#maybe you could unlock the others as support chars in a way?
they need to make a trigun jump-n'-run game where you flee from angry townsfolk. but make it look like a gba game. like. i would kill for that honestly (ok actually not because thou shalt not kill or whatever but you get the message. we're pacifists here but still)
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lesbianasfuckwomen · 8 months
Happy Birthday Maki!
Kasy? Nadia? Lydia? Those weren’t it.
Maki was struggling. She remembered meeting the brown haired girl when Megumi introduced her but she couldn’t remember her goddamn name. 
Kuja? Kugisaki! That was it. Kugisaki Nobara. 
Maki was entranced the minute she had met the first year, happy she wasn’t the only woman there anymore, but Nobara had more interesting aspects than just being a girl. Nobara was feisty; she never let anybody put her down, if they did, they would be asking for a needle in the lungs. 
Maki loved that about her. 
She wondered if Nobara would be up to hang out one day, maybe at her own dorm. Maybe they would talk about boys, girls (we stan the lesbians in this house), manga, anime, periods, k-pop or just be teenagers. A break would be nice, just one day of chilling and talking without lives on the line and a risk of being horribly mutilated. Maki smiled and took note of the thought. 
She would ask Nobara later. 
Mechamaru’s voice blasted into Maki’s ear. 
“Kugisaki’s dead. She was killed by Mahito. We need to rethink our coordinates.”
Nobara’s dead. 
Maki’s throat tightened. Things were starting to get real. 
She swiveled around to face Nanamin. Nanamin raised his cleave, waiting for a nearby attack. 
Fire engulfed Maki’s vision. The once blond man that stood before her was charred black. 
Heat seared into her back. She was on fire. Holy shit she was on fire. She fell to the ground, the pain too much to handle. Mechhamaru’s voice came into her ear, glitched and bothered. The earpiece must have been burned. 
“Gojo Satoru has been sealed.”
Fuck this day couldn’t have become more shitty. 
Maki couldn’t remember a single day in her childhood when she wasn’t with Mai. They were glued to each other's side from day one, a popular thing between twins. The two used to do everything together, whether it was eating or bathing. 
One thing she definitely remembered from her childhood was birthdays. Since Maki and Mai were twins they would celebrate their birthday with one party. That and their father called them a waste of time and money. She could recall her mothers pained attempt at singing happy birthday, how the words came out gritted and short. How her mother thought they were burdens. 
Maki remembered Mai’s hand in hers. 
She remembered the warmth in Mai’s hands, how it made her feel safe and grounded. She remembered Mai’s face as they blew out the candles on their cake, how her face seemed passive but her eyes were filled with determination. 
“That’s why I told you not to go!”
Nishimiya’s voice brang Maki back to reality. She looked down in her arms. 
Mai stared back at her. 
The eyes that once held life were blank, lifeless. 
The body that once supported her, that was once her ember was dead cold. 
Mai Zenin died on May 7th, 2021.
With her, died Maki’s hope for human kind. 
According to the report, Megumi Fushiguro had unlocked some technique that could be dangerous to humans. The shikigami’s name was Mahogara, and it seemed to be causing the raven-haired boy some trouble. So as the amazing upper classmate she was, she volunteered to help him. 
Somebody should have warned her that she was going to have a mental breakdown after their session. 
How come she just noticed how creepily similar Megumi and Mai were? 
They both had stoic faces and determined eyes. They both had warmth that radiated off them. They both talked the same cut short mannered way. 
Soon, Maki found herself becoming closer to her underclassman than she would have liked. 
They would train every single day to try and get better at controlling that shikigami. Maki catched herself wanting to call Megumi Mai way too many times. 
Was Maki just noticing Megumi now that she had a Mai sized hole in her heart? Or did she actually like being around Megumi? She shrugged all of those thoughts off. 
She’ll let herself indulge just this once. 
“You should be the one trying to stifle this misery!”
Oh yeah. 
Maki eternally slapped herself. Why’d she let her guard down? She’s a jujutsu sorcerer for fucks sake. 
Itadori’s cries got louder. He shouldn’t have gotten close to Megumi. For fucks sake she shouldn’t have gotten closer to Megumi. Though who would have thought that Sukuna would have tried to take over Megumi’s body? Even so, Itadori should have known that being a jujutsu sorcerer ment shutting everybody away. 
So then why did she let Megumi weasel his way into her heart?
“Sorry I’m late. Give me a brief run-down.”
Maki grit her teeth. She was hoping for a more peaceful day but she was a jujutsu sorcerer. 
A bitter thought sunk into her head but she shook it away. She had more important things to worry about at the moment. 
Happy birthday to me. 
gege when I catch you gege
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moldisgoodforyou · 4 years
the one at winter formal
warnings: cursing (like always), excessive drinking, mentions of implied smut, angst at the end 
wordcount: 1.7k
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gif by @toesure​ !
“we gotta stop to eat beforehand, we need to prepare.” jj told charlie as they drove down the highway to the cabins for his winter formal, his hand resting on her thigh. “prepare for what? I thought the actual dance was tomorrow.” charlie asked, confused. “oh shit, did I not tell you?” jj asked, glancing over at her to gauge her expression. “the formal dinner and whatever is tomorrow, but tonight is fifths and cuffs. I got us bacardi, that’s fine right?”
charlie groaned. “that’s 16 shots, right?” he nodded. “I figured we could split it even. 8 shots of rum should be easy for you. you'll probably be hammered, but you can do it.” charlie sighed. “only ‘cause I love you, maybank.” jj grinned and squeezed her thigh as he pulled off the highway for food. “that’s my girl. I promise I’ll hold your hair back the next morning.” she laughed. “you’d better.”
much later that night, charlie found herself drunk after four shots, handcuffed to her boyfriend that had the tendencies of a toddler after six shots of his own. he had opted to knock back four shots straight away, washing it down with a coors despite charlie’s protests, and was now making it his mission to socialize with every. single. person at the party.
when jj tried pulling away again to go say hi to his freshman year math partner (how on earth would he remember her?), charlie had had enough and simply walked in the opposite direction of him, pulling their handcuffed wrists along. it took a  few seconds of her pulling for him to register and follow after her. “hey! where are we going, pretty girl?” jj questioned, slightly stumbling after her into the kitchen. “maybank, I need you to stop and chill the fuck out for like, three minutes. the room is spinning.” she begged.
jj frowned and reached out, pressing his hands on both sides of her head. “that better, char?” charlie laughed, concentrating on his concerned expression. “yeah, actually, a little. how many more do I have to take?” she asked, glancing at the bottle of bacardi on the counter with sharpie’d tally marks. jj looked down, counting on his fingers at an impossibly slow pace. “one...two...” she snapped her fingers in front of his face. “focus. I think I have four. you have two.”
“oh, that’s fucking easy. you’re just slow.” jj pointed out, pouring the shot for her. “I can’t help it, I’m discom...discombob...” charlie attempted, trailing off. “stop using big words when you’re drunk, I can’t understand you.” jj complained, handing her the shot. “no, you’re drunk.” charlie argued, taking the shot with her handcuffed hand and flinching away when jj tugged her hair with his handcuffed one. jj shook his head. “I have perfect balance. I could pass a sobriety test right fucking now. flying colors.”
“say the alphabet backward.”
“I can’t do that when I’m sober.”
charlie laughed, leaning into jj’s side and making him stumble before wrapping his arm around her shoulders to support her. “why aren’t we cheating at this like everyone else?” jj shook his head, insistent. “because we’re winners, baby.” she wrinkled her nose. “don’t call me that.” he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I dunno why you don’t like it. it’s fucking cute. just like you. charlie, have I told you how pretty you are today?” when jj was extra drunk, he laid on the compliments like no other, loving the way she blushed in response. “I hate you.” charlie replied, lifting her head to kiss him. “no you don’t. we’re in love.” jj protested, giving her a short kiss.
she couldn’t help but smile at that. he lifted their wrists, examining the handcuffs. “do you think we could keep these to use tonight?” charlie shoved his hip playfully, forgetting they were connected, and went tumbling into his chest. “we’re sharing a room with five couples, dumbass.” jj grinned, tugging gently on her hair with his free hand. “so just be quiet.” he paused, then smirked. “oh wait, you can’t do that, because you almost got us caught in the -” he had the grace to cut himself off as one of his frat brothers slipped past, giving him a nod. charlie rolled her eyes. “whatever, you love it.” he grinned again. “yeah, I do. now drink up, sweetheart.”
“I just took one!” charlie whined, but went to pour from the bottle. jj grabbed the bottle from her. “that was a half hour ago! just open your mouth.” charlie wrinkled her nose, but obliged as he poured, opening her mouth and swallowing 2 shots worth before stepping on jj’s foot to get him to stop. he dripped a little down her chin and leaned in right away, licking the spill. charlie flinched away, giggling. “you’re disgusting!” she lifted their wrists and used the back of his hand to wipe her chin.
he just laughed, tipping the bottle back and drinking two shots worth. “I’m done! I won!” charlie sighed. “I’m so fucked.” jj smirked. “if you stayed quiet, you could be tonight.” he dropped the smirk quickly upon seeing her glare. “should I just go for it?” she asked, picking up the bottle and swirling around the remainder of the rum. “are you gonna hurl?” jj asked, kissing her forehead. “maybe.” she considered it. “definitely, if I finish it off right now.” he took the bottle away from her, cradling like a football. “then no, because if you hurl, I’ll hurl, and then I can’t take care of you.”
she squeezed her eyes shut, putting her hands on his chest to stabilize herself. “whatcha doing, walker?” jj asked. “there are three of you.” charlie replied, opening her eyes. he grinned. “the more the better!” he dragged her out from the kitchen to where the rest of the party was, then outside to the dock. charlie held tight to his bicep, doing everything in her power to concentrate on not tripping. jj gasped. “baby, I just had the best fucking idea I’ve ever had.” charlie raised her eyebrows. “shoot, genius.”
he gestured out to the lake. “we should go swimming.” charlie just stared at him, expressionless. “you’re kidding.” he shook his head. “no! doesn’t it look nice? then we don’t have to shower.” charlie blinked, her words slurring a little. “we have handcuffs, j, and I’m so drunk I can’t even see one of you. I would fucking drown.” he started toward the dock. “no, no, I was a lifeguard in high school, I got you.” charlie dug her heels into the ground, putting all her weight against him. “hell no!”
“yo, maybank, where you goin?” one of his brothers called out. “swimming!” jj replied, still pulling against her. the guy sighed and grabbed him by the back of the shirt, pulling the two of them back into the cabin. jj squared up, bringing charlie’s wrist up with his. “hey, hands off me!”
charlie just rolled her eyes, thanking the brother as he walked away. “I’ve never seen you this bad. you’re a fucking mess when you’re drunk.” 
with the way he reacted, it was like she had struck him across the face. hard. a wave of hurt flashed over jj’s face and he frowned immediately. “don’t say that. I’m not.” 
charlie waved her hand in dismissal. “you know what I mean.” 
he shook his head. “no, I don’t. don’t say that. I’m not a mess.” 
charlie frowned, confused, and reached her free hand up to cup his cheek. 
he pulled away, forcing a half-smile and pushing the bottle to her chest. “you have two shots left, walker.” 
charlie frowned, taking it but not drinking. “jj. what’s wrong, what did I say?”
jj repeated himself, slower. “I’m not a mess.” 
charlie sighed, quietly, as it clicked. “oh, j...I didn’t mean to...” 
he shook his head. “drink, charlie, and we can get these handcuffs off.” she frowned and tilted the bottle to her lips, finishing off the rum with a shudder. they traded in the empty bottle to a pledge for the keys and unlocked the handcuffs, releasing their wrists. 
charlie took jj’s hand, pulling him outside immediately to where it was quiet, to sit on a bench by the water. “what are you -” jj asked, going quiet when charlie threw her arms around him, hugging him tight. he relaxed into her touch, resting his head on top of her chin. “I’m fine, charlie,” he murmured into her hair.
charlie pulled back slightly to kiss him, gentle. she ran her fingers through his hair, anything to reassure him. “I’m sorry, j, I wasn’t thinking. if anyone’s the mess right now, it’s me. you’re kinda blurry.” she tried joking. he laughed a little and she smiled. she rested her head on his chest, leaning into him again. 
she took a breath, hesitating. “is it because of your dad?” she murmured quietly. she could feel him nodding on top of her head and squeezed him tighter. “I shouldn’t have said that. I’m so sorry, hon.” her pet name for him rarely came out, only in private - so he knew she was serious (and somehow, still coherent).
maybe it was the alcohol, maybe he was comfortable talking about it with her after a few months of dating - or maybe he just loved this girl so much that he felt like he could finally trust someone. 
“I might be like him sometimes, but not gonna end up like him. I’m not.” he mumbled. 
she lifted her head to look him in the eye, gently cupping his chin in her hand. “you’re not like him, j. you’re kind, and caring, and loyal as hell, and you notice every little detail, even when I don’t expect you to.” he kept her gaze, the corner of his lips barely turning up in an imperceptible smile. “I love you so, so much, j. I don’t say it enough.” he leaned forward, pressing his forehead against hers. “love you too.” 
“m’ sorry I’m drunk.” he added. she laughed softly. “you’re faring a lot better than I am. your words are all there.” he paused, considering her words. “I don’t even think it’s all hit you yet, pretty girl.” she sighed, taking his hand and intertwining their fingers. “it will when I stand.” he smiled. “s’okay. I got you.” 
“you’re mine, j, don’t forget it.” charlie insisted, kissing him softly. he nudged his nose with hers. “you’re a sap.” she grinned. “yeah. your sap.”
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bunnylouisegrimes · 4 years
Spoilers, so be ready. Also, this one might be a little longer than my other ones, so just be aware.
This episode was both good and bad, at least for me. Let’s start off with all the bad and get that out of the way:
For starters, Bing’s sudden “I’m so high and moral, I’m so above Charlie, boo hoo he used me” narrative I swear... he’s so annoying. Gtfo with that shit Bing. You’re a rapist literal motherfucker. Charlie uses assholes like you for his benefit and kid’s benefit, then you die in the end, it’s what you deserve. I did love the nod to Dewey Hansom from the book and comic in this episode tho. Dewey was a rapist himself and if I remember correctly, he did stuff to kids, and Charlie made sure he got his in the end too. I guess this attitude Bing had did lead to his eventual downfall, but still... doesn’t mean it isn’t annoying lol.
A question I had, a friend on here had, and I’m sure we all had was: did Charlie get raped by Bing or... what? I mean, at the time, it was implied, based on what Bing said to him which was extremely creepy, but we didn’t know because his body got dragged away like nothing ever happened. Plus, it cut to what happened to him in his childhood around this time (my opinions on his childhood in a moment). The answer is: No, Charlie was not raped by Bing. He was about to be raped by him, but was not. Here is the screenshot from my friend who asked the writer of the episode:
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So no, Charlie was not! Thank God... Of course, hitting him was not good, and what happened to him as a child was not good at all, but this would’ve made things a lot worse both writing wise and in regards to Charlie. Credit to @welcometochristmasland for asking the writer, thank you so much for clarifying this for everyone!
I’m especially relieved by this not just because I’m a Charlie fan girl, but this reason: Charlie getting raped AGAIN in his life, and especially by that fucker, would be so unneeded and stupid. There would be no point to that other than shock value filler. Not to mention, wouldn’t it make things extremely awkward between Vic and Charlie? Despite what’s happening with Wayne, I mean, she was almost raped by Bing herself, and if Charlie actually were in this scenario... that would be pretty awkward between the two, right? I know if I were Vic and I found out about that, I would feel pretty awkward, even if he had my kid, because rape is way too strong a punishment over this. We already know Bing is worse than Charlie, you wouldn’t have to show it through this, and thank God the show did not. I was gonna be real angry over that... of course, there is one thing that unexpectedly made me angry at this episode...
