#me : gives up by the wedding because it seems pretty much she’s not appearing
epicbuddieficrecs · 4 months
Weekly Recap | May 6th-12th 2024
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Have a good week everyone!
If you know anyone who isn't tagged, please tag them in the comments!
you don't wanna know me now by spaceprincessem/ @spaceprincessem (Post-S7E7 | 1,3K | Teen): “Just one date,” Kim says casually, though she’s definitely picked up on whatever weird, uncomfortable tension has just entered the room with them, “this past Friday.” “Friday?” Buck repeats in an octave much higher than his normal one. Because Friday... Friday was when he watched Christopher while Eddie went out on date with — not Marisol, apparently.
taurus moon, libra rising by coldbam/ @coldbam (Established Buddie | 1,4K | General): “And I’m getting a lot of Virgo energy from Firefighter Diaz.” “Oh my God, he is a Virgo.” Buck excitedly smacks Eddie on the arm. “Do me next!” ~ Buck falls into astrology. Eddie is Eddie.
Mistakes by theotherlucifer/ @theotherbuckley (S7E7 Coda | 1,6K | Teen): Or Eddie Diaz makes bad decisions, but he can't help it, it's his wife.
Fluttering Wings of Freedom by Princessfbi/ @princessfbi (S7E5 Spec, Coming Out | 2K | General): Hen didn’t really know what she expected to find. Her mind had raced through a million different scenarios, catastrophizing the way only a paramedic could when faced with getting a phone call from her wife telling her to forget the groceries and hurry home. She’d expected broken glass or maybe blood and tears. What she didn’t expect was to find Karen sitting patiently in the arm chair with a cup of hot cocoa in her hands, a bottle of Jack on the coffee table, and Buck practically vibrating on her couch. 
wait for the feeling of you by coldbam/ @coldbam (PWP, Established Buddie | 2K | Explicit): “Fuck. Get up here. Let me take care of you.” Eddie feels Buck shake his head, still nuzzled against his thigh. He gives one last kiss to Eddie’s skin, then starts extracting himself from between Eddie’s legs, wiping his mouth along the way. “No, I’m good. We’re running late as it is.” And…that is reasonable and rational. They did get a bit carried away, and they are expected to make an appearance at Bobby’s for a barbeque. Except…
meditating on your lips by coldbam/ @coldbam (PWP | 3K | Explicit): Buck comes out, and Eddie has some interesting dreams.
blackout by rainbow_nerds/ @rainbow-nerdss (Getting Together | 3K | Explicit): Buck wakes up hungover on Eddie's couch, with no memory of the night before. Eddie's at just as much of a loss as he is, but their friends seem to know something they don't.
let it once be me (who do i have to speak to) by lenaboskow (Post-S7E4, Getting Together | 3K | Teen): “Why not me?” Eddie didn’t mean to say it. The question had been banging around in his head for the past week, but now it was out in the open, echoing off the walls of the loft for Buck to hear instead of safe in his mind. “Why– what do you mean?”
things you shouldn’t say to me by coldbam/ @coldbam (Getting Together, PWP | 4K | Mature): Eddie comes out, sleeps around, and Buck hears all about it.
little by little by MediaWhore/ @mediawhorefics (BuckTommy, Madney Wedding | 4K | General): Or Buck & Tommy, during and after the wedding.
he's never gonna love you like I want to by BekkaChaos/ @bekkachaos (S7, Demisexual Eddie | 5K | Teen): Eddie and Marisol talk about their relationship and the next step, and Eddie tries to articulate how he feels and why things aren't moving as fast as Marisol wants. A couple of days later Buck goes to Eddie's and they have a long talk about their feelings and their relationships, and probably let things go unsaid that aren't yet ready to come out.
Exhale by themandylion (Presumed Dead | 5K | Not Rated): Buck’s Jeep gets stolen, which is a pretty shitty way to start the day. The 118 answer a collision and find said Jeep on fire, a deceased driver inside, which is arguably an even worse way to start the day.
Give Us The Grown by fruitsdoesnotknow (Getting Together | 8K | Teen): Buck starts leaving notes for Eddie. Eddie writes notes for Buck right back. They were always going to end up writing their own love story.
the tiniest moves you make by allyasavedtheday/ @littlespoonevan (Maddie POV | 8K | Teen): Five times Buck talks to Maddie about Eddie intercut with five times Eddie talks to Maddie about Buck and one time they manage to figure it out on their own.
why do i always feel like i'm in the twilight zone by chromatophorica/ @chromatophorica (Supernatural AU | 6K | General): The 118 is a prolific, all supernatural station. They face the hardest of calls for this reason, but they're curious about what species Buck is from the start. When they find out, it's a complex navigation to keep him where he belongs.
drink up (you're wasted on me) by okanus (S7E6, Bachelor Party, Infidelity, PWP | 9K | Explicit): Or: Eddie and Buck hook up at the bachelor party. Difficulties ensue.
gone fishing by coldbam/ @coldbam (Accidental Catfishing, Getting Together | 9K | Mature): “Someone is catfishing as you.” His eyes are wide and his face is serious. Stressed. Eddie has no idea what he’s talking about. “What?” Buck slows down and carefully says each word. “Someone's using stolen photos of you on a dating app. Pretending to be you.” He looks miserable, like it pains him to deliver this news. Eddie’s face must still show confusion, because Buck lets out a frustrated huff and then shoves his phone right in front of his face. “Look.” And. Shit. Buck’s phone shines brightly in the evening light of the loft, and there, nearly blinding him, is his own Tinder profile.
🔥 It's a church of burnt romances (and I'm too far gone to pray) by justhockey (Coming Out, Post-S7E5 | 15K | Mature): Eddie looks back, sifting through the ashes of every relationship he’s ever had that has burned to the ground. And his hands shake, and his heart beats too fast, and it’s there, right on the tip of his tongue. It’s close enough that he could reach out and touch it if he were brave enough. The reason, that no matter how hard he tried - no matter how much he wanted to, or how often he literally prayed for it - his relationships with women have never worked out. And he knows. Knows that no amount of women, or trying, or praying will ever be able to change it. You can’t fix what isn’t broken, and Eddie isn’t broken. He isn’t. He’s just…well. He’s in love with Buck, isn’t he?
🔥 The Pain Will Leave You Once It's Done Teaching You by fruitsdoesnotknow (Canon Divergent, Daniel Lives-kinda | 40K | Mature): When Daniel Buckley lives a little longer, Evan Buckley dies a little more. And this is how Eddie Diaz saves him, a little later on.
🔥what if i can't have us by woodchoc_magnum/ @woodchoc-magnum (Post-S7E5, Getting Together, Sexuality Crisis | 47K Explicit): In which Eddie is dating Marisol; Buck's dating Tommy, and Eddie has feelings about that, which he simply does. not. understand.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briar / @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon S1-S6, S7 Spec | 127/? | 397K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
🔥 change the prophecy by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Alternate Timeline, Curse/Magic | 9/11 | 22K | Mature): Buck has never felt secure in any of his relationships; he’s been searching for someone to see him the way he feels he’s meant to be seen, but after things start going downhill with Tommy, he thinks that person might just not exist. Eddie cannot figure out what’s wrong with him when it becomes clear things with Marisol aren’t going to work out. But what if they’re both forgetting something?
🔥 stuck now so long, we just got the start wrong by Daffi_990_ao3/ @daffi-990 (Canon Divergent, Different First Meeting | 4/10 | 31K | Not Rated): Probational Firefighters Evan “Buck” Buckley and Eddie Diaz meet on a call which ends with them at odds with each other. As the months roll by, they keep running into each other on the job, much to Eddie’s dismay and Buck’s delight. Can they put aside their first opinions and misunderstandings and allow the seeds of friendship, and possibly something more, to take root?
What’s Your Order? by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel (Post-S7E5, BuckTommy | 4/6 | 10K | Teen): 5 Times Buck Guessed Tommy’s Coffee Order + 1 Time He Didn’t Have To
Held Up a Lightning Rod (Wonder Why I'm Struck) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Not A Firefighter Eddie, Sugar Baby Buck | 1/? | 5K | Explicit): When Eddie Diaz stumbles his way into money, he finds himself one of the most eligible bachelors in Los Angeles - to his dismay. He needs a way to get people off his back without confessing his messy marital situation, and Shannon's still not answering his calls, so he caves to a friend's suggestion: hire someone to pretend to be his partner. Enter Evan "Buck" Buckley: sugar baby, fire fighter, and the man about to turn Eddie's world upside down.
🔥 [Podfic] When the Lost are Found by MistMarauder/ @mistmarauder for ReformedTsundere/ @film-in-my-soul (Soulmates AU | 20-30 min | General): When everyone seems to have a better soulmate identifying system, Buck can't help but consider his own to be lackluster. How's he meant to find his soulmate with loose change and mismatched socks after all?
🔥 [podfic] Trade-In by All_I_Ask/ @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove for themandylion (Post-S4, Getting Together | 1-1.5h | Not Rated): It starts with Buck trading in his beloved Jeep. It ends with a confession, a kiss, and Buck trading in his apartment too. Or: If you didn't think Buck research binges wouldn't eventually take him to safety specs for his car, you don't know Buck.
🔥 [podfic] my heart’s over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance by All_I_Ask/ @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove for fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (Post-S6, Getting Together | 1-1.5h | Teen): or, a fever, a party, a late night tv show: three times eddie’s heart falls out his ass because buck keeps looking at him like that. he’s just got to find a way to tell him that doesn’t involve a convoluted cephalopod analogy about love
🔥 [Podfic] Tell Me About Despair by radpaisley // fic by @hattalove (Post-S4, Sexuality Crisis | 1/5 | 2-2.5h | Mature): eddie's not entirely sure he believes in getting help, at least not for himself. there's only so much healing to be had for a body torn apart by bullets, for a mind that's only half there, for a man who's been leaving pieces of himself behind all his life with nothing to take their place. except, as it turns out, falling apart happens in increments, and healing does, too: it happens when you gnaw a hole in your lip trying to keep quiet only to have the words escape; when you realize that the ghost you've been seeing out of the corner of your eye is yourself; when your best friend smiles, and you allow it to take your breath away. it happens through the smallest of things: bird feeders, and cacti, and pasta shapes. meanwhile, the world goes on.
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httpsdana · 10 months
Gavi one where she’s feeling really insecure and comparing herself to others because she’s not the tiniest girl and he just showers her with love
Insecure~Pablo Gavi
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*GIF isn't mine. credits to the owner*
A reminder that everyone reading this is absolutely beautiful and i love you all so much 💋💞
you can request from my prompt list
this is my master list
players/drivers i write for
y/n wasn't the tiniest girl ever. She had some fats in her belly, and for her, her thighs where way too big. For her, her face was too round and her cheeks were too chubby. For her she was too much.
Feeling insecure since you were a child only makes it more traumatic when you grow up. You carry that guilt with you until it becomes unbearable. And when you finally start feeling good about yourself, or when you finally accept yourself as you are, something ruins it and takes you back to zero, where you're standing in front of the mirror, and pointing out every imperfection you can see in your appearance, and body.
That was the case with y/n. Growing up as a child she was always bullied for her body. She never felt good about herself. Reaching high school you would say the bullying stopped, but it didn't. It only became worse. That's why when she met Gavi after her graduation, she thought he was just there to make fun of her or something.
She pushed him away thinking that its better than getting attached. But his desire to make this broken girl his won, and there they are happiest as ever.
Well that was until Pablo decided go post a picture of them. They had always been the pribate couple. They only posted pictures where their faces don't appear, just pictures of their hands interwined, or one where their backs are to the camera with his arms around her.
But this picture was on another level. It was a picture of them at one of their friend's wedding. She had a slightly tight dress on, and her stomach was bloated and on display, her hair was out of place and her lipstick was ruined. Her shoulders looked too broad and her smile was awkward. Everything seemed wrong.
Although she knew it was a bad thing to do, she opened the comment to see what people thought about it, and it seemed like everyone had the same opinion as her.
nah look at that double chin 💀🤣
gurl should've gotten a bigger size 😬
is gavi actually dating her-
ain't no way literal models exist and he's with her 💀
i wonder if he's forced to date her or smth
Tear streamed down her face like a river. She didn't think these comments would affect her that much...but they did. She knew people will not like her, but she didn't think she would get more criticism than she did back in high school.
She locked her phone and covered her face with her hands, trying to calm herself down by taking a few breathes.
Maybe if i had blonde hair Pablo would like me more? or colored eyes? he probably thinks I'm too basic for him. or too fat. why is he even still with me? so he can leave me when he's bored? or when he finds a model that's suitable for him?
These thoughts ran through her head, only drowning her even more. She thought that maybe scrolling through tiktok would keep her mind off what she just saw.
Oh how wrong she was. The only videos she saw showed pictures of Pablo with pretty girls, or from his last meet and greet, girls all over him, some giving him their instagram and others their number.
What made it worse was seeing Pablo keep the papers with him. And the caption are all the same thing about Pablo deserving a prettier girl.
She threw her phone across the room and burst into tears. She didn't think it would hurt this much, but it did.
