#mcdonalds Halloween baskets
entitieszero · 2 years
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McDonald's Halloween baskets.
(An Halloween drawing i made at the time)
Reposted from my Twitter
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ok I have one 😭
imagine being miles sibling and chilling on the fire escape outside of yall room window eating McDonald’s or something,
and miles thinking we’re not around comes out the window in his suit, ready to do his Spider-Man duties but then he realizes we’re there watching him like “wtf”
plus this boy is such an awful liar, so he can't even talk his way out of it 😭
miles morales x gn sibling!reader
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Miles was spending his weekend at his parents house rather than at his dorm, which meant you had to go back to sharing your room with him (or rather him sharing his room with you). You didn't mind, and in all honesty you missed him, but you both knew that at some point you'd get irritated with each other, and the screaming matches would start. That's why you chose to stay out of his way for majority of the weekend.
You were sitting out on the fire escape, enjoying the leftover takeout from the previous night. The afternoon air was so nice, and the sound of the busy city weirdly calming. That was until you could hear Miles rummaging around in your room, knocking over books on the shelf and the laundry basket that by now was overflowing with his dirty clothes.
You wanted to go give him shit about the room you had just cleaned (or attempted to clean atleast), but just when you moved towards the open window you bumped right into Miles' chest, causing you to shuffle backwards and hit your back against the railing.
"Ow! What are you doi—" just as you looked up at him the words got stuck in your throat.
"What are you wearing Miles?" you asked gesturing towards the black and red suit. You knew what he was wearing in reality, you just refused to believe that he was Spider-Man. 'Miles' and 'Spider-Man' shouldn't even be used in the same sentence.
"Halloween costume?" he tried, although it sounded more like another question.
"It's June."
"Nothing like a headstart, right?"
"Why's it so..." you pulled at the stretchy material on his arm, causing it to snap back hard against his skin. "It's— OW! Don't do that!"
"And this mask? Where'd you buy it?" you pulled the mask from his hand, fingers running over the chrome covered eyes. "This definitely isn't store bought," you muttered. "It's..." how the hell was Miles going to lie himself out of this? If anyone could see through his attempts, it was you. You knew he couldn't lie to save his life.
"Listen I'll tell you everything once I get back I just—"
"So you're Spider-Man?" you asked, voice laced with more sarcasm than shock. When he said yes, you couldn't help but laugh. "Why– why are you laughing?" he asked, voice hitching a bit.
"You're not Spider-Man," you said very matter-of-fact. "What do you mean I'm not Spider-Man?" he asked. "Shoot a web thingy," you deadpanned, ignoring his question. "I—" he sighed, pinching his nose between his thumb and forefinger. "I don't have time for this, I really gotta go," he tried. "Alright, you can go, but you have to shoot a web," you said.
"Fine but– are you gonna tell mom?" he asked as he started pulling the mask over his head. The suit looked so real, and so cool.
"No, but only if you let me borrow your portable speaker," you tried. "Didn't yours fall in the toilet?"
"Okay alright, fine! Just please don't tell mom, please?" he said. "I promise, Miles," you said, giving him a smal smile, "now shoot the web."
a/n: look at this boy's room...a mess 😭
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theemporium · 11 months
i'm torn between danny and lando for the boo baskets.
like i feel like danny would put his whole heart and soul into it, like it's not just candy he's getting you those halloween squishmallows, the starbucks halloween merch. he's doing it all, you want those mcdonalds halloween happy meal pails?? he's getting it for you and it's in the basket goddamit
and with lando i think he's like yeah all that candy is for you but also that's his favorite chocolate so like if you REALLY loved him you'd give it to him. and if he gives u a squishamallow or any kind of plush it's getting exiled from bed and drop kicked across the room bc he's right here and what do u mean you would rather cuddle that overpriced pillow ????
daniel would be precious with the details. like he’s listened to you even when you think he’s not, and he’s making sure it’s the best damn thing you’ve ever received. he’s got wee uggs he saw you staring at a little too long, and that blanket you kept touching when you went to the store. and he’s not even made a basket, it’s like a fucking crate but it’s amazing and he knows you adore it so he’s so damn proud
and wee lando is such a menace with it😭you definitely catch him with his hands in your sweets and tease him that if you catch him stealing from your boo basket again, you’ll make him a part of no-nut november which scares him into stopping. but you feel bad and probably make him his own wee boo basket which makes him so excited
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finniestoncrane · 9 months
🩷 "About the Blogger" Meme 🩷
ah ty for the tag @acapelladitty!!
Star Sign(s): i only know i'm a virgo ;-;
Favorite Holidays: halloween for sure, and then hexxennacht/walpurgisnacht and the classic lupercalia >:)
Last Meal: lmao mine was also a mcdonalds, unless you count the two slices of bread and cheese i had
Current Favorite Musician: fuck favourite is a hard one, nostalgia says creedence clearwater revival or my chemical romance lmao
Last Music Listened To: fly by sugar ray (oh noooo)
Last Movie Watched: currently in the middle of white christmas! lot of dancing... kinda goes on a wee bit eh?
Last TV Show Watched: the x-files!! i'm back on my rewatch!
Last Book/Fic Finished: fuck i have NO idea for either of these, please don't make me think too hard please don't make me embarrass myself lmao
Last Book/Fic: the other night i had a wee scan through a cheeky wee peter vronsky number but just to fact check myself
Currently Reading: nothing, i have a pile of books so high and i asked for more for christmas and i am actively reading NONE of them
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: needed to find some nice cow gear for a drawing of my oc, and now there's so much in my basket
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: is it the mewlings of a pathetic wet beast to say starting my server with ri? because that's probably it
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: i left them for a reason, but i could get my ass dragged back by the young ones and bottom actually
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: it had an ok fandom when i was into it, i just think i missed the boat maybe? somehow? but definitely left 4 dead 2
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: i'm very VERY slowly writing a self-indulgent fallout fic and i have no time for it at all but all of my ideas keep growing and getting bigger and it's making me go crazy!!
I'll tag: @riddle-me-ri @march-harrigan @twinlinds @gethrax @vaporwavebeach @letshaveadepressionparty @just-a-girl-living-in-gotham @lunchbox-for-gays and whoever else sees this and wants to do it i freaked out and overthought the tags it's almost my bedtime lmao
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I've never seen a Sparkies Diner HC (as in the restaurant itself along with its staff and what they do) so heres some mine:
HC #1:
They would have a week in the start of like summer called "Summer Sparkies Skate Season!" and everyone has to dress in like summer-themed things or pastel-like summer colours and wear rollarskates around the diner and there is a stage that gets built when the time comes and people can go up for summer karoke or play games and shit, usually with one of the staff's permission and mostly when its not being used it can have speakers for hyping summer music in which 90% of the time its corny summer music and the teens hate it with their guts
HC #2:
When Ness calls in sick to work everyone panic so badly and without Ness its basically WaffleHouse BASICALLY LIKE:
Employee #1: Wheres Ness?
Employee #2: *trying desperately not to cry or breakdown* ....hes sick.
Chaos ensues because no one knows how to make the place so lively without Ness being there, and the WaffleHouse atmosphere takes place—and when I mean WAFFLEHOUSE ATMOSPHERE i mean THE FIGHTS, THE TABLE THROWING..