I don’t know what the writers’ problem is with Charlie’s backstory and the women in his life hurting him. They don’t make them saints, but they make them out to be like, “Oh, look at us, we love you and we point out your flaws, and you hurt us.” You know what Charlie’s mother and wife said to him all those years ago according to the comic book that reveals his backstory? They told him how much he drained them of their happiness and youth. No shit Charlie has such a distrust in women! He’s been told by his own mother and first wife, who he broke an arm and a leg for how much just to support the family, that he’s worthless. This leads him to snap! His mom wouldn’t have cared he was raped. She hated him. She told him, when he was forced to sleep in a coffin in the back of the inn and mortuary they lived in, that he belonged in one, so it served him right to sleep in one. Real loving mother of the year, am I right? Again, she still wasn’t a saint in the show, but Charlie going off at her like that was just... WHAT??? NO. And making Charlie groom other kids uknowingly while he’s groomed himself? I really don’t like this, and it’s even worse that Charlie gets more mad at his mom and not so much himself in this situation. He blames himself, but moreso blames his mom. Just... why?
In the comic, the guy who hurt Charlie as a kid was a random guy. He was kicked out of the inn and mortuary for hurting his mom while he was her customer. She points out that maybe a woman doesn’t satisfy him, and boy, is she right, because the fucker follows Charlie as he’s walking up a hill to play with his sled, and rapes Charlie. Charlie gets away, his abilities start to unlock just a bit once his head hits a tree, he kills the rapist, goes back into town, kills his mom, and kills one of the owners of the inn and mortuary (probably because he was trying to stop Charlie, and little boy Charlie has snapped). After this, Charlie leaves and ends up in Kansas. He has little no memory of this.
Now, did the episode show us his mom’s neglectful behavior by leaving her son midway through a little show he was doing to sleep around? Yes. Did they show his abilities unlock after his rape and him killing her? Yes. Did they show him get raped in the first place, and is it still horrible? Yes to both. And I think it was a good change in the show to make the man someone Charlie trusted instead of a random guy (its both equal in how horrible and wrong it is, but the fact it was someone he trusted is even more shocking, I think, but the good kind of shocking, not some cheap useless bullshit).
But similar to Charlie’s backstory with Cassie, the writers seemed to have skimmed through the comic and not understand the point: Not only does sexual assault as a child fuel Charlie’s trauma and pain, but so does the feelings of uselessness he felt from his mother hurting him and his wife hurting him. I get it, you want to make Charlie out to be the big bad, but he already is with the questionable ways he saves kids. His backstory is meant to be the place where you see his softer side, not see more of his bad. You see his softness, but then the show turns around and says, “ReMeMbEr, hE’s StIlL tHe BaD gUy.” We get it, writers! Now can you please stop making him unsympathetic? There is that side of him that people need to understand! That’s what makes his character so genius!
Slightly off topic, but I thought of something briefly: I can’t help but feel the show is maybe doing this not only because they really want to make it out like “Charlie’s so evil and if you like his sad backstory and understand him, you’re just wrong UWU), but maybe it’s also because they don’t want to talk about a male victim of abuse story. Of course, yes, they did it with him being raped as a child, and I’m glad that they still covered the topic of a male victim of sexual abuse, especially sexual child abuse. Showing how awful that is is important, and I think they handled that aspect well. However, Charlie is also a child abuse victim with his mother, and a domestic violence victim with his wife. Why wouldn’t they want to show a child abuse victim, and a domestic violence survivor (and a male one at that!) in a way that is important and well handled too? They didn’t make a PSA out of it, no, and they wouldn’t make PSAs out of the other things either, that’s not what I’m saying. But by showing these things in media, it’s important. It raises awareness of these issues that happen in our world, and who knows, it could help somebody find something to relate to. Think of the movie Kill Bill: the movie brings up people, especially women, getting raped in comas. It’s a problem, it happens to people, and Tarantino brought that up. It wasn’t in a PSA fashion, but he still showed you that something as awful as that could happen and does happen in our world. So what’s the problem, writers? Why couldn’t you explore these things with Charlie? Is it because he is a man, so exploring women hurting men is “wrong?”
Because let me tell you all: If Charles were Charlotte, and she were abused by her father and husband the same way as Charles was in the comic and book, I think the writers would praise this concept. “She has a distrust for men because of how much they hurt her in life! She’s a genius villain!” And don’t get me wrong: Charlotte would be. And men abusing women happens way more often than the other way around, it’s still absolutely wrong, and I would fully support Charlotte as a villain. I wouldn’t like her in that way as I do Charles because I’m straight, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t enjoy Charlotte Manx as a character and love her genius writing. But here comes Charles, a man abused by women... oh no! We can’t discuss that! Why not? What’s this double standard crap?
I’d like to reiterate that this is only a possible theory for why the writers made these choices, not an official reason. I’m not trying to accuse them of pulling a double standard, I’m just throwing that idea out there as a general, “is this why, because you’re not really giving a reason why.” And before anyone twists my words: Abuse of any kind, regardless of sexes involved, is wrong. I think female abuse stories should be told, and I think male abuse stories should be told, both in real life and in the fictional realm. I am a bit disappointed they did not do the full potential and exploration of Charlie’s very tragic backstory that they had in regards to his relationship with his mother and wife.
Now that I’ve let out my ranting, the positives of this episode:
Bing getting bird shit in his mouth in the beginning was hilarious. What happens to him in the end was fabulous. Charlie’s final words to him and how he left him to rot... oh how wonderful it was! And Charlie’s words to Bing throughout this whole episode were just... excellent. Obviously it was hard to watch him get beaten, but he had quite the guts to still try to trick him. His truthful words to Bing that made him stop when he was about to rape him, and his words to Bing after stabbing him were just... I think the best lines Charlie has said out of the whole series so far. His bad assery shines in this episode.
I find it fascinating how Charlie’s fears are outside of Christmasland and locked in that house. Despite all the nonsense with Cassie’s character I’ve discussed before and how she is not the abuser she is in the book and comic, and how important it is to discuss it and portray it, I do like Millie exploring herself. I suppose her mother does kinda have to be involved to help Millie explore herself, so I guess there is something good coming out of this, even if the take away is an aspect of Charlie being ruined and made less sympathetic when it should be.
Wayne and Craig’s interaction is really sweet, I’m glad he’s here and helping him. The comparison between Millie and her mom and Wayne and his dad is really good, I do like that. And Wayne saving Charlie, I was like HELL YES!!!! You’re doing good and you don’t even realize it, kid!
All in all: there was a part I was about to hate in this episode that was confirmed to not be there by the writer of it (Thank God), there was something I actually do hate about this episode, and then there are a few things I love about this episode. It was definitely interesting. You feel horrible for Charlie, you hate Bing even more, you feel glad he gets what he deserves, and the exploration with Millie and Wayne is good. If you’re like me and you really want Charlie’s backstory to be as it was in book form in regards to his relationship with his mother (and with his wife, quite a few episodes before) because it makes more sense, allows better exploration of concepts in our real world, and allows you to understand Charlie better, you won’t like his backstory entirely even as he was a kid. But if you can look past all that, there’s really no sour taste that will be left in your mouth, except for pity for Charlie (but most of us, if not all of us, feel that for him, that’s obvious, it’s horrible what happened to him).
Sorry this one was very long, thank you for reading till the end if you have! I hope you enjoyed it!
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Then does bartender Harry help her get home? maybe they’ve hooked up a few times and he’s starting to catch feelings, so at this point he’s getting really soft for her and isn’t so much trying to just hookup when they interact
He would absolutely make sure she gets home safe.
He’d do it himself, obviously not trusting her friends enough with the task now that he’s seen how they’d just left her to deal with that sloshed prick all on her own.
Harry would drive her home, his navy and pastel blue plaid blazer hung over her shoulders to keep her warm as she sits in the passenger’s seat of his car, toying with the radio.
He’d help her out of the car and up the stairs to her flat, a lean arm tucked under both of her’s and across her back, securing her protectively into his side as he slowly treads the staircase with her one step at a time. He’d have to unlock the door himself because she can’t even remember which key it is; he’d fish them out of her jean pocket, chuckling fondly when she smacks his arm playfully and hiccups a slurred, “If you wanted to grope my ass, you could’ve just asked.”
“Sorry, I’ll be more of a gentleman next time, sweetheart.”
Harry finagles with the lock, turning the knob and pushing the door open with the weight of his shoulder. He lugs her inside, dropping her keys on the coffee table as she stands behind the sofa, propping her palms against the backrest to keep herself supported.
He maneuvers her until her backside is resting against the arm of the couch, keeping her upright as he gently pushes his jacket off her shoulders, working the article down her arms and off. He hangs it over the inside of his elbow, leaning down to untie the shoelaces of her scuffed up black and white Vans.
“Y’know how it’s every girl’s dream to be a princess when they’re little?”
Y/N’s blabbering utter nonsense but Harry can’t find it in his heart to dismiss her, so instead he humors every word, nodding along to her statement as he slips one shoe off carefully. “So I’ve heard, yeah.”
“Well,” she slumps her shoulders down tiredly, chin dropping to press against her chest as she watches Harry undo her other sneaker, blinking down at him hazily. “I guess you could say this is my Cinderella moment! Uh, well, kinda— you’re taking my shoe off instead of putting one on but I’ll take what I can get ‘cause you’re hot.”
Harry glances up at her with an comically entertained grin jolting the corners of his mouth, his eyebrows jutting upwards, jokingly intrigued. “Is that so?”
Y/N bobbles her head, lashes fluttering at her own abrupt motions. “You’re, like, super attractive. But I think you know that already ‘cause you’re so confident with yourself.”
He pushes himself up off his knees with a low grunt, gently kicking her shoes under the glass coffee table to avoid her tripping on them later in a drunken stupor. “I mean, I think I’m pretty alright, but nothing Miss Universe worthy.”
Y/N releases a loud snort in protest, reaching up and poking Harry right at the center of his hard belly. “Well I think you’re Miss Galaxy worthy. How’s that?”
Harry licks over his lips to hide a lovesick simper, shaking his head lightly and scoffing. “The universe is bigger than a galaxy, actually, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
A few strands of her hair have escaped the little golden clip she’d used to pin them back, falling across her eyes and tickling her nose. It’s evidently a pest, obvious in how she scrunches it in annoyance and rubs it roughly with the palm of her hand.
His body acts on instinct, his emotions revving his actions.
He quickly grabs her wrist, pulling her hand away from her face and dropping it into her lap, taking it upon himself to re-pin her bangs into place so she doesn’t hurt herself in a fit of numb annoyance. He tucks her hair behind her ear for good measure, his fingers remaining perched behind the shell as he eyes her with a form of faint admiration. She looks so cute when she’s pouting all sleepy like that.
Y/N swallows heavily, trying to moisten her tongue in order to continue talking. “You should stay. Wanna spend time with you.”
Harry’s thumb trails tenderly over the dull pulse in her temple, heart punching against his ribcage at the context of her whispered words. “Really want me to stay?”
Her hands lift from her lap, digits tucking into the waistband of his light-wash denim jeans, index finger toying with the clasp of his belt. She glimpses up at him from beneath her lashes, irises twinkling suggestively. “Yeah, stay. Let me make you feel good.”
Harry sighs in saddened defeat, the true intentions behind her request surfacing through her brazen actions. He gently rests his palms over her fiddling digits, prying them from his belt. “Not tonight, love.”
Y/N pouts, her murky brain not registering why he doesn’t want her the way he usually does. “Why not?”
He holds her slightly twitching hands in his steady warm ones, the nail of his index finger tracing the lines across her palm. “You’re not in the right state of mind.”
Her brows scrunch in defiance, head cocking to the side sharply. “What d’you mean I’m not in the right state of mind? I’m fine!”
In an adamant attempt to prove her sobriety, Y/N pushes herself onto her feet off the sofa arm, taking a confident stride forward only to have hear knees give out almost immediately.
Harry catches her as she crumples to the ground, hoisting her up by her waist and giving her a pointed shrug of his brows. “See?”
“Fuck off.” Y/N grumbles, turning her face away from him in a childish fit of stubbornness.
“I think you should just let me tuck you into bed so you can sleep this off, yeah?”
Harry starts wading towards her bedroom with Y/N in tow, somewhat acquainted with her apartment since he’s been over a handful of times. He manages to convince her to get into the bed, helping her strip off her tight jeans and flouncy black lace blouse, leaving her in a pair of mix-matched bra and undies. He can’t fight off the endeared grin that pinches his cheeks when he sees her cupcake patterned panties.
He swaddles her inside the comforter, well aware of how she’s staring up at him all starry-eyed and needy. It makes his stomach lurch and his cheeks boil.
He clears his throat as nonchalantly as possible, scratching the back of his neck nervously— it’s infuriating for him since he rarely ever gets nervous; running a bar is a job that requires a certain level of permanent ease and he hates the fact that this one simple girl can tear down all of his barriers without even trying.
“Promise me you’ll drink tons of water tomorrow, alright?”
Y/N nods at him distantly, still staring at him all moony and dejected and he knows she’s not doing it on purpose— she’s so gone she can’t hide her desires from manifesting on her features— but he resents it nonetheless. The idea of leaving her hot and bothered makes him feel like the worst friend with benefits candidate; he’s well aware of how horrible of an ordeal it is to be left drunk and horny, but he outright refuses to do anything that would mean taking advantage of her.
He has to fight off the urge to bend down and kiss away her plump frown.
“Sleep tight, then. Text me when you can.”
Harry turns to leave, tossing his jacket over his shoulders and working it over his arms as he heads for the door.
A tiny, timid voice rings across the chilled air of the room.
“Thank you for being so nice to me. Sorry for being a handful tonight.”
It feels like a two ton dumbbell is sitting on his chest, his lungs aching with the weight of her affectionate, groggy tone.
He talks to her over his shoulder, too emotionally raw to face her fully. “You’re not a handful, baby. I’m more than happy to help anytime you need me.”
“You’re an amazing friend.”
Her innocent comment cuts deeper than it should, his veins pumping kerosine into the wound, his entire heart charring with pain.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Harry.”
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sayhitoforever · 5 years
Burn Season - Malcolm Bright x Reader - PT (6/?)
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Ya’ll been asking. Don’t say I never (tried to) deliver. Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5-  Thanks for all the love and support for this series. I grin like a moron when I see your comments on the story and in my inbox. Getting comments makes me want to write even more, so thank you!  GIF credit to malcolmbrighted who did us all dirty again with that quality 👌 .
“So, this is personal for you?” Malcolm asked, shocked and reeling from the information dump.
Y/N laughed, an awful, gut-wrenching sound that echoed in his loft. The sound made his skin crawl. “Not in the slightest. He deserved to die. There was nothing redeemable in him. No prison or facility or program was ever going to rehabilitate him.”
She paused, eyes trained down at the weapon in her hands. He wondered what she was thinking about, if she knew what she looked like, cradling that knife with comfort, gaze as focused as it always was. Looking like something, someone, Malcolm would cross the street to avoid. That precise feeling left him queasy somehow, considering his regard for his own personal safety was abysmal at best. He wondered what else her father had taught her, other than to commit murder with her bare hands. Wildly, he speculated the possibility that maybe she had, but she couldn’t have passed all of the rigorous screenings that government employees were subjected to, regardless of their department, if that was the case. Malcolm wanted to keep asking questions, wanted to pry so badly that he exercised every last ounce of common decency in restraining himself.
“I try very hard not to be the product of my upbringing,” she murmured quietly.
Me too, Malcolm thought, and very nearly said. The words sat on his tongue, sharp like thorns. He was shocked at how easily the response had bubbled up, unbridled. He’d never felt so forthcoming about his own personal information, especially where trauma was concerned. And it was certainly not any territory he wanted to be treading into with a stranger.
“I think that’s enough about me for one night,” Y/N said when Malcolm didn’t break the silence, turning to place the trench knife back in its spot and closing the case. “I believe you have a profile to work on.”
When she faced him again, it was with the same practiced smile. Malcolm tried to school his own expression, but he was sure that the shock was still clear on his face. He knew it was when he saw the corners of her eyes tighten as she narrowed them ever-so-slightly. Personal information came at a cost for her then, he decided. The way she was looking at him then, he doubted she’d give anything else up again.
“Five boxes is more than I ever though I would have to work with. Is there any one in particular I should start with?” he said instead, hoping the redirection didn’t feel so abrupt. He was trying to give her an easy out.
Y/N cocked her head thoughtfully for a moment before moving, crossing the room back into the kitchen. She inspected the writing on the sides of each of the boxes before popping the lid on one to inspect it’s contents. She stuck a hand in, pulling out a blank notepad with a pen attached to it and setting it aside, and rifled around, pulling out a box within the box, smaller, almost shoebox sized. It too had writing on the top of it.