"you scared the hell out of me! why didn't you open the door when i knocked?!" Pablo barged in the room, making her flinch and the sound of the door
Only when he saw her puffy eyes and wet cheeks, his face softened but showed worry instead
"are you okay mi amor? why are you crying what happened?" he asked in a soft voice
He tried wrapping his arms around her but she only pushed him away and tried to stop her sobbing
"y/n.. what's wrong?" he asked, hurt evident in his voice and his eyes
"why are you with me Pablo? are you still here to make fun of me? why are you not with a model or something like literally every other football player? why are here with me? a normal basic fat girl with chubby cheeks and huge thighs and an ugly smile and a-" her sentence was interrupted by Pablo pressing his lips on hers
"y/n baby why are you saying that? you know i adore you. I'm literally so in love you that I can't even look at any other girl. I would die for you my love. Why would i want a model when i have you? a pretty, smart, super adorable, and an amazing chef as my girl. why would i want a girl who only cares about what she wears or how she looks or what she owns. I only want you sweetheart. I only love you and only what to have you in my arms every night. I don't know why you think i would leave you. you're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I don't know what made you feel this way, but please don't ever think that low of yourself. I'm so proud of you and i love you so so much" he said in a soft tone, his hands holding her face and wiping her tears with his thumbs. He kissed her tears away and brushed her hair away from her eyes.
She managed to give a small smile. Her stomach erupting with butterflies at the sweet words said by her boyfriend. She felt the genuine love they shared and the sincerity in his voice.
"I don't deserve you. you're amazing. i love you so much" she whispered, wrapping her arms round his torso and laying her head on his chest
"please don't say that. I'm the one who's lucky to have you in my life"
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 2 years
HOTD Reactions - You refuse them
Dark Daemon, Aegon, Aemond and Jace.
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
(female reader)
WARNINGS: Mentions of Non-con, Murder.
AN: Please, reblog and give me feedback.
Daemon is a calculative man, one that will do anything to get what he craves. Only to find out that the woman he wants to wed is already betrothed to another. He killed his wife for you, thinking that it would solve everything only to discover that annoying detail. 
Daemon starts losing patience and he feels irritated, why are things getting so complicated and messy? He just wants to have you as his wife then why are bureaucratic and social norms getting in his way? 
He asks Viserys to set a marriage between you and him, only to be met with a firm denial. He tries persuading you to elope with him, only for you to completely renegade him, declaring that you have no love for him. 
Daemon is a man with a short patience and it gets to the point that he has to arrange for your betrothed to die from mysterious causes, leaving your parents with the obligation to find another suitor for you and who better than the king's own brother? 
Aegon is not one to avoid his desires and one thing he desires the most is you.
He is not coy in his pervert advances towards you, making it very much obvious how much he wants to fuck you. It becomes borderline scandalous when Aegon makes extremely suggestive and graphic comments to you, even in front of other noble ladies. 
After you delicately talk with Alicent about this, she does her best to stop Aegon from being a pervert towards you, a young lady from a reputable family. But that does little to prevent Aegon from keeping with his attempts, even if it had earned him a few slaps from his mother. 
Aegon quickly charges back at you and this time he’s forceful in his pursuit for you, making sure to taint your maidenhood in such a compromising way that both of your families will simply have to marry you, in a quick solution to save your dignity. 
The fact that you’re Jacaerys’s twin sister doesn’t stop Aemond from taking a liking on you. You’re different from your brother, you’re innocent and kind. Always offering Aemond a warm smile, so differently from the other court ladies that prefer to ignore him because of his scarred face. 
Aemond is never hostile towards you, even if you are a Strong bastard, like your brothers. He simply acts as if you have no relation with the Strong boys, even if you’re their blood sister. 
He is quite subtle in his advances towards you, preferring to attentively watch you from the shadows, quietly joining you in the library or while you’re walking around. But either way, he’s always suffocatingly around you. 
Although everyone from his family is against his feelings, except for Helaena who rejoices in the possibility of you becoming her sister, Aemond still goes ahead and declares his love for you.
But you don’t love him, you never did  and it shows as your pretty face is startled with intense guilt, refusing to look Aemond in the eye. Furthermore, both Jace and Luke eavesdrop on the conversation and start a fight with Aemond, worsening the situation.
But if your family really thinks that they can stop Aemond from having you, then they are very wrong. 
Jace is quite the gentleman so at first he tries his best to respect your decision, trying to avoid you as much as he can. However as time passes by, his love flourishes a little too much. 
Jace will once again declare his ardent feelings for you and even if you decline him again, he won’t give up this time. He can’t live without you so why can’t you realize that.
You’ll start hiding away from him, keeping an overly attentive eye for the corners of the castle as Jace seems to appear out of nowhere to pester you with his extensive speeches of being a good and honorable man, of being worthy of you, that he’ll devote in you as his future wife and queen. 
As you still refuse him, Jace would be forced to ask his mother for help. Rhaenyra would ignorantly take Jace’s obsession as an innocent crush that could eventually lead to healthy marriage and as such, she’ll soon offer a marriage proposal to your house.
No father would ever refuse the possibility of having their daughter married to the heir of the throne and soon you find yourself getting engaged to the same man that you’ve so desperately tried to avoid. Bad luck.
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cancerian-woman · 1 year
I won't be offended if you prefer to delete this but your post about Tyler had me thinking...
Caroline really made his grief over his mother dying about her so much so that she issued the worst ultimatum and left herself with...
A drunk old man that used to be her teacher.
A long time friend that never seemed like he got over Elena and definitely has codependent issues with his brother so much so that he sacrificed himself willingly a day after their wedding.
And a power hungry hybrid who gave her money he could more than afford to give and said pretty words but also tortured, enslaved and killed people she was connected to....and also definitely had codependent issues with his brother.
I cannot fathom it.
All true facts. It’s late here so a meta! :D
As a huge Forwood shipper and I’m equally very critical of them. It’s a great ship for them both at first, then becomes a ship only for Caroline’s needs and development which isn’t fair to Tyler That Klaroline/Steroline shadow made those fans believe Tyler was the worst Caroline could get. When in reality he was the BEST romantic partner and friend she ever had.
What upsets me more about that ultimatum that Caroline FORCED is that she’s the only one we see comforting Tyler after Carol’s death. Even before Carol died, and Tyler was skeptical about being alpha she uplifted him and Tyler heavily respected what she had to say and went full force with it. Mind you, this is the same Tyler that broke every bone in his body just to be with Caroline. Then re-agreed to slavery for Care. Forwood communicated with each other and called out their faults. The other tvdu ships weren’t doing that!—then we get this full arc of Caroline’s grief and remember she bluntly told Tyler to get over the fact that she hooked up with Klaus because of her impulses and she’s not good1!!1
The series wanted to bury Forwood and they did so in the worst ways imaginable. Caroline gets pregnant with Alaric’s babies forcibly. (I understand Candice was pregnant but they could’ve hid her belly so Caroline wasn’t pregnant.)-Oh and we can’t forget Alaric was in love with her and proposed.
Steroline was supposed to follow the friends to lovers build up the way Forwood did and it never appears that Stefan is all in the way Caroline is. Tbh, even before the wedding Stefan wanted out the relationship he tried multiple times to end things in s8. Caroline refused and wanted it to work. Building them up after Liz’s death was a choice. Stefan manipulated Caroline heavily to when it came Tyler and their relationship.
Klaroline has no obstacles to pass with them. Klaus may give Caroline pretty things, and money but emotionally he’s never shown to give Caroline any support. When Caroline saves Bonnie from those 12 witches which is her first huge kill(correct me if I’m wrong) since s2 she immediately goes to Klaus and he basically tells her to get away from him. Klaus mentions how she’s too good for that small town but Caroline had never said she hated her home. What she did hate was Klaus grown ass destroying shit. They never had a serious conversation about anything tbh. I did enjoy how Caroline called him out at first but TO’s “you aren’t the villain in my story.” Ruined that. Oh and lol these shippers get on Damon for his rape of Caroline yet somehow, someway excuses that Klaus attempted to rape Caroline too in Tyler’s body…. Anyways! I do think a lot of Klaroline is rooted in Klaus wanting control over Tyler, and Caroline is a way to exert control over Tyler because of his love for her.
Okay this is long af, sorry! To end this off Tyler loved Caroline for who she was. He never wanted her to change, he valued and respected her. Never abused her or anyone she loved. He listened to what she had to say. Caroline’s other love interests NEVER saw her the way Tyler did. Btw, I wish people understood Tyler never, not once slutshamed Caroline for having sex with someone else. He was only mad that she slept with Klaus as if Klaus did not ruin Tyler’s life and murdered his mother. There’s obviously a reason Caroline didn’t want Tyler to know and continued to ignore the boundaries he placed up in s5 so they could just go back to the way SHE wanted them to be. It’s sad they were ruined because 5B of Forwood has moments where you can forget their broken up just based on Forwood’s chemistry. I forgot to add, some fans pretend Tyler couldn’t give Caroline a good life. Tyler wasn’t financially struggling, and would’ve done anything she asked of him. I think it’s a little problematic that Tyler did say everything he liked about himself was Caroline lol. But, he wanted nothing but her and their happiness. Just without the enslavement from Klaus.
Thank you for the ask!
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My Best Friend's Wedding
Book: Open Heart (AU)
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey and MC (Dr. Lilac Allende)
Words: 850
Rating: T
Summary: A childhood friend realizes he's the love of her life. The problem is he's about to marry someone else.
Note: This is my re-write of one of my favorite rom coms ever: My Best Friend's Wedding. Part 1 of two is the Karaoke scene where Julia Roberts tries to sabotage Cameron Diaz and it backfires. This is for @choicesprompts and their Rewrite Challenge! Thank you @jerzwriter for encouraging me to participate!
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The crowded bar felt stifling as legions of medical staff packed tightly into its confines. No one seemed to mind, however, since everywhere Morgan looked she was greeted by drunk, laughing faces. All except for one, of course. 
Ethan Ramsey would not be his curmudgeon self if he didn't look like a man about to be waterboarded. His eyes met hers for a fleeting moment, the vivid blue imploring someone—anyone—to put him out of his misery. She stifled laughter, the familiarity of that characteristic disdain of his bringing her the smallest bit of comfort. 
“How much longer do we have to endure this?” he asked as a drunk intern belted a sloppy but admittedly hilarious rendition of I Say a Little Prayer. 
She rolled her eyes, ready to admonish him for being such a spoilsport— just like old times. Someone else beat her to it. 
From beside him, the beautiful brunette laughed—the sound just as perfect as everything else about her. She leaned in close to him, the light catching on a stunning, vintage engagement ring as her hand fell atop his. 
“You're so dramatic, babe,” his fiancée taunted with a smile that exuded pure sunshine. Green eyes fell on Morgan, slightly apologetic. “You'll have to forgive him. He hates upbeat music, fun, and references to organized religion.”
And she was funny, too. Morgan internally had to give her that too. 
Ethan agreed because he indulged Lilac (of course her name had to be beautiful as well) with a lopsided smile that made him appear even more handsome. That shocked Morgan into silence for a moment. In all her time knowing Ethan Ramsey, she could count his genuine smiles on one hand. Then again, the crushing realization fell over her like a torrent. Perhaps she didn't know Ethan anymore. The Ethan she had known never believed in love or marriage, after all. 
Their playful banter escalated and tapered into a modest but sweet kiss. When they pulled apart, Lilac burst at the seams with giddy joy—the type Morgan was a stranger to. It made her stomach churn. 
“Alright,” someone said from the stage. “Who's drunk enough to go next?” 
Drunken cheers and shouts erupted from the bar, each group nominating someone. 
“You should go,” Lilac teased Ethan. 
“God, no.”
She laughed, expecting that exact reaction. Her ring-clad hold tightened on Ethan's arm and something in Morgan came to a boiling point. 
“I have someone better in mind,” she told the couple. Without another word, she marched to the stage and took the microphone from the MC. The crowd whistled and cheered. “Alright everyone, tonight we have a special treat for you. Give it up for the dazzling vocal styling of Doctor Lilac Allende!” 
The cheers in the tiny bar were almost deafening. The pretty brunette was stunned for a moment, glancing at Ethan for reassurance. Expression tight, he shook his head, no doubt advising her not to go if she didn't want to. The crowd, however, was having none of it. A fellow doctor at their hospital all but carried Lilac onto the stage. 
“Rumour Has It by Adele,” Morgan informed the DJ. Then, she pushed the microphone into Lilac's hands as the beat started. Color flushed her freckled face and she looked as though she still hadn't fully recovered from the surprise. 
“Ooh-ooh,” Lilac started into the microphone. “She, she ain't real…”
Morgan returned to her seat, ignoring the glare Ethan threw her way. 
“She ain't gon' be able to love you like I will,” Lilac continued. The more words she sang, the more evident it became that the poor girl could not sing to save her life. Morgan felt a tiny pang of satisfaction at the discovery that the brunette wasn't so perfect after all. 
“Wow,” Morgan laughed. 
Ethan didn't react. 
“Maybe putting her up there wasn't such a good idea. But then again, it's Adele. No one is going to sing that well.”
Blue eyes assessed her like x-rays. 
