#mc kevin icons
erenpica · 11 months
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tyler, the best of all.
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thicons · 1 year
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like or reblog
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exoxota · 1 year
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skincare de malandro eh bucetada na cara
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pjclub · 2 years
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prettymerye · 12 days
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elliedafish · 11 months
Riverdale Character Poll
I just finished the first season of Riverdale! It's so good! I didn't want to watch it before because everyone said it was bad but I think it's amazing. Not my favorite show but better than okay. My favorite character is probably Veronica. I relate to her in a way I don't with most characters on tv and she's also iconic. Camila Mendes is a really good actress.
I've only seen season 1 so I might leave out some important characters who come in at later seasons but I looked up the main ones so I hope I get your favorite.
My friend told me I forgot Cheryl. So sorry friends!
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weed-ols · 2 months
Reviewing Every UKISS Release: By Unpopular Demand ~ Tick Tack + Forever (For KISS Me) + Forbidden Love
So releases from this point onward until around ~2014/15ish are constant and hectic, so I've had to deviate from my original plan a bit. I think grouping the JP singles + KR digital singles in 3s helps keep things a little less...unwieldy, and less constrained by image limits on posts.
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Tick Tack - 1st JP Single | 2011.12.14
This was the PV that got accidentally leaked, right? Like they posted the full version of this instead of the short version, and that's why it was so easy to watch it on YouTube or whatever, and it was super easy to get the full audio because of it lol. I think it only took me a day or two to find a 320kbps download of it. Anyway, another pivotal moment of my tween years.
Tick Tack (Audio) | YouTube Music 5.3M | Spotify 1.11M
God that clock sound is so good
Love the entire vocal line stuffed into the first verse
Vocal troika taking the chorus love that for them
Also love stuffing everyone into the second verse
I like that the parallel with the first and third verses where the former is all the vocalists and the latter is all the rappers
SooHoon + Dongho bridge? An odd combo but very much goated
Honestly super impressed at how much this song is a team effort
Obviously Soohyun, Kevin, and Hoon have the most lines since they do the chorus, but Dongho gets a good amount with his little extra rap, and while AJ, Eli, and Kiseop get a couple lines each
And yeah sure it's a couple of lines, but they are attention-grabbing
Always appreciate a good bookend with the clock returning
Love the dramatic music, love the dramatic lyrics, it's such a good follow-up to NEVERLAND, and an insane first JP release
So lyrically, is this a reluctant breakup song? Like is this a toxic relationship that they're ending even though they're still in love?
That's a new breakup theme for them
10/10 "the perfect Japanese debut for a Kpop group doesn't exi-" wrong
Tick Tack (MV) | Short ver. 3.9M | Official upload 733k
Oh buckle in buckaroos I got a legit copy of this on my laptop AND of every JP MV right up until 2016 babyyy
And I can't remember if it was they learnt the choreo in 3 days (while promoting) or if they both learnt it in 3 days while their choreographer was still working on it
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Iconic and lol their positions
Kiseop, AJ, and Eli are just kinda comfortably posing
Soohyun on his knees, Dongho chilling on the floor, and Kevin making modern art with his body lol
Also the dramatic grasping hands
Abandoned Warehouse Set #1 with an amazingly large clock
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Abandoned Warehouse Set #2 + group sadboy shot
I love the black/white look with red accents super chic, but is Soohyun the only one without white? I mean fair he is the real MC of UKISS
Not Hoon being the only in a full pose
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Ew Kiseop don't touch the dust/ash that's dirty
Oh his hair....it's kinda pompadour-esque. I remember thinking it was super cool back in the day, but it's kinda...tragic now lol
Still looks good though, hard for his face card to ever decline
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Love the fanning out of this part, it's super cool on stages for such a simple step
