#me and the fuckin. dj gifs. so good
talos-stims · 2 years
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hazmat rap - czarface | source
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grimelords · 5 years
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My March playlist is finished! This one is slightly more diverse than usual, swinging all the way from vibraphone jazz to Bhad Bhabie to black metal so I’ve taken the liberty of actually sequencing it properly for you. So if you’ve got 3 hours you can listen to this straight through and be taken for a hell of a ride. No matter what you like I’m sure you’ll find something in here that you love.
Tahiti - Milt Jackson: For an unknown reason I had a big jazz vibraphone phase this month and when you're talking jazz vibraphone you're talking the Wizard Of The Vibes himself, Milt Jackson. I feel insane even having an opinion on this but it's a shame that some of the best vibraphone performances were made at a time when the actual recording technology wasn't really there, they all have this very thin quality that I think misses a lot of the great character of the instrument.
Detour - Bill Le Sage: Like compare this from 1971 to Wizard Of The Vibes from 1952, the sounds is miles warmer and gives so much more of the full range and detail of the instrument. I also listened to this song five times in a row when I first heard it, the central refrain is just so fuckin good. Like I said, big vibes vibe and who knows why.
Blowin' The Blues Away - Buddy Rich And His Sextet: Superhuman playing aside, it's unbelievable how good these drums sound. The whole first minute just feels like a tour of each specific drum and I absolutely revel in it. I feel like flute and vibes is a relatively rare combo so it's extremely nice to hear Sam Most and Mike Manieri go ham in tandem.
Yama Yama - Yamasuki Singers: A friend sent me this song that he's had stuck in his head for ten years ever since it was in a beer ad from the days when beer ads were incredible strange for complicated legal reasons about not showing people enjoying the product or something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORfkh0OojxY and this incredible song is apparently from a 1971 French concept album where a couple of guys wrote a bunch of psychedelic songs in Japanese for an unknown reason that later became a massive drum and bass breaks album, and one of the guys was Thomas Bangalter from Daft Punk's dad! Music is crazy.
Alfonso Muskedunder - Todd Terje: I'm starting a petition to get Todd Terje to write the soundtrack for the next Mario Kart. I absolutely love this song and this whole album because it's so joyful and strange and it just sounds like nothing else I've ever heard. He seem to truly operate in a world entirely of his own.
Pala - Roland Tings: I love this song. It's like he wrote it with normal sounds and then went back and replaced every instrument with the party version. This song hands you a coconut and says welcome to the island where bad vibes are punishable by firing squad.
Keygen 13 - Haze Edit - Dubmood: There's a fucking album of keygen music on spotify and it's absolutely great and so good that someone's doing the work to recognize the value of the music this extremely weird scene produced and preserve it. If you don't know, back in the day when you pirated photoshop or whatever, you would download a license key generator which was a program made by extreme nerds who had cracked the license key algorithm to give you a fake one, and for unknown reasons they would make the keygen program play original chiptune music that someone in their nerd crew would compose. Who knows why but god bless them.
My Moon My Man (Boys Noize Remix) - Feist: The very concept of a Boys Noize remix of My Moon My Man is hilarious and it turns out it sounds absolutely amazing as well. Two great tastes that taste great together.
Low Blows - Meg Mac: I had a big Meg Mac phase this month too, listened to her album a lot and it's extremely solid. Great timing too cause her new one comes out in a month or so too. I really am excited to hear her next album because she's so good but I've always got this feeling that she hasn't reached her full potential yet, she's only going to get a million times better in an album or two.
Patience - Tame Impala: I love that the cover of this single is a pic of congas because it feels like that's the central thesis here. Kevin Parker bought some congas and is making disco Tame Impala now and I really couldn't be happier about it.
Unconditional (feat. Kitten) - Touch Sensitive: I love a 90s throwback done with love. There's nothing cynical or ironic about this it's just fun as hell!
Last Hurrah - Bebe Rexha: Get a fucking load of this Bebe Rexha song that interpolates Buy U A Drank by T-Pain for the chorus! It's a testament to how good that song is that she's using the verse melody as the chorus. T-Pain will quite literally never get the respect he deserves. Also this song goes for 2.5 minutes. There's something happening where pop songwriting is getting more and more compact, completely trimming the fat and ornamentation and it's very interesting.
Hi Bich - Bad Bhabie: Also I'm fully six months late on Hi Bich but I'm of the opinion that it's extremely fucking good. A perfect little reaction gif of a song and it only goes for 1m45!
Friends - Flume: I'm doubling down on my thesis about emo rap from last month but this song literally sounds like a Flume remix of a Hawthorne Heights song. The whole melody of it, the overlapping yelled/clean vocals. The lyrics obviously. I don't know it's just very odd how close it is. A sort of emo trojan horse to trick people into thinking The Used are cool again. 
How To Build A Relationship (feat. JPEGMAFIA) - Flume: I've been meaning to check out JPEGMAFIA (AKA Buttermilk Jesus AKA DJ Half-Court Violation AKA Lil' World Cup) for a while but this is the song that convinced me. There's just so much to digest in this. Every line is gold and delivered with massive conviction even when he realises it's total nonsense like 'dont call me unless I gave you my number'.
Bells & Circles (feat. Iggy Pop) - Underworld: Underworld alive 2019?? I love this song becuase Iggy Pop has been riding a fine line between punk provocateur and old man yells at cloud for a while now and this song is the perfect mix of both. You can't hijack airplanes and redirect them to cuba anymore and as a result it's over for liberal democracies. Just yelling about air travel for six minutes and it's good.
Guns Blazing (Drums Of Death Pt. 1) - UNKLE: This beat is some of my favourite DJ Shadow work I think. The menacing organ bass throughout, and especially the distorted drum freakout near the end. It's just great all the way through.
Homo Deus IV - Deantoni Parks: Another Deantoni Parks track like I was raving about last month. This whole album is great and flows together as a single piece of work amazingly. I love the purposefully limited sample palette of each track forcing an evolving groove throughout. He absolutely wrings every bit of variation he can get out of every single sound he uses and once you get into the groove of it it's absolutely mind blowing.
Boredom - The Drones: I love that The Drones can write a song about joining ISIS that's also a lot of fun. Spelling out radicalization in a way anyone can understand and sympathise with and then switching it in the second verse to spell out how we got into this situation anyway. 
Loinclothing - Hunters And Collectors: I love how much this song sounds like a voodoo celebration in christian hell.
The Fun Machine Took A Shit And Died - Queens Of The Stone Age: There's a good bit on the live dvd they put out after Lullabies To Paralyze where they play this song and they say it was supposed to be on the album but somebody stole the master recordings from the studio, which is an incredible and brazen crime. Then when they put it out on Era Vulgaris as a bonus track Josh Homme said in an interview "The tapes got lost. Actually, they were just at another studio, but we falsely accused everyone in the world of theft" which is extremely funny. This is really one of their best songs and I sort of really with it had been on Lullabies because it fits perfectly between The Blood Is Love and Someone's In The Wolf type of vibes, I love how it just kind of keeps shifting ideas and riffs throughout. An absolute jam overflowing with ideas.
10AM Automatic - The Black Keys: This song is an all time great in my opinion. It's so straightforward and so effective. I wonder if we'll get a blues rock revival ever or if Jack White still being alive and bad is souring everyone on that idea. This song also has one of my favourite guitar sounds in history I think - the outrageously huge sounding solo that comes out of nowhere and swallows up the rest of the mix like a swirling black hole near the end.
Gamma Knife - King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard: I've never gotten much into King Gizzard and because of their one million albums already it's hard to know where to start but I've been listening to Nonagon Infinity a bit and it's great, it's just good old fashioned 70s prog jams front to back.
Gina Works At Hearts - DZ Deathrays: I absolutely love this song and I absolutely love the second guitar sound in the chorus of this song that sounds like it's made out of thin steel.
Black Brick - Deafheaven: When I saw Deafheaven the other month I was right up the front and it was a life changingly great experience AND they played this new song live for the first time before it went up everywhere like three hours later which was very exciting to be given a sclusie like that. After they finished a guy behind me whispered to his friend "Slayer..." which was very funny to me.
Gemini - Elder: I found this band because one of my Spotify Daily Mixes was all stoner metal for a while, which is a good genre to see all lined up because it'll have Weedeater, Bongripper AND Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats right there in a row for you. Anyway this album is extremely good, the very best kind of stoner metal where it's groovy and fun and has big meaty riffs and ripping big solos and it's extremely easy to listen to three times in a row.
The Paradise Gallows - Inter Arma: My big obsession the past little while has been Inter Arma ever since Stereogum posted The Atavist's Meridian from their new album. It is just so fucking good and I can't believe I've never heard of them before. You know when you find out about an amazing band and then you find out they've been around for nearly ten years and you can't believe everyone in your life has been selfishly hiding them from you?
The Atavist's Meridian - Inter Arma: I think a big part of my enjoyment of this band has also been that I discovered them at the same time as I'm listening to an audiobook of the complete Conan The Barbarian omnibus so I'm very much in the brain space for music that sounds like it would be nice to swing an axe to.
Untoward Evocation - Impetuous Ritual: I love how halfway through this kind of just turns into a big swirling mist of dark sounds. It feels so formless and dark that it could just shake apart and dissipate at any moment and you'd look down to realise your skin is gone.
Eagle On A Pole - Conor Oberst: from Genius: 'In an interview with MTV news, Oberst stated “We were on the bus one day and a friend of ours that travels with us and works for the band kind of came out from the back of the bus and said that first line: ‘Saw an eagle on a pole… I think it was an eagle.’ And then this guy Simon Joyner, who is a great songwriter from Omaha and one of my great friends, he was on tour with us and sitting there and he was like, ‘You know, that’s a great name for a song.’ We kind of had a contest where he wrote a song with that first line, and [then] I did, and a couple of our other friends. We kind of all played them for each other. Simon’s is better than mine, but it is a good line to start a song.” Another version–Mystic Valley Band drummer Jason Boesel’s interpretation–is on the next album, Outer South.' The idea that such a good song has such a braindead origin only makes me love it more.
Lake Marie - John Prine: When I saw John Prine the other month he played this song that I had never heard before and I had to look it up after and now I'm completely obsessed with it. It feels like falling asleep during a movie and missing a critical plot point so the rest doesn't make sense when you wake up but is thrilling nonetheless. Also he absolutely screamed "SHADOWS!!!" when he played it which was a fucking cool thing to see a 72 year old man do.
Little White Dove - Jenny Lewis: The drums on this whole album are absolutely huge for some reason and I love it. My favourite recent sound is in the first chorus where there's a funny little pitch correction noise as she sings 'dove'. It's very strange and very very good.
