#me forgetting to pack my bathing suit and having to swim in my underwear
monster-noises · 1 year
Also i Gotta tell ya'll about this one dream i had last night...
Or at least a part of it cause like
Disregarding everything else that was already pretty surreal, this was just.. flabbergastingly strange?
Me and the group i was with walked into like.. a fun house type situation, and found ourselves in a short bright yellow hallway with kinda dingey lighting and on the walls were these little glass panels
And behind each panel was a box with its own top-down light
And a little miniature bathtub.
Each bathtub with filled with a different kind of soup. And as you walked past and viewed each window the tub would drain the liquid portion of its contents, leaving behind any solid chunks. The box would then go Completely black, and the tub would be full again when the light came on.
Each little window had a placquard next to it explaining what kind of Soup was in there in the same way a museum has artists statements next to displayed pieces.
They were all also like.. two feet off the ground so you really had to bend down to see 'em.
It was Very bizarro Backrooms vibes
Which is exactly what I said to my companion and then Immediately woke up.
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tashas-life · 3 years
Summer Shenanigans
Paxton and Devi spend the summer together and have a banging playlist
“Hey, what are you doing?”
“Nothing really.”
“I’m outside, let’s go to the beach.”
Devi threw her bag through the back window of Paxton’s jeep and jumped in the front seat.
“Did you bring my suit?” Devi asks as she pulled on her seatbelt. Devi’s mom would never let her wear a bikini so she had to save up her money from working at the summer camp to buy it. She usually hid it at the back of her underwear drawer but since she’d been going swimming with Paxton more days than not, she just kept it in his car.
“Yep, I threw it in the laundry.” Paxton pulled out onto the road and Devi started messing with the music.
Her and Paxton were both working at the same summer camp so they spent most days together. Paxton had spent the last two summers working at the camp and Devi wanted to make her own money so she had applied too. It was also convenient because she always had a ride to work instead of asking her mom or Kamala. Paxton had promised to teach her to drive this summer but she always chickened out whenever he offered.
Devi always insisted on picking the music when they went anywhere and Paxton didn’t mind. She settled on Ariana Grande’s album and turned up the volume as Motive filled the car. Paxton rolled down all the windows and stuck his arm out to feel the breeze. It was one of the hottest days of the summer so Paxton’s shirt was mostly open and Devi had her new sunglasses on. This was the first summer that Devi was making real money and she tended to spend most of it by the time the next pay day had rolled around.
Once they got to the beach Devi jumped in the backseat and Paxton got out to stand guard. Devi was a pro at the quick change at this point and quickly shimmied into her bikini without having to take off her dress completely.
Once Devi hopped out of the backseat, Paxton grabbed the drinks cooler and Devi grabbed their towels and a speaker. Usually the beaches were packed on hot days but Paxton had a special super power of finding an empty part of the beach to spend the day. They found a spot to settle and Devi started applying sunscreen.
“Did you hear Kenny is sick again. Mono.” Paxton said with an eye roll and Devi groaned.
“You think he’s going to be out all week again? Taylor should just fire him and hire someone else at this point.” Devi tossed Paxton the sunscreen and laid down on her towel.
“Yea right, Taylor probably gave him the mono. He’ll never fire him.” Devi laughed and closed her eyes.
“I don’t even understand how they find the time to mack. Those kids never stop.” Devi said.
“Yea well, next week they’re going to be our problem again.” Usually each camp leader had about 5-10 kids to watch but with Kenny constantly gone they always ended up with more kids.
“Honestly, fuck Kenny.” Devi grumbled and Paxton nodded. “Did you see Eleanor’s insta post? Her and Trent are like embarrassingly in love.” Devi asked as she pulled out her phone to show him a boomerang of them kissing on some hike.
“I think it’s cute.” Paxton grinned as Devi made a vomiting face. “I invited them to come today but apparently they would rather be aloneeee.”
“That’s so nasty.” Devi said and Paxton laughed.
“I’m going in, you coming?” Paxton asked but Devi shook her head.
“Nah man, I’m working on my tan.” Devi said but really she just preferred laying on the sand and watching the water than actually being in it.
“Your loss.” Paxton replied, shoving her as he got up to go swimming.
“Okay, the thing is that I just don’t think I’m coordinated enough for this.” Devi said as she stood on Paxton’s skateboard. She felt a little embarrassed at how wobbly she was and that she was wearing her bike helmet that she got when she was ten. Paxton had his car door open and Lizzo’s album was playing. Juice blasted into the street and Devi knew people would complain soon.
“I’m literally holding on to you. You can’t fall.” Paxton said as he led her down the road.
“I feel like I could still fall.” Devi said as she started tipping back and Paxton’s grip tightened as he pulled her forward.
“I won’t let you fall Devi. Would you just trust me for once?” He asked playfully annoyed.
“Shut up, I literally trust you all the time.”
“You shut up.” Paxton countered.
“Wow, real mature.” Devi replied sarcastically.
Devi was too busy arguing to notice them start to go faster. Of course that is until she did notice. Then she was falling again and she was falling fast. Paxton managed to grab her before she fell on her face and swung her off the skateboard. Devi held onto Paxton as the skateboard started rolling down the street without them. They looked at each other and immediately started laughing.
“I think you might be right about the coordination thing.” Paxton said and Devi shoved him away from her.
“Or maybe you’re a bad teacher.” She grinned at his shocked face as she ran to grab the skateboard.
“I’m never teaching you anything ever again” he retaliated.
“Come over here and help me loser.” Paxton crossed his arm in defiance.
“Tell me I’m a good teacher.”
“Stop being a baby.”
“Wooooow, even more insults. Bad teacher and a baby.”
“Fine, you’re a good teacher. Now let’s get on with this.” Devi said as she started to get on the skateboard again.
“Thank you.” Paxton replied satisfied. He grinned and went to help her again.
Usually, they were separated during their days at camp since each group rotated through activities but on Fridays all of the kids got to go to the community pool. Those were obviously Paxton’s favourite days because he got to hang out with Devi but he also loved getting to teach some of the kids how to swim.
Usually, Paxton stayed in the shallow end with the younger kids and Devi sat at the deep end with the older kids. Vacation by Dirty Heads was playing over the pool speakers and Devi had her legs in the water as she chatted with some kids.
“Yea, high school kind of sucks. What you gotta do is find a popular kid and force them to be your friend.” Devi told some kids who were going to be freshmen in the fall.
“That’s terrible advice.” Paxton laughed as he came to stand next to her in the pool. He had switched with Kenny who was now watching the younger kids. They had given up on learning to swim and were mostly just playing and splashing water at Kenny.
“Really? You got anything better?” Devi asked crossing her arms.
