kakusu-shipping · 3 months
I can finally use my Transgender headcanons for good:
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Just bought his first binder; Eddie Fender
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Been on Testosterone for 18 years; Raymond Shields
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stormnebulae · 9 months
I really loved these characters, it's sad Overwatch stayed an online session game without further evolution of its universe.
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stoshasaurus · 11 months
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Cole Cassidy. bit of a cutie patootie.
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mamasplat · 2 years
i just know this group of queers absolutely kills the cupid shuffle
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yandere-genji · 2 years
Yandere mcree dirty starter request number 13 plz.
(Just a note, I am still getting used to the whole “Cole Cassidy” timeline we are living in. I wrote the draft with jesse mccree so pls forgive any discrepancies.)
#13: “You’ve been so good lately, my pet. Don’t make me have to punish you.”
“Sit,” Cassidy pulled the collar of your shirt and pushed you onto the floor. The floor was hard and cold from the winter frost, which you couldn’t escape from being so high in the mountains. You hated the cold. Hated having to huddle as close to the fireplace as you possibly could just to escape the freezing temperature permeating through the log cabin. The winds whistled too loud as they picked up mists of white snow from the ground. You really did not like the mountains. If you had your pick, you would stay with Cassidy at the nice shack he had just outside of Santa Fe, but you never did have a choice in the matter. Whenever he went, you were expected to follow.
He must’ve been tired, too, though he never showed it. So you leaned into him, looked up at him through pleading eyes. You didn’t dare say a word, but Cassidy understood what you wanted to say.
But he couldn’t rest. Not yet. There was business he had to attend to and time is money. So he gave you a sympathetic smile and removed his hand from your cheek. You missed the warmth of his touch but you were content to be dismissed, “I’ll be back soon. Don’t get into any trouble while I’m out, or there will be hell to pay.”
There wasn’t much to say. You nodded compliantly and Cassidy headed out the door. Alone again. This time he didn’t need to restrain you. Any town would be miles away and the terrain was difficult. So you were stuck to your own devices in the meantime.
‘I’ll be back soon,’ he had said. Soon was very subjective to Cassidy, you had learned. Soon could mean a few hours or a few days. He was an honest man, usually, but never when he spoke those words. Perhaps he said that to keep you on your best behavior lest he catch you in some mischief.
But the mountains made you miserable and drove you mad with boredom. He knew it, too. Most of your worst fits happened there. Rummaging through his work equipment, sticking your nose in places it didn’t belong, and picking quarrels with Cole in your irritable state. It never ended well, either. Especially when you were defiant with him, it wore his patience paper thin.
“You’d be wise to behave,” he warned, “you’ve been so good lately, pumpkin. Don’t make me have to punish you.”
Even though his words repeated themselves in your head, your mind wandered. Not only did the boredom tempt you to misbehave, but you would do anything to keep your mind from thinking about whatever Cassidy was up to now. You knew he made a living from catching (and often killing) outlaws. It was dangerous and if anything happened to him… You didn’t want to think about that. But every second he was gone was a risk and you worried tirelessly, feeling even more trapped.
You sat up and made your way towards the window besides the front door. It had stopped snowing and you managed to get a clearer view of the land. The cabin was atop a steep side of the mountain, there was hardly any area in front of the house, save for a small shed holding Lord knows what. The moonlight reflected off the icy snow. Specks of snow glittered from the refraction of the light. It was mesmerizing. You wanted to run out into the snow, feel the crunching beneath your feet. Maybe make a snowman or a fort. Like you were a little kid.
But it was freezing. And Cassidy would kill you. His number one rule was to never leave the house without him. It seemed like in that since you were still like a little kid.
Your boots were right beside you, still wet around the soles. They seemed dry in the inside and so did your coat hanging beside the door. You had a pair of gloves inside the pockets. Cassidy hadn’t left long ago. So if you spent a few minutes outside, he wouldn’t know, right? But he would definitely notice your footprints in the snow. There was the back door. What’re the odds he would be going through there? Zero to none, you calculated based on no evidence whatsoever.
Just a moment wouldn’t hurt. You just wanted to play around with something other that the fire iron or whatever old books were laying around.
You put on your winter outfit and headed towards the back door, careful not to leave a trail behind. You looked out the window, peering over the terrain. There wasn’t much besides the mountain walls and a few feet of snowy ground. And your heart was racing. Since when had you been so scared? The mountains really had a strange effect on you.
