draculaurennn · 4 years
a lazy day + your muse JUN
. a lazy day && jun-ki —
- if it’s just Jun-ki, lazy days are... rare, to say the least. she doesn’t know what to do with them. it means she doesn’t have to do her makeup (and consequently, no nagging anxiety about her looks), she doesn’t have to fix her bedhead, she barely has to figure out legit clothing. lazy days are definitely a joggers and whoever’s-shirt-was-on-the-chair day. 
- nobody makes her wake up urgently, which is great, because Jun’s the kind of girl to whine and complain and say “I’m working on it” while lying face down. days off and days void of chaos mean Jun can take her time getting up and getting ready for the day.
- lazy days means she finds things to do, but only things that hold her attention. as soon as it wanes, she moves on to something else. sometimes that means sleeping in, or just lying in bed and playing games on her phone. other times she can get herself upright and will try to catch up on manga she’’s decades behind on or puzzles through video games she hasn’t touched in a while. lazy for her generally entails doing nothing. 
- sometimes she sits out in the common room and people watches. Jun-ki never worked with so many people she liked before (war machines and yakuza tend to be a one eye open sort of deal) so watching them pass her by, interact with one another, occasionally chat with her or engage in idle chitchat... it’s weirdly nice. 
- if Jesse is home, a lazy day for her means probably never getting out of bed. they don’t have to do anything. they get to lie there and make jokes, ebb in and out of consciousness over and over until it’s like, five in the evening and they just need to eat something.
- it’s probably pizza in bed and movies, soft kisses and sleeping again. then a 4am pancake make aka rinse and repeat. sometimes it means stealing peanut butter and jelly and bread and just living like rodents who make sandwiches in their own bed. (and if you think they care, they do not, because they truly are disgusting and i love them.)
- for the longest time, if Jesse was home, she’d still put eyeliner on. it didn’t matter if there was literally no plan to do anything - she’d get up for the five seconds it takes to do eyeliner. over time she’s gotten less conscious of it; he doesn’t care one way or another, so why worry about it? she still dresses like a hobo, but typically she’ll take his shirts.
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hottie mctits and ass mcmantits find a hunk eith some junk in a stasis pod thats janky so he aged slowly but still aged. anyway they let him out and hunk mcjunk is actually 15 mentally and its also a zombie apocalypse. and they fuck. anyway this has been concepts with leo tune in some other time for more or maybe less
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vehicroids · 7 years
[Fanfic] Babysitting
Rating: T Characters: Jack Morrison, Gabriel Reyes, Jamison Fawkes, Jesse McCree Pairing(s): Reaper76, High Boom/McJunk Summary: While Jesse and Jamison go out on a date night, Jack and Gabriel are left to look after their unruly granddaughter.
They hadn’t even left yet, and Jesse was already endlessly fretting about nothing, while he explained to his dads all the requirements for looking after his little girl. Jack could barely stifle his laughter; it reminded him so much of when he and Gabriel left Jesse and his sister with their parents. Gabriel shot him a look, before going back to Jesse.
“She goes t’bed at 8, and likes it when you make up stories fer ‘er. Don’t go readin’ to ‘er,” Jesse said. “Don’t give ‘er anything after 6, else she’ll be peein’ all night.” “Seriously?” Jack laughed. “We know how to look after kids. We bought you up, didn’t we?” “Ya’ dragged me up,” Jesse rolled his eyes. “I ain’t done, either. You gotta give ‘er a bath at 6, an’—“ “Mate, c’mon. It’s just one night, yeah?” Jamison, assured, hand on Jesse’s shoulder. Jesse makes a small noise, before accepting his defeat. “Alright, fine. You two be good t‘er.” Before leaving, he leaned down and gave his little girl one last hug, but he couldn’t help but press loads and loads of kisses onto her soft little cheeks. She squealed in delight over the attention, wiggling and kicking her tiny legs. Jamison knelt and ruffled her hair, and she attached herself to his neck in one final hug. He carefully had to peel her off, much to her dismay With the pair finally gone, Jack felt relief. Finally, they could have fun with their granddaughter, without Jesse worrying about everything. She was his first born but, come on, enough was enough. With Jesse gone, his daughter was running rampant, but she was happy. She got chocolate, and candy, and God alone knows what else. Gabriel ordered pizza for them. She was a loud and unruly child, and everything she said was a shout. Even when colouring, a quiet activity, she narrated her every drawing. Loudly. The explosions were Jack’s least favourite part, as she