“Yes. Find something that makes you excited to go to school, for me that was swimming, for D it was being my best friend. And also don’t give a shit about what other people think of you.” Paxton told the kids and Devi kicked his arm. “Oh shit, I mean just don’t care what other people think.”
“I meant the best friend thing.” Devi rolled her eyes.
“You were literally obsessed-“ before Paxton could finish Devi had jumped in and shoved Paxton’s head underwater.
Paxton managed to push Devi away from him and had his arm out separating them.
“Hey, you better stop or your top is going to fall off again.” Paxton laughed and Devi’s face started burning up. Yes, the bikini was cute but it wasn’t the most reliable bathing suit she had. Rough housing had led to a very embarrassing incident that Devi was trying to forget.
“I’m going to kill you.” Devi lunged at him and Paxton managed to grab her arms.
“Hey anger issues, chill out.” Paxton said with a grin. Devi managed to pull her arms away and splashed Paxton.
“Go do your job loser!” Devi yelled as she turned to go back to her post.
Devi swung the door open and was surprised to see Paxton. Usually he just texted her when he got to her house.
“Let’s go for a drive.” Paxton said as he held up his car keys.
“Okayyy.” Devi said as she grabbed her backpack from the door.
“Here ya go.” He said as he tossed the keys to her. She just about dropped them and didn’t move from her front door.
“Naaaa, I don’t think today’s the day.” Devi said nervously. She had failed her drivers test last month because she hadn’t practiced enough. It was the first time she hadn’t prepared and it was also the first time she had failed a test.
“Come on D, your test is in a few weeks and don’t you want to have your licence by the time school starts?” Paxton asked as he opened the drivers side door. He motioned for her to get in and she groaned before going to the car.
It wasn’t legal for Paxton to teach her how to drive but her only other option was her mother which hadn’t worked out. Devi was pretty sure she failed her test because driving with her mom had made her so anxious that getting behind the wheel made her want to throw up even when her mom wasn’t around. She had even done drivers ed but that apparently wasn’t enough because she still failed.
“Are you sure? What if I scratch your car or something?” Devi asked as they both got in the car.
“Then I’ll literally kill you, so don’t scratch my baby.” Paxton said as he gently caressed his dash.
“That’s not really helpful.” Devi muttered as she nervously changed the seat settings.
“We’ll go to the school parking lot. It’s just down the street and the lot will be empty.” Devi nodded as she turned the car on. She kept her foot on the brakes as she looked at Paxton desperately.
“Listen to Tai, you’re going to be A-O-K.” Paxton said as he turned up the music. “Also, don’t forget to signal, you lost so many points for that.”
Paxton didn’t look nervous at all which made Devi feel a little bit better. If he could be confident in her driving skills than so could she. Devi signalled and did a very exaggerated shoulder check before she pulled onto the road. There were no cars around the whole way to the school so the only thing she had to deal with were some stop signs and one set of lights. She totally could do this.
Devi’s whole body relaxed once they pulled into the parking lot and she didn’t have to worry about hitting things or people anymore.
“That was pretty good actually. How did you fail?” Paxton asked.
“Probably because I suck at driving?” Devi told him as she put the car in park.
“Shut up, you had issues with the parallel park right?” Paxton asked as he got out of the car.
“What are you doing?” Devi asked as he closed the door.
“Im going to teach you how to parallel park.” Paxton grinned sticking his head through the window.
Devi waited as he grabbed stuff from out of his trunk. A bin full of blankets and an empty cooler he had forgotten about. He set them up as pretend cars and he went to the drivers side.
“Okay, line yourself up.” Paxton said as Devi slowly moved the car so the bin of blankets was lined up with the back of the jeep.
Paxton gave her instructions and ran around indicating for her how far to back up and how much to turn the wheel and eventually she got into the spot.
“I don’t think they’re going to let you guide me into a spot on the test.” Devi said annoyed that it took so long.
“You just gotta keep practicing, eventually it’ll just be second nature.” Paxton said as he got back in the car. “Pull out and this time I’m not going to help you.” Paxton said as she groaned.
“I hate this.” Devi said getting frustrated.
“You won’t hate this once you can drive yourself anywhere you want. Now start moving before I force you to practice highway driving.” Paxton said as he relaxed into his seat.
Devi wanted to hit him and get angry but she knew he was her only hope of passing her test in a month so she contained herself and kept practicing.
When the day of Devi’s test came around she felt pretty confident she was going to fail again. Paxton had given her a pep talk before he left her house the night before but it hadn’t helped with her nerves.
“You got this, okay? Just make sure you signal, and don’t forget the emergency brake when you do the hill park.” He told her as he held her shoulders. “By this time tomorrow, you’re going to be fully licensed because you’re a great driver.”
Devi was just as shocked as her mother when she pulled into the DMV and had almost no deductions on her test. Nalini didn’t know about Paxton teaching her to drive but she managed to convince her that is was because the tester was a lot nicer than the last one. She had smiled the entire time she got her new license and had raced back to the car. She knew Paxton would be waiting for her at her house and she was beyond excited to tell him that his methods had actually worked.
Paxton was leaning on his car checking his phone when they got home. She had to stop herself from running to Paxton to tell him the good news. She got out of the car and Nalini kissed her head before going into the house.
“How’d it go?” He asked as she crossed her arms and pretended to look disappointed.
“I passed babyyy!” She screamed as she whipped out her temporary license.
“I fucking knew it! You never trust me.” Paxton grabbed her and spun her around.
“Where do you wanna go? I’m driving.” Devi said and Paxton laughed as he got in the passenger seat.
“Can you spot me ten bucks?” Devi asked as she searched through her backpack for some money.
“You have literally worked all summer, how are you always broke?” Paxton muttered as he pulled out some change from his console.
“I just don’t have any cash on me.”
Paxton gave her a handful of change and Devi looked at him annoyed.
“Quarters? Really?” Devi struggled to hold all the coins and Paxton shrugged.
“Take it or leave it, but if you want boba I suggest you take it.” Paxton grinned and Devi rolled her eyes as she realized she couldn’t open the door holding all the change.
Paxton laughed as he leaned over to open the door for her. “Get me a milk tea.” He said as she hopped out of the car.
“If I even make it there without any hands.” She grumbled.
By the time she got back with their drinks, Paxton had all the windows down blasting Young Dumb & Broke by Khalid.
“Really?!” She had to scream for him to hear her over the music. He lip synced to the lyrics as he pointed to her and dramatically danced to the music. “You’re so annoying!” She screamed as he took a big sip of his tea. He pointed at the drink as if to say that it tastes good and gave her the ok sign with his fingers. Devi just rolled her eyes and sipped on her mango slush. She guessed it was worth the embarrassing amount of quarters she gave to the cashier and having to listen to Paxton call her dumb and broke.
