#me being asexual liking a weird hypersexual satanic band is the most ironic thing to ever happen to me i think
sentientpaperbag · 2 years
Also, Ghost?
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Oh boy. Ok lemme explain Ghost, sorry, this is about to be a looooooooooong post lmao but this is my current fixation so:
Ghost is a band. A band with fictional characters, and kind of a story.
The frontman is currently Papa Emeritus IV, or Copia. He's my favorite:
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this is him.
Before him, there were three other Papas:
This is the first Papa, or Primo as the fans call him. He debuted around 2010
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He is a very grumpy, very old looking man. He was the frontman until the next Papa took over in 2012
This is Papa II, or Secondo:
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This Papa has his fans, a lot of people do think he's hot. He is also an old looking, grumpy looking individual but he's also been seen without the corpse paint
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He kinda looks like Pitbull.
Anyway, the next is Terzo. The third Papa.
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He's apparently a few months younger than Secondo but he doesn't look it. Also I learned recently that he's like 4'9 to make of that what you will lmao. He was Papa from 2015 to 2017-18 when he was forcibly removed from stage. I think it was because he started to make it about himself instead of the cause (which since this is a Satanic band, they're trying to spread the word of Satan i guess??)
After that, the current Papa, Papa Emeritus IV or Copia, became Papa. But before he was that, he was Cardinal Copia, and he looked like this:
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Now when I first found out about this band, I thought these were all different people, but it turned out, they're all the same guy, and you can kinda tell in some of the pictures that he's wearing a mask. He had several made for the different characters.
This is the man behind the mask, and the band, he's the singer and songwriter. His name's Tobias Forge:
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He's a dude from Sweden who came up with this elaborate storyline and band and honestly it's super neat. He kept his real appearance hidden for a while but ultimately due to some drama he finally came forward. He seems like a really cool guy from what I've seen
FUN FACT: Today's his birthday actually :D
But back to the storyline of Ghost, so there's one other Papa aside from the four current frontmen, and he's actually NOT played by Tobias.
Papa Nihil:
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Primo, Secondo, and Terzo are his sons (and it's heavily implied that Copia is his son as well)
He's kind of the head Papa of all Papas, kind of a more Pope-like Pope I guess? He's a very grumpy man who doesn't like Copia and really didn't like that Copia got to become Papa, despite Copia being a fun character that the fanbase has ended up loving tremendously.
Also Papa Nihil is dead. Sometimes at concerts they bring his "dead body" out and revive it so he can have a saxophone solo in the instrumental song Miasma.
Then there's Sister Imperator
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this is her when she was young, she's older now obviously but they've changed her actress several times. Here's some of her different older looks:
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She's basically the real brains behind the operation of the Ghost Project, and she and Papa Nihil were in a relationship when they were younger (however, he fucked that up by being a bit of a player)
It's heavily implied she's Copia's mother, hence why Nihil is implied to be his father. She is the reason Copia became Papa, it was her choice.
Other characters include the ghouls! The bandmates for concerts, they usually have masks covering their faces:
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this is their current look. Very steampunk-y.
So TLDR: Ghost is a Satanic themed band made by a Swede who was super into metal growing up and made a whole fictional group of characters in the process. They have videos on their youtube that show Copia becoming Papa and stuff. They actually just released a new vid not too long ago that might be implying something is going to be happening to Papa IV soon, cuz the previous Papas were killed.
It's a lot of fun and I don't take it too seriously cuz it's clear they're having fun with this, and the fanbase seems really cool from what I've seen. I'm leaving a lot out but that's cuz there's just... so much. It's really cool tho I recommend them
Someone once said their music sometimes sounds like Scooby Doo chase music, and yeah... Yeah it does.
Some song recommendations!:
Cirice (spelled exactly like that. this song got them a grammy!)
Year Zero (very heavily Satanic inspired but good God the song goes hard)
Mary on a Cross (classic, "the Tiktok song", also the first song I heard by them)
Call Me Little Sunshine (this song is so good holy shit. It almost got a grammy)
Square Hammer (this one has such a cool music video to go along with it tbh)
there's more but I've made this post way too long as it is so I suggest doing some digging by looking at wikis. I'd say look around on tumblr but the Ghost fanbase is kinda horny for the Papas and ghouls so be careful (i'm not kidding the fanbase is very horny for the characters... To be fair, there's lots of sexual humor at the concerts coming directly from Papa Emeritus and the Nameless Ghouls)
oh one last thing!
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Copia got to throw the first ball at an MLB game and it's really fucking funny to think about
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