Cold air was seeping through the door and you raised a gloved hand to feel it. Your gloves protected your skin from the chill and your body remained warm in your coat. The cabin was barely warm and you relied most on the fireplace for comfort. Your winter clothing would do just as much for you outdoors as the fireplace would inside.
Throwing caution to the wind, you eagerly opened the door and leapt onto the snowy ground. A thick sheet of snow caught you, enveloping your body in an icy embrace. You smiled and lifted yourself from the snow. The only light was from the moon and the dim porch light from the cabin. Dark forest surrounded you, absolutely silent.
You sat in the snow for a bit, holding your knees to your chest. It was a picturesque view with the snow innocently covering the woods like a christmas postcard. You tried to make out whatever you could through the shadows of trees and bushes, but nothing seemed to come of it. Imagine what could be hiding in there.
Cassidy kept a book of all the plants and animals in the areas he frequented. He always knew what something was when you asked him and was happy to explain it to you. If he were here, you could ask him to take a walk in the forest with you, show you all the animals and keep you protected from the nasty ones. But he wasn’t. In that moment, you felt too vulnerable and ran back inside the cabin, suddenly aware of how flimsy the back door was.
Everything was so quiet. The sound of you unzipping your coat was like a scream. You knew there were bears in the mountain. What if something saw you and decided to make you it’s prey? What could you do? You were unarmed and alone. Cassidy must not have even been gone longer than an hour.
You knew you weren’t supposed to, but you were scared. You didn’t know what was out there. And you had already broken one rule without getting caught. So you made you way to the bedroom and rummaged through Cassidy’s work equipment. He hadn’t even locked his suitcase, to your surprise, sending a pang of guilt through your heart realizing how much he was beginning to trust you. But you could be in danger.
Past the various bullets, a bandolier, and case of cigars was the very journal he had kept. Your face grew red with shame knowing you were violating his privacy. But it was only a silly little book that would hopefully prepare you for the potentially dangerous circumstances in which Cassidy had abandoned you at in the first place. There was a little map, marked with location names and page numbers.
A thud. Outside, near the back door. Your heart beat fast and you froze. That could be one of two things, and both spelled bad news for you. Like a bat out of hell, you quickly placed everything back into Cassidy’s suitcase. Your hands were clumsy with fear and you took longer than you would’ve liked but you thankfully had everything in place before being caught by anyone or anything.
You rose from your seated position and peaked out the bedroom door. Nothing. Just as you had left it. You opened it further and stepped out of the room when you were sure nothing was outside. Taking a few steps, you peaked out the front window. No footsteps, no prints of any kind. Maybe the house was just settling. You sighed and backed away from the window.
A strong grip caught your arm and it felt like your back had hit a wall, “Well,” that familiar gruff voice, “what’ve you been up to, little bunny?”
You turned to face Cassidy, making the most pitiful look you could give him. You looked up at him, mouth agape and struggling to respond, “Cas…”
There was something wrong. He was dirty, some reddish-brown stains covered his shirt in splatters. The look in his eyes was nothing short of primal. Aggressive, but not angry. Hungry.
“Best you answer me,” his grip tightened and you gasped in shock, leaning into him, “I ain’t in any mood to play games with you.”
It frightened you to see him like this. Like any misstep you toke would provoke him. Did he know you had deliberately broken his most important rule, or that you were just about to break another before he caught you? Should you play dumb or tell him the truth? He would’ve surely seen your silhouette in the snow if he had come from where the thud was. Even worse, he could read you like a book and knew precisely when you were lying. But you weren’t defenseless. You knew how to play to your strengths.
You swallowed, hesitantly, speaking with the sweet voice that he loved to hear, “I am very sorry, Daddy, I was so lonely without you. I just went outside to play in the snow, but it was too cold and I didn’t stay for long. That’s all, I promise.”
Cassidy hummed in response, low and aloof. His eyes were dark and you couldn’t detect any emotion from him, but a contemplative look. That usually wasn’t a good sign for you. He must’ve been thinking about what he should do with you.
He took your hand in his, raising it to his lips and placing a soft kiss, “You promise, darlin’?”
Something about his tone of voice sent shivers down your spine. It was playful and deliberate. Like he was about to call your bluff. But how could he? So you nodded, “Promise.”