“Are you going to make it to Trent’s this weekend? Last party of the summer.” Paxton asked as he turned the music down.
“Have you met my mother? She’s not going to let me go to Trent’s house for a party.” Devi replied looking through Paxton’s Spotify.
“Since when do you tell your mom about going to parties?” Paxton asked snorting.
“I’m trying to turn over a new leaf this year. No more lying, especially to my mom.” She said as she put on Savage by Megan Thee Stallion and Beyoncé.
“What if she knew I was taking you?” Paxton knew the party would suck without Devi there.
“Yeaaaaa, my mom might like you now but not that much.”
“Come on D, it’s the last party of the summer. You have to go!” Paxton pouted as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“Fine, fine, I’ll figure out a way to go out but there’s no way she’ll let me stay out past 11.” Paxton smiled at her and agreed to be DD so he could get her home by 11.
By the time the weekend rolled around, Nalini didn’t even seem bothered by Devi leaving. Her and Kamala had been going crazy planning her wedding and Devi tended to be unhelpful in that area. She was only good for the grunt work, which she was sure there would be a lot of once it got closer to the day.
All she had to say was that she was going to Eleanor’s house for a back to school hangout and Nalini quickly agreed to get her out of the house. Technically she wasn’t lying because they had to pick up Eleanor at her house and they were having a back to school hangout. It was just a hangout with most of the school and alcohol.
Devi acted as casual as possible as she closed the front door but she sprinted as soon as the door closed. She didn’t want to risk her mom seeing her actually getting in Paxton’s car instead of Fabiola’s. Devi had been asking her mom for a car for weeks but still nothing. Her mom was convinced that she should have enough money saved since she had a summer job but summer camps didn’t exactly pay top dollar and Devi was pretty irresponsible with her money this summer. She figured she had two more summers to hustle before she went to Princeton.
“You look so pretty in that dress.” Paxton said as soon as she got in the car.
Devi blushed and couldn’t control her smile. “Shut up loser.”
Paxton smiled back at her as they went to pick up Eleanor and Fabiola.
Trent’s house was packed full of people but he was standing at the door waiting for Eleanor. He hugged her tightly and dragged her off to the back of the house.
Paxton went to grab them some drinks and handed Devi and Fabiola beers. “Bread soda.”
Devi rolled her eyes and shoved him away. Fabiola had learned a long time to ignore their inside jokes and she wandered off.
Paxton was always treated like a god at parties and everyone wanted their time with him. Paxton gave people his typical cool guy head nod and pulled Devi outside where it was less crowded.
“So, you excited for school to start?” Paxton asked and Devi looked confused.
“Sure, I guess.” Paxton looked nervous which made Devi more confused. “Why are you making weird small talk?”
“I just guess this is the last time we’re hanging out before school starts.” Devi’s confusion became anger very quickly.
“What is that supposed to mean? Like things are going to change when school starts?” Devi questioned starting to get upset.
“No, chill Devi. I mean I do want things to change but not the way you think.” Now Devi was back to confused.
Paxton looked frustrated and looked around them. No one was around or paying attention to them. Paxton turned back to Devi and got way closer to her than she was used to. Kiss Me More by Doja Cat and SZA was playing in the house but it sounded far away.
He touched her cheek and lifted her mouth to his. “Is this okay?” He asked nervously.
Instead of answering Devi pushed her lips against his. Paxton smiled against her and pulled her tight to him.
“You want me to pick you up tomorrow?” Paxton texted and Devi smiled when she saw the message.
“Sure, if you don’t mind.” She replied quickly.
“No worries, we’re both going to the same place. Better for the environment and all that”
“I’ll make a driving playlist.” He sent back a smiley face and an ok hand.
Devi couldn’t wait for tomorrow. This was going to be the best summer of her life.
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taronfanfic · 5 years
Fast Forward
Chapter 21
A steamy, romantic, champagne fuelled hot tub was bound to get a bit handsy. You had to make things up to Taron and he didn’t seem surprised in the slightest when your fingers delved beneath the waistband of his swimming shorts. His semi soon became rock hard at your touch, slowly working down to his balls and then rubbing your thumb over his tip. He didn’t even try to hide his grin, just relaxed back smugly and let you see how much he was enjoying it. Your other hand caressed over his chest and shoulder, up to the back of his neck as you kissed him and into the back of his hair as you started to whisper filth into his ear.
“You feel so big, it’s making me throb for you.” Taron responded instantly, dropping his arms from the sides of the hot tub back into the water so his hands could take hold of your waist and move you to straddle over his thighs. “You like that?” You hummed back as you tugged his shorts lower and set him free. There was only a hungry kiss in response as his hands dropped to squeeze your bum.
“I really want to, but we can’t, not in here.” He looked over his shoulder to see the bistro chairs left on the other side of the balcony and then back into your eyes.
“You want me to ride you on one of those chairs? Out here in the open?... Or I could bend over the railing and you can take me from behind?” Even suggesting your ideas out loud was turning you on and you knew Taron could feel you tensing your thighs in excitement.
“Fucking hell, yes. It’ll be cold but if you keep talking like that it won’t take long.”
“Come on then.” You smirked and then giggled as you stood up from Taron and climbed out the hot tub, rushing over to the edge of the balcony and then leaning out to check that no one else could see you from either side. Once you’d seen it was all clear you flattened out your back and left your arse up for Taron, feeling his fingers tug your bikini to one side. “Pull them down, halfway down my thighs so I can feel everything.”
“Jesus this is hot.” Taron commented under his breath as he followed your instructions and was then quick to push himself into you and feel your warmth surround his erection. He wasted no time, thrusting hard and fast as he held onto your hips and had you rocking with him.
“Oh, yes! Fuck. Yeah!” You cried out as every move Taron made felt incredible. He didn’t let up the pace, panting heavily behind you as his eyes were fixed to the sight of his hips slamming against your arse. You wanted to be able to take a moment to look up, to look out into the forest and remember where you were, what you were doing and how fucking good it felt, but Taron never gave you chance. This was a quickie for sure. There had been so much pent up tension between you, mostly anger and frustration but getting to release it like this was the best possible outcome for both of you. Your orgasm rushed through your body, hitting you hard and fast, and leaving you breathless. Taron lost it just after you did, spilling out in such a rush that drips landed on the decking between your feet.
“Fucking hell, we’re good.” He sighed as he supported you into an upright position against his warm chest and then pulled your bikini back up into place. “We’re definitely having sex again tonight.”
“It’s our anniversary, we’re having sex all night.”
“But we’ve got a romantic dinner to get through first so hold those naughty thoughts.” He left a kiss to your cheek before wrapping one of the large, soft towels around your shoulders and leading you inside.