“These are all the crime scene photos from the last few years, ones that look similar to what you saw last night.” She sat the smaller box on the counter, popping it to reveal sorted manila envelopes. Malcolm couldn’t help but grin at the meticulous nature of the whole thing. “They’re chronological. Dunno how you usually like to start your profiles.”
“Since I can’t be there, photos are as good a place as any to start,” he commented and slid into the barstool she had previously occupied, moving aside a box. With one corner of her mouth quirked up into a smile, she handed him an envelope dated 2012.
“This is the first one that looked similar to my father’s,” she said. True to form, the photos showed an eerily similar crime scene: a burnt building, two charred corpses, these ones dangling by their wrists from handcuffs that had been chained to old piping. Grizzly, was Malcolm’s jerk reaction as he flipped through the close-up images. The longer he looked though, the more controlled the rage seemed to be. So precise, so exceptional in its execution, professional even. A possible hit on a rival mafia boss, he speculated briefly as he studied the buildings in the background of the photos. The skyline of Chicago behind the scorched remains of the old factory was unmistakable.
“It takes patience, skill, and timing, to kill someone like those three lumps of coal at the precinct. The kind of patience somebody had to kill my father,” Y/N mused aloud.
“You sure this isn’t personal?” Malcolm asked, trying for teasing, unwilling to look up from the photographs to catch her eye. He could feel her gaze on him though and couldn’t stop himself.
The way she smirked up at him, eyes glittering in the kitchen light, before laughing, something lighter, less bone-chilling. “Very sure. I’d like to shake the fucker’s hand before they’re locked up for life though.”
Something chimed in her pocket and Y/N withdrew her hand from where it dangled in the open box to fish her phone out.  Her eyes flitted across the screen as she tapped back a reply, grimacing as she looked up again. “Business beckons, I’m afraid.” She grabbed the notepad with the pen clipped to it and clicked it before scrawling something across the top of the clean page. “If you have questions, you can text me. Don’t worry about disturbing me, I… don’t sleep much anyway.”
The second me too of the night gurgled like acid in his stomach and he tried to quell it as quickly as possible.
“Let me see you out,” Malcolm announced, manners taking precedent. He pushed up from his seat and let her pass in front of him as she rebuttoned her coat on the way to the stairs. At the landing, he unlocked the door and held it open for Y/N.
“Thank you,” Malcolm said softly. She turned on the threshold and flashed him a brilliant smile, eyes catching the watery morning sunlight. “You didn’t have to tell me what you did, so thank you. I hope we can work together more easily from now on.”
“You seem the type who likes to have information other people don’t,” Y/N replied with a casual shrug, as if she hadn’t just dressed him down with a handful of words. “So, if you don’t spread that shit, then we won’t have a problem.”
Malcolm made a cross over his heart with the tip of his index finger, chest warming as she laughed again. “Promise,” he said.
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It is a struggle for you to sleep throughout the night, you are envious of Karkat who is softly snoring beside you. Your whole body hurts and every time you move it just makes it worse. You think you have managed to sleep at least a couple hours but now it seems impossible for you to continue, every time you close your eyes to try to sleep you just get flashes of what happened yesterday. You heave a tired sigh and the air stings your tongue. You could really go for some water except you know that moving would hurt, drinking would probably hurt, and to top it off the water would probably just taste like char considering your potentially stupid idea of cauterizing your tongue wound. You don’t know which was worse, the taste of charred flesh or the taste of blood. Either way shit sucks.
After a few more minutes of watching Karkat sleep you decide you really want to get up. As cute as Karkat is while he sleeps you really can’t stand the idea of watching him drool onto his pillow for however many hours it is until morning. You take a deep breath, bracing for the pain that will undoubtedly come, then you slowly try to sit up. The pain in your ribs is immediate and sharp and leaves you gasping. You bite your lip hard to keep from making any noise as you glance down at Karkat making sure you didn’t wake him up. He’s still softly snoring, good. You really don’t want to bother him right now, he worries about you enough as it is and he deserves to rest.
You take a few ragged breaths trying to prepare yourself for the hard part. You’ve gotta get around Karkat to get out of the bed. From where you are sitting it almost feels like an impossible task and yet you still want to just get up. And so you oh so carefully, only allowing yourself to hiss softly in pain, manage to maneuver around Karkat and get out of the bed. The pain is agonizing and it takes all your strength to keep silent as you struggle to breathe. You lean slightly against the frame of the bunkbed for support for what feels like an eternity until you get your breathing under control. Finally you slowly make your way to the bedroom door and exit the room into the lounge area. Every step is still painful but thankfully no where near as bad as it was getting out of the bed.
You manage to make your way over to the little kitchen and very carefully manage to pour yourself a glass of water. You hesitate a bit looking down at the water. You are super thirsty but your previous worries rise up again. You sigh a bit defeated, you wish you at least had a straw or something, anything really that could help bypass the fucked up tip of your tongue but as it happens you’ve got nothing. Knowing you’ll have to drink eventually you take a small sip of the water and immediately regret it. The taste is about as bad as you anticipated but the pain shocks you and you choke a bit. Coughing is agony and the pain knocks you to your fucking knees. You struggle to put an end to your coughing, anything to stop the pain. You are trembling uncontrollably and the next thing you know you are crying and you can’t fucking stop. Everything is so painful and a wave of despair washes over you.
You vaguely hear the door behind you open and close, then soft footsteps padding up to you. Someone kneels next to you and somewhat hesitantly places their hand on your back. You curl further into yourself unable to stop your sobbing. You try to get it together but you just can’t. Whoever is next to you just reassuringly rubs your back as you cry. You don’t know how long you kneel there sobbing but eventually your sobs turn to soft occasional whimpers and sniffles. Finally you look up to whoever is next to you expecting it to be Karkat but no, it’s Tavros. You manage a weak and slurred: “‘m s-sorry..”
Tavros is looking at you with eyes overflowing with pity and worry. You quickly look away from him, instead choosing to look at the tiled floor. You don’t feel like you deserve his pity. It seems to take Tavros a moment to decipher what you said but he eventually gets it. “O-oh uh, you’re okay Gamzee, uh, you don’t have to uh, apologize.”
You shake your head slightly then search your pockets for your phone. You know you cannot vocalize what you mean so you need to type it out but your phone is not in your pockets. You must have put it on Karkat’s nightstand or something. You sigh. “Your pho…”
You growl in frustration, you can’t make n sounds. You mime the actions of using a phone and thankfully Tavros seems to get what you want quickly. “Oh, you need a phone? Uh, here’s mine I guess.”
He unlocks his phone and hands it to you. You quickly navigate to notes to type what you need to say. “I’m sorry if I woke you up, you can go back to sleep, I’ll be ok.”
You hand the phone back to him so he can read your message. “Uh, well frankly I uh never went to sleep.” You glance over at him and he is blushing slightly looking a bit embarrassed. “I was uh, worried about you so I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t want to uh, make you feel weird though. But uh, I-I don’t really believe you are uh ok, and I don’t appreciate uh, you lying about that. You sound like you are uh, in a lot of pain and while I am um, not your moirail, nor do I want to be um obviously, I still want you to know I am here for you.”
You look back down to the tiled floor to avoid looking at him, your eyes burning with unshed tears again. After a moment he passes his phone back to you no doubt wanting to know what you are thinking. Reluctantly you type another message. “I’m sorry you pity a fucked up freak like me who can’t even speak properly, I don’t deserve your pity. I’m a motherfucking fuckup and I deserved everything that happened to me.”
Ah dammit, you are crying again as you pass the phone back to Tavros. You stare down at the blurry tiled floor, refusing to look at Tavros even when he gasps slightly at what he reads. “No!”
You shrink away from him at his angry tone, you’ve never really heard him sound angry like that before. Noticing your reaction Tavros softens his tone. “I’m sorry Gamzee, but uh, you don’t uh, get to decide if you deserve my pity or not. I decide that, not uh, you. A-And uh, I don’t really know what happened to um, to you, but uh, I can’t imagine uh, any reason anyone should have hurt you.” He sniffles a bit then continues.
“But uh, I don’t care if you can’t really speak, you can uh, obviously still communicate with me. So um, we can work on it okay?”
Silently you continue to stare down at the tiled floor, you notice the floor is wet, you must have dropped the cup of water earlier. “Gamzee…. Please look at me.”
You hesitate then follow Tavros’s soft command and look at him. He has a few tear-streaks going down his face and you are hit with a pang of guilt. You didn’t mean to hurt him. Slowly, as if he might startle you, he raises his hand to your face and wipes away your tears. “Ok, uh, if it is ok with you, can we move over to the couch maybe?”
You watch his eyes search your face, his gaze stopping at every visible bruise on your face till it reaches the bruising around your neck. Your heart aches at the pain written all over his face. “Maybe you can let me uh, look at your wounds. Um, maybe there’s something I can do to help?”
You doubt that, but you are too tired to really argue with him, nor does he offer you his phone to allow you to do so. You look over to the couch, realistically you know it's not far but it feels as though it’s miles away. You sigh a little. “Uh, don’t worry I’ll uh, try to help. I don’t uh, mean to cause you more pain but I think the couch would be more comfortable for you.”
You nod weakly and watch as he stands up so easily, it makes you a bit envious. He somewhat awkwardly offers you his hands to help you stand up. You take his hands and slowly and painfully stand up. You breathing is ragged by the time you make it over to the couch and sitting back down was almost as painful as standing. Tavros of course was by your side guiding you the whole way but even he can’t erase your pain. Tavros sits beside you allowing you to catch your breath before bothering you. Tavros, a bit more assertively than you anticipated, starts lifting the hem of your shirt only stopping when he hears your breath hitch. “Oh uh, sorry, I should’ve asked. Um, is this ok?”
You hesitate a bit, but nod and allow him to take your shirt the rest of the way off. Your face heats a bit as his eyes rove across your naked torso. You look away from him somewhat self-conscious, this isn’t really a situation where you ought to be self-conscious but you can’t help it. You flinch as his hand touches your side. His hand is warm against your cooler skin, it’s soft and feels pleasant. If this were any other time you’d probably be ecstatic honestly, but at this moment it makes you feel a bit queasy. His hand drifts up a bit further and lightly brushes against one of your grub scars making you shiver. He murmurs a soft apology and his hand drifts down instead, away from the sensitive area. However your discomfort grows again as you feel his hand stop at your hip and you hear his breath hitch. You look over to see what caught his attention there. This whole time you’ve tried to avoid looking at yourself so you are shocked by how battered and bruised you are.
Your sides are splotched black and purple looking as painful as it feels. You also never noticed that you have various cuts on your body, you don’t recall them happening but to be fair, a lot was going on. But most prominently, right where Tavros’s hand had stopped, were handprint shaped bruises on your hips. A whimper escapes you at the sight and you have to look away, your eyes burn with tears once again and you struggle to breathe evenly. “Oh Gamzee…”
His voice is full of understanding and it makes you feel sick. Of all the people to know the specifics about what happened, you wanted him to know the least. He must understand now that you are used, broken, dirty. Once again tears slip down your face and you struggle to keep from hyperventilating, the pain in your ribs sharp and stabbing. A choked whimper is all you can manage as Tavros gently slips his arms around you holding you against him in a comforting embrace. You cling to him as you desperately try to calm yourself down. The feeling of him, so warm and inviting, is so at odds of those who had hurt you. He comforts you until you calm down once again. You wish you weren’t such a mess, you really didn’t want Tavros to think you are such a cry grub. “Hey um, Gamzee? Is it uh, okay if I get up and grab some stuff?”
You sniffle a bit and nod before shifting away a bit to allow him space to get up. He gets up and heads back in to the bedroom for a few moments before returning with a first aid kit and a blanket. You cock your head and look at the blanket a bit confused. “Oh uh, I figured uh, we could watch tv or something but uh, it gets a bit chilly so I brought the blanket. Um, anyway before I dress your injuries or anything I was thinking that um, Rose mentioned getting some high strength pain killers from uhh, her mom for emergencies and uh, this could qualify as one so, I was gonna go ask her for some okay?”
You shrug and gesture towards his phone as he walks over. He places the blanket down beside you and the first aid kit on the coffee table before handing you the phone. “While that sounds good Tav, I really don’t think I could manage to down any motherfuckin pills right now.”
“Yeah, I uh, guess you had trouble drinking before.” He glances at the water on the floor.
Your face heats a bit and you nod before typing out another response. “Yeah, drinking was more painful than I expected. Maybe if I had a motherfuckin straw or somethin I could make it work but we don’t have any.”
“I could uh, see if they have one while I’m uh, there?”
You shrug again but he seems to have made up his mind. “Just uh, wait here, I’ll be right back.”
He leaves the suite and you are left with your thoughts. Everything still feels really bleak to you but you are glad of course that both Karkat and Tavros are still with you, supporting you. Karkat was a given but you were worried about whether Tavros was going to feel differently about you knowing what happened. You gather that Tavros, after seeing those bruises, has a good idea about what happened at least in part. Honestly you can’t help but wonder what he thinks about it all, but asking him would require admitting that you were in fact assaulted. You sigh, this is all exhausting and confusing.
You hear the door open and look over to see that Tavros has returned. He smiles broadly and presents both a bottle of pills and a straw. You can’t help but to chuckle and he seems so excited it makes your heart melt. He sets the pill bottle and straw down before getting you another glass of water. Cup in hand he returns to the couch and sits next to you. He hands you the cup and grabs the pill bottle. He opens it and retrieves two pills. You grab the straw and hesitantly take an experimental sip of water. The straw itself hurts when it touches your tongue but the act of drinking definitely is easier. “Do you think you’ll uh, be able to take the pills then?”
You nod, it may be a bit difficult but at least with the ability to drink something you think you can manage. He hands you the pills and you manage to take them with only a minor amount of pain and discomfort. Tavros looks relieved. “Good, hopefully they will uh, kick in fast so you aren’t um, in too much pain.”
He grabs the first aid kit and opens it grabbing disinfectant wipes, antibiotics, and bandages. “I uh, was thinking I can um, take care of all the cuts and stuff. Then um, I think either heat or uh, cold can help with uh, your ribs.”
He pulls out both a heat pack and a cold compress. You don’t particularly want to be cold so you point to the heat pack and he nods putting the cold compress away. He, as gently as he possibly can, cleans and bandages up all the cuts he can see on your arms or torso. You don’t know if you have any cuts or injuries on your legs or elsewhere but he seems to understand that you’d probably be unwilling to remove your pants so he doesn’t ask you too. Once your visible wounds are dressed he takes the heat pack and heats it up using the microwave, then he returns to you and gently presses it against your side earning a soft hiss from you. Though the pain is definitely reduced because of the pain killers it is still quite sore. He murmurs a soft apology and you nod.
The heat does eventually help though and finally for the first time on this night you feel almost pain free. Tavros turns the TV on and drapes the blanket over the two of you before snuggling up against you. You slide your arm around him holding him gently against you, it’s not exactly ideal as he is pressing against your side and it's a bit painful but the painkillers have made it bearable so you accept the pain. The two of you sit in silence for a while, you think that neither of you are really paying attention to whatever is playing on the TV, some murder documentary you think, you are too focused on the feeling of him against you. You feel all tingly, but also a bit tense and anxious. You aren’t sure what you should do.
You are so caught up in thinking what you should or shouldn’t be doing that it catches you by surprise when you feel his hand trail across your chest. Your breath hitches for a second and you look over at him but he’s still watching the TV. At first his touch seems innocent, just staying on your chest. But then his hand drifts near your side and his thumb brushes up against your grub scars. You shiver at the touch, it’s a pleasurable feeling but also it makes you a bit nervous and nauseous. As if judging your reaction and deeming it positive enough he more intently rubs his thumb against your grub scars. You look back towards him to protest but then the next thing you know is that his mouth is against yours as he kisses you.
You of course melt into the kiss, how could you not if it’s Tavros kissing you. You are so full of conflicting emotions, on one hand this is what you want, Tavros is sitting here kissing you so he must still feel red for you! Right? But on the other hand while the feeling of his hands against you is fantastic, miraculous even, but it also feels wrong. You want it to feel right but everything feels wrong, how can you sit here with Tav’s hands touching you when only mere hours ago someone else… You don’t want to continue that thought.