Also these grey suits are gorgeous and it's 2011, so of course it's paired with combat boots
Surprised that this dance has only resulted in one instance of ripped pants
Could be more, but Hoon ripping his pants during their Best Of tour promos is peak comedy
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This part is also very cool, very fun to look at
I could've sworn they wore gloves during the dance, but I guess not? They're wearing them for the dramatic solo shots though
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Dongho with yet again the bowliest bowlcut to ever bowl
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Another personal favourite choreo bit
It's a bit difficult to explain, but the force and purpose Soohyun uses when he slides his hand down Kiseop's back is so cool
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The way he pops up kills me every time
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These are the worst outfits in the video
I hate the white sleeves so much they make them look juvenile
Like I get black sleeves probably wouldn't have worked with this set since they'd get lost in the dark edges of the frame
But a dark colour would've worked, or heck even no sleeves
On the topic of outfits, not much to say about their hair that hasn't been said already
This was filmed during NEVERLAND promos I think, so their hair is fine
Kevin, Soohyun, and AJ have great hairstyles; Hoon, Eli, and Dongho are fine; Kiseop's pompadour is meh, but I really like his hair when they're in the grey suits
The fluffy hair looks really good on him, much better than the sleek look he wore for NEVERLAND
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The dance battle is cute, really helps give everyone a bit more spotlight
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This part? Seared into my brain
What's falling down from the ceiling? Ashes? Dust? Snow? Asbestos? We may never know
Anyway, no story, just a banger dance and brooding shots in The Box and some abandoned spaces
Oh and this isn't in the MV, obviously, but remember how Hoon and Kiseop nearly knocked each other out while filming this? I don't remember the exact documentary, but it must have been that one they did during NEVERLAND
They were all so enamoured with the giant clock too lol
10/10 still gives an insane dopamine rush
Coincidence | YouTube Music 113k | Spotify N/A
It's so insane that this banger is just a random b-side for a single?
I'm trying to figure out who dominates this song, and while my initial instinct is to say it's a Kevin song, Eli is also a very constant presence? Soohyun and Hoon also have parts that are more memorable. All I can say is that this is definitely not a Kiseop (RIP) song
Love the first and last choruses are SooVin while the others are HoonVin
Soohyun's little "follow me!" is so cute omg
I really like AJ's rap here he always makes it so interesting
The cute little SooSeop verse
Dongho's rap was also nice, like the little break for AJ and AJ+Eli
The little bridge part with SooHoon and Eli+Dongho is really cool
I like the darker sound of this, very fitting to be Tick Tack's b-side
Not entirely sure what the song is about? I think it's about meeting an ex again, hence all the mentions of coincidences and fate?
The colourless world mentions sure make it sound depressing though
Also looking at the lyrics, I thought the song was a lot more complex than it is? It really is just like 5 choruses, 3 post-choruses, a couple of verses and a bridge
I think the constant switching of singers/rappers help make it sound more complex
9.5/10 super catchy. I can't believe I actually forgot about this song until I got back into this hellscape
0330 -Piano & Chorus ver.- | YouTube Music N/A | Spotify N/A
There's no official upload but the fan upload of it is sitting at 16k
I think they did this in their 2012 tour? Anyway, sounds a lot like the Christmas version which I really like
Love the stripped down sound, really turns it from crying in the club to crying in the tub
What can I say, I'm a sucker for them harmonizing in the background
Vocal troika really shines in sounding like kicked puppies in this version
9.25/10 higher than the original version because I love me some pathetic-sounding men (affectionate)
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Forever (For KISS Me) - 1st Digital Single | 2011.12.22
I remember this coming out!!! Got home from school and did the good ol' YT video-mp3 converter to get it on my laptop. I remember distinctly loving it, then also never playing it lol. It's got a special place in my heart now though, like special as in it makes me a bit teary lol.