You started to fill the roll top bath, adding in the complimentary bubbles and then noticed Taron watching you from the doorway through to the bedroom. An offer for him to join you was made but he declined it, preferring to admire you as you stripped bare and relaxed back into the warm water with a sigh.
“Still not tempting?”
“I was thinking I could have a shower instead.” His eyebrow cocked to the walk in shower at the end of the bath and you nodded in agreement as you realised you’d have the perfect view of him whilst he was in there. There was no need to be subtle either as you took in every inch of his skin. Watching his shoulder blades as he rubbed the shampoo suds over his hair, then taking in his chest as he turned around beneath the falling water. He caught your eye contact for a second and then smiled as he saw you look down his body to his cock, his hand deliberately stroking down his length a few times as he watched you watching him. You were in heaven. You considered getting yourself off in the bath but decided to hold onto the feelings of arousal for the rest of the night, knowing something amazing would come of it in a matter of hours. Taron appeared to do the same, resisting his semi and reaching for the soap for distraction. The rewards would be worth it.
You smiled up to your boyfriend as he offered out his hand to help you out of the bath. The thirsty kiss he left to your lips could easily have led you straight into bed, but instead you wrapped a fresh towel around his hips and sent him on his way.
“Stop tempting me, I need to be hungry not horny.”
Having taken a minute to compose yourself you walked into the bedroom to find Taron in a black pair of boxers, only now unpacking one of the weekend bags he’d brought. Your new dress was hanging on the wardrobe door.
“Y’know I was quite concerned by what you might have packed, seeing as you did most of it in the dark. These are a cute touch though.” You nudged your toe against your favourite pair of silver heels, the ones you’d worn on your first proper date with Taron, which were waiting at the foot of the bed. “So do I get any underwear or am I going commando to dinner?”
“Like I’d forget my favourite part!” Taron scoffed back as he pulled his chosen pair of knickers out of the bag and threw them at you. “Bras and dresses are a minefield so I did grab a few extras from your drawer, hopefully one of them works?”
“This one’s perfect, so don’t worry.” You reassured him with a kiss to the cheek as you collected the one you wanted. “Let me unpack the rest of this too, you’ve done more than enough today.”
“Nah-ah. Bags are off-limits all weekend for you.”
“Why? What are you hiding in there?”
“Things for tomorrow!” Taron replied innocently whilst folding his arms across his chest.
“What did we say? No more secrets, no more surprises... So what’s in the bag?”
“Argh, fine…Coats, umbrellas, wellies and your beanie too. But it might be too windy for the umbrellas so we’ll see… Go on, have a look if you don’t believe me.” He added as you looked back to him with confusion.
“It’s not that I don’t believe you, I’m just wondering why that was being kept as a surprise? I saw the map of the grounds earlier and that there was a woodland walk that leads down to the coast. I was going to suggest it tomorrow if you’d not booked us in for something else at the spa.”
“Oh. Well that’s good then… apart from the weather looking crap for tomorrow.”
“Stop trying to make everything perfect!” You teased him lovingly, reaching out for his arm and stroking his soft skin. “Whatever happens, whatever the weather does, I don’t mind one bit as long as I’m with you so stop over-thinking all of this. Why don’t you grab a few of those little bottles of gin from the kitchen and bring them back in here so we can have a drink whilst we get ready?”
“Alright, sounds good. Sorry for stressing.” His face softened as he leaned in to kiss you quickly. “Love you.”
“Love you too.”
A glass of gin and tonic was placed next to your makeup brushes a few minutes later and you spotted Taron relaxing back on the bed, still wearing only his boxers. He had an ipad in his hands and was reading the screen closely.
“We need to select what we want for breakfast in the morning. There’s this hatch thing by the front door and they deliver it to us so we can have it in bed, or on the balcony if it’s sunny.”
“That’s such a good idea! What can we pick from?”
“Absolutely everything. Croissants, toast, eggs, full English, waffles, pancakes, fruit, bread and hams, bagels… it’s never ending!”
“Wow,” You spun around on your chair to face Taron. “Get a selection then? I don’t know what I’m going to want… might depend on how much of an appetite I’ve worked up over night.”
“Naughty.” Taron sniggered. “I’m ordering the unhealthy things seeing as we’re only here for one night. I’ve also booked us a lift back up to the main house for dinner in 15 minutes so we’d better get a move on.”
You gently curled your last strands of hair, wriggled your little black dress up over your hips and secured the ankle straps of your silver heels before standing in front of the full length mirror to check you’d not missed something. Taron appeared in the view behind you, a crisp white shirt tucked into his navy suit trousers but with the top two buttons left undone and the sleeves neatly turned up to his elbows. He caught you admiring his reflection and stepped in behind you, his hands naturally resting on the sides of your hips, and nose burying in against your neck so he could inhale the sweet scent of your favourite perfume.
“Gorgeous,” He whispered. “Utterly gorgeous.”
You grabbed your jackets on the way out and walked hand in hand down the wooden bridge to the awaiting cart, ready to start your anniversary evening together.
Taglist: @egerton-sweetie  @amanda-tallmadge @lizziespidiepridie @leanimal90 @anantheminmyheart22 @aynsleywalker​ @bohemianrhapsody86​ @butterfliesslugswormsandothershi @manners-maketh-taron @livingincompletesilence@marvelmakeuplover @ohsosmutty@misspygmypie  @manners-maketh-a-kingsman@courtmr @baileythepenguin@thomaslefteyebrow @witchymarvelspacecase @samanthasmileys@nellietara @i-cant-remember-my-old-login @wheresmylightinthedark@kurtis-conner@hoe4dior @toky-9101 @mayaslifeinabox@fluentlyspeakingtreason @yallyallblanchett @whiskeylipsx@emmaelizabeth2014​ @primaba11erina @fightuntilyoucan @carlita2025 @rocknrollmadden@walking-stressed-mess @dogmom2014 @aberystwythboy
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krystalsins · 5 years
𝗢𝗨𝗥 setting takes place in the present time. Our world. With the same famous people. And everyone else that completes our life.
The same goes for Amberleigh Anne Fleur, a seventeen year old on the road to finishing high school. Encouraged to join her peers in a fieldtrip, she encounters more than just nature, as love untangles before her in the oddest of ways.
Now in love with her first love, she knows she doesn't need anything else in the world. She's finally complete, dating one of the hottest influencers in the world.
How could life get any more perfect than that?
WARNINGS: drug abuse, violence, smut, physical/mental abuse, strong language, graphic depictions, possible mentions of suicide
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𝗔𝗹𝗹 I had done throughout the bright, sunny Friday was stare at my cracked ceiling from my bed, with my out of tune classical guitar on one side and my dying laptop on the other.