Tavros trails kisses from your mouth down to your neck and you can feel heat rising to your face especially when he lightly nips your neck drawing a soft sound from you. He runs his hands back over your grub scars making you squirm, the dulled pain from the movement intermingled with the pleasure making it almost… better? It definitely makes you feel a whole lotta somethin’. You hear him chuckle softly before he peppers more little kisses along your neck. His hand finally leaves your sensitive grub scars and it drifts downwards, down from your side to your stomach then down furth- you grab his wrist stopping his southward progression, his fingers stopping just above the waistband of your pants.
He looks up at you, his beautiful brown eyes are full not of uncertainty but of determination. Saying nothing he kisses you again, muffling your whimper of protest. The kiss is gentle, not forceful, yet it contains a silent order, no, request maybe, which after a bit of hesitation you obey and let go of his wrist. You don’t really know why you obey, maybe it’s because he’s never been so assertive before, maybe it’s because you are all broken up inside, or maybe because you know he wouldn’t hurt you. His hand, now free to do as he pleases, slides under the waistband of your pants. His hand while warm on your chest feels a bit cold contrasted by the emanating heat along your hips.
Finally, finally, his fingertips brush against your semi emerging bulge and a nervous whine exits your throat. If your face could burst into flame now would be the time that’s how hard you feel like you must be blushing. Tav just smiles that adorable smile of his except his usual innocence seems replaced with mischief then rests his head against your shoulder, a bit awkwardly with his horns, and returns to feigning watching the TV. All the while his hands wreak havoc on any composure you have left as he teases your bulge into emerging fully. It wraps around his hand as he toys with the base making you shiver with pleasure. Ok maybe this is fine, he’s not touching you where everything hurts.
He plays with you leisurely, slow and teasing, definitely not in a hurry to get anywhere. You are definitely struggling to not make any noise but it's nearly impossible to control your ragged breathing and you think he’s enjoying making you squirm. Your breathing hitches every time his fingers brush over the particularly sensitive underside of your bulge. He looks up at you with a cheeky little grin and you can’t help but to gently grab his face and kiss him. This kiss unlike the last one is full of desperation on your part, this need to touch him, to kiss him, is consuming. He returns this kiss readily enough, it feels like he’s smiling against your mouth even. This feeling is intoxicating, that is until two of his fingers slip down and slide into your slick nook.
You gasp and let out a choked whimper, you were not expecting him to just go for it. He surprises you yet again by biting your neck, both actions are painful, albeit dully. The bite surprises you in more ways than one, of course you didn’t expect it, and it's also a very territorial action and not something you expected of Tav. You let out a pitiful, even for you, whine. While you don’t particularly mind the bite, the feel of his fingers inside of you is uncomfortable. He shushes you and kisses the bite mark he left on your neck. You huff a bit as his fingers shift inside of you, seemingly searching for something.
“Hold on” He murmurs softly as if knowing you were about to push him away. You grumble half heartedly, you’ll allow him just a moment more before you well and truly can handle no more of this. But he barely needs a moment before he finds what he was seeking, his fingers brush along the upper walls of your nook until he finds the most sensitive spot inside of you. You gasp and your bulge squeezes his wrist most definitely confirming that he’s found the right spot. He chuckles, sounding pleased by your reaction.
He rubs the spot intently, earning a soft moan from you in response. You hear his breath hitch at the sound and it's as if a switch had been flipped. Now he seems determined to draw as many noises from you as possible and despite your best efforts to be quiet he is definitely succeeding. You are glad now of the TV being on as it is mostly masking any noises you make from potential unwanted listeners. At least you hope so. You lift his chin in order to kiss him again, his face is tinged with an orange-brown flush of color and you can feel the heat emanating from his face as you kiss him. You slide your hand up to the side of his head and gently rub the base of one of his horns and you feel him shiver. Your breathing becomes more ragged the closer and closer you come to—- Suddenly he stops with a gasp.
With record speed his fingers exit your nook and he distangles his hand from your bulge. You whine with confusion wondering why he stopped. But then you hear it, footsteps from the bedroom and the unmistakable voice of Karkat. Tavros damn near scoots a whole foot away from you just as the door slams open and a disheveled panicked Karkat enters the lounge. He looks visibly relieved as soon as he sees you and you quickly school your face into tired innocence. “Gamzee don’t scare me like that!”
He goes off on a rant about safety or whatever, you aren’t paying attention. You’re still processing what was just happening not a minute earlier. You glance over at Tavros and watch as he, with Karkat paying no attention, licks his fingers and smiles mischievously. Motherfuck.
(End note: My friend made this meme for the end of the chapter and I think its funny so here ya go)
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ravel-puzzlewell · 5 years
What does your Elixe think about Revan?
congrats, anon, you’ve unlocked the Loredump. Disclamer: ofc I’m only talking my own Exile and Revan there, everyone has their own interpretations
My exile, Asa, was friends with Revan since childhood, they were brought into the jedi academy in the same batch of kids and got along like house on fire. Revan was the first Asa formed a force bond with. Revan, Malak and Asa were sort of an equivalent of Harry Potter’s golden trio: Revan, a brash, stubborn leader with black-and white worldview and obviously marked for greatness, initiator of all pranks and activities; Malak, a loyal best friend who always supported Revan in everything; and Asa, a bookworm, the cautious one who thought about the consequences. 
Asa always had a talent for leadership, but she never really enjoyed it, she much preferred mentoring and forming personal 1-on-1 connections to leading groups, while Revan was a force of nature that drew in everyone near. So Asa was calmer, silver moonlight to Revan’s white-red burning sunglare. 
Revan and Asa always had a fundamental difference in understand the role of the Jedi: Asa saw her purpose in serving people, and using the Force to do it better. Revan followed the Jedi’s teaching of trusting the Force above all, and believed that only in following the Force lies the path to helping people. So Asa aspired to be a scholar, consular and diplomat, oriented on communicating and helping people. And Revan was taught by Kreia, who I believe even in her Jedi years was all about “go big or go home” and hegelian dialectics, and she grew into a priestess of the Force, the one who could hear it’s will more clear than anyone and through that she became power, “Staring into her eyes was like staring into the heart of the Force.” 
Revan went to the war because she wanted to save people, but even above that because she thought that the war is the way the Force wants her to do so. Asa followed her, because she also wanted to help people, and because she was used to being there to smooth out the consequences of Revan’s stunts, because she believed that in the worst scenarios she will manage to prevent the worst from happening, that she can keep everything together through sheer endurance.
From a thingy I wrote like 3 years ago:
“Balance!” Revan throws up both her hands and head. “What these old cowards know about it? Caution is grey and the Force does not know this color! Only white and black, only clear and bright.  Balance in the Force is not some murky grey sludge settling on the bottom of a glass because no one shook it for long. Balance in the Force is Light and Dark constantly crashing against each other. It’s a never-ending battle of opposites!”
Asa tightens her jaw and reminds herself to be calm.
“Only a Sith deals in absolutes. There’s Light and Dark in everything in the universe, nothing is clear-cut.”
“But we are *meant* to become absolutes!” this is it, this is the burning, the brightness sweeping over, so no one would call Revan now just “pretty”. “Luminos” would be more appropriate. “The Force shapes us, both Light and Dark, and it shapes us so there’s no other option but conflict. When there’s too much of one side in the galaxy, the other side rises against it. This is the balance in the Force! There’s too much Dark in Mandalorian conquest, so we have to counter it with our Light. The masses of many with scattered Dark against the few with the concentrated Light. These who cling to inertia only resist the call of Force, afraid to follow it. The Force itself knows no doubts.”
“You repeat the words of… that woman,” Asa stumbles, unsure what to call Revan’s first teacher, who abandoned her name and her title, but “Sith” would still sound too harsh. “And she’s not even Jedi anymore.”
“If you have nothing to argue against them except their origin, I count myself in the right.” Revan shakes her head, abrupt, almost aggressive gesture. “But fine, I’ll give you words of the Jedi Masters. Do you remember how Master Lestin used to say that the Dark Side is like fire? It gives you power, but consumes you like a fuel, which is why you can see how Sith are charred even in their appearances?”
Asa nodded warily, keeping her silence like a cover under blaster fire or the urgent words.
“I think Light is like water. It’s not volatile and hungry like fire, but it’ll sips through all your cracks and wounds, it fills you up inside. Fire clings to the torch while there’s still fuel to consume, so it’s users can be reckless, but water is easily spilled, so it requires care. And they train us to let go of emotions, of chaos, of passion, of *ourselves* to free space to be filled with Force.”
Asa stares at her, lost in both terror and admiration.
“So you think you are a what?” She asks, hearing the disbelief in her own voice.”A bucket of light? And you intend to go splash it over the fires of war?”
Revan laughed, rough, but sincere, raspy sound.
“Exactly. We are the buckets of light and the sky is full of fire.”
During the war, Revan and Asa became separated and grew apart, each collecting their own traumas and lessons. Then Malachor happened and it broke Asa, because it was the worst case scenario she couldn’t prevent, it was the consequences she couldn't temper, and she took the full responsibility of that decision. 
But it was not immediately that she lost connection to the Force. It was when Revan came and asked to follow her to the Civil war. Asa refused, and Revan told her to listen to the Force, that *this* is where it leads them. That she was wrong about Mandalorians being the Dark before, but she was right about the Force wanting a conflict. Mandalorian war was not a war of Light and Dark, it was the forge where the Dark was being made, and now it was the time for a true battle.
And Asa realized that it was true, that for the Force Malachor V was not a horrible tragedy, but a part of a journey, and that fighting in a civil war, no matter the side, was where she was meant to go. “You have to choose. Apathy is death!” That’s when she severed her connection to the Force, scraped it of herself like someone who killed against their own will scrapes the blood of their skin, ripped it out of herself completely because she could not stand the slightest touch of it. It was not even hate or anger, it was almost dysphoria, despair, disgust for herself for being connected to it.
Asa fled, and didn’t look back. When Asa learned that Revan was “redeemed” and defeated Malak, she wasn’t surprised at all. She realized that the war shifted balance too much to the Dark, and now the Light needed to raise again, so the Force led it’s favorite figurehead to do it. Kreia said that maybe the Council couldn’t brainwash Revan, but only strip her to her barest core, and Asa agreed, because embodying the will of the Force was Revan’s deepest drive and power.  
So now her feelings for Revan are very complicated. She feels betrayed and used by her friend, turned into a pawn, she’s angry that Revan followed the Force so loyally even realizing what it wanted from them, but at the same time Asa feels guilty for not being able to stop the worst from happening, that maybe if she sacrificed her soul and followed Revan to Civil war she could’ve tempered her. She knows it’s not true, but she still grieves for that.
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fellowlesbian · 6 years
"Woah! Hey! What’s this?” Percy shouted, crashing into the double doors. They shuddered but kept firm, held in place by a lock outside. “Let us out!”
“Damned Aphrodite spawn!” Thalia cursed, throwing a bolt of lightning at the door, which only served to char the wood. They heard the love children laughing outside.
“This is our day!” Drew taunted knocking lightly on the door, to which Thalia punched back. “The worldwide day of love! And I will not go past it without getting you two together!”
“Tanaka! I am going to bust out of here and fucking slaughter you!” Thalia raged, throwing an electrified fist at the door. She heard a screech as Drew flew away from the doors, and Thalia grinned in satisfaction. Better than nothing.
It was Valentine's day. The Aphrodite kids would always shove together anyone who they thought would be a good couple, and Percy and Thalia were unfortunately chosen. With Thalia quitting the hunters and Percy and Annabeth having a mutual break-up, this was the ‘perfect chance’ to put the two cousins, cousins, into a relationship. Neither were very happy.
“Stupid Aphrodite, stupid Drew, stupid Valentine’s day, fuck my life!” Percy complained. “Kill me now!”
“Wait, Perce, c’mere,” Thalia said quietly. They heard the teens giggling outside, so Thalia kept her voice down. “They were a bit dumb to lock us up in the armoury, weren’t they?” She whispered in his ear. Percy grinned and grabbed Riptide, Thalia fetching a sword from the corner. Percy carefully, so no one would hear, pierced his sword through the wall and began to cut. Thalia copied his movements parallel to him.
“It’s a bit quiet in there!” Drew sang. “Come on, I want some action!”
Thalia pressed a finger to her lips and carefully put the sword on the ground, trotting over to the door and knocking on it. “When you say action, do you mean me kicking your ass or what?”
“No!” Drew whined, and Thalia glanced behind her to see Percy finishing up the two sides and starting to cut the top. “I mean with you and Percy!”
“No!” Percy shouted. “We will stay at opposite sides of this room until you let us out!”
“Percy, but why?” Drew whined, drawing out the why. “I just want you two to at least kiss!”
“For the last time, Drew, it is not. Happening,” Thalia snarled. “Stop trying.”
There was a sudden flare of light in the room and Thalia turned to see Percy holding a cutout rectangle of wood about four feet tall. He ducked under the top and stepped through, beckoning for her to come. “You know what, Drew, I’m done answering you. You can hear our silence,” Thalia said to make the girl believe they didn’t just flat out leave. Thalia then crept to the other side of the armoury, exiting, and Percy replaced the board. They smirked at each other.
Drew said something else, but both demigods ignored it and bolted into the woods directly behind the armoury. They kept quiet for a few minutes before they both burst out laughing, Thalia skidding to a stop and Percy narrowly avoiding crashing face-first into a tree.
“That was painful at first, but I must say, the escape was worth the start,” Percy chuckled. “I wish we could see their reactions.”
“So do I,” Thalia laughed. “Why don’t we go back over to the arena and watch from a distance?”
“Yes!” Percy exclaimed. “Why did we run out here in the first place?”
“Just to get away from the ugly bitch?” Thalia offered, a grin spreading across her face as Percy laughed, herself struggling to contain one.
“Alright, let’s go,” Percy said after a minute, and they both raced over the arena, making sure to take the long way around just in case. They entered the arena, climbing up the bleachers and sitting on the top, watching over the low wall that guarded the back.
“Is the whole cabin seriously there?” Thalia groaned. “I thought it was just a few of them.”
“They wouldn’t miss the chance to have us ‘get together,’” Percy mocked. “As if. We’re family, even if DNA doesn’t matter. I, for one, am against incest. They apparently aren’t.”
“Apparently,” Thalia scoffed, watching the Aphrodite cabin try and draw words out of the people they thought were in the armoury. “This is pitiful.”
“It is,” Percy agreed. “Give them a bit, even they don’t have the most patience. They’ll unlock it eventually.”
Percy was right. After maybe ten more minutes, about thirty since they had abandoned the armoury, Drew unlocked the door. She opened one and her gaping face made the two demigods bust out laughing, Percy leaning on Thalia for support. The cabin filed into the armoury, and eventually, the wooden rectangle at the back was pushed out. Two heads poked out, pure astonishment on their faces. The demigods dissolved into laughter once more.
“Holy shit, that was amazing,” Thalia gasped after a minute.
Percy chuckled. “Yes, it most definitely was.” They grinned at each other. That was, until a shout drew their attention back to the Aphrodite kids. All heads were turned in their direction now.
“Oh look, they found us. I’m so afraid,” Thalia said in a monotonous tone.
“Here they come. Ready, cousin?” Percy smirked.
Thalia smiled evilly. “Ready.”
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brazenautomaton · 7 years
Fixing Heart of the Swarm’s Story, Part 4
Last time we covered Zerus, where Kerrigan gets her purple suit back. Once Kaldir, Char, and Zerus, are completed, it’s time to go on the offensive. Mengsk’s/Narud’s mole in the Golden Fleet has been ensuring any planet you can build up on has been cleansed (and since we don’t want to extinct the Primal Zerg, we need to mention that that’s half the reason we’re not establishing a force on that planet, the other half being that any brood we leave behind will be eaten). So we need to go after his shit instead of building sand castles for him to kick over. At this point we unlock Skygeirr Station and Dominion Space.
We have the Primal Kerrigan upgrade at this point, but Abathur reminds us, we don’t now nor will we ever have the raw power of the Queen of Blades, who could micromanage billions of Zerg with the raw force of her psychic power. We have superior resilience, superior adaptability, superior ability to mold ourselves to the situation we face. Like, you know, the Zerg.
