#mcfarlane ranch
roamingtigress · 5 months
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Hosea talking Dutch out of robbing the McFarlane ranch. (Good boy, Hosea. Here's a drink.)
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ghosttownoutwest · 2 years
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Marie is always being confronted by her mortality. She knows she's on the express train to the afterlife.
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rnelonbread · 3 months
what do you mean they put the ENTIRE red dead 1 map in red dead 2 and it took me until I got to the fucking epilogue to find out wtf
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hoovesmadeofsteel · 2 years
Arthur Morgan HC/AU: — Horse Trainer/Coach
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A couple years pass after the events of the gang’s downfall. Arthur has made it down to Hennigan’s Stead — to do work on McFarlane’s ranch as a horseman. You find him right on time to help you with an anxious yearling you bought at a local auction. 
“You bought this big son of a bitch? — For that much?” He chuckles
Arthur begins training by walking next the the large yearling elbow to his shoulder to enforce proper manners and behaviour. 
“Can somebody grab me that chain over there— buddies got strength” 
Starting him off on a lunge lead, you stand in the middle of the paddock as Arthur demonstrates how to properly hold the lead. 
“Uhh I forgot where I put my lasso that I use to lunge with as a tool— you just go like this”
He looks ridiculous as he claps and says “git on boah” behind your large yearling. 
“I usually use my lasso, prefer it over any lunge whip... definitely over my dumb hands, looking like a fool!” 
After a long day of basic ground work — Arthur invites you for coffee and a bite to eat in front of the camp fire.
“You’re doing exceptionally well with this brute, he’s a tough and quite giant guy for his age, I’ll give him that. In no time you and him will be on the road together” 
As about 2 years go by and you started to get into saddle, Arthur has already taught you so many basic techniques.
“You cannot allow yourself to get worked up and feel fear in saddle, yah boah will feel that feelin’ just as much as you— if not double”
This guy literally teaching you breathing techniques, a long with giving you a shot of tequila here and there” 
Watching Arthur demonstrate his riding ability to you is phenomenal, his canter transitions, seat, and steadiness of the reins are *chefs kiss* 
“It’s always in the hands partner, you need very gentle hands, pulling or being rough in hand ain’t going to do a single thing to benefit anyone— trust me on that one”
Pats on the back, and big smiles after a lesson goes so well— and even the days when they don’t, you get sometimes get a big ol’ Arthur hug” 
“Well done, you are a risin’ star 😁”
Within another year, you feel confident enough to go on long rides with Arthur at your side. You really couldn’t be more thankful for having a great teacher and friend.
Bonus optional endings:
Arthur offers you an apprenticeship, where you get to start colts with him, herd livestock, and continue learning about equine behaviour. If all works out — work for him and the McFarlane’s on the ranch! After all goes exceptionally well…. He surprises to you with the sweetest little collie puppy to raise, who will become the best herding dog the ranch has.
You and Arthur both grow closer, your fondness of each other is almost unbearable (in a good way)... you become lovers. He offers to take you and your horse on an adventure, up to West Elizabeth, where the two of you spend time on Pronghorn Ranch helping the Geddes’ family bottle feed, care for, and help find surrogate mares for orphaned foals. After the long trip and weeks on the road back to the ranch, he asks you to move in with him. Later that year he proposes to you… while the two of you spend a day picnicking , overlooking Blackwater.
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thank you anon! 
I hope you all enjoy!! ♡
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shefanispeculator · 1 year
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readromanceink · 4 months
A Long Way to Find Love By Mariella Starr
Caitlin Ridgeway was raised in wealth, although her life wasn’t what most people think of as luxury. Removed from an orphanage at five years old by two Aunts, she was hidden away until she was old enough to serve. In her young mind, she labeled Florence the beloved Aunt, while Aunt Beaula had earned her hatred. Then, upon Florence’s death, Caitlin learned the truth and everything she’d known as the truth was disrupted. Her life went from rags to riches with the reading of a will. She’d never been an orphan. She’d never been a niece to one of her Aunts. And, suddenly, she was the keeper of the wealth and not at the mercy of Beaula Ridgeway. Learning her true parentage sent her to find a father she’d never known existed.