Tomorrow's the day I'd be joining my peers for a fun, rewarding trip to the mountains after such strenuous efforts to making it throughout the entirety of senior year, and my mom had just peaked inside the room to remind me about packing the essentials.
The essentials consisted of everything you don't find in the mountains. So, two in one shampoo and conditioner packages, toothbrush and toothpaste, extra underwear and a pair of bathing suits in case we went swimming.
Right now, she was threatening me to bring food.
"Because, what if you'll starve and you have nothing to eat? Better to be safe than sorry, honey"
My mother had been in the US for a long time now, but you can still hear the thick accent of her mother tongue, a dialect with a name I can never remember.
She and my dad (also with a weird named dialect I don't remember) met in one of her trips to New York.
I can't speak it either. But I do understand it whenever they talk in them.
"It's fine, I'll just drop by the store tomorrow or something before we leave." With a slight understanding nod, she reminds me about dinner and sleeping early before leaving my room.
Standing up with the need of listening to some music, my phone buzzes once, twice, thrice, until it's falling off the stand and I catch it.
ERIKA iMessage Today 7:51PM
With a frowning face, I push aside my window curtains to see my cousin Erika standing on our front porch.
Her parents and my parents live a few blocks from each other and we, as a family, have been to each other's houses ever since we were six.
Mom had invited her for dinner, and even though I had begged her not to, she still did.
She thought it would be nice that we got along before I disappeared in between the mountains for over a week and a half, and I didn't mind. There were just stuff and certain things that bothered me about her.
"Hey! My favourite cousin!" She stands  with her arms wide open and a grin bigger than Australia.
"Don't tell me. You tried to make yourself some facial cream slash potion that somewhat works and now you want to try it on me" I say with a voice so monotone as she hugs me.
"Nope, even better"
"Your parents told you to stay home?!" I gasp and cheer in a fake, teasing manner.
"Amber." She rolls her eyes at me. "You know how we played that wooden game like, last month?"
"How could I forget" My eyes become hooded at the memory as I step aside and she strolls right in, happily. I close the door.
"That Ouija game you somehow convinced me to play with you"
"Since that was fun —"
"—It wasn't. Gave me nightmares for two weeks straight—"
"—I was thinking we could play another game" She raised her eyebrows so high I though they were gonna fall off.
"Oh no." I groan, resting a hand on my hip, knowing damn well where this was going.
She was either going to convince me about doing black magic or some sort of witchcraft that I'm not too thrilled about.
I know I haven't been the best believer, but when it came to stuff like this, it was always a 'No thank you' for me. Like my mom always says, better safe than sorry—Her long-life motto.
"Erica, c'mon in!" My mom smiled at the end of the hall. "You can leave your bag in Amber's room"
"Bag?" My eyes widened. "What bag, I thought she was only going to stay over for dinner?"
"Oh, yeah" Erica flashed her braces. "My mom told me I could sleep over—"
"Lord." I sigh exaggeratedly. "Why"
Erica has always been the risk taker of the family. Always living life on the edge. Always asking for trouble... and fun. I admired her sometimes, because she always had the courage I lacked.
I, on the other hand, was the total opposite. Always playing it safe, always the one to analyse the situation and the circumstances before making a move. Never asking for trouble.
I was usually quiet too, which explains my empty love life. While I've been stuck being eighteen—turning nineteen in a few weeks— my cousin had just turned seventeen, and has already experienced more than I have.
If she had her first kiss at the age of twelve... I'll leave you guessing with the rest.
"Listen, I'm sure whatever it is that you want to try tonight, I won't say yes to, because I still have a lot of packing to do" I nod my head at her slowly, hoping she gets what I'm trying to tell her.
"Not a prob, you just go over there and do that," She motions at the entire room with her hands "and I'll be on your bed with the cards"
I cock an eyebrow at her. "Cards?"
I stand up and grab the vacuum cleaner, remembering how my mom told me nearly five times to clean my room before leaving for the field trip.
I'm not too thrilled about this either. But it has to be better than hearing whatever Erica had to say.
"Like, Uno Cards?"
Erica chortles and claps her hands twice. "No, you idiot. Tarot cards"
"Great. Another witchcraft. I'm going straight to hell"
"Oh, will you relax. Stop being such a pussy"
I roll my eyes.
"Besides, I've done it on myself this afternoon"
I ignore her as I plug the vacuum and start cleaning, picking up every item of clothing that's on the floor and tossing it on my bed to form a pile I'd have to fold later.
The loud sucking of the machine overpowers Erica's high-pitched voice, which only makes her have a sound contest with the vacuum and yell even louder.
"Okay! I'm going to start now! How about you sit down for a minute?!"
"No can doo!" I drag the vowels with an awkward smile "You heard what your auntie said!"
"Never mind, this is okay too!"
I grunt when I duck to pick up random pens and pieces of paper scattered all over the floor, as I watch her from the corner of my eyes.
Her long fingers had colourful acrylics on and wore big fat, metal rings her grand mothers used to use.
She begins shuffling and flicking the cards one behind another with closed eyes, muttering inaudible words under her breath.
It stays like this for a few seconds, and then a minute, before a few cards fall out and she takes out two more from the top.
She flips them over on the bed, placing them side by side in a straight line. Her eyes linger on every card, as her hands go back and forth straightening the cards.
The big grin she was wearing only a few seconds ago is now long gone, as she keeps a straight face.
I turn off the vacuum, suddenly interested in my fate. "What do they say?" I walk closer to peak at the cards.
"This is the most confusing pile I've ever seen" Her eyes squint, trying to decipher the message on the cards.
"Yeah, it is also your second time doing this, so..."
"Third, actually"
"It doesn't ma—"
"Look, it's basically saying that you're finally becoming independent. You're going to find your way."
"What the heck, what way"
"I don't know. Your path?"
"Yeah, okay. What else?"
"You know what?" Erica chuckles. "I'm suddenly hungry for some pie" She says and tucks the cards back into the stack. "You want some?"
"That's all it said?"
"Mhm" She hums approvingly, standing up and securing her cards with an elastic band. She shoves them into her bag.
"I'll go then, seeing that your chores are still undone. Pie awaits!"
And like that she's gone from my room, leaving me puzzled at her odd reaction.
She never left anything unfinished, not even that Ouija game we once played. She was always the one to finish whatever it is she started.
But there was a look that I'd never seen in her eyes, not in the seventeen years we've been back and forth to each other's houses.
A look of unease. Worry. For the first time ever in her life, she didn't look honest.
So what did she exactly see in those cards?
TAG(S): @fvckmeethan​
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sarakuper · 5 years
Cartagena; Mom & Maria
Stop #7, January 22-28
Well, it’s clear I’ve gotten pretty bad at keeping up with journaling. But just telling you what we did each day is better than nothing!