Locked Up - The Ocean Party: I only found out The Ocean Party existed as they announced their farewell show this month which is a real shame but I'm glad I got to hear of them at all because they're very good. A very good song about that feeling we all know and love: driving for a long long time.
Plain & Sane & Simple Melody - Ted Lucas: I found out about this song from Emma Ruth Rundle's Amoeba Records video and she makes a good point about this whole album sounding like something's gone wrong and it got accidentally pitched down slightly in the recording process. It's unclear if that's what happened or that's just how he sounds but it adds a very softly spooky undercurrent to a very nice song.​ 
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
Birthday celebration Queen style; Queen x reader
*Author’s note*
Hello my lovelies :) I would like to thank all of you for making this series a wonderful one. And now I present to you another chapter. Now FYI we’re back tracking a bit because this chapter is very special to me. For you see tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY!!!!! Yep yep this girl is gonna be 23 starting tomorrow so for any new followers of mine who had just discovered me, I would love to hear birthday messages from either you or you can RP as one of the BoRhap boys and send me a lovely QUEEN bday message.
Now on a side note I would like to point out @onebigfangirlworld for helping me on describing the members of Queen as animals portion of the chapter you will read. You lot will find out why that is. Anyway now that that’s taken care of I hope u all enjoy this chapter and I apologize for the length of it (it is pretty long sorry not sorry) Also I want to point out that any gifs/pictures in this chapter ARE NOT MINE. CREDITS GO STRAIGHT TO THE OWNERS I AM JUST USING THEM FOR VISUAL REFERENCES FOR THIS CHAPTER. 
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*February 11th, 1983 3rd POV*
It was a sunny day back home of London and currently (y/n) was still asleep in her room.  Slowly walking up the stairs of her house were Freddie, Brian and John. In Brian’s hands, he held a birthday cake with the candles that had the number 21 on it as well as a message which read HAPPY FUCKIN 21st BIRTHDAY (curtesy of Freddie Mercury).
Once they reached (y/n)’s bedroom, knowing how she liked to sleep with her door shut, the boys took that as a step ahead and Freddie took out his lighter and began to try and light up all the candles. Some of them managed to get lite on the first go, but then his lighter would go out the next and it would take several other tries to start it back up again.
“God Fred could you take any longer lighting up the candles?” whispered Deacy.
“It’s not my fault it’s this bloody lighter. I think it’s finally run out of juice.”
“You know you could just take one of the candles that’s already lite and use that to light up the rest.” Stated Brian.
“Oh really, thank you Brian why didn’t we think of that?” Deacy said sarcastically as he grabbed one of the candles and started to light up the rest of them.  But even then some of the candles were stubborn and didn’t want to be lit even by another candle. “When did Roger say he’d get here?” asked John.
“Who knows, probably got shitfaced last night with Dominque last night, or maybe hooked up with another girl for a shag.” Stated Freddie.  The three boys kept speaking and laughing but shushing each other to shut up so that they wouldn’t wake up the birthday girl who was still sleeping on the other side of the door.
Finally after about three minutes, all the candles were all lit up.
“We ready?” asked Brian.
“Always ready for our dear’s birthday.” Freddie then came to the door first and slowly opened it and the three men slowly and quietly entered the master bedroom and walked towards the bed where they saw their girl (y/n) (l/n) sleeping soundly.  Her hair fanned out like a halo, the covers slowly moving up and down with each gentle breath that she took and the occasional soft moan that came out of her.
Freddie and Deacy stood together to the left side of the bed while Brian took the right and Freddie counted down with his fingers from three.  Once he got down to one the three of them began to sing.
For she’s a jolly good bella
For she’s a jolly good bella
For she’s a jolly good bella
That nobody can deny
That nobody can deny
*John and Brian*
That nobody can deny
For she’s a jolly good BELLA!!!
That nobody can deny!!
*1st Person POV*
I was suddenly woken up to singing and that’s when I woke up to see Brian holding a small (f/f/) birthday cake with candles all over it and I sat up smiling as my boys continued to sing happy birthday to me. When the song was over, I held my hands over my mouth to try and contain the huge smile spreading across my face and hiding my shyness.
I can barely believe that even after all this time, the guys still go out of their way to wish me a happy birthday. God the first time they knew about my birthday, months before I became the Rock Angel, the boys invited me back to the studio and had a surprise party waiting for me. The guys took me out shopping and just for a fun skip day since that year it lied on a school day.
Later that night at a concert, which they had a special reserved seat for me in front row, Freddie called me up on stage and he and the boys sung a requested song of my choice to me before having the entire audience sing Happy Birthday to me and a huge cake was rolled on stage with a mini frosting sculpture of me with a guitar in my hands.
I’ll always treasure that memory for as long as I live.
“Aww you guys,” I gushed out.
“Many happy returns darling.” Said Deacy as he embraced me tightly and kissed the top of my head.
“Happy birthday darling, officially legal in the US and you no longer need to have them up your arse for underage drinking.” Freddie said as he sat down close to me and embraced me tightly before pecking my temple.
“Alright love come on make a wish and blow out the candles.” Said Brian as he brought the cake closer to me.
“Wait, wait! Read what it says. What do the candles say?” Freddie demanded of me as he kept an arm around me.  I looked carefully at the message and I read it out loud.
“Happy Fuckin 21st Birthday.” I let out a laugh and I turned to Fred and I said, “You arranged it yourself didn’t you?”
“Guilty as charged my darling, now go on blow out your candles and make a wish.” Brian carefully sat on the other side of me keep a hold of the cake.  I tried to think of a good wish before finally closing my eyes and blew out my candles.  When they were all out, the boys cheered for me and I took one of the candles and licked the bottom of it getting the frosting off.  I moaned and said.
“My favorite. You boys know me so well.”
“Of course we do dear, now come on downstairs if you wish to eat this.” Said Brian.
“It’s my house! I can eat in my room if I want to. Plus I’m the birthday girl and I say—” suddenly we all heard the front door slam shut and Roger’s voice carried out in a haunting echo.
“Oh (y/n)~”
“Oh bugger. You lot didn’t see me!” I exclaimed as I rolled out of my bed and raced out of my room and headed into the double queen bedroom and hide behind the door hoping to hide from Roger for as long as I could.
You see ever since first finding out my birthday, Roger thought it would be best to do his yearly birthday ‘cheer up’ tradition since the last several birthdays from the time my parents died and first meeting the guys weren’t…..well very joyous.  And that’s to do what he likes to call “birthday tickles” which means you get tickled for however many seconds based on your age.  
And since he’s told me many times before that he sees me as his own daughter, he thought it would be best to catch up on all the happy birthdays lost from when I was nine up to 18 .  
So every year for my birthday, I try to avoid Roger as much as possible or try to stay hidden for as long as I can, but he just enjoys the thrill of the chase.  I tried to slow down my breathing so that he wouldn’t be able to hear me and I waited with anxiety and adrenaline for Roger to begin the hunt.
*3rd Person POV*
Roger stood before the door of the master bedroom and saw his bandmates all gathered around the bed.  He noticed the over turn sheets and he demanded.
“Where is she?”
“We haven’t the faintest idea who you’re talking about?” John said bluntly.  Roger raised a brow knowing that Deacy wouldn’t spill the beans on his sister’s whereabouts.
“You can’t hide forever (y/n)! You might as well give it up now!” Roger made sure to let his voice echo throughout the house as he walked down the corridor to find (y/n).  Looking through every closet door and every bedroom in the hallway.
The rest of Queen peeked out from the bedroom door and just watched while Brian said.
“He’s always so intent on doing this to her every year isn’t he?”
“Poor (y/n), our Roger definitely is a lion on the prowl now. And he seems keen on finding her, even if it means tearing this house apart to do so.” Freddie stated.
Roger finally arrived in the bedroom where (y/n) had hid.  He walked inside looking at ever square inch of the room carefully as he walked towards one of the queen beds.
“Come on (y/n), you know I’ll find you either way.” He got down on his hands and knees and looked under the bed hoping to see any sign of her from the bed he was looking under or the bed right next to it.
(Y/n) slowly and silently came out from behind the door and left the bedroom but not before doing a quick Roadrunner beep-beep just to goat Roger on since she couldn’t help herself at this moment. Quick as a whip, Roger shot up and chased after (y/n).
He came to the end of the hallway where a staircase that lead up to the attic stood.  He panted heavily and looked up towards the attic and said.
“Oh (y/n), you’re just making this harder on yourself than what it needs to be.” He raced up the staircase but just as he was halfway up to the attic, the small storage closet built into the staircase opened and (y/n) went racing off but she heard Roger’s voice cry out. “AH-HA! THERE YOU ARE!!” He stormed down the stairs and took off after her.
*1st Person POV*
I raced down the main staircase as quickly as I could while hearing Roger’s heavy footsteps trailing behind me.  It felt like forever but I finally made it to the main floor.  I decided to take off towards the kitchen by cutting through the living room.  I panted heavily while the occasional laugh came out of me.
But suddenly, I felt something grab onto me and I was pulled into a strong grip and blonde hair filled my vision.
“Gotcha yah you sly fox!” I struggled to try and get free but Roger kept an iron grip around me and I said to him.
“How did—”
“You do realize there are two ways to enter your kitchen right?” Bollocks I forgot about that.
“Well I mean you gotta admit, I really had you goin that time, doesn’t that count for something?”
“While it does show that you’ve gotten smarter in your hiding tactics, it still won’t save you from your yearly tradition.” Suddenly I was thrown over Roger’s shoulder and I let out a scream.  I began beating on Roger’s back ordering him to put me down.
“Roger seriously!? Put me down I am not a potato sack! This is humiliating stop it!” Suddenly I was thrown onto my couch in the dining room.  I tried to make a second run for it but Roger immediately pulled me back towards him and said.
“Oh no you don’t. You’re not going anywhere. Ready?”
“No.” I whimpered.
“Aww too bad, cause I sure am.” And it was then my torture began.  As he slowly began counting while he kept tickling my sides and ribs, I tried to escape his grasp and was laughing hysterically begging him to stop.
“Roger…..come ohohohohon. Plehehehase stop ihihiht. Roger……Roger please!”
“Nope not till we get to 21. Now where was I? Oh yes four…..five…..” His slow counting continued as my pleas were heard on Roger Taylor’s deaf ears.
It felt like an eternity of pure torture. Nothing but pure agonizing torture till finally I was free and panting heavily against my couch.
“Why…..must you…..do this…..every year?” I managed to speak, my voice raw and hoarse from all my laughing.
“Because its fun.” He mocked. I glared at him and said.
“You can be such a wanker sometimes Roger Taylor.”
“Ahh, you wound me darling. And I thought you loved me?” He whimpered as he placed his hand over his heart. “After all the times we’ve had together and now you hate me?” Oh he was definitely pulling on the guilt strings this time.
