I Gave You All
Loki’s whole body was tense from the question, keeping his back to Steve as his fingers clenched into fists to keep himself from shaking. “Why..?” His voice was flat and restrained, almost painfully so. “That’s your question? Why I did what I did?” Clenching his eyes shut he gritted his teeth. “Why can’t you just accept the answer I’ve already given? Why can’t you let this go!?”
He felt his cheeks flush with frustration and he sucked in a deep breath to keep himself from crying. Turning back to Steve he looked ready to either attack him or break down. “Just let. It. GO!!” He growled now, fingernails digging into his palm. “I don’t need you to understand! I don’t need anyone to understand why I did what I did, Steve! It’s done! What does it matter now?!”
( @mcu-supersoldiers )
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marvelpositivity · 6 years
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Hi, can i shout-out to a few different people? @pxzzapup / @laurabartcnx is an absolute sweetheart and both blogs are worth checking out!! @mcu-supersoldiers / @skipthespinningrims has an amazing joint blog for bucky and steve as well as a really good tony--i love everything we do. @winterarsenal is such a sweetie pie and i love any and everything we do, she puts so much thought into bucky's verses and all her headcanons. I hope everyone realizes how valued and amazing they are and that i love them.
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redwinterbarnes · 7 years
Collect Your Courage || mcu-supersoldiers
Snow fluttered softly to the earth and blanketed everything in sight, leaving the roads and walkways a pure powdery white, and ice creeped along the windows of the surrounding buildings. He had forgotten what it was like to actually experience cold like this; natural and soft. Barnes stared out his window, hazel eyes focused on the subtle patterns that formed along the glass, occasionally pausing to look towards the door when he heard movement...
He could barely recall what it was like to experience cold like this, natural and soft, and had been uneasy about the drop in temperature at first. That anxiety had dwindled for the most part after he’d gotten used it it, knowing that it was still a far cry from the unimaginable cold of cryostasis. Despite that bit of knowledge he found it difficult to sleep, more so than it had been before, because in the back of his mind the fear that this might be some sort of delusion wasn’t just a lingering quiet thought.
He was afraid that this was all just some sort of trick... that he had actually been re-captured after he had pulled both himself and the man (he now knew him as Steve Rogers) from the Potomac... that this was some new method of breaking him. A ridiculous fear born from years of psychological torment and damage- it felt too real to be a trick.
He supposed that in a way he had been captured- though in reality he had merely been found by that same man. It was difficult to adjust to this life; to functioning on his own and trying to sort everything out in his head. The captain helped when he could; giving him answers to whatever question he might need, helping shelter him from those that were hunting him, giving him the control in his life he so desperately needed.
He had felt a bit bad in the beginning- mostly because he’d caused him a bit of harm here or there out of surprise. He was so used to solitary, to being on his own, that he’d been startled when he would be woken by the other or when Steve would approach him from behind... they had both learned though.
Barnes could hear his ‘friend’ down the hall, probably in the kitchen or living room, and knew that he probably should join him. It was better if he tried to socialize, it would help him adjust to being around others, but also found it difficult to trust anybody. Especially himself.
Regardless he eventually stood, making his way to the door, and exited into the hallway- wood floor creaking beneath his bare feet. He was wearing a long-sleeve burgundy shirt with a pair of beat up jeans with his hair pulled back loosely. He paused near the other bed of the hall and looked around to see where the other man was- taking note that this portion of the apartment was far more pleasant to be in.
It was warmer and smelled nice...
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sarkisms · 7 years
mcu-supersoldiers replied to your post: – I dunno. ‘S stupid, isn’t it?
“Absolutely not.” -Bucky smooshes cheeks and nuzzles-
He huffs and blows a little raspberry as he’s nuzzled.
You just have to say that because you’re my boyfriend.
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readyforyours · 8 years
@mcu-supersoldiers​ liked for a thing.
            ‘ that coffee looks a little cold. you sure I can’t TEMPT you wish a fresh cup? ‘
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Forest Fire
Blood dripped off his dagger and he kept braced against a wall, listening to footsteps over the ringing in his ears from the alarms. Doom had sent his best to attack the Avengers tower, possibly take back what he had originality stolen from Loki, maybe take Steve back, maybe even himself but he wasn’t going to have it.