would get up and run around after she had drawn an explosion. There was no sitting her down, or calming her. Knowing Jamison since he was a child, Jack knew very well this was his doing. Even when she was sat down with her ragged doll, watching Tangled for the thousandth time, she still whooped and yelled like it was the first time she had ever seen it. Jack found it charming, in a way, but he did need some painkillers after all that yelling. When pizza arrived, she cheered, and made grabby hands for the large box. Large, hot boxes do not mix with small children, Gabriel thought, and instead put the box on the coffee table. He had already prepared a plate at the table, so he put a slice on that and handed it over to his overzealous granddaughter. For the first time since their arrival, she was quiet. “Jesse doesn’t trust us, does he?” Jack asked while stealing a slice of pizza. “Probably related to how his meemaw and popop babysat him and his sister,” Gabriel shrugged. “What? My mom and dad were strict with the kids,” Jack said, offended. Gabriel snorted. “That’s what you think.” Jack rolled his eyes; his parents didn’t go easy on the kids. He bit into his pizza and went back to the film, where the two main characters were singing their duet. He didn’t really care much for the film, but it was colourful, and kept his granddaughter happy. What else could he want? With the food eaten and the film over, that marked time for the next phase of the evening. Gabriel was the favourite grandpa, so he kept his granddaughter occupied while Jack slyly ran a bath for her. Not too hot, and not too cold, with a warm towel ready on the radiator for her. Once it was drawn, Jack gave the signal, one that changed each time they babysat; this time, it was a yawn. Gabriel grabbed her in a swoop, and she yelped and protested and kicked. She knew what this meant, and she was having none of it. So much for peace and quiet, Jack supposed. He could hear them approach the bathroom, and he was surprised she was still in his arms. “Come on, honey, it’s bath time. We’ve got all your bubbles in there and all your toys. It’ll be fun,” Gabriel tried. “Noooooo!!!” she screeched. Once she was in the bathroom, she was cornered by her grandpas, so her resistance ended with a big, big pout. She knew when she was outmatched, and this was one of those times. Unwillingly, she allowed herself to be undressed, but went back to crossed arms. Jack laughed softly at her; she reminded him so much of his own kids. Gabriel carefully picked her up and put her in the bath, and she immediately went back to resisting, sending water and bubbles all over the place. He was absolutely soaked and sticky and he struggled to keep hold of his granddaughter. Once in, she stopped again, realising she wasn’t getting out of this bath without being washed first. She crossed her arms as Gabriel gently washed her hair, singing softly, while Jack tried to distract her with bath toys. She was having none of it, but at least she sat down nicely for long enough to be washed. As soon as Gabriel was done, she went right back to splashing him. Seemed like a fear of being clean ran in the family, Jack thought, but he would never vocalise that. Jack could still remember the evenings spent trying to keep Jesse in the damn bath for longer than three seconds. He enjoyed being a muddy child, and thus, he was determined to stay that way. Jack had lost count of the amount of times his son had temporarily blinded him after a bath, then got out and ran around the house butt naked. Usually, Gabriel was there to scoop him up and bring him back to the tub. He laughed to himself at the memories, then was brought back to reality. Finally, Jesse would go through what he put his poor fathers through. He couldn’t help but derive some sort of pleasure from the situation. With their granddaughter washed and the bath empty, Gabriel scooped her up whole, wrapping the towel around her. She seemed content when she realised it was a warm towel, at least. Gabriel carried his little wrap into the living room, where he put something on TV as he brushed her hair. As she was distracted, she was calm. She snuggled close when he had done brushing her hair and he wrapped his arms around her. She looked over at Jack and made grabby hands at him to sit down with them. When he did, she shuffled onto one leg of each and snuggled close to both. Jack and Gabriel each had an arm around her. “Do you want some ice cream, honey? We won’t tell Daddy,” Gabriel winked. “Ice sheem,” she nodded in approval. Gabriel placed her fully onto Jack’s lap, and she happily nestled into him. Jack held her, gently kissing the top of her head and she sighed happily. He rubbed her back in small, gentle circles. When Gabriel came back with three small bowls of ice cream, the peace was completely decimated. Jack expected as much. Their granddaughter grabbed hers as soon as she could and tipped the bowl into her mouth, pretty much downing it