Parents have to check if Ness is there before entering because of this, someone's child got hit with a chair, luckily didn't end in a lawsuit because it wasn't one of the staff, (the chair is still not ok 😞)
HC #3:
I dont even know what happened with this one but I kept it anyway but at some point they had a playplace like mcdonalds and during the seasons the staff would hide easter eggs or play games with the kids
(mostly Ness in this situation, the other employees are professional make-baby-cry-ers somehow)
I'll explain some for examples !
during spring/easter they'd hide easter eggs with little prizes inside some having candies and others getting their seasonal waffles and pancakes or other meals etc etc and usually hide inside the play place with little baskets that are given if you spend more than a certain amount on your meal/bill or something and they'd give your child a basket, so next time when they come they have access to the easter eggs that are hiding and inside the basket theres like a note with sparky the dog that is probably like "Its Easter! Lets help Sparky find the eggs for this Easter! every egg has its own little surprise!" or some corny shit like that for the kids. And there would probably be a staff dressed as the easter bunny to give like kinder eggs or something 😭
During February/Valentines day, hearts are scattered around the playplace to give to crushes, staff(probably shut down quickly because of weird incidents), or—platonically–friends and family. They come with Hershey's kisses, basically a goody bag with a square note that has some cheesy ass pickup line or a heart-warming compliment. Cheesy but I love it sm
During October/Halloween, The staff can chose to dress up in their costumes and scare the customers, along with giving up candies on the actual halloween day but this probably backfired with someone having a panick attack from the scares or the candies being expired or people having allergies so this would probably be shut down quickly,
And thats basically it, I might make more because the ideas keep building up like crazy but yeah first tumblr post go brrrrr
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Penn Yan screams for ice cream
By Jonathan Monfiletto
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Let me tell you, I don’t really come up with the ideas for the articles that appear on this blog. Instead, they just sort of appear to me.
OK, please allow me to clarify that a little bit. Of course, I come up with the ideas for the articles that appear on this blog – I choose a topic, I dig into the research through subject or family files and archival collections and other resources, I decide on an angle for the article, and then I write the article. However, often the original idea for the topic I choose appears to me through some sort of happenstance or serendipity.
Such is the case with the subject of this article – Seward’s Candy Shop, which was located at 19 Main St. in Penn Yan, in the Odd Fellows building, where Milly’s Pantry is now located, and owned and operated by a man named Seward McDonald. While scheduling photos to post on our Facebook page, I noticed July 17 was National Ice Cream Day. After looking for a photo of people eating ice cream, I came across in our archival collections an ice cream menu that simply said “Seward’s” on the front and contained the signatures of several people with the surnames of Emerson and Voorhees on the back, with the menu and prices in the middle.
I had never heard of Seward’s and didn’t know anything about it, so I turned to two of our volunteers – sisters – whose maiden name is Emerson and whose mother’s maiden name is Voorhees. They didn’t remember Seward’s either, but they distinctly recalled each of the family members – their parents, both sets of grandparents, uncles and aunts – who had signed their names on the menu for some reason. They dated the menu to between 1934 and 1938 based upon when their parents married and when a relative died, and they surmised family members may have been in the area to celebrate their parents’ wedding.
I dug into our collection of digitized newspapers to find out about Seward’s, whose full name, owner’s name, and location I soon learned. I also reached into our family files to learn more about Seward McDonald, starting with his 50 years as a merchant in Penn Yan by the time of his death at age 70 on January 30, 1941. According to his obituary, Mr. McDonald opened Seward’s Candy Shop on June 14, 1913 and he started out his business career 20 years before that as a clerk in the Lown Dry Goods store. He bought the local confectionary store from a Mr. Smith and kept it in the same location – the Odd Fellows Temple building – throughout his tenure as its owner.
Our newspaper collection, naturally for a local business, contains numerous ads soliciting the goods of Seward’s Candy Shop, and it seems the business never considered it a bad time to have some candy or some ice cream. Seward’s, according to its advertisements, prided itself on selling Whitman’s, Schrafft’s, and Gobelin’s candies and serving Dairylea ice cream. The advertisements remind the viewer to purchase candy as gifts for Easter or Mother’s Day and to buy ice cream for one’s Halloween party or Thanksgiving dinner. In addition to serving as an ice cream parlor, the shop sold ice cream bricks – the equivalent to a carton today. In a series of comical, perhaps intentionally so, ads, the shop encouraged parents to make their children happier and healthier by putting candy in their lunch for school and adults to lose weight or gain energy by eating candy.
On January 28, 1932, it was announced in The Chronicle-Express that Seward’s Candy Shop would move to the other side of the Odd Fellows building, into a space being vacated by the Wilkins and Ellis sporting goods store that was in bankruptcy at the time. The Market Basket grocery store would expand into the larger space then occupied by Seward’s. Looking at the building now, Seward’s had been located in the space currently occupied by Milly’s Pantry market and merely moved across the hallway to where The Pinwheel Café is now. The musical chairs of relocation was expected to happen in three months, after renovation work was done. It seems the change took longer than expected, however, as The Chronicle-Express announced on July 7, 1932 the remodeled stores were now open to the public.
Mr. McDonald and his wife, Anna, lived at 175 Main St. in the village, the house right next door to St. Mark’s Episcopal Church – in fact, the couple (apparently, they had no children, as neither of their obituaries mentions any children as survivors) were active congregants of St. Mark’s. Seward’s Candy Shop was also an active supporter of the church and community, hosting food sales and other events to support the church and other causes. McDonald was also an active member of the downtown business community; one advertisement showed a person could earn free admission to the Elmwood Theatre by patronizing, among several other businesses, Seward’s Candy Shop.
During the Great Depression, an advertisement showed Seward’s standing with its fellow businesses in support of the National Recovery Act to relieve unemployment and stimulate the local economy and encourage the community to do the same. Advertisements during World War II showed Seward’s and fellow businesses joining together to encourage people in the community to purchase war bonds to support the war effort.
When McDonald died, Bernard Hansen – who had worked for McDonald as a candy maker – took over the business and kept the name. On a related side note, in the days when newspaper obituaries described a person’s cause of death more vividly and morbidly than in modern times, McDonald is described as having “dropped dead in his confectionary store at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, January 30,” shortly after returning to the store from having lunch at home.
I imagine McDonald walked the few blocks from 175 Main St. to 19 Main St. and back every day; his obituary states he “faithfully attended his business without vacations and despite warnings of limited health.” His strength “seemed as usual” that day, however, and his death “at work where he enjoyed many fine friendships was as he had wished.”
On August 11, 1955, a front-page item in The Chronicle-Express announced Hansen had sold the Seward’s Candy Shop business to Hugh W. Bentley Jr. Even though the article states Bentley “contemplates no drastic changes in the popular store until he has fully familiarized himself with its operation,” this is the last trace of Seward’s Candy Shop I have been able to find so far in our newspaper collection. A March 1956 ad listing Seward’s Candy Shop indicates Bentley kept the name, at least for a time, though one of the next hits is a September 1963 notice of a rummage sale at the “old Seward Candy Shop,” indicating perhaps the store had closed altogether.
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Do you use wide ruled or college ruled notebooks? >> I always preferred college-ruled, like it was a hard rule for me when I was young. I refused to use wide-ruled paper. It was anathema. I still don’t care for it, but I don’t use paper much anymore, period, so it doesn’t matter.
On a pair of jeans, which pocket do you most use? >> The back right one, I guess, because I usually have my phone in there so I go in and out of it a lot.
Do you have a class ring? >> No.
What about a letterman jacket? >> No.
Do you still have a piggy bank? >> I don’t recall ever having one, tbh.
Is it actually shaped like a pig? >> ---
What is the name of the hospital you were born in? >> It was called Elizabeth General Medical Center when I was born, but now it’s been folded into a citywide system of hospitals all using the name “Trinitas”.
What is the legal drinking age of the country you live in? >> 21.
What type of internet browser are you using? >> Firefox.
What's your favorite search engine? >> Unfortunately, it’s Google. All the shit I hate about Google is the same exact shit that makes it so good as a search engine.
Are you a "Master Googler"? >> I don’t really know what that means. Honestly, it doesn’t take much cleverness to get what you want out of Google -- other search engines, on the other hand...
Do people often buy you photo albums when they don't know what else to buy? >> No. No one even uses photo albums these days.
Have you ever literally lent someone a shoulder to cry on? >> No.
How long do your showers typically last? >> Between five and ten minutes, usually skewing to the shorter end. I really just don’t like being in there, so I got real efficient at it.
What is the most annoying accent you've ever heard? >> ---
Have you ever seen a mariachi music video? >> No.