Roger even went as far as to throw himself backwards along my couch pretending to die as his face covered his eyes as he whined out.
“So this is the end? Killed by venomous words from the one I loved most of all. Goodbye cruel world, may you still be kind to her yet. For she is my dime and jewel.” I rolled my eyes at him and I said.
“Roger you are such a drama queen.”
“More like hysterical Queen. But as I’ve told you Roger dear, there’s only room in this band for one hysterical queen.” Freddie’s voice soon came.  Roger peeked through his fingers and flipped Fred off as he said.
“Piss off Fred, this is (y/n) and my private time here.”
“Well we need the birthday girl to eat her cake less she wants to hurt Veronica’s feelings. She worked all night on this cake.” Deacy’s voice said as he came down with the cake with Brian following behind him.
“V made the cake?! Well what the hell we waiting for? Let us eat cake!” I proclaimed.
“Calm down Marie Antoinette.” Brian said.
“Great thanks you lot for ruining my precious time with the birthday girl.” Roger said as he rose up from my couch and came over to me and held me close to him.
“Then you shouldn’t have been late to sing happy birthday to her Rog.”
“Yeah where were you Roger? You hurt my feelings and I thought you loved me.” I decided to play back the guilt trip onto him as I shot him the puppy dog eyes and pouted out my lip.
“Aww darling you know I’m crazy about you.” He cooed as he peppered my cheek with kisses making me laugh as I tried to push him away before he drowned me with his wet kisses.
“But seriously Rog, where were you?”
“I was out getting this girl’s birthday present.”
“Really? Where is it?” I asked urgently.
“It’s outside….” Like a bullet I shot up but Roger quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me back making me cry out as he said.
“Hold up there lovely, first you eat your birthday cake. Then get changed because it is freezing out there. There’s a chance of snow happening later today so you need to bundle up before you go out there. And then you can have your surprise.” He pecked the top of my head before playfully slapping my back and ushering me toward the kitchen before following me.
Deacy cut up the cake and of course gave me the first and biggest piece before cutting it up pieces for the rest of them and they didn’t eat their pieces until I did.  The cake was heavenly and I made a mental note to give Veronica a call later today to thank her for the birthday cake.
The guys and I just sat around and talked discussing about future albums or tours that Miami had in mind for us. Apparently the boys had a tour scheduled starting at the end of the summer but that’s all they knew.  We read the numbers on our first duet album which some of our songs had gone up to #1 in almost all of Europe which was amazing to hear.
After eating my birthday cake, I got dressed warmly and as I was about to open my door, I felt two hands cover my eyes.
“Roger.” I whined out.
“Well what good would a surprise be if you simply just saw it.” He teased.
“Alright but if you make me trip I’m replacing you with Deacy as my new favorite.”
“Thank you darling. Get ready Roger.” I heard Deacy say.
“Oh ye have little faith my dear, now come on,” I heard the door open as I was guided backwards first and then was told to walk forward. “Alright now remember you’ve got a couple of steps so one….two….three…..and ground floor.”
“Roger please at least tell me what it is.”
“(Y/n) if I told you then it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it?”
“If you told me, I’ll still act surprise.”
“Ohh our little Rock Angel sure is naughty today isn’t she?” I heard Freddie’s voice say.  I was then stopped and Roger said.
“Okay you ready?”
“Are you sure you are? It doesn’t sound like you are.”
“Roger Meddows Taylor.” He snickered and soon he removed his hands from my eyes and he said.
“Surprise darling!” I held in a scream as standing before me was the brand new Honda CB750 red Nightwing motorbike.  I raced towards it and stroked the handles and the exterior of the bike.
“Oh my god! Roger I love it! Oh my god I can’t believe this!” I got onto the seat just to test how it felt and it felt like I had died and gone to heaven.  “How did you…..”
“I remember you telling me how your old bike was starting to give you problems so I figured a new bike was in dire need.”
“Plus he’s the one who stole your motorbike catalog from the studio just to see what you’ve had your eyes on.” Deacy piped in. Roger turned to glare at Deacy and I said.
“So you were the one who stole it?!” Roger tried to come up with an excuse but I just smiled at him and got off my new bike and tackled him into a hug and said. “I’ll let it go for now, I love it Roger. Thank you so much.”
“Nothing’s too good for you darling, happy birthday my dear.”
“Well thanks a lot Roger now you’ve made our gifts look like absolute shit!” whined Freddie.  I looked towards the rest of the guys and said.
“Aww Fred don’t worry about it. You know presents don’t mean that much to me, all that matters is that you guys are here to help me celebrate another birthday.”
“Well why don’t we head back inside so you can open up the rest of your presents. Jimmy had made you your present during art class and has been begging me to give it to you.” Said Brian.  I smiled and agreed and we all went back inside the house to gather around my living room so that I could open up the rest of my presents and see not only what the guys got me but what their wives and children had gotten or made me.
I had gotten a new designer coat from Biba from Freddie and Mary, Deacy gave me some new electrical cords and wires for my amp that has been messed up for the past couple of weeks, Brian had gotten me a brand new acoustic guitar.  From the Ladies of Queen Veronica, Dominque and Chrissie, apparently the three of them had combined a gift to a 3 day spa retreat starting this upcoming weekend.
All the things that help a girl relax, mud baths, guacamole facemasks, massages, the whole enchilada.
And from the kids; Jimmy May had made a handmade drawing of me performing alongside his dad.  The two of us playing our guitars in front of an audience.  Michael Deacon had made a clay figure of my favorite animal, the lion and wrote my name at the bottom of it, Robert my eldest nephew had tried to come up with a song and according to Deacy, he hoped that his aunt (y/n) could one day make a song out of it.  I looked it over and found it too adorable to resist and I told John to tell him I would get to work on it as soon as I could.
Felix Taylor had picked out a stuffed bear for me to have and I couldn’t help but aww at the cute gift as well as the note that was tied around it’s bow collar. It read out.
Hapy birtday Auntie (y/n). I luv you and hope to c you soon.
Luv Felix.
I aww at the message and then finally I received the sweetest gift of all from my favorite little niece Laura Deacon.  I opened it up to see a video tape inside.
“It’s a recording she did.” Explained Deacy.  I went over to my television set and put the tape in the VCR and turned the TV on and soon it started to play and soon on my TV, little 4 year old Laura came on the screen wearing what almost appeared to be a mini-jean jacket, long pants and a flat cap along with a feathery boa wrapped around her neck.
“Is it on now daddy?”
“It’s recording darling, you can speak now.” I could hear Deacy’s voice from behind the camera.
“Hi Auntie (y/n)! Daddy says that it’s your birthday and I wanted to do something extra special. I’m gonna sing for you your first song and I hope you like it.” She then raced over and grabbed her toy guitar (a gift from her Uncle Brian one Christmas) and she started singing a few verses of my song “Set it all free”.  She played the guitar and rocked out happily as she sang the chorus.
All the while I couldn’t stop smiling at how cute Laura was and what she was doing for me.
This is my kiss goodbye.
You can stand alone and watch me fly
Cause nothing’s keeping me down, gonna let it all
Come on and say it right now, right now, right now
This is my big hello.
Cause I’m here and never letting go
I can finally see it’s not just a dream when you
Set it all free, all free, all free
You set it all free!
I could hear Veronica and Deacy cheering in the background and as Laura finished the song and she said as she waved.
“Happy birthday Auntie (y/n)! I love you!” She blew me a kiss and with that the tape ended.
“Okay John that’s it. I’m officially kidnapping Laura from you and Veronica. She’s gonna live with me and I’ll raise her as my own daughter.” I stated.
“Over Veronica’s dead body, she may seem nice but anyone messes with her kids and she’s full blown tigress.” He said.
“I don’t care, I’ll steal her even if I have to die trying. She is just too damn cute. She was like a mini-me!” I cooed out my last statement about Laura.  Deacy rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair messing it up and I groaned at him as I shoved him away from me.
Later on that day, the guys and I were out on the town and as a birthday tradition from Freddie since first knowing him, we went into Biba for a full blown shopping day.  
As part of the Mercury birthday fashion tradition, I was allowed to try on 21 different clothes and if one of them really spoke out to me for either wearing in normal civilian life, or for a potential concert getup, I would buy it. Well Fred would buy it along with whatever he was getting.
I held a cute lavender purple dress in front of me and modeled in the mirror as I said.
“I don’t know, I mean it is cute but I’m not sure I go with it.”
“What a stupid thing to say darling, of course it goes with you. Try it on.” Freddie said as he came up behind me resting his head against mine.  He ushered me to the changing room and kept guard while I stripped out of my clothes and put the dress on. “You decent dear?”
“Come in Fred.” He opened up the curtains and as he saw me, he was in awe.
“Oh (y/n) darling, that color was made for you. You have to get it.”
“I don’t know, but don’t you think something’s missing?” Freddie came up behind me his hands on my waist and he tilted his head as he observed our reflections in the mirror.
“Sun hat.”
“A sun hat, a nice sunhat would make this dress on you. Once we get you back home we’ll try it on again and get that sunhat you got back in Spain and this ensemble will be perfect. Trust me darling, it will work.”
“Well you are the expert when it comes to fashion.”
“Even better than Roger?”
“Let’s not get too arrogant there. Roger did have his fashion taste ten years ago.”
“Now I have found the perfect ensemble for you to wear for your party tonight. Don’t move.” Freddie walked out and as I turned I then heard him say in a demanding tone, “Don’t look!” I eyed him and said.
“Getting sassy on the birthday girl are yah?” He grinned at me before dramatically pulling the curtains aside and stepping out before closing them back up.  I sat down on the bench and waited for Fred and that’s when I heard him say. “Close your eyes darling!” I covered my eyes up and could hear footsteps coming up to me. “Okay open them.”
I uncovered my eyes and I saw in Freddie’s hands some black leggings, a cute black long sleeved black top and a faux fur coat.
“Oh Freddie…..”
“Put it on.” He stepped out of the dressing room and I got out of the lavender dress and got on the ensemble that Freddie had chosen for my birthday party tonight.  I put the legging on first, then I got on the shirt by undoing the buttons and putting it on like a coat before buttoning up the three middle buttons leaving the very bottom and very top ones undone.
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I called Freddie back in as I put on the faux fur coat and I swear I thought I saw tears in Freddie’s eyes.
“Oh my darling (y/n). You look…..absolutely radiant.” He came up behind me and said again, “Usually no one can be as fabulous and outrageous as me but you my dear, are coming to a close second. I best watch my back from now. All it needs is a few bracelets and that necklace Brian gave you last Christmas and it will be perfect.”
“I have to agree, it definitely would be cute to wear both in public and for a winter concert.”