Forever (For KISS Me) | YouTube Music 419k | Spotify 13k
So if I'm remembering correctly, this is a song they reworked to be fanservice. The original singers were an older NH group, I think, like before Paran
Something Eli and AJ always having to do a spoken word opening in their songs from this time is so funny to me
"Parting was so hard 'cause you are my only passion" I always thought that it was "partying was so hard" which was super funny, but I see now that I was wrong
"Come visit here it's our lovely party mansion" that always gets a chortle from me like I love them, I actually wouldn't mind drinking with them, but I do not wanna party with them they're all insane
I think it's cute they all get whole verses to themselves, really gives them all enough time to shine during encores lol
So after the Dongho and Eli raps come my favourite part of the whole song - the sex kitten vocal trio building up to Soohyun
Kiseop > Hoon > Kevin > Soohyun is sooooo good and I love building from Kiseop's soft voice to Soohyun the Powerhouse
Also once again, validates my belief that what Kevin is to Soohyun vocally, is what Kiseop is to Hoon, and is why the four of them can be matched off with each other in any way and still sound good
Honestly, the song is mostly the vocal line, sans AJ. The rap line is just there to act as hype men
Music is cute, super upbeat and poppy, and the lyrics are equally mushy
7.75/10 not something I'd listen to on my own volition, but it's always fun watching lives of this, and I love how much the vocal line is allowed to shine (read: I love how many lines Kiseop gets)
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Forbidden Love - 2nd JP Single | 2012.02.29
I remember obsessively watching the short MV on YouTube because now when I listen to the song, I can still pick out exactly where it ended lol. I also remember really wanting the shirts they wore for the single cover because it was so ~*~cool~*~ and lowkey edgy, which is perfect for a wangsty tween.
Forbidden Love (Audio) | YouTube Music 1.2M | Spotify 571k
Another song, another dance beat, and I'm absolutely not complaining lol
I really like Kevin's opening line, love the "...najitte mitari-i-i" bit
Plenty of gratuitous English, a very important staple for them from this point on
Again, the entire vocal line stuffed into the first verse, yeah AJ's not singing, but he was there
Love how Hoon drags out the "...datta kedo~" part right into Soohyun's line, and the slowdown in Soohyun's line to transition to Kiseop, and AJ's rap picks up the pace again into the chorus, super fun to listen to
Even though I know the start of the chorus is "I, my, me, mine", I always forget the "mine" because it's off-beat
And okay, the first chorus always kills me because of Soohyun
The "subete kakete Egaku ai no sign", is so funny to me because I just think about him doing the ahegao face while singing it during the MC break in their anniversary tour
Like his eyes were completely rolled back and the camera, bless their heart, did a great close up
And he did it like 3 times I love him so much
Back to the song, I really like how the second verse starts with Kiseop, and how Eli bridges the gap between him to Soohyun, and they do the same thing as verse 1, this time going from Soohyun > Hoon > Kiseop
HoonVin second chorus, once again, has me begging for more duets with them, they sound insanely sweet
Vocal troika taking the last chorus is soooo good
SooHoon back-to-back high notes? They were feeding us so good
Love the constant "love, love, love" and "you make me feel this love" in the background
Like it's almost too much with the music, but it oddly works?
The song is basically exactly what the title says - a forbidden relationship that's doomed to end, but they're like "no baby I love youuuu"
There's also an implication of class difference? First verse has what google tells me translates to "this relationship began with me overreaching myself/but I finally feel like I'm equal to you"
Could just be that girl is way out of their league, idk
10/10 I go back and forth between whether I prefer Tick Tack over this, but they're both like pure dopamine being injected in to my brain
Forbidden Love (MV) | Short ver. 604k | Official upload 462k
Once again, I was so obsessed with watching the short MV
Yes I did watch the full version but I mostly watched the official short one because I couldn't afford to materially support them
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There's a lot happening in this first scene
First, Kiseop, take your damn shoes off that's dirty, but I'm happy you're like kind of the protagonist for the non-dance non-solo shot parts of this
Second, why is there a life preserver on the bed? Is it supposed to symbolize that this forbidden love is a life saver?
Why are the chairs tipped over? Why is there an Arizona 51 sign? Are the sirens like directly outside the window or what? What exactly is that next to the bed?
Aww the little Kevin solo dance
I like the little circular bit they do while snapping to change formation
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Soohyun bodying the hell out of this part
*Kevin voice* "Why are you so passionate during this part of the dance? Is there something you need to tell us?"
Or at least something like that god Teattari Shidai was so funny, and Kevin and Soohyun were constantly catfighting at that time
I think his explanation was about timing the body roll to it but idk he's just really good at it
I like this set by the way, a new version of The Box for them
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Is...is that a tree? Why is there a tree growing in your apartment?