Have you ever watched a movie with the commentary? What about the subtitles? >> I’ve never watched a movie with the commentary on, but one day I might like to try that with a movie I’m already well familiar with, just to see if it’s interesting. I always watch things with the subtitles on, if I can help it.
What are your thoughts on re-constructive surgery? What about plastic surgery? >> I mean... they’re good things for people who want/need them? I don’t know what kind of opinion I’m supposed to have.
Or should people learn to love their flaws? >> Oh, that’s what you mean. No, I don’t think “people should learn to love their flaws” is an appropriate attitude for me to take. Especially since it’s not like I’m a paragon at unconditional self-acceptance or anything.
Do you style your hair regularly? >> I don’t style my hair at all.
What does your laundry basket/hamper look like? >> It’s round and purple.
Do you have a favorite word? What is it? >> There are words I like more than others, but I don’t think I have a favourite one or anything.
McDonald's sweet tea: Yes or No? >> No.
When was the last time you had a papercut? >> I don’t remember. I almost gave myself one earlier today, putting some papers into my tote bag.
What was the worst Halloween costume you ever had? >> ---
Is violence ever really the answer? >> Sure.
Do you have a favorite brand of pen? >> I don’t think so.
Do you enjoy the smell of sharpies? What about gasoline? Or even chlorine? >> I enjoy the smell of the first two, in moderation. Not chlorine, though.
Have you ever sung in a choir? If so, what section were you in? Bass, Tenor, Alto, Soprano? >> I was a soprano as a child, shifted into alto as a preteen, and I think now I’d be most comfortable as a tenor.
Did you ever pronounce bologna how it's spelled? >> Yeah, to be silly.
Are either of your parents in the medical field? >> No.
What about educational field? >> No.
Can you cry on cue? Do you wish you could? >> No, I can’t, and I don’t really care to.
Do you prefer gold or silver jewelry? >> Gold.
Have you ever shaved your arms? What about your stomach? >> No to arms, yes to stomach.
Facebook or Myspace? Which is your favorite? Or is there another one? >> I mean, only facebook is even relevant now. I don’t like it, though. I prefer to socialise here or on Discord.
Have you ever made a friendship bracelet? >> I don’t think so.
Have you ever been sledding on a real wooden sled with metal runners? >> No. I’ve never been sledding, period.
Are you allergic to any particular animals? What about foods? And medicines? Or are you one of the lucky ones who don't have any allergies? >> I am one of the lucky ones, yeah.
Did you or anyone you knew get swine flu? >> No.
Do you think that people caused global warming? Or is it more of a natural earth cycle thing? >> I think it’s a little of column B and a lot of column A.
Do you watch Curling during the Olympics? >> I don’t watch the Olympics.
Is bright red lipstick classy or trashy? >> It’s just lipstick.
Do the potential lovers you pursue typically have tattoos and piercings? >> ---
Do you like your teeth? Have you had any work done on them? >> I mean, they’re fine. They serve their purpose. No, I haven’t had work done on them.
Do you know what a lobotomy is? >> Sure.
Have you ever put ranch dressing on pizza? >> No.
Do you remember the purple and green colored ketchup from the 1990s? >> Ha, I do.
Have you ever taken a dance class? >> When I was a child. I wouldn’t mind taking one now, but I can’t afford stuff like that.
Do you ever actually buy CDs anymore or do you just download music? >> I just use Spotify. I’ve chosen the path of least resistance.
Who is prettier? Jennifer Love Hewitt or Megan Fox? What about Ellen Degeneres or Mariah Carrey? >> None of these people even cross my radar when it comes to aesthetically pleasing faces.
Have you ever been to failblog.org? >> No.
Do you own a guitar? >> No.
Do you pop your knuckles? >> Sometimes.
Do all of your photos in yearbooks usually turn out looking terrible? >> All of them did until senior year, weirdly enough.
Did you have uniforms at your high school? >> No.
How often do you dust your room? >> I don’t. I probably should, but it just never occurs to me.
Do you ever use Febreez? >> No.
Have you ever been to Japan? What about Germany? Or Mexico? >> No.
Does your family ever take fun vacations? >> ---
Where was the last place you went on vacation? >> New Orleans.
Have you ever seen a castle in real life? If you said no, please note that the castles at Disney parks count. =D >> There’s an apartment complex near me called the Grand Castle and it’s just the most plastic-toy-castle looking thing I’ve ever seen. Hold on, here’s what it looks like...
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It looks fake, or like one of those photos that plays with perspective and scale, where it’s actually a Lego castle or something. But nope, it’s an apartment complex. smh. Anyway, no, I’ve never seen a legitimate castle in real life.
Do you remember the first book you read by yourself? >> No.
Did you ever read R. L. Stine's Goosebumps books? >> Yep, I read a lot of those as a kid.
What about Lemony Snicket's "A Series of Unfortunate Events" books? >> I didn’t even hear of those until I was grown.
Have you ever seen a nun in public? >> Sure. One time back in the day, Sigma and I ran into a couple of nuns on Eighth Avenue and Sigma talked to them for a solid hour. They were... very accommodating.
Have you ever heard of a musician named Priscilla Renea? >> No.
Have you seen the Austin Power's movies? >> I think I saw the first one. This was a long time ago, though. I couldn’t sit through five minutes of one now.
Do you, or did you ever, have a Gameboy? >> No, I’ve never had one.
Are you sitting in a rolley chair? >> Nope.
Were you a Nancy Drew reader when you were younger? >> I wasn’t.
Do you think Twilight is losing lots of original fans because of the movie? >> It didn’t appear that way to me, but I also wasn’t in the fandom so I wouldn’t really know for sure.
Do you think Zombieland was like an American version of Shaun of the Dead? >> I mean, in the sense that it is a comedy film about zombies, sure, why not. But really, they’re just in the same subgenre of movie, is all. They’re their own things.
Have you ever ice skated? What about roller skated? >> I’ve done the latter but never the former.
Do you have a video camera? What about a digital camera? Webcam? >> There’s a camera on my phone, and there’s one in both my computers but I never use those.
What is your preferred instant messaging service? >> Discord.
Do you enjoy being in photos? Or do you prefer taking the photos? >> I prefer taking them.
Know anyone named Gus? >> Sparrow’s former cat was named Gus.
Do you know anyone who seems to break EVERYTHING they touch? >> Nope.
Are giraffe's weird animals? >> They are and I dig it.