Hudson McFarlane grew up in Texas. Orphaned at sixteen with a younger sister to support, he’d worked for Angus Ballard learning how to run one of the biggest ranches in Eastern Texas. Second in command now, Hudson was in charge, while his boss had taken a trip to visit his daughters. Ballard’s last words were to finish purchasing a thousand acres that had been a bone of contention between his boss and the property owner for fifty years. And, wouldn’t you know it? Suddenly, there was a new player in the game. A citified young woman from Philadelphia purchased the property right under his nose. He should have been furious, but at the same time, something about her was getting under his skin.
Publisher’s Note: This adult romance contains elements of mystery, danger, suspense, power exchange, sensual scenes and a happily ever after. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.
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reddeadphotos · 3 years
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Abandoned hearse
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morgan-macguire · 4 years
Outlaws For Life
Arthur Morgan x reader (rdr1)
Summary: After Johns family is taken, he comes to you and Arthur.
Warnings: rdr1 spoilers, rdr2 spoilers too tbh
A/n: I finished rdr1 for the first time in years a while ago and wanted to write this. In this fic, Arthur did not die on the mountain. Also!! it’s gender neutral :) Arthur and reader have kids but I didn’t say how they got them so that part is up to u lol :)
idk if anyone still reads for red dead, but I’m still writing (very slowly)!
not my gif
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Thick grey clouds blanketed the normally blue sky. A cold breeze swept through the land, much unlike the usual pleasant breeze that you’d grown so accustomed to. Rain was heading your way for sure, Arthur and the boys were taking advantage of the weather as much as possible. They’d invited you to come along on their fishing trip, but you declined. As much as you loved spending time with them, you didn’t want to get caught out in the rain.
So instead, you stayed home and looked after the house. Arthur assured you they wouldn’t be out too late, they’d be back by supper time. He offered to cook upon his return, but you beat him to it. A hearty venison stew, including some fresh vegetables from the garden, was already cooking on the stove before they got home.
You had just finished setting the table when you heard three heavy taps on the front door. It was unlike Arthur to knock before entering his own home, so you peered through the kitchen window to find out who was paying you a visit before heading over to the door.
“John Marston!” You gasped, stepping through the doorway to engulf him in a hug, “It’s been too long.”
John let out a small chuckle, “That it has, y/n.”
“Please, come in. Supper is just about finished,” you opened the door fully after letting him go, not bothering to wait for his reply. “Arthur should be back with the boys soon.”
John mumbled out a thank you, following you into the kitchen. He took a deep breath, inhaling the delicious smell of the stew pot. Abigail was, without a doubt, a terrible cook. The last time he smelled something so good, he nearly brought his family to live with you.
“Where are Abigail and Jack?” You questioned, setting an extra seat at the table for him and returning to the pot on the stove.
“That’s why I’m here, actually.” It didn’t take much for you to pick up on the frustration that laced his raspy voice. You ceased your movements, setting the silverware aside and taking a seat with your old friend.
“What’s wrong, John?”
Whatever he had come to tell you, it was hurting him something fierce. You could see it in his eyes. They drifted from yours as his shoulders tensed in visible irritation. Your hands moved to rest on his, hoping to provide some comfort. As he gathered the words in his mind, you couldn’t help but wonder if they had left him again. Sure, John wasn’t always the best father or husband, but he always tried his best. After all these years and after what happened with their daughter, surely they wouldn’t leave. It was silly of you to even think that.
“The government took them. They tracked me down, and want me to go after the rest of the gang. They took my family.”
“Oh my lord. John, I-“ You waited a moment to process what you had just heard. With a hand raised to cover your mouth in shock, you were speechless. After all these years, the government was still after the Van Der Linde Gang, or what was left of it. Before you could gather your words, the front door swung open. You heard Arthur’s spurs clink through the threshold, followed by two less than graceful sets of footsteps thundering in after. 