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Ooh AJ was really hot in this era I think this is when he fully entered my crush category
Is he wearing winged liner? Goated love his eyes
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Kiseop and AJ always make this part of the dance look so cool
Oh and the preceding part with the little shuffle into this
They just have that je ne sais quoi chill that makes look natural
Man I just love this dance, there's a bunch of shoulder shimmies and like at least 3 pelvic thrusts
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Wait my guy why is mattress bare like that
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Okay pause for a moment to talk about these costumes
Love the black-red suit combo, love the red laces on the boots
I'm a huge sucker for epaulettes so obviously AJ has my favourite suit
Love the rhinestoned lapels for Kiseop and Kevin
Like the glittery lapels for Soohyun and Dongho
Eli has epaulettes too, but because they're also black, they're practically invisible until the closeup shots
Hoon's suit is fine, just more subtle with glitter on the outside of his lapels
In terms of hair, Kiseop and AJ are on their A-game, love the fluffier hair for them
Soohyun, Hoon, and Eli all look fine, like those are pretty standard looks for them
Dongho still has his bowlcut, and while I don't hate Kevin's hair, I wish it had more texture to it?
The ironed hair with the sideswept bangs just aren't that great on him, especially not with the single-toned hair
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Also like this set, very cool
These costumes are okay, the white-red is a nice combo, but the clothes themselves are less snazzy and more understated the other set
Most baffling choice is why Dongho has a belted coat on rather than a blazer
Also not a huge fan of the longer jackets Soohyun, Kiseop, and Kevin have on
It's not the worst, and I think I could like them in a different MV, but it's a bit too...floppy with this dance
Hairs are a downgrade from the first set of costumes, except for AJ whose hair is glorious at this time
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Like I'm sorry to bring this up again but look at his winged linerrrr
He actually looks like a cat
Oooh slowmo shot during the dance break
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They really love this move we'll be seeing this a lot in their JP dances
Well I mean they already did a variation of it in Shut Up!!
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Also love this part it's so cool how Kiseop transitions back to the dance, very reminiscent of when he does this in NEVERLAND
I like how the choreo tones down for the double high notes so everyone's focusing on Hoon and Soohyun
Lowkey wish we got a dance version of this I would love a wide shot of this to see every bit of choreo
There's no shot of them in their casual outfits, but they all looked fine, very standard 2012 male idol fashion
So yeah, not really much of a story to this, lots of solo shots and dancing
9.5/10 I think I'd prefer a whole dance vid for this, and I really didn't like the white costumes, and they never answered why were the sirens going off at the apartment set???
Redial | YouTube Music 13k | Spotify N/A
I completely forgot about this song until recently
I do vaguely remember listening to it before, so I think I had it on my first laptop and for whatever reason either forgot to transfer it to my second one, or couldn't find another download of it
Is that...a synth harpsichord? It sounds like the harpsichord setting on electronic keyboards like I swear that's what the one at school sounded like
SooSeop sharing verses? Goated
I thought this song had a lot more Hoon and Kevin, but I guess not?
Vocal troika are kinda tied for lines, even though I think I remember Kevin's more because he does a title drop in the first chorus
Dongho gets a bulk of the raps, but Eli isn't too far behind, nor is AJ
Kiseop gets what amounts to nearly a whole verse, plus he's sharing with Soohyun so that's cool
Ooh just noticed it's a sex kitten trio leading in from the second half of the first verse to the pre-chorus and chorus
It feels like a weirdly paced song
I don't know if it's all the synth sounds and the heavy beat, or if it's the lengthier raps to a slower beat but it feels both oddly long and short at once, even though it's basically the same length as Forbidden Love
Maybe it's the shorter verses compared to the raps and choruses?
Or how the bridge comes out of the second rap chunk without really changing tempo as it goes to the last verse?
Lyrically, it's pining over an ex, very normal UKISS stuff
7.5/10 I do like it and it is in a lot of my playlists, but something about this song just makes me uneasy lol
I wish I had a fun fact for this little time, but unfortunately everything funny I know from 2012 is from after this. Anyway, crazy that this all happened within a year of 0330 and Hoon and AJ joining. Like they honestly fit in so seamlessly it's like they've always been there.