“Isn't that the point of this circus? To sing badly?” his voice was deathly calm but she could tell there was something more brewing underneath the surface.
At that very moment, the bar erupted into loud cheers and applause as Lilac added a little dance mid-song. She laughed into the microphone, barely able to get the words out. When her eyes fell on Ethan, she winked at him, her spine straightening with confidence. 
“Just 'cause I said it, don't mean that I meant it,” she sang, adding with confidence— “I DID!” 
“But rumor has it, he's the one I'm leaving you for.”
The encouragement from the bar patrons could probably be heard from the hospital across the street. Lilac hopped off stage, still singing, even making her voice playfully seductive. She sauntered to where Ethan sat, trailing one finger along his shoulder as she sang. The man was perfectly still but he tracked her every movement, blue eyes glittering with something heavy and meaningful. The way he looked at her made Morgan feel like an intruder.
The pang in her chest was unbearable.
And with that, Lilac plopped onto his lap, pressing a kiss to his lips as the applause echoed around them. There was no one in the world but them. The way he held her, there was no one in his world but Lilac. 
Morgan looked away.
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Notes: I was so in love with Dermot Mulroney in this
Hope you liked it!
The next part is "Speak Now" and should be up soon ❤️
And yes, I am still writing the masquerade mini series lol. I just got swept up in this idea. The heart wants what it wa-a-a-a-ants lol
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huntsvillegossip · 3 months
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Hello lovelies!
You know since that tall, handsome man joined and has fully taken over the advice column, I can now focus on providing you with all the wonderful updates you all send in.
Starting with some most unfortunate news and a reminder to be ever vigilant over your doors. Emma Dunford was the unfortunate victim of a home invasion. Thankfully, she is making a full recovery with her partners at her side. I’m sure her son is grateful to have his mother back around. It has been reported the culprit was Jae-Sung, who was seen having a spat with one of our teachers during the art festival, but I don’t think anybody saw him as capable of such a horrendous act. 
The one to call it in after fatally wounding Jae-Sung was Kirby. Three cheers for our new young hero! However, I will say we had someone provide some interesting speculation when submitting this. It was very convenient that Kirby was there just in time, was it not? They claim that they simply saw something suspicious - but why not radio it in immediately then? Not to mention they have previously had trouble with the law in town. Now I’m not saying they were working with Jae-Sung and turned on each other, but well… That would be quite the story, wouldn’t it?
Now then, let’s move on to much happier news, shall we?
It seems Sammie’s Place truly is the place to find love in this day and age. Cassius Romero proposed to Lynx one of the bartenders, during one of their shifts this week. Considering all other Romeros seem to be in committed relationships, it seems only natural he would finally find someone to settle down with, no matter how out of the blue it may seem. Besides, with such a public and dramatic proposal fit for a stage, we can only expect the wedding will be just as much of an event. I will certainly be delightedly awaiting my invitation in the mail.
Bucky’s Diner is also known for never having a slow day. Connor Hastings and Isabel Lovejoy were seen having a heated argument in the middle of the establishment as described by eyewitnesses. What it was about is anyone’s best guess, although with the way things turned out, I don’t think it’s a stretch for me to say that it appears to have been a lover’s quarrel. Mr. Hastings was seen giving quite the passionate kiss to Miss Lovejoy at the end. Perhaps with her, his icy exterior might eventually crack.
Love, Auntie G ~
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"Declan Sullivan was seen having what looked like a pretty cozy picnic with Stella Hendrix. I thought he was taken. Is he still girlfriend shopping, because like I'm available if he wants to meet up at Sammy's. I'm at the bar at 8." - AndTheseAreReal
“Bro what is with people fighting at the bar, I’m just trying to have a drink in peace. Least it was that Dorian guy, surprised it took this long for someone to finally deck em. Cheers to the Abernathy kid, sure his dad is super proud.” - Day Drinker
“I still don’t believe that nurse is guilty, come on she’s too pretty and sweet. She was always super nice to me at the clinic.” - Anon (17F)
“Damn, getting shot must have woken something up for Spencer. Heard them totally getting into it with their mom. On the one hand, good for 'em. On the other hand, thank god the Commune is getting more rooms, hoping things don’t get too awkward, ya know? They might have cried, but we're still proud of you, buddy!” - Full House Resident 
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starbuck09256 · 1 year
I have a partner..
Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober2023
Sorry xf fam, been a bit busy.
Fictober Day 9!
Set during Chimera Season 7
What if Mulder answered Ellen's question about his significant other in a different more truthful way? 
Ellen’s POV
I look at Agent Mulder, and he seems surprised that I ironed his shirt, and made a big breakfast for Phil. I feel Agent Mulder doesn’t have someone who takes care of him like I do with Phil. Once when I was younger I thought about being a therapist I had always been fascinated by people's relationships. Agent Mulder is handsome and good at his job. It makes me curious as he doesn’t wear a wedding band. I sit down across from him. 
I look over at him in curiosity “I get the feeling you are not used to having anyone take care of you?” I say trying to open the door without appearing too eager to know why he doesn’t wear a wedding ring. 
He gives a rough chuckle and states “Well that has a vaguely pathetic ring to it.” 
Not my intention of course. I clarify “No, I just mean I didn’t notice a wedding band.” I state. 
He replies “Oh,”
I get the feeling I can roll straight ahead. “Do you have a significant other?” I ask. 
He stops and takes a second, which is quite unusual. He smiles and bites his lip. “Um,” he takes a second and I see him trying to formulate the words as I tilt my head in interest.
 “I uh..” he chuckles. “I have a partner,” he says. 
I’m a bit taken aback as he didn’t strike me as gay, which is fine of course but now he is looking at me and his eyebrows crink. 
“Not umm.” he pauses again and sighs. “Her name is Dana.” he smiles at the end of his statement. 
I see him take a moment as if he is thinking of her. I lean in a bit, I want to know more about why she is a partner and not more. Given his smile and the way he said her name, it seems like she matters a great deal to him. “Can you tell me about her?” I ask. 
When Phil and I were younger I heard through a friend that he thought I was pretty, and that was the moment I decided to pursue him. How someone talks about their spouse has always taught me more about the person and less about the person they are speaking about. 
Mulder chuckles his eyes shining at me. “She’s umm.. Brillant, truly the smart person I’ve ever met,” and he takes a second. “She’s umm loyal, courageous, kind, she has a sort of deadpan dry sense of humor, a little sarcastic too.” he smiles again. “She’s a medical doctor but uh is pretty upset with me since I left her working in not the greatest conditions.” he chuckles again.
 He didn’t mention pretty which is odd. 
“Do you have a picture of her?” I make Phil carry a picture of us in his wallet. To show people that he has a family that loves him at home. 
Mulder reaches into his back pocket fiddling with his wallet. He hands me a photo of the two of them looking at some crime scene it looks like, she must also be in the FBI given that they are both wearing FBI jackets.
 “She’s pretty” I state. Wondering why he overlooked it.
 He looks at the picture and smiles. 
“She’s breathtaking,” he mutters. 
The way he says almost takes my breath away, he is looking at the picture as if just seeing it again for the first time, and his smile is stretched across his face. 
“She also looks very short,” I say moving the picture back to him. 
He laughs still looking at the photo of this Dana.
 “It’s weird because she seems to take up so much space in my mind sometimes, that I forget how tiny she is. She’s incredibly headstrong and stubborn it’s hard to remember she is only like 5’2.”
 “5 '2” I say, because she looks taller than that. 
He laughs again. “She wears the most ridiculous heels, they are like 3 inches, and she can run in them, which is nuts I know. I’m always amazed that she doesn’t break her neck sometimes.” his light chuckle is full of a deep fondness.
 I wonder if Phil has anywhere near the same level of fondness when talking about me. “
I bet you would catch her if she ever happened to trip though,” I smile at him. 
He looks up at me. 
“I would do anything for her, she is .. umm my partner. Certainly the better half of our partnership, that is. To some, she might not seem like she is the “significant other” in normal terms, but she is the most significant relationship I’ve ever had in my life.” His voice tapers off a bit at the end. 
I have the feeling the relationship he just described is much deeper than anything I’ve ever seen or experienced. Agent Mulder might not wear a ring or have someone who makes him breakfast, but he might have something much much better. He might have someone who has captured his soul. 
“Well,” I say standing up, if I didn’t feel like I was in control before I certainly don’t feel in control now. Something about knowing that there are relationships that don’t rely on what you are doing for the other person, cooking, cleaning, and showing you care by taking care of them in various ways. 
I wonder what a relationship would look like if it was just based on how you felt about the person. If you just appreciated them for existing. I think that Agent Mulder is much luckier than I have been, and it makes me question again why I forced Phil to stay married to me. I wonder if maybe I should let him go and try to find my own Agent Mulder. Maybe there is more than just pretending that everything is fine. Maybe I could have a life that didn’t make me feel the need to try and fit this perfect model that I always seem to fail at…
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7ban-sama · 8 months
hai 7ban-sama !! anon is back again :33 we now have dragon art of the trio made by aida , does that mean we’ll get any dragon content of the tbhk cast aswell ?? please give me any dragon ❤️🤍 head-canons !! :D
Hi there! Ooh ooh, I can only hope we'll see more characters dragon-ified, at the very least, I have my fingers crossed for a matching Tsukasa... whether he be a scribble, a header, any degree of polish. I'd be excited to know he is out there. Amane's and Nene's outfits/colors were already so extravagant in a way I couldn't have predicted, so... I'd love to see what's envisioned for Tsutsu~
As for headcanons... I haven't actually been so industrious myself. (Not to sound too self-pitying, but I've been pretty braindead the past week or two...) Buuut, my lovely twin @2n2n thought up some things and shared them with me recently, and I really just like her idea...❤ I've been granted permission to share.
"The set-up is one where Amane and Tsukasa are dragons, but not so ancient — much like in canon how the Mermaid doesn't regard Amane as a threat because he's some dinky mystery and 50 years is not a lot to a kaii; the boys could functionally be baby dragons but, humans can't clock them. Mischievous Amane likes to mess with humans… adjacent to the jewelery shoppe boys, Amane and Tsukasa engaged in getting people to make deals with them, yet making like hardly any earnest effort. Not remotely capable of all they seem to. Not like it matters… But I'd like to think communication with the dragons, any dragon, at all, IS SOOOO special and rare and, as in canon not everyone can even be heard, but Nene-chan a special girl… prays and makes offerings often. Amane is like goddddd pant pant rrr that hot girl!!!!!! but he has to be mad shes like often praying for guys… lol… Amane who is a dragon does not understand human romance or dating, his mind sees humans as pretty petty and more than anything desperate to procreate or something (that's what boyfriends are for…) (so many people BEG for child or to save some ugly child or bless their ugly child… all humans care about)… they are like rats or something, you know… he can explain this to Tsukasa uncharitably who is just like, I see… humans do love their big ceremonies for weddings… but they're so pretty ♥ it would be nice to see the girl like that! dressed up all nice…. ♥
... but it gives an impression that Yashiro wants to. be impregnated like sf badly it's obscene, she's so young what is wrong with this one. I wish I did not have to sit here and listen to it…. rrrr. But gklfjg;…
I guess it's not dissimilar to canon. Amane is like, 'well… why can't it 'be me', if she's going to be obsessed like this, and I'm an amazing dragon…. I can tell her I'll marry her, and she'll bare my child. A magical being of dragon and human origin.' <- he can't actually do this. This isn't an ability he has— WELL– he can, ,, bind himself to her (like in canon…) and that's kind of like a relationship, but he can't. put a baby in her, even if it's poss for a dragon let's say you need to be like 5000 years old and of a certain power and veneration and, he is NOT close. But it means there are FABLES and MYTHS and RUMORS of dragon conception… I will have Tsukasa gently sway her to reading about and understanding those myths, thinking about them in some way. Just to lend me credibility…. like blow open a book onto a page about this OK. knock some scroll off a wall while shes dusting. ok
But the. Core of my thought is just Amane appearing before Nene-chan, on a night she is tending a shrine (I want to imagine a shrine-maiden Nene-chan… just sweeps n stuff but yaknow. tThus why she's always heard & always making offerings & Amane is way too aware of her)… and idk, some mumbo jumbo about, her devotion to her duty, a reward in order… and, taking pity on her… have heard her wishes, her pleas, over the many years…
but it'd kind of be a. [silent confusion from Nene-chan] bc she fklsdj;fkdl doesn't want flkdjf; a kid, that's not kglf;gjk;l? but its like [thinks] but ? … if I had a dragon-blessed child…. wouldn't I become some kind of, royalty, surely…? Popular… wouldn't everyone beg to see me and make offerings to me…. wouldn't I then have suitors? I'll have been recognized as special and beautiful by a Godly being… she's Nene-chan so it quickly gets to her head. Amane is patient watching her think like, that's right girl think about it…. Tsukasa swirls into the room. I had like lkfj;ld thought of Amane snaking Tsukasa into things like, ah that is my counterpart, we are one…. you will be as ours. Makes this sound mystical. Tsukasa is like :y i get to marry Nene-chan too?? … yes…
Commence… having crazy sex with dragons. Relief for Amane, this will satisfy her… she won't be speaking other names into her palms anymore… she'll say thank you to me… AMANE-SAMA…!!
