#cole cassidy oneshot
unactivewaspsfics · 2 years
The Southern Charm
A/N: I'm trying new formatting… Idk what works with me JUST yet so if this is the only post with this kind of formatting, you know :D I will say depending on how interested I am I may make a part two… Who knows lmao <;33 also I WAS gonna post this at 12 am but the demons won and I am posting it at like 9 >:D
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Pairing: Cole Cassidy x NB!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance, SFW
CW: Pet names, flirting, minor cussing, and kissing?! (😦)
Word Count: 1,090 or so
While you are traveling to visit family who begged you to come down, you decide to take a pit-stop break at a small Texan town on Route 66. This was your first stop in any considerable amount time but it has a lot of southern charm, and one cowboy you grab your eye is ALL southern and lots, and I mean lots, of charm. I guess you can say you two went on a date too.
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You grabbed your bags as you waited for the train to finally pause on its tracks and for the conductor to confirm everyone can leave. It had been a super long train ride, not being helped at all by the dizzy feeling of motion sickness you had mid-train ride. While gathering your things, you sighed. How long was it to go from South Carolina to California? You thought while looking out the window.
Desert. A town surrounded by sand, dead trees, and cacti. What a great first look at Texas. Although, you couldn't really complain. It was time to stretch your legs and sleep on an actual bed... If there is a motel here, you weren’t one-hundred percent sure what was even in this town. I mean, there has to be a place to eat, especially since you were starving. What food could be there? Fries maybe... or even grilled cheese... you are in texas so there has to be barbeque. 
You were interrupted by your thoughts by the train conductor speaking. “Everyone is now free to leave! There is a restaurant for your hungry folks, a nearby motel, a gas station, and of course the train station! The next train will be here tomorrow morning heading more south..”
His voice started fading from your ears as you stood up, trying to move through the slightly crowded hallway. You held onto your bag tightly, so as to not lose what you have, as you pushed through groups of people. Before you knew it, you were outside in the Texas sun. It was decent, not too hot and not too windy. 
“Now... where is…” you asked yourself while walking out of the train station to locate the restaurant. “Oh, there it is!” you said happily, fixing your bag before starting to walk to the restaurant. You had no idea last time you had a full meal, I mean yeah you brought snacks for the train but that couldn't be counted as a meal. You looked around at the people in this town and you were very out of place. People here wore old western clothes. Boots, cowboy hats, and some had lassos on their belts. It was like you were in an actual western movie.
While looking at everyone, you caught the eye of a certain cowboy. He wore a red poncho with a brown hat and lots of facial hair. He also has a lot of metal on him. ‘He must get hot in all of that... And his hand is also robotic?’ you asked yourself as he started to walk your way. Your eyes raised up to the man's face, a slight nervousness coming up. You weren't nervous because of his good looks, but because he saw you looking at him. He started to walk to you, a southern chuckle emerging from his lips as he finished the cigar he was smoking, throwing it on the ground and stomping on it.
You fixed your posture and put up a nervous grin, hoping he wouldn't yell at you for staring.. Although it would be acceptable, I mean, you would do the same. “Someone seems to like our town,” he said in a teasing tone while you looked up at him nervously. “Sorry I was staring, I’ve never been here before and I just am surprised everyone here wears cowboy hats and stuff” you explained as the Cowboy laughed slightly more.
“You've never been here before? Well may I welcome such an attractive person like yourself to this little town I call home?” he asked, bowing with open arms for a moment before standing up and placing his hand on the holster of his gun. You were taken aback by how flirtatious he was being right now, I mean, calling you attractive in less than a minute of meeting? You gave a nervous laugh while covering your face slightly. “It’s an honor to be here, Mister…?” you asked, lowering your hand as you started to process how hungry you actually were. “Cole, Cole Cassidy at your service,” he replied, tilting the brim of his hat to you. “Sorry for the conversation change but I haven’t eaten an actual meal in fucking forever- is that café any good?” you asked, pointing to the only restaurant in sight. 
“The Panorama Diner? Oh yeah, it’s good… As good as a place in the middle of nowhere can be” he laughed, turning his body to the diner. “Hey, do you wanna eat with me? I’ll pay for your meal if you agree, stunning traveler” he half-joked, starting to walk to the diner. Obviously, you agreed, I mean, free food and the ability to go on an unofficial date with a handsome cowboy, it’s a win-win! “It would be an honor to be on a date with someone who has all the southern charm in the world” you replied, quickening your pace to catch up with Cole.
“So, where are you going up to? Arizona? Washington? Or are you here to stay in this little town with little ol’ me?” Cole asked with a raised eyebrow, leaning towards you before leaning back to normal. You laughed, fixing the bag around your body. “Despite the fact I would love to stay here with you, I have to go to California to visit family!” you replied with a laugh, shoving your hands into your pockets. “Damn, looks like you have a whole lotta more ways to go, but I ain’t the one to question why someone goes places” he laughed, his smile growing slightly as you two stepped up the stairs of the Diner.
The Diner didn’t look that bad, and I mean it was busy so it had to be good. “Oh, by the way,” he stopped in front of the door to look at you. “I may be a little bit popular here, so if you see people looking at you they aren’t in awe of how breathtaking you look, they just are wondering why you were chosen to go out with me” he jokingly said, nudging your arm with his elbow before laughing. Cole opened the door and motioned for you to go inside first. You stepped in, the smell of food overwhelming your nose, the coolness of the building that contrasted the outside dryness, and the talk of the people was the best thing ever to your right now. 
The two of you walked in and seated yourselves, Cole grabbed a menu as the two of you were heading to a booth next to a window. You sat opposite each other. Cole handed you a menu and you glanced over it, all the food options looked so good. “Hey- what do you always get here?” you asked as Cole looked up from his hand resting on the table. “I get the pie, but if you want a good meal,” he began, leaning over the table and pointing to the ‘Texan Charmer’ which was a burger and fries. “Now that's what I normally get” He laughed looking up at you. You met eyes with him as he leaned back down with a growing smile. “I think I’ll get that, and maybe an apple pie after. If you say it's good it has to be, right?” you jokingly asked him as he laughed. “I mean, if I say something is good in any sense, it’s one hundred percent true,” he half-joked, causing you to give a small chuckle.