“Told you darling, now let’s pick out two more outfits and then we’ll ring up everything. My treat.”
“No Fred we made a pact last year……”
“Don’t care, let me spoil you on your birthday darling. You are not to pay a cent this time as this is another milestone. 21 years old. It seems like only yesterday you were just 18 when the boys and I first met you. Time is going by too fast.” He embraced me tightly and pecked both sides of my face before leaving to go pick out some more outfits.
He was right.  I can’t believe I’ve known the guys for almost 3 years now.  It feels like I’ve known them all my life, hell maybe ever since Queen first rose to the top of the public eye.  I set the party clothes to the side of my buying pile and put on my normal clothes back on as I walked out and went to pick out two more outfits to try on and see if they were good for me.
In the end I ended up buying over 13 of the 21 outfits I had tried on, while Freddie went crazy and had what looked like a hundred different clothes.  After our shopping trip, we met up with the rest of the lads and had ourselves lunch at my favorite Italian restaurant and of course all the waiters just had to come up and sing happy birthday to me like they always do when its someone’s birthday.
Finally it was party time.
I was at home getting ready for the party that would be at Freddie’s place.  I told him to not go stir crazy and invite a whole bunch of people, just really close friends and other singers if they could come.  I heard a knock at my bedroom door and I said.
“Come in!” The door opened to reveal Deacy standing behind the door. “Hey Deacy, come on in. I’m just putting on the final touches of my makeup and then I’ll be on my way.”
“No need for that.” I turned towards him and quirked my brow questioningly as he said with a bow. “Evening Mademoiselle, I am John Deacon and I will be your personal chauffer this evening.”
“Why thank you Monsieur Deacon.” I said as I gave him a bow of my head. I resumed getting my makeup on as Deacy made himself comfortable at the foot of my bed. “What are you staring at?”
“Freddie was right, its—unbelievable how much you’ve grown in just three years. You truly are becoming a beautiful woman (y/n), and that’s gonna harder for keeping the boys away from you.” I smiled bashfully and tried to keep in my tears as I said.
“Deacy can you find me the necklace that Brian gave me last Christmas? It’s right there in my jewelry box right there by my nightstand.”
“Of course.” He got up and opened up my jewelry box and twirled the mini hangers where I hung all the necklaces I had until he finally grabbed the silver and diamond embedded music note necklace.  He came over to me and I held my wavy hair up while Deacy hooked the necklace together around my neck. “There.”
I stood up from my makeup stand and hugged him. A moment later he hugged me back before looking down at me while I looked up at him and kissed his cheek. “Thank you Deacy.”
“What for?”
“For everything you’ve ever done for me. I know I’ve said this more than once but I have to say it and I mean it every time when I say it. You are like the big brother I’ve always wanted. You’ve been there for me since the beginning, always giving me the best advice and showing that actions speak louder than words. Even when you’re bitchy I still love you.” He grinned down at me and kissed the crown of my forehead and said.
“That’s how older brothers are supposed to act around their goofy little sisters.” I laughed softly and he continued, “In all seriousness, if anyone’s proud to call someone their sibling it’s me. It’s unbelievable how much you’ve changed our lives, especially mine. While Freddie has helped me come out of my shell, it’s been you who has helped make me a better person. To know that it’s also okay to not be okay and that it’s okay to depend on the others when things get crazy. And with those three they do, a lot. You’ve also helped me become a better father to my kids, especially to Laura since she’s my only girl. I learn from you on how to better prepare myself for her future, even though I’m going to hate it.”
“With Veronica’s looks, she’ll have a boyfriend by the time she’s 8.”
“Over my dead body.” We both chuckled softly and Deacy brought me close to him and we both hugged each other tightly. “Happy birthday darling, I love you.”
“I love you too John.” He kissed the side of my head and said as we separated,
“Come on, Freddie was already impatient waiting for your arrival. Let’s hope he didn’t burn his own house down.” We both laughed and I was escorted out of my house with Deacy’s arm wrapped around my shoulder as he guided me to his car.  He got to the backseat and opened the door for me and held out a hand for me to take.
“Thank you.” I said in a posh tone as I placed my hand in his and I got into his car and slid on in the backseat and he closed the door behind me before coming into the driver’s seat and started up the car.
We finally arrived at Freddie’s place, and as Deacy parked the car down the street he got out first and again opened the door for me and held out his hand for me to take.  I took it and stepped out of the car and felt the cold February air hit me.
“Thank god I went for the faux fur coat, although I wish I had picked warmer pants, got these leggings are not good for winter.”
“Well don’t worry darling, by the time you get inside you’ll be dying to come back out here.” We quickly raced up the sidewalk toward Freddie’s place and after what felt like eternity we finally got up to the door.  Already I could hear the booming bassline of a song and as Deacy opened the door, already I could see hundreds of people inside.
Typical Fred.  He never listens.  I’m betting there will only be four people I know that are here while everyone else are just here to crash a young girl’s birthday party.
As Deacy and I finally stepped inside and tried to weave our way through the crowd I was suddenly picked up and spun around and Freddie’s voice rang out.
“Finally our Birthday Queen has arrived!!” He then dragged me towards a table and stumbled a bit to get on top of it.  I could already tell he was tipsy already and I helped keep him steady so he wouldn’t fall. “Thank you dear.” He then faced the crowd of people and ordered for the music to turn down as he made his announcement. “Now that the guest of honor has arrived. I hereby crown you Queen (y/n) (l/n)! Birthday Queen.” He then took the crown that he’s worn on stage before with his kingly attire that he was actually wearing right now and placed the crowd on top of my head as the crowd cheered. “To (y/n) (l/n) the Rock Angel!” He said as he raised his glass.
“To the Rock Angel!” everyone praised as they raised their glasses in a birthday toast.
“Thanks everybody I….I really did not expect this many people to come and I—”
“Oh don’t be so modest darling, all of London should’ve been invited. But I settled for at least a quarter of it.” At his statement everyone laughed and I chuckled nervously. “Now someone get the birthday Queen a drink! For the time has come for us to get absolutely shitfaced!” Everyone cheered and the music started up and I was given my first drink of the night.
I held the glass in my hand and took a small sip and Freddie said.
“Oh come now darling it’s your party and you deserve to get shitfaced!” I looked at him and debated whether I should just douse it down or continue to drink in sips.  As everyone was looking at me, I shrugged and doused the champagne down in one gulp as the crowd cheered loudly for me.
*3rd Person POV*
As the night dragged on, (y/n) was completely shitfaced right now.  Her and Deacy were both going bonkers on the dance floor just dancing to whatever upbeat song was playing, Freddie had gone off to God knows where, and Brian and Roger sat together keeping an eye on both Deacy and (y/n) to make sure they didn’t start something.
Because when they got some drinks in them, they could definitely be vicious little monsters.  (Y/n) wobbled her way towards the bar wanting to get another drink when she stumbled and had it not been for Brian being the first one to catch her, there’s no doubt she would’ve fallen and hurt herself.
“Okay I think birthday girl here has had too much to drink.” Brian said.
“No I haven’t….you’re the one whose drunk.” (y/n) sassed as she bopped Brian’s nose, like he always did to her.
“Nope, come on love I’ll take you home.” Said Roger as he took her out of Brian’s grip and held onto her as she wobbled.
“Noooo I wanna stay out longer. Pwease?” she begged but Roger told her.
“The drunk puppy dog act won’t work on me this time love, now come on let’s get you home and into bed.” Roger slowly picked (y/n) up bridle style and took her out of Fred’s house.
He called up a taxi and told the cabbie where to take them. The drive back was silent except for (y/n) soft drunk humming as she leaned against Roger’s shoulder cuddling close to him.
Once they arrived back at her place, Roger unlocked the house and helped her inside.  He carried her up the stairs and took her back towards her room, all the while (y/n) fiddled and brushed through Roger’s hair with her fingers.  It was then a huge smile came across her face as she giggled drunkly and buried her face into Roger’s shoulder.
“What’s so funny?” he asked.  (Y/n) peeked up and said.
“You’re a lion.”
“I’m a what?”
“A lion. Think about it, you’re birthday is July 26th, that makes you a Leo. And Leo is a lion. And with this mane of yours,” she emphasized her point by dragging her fingers through his hair messing it up. “Makes you look like a lion. You Roger Meddows Taylor are a lion.” Roger laughed softly as he set (y/n) down on her bed and began to take off her shoes as he said.
“So I’m a lion huh?”
“You’ve always been a lion, even when I first saw you guys in concert years and years ago. I always thought if Queen could be animals you’d be a lion.”
“And what would the others be?” Roger said as he finished removing (y/n)’s boots and sat at the foot of her bed.  (Y/n) pondered and exclaimed.
“Well Fred’s a peacock. Hehe peacock, that’s a funny name for an animal.” She then drunkly muttered peacock in various ranges from a low voice to a high range before finally finishing her statement, “Because he’s fabulous and flaunts it and doesn’t give a fuck about what others say! Brian is…..uhh what are those French dogs called, you know the ones that have hair just like him?”
“A poodle?”
“That’s it!” she exclaimed. “Brian the poodle!” At that statement Roger just busted out laughing.  He wiped away a tear from his eye and said.
“Now what about Deacy?”
“Deacy, Deacy, Deacy, Deacy……Deacy the deer. Yeah Deacy the badass deer.”
“Why is he a deer? Is it just because of your dazed rhyming scheme?”
“No! Deacy is a deer because not only is he sweet and shy, but his bass riffs are completely badass like the antlers of a deer. Better not mess with Deacy the deer, he’ll pop you off your arse and have you mince-meat.” Roger then got up to grab (y/n) a comfortable nightshirt and sweatpants for her to sleep in.  But the second Roger got in close range to the bed, (y/n) suddenly pounced on him tackling him down to her bed.
“(Y/n) what are you doing?”
“Since you are a lion and you say you’ve always seen me as your daughter, that makes me a lion cub. I am Queen of the jungle fear me!” She then made a squeaking sound that sounded almost exactly like a lion cub’s roar.  She playfully pawed at Roger’s shoulder and head and drunkly wrestled with him.
Roger just laughed and allowed (y/n) her fun before he playfully pushed her off of him and tugged her into his lap and tickled her once more but this time playfully growling and attacking each side of her face with kisses, pretending to be a real lion gobbling her up.  After a few seconds of more playful wrestling, Roger knew that he had to get her to bed.
“Alright my little lion cub, time to settle down now.”
“Aww” she whined out.
“Trust me you’ll thank me in the morning for this. Now are you sober enough to change clothes?”
“I got this.” She stated proudly.