Arthur‘s gentle voice laughed at something that was said prior to entering the house. You heard him gather the fishing poles and tell the boys to check on you while he put the gear away. It didn’t take long for the boys to stumble into the kitchen, faces lighting up at the sight of their Uncle sitting across from you.
“Uncle John!” Thomas and George both raced to your friend, nearly knocking him off his chair in the process, “We saw your horse out front!” Thomas noted.
“You two are gettin’ big.” John smiled, patting both of your sons. He stood up to greet Arthur when he stepped into the kitchen, slightly damp from the rain.
“The golden boy!” The two men embraced, both glad to see the other. You sent the boys away to wash up as you removed the stew pot from the stove.
“Let’s eat. We have to talk. Away from the boys.” You sent Arthur a pointed glance, silently letting him know that it was important, before looking back to John for his input.
“Of course.” John nodded.
When the boys returned, the four of you sat around the table to eat. The dinner conversation was pleasant, and consisted mostly of your boys telling John stories of their recent adventures with their father. Of course, they fabricated many of the details, but John pretended to believe everything. The cheerful mood turned sour, however, when Arthur inquired about John’s family.
“What are Abigail and Jack up to?” Arthur asked, casually taking a bite of his stew.
John instantly frowned, glancing to you before looking back at his brother. The table grew silent quickly, and both young boys looked to you.
“George, Thomas, why don’t you finish your supper in the family room, like you’re always asking to do?”
“I thought you didn’t want us to eat in there?” Thomas popped an eyebrow up at you.
“We can make an exception tonight. Now go ahead, before I change my mind.” You ruffled George’s hair as the two of them relocated to the other room without a second thought.
Arthur eyed you and John carefully. He could sense that whatever John had come to say wasn’t anything pleasant, so he patiently waited to be informed. When the boys were completely out of earshot, John began to explain his predicament.
“Agent Ross tracked me down. Him and all of his government boys took Abigail and Jack. They’re holding them somewhere, won’t say where. They say I’ve gotta go after Bill, Javier, and Dutch to get ‘em back.” 
Arthur was silent. He sat in shock, eyebrows creasing in the middle as he thought over the situation.
“I hate to ask, you know I do, but I need help.”
“It’s been a long time, John.”
“I know, brother. We all got out of that life years ago, I thought it was done.”
“We’ll never be done, John. The life we lived, it don’t let you out.” Arthur sighed. His shoulders sank and he glanced towards the family room before looking to you with sorrow in his eyes.
John sank in his seat.
“We’ll do what we can to help you, John. We’ll get Abigail and Jack back.” You said what Arthur was thinking, doing your best to reassure John.
“Thank you,” he nodded, “I know Javier is somewhere in Mexico. Bill is hiding in Fort Mercer behind his own gang, I figured that much out when he shot me-“
“You were shot?!” You gasped.
“It ain’t the first time.” John pointed out halfheartedly.
John went on to explain his peculiar circumstances. He’d been rescued by a rancher woman, Bonnie McFarlane, of the McFarlane ranch out in New Austin. She had him fixed up at the doctor and let him work off the bill. He was planning to go after the rest of your former family alone, but he needed to tell you and Arthur first. It didn’t feel right leaving the two of you in the dark, especially with how things ended with the Van Der Linde gang.
“We won’t let you do this alone, John.”
John shook his head, denying Arthur. 
“Arthur, I can’t ask you to come with me. I was trying to avoid you being involved in this as much as possible. I just need information-“
“You’re not asking.” Arthur cut John off, “You’re my brother. I ain’t gonna let you do this on your own. Not after everything we’ve been through.”
You agreed with Arthur as a nervous pit settled in your stomach. The two of you had a family. You knew Arthur would drop everything to make sure his family was safe, he’d do the same for John’s. You also knew he would be going with John alone. He’d beg you to stay home, safe, with the boys. After everything that had happened all those years ago in the gang, he swore to himself that he’d never let you or your family fall into harms way again. He intended to keep that promise, no matter the cost.
Arthur, sensing your anxiety, placed his hand over yours under the table, trying to comfort you. He was likely thinking the same thing.