Cole raised his hand up to have a waitress, the only waitress, come over and take the orders of both of you. This gave both of you time to talk and get to know each other. “So, why did you ask me out to go eat?” you asked, leaning on the table a bit towards Cole. “Well- Unlike everyone else on that train you were alone and caught my eye,” He said, a bit nervously, clearing his throat. “And I didn’t want anyone else to try anything on ya, since there are few gangs and stuff here” he explained, looking away from you. “Wow that- that’s sweet of you, it’s honestly a surprise,” you laughed, causing Cole to grumble a bit as the food was brought and placed on the tablet with your drinks.
You looked at the food in awe after thanking the waitress. “This smells so good,” you stated, grabbing some fries and putting them in your mouth. “Everything here is a homemade, fun fact!” he replied, grabbing a fry with his robotic arm. “Hey, that’s mine!” you jokingly said while leaning over to get it back. “And who's paying for your food again?” he asked in a teasing tone, raising his hand slightly out of reach. You reached for the fry one more time before leaning back with a fake annoyed look. “Hey, don’t worry buttercup,” he started, eating the stolen fry. “You have plenty more fries to eat on that plate of yours... In the meantime though,” he changed the subject to his food, his apple pie. 
The two of you ate in general silence, only talking or commenting on the food once or twice. “Is that pie any good?” you asked cole with a raised eyebrow, already finished your burger and most of your fries. “Best I've ever had actually,” he laughed, taking another bite with his fork. “If you want a bite just ask, I’m... I’m not hungry anymore,” he said, looking away from you as he pushed the pie and his fork toward you. “No way am I eating this myself, especially when I can share it with a handsome cowboy like yourself,” you flirted, sticking your tongue out at him as he chuckled. “Fine then, guess I can’t miss the opportunity to eat with someone as stuntin’ like yourself, darlin’,” he replied, his southern accent coming through in that sentence.
So, as stated, the two of you shared the desert together. You were more flustered than he was, never really sharing food like that with a stranger- or more of a new friend. Crush maybe? You didn’t know what was the right thing to call him as of current. After he had paid for both of your meals, you two decided to head out. You had to get a motel room so he decided to walk with you. It was sundown, so you assumed Cole wanted to be ‘protective’ of you. It was slightly comforting. As you walked Cole lit a cigar.
“So, how long did ya say you were staying here?” he asked you, putting the cigar in his mouth. “Just until the next train comes here,” you replied, taking a step closer to Cole, finding comfort in him the more you two hung out together. “I think the next train will be here tomorrow afternoon,” you added. Cole nodded silently as you spoke, taking the cigar out of his mouth for a moment to have fresh air before putting it back. “Hey- will you at least see me before you leave?” he asked nervously, clearing his throat. “I would- I want to exchange numbers... In case you wanna come to visit” he said, changing his demeanor from nervous to flirtatious. “Or if you wanna spend the night at my place, you're free too.”  You laughed, nodding your head as you leaned your whole upper body on him as you two walked to the motel.
“Despite the fact I would love to spend the night with you, maybe another day” you replied, opening the door to the motel check-in. Cole dropped his cigar and stomped it out as you asked for a one-night motel room. It was pretty quick to get you one, which you were glad for. Cole followed you to your hotel room, watching as you unlocked the door and threw your bag in real quickly. 
“Well, Darlin’... It was nice spending the day with you. Tomorrow I'll stop by to say goodbye, yeah?” he asked, cupping your cheek with a chuckle. You smiled, grabbing his face with your hands and leaning his face towards you, the smell of cigar almost making you lean back. “I guess i will be waiting then” you smiled, leaning your face forward and giving him a cheek kiss, moving your hands as he stood slightly shocked, and a bit offended you didn’t kiss him on the lips. But I mean, you can’t have him be too eager, now can you?
You walked into the motel, turning to Cole with a grin.
“See you tomorrow, Darlin’!”
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nori-writes · 2 years
Hi there! May I request Cassidy with an s/o who can easily fluster him? Thank you in advance if you do this!
“You love it.”
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Cassidy x Reader
W/C: 850+
A/N: YESS, I love Cassidy requests, sadly this is the last one I have (feel free to send more 👀) I’ve been obsessed with Overwatch recently especially Cassidy and Hanzo. One last funny little thing that I wanna share. So basically the way I write his accent is a just quietly talk to myself while I’m writing because I have a southern accent myself. Just thought it was a lil funny thing to share.
Also this isn’t proof read AT ALL. I wrote this in a couple periods of school.
Cole loves complimenting and flirting with you as often as he gets the chance to.
But as soon as you throw a compliment back at him he is a flustered mess.
Typically he's just fine taking a compliment from someone like another agent in Overwatch but when it's from you?
God help him.
Whenever he’s flustered he’ll pull his hat from his head to cover his face and take a moment to collect himself before even thinking about replying to you
It’s literally adorable.
Claims to hate it
He loves it.
He’ll glance over them and claim that your words don’t affect him
They most definitely do.
It was around midnight and Cassidy still hadn’t managed to find his way into bed. He had returned from a mission earlier and had meant to go home hours ago to change, shower, or even just to see you. God, he always missed you. Instead, he sat on a part of the counter in the base's kitchen, lights out, eating some cookies that Brigitte had made for all of Overwatch to enjoy and enjoy he did.
They were amazing, perfectly cooked but still a nice chewable, gooey texture to them with the perfect amount of chocolate chips and hit the spot at this time of night. If he was being completely honest though, he hadn’t realised how late it was getting to be. If he had he would’ve scurried his way home by now.
Though, the silence in the Overwatch kitchen at night was a weirdly comforting thing. The curtains were open just enough to bring in the perfect amount of moonlight to illuminate everything so that you weren’t tripping over stuff in the dark.
After a couple more cookies Cole had finally decided to pull out his phone and check the time which had read to be almost 1:00 AM. Determining that it was already far too late for him to be awake he decided on one last cookie before he would finally make his way to your shared bed for the night.
He pulled his last cookie out of the jar before taking a bite out of it as he realised your figure stood in the doorway, “Hey sweet pea, what’re you doin’ up at this hour?”
You left the doorway making your way closer to Cole. He noted that you were in pyjamas meaning that you had already been in bed as your voice came out in a groggy tone, “Someone had mentioned that you were back from your mission earlier today, I hadn’t seen you so I came looking for you. Missed your handsome face.”
He internally thanked that he had left the lights off when he came in here earlier, had he not the only thing to hide how embarrassingly red his face was currently would’ve been his hat. The hat which he wasn’t wearing currently.