A large, gloved hand squeezed your cheeks and your hands raised to meet his. His grip was tight and unrelenting, “Oh, honey…” he switched his grip from your face to your throat, you let out a choked gasp, “Thought you knew better than to lie to me.”
Your back was against the wall, Cassidy’s hand keeping you in place. You were gasping for air and holding onto his wrist for dear life. Tears rolled down your cheek and your eyes begged for mercy. But you had really fucked up this time. Jesse was already riled up from whatever business he had just returned from and he had warned you not to misbehave or there would be hell to pay. He was just cashing out on his threat.
“I am gettin’ real sick of your bratty attitude,” he loosened his fingers, allowing you to catch your breath, “Look like you need to be taught some fuckin’ manners.”
Your eyes went blurry, you saw only foggy shadows as Cassidy pulled you away from the wall and lifted you over his shoulder. You pleaded with him through choked sobs but your cries fell on deaf ears. All you could feel was the frigid winter air on your skin, leaving the cabin behind while Cassidy carried you into the shed.
“Now don’t you start with me,” he groaned as he sat you on a flimsy wooded workbench, “You need to fucking behave. Take your clothes off.”
It was freezing. You weren’t sure if you were shaking due to fear or the intense cold. You held onto your body, trying to retain any warmth you could, “Please, Cassidy, it’s too cold.”
He laughed, “That certainly didn’t stop you before, sweetheart. Now, strip before I really give you somethin’ to cry about.”
You could hardly feel anything at that point. Completely numb, you complied and disrobed. Cassidy didn’t say anything, just admired you before him. He would be lying if he said he didn’t anticipate having to punish you when he returned. And he was nothing short of eager to take the frustrations of his day out on you. Nothing satisfied him quite like seeing you like this, absolutely terrified and seeking mercy.
Once you were completely bare, he held you by your hips. He squeezed hard, wanting to leave a mark on you. His hands wandered upwards, fondling your body until he held you by the back of your neck.
You couldn’t help the fire that burned between your legs, mindlessly rocking your hips on the abrasive wood of the workbench. Looking at him through wet eyes, you reached out to feel him. He had his winter jacket on, furs draped over his shoulder and making his already towering figure even more menacing. You wanted him to embrace you, to give you the warmth you desperately needed. But he didn’t.
“Nah, baby, I’ve been too kind to you for far too long,” he took your wrist and gripped it with the same strength that he gripped your hips, “You do what you’re told and don’t test my patience, got it?”
You nodded eagerly, desperate to show your capitulation, “Yes, Daddy, I’ll do anything you ask.”
He hummed, pleased with your response, “I know you will, baby.”
But he didn’t give you a command. Instead, he decided to manhandle you himself, flipping you onto your stomach and pinning your arms behind your back. You wanted so badly to rut against him like a bitch in heat, desperate to quell that feeling between your legs but you had to follow his lead. He wanted to see you like this, overstimulated and touch-starved. Serves you right for misbehaving.
His gloves were still on. The fabric was rough against your already sensitive skin. He began kneading the soft skin in between your thighs, it took all of your will not to squeeze them together and fuck yourself into his hand. You behaved, breathing heavily and trying your best to conceal your moans.
“Let me hear you, baby,” he grabbed your ass and gave it a hard slap, “I want you to lose that sweet voice of yours when I’m done with you.”
Every touch was rough and left a mark on your skin. You cried, moaned, nearly scream as Cassidy abused your body as he pleased. Once he was satisfied, he loomed over your shaken form. His hand made its way to the swell of your ass again and gave it another sharp slap. Your throat was sore but you still managed to whine at the pain. But he wasn’t done with you yet. His thumbs spread you wide open, exposing you to the cold air while your hole was burning from the stretch of Cassidy’s fingers. You knew what he had in mind and tried to prepare yourself mentally for the pain.
You could never be full prepared, however, when Cassidy’s warm cock met with the entrance of your ass. He was far too big to slide into you with any ease, but he choose to stretch you around his cock the best he could anyway. If he had eased into you with his fingers, the burning wouldn’t be so bad, but you couldn’t accommodate his girth and the pain was unbearable. Screams escaped your lips and you were tempted to tell him to stop, but you knew where that would leave you. In much worse pain than this.