“Alright, I’ll be right out if you need any help.” Roger handed her the sweats and t-shirt he had picked out and left (y/n)’s room. Shutting the door behind him while (y/n) shimmied on out of her party clothes and got on her pajamas for the night.
While Roger waited, he thought it would be best to get (y/n) some water just to get herself hydrated so that the hangover wouldn’t be as bad in the morning.  He went down to the kitchen and got a bottled water out from her fridge and trotted back up the stairs to her room.  He knocked on the door and said.
“(Y/n), you decent?” He didn’t hear a response from her.  He pressed his ear to the door but couldn’t hear a thing. “(Y/n) I’m coming in okay?” He opened the door to see (y/n) huddled up in her covers, her entire body including her head was buried under her sheets.  Roger went up towards the bed and put the water bottle down by the nightstand and slowly removed the covers so that (y/n)’s head was now free.
It was then he took notice of the tears dripping down her face, her body trembling trying to hold in the sobs but the occasional sniffle came out from her.  Seeing her curled up now wearing the pajamas he had picked out and crying, broke Roger’s heart.
“Oh darling,” Roger lay down in front of her and wrapped an arm around her and placed his hand at the side of her face and he stroked her hair softly as well as softly grazing her cheek. “What is it, hmm? What’s gotten my little lion cub so upset?” He said as he pressed his forehead up against hers hoping that by being close to her, she would get the strength she needed to tell him what was wrong.
“I miss him.”
“Who darling?”
“My father.” She looked up at Roger with teary eyes.  At that point Roger looked at her with solemn eyes and said.
“Oh (y/n).”
“We used to play like that every night on my birthday. It’s not fair! Why did he and mum have to die?!” (y/n) slammed herself into Roger’s shoulder and wept.  Roger immediately wrapped his arms around her and rolled onto his back so that (y/n) was now resting against his chest, right over his heart as she kept crying. “Why couldn’t it have been me?! Why them!? They should be here, I—”
“Shhh, shh, shh. Calm down love, calm down. It’s okay, it’s okay.” As her sobs softened, she groaned as her head began pounding in agony from not only the hangover but her sobbing.  Roger placed her down on the bed and just before he went for the loo to get her some medicine, he felt (y/n) take his hand and she whimpered.
“Please don’t leave me like them.” Roger knelt down and said as he stroked her head gingerly.
“I’m not darling, I’ll just be over in the loo getting your medicine. I promise I’ll come right back, okay darling?”
“Promise?” she whimpered softly.
“Faster than you can say ‘hysterical queen’.” He kissed her forehead and (y/n) released her grip and allowed Roger to walk into her loo to look through her medicine cabinet to find some Tylenol.  Within three seconds he came back and popped open the pill bottle and dumped out two pills and said as he held them out to her. “Take these and then have a sip of your water, okay?” She nodded and took the pills from Roger and put them in her mouth.  She then took the water bottle and drank some water and swallowed everything down. “That’s my girl.”
Roger then lay down on her bed once more, this time resting his back against the headrest and extended his arm out which gave (y/n) the sign to come up to him.  She resumed her place on his chest and Roger protectively yet gingerly wrapped his arms around her.  His left arm securely wrapped around her back, his thumb gently rubbing her back while his right arm wrapped around her shoulder and his hand stroked through her hair and brushing away any strands that fell to her face.
Anytime Roger heard a sniffle or a sad whimper out of her, he’d kiss the top of her head hoping that it would give her comfort. They sat in silence of a moment before Roger finally spoke.
“He wouldn’t have wanted that.” (Y/n) moved her head up to look up at Roger and he looked down at her and continued as he wiped away the tearstains from her face, “Your dad would never want to hear you say that. He and your mum would be beyond devastated to know that you wished that it was you that had died in that storm and not them. I may not have known it ten years ago, but being a father myself now to Felix, and getting to know you, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if you or he died before me. That’s not how nature goes, the parents are supposed to go first, never the child. The world would be a darker place without you here (y/n), and Queen wouldn’t be what we are without you.” (Y/n) sniffled softly and choked out.
“Do you think he’s proud of me?” Roger smiled softly and said as he cupped her face with his hand.
“I know he is. Both of them are. I know I’m not that big on religion, but it wouldn’t be surprised if they’re both looking down at you from heaven and they keep bragging to every soul up there saying, ‘That’s our daughter. The Rock Angel is our little girl’. Because that’s what the boys and I say all the time.” Roger gently bopped her nose which made her smile and in turn it made Roger smile as he said, “Now there’s the (y/n) I know. Always with a smile on her face.” He kissed her forehead lovingly and (y/n) buried herself into Roger’s chest as she let out a yawn.
Roger softly chuckled and adjusted himself to make himself more comfortable but he kept a grip onto (y/n) as he made those adjustments.  He covered the both of them up and softly began humming a lullaby to her. Every now and then kissing her forehead and stroking her head till finally he looked down and saw that she had fallen asleep.  He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and whispered.
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“Goodnight (y/n). Sweet dreams darling, and happy birthday.” He gave her one final kiss on the forehead before leaning his head against hers and the two of them fell asleep cuddled close together.
Like a father lion and his cub sleeping under the African sun.
*My POV*
I woke up to a slight pounding in my head but an extremely bright light in my eyes.  I groaned and pulled the covers over my eyes and that’s when I heard a voice say.
“Morning sleeping beauty.” I knew right away that it was Roger.
“Ugh Roger please not so loud.”
“Sorry dear, but after all the times you’ve done it to me, now I get my revenge.” He said as I felt the bed dip and he moved the sheets away from my head.
“Just how out of it was I?”
“Oh darling you were pretty shitfaced. You were pretty much Freddie leveled of shitfaced.”
“Oh god…..” I groaned out as I buried my face into my pillow.
“Here, Brian’s downstairs and he helped me make you some breakfast to help with the hangover.” I moaned as I rubbed my eyes tiredly and groaned out.
“I swear you both are the mum and dad friends to me. How can I ever repay you both for taking such good care of me?”
“No thanks or gratitude is necessary darling,” he gently kissed my temple and continued, “Besides, I’ve got to look after my lion cub somehow.”
“Lion cub? What are you talking about?” I asked.
“Wow you really don’t remember do you?” he asked. At this moment I began to panic.
“What did I tell you? Please tell me I didn’t do anything embarrassing.”
“No, no. At least not in public.” He teased. I hit him in the shoulder and whined out his name which made him snicker before he finally said, “You just babble on about anything random. But last night you were going off about animals, specifically about what each member of Queen’s animals would be. You called Brian a poodle which I am going to tell him about.”
“You speak a word of it and I’ll kill you Taylor.”
“You called Deacy a deer, Freddie was a peacock which you had a field day of saying. And lastly you called me a lion because of this gorgeous mane.” He emphasized as he shook his head which ruffled his hair. I let out an embarrassed groan as I buried myself into the pillows and my sheets.
“Oh no…..”
“Aww there’s nothing to be ashamed about darling. It was cute, and I’m flattered that you gave me a cool animal to be compared to.” He said as he pulled me away from the barrier of my pillow and blanket fort and hugged me close to him.
“Can’t you just forget all that I said last night?”
“Never, my little lion cub.” He grinned at me smugly before placing a kiss on my forehead.  “Plus if the Rock Angel could be an animal, I’d also would pick lion because you are strong and you don’t take shit from anyone. You are fierce and powerful, but also loveable and caring, like a mother lioness.” I felt a blush come across my face as I buried myself further into Roger’s shoulder as I moaned out.
“Stop it.”
“Nope, there are just too many similarities to stop, my proud lioness cub.” He said as he began rocking me from side to side and slobbering my face with kisses making me laugh.
“Oi Roger! I thought you were going to bring her down not torture her!” We heard Brian’s voice call from downstairs. Roger rolled his eyes and said.
“Alright you, let’s get you properly sobered up.” He then picked me up princess style and I said to him.
“I can walk you know.”
“Don’t care, let papa lion carry his cub around.” I rolled my eyes at him but allowed him to carry me as I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head against his shoulder.
Roger carried me downstairs and into the kitchen where Brian was setting up the table and once he saw us he said.
“About time you brought her down here. A minute or two later I’d thought you’d be torturing her in her hungover state.”
“Oh believe me, the thought did cross my mind a couple times, especially when she herself has done that to me.”
“Hey not my fault your alcohol consumption is a bottomless pit.” I piped in.  Roger then took me over to my kitchen table and set me down in my chair and scooted it in and while I began to eat my scrambled eggs, Roger took a seat beside me.
“So (y/n) did you have a good birthday?” asked Brian.
“You guys always make my birthday special, there’s no question about it.” I answered him.  
As I kept eating, I noticed this soft look in Roger’s eyes as he kept looking at me.  But there was also this hint of sadness to them.  I fully turned towards Roger and said. “Why do you keep staring at me like that?”
“No reason.”
“Did…..I say something else last night?” I asked genuinely  concerned that I might’ve said something to Roger that freaked him out.
“No, no. It’s just…..” he placed his hand at the top of mine gingerly ruffling it as he continued, “Just can’t believe how big you’re getting already.” I grinned up at Roger and I said.
“Don’t worry Rog, even when I’m old and grey like you lot I know you’ll still see me as that new intern at the piano.”
“Excuse me? Old and grey? Brian did you hear what she just said?”
“As a matter of fact I did Roger.”
“What do you think we should do with her?” Roger smirked mischievously. I nervously looked at both Roger and Brian to see them both with that twinkle of mischief in their eyes.
“Guys no come on you know I was joking!” I tried to reason with them.
“Too late love, you hurt our feelings,” Brian started.
“And now you’ve got to pay for it.” I then ducked under the table and took off running with both Brian and Roger chasing after me. Of course since I was still a bit hungover I didn’t get far as I soon felt Brian’s arms wrap around me and I was tackled onto my couch and soon both Brian and Roger were tickling me as punishment and they didn’t stop till I apologized.
*Extended ending Roger’s POV*
I drove to Leicestershire after telling Brian to tell the lads I would be late to rehearsal because I had to be somewhere. I didn’t tell him my reason for going, but I knew if I didn’t do it now, I’ll never find the time to do it again.
Once I arrived at Leicestershire I went to the nearest flower shop to pick up a combined bouquet of Gladiolus, white heather, and white chrysanthemums.  When the bouquet was arranged, I drove off to the Leicestershire cemetery.
I walked through the cemetery, my footsteps crunching softly on the snow as I walked along the trail trying to remember where the specific grave I was looking for.  Finally I came along two tombstones side by side each other.  I knelt down to the one on the right and brushed away the snow that covered the tombstone and it read.
(F/n) (m/n) (l/n)
Born Oct. 8th, 1935. Died April 16th, 1970
A great father and husband
I put my shades at the top of my head and set the bouquet down upon (y/n)’s father’s grave and said.