So yeah, we're fully entering what I guess we can call their 'peak' era in terms of popularity (lol, lmao even) and activities, and also approaching when I started being chronically online and had actively blogged about them on this good ol' hellsite. Yes, I did find all of my reblogs and tags from that time and dear lord, 2012-2014 for tweenies-turning-teens is very psyche-damaging in our current year.
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heybabyricecake · 11 months
Okay QUEEN KEVIN DAY. If andrews my favorite character and Neil’s my favorite mc, Kevin is the character that became our ruler and we started a little cult around him. We worship him. We hold hands and chant in a circle about Kevin. We make little Kevin dolls and light fires in his name.
Which is why I think that even though Neil is BELOVED, most of everyone in the fandoms *favorite* character is going to be Andrew or Kevin. How did Kevin get up so high? How did he surpass the mc???? He’s an arrogant asshole when we meet him. He’s absolutely cruel to the Foxes (on the court) and to Neil. He’s relatively heartless after thanksgiving and is more concerned about the game than Andrew. When I first read the series I wanted to shake him. Throttle him.
BUT every time I reread the series there’s something more to love about him. He is brave and ultimately good and his trauma and past so heavily influences his attitude that he’s not only ultimately sympathetic but deeply lovable. He’s the mean older brother. He’s the begrudging third for Neil and Andrew. He’s the tramp stamp queen. He’s just iconic. He makes the comeback of the century, he’s the deadliest piece on the board, he’s an alcoholic and a celebrity, he’s a dick but he grows and learns and and takes over his own kingdom.
Kevin Day everyone 🔥
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ghost-rule0 · 1 year
Lets imagen the trailblazer had to split his conciousness with the player making it basically guide the trailblazer on their journey by hinting them at the best options and helping with fight strategies.
Now in the case of a HI3 player the trailerblazer has always a nagging feeling when looking at varients of this specific bubble universe.
Imagen seeing a tear roll down tear cheeks, tho unnoticed by all others, as we first see the broken god slayer in hertas collection, how there heart clenches everytime we would to see himeko and how they would already start to see her as a parental figure. Yet unsure why they would feel that way.
A general feeling of happiness and familiarity would cross their mind once they see Seele and Bronya together. Talking to either of them would be always feel nostialgic and relaxing.
The moment cocolia would show up the trainblazer would get un unsure feeling what to do, but due to the players influence he instincifly choose to distrust her.
The player wouldnt be really noticed by the trailblazer since they itselfe didn't have a speaking role since every option in game could somehow come from the MC making nothing really out of character. The Player would be less seen as puppeteer but more as like the trailblazers voice of reason. Who to trust and what felt and didn't feel right mostly was thanks to the players influence.
Since 1.1 isn't out yet I can only speculate how the meeting with sushang and Luocha would turn out but I can say that Luocha would defenitifly would also raise slight alarm bells or just some slight distrust due to the fact he looks like ottos long lost twin.
And if the player already knew that the translation of his name was literally one of ottos alias they would BEG that trailblazer would stay on save distance from him. No matter what actions he would take in game player would just be over protectiv for MC and the team she would BEG to stay as far as possible away.
Sushang is always a ray of sunshin so that's just the same reaction as to bronya and seele, seeing old friends BUT THE PHEONIX?? SHE USES IN HER ULT.
The trailblazer would CLING to that thing player is just so so so so happy to see the dumb fat lil chimk.