He spread you further, sunk into you deeper, and made you scream louder. It seemed like hours before he began to pump himself in and out of you, only halfway in. His hands locked into your hips and he continued to work his way into you. Whenever the pain became bearable, he would push himself deeper inside of you. Like he knew just how to keep you on edge. And all you could do was lay there and let him use you until he was satisfied you had learned your lesson.
By the time his cock was fully inside of you, Cassidy was already fucking you with reckless abandon. Content to just use you like a fleshlight with no regard to your cries. He kept an iron grip on your hips, keeping you in place while he rammed his cock into your abused hole, “Fuck, you’re tight. Gotta fuck you like this more often. Shit, if you keep misbehavin’ I might have to tie you out here for good. How would you like that, baby?”
You whined weakly. The shed was filled with the sound of his balls clapping against your ass and your cries that were muffled with every thrust. His pace grew faster and faster, and his moans turned into growls as he reached his peak. There was nothing for you to hold onto, nothing to keep you in place while Cassidy was reaching his climax. Your tender body scraped against the old, flimsy wood while he brutally fucked your ass.
But the feeling of his warm cum finally filling you, leaking out of the tight space that squeezed his cock and onto your legs, it felt so good. Anything that could give you relief from the cold would be welcome, and you spread your thighs further in an effort to leak out anymore cum.
Cassidy leaned over you, cock still buried inside you. His hands released your hips and you were happy to finally relax. He took his heavy jacket from his shoulders and wrapped it around you. It was finally over, you eagerly enveloped yourself in the warm fur of the coat and let out a sharp exhale.
“Damn baby,” Cassidy pulled himself out of you, wiped the juices on his cock onto your thigh, “I’ve killed plenty men for less than what you did tonight. But fuck if you don’t got a pretty face and a tight ass. Damn lucky, ya know that?”
You had no way of knowing if he was telling the truth, but you were inclined to believe him.
“Let’s get you inside,” he lifted you into his warm embrace, “get you cleaned up, how’s that sound?”
You looked up at him and he gave you a gentle smile, “I would love that, Daddy,” you whispered, not wanting to damage your throat any further.
He placed a kiss on your forehead and carried you inside the cabin. You were sore and it toke you ages for your body to get warm. Perhaps you might think twice in the future about indulging your penchant for mischief. But there was something about that wild, nasty side of Cassidy that lit a spark inside of you.
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unactivewaspsfics · 2 years
The Southern Charm
A/N: I'm trying new formatting… Idk what works with me JUST yet so if this is the only post with this kind of formatting, you know :D I will say depending on how interested I am I may make a part two… Who knows lmao <;33 also I WAS gonna post this at 12 am but the demons won and I am posting it at like 9 >:D
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Pairing: Cole Cassidy x NB!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance, SFW
CW: Pet names, flirting, minor cussing, and kissing?! (😦)
Word Count: 1,090 or so
While you are traveling to visit family who begged you to come down, you decide to take a pit-stop break at a small Texan town on Route 66. This was your first stop in any considerable amount time but it has a lot of southern charm, and one cowboy you grab your eye is ALL southern and lots, and I mean lots, of charm. I guess you can say you two went on a date too.
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You grabbed your bags as you waited for the train to finally pause on its tracks and for the conductor to confirm everyone can leave. It had been a super long train ride, not being helped at all by the dizzy feeling of motion sickness you had mid-train ride. While gathering your things, you sighed. How long was it to go from South Carolina to California? You thought while looking out the window.
Desert. A town surrounded by sand, dead trees, and cacti. What a great first look at Texas. Although, you couldn't really complain. It was time to stretch your legs and sleep on an actual bed... If there is a motel here, you weren’t one-hundred percent sure what was even in this town. I mean, there has to be a place to eat, especially since you were starving. What food could be there? Fries maybe... or even grilled cheese... you are in texas so there has to be barbeque. 
You were interrupted by your thoughts by the train conductor speaking. “Everyone is now free to leave! There is a restaurant for your hungry folks, a nearby motel, a gas station, and of course the train station! The next train will be here tomorrow morning heading more south..”
His voice started fading from your ears as you stood up, trying to move through the slightly crowded hallway. You held onto your bag tightly, so as to not lose what you have, as you pushed through groups of people. Before you knew it, you were outside in the Texas sun. It was decent, not too hot and not too windy. 