There was an outline of a smile that came across your face, you weren’t able to fully see his reaction but you knew the effect that your words had on him. He was always the one who flirted with other people, never the other way around so when you threw his words right back at him the reaction was nothing but the best. He took a second to gather himself before he even thought about replying to you.
“Sorry, I hadn’t been lookin’ at the time. I meant to come n’ see you earlier. I kinda got caught up with Brigitte’s cookies, these things are amazing,” He praised the cookies while taking a bite out of the one he had grabbed before he noticed you were in the room.
You shook your head in agreement, hopping up on the counter next to him, laying your head onto his shoulder, “You thinking about heading to bed anytime soon?”
“Just ‘bout to after I finished this last cookie,” you let out a small hum of acknowledgement to his words looking up at his face, “Somethin’ on your pretty little mind sugar?”
You shook your head, “Nothing just you, all the time.”
All he could do was sigh with a smile on his face, the blush of his face much more visible with the closeness of the two of you, “Can’t be just sayin’ stuff that.”
“Yes I can, and you love it.”
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As always if you enjoyed my masterlist is here
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peaxhxhair · 6 months
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Junkrat - Jamison Fawkes
Dating Headcanons (Request!)
Red & Blue (Request!)
Tinker (Request)
What he's like as a dad - headcanons (request!)
Roadhog - Mako Rutledge
Coming soon!
Cole Cassidy
I hear you pumpkin - (KOFI TEASER)
Venture - Sloan Cameron
Identity - (KOFI TEASER)
Sensory Overload (REQUEST!)
Moira O’Deorain 
Mercy - Angela Zeigler
Coming Soon!
Junker Queen - Odessa Stone
Dating Headcanons! (request!)
Raising Kids W/ Them - (Queen,Hog,Cass,Mercy,Moira)
Anyway I'll add more characters upon request! :))
Requests always open!! <3
RULES for requests!!
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ow2requests · 2 years
Fluff with Cassidy x neutral/masc leaning reader having a (college) study session? Been stressing over my master's program and could use some wholesome reading!
a/n: hello anon, thank you for being the first one to request! I hope you liked this short, sort of chill oneshot, let me know!
Studying With Cassidy (not really because Cassidy distracts you)
A small yawn escaped your lips, your fingertips ghosted onto the pages of the textbook you had been revising off of. Your eyes lazily skimming through the blocks of texts that laid in front of you.
You were too tired to process any of it—too exhausted.
There was no way you would survive this year of college. Exams were right around the corner, and you felt that no matter how hard you studied, you would never get it.
You couldn't help but feel helpless.
It wasn't a very encouraging train of thought, you knew that all too well.
You had been following a rigorous studying regimen, attempting to get in front of whatever you could—some days you felt it was all in vain.
You caught glimpse of the time in your peripheral view; 8:56pm.
The library's gonna close soon...Might as well continue at my dorm... you thought to yourself.
Letting out a disheartened sigh, you stuffed your textbook into your bag, slinging it over your shoulder haphazardly.
And with that, you departed, and went off to your dorm.
Once you stepped foot into your dorm, your grip loosened on your bag, allowing it to fall to the ground with a thump—quickly reaching in to grab your textbook so you could get back to studying.
"Hey darlin'." A voice you knew all too well suddenly erupted from behind you.
You relaxed at the sound of his voice, a smile graced your features. "Hey." you awkwardly replied.
"Did I scare ya?"
You snorted, "Nah. I'm just surprised you're lurking in my dorm around this time." You offered him a fond smirk. This was a common occurrence for the two of you, Cassidy normally liked to spend time in your dorm when he wasn't busy doing whatever he does.
A brief moment of silence passed, Cassidy laid down on your couch, taking off his hat and placing it on the couch— making himself comfortable.
"What're ya up to? I haven't seen ya all day today."
"Well…Exams are coming up, and I'm trying to stick to my studying schedule." You explained, you found yourself feeling guilty for not spending as much time with Cassidy as you wanted to. "It's been stressful, and I don't know if I even have the energy to keep reading this stupid textbook." Holding up the textbook, you emphasized your frustration.
With a sympathetic smile on his face, Cassidy chuckled. "Lemme help ya, then." He stretched his hands out, inviting you to cuddle.
The urge to touch him tingled in your fingertips as your face heated up. Walking towards him, you placed the book on the couch's armrest and laid down next to him, feeling his arms snake around your waist, pulling you closer.
You couldn't help but feel all fuzzy and gushy inside, this was exactly what you needed.
His calloused hands gently caressed your cheeks before moving down to squeeze your shoulders. "Arent'cha the cutest thing? Yer’ all flustered." With a coy smirk, he teased you.
It took some courage for you to clear your throat, trying to overcome the shyness you felt around him. "Cole, are we studying or not?" You mused lightheartedly.
As he grabbed your textbook, you both began reading through its contents. As Cassidy asked you questions about your coursework, cracking jokes periodically, observing your deep concentration and listening to you read, he couldn't help but chuckle silently.
He only thought of one word: Adorable.
Soon enough, Cassidy began reading outloud.
Something about Cassidy's voice always soothed you, his honeyed and suave voice was enough to make anybody fall head over heels with him.
You nuzzled yourself deeper into his chest, arms draping around his large frame. You found yourself completely blocking out the information, and instead you were being lulled to sleep.
And soon enough, you were fast asleep.
“Whatdya think this means?” Cassidy furrowed his eyebrows in contemplation at the information in your textbook. While Cassidy did not comprehend much of the topic you discussed, he was impressed with your ability to answer all his questions.
Suddenly, there was silence.
“Darlin’?” he whispered gently to you.
His gaze fell on your sleeping, serene face, and he paused to stare at your unconscious form with amusement and surprise.
Did his voice relax you to the point that you fell asleep in his arms? Or did you fall asleep simply because you were bored?
He’d oughta ask you when you wake up, but for now…
Keeping his arm around your waist, he continued gently stroking your head while holding you. Taking a deep breath, he shut his eyes, surrendering to the influence of fatigue and soon falling asleep.
It might have been easier for him to wake you up, but you looked so peaceful and cozy all curled up.
After all, you two could always study another time.
This was one of those moments that he wished would last forever. You and him, relaxed, and with no worries.