Skygeirr Station
Skygeirr is a station orbiting around in the atmosphere of a caustic, inhospitable planet that’s hidden by virtue of the fact it’s so inhospitable to Terran life nobody wants to go there. In it, “Emil Narud” / Samir Duran performs secret experiments on Protoss/Zerg hybrid, with Mengsk’s blessing and material support. There’s Tal’Darim Protoss in the core of the station platform that I guess the Dominion workers don’t know about?
We’ve had more time for Stukov to talk to us about how much he fucking hates Duran and all the suffering and chaos he’s caused, AND we’ve hopefully established a strong, or strongER, link between Duran and Mengsk. Between Kaldir and here and Mengsk smugly calling back to him, we should think he’s a smug little cocksucker who hides behind others and turns them against each other because he can’t stand up in a fight, and we’re going to fucking pwn his face. 
Also, for Mission 3 to work, we need to have Kerrigan throw a bone to / be shown working with each of her 3 action-capable underlings, or at least Zagara and Stukov. Because we could have got each one of the in the mission immediately previous, it might be jarring if it looks like they become super loyal right away.
Mission 1 of Skygeirr, “Infested” has one big change that would have to happen no matter what, and then some other ones to fit in this story. The big change, of course, is that the mission can’t be about infesting Terrans, because Kerrigan and Stukov both had that happen to them and it’s driven them to revenge; they can’t inflict it on others. Instead, we’re going to say that this facility makes a lot of Zerg biological waste -- they do lots of experiments with it, after all -- and it’s kept in silos on the outside of the facility, isolated for safety’s sake, until a periodic ship comes to pick it up and dump it into the star. Sending the Infestors to make virophages on these silos causes them to basically infest all the dead Zerg sludge to pull out any useful biomass, resulting in a stream of Broodlings that spit acid, and by sheer coincidence have the stats of the infested Terran units from the previous iteration of the mission. The Broodlings are described as “little more than a living shard of anger”, which Kerrigan will say can add up into a river, and she knows she can point it in the right direction. Because controlling Zerg, flow of emotions, etc. They still fall apart when the Terran mystery gas leaks, because they’re unstable and have low constitution.
Narud should have more of a presence in this mission, mocking or taunting Kerrigan and by extension the player. It should go without saying, this can’t be Azmodan-tier “you may have defeated the last 67 of my invincible guys but guy 68 is INVINCIBLE!” taunting. It should be stuff about Kerrigan throwing her life away, being unsubtle and unable to understand what’s going on, can only interact with things by smashing them so all she wins is destruction and ruin, etc. Kerrigan can shoot back about his cowardice, hiding behind other people, all his men are terrified and disloyal and when they flee there’ll be nobody to hide behind, etc. (Easter Egg conversation when you get the “kill 60 units with Neural Parasite dominated units” achievement: “Of course my men are going to be disloyal, you keep flinging neural parasites at them!”   “If they actually felt any connection to your side, they’d be able to fight it off in about ten seconds.”)
Also, we gotta throw a bone to Zagara, but it’s hard, because we also need Zagara to be missing for the duration of one mission and we cannot yet tell the player why. So, ideally, this mission would have playable Zagara alongside Kerrigan, and they’d have battle dialogue showing respect for each other and a connection. But you need a suite of abilities for Zagara to be a hero Queen (I think an independent mobile supply of larva like a Hatchery, Creep Tumors that don’t need to go on Creep, and either free Transfusions or faster energy regeneration), and if you do, the mission needs to be something that highlights those abilities. If I could do that, I’d make it something like “the mystery gas health-drains all your units except heroes, workers, and larva (maybe burrowing saves certain units, like infestors and swarm hosts), mineral patches are gold and you have more gas, so it’s about using the Zerg ability to build units simultaneously instead of a queue and react to the type of army your opponent has in order to support the Broodling stream, and Zagara helps with that by being your mobile building base.” But I’m afraid I’ve already used up enough of my “change mission credits”.
So if I can’t change that mission, then before the mission, Kerrigan needs to have a conversation with Zagara and send her on a mission. Problem is, we can’t yet tell the player what that mission is. So she has to lay it on a little thick, I need you to do something special for me, you’re the only one who can do it, because you led your brood to flourish on Char for years with no support, through lava trenches and acid swamps, against the Dominion opposition, etc etc etc. And then she’s gone for a mission. That could be the bone thrown to Zagara, but it’s pretty blunt. If I can change mission 1, then an abbreviated version of this happens during the mission, and she’s absent from the Leviathan in mission 2. 
After completing MIssion 1, Stukov also finds there’s a bunch of infested Terrans who are already there, because they’re either experiments, or results of insufficient lab safety by the Dominion. He wants to take those guys in and see if there’s something he can do for them or with them, clearly having A Thing about his own infestation and feeling as though he’s abandoned or betrayed his men, or humanity in general. Kerrigan says “Alexei, that isn’t really how the Zerg work, they don’t have their own thoughts any more... But there is a chance they could be brought back to their own consciousness, and if anyone can do it, it’s you. I’ll have Izsha clear some of the Leviathan out for you to hold them in. I’m warning you though, if they go crazy and attack the rest of the crew, I’m gonna be really miffed.” She acknowledges his feelings and that this is important to him, and empowers him to pursue his own emotional resolution, showing she respects him as a person and respects his capabilities. She presents the idea they could be a danger, which makes it have weight that she lets him do this, but understates her anger, showing that she doubts it’s going to happen. This is her bone thrown to Stukov. 
Okay, that was a lot! Mission 2, “Hand of Darkness”, needs less changing. We can’t say it’s identical (all of the mission dialogue is bad, so it all has to change to be in line with the things we’re doing), but it requires few high-level changes, they’re mostly “make dialogue that is in line with what we’re doing”. You’re in the heart of the Terran facility where they have Protoss/Zerg hybrids, you need to kill them, and when they’re sprung from containment cells, they start a timer before Kerrigan dies so you gotta kill them first.
Now, the whole “timer on psychic attack” thing works fine and doesn’t need changing on its own -- but it’s redundant with a change I wanna make in mission 3 to fix something that doesn’t work, so it has to change to accommodate that. Off the top of my head, there could be a fail-safe system that does something Kerrigan doesn’t want (floods the level with a super-concentrated version of the gas from mission 1? if it crashes the station into the planet, she could in theory just pop a containment cell and leave to kill Narud, but then her unwillingness to do that could be explained later). Anyway, it’s some other mechanism causing the 5-minute death timer. We can have Dehaka, not playable but giving dialogue, running around in the ductwork, tearing and chomping wiring in an attempt to break the security systems, and that’s the tiny little bone we throw to him.
Other than that, this mission just needs more presence from Narud being a slimy fuck who we want to stab, and dialogue from the Terran units indicating they’re paranoid and holing up and not sure who to trust, which plays into Narud’s theme and hints to the player “hey, drag those hybrids over to the Terran units, they’ll fight!”
MIssion 3, “Phantoms of the Void”. This is the only other ZvP mission, because somehow a bunch of Protoss were hiding in this high-security Terran facility. Roll with it, or use it to show how manipulative Narud is. Anyway, this is the mission with the stupid fucking DBZ Beam O’ War between Kerrigan and Narud while Stukov runs around and deactivates temples, then the stupid fucking fight with Narud where she gets owned by basic shapeshifter tricks. In addition to being stupid, the order of this is wrong. She overpowers him in beam o war, then gets fucking humiliated by him afterward, in a way that doesn’t flow. She also gets picked up by her minions and saved, off screen, abruptly.
So instead of that, you’re going into that mission with just Kerrigan, and she’s telling Narud somethign like “You’re almost out of bodies to hide behind. I’m going to make you beg me to spare your life, Narud. Then I’m going to make you beg me to end it.” Narud is clearly nervous, has one last ditch attempt, etc. He attacks her psychically, using the power of all those temples you have to disarm. If she was the Queen of Blades, she could no-sell it and keep going, but she’s not, so she crumples. Narud taunts her unconscious body, “Now, your Swarm will consume itself, and then I will dissect what remains of you.”
Zagara, Dehaka, and Stukov all notice this, that you’re fallen and defenseless. And then Zagara and Stukov say “We have to save her!” (Dehaka wants to consume your essence but they put the kibosh on it.) Zagara’s on a friendly AI team, her unit is on the little platform with Kerrigan, constantly casting Transfusion on her and throwing out drones to spawn Zerg buildings that can ablate some of the damage (Kerrigan’s HP takes the place of the beam timer). Stukov has the same role, he’s your hero unit and he is the one who disarms the temples, but he’s less “the hand of Kerrigan” and more “oh God how am I supposed to do this I am not good with the Zerg” in tone. The whole moment is about your friends coming together to save you. Because these fucking weirdo space monsters are your friends and your relationship means something and it pays off. And emphasizing that they’re kind of uncertain how to do the thing shows why they need you, too, but having them triumph shows how determined they are to save you even if it’s hard.
So you fight off the Protoss and destroy the amplifier temples and save Kerrigan. At this point, you’ve taken everything this conniving, manipulative fuck can throw at you, so when you kick open the door to his inner sanctum, he should be terrified. He runs from Kerrigan and trips in panic. She grabs him and he turns into Raynor, says something like “Wait, It’s me! You don’t want to hurt--” and she slaps the living shit out of him with her spiky, clawed Zerg hand. Maybe do the gag where he cycles through forms that should have meaning to Kerrigan, and she keeps slapping him through them. Because we’re showing “Hey, this guy has a ploy to use her emotions against her, and it doesn’t work!” He fights futilely and she juuuust owns the shit out of him, until he’s on his knees. He begs for his life like a pathetic, mewling wretch, promising that he’ll work for her against Mengsk, just please don’t kill him. And she says “Why are you worried? I’m not going to kill you.” and steps to the side to reveal Stukov, smiling evilly. Stukov is all “Hello, ‘Samir’,” and then Narud starts begging Kerrigan not to let Stukov get to him, as we zoom out and/or cut away.
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Board Kings Cheats
Board Kings Guide
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Board Kings guide has been released. No, i'll never improve in the sport, but i won't be throwing cash away both. Wait until you take gain of a so-known as bonus buy! Non existent custom carrier. Do not want to believe it? Take a look at out the comments on their fb web page at some point of an occasion. I will be taken aback if this overview gets posted due to the fact many,many customers are taking advantage of their bonus packages and getting nothing but a receipt. Me covered. I in no way would have given this type of cute sport one megastar however they deserved it this christmas. Your turn is coming lower back and you must thru the cube to recognise your subsequent vacation spot. Every time you'll be throwing the cube, matters will start to trade and we're certain which you are not aware of the modifications and feeling that everything is complicated. Each time you'll be throwing the dice; your wide variety could be indicating the quantity of movements your character could be transferring. In addition, every block will reward you with some of Coins. So after contacting customer support, they answered per week later asking me to send a receipt of my purchase because it wasn't in their gadget? Bizarre, it changed into on my bank statement and apple account. I speedy sent them my receipt and nevertheless haven't heard lower back. Perhaps in any other week they'll reply? Ok so i re downloaded the game and got my development returned ——————————————————————————————normal fantastic sport but i got here back to this game and it logged me in as a new char meter known as "mike" i deleted the sport and i am approximately to re download it and notice if it helps but to date i am mad and concerned approximately getting my account back also i used to be a truely a excessive lvl.... it is so worrying motive why give them to me if i can't even use them??? I use to like this recreation however at this factor i just play it from time to time to okay*** some loose time over again, i amassed over 125 (saves) and become never given my reward rolls. Smh. Thoughts you, i paid $5 to get them. All of this is a advertising and marketing ploy on the way to get you to spend money. I fell in love with this sport when i first began playing, however now i am not so positive. This game may be very addictive!! My fiancé and i play and visit each different's boards and scouse borrow Coins. The handiest downfall we see to this point is that the rolls take for all time to construct lower back up. Attempted twice to improve a building: the sport takes Coins and does not upgrade something. Learn to code! This has been taking place to me more than one instances when i try to do in app buy. It shows $3.ninety nine in app, but on my card it shows $14.forty two each time i tried to get it!! I have no different troubles with any of the other video games i play, but there is usually something incorrect with this one. With the santa occasion coming to an cease soon i've been looking to do my forty rolls. I can not stay on the sport long enough to even get half manner through. Also very dissatisfied with the reality that i reacted santa however now i have to acquire extra carrots to refill his bag!? Impossible, mainly on the grounds that i can't even play the game. I've tried to contact the sport builders but it appears to move no in which. Maybe a negative evaluate will get interest. After the current replace, it deleted all my facts. I spent tons of cash in the sport and purchased many land marks and leveled up to the museum board. Got here returned to the sport to finish the bunny easter task and the game might not open in any respect. Consent crashes and when it does load it takes me through the tutorial and first board. If there may be handiest one roll of the dice on the way to s**** you be assured you may roll it each unmarried time. A reasonably uninteresting game initially, it doesn't need to hide you continuously too. I roll 60+ times and may not land at the tile designed for the mini game sufficient to even get midway to the prize. This is with hitting the right spot once i do land of the tile. But i will hit some random nothing tile over a dozen times. They're shown as houses, and every unmarried one of them can be upgraded. Now, although a few ask greater Coins for an upgrade, all of them give you the equal quantity of Coins. For example, upgrading normal tiles to level 2 will supply five extra Coins for stepping onto the tile. So, improve inexpensive tiles first, and only after all the reasonably-priced ones are upgraded proceed with upgrading the relaxation. This way, you'll earn more Coins considering that there will be greater upgraded tiles at the board, and could, at the long run, upgrade all everyday tiles faster. I emailed and messaged on facebook and nothing changed into ever constant. I think there must be a restriction on how many Coins you may scouse borrow. I used to be saving up Coins, than some one stole 73,000 Coins from me. I was essentially only left with more or less 5,000. i locate this very unfair, i was so close to deleting the app after this. It might be fine if whilst you had an problem and had to contact "assist" that they in reality were given lower back too you! This game isn't worth it. The developers can not even get the sport to load for days on give up. Do yourself a desire- download another game. This game become a laugh however now it is now not. I don't like the reality that people can thieve your cash because i had one hundred,000 stored up to repair my board and when i logged on i best had one coin left. It's not amusing to me because of that and if i shop up again they'll simply steal it once more and that frustrates me loads. So sad :( like the sport it is a first-rate time passer however one it looks like it takes for all time to gain your cube four in an hour appears sluggish but maybe it's carried out that way so you purchase extra. What i hate maximum about their game and i assume others have touched on is that why is it viable to your Coins to be stolen so normally in this sort of short time. I am no longer sure why you have to be robbed with the aid of four unique human beings inside the spans of an hour. But after i go to do so, i can only upgrade two homes bc i failed to land on some thing unique. I simply think including mini video games could add a new detail on how you can gain more of the critical gadgets you need to transport forward :) code:380-709-706 on multi participant when i visit a pals base after the 2d or 3rd roll you instantly land on a cop. Aside from that it is a decent sport. I lost my previous board when they had little glitch the other day, now i have to start all over, i have spent a lot of time on this game and i was connected with fb it had my picture and everything, i'm really annoyed, this is ridiculous, i have spent countless hours on this game and have spent money... stay clear of this game and if you do play do not spend money, their little so called glitches seem to happen when an event is ending so the people super close to winning the prize don't get it because when the glitch is fixed the event is over! The fact that your Coins can be stolen while actively playing. If a player occupies a tile you have to land on that tile and there is no other way to unlock it. The last two issues prevent progress at points. Love the game! A bit obsessed with it actually . Already spent my real money! I'm a bit upset about the update though. No matter how much i roll i almost like never get any christmas cards. If i were landing on more then i would purchase rolls. I was enjoying this game when all of a sudden i had to start all over again. It's frustrating when you have to go back from the start! So i lost my interest in playing it. 