I like the result of their bond though meaning... AFTER… a ceremony… and. sex. Nene-chan does have dragon features, though only seen by others with some magic (like canon…)… and Amane+Tsukasa can now don human forms. But I want it to be only after lol… you have to commit to the dragons, in their real bodies.
Ah kind of dfkljkdlg;df moment for Nene-chan that the like smoke dissipates and the shadow of 2 boys manifests and these bug eyed creeps . omg!!!!!!!!! NOT WHTA YOU EXPECTED… (IMAGINED… HANDSOME…. BIG HUGE TALL STRONG…)…
The prolonged lie is just like. [picks teeth] oh you thought having a dragon was like having a human baby, no. it will take muuuuch longer than 9 months. it's gonna , take years . especially when you're so young, it'll like kill you if it happened any faster… trust me. just wait… be patient…. [and also, have sex with us more… it'll make it stronger or whatever….that was better than I ever imagined, uhghh… ]"
Er, I know it was an ask for my thoughts but sometimes my thoughts are just her thoughts., ,, like after she gives me her thoughts I go wow. [has them] [they're the same now]
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schrijverr · 1 year
A Behind the Scenes of: Steve and Robin's Wedding Party
Jonathan gives an insight into the lavender marriage between Steve and Robin of 1989.
On AO3.
Ships: jargancy, steddie, platonic stobin
Warnings: AIDS crisis mention, homophobia mention.
“Hi, I’m Jonathan Byers, the main photographer and editor of A Collection of Queer Photography,” he starts out the video. “A lot of people liked the video we did about Pride of 1990, so we’re making a few more of these.”
He is already seated at the side, so photograph can appear on screen next to him and he grabs the book from the side, which is already open, as he says: “Uhm, right now we’re going to look at page 50 and pages 52 and 53, starting with Brad and Janet Got Married.”
The photograph in question appears on screen. It is taken on a street late at night, two figures are illuminated beneath a street light. It is Steve and Robin. Steve is giving Robin a piggy back ride and both are laughing like lunatics, they look a little unsteady and tipsy. They just went to a screening of Rocky Horror and Robin is dressed as Brad, Steve as Janet. They both have a red V painted on their foreheads.
“This are Steve and Robin, they got married in 1989 so they could make medical decisions for each other and have job benefits, since neither of them have contact with their blood relatives,” Jonathan explains. “They had a small courthouse wedding and we went out a Rocky Horror screening to celebrate afterwards. Hence the title.”
“I was pretty drunk when I took this picture, so it is a little blurry around the edges as you can see,” he points out. “But I remember fumbling for my camera since the composition in relation to the street light spoke to me so much.”
He goes on: “I saw it and I knew I had to take a picture. You have this dark street and then this point of light and that is where they are, momentarily visible, like in a spotlight. They look so happy in that moment, despite the fact that they’re getting married to avoid homophobic family members having power over them and despite the fact that Steve can’t get married to Eddie. They’re having fun, celebrating their friendship, a moment of happiness, despite all the dark shit. That story aspect is very evocative.”
“I also liked the contrast between their costumes and pose,” Jonathan says. “At the time they chose to dress as Brad and Janet, because they’re engaged in the movie and Robin is of the strong opinion that it is a beard relationship, so it fit them. She really hates wearing skirts and Steve decided it would be fun to try, so it worked out.”
“But in this photo it adds a layer of contrast, which works nicely. Steve is a strong guy and that is a lovely opposition to the delicate dress. Robin is also very strong, but she doesn’t look it. She has always had a more thin look to her, which offsets how she presents herself. Her butch look has always suited her, so for her the outfit doesn’t serve as contrast, but the piggy back does. They’re reversing roles, taking something heterosexual and traditional and twisting it for their own amusement and joy.”
Dammit Janet appears on screen as Jonathan flips the page. It’s of the same night and Eddie is dressed as Dr. Frank-N-Further, grinning cockily into the camera, one hand hitching up Steve’s dress as it disappears under it, holding his thigh. Steve is plastered to his side, grinning into the camera with a dopey grin, Eddie’s lipstick is smeared on both faces.
“This photo is of later in the evening,” Jonathan tells the camera. “I thought calling it Dammit Janet is kind of funny, since in the movie it’s a line from the opening song that Brad says to Janet and later on Janet sleeps with Frank-N-Further, so this makes it seem like Brad, Robin in this case, is saying it to Steve as Janet, because he is sleeping with Eddie, Frank-N-Further, on their wedding night. But Eddie is, of course, his husband, then boyfriend. So, it’s a reference.”
“What I like about this picture is how it creates a little window into Steve and Eddie as a couple, like how they are together. Especially at this point in time. They’re very affectionate and clingy, it’s cute and a little gross, which is clearly illustrated with how Steve is hanging onto Eddie and how Eddie is possessively gripping Steve back,” Jonathan says.
“I’m not going to go into too much detail about it, since it’s not my relationship, but I asked them if I could say a little to explain the photo a little. They said I could,” Jonathan gives as a disclaimer, for what he is about to get into.
“The two of them are part of the BDSM scene, at the time Eddie was big into the leather scene, I don’t know for sure if he still is, but that shines through in many of his outfits in the book,” Jonathan explains. “In this photograph, you can see some elements of their dynamic. It’s pretty subtle, because it’s a drunken snap shot of them, so this is how they subconsciously gravitate to one another when around relaxed with company.”
He moves on to the next photograph. Sidewalk Stop is of Nancy, who is dressed as Magenta and sitting tiredly on a curb. It is taken from the side, the street as background. Behind her, you can make out Robin, still dressed as Brad, talking with Argyle, who is wearing nothing but a golden speedo and a jacket against the night air.
“This is Sidewalk Stop and Nancy is the subject here, even though Robin and Argyle are in it as well,” Jonathan says. “Nancy kind of gives a lonely, contemplative vibe and I wanted to contrast that with Argyle and Robin chatting.”
“As I mentioned earlier, Steve and Robin got married to be able to make medical decisions for each other,” Jonathan repeats. “It was a very scary time to be queer because of the AIDS crisis and that was big topic for us too of course. Nancy had just broken contact with her family and Argyle- Well, Argyle’s family seemed okay, but also just let him walk away. None of us knew what they would do when push came to shove.”
Jonathan continues: “I got very lucky with my mom and dad – Jim, not my actual dad – so I knew I would be okay, they didn’t have that. We hadn’t really thought about marriage yet for ourselves. Me and Nancy both never thought we would get married, since we didn’t want to turn out like our parents, but seeing Steve and Rob got us thinking that we didn’t have to marry to fit that standard, but also to keep ourselves safe.”
“In this photo you can see that contemplation, which is only added by the fact that it is Robin in the background with Argyle. The person that got her thinking and the person she is going to marry,” he says. “She and Argyle are still married, but we consider ourselves partners, not spouses. It’s not something we want for us, but useful on paper. It doesn’t have to be that serious.”
He gives the camera a small smile, implying that clearly it doesn’t have to be serious that is the point of these pages about marriage.
“Then on the page next to it, there is the morning after so to say,” Jonathan moves on after a slight pause. “In a row these pages are the story of the first celebration, going to late in the night and then the sleeping in. First we have Dr. Frank-N-Snoozer.”
The photo appears on screen. In it is Eddie, face down on the couch. He has stripped out the lingerie top, however, he is still in the stockings and panties. His right leg hangs half off the couch, the strap holding up the stocking has snapped open, so it is sagging down. He is fast asleep and his hair is a mess.
“Eddie, Steve and Robin crashed at our place. I don’t know why Eddie ended up on the couch, but I had to take this photo when I saw him in the morning,” Jonathan laughs. “It’s this classical, morning after, don’t know how I got here, I look a mess photo. However, it’s slightly subverted, because it’s usually a girl and this is Eddie, making it very queer, as he often does.”
“I love that in many of these photos, the queering of classical tropes. It might seem silly now, but living domestically and having fun is such a power move when the government doesn’t want you to live at all.”
“Of course, we also had to put the photo of Steve and Robin in here too. They did share a bed on their wedding night, but in the least sexual way,” Jonathan says and Newlyweds replaces Dr. Frank-N-Snoozer on screen.
Newlyweds is of Steve and Robin on a bed. The V’s that were on their foreheads are now just one red blur and they are stripped to their boxers. Robin is on her back, head lolled towards the camera, mouth slightly open, drool escaping. Steve is on his stomach, one leg thrown over Robin’s thighs, head resting on her boob. They are both clinging to each other.
Jonathan goes on: “I like this photo, because it shows how comfortable they are with each other and how much they love each other. These two are on another level of friendship that many can’t ever achieve.”
“Non-sexual intimacy and nudity is something that is so special to get on photo,” Jonathan explains. “Someone has to be comfortable with the camera there and the person they’re with. Steve and Robin are very comfortable together and I am very honored that they let me take photographs such as this one of them.”
“I also think it’s very funny that they’re both wearing boxers,” Jonathan says. “You can’t see it clearly in the picture, but it’s the exact same pair, just different color. We always joke they became the same person over time and it’s details like that, which make photos like this. It’s not obvious, but if it was different, it would be noticeable.”
The video cuts and Jonathan is in the middle again. He gives an awkward wave to the camera and signs off: “Thank you for watching, hopefully this was interesting. Till next time I suppose, since this is a thing now. Uhm, bye!”
Jonathan is so awkward and I love him lmao
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atopearth · 16 days
Amnesia: Later Part 6 - Ukyo Route
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Lol at Ukyo quickly defeating all the guys in the game so he can go look for fireflies with the heroine🤣 I think it's really cute how Ukyo always has breakfast at the cafe, and considering how the menu seems different everyday (when it comes to breakfast anyway), it makes me feel like I want to go too!! I love how Waka just let Ukyo's imagination go wild when he was trying to ask him to take promotional photos for a cafe wedding hahaha. I never really thought about Ukyo's living space, but it must be quite saddening. He recalls memories that the heroine can't remember, he's not sure if this world is the one so he never properly furnishes his living space and literally just has shelter for himself but nothing else because there's no point, and it's just so sad to think that Ukyo really was alive but not really 'living'. So I'm very happy for him that he'll be staying in this world and he'll be picking out furniture with the heroine. It honestly breaks my heart to see Ukyo still so sincerely say that her smile is enough for him to give up everything because it's true. He really would give everything for the heroine and even if it kills him and makes him go through immeasurable pain, he still thinks it's worth it and that always breaks my heart. Ukyo kissing her forehead was the sweetest thing ever!
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Ukyo and the heroine shopping together is so cute. It was bittersweet when he said he wanted matching cups because if he sees it when he wakes up, then he knows that this isn't a dream. For someone like him whose been repeating an endless cycle of life and death, waking up and immediately knowing that him and the heroine are actually together and that it's not a dream is very important. The fan club girls always get off so easily, but in this case, I guess it wasn't completely their fault because it was the world that was trying to kill the heroine. The heroine and Ukyo telling each other how they love everything about each other was so cute, especially since you can see how genuine Ukyo is. I love how the guys were discussing about what to put in Ukyo's tea and pasta because they're annoyed he's dating the heroine🤣🤣 Lmaooo at Kent putting a whole bottle of habanero sauce in the pasta and Ukyo is still asking for more tabasco sauce because it's too mild🤣 Is this even pasta anymore🤣 Very understandable for the heroine to think that Ukyo is possibly living with someone else especially with that notebook and the fact that he always goes back at night. Lmao at how much everyone loves the heroine and cares about how she was crying. It was so funny when Waka was telling Ukyo about how he would treat people who make the heroine cry and Ukyo didn't get it🤣 I love Rika rushing to the cafe to check up on her, and it was really nice to see the fan club girls actually be thoughtful enough to tell Rika because they know that the heroine probably isn't comfortable with them. They're so mature for once! Lmaoo when Rika just straight up asked Ukyo if he's cheating🤣
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Personally, I'm not sure if I would have believed Ukyo's split personality thing if I never saw it, but considering the heroine's personality, I can understand why she would believe him haha. And it's nice that even though Rika isn't completely on board, she respects that since the heroine believes him, she will too. Gotta love how apparently he's not as violent anymore and does the chores🤣 Omgg Orion with the hoodie is so adorable!! I'm glad he appeared to tell the heroine to not give up on Ukyo and to save him. It was so cute to see the other Ukyo soften up and realise he can't win against the heroine haha. I mean, even though this Ukyo killed her many times, in the end, no matter which Ukyo it is, the only thing that won't ever change is his love for her. It was so funny when Ukyo ran away with her because he didn't want her to take photos in a wedding dress with other guys haha.
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Overall, Ukyo's route was pretty sweet. I liked seeing them get to enjoy life in general properly since it was something they should have had the opportunity to experience but never got to because it was robbed from them. Personally, I still think I like Ukyo and the heroine's relationship the most because you can feel how much they genuinely love and appreciate each other and their relationship. Ukyo having the chance to express his love to the heroine but also fear it was understandable and I'm happy for them. I also really enjoyed seeing how everyone including the girls and fan club girls love the heroine and how everyone was willing to stand up for her if it meant she's crying haha. It's just so sweet to watch over the heroine alongside everyone else. Even though it felt rushed, I did enjoy the story delving into the other personality and trying to have things work out for both personalities. Definitely a nice sequel.