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sleepyfaequeen · 1 year
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A/n: So sorry for those who have requested stories. I am getting to them. I'm getting married so I've been planning my own wedding as of late. I shall be getting back to writing more very soon. Still feel free to request. See you all very soon!
Warnings: fluff, Gabriel Reyes x fem!reader
Requested: No
Pairing: Gabriel Reyes x reader
Almost everyone in Overwatch knew Gabriel Reyes as a very sarcastic, dark humored, and seriously scary guy. He knew how to get under people's skin quite easily. He even pissed off Commander Morrison, which was never a good thing. The one thing Reyes never talked about was his home life and for good reasons too.
He was on his way to start the Blackwatch meeting when he enters their private meeting room. He hears the voices within the room quiet down and looks up. His eyes once serious widen as he sees (Y/n) standing with the Blackwatch agents he worked with: McCree, Moira and Genji. All of them seeming to be looking at him and the mysterious woman they knew nothing about. He felt his heart beating fast as he didn't expect such a sudden surprise visit. Was it getting hot in here?
"Reyes, mi amor." (Y/n) smirked with half-lidded eyes that just told him she was teasing him.
"I.. Mi amor?" Gabriel whispers as his posture- specifically his shoulders, loosened up. How can he be so stiff when she was around. The light of his life. "How are you.. all the way in here?" With that sudden question, he could already see how upset his soon to be was.
"Jack, let me in. I even got a special pass for the future." She wiggles the small card with a blue lanyard attached to it. "Of course with a small fee."
"I didn't realize our old Commander Reyes was dat'in a cute lady like yourself." McCree smiles as he approached the two. He regrets ever bonding with McCree. He taught him too many Spanish words.
"Oh, me and Reyes aren't dating." (Y/n) couldn't help but show off her left hand and reveal a golden ring on her finger. Reyes couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at how his soon to be wife showed off she was his. "I'm his fiancé." Something about it made him puff out his chest proudly.
"Oh well, congratulations!" The cowboy cheers.
Immediately, Jack could hear his office door being met with multiple bangings from what he assumed was a fist. He hurriedly munched down the churros as the door slides open revealing a pissed Gabriel with Ana running behind him before the doors closed behind them.
".. Yes?" Jack answered after swallowing the churros and wiping the crumbs off his lip.
"My wife made those churros, Jack." Gabriel glares sternly as Ana was breathing heavily from the sudden running she had to do.
"I can tell.." Jack slowly munched another churro before stopping as Reyes spoke.
"They were for me, Jack. You know damn well." He points at his superior who hasmd some crumbs on his lip and cheeks.
"But she offered me some?" Jack argued with a mouthful. His voice came out small before he swallow and continues. "Your being very unreasonable, Reyes."
"Stop taking MY food." Gabriel shakes his head with a sneer. "Get someone else to make you churros, Commander Jackass!" He grumbles as Ana watched Reyes stomp out the office before turning to speak to Jack.
"I'm sorry! I can't handle when something looks so good!" Jack argues as he pouts at his desk.
"I know Jack.." Ana sighs as she looks to Reyes who stomps over to the elevator. "You forget Gabe doesn't like being challenged."
"I wasn't trying to do that." He raised his brow.
"Well.. you certainly know how to pick your fights, Jack." Ana chuckles as Jack grumbles as he munches on the sweetly baked goods. He was sure to ask for the recipe. Maybe then Vincent wouldn't call him bad at baking.
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flbrokensoldier · 2 years
New Anon here! I'll call myself 'Mei Mei' so you'll know when I'll request next time that it's me! So! Let's go! I have a request, (there's blood!) Reaper x male!reader (I don't see those a lot) imagine Reader got seriously hurt but they don't want to tell reaper so he goes back to his room and falls asleep obviously still bleeding (imagine it's a huge gash on the stomach or something)
so Reaper Comes back from another mission and seeing his friend not greeting him back puts him off so he goes to his room to see if he's ok, after knocking he goes in and sees reader supposedly sleeping (the blanket is covering him) he goes to see if he's ok then sees dark red spots on the floor so he rips off the blanket
Friends to lovers?
Plz angst then fluff ending
:D ignore it if it makes you uncomfortable :)) I'll swing by again
Yes! I can do that! Seeing as the character was changed to Cassidy/McCree;
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I have no problem with it! ^^ (Again sorry about the no reaper thing :c)
This took me a whole minute to write because I did try to add every element as requested so sorry about the wait!
Note there is a slight pov change after the time skip!
Cole Cassidy x Male Reader (could also be GN)
Just A Flesh Wound
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You had probably known Cassidy for a good few years but never really bothered to get to know him. That is until recently. After a good few months you realized that there was a lot more about this unusual cowboy. Cassidy usually just remained in the background, at least to you. Cole had said things here and there but you just put him on the back burner. However, upon getting to know him recently you realized that he wasn't so bad and actually was rather outspoken, you just hadn't noticed before. He was really sweet, very caring and also very goofy. The random jokes that fell out of his mouth or snarky comments he'd give to others made you chuckle which only fueled Cassidy's flame.
However, you still couldn't bring yourself to tell him how you really felt around him. It was so bad to the point of distance, you wanted to put a small but of distance between you two so you didn't "burden him with your emotions," as you told one of your other close friends in Overwatch, Lena or Tracer if you will. You tried to make it as unnoticeable as possible but this cowboy was too slick. He caught on quickly and decided if you wanted the space, he would give it. Yet, it made him feel awful. He wanted to be near you as much as you did, but he knew something was up so he didn't bother trying to push.
Currently though, you had come back from a rather tough mission with a big gash on your stomach that had slowed bleeding by now yes, but it was an awful wound that just wouldn't let up. You decided upon seeing the others that your wound could wait, Angela had others to take care of. You concluded that for now, you would just go sleep and rest while keeping as still as possible so you didn't reopen the wound. That didn't work out though.
As soon as you hit the blankets, a nice feeling of ecstasy washed over you. Damn was it comfortable, so you got under the covers and relaxed. Pretty soon that relaxation was so deep you didn't realize the red color tainting your comfy blankets.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
He had stood right behind the door, trying to convince himself to just knock. Truth was, he was super worried about you so he decided today of all days, he could come to check on you to see how you were holding up.
"Damnit Cole, just knock." He muttered to himself as his hand reached up and knocked.