Sean and I flew from Medellin to Cartagena on Wednesday the 22nd after parting ways with Josh at the international airport. I’m super grateful for the upgraded stay we had at the Hyatt Hotel in Bocagrande thanks to my mamma. My mom and my cousin Maria arrived the next day, but my mom got Sean and I our room a day sooner. After wandering along the local beach in the late afternoon we spoiled ourselves to room service and enjoyed the amenities of the hotel. Then a late night swim in the pool overlooking the ocean, yes please!
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Mom and Maria arrived the next day. I decided to surprise them at the airport because even though it is a 15 minute ride to the hotel it’s not easy to get around without any Spanish. Plus, I knew my mom wouldn’t have any Colombian Pesos and exchanging currency at the airport costs way too much! After settling in and unpacking the four of us took a taxi into Old Town (aka The Old City or Walled City) to walk around and grab a bite for dinner. 
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Friday morning we woke up for a free walking tour of Cartagena which was supposed to last about 2 hours. After about an hour in we were all terribly bored, feeling like the guide talked so much and yet we learned nothing. We gave him his tip early and ditched the tour, hitting up a local Panadería (bakery) whose smell brought us in from the streets. We bought a handful of breads/pastries for less than $3 and happily indulged. After shopping a little and walking around some more, the heat really kicked in. It was time to head back to the hotel to hang by the pool. Like many days on this leg of the trip, afternoons were spent at the hotel pool sipping mojitos. And again, like most nights, we ate out in The Old City. 
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On Saturday we spent the morning exploring Castillo de San Felipe, a castle that protected the old city. There’s a lot of important history in Cartagena, but I won’t even attempt sharing my understanding of it because I only have so much brain capacity to get all the details right... let alone remember them. We did however pay a small price for a private tour guide so we wouldn’t blindly walk around the place making guesses about the history. Thankfully this tour guide was much better than our previous one 😂
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The rest of the day, or at least until it got too hot, was about exploring the old city. I have to say it’s absolutely beautiful. It’s full of color, energy, history, tourists and locals and it really is just special. 
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And once it got too hot... yup, we spent the late afternoon sun bathing and swimming at the hotel’s pool. 
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Saturday morning we headed out to the Aviary, about an hour outside of the city, to check out the birds. It was such a wonderful visit and super cool to see such beautiful birds!! Of course we all loved seeing the flamingos up close. That was probably everyone’s favorite part if I had to guess.
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After the Aviary we stopped at Playa Blanca which was super close to grab a quick bite on the beach. We didn’t plan this, and because of my poor Spanish I wrongly understood our driver and thought he would take us to the beach for lunch without extra charge. Well, the water was so gorgeous, it would have been a shame to be at this gorgeous beach and not swim in it! Me and Maria decided underwear would suffice as bathing suits. And even though I was wearing a thong, this is Colombia.. where all the woman dress as sexy as they want and no-one stares, cat calls, or even looks twice. It’s totally normal here to wear a thong bikini, etc. So I thought, no one will look twice at me.. if it weren't for my blaringly white behind. Maria, on the other hand, might as well be Latina with her sun kissed skin.
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After our quick dip in the ocean, lunch was served. It was our first time eating the typical coastal dish of Colombia, which includes black coconut rice. And WOW was it delicious!! 
We headed back to the hotel where the driver told us the additional cost for the stop at Playa Blanca. It was that moment where I realized I better get back to school and learn more Spanish.. ASAP.
Monday was our last full day together and we decided to check our Rosario Islands. We took a speed boat for 1 hour and arrived at the island. Here Sean and I went on a snorkeling tour and mom and Maria held down some chairs at the beach. Snorkeling was fun, even though the corals don’t look as great as they probably should be. We got to see some cool fish, and of course take fun photos under water. 
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When we got back to the island the 4 of us sat for our included lunch before relaxing back on the beach until it was time to leave. The boat ride back was a lot more rough than on the way there. Many people got totally soaked, and while my mom was freaking with fear, I couldn’t help but crack up at how soaked we were getting, like we were on a roller coaster in a water park. Eventually she couldn’t help but laugh too. 
That night we had our final dinner, back at the restaurant we loved the most while exploring The Old City. It’s very obviously a small family owned restaurant, and they had the most delicious food with the best service. Plus, it was women owned and run 💪🏽. And so I don’t forget, its called Portón de San Sebastián. 
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Tuesday came, and after breakfast we packed, leaving us about an hour by the pool. It was so good to be with my mamma, and I know it was hard for her to say goodbye “leaving me” in Colombia, but I’m really glad her and Maria came and got a slice of our adventure. 
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Next we’re headed to Santa Marta. Later fam! Love you all. 
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Packing 2019
Hello everyone! I sincerely apologize for the lack of content on my account, I actually got locked out of this account for a while and was just now able to get onto it.
Anyway, I am here to do a very late packing list for Blue Lake 2019. Session one started today and I’m hoping everyone will have a good time. If you would like to refer back to my packing posts from 2017 (What to Bring) and 2018 (2018 Packing) please feel free to click on the links, or search my Tumblr. Let’s get packing!
Blue Lake Polos (3-4) <-- I recommend 4 
Blue Lake Sweater (1) 
*Knee Highs (1-2 Pairs) <-- I recommend 2, and buying them from blue lake directly because they are super comfortable
Blue Lake Sweatshirt (1-2) <-- I personally bring 2 if there's enough room in my suitcase because I love sweatshirts and if it gets cold and rainy you’re going to want an extra, but you don’t need more than 1.
*Skirt (1-2) <-- Check blue lake’s website for specific guidelines
Shorts (3-4 Pairs) <-- I recommend 4
Jeans/Long Pants (1-2 Pairs) <-- I personally recommend 2 pairs
^Dress Pants (1-2) <-- Same recommendations as the skirts for girls
Close Toed Shoes (1-2 pairs) <-- I personally bring a pair of converse high tops and old combat boots to keep out the sand and keep my feet comfortable. You don’t need 2 pairs by any means, It’s just a personal preference for me.
Underwear (Enough for all of camp plus extras, seriously no one wants to have to wear dirty underwear)
White Socks (Enough for all of camp plus extras)
*Bras (Enough for all of camp) <-- Ladies please bring all you need, my recommendation is sports bras.
Out of Uniform Shirts and Pants (1-3) <-- Bring some. Seriously, when you get downtime to yourself you’ll want something more lightweight than those polos.
Pajamas <-- I personally bring a tank top and short sleeve t-shirt along with sweatpants and cloth shorts because the evenings can be hot but the nights can get cold.
Bathing Suit (If you intend on swimming in the pool)
Body Wash/Soap
Face Wash
Toothbrush, Toothpaste, and Floss
Deodorant <-- No one will forgive you if you show up without this and stink up the cabins
Razor for Shaving Needs
*Pads/Tampons/Menstrual Products <-- Girls please bring these even if you’re not supposed to be on your period. You never know what might happen.