😒😩 i try to login and play this morning with my morning tea, after having won a boat load of rolls, Gems, and Coins during the night for being in the highest upgrade tier, only to see the "server isn't responding." Fix it. This is reeaaallllly disappointing. While the game is fun to play, it steals your Coins. My daughter was playing and i came up on her coin king twice in a row. It told her she stole about 78k from me twice. But it told me she stole 1.57m and 457k. Where did my Coins go if she didn't get them???? I don't mind if someone steals them a a part of the game but this is not what is happening!! The developers are just stealing the Coins in hope that you will buy in their store. It was a timed event and i knew right away that i needed to get ahold of someone. Well my 2 claim tickets about the same glitch were never responded to so finally i had to contact apple for my refund because not only am i frustrated that i never received day 2 but i was completely blocked from day 3 sale only for the event to end before anybody tried assisting me. I will not be purchasing anything anymore from this developer. Please fix! Thanks for such a great game. It's amazing. Fun and time consuming. The only problem is i never have enough rolls. And i can't get anymore. It's making me upset. This game is the best game ever! Not super time consuming, fun to play with friends, and a great way to relax after a long day! There's no game that's similar either! Make sure to like their facebook for giveaways too! Love this game! So easy to catch on and much faster than monopoly!! This game doesn't deserve a full 5 stars but if possible i would give it 4 and a half stars. Board Kings is awesome, but there is one problem your run out of "rolls". Almost every game now has "energy" or "hearts" or "rolls" etc... so you have to wait to get the "rolls". Some people on these reviews say 1 star because you run out of rolls but it's not that bad they are over exaggerating. Somebody also said i spent $50 dollars on this game and it didn't really make a difference. Also, the chase continues after our exciting sticker album, with new and super exclusive prizes for completing sets! Also, the chase continues after our exciting sticker album, with new and super exclusive prizes for completing sets! Are you an avid tiktok user? Or perhaps a business owner interested to use tiktok for social media marketing? Here are the top 8 tiktok stats you should know in 2020: warning, they'll surprise you! In this video, professional skater bri, for appgrooves, tells users about an app called riders that lets skateboarders make impressive tricks learnable, such as this fakie bigspin performed by bri. My wife and 2 kids that play the game thinks it's so funny because they play the game to and can't believe how unfair it is towards me. Which i have to admit sometimes it's funny to me to. That's the only reason i gave 4 stars. 1 star for the unfairness on me but added 3 more stars for the humor my family is getting. Gotta laugh love this game. Would give it five stars if it wasn't for the ads glitch. ✴decide a card, any card! Win free rolls and prizes while you draw playing cards from the thriller pile. ✴issues get actually attention-grabbing when mates present up and attempt to steal out of your board. ✴don't surrender! You'll be able to journey to your mates' boards, too, and wreak havoc! Steal their cash, injury their buildings, and occupy their tiles. ✴ your metropolis will change into the discuss of the city with well-known locations just like the empire state constructing and the eiffel tower. This helps create a fun sense of tension within the gameplay. Will we be able to spend our Gems before another player invades your board? Wise spending is the key here. Later on in the game you will have the opportunity to buy landmarks. These buildings can take up the blank spaces on your board. Landing on a landmark will give the player a bonus. There are different landmarks with different bonuses, such as extra Coins. The progression of Board Kings seems fairly standard as far as mobile games are concerned. For example 3,5, or 10. There are also other ways to improve it but my main concern is improvement to make the game more interesting. If the game improves i will add more stars but if it doesn't i will also write the other problems i'm having. Thank you. I would like to report a problem here in trying to play and it won't let me it keeps saying something went wrong can we fix that cause i really enjoy this game and would like to play today is there going to be a new update or something cause it keeps saying something went wrong it's a really fun game when you can play it... unfortunately i haven't been able to since it logged out from my facebook account. And along with that, comes with the lack of Gems and Coins to upgrade your buildings when you're out of dice rolls. When i'm out of rolls, i like to upgrade everything. But when i go to do so, i can only upgrade two buildings bc i didn't land on anything special. I just think adding mini games would add a new element on how you can gain more of the essential items you need to move forward :) so i started playing this game so i could earn some points on money app. Its amazing features and multiplayer option enhance the fun in the game. Hii i'm not able to download the latest version of Board Kings. I downloaded the app from the above link but when i opened the app it asked me download the latest version. Please help Board Kings (mod unlimited Gems Coins) is the best game for having a lot of fun. You can download it for free from our website. With this mod, you will get unlimited Gems, unlimited Coins and infinite dice rolls on your game account. Won a tournament and didn't receive any of the prize package. Emailed support twice and received no reply. I have made 3 separate in app purchases and haven't gotten anything from them. I message the support team and all i get is an automated response. The game is fun to play when you're bored but for the love of g** do not make an in app purchase.... I really hate how you have to buy packs in order to get good things i'm not a fan of pay to play i wish more apps catered to people for it to be a simple fun game.. but 10 hours for 12 rolls like seriously!!? So now i have two boards that went wrong and out 1,000 ruby's. Is someone going to fix this glitch or people going to keep having this problem? If so i am going to stop spending money and delete the game. Was playing daily for last few months and enjoyed the games and new boards. Updated to latest ios 2 days ago and lost all progress. Get the following message, game retries 2-3 times then reverts to original board. Bad news something is wrong, reconnecting 1140502 thank you, fixed today. Couldn't get into the game all day yesterday (12/23/18), it kept saying it couldn't connect. I uninstalled/reinstalled today. I can finally get into the game, but now it crashes every time i try to get a free card. I don't know what changes you made yesterday, but it wasn't an improvement at all! Board kong's used to be fun, but after they keep adding all these events it's turned into a glitch fest. Game takes forever to load even on perfect internet, keeps unconnecting itself from a connection, keeps not rolling, the current event you roll to go down the sidewalk and it takes forever to land on a number and if you do land on a number it doesn't even bounce along the sidewalk nd you wasted a carrot. And i didn't get any of my rewards. I love this game. Please help :( would rate 5 but didn't get my landmark, rolls, Gems or Coins. So sad. It's a really fun and addicting game but i have one problem with it. When you are rolling and rolling and you are so close to unlocking the next building someone will land on steal and take all your money and you have to wait till the next set a rolls to try again. Man, i love this game. Such a good way to waste time. It's so easy to play, yet is so addicting! Only reason i can't give it 5 stars is that it takes so long for more dice. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ great game love to play it, my biggest issue is not being able to attack people who steal money on the steal space and the diabolic part of this game that absolutely needs to be removed and changed is this i can get money stolen from me-as im on my board playing the game!!! I've had over 10 million stolen from me in the last 24 hours because i can't progress. It's been almost 4 days now of trying to get my buildings released and i'm about to just quit. It's a shame really because i really enjoyed the game but now it's just become frustrating. I was enjoying the game until i left fb. It seems Board Kings centres everything around fb. Had to delete the app. I'm not gonna start over this game is so much fun and i really enjoy playing. I've used real money in this game and totally unsatisfied that they want me to start all over. Where is the fix for this?? With the recent update i get several pop ups saying something went wrong and then it puts me back at the beginning of the game. I don't want to start over. Please fix this soon. With this past update. I'm unable to log in to my board and it's asking me to start a new game after multiple errors well i gave bk two days to respond to me before writing this, yet they have not responded to multiple emails that i have written to support. So like in 2017 i got a board and then i clicked on the first one you start off with and i still had the circle board but when i clicked the other board it said i didint have th 2nd board anymore please fix it thanks i give this a one star ⭐️ because of this .-. For some reason i am on my fifth tome on the same board and it is getting very boring.also not getting prizes and i have spent lots of money on this game.i contacted tech support with no answer,not the first time.good game but no longer a challenges,spend what i have left and be done. Now i can finally upgrade all my buildings and get a new board!" Nope!!! Why not? Well, that was the first board i was stuck on due to these annoying golden bricks. So, i not only used all my new dice and got maybe 6 of 180 bricks, but in less than 24 hours, the entirety of my 5m plus everything i had earned with my dice rolls was stolen from me. I wrote to the developers and got no response. The minute i start playing i'm immediately pulled in and before i know it, i'm out of rolls. I wouldn't mind waiting if it didn't take at least an hour to get four rolls. Either way i do enjoy the game. Very addicting game! I just wish you could have more then 60 friends for rolls and Gems like go to 300 friends. Really fun game but i got to the second board and almost every time i get enough money it take a more than half away i just wrote a review about 'no cap on stealing?' Remember, these regular tiles can be upgraded indefinitely and higher levels will ask for Gems. So, once you notice that regular tiles ask for Gems in order to be upgraded, finish leveling up other tiles (the ones that ask only for Coins) before leveling up gem-hungry tiles. When you start Board Kings, you'll get a certain amount of freerolls. After you spend them there are two options. You can either pay Gems (which can be won by playing or bought for real money) for new rolls or you can wait for your rolls to refill. The fines usually cost just a couple of hundred of Coins, which you can earn again with just a few rolls. It's certainly better than spending precious rolls in order to get a double. Board kinks will offer you to watch ads in order to get additional rolls. Watching ads to get prizes is helpful in most other games offering the option since the prizes can be quite helpful. Sadly that's not the case in Board Kings. You see, the ads usually last half a minute, and the prize is just one additional roll! I love this game! But i can't log in. It's crashed. Keeps saying something is wrong with my internet connection but there's not. Something is wrong. Calm lake has a huge amount of multiple accounts. People like that hit you with all of their accounts and completely drain you of cash, and destroy your buildings. After latest update. Game doesn't load. I loved this game. My daughter loved this game. We were inviting other family members to join us and were planning to play all through christmas. However it has a good concept to the game i play it when i'm bored but starting to play it less and less because how frustrating it gets i collected all the pieces to get a new dice and it says collect and win 100 dice after but i never got my 100 dice. This my 4th board of me not getting it. Help!! If you'd like some easy rolls add me! Have a few more spots open. With that done with, liking the game so far! Step 1. Before you go to the download section and begin to play the game. It is recommended that you have to uninstall any previous version of the board king (if installed). Step 3. Again, before installing the game, you have to make sure that you have enabled the unknown sources option from the settings of your device. To allow installation from unknown sources go to settings> security option> unknown sources> enable it. The point to keep in mind is that this option can be found in different sections of settings in different devices. Also, i know the whole "random roll" thing is totally fake because you can clearly see the pattern of going around the board five or six times, falling just one tile short of the important stuff, then suddenly landing on things. Please fix soon, thanks i enjoy the game to a great extent, like 5 stars. However, i think being able to steal other's Coins is unacceptable. You wait hours to build your elixir and earn currency, all to have it taken away. Please make this right. I enjoyed playing the game as something to look forward to in the evening as, it takes quite a while to fully reload. I was almost up to level 20 and found that all my progress was lost and it tried to start me off at the very beginning. I decided it wasn't worth it. No way to recover my progress and no way of knowing if it would happen again. 😏 thanks for the help. You totally figured out the problem and everything is as it should be. When we started upgrading the board my game crashed so that was really stupid and sad but its fine now!!! I really hope you all enjoy the video!!! By adding your company profile to digital.nyc your startup becomes an active part of the city's official hub for technology. Startup listings for digital.nyc are powered by gust.com, the world's largest platform for startup funding. You can update your free profile at any time through the gust dashboard or even take things a step further by using your profile to leverage all the benefits gust has to offer. No where does it state that the prize is a competition and a chance to win the prize. So many people spent real money to get 50 building upgrades. Only to get either 1/10 of the prize or no prize at all. Contacted game support, only for them to claim its from a winners list even though the challenge ad claimed otherwise. Any company that tries to trick you should be avoided. Fun and addicting 6/5 stars man this game is awesome though i'd rather not wait for dice but this is so fun i had a level 7 board with 200k money(was about to level up) and rare idol pieces and i turned my game on today and it started me over. But i have a suggestion make it to where you can roll more downloaded and played this game as an offer for cash points on another game. They took the offer down knowing it would take longer to reach level 3 than the offer would be up leaving everything bill and void. If they are that dishonest and skeezy to get you to even download the game- don't be surprised when the game itself starts getting dishonest and skeezy also. I warned ya. Anyways i've been doing really well, not sure what level i was on, but i had made it to the inferno board. Then suddenly i opened up the game yesterday and it had reset back to the beginning, asking me to pick a starting character, etc.... I have never had that happen on a game before. I have reached out on their facebook page and now here. If they don't respond then i am done playing Board Kings. Posting this as a warning to anyone else who may be tempted to spend real money on this game.... apparently they have a glitch that could possibly cause you to lose everything! The concept is simple and to the point, which keeps my short attention span lol. I appreciate this game and all it has to offer. Add me 640-983-305 :) why the h*** are you allowing a conspiracy theorist and alt-right hate monger advertise on your app? It's disgusting to think kids might see this crap. Shame on you. This game can be a lot of fun. However, after months of building up my board, i logged on one day to find the game had reset, and all my progress was gone. The Board Kings consist a little hard gameplay. In the starting of the game, players need to select a story among various types of stories which are present in the game. The game includes all types of stories like romance, stories, drama, and horror, etc. After selecting the story, one needs to create a character according to their choice. There are two main currencies in the game that are Gems and rolls. It takes a long time which is near about 3 hours to create currencies in the form of Gems and rolls. This game is a joke! If you have money to waste then its your loss because there is no win to this game!!!!! This game is capital-r retarded, as is anyone who plays it. There is, literally, no objective in this game. It's just pay-to-play stripped down to its absolute most basic premise. You can pay to roll dice more often, so you can roll dice, so you can move a game-piece around a board. That is it. That's the entirety of the game. I don't wanna start over! I was really enjoying the game- it auto updated and now it won't let me long back in and the one time it let me it had booted me back to the beginning. I hope it won't stay like that since i made it pretty far, it would be such a pain if i had to start the game from the beginning all over again. I'd probably delete it if that happens. Love the game, but yesterday morning my game refused to open. This all needs to be fixed. Make the events fair to those of us who can't buy rolls and Gems to play. Fix the login issue. At first i loved this game then, as i upgraded things became a little irritating because now im being stolen from or robbed faster than i can get my money back. I've started to become stagnant in the game because i finally have money to upgrade then, and even as i'm playing the game, someone robs me of 132,000. All the challenges are unrealistic to achieve unless you actually put money into it. Even the mini games on the boards have been hard to finish. Don't expect getting much from this game unless you put into it. The animation is adorable and the gameplay is so fun and addictive! One complaint though: four rolls per one hour?! Ridiculous!! A reasonable thing would be like two rolls per ten minutes or something?? Like seriously you would have to wait seven hours to actually refill your roll bar also one more complaint: the fact that some random stranger can steal all your money is just super annoying. 😭😭😭 fix this! 😭😭 not sure what's going on, but one minute i had over 2k Gems and the next minute it was down to 200 after i used the train. Same with the rolls. I won the 4 of a kind event and my rolls went from over 1000 to 2oo+. Granted, i haven't spent any money on the game but what the heck. Be consistent. Maybe it will glitch again and i'll have a bunch of Gems again. I'll spend the heck out of them because they will be gone if i don't... I've been playing everyday for over a month. I constantly get on and play every few hours. Lately i've been very frustrated though. 