After he got no answer, he spun around and went to walk away when he saw the blood trail leading up to your room on the floor. Now he was worried so he tried one more knock, mostly out of worry and not wanting to barge in.
Thats when he tried the door knob. Turning it slowly, he realized it was unlocked much to his surprise. He stepped in through the doorway, his spurs singing a soft melody as he walked in. When he was in the room, he followed the blood trail right up to your bed. He stared in shock as he saw the blood seeping into the blanket. Panic set in as he uncovered you from your blankets and he inspected the wound. Upon looking at it he decided you were going to see Angela one way or another.
He picked you up, bridal style and carried you out quickly. Upon seeing your eyes flutter open weakly, he felt a slight wave of relief wash over him.
"What's going on?" You ask, the pain straining your voice.
"I'm takin' you to see Angela. Yer wound needs tendin' to." He spoke firmly.
"Cole I'm fi-" You got cut off.
"No you're not." His brows knit into a worried expression.
You had fallen silent for a moment before speaking. "How did you get in anyways?"
"Yer door was unlocked."
You looked ahead, you both weren't far from her office now. Your arms instinctively wrapped around your stomach out of discomfort and pain. Your vision was slightly fuzzy too from the blood loss, maybe sleeping wasn't a good idea. Suddenly it was starting to all fade away into darkness.
"Hang in there bud." Cole's voice snapped you from the darkness trying to engulf you.
You remained silent, until you were right outside her office. "Cole, I'm sorry for avoiding you.." You started.
"Now now, don't go gettin' sappy with me." His tone was worried but he knew you wouldn't die, not from this at least.
"I know but I have to say sorry and.." You hesitated. "I avoided you because I like you."
He looked stunned but he walked inside Angela's office. "Real bad time to say yer feelings but.." He looked around. "I like you too bud. Now let's get you patched up." He said with his worried expression never fading.
Angela soon walked up and she instructed Cassidy to put you on one of the beds before she started to work on you. You looked at Cassidy before falling into a sleep so you could be stitched up. You held your hand out, a pathetic expression from the pain.
He took it quickly and held your hand firmly. He flashed you a worried smile and gently squeezing your hand. You flashed him a pained smile back before the darkness consumed you. However, it wasn't a bad thing. You knew you'd be okay and have to wake up to a lot of explaining to Cassidy.
(Again thank you for requesting! I hope this is what you wanted!)
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hunahuna-un · 2 years
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It's Valentine's day somewhere in the world~ Hope y'all have amazing day! ❤ If you need a break from all the sweetness, may I offer you... Scion Hanzo >:3c Enjoy! ❤ -
Those Gloves
Explicit (Old name for cowboy.) ps. It’s now a series, loosely “continue” from Tonight. 
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dusteebowl · 1 year
(fuck it, i’ll do it myself
i’ll make this a full oneshot later idk)
hanzo and cassidy prepare to go on a double date with baptiste and niran
when cole had first approached him with the idea, he’d thought he was joking. but now as he looked at himself in the mirror, hanzo couldn’t help the scowl that was forming on his face.
he has worried that he wouldn’t find something to wear as it had been a long time since he and cole had gone out on a ‘real’ date. they had outings, sure, but neither of them really felt the need to have the whole ‘sit down fancy dinner and a movie’ thing. time spent together was more than enough.
so why, at his age, was he even entertaining the idea of something as frivolous and juvenile as a double date?
“because,” cole answered at this very question as he straightened his tie. his tie. hanzo didn’t even think cole owned ties let alone knew how to wear them, “you needa make friends, darlin’. no man’s an island an’ all that.” once he was done adjusting his own tie he placed a hand on hanzo’s shoulder. hanzo couldn’t help but notice that it was still crooked. “’sides, me an’ baptiste go way back. he’s tryna make up for past mistakes.”
what was left unsaid resonated with hanzo more than he’d like to admit. cole was hoping they’d connect over the heaviness they felt, that hanzo would feel as though he wasn’t truly alone when it came to feeling guilt. still…
“there are better ways to make friends than double dates,” hanzo said gruffly as he readjusted cole’s tie.
“perhaps,” the cowboy said knowingly, “but niran said he’d already made reservations for four.”
he’d made reservations before he even talked to cole? the new member of overwatch was as impulsive as he was brilliant it seemed.
“didn’t anyone tell you if you frowned for too long your face’d get stuck that way?” cole enquired now with the slightest smile.
“well, this is me, tellin’ you.” cole gently pried hanzo’s hands away from his tie. “darlin’ if you keep frownin’ like that, your face’ll get stuck that way.”
hanzo could feel his face beginning to blush furiously and he had to look away so cole wouldn’t see. even after all this time, his silliness still had an affect on him.
cole chuckled and gave hanzo a kiss on the temple.
“it’ll be alright. you’ll see.”
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darling-answers · 8 months
no worries if you don’t want to or can’t complete this request, but if your up to it i’ll req Cole Cassidy x reader who is apart of Talon? thank you so much! and no worries if you don’t want to do it, no pressure ❤️
I didn’t know if you wanted headcanons or just like a oneshot so I’m just going to do a oneshot but if you ever want me to do oneshot just ask! ❤️
Tw. Cussing, mention of criminal Organization “ Talon.”, mentions of killing people, Drugs. Yk all that good. Cole may be a little oc
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“ What… have you done…” he sat on the couch. His eyes shakes, he looked at you, his breath shaky and it almost seem he is asking the question to himself. His hand was tightly folded as he bit down on his cigarette, his eye had huge conflict behind it. “ what irrational thought made you decide to join Talon! Especially behind My back knowing that is what I’m fighting against!” He stood up abruptly, his signature hat falling down onto the ground as he looked at you with so much conflict and confusion.
“ Cassidy, I chose what I thought was the best of me when Overwatch left me in the dust, a long time ago, blackwatch was blamed for doing what Overwatch can’t, we did what we had to do and got blame for saving the world because we killed a bad person.” You grabbed at the door almost ripping it open before it was slam shut with much force.
He came over and grabbed your shoulders firmly, not tight enough to cause harm or bruising but enough to keep you grounded to not move. “ I’m not mad at you for whatever fucked up thing happen to make you chose that, but what I’m frustrated about is that you didn’t tell me, didn’t trust me enough for me to know you chose THAT side of the conflict. You know I wouldn’t do anything or judge you for choosing whatever you felt like was best, I just wish I had known.” He huffs as he takes a big breath of air before he wraps his arms around you.