“No.” John managed to mutter out through the turmoil in his chest. Arthur furrowed his eyebrows, staring at Mr. Marston with a look of bewilderment.
“I have to do this alone,” John began, “You can’t come.” He watched Arthur carefully as he finished his statement. Arthur couldn’t believe what he had just heard.
“You’ll be killed, John. How do you know they’ll just hand Abigail and Jack over once this is done, huh?”
“Goddammit, Arthur!“ John raised his voice, “You’ve got a family here. This isn’t exactly the easiest job we’ve been on. They was once our family.”
“They stopped being family long ago, John. They made that call.” Arthur’s voice had shifted to a low growl as he recalled everything.
“I know, Arthur. That’s why I need to go alone. You got out for good, they all think you’re buried somewhere in the Grizzlies. You have to keep it like that, for your family’s sake.”
“And what about your family, John? What if you get shot again, and there’s no one to save you? You know that the two of us could get this done far quicker and easier than you on your own. They won’t even know I was there.”
“I don’t need saving! I need you to stay dead.” John nearly shouted, startling you. As much as you understood John’s point, you knew there was no changing Arthur’s mind. The two of them were a powerful duo, even though neither of them were in their prime age anymore. Two was safer than one. The Marstons were family, and family takes care of each other. 
“Please, take this outside.” You interrupted the conversation with a heavy heart, not wanting the boys to hear them argue. Arthur almost started yelling back at John, but he stopped himself after hearing your voice. He took a frustrated breath, giving your hand one last squeeze before releasing it and standing up. John followed him out the front door without a word.
As soon as the door shut, you heard the two of them start arguing. Their voices were muffled due to the rain having picked up, but you had a pretty good idea about what they were saying. The porch shielded them from the water, but didn’t drown their voices out completely.
You dropped your head in your hands, trying to tune their voices out. A pit of anxiety formed inside you, eating away at your stomach. You just sat there, for who knows how long, thinking about how long Arthur would be away. Fort Mercer was far enough, they’d have to go to Tall Trees and Mexico. 
After a short while, the argument outside grew quiet and John and Arthur entered the house. They returned to their seats without a word to each other. All it took was one look from Arthur for you to know what the decision was. John could barely look at you, he felt so bad. 
You reached out to embrace your friend, not knowing what to say in the moment, and three of you went on to finish your meals. The conversation was awkward at first, but as time went on it strayed further from the inevitable and grew more lively. You told small anecdotes about your time at the Morgan ranch and John told stories about Beecher’s Hope. It had been months since the last visit from the Marstons. For now, you were just making up for the lost time. 
Before you knew it, the sun had set and the stars shone bright behind the thick rain clouds. Your chat with John and Arthur stole the evening, and it was nearly time for the boys to hit the sack before you realized. You had only been made aware of how much time had actually passed when Thomas and George came stumbling in. Always full of energy, they bounced around the kitchen and dragged Arthur away for a short while. 
“Would you stay the night, John? It’s late and the rain doesn’t look like it’s going to let up soon.” 
“I’d appreciate that, thank you.” John offered a sad smile, helping you clear the table. Your heart ached for your old friend. John was truly in an unfair situation, and you could see the physical toll it was taking on him. He had worked hard day and night to create a better life for his family. He fought for years for them. It was supposed to be over. He was supposed to be living out his golden years just like you and Arthur, away from the government and the problems they created as a happy family. The only difference was that unlike John, the government believed Arthur was a dead man. He died on top of that mountain all those years ago. 
“John.” you pulled yourself from you thoughts, gently grabbing his shoulder. When he turned to face you, you continued, “You’ve been dealt an awful hand, and I’m sorry for it. Arthur and I have your back. You’ll be back with Abigail and Jack in no time.”
“I really can’t thank you enough. You’ve both been too kind to me.”
“Nonsense, John,” you smiled, “We’re family, and family takes care of each other.”