He had his chance now and he would be damned if he was going to let it slip through his fingers so easily. 
Hearing someone approach he rounded the corner, throwing a blade at the mercenary before tackling down his partner and snapping his neck. Continuing on like this till he found Steve.
Then he found him, a smile on his face when he finally found the soldier, his soldier safe and sound. 
A gun cocked behind him and as the trigger was pulled he jumped in front of Steve, knowing the metal would bounce off his skin; perhaps bruise but it was nothing he couldn’t take. Throwing the man down the hall with a blanket of green telekinetic energy. He hit the wall with a sickening thud and Loki let out a sigh. Turning now to Steve. “Are you alright?”
He felt a pinching sensation in his gut, hand brushing over his side only to see blood covering his palm as he raised it to his sight. His shirt beginning to bloom with a crimson stain. “Steve..?” He whispered before his knees gave out and he was falling.
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lokibannerpool · 7 years
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She’s okay now. My mom and I managed to to loosen and cut off a lot of the tape before finding someone that works at the animal shelter who could help. She’s completely tape free now and resting in my bathroom for the night. I had to keep her separate from my kittens because they were not giving her personal space. I’m taking her to the vet in the morning
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infitixlis-a · 8 years
"I did because I thought this would be fun but –– it was fun the first hour or something." He couldn't even remember for how long they have been playing around, drinking and laughing. "Your pride it's so easy to attack Steve...so easy to convince."
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thethunderprince · 8 years
@mcu-supersoldiers liked for a starter
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“Merry Hallows Eve !” Thor announced very cheerfully having arrived slightly late to the party and promptly made his way to the buffet. “I like thine costume, what art thou meant to be? I have taken the guise of a famous warrior by the name of Dean Wincester.From the Television” he really looked more like a lumberjack due to his sheer height and build but he was probably too cheerful about his costume that nobody had said anything.
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Cont. from here (x)
Steve was more than a little surprised when Loki offered him his jacket. He accepted it with confusion, fumbling with the gun to slide it on. It was a little snug across his broad shoulders, and felt rough to the point of abrasive on his long exposed skin. He let Loki take the lead and destroy the doors, a faint pang of jealousy going through him at seeing his strength.
He could not for the life of him understand why Loki was trying to help him. He’d heard from Thor about some of what had happened during the Convergence. That he had acted honorably. But why… why hadn’t he gone back, if he’d survived? he thought blearily. He kept his gun sweeping the room as Loki inspected the SUV, ready to take down anyone that might try and stop them. And how the hell did he know what a Lo-Jack was? Steve lowered his weapon only when he slid into the passenger seat. Any ounce of resistance or strength leaked out of him as he leaned back, the first genuinely comfortable piece of furniture he’d encountered in months. “Dead.” he rasped. “Doom said they think I’m dead. Showed me newspaper clippings and shit about funerals and memorial services. Thought it might be a ploy to mess with my head. Couldn’t be sure.” he said, leaning his head back. God, he was so fucking tired. He looked over at Loki, eyelids fighting to stay open. “Thor said you were dead. Think he wouldn’t be tearing the universe apart to find you if he knew you weren’t?” he asked. He really wanted an answer, but then the heat in the car kicked on, and he was warm for the first time in weeks, comfortable for the first time since Doom captured him. His eyes fluttered closed, and he lost consciousness before he could hear Loki’s response.
Pressing the button which would open the bay doors before he hopped back into the drivers seat; setting the book on the dash. So much relief in his heart at getting that back in his possession. 
Glad that the captain complied and didn't attempt to argue with him as he went to the passengers side and got in. Putting the vehicle in drive he took off. Only a few short moment of rough terrain till he found a smooth carved out path. “Well that seems like a pathetic excuse. I don’t read newspapers but I would never give up on those I cared about. Though I have thousands of years to search when you humans are limited to decades.” Clearing his throat he kept his eyes trained on the road, though he did not miss Steve’s question about how he was still alive. “Truth be told I wanted to die, I knew I wasn’t coming back from the Dark World. I had resigned myself to dying but Fate had other plans--” He cut himself off when he gave a quick glance over and found Steve already deep in sleep. They really did a number on him and Loki was surprised he had stayed upright for this long. The god had thought perhaps he was going to have to carry him out.