It almost seems he was doing this to comfort himself, wrapping your arms around him you felt his heavy hot breathe on your skin. He took a deep breathe of your scent. “ please don’t ever hide that shit from me again. I’ve done some messed up things but I told you what I have done, don’t leave me hanging on what happens.” He mumbled as started patting your hair.
“ i’m Sorry, I should’ve told you, your with Overwatch and I’m with Talon…” you mumbled, but with his sharp ears he here instantly, “ I’m not going to leave Overwatch but I will never leave you, even if we both work for different organizations that doesn’t mean I will leave you behind, just please be safe when your with that shady business.” He stood up completely, grabbing the cigarette from his mouth and pushing the bud into the ash tray.
“ you need to stop making me worry, I’m growing grey hairs every single time you do this to me.” He groaned as he took off his poncho and wrapped it around your neck before he picked you up, “ we need a break from this bullshit.” He huffed as he carried you bridal style, coming to the bedroom he slammed you into the bed making you almost bounced from the force.
“ get some rest, I know your exhausted from whatever fucked up mission they took you on, but one thing you better promise me, no matter what shit they do, NEVER tell them anything about Overwatch.” He huffed as he saw you slowly nod, he jumped onto the bed laying beside you as he groaned. He almost got a major headache from this situation. “ I’m tired, you’re tired we’re going to bed now shut your eyes and go to sleep dumbass.”
He mumbled as he turned to the side your sleeping on, his eyes still held conflict and frustration but he knew he couldn’t take it out on you, he had both you and him on blackwatch who both did bad stuff, he joined deadlock and took people money and took drugs and selled them to third parties who have murder people. He couldn’t blame you for shit that you have done. “ you really need a new hobby.” He mumbled as he placed a hand behind his head and fell asleep. Still wearing the clothes he wore throughout the day.
His hat laid neatly on the shoulder of the bed. The blanket only covering his toes, his poncho that laid on your neck messy as his hair was a little messy as he watched you. Breathe in and out, it almost comforting that you can Atleast protect yourself.
The reason why I didn’t make him like really angry or screaming breaking the place is because of the fact, Cole Cassidy already had betrayal, have done bad stuff, so as long as your not causing like big problems and blowing up the place I don’t think he would completely flip out. I think he would try to work it out with you but first let you get rest and recollect your guys mind before talking it out with you, and try to find a better solution for the both of you. This maybe because little oc but definitely when he stresses he start cursing up a storm. - Notes from Darling answers 🩷
Talon Organization has many different levels of dangerous but also Good system. Talon holds many different business some are actual better for the society, like running a local restaurant, or the Casino, it how they get money and have people feed there greed and life styles, so if Cole partner in Talon is just like a lower level than I don’t think he would be as bother as he would if you were a higher up like Gabriel Reyes and Moira O’Deorain. - Moderator. 🌊
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froggibus · 2 months
hey hey!! i appreciate all the love (& patience) ive received while ive been working through reqs lately!! just thought id give a little update on what the plan is for them ^^
reqs ive received + am taking:
cole cassidy + hurt/comfort
amab! venture x reader x junkerqueen
hanzo x reader (first time smut)
venture hurt comfort
ashe + punishing her s/o
wally west + supernatural reader
harley quinn x reader
wonder woman x circus clown! reader
caregiver! hanzo x reader
these are in no particular order! i am just working through them as inspo strikes ^^ been trying to do one longer oneshot + one shorter one/headcanons every day! and trying to rotate fandoms ^^
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truessences · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
I saw this from a mutual @teafiend and I'm gonna do it lol
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
9; they're mostly one shots. I think there are two that are multichapter. There are two that are part of a series of oneshots.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
I'm not sure if there's a formal way to check it but 26,602 (as of 11/3/23)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now Stranger Things. I have one Harry Potter one.
In the past, on FF.net there might be more, like from Final Fantasy VII and more Harry Potter but I don't post on there anymore so I'm not counting it lol.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Closer to You (Mileven oneshot) - 91 kudos
2. One More Light (4 or 5 chapter fic Mileven) - 58 kudos
3. Dirty Dancing (Dramione oneshot) - 55 kudos
4. It's a Mad World (One shot about Mike and Eddie's first meeting) - 49 kudos
5. Roll Away Your Stone (Mike & Max fix set in S3) - 40 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why? Why not?
I always try to, since I don't get a lot of interaction (which is fine, I know how this works lol) so when I do, the comments are super appreciated. I don't post for comments but they are always nice.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?.
Ummmm lol I don't think any of them end angstily lol but maybe not Happily Ever After. At least the ones that are finished lol. Maybe Dirty Dancing because of how it ends? I don't know lol. I'm still debating on if my Stranger Things-Titanic AU will end happy lol
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I feel like they're all pretty happy but not like Happily Ever After kind of thing.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, I don't feel like I would be good at it lol. Maybe one day and maybe in the Stranger Things-Titanic AU will be my first. I've written it before kind of... but not in a fanfiction... hard to explain lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No but I did have an idea years ago of a Peter Pan/Hermione Granger fic but no idea where I wanted to go with it so lol.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. Stealing people's fan work is low hanging fruit so get a life.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No... but I have written with people before for other "fan" stuff.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
That's hard lol I don't think I have an ALL TIME fave but I'll name a few and not in any particular order. And because I like these, doesn't mean I've written a fic for them or read a fic of them (most likely I have though). I actually did a post a while back on some fave anime ships, I'll link that. Fave Anime Ships.
Bamon (Bonnie Bennett & Damon Salvatore)
NejiTen (Neji Hyuga & Tenten)
Cloti (Cloud Strife & Tifa Lockhart)
Hacy (Harry Greenwood & Macy Vaughn)
Kanthony (Kate Sharma & Anthony Bridgerton)
Cole Cassidy & Sombra (this one is new but I really like it lol)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Nothing, I plan to finish everything.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm not sure lol, I feel like I capture character voices well. I tend to write in third person and I can still get across how my characters are feeling and thinking. I also write original novels and have been for over 10 years so I hope my strengths have strengthened over the years.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Tenses really kick my ass and I overthink it. I feel like some people have really beautiful and lyrical ways of writing and I definitely can't do that lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Haven't and won't.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favourite fics you’ve written?