Towel (1-2) <-- I highly HIGHLY recommend bringing two in case one isn’t dry the next time you want to take a shower.
Flip Flops/Slides <-- You’re gonna want these for the showers, walking back and forth from the bathroom to your cabin, and maybe walking around your cabin.
Any Additional Toiletries You May Need
Sleeping Bag
Bottom Sheet
Extra Blanket
Pillow with Pillow Case
Small Foam Pad <-- Completely optional, I’ve never brought one however, I know some people who are more comfortable with an extra soft layer on their bed.
Watch <-- Don’t step foot on the campus without a watch. You will be responsible for getting to your classes and meals on time.
Instrument and Music Stand/Whatever You Need For Your Major or Minor
Bugspray <-- No one wants to spend their camp experience scratching at bug bites.
Sunscreen <-- If you burn as easily as I do you will take the advice that there is a lot of sun.
Flashlight w/ Extra Batteries
Case of Bottled Water <-- I personally highly HIGHLY recommend this one. The water tastes like eggs and if that bothers you, you might want to invest in a case of water to avoid dehydrating yourself.
Reusable Water Bottle <-- Hydrate or Diedrate Kids
Notebook/Pencils/Pens <-- During down time these things are nice
Stationary/Letters/Envelops/Stamps <-- Sending a receiving letters is one of the best things at camp, it’s like contact from the outside world just makes your day while in the wilderness.
Chapstick <-- Don’t be that one person with dry lips
Cough Drops <-- ATTENTION ALL CHOIR MAJORS, your throat WILL hurt halfway through the session and it sucks having to go to the UD Hutt for one. Just keep it low key.
Battery Powered Fan!!!!
Camera <-- I really recommend this one. Take pictures, videos, anything to remember your time with these amazing people in this amazing place.
That’s a wrap on packing 2019. Don’t forget to check out Blue Lake Access for Blue Lake’s official packing list and uniform requirements. Also, check out my previous packing lists here and here. Again, I apologize for the lateness of this post. I hope everyone has a great session and an amazing summer! I’ll be back with updates every week. Have fun, and remember, water is your new best friend :)
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topfygad · 5 years
45 Things to Pack for the Rainforest
Packing in general is tricky, double that when you are packing for an adventure in the South American rainforest that will have you doing everything from piranha fishing the rivers to camping in hammocks deep in the Amazon jungle to a Jaguar safari. Not to mention the constant battle with humidity, strong sunshine and pesky critters!
I spent 10 memorable days in the country of Guyana’s jungle and here’s the packing list based on my trip.
What to Wear: Jungle Clothing & Accessories
Hiking Boots
A pair of comfortable, hiking boots with ankle support and have good tread are a necessity. The trails can be muddy and uneven causing you to slip easily (a couple people in our group slipped while on a jungle mountain climb!), so make sure they are a good quality boot. Also, get something with breathable material, so your feet won’t get too hot.
My hiking boots were the Bearpaw brand, but are unfortunately discontinued. These Columbia Newton Ridge boots are very similar and highly rated.
Trail Shoes
For milder hikes, exploring the villages or to hang out in in the evenings bring a low ankle hiking shoe. The KEEN Terradora hiking shoe offers both style and comfort.
Waterproof Sandals
After a long day hiking the first thing you’ll want to do is give your feet some room to breath, but you also want to be protected from the mosquitoes, so bring a pair of waterproof sandals that you can easily wear with a pair of socks (I know that sounds very fashionable, but you will thank me later!). These are also great in the outdoor showers where you may feel uncomfortable in bare feet.
Sun Hat
A full brim hat will help keep the sun off of you and keep you cooler. Make sure that you get one with a tie around your neck so it doesn’t fly off when you’re riding in the boats. I brought the Bodvera Outdoor Hat and it worked out great especially because of the crisscrossed fabric around the middle of it so that I could hook a carabiner through it and hang it from my backpack when not in use.
Though you probably won’t want to swim in the rivers (piranhas! Need I say more?), there may be a pool at one of the lodges and it’ll be a big relief from the humidity to be able to jump in!
Bring quick dry full-length pants with lots of pockets and in neutral colors (bright or flowered fabrics can attract bugs). It’s practical if one pair can be either rolled up to make capris or unzipped to turn into shorts, though most of the time you will want to be wearing pants that cover your legs to protect you from insects. A pair of long comfy leggings are also great for hanging out around the lodge.
I brought one pair of prAna Halle pants, two pairs of  North Face Aphrodite 2.0 Pants (so comfy!!!) and one pair of Black Diamond Credo pants.
Long-Sleeved Shirts
The best shirts for the rainforest are long-sleeved button-ups with a collar that can be flipped up to keep the sun off your neck. Though breathable quick dry ones are said to be the best (like this one from Colombia), I wore simple lightweight button-ups from a discount store like Marshall’s and it was fine. Also bring a couple of comfy long-sleeved shirts to change into when your hanging around the lodge or sleeping in the jungle.
Tank Top
You will be in some areas with less bugs and you’ll want to remove your long sleeved shirt to relieve you from the rainforest heat. Slip a tank (or tee) underneath your outfit and you’re all set. Tanks are also perfect for sleeping in since most lodges will not have air conditioning, but will proved mosquito nets. I bring a variety of simple ribbed Zenana tanks on EVERY trip!
A couple t-shirts are nice to have for the lodges or for under your long sleeved shirts. I brought the cute Not All Who Wander Are Lost t-shirt pictured below.
You’ll want to make sure that ALL your shirts are long enough to tuck securely into your bottoms to prevent bugs from finding their way up your back. One night while we were camping my shirt was accidentally untucked for an hour and I woke up with little bites on my butt. No fun!
Bring comfortable and quick drying underwear and sports bras to wear underneath your clothing. You don’t need to bring a pair for everyday since these are easy to wash by hand in the sinks at the lodges.
You should have comfortable hiking style socks that are mid to long length (no ankle/bootie socks!) They need to be long enough to be able to tuck your pants into them when hiking through the rainforest so no critters can crawl up your legs. I brought five pairs of SEOULSTORY7 hiking socks.
A sarong or large scarf has many uses, so it’s always wise to travel with one. In the Amazon jungle it can be used as a makeshift towel, to cover your shoulders at the lodge (when your tired of wearing long sleeves!) or to wrap around your bathing suit if you are going for a swim.
Rain Jacket/Poncho
The rainforest is true to its name! Sometimes you will be hiking and with no warning there will be a torrential downpour. Carry a lightweight, compact rain jacket with you that can be added to any outfit. No need to bring a heavier jacket, you will not use it! I brought the Cheering Waterproof Windbreaker Jacket which didn’t offer complete rain protection, but it was very lightweight.