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lilypadthaii · 3 months
promise | iwaoi
short haikyuu fanfic, 1.2k wc!
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tropes: unrequited love, angst. pairing: iwaizumi hajime x oikawa toru. i don’t really like this but enjoy!!
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iwaizumi hajime has never liked making promises. he tells himself it’s because they’re too childish, but, really, he’s just afraid of breaking one. that’s why he only makes promises when he’s sure he can go through with it. thus, the few he does make, he makes sure to remember. 
that’s why he hasn’t forgotten the promise he made to oikawa nearly a decade ago. he remembers exactly how it happened, too.
they were walking out of the gym together after another grueling practice. it was silent, and iwaizumi was savoring the scent of the night air and the feeling of the breeze against his skin. he was startled when oikawa suddenly spoke up next to him. 
“hey, iwa-chan, will you make me a promise?”
iwaizumi raised his brow at the spontaneity of the question, indicating for him to elaborate further. 
“don’t look at me like that!” oikawa whined, “i just wanted to ask you to be the best man at my wedding.”
iwaizumi hesitated for just an instant as he considered the question. it wouldn’t be difficult to fulfill, as he was sure that oikawa would keep contact with him even after they’d part ways after high school.
oikawa’s face, which previously held a pleading expression, broke into a wide grin, and iwaizumi couldn’t stop himself from smiling a little at the sight. 
now, as he stared at the wedding invitation on his nightstand, all he could think was that he had never regretted a decision more. 
the top of the envelope read, in handwriting once so familiar to iwaizumi, “oikawa tooru and furukawa hana request the pleasure of your company at their wedding on april 24th. see disclosed letter for more information.”
as he skimmed the information on the letter, his mind wandered back to the night oikawa first introduced his soon-to-be wife to him. 
it was at one of their annual reunions. after their graduation, things had gotten busy for the both of them, but they still tried to make time to meet up occasionally.
iwaizumi waited outside the restaurant as he checked the time on his phone. the location had been chosen by oikawa, and it was more extravagant than usual. likely because  he’d just landed another profitable modeling gig.
he couldn’t help but feel a little left behind. he was still in college, and while he wasn’t struggling financially, he didn’t feel like he had too much going for him. he wasn’t even sure about what he wanted to do as his career. meanwhile, oikawa was competing professionally and modeling for renowned brands across the world. 
his thoughts were interrupted by oikawa’s voice calling his name. he looked up to greet him, but paused when he saw an unfamiliar figure standing next to oikawa. 
recognizing the questioning expression on iwaizumi’s face, he cleared his throat and said, “this is my girlfriend, hana. hana, this is iwaizumi, my best friend.” 
as iwaizumi said his greetings, he took in the woman’s appearance. she was pretty, and the polite smile she gave him was enough explanation for him as to why oikawa liked her. 
he was happy, or at least he should’ve been, that his best friend had found his special someone. but he felt a discomfort in his stomach, one that lingered there for the rest of the meal that they shared together. 
he thought about it a lot that night, after he returned to his apartment. he thought about how many relationships oikawa had been in in the past, and how none of them ever ended up going anywhere. he found himself thinking, possibly even hoping, that this time would be the same as all the previous ones. 
he pushed the thought out of his head as quickly as it came, but a small part of it stayed, giving him just a sliver of hope. for what, exactly, he wasn’t sure.
it became clear over the next few months that that wasn’t the case. she went to almost all of their annual meetups, and the two of them seemed to only be getting closer and more in love. 
the nauseous feeling in his stomach during the meals they shared only got worse as well, and the indigestion he’d get afterwards became unbearable.
he told himself that the feeling was jealousy; he was just jealous that oikawa had found his person and he hadn’t yet, that he needed to get a girlfriend of his own. 
he began intentionally missing their get-togethers. just a few every once in a while, then not going to any of them all together. iwaizumi convinced himself it was because he needed to focus on college and his career path, and that oikawa was getting busy as well.
he’d gone on many blind dates in the time period following, hoping to find a partner. but he didn’t click with any of them, couldn’t bring himself to feel anything. so he gave up, despite his best efforts.
the memory of his promise to oikawa hung around in the back of his head like an annoying pest, and he hoped, even prayed, that it wouldn’t become an obligation he’d have to fulfill in the near future.
but, of course, fate is cruel. 
as he reached the bottom of the invitation, he noticed a small note, written by none other the groom himself.
“you promised you’d come. we’re expecting to see you there!” followed by a messy winky face, identical to the one oikawa would make when he got caught for doing or saying something stupid. 
he sat on the side of his bed, staring at the letter for what felt like an eternity, daring it to vanish into thin air with his mind. he contemplated not going hundreds of times, and reread oikawa’s message an even greater number of times. 
in the end, he’d find himself going to the nearest tailor’s shop to get himself a suit a week later. april 24th was only getting closer, after all.
when he arrived at the venue, and saw the familiar wide grin that spread across oikawa’s face when he saw him, iwaizumi knew it was worth it. 
when they made small talk as if they hadn’t not spoken in almost a year, and oikawa patted his back as he said, “let’s catch up sometime, i’ve missed you,” iwaizumi knew he would’ve regretted missing it. 
when he stood side by side with the groom at the altar and watched the his love-filled expression and watery eyes as the bride walked down the aisle, he realized that all this time, he wasn’t just jealous of their relationship. it wasn’t a competitive feeling like envy like he’d thought it was. no, in reality, he was simply in love with oikawa toru.
when they kissed after the officiant finished his speech, he made a second promise to oikawa: he would never let him find out he was in love with him.
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divider creds: @v6que !!
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haloxsaisha · 2 years
Like To Be You.
Chapter 2: ....Friends? Friends.
[Charles Leclerc x Singer!OC]
Summary: Charles Leclerc, one of the most successful drivers in Formula 1 and Advika Hira, one of the biggest singers in the world seemed to have it all- their dream jobs, love and support from millions around the globe and trust worthy friends. What if life gave them a chance to go back to something that had been missing in their lives?
Warnings: mention and conversations about hypothyroid.
Word count: 3.5K words.
A/N: Thank you so much for the response on chapter one and I'm so sorry for posting this one so late, I was kinda going through a bit of burnt out phase. But today being Charles' birthday makes it the perfect time to post it too :)) I've attached the link of images just incase y'all might be curious about the locations and outfits (the people in the pictures are not the face claims for this series), click on the underlined text! Also do let me know if you want to be added to the tag list <33
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December 2023.
"Um, holy shit." was all that came out of Naysha's mouth when she, Ria and Advika stepped out of the car in front of the hotel where they'd been to attend a wedding of their friend.
"Yeah, the reason Nandini asked us to bring all those clothes is making sense now. This is going to be one big Indian wedding." Ria said, referring to the list they received from the to be bride as Advika spoke to one of the hotel staff.
"This is the place where Aditi in Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani had her wedding na?" Advika joined, referring to a character of the movie that the three girls adored.
"It is. Holy shit, we're attending a wedding in The Oberoi Udaivilas." Naysha lets out a chuckle of astonishment.
"I think this is going to be the best part of our break." Ria tells, an excited and happy grin appearing on her face.
"Same, I haven't been to a wedding in so long." Advika tells in excitement and then they hear the sound of Ria's name being called from the back.
"Lando?" Ria called out, looking baffled as they recognised the McLaren driver stepping out of a taxi with his teammate Oscar Piastri. And from the back seat, Pierre Gasly stepped out with...... Charles and his mother.
Advika mentally groaned as she thought frantically about ways to hide in a hotel lobby. Charles and her did end their relationship with no bad feelings, but she didn't want to be around him yet. Not when she wasn't over him or the time they'd spent together.
"You guys are here for a vacation?" Ria asked after giving Lando a hug and going towards Oscar, since she worked with both of them.
"A wedding actually, the groom is in the Formula 1 organising team so he invited a few drivers and team members that he's close to." Oscar explained as he pulled Ria into a hug, a big grin spreading on his face which was returned by her.
"I didn't realise Ni's fiancee was close to the drivers too." Advika mumbled in confusion. "Also, you aren't going to give Lando a hug and greet him?" she whispered in Naysha's ear.
"What do you mean?" Naysha replied, feigning annoyance although the colour of her cheeks said something else.
"Ria told me that the both of you always have your eyes on each other." Advika said, grinning.
"I'm being professional." Naysha huffed. "I don't understand how Piastri and Ria can gush around each other so easily despite being in the same team."
"Look I don't want to push you into anything that you don't feel comfortable doing, but I'm pretty sure Lewis wouldn't mind if Lando and you got together or anything. You know he's very fond of both of you."
"Of course he won't, Lewis is the nicest boss anybody could have but...." Naysha just shrugged and Advika let it go, not wanting to force her into a rush of confusions and emotions.
"Hey Advika....how are you?" Charles asked, giving her a friendly smile. Naysha and Ria gave him a wary look, worried because they knew that their best friend hadn't been over the break up yet.
Friendly exes it's going to be.
"I'm alright, how are you?" she asked, returning a small smile.
"I'm good." he nods his head "Winter break has been great so far."
"That's nice...Lorenzo and Arthur haven't come?" she asks, remembering how she got along well with the Leclerc brothers, always having a happy smile in their company.
"They couldn't make it, Enzo has some work related to his business and Arthur has some work with the team. Mama joined me because she wanted to visit India and be here at least once." Charles explained.
"I hope you're liking it in here." Advika asks Charles and his mother. The Indian GP stopped ten years ago which meant that this was their first visit to the country.
"It's a beautiful country, I'm glad I came here." Pascale says, pulling Advika into a hug "I saw that you're taking a break from music? Is everything alright?" she asked Advika concernedly, referring to her recent announcement of a break from the music industry related work and social media for the half of next year.
"I just thought it'd be the best after working non-stop. Six months will be enough Pascale, I'll be alright." Advika assured her with a comforting smile. She always made her feel comfortable and safe, which was one of Advika's favourite things about being around Charles' family.
"The break was a good decision, you definitely need it. Touring for more than a year is a lot." Charles commented and Advika wondered if he was telling it out of concern or taking a dig at the cause of their breakdown and then reminded herself to stop overthinking. They broke up anyways, what was the point of wondering too much about a bond that was already lost?
"Pierre, hey." Advika said after making eye contact with the French driver.
"How are you Advika?" Pierre asked her, giving her a smile and offering a side hug, which she accepted. Pierre and her weren't really close, but they met a few times since he was Charles' closest friend on the grid. So it was safe to say that they considered each other as good friends.
"I'm doing good, great season by the way." she said, her thoughts immediately flew to not being able to watch Charles winning the WDC and the guilt seeped in for the umpth time in the past month.
"It was." he agreed with her, noticing that the smile on her face has disappeared and she was deep in her thoughts after the mention of the recent season.
"Hey hello, I'm finally here." a bubbly voice from the back interrupted their conversation, making Advika turn in recognition. Nandini, their friend who was the bride had finally made it to the lobby to greet them.
"Andddd the bride's finally here." Naysha cheered as she joined Ria and Advika, pulling Nandini into a hug.
"I'm so sorry for keeping y'all waiting here, guests have been coming so I have to just show them to their rooms and all that. The whole room arrangement has been a mess." Nandini groaned.
"It's all right, besides we had them for company too." Ria refers to the Formula 1 drivers.
"Uh, also there's a bit of an issue." the bride to be tells hesitantly.
"What happened?" Naysha asks her. Nobody liked it when a person to be wed was worried at the time of their wedding.
"One of you might have to share a room with somebody else, is that alright?" she asks them.
"I mean, as long as it's somebody we know and are comfortable with, it's alright I think." Advika tells, Ria and Naysha agreeing with her.
"Hey guys." Nandini's fiance interrupted their conversation, standing next to Nandini "Uh Naysha, I just spoke to the F1 guys and Oscar said that Lando and you are familiar with each other's company so would you be alright with sharing a room with him?"
Oh- so Oscar knew about it too.
"Uh-" Naysha said hesitantly, confused between being professional and not wanting to cause the couple a worry "yeah it's alright, I'll do it." she agreed, making Ria and Advika exchange a knowing smirk.
"Thank you so much Naysh." Nandini squealed, giving her a grateful hug and replied with an "it's no big deal."
"Also the engagement party starts at eight tonight, I hope y'all will be following the dress code for the festivities." Nandini reminded them of her very on point planning.
"Don't worry, I don't think anybody would've forgotten it after the billion times you insisted about it in the group chat." Advika teased her.
"Also The Oberoi Udaivilas? You've scored damn well." Ria tells her as Nandini led their way to the rooms.
"I guess I did." Nandini told with a happy and dreamy look on her face. "Naysha, that would be your and Lando's room, I think he's already in so you could just knock the door. Ria and Advika, this is your room." Nandini said and left in a bit, having to finish a few more arrangements.
"Have fun Naysha." Ria tells Naysha with a teasing grin and Advika gave her a thumbs up. The both of them received the middle finger as a response from Naysha making them crack into laughter.
Later that night.
Nandini and her fiancee planned a dress code for each festivity for the wedding, which the guests had been informed about and for the engagement, the women could wear a saree whereas the men in a buttoned up shirt and formal black jeans.