Um.... I'm not sure if I have a favorite lol. Maybe One More Light only because I actually teared up a little when writing one of the chapters because I just let my fingers go and it flowed. Whether or not it's good, well lol but I do think that one is emotional.
But that's it!
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mollymarymarie · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for tagging me @squintclover you treasure ❤️😘 i'm gonna make this a keep reading, because i get wordy
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
In total, I have 39 works on Ao3
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
so i didn't know this but apparently i have over a million words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I don't write for HP anymore, but that's the majority of my fics. I have a few for the marvel universe and two weird real people fics (which now give me the ick so i won't be writing those anymore either)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Dear Your Holiness (lots of people share my priest kink apparently)
The Road Not Taken (for the angst, i'm sure)
The Lad That Loved You (it's my oldest wolfstar fic)
Bird Set Free (figure skating, Yuri On Ice, what's not to love)
When It Counted (this one sort of surprises me, but it's amortentia-based, so I think that aspect is the draw)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! not as often as i'd like but i do read them all right away, i have notifications for ao3 comments turned on. in that way, i get to enjoy them twice!
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have a short oneshot called Midnight about Halloween 1981 and I have another one called Where The Willow Don't Bend about Remus being a ghost at Hogwarts. I think those both end pretty angsty
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
In general, all my fics have happy endings. i go to fiction to escape the fact that almost nothing in life has a happy ending so i don't really like ending stories with anything except happiness. I really like the ending of We Can Pretend - they're in love, they get to be together, they're in Paris, their friends are all there with them, they're singing Nat King Cole to each other on a balcony while coq au vin is on the stove. fantasy scenario tbh.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
sure do. i won't list it. one thing that happens (which isn't exactly hate, but it makes me laugh) is when people criticize the fact that wolfstar are mentioned as having greys in The Road Not Taken because they're only 28/29 so they can't possibly have grey hair lol (i definitely had greys by that age, 100%)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yeah most of my fic is smut, but i'm sort of getting away from that. the TENSION is the best part, in my opinion.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
nah, not really interested, i guess.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. my fics have been put up on other sites without my permission but my name was still attached to it, at least.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
a few! usually DYH. it's always nice to have someone ask for permission to translate.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, mostly because i'm a control freak lol
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
it used to be wolfstar (kinda soured on me for multiple reasons, the biggest one being JKR is a piece of shit and getting associated with her works is not fun)
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
back when i was watching Preacher, i was (still am) obsessed with Joe Gilgun, so i definitely have a Proinsias Cassidy fic in the WIPs somewhere that will never get finished, but i do go back to it from time to time because, i mean, irish vampire. give it to me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
do i have any???? people tell me i do tension well. maybe that?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
first of all, NOT PLANNING AHEAD, figuring it out as i go and then having to go back and change a bunch of shit when i inevitably fuck it up. also, commas. i use FAR too many commas. i won't be stopped.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i have a few fics that i have done that for. with French, with Russian, and now with Portuguese. it's difficult, Google Translate will only get you so far, but i LOVE languages so much. people will usually politely correct me
19. First fandom you wrote for?
OH TRUTH BE TOLD the Good Charlotte fandom, i am not even joking you right now. wrote an ENORMOUS self-insert fic for me and my friends with the members of Good Charlotte (i was with Benji, obviously) at the age of like 15 and the plot was SO fucking ridiculous. i mean. john mayer was there, ville valo from HIM was there (the main character had dated both of them before benji, of course). Elijah Wood was in there at some point and i think he was a murderer???? i should do a dramatic re-telling of what happens in this fic over tumblr (i will not post it, it is so so badly written)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
truthfully, i think it's Dear Your Holiness. i wrote that just after losing my grandmother and all of the conversations about faith still sort of hit me in the gut even now. plus the tension is really nice, i love the idea of a heavily tattooed Remus, and it's the music of my teenage years so it's very sentimental for that reason, too.
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peaxhxhair · 2 months
I Hear You, Pumpkin || Cassidy (TEASER - KOFI EXCLUSIVE)
Pairing: Cole Cassidy x Male! Reader Warnings: 18+ CONTENT (Sub! Reader x Dom! Cassidy), AMAB! Reader
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Your face pressed against the pillows at the head of his bed - his fingers curled in your hair. The way his hand pushed your cheek into the pillow made it hard to speak, at least not more than a pathetic whine or call of his name. 
"What was that? I can't hear you~" His words are teasing - he knows what he's doing. You can't help the moan that leaves your lips at his words - egging him on as he...
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Hi! This is a little preview to something I have posted on my Kofi!
I have a membership tier on my Kofi page, so if you wanna support me (even more than you already do :D) then please check me out on there!