in one. It was mildly impressive, actually. She sat on Jack’s lap, happily swinging her legs as she waited for her grandpas to finish their desserts. The moment Jack put his bowl down, she snuggled close to him again, grabbed one of his arms and made it wrap around her. With a soft chuckle, the other arm followed suit. She was the happiest creature in the whole world. They sat like this for a while, their granddaughter now spread out across both sets of laps, almost like a cat. Jack was sure that if she could purr, she would. Gabriel gently stroked her hair, which was slowly drying out, and she was slowly falling asleep. They could have left her there, but if they tried to pick her up, she would have woken up. Then, she would never sleep. “Alright, I think it’s time for bed,” Jack said as he picked her up. “No, longer,” she whined, wiggling in his arms, and Gabriel went to quickly wash the bowls and put them away. “No, sweetheart. Bed time,” Jack insisted, kissing her temple. She stood no chance of getting out; years of dealing with his own unruly children made Jack strong, and she was far too tired to try. Once they reached her bedroom, Jack got her into pyjamas, just in time for Gabriel to sneak in as well. Jack and Gabriel tucked her into bed, but demanded for both to stay with her, one on each side of her. She was happily nestled between her two grandpas now, and there was no way her grin could get any wider. Between these two, quite large men, she seemed so, so tiny. “What kind of story do you want tonight, then?” Jack asked. She paused for a moment, before she nodded. “Dragons!” “Dragons it is, then.” Jack and Gabriel began weaving a great tale of Dragons of all shapes and sizes, of all kinds, who breathed all sorts of elements. These dragons took over the world, enslaving people and treating them as pets. She loved hearing about the mayhem dragons caused, and sometimes humans. She giggled when the dragons snuffed out the human uprising for the third time; that was her favourite part. As Gabriel described the fear humans lived in every day, she yawned sleepily and moved just a little closer to them, if that was even possible. Jack decided to carry on by talking about what humans needed to do to survive, including salvaging what little resources they had, to make sure she did not miss any of the important stuff next time he told this story. Slowly, her little eyelids closed, and she fell asleep. Satisfied she had truly fallen asleep, the pair slipped out of her room, quieter than they ever had been before, before going back downstairs to clean up. Jack could at least pretend he didn’t let his granddaughter run rampant around the house. Was this really what his parents did with Jack and Gabriel’s kids? No way. Gabriel put on some crap cooking show, something they didn’t want to pay attention to, while nestled happily under Jack’s arm. Jack was already yawning, straining to stay awake. All he could pay attention to was the gentle rhythm of Gabriel’s breathing. He stood no chance and, before long, he was gone. Babysitting had killed him. – “Wakey, wakey!” The sudden noise forced Jack and Gabriel to jump up to their feet, hearts in their throats. When they saw Jamison grinning at them, Jack felt a mix between relief and anger. How the hell did he not wake up his kid, being that loud? Checking the time, it was one in the morning. Where the hell had they been? Jesse said twelve at the latest. “Evenin’,” Jesse tipped his hat. “How’s she doin’?” “Out like a light,” Jack said. “I guess we really tired her out.” Satisfied, he nodded. “No kiddin’. We miss much?” “Nah. Just gave her dinner and a bath, then straight to bed.” Well, it wasn’t strictly a lie, but, it also wasn’t the truth. “Right,” Jesse muttered.
Jack and Gabriel grabbed their things to leave, and Jack was already straight back to yawning. God, he looked forward to going to bed, now. He was too old for this babysitting crap. Thankfully, Gabriel was driving that night. Jack rubbed his face as he fought off sleep.
“Oh, Pops, one more thing.”
Jack turned around curiously to see his son smirking at him. That made him nervous. His son should not be making him feel nervous. What could he have possibly done?
“If you’re gonna lie t’me, hide th’evidence a lil’ better next time.”
Jack followed Jesse’s gaze to find a pizza box sitting neatly on the coffee table. He could have said it was just for him and Gabriel, but Jesse was no idiot. Well, he didn’t need to know the extent of the evening. “Night, guys. Drive safe,” he said, before going off upstairs and dragging how husband with him. Jack was a little dumbfounded. He expected something a little more…explosive. He wondered for a moment what had happened on their date night for him to be a little less overprotective, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to know. Instead, he left with Gabriel, before Jesse decided to come down and start telling him off for letting his little girl run wild.