"I look so freaking short." Advika whined, turning around to her back side to look in the mirror. "But I didn't expect this colour would suit me though." she added, referring to the tea green coloured saree that she was wearing.
"It's not a bad thing, you still look cute so don't worry." Ria told in hopes of making her feel better about herself.
"Thanks, it's just that I really like how beautiful sarees are but it just makes short people look like Minions, as if we aren't short as hell already." Advika mumbles in annoyance.
"You say it like it's a bad thing, Charles is going to regret his decision which he sees you tonight, you're a mixture of pretty and cute." Ria tells her and Advika shoots a thankful smile in response.
"And you look stunning by the way, I'm sure Oscar won't be taking his eyes off you tonight. What's going on between you and him by the way?" Advika asked, her eyebrow raised in curiosity. Ria put on a saree which had a seaform green blouse with a transparent material draped over her shoulder.
"Um, nothing. Just two people in the same team, that's all." Ria replied quickly, a red tint forming on her cheeks.
"Sure it's nothing." Advika told suspiciously "You both never stop smiling around each other though, it's cute."
The sound of Advika's phone ringing stopped her from going on about what she noticed between her best friend and the McLaren team driver, the sight of Charles' name of the Caller's ID surprising her.
"Charles?" she said after taking the call "Is everything alright?"
"Uh, yeah. I'm sorry if I disturbed you." he told awkwardly.
"No it's alright, you weren't disturbing me." she shrugged it off and the awkwardness he felt before calling her came down.
"Yeah so, my mum thought of getting into the atmosphere of the wedding so she wants to follow the dress code that the couple chose." he started explaining "But well, she doesn't know how to wear a saree." The way he pronounced the name of the Indian outfit with his accent brought a smile on her face.
"Do you want me to help her drape the saree?" she completed his sentence.
"Yes, I think she really needs that because the both of us obviously don't know how to." he sighed and the smile on her face widened because she could imagine the clueless look on his face.
"Sure, I'm almost ready. I'll be there in a few minutes." she tells him and he cuts the call after telling a grateful "thank you".
"Are you sure this whole friendly exes thing is going to go well?" Ria asks her, having a fair idea of what their conversation was.
"I honestly have no idea." Advika sighed, putting on the jhumka on her ear "But it won't be for a long time, just for this wedding and if we have any Armani related work that's it. I think I'll be able to handle that."
She left the room to head towards Charles' and Ria's question stayed on her mind. Would she really be able to handle the whole friendly exes situation? She had the habit of getting attached to people easily and then getting detached from them always took a millennia. Being around Charles definitely wouldn't make it easier.
"Hey, thank you so much for helping her. She really wants to wear it so I couldn't disagree." Charles started rambling as soon he opened the room's door.
"Charles, I don't mind helping her drape the saree, it's totally fine. You don't have to worry that you disturbed me." she tells him and he nods his head.
"You look beautiful, by the way.” he tells, taking in the sight of her appearance which made her cheeks turn red.
"You too, I mean- you look great." Advika complimented him back. A shirt tucked in with a pair of formal jeans always looked good on him.
“Hello Pascale.” Advika heads towards the blonde woman, giving her a warm smile.
“Advika! You look so pretty chère, I’m sorry if we disturbed you today.” Charles' mum said, returning the smile.
“Oh, not at all. I think it’s really sweet that you want to go along with our traditions, I love the colour of your saree by the way.” she says, referring to the blue saree with some design work at the ends that Charles mum chose for herself and she started unfolding the cloth so as to start draping it.
“I’m glad I asked Charles to call you for help, draping a saree is actually quite complicated.” Pascale told, while Advika was on her knees trying the fold the stiff cloth in the right way as Charles stood in the corner of the room and watched them get along quite well with one another.
“It actually is pretty hard.” Advika agreed with a light chuckle “I remember watching my mother draping it for occasions like this in the family and didn’t want to wear one after growing up because she used to struggle with it a lot But she insisted that I watch and learn because she knew I’d need it after growing up.” she said with reminiscent smile on her face. 
“Mothers always know what their kids need, no matter how much they deny it.” the Monegasque woman said, giving Charles a knowing look which went unnoticed by Advika, who had all her attention on the saree.
The sound of Advika's phone ringing cut their conversation and Charles, who was standing near the table where her phone was kept gave a look asking if he could check who it is, since she was still bent down and busy with the saree cloth in her hand, she nodded at him.
"It's Vinaya." he said, showing the screen which had her manager's name on the Caller ID. A confused look came up on Advika's face about how she would talk to her manager, considering she only called if it was something important regarding her work.
"Would you be okay with the call being on speaker?" Charles asked her, indicating that he'd hold the phone near her on speaker so that she could talk and get the saree draping done at once.
"Yeah, that would be alright. Thank you." she said and he came closer, attending the call and switching it on speaker.
"So, your blood test reports came in." Vinaya immediately started and Advika noticed a look of worry appear on Charles and his mother's faces and an addition with Charles looking at her questioningly.
Advika froze, she'd totally forgotten about the blood test she took yesterday at Mumbai before travelling to Udaipur for the wedding. She'd been feeling too tired every day ever since her tour ended and thought it'd be a good idea to find out what was wrong.
"Can we talk about this later please?" Advika asked weakly, not wanting Charles and his mother to hear it. She wouldn't be able to bear the sympathy she'd get, Pascale already seemed to be very worried about Advika taking a break from her work.
"I know you're busy at the wedding so I'll take just two minutes. Alright, so your hypothyroid has gotten way too worse, because of your very messy sleep schedule, stress and food intake during the tour." Vinaya rambled on "So I've fixed an appointment with your nutritionist which will be in the morning tomorrow. I know you're at your friend's wedding now but I'm not going to hear a no for this because you need to start working on your TSH levels before it affects your health even more than it already has."
"I wasn't going to tell a no, don't worry I'll talk to the doctor." Advika tells, letting go of a shaky breath. She did not want to face the tiredness and the disturbed sleep hypothyroid brought in, not again after all the struggle in her teen years "and could we please talk to the tour manager team too tomorrow, I want to make some changes about making the schedules" she said as she inserted a safety pin through the saree cloth, the last request bringing a smile on Charles' face who was glad that she was finally giving herself the first priority. He hated seeing the extreme tiredness on the face because of the tour, right when they started dating, during the video calls and short meets and all the way until their last conversation.
"Of course and please don't forget the appointment with your nutritionist tomorrow." her manager reminded her and then cut the call, making Advika take a sigh of relief.
"And it's done, you look amazing. I hope the saree is comfortable enough for you?" she asked, pretending as if the conversation with her manager never took place.
"It is, thank you so much for helping me dear." Pascale replied and Advika nodded her head, showing that there was no need to thank her.
"I think I'll leave now, Ria and Naysha might be waiting for me at the hall." Advika said, wanting to leave there. She'd already faced a lot of sympathy from people because she lost her parents. She appreciated their emotions but the eyes filled with pity was something she couldn't handle, it made her uncomfortable. And she could already see it in Pascale and Charles' eyes, so leaving would be better than starting a conversation about her health.
Thankfully she understood and let Advika go. A few steps away from the room, Advika heard the familiar voice of Charles calling her and she turned back to see him approaching her.
"Charles." she responded, wondering why he called her.
"You never told me you were suffering from hypothyroid." he told her, heading straight to the point.
"It's not a big deal-" she tried to shrug it off.
"It is, it literally requires life long medication and even sucks out all your energy. Not to mention it also doesn't let you sleep." he went on about the chronic disease.
"How do you know all this?" she couldn't help but express her surprise.
"I just checked about it on Google but seriously though, why didn't you tell me about it?"
"I had it in control then, trust me. It just got really shitty and unhandleable because of my tour schedule. Besides you already had a lot to worry about." she said referring to the F1 season "I didn't want you to have another thing to worry about."
"You were my girlfriend, I wouldn't have minded worrying about you." he looked at her in concern and Advika just sighed in response.
"It doesn't matter now anyways." she weakly said, wanting the conversation to end. How could he break up with her and just say caring words like it means nothing?
"Just because things between us went down doesn't mean I don't care about you Vika." he looked at her softly and it took everything in her to not melt into it.
The last thing needed right now was not being able to let go of her feelings for somebody who let go of her.
"I- I need to go." she fretted and hurried towards the hall where the engagement was taking place. She spotted Ria and Naysha standing in one of the corners and went towards them.
"Advi, are you okay?" Naysha asked her in concern after noticing the tense look on her face.
"Yeah, I just got worried thinking I was late. You look amazing by the way, how did Lando let you get out of your room?" Advika teases her "also, the sarees you and Ria are wearing are similar." commenting about the saree that she was wearing. It was similar to Ria's, a flamingo pink sparkly blouse with a transparent material draped over.
"Haha, you're so funny." Naysha rolled her eyes playfully. "Oscar hasn't stopped giving her heart eyes ever since she came in."
"Told ya." Advika gave Ria a teasing grin.
"I think this trip is going to change our love lives." Naysha suggested.
"Speak for yourself, I'm single at the moment." Advika said with her eyebrows raised.
"With the way Charles is looking at you, I highly doubt that." Ria commented and confusion arose.
Taglist: @crueloveascities @rosesintj
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frazzledsoul · 7 months
I think it's interesting that in season 4 we get one (1) appearance from Dean at the beginning of the season (the episode where he gets married) and although it's clearly not a good idea and he's moping over Rory, he pretty much drops out of the narrative completely and we don't see him again for ten episodes. There's a lot going on in Stars Hollow at that time: Lorelai and Sookie are getting the inn put together, Lane starts working for Luke and has a falling out with her mother, Sookie gives birth, there's the Festival of Living Art, Luke and Lorelai "break the bells", and of course Liz and Jess show up at the Firelight Festival and cause a lot of drama. Rory's social life at Yale is somewhat pitiful so she comes home pretty much every weekend yet she has zero interaction with Dean and Lindsey and they are not involved in anything at all that happens, even the major town events.
I mention this because Rory is drawn back into Dean's orbit in the episode after Jess drops his love bomb and runs in a major way and their relationship continues to get more and more inappropriate in the last third of the season. Dean sells Rory his sob story of how Lindsay is pushing him to work (even though we later see that she's trying pretty hard to be the stay-at-home wife he wanted and make him happy). Rory chastises Dean for dropping out of college, seemingly oblivious to the fact that his goals were never the same as hers were and wanting them to be the same isn't going to erase their incompatibility. And of course, while this is all going on Luke's ill-advised marriage is also unraveling as he and Lorelai become closer. Given the previous example Lorelai set for her by hooking up with Christopher while he was with Sherry and then making out with Max while she was still technically dating Twilight Dad as well as the separation of the grandparents, it was fairly easy for Rory to conclude that this marriage business really doesn't matter and to look to Dean for comfort and and affirmation as she reminisces about the relationship she thinks she remembers.
And you know what goes away around this time, too? Any of her half-hearted attempts to socialize at Yale or to get something started romantically. She tried being independent and it sucked, so she interprets Dean's possessiveness and desire to limit her interactions with Jess as affection (which is all kind of messed up in itself, but that's another issue). Jess's second love bomb sends her further down that path where she's willing to do just about anything to feel safe again, because she never was allowed to process that break-up and Jess is too messed up at the time to offer her much of an explanation because he doesn't have the language for that either yet.
I still have a lot of trouble processing how Rory suddenly becomes convinced that she wants to relive the halcyon days of a relationship where Dean was often very unhappy with her and that ended because she fell in love with someone she found more intellectually compatible. Even though she is doing some pretty messed up rationalization leading up to her deflowering, she literally goes from "maybe you and Lindsay should go away together" to "Oh, I always knew this would happen! Let me play you this atrocious song to commemorate the occasion!" in two minutes (and we all know the sex took even less time). She backs off pretty soon afterwards and doesn't seem to mourn (and only seems to date Dean out of pity) but the whole thing is still so improbable, even all these years later. I still don't think she ever wanted a relationship, but she got drawn into the idea that losing her virginity in this way was something that wasn't as threatening as dealing with her feelings for her other ex.
(You know what would be even less threatening? Just boinking Marty and leaving your high school boyfriends alone. Just saying).
So was this character arc planned, or could we have gotten rid of Dean after his wedding? I honestly think it's the latter. He could have disappeared after the wedding and we'd have a completely different storyline. Probably a better one.
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the-al-chemist · 1 year
Artemis Hexley: The Wilderness Years
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Chapter 9: The Dinner Party
A/N: it’s Artemis’ birthday, and she enjoys a grown-up way of celebrating it. Warnings: mentions of canon-typical bigotry, alcohol, some awkwardness, bridezilla Penny.
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The dinner party had been Chester’s idea. Artemis would have been happy spending her birthday having a few drinks at the Three Broomsticks or the underground nightclub in Charing Cross that Andre had introduced her to, but she was hardly going to say no to Chester offering to cook for her and her fiends.
“It’s too special an occasion to do what you would do any other weekend,” he had said. “After all, there is a lot to celebrate.”