Bonus for some minor elements I noticed:
One would be that the player would instantly see Kiana or Kevin (mattering in what gender you picked) since not only both use the iconic Kaslana bat but also the fact the fire MC uses the sword. For Caelus it would remind her of Kevin using the Cleaver of Shamash and Stelle of Kiana in her Herrscher of Flamescion form. (The fact when they shield she uses the EXACT same pose as Kiana in the HOF art makes it even worse sob)
The second thing would be listening to welt, talking once of twice of the fact he has seen "a word where humanity faced against great danger but managed to win" (cant exactly the exact sentaence he said). The player would instincifly think about what would he could Potential mean, beeing the Honkai Impact 3rd Universe he came from but the fact he mentions them multiple times as a example just makes their heart swell. You can clearly read how proud he is of the valkeryies and every human that didn't give up against the honkai that he specifically chooses them to motivate other civilisations to not loose hope (hands his dailoge for the belebog story arc end)
Generally ever player playing Star Rail would be a good guidance for the trailblazer since they already have a good a sense of who to beware or (Yanqing excluded since I just beg they don't make him kill his master or Marshall Hua here too)
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crimedawgbylaw · 2 years
2022 FAVS
Fr33bandit, Quelly Woo & Set Da Trend - “TRY YA LUCK”
Babyface Ray - “Let Me Down (feat. 42 Dugg)”
seiji oda - “aero3″
26ar - “Roll it”
Bru-C - “No Excuses”
Mike Sherm - “Ballin”
Bad Boy Chiller Crew - “BMW”
Chicken P - “Homer”
Cash Cobain & Chow Lee - “SLIZZY LIKE”
MarijuanaXO & Joe Pablo - “Fire Brings Ice”
Veeze - “let it fly”
2Rare, PGS Spence & D STURDY - “Sri Lanka”
TGE L Masi - “Broke Da Scale (feat. Joe Pablo & MarijuanaXO)”
Stunnaman02 & Drew Banga - “Wit a Twist”
ZahSosaa - “Stripper Anthem”
BlueBucksClan - “Who We Are”
Rucci & Wallei the Sensai - “House Party”
Kamaiyah - “Comme Des Garcons”
Bandmanrill - “FREE BRO”
Viviane Chidid - “Sweet Game (feat. Bass Thioung)”
Dino BTW - “Baby”
MarijuanaXO - “Belly”
Ice Spice - “Name of Love”
Bear1Boss - “Nike!”
Coco & Clair Clair - “Cherub”
Mike Mike & Chicken P - “Lottery”
Asian Doll - “Get Jumped (feat. Bandmanrill)”
03 Greedo & Mike Free - “Pourin (feat. BlueBucksClan)”
Tony Shhnow - “Don’t Look At Numbers Remix (feat. Brent Faiyaz)”
Lil Trav - “Threw The Day (feat. Realstasher.50k & Baby D)”
D4m $loan - “Drive Who Crazy”
Lil Ken, FayFay & Ghost - “I Got Fire”
NLE Choppa - “Do It Again (feat. 2Rare)”
Papo2oo4 & DJ Lucas - “Misinformed”
Gino Bonazzi & Bad Boy Chiller Crew - “Alize”
Desto - “Free Slatt”
Benzz - “Je M’appelle”
AD - “All I Do”
Cico P - “4AM In Charlotte”
Mula Mar - “Just Powered On”
Sus - “Covid”
Wiki & Subject 5 - “Silent Meeting (feat. DJ Lucas)”
Peezy - “2 Million Up”
2219 Lee & Cash Cobain - “Slizzy Bop”
EBK Jaaybo - “Free Mad Maxx”
Sickboyrari - “BOW WOW”
SME TAXFREE - “Stay Focused”
Kevin Gates - “Shoot My Shot”
A1 x J1 - “Don’t Lie (feat. Nemzzz)”
Thaiboy Digital - “I’m Fresh”
Olley & Neville Sigauke - “iDlozi (feat. DJ Jabs)”
Asake - “Sungba Remix (feat. Burna Boy)”
Burna Boy - “Last Last”
Two Shell - “home”
Popstar Benny - “Swagging! v4″
Cabo Snoop & DJ Aka-m - “Controlla”
Charli XCX - “Beg For You (feat. Rina Sawayama)”
ROSALIA - “LA COMBI VERSACE (feat. Tokischa)”
Ruti - “Safe & Sound”
Nia Archives - “Ode 2 Maya Angelou”
Deize Tigrona & JLZ - “Monalisa”
Mura Masa & Erika de Casier - “e-motions”
Cowgirl Clue - “Trailblaze”
Bad Bunny - “El Apagon”
Koffee - “Pull Up”
ERU - “Trust Issues”
Brent Faiyaz - “PRICE OF FAME”
Lay Bankz - “In My Bag”
NewJeans - “Ditto”
TisaKorean - “Backseat”
Cash Cobain & Chow Lee - 2 SLIZZY 2 SEXY (DELUXE)
Charli XCX - Crash
Seiji Oda - lofi // HYPHY
Hikaru Utada - Bad Mode
Bad Bunny - Un Verano Sin Ti 
Burna Boy - Love, Damani
Babyface Ray - Face 
BlueBucksClan - Clan Way 3 
Cash Cobain - Slizzy Timing
Tomu DJ - Half Moon Bay 
Chicken P - Bussabrick Vol. 2
Coco & Clair Clair - Sexy
Two Shell - Icons
Nia Archives - Forbidden Feelingz
Bad Boy Chiller Crew - Disrespectful
Baby D - “Let Me Be Your Fantasy” (1996)
Blümchen - “Herz an Herz” (1996)
The Jacka & Liqz - “Die With My Styrofoam (feat. Berner)” (2012)
Julie Stapleton & Ashaye - “All The Way (Guitar Mix)” (????)