“Now... where is…” you asked yourself while walking out of the train station to locate the restaurant. “Oh, there it is!” you said happily, fixing your bag before starting to walk to the restaurant. You had no idea last time you had a full meal, I mean yeah you brought snacks for the train but that couldn't be counted as a meal. You looked around at the people in this town and you were very out of place. People here wore old western clothes. Boots, cowboy hats, and some had lassos on their belts. It was like you were in an actual western movie.
While looking at everyone, you caught the eye of a certain cowboy. He wore a red poncho with a brown hat and lots of facial hair. He also has a lot of metal on him. ‘He must get hot in all of that... And his hand is also robotic?’ you asked yourself as he started to walk your way. Your eyes raised up to the man's face, a slight nervousness coming up. You weren't nervous because of his good looks, but because he saw you looking at him. He started to walk to you, a southern chuckle emerging from his lips as he finished the cigar he was smoking, throwing it on the ground and stomping on it.
You fixed your posture and put up a nervous grin, hoping he wouldn't yell at you for staring.. Although it would be acceptable, I mean, you would do the same. “Someone seems to like our town,” he said in a teasing tone while you looked up at him nervously. “Sorry I was staring, I’ve never been here before and I just am surprised everyone here wears cowboy hats and stuff” you explained as the Cowboy laughed slightly more.
“You've never been here before? Well may I welcome such an attractive person like yourself to this little town I call home?” he asked, bowing with open arms for a moment before standing up and placing his hand on the holster of his gun. You were taken aback by how flirtatious he was being right now, I mean, calling you attractive in less than a minute of meeting? You gave a nervous laugh while covering your face slightly. “It’s an honor to be here, Mister…?” you asked, lowering your hand as you started to process how hungry you actually were. “Cole, Cole Cassidy at your service,” he replied, tilting the brim of his hat to you. “Sorry for the conversation change but I haven’t eaten an actual meal in fucking forever- is that café any good?” you asked, pointing to the only restaurant in sight. 
“The Panorama Diner? Oh yeah, it’s good… As good as a place in the middle of nowhere can be” he laughed, turning his body to the diner. “Hey, do you wanna eat with me? I’ll pay for your meal if you agree, stunning traveler” he half-joked, starting to walk to the diner. Obviously, you agreed, I mean, free food and the ability to go on an unofficial date with a handsome cowboy, it’s a win-win! “It would be an honor to be on a date with someone who has all the southern charm in the world” you replied, quickening your pace to catch up with Cole.
“So, where are you going up to? Arizona? Washington? Or are you here to stay in this little town with little ol’ me?” Cole asked with a raised eyebrow, leaning towards you before leaning back to normal. You laughed, fixing the bag around your body. “Despite the fact I would love to stay here with you, I have to go to California to visit family!” you replied with a laugh, shoving your hands into your pockets. “Damn, looks like you have a whole lotta more ways to go, but I ain’t the one to question why someone goes places” he laughed, his smile growing slightly as you two stepped up the stairs of the Diner.
The Diner didn’t look that bad, and I mean it was busy so it had to be good. “Oh, by the way,” he stopped in front of the door to look at you. “I may be a little bit popular here, so if you see people looking at you they aren’t in awe of how breathtaking you look, they just are wondering why you were chosen to go out with me” he jokingly said, nudging your arm with his elbow before laughing. Cole opened the door and motioned for you to go inside first. You stepped in, the smell of food overwhelming your nose, the coolness of the building that contrasted the outside dryness, and the talk of the people was the best thing ever to your right now. 
The two of you walked in and seated yourselves, Cole grabbed a menu as the two of you were heading to a booth next to a window. You sat opposite each other. Cole handed you a menu and you glanced over it, all the food options looked so good. “Hey- what do you always get here?” you asked as Cole looked up from his hand resting on the table. “I get the pie, but if you want a good meal,” he began, leaning over the table and pointing to the ‘Texan Charmer’ which was a burger and fries. “Now that's what I normally get” He laughed looking up at you. You met eyes with him as he leaned back down with a growing smile. “I think I’ll get that, and maybe an apple pie after. If you say it's good it has to be, right?” you jokingly asked him as he laughed. “I mean, if I say something is good in any sense, it’s one hundred percent true,” he half-joked, causing you to give a small chuckle.
