#mbm meme
amethyst-fiend · 1 year
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 Utsukushii Kare  + textposts
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thank you for saying nice things about mbms; your Requiemverse stuff is really really cool too!!! you have good ideas and explanations for stuff and your memes are both funny and give a scope of your characterizations (/pos). your au gives me motivation to keep working on my au :]
(also thank you so much for liking Eda's design!!!!!!! I worked very hard on it and I'm glad to hear it's good /gen)
(For a second I was confused what does /pos and /gen means wldjskdjwodjaidbwidbaodjwodj)
I really love Eda such a good character to be tied to unicron it’s such a lovely delight!!!
I use memes to not only to for laughs but it’s fun to reveal some fun lore dumps at times hahahaa!
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Getting food before competition like
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sichengjpeg · 5 years
winwin: 🗣️ if i could take my members anywhere ⬅️🚶‍♂️👨‍👨‍👦‍👦  i think it’d be at a beach 🏖️🌊🤽‍♂️🍉 cause it’s VERY ROMANTIC 💏❤🌷 and I’M very romantic 😘💘😎. i think i’ll be a GREAT HUSBAND 🙋‍♂️ when i’m older 💕😉🥰. i LOVE kids 👶👶 it’d be nice to be a DAD someday 🏠👨‍👦 💝. if i weren’t an idol 🕺 i’d build a nice little cafe ☕️🤗🥪.
also winwin: goo goo ga ga
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donionringss · 5 years
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precisemuseum · 2 years
Thanks for translating several puyo games!
Big fan of you all!
Now here's a question: how did you get into puyo?
Once again ty for all translations bye
When I was in elementary school, my cousins had a PlayStation that they had pirated random games onto, one of those being Puyo Puyo Sun. I’ve been a fan since, though I didn’t even know there were other Puyo games until I was (cough) pirating games for my DS in middle school and saw 7, 15th, and 20th Anniversary available. I just kept coming back to it, but I never thought I’d actually translate for it until a Japanese friend I made in college was playing Puyo Puyo Quest in class. After that I started trying to translate on the wiki, and somehow I’m still here for now.
I've been a huge fan of Panel de Pon(Puzzle League) ever since I was a kid and wanted more of that, plus, when I was a tween a Puyo Pop Fever ad in a Mickey Mouse Magazine struck my fancy, but I never ended up buying it and always regretted that. I had several small encounters with Puyo after that before Puyo Puyo Tetris helping me through a covid infection in 2020 finally dragged me in completely. The fact that it has story and character makes it everything I wished Panel de Pon had been, but didn't become because Nintendo killed the fairies before it could-
I got into Puyo after my cousin introduced me to their pirated copy of Puyo Pop Fever at some family gathering. Fast forward a couple of years and I was sitting down and thinking to myself, "I wonder what happened to that weird puzzle game I used to play with my cousin. I remember liking the art and the gameplay a lot" so I went searching and found a lot of history, like, a lot of it. I spent a good afternoon reading up on wherever the series was at this point in time and watched a playthrough of Puyo Fever 2. Ended up watching playthroughs for pretty much all the SEGA games before emulating a copy of PPF2, and now I'm here.
I saw puyo puyo tetris on a meme account on Instagram and I thought the style was cute so I put it on my wishlist. Later that month I won a $30 gift card from my school and I combined that with my eShop funds to get it
I first heard about Puyo cause of the mode in Sega Superstars and just knew it was a Sega puzzle game. Then I finally got into the whole series once Tetris released https://youtu.be/mWynf0USV5k
"o tetris on switch, nice…but wait what the hell is a puyo?" "idk but these sig and ami pals look cute together" The rest is chaos.
there was once a game night in a wii server around early 2020 and they played puyo puyo 7. then i tried it for some reason and i got into the franchise. though i did play puyo fever on ds in like 2013 first.
My introduction to Puyo was… well, rather staggered. The first time I heard about it was during a phase I had when I was obsessed with those Danganronpa fan stories on Instagram. One of them featured Puyo Puyo Tetris characters; I looked it up, but I wasn't really interested in the series. Later on, there was a game night in a server I was in, and the game happened to be Puyo Puyo 7 (yep, this is the same game night that Saetta was in). I got the game and started playing a bit to get a hang of the gameplay; THAT was when I got interested. After the game night, I researched the games more and more, and eventually became interested in the series.
i played mbm a lot as a kid but had no idea what i was doing. learned years later on the internet that it was a reskin of a different series. have been vaguely adjacent to the fandom ever since but i wasn't ready to get into it yet because i didn't think i could handle another small fandom at the time (lol). didn't properly get into it until vinny played ppt1, which i watched w/ luna
i was completely oblivious to puyo existing for most of my life until 2017 when silver asked if i wanted to watch vinny play puyo puyo tetris with him. then we both fell into hell
It's a little bit funny, I never noticed it before but the series always showed up to me in little bits throughout the past several years that I didn't recognize at the time. Then in Summer 2019 I was writing a story with a friend who made a character with Schezo-like mannerisms. She showed me a video of his lines for reference, it was hilarious and I just kept going back to watch it over and over. I played 15th Anniversary soon after, Sig and Amitie became my faves and I got hooked on the story of the series 😅
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aulisdeer · 4 years
Briseis is quick to throw a blanket over Iphigenia where she sits on the couch before promptly sitting down in the spot next to her. She barely glances at the television before turning her full attention back to the girl next to her. "Quick, who has the most meme-able face in the MBM?" While she already has her own—very strong—opinions on it, she has to know what Iphi thinks. "It's for science."