“Been awhile hadn’t it (f/n)? Sorry I couldn’t come visit more but you know with Queen rising to the tops, I couldn’t find the time to come. Not only that but I’ve been keeping an eye on your daughter making sure no evil gets a hold of her. God knows the music industry will do that to any rising star. If only you were here to see all that’s she’s accomplished. I know you’d be very, very proud of her. I know I am. She uhh…..she talked about you last night, she really misses you and (m/n). Said that she wished that it was her that died in the wreck instead of you two, but I told her that you would never have wanted that. Sometimes I…..I wish that I could’ve gotten the chance to meet you both, I feel like the two of us could’ve been really good mates. You’ve raised such a beautiful girl, and I wish you could’ve gotten the chance to see what a woman she’s grown up to be.” Tears filled my eyes and I wiped them away and tried to keep them in as I continued, “What I really came here to ask was…..I—I know I can never replace you, hell she was never mine to begin with. But…..I’ve come to really see your daughter like my own, she’s helped me become a better man and even a better father to my own son, and she needs a parental-figure in her life now more than ever. Just…..give me a sign that I have your approval to look after your daughter for you. To protect her and love her the way you did.”
I exhaled heavily as I stood up and brushed the snow off my knees and touched the tombstone and said.
“Thank you, for giving the world (y/n) (l/n). And please keep the fact I was crying between us. Don’t you dare go bragging about it to anyone in Heaven.”  I then turned and walked back towards the car and drove back to London.
The rest of the day was a normal band rehearsal day, since (y/n) had partied too hard, we allowed her to take the day off just to spoil her further but of course without her more arguments happen, especially since Prenter was now in the picture more than ever.
By around 10pm, we all called it a night and headed home.  As I entered my house I saw that Dominque had fallen asleep on the couch probably waiting up for me.  I shook my head at her as a soft smile came across my face then as gently as I could I picked her up and carried her up to our bedroom.
I set her in our bed and tucked her in the sheets to keep her warm.  She moaned as she stirred but thankfully she didn’t wake up.  I kissed her cheek softly and whispered.
“I love you.” I then headed back downstairs to get me a quick dinner before heading to bed myself.  As I warmed up some leftover steak and potatoes, I heard something being knocked over.  Thinking someone had broken in, I quickly grabbed one of the kitchen knives and slowly walked towards the living room to see the curtains blowing as the window was wide open.
My heart raced thinking that someone had gotten in.  I carefully walked around until I heard the sound of glass crunch underneath my shoe. I removed my foot and noticed that one of the pictures that I keep of me and the lads had been knocked over.  I knelt down to pick it up but when I lifted it up it wasn’t one of me and the guys.
But a picture of (y/n) and I together after her first show in Hyde Park.  It was the biggest audience she had played in just before her first world tour.  Both my arms wrapped around her holding her close and one of her arms crossing both of mine and holding my right wrist while her other arm was tucked into her.
Tumblr media
As I stared at the picture, seeing the two of us smile so happily together, I began to think was this my sign? I smiled down at the picture and turned towards the window and whispered.
“Thank you (f/n). I promise I’ll look after her.” I then closed the window and locked it up before grabbing the dust pail and broom to clean up the glass so that neither Dominique or Felix would hurt themselves on the glass.
I swept it up and dumbed the glass into the trash and fixed up the picture before setting it back down next to the other band pictures I had.  After cleaning up the kitchen and putting my plate in the dishwasher, I walked back upstairs and got myself ready for bed.  As I buried myself under the covers I sighed deeply and thought back to my promise to (y/n)’s father and from now on I was going to look after our girl.
No matter what, for that’s the love of a father. Like a lion protecting his cubs.
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thegrimllama · 7 years
it started with an interview
Someone asked for Bechloe? 
The fact that it was Stacie’s idea, should have been Beca’s first warning.  
Start a tumblr blog, she said... It’ll be fun!  
What she had failed to mention to Beca was the fact that she’d be sucked into the tumblrverse.  So here she was, at half past one, scrolling through the musical tag, occasionally liking a post, occasionally interacting with fans via her main blog.  It was almost 2am when she saw the video she’d been tagged in, an interview with Beca’s long time celebrity crush, Chloe Beale.  
Beca was a very private person, meaning only a handful of her friends knew about Beca’s crush, meaning the comment was made by Chloe, about Beca.
She hit the play button, watching as Chloe and her co-star Aubrey Posen answered questions about what it was like working on set with their best friend.  About their shared love of cookie dough, about boys...
There was a beat, and Aubrey smirked at the interviewer, glancing back over at Chloe, who had rolled her eyes.  Chloe had never publicly announced her sexuality.  She was more of a question dodger, even though she openly spoke about LGBTQ rights, and often made sly remarks that were misconstrued by the media.  Beca was out and proud.  Had been since she was twenty, since before she got her first gig with Residual Heat.  Thankfully, being behind the scenes meant that Beca could be as out as she wanted without the negativity of the media opinion weighing her down.  Now that she’d broken into the industry, winning 12 grammy’s and having numerous platinum albums to her name, DJ BMitch’s sexuality was completely irrelevant.
This interviewer on the screen asked again, querying whether Aubrey’s look meant Chloe had a new beau.  
The two girls snorted, almost falling on each other as they laughed, “Chloe has a crush…”
 “Oh my God, Bree!”
 “What?  You haven’t shut up about the stupid cup song…”  
Beca froze, the cup song.  Stacie had leaked footage of Beca perched on the kitchen bench, singing along to the rhythm she was creating with the plastic cup almost two weeks ago.  She watched as Chloe hid her smile behind her hand, using the other to push at her best friend.
 “Cup song?  I’m unfamiliar… Care to sing a few bars?” the interviewer prompted.  Beca honestly wondered what kind of media journalist this person was, then quickly realised how cocky that sounded in her head.  
Chloe sighed, “I’m blaming you for this, Posen.  Excuse my terrible singing…”  
Beca noticed Aubrey roll her eyes and wondered how Chloe’s voice…  Oh my God.  
Chloe Beale could sing… Hell, that wasn’t just singing.  Chloe Beale, Hollywood Sweetheart, had golden pipes.  Beca was entranced.  
Chloe stopped singing ducking her head behind Aubrey’s shoulder, “She’s crushing hard on DJ BMitch.”
The interviewer made an assumption, clearly hoping to imply that Chloe’s crush was clearly platonic admiration.  At least, they tried to, until Chloe, pink cheeked and smiling shook her head, “It is very much NOT platonic.”  
And the clip ended.  
Beca sat back, “Holy shit.”
She made quick work of the reblog button, adding a comment to the bottom of the clip:  
GIF; when your actual crush has a crush… @Chlo3Beale nice pipes…
Chloe woke up early.  It was her first day back in LA since her press tour with Aubrey, and all she wanted to do was spend the day in bed with her laptop, scrolling through her fans blogs and reblogging puppy videos.  
She reached over and checked her phone, 2 missed calls from her PR team, 12 texts from Aubrey and an unusual amount of tumblr notifications.  
She started with the texts from Aubrey, all of which were GIFs of people or animals or cartoon characters screaming, except the last one, that was just two words.  Check tumblr.
Chloe rolled her eyes and opened her laptop while waiting for her PR manager, Jessica to pick up the phone.  
 “Hey Jess!  What….”
Jess quickly cut her off, “Are you on tumblr? Like… Just open it…”
 “Fine, but you’re the second person to tell me to today.”
 “The interview the E! aired last night, the one where you mention your “Not platonic” crush?”
Chloe snorted, “The one where the interviewer had their hetero goggles fused to their cornea?”
Chloe scrolled down, noticing that Jess was quiet, until she saw one particular notification.  
DjBmitch tagged you in a post.
 “What. The. Fuck.  Jess?”
 “Click it.  Please don’t scream….”
She clicked the post, knowing it came from the official DjBmitch blog, unfortunately for Jess’s ears, Chloe squealed.  
 “Jess!  What the fuck!?  She likes my voice!”
Jess laughed, “I’m guessing you missed the part where she said that you’re her crush….”
 “I’m trying to process this one piece at a time…  Jess, what do I do?”
 “As your public relations manager, I’m advising you to not answer any questions.  As your friend?  Fucking get on that!  Message her.”
Normally Beca rose at a reasonable time in the morning, but after her jaunt through tumblr (which lasted until 3am), she was woken by someone diving on her bed.  
   “What the fuck, Stace?”
 “Chloe fuckin Beale wants your ass B.  What are you still doing in bed?”
Beca stretched and reached for her phone to check the time, noticing the numerous notifications from her blogging spree.  “I did see that, but like, I blogged and tagged her because she’s a tumblr dork too right?  Balls in her court now…”
Stacie rolled her eyes, “It’s nearly nine.  You think she hasn’t seen it and replied?”
Beca dived for the phone again.  “You could’ve led with that, Stace!”
Chloe sat in hair and makeup, her eyes closed as she listened to the artists buzzing around her, while Jessica perched on the couch against the back wall scrolling through her phone.  
Jess had been Chloe’s PR for the last three years.  Her previous management and PR people were very set on Chloe maintaining her sweetheart image, keeping her sexuality tightly under wraps.  Chloe grew sick of it very quickly, and after her first three Oscar nominations, and the nearing of her end of contract with that team, she decided it was time to move on.  
Taking her career in a new direction, she’d said.  When she’d met Jess, they’d clicked immediately.  
 “Beca replied…”
Chloe shot forward in her chair drawing gasps from the makeup artist as a trail of black eyeliner met her hairline.  She noticed Jess holding the phone up as if she’d recorded the whole thing, and she probably had.  Chloe flipped her off and settled back into her seat as her makeup was fixed.  
 “Fuck you, Jess.”
 “That’s going up on insta.”  Chloe snorted, Jess’s post would be out of control by the end of the show.  Tumblr had already created a ship name for Chloe and Beca, which… Chloe may have stalked the tag… Even though they still hadn’t met, there were already bloggers all over the globe commenting on the nonexistent relationship.  “Seriously though, she did.  Her number is in your inbox so you can call her after the taping.”
 “So… Chloe…!”
Chloe knew that look, the woman interviewing her was going to ask something embarrassing.  
She could feel it.
 “Yes, Ellen…”
 “I hear you… ah… you have a bit of a crush on one of my friends…”
Chloe dropped her face laughing, “I knew that was gonna come back and bite me today.  Uh… Yeah, that’s… a thing.”
Ellen laughed and sat back in her chair, “Oh, that’s good, because…  Uh, I have another guest in the studio today.”
Chloe wasn’t sure if it was the audience screaming, or the smug look on Ellen’s face but she had a feeling she knew who the guest was.  She spun around in her seat, watching as the woman behind her in the tailored shirt and tight jeans got closer.  Chloe sent Ellen a disbelieving look then stood up, greeting the other girl with an awkward handshake.