Cole raised his hand up to have a waitress, the only waitress, come over and take the orders of both of you. This gave both of you time to talk and get to know each other. “So, why did you ask me out to go eat?” you asked, leaning on the table a bit towards Cole. “Well- Unlike everyone else on that train you were alone and caught my eye,” He said, a bit nervously, clearing his throat. “And I didn’t want anyone else to try anything on ya, since there are few gangs and stuff here” he explained, looking away from you. “Wow that- that’s sweet of you, it’s honestly a surprise,” you laughed, causing Cole to grumble a bit as the food was brought and placed on the tablet with your drinks.
You looked at the food in awe after thanking the waitress. “This smells so good,” you stated, grabbing some fries and putting them in your mouth. “Everything here is a homemade, fun fact!” he replied, grabbing a fry with his robotic arm. “Hey, that’s mine!” you jokingly said while leaning over to get it back. “And who's paying for your food again?” he asked in a teasing tone, raising his hand slightly out of reach. You reached for the fry one more time before leaning back with a fake annoyed look. “Hey, don’t worry buttercup,” he started, eating the stolen fry. “You have plenty more fries to eat on that plate of yours... In the meantime though,” he changed the subject to his food, his apple pie. 
The two of you ate in general silence, only talking or commenting on the food once or twice. “Is that pie any good?” you asked cole with a raised eyebrow, already finished your burger and most of your fries. “Best I've ever had actually,” he laughed, taking another bite with his fork. “If you want a bite just ask, I’m... I’m not hungry anymore,” he said, looking away from you as he pushed the pie and his fork toward you. “No way am I eating this myself, especially when I can share it with a handsome cowboy like yourself,” you flirted, sticking your tongue out at him as he chuckled. “Fine then, guess I can’t miss the opportunity to eat with someone as stuntin’ like yourself, darlin’,” he replied, his southern accent coming through in that sentence.
So, as stated, the two of you shared the desert together. You were more flustered than he was, never really sharing food like that with a stranger- or more of a new friend. Crush maybe? You didn’t know what was the right thing to call him as of current. After he had paid for both of your meals, you two decided to head out. You had to get a motel room so he decided to walk with you. It was sundown, so you assumed Cole wanted to be ‘protective’ of you. It was slightly comforting. As you walked Cole lit a cigar.
“So, how long did ya say you were staying here?” he asked you, putting the cigar in his mouth. “Just until the next train comes here,” you replied, taking a step closer to Cole, finding comfort in him the more you two hung out together. “I think the next train will be here tomorrow afternoon,” you added. Cole nodded silently as you spoke, taking the cigar out of his mouth for a moment to have fresh air before putting it back. “Hey- will you at least see me before you leave?” he asked nervously, clearing his throat. “I would- I want to exchange numbers... In case you wanna come to visit” he said, changing his demeanor from nervous to flirtatious. “Or if you wanna spend the night at my place, you're free too.”  You laughed, nodding your head as you leaned your whole upper body on him as you two walked to the motel.
“Despite the fact I would love to spend the night with you, maybe another day” you replied, opening the door to the motel check-in. Cole dropped his cigar and stomped it out as you asked for a one-night motel room. It was pretty quick to get you one, which you were glad for. Cole followed you to your hotel room, watching as you unlocked the door and threw your bag in real quickly. 
“Well, Darlin’... It was nice spending the day with you. Tomorrow I'll stop by to say goodbye, yeah?” he asked, cupping your cheek with a chuckle. You smiled, grabbing his face with your hands and leaning his face towards you, the smell of cigar almost making you lean back. “I guess i will be waiting then” you smiled, leaning your face forward and giving him a cheek kiss, moving your hands as he stood slightly shocked, and a bit offended you didn’t kiss him on the lips. But I mean, you can’t have him be too eager, now can you?
You walked into the motel, turning to Cole with a grin.
“See you tomorrow, Darlin’!”
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prettypinktulips · 1 year
Hello, hope you are having a lovely day so far!
I just stumbled by your account lol and I wanted to request if your okay of course!
Male reader x Cassidy!