In the safety in his car, Jack could finally laugh about the evening. Yep, Jesse was his dad’s son, after all.
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Junkrat and McCree lay on beds across from each other
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laxchra-archive · 6 years
((when ur playing mystery heroes and u just wanna be ur cowboy but ur getting everyone buT HIM.
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birdwives · 7 years
the downside of being in a discord server is that u make all these great useful emojis and u start getting used to having them there all the time and then suddenly you’re texting somebody and it’s the perfect opportunity to use one but. none of them are there. they’re only on discord. typing :kinkyheart: or :farquaad: or :yodabinch: or :mcjunk: or :sadunibrow: won’t do anything when you’re in the rest of the world
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draculaurennn · 4 years
PRERELATIONSHIP -Liona General – Cullida Love – McJunk Domestic Life - Fuujiro
S— SHIP QUESTIONS @silverblighted
How did they first meet? Siona was locked in a crumbling temple under the deserts sands and best girl Nova found her! And then Link and Gan cornered them like 10 minutes after they escaped.
What was their first impression of each other? For like 5 min Link thought she was actually tricking them that she wasn’t an evil mage, and then she passed out, and he was like “ok maybe not.” Siona’s first impression was like 2 hours later when she woke back up and she thought he was really nice!
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Link’s fam really did not! But Siona’s only family is Nova and she did. 
Who felt romantic feelings first? Uhhhh... I think technically Siona did, but only because she thought meeting a prince like that is really romantic and was probably just projecting that ideal on him a little bit. But either way they’re both idiots smitten within 24 hours so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Did either of them try to resist their feelings? Siona does, a few times. She does because she has to go home, she does because she thinks she has to return to the Twilight Realm alone, and she does because she doesn’t think the way her story is playing out that she’ll be allowed to stay with Link. I think Link probably did for like one week and then decided it’s not worth it to try resisting people you care deeply about. 
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think? asdfghjhgfd this one’s so hard UHHHHHH i think Link would think that’s pretty fuckin swell and makes sense if it goes hand in hand with finding a lost princess in the desert, and i think Siona would say that’s not a thing but she’d be super jazzed bc she’s an idiot romantic too. 
GENERAL — Cullida .
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go? It’d ultimately be left up to Cullen, I think. I think Cressida wouldn’t have been afraid to tell him she was waiting on him to tell her when he was ready, but I don’t think she would have ever pushed it after that. So it was probably Cullen, and it was probably right after her dumb ass almost died after Haven. Went great, though, even if she was groggy and turned around. Cressida would have probably told him it was about time LOL
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like? As official as you can get when you’re in the Inquisition, I guess. I don’t even know if they count things as dates? Just nice outings with each other away from their jobs and duties. More than likely it was a nice trip to a lake to sit and chat and have a picnic and not worry about busy places and other people. 
What was their first kiss like? Their technical first kiss is in the alternate reality nightmare with Dorian, and Cressida tried kissing a red lyrium-corrupted Cullen to get through to him. For her, that was a first, but it was awful, and not even in their reality, so it doesnt really count. Their actual first kiss was in Haven right before she ran off to help Vesta, bc I think they were both pretty sure they were just doing to die there LOL. 
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)? Cressida is Cullen’s first-pretty-much-everything. I guess technically Cullen is Cressida’s first (and only) husband, which she’s pretty glad about. 
What’s their height difference? Age difference? Cullen’s about a foot taller than Cressida, and nine years her senior. 
What’s their relationship with each other’s families? Cressida’s family is... almost totally horrible. Her dad is dead, so no relation for Cullen there, and her mother is a monster of a woman who abused the hell out of her sister. Vesta is awkward with Cullen but I think she’s grown to like him over time. (Not enough to tell him, but enough to be supportive I think LOL). They’re cordial enough and can be in a room alone, even if they don’t talk a lot.  Cullen’s family is so many sisters and a brother, and they all love Cressida. Cressida was panicked to meet them; she doesn’t panic meeting anyone, but she was really worried they wouldn’t like her bc she doesn’t think she, as a genuine person, is a likable person. She was also worried they’d think she was too pompous and shallow because she just doesn’t do field work. But they really like her bc she’s earnest and forthright and tries, even if she’s awful at menial field tasks. And they joke she’s too pretty for Cullen, so that’s always a plus. 