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rabbittstewcomics · 3 years
Episode 320
Comic Reviews:
Are You Afraid of Darkseid? by Elliott Kalan, Mike Norton, Allen Passalaqua, Kenny Porter, Max Dunbar, Luis Guerrero, Calvin Kasulke, Rob Guillory, Dave Wielgosz, Pablo Collar, Wil Quintana, Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, Jesus Hervas, Eva De La Cruz, Ed Brisson, Christopher Mitten, ToWe Hny Avina, Terry Blas, Garry Brown, Marissa Louise, Jeremy Haun, Tony Akins, Moritat
Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary 100-age Super Spectacular by Michael Conrad, Becky Cloonan, Jim Cheung, Marcelo Maiolo, Jordie Bellaire, Paulina Ganucheau, Kendall Goode, Amy Reeder, Marissa Louise, Mark Waid, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, Tom King, Doc Shaner, Vita Ayala, Isaac Goodhart, Jeremy Lawson, Steve Orlando, Laura Braga, Romulo Fajardo Jr, Stephanie Phillips, Marcio Takara, G. Willow Wilson, Meghan Hetrick
Arkham City: Order of the World 1 by Dan Watters, Dani, Dave Stewart
DC Horror Presents: Soul Plumber 1 by Ben Kissel, Marcus Parks, Henry Zebrowski, PJ Holden, John McCrea, Mike Spicer
Amazing Spider-Man 75 by Zeb Wells, Patrick Gleason, Marcio Menyz, Kelly Thompson, Travel Foreman, Jim Campbell, Ivan Fiorelli, Edgar Delgado
Eternals Celestia by Kieron Gillen, Kei Zama, Matthew Wilson
Ghost Rider Kushala Infinity Comic 1 by Taboo, Guillermo Sanna, Jordie Bellaire
We Have Demons 1 by Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, Dave McCaig
Righteous Thirst For Vengeance 1 by Rick Remender, Andre Lima Araujo, Chris O'Halloran
Cruel Biology by Christopher Sebela, Brian Churilla
Jennifer Blood 1 by Fred Van Lente, Vincenzo Federici
Chicken Devil 1 by Brian Buccellato, Hayden Sherman, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Out 1 by Rob Williams, Will Conrad, Marco Lesko
Dirtbag Rapture 1 by Christopher Sebela, Kendall Goode, Gab Contreras
Party & Prey GN by Steve Orlando, Steve Foxe, Alex Sanchez, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Squad GN by Maggie Tokuda-Hall, Lisa Sterle
Primordial GN by Bruce Zick
Stars, Hide Your Fires GN by Kel McDonald, Jose Pimienta
Minnie Mouse: Big Dreams GN by Brooke Vitale, Artful Doodlers
Additional Reviews: Star Wars Terrifying Tales, Bodyguard, Snowman, Basketful of Heads, Unfinished Corner, Muppets Haunted Mansion
Longbox of Horror: Spider-Man Disassembled by Paul Jenkins, Humberto Ramos, Paco Medina, Michael Ryan
News: ND Stevenson transition and substack, Bunn brings back Dragonring through Kickstarter, Flanagan does House of Usher, Letitia Wright nonsense, Bat Family Webtoon gets YouTube live action adaptation, Agatha Harkness TV show, Pinhead cast for Hulu series, Bat/Cat special delayed, Astro City/Autumnlands/Arrowsmith and new series from Kurt Busiek at Image, Cillian Murphy stars in next Nolan movie as Oppenheimer, Saga returns in January, Kiernan Shipka bringing Sabrina to Riverdale, Who returns on Halloween, more Tom Taylor nonsense, Jon Kent, Disney gets a new Chief Creative Officer, Devil's Reign Tie-Ins, NYCC thoughts, Gamergate show
Halloween Question
Trailers: Game of Thrones prequel, Peacemaker, Hypnotic, Resident Evil, Robin Robin
Comics Countdown:
Nice House On The Lake 5 by James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martinez Bueno
The Me You Love In The Dark 3 by Skottie Young, Jorge Corona, Jean-Francois Beaulieu
We Have Demons 1 by Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, Dave McCaig
Bountiful Garden 2 by Ivy Noelle Weir, Kelly Williams, Giorgio Spalleta
Star Trek: Year Five 25 by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Jody Houser, Brandon Easton, Jim McCann, Paul Cornell, Angel Hernandez, Silvia Califano, Stephen Thompson
Arkham City: Order of the World 1 by Dan Watters, Dani, Dave Stewart
Dark Ages 2 by Tom Taylor, Iban Coello, Brian Reber
Fire Power 16 by Robert Kirkman, Chris Samnee, Matthew Wilson
Savage Avengers 25 by Gerry Duggan, Patrick Zircher, Javier Tartaglia
Crush and Lobo 5 by Mariko Tamaki, Amancay Nahuelpan, Tamra Bonvillain
Check out this episode!
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littleblondesoprano · 7 years
Can you tell me stuff that makes you happy? I've had a rough day and am feeling pretty down. -🍒
Oh gosh! I’m so sorry! Of course! 
(I’m not gonna lie, this is gonna be a pretty long list!) 
What makes me Happy: 
Tom Hiddleston (and ANY of the characters he acts as–especially Loki)
Writing and singing!
Writing a paper for class and completely demolishing it!
Singing for people who have never heard me sing before and making them cry/feel something. 
Mythology (namely Greek and Norse) 
Getting new books!
My friends! 
Going to the airport, that rush of adrenaline that you get knowing you’re travelling and you’re gonna have an awesome time and gain new experiences! 
Autumn and Spring!
Flowers! (Namely roses, baby’s breath, and white daises) 
History in general! But what I love is the time of the Vikings (so like…8th-9th century beginning) and the Victorian-Edwardian era of Europe!  
Crystals! (Citrine, Silver and Rainbow Moonstone, Emeralds, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, and there’s one that I absolutely love, but I don’t know the name of! It’s a black stone, but in it, it looks like captured stars!)
Shiny rings and necklaces! I like shiny stuff.
Really, really old books–like, the kind where the pages are turning orange and the cover is worn out and cracking; it shows that someone really loved that book enough to hold onto it and read it again and again! 
Peppermint vanilla mocha!
Milk chocolate ANYTHING
Macaroons and brownies and cheesecake, oh my! 
Marble–usually white marble with grey veins–but I absolutely adore it and I want it everywhere in my future home!
Big windows letting in bunches of natural light!
Hot showers after a really long day, getting out and feeling clean and ready for bed!
Alternatively, cold showers after working out, getting out and feeling refreshed!
The beach!! Laying out on the beach!! Sharks teeth on the beach!! The little shops at the beach!! 
Crystal shops! (Good ones) 
Organizing my little areas and checking off all of my responsibilities for the day. 
Swimming to the bottom of my pool and those few moments when I’m just suspended in water, completely engulfed, and I see little bubbles involuntarily escape my lips or my nose!
Swimming in the later afternoons, when the sun is low through the trees and creates little broken waves in the water and I come up for air in a little pool of light! It’s almost like the sun is winking! 
Looking through old pictures in giant bins we have (we’ve got like, four or five–plus or minus a few books–and they’re huge) because mom loved buying the disposable cameras when I was little! Going through them and remembering those moments–or being told stories of those moments. 
Decorating for Halloween!! I would literally beg mom and dad in September to put up the Halloween decorations, and like, second week in they would always agree! I love setting it all up and then sitting down that night and watching the entire living room glow orange from the tree and the big, glowing pumpkins we have up! 
Going for walks when it’s chilly outside and bundling up!
Blanket scarves! 
Cinnamon-Sugar baked Pumpkin seeds! 
Picking out the pumpkins after going on a hayride and trying to find the biggest one! (Or the biggest one that I can carry)
Learning about the Baroque composers and listening to their music ( J.S. Bach, Vivaldi, Handel, Telemann, Monteverdi, Albinoni, etc.) 
 Ivy climbing over older Victorian houses! 
Chicken Salad! (Not with grapes in it–that yucky.)
Crab, Lobster, shrimp, salmon, flounder–and I feel guilty about this, but I’ve eaten mako shark before and it was good. 
I love seeing squirrels, cats, hawks, deer, foxes out in nature! 
People being nice to other people
Reading back over my own writing and rediscovering how good I was/am at it–not to be vain–but just like: “I wrote that?! What?! That’s too good!”
Harry Potter before everyone died. 
Game of Thrones! (In this house, we are TARGARYENS. And, well, we also root for the Starks, buT THE TARGARYENS.)
Little day trips with my friends to the mall or out to eat somewhere!
Similarly, sleepovers with my friends where we stay up late and do fun stuff! 
NEW YORRRRKK! And definitely Broadway and Times Square! Those bulbs and the buzz of activity and huge cool stores and new experiences always jazz me up! 
Sherlock Holmes! And classic literature like Wuthering Heights, The Scarlet Letter, Emma, Candide, literally all of Shakespeare’s stuff (especially Antony and Cleopatra!) Frankenstein, Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Dracula, The Journals of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! Literally everything except for Mr. Dickens–he’s too sad for moi. 
When it starts to snow and we go for a walk while the little flurries flutter down from the clouds! 
Sitting down at night in the living room (and Fluffy sitting in my recliner with me–mostly because I steal her favorite blanket and put it on the end of the ledge…thingie…and she sits on it!) at night and watching our favorite shows–be that Forged in Fire, Last Chance U, The Defiant Ones, Game of Thrones, Alone, Broadchurch, or any other silly show we find ourselves watching! We have the warm glow light bulbs and we strung some Christmas lights over our ‘logs’ in the fireplace and turn that on too, so the whole room is just washed in this beautiful, warm, golden bath and it’s so, so cozy. 