This was true. Not only was it Artemis’ birthday, but Chiara had just finished her final exams for her Healer training, Tonks had reached her six-month anniversary of being a fully fledged Auror, and Penny’s boyfriend Lewis Parkin had recently proposed to her during a weekend in Paris. The last of these pieces of good news had been the one that had so far dominated the evening’s conversations. 
“Seriously,” Tonks muttered to Artemis, once the pair of them had slipped into the kitchen to clear away the plates and fetch more wine. “If I ever become that nauseatingly mushy over anyone, you have my permission to do me in.”
“Yeah, okay.”
“I mean it. Just put me out of my misery.”
Artemis picked up a piece of chicken from an otherwise empty plate and fed it to Fergus, who was sitting on the countertop looking hopeful. She shrugged.
“I dunno. She doesn’t seem miserable,” she said, with a glance over her shoulder. “I think she’s just really happy and excited.”
“Exactly, it’s sickening.” Tonks grinned. “I’m joking, obviously. I’m happy for her, it would be just nice to talk about something else for ten minutes, that’s all.”
“Is everyone like this about weddings, do you think, or is it just Penny?”
“Might just be Pen. You know what she gets like about organising parties, and this isn’t just any party. This is the party.”
“I guess,” said Artemis. She grabbed two wine bottles - the fancy red one that Chester had brought and the cheap pink one that was Tonks’ favourite - and nodded her head at the door. “Come on. We should go and be excited with her.”
“I’ll try, but if she starts talking about writing her own vows again, I might actually spew.”
Thankfully, Penny was not talking about her vows, nor any other part of the wedding ceremony itself. Instead, the discussion had turned to aesthetics, with Chiara listening politely and Jae looking incredibly bored as Penny chatted away.
“Well, I still haven’t quite decided what colour I want you all to wear,” she told Chiara, her engagement ring sparkling in the light as she moved her hands, “but it will either be pale pink, sage green, or maybe sky blue. In any case, it will definitely be a pastel shade. Bea won’t be happy, if it were up to her you’d all be wearing black, but she always looks so pretty in lighter colours, and it will be a summer wedding, so pastels make far more sense. I much prefer them, anyway.”
“And that’s what matters,” said Chiara. “It is your wedding, we will just go along with what you want. Don’t mind us.”
“Mind me!” Tonks blurted out. “I definitely want some kind of say in what I wear. What if it doesn’t suit me?”
Penny giggled. “You can suit anything, Tonks. You’re a Metamorphmagus.”
“Yeah, but-”
“I’m going to go looking at options with Andre next weekend, but I think I know what style I want for you,” Penny continued. “Probably mid-length, strapless-”
Artemis wrinkled her nose. “Won’t the dresses fall down if they haven’t got any straps?”
“- with a little bit of tulle under the skirt to give it some sort of shape. And then you all will have little bouquets of daisies to carry, because daisies are my favourite flowers.”
Tonks looked across the table at Jae, who appeared to have fallen asleep with his eyes open. “What’s your favourite type of flower, Jae?”
Jae puffed out his cheeks and exhaled before answering:
“Probably self-raising.”
The rest of the guests chuckled, and Chiara shook her head, her pale eyes rolling and lips twitching gently. 
“Will you have a daisy bouquet, too?” she asked Penny, who nodded emphatically.
“Yes, but mine will be bigger, because I am the bride.”
“Really?”  Tonks’ eyes widened in faux-surprise. “You should’ve said something before.” She winced as Artemis kicked her under the table. “Ow! What was that for?”
“And I want my dress to have daisies on, too. Maybe little ones embroidered on it or lace with a daisy pattern. I’m not quite sure yet, but I definitely want it to be white,” Penny sighed. “I know it’s a bit dishonest, but I have always wanted a white wedding ever since I was a little girl, and I don’t see why I shouldn’t have one just because of one very small technical detail. After all, it’s 1995. No one is actually a virgin anymore.”
Lewis Parkin, who Artemis had yet to hear utter a single word all evening, looked at his new fiancée and blinked slowly, his expression one of mingled endearment and exasperation. Across the table from him, Kingsley was paying close attention to his glass, whilst Chester shuffled slightly in the chair next to him.
“Anyway,” he said loudly, reaching across the table to pick up his glass of red wine, “I was hoping that now everyone is here again, we might toast the birthday girl.”
Everyone else hurried to pick up or charge their own glasses, except for Artemis. Once the full wine glasses were all held aloft, Chester spoke once more.
“Not only is it Artemis’ birthday today, but earlier this week she received an incredible job offer.”
“Oh, Artemis, that really is wonderful news,” said Penny, beaming from ear to ear. “What job is it? Curse-Breaking?”
“Personal secretary to the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports,” Chester informed everyone, and Penny’s blue eyes and mouth formed perfect circles. “Which is rather impressive, considering that she is only twenty-two, and didn’t even apply. He selected her personally.” Artemis tried and failed to not roll her eyes at Chester’s proud tone. “Then again, she is always impressive. So, here’s to Artemis.”
“To Tiny,” said Kingsley, with a nod in Artemis’ direction.
“To Artemis,” the others chorused. They all  lifted their glasses and sipped their wine, except for Tonks, who winked theatrically at Artemis.
“To enabling a man’s gambling addiction until he offers you a prestigious job role,” she said, before taking such a large gulp of her drink that she half-emptied her glass. Artemis laughed.
“I mean, it wasn’t just that,” she explained. “Fine, maybe it’s a bit of that, but also it’s because he was really happy with the dragon challenge. Said it was the best entertainment he’s had for a long time, much better than the lake challenge, because no one could actually see anything that was going on.”
“Ten points to Artemis, none to Thomasina Thistlethwaite,” said Tonks, and she held out her palm for Artemis to high-five, which she did. “A win on all counts.”
“When do you start?” Chiara asked, and Artemis shrugged.
“Not sure. I haven’t actually taken it yet.”
“Why not?” Penny frowned. “Does it not pay very well?”
“It does, I just… I haven’t made up my mind yet, that’s all.”
“There’s no rush,” said Chester. “Ludo doesn’t need an answer until after the final challenge, so there’s plenty of time to think it through properly and make up your mind based on the other options available.” He took a sip of red wine and rested his arm on the back of Artemis’ chair. “I think you will probably end up going for this one, though.”
Artemis laughed. “You do, do you?”
“Absolutely. This is an excellent opportunity and a strategic career move. Plus, I doubt that any other position will give you as much money or stability.”
“I dunno how much stability it will give me,” said Artemis. “I mean, this is Ludo Bagman we’re talking about.”
“True, but there are far worse people to have as your boss. Trust me, I know,” Chester said darkly. “I spent my first three and a half years at the Ministry working for Dolores Umbridge.”
A collective groan of sympathy and disgust echoed around the table. Kingsley shook his head and shuddered, and next to Artemis, Tonks stiffened in her chair. She looked nervously between Penny and Chiara, the latter of whom’s face a passive mask, but her already pale knuckles had whitened as she tightened her grip on Jae’s hand. Artemis’ eyes widened, and she opened her mouth to change the subject, but before she could say anything, Lewis Parkin spoke for the first time that evening.
“Umbridge…” he repeated. “For why do I ken that name?”
“She’s the one pushing the new lycanthropy bill,” said Chester. “If she gets her way, all werewolves will need to declare their condition so that people know about it when they’re hiring someone for a job or considering renting a property to them.”
“It’ll never happen,” Jae half-scoffed. Though his voice held no tension, his jaw jutted slightly. Chester did not seem to notice this, for he tilted his head one way and then the other and continued:
“I think it might, actually. Umbridge is awful, but she is also very shrewd, and she’s picked her timing well, given what happened at the World Cup-”
“Those weren’t werewolves, though,” said Artemis. Next to her, she could feel Tonks bristling. “You can’t take what-”
“I’m not taking anything. I’m just saying that it’s a clever move, politically speaking.” Artemis glared at Chester, and he sighed. “Consider it. Last summer it got out that a werewolf had been teaching at Hogwarts, living at the school with people’s children all year, and no one knew about it. Then, at the World Cup, all these maniacs in masks start coming out of the woodwork, and we can only speculate as to who was underneath those masks. You can see why now more than ever, people may be interested in having legislation that gives them the right to know exactly who’s living next door to them. I’m not saying that it’s the correct course of action, but-”
“It sounds like you are.” 
“I’m not, Artemis. I’m just playing Devil’s Advocate, that’s all,” Chester told her, and he placed his hand on her knee and squeezed gently. “People who are scared will do all sorts of things if it makes them feel secure, and right now, lots of people are scared.”
There was no point in trying to argue, but Artemis was not placated. She crossed her arms over her chest and glowered sullenly at her wine glass. A tense sort of hush had fallen over the table, one which was broken by the sound of Kingsley’s low, gentle chuckle.
“You know what I’ve been scared about recently?” he asked, his brown eyes crinkling at the corners. “Who would be cooking this evening. The last time I was invited here for dinner, I was served beans on toast.”
Almost everyone let out laughs that were as much relieved as they were amused. Artemis shook her head.
“It wasn’t just beans,” she corrected Kingsley. “I grated cheese, too.”
“Of course, how could I forget? I also recall being offered a mixture of red and white wine to drink.”
“Red and white mixed?” Jae’s eyebrows shot up. “That’s almost criminal, Hex.”
“In my defence, I was very young and I didn’t know anything about wine at the time. I still don’t, really.”
“Right,” Jae grinned. “And what about your cooking? Do you know more about that now, or are you still limited to a diet of ‘things on toast’?”
“Actually,” said Artemis, sitting up straight in her seat and raising her chin, “I’ll have you know that I can make four different types of potatoes now.”
Jae clapped his hands three times slowly before reaching for his glass and raising it.
“Always impressive,” he said drily. “Forget birthdays and job offers, this is the sort of thing we should be drinking to.”
Artemis pulled a face, but she still picked up her own glass.
“To potatoes,” she said as she raised it to Jae.
“To never letting you cook for me.”
“We can all drink to that,” Tonks said, and she finished the second half of her wine in one gulp. 
The rest of the group laughed and toasted again, and this time, Artemis joined them, giggling as she finished her glass of the expensive red wine. It was probably quite good, but as she still did not know much about wine, it could just as well have been Tonks’ favourite pink one.
The rest of the night passed without further political discussion or tension, with the guests preferring to talk about less potentially controversial topics. It was not until the very end of the night, after Penny and Lewis had already left and Tonks had fallen asleep on the sofa, that the topic of the Ministry’s werewolf reforms came up again.
“I’m really sorry about earlier,” Artemis said as she bade Chiara and Jae goodnight at the front door. “Chester would never have brought up the werewolf stuff if he had known…”
Chiara shook her head and smiled sadly. 
“It’s okay, Artemis. I’m used to it,” she told her. “It’s really not a problem, he was only talking about the new laws they’re passing.”
“It’s just a vote. They haven’t been passed yet.”
“And they won’t be,” Jae said stubbornly.
“Actually, they probably will.” Chiara sighed. “Chester’s right. Umbridge and her supporters, they’ve really picked their moment. Everyone has been so afraid since the Dark Mark went up at the World Cup. People are terrified about what that might mean for the future. It’s easier for the Ministry to distract everyone by scapegoating werewolves, so that’s what they’ll do.”
“They won’t.”
“Yes, they will, Jae.”
“What does that mean for you?” Artemis asked, her eyebrows furrowing deeply. “Will you have to put your name on this list?”
“Probably.” Chiara’s front teeth grazed her lower lip. “My landlord would almost definitely kick me out of my flat, though. And I’m not sure that St Mungo’s would want me working there if they knew, either.”
“Hardly anybody knows about you,” said Jae. “You could lie and get away with it.”
“Maybe, but then if I get found out, it won’t just be St Mungo’s that I’d lose out on. Breaking the law like that, I could lose my license to work as a Healer altogether.”
“But you’ve just worked so hard to finish the training. You’re so good at Healing.” Artemis shook her head. “That’s not fair!”
“It isn’t. But then, neither are so many things,” said Chiara sadly. She blinked before smiling again. “Don’t listen to me. I’m just scared. And maybe Jae’s right. Maybe it won’t pass, who knows?”
But the look in her eerily pale blue eyes made it clear that she knew exactly what would come to pass. Artemis watched her and Jae walk away down the darkened street and returned to the kitchen feeling far less carefree than she had left it. She barely noticed the earnest tone of Chester’s voice or the wrinkles in Kingsley’s forehead as the two men talked quietly by the sink until they saw her enter and immediately fell silent.
“You look worried, Tiny,” said Kingsley. The very sound of his deep and melodious voice made Artemis feel less worried, and she shrugged. “Sickle for your thoughts?”
“Nothing I think is worth as much as a Sickle,” she told him with a wry smile.
“I couldn’t disagree more.”
“Would you like to stay for one more drink, Mr Shacklebolt?” Chester asked, but Kingsley shook his head.
“As much fun as this has been, I think I have had far too much to drink as it is. I’m too old not to suffer for my evening’s fun in the morning these days,” he chuckled. “I think I’ll leave you two young people to continue your conversations without me. I’ll see myself out.”
He shook Chester’s hand and hugged Artemis, who rose onto her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. Once he had left, she looked around the kitchen.
“Did you clean as well as cook?” she asked Chester, who laughed.