Any and all support is greatly appreciated! but obviously you don't have to if you don't want to! :))
Consider Supporting me on Kofi <3
Thanks! Love y'all :)
(what do we think of my new banner ooooooh)
Navigation Overwatch - MASTERLIST
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overwatch-for-men · 1 year
This is a Male x reader blog for all our favorite little fucked up guys <3
I'll write for most of the boys but there are some rules:
oneshots will be limited to two characters (poly)
hcs are limited to 5 characters (poly or nonpoly)
i cant write for the junkers, im just not good at it sorry-
Characters i like writing:
Cole Cassidy
Gabriel Reyes
Genji Shimada
Hanzo Shimada
Lucio Correia Dos Santos
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overwatchfics · 2 years
Overwatch Masterlist
Updated (01/22/2023)
General Dating HCs
Blackwatch Fluff HCs
Cole w/ Insecure S/O
Domestic HCs
General Dating HCs
Lucio With Injured S/o
Exhibitionism HCs
Period Comfort HCS
NSFW Alphabet
Sucking Their Nipples
Mirror Sex HCs
Domestic HCs
Kiriko w/Deaf reader
Soft Kiriko HCs
Puppet HCs
Masturbation HCs
Shimadas Taking Care of Sick S/o
Jealousy HCs
S/O with a Pushy Ex
Break up & Getting Back Together
NSFW Alphabet
Kiriko w/ Anxious S/O
Saving Vigilante S/O
Submissive Kiriko HCs
Exhibitionism HCs
Period Comfort HCs
Kiriko Biting Oneshot +HCs (PART 1)
Kiriko Biting Oneshot + HCs (Part 2)
Nightmares Kiriko Cuddling Oneshots
Sucking Their Nipples
Katana Wielding S/O
Mirror Sex HCs
S/O in a street fight
Sigma with a caring friend
Sigma Plantonic HCs
Hanzo w/ Archer apprentice
Hanzo Fluff HCs
Scythe Wielding S/o
Shimadas Taking care of sick s/o
Jealousy HCs
First Time HCs
Hanzo Tattoo Soulmate HCs
Saving vigilante s/o
Junker Queen
Domestic HCs
Protective Junker Queen (1)
Protective Junker Queen (2)
Small S/O carrying them
Junker Queen with Runaway S/o
Sitting in Junker Queen's Lap
Junker Queen with a crush
Pregnant S/O
Blackwatch dating HCs
Blackwatch Fluff HCs
Married life (Pre-fall)
Reaper Training with you
Blackwatch dating HC's
Scythe Wielding S/o
Blackwatch Fluff HCs
Shimadas Taking care of sick S/O
Jealousy HCs
Fluff HCs
Saving vigilante s/o
Blackwatch dating HC's
Blackwatch Fluff HCs
Cooking/Baking HCs
EMP blasted S/O
Snow day with Moira HCs
Small S/o carrying them
Puppet HCs
Puppet HCs
S/O with a Pushy Ex
Cooking/Baking HCs
Parenthood w/Widowmaker
Widowmaker finds your notebook
Pirate Widowmaker w/ Mermaid reader
Sucking Their Nipples
NSFW Alphabet
Puppet HCs
Junkrat Domestic HCs
Puppet HCs
Cooking/Baking HCs
EMP blasted S/O
Formal Dance with Sombra
Mirror Sex HCs
Relationship HCs
Zen W/ a sick S/o
Pregnant S/O
Period Comfort HCS
S/o in a streetfight
EMP Blasted S/O
Exhibitionism HCs
Period Comfort HCs
Mirror sex HCs
Kidnapped S/O
S/O in a street fight
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flbrokensoldier · 2 years
howdy! how are you? i just found your blog and i adore your writing! i have a somewhat angst request, if that’s something you’re comfortable with writing! is there any chance you’d be willing to write for Cassidy or Flippy with an S/O who gets critically hurt? how would they react, and would they seek immediate revenge on whoever hurt them? maybe hurt/comfort? thank you regardless for your time, please don’t feel pressured to write this if you don’t want to! have a wonderful day!
I love this and I will be doing short one shots for both in this. <3
CONTENT WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT AHEAD. (And D.I.D. mentionings, may be triggering)
Cassidy x Reader
Bad Mission, Bad Result.
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It all started with a mission brief. One for you and that was it. Seeing as everyone at Overwatch thought it was a simple delivery of weaponry, they only sent you. However, when a certain gang caught wind of the brief mission, it resulted in a horrible incident. It was none other than Deadlock, however Ashe wasn't in on this one. She told them to stay out of it but they didn't listen. Her goons went after you and soon you ended up severely injured, now you were in a hospital under Angela's care. Once Cassidy caught wind of the situation, he rushed there immediately.
Oh how he hated hospitals or hospital like settings. He hated the smell, the sounds of the equipment, and the doctor uniforms. He hated everything about it. He soon entered the room, after rushing there and stared at the equipment since they were blocking the view of your unconscious body. As he stepped in, his spurs softly made a jinggle with each step but for once, he completely tuned them out. He walked over to the bed, his heart sunk so quickly.
You were in a coma, wrapped up and a cast on one of your legs, the other was gone. Your hair had been slightly brunt, along with other parts if your body. Your heart monitor said you were still alive, barely, but it was slightly comforting. You looked so peaceful, yet like you were in so much pain. It scared poor Cassidy seeing you like this, but he tried desperately not to let his fear take over.
He grabbed a chair and pulled it up beside you. He sat down slowly and removed his hat and put it over his chest. He checked the condition of your hand closest to him and carefully grabbed it after deducing it was okay to hold your hand. He softly held it, looking at it as he gently rubbed his thumb over the back of your palm.
"Hey darlin', I heard what happened.. I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner.." He put his forehead to your hand.
He felt rage bubble up inside him as he sighed. "They won't get away with what they did. They are in custody now. They either get legal repercussions or I'm doin' something about it."
As he sat there staring at your sleeping frame he sighed. "But for now, I'll stay with ya, until you feel better."
With that, he gave you a soft kiss on the back of the hand and stayed there. Didn't matter how long it took you to recover, he would be by your side. Didn't matter if he had missions, he'd get them done as soon as possible then come back to you. He would not leave your side, that's for damn sure.
Flippy x Reader
He Will Have Vengeance.
(Not using the new names I gave them yet because lazy)
(ART CREDIT: @K_B__M on Twitter and also on Tumblr as @kbmochi)
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(This is how he looks in my stories, buff, tall, and fit with a black button up and those gloves <3)
Once he caught wind of the situation, it was game over.
He heard about it as he was talking to Flaky, Petunia had ran up and warned them about the situation. She said you were in a terrible situation with Lumpy and it resulted in you being hospitalized. From what he heard, you were shot in the leg from Lumpy, who was not being responsible with a gun. You also had a bunch of burn marks from him "accidentally" tripping with hot water. He also threw a knife at one point from not paying attention which resulted in a deep gash in your arm.
He knew Lumpy, he knew he was stupid but he also knew he was no fool. All the things happened because you guys were making a dinner and soon decided to help Lumpy clean his own gun. That didn't go over well, obviously you were in a hospital.
Flippy knew, with the information he had, that Lumpy most likely did all this on purpose. Why? He had no clue. Did he have any reason to do this to you? What did you do to him in the past? Who knows. One thing is for sure though, Lumpy would not live to see another day. He would be sure of that.
Walking along, Flippy had his hand rested on his knife, which was attached to his belt. He had a single explosive on hand that was practically itching to be used. He knew once he grabbed the knife, he would no longer be himself. It would be his other, much more aggressive and protective personality.
Now he was outside the house. It was dark outside and the moon loomed over Lumpy's house. His gaze darkened as he walked along and knocked on the door, like a true gentleman despite the situation and suppressing an extreme amount of anger.
Not long after, Lumpy answered the door with a smile but it soon faded. He stared in horror and tried to close the door. Flippy put his foot in the way though and shoved the door open, immediately letting Fliqpy front as he grabbed his knife and sliced Lumpy's throat. A dark laugh filled the night as blood dripped from Lumpy's throat.
(I hope you liked these, much love!)
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