After putting the boys to bed and getting John settled in his room for the night, you and Arthur couldn’t wait to get to sleep. The two of you had changed into your night clothes quickly, eagerly crawling under the covers together. Arthur wrapped an arm around your waist, drawing you in close to him. Reaching for his hand, you intertwined your fingers with his and pressed a gentle kiss on his knuckles. What a day it had been.
“What are we gonna do?” You asked, rubbing your thumb against the back of his palm.
Arthur exhaled into your neck, shaking his head. “We can’t let him do this alone.”
“I know, Arthur.” That much you were sure about. Everything else was up in the air. The two of you sat quietly for a while, silently thinking about what the near future had in store for your family.
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fonfan121 · 3 years
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Alexandra Higgins
Born in San Francisco 1872 with her twin sister Elizabeth, their mother Delilah died during birth. The father (they refused to say his name out of spite) was a racist asshole and railroad baron, who helped develop the rail between San Francisco and Los Angeles and eventually the rail from Los Angeles to Saint Denis (stand-in New Orleans)
Despite their father being an asshole, he got them good educations. Alexandra learned Spanish and Medicine but doesn't pass and Elizabeth learned French and Economics, acing her studies. Still being an asshole he tried to groom the twins to be married into rich families, they have absolutely none of it. At the age of 17 Alexandra punches one of her would be suitors in the face, infuriating her father.
Alexandra is eventually fed up with dad and Elizabeth helps make a plan to flee from San Francisco to Los Angeles at age 21, stealing dad's wallet with several hundred $$$. Elizabeth furthered her education and joined a small business, while Alexandra starts heavy lifting work and doing ring fights on the side. The pair are forced to split up in 1895 when Elizabeth is discovered to be using her father's name to drum up business and Alexandra is busted courting (or rather cavorting at the time) with a prominent citizen's daughter.
Elizabeth heads to New York in an attempt to create her own business, with dreams to become as successful if not more so than individuals such as Leviticus Cornwall while Alexandra heads to Saint Denis in early 1896, before drifting around doing odd jobs and eventually settling into Blackwater in 1897.
By late 1897/early 1898, Alexandra has rented a small office/bedroom in Blackwater while doing assigned jobs for individuals such as Sheriff Freeman, the McFarlane Ranch, various postal/train stations and occasional deliveries to the Adler family.
Later in 1898 she is wrongfully arrested in connection for the death of Mr Phillip LeClerk, being sent to Sisika Penitentiary. When freed by Horley via Jessica LeClerk, little fuss is made due to her established reputation among the people of West Elizabeth/New Austin.
After assisting Blackwater’s chief of police apprehend a conman hiding in Pike's Basin the chief points Alexandra to Rhodes, where Sheriff Gray was said to be in need of bounty hunters to stem the flow of Braithwaites/Lemoyne Raiders in the area. After an encounter with The Woman With no Name (That's literally what it says her name is on the wiki) and acquiring a bounty hunter license, Alexandra quickly sets out to establish a reputation for herself, while also assisting the various law enforcement groups under the recommendation of Horley.
While checking the pockets of one of her bounties, she comes across a richelieu amethyst necklace. When taking it to a local fence for appraisal, she is instead pointed towards a mysterious woman by the name of Madam Nazar. Upon meeting the madam she agrees to look for more "curios" and "artifacts" during her travels, for which she would be surprisingly well compensated.
During these events, Ms Higgins is approached by Cripps to help start his trading company. She agrees to help but only part-time, as she still has prior engagements with bounty hunting, Madam Nazar and finishing business with Mrs LeClerk.
To increase their reputation and income across the states, the Woman With no Name tasked Alexandra with hunting more "infamous" and Legendary" bounties. They included the successful captures of Etta Doyle, Phillip Carlier, Red Ben Clempson, Nikolai "Yukon Nik" Borodin and Gene "Beau" Finley; the deaths of Cecil C. Tucker (arsonist fucker had it coming), Sergio Vincenza, the "Owlhoot Family", the "Wolf Man" and Tobin Winfield. (dumbass got himself killed, priority was the deeds he had stashed)
After the failed attempt to capture Barbarella Alcazar (Too many goons, tired and bloody after the initial capture she escaped during a rest stop en-route to Tumbleweed. Was not killed by Alcazar due to mutual respect for being hard-as-nails) Alexandra was forced to reconsider her tactics, taking a more careful, tactical approach. This proved to be invaluable in the capture of Carmela Montez when being severely outnumbered and outgunned.