Going to little antique stores and finding something you’d never thought you would find–or never expected to find. 
Really, really cold Diet Pepsi Cherry.
The fountain drinks from Sheetz that you can add Cherry and Vanilla to! I usually add a lot of both to it–usually to Diet coke–and get the bigger drinks!
Tater tots in a bucket from Sheetz! 
Brewing spiced tea in a teapot
Bottling and organizing spices in the kitchen!
My William Shakespeare bust at my desk (he yells at me when I don’t write enough)
Finally laying down at night and daydreaming to fall asleep!
Eating little snacks–like some hoop cheese and an apple–for snack! 
Going to my Grandma Bonnie’s house and then going out to lunch with her at the Graham Soda Shoppe and getting two hot dogs all the way and splitting a basket of onion rings with her! Then, hitting Tasty Bakery right next door and getting some yummy treats! 
The hot chocolate at this one specific bakery on I-70; it’s the greatest I’ve ever had, I swear it! Nothing can top it! 
During winter break last year, I was performing with a group of other girls and I got that hot chocolate before rehearsal, and then we sat and watched the few acts before us perform–the house was beautifully lit golden and it just made me feel at home. 
France and England! 
Taking bunches of pictures during the day, on outings, and then at night looking over them and laughing!
Hotels that serve warm cookies at night! 
Peppermint sticks! 
Dipping slices of warm hoop cheese in ranch–I always did it at my Pawpaw’s house when we’d have these big lunches, and then we’d all go swimming in his pool or lay around the living room–that always reminds me of those times. 
Pineapple pizza! (No ham tho)
Going to the movies late at night and seeing an awesome one, then going to McDonalds and getting a M&M McFlurry! 
Getting my nails done!! 
Always having something yummy to eat at home
Mattress foam flip flops and my awesome swimsuit! (Er–it flatters my figure) 
Shark Week!!! 
Getting my makeup On Point. 
Nerding out with other theatre/musical nerds in person and singing duets with them (because none of my other friends will sing with me). There was this one guy in my chorus I sang “All I Ask of You” with and it was SO GOOD; we loved it! Every time we saw each other I would be like: “Saaaay yoouu love me every waaaakeeeinngg mommennntt–” we were awesome and I really miss that.
Going to the theatre and seeing musicals with my mom–that’s always fun! Last time, we got these huge cupcakes since my blood sugar was low–I think we saw Matilda (it was okay).
Ironing my dad’s shirts for my mom so she doesn’t have to after she gets home from work. 
The smell of sage burning
The smell of coffee being made–like, Tim Hortons and Harry & David’s coffee! 
Doughnuts with chocolate icing on top and vanilla icing inside! (We call that the manager’s special) 
Chick-fil-a sandwiches and fries! 
Vanilla cupcake cookie goldfish! 
Trying on an outfit for the first time (that you planned in your head the night before) and it looking even better than what you imagined it to be!
Those purple vines/flowers that bloom in the Spring and hang from trees!
Golden sunsets! 
Cats doing funny stuff–or cute stuff–or just being cats in general!
Mother of Pearl inlays, pearls, and white fire opals! 
People getting me flowers! (It’s only happened once, and they were given to all the Seniors, so I don’t know if it counts, but…I really loved it!) 
Burgundy/wine red shirts!
Yellow/mustard shirts and dresses! 
Red and gold stage curtains on a dark stage with remnants of ten different types of colored duck tape. 
Crisp sheet music–clean lined and dark inked! 
Alternatively, used sheet music–faded out a little, written on with pencil and once accidentally with pen, crinkled pages dog earred and maybe a staple or two barely hanging on. 
The absolute applause after you know you just kicked ass on that song! 
The confidence and the way my voice swells so powerfully when I perform! 
Gold plated–or gold–anything. 
Rocco/Baroque style decorating, clothing, anything! 
Watching the clouds drift by when floating on the surface of the pool. 
The trees finally turning color in the fall! 
Riding around in the Impala (just make sure to put on some sunscreen!) 
Downloading new songs to my phone and then really listening to them that night when I’m laying in bed daydreaming. 
Ghost tours in old towns! (We’ve done Charleston, South Carolina; Wilmington, North Carolina; Savannah, Georgia; Charlotte, North Carolina; St. Augustine, Florida!) 
Taking showers while the sun is still out and it’s kinda daytime! 
Staying out all day with my friends and coming home when it’s kinda dark outside/driving home with my friends when it’s sunset. 
Visiting/going to old castles and mansions! (Biltmore has been the best thus far!) 
Curling up in bed on a really cold day outside, and feeling warm on the inside! 
Making cookies/baking pastries in the oven and them turning out wonderfully! 
That’s all I can think of right now–and my gosh–I know there’s more! I’m just so tired from all that travelling! I hope you feel better after this, my friend!! I wish you all happiness!! 
Oh!! I forgot one!! My car, Pumpkin, and all other little minis make me happy!!
5 notes · View notes
Fun Days!
Here are some pictures of my time here in the States!
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My arrival basket when I first got here <3
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Memories to help remind me of home
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My apartment, number 307!
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Chihuly, the glass artist in the gardens
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Chihuly in the reflection pools
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Sunflower field in Antler Hill Village
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Exceptional Employee in Training at BEST Training
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My Chihuly inspired dessert at the Village Social restaurant
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Fancy McDonald's with a piano and a waterfall!
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Late night trip Walmart with these two!
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SkyBar in Downtown Asheville NC
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New Belgium Brewery, Asheville NC
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Halloween in America
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Haunted Tour of Biltmore Village, her cat was called Soda because she found her behind a soda machine and saved her!
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Making friends 
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When family came to visit
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Christmas in the USA
0 notes
techqueen · 7 years
Choose one!
CHOOSE ONE! Then tag 10 of your followers!
1: hugs or kisses? both
2: night or day? night
3: internet or tv? internet ayyyy
4: sweet or sour? sweet
5: red, white or blue? red
6: 1800s or 1900s? 1900s
7: space or the ocean? ocean???
8: ice-cream or frozen yogurt? both
9: reading or writing? writing
10: raining or sunny? raining
11: winter or summer? winter
12: spring or autumn/fall? both
13: too cold or too warm? too cold
14: elevators or escalators? escalators
15: apples or oranges? apples
16: fire or ice? fire
17: plane crash or car crash? car i guess
18: planes or boats? planes
19: the sea or a pool? pool bc fuck sand
20: singing or dancing? singing
21: long hair or short hair? shortttttttt
22: january or december? december
23: your first child - boy or girl? no fuckin kids 
24: chocolate sauce or strawberry sauce? chocolate sauce
25: coffee or tea? tea
26: in your coffee/tea - sugar or no sugar? splenda
27: gif or jif? gif
28: science or religion? science
29: tornado or hurricane? tornado
30: black or white? black
31: laptop or desktop? i want a desktop but laptop :’)
32: cat or dog? DOGE
33: chicken or turkey? chicken
34: shower or bath? both
35: disneyland or universal studios? didney
36: potatoes - mashed or baked? mashed potate
37: eggs - fried, boiled, scrambled or poached? uhhh eggs in a basket if i gotta eat them....
38: cake or pie? chocolate cake or pumpkin pie
39: ben & jerry’s or häagen-dazs? haagen-dazs
40: christmas or halloween? both
41: books or magazines? books
42: inside or outside? both?
43: movies or tv shows? movies 
44: mcdonald’s or burger king? mcdonalds
45: the past or the future? neither 
46: superpowers - fly or read minds? fly
47: piercings or tattoos? piercings
48: end of the world - zombie apocalypse or world war 3? neither plz
49: starbucks or subway? starbucks
50: love or lust? love
51: kitten, puppy or micropig? puppy
52: if you could, which would you stop - 9/11 or the holocaust? holocaust
53: mermaids/mermen or unicorns? merfolk
54: america or britain? uhh neither?
55: dumbledore or gandalf? gandalf i guess?