Who takes the lead in social situations? Cressida. Hands down. It’s what she’s good at, it’s what she lives for, and it probably annoys some people that she has to open her mouth, but she commands a situation very well and in her mind, that’s how it should be. Cullen’s p fine w that though bc he doesn’t love social situations and he’d rather do his own job and be left alone.
Who gets jealous easier? Uhhh, probably Cullen. Cress doesn’t make that easy for him bc she’s flirty and commanding and winds people around her fingers to get her way. I think there’s been a few times early on where he wasn’t even sure she genuinely liked him or not bc she can pay fake attention and admiration so convincingly even to people she doesn’t like. Cressida’s also... like, so obnoxiously confident in her own outward personality but also so incredibly convinced by how much Cullen loves her (once she knows) that I don’t think she ever worries about him vying after someone else. (Although, she did get pretty upset and tilted with the Warden Surana hanging around since she knows about that LMAO.) 
LOVE — McJunk .
Who said “I love you” first? Jesse. He said it a few times. Jun-ki’s kinda mean, though; I’m pretty sure she told him no he doesn’t a few times? Idk, he’s too nice for this bitch.
What are their primary love languages? Jesse’s is pet names and touch both. He’s not really shy so he can express it in a lot of ways. Jun’s is small gestures, like sitting with someone while they’re struggling. I guess her other one is also literally fighting people for him even tho he definitely probably did not ask LOL. 
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA? All the time. All the fucking time. Their coworkers hate them. Think April and Andy, and then multiply. (And Jun literally would spit her gum in this man’s mouth just to annoy other people.) 
What are their favorite things to do together? They do... so much together uhhhh sdfghj idk, I know Jun likes doing most things with Jesse around now. Movie nights, pizza dates, annoying PDA, drinking games, weird places to fuck... they’re a little inseparable. I think the only thing Jun doesn’t like to do with Jesse around is upgrade sessions with Angela because she doesn’t want to be seen all broken up, and training segments because she doesn’t want to be responsible for him getting hurt. 
Who’s better at comforting the other? Jesse. Jun’s never been good at it. He says what he thinks she needs to hear without impressing on her a bunch of psychology she never said she had. He’s just good at offering her something to relate to and a shoulder to lean on. Jun’s not very good with words, though, so she’s not very good at or sure how to offer comfort when someone needs it, especially Jesse. But she just says she’ll hang around and if they fight about it she just says to shut up and deal with it. He’s usually better once he vents.
Who’s more protective? BIG DEBATABLE. I think it’s pretty... even. I think either of them will fight as hard as they can for the other, though I think Jun may be the only one more likely to throw herself into actual harm’s way, and that’s just because she’s definitely the more reckless of the two. 
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection? Jesse’s a more verbal person but I think physical affection and affirmation is where they’ve connected. No one has to say anything, he just does, but it’s just the cherry to the rest of it and physical communication and affection is more than enough for both of them. 
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise? THERE”S A WHOLE BUNCH ON THE SPOTIFY LET ME TELL UUUUU BUT THE BEST ARE OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD “Something About Us” by Daft Punk “Amphetamine” by MNQN and also I could add matchbox 20 but i’m not tryna get roasted
What kind of nicknames do they call each other? Yikes. Uhhhhh, Jesse’s partial to: darlin’, sweetie, sweet pea, sweet bean, juniper berry, junnie b jones, jun-bug, and the list goes onnn.  Jun’s partial to cowboy and (affectionately) dumbass. 
If they get married, who proposes? Probably Shinjiro, and it was probably something stupid and weird at the grocery store. 
What’s the wedding like? Who attends? Small, probably at a park or something, but all of their friends. They don’t have a lot, but that’s what makes it nice. I think they’d be more interested in spending money on travelling afterwards than trying to make a big deal out of a celebration.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like? I don’t think they have any kids. I don’t think Fuu has any interest in bringing a kid into the world bc of the shit she’s gone through on her end; there’s no innate part of her that thinks she needs to have a kid to raise them better just to make up for how alone and neglected she was as a child. If they wound up with any kids, it’d probably be some circumstantial adoption of a wayward orphan they kept coming, honestly? A mentorship or personal attachment just kind of developing, really. Like Denzel LMAO. That’s the only thing I could see happening really asdfgh.