Cripps would eventually contact her, saying that other associates of Mrs Leclerk she worked with have started a moonshining operation with his old flame, Maggie Fike. He requests that she keep an eye on the group so they don't get killed during their business.
Once Alexandra has finished filling out Madam Nazar's requests for items, Nazar informs that she must leave before the year is out. Having more than enough money to tend things in Blackwater for several years, Ms Higgins decides to accompany the Madam to Mexico, avoiding the events of RDR2 and establishing herself as a bounty hunter across the border.
During her stay in Mexico, Alexandra developed an affinity for vintage Gran Corazon Madeira and began a relationship(?) with Madam Nazar. Aside from bounties, she was also occasionally hired as security for the current local government.
Capturing bounties in Mexico required much more tact and stealth, as she stuck out like a sore thumb even in crowds. Despite earning far less pay or fame than in the US, her reputation and her arsenal still expanded.
The pair returned to Blackwater in 1901 and Alexandra refurbished her office to accommodate both of their work. She also bought a small plot of land on the south road into Blackwater, to build a house for them to store things that wouldn't fit in the office.
Eventually Alexandra got back to bounty hunting in the US, her reputation now cemented on both sides of the border. The adopted tactics from both her career's turning point and from Mexico payed off in the long run, as her name and sometimes face had become very recognizable to targets. She would accompany Nazar on her roaming caravan trips, keeping a low profile for whatever reasons the madam deemed appropriate.
Alexandra would have a chance encounter with Sadie Adler in 1902 while hunting the same bounty as her in Gaptooth Ridge, the latter mentioning the loss of her husband and subsequent travels with Arthur Morgan. They paired up for a second time when a group hired by her father arrives to take her back to San Francisco, Alexandra payed Sadie well for her trouble and wishes her the best before making plans to find and confront her father. (Screenshots are by me, artwork was commissioned from u/greenecowpoke on reddit.) 
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goldberg-gaming · 3 years
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Leila and Roger(@rogersropes) defending McFarlane’s ranch.
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redemptionbaby · 4 years
Hey can we get some Bonnie MacFarlane/f!reader headcanons? (I think I might have spelled her last name wrong but oh well lol)
Oh damn it’s been a hot minute since I played rdr
Bonnie McFarlane
You met Bonnie in the same way that a surprising amount of people meet Bonnie: half dead and at the side of the road
She puts you up, helps you out, even has a doctor visit you until you’re all better. All she wants is a bit of work done in return, and you’re happy to do it
It turns out the two of you are a natural team. Herding cattle, night patrols, rounding up wild stallions. You’re totally in sync.
And even after you’ve payed back double what you owe in labor, you’re inclined to stay. And Bonnie is inclined to have you.
You’re a good worker. Sharp, quick, strong. Not to mention cute. Like... really cute.
And the way she wears those pants? Who could resist
More and more she invites you to the house for dinner, for tea, or just to stay up late and talk before bed
Before long they’re sleepovers. Then, you’re having them basically every night. Makes sense for you to just move in, you’re practically always sleeping there anyways.
Those cupped hands, bursts of laughter, horseback-banter, it all just gets so... tender. So intimate in ways your can’t articulate.
Your love becomes an open secret around the ranch. No one really sees any reason to question the boss lady. Her father? Well, he was dreading having to give her away to some dumb suitor someday anyhow.
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roamingtigress · 6 months
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Make way for the biggest badasses in The West.
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neon-junkie · 4 years
Bonnie McFarlane for the character ask thing? Lol
How I feel about this character I love her!! She’s so wonderful, a true woman icon, and a fantastic character. I remember liking her on my first playthrough, but on my second one I REALLY liked her, like I looked forward to her missions. I love her personality, but damn, the balloon pants have gotta go ;-; 
All the people I ship romantically with this character I ship her with John, of course! I also think she’d be a perfect match for Sadie!!! 