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“Patty - thanks.”
No question about it - he was the most meme-able by all metrics and standards. 
Settling under the offered blanket, she snuggles up into a small ball before putting her homework aside.
“Maybe Aris or Emery next.” 
“Who are you thinking of, though?”
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mythlived · 4 years
[Pyrrha; Rui] “We get called a cult a lot.”
❛  I Don’t Actually Remember What’s From a Meme and What’s Not Anymore !
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    ( ♬ ) —  ❝  Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m not really surprised.  ❞  Sort of. Rui couldn’t say she was surprised, even if she couldn’t think of a particular reason that someone might think the MBM was a cult. She couldn’t think of a reason someone wouldn’t, either, given the details of theirs and their friends’ lives.  ❝  I think… if I tried describing everyone to my older brother without any real context, he’d probably be concerned.  ❞
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kaleidiope · 5 years
What am I getting myself into?
This will soon be filled with some (Badly made) MMD meme animations. I shall try to keep the faith! Might not be on here a lot, though...
MBM:  musicboxmaniacs.com/people/Kaleidiope/
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amethyst-fiend · 1 year
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Utsukushii Kare  + textposts (2/?)
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sichengjpeg · 5 years
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donionringss · 5 years
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stealhisdeal · 7 years
“what are you doing? words have meaning! actions have consequences!”
random mbm//bam sentences ask meme || no longer accepting!
     He’d opened his mouth, so, naturally,things were going wrong.      He had figured that showingsome confidence would have helped      his position, but confidenceand cockiness seemed to blur lines in      his head. The fact thathe was being chastised about it by a      thirteen year old aboutit was…embarrassing, even if said thirteen      year oldhad a point.
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     “I—panicked, okay? Itsounded a lot better in my head and how      was I supposedto know he couldn’t take a little quip? I didn’t think he     would get so pissed off.”
     Didn’t think things through,more like it.
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shintamalia · 7 years
A : Mo ngaji ni yaa . .
B : Mo pengajian kemana?
C : Dia sukanya rok, gedrombyong-gedrombyong. . .
D : Jangan pakai jilbab gedhe-gedhe.
Awalnya saya tidak pernah berpikir bahwa meme ataupun broadcast tentang ejekan menggunakan jilbab besar atau pengguna rok itu benar terjadi. Ya, karena saya tidak begitu mementingkan apa yang dilakukan oleh orang lain, saya selalu mencoba menghormati style orang lain. Toh, penampakan fisik bukanlah satu-satunya cara untuk menilai orang.
Perlu digaris bawahi bahwa, orang-orang yang mencoba untuk syari atau memang sudah berpakaian syari belum tentu orang-orang yang sudah baik dan dalam ilmu agamanya ataupun hatinya. Mereka hanya ingin memegang prinsip yang mereka anggap benar, termasuk pula dalam hal bercadar. Pun, orang-orang yang belum berpakaian syari juga tidak bisa dikatakan bahwa dia belum baik, karena Alloh liat kebaikan orang dari hatinya. Iman dan takwa.
Kalau diliat-liat, jilbab saya tidak lebar, yaa standartlah ya, tapi insyaAlloh menutup dada, Kudu! Yaa gimana? Alloh menyuruhnya “menjulurkan sampai menutup dada”. Saya usahakan pakai rok, meskipun kadang kalau olahraga nggak pakai rok tapi training, nggak ketat kok, jangan ditiru! Maklum, saya belum istiqomah 100%, doakan ya. Saya juga terkadang menggunakan manset , terkadang tidak, tergantung ukuran lengan pakaian, tapi saya selalu pakai kaos kaki, insyaAlloh. See! nggak syari-syari bangetkan yak? Tapi masih ada yang ngelorohi semacam diatas. Gumun saya.
Hmm, jujur yaa saya lebih suka menggunakan celana sedari kecil, tapi karena memang ini sebuah tuntutan, saya terus mencobanya (read: bukan berarti langsung nggak pakai celana terus). Jadi please deh dihargai, wkwk. Saya saja masih malu kalau ketemu anak MBM yang jilbabnya lebar-lebar, manset dan kaos kaki lengkap. Saya mah apa atuh.
Semoga orang-orang segera menghormati keputusan orang lain. Semoga orang-orang menghargai prinsip orang lain, karena apa? Karena mereka nggak tau seberapa besar usaha mereka untuk menjaga prinsip tersebut.
Oya, jangan hanya penampakan fisik aja yang ditutup lebar, tapi yuk perdalam ilmu agama juga. Belajar bareng-bareng, InsyaAlloh, Aamiin. . .
Bintaro, 19 Februari 2017
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