56: ninjas or pirates? pirates
57: firefox, safari or chrome? chrome
58: marvel or dc? marvel
60: circus or amusement park? amusement park
61: ebook or physical book? physical book bc i can keep track of where im at easier
62: greek or roman? greek????
63: thor or loki? loki
64: sam or dean winchester? neither
65: stefan or damon salvatore? neither? they’re ‘meh’ 
66: brown or white bread? white bread is best but all bread is good
67: sunrise or sunset? sunset bc i can sleep in
68: drought or flood? flood
69: train or bus? train
70: kids or pets? pets
71: poetry or song lyrics? uhhh song lyrics
72: horror movie or chick flick? uhhh horror???
73: play video games on - pc or console (xbox/playstation)? pc bc i cant afford consoles, unless its handheld
74: cookies or donuts? both
75: saturday or sunday? saturday
76: lord of the rings or harry potter? both?
77: bands or solo artists? bands
78: art or music? both
79: get lost in - london or paris? either?
80: new year’s eve or christmas eve? xmas eve
81: museums or nature parks? both
82: lightning or thunder? lightening
83: lions, tigers or bears? tigers
84: popcorn or candy floss/cotton candy? neither
85: be stuck in a room with - clowns or insects? clowns
86: soup or salad? soup
87: asks or fanmail? asks
88: scottish accent or irish accent? irish?
89: ‘friends’ or ‘the big bang theory’? neither
90: ‘supernatural’ or ‘the vampire diaries’? uhh vampire diaries?? idk
91: 'the simpsons’ or 'family guy’? neither
92: toothache or earache? uhh neither but toothache i guess?
93: 'x-men’ or 'guardians of the galaxy’? guardians
94: be stranded in antarctica or the sahara desert? antartica
95: penguins or polar bears? penguins
96: 'frozen’ or 'tangled’? with how many times i had to watch frozen with the girls, tangled
97: snowmen or icebergs? snowmen
98: handwritten letter or email? email
99: apple or andriod? android
100: the end or the beginning? end
got tagged by @damnedifivoodoo
2 notes · View notes
nostalgiaispeace · 4 years
Do you use wide ruled or college ruled notebooks? doesn’t matter.
On a pair of jeans, which pocket do you most use? back pockets
Do you have a class ring? no
What about a letterman jacket? No.
Do you still have a piggy bank? i might
Is it actually shaped like a pig? no
What is the name of the hospital you were born in? no idea
What is the legal drinking age of the country you live in? 21.
What type of internet browser are you using? Firefox.
What’s your favorite search engine? google
Are you a “Master Googler”? i don’t know what makes someone a master googler lol
Do people often buy you photo albums when they don’t know what else to buy? no
Have you ever literally lent someone a shoulder to cry on? of course
How long do your showers typically last? like 10 minutes at the most
What is the most annoying accent you’ve ever heard? southern
Have you ever seen a mariachi music video? no
Have you ever watched a movie with the commentary? What about the subtitles? plenty of times for both
What are your thoughts on re-constructive surgery? What about plastic surgery? if it’s needed i’m all for it.
Or should people learn to love their flaws? i think everyone has flaws but they make each one of us unique. flaws sound not equal bad.
Do you style your hair regularly? i don’t
What does your laundry basket/hamper look like? i have a black one and a pink one
Do you have a favorite word? What is it? naw
McDonald’s sweet tea: Yes or No? sure
When was the last time you had a papercut? idk
What was the worst Halloween costume you ever had? no clue
Is violence ever really the answer? no
Do you have a favorite brand of pen? no
Do you enjoy the smell of sharpies? What about gasoline? Or even chlorine? yes; no; no.
Have you ever sung in a choir? If so, what section were you in? Bass, Tenor, Alto, Soprano? yeah i was an alto
Did you ever pronounce bologna how it’s spelled? no
Are either of your parents in the medical field? no
What about educational field? no
Can you cry on cue? Do you wish you could? yeah
Do you prefer gold or silver jewelry? gold
Have you ever shaved your arms? What about your stomach? yes and yes
Have you ever made a friendship bracelet? i don’t think so
Have you ever been sledding on a real wooden sled with metal runners? no
Are you allergic to any particular animals? What about foods? And medicines? Or are you one of the lucky ones who don’t have any allergies? i’m allergic to horses; i’m allergic to almost all fruits; no meds
Did you or anyone you knew get swine flu? no
Do you think that people caused global warming? Or is it more of a natural earth cycle thing? i believe it’s a mix of both
Do you watch Curling during the Olympics? sure
Is bright red lipstick classy or trashy? it’s not my thing
Do the potential lovers you pursue typically have tattoos and piercings? my husband has tattoos
Do you like your teeth? Have you had any work done on them? no; i’ve had braces and gum disease treatment
Do you know what a lobotomy is? yeah
Have you ever put ranch dressing on pizza? no
Do you remember the purple and green colored ketchup from the 1990s? i do
Have you ever taken a dance class? no
Do you ever actually buy CDs anymore or do you just download music? both
Who is prettier? Jennifer Love Hewitt or Megan Fox? What about Ellen Degeneres or Mariah Carrey? megan fox; neither
Have you ever been to failblog.org? No.
Do you own a guitar? yeah
Do you pop your knuckles? yeah
Do all of your photos in yearbooks usually turn out looking terrible? from what i remember yeah
Did you have uniforms at your high school? No.
How often do you dust your room? lol like never
Do you ever use Febreez? yes
Have you ever been to Japan? What about Germany? Or Mexico? nope to all
Does your family ever take fun vacations? no
Where was the last place you went on vacation? no idea
Have you ever seen a castle in real life? If you said no, please note that the castles at Disney parks count. =D no
Do you remember the first book you read by yourself? No.
Did you ever read R. L. Stine’s Goosebumps books? omgsh tons of them
What about Lemony Snicket’s “A Series of Unfortunate Events” books? yup
Have you ever seen a nun in public? no
Have you ever heard of a musician named Priscilla Renea? no
Have you seen the Austin Power’s movies? i’ve seen one of them
Do you, or did you ever, have a Gameboy? i still have mine
Are you sitting in a rolley chair? Nope.
Were you a Nancy Drew reader when you were younger? I wasn’t.
Do you think Twilight is losing lots of original fans because of the movie? i have no idea
Do you think Zombieland was like an American version of Shaun of the Dead? i’ve never seen shaun of the dead so i don’t know.
Have you ever ice skated? What about roller skated? yes and yes
Do you have a video camera? What about a digital camera? Webcam? i have my phone which is basically all 3
What is your preferred instant messaging service? facebook
Do you enjoy being in photos? Or do you prefer taking the photos? neither
Know anyone named Gus? no
Do you know anyone who seems to break EVERYTHING they touch? yeah
Are giraffe’s weird animals? naw
0 notes
lavieboheme930 · 5 years
12. Bad Side Of The Moon
Do you use wide ruled or college ruled notebooks? I don’t use notebooks anymore.  But when I use looseleaf, college ruled.  I don’t like wide ruled.
On a pair of jeans, which pocket do you most use? Back
Do you have a class ring? >> No.
What about a letterman jacket? >> No.
Do you still have a piggy bank? No
Is it actually shaped like a pig? I don’t remember now.
What is the name of the hospital you were born in? Einstein
What is the legal drinking age of the country you live in? >> 21.
What type of internet browser are you using? Chrome
What’s your favorite search engine? Goodle.
Are you a “Master Googler”? I don’t even know what that means.
Do people often buy you photo albums when they don’t know what else to buy? No
Have you ever literally lent someone a shoulder to cry on? >> No.
How long do your showers typically last? It really depends.
What is the most annoying accent you’ve ever heard? None
Have you ever seen a mariachi music video? >> No.
Have you ever watched a movie with the commentary? What about the subtitles? Commentary yes.  Subtitles only once with Rocketman to understand some things I couldn’t understand Taron saying when I saw the movie in theaters.
What are your thoughts on re-constructive surgery? What about plastic surgery? Hey let people do what they want.
Or should people learn to love their flaws? Again...let people do what they want.  Personally, I wouldn’t get that stuff done.
