#maze runner rareship bingo
mazerunner-rarepairs · 2 months
i feel like we're going to establish some new ship names during this event and i am LIVING for it
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justtorzaplease · 21 days
my friends are gonna be there too
For @mazerunner-rarepairs and @tmr-cultures
Square 4 Prompt "Alternate Universe", | Square 4 Prompt "Write more than 1 rareship in a fic", | Maze Runner Languages and Culture Bingo, Square 6 Prompt "Food/drink from your country"
855 words
Thomas gets his first introduction to Netball.
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An unusual morning leads to an unusual conversation, but Gally is sure he and Newt can convince Minho that everything is just fine.
Submission for Rarepair Bingo - Alternate Universe AND Write more than one rareship in a fic
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st4rfvckerr · 1 month
im SLOWLY working thru the wips i want to post for the maze runner rareship bingo bc there's genuinely so many ships i want to write about :(
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mazerunner-rarepairs · 2 months
Maze Runner Rarepair Bingo 2024
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There are 2 boards that can be filled, the Rarepair Bingo, and the Extra Rare Advanced AO3 Bord (For The Very Insane).
The bingo takes place May 2024. You can post your submissions anytime during the month of May.
Bingo winners will be announced in June 🏆
Find more detailed Rules & FAQ, along with submission guidelines here.
Image transcripts under the readmore 🔽
Rarepair Bingo:
They never meet in canon
"Because I want you to."
Poetry or Based on a song
Alternate Universe
Free Space
Major character un(death)
Canon divergence
'3 sentence fic' or 'gifset made of 3 gifs' or 'moodboard containing 3 images0
Missing scene
Extra Rare Advanced AO3 Bord (For The Very Insane):
Be the first to write a ship
Write the longest existing fic for a ship
Be the first to write a rating no one has written for a ship before
Write more than 1 rareship in a fic (can be seperate ships or a poly ship (or both))
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mazerunner-rarepairs · 2 months
Maze Runner Rarepair Bingo: Rules and FAQ
Which ships qualify as rareships?
All ships with less than 150 fics where they are the main ship posted to ao3.
Qualify: Brenderesa, Soniet, Minally, Nally, Trenda, Nalby + all other possible ships you can think of!
Don't qualify: Thomesa, Thomally, Newtmas, Thominho, Minewt, Thominewt
When does the event take place?
The bingo runs throughout the month of May - May 1st to May 31st.
Read on for rules & FAQ 🔽
When posting, tag this blog and add the tumblr tag #rareshipbingo2024. Indicate which square your submission fills.
Fic and Artwork needs to be original, that means created for the event.
Any submission types are welcome for the Rarepair Bingo. fanart, fic, fanvids, moodboards, podfics - knock yourselves out!
The AO3 board however can only be filled with fic.
All topics are allowed, the one important thing is to tag your works appropriately. With darker themes err on the side of caution. If you're unsure, feel free to reach out.
If you post nsfw fics to tumblr, make sure you put the text under a read more break (just type :readmore: and hit enter).
You must be 18+ to submit explicit content.
I will be marking all nsfw submissions with the community label for sexually explicit content, so those who don't want to see nsfw submissions make sure to enable community labels.
This event allows all kind of content regarding maturity and topic - I expect followers and participants to practise good fandom culture and adhere to the don't like don't read principle. No bashing ships or tropes you personally don't like.
Unnecessarily hateful comments are to be deleted without response after you notify me, the mod, about them. (Just message this blog)
Upload your fics to the AO3 collection .
Addition made on May 5th: platonic ships are also allowed! For more info see this post.
Clarification: the rarepair needs to be the main focus of the fic. pairings that don't qualify as rareships can appear in your work, but only as a side ship. if you're unsure about this rule feel free to contact me.
Is there a minimum word count for fics? No.
Are poly ships allowed? Yes.
Can one submission count for multiple squares from the same board? No. You have to decide which square you want to "use" your submission on, even if it combines prompts.
Can one submission fount for 2 squares on different boards? Yes! Eg if you write a fic for the square "poetry" and it's also the first fic for a ship, it can count for both the poetry square and the "write the first fic for a ship".
Can I submit WIPS? Yes.
Can I submit new chapters of a current WIP? Yes. If you have a rareship fic that you've been dying to continue, feel free to use the bingo as a motivator!
When is the reblogging perios? May 1-31st.
How does the Extra Rare Advanced AO3 Bord (For The Very Insane) work?
All the AO3 squares are to be filled in regards to the AO3 tag before April 22 - today.
Example: if you want to write a Rachel/Miyoko fic, and someone coincidentally would post one before the start of the bingo, your Rachel/Miyoko fic would still count for the "Be the first to write a ship" square.
Similarly, and using the same example as before, if 2 bingo participants decided they wanted to write Rachel/Miyoko, the person who posts their submission second would still get to fill the "Be the first to write a ship" square.
This applies to all AO3 squares:
If your fic is longer than all the fics posted before April 22, it fills the "Write the longest existing fic for a ship" square.
If before April 22nd there was no "General Audiences" rated fic for the rareship of your choice, your fic fills the "Be the first to write a rating no one has written for the ship before" square.
If you need help using the AO3 filtering system to figure out if you would be the first to write for a ship or for any of the other AO3 squares, drop this blog an ask and I'll help you out! I know not everyone is familiar with AO3 and I want this event to be open to everyone, including AO3 newcomers.
If any questions remain, don't hesistate to get in touch!
This post may be edited if further questions arise.
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