The male reader is Mercy’s younger brother! One day Mercy decided to take her young brother to meet the team and see her work basically. The male reader is very shy and doesn't like socializing unless he's comfortable with them! Ofc has glasses lol! He gets along with everyone especially with the girls lol since they enjoy his presence and how adorable and nice he is like his big sister, Mercy! Incoming Cassidy having the biggest crush on her little brother loving every part of him especially his personality. Everyone knows that the Cowboy is down bad for Mercy's little brother, and mercy gets protective ofc her being the big sister. Overall, just Cassidy trying to prove to Mercy that his capable of protecting her brother and loving him!!!!💌
Again you don't have to do this request, good day!💌🪴🫧
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he is so babygirl how could u nit like a cowboy especially a love struck cowboy!! || THANK U FOR REQUESTING sometimes it takes me a little to process stuff so dont think im ignoring u when i dont respond right away!?!?! i was just so overwhelmed with joy when people requested !!! ALSO HEADS UP for this im just gonna put y/n with white hair cus hes mercys brother u can imagine him with other colours if u want also NOT LIMITED TO SPECIFIC HAIR TYPES ALL MALE READERS ARE WELCOME!
"Do I really have to go?" Y/N sighed and frowned slightly. "What if they don't like me.." Mercy shook her head and smiled at him hoping it would cheer Y/N up. "Trust me, they'll love you (n/n)!" She gently grabbed her brothers hand and held it close. "And if they don't I'll make sure to take care of them, okay?" Mercy said, earning a chuckle from her brother. "Alright, Alright. Fine." Y/N sighed in defeat.
Mercy walked in and held Y/N by her side, Y/N was swallowing hard what if the team didn't like him. And what if Mercy wasn't there to protect him all of the time? That would be insane, Mercy almost never leaves him. Until she has to go work of course, this was one of the main reasons Mercy offered to take him to the headquarters, so they didn't have to be separated. When the doors closed behind them everyone made an immediate glance towards them. Y/N tried to choke down all of his nervousness.
"Hey everyone!" Mercy smiled. Y/N could already tell Mercy was most of everyone's favorite. How could she not? She's really friendly and sociable. D.Va was the first to approach him. "You're such a cutie! Almost as cute as me!" She pinched his cheek as some of the other women started to surround him, he felt sweat start to form on his face as he got a little anxious.
Cassidy was watching back from the corner, he was sitting in his chair with his arms crossed. So what if he's Mercy's brother? Doesn't make him better than anybody else. He thought to himself, laying his fist against his cheek. He watched Y/N's every move as he bit his lip slightly. For some reason it was making him quite angry that so many.. women were surrounding Y/N, he didn't know why it just did. Mccree stood up and cleared his throat a bit loud, gaining the attention of everyone. "Seems like the new guy would like some space.. isn't that right, sugar?"
Y/N felt his eyes widen a little. Is he talking to me?! He blushed a lot and nodded slightly. "I..I guess it would be nice to have some space to myself.." He adjusted his glasses a little. Cassidy motioned Y/N to come sit by him and he easily obeyed, Y/N sat down next to the cowboy and sat there a bit awkwardly. Mercy raised an eyebrow and looked over at the two. "Hmm." He never seemed interested when I talked about my brother, I wonder what his deal is? "Mccree." She semi-yelled at him and crossed his arms.
"Yeah?" Cassidy chuckled and started to stand, he looked down at Y/N. "We'll continue this in a bit, sugar." He looked back over at Mercy and walked up to her. Y/N was just confused. He knew nothing about this guy and he's just calling him pet names! But then it also seems he does it with everybody else.. So I guess he's not as special as he thought. Back to him and Mercy all Y/N could do was watch their face expressions and try to picture out what they could possibly be talking about. "What do you think you're doing with my brother?" Mercy hissed quietly, she obviously had a more rather angry look on her face. Y/N has never seen her angry. "What are you talking about, darling? I'm just trying to learn about him. Like everybody else." He smirked. "I told you to stop calling me those names! You're making this much worse than it should."
"So I can't talk to him but everyone else can? That doesn't seem fair." Mccree smirked obviously knowing that he's pissing her off. "I've seen what you done to the other people that you tried to 'talk to' my brother doesn't deserve that!" Mercy pushed him to the side and walked over to Y/N, she sat down in what was Cassidy's chair. "Y/N, do not talk to him, okay? He's nothing but bad news!" Y/N was a little confused but gave an unsure nod. I don't know what he said but it seemed to make her really upset.