4 rolls every 60 minutes. Is nothing. I feel like i have no changes to make any progress unless i abandon my favorite game for servers hours. The makers should be giving every player 5 rolls every 30 minutes. This would make players much happier and keep smiles on their faces while playing. I hate getting onto my game and seeing 4 rolls and having to wait 1 hours for 4 more. I promise you if you spend even $10.00 dollars on this game it will make a difference. I really liked it in the beginning but its like i only play it for 5 minutes and i'm out of roles. And it's super annoying how the same person comes back to my board literally everyday and they always always destroy my buildings and own them! I will no longer be playing this game. Love the game. The visuals. The icons you get to buy with Gems. I only downloaded it to earn points for another game. I was supposed to just reach level 2 and my job was done. I have no idea what i'm doing in this thing and just kept rolling the dice. Just as i was about to hit the next level, it wouldn't let me advance unless i paid for extra rolls. What a scam. So played for five minutes thinking this was easy and then a give us your money type of loop. -when you save up your Gems to 500 to purchase a new board, you should be able to preview it first. I spent 500 Gems on a board i ended up disliking and don't even use and Gems are so hard to come by, so 500 was a lot to waste! -the rewards you get for watching ads are minuscule, i don't mind watching ads, i do in a lot games, but with this game i feel like it's not worth the 30secs. This makes it impossible for you to advance in the game. Forcing you to spend your own money i refuse to do that because i've already spent enough. Make adjustments please, i refuse to keep playing if adjustments are not made. Also i spent a good amount of Gems on the vending machine and didn't get any items. I love the game but the support is terrible. I've put in tickets and no response. I decided, like an idiot, to make a purchase. Other than tha it is a great game i love this game and have played it for a while. However, there are a couple of things that irk me. The contests, like santa's sled, are easier for some people than others. The pieces have shorter distances to go but the rewards are smaller between players. I can probably get over that. My real question is why my husband got four rolls per hour and then five and now six rolls per hour when i'm at a much higher level than him and still only get four. Then the christmas update came and after getting my beginner stickers, i've gotten no random roll stickers since. Idk if i'm doing something wrong (mindful i've been playing constantly since i got the app about a week ago) or if it's a bug. Either way i will gladly add another star if y'all fix this. I loved this game and as a result have spent actual money on this game.... welp wouldn't you know it after spending real money the game started to glitch out and steal my rolls!! I really hope the developers start looking at these comments and actually improving instead of writing back "please give us 5 stars". I am absolutely addicted to this game! So much fun! Although it's a little confusing at first, it's so easy to figure out i was looking in the app store for some new games and that's when i cam across Board Kings!i really liked its concept so i got it.after starting i was really happy because i like playing board games but my sisters never play with me.its super easy and i love the little town and the bunny's!although the 1 thing i don't like is i realized that i end up using up my dice rolls super fast and it takes pretty long for the to come back.so when i run out of dice i just get off of the game because there is nothing to do anymore.so i would love if jelly button made the dice come back faster this game is amazingly addictive and i love it. We don't facebook and don't want to have to create fake facebook accounts and log in that way. We just want to enjoy this cute little game on our phones. I've restarted my phone. Restarted the app. Checked that i'm logged into the game center. Updated the app. I still can't get my board back and have lost all my progress. I was almost at level 10 and had made it to the second new board. I'm not starting over. I'll just delete this junk and find something else. However, they never replied, never fixed my issue, never even attempted to pretend to care! Very disappointed. Since this last update i can't be in the game for more than 2 minutes before getting kicked out then can't get back in. They claim to be working on it but i don't know. Giving up for now i have restarted the game and my phone multiple times. I also reinstalled the game and it refuses to connect. The app is now just taking up space on my phone. I had 163,172 Coins (used all my spins for that) and 113,741 stolen which left me with 49,431. ((edit: out of the left over 49k i got stolen 3 more times and was left with 1k)) i've also had a time where i got stolen two minutes apart which left me to hardly any Coins, just really? That's more than half of what i struggled to earn. Another thing on the events, maybe for them to be held a little longer they seem rather short and quick, or have more events more often. I started this game because i love playing board games! Now i can honestly say i'm addicted! I wake up check my rolls! Middle of the day check my rolls before bed i check them again! I love that they keep adding new boards and i love collecting all my idols and messing up my friends boards!!! Keep this game going strong! Earlier i was angry for what happened to my save file but now it can back and this game is better than ever!!!!! Please help you will love to play it with your friends. This time the game is fully unlocked with the new features and advanced levels. However, the gameplay includes a traditional board on which you can play with your friends. Added with different colors of dice and social media platforms, the game becomes quite amazing. The game is made so easy that even a kid can play it. Well, you can also give them their entertainment and there is nothing any unwanted online stuff that can harm them. I've never even been given the option to steal that much from any other players who had that amount. It's not even just to steal that amount from someone. You guys are con artists. This game is pretty great i decided i'd buy more rolls and everything on one of their "specials" but i didn't get the rolls or anything!! It made me extremely angry. So the game is good and all, fun and ive spent my own money to collect cards and more rolls but once i collected another set it gave me my rolls and then they disappeared so it was all for nothing, rip off on the game. How can i reclaim it??? Ive landed on it, increased cash, Gems, & happiness-i'm stumped? When i land in jail, the only "release " i have is to spend Gems... I thought we were supposed to have the choice of either paying a cash fine or rolling doubles? Also, i have the maximum amount of cops allowed, how do i reposition them? Yes, the only options you have after being arrested is paying the fine with Gems or going home. I'm not sure where they got rolling doubles from. But, with every up there is a down. The only problem is that i have to wait sooooo long for the next batch of 4 dice and i think Board Kings could fix how long until the next die or make more die for the amount of time we have to wait. Other than that, i really enjoy this game! The problem with this game is that it costs way to much to upgrade buildings. Also, when there is an event, the game becomes rigged it seems like so that it is impossible to win anything. Trusted and commonly accepted libraries (e.g. Google sdk, facebook sdk, signal sdk) are not displayed. Specific sast test reveals all remote hosts present in the source code of the mobile application where the application may connect to send or receive data at occurrence of a specific event (e.g. User action). Specific dast test provides a comprehensive list of all http/s requests sent by the mobile application without interaction with user. For continuous monitoring purposes, we suggest you exploring our award-winning immuniweb® discovery offering tailored for continuous monitoring with flexible 24/7 notifications. Dont spend your money. They do a great job of reeling you in at first. They make dice rolls, Gems, and Coins seem much more attainable than they truly are, especially as you get farther into the game. It isn't necessarily pay to win, but it just isn't fun anymore unless you want to shell out some money every day. To put things into perspective, i'm on the final board at the moment. That isn't a problem at all because they actually are very prompt with releasing new boards. Have you ever wanted to own your own board game, all along with houses, hotels, interesting tiles to step on, and other players that can come to your board and play on it a bit? Well, Board Kings does all that, and more. The game lets you build your own board game, expand it by adding more tiles, build and upgrade house tiles in order to get more Coins by stepping on one, and visit other player boards to get huge rewards, destroy their buildings, and steal their money! What a load of crap. Deleted. I just love playing this game !! It's addicting and fun for all ages! The bunnies are also cute as can be ☺️ i love it 😊 because of how we can go to random people or to friends or get revenge on somebody who has beaten you! 😉😉😉😉 don't listen to the haters because the haters gonna hate. For a long time it said i had 2 more landmark spots but it would not allow me to place them. My 11 million Coins were stolen overnight, leaving less than 100,000 of what i had purchased. After reading some of the comments, i'm convinced that the developers construct the game so that they can s***** your Coins and boosters away hoping you'll just fork over more to to play. I play several other games and your purchases remain for your gameplay only. Fraudulent i didn't know what to expect at first, but once i started playing i figured out that it is a lot of fun, i just started a couple of days ago and haven't stopped. I rarely make in app purchases, but i did for this game . I made 2 purchases of bundle 4 for 3.99 but was only given 1 , however, my card was charged twice . I've tried to contact support but i don't even see the option of actually speaking to or contacting a real person, only faqs. For that and the run around i quit and give it 1 star the game steals your Gems. You have he option to supplement building with Gems, however it does not ask if you want to use them, the game will just take them if you click too many times. Plus i haven't come across any legitimate problems yet. I actually love this game, but it really made me angry that when i spent my money to buy extra rolls and cash, that as soon as the transaction was complete, someone stole $13m from me. Freaking ridiculous. And why do i never see the 10 free rolls cards anymore? Game is pretty fun, a bit frustrating. Got ripped off on my award but i think it was a fail on the other app. I hope they will fix the number of rolls you get. I mean why 4 rolls per hour. You want to make the game more interesting and fun. We want more interactions and more chances to play this game. The major problem is the simplicity of the game and the amount of time people invest in the game since there aren't much stuff you can do once you run out of rolls. I believe changing the hour to a few mins will make this game a game friends will be able to play a lot so that they can steal each other's Coins. Now, the events amazed me, they were great! Was a little unhappy you had to adventure to different boards instead of just picking one, but it was a neat concept. New boards and idols were neat to see. But today also showed me some of the major flaws in this game... for instance while trying to collect board pieces i had gained a ton of Gems that i was pretty happy to spend when i got to the new board, i had like 500,000 and something. Or when you need just a few extra rolls in order to send a couple of more cop cars out before exiting the game. Remember, this can be of huge help but use it only when really need to. This way you'll be able to spend all of your Coins before leaving the game, making your board less interesting for other players to invade it. Thank you for reading our Board Kings guide. We really hope it has been a helpful reading, and we hope you learned something that will aid you while you build a perfect game board. Sometimes it's hard to earn the carrots or other objects required for the current promotion. But,playing the game is fun. This game has been fun, but ever since a few days ago i can't enter the game. The loading bar is full but it won't let me enter the game. If you fix this i'll gladly give 5 stars. Edit: a new update seems to have fixed this! A fun game this game is fun when you are playing with friends, but when my friend spent money to get millions of Coins, i decided to rob him. I had 40 rolls and got 73,000 cash, the game let some steal 46,000 cash. I was going to upgrade all of my buildings but after i l
0 notes
as we go on (1/?)
[read on ao3] [part 2]
(5B canon divergence, featuring: reunions! ladies kicking ass! and my really old theories from 5B spoiler pics because I started writing this back then and lost it until now! Part 2 will be posted soon.]
“Get out of the way!”
Emma barely has time to register the voice before a blur of something (someone?) hits her. They both stumble into an alley, Emma's shoulder hitting the bricks with a painful thud, and she curses under her breath. The faint light from the street lamps fades as they move into the shadows, the stranger gripping Emma's arm.
“What the f-” Emma starts, but a hand covers her mouth immediately, muffling her voice. The alley is narrow enough that there's only a few inches between them, and she can just make out a pair of bright blue eyes in a pale, pretty face.
“Quiet,” the woman hisses. “They'll hear you.”
She raises her eyebrows, staring intently at Emma until she finally nods. Taking her hand away from Emma's face, she quietly pulls a sword from the sheath at her waist, moving to the edge of the alley. Emma peers past her to the street, inhaling sharply as a column of hooded figures marches past.
“They're gone,” the woman says finally, though she doesn't lower her blade. “Come on, quickly, before the next shift.”
Emma follows her out of the alley and onto the abandoned street. “What are those things?”
“A bloody nuisance, is what they are,” the woman mutters. “And dangerous, for people like you.” She turns back to Emma, and out of the shadows there's no mistaking it- there's something about the slant of her chin and the shape of her eyes that's utterly familiar.
“Thanks for the help,” Emma says hesitantly.
“Part of the job,” she says, gesturing down at her outfit. “Sort of.”
“There are crossing guards here?” Emma snorts, staring at the woman's safety vest.
“Really? You’ve somehow ended up in the Underworld, and you’re curious about my job?”
“Well- no,” Emma says, crossing her arms. “What I actually want to right now is who the hell you are.”
“Interesting choice of words.” The woman smirks, and Emma huffs out a reluctant laugh. “But I’m the least of your worries right now. I don't know what someone who's still alive is doing down here, but you need to get back home before Hades finds you.”
“I'm not leaving without what I came for,” Emma shoots back.
The woman quirks an eyebrow. “Must be someone important to you, then.”
“Very,” Emma says softly. “And it's my fault that he's here. I have to fix this.”
“Listen to me carefully.” She slides her sword back into its scabbard, her mouth thinning in a hard line as she studies Emma’s face. “I’ve been here for ages now, okay? In all that time, I’ve seen very few people return to life, and none of them have managed it without an immense sacrifice. It doesn’t matter how you feel about this person- trust me, they aren’t worth it. The price is too high.”
“There’s no price too high,” Emma says. “I know it’s dangerous. I already sent my family back home, but I’m not leaving without him.”
“Fine,” the woman sighs. “Fine. I’m not sure why I bothered saving someone on a suicide mission, but- fine. Don’t try to blame me when you’re trapped here for all eternity.” Shaking her head, she turns to walk back to the crosswalk down the street.
“Hey, wait,” Emma calls, taking a few steps after her. “You never told me your name!”
“Milah,” she tosses over her shoulder, not breaking stride, and Emma feels the ground shift beneath her feet.
“What?” she croaks out, because there's no way, she can't possibly have just stumbled into her.
But her mind is racing now, remembering the notebook full of sketches Killian had shown her on the Jolly, the portraits of a woman with dark curls and laughing eyes and-
“It is you,” she breathes, and god, but she hadn't even considered the fact that Killian's first love might be down here, that she could run into Neal's mother, that she could ever have the chance to talk to this woman who created such tidal waves in her life.
Milah stops her retreat, glancing back at Emma suspiciously. Whirling on the spot, she pulls her sword out again, stepping forward to bring it just under Emma's chin. “You know me. How?”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Emma says, raising her hands in surrender and taking a step away from the blade. “I'm not here to hurt you, I didn't even realize you'd-”
“Don't move,” Milah snaps, and Emma halts, shifting her weight between her feet. “Now. Why don't you tell me who you are and how you know me, because I've never forgotten a face and I don't recognize yours.”
“My name is Emma. Emma Swan. And I know you because-” She hesitates, weighing the odds of Milah believing her against the odds of getting stabbed over how utterly ridiculous the story will sound. “It's complicated.”
“I'm waiting,” Milah says, raising her eyebrows.
Emma sucks in a deep breath. “I knew your son, Baelfire. And- and I'm here for Killian Jones.”
Silence stretches between them, heavy in the air. “How?” she says finally, not lowering the sword. “It's been centuries, and you're clearly not from my time. How could you possibly-”
“Like I said, it's complicated.” Emma nods at the blade. “I'll tell you everything, I promise, but- could you maybe put the sword down?”
Milah narrows her eyes, staring at her for a long moment, before she finally replaces the sword in its scabbard. “I'm listening.”
It takes a while- and they have to take cover in the alley twice, even with Emma only telling the bare bones of the story- but Milah doesn’t interrupt her, face inscrutably blank, one hand always at the hilt of her sword. When Emma finishes (her voice catching slightly as she details Killian’s sacrifice, and god, it hurts), Milah stares at her for a long moment.
“You said you have his ring?” she says finally, her face still blank. Emma nods. “Show me.”
Slowly, Emma reaches for the chain around her neck, tugging the ring out from under her sweater and taking a step closer. Milah gently runs a finger over the engraved band, tilting it until the red gemstone catches the light.
“It’s true, then,” Milah says. She looks up, meeting Emma’s gaze for the first time in several long minutes.
“Yes.” Emma can’t keep the longing from her voice. “I have to bring him home.”
“Well, what are we waiting for?” Milah grins, the wide and vibrant smile that Emma recognizes from the sketches, and loops her arm through Emma’s. “Let’s go find him.”
“Wait, you- you’ll help me?” Emma says, blinking rapidly. “You’re not, I don’t know, angry?”
“Angry? Why would I be angry?” She begins towing Emma along the sidewalk.
“Because I-” Emma hesitates, nearly tripping over the edge of the curb as she stares at the other woman. “Because I’m in love with your, er, lover?”
Milah’s forehead wrinkles in confusion. “Why would that make me angry?”
“Because I- because he-” Emma blows out a frustrated breath, nearly jogging to keep up with Milah’s pace. “Look, most of the people I’ve met from your world are a bit- possessive.”
“Right.” Milah nods, pursing her lips as she considers Emma’s words. “Well, you have met my husband, who is still just as possessive as ever.”
“No kidding,” Emma mutters. Milah flashes her a smile.
“But no,” Milah continues, glancing over her shoulder as they turn onto a side street, “I’m not angry. Killian was- is- gifted in many areas, but he’s not good at being alone. If you love him as he deserves- which it seems you do, as you’re down here to claim him- I’m glad of it.”
“Oh.” She lets the words settle over her for a few seconds. “Wow. Thanks?”
“Besides,” Milah continues, unlocking the front door to a slightly-charred house and steering Emma inside, “he’s not good at being alone. He needs something to devote himself to, whether it’s a cause or a person.” She slams the door behind them, shucking off her safety vest. “He does much better if it’s a person. Causes make him dramatic.”
“Everything makes him dramatic,” Emma says under her breath, and Milah laughs.
“That sounds like Killian.” She opens a small coat closet and begins to dig through it, voice slightly muffled. “Which reminds me, does he still do that thing in bed where he-”
“I, uh, wouldn’t know,” Emma cuts her off. Her face heats up as Milah turns to stare at her, and she’s fairly certain that even her ears are turning pink. “We haven’t exactly- I mean, there hasn’t really been a chance- we’ve, um, been-”
“Wait.” Milah’s eyes widen, and the expression reminds Emma so strongly of Killian that all of the air vanishes from her lungs. “You mean you haven’t?”
“It’s not like we aren’t trying to get there,” Emma insists. Milah shakes her head slowly.