“Why do you sound so surprised?” 
“I’m not, I just… Thanks. This was all really kind of you.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s your birthday, Artemis,” said Chester. “And I had Kingsley to help with the cleaning.”
“Right,” Artemis nodded. “You sounded like you were getting along well.”
“We always get along well.”
“That’s not... What were you two talking about?”
“Nothing substantial. Work, mainly. Very boring stuff.”
“How true,” Artemis grinned mischievously, her head tilted to one side. Chester sighed and shook his head before stepping towards her.
“I’ve been thinking,” he said, quietly. “And I think that maybe we should live together.”
Artemis blinked. “Where?”
“Wherever you prefer. I could move in here with you, or you could join me in my overpriced flat. Or we could find somewhere new together. Maybe in Cardiff, it’s cheaper than London and closer to home.”
“But London is your home.”
“I mean home as in where I grew up. Portmeirion.”
“Oh, right,” Artemis said. She nodded, but frowned at the same time. “What about Tonks?”
Chester laughed out loud. “What about Tonks?”
“She’d be here all alone.”
“Tonks is a big girl, Artemis. She will cope with living alone. Or she could find a new housemate. Someone you can actually charge rent to,” Chester suggested. He raised one eyebrow. “Well? What do you think?”
Artemis did not really know what to think. The house she had grown up in had always been dark and dingy, a house rather than a home, and she co-owned it with the brother she no longer wanted anything to do with. Her choice to move back eighteen months previously had been one made out of necessity rather than desire; after leaving school she had sworn that she would never live there again. She should have been jumping at the chance to leave. The problem was that leaving the house now meant leaving Tonks, abandoning her there the way she had been abandoned as a little girl and left largely to fend for herself.
But Tonks was not a little girl, like Chester said, and perhaps she would not have to be by herself at all. She could live here with someone else, and Artemis knew who might want to do just that. After all, right now, Chiara was scared, and scared people needed to feel secure. And if Artemis could do something to give her that security, she would do it in a heartbeat.
So, she decided to ignore the small voice in the back of her head that was telling her that she wasn’t ready, that she was also scared, and nodded.
“I think it’s a good idea,” she told Chester. “Yeah, we should do that.”
Chester smiled, and kissed her gently. 
“Excellent,” he whispered. “It’s late. Shall we go to bed?”
“You go. I’ll be up in a minute.”
Once Chester had gone upstairs, Artemis opened the door to let Fergus in from the back garden, conjured a blanket to place over the sleeping Tonks, and extinguished the candles that were still flickering on the table. Without them, the house seemed darker than ever, so dark that she could not even see where she was at all. She could have been anywhere in the world, and yet she was here. Still here.
Maybe that little voice had been wrong, she thought, as she padded upstairs. Maybe she really was ready to leave.
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I'm wondering what would it even take for Emily to start caring about the fact she is not a good person. Does she know she's not a good person right now? Doubtful. She argues that she's not, and she gives all her reasons, but to me it's denial for the sake of appearances, which is Emily's whole thing (that's why she laughs when Nica tells her she could drop out of the Mayor's race, that people could like her for her - no, that's not what the people WANT) ; she grew up rich, most definitely entitled as heck, she went into business in college. I don't think Emily ever really dropped the appearances. She doesn't do it in the council for evil (and oh man, suddenly want to discuss the difference between Emily "of course we're not evil!" and Oliver's "er, yeah, we are" and how that might come from their different backgrounds--), and she doesn't do it in narration either, so not to herself.
Except. Except when it comes to Ethan. The over-the-top lovesickness is appearances still, but the love is genuine, even if at this point I think it's pretty clear both she and Ethan are in love with what they were in appearance too (or well, what the image is reflecting back on them now. Ethan with memories of when Emily was devoted to his projects, and Emily on the day of their wedding, the genuine joy of that single day, but i think it says so much that Emily fought for the image of that wedding, and then embraced it as a marketing ploy -- admitedly that her opposants were going to kind of use already --. She became the bride of Red Line. The wedding, probably a real moment of happiness, turned also into appareances).
Anyway, my point is, the only time she drops the veil is when Ethan hurts her - the day she shows up in the wedding dress at the beginning of s4, when Ethan COMES AND FUCKING ASK HER ABOUT REPROGRAMMED LIKE A ROBOT WHICH IS STILL THE WILDEST AND MOST HORRORY THING EVER - or when she admits, to Nica, how miserable it makes her that Ethan doesn't seem to care anymore. But all of that is still not enough to shake her off, to admit that she's doing horrible things, and I think it's cause... Well, when it comes to Ethan, she's mostly a victim (from what we've seen in the story so far). You could argue her worry about Wonderland and selling it was her big betrayal to her husband, but since then, Ethan has been nothing but awful to her. The only time he's nicer is to manipulate her or for his own interests.
So how to get her to realize and understand? Can she? Maybe with a push, and I don't think it'd be a kind push. I'm thinking - perhaps if she annoys the Narrator a day too much, and he forces her not to hide from her own deepest thoughts anymore? Or are we going to see her loose her mind and she'll never get the chance to perhaps try and do something - different, even if i don't expect her to become a good person in one season? (although. hey. I didn't guess they'd go there for Oliver, he did terrible things too, and what do you know, those last scenes made me fucking cry so). That would be a sort of tragedy, and not every villain is the sort to be ""reedemeed"" in some way.
... I hope we get to see her with Nica again, because if anyone can get through her, I assume it'll be her. But I think it would also be very good to see Emily with someone else entirely, someone unexpected, that gets to her long enough for her to start questioning, at least, if it's all worth it - maybe not change her morals, but at least shift her selfish interests away from hurting people so violently. I dunno.
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marta-bee · 2 years
I’m rereading “The Adventure of the Dancing Men,” mostly because it’s the basis for the next Granada episode, and since I’ve just read SCAN, I’m noticing all sorts of fascinating parallels between the King of Bohemia and Hilton Cubitt, the client in DANC. 
By the end of SCAN, it’s pretty obvious the king is more the villain than Irene: not evil, but certainly at least as interested in controlling her than being safe from her supposed threats. Hilton is more unambiguously a good man. Doyle describes him thus: “He was a fine creature, this man of the old English soil, simple, straight and gentle, with his great, ernest blue eyes and broad, comely face. His love for his wife and his trust in her shone in his features.” He accepts Elsie’s decision to keep her past secret for him, at at first. By period standards he seems pretty progressive.
But for all his words, he really struggles to let Elsie manage her past on her own terms. Even at his first meeting with Holmes, when Holmes suggests the man just ask his wife why she was so bothered by the titular dancing men, he responds, "A promise is a promise, Mr. Holmes. If Elsie wished to tell me she would. If not, it is not for me to force her confidence. But I am justified in taking my own line – and I will." He promised Elsie before her wedding never to ask about her past, and he’s abiding by the letter of that promise. But the spirit, which was surely not to involve himself in that part of her life, he’s much less willing to go along with. He’s hiring a detective to look into why these drawings are so alarming to her, which, if it’s not quite violating his promise (Holmes is investigating the drawings, not Elsie), it’s at least right up against the line.
When I said I was seeing parallels between the King in SCAN and Hilton in DANC, I was really thinking of the final part of SCAN, where the king learns Irene has married someone else. This effectively takes Irene out of his sphere of control --she is now another man’s wife-- and he seems to regret that at some level. It seemed he enjoyed having her as “the other woman,” perhaps not an ongoing sexual partner but certainly as the emotional parallel of a mistress or courtesan. He didn’t want to be free of her so much as in control of her. 
And Cubitt is nowhere near as sexist and controlling, but there’s still a milder version of that dynamic. (Speaking as a 21st-century single woman with all the sensibilities and expectations that carries with him.) He’ll agree not to ask Elsie about her past because that was the only way she’d marry him; but what she clearly meant was not to pry, to leave her past to her to manage; and that’s something Hilton’s manhood won’t let him give her. it’s his duty to protect her, and leaving her to manage her past means ceding some of his... domain, for lack of a better word, to her. Masculinity, especially in the context of husband/wife relationships, just won’t allow it. In much the same way that later, his pride as a respectable quire from a respectable, solid family, won’t let him withdraw and go somewhere else.
At the risk of imposing concepts I’m not sure how to apply to the Victorian period, both because they’re so contemporary and also because I just don’t know enough about Victorian social norms, the problem here is heteronormativity, and to a lesser extent, a commitment to being respectable. Elsie’s past and her keeping it to herself isn’t easily reconciled with what it meant to be a husband and wife in their social setting. Certainly not once the messages start appearing and her past becomes much more relevant to the present. This isn’t the King of Bohemia’s blustering about and trampling over Irene’s autonomy. Hilton is trying, bless him. He’s a “man of the old English soil, simple, straight and gentle.” But everything about that won’t let him give Elsie control over this domain, much as Irene couldn’t have control over her life without being the pinnacle of virtue as a respectable English (unmarried) woman, and even then, she really only got security when she took shelter as a proper wife. The King would have been much more sympathetic as a character (which he wasn’t supposed to be; which was the point) if he’d only been concerned with protecting himself from blackmail, rather than maintaining his control over Irene. And in a much milder but still in many ways similar way, Hilton would have done much better to truly leave Elsie’s past to her to manage, rather than trying to square his promise with his need to protect her, almost to subsume her past into their combined present.
All of which makes the little domestic scene at the beginning so interesting. I’ll quote the whole bit, because it makes me smile but also because it’s actually a really interesting alternative to the whole dynamic between Elsie and Hilton.
"So, Watson," said he, suddenly, "you do not propose to invest in South African securities?"
I gave a start of astonishment. Accustomed as I was to Holmes's curious faculties, this sudden intrusion into my most intimate thoughts was utterly inexplicable.
"How on earth do you know that?" I asked.
He wheeled round upon his stool, with a steaming test-tube in his hand and a gleam of amusement in his deep-set eyes.
"Now, Watson, confess yourself utterly taken aback," said he.
"I am."
"I ought to make you sign a paper to that effect."
"Because in five minutes you will say that it is all so absurdly simple."
"I am sure that I will say nothing of the kind."
"You see, my dear Watson" – he propped his test-tube in the rack and began to lecture with the air of a professor addressing his class – "it is not really difficult to construct a series of inferences, each dependent upon its predecessor and each simple in itself. If, after doing so, one simply knocks out all the central inferences and presents one's audience with the starting-point and the conclusion, one may produce a startling, though possibly a meretricious, effect. Now, it was not really difficult, by an inspection of the groove between your left forefinger and thumb, to feel sure that you did NOT propose to invest your small capital in the goldfields."
"I see no connection."
"Very likely not; but I can quickly show you a close connection. Here are the missing links of the very simple chain: 1. You had chalk between your left finger and thumb when you returned from the club last night. 2. You put chalk there when you play billiards to steady the cue. 3. You never play billiards except with Thurston. 4. You told me four weeks ago that Thurston had an option on some South African property which would expire in a month, and which he desired you to share with him. 5. Your cheque-book is locked in my drawer, and you have not asked for the key. 6. You do not propose to invest your money in this manner."
"How absurdly simple!" I cried.
I’ve joked before how normal roommates don’t store their personal documents in each others’ desks like that; and since Watson was a published writer, it’s not like he surely didn’t have his own desk somewhere in the flat. I suppose it’s possible it didn’t have a locked drawer (maybe Holmes as an investigator has more of a need to keep documents secure?). Perhaps there’s a good explanation that doesn’t just ooze old-married-couple vibes. Perhaps it’s just a device to make Holmes’s reasoning dramatizable. Perhaps there’s also just no point in trying to keep secrets when Holmes’s piercing observations are thrown into the mix. But Watson having to involve Holmes if not outright ask his permission before he can act on a financial decision really does scream married domesticity more than cohabiting bachelors (confirmed or otherwise).
It’s really interesting, though, the way Holmes positions him and Watson here. Yes, Watson would have had to ask for the key, because it’s his desk drawer and the kind of thing Holmes would have possession over. But there’s no sense that Holmes would have imposed himself on Watson’s decision. Watson has the autonomy to spend his money as he likes. 
Holmes will know, because that’s just what Holmes does; but it’s Watson’s choice what to do with his own money. It’s all very shared, but still not comingled in the way Elsie’s and Hilton’s married life is. Watson has parts of his life he has control over. And it doesn’t lessen Holmes not to have control over Watson’s money because they’re not husband and wife with the social expectations that carries with it. We can joke that they’re practically married, and that response isn’t coming out of nowhere, but if it’s anything like a marriage it’s free of what it would mean to be husband and wife. And this is really only possible because they’re queer, even if that’s queerplatonic or something else that doesn’t actually involve the erotic. Holmes can be masculine and still give Watson space to be his own man in a way a man more literally married to a woman never could be precisely because he’s (they’re) queer.
Would that Hilton Cubitt had been so lucky. He and Elsie would have both been so much better off by the story’s end. Which is pretty much the point.
There is so much I could say about BBC!Mary here, the problems of your past being your business, etc., but it’s 2023 and I’m pretty sure everyone’s made up their own minds of how to read HLV by this point and I’m not quite brave enough to tiptoe into that foray on a Saturday night, so.
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