Cassidy rolled his eyes and walked up to them. He crossed his arms and looked down at the siblings. "She doesn't know what the hell she's talking about! I wasn't trying to date those people.. they were just one night stands! Mercy thinks I'm trying to have a one night stand with you, sugar." Y/N felt his eyes widen a little and backed into his chair a little. One night stand? The hell is he talking about! "I.." Y/N was left speechless.. what was he supposed to say to that? "Nobody wants to hear about your one night stands!" Mercy hurried to stand and looked at the cowboy. "You want my brother bad, huh?" Mercy scowled him and grabbed him by his hair, she looked into his eyes. "You so much as look at him the wrong way you can go ahead and kiss your other arm goodbye." Thats the first time anyone has seen Mercy be so.. intimidating, everyone else was just sitting there;watching.
Y/N just sat there watching too, his mouth hanging open a little. He never knew his sister could be this formidable. "Alright, alright! Just let me go!" Cassidy tried to pull her hand away as a soft whimper left his lips. Mercy eventually let him go after a few more minutes of scolding and threatening him. Everyone was definitely going to tease him later for this. He sat back down next to Y/N as he tried to fix his hair a bit. "Y..You have feelings for me?" Y/N barely mumbled out looking into Cassidy's eyes, the cowboy nodded and crossed his arms. "Did you not see the conversation me and your sister just had?" They both chuckled. "Well.. I suppose having a little fun with you would hurt, cowboy." Y/N smiled.
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acidkoipond · 1 year
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🤠 🚬 🌵
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l33lz · 2 years
Can you write some fanteractions for Junkrat? I think @mulberrycafe would love them.
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Junkrat Fanteractions!
Thank you for the request! Sorry for the late response. I got swept away at sea and spent my 2023 in a cave surviving on worms. I’m back hello sorry for the wait. I hope these are appeasing, I’ve totally forgotten the whole format of these damn posts 😭
Junkrat: Thank you, Miss Overwatch, for letting me join this esteemed squadron!
Sojourn: Just don’t go around blowing us up, now.
Junkrat: I’ll be a viable asset to you, madam!
Sojourn: (sigh) I think liability’s the better word.
Mercy: It appears you’re suffering from some kind of… radiation poisoning?! You need urgent care!
Junkrat: Had it all me life. I think it gives me character!
Cassidy: Pretty big bounty on your head there, Junker. Would be a shame if I turned you in.
Junkrat: Plenty people’ve tried!
Cassidy: Which people?
Junkrat: Eeeeexactly!
Junkrat: Hoggie. I’m just itching to go on another heist. Where’s next? You can pick!
Roadhog: (inaudible grunt)
Junkrat: Sydney? Aw, good pick, mate. After this mission, let’s have some fun!
Junkrat: What do you think of my latest invention?
Torbjorn: Hm. Reminds me of something I whipped up in the shed last week.
Junkrat: Is that good, or no?
Torbjorn: It detonated almost instantly.
Junkrat: Perfect! Thank you kindly.
Symmetra: Your chaos inspires me to create more order in my own life.
Junkrat: I’m chuffed!
Symmetra: I would not accept this as a compliment. I suppose it’s another aspect of your unpredictability…
Sorry if these suck. It’s 2am. Also yes, I am back from my endless hiatus 2023 has been pretty uninteresting. How’s yours?
Send requests for fanteractions!
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arcticwolfpaws · 3 months
Renaming cole cassidy as this is an awful cowboy name
again I don't mind his last name anywhere near as much as his fist it just doesn't fit
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ricky-yaps · 25 days
Overwatch is so silly because I can play as a time traveling pilot or a first responder who can literally reverse death or ANY OF THESE COOL GUYS BUT NOOOOO I INSIST ON PLAYING A FUCKING MIDDLE AGED WHITE MAN WITH A COWBOY HAT EXCLUSIVELY
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tsunflowers · 1 year
remember how when overwatch first came out people on this site were crazy for it and you couldn’t throw a stone without hitting fanart of mccree and hanzo fucking and now no one gives a single shit about that stupid game. nature is healing
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mrsouprnova · 3 months
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Me and my gf player adopt me for funnies
A FUCKING ANT CAME OUT OF AN EGG I WAS GIVEN😭 no idea how to look after it but it was a really fat ant, so i drew it
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The fat ant in question.
(It kept saying "I NEED FOOD!!!"
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pfhwrittes · 3 months
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if we can send cat pics then i want to show u mccree and gary mccree is the blonde one i love them very much
c'mere, c'mere. i will always - and i do mean ALWAYS - accept cat pictures.
please give mccree and gary little kisses on their heads from me. they are beautiful lovely creechurs and i love them very much.
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noniez · 2 years
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