Do they have any pets? THEY HAVE KOROMARU. Otherwise, I think they just put food and shelter boxes out for their neighbourhood cats. Shinjiro probably lets them in a lot. 
Who’s the stricter parent? Shinjiro, hands down. He was the stricter parent when he was a teenager. Fuu is/ would be the parent who is also being scolded.
Who kills the bugs in the house? Shinjiro kills them and Fuu takes them outside. Shinjiro just doesn’t think bugs belong in the house, and Fuu thinks killing them is bad luck. If he kills them before she gets to take them outside, they probably “fight” about it, but it’s not a divisive convo that’ll sour the day.  
How do they celebrate holidays? Shinjiro’s not really a holiday person and Fuu’s really busy, but I know she thinks they’re worth doing. So everything’s probably pretty quiet and half-decourated for. Holidays with events to go to that they don’t have to prepare for, like festivals, Fuu definitely nags to attend. Things like Christmas, I think they just plan on nice dinners and quiet evenings. 
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning? Ooh, uhhhhh asdfg that’s hard. Probably Shinjiro? I don’t think he tries often, but he is the one more likely to sleep late. I guess it’d be circumstantial, in a lot of ways. Like if he wasn’t sleeping a lot lately, Fuu would sleep late to try and keep him around. If Fuu’s overworking, Shinjiro would try to bait her back. But otherwise, it’s probably Shinjiro, since she’s usually up early because she wants to run early.
Who’s the better cook? Shinjiro, hands down. Fuu’s okay at it; if she has to make dinner, she’s happy to do it and it’d be fine food, it just wouldn’t be anything exciting or special. She understands basic seasoning laws and how to use a rice cooker. Shinjiro’s the one who’s anal-retentive about produce quality, technique, prepwork, etc. He’s the one who literally watches home cooking network and considers buying a separate pasta cooker, after all. It’s one of the few things he’s really passionate about, and he’s always emphasized how important a good meal and diet are to health with the idiots he hangs around. 
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Nigel Ball’s McJunk
McJunk is a lifelong project created by Nigel Ball, it is a series of photographs where there Ball photographs litters items found on the street from McDonalds. Several Keep Britain Tidy surveys have revealed McDonald’s to be more prolific than any other branded litter.   
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In conversation with Eye, Ball said: ‘Initially I didn’t have any intentions for the project past it being a visual response to the increase in the amount of McDonald’s litter that I saw around me. It didn’t seem to matter where I was, in a town centre or in the middle of the countryside walking my dog, McDonald’s seemed ever present.’
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anitafmp · 6 years
Steve Troletti
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Steve Troletti is a Location Scout, Editorial, Nature, Wildlife and Environmental Photographer based in Malibu, California. He specialises in Nature and Urban Nature photography including Infrared Landscapes. Ethical wildlife photography is the main priority and focus of his work. A minimum disturbance of the animals, their habitat and the environment is his top priority. This applies as much to total wilderness areas as it does to urban nature environments. Ongoing education of environmental issues and building awareness for the protection of wildlife and wilderness areas around the world is what drives him to document the beauty that surrounds us.
These photographs are from his Photo album ‘Trash Littering the banks of Montreal's Île-de-la-Visitation Nature Park’
I think his work is simple but holds a message. I couldn’t find any description of where Nigel described this piece of work, however, I think he’d want us to think about what we leave behind. Especially at places like the beach, where we go to have a good time and take in the view of the horizon. So having litter on the beach is not a good thing to be spotting. 
What i like about Steve’s work is that the litter in the first two photographs (among others), look like they were carefully placed down, for a picture to be taken. I doubt that we’d know if they were or not unless he was asked. So who knows if it was nature or the man himself.
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Nigel Ball
Design lecturer Nigel Ball has spent the past decade of his life recording what he calls ‘McJunk’, initially as a personal photography project, later as an exhibition. Now it is a self-published book (spread, below) titled McJunk.