Beca looked nearly as confused as Chloe, “What the hell?”
 “You both know how much I love playing matchmaker,” Ellen said, greeting Beca with a hug.  
 “I’m going to kill you.”
 “I’ll help dispose of the body.”
The two women shared a laugh, watching Ellen’s smug smile grow wider, “Look at you two, barely thirty seconds in and you’re already planning your next date.”
Beca snorted, “Well, if you’d actually asked before trying this on your own, you’d know that I asked her out this morning.”
 “Oh, was this…” Ellen gestured at the screen, which began showing Jess’s video of Chloe ruining her makeup this morning.
Beca laughed, “Oh my God.”
Jan 16, 2021
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artificialqueens · 8 years
Gutted (Katya/Violet) - Fryshook
Violet and Katya - or rather Jason and Brian - run into each other in L.A. and reminisce about a close call on the road. And then they keep running into each other. Kinda.
AN: As seen on Ao3.
Meeting went well but idk. We’ll see what happens. Don’t forget that I’m flying in at 7am Weds. Pls don’t sleep in and make me have to talk to another fucking wannabe DJ who just does Uber as a side gig
Jason sent off the text and headed out of the WoW offices. The young Queen looked up from a particularly hypnotic thirst trap in time to notice a black-clad guy in a baseball cap also stopping to check his phone before exiting out onto the street. A smile crept onto Jason’s face.
Katya - well, Brian, at the moment - whipped his head around to find Violet Chachki- or Jason, rather; Violet would surely be into a guy that jacket, but wouldn’t be caught dead in it, not to mention the floppy hat- standing in the door frame of the abandoned waiting room.
“I thought I smelled something,” Brian cackled, swooping his young friend into a hug, lifting skinny Jason Dardo off their feet like an uprooted sapling. He threw in a couple dry humps before setting the young Queen down and stepping back to get a better look.
“Look at you, you fuckin’ giraffe carcass.” He tweaked the big black hat covering Jason’s head. “Is nice,” he said, Russian accent thick, before dropping back into his natural voice: “How are you?”
Jason shrugged. “Getting laid, getting paid… I missed you, bitch.”
“You’re just saying that because I’m an All Star. No! You don’t even answer my texts, bitch!”
Jason rolled their eyes. That’s not true, but it’s not…not true.
“Look, Katya,” Jason shifted, posing. “I have to maintain boundaries. I am, after all… a winner.”
Brian laughed through his teeth as he slowly wrapped his hands around Jason’s neck. Jason laughed as the smaller man thought better of this move, dropping his hands and stepping away with a sniff.
“No, no…” he said. “You’d like that too much.”
Jason stared at Brian, taking her in. It was a night off, apparently, so her - his, Brian’s, beard was creeping in, a touch of silver shining on his cheek. Jason suppressed a weird urge to reach out and touch it.
Jason really had missed Brian more than they realized; not Katya blowing up Violet’s twitter mentions at 2am with some amusing nonsense (Jason hated this because it was stupid but also because it made them miss Brian’s sleep-deprived babbling on that disgusting tour bus), but Brian, right here, rolling his eyes and huffing behind those big, fake glasses.
Brian, who always answered the door when Jason, drunk and giggling and full of dumb ideas, knocked.
“I honestly don’t remember the last time I saw you when we weren’t like. Working,” Jason said, finally. Brian nodded slowly, his features narrowing with suspicion.
“You’re being shady,” he said, the smallest hint of a laugh in his voice. “You’re judging me for living my lumberjack fantasy.”
Jason rolled their eyes. “No, bitch. Sometimes I just forget that you’re like…” And now Jason did dare to reach out, their thumb just barely grazing the edge of Brian’s cheekbone,”…a dude.”
Brian’s eyes locked with Jason’s as they slowly dropped their hand away from his face, a curious smile tugging at his lips.
“Excuse you,” he said, scratching his chin. “Some of of the most beautiful women in the world have aggressive facial stubble.”
“Whatever you say,” Jason said. “Hot douche.”
That smile returned. “That’s ‘hottest’ douche,” Brian said.
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
Brian laughed. “I see what you’re doing, Chachki, and no, I will not choke you out, you horny, horny, little freak.”
About two thousand variants of “you’re fucking stupid”s later, Jason followed Brian home to his new pad in the hills which was, as expected, a fucking disaster.
“You need to hire a damn maid, bitch. Get it together.“ A thick booklet on the coffee table caught Jason’s eye. They took a hit off Brian’s vape pen and leaned over to pick it up, flipping through the pages. “The fuck is this? Your erotica manuscript? Am I in it?”
“I know you’ll probably never see one of these again,” Brian began, “but it’s a film script, darling.”
Jason stared at him, a small smile sneaking across their face. “Biiiiitch.”
Brian grinned, snatching the script away and tossing it back onto the table. “Got my SAG card and everythang.”
“Girl, you don’t gotta tell me,” Jason said. “I’ve seen your balls.”
Brian snatched a throw pillow and began to beat Jason with it. “Rotted-gutted-giraffe-cunt!” He tossed the pillow across the room and waited for Jason’s giggling to subside. “I’m still not gonna choke you.”
They sat on the couch in silence for a long stretch after this, smoking. And then Jason said:
“Do you remember Manchester?”
Brian nodded.
“No, I mean…” Jason looked at Brian now, who returned their gaze, his face unreadable. “Do you remember…? It was my birthday…”
Brian nodded again, slowly. “I remember.”
“You were so funny,” Jason muttered, embarrassed. Not sure why they brought it up. “You like, slapped my phone to the ground.”
“Girl.” Now there was an edge to the Bostonian’s usually soft voice. “You were blitzed and I was in my goddamned motherfuckin’ robe. I didn’t want you to record whatever was happening.”
“Yeah, but. What was happening?”
Brian rolled his eyes, tossing his glasses onto the table.
“I don’t know! I mean, at the time I had half a mind to think you were gonna ask me to put my ding-a-ling in your butt, but instead…”
“Tell me I didn’t ask you to do a shot with me,” Jason said.
“Ya asked me to do a shawt with ya,” Brian replied, voice low and slow, Southie accent thick. “Birthday cake vodka, if I recawl.” He cleared his throat and took a huff off his pen. “Something vile like that.”
Jason squeezed their eyes shut and sighed, collapsing backward onto the couch.
“We didn’t,” Jason groaned.
“No, no.” Brian cooed, patting and rubbing Jason’s thigh. When he stopped, Jason opened their eyes and looked at him. He was staring straight ahead at the taxidermy fox frozen on the table. “You did give me a hand job, though.”
Jason’s jaw dropped. Brian met his gaze, stone faced, for what felt like an eternity before finally breaking into a grin.
“You fucking bitch,” Jason felt their heart beat return to normal and relaxed into the couch, Brian’s cackle cracking into their fuzzy brain like a baseball bat.
They watched a couple of episodes of Hoarders and chatted a bit about Garbage Island and inevitable environmental destruction before Jason, reluctantly, decided to head back to their hotel in the city, a) because it was very late, but mostly b) because Brian did not offer them a place to sleep, whether that be a spot on the couch, or in his bed.
Which was… fine. It would have probably been a little weird anyway.
Actually, the only odd thing was how Brian dodged Jason’s texts the next day. Which was… well, too bad, because before they knew it, Jason was back home in NYC, working, goofing off with Brad, and trying not to let their mind wander back to the blond Masshole in the Hollywood hills.
Which was… difficult, seeing as Katya had infiltrated every aspect of “mainstream” drag and could be avoided about as effectively as one could avoid salt. You can try your damnedest, but bitch, it’s in everything. Especially if you leave the house. Even in fucking Williamsburg.
So after about a month of this, Jason went out, got drunk (oh, they were having a good time), whipped out their phone and tweeted: I am so going to fuck @Katya_Zamo in Mexico City.
Ignore that, they thought, slipping the phone back into their pocket and grinning at a drunken and very perplexed Bradley Callahan, who hesitantly smiled back.
“What?” He said, handing Jason a colorful shot.
“Go look at what I just tweeted,” Jason said, downing the drink and yelping like a wet poodle.
Brad opened up his phone and scoffed. “Bitch, nobody’s gonna buy that.”
Jason squinted at him, offended. Brad took a long sip of his drink, waiting. Jason thought for a moment, swiftly tapped out another tweet, pocketed the phone again, and snapped their fingers for a another shot.
Brad refreshed his timeline and barked out another laugh. “There we go. That’ll do, pig.”
The alcohol was fun but it did nothing to keep Jason from obsessively refreshing their mentions; they’d never seen so many .gifs of Trixie fucking Mattel in their life, but that was kind’ve funny, at least. If anything, this little stunt would at least get the fans going, which Jason lived for.
A reply from @PearletsButtPads with a link to some bootleg YouTube video caught their eye: “Even after she said Ginger deserved your crown? Girl I guess…”
Mute. Blockéd. Jason thought for a moment. No, shit. Then they’ll know. Unblocked. Cunt.
The room was spinning and their ego was stinging like a motherfucker. Their phone whistled with a new message. Jason opened it so fast they nearly tossed it across the floor. It was a text from Trixie:
“Thanks for the fucking literal hundreds of tweets clogging my shit. So cool.”
Jason rolled their eyes and sent Firkus back a series of the unflattering Trixie screencaps riddling their mentions in wordless reply.
Another message. Not Trixie. Jason grinned.
Katya had replied with .gif of a winking lesbian.
Well, Jason thought. That’ll have to do.
A few days later, Jason was in Mexico City. The last BOTS stop of the year, and maybe ever for some, if Brian’s mumbling about retiring and leaving the RuGirl life behind held any water. Jason doubted any of that was imminent; Katya was still very much in demand. But the thought still made them a little sad. But only a little.
They walked into the dressing room, and Brian was at his mirror, starting his face. He spotted Jason’s reflection and grinned.
They hugged. “No hat today?”
“No hat today,” Jason replied, taking a step back to take in Brian’s hard new physique. “Jesus Christ, Hollywood Hogan.”
Brian cackled, horrified. “Hogan? Don’t start, you fuckin’ dickpig.”
Jason pulled out his chair, still staring at Brian. What the fuck. “It’s really just the hair,” they said, igniting a delightful series of curses from the older Queen.
The show was a blast, as usual. A few of the girls, including Katya, were staying over a day to explore the city, so they made tentative plans to hit up a dispensary Katya had been recommended and have a little fun.
Violet was excited, wondering if they should use to opportunity to embarrass Katya in front of the other girls by bringing up the Ginger bullshit when he was in the midst of an edible-induced stupor. And they would have, but Katya ran out of the room at just the right time to diarrhea shit herself.