After a few hours he found himself coming to paved road and thankful in the finding of civilization he pulled onto the highway. Loki had just teleported outside the building once he had traced the books source of power, planning to leave the same way till he found the captain. 
Soon, as the sun began rising over the tree line, they came upon a small town, perfect timing as they were getting low on fuel. Letting Steve sleep he pulled in and didn’t bother waking him. Paying for the gas and a cup of coffee for himself and one for Steve when he woke up. So many things mulled in his mind as he watched the highway pass him by. Perhaps this was a wrong idea, he was technically an enemy and why would they bother listening to him? 
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invincibleiron · 8 years
Steve comes up behind Tony and wraps his arms around his waist, kissing his cheek. "Hey there." he mumbles affectionately.
Tony was surprised by the strong pair of arms that wrapped around him. He smiled as he was kissed, relaxing a little bit. “Hey there.” He hummed back.
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banhammered-blog · 8 years
for @mcu-supersoldiers bucky/sarkis kid uwu!!
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
Name: Harper Gender: Female General Appearance: small and delicate tbh?? brown hair/eyes, olive-skinned, perhaps a lil thin but mostly she just won’t eat enough to keep up w/ the insane metabolism her parents gave her whoops.  Personality: rough around the edges honestly. they raised a scrappy little shit and tbh it gives bucky mini heart attacks sometimes because she’s aLWAYS PICKING FIGHTS WITH PEOPLE. sarkis likes it because she’s a fuckin force to behold but he will admit it’s a bit nerve-wracking when she starts in on things mUCH BIGGER THAN HER. Special Talents: oh man super strength tbh. also tidbits of magic but she’s more human than magic so she tips towards physical strength instead Who they like better: sarkis Who they take after more: sarkis Personal Head canon: bucky gets super fed up with her sometimes because she’s SO BRIGHT and SO SWEET but goddamn if she isn’t stubborn as shit. sarkis thinks it’s great because they usually agree on shit but bucky is just 100000% done with all of it
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captainbrogers · 9 years
@mcu-supersoldiers from the birthday meme:
He wasn’t quite sure what was happening at first. It didn’t click into place until he saw the cake. He watched Steve set it down and nudge it closer, his expression guarded.
“Is that what it is?” he asked curiously. “Time is funny, when you leapfrog through the years in a cryotube. The day you’re born… it’s not like you buy a cake or a present for the gun in your holster.” he said softly, eyes going distant as he looked into the candle light. Then his eyes flicked back up to Steve, a small smile coming to his face. “Thanks, Steve. Real nice of you.” he murmured. “Um… do I blow them out? Shouldn’t I? I don’t want too much wax in the frosting.” he said uncertainly.
Steve shoulders sank minutely with the confession that he'd forgotten his own birthday. But that was what all of this recovery was for, wasn't it? Finding himself again, finding everything that made him Bucky. Made him special. If Steve had to remind him what some of those days were, he was certainly willing to do so, and so with renewed vigor he gave the brunet a quick nod.
"Yeah, yeah, of course," he insisted, startling briefly with the question and sinking automatically into the nearest seat so he could watch the other man. "Go ahead and make a good wish and get 'em blown out. We'll get these candles out of here and then you can tell me how bad I did." Steve let out one more chuckle and waved out in encouragement.
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A moment of weakness
15. Your muse is being kept hostage and mine has just rescued them.
The scent of blood and old sweat weighed heavily on the air and it was not at all appealing. But this was a celled area and he expected nothing less, doubting they took much care of whom ever was kept captive in here. Most of what was behind each door he broke down was nothing, just empty. Till he opened the second cell from the end. 
Two chains hung taunt from the ceiling keeping the man hoisted even though it seems like they had given up on standing and allowed the cuffs to cut their wrist deep if for just a moment of rest. “Well what do we have here?” Voice sultry as he waited for them to raise their head. Leaning on the door frame, relaxed. 
He had plenty of time, having already disposed of the guard.
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