While researching for photographs to do with my project, I stumbled across Nigel Ball. He is not a famous photographer and his info was not to be found. So there’s minimal things i could say about him. He has quite a selection of photographs that I could pick from, but these two are the ones that stood out to me the most. It’s just the idea of things being carefully made for us, then dumped like they were never useful in the first place. For instance, these pieces of litter as from the fast food restaurant called McDonalds. People call fast food junk food. So i just ironic that the junk food holders, have become junk themselves. The angle of the picture is pretty simple, taken from a birds eye view. I think I would've liked it better if it was taken from a worms eye view, however, that would not show all the details.This photograph gives the perception of misery. There is no 'happy' colour tone in the image. Nothing adding to the McDonalds cup which has survived the elements beating against it. Like me, anyone viewing the picture, with the same mindset would see desolation and abandonment it seems sad.
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mlynar-nearl · 8 years
What about McCree? I think he is kinda hard to play with (in my opinion)
How often: I’ve played him in a few AI rounds, but not much otherwise. Unfortunate, seeing as he is one of my favorite characters overall. On which maps: nothing particular.What skin?: still default, although I haven’t picked a favorite for him. That Olympics one looks GREAT though. Ship with: mchanzo is OK I guess but I’m not a huge fan. I like McJunk. I like mcjunk quite a bit.
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draculaurennn · 5 years
. MCJUNK — Fluff AlphabetLove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?McCree is a pretty straight-forward, albeit a little hesitant to open himself up. I think he would have told Jun in the heat of an argument, probably regarding how she always instigates fights or how she has to break things to prove a point. Jun’s chaos is quite unkind, and he suffers a lot on the side, even if that isn’t what she wants for him. As for Jun, I think she’s tried to tell him a few times. There are moments when McCree is too patient and tolerant with her that Jun just wants to give him everything, and so she pulls away instead. I think what would push her to confess would be the immediate fear of losing him, to her own anger or to death. More than likely, she told him she loved him when things looked bleak, and it just needed to be said so no one died with regrets. (And then, ofc, they didn’t die LOL)Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?McCree would LOVE to get married, and Jun would, but she’s been really weird about it. More than likely she’s told him they won’t get married when he talks about it, because the reality is she’s been working on a customized weapon for him for a long time and she keeps scrapping it because she wants to propose with it and her . . . horrible commitment skills are what’s making the gun bad in her mind, not the actual weapon. And, you know, when she finally gets around to proposing, she would give him the gun and tell him he can only keep it if he agrees to marry her, or she’s throwing it in the trash, and he’d be stoked. It wouldn’t be much different than dating, just more stable. I think when Jun gets to a place where she can commit to being married, she’d be in a place where she feels she’s safe, can be open with McCree about anything, and not like she has to freak out about every inconvenience in her life. It’s full of movie nights, pizza, and literally never wearing decent clothing. Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?McCree calls Jun - Jun(e)bug, Juniper berry, Junk, Darlin’, Pumpkin, Junpkin, Junnie B Jones, Sweet Pea, and a slew of others it’d take me like 65545 years to list out. Jun calls McCree - Jackass or Cowboy, mostly. Sometimes Hoss. She doesn’t use pet names at all, so any use of them is a treat. On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?Grabby, gross, PDA. Teammates hate them, because they tend to get dragged into the McJunk drama one way or another. They’re either fighting too loud and people get involved, or they’re too openly promiscuous and people end up having to know about it. Jun’s less good about being open with her feelings, if that hasn’t been clear. Her way of being open about her feelings is frustration because she can’t sort them. But she’s also fine as long as she doesn’t have to talk. She wants to be held, she wants to hold, she’ll order food if he’s had a bad day. . . she’s not great, but her gestures tend to mean a lot because otherwise she doesn’t say it well. McCree can do it all. He’s a talker, he’s charming, he’s charismatic in his own dumbass way, and he’s physical and loves gestures, so it’s never been an issue for McCree to be open about being in love when he decides that’s where he is. It’s really more of a worry when he can’t be, and Jun does her weird best to fill that in. But, overall, clingy, gross, grabby, PDA. 
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libbywednesday · 8 years
Junkrat x McCree is the perfect ship because, together, they make a full pair of arms.
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snackodile-blog · 8 years
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guys please go read this amazing wonderful hysterical fic written by @sphealrical 
it’s everything you never knew you needed
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roberto-small-blog · 8 years
I was sitting there and was thinking why isn't JunkCree called "McJunk" and then I was cackling because that's probably what mccree calls his dick "Hey why did u kick me in my mcjunk"
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robozinhoveado · 8 years
i’mma ship McCree and Junkrat just because the ship name would be McJunk
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