My non-romantic OTP for this character I think her and Abigail had a nice interaction when Abigail finally meets her. I think she would have gotten along really well with adult Jack too, I wish he had a mission with her!!
My unpopular opinion about this character Her pants are ugly!!! Sorry I just dont like em. I’m also not a fan of ppl that ship her with Jack, like she’s more than double his age, that’s just weird... 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. Like I said, I would have loved to see her do some missions with adult Jack in the epilogue. Or at least see her roaming about the ranch more?!
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sad-sweet-cowboah · 5 years
Things I want R* to do for RDO
What’s needed:
Bug fixes, such as:
Low to no animal spawns on console
Issues with trying to join each other’s sessions/posses
Infinite loading screens
Horses not moving when you try to ride them
Fixing the hacker issues on PC.
What I would like to see:
Separate PvP and PvE lobbies. (Just a side note: Defensive mode is helpful to an extent. Griefers still find a way around it with things like toxic moonshine, molotovs and dynamite.)
On a PvE lobby, you and your horse won’t be an open target to griefers on free roam. You can still do in-posse fighting and load into PvP series.
You can still do a distance delivery for your trader role, which would invite other players in the area to steal your supplies if they wish.
Tweaks to the moonshiner role.
A slight increase to the wagon durability. Quite tired of getting damage from nothing.
A slight nerf on the revenue agents.
MORE.CAMERA.POSES. Can we pose with our guns please?
Character creation is more user friendly.
An option to add a slot for a second character. The slot can be either unlocked with gold or when you hit a certain level.
More coat variants for the horses.
A “Wrangler” role.
You could either buy your own ranch, similar to how you can buy your own moonshine shack. OR you can start a business with the McFarlanes.
You make a profit by breaking, training, and selling wild horses. Now we know that it’s the lower tier horses that run around in the game, but it would be a good starting point.
You can either sell a horse just after breaking it for the lowest amount of money, you you can “put time” on it to increase value.
You may be able to breed higher tier horses, OR you can go on missions to find higher tier horses in the wild with a prompt similar to how bounties work, or perhaps even steal them from competitor ranches (this can depend on what your honor level is)
Rodeos can be a fun side thing, such as barrel racing/pole bending, calf roping and bull riding. You can invite other players to compete against you like with a moonshine shack invite, or you can host an open competition that anyone may join if they’re in the area.
I know some of these we may never see in the game, but it would be cool to have otherwise.
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vanderlindeee · 4 years
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john took a trip to mcfarlane ranch :)
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readromanceink · 5 months
A Long Way to Find Love By Mariella Starr
Caitlin Ridgeway was raised in wealth, although her life wasn’t what most people think of as luxury. Removed from an orphanage at five years old by two Aunts, she was hidden away until she was old enough to serve. In her young mind, she labeled Florence the beloved Aunt, while Aunt Beaula had earned her hatred. Then, upon Florence’s death, Caitlin learned the truth and everything she’d known as the truth was disrupted. Her life went from rags to riches with the reading of a will. She’d never been an orphan. She’d never been a niece to one of her Aunts. And, suddenly, she was the keeper of the wealth and not at the mercy of Beaula Ridgeway. Learning her true parentage sent her to find a father she’d never known existed.
Hudson McFarlane grew up in Texas. Orphaned at sixteen with a younger sister to support, he’d worked for Angus Ballard learning how to run one of the biggest ranches in Eastern Texas. Second in command now, Hudson was in charge, while his boss had taken a trip to visit his daughters. Ballard’s last words were to finish purchasing a thousand acres that had been a bone of contention between his boss and the property owner for fifty years. And, wouldn’t you know it? Suddenly, there was a new player in the game. A citified young woman from Philadelphia purchased the property right under his nose. He should have been furious, but at the same time, something about her was getting under his skin.
Publisher’s Note: This adult romance contains elements of mystery, danger, suspense, power exchange, sensual scenes and a happily ever after. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.
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