky Halloween 2021 event hosted by the SamBucky Library tumblr. It's a sad fic about a spiraling teen Bucky after the loss of his parents and arm due to a car accident and teen Sam checking in on him. I'm going to expand on this one at some point into a small miniseries 🤔
5) From Art Lover to Artist (M, 1,190) - The story of shy Gardener!Bucky Barnes sending anonymous letters to Sculptor!Sam Wilson about his interactive pieces he's creating at the statue garden he's an artist in residence at.
It's a mixed media piece made for my Samtember Ficlet and Drabble Anthology 2021 for the Samtember event hosted by the Sam Wilson Fest tumblr. It's a tale about art, love, and finding a way to get out of your shell and talk to someone. I'm definitely going to expand this into a miniseries at some point 🥰
6) Hooky (M, 1,101) - When Bucky notices Sam's having a terrible day, he decides to get Sam out of the school and play hooky.
This was also a ficlet I made for the my Samtember Ficlet and Drabble Anthology 2021. It's just a short, sweet story about Teen!Bucky trying to cheer up Teen!Sam, and the two ending up becoming a couple 🥰
7) Strictly Marvin (M, 1,043) - Sam and Bucky but it's Strictly Ballroom.
This ficlet was inspired by the idea of a Dancing AU someone in a discord I'm in talked about and was made for my Samtember Ficlet and Drabble Anthology 2021. I'm thinking about expanding it into a miniseries, possibly adding more Silver Linings Playbook into it. It's fun, little story about dancing.
I'll probably do an updated version of this at some point, but these are all my No Powers AUs thus far! I hope you enjoy them! 🥰
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w0nderland · 3 years
Hi friend!💕 Happy November! (Time to pack up Folklore and break out Evermore 😂)
I hope you've spent a good Halloween! I loved the description of your costume xd, and wearing a cloak must be so fun!! (Kinda makes you feel like a wizard every time it billows around your ankles, no?😄)
Yeah every day I wake up and I see a new meme featuring Adam Driver *crying* (I seriously don't get the hype about this guy -- do people really find him attractive?🤔)
Ooh, do you like studying chemistry? It must be very interesting!
I'm very intrigued by your story! I'd love to read it one day!😊 (Although I hope that one is a work of fiction! ^'^)
I don't have as much time as I'd like to write these days, but I take the time to write a bit (at least once a week)! I mostly write fanfics because I love the sense of community that it gives me; in the circles I'm in, everyone is so nice and always willing to be supportive or lend an ear! Writing a book usually feels very lonely, one writer in front of their blank page, so it's nice to discover what it's like to get feedback throughout the writing process!
I feel like we have a lot of hobbies in common too! It'd be fun to add knitting to the list xd!
Oh, you have my entire support since I also have exams coming up! I hope you've managed to prepare more efficiently than me (I've spent the last ten days trying to cram the maximum of info into my brain 😅 my brain is fried!) Best of luck with your studying!🍀
If you found a genie in a bottle, what would be your three wishes?🧞‍♂️
- 🌌
happy november!! i’m sorry i don’t answer these asks right away, i think about them a lot and answer when i’ve got time to type up all my thoughts. i appreciate reading everything you’ve got to say!!
this halloween i made soup (insert adam driver good soup meme). i felt like a witch brewing a potion and it was amazing!! maybe part of why i like chemistry is for the mad scientist/witch creating potions vibe. it’s really fun to work with chemicals in a lab.
i’d love to read something you’ve written one day, and to dedicate more time to writing myself. it can get super lonely so the sense of community from fanfic must be great!
i’m almost done with this round of exams but i’ve got one tomorrow morning. good luck on all your tests!! together we can cram The Most info into our brains. and then we get red tv as a reward :)
if i found a genie in a bottle my wishes would be: to mysteriously get enough money to live a comfortable life (a cute apartment somewhere, being able to adopt a cat or two or three, that kind of thing), the ability to recover lost trains of thought, and finally to set the genie free (if they would like that) because i feel it’s the nice thing to do. what would your three wishes be?
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staysuki · 3 years
OH SEE! IT IS HYUNJIN! CANDY IS HYUNJIN! candy and y/n met in a tumblr-like app, right? and it was mentioned that they hit it off bc of their admiration towards each other s art works. I CANNOT FIND WHICH CH IT IS SO I CAN T BE TOO SURE. this gives me a worse headache than the midterms i took earlier :"> yeah we defi need Lovegame anon. who do you think is candy? 🤔🤔🤔
manifesting ✨ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ lovegame 🕯️ 🕯️ anon pls see my 🕯️ 🕯️ pleas 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️
i m sure all of us are interested in seeing that initial storage room scene 👀 yuhs seungmin s arc hehe, his character is nt as bad as i thought it to be honestly. I FEEL LIKE, ryujin and y/n will be the ones who will end up with the "oh they re bff s " label, instead of with lia. idk, they have that chemistry going on. and pls do an alignment chart for EHALOJ too :3
same, our family celebrates the day of the dead instead of halloween. maybe it s just pinoy thingz. i m the halloween special got me so intrigued :>> i remember reading in your about me that you never wrote and will never write gore SO I EXPECTED ANGST LOL though horror is my favourite genre <33
going for hyunjin already huh JSHAHSHSHS it’s fine though, it’s not like this is some big mystery like ehaloj’s 🤣🤣🤣. congrats on the midterms btw!! i’m sure you did great uwu. also i think lovegame anon already put in their guess 🤧 they said if it’s not hyunjin then it might be felix (because of the show of compassion) iirc. but i have bad memory so—
hmmm maybe i WILL post it idk hm 🤔 i’ll think about it. i don’t want people to think of the characters and the story differently though so i’m a bit wary, maybe in the future once we’ve established more about the characters 💆‍♀️🤌
yesz, araw ng patay feelz 💆‍♀️✨. also yes the halloween special HNGGHHH i’m still a long ways ahead in terms of finishing it but i AM SO excited. it is SO EXTREME. LIKE, I HAD TO PAUSE IN WRITING IT BECAUSE I ENDED UP CRYING?? IT’S IN ACT ONE/INTRODUCTION PART AND IT’S ALREADY HEARTBREAKING LIKE?????? OMG. and yeah, in that no-gore rule i was moreso talking about romanticization stuff 😅 like, i don’t mind writing horror (i actually like writing mystery and horror genres) but i don’t like writing it alongside romance iykwim (fetishes, kink etc etc).
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