Liquid - “Rise” (1995)
Madonna - “Nobody’s Perfect” (2000)
MC Genno, MC Triken & DJ Shorty - “25Nov08 PART 2″ (2008)
Moa Pillar & Ушко - “Zmeya VIP”/”Змея VIP” (2020)
SoulDecision - “Faded” (2000)
Tyla - “Getting Late (feat. Kooldrink)” (2021)
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ghostcultmagazine · 2 years
Ghost Cult caught up wit underground Metal and Punk legend Kevin Rutmanis (Cows, Melvins, hepa.Titus, Tomahawk) about his two new albums! hepa.Titus – "unEat" and DUNN with RUTMANIS – "Crackpot Whorehead" are out this week via Rock Is Hell Records. Kevin discusses his creative process, a track-by-track breakdown of each album, and reflects on his career! Interview by Keefy: https://ift.tt/46Hw8cs Video editing by Omar Cordy of OJC Photography https://www.instagram.com/ojcpics​​​​ Theme music by Salted Wounds https://ift.tt/qeKYlLg Gear we use: (These are affiliate links and Ghost Cult makes a small profit from a sale) Set up A: Sony A7 III - https://amzn.to/3tQm422 Tamron 17-28 - https://amzn.to/3ePrlTd Tamron 28-75 - https://amzn.to/3fqCjgY Desview Mavo-P5 Monitor- https://amzn.to/33LlTub Manfrotto Befree Travel Tripod - https://amzn.to/3hxbL0e Set up B: Canon 80D - https://amzn.to/3ye8WqV Sigma MC-11 - https://amzn.to/3brZdU2 Sigma 18-35 - https://amzn.to/3tLlEd7 Tokina 11-16 - https://amzn.to/3bty9Uk Feelworld T7 Monitor - https://amzn.to/2Re9hta Audio: Sound Devices MixPre-3 - https://amzn.to/3tKkJd2 Gearlux XLR Mic Cable - 3 Pack - https://amzn.to/3w3zN6Y Deity D3 Microphone - https://ift.tt/1EJLcXG Usb Mic - https://amzn.to/3w8JHEG Lighting: YONGNUO YN600L - https://amzn.to/2QkNrn5 YONGNUO YN300 Air - https://amzn.to/2QjN5gu Dfuse Softbox - https://amzn.to/3uQq4AN Aputure MC - https://amzn.to/3oirFgx NanLite PavoTube II 6C - http://bit.ly/NanLitePavoTubeII Lightstands - https://amzn.to/3uSBl3x 5 in 1 Reflector - https://amzn.to/33KHdjo And our iconic Rope Light https://amzn.to/3ycdmyz For the full list of Ghost Cult gear: http://bit.ly/OJCPicsKit This video includes a shoutout (mention) to Twin Void https://ift.tt/lFhjcbr Get your band or DIY label a mention in our videos by visiting our pinned post on Twitter! https://twitter.com/GhostCultMag/status/1142861626590355456 or https://ift.tt/dXzF4yr #kevinrutmanis #hepatitus #dunnwithrutmanis #cows #tomahawk #rockishellrecords #interview #interviews #ghostcultmag
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kevinicons · 2 years
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mcpaiva · 3 years
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exoxota · 2 years
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a gente pode ate se feliz sem usa droga mas nao vamo arrisca né
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pjclub · 2 years
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1 dia 'pra copa do mundo!!
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braboicons · 3 years
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like se salvar // tt: gxbsccp
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