Do you style your hair regularly? No
What does your laundry basket/hamper look like? just a plain brown bet hamper
Do you have a favorite word? What is it? seriously
McDonald’s sweet tea: Yes or No? Only had it once.  A little too sweet for my taste.
When was the last time you had a papercut? The other day.
What was the worst Halloween costume you ever had? None. I loved all my costumes.
Is violence ever really the answer? No
Do you have a favorite brand of pen? No.
Do you enjoy the smell of sharpies? What about gasoline? Or even chlorine? No 
Have you ever sung in a choir? If so, what section were you in? Bass, Tenor, Alto, Soprano? Yes.  Alto
Did you ever pronounce bologna how it’s spelled? No.
Are either of your parents in the medical field? >> No.
What about educational field? Yep.  Both retired teachers
Can you cry on cue? Do you wish you could? Yes I can.
Do you prefer gold or silver jewelry? silver
Have you ever shaved your arms? What about your stomach? No to both
Facebook or Myspace? Which is your favorite? Or is there another one? Facebook
Have you ever made a friendship bracelet? Yes
Have you ever been sledding on a real wooden sled with metal runners? No
Are you allergic to any particular animals? What about foods? And medicines? Or are you one of the lucky ones who don’t have any allergies? Only to certain medicines.
Did you or anyone you knew get swine flu? I think someone I used to work with said she had it once.
Do you think that people caused global warming? Or is it more of a natural earth cycle thing? People
Do you watch Curling during the Olympics? Yeah
Is bright red lipstick classy or trashy? classy
Do the potential lovers you pursue typically have tattoos and piercings? Piercings really
Do you like your teeth? Have you had any work done on them? They’re ok. and No
Do you know what a lobotomy is? Yeah
Have you ever put ranch dressing on pizza? I think so
Do you remember the purple and green colored ketchup from the 1990s? Yes!!
Have you ever taken a dance class? Yes
Do you ever actually buy CDs anymore or do you just download music? I use Spotify
Who is prettier? Jennifer Love Hewitt or Megan Fox? What about Ellen Degeneres or Mariah Carrey? WTF....they’re all pretty 
Have you ever been to failblog.org? >> No.
Do you own a guitar? Used to
Do you pop your knuckles? Yes
Do all of your photos in yearbooks usually turn out looking terrible? Only one that did was my freshman year one in high school.
Did you have uniforms at your high school? Yes until I did homeschooling.
How often do you dust your room? Whenever.
Do you ever use Febreez? >> No.
Have you ever been to Japan? What about Germany? Or Mexico? >> No.
Does your family ever take fun vacations? We did when I was younger
Where was the last place you went on vacation? Foxwoods
Have you ever seen a castle in real life? If you said no, please note that the castles at Disney parks count. =D Yes
Do you remember the first book you read by yourself? >> No.
Did you ever read R. L. Stine’s Goosebumps books? No, I went straight to Fear Street by him.
What about Lemony Snicket’s “A Series of Unfortunate Events” books? No, I was too old when they came out
Have you ever seen a nun in public? Yes considering I went to Catholic Schools.
Have you ever heard of a musician named Priscilla Renea? >> No.
Have you seen the Austin Power’s movies? All of them.
Do you, or did you ever, have a Gameboy? I did.
Are you sitting in a rolley chair? >> Nope.
Were you a Nancy Drew reader when you were younger? Yes
Do you think Twilight is losing lots of original fans because of the movie? Twilight sucked in general.
Do you think Zombieland was like an American version of Shaun of the Dead? Never saw it.
Have you ever ice skated? What about roller skated? Former figure skater so yes.  And yes.
Do you have a video camera? What about a digital camera? Webcam? Webcam on my laptop but  don’t use it.
What is your preferred instant messaging service? FaceBook Messenger
Do you enjoy being in photos? Or do you prefer taking the photos? >> I prefer taking them.  But if I’m with a celebrity I’m meeting, then I don’t mind being in the pic.
Know anyone named Gus? No
Do you know anyone who seems to break EVERYTHING they touch? >> Nope.
Are giraffe’s weird animals? No.  I love all animals.
0 notes
paulbenedictblog · 5 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Abc news PHOTOS: Wildfires erupt, a scary clown, a field of marigolds: The Week in Pictures
Abc news
David J. Phillip/AP
ABC Knowledge describe editors chose some of their favourite recordsdata pictures of the week for this series. The Washington Nationals possess a good time their first World Sequence Championship after beating the Houston Astros in Sport 7, Oct. 30, 2019, in Houston.
David J. Phillip/AP
Iraqi protesters wave flags whereas blocking off a bridge in Baghdad, all over anti-government demonstrations, Oct. 29, 2019.
AFP by skill of Getty Photos
Elderly residents are evacuated from a care facility as the Hill Fireplace approaches in Jurupa Valley, California, Oct. 30, 2019.
Orange County Register by skill of ZUMA Press
A firefighter sprays water as embers threatens a residence as the Hillside Fireplace burns thru San Bernardino, Oct. 31, 2019.
Noah Berger/AP
A woodland carrier firefighter appears at the Kincade Fireplace whereas standing peek at a residence in Knights Valley, California, Oct. 29, 2019.
AFP by skill of Getty Photos
Russian Communist event supporters march in direction of Lenin's Mausoleum to construct vegetation for the upcoming anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, in Moscow’s Pink Square, Oct. 29, 2019.
AFP by skill of Getty Photos
Boeing’s Vice President and Chief Engineer John Hamilton, and Chief Govt Dennis Muilenburg, gape at family individuals conserving photos of 737 Max wreck victims all over a hearing on aviation security on Capitol Hill, Oct. 29, 2019.
Sarah Silbiger/Reuters
British High Minister Boris Johnson is pushed into the Homes of Parliament on Oct. 28, 2019 in London.
Leon Neal/Getty Photos
Jim, a 2-month-previous miniature one gibbon, embraces a teddy endure at a zoo in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Oct. 31, 2019.
Pavel Mikheyev/Reuters
Delegates chat on the subject of a robotic all over the Future Funding Initiative (FII) discussion board at the King Abdulaziz Conference Centre in Saudi Arabia's capital Riyadh, Oct. 30, 2019.
AFP by skill of Getty Photos
A man wears a dressing up and make-up at a McDonald’s restaurant in Bangkok on Halloween, Oct. 31, 2019.
EPA by skill of Shutterstock
A lady fills her basket with marigold vegetation to sell for the Diwali festival in Kathmandu, Nepal, Oct. 25, 2019.