“You’re in love with Killian Jones,” she says dramatically, “and you haven’t even experienced what he’s like in bed? What do you do, just look at each other?”
“We’re usually fighting monsters,” Emma mumbles.
“Gods, this is urgent.” She winks at Emma, diving back into the closet. “We need to get both of you home as soon as possible.”
“Thanks,” Emma says dryly. “I appreciate your support.”
“I haven’t seen him in town, so we’ll have to go find him ourselves.” Milah finally steps back into the hallway, several dark cloaks over her arm, and slams the door. “Which means we probably need to go to the Vaults, unfortunately. Here, put this on, you’ll blend in a bit more.”
“The Vaults?” Emma asks, taking the cloak the Milah shoves into her hands. “What exactly are the Vaults?”
“It’s where Hades keeps the important people,” Milah says, the happy look on her face fading, and rolls her eyes. “That’s where he kept Rumpelstiltskin when he came down here.”
“You’ve been there?”
“I was summoned,” she says, a note of disgust creeping into her voice as she pulls on her cloak. “Hades thought that seeing me would make my former husband unhappy, since he’d found love elsewhere. He was right.”
Emma sweeps the cloak around her shoulders, pulling her gun out of her inner pocket and checking the safety. “Do you think you can get back there?”
“It’s not going to be easy, but yes.” Milah leads the way down the hall and into a small, grotty kitchen. The scarred wooden table glitters with an assortment of swords and daggers, all carefully polished to a bright shine. “You’ll need better weapons. That gun won’t be much help if we encounter any Reapers.”
“What’s wrong with it?”
“Was it made in the mortal world?” she asks. Emma nods, and Milah shrugs. “Won’t work. Only weapons crafted here in the Underworld have any effect on them, and for some reason guns haven’t caught on.”
“Huh. Okay then.” She flips the safety back on, tucking it into an inside pocket, and surveys the blades spread across the table. “Swords it is.”
“Do you know how to use one?” Milah raises an eyebrow. “Do people even use swords in your time?”
Emma lifts one of the swords from the table, twirling it easily in a decent approximation of one of Killian’s showier moves. “Think so.”
“I knew I liked you,” Milah says, adding a pair of daggers to her own collection. “Take whatever you want. The swordsmith’s an old friend, and he gets bored easily- he’s always asking me to take new toys off his hands.”
Emma nods, giving the sword another experimental swing. Eyeing the table, she picks up a leather cuff that looks suspiciously similar to the one they’d used on Zelena. The familiar tingle of magic snakes up her fingers, and she carefully hooks it through one of her belt loops. Finally, she drops an oddly-modern switchblade down the side of her boot.
A bell rings out, low and eerie, echoing through the tiny house.
Milah freezes, tilting her head slightly. “Seven, not too bad,” she says quietly, reaching over to pull the hood of Emma’s cloak over her head. “New additions.”
“Will that change anything?”
She shrugs. “Anything’s possible down here. If they’re going to the Vaults, we’ll have to take the back way in, but at least the main guards will be focused on the fresh meat.”  Tugging up her own hood, she shoots Emma a wink. “Let’s go find our man, shall we?”
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kookienomster3 · 7 years
I Want The Headline (Pt. 28)
Written By: suga-of-daegu BTS Fanfiction Angst WARNING: MATURE CONTENT Mafia/Gang
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“Are you having fun?” Tae asked lightly. He nodded in the direction of the door, the glistening knob taunting the man next to him. “Try it.” He suggested, “Maybe he finally forgot to lock it tonight..they stayed up later than usual.” Suppressing a grin, Taehyung watched Jungkook turn the doorknob like he had tried every night for the past month.
Sometimes he was oddly calm and others he frantically twisted it, his shoulder slamming against the wood. He never said anything though, Namjoon had said he was allowed to try the knob and it if was unlocked, barge and do what he wished, but if Jungkook called out while the door was still shut, he’d make a show out of killing you.
You were so close and he couldn’t even let you know he was near.
So Jungkook could only twist the knob night after night, barely able to hear anything inside the room other than the occasional creak of the bed or you being frightened awake when he was especially desperate to get inside. And night after night Taehyung would laugh at him; laugh at the disappointment on his face. He had almost called out one night, when he heard you crying for him, but as he opened his mouth to reassure you, Tae was there, a eager grin on his face.
“Say something. ” He had urged, “I’ve been waiting weeks to see her. Say anything, she’ll recognize your voice.” He had been thrown in a fit of anger when Jungkook’s mouth snapped shut. That night, Taehyung had pounded on the door himself, cursing at Yoongi. Yoongi never responded to him and Tae wasn’t sure if that was more angering than the fact he kept the door barricaded.
Currently, Jungkook released the door knob. It wasn’t unlocked, there was nothing he could do. Tae’s laughter faded, his face thoughtful, “You ever wonder what they do in there?”
Jungkook stepped away from the door to lean against the opposite wall. Now, he would wait a few hours and try again. The result was never any different, but it was a chance; so he’d take it every night. Then he’d head to bed and by sunrise he was off on some assignment with Jimin. As of now, they were combing through the ashes of Yoongi’s warehouse, searching for Jin and Hoseok’s bodies. Jungkook figured they were alive; Jimin was a piss poor arsonist and it had been a month with no sign of them. They had escaped.
He had suggest to Namjoon weeks ago that they start combing the city for them, but apparently defecting had put him at odds with the leader. Jimin had replaced him. Nothing he suggested was taken seriously or listened to and Jimin was sure their bodies were in the rubble. So Namjoon believed him and Jungkook was forced to sift through charred wood day after day.
He shooked his head at Taehyung’s question, already having an inkling of the answer, “Jimin said he confessed to her. He’s probably shoving his tongue down her throat and she’s too afraid to push him away.” He mumbled. Taehyung crouched down beside him,
“Aren’t you angry?” he teased. Jungkook’s gaze languidly lifted up to meet Taehyung’s and the man was shocked by the emotion hidden in them. He had thought that Jungkook’s anger started as a quiet resentment until he exploded, but now he remembered there was something darker and more patient that came after. Tae looked away, “Ahh, I’ve haven’t seen you like this in a while, Jungkookie.” This was the side to Jungkook that Namjoon was desperately trying to hone. This was what had made Jungkook his right hand. Tae smiled at the maknae,“You haven’t been like this since-”
“Since I killed Jimin’s…” His voice trailed off at the sight of Jimin rounding the corner; the two of them had never been in this hall while Jungkook was present before. He suddenly jumped up, shoving Taehyung over. The thud resounded down the hall, catching Jimin’s attention and Jungkook could hear the bed creak inside the room. Jimin started running towards him, face serious. What was Jungkook doing? He pressed one hand over Taehyung’s bruised neck and the other over his mouth and nose. Smiling, Jungkook watched the confusion in Tae’s eyes.
“Shh, hyung.” he whispered, “Everything’s going to be okay.” Jimin shoved Jungkook over, helping Taehyung up. Angrily, he saw Jungkook straighten up, an excited grin on his face. Jimin was taken aback.
What was wrong with him?
Jungkook waved Tae over, whispering, “Come here, hyung. I’m not done. It’ll be fun, I swear.” He stepped forward only for Jimin to shove him back again,
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Jungkook?!”
Jungkook held a finger up to his lips, his smile widening. He nodded towards the door, “Quiet, Jiminie hyung, Y/N and Yoongi are awake.” The three men stared at the door, the creaking sounds ceasing. There was a pause and then a soft voice calling out,
Yoongi’s arm was quickly wrapping around your waist as he lugged you to the bathroom. Jungkook had found out; he had to keep you out of sight. He had been so caught off guard that Jungkook was actually there that he had been unable to stop you from calling out his name. And now Jungkook knew you were in here, and by the tone of Jimin’s voice, he wasn’t happy.
You struggled against Yoongi, confused as to why he was dragging you off, “Yoongi, stop!” Much stronger than you, he lifted you up, hoisting you into the bathroom and shutting you inside.
“Yoongi! Let me out! Jungkook is there, he can help us!” You banged your fists against the door, trying the knob. The knob handles had been switched, the lock on the outside. Before when you had seen Yoongi fiddling with it, you thought nothing of it, but now you realized something.
He had been expecting this to happen.
“Yoongi!” You had started screaming his name. What was he doing? Why was he keeping you from Jungkook? “Yoongi! Let me out, please! I-I don’t understand!” Turning away, you rummaged through the cabinets for anything to help you, you could’ve sworn the key was in here. Frantically, you pulled out a drawer, screaming when it came off the supports and crashed onto the ground.
“Y/N!? What are you doing?” Yoongi called, fingers reaching for the lock, “What are you doing?!” He heard the sound of things being pushed around and you cursing about a key. Yoongi stepped from the door. He had hidden the key weeks ago, you’d be searching for awhile.
He crossed the barely lit room, fumbling with the lock on the window. Quietly he pushed it open and peered out. It was at least a two story drop, but there was an overhang jutting out half the distance. He’d be able to lower you part of the way to the overhang, but with your leg he was sure you’d cry out. Plus he didn’t know who was down there.
Outside Jungkook’s brows furrowed as he tried the door. It was still locked, he needed you to open it. All you had to do was unlock the door and he’d fix everything. What was Yoongi doing to you? His eyes passed over Taehyung clutching his neck and the man stepped back. Jimin looked confused, reaching out to grab at Tae’s jacket. The man sidestepped him, shaking his head,“Leave him alone.” He muttered, “Just leave him alone.” He warned. Not about to do that, Jimin approached Jungkook, uneasy about the way the man was looking at him. He was so close to getting you back and he was just standing there, waiting patiently.
Where were his emotions?
Jimin couldn’t manipulate him if he wasn’t showing anything.
He wasn’t even talking so Jimin had utterly no idea what he could possibly be thinking. He just stared at the doorknob as Yoongi and you yelled at each other inside. Jimin touched his arm,
“Jungkook..what are you thinking?”
“You didn’t love her.” He suddenly spoke.
“Your girlfriend.” Jungkook clarified, shifting his intent stare to Jimin’s appalled face. “I killed her and you’re asking me what I’m thinking..” He laughed quietly, “She thought you did…she really did. She kept saying you were coming to save her, she wouldn’t shut up.” The man flinched, heart sinking. Jungkook was just trying to get under his skin; just like he was when he started choking Tae. He was trying to get inside that room without actually doing anything, Jimin realized.
“You didn’t love your mother.” He countered angrily, “You saw her go inside the building and you didn’t do anything!” He pointed his finger at his face, “You let her die!”
“I know.” He replied easily, “I let her die; just like I let your girlfriend-”
“Shut up!” Jimin shouted, grabbing a fistful of the other man’s shirt, “You…You took her from me! She didn’t have anything to do with this, but you-”
“I took her because she was yours!” Jungkook spat, “I took her and I hurt her because I knew it would hurt you for the rest of your life! And now you’re a fucking mess who can’t even think straight for more than a few minutes. I won, Jimin! You’ve been hanging my mother’s death over my head for years, but I won.” He pushed against him, slamming him against the wall behind them, “And I’d do it again!” Jungkook watched as Jimin cried, the veins in his arms bulging as he fought against him. Jimin headbutted him, stunning him enough to shove him back against the bedroom door. Under their combined weight and force the door buckled, splintering as the lock still held but the wood gave way.
Jungkook could see inside the room; now all he needed to do was push back the barricade. Jimin was clawing at him, unintelligible screams tumbling from his lips. In the hall, Tae quietly stepped back.
It seemed Namjoon was getting the Jungkook he wanted.
You found a screwdriver of all things stashed at the very back of the cabinet and started unscrewing the lock, hoping that all the shouting would keep Yoongi distracted. Jungkook and Jimin’s screams had blended into a indiscernible chorus. It was scary. Just as you were finishing up the first screw on the knob, the door swung open and Yoongi grabbed your wrist, pulling you up onto your feet. As you were tugged across the room your gaze locked with Jungkook’s through the door, still partially held upright by the barricade. His eyes widened and you instinctively headed towards him, but Yoongi pulled harder.
“He’s not going to help us.” Yoongi hissed,“He’s going to kill you.” He started pushing you through the window, but you held your ground, hands pressing against the window ledge. “Y/N, stop it! I’m trying to protect you, what the fuck are you doing?!”
“I want Jeon!” You shrieked, “You escape if you want but I want Jeon!” His chest pressed up against your back trying to force you through,
“Y/N, they killed Jin and Hoseok and they’ll kill me and you. I’m trying to protect you, I thought you trusted me?” He pleaded softly, forcing your arms to tuck at your sides so he could get you through. “I’ve let your whole family die, just let me help you.” You had gone slack in his arms; your brother was dead this whole time? Suddenly he was shouting at you, “Yes! Your brother’s dead because of them! I said I loved you to protect you from them and you’re trying to go back to them! Now get the fuck out the window before I fucking throw you, Y/N!”
There were loud crashing sounds as the door was finally opened fully. Jungkook stood there, Namjoon grinning behind him as Tae restrained Jimin. Jungkook stared thoughtfully at you and Yoongi, his arms wrapped around you and you resisting being pushed through the window. He was trying to leave with you? Jungkook smiled,
“Y/N. Come here.”
You started crying at the sound of Jungkook’s voice and Yoongi honestly didn’t know what to do now. “Please,” He whispered, “Just trust me. You kissed me, I know you trust me, Y/N.”
Jungkook’s smile fell, “You kissed him?” He echoed, stepping closer to Yoongi. He chuckled, “You kissed him?” Yoongi covered you with his body, fully expecting Jungkook to pull you away, but Jeon’s hands gripped him, throwing him back onto the floor. Stumbling back onto the floor, you looked back just as Jungkook was kicking at Yoongi’s side. The man jumped violently, his hand pressing to his ribs as the other tried to block the next one. “Did you like it?” Jungkook asked, gripping Yoongi’s collar to inspect his face. His dark eyes passed over his expressionless face, “Come on, Yoongi, tell me how it felt.” He dared him, “I already know you don’t feel anything for her, right?”
“Right.” Yoongi softly agreed. You furrowed your brows, eyes widening. He didn’t..He didn’t feel anything? Yoongi closed his eyes, “I’ve been..I’ve just been copying what I’ve seen Jungkook do with you and it’s worked.” He admitted, “You fell for it so easily, I couldn’t resist. I’ve been protecting you because I felt bad for killing Jin’s brother and he loved you so much..I..” Yoongi glanced at you, “Jin’s dead now though, and I was stupid in thinking that helping you now would mean anything to him. He’d dead, him and Hoseok. I killed them.” He bit down on his lip when Jungkook slammed him back on the ground, “It was fun though.” he told you, “It was fun pretending to love you, Y/N.” Jungkook raised his fist.
“Stop!” You screamed, pushing at Jungkook, “Jeon, stop! Leave him alone!” He ignored you, pushing you behind him. Your leg was on fire and you weren’t strong enough to stop Jungkook from beating on Yoongi. How could the man who had protected you so earnestly just come out and say he was pretending? Why had he given up? You looked to Namjoon who was frowning.
Jungkook was supposed to take his anger out on you, not Yoongi.
Namjoon needed Yoongi alive to see that all he had worked for was going to burn.
He nudged Tae, telling him to let go of Jimin. He would be a good distraction for Jungkook for a bit. As soon as Taehyung’s grip loosened, Jimin’s eyes shifted from Jungkook to you and you started to the window.
Tae furrowed his brows, why were you running?
But then he felt Jimin slip from him, rushing to catch up to you. You forced yourself through the window, letting go of the pane in a panic when you felt Jimin’s fingers try to grip your arm. Yoongi had tossed all the blankets and pillows onto the overhang and while it cushioned your fall a bit, it did nothing to stop the pain that shot up your leg.
Looking up you heard Jungkook and Yoongi screaming your name, but only saw Jimin climbing out the window. Quickly, you shoved the bed set and pillows off the overhang and jumped to the ground floor, barely missing the pillows.
Jimin had landed on the overhang, throwing one foot over it as he prepared to jump. He was eerily silent, but dead set on reaching you, his burning stare locked on you only.
Up on the second floor Jungkook was forcing his way out the window, screaming for you. You started to run, ignoring the pain in your leg and the blood soaking your bandages.
Jimin had made it the the ground level, quickly gaining after you while Jungkook barely made it to the overhang.
So you shut your eyes and just ran.
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