Violet figured they’d put a pin in it. Whatever. They’re having fun, for once - why fuck that up just yet?
An unpleasant shiver settled in Jason’s gut.
Mexico was a wash. Violet and Katya kissed and hugged and said their goodbyes, made empty promises to get together sometime, and Brian and Jason boarded their flights.
Jason didn’t bother mentioning that they had business in L.A. in the coming weeks. They assumed Katya would be on the road, and if not… well. It was probably for the best not to get their hopes up.
Jason made their way down the empty hall and stopped in front of one of the dressing rooms, debating a mirror selfie. They were excited and they wouldn’t be able to say a word about any of this for probably months…
Jason glanced around for any stray interns, and finding the coast clear, slipped into the room, where they found a half-naked Katya Zamolodchikova. Well, Brian. It looked like Jason had just missed Katya.
They stared at each other for a moment.
“What the fuck?” The words barely left Brian’s mouth. Jason collapsed against the door, wheezing. What the fuck.
Jesus, Jason thought, reeling themself back to Earth. They must keep this bitch on a tight leash.
They decided to actually use this as their opening line, to which Brian cackled and said, “Are you stalking me?”
“You fucking wish, bitch.”
“I do,” Brian nodded frantically, “I’m very lonely.”
Jason explained that they were just passing through, having worked out some kinks regarding a pilot they were hoping to shoot in the new year, and Brian had just wrapped some…thing he wasn’t really willing to discuss in much detail.
“Finally made that porn you’re always talking about?” Jason said.
“Girl please. You know I’d need you as a technical consultant,” Brian winked, shrugging on his coat. “But you are gonna love it.”
Jason couldn’t help themself: “I don’t really ‘do’ Youtube shows, Katya.”
Brian stared at Jason and shook his head, irritated. “Oh,” he said. “I miss you. I miss you all the time, you skunky cunt.”
Jason laughed and pulled him into a hug. Before they separated, Jason said: “wish I could say the same, but I’m a little sick of hearing about you saying I stole Ginger’s crown or whatever.”
Brian stiffened. He pulled back, looking up at Jason. “I never said that,” he said.
Jason pursed their lips. They were used to being the subject of shit talking, used to the disrespect and jealousy, but this was… a sore spot. More so than they’d realized before they’d actually said it. Of all the queens, they didn’t think Katya would still be flapping her big fucking mouth like that. It’s not personal, it’s drag, blah blah blah, but Jason just thought… Well, whatever.
They’d gotten so close over the years, working, touring. Hell, there were a couple times…Paris, Vancouver…where some of that playful rubbing and groping between Katya and Violet, and Brian and Jason - and whoever they were in between - got a little intense.
But they kept cool. They kept it professional. It was a lot less risky to just slink back to the hotel room and bust a quick nut, or fuck off with road trade… Why mess things up with a colleague - a sister - when you have so many more practical options?
I guess we won’t have to worry about that anymore, Jason thought.
“Once a hot mess…” They muttered.
“Jason.” Brian grabbed their hand. Jason looked at their joined hands for a moment, met Brian’s eyes and shook their head. “Violet,” he amended, squeezing the pale appendage. Jason’s posture relaxed and Brian took the cue to lead this conversation to the the couch. Jason followed, begrudgingly, letting Brian keep his hand as they sat next to each other.
“Whatever I said,” Brian held Jason’s captured hand between both of his, “I didn’t mean it. Not like that.”
“Of course you did, Yekaterina.” Jason extracted themself and drew their hands to their sides, a weird pleasure crawling up their spine at the dejection painting Brian’s features. “You’re entitled to your wrong opinions like everyone else.”
Brian pulled a distressed face that yanked Jason back to their long days in the workroom years ago.
At least she’s figured what to do with that hair, Jason thought. What’s left of it.
“Violeeeeet…” Brian clawed at his face and slid forward until he was face-down on Jason’s thigh, where he mumbled, “you’re making me feel like such a cunt. Not the good kind. Come on…”
Violet stared at the morose blond head bowed before them. After a moment of listening to Brian’s fake sobs, they sighed loudly and placed their hand on the back of his head.
“Katya,” Jason drawled. They felt the muscles work in the smaller man’s face as his mouth quirked up in a mischievous grin. “I forgive you.”
Jason watched Brian’s shoulders relax and curled their fingers tightly into his hair.
“Don’t be such a bitch, bitch,” Jason said. “You’re not good at it.”
This earned a shiver and a giggle from the other girl. Jason loosened their grip, so Brian reached out to grasp the young Queen’s wrist, lifted it away from his head, and slowly rose to face those pursed lips with an amused grin. He brought Jason’s knuckles to his lips.
“Yes, your majesty,” he said.
Jason ignored their twitching cock and rolled their eyes. “That might’ve actually been sexy if you had fucking eyebrows, bitch.”
Brian whipped his head to the side with a laugh, as if he’d been stricken. He tightened his grip on Jason, pressing a series of rapid kisses up and down their long arm, finally earning a genuine laugh from the young Queen.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” Brian finally released the arm, letting it rest against the cushion. He didn’t leave it alone long, though, quickly intertwining his fingers with Jason’s, staring down at their joined hands.
“You’re so fucking stupid.” Jason watched him, reflecting on how, once again, this manic clown had completely obliterated any lingering resentment they had been holding on to. “You’re an idiot.”
Katya was good at that. Brian was really good at that.
Brian disengaged their conjoined hands to hold two fingers in place of his absent eyebrows and asked, “Are you hard right now?”
Jason stared at him.
“A little.”
Brian cackled.
“You fucking whore! I knew it.”
“What can I say,” Jason drawled. “Groveling just does it for me.”
“I have a boner too! See? I can admit that. Totally natural and not awkward at all. Just two colleagues with erections being emotionally vulnerable…”
“Just girly things.”
They laughed at how stupid this was. It got a little quiet until Brian finally said something.
“Well, Miss Chachki… Lady to lady…”
Jason braced for the incoming joke, but felt their eyebrows climb up instinctively. Something in Brian’s tone, his posture…
“…if you ever want to do something about that,” his green eyes slid to Jason’s crotch before meeting their eyes, and then in his fucking valley girl voice said, “I’m your girl.”
Tongue. Plop.
Jason felt their mouth hang open as they really and truly considered the creature before them. Katya. No; Fucking Brian fucking McCook.
They were just staring at each other now, Brian only smiling slightly.
Jason shook their head and thought about Paris, about Vancouver. Hell, fucking L.A. Fucking L.A. always got weird.
And then there was motherfucking Manchester.
Jason refocused on the carefully styled haircut they had just moments ago ruined, leaving Brian with his natural Jesse Pinkman-at-age-45 look.
They weren’t even mad anymore. But it might make them feel a little better to claw at that hair again.
“I’m into daddies, Katya,” Jason said, carefully. “Not creepy crossdressing uncles.” Brian’s smile melted into a grimace.
“You rotted, gutted… Look. Violet? I would be more than happy to spank you, if that’s what you want. Not even as a sex thing. As your friend and colleague, I will bend you over my knee right now.”
As his words pinged around Jason’s buzzing brain like a pinball, they thought: the only thing more insane than fooling around with Katya in this deserted dressing room would be running back to their hotel, again, to strip their cock raw, again, to fantasies of getting fucked by motherfucking… Brian.
Jason started laughing. Brian’s face fell. His ears turned pink as Jason’s shoulders shook. He looked like he was trying to force a laugh, but couldn’t quite conjure it up - and Jason felt a little bad about this, but they just could not stop.
“I’m sorry,” Brian mumbled. “That was a little-”
“You dumb whore,” Jason cut in, grabbing Brian by the collar of his coat and yanking him into a kiss.
After a minute or two of fevered, sloppy, I-can’t-believe-this-is-real-and-not-a-bit-for-once making out, Brian’s eyes shot open with a “wait,” as he pulled away from the flushed Jason Dardo straddling his lap and fumbling with his fly. “You know I really do have herpes, right? It’s not gonna be a problem, I just…you know…”
Jason let out an annoyed grunt. “You’re not special, Katya.”
Brian laughed and buried his face into Jason’s chest. “I’m just-”
“If you don’t have herpes,” Jason said, finally slipping their hand around Brian’s cock, “you’re not. Doing. Drag.”
Now, Jason hadn’t really been expecting more than some intense making out and maybe a dry hand job. That’s how these spur-of-the-moment hook-ups usually went; after weeks or even years of tension, you both remember what the other one looks like under all the drag and something brief and sexy happens. But just for a moment.
This moment kept stretching on and on and on and neither Jason nor Brian or Katya and Violet made any indication that it needed to stop there; and then again, they were both Queens notorious for pushing it.
So when things progressed and Brian finally said to Jason, “I want to fuck you until shit comes out of your ears,” Jason grabbed a fistful of Brian’s hair, yanked his head back, looked him in the eye and said, “then fuck me.”
“Okay,” Brian breathed, his grin creeping back, “but not here.”
They stumbled into the building across the street, Jason staring at the glowing vending machine - the only source of light in the dark…studio? It was hard to tell - as Brian fumbled around looking for a light.
“What is this place?” Jason asked, picking up a disturbing baby-face mask. Brian took the mask and placed it ever so gently back up on the shelf it occupied, along with various other props and knickknacks.
“Willam’s,” Brian said, leading Jason over to a very broken-in looking couch. “I’ve been shooting some stuff here and, uh. I think he’d be fine with this.”
“Couldn’t just spring for an Uber, bitch?”
“It’s rush hour and if I don’t fuck you in the next two minutes I am literally going to combust and burn this entire city to the ground,” Brian said, pulling Jason into a rough kiss. And yeah, he tasted like a cigarette butt soaked in black coffee, but when he tried to pull away, Jason pulled him back in again.
“I’m assuming you know where he keeps his lube and shit?” Brian nodded. Jason pulled him in close, fastening their teeth to his earlobe. “Then what the fuck are you waiting for?”
At some point they wound up against the vending machine, but only for a moment as Jason suspected Brian was trying to see if they could knock anything loose; and if that wasn’t enough, once they finally made it back to the couch, Brian almost ruined everything by slamming himself into Jason and grunting, “it’s not that, fuck, you fucking bitch - I don’t think you deserved -” he bit into Jason’s shoulder as Jason murmured, “what? Oh fuck,”- “you deserved it, I was just- Jesus Christ- commenting on society’s tendency to-”
Jason grabbed him by the ears so that they were eye-to-eye and snarled: “Bitch if you don’t shut the fuck up and make me come, I am never going to fucking speak to you again.”
Brian answered with bruising thrusts, wrapping his free hand around Jason’s slender throat as the young Queen’s claws found their way, once again, to the back of Brian’s tender head.
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