Navesh Chitrakar/Reuters
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babbletop · 6 years
Here's a list of the Top 10 Burger King Fails They Are Still Embarrassed About ➡️ Subscribe to BabbleTop: https://goo.gl/Grh1Wg With 65 years of business experience in the field of widespread expansion and mass-stuffing incredibly tasty food between bread, Burger King, the only royal chain of fast food restaurants (Yes, we’re narrowing our eyes at you, Dairy Queen) has quite a few successes – and failures – up its sleeve. But this time we’re only going to discuss the failures, because they’re, well, more interesting than the successes. So put on that crown and let’s unwrap the top 10 burger king fails they are still embarrassed about. Burger King (BK) is an American global chain of hamburger fast food restaurants. Headquartered in the unincorporated area of Miami-Dade County, Florida, the company was founded in 1953 as Insta-Burger King, a Jacksonville, Florida–based restaurant chain. Have it your way. 100% Beef. Freshly flame-grilled since 1954. The sandwich is always prepared exactly how you like it - with cheese or bacon, with extra onions or without tomatoes. Your way to order the WHOPPER sandwich is always the best way. If you enjoyed this list of the top 10 burger king failures, then comment: #BurgerKing #Burger #Fails TIMESTAMPS: 0:35 Burger King’s Satisfries 2:16 The BK Halloween Whopper 3:43 Google Home PR Disaster for Burger King 5:27 Burger King Gets Hacked! 6:40 Burger King Dinner Baskets 7:58 Sexism at Burger King 9:16 Enormous BK Omelette Sandwich 10:13 Burger King Sexism… Again (This Time in Russia) 11:30 Bad Behavior BK 13:09 The Mascot Burger King SUMMARIES: - Satisfries was a dud right from its name to its profitability. A medium-sized serving of Satisfries consisted of 20% fewer calories than Burger King’s original fries, which, to begin with, are usually dwarfed in taste and crispiness by their McDonald’s counterparts. - 2016 Halloween Whopper received a widespread dose of infamy, not as a result of the burger’s taste or appearance (A whopper dipped in A-1 Steak sauce in sesame-seed buns that look like coal), but because it made bathroom visit, turn green. - Burger King tried to advertise its food with Google Home, where a chirpy employee ends the ad by saying “Okay Google, what is a Whopper Burger?” As you’d expect, pranksters and Meme magnates were unrelenting. Since Google outsources most of its basic questions to Wikipedia, the answers that Google brought up were ridiculous and at the same time, hilarious. - In 2013, Burger King’s official Twitter was hacked by the – let’s just call him what he really is – the hamburglar. That’s right, not only is Burger King’s Twitter password apparently hackable, but the hacker went on for a good hour having their own raunchy pomp. - Burger King introduced a concept called ‘Dinner Baskets’ back in 1993. - In the late 2000s, Burger King came up with the ingenious idea of advertising its BK Super Seven Incher by marketing it with phallic symbolism in Singapore. The ad instantly sparked outrage in the country, and it was later removed because Burger King had realized its mistake, but the damage had been done on a global level. - As a breakfast sandwich made of sesame-seed rolls loaded with bacon, cheese, sausage, and an eponymous omelet, the enormous omelet sandwich cashed in big until BK customers decided that they didn’t want to attempt to clog their arteries too early in the morning. - It claimed that women made pregnant by World Cup Soccer players would receive ‘free Whoppers’ because they would be ‘ensuring the success of the Russian football team for generations to come’ as then their children would get ‘the best football genes’. - Burger King franchises are notorious for refusing to pay employees overtime, and in 2007, the chain was forced to put labels warning customers of the high trans-fat content in its food or stop using trans-fat altogether. - With his frozen smile, dead eyes, and Burger King crown, the burger king of Burger King is lesser a king of fast food than he is of nightmares. Make Sure To SUBSCRIBE To Our Channel! https://goo.gl/Grh1Wg Top 10 Untold Truths of Burger King!!! https://youtu.be/lyHZmoLfOdY Top 10 Burger King Items You Should NEVER ORDER According To The Internet! https://youtu.be/agB6cYYsQsg Top 10 McDonald’s FACTS That Will Shock You! https://youtu.be/xwDa-9oWohw Top 10 McDonald's Items You Should NEVER ORDER According to Reddit! https://youtu.be/pnx97u-caCY Top 10 Fast Food Items You Should NEVER ORDER According to Reddit! https://youtu.be/jTdH51Zz2dE Want to see our Most Popular Videos? Check them out here: https://goo.gl/tz6DA4 All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
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tebbyclinic11 · 6 years
This Week at BA: Butter-Basted Mushrooms and Cooki...
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This Week at BA: Butter-Basted Mushrooms and Cooki...
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Every Friday morning, Bon Appétit senior editor Alex Beggs shares weekly highlights from the BA office, from awesome new recipes to office drama to restaurant recs, with some weird (food!) stuff she saw on the internet thrown in. It gets better: If you sign up for our newsletter, you’ll get this letter before everyone else.
Cook mushrooms like steak
“‘Tis the season!” I declared, pulling a long-forgotten basket from a drawer in my desk. “PEPPERMINT BARK?” screeched Basically editor Amiel Stanek, rushing around the corner to see what it was. Sorry, Amiel. It was the Halloween-candy sized stash of Emergen-C packets I still have from my very official taste-test. Everyone’s been sniffling and sneezing, so it was time to hit the powder.
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It’s also the season for butter-basted mushrooms In the farmers’ market equivalent of a late-night ASOS shopping spree, I spent way too much money on some impulse mushrooms. The most expensive, hen of the woods aka maitake, are also the most delicious, in my humble opinion. The ONLY recipe I go to now is this one, where you treat the mushrooms like steak, basting them with rosemary (or thyme) browned butter until they’re tender, crispy, and divine.
Photo by Emma Fishman
Where is everybody?
The office was eerily quiet. Last weekend, a handful of BA staffers were in Portland for Feast, and here’s what my eyes and ears on the ground reported back. Editor in chief Adam Rapoport, who was caught drinking prosecco on ice, told deputy editor Julia Kramer that all staff were required to run the Healthyish 5k-ish, “And he made me run alongside him, making small talk, the *entire time,” she said. There was a field trip to a dispensary that looked like a Parisian jewelry store, where one editor picked up some CBD bath salts for his wife. At dinner at Kachka, herring under a fur coat and too many vodka shots were had. Brad was recognized by strangers everywhere he went (“I have so many friends here!” he told associate editor Christina Chaey). People transported via electric scooters. Amiel wore a lilac suit. The Turkey and the Wolf team brought their own McDonald’s plateware and a 12-pack of Pabst. I guess you just had to be there!
Farewell, restaurant
New York readers might have heard that Café Loup closed this week for alleged tax evasion, which is a pretty gangster way to go for an old school spot like that, so I accept this news with a grief and understanding. A few semesters ago, I took a continuing education writing workshop at the New School (never stop learning!), and every Friday after class, I’d meet a friend there for an icy martini—and sidecar—with fries. Everything else on the menu was terrible. It would be 6 p.m., the place mostly empty, and the maitre’d would look at me with disgust and say there were no tables. And then he’d relent, fine, a little spot near the bar, if you must. (I guess I didn’t look enough like Christopher Hitchens.) So farewell, Loup! May you rest in peace in restaurant heaven, where I imagine Florent lives on, 24/7 in our hearts.
Twizzle de doo
Watch Claire make gourmet Twizzlers here!
The way the Christmas cookie crumbles
Despite the lack of peppermint bark tins, we did have three weeks of Christmas cookie testing at the end of the summer. During those three weeks, we filmed a handful of videos–like Molly Baz’s scallops—and in the background, Chris Morocco has his headphones in, blasting the electronica band Timecop1983. “I really needed to go to a different place,” Chris told me about the struggle to think holly-jolly when it’s 90 degrees out. “I needed ambient soundwaves, no singing, none of Brad’s Neil Young, which honestly is how I feel year-’round, but that’s another thing.” I’ll let the Neil Young comment slide. “I thought he was listening to some dorky dad music,” Molly said, “but it’s like, the vibiest music ever.” This was Chris’ first year on Christmas cookie duty for the magazine, which is a big deal in our neck of the woods. “He did a fine job,” said Brad “not really a cookie guy” Leone. “The linzer sandwich thing was dynamite. With a cup of coffee, Beggs, forgettaboutit.” I’m a fan of Chris’ sparkly snickerdoodle 2.0—just wait til you see it (December issue!).
Tara Donne
Unnecessary food feud of the week
All this cookie talk, and a meeting on the theme of the word “crunchy,” got people arguing about what’s better: a soft and chewy chocolate chip cookie, or a crispy one? Video editor Misa Spencer is team Soft ‘n’ Chewy: “I never understood why people liked crispy packaged cookies—they make my mouth dry and sad,” she told me, adding that her mom, apparently a canonized saint, would time her batches of chocolate chip cookies so that they’d come out of the oven right before Misa got home from school. “Crispy cookies belong in icebox cakes and cookie cereal,” said contributor and big ol’ softie Sarah Jampel. Christina Chaey posted an image of Pepperidge Farm’s Sausalito cookies, her favorite of the chewy variety, to which Chris replied: “stop posting things just to upset me.” Others felt a truly perfect cookie is both crispy on the exterior, but soft within. (That answer is a cop-out). But I agree with digital director Carey Polis: “Sometimes you have cookie emergencies and that’s when Tate’s is really there for you.”
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