A neckwrap is practical because it can be used in so many ways: around your neck to shade from the sun, to keep your hair off of your face and to put around your mouth so no bugs will get through. These VANCROWN Wraps did the trick and they come in variety packs!
Hair Ties
It is so hot and humid that, if you are anything like me, your go-to hair style will be “bun and done”. Bring plenty of strong hair ties in case you lose a couple along the way.
There is more to traveling through Guyana’s rainforest than just shaded pathways, you will also be out in the middle of the sun a lot! Protect your eyes with a pair of polarized lens sunglasses. Make sure they are not too expensive, as they can easily be dropped in the mud or lost in the mucky waters.
Cooling Towel
A cooling towel was a last minute addition to my luggage…thank God! There will be nothing better than soaking a cooling towel in water and then wrapping it around your neck. ChillPal makes the ultimate chilling towel that can keep you cool for hours!
Most lodges offer a laundry service that is fairly cheap, so there’s no need to pack a different outfit for every day.
Safety & Medical
First Aid kit
Your jungle tour guides will typically carry a medical kit for your group, but you should have a little one of your own for things like small cuts and blisters. You can buy yourself a travel-sized kit that’s got a little of everything in it (like this one!). But, if you need to buy items individually here’s a general list of things you need:
Zinc Oxide Tape
Antiseptic Wipes
Assorted Band-Aids
Wound Dressing x2
Hydration Powder x 12
Blister Dressing
Anti-fungal Cream
Hydrocortisone Cream
Foot powder
Anti diarrheal medicine
Antibacterial Wipes
Mosquito/Insect Repellent
Remember, you’ll be in the humid rainforest and that means BUGS! Though many of the lodges will supply a bottle of insect repellent, some do not and you will definitely want to bring your own to be protected.
I used a healthy spray of Off! Deep Woods on my exposed areas and carried Repel Mosquito Wipes, plus used mosquito repellent patches on my wrists and ankles. In hindsight, I would have also added the Sawyer Permethrin insect repellent that you spray directly on your clothing and lasts six washings. 
Anti-Itch Cream 
Unfortunately, even with being overly protected (unless you plan on wearing a hasmat suit!) the likelihood of getting a couple bug bites is pretty high, so bring along an anti-itch cream to keep you from scratching your bumps and making them worse! A good cortisone cream will do just fine.
The sun is almost always out in Guyana and all over the Amazon jungle, even though you’ll be hiking through the rainforest’s canopy of trees there are long stretches of open patches and uncovered boat rides. It’s best to get a UVA & UVB, non scented sunscreen, so you won’t attract insects. I only brought a small tube of Neutrogena Beach Defense SPF 70.
Shampoo & Body Wash
You may need both shampoo and body wash when camping in the jungle or staying at the lodges, as some do not provide these basics. A 3-ounce tube should suffice, I always use the Humangear GoTubes because the containers are flexible (so I can get the very last bit of product out of them!) and I’ve never had them leak.
Face Wipes
The humidity will cause you to sweat…A LOT! That will make your face feel and look very greasy. It will be very refreshing to use a hydrating wet wipe to remove the grub.
Tissue Packs
Pocket-sized tissue packs will come in real handy when there are bathrooms without a supply (happens more often than you’d think) and when the forest is your restroom.
Some tiny bugs may be attracted to your minty fresh toothpaste, so get tubes with a twist cap that can be securely fastened.
Keep in mind that because of the excessive rainforest sweat you may be using more deodorant than normal.
You can bring makeup, but frankly it will just melt off your face, so it’s better (and easier!) to not wear any.
A headlamp is perfect for wildlife night-spotting, sitting around campfire or reading in your hammock. The ones with the red filter option are best because it can help to keep the bugs from pestering you. All headlamps are not the same! Make sure that your headlamps light is strong enough (like the Black Diamond Headlamp I used). Also, don’t forget to load up on AAA batteries!
There are thousands of photo opportunities in Guyana, as well as anywhere in the Amazon jungle, so don’t forget to bring your camera equipment! I carried a waterproof GoPro, an Iphone (the camera is actually amazing in the right light!) and my Canon 6D DSLR camera with a standard lens. What was missing? There are so many beautiful birds and wildlife in the Amazon rainforest, but many times they are hard to capture without a zoom lens. Next time, I’d definitely add a 300mm zoom lens for my camera.
Wildlife is unpredictable and mostly likely isn’t going to just happen to be a couple feet away so you can get the perfect view (especially the birds). You will get a lot of use out of a good pair of binoculars. For a more economical pair (under $30!) choose the Bushnell Flacon binoculars. If you plan on being a birder or want something more heavy duty try the Nikon 7577 MONARCH 7.
When you research outlet adapters for Guyana there will be a few different suggestions: type A, D and type F. I brought all three, but all outlets encountered during my entire trip were a standard American 3-prong. Just to be safe, you may want to bring a universal adapter. I’ve used the Tenachi Universal Adapter all over the world with no problems, though this upgraded adapter has USB ports whereas the Tenachi does not.
Surge Protector
Electricity is available in most lodges, but many places have very limited outlets—sometimes only one per room. So bring along a compact surge protector with a few extra outlets on it. This was you can charge multiple items at once!
Waterproof Watch
With the age of cell phones, a watch is not a total necessity unless you don’t want to be always grabbing for your phone or want to protect it from a random downpour. My Armitron  jelly strap watch worked nicely.
Battery Backups
Some lodges electricity is run by generator and they will turn it off at night, so you can’t be guaranteed that your electronics will be charging overnight. Plus, there are excursions deep in the forest that will keep you away from a power source for a day or two. You won’t have WiFi or cell service most of the time, but if you like to use your phone for photos and/or entertainment bring backup power. I used a battery backup Iphone case and the Rav external backup battery. Between the two, I always had power.
Take a look at your itinerary to see what size backpack you may need, keeping in mind that if you are flying to remote areas in small planes there will be a 40lb TOTAL luggage limit. You may want to solely bring a backpack or do what I did and bring a small piece of carryon luggage and the 44 Teton backpack. This worked perfectly for me since we were mostly staying at lodges with one night of camping.
Dry Bags
Dry bags can be used to protect your valuables during river crossings or when the rain unexpectedly strikes, and also to hold wet clothing.
I did not bring enough carabiners! These practical clips can be used to attach things to the exterior of your backpack and bags. I used the only one I brought to clip my hat to the back of my backpack, but I wish I’d had extra in order to be able to to attach the water bottle, hair ties and so much more.
Hydration Bag
Staying hydrated is essential in the rainforest and a small 2-3 liter hydration backpack will help you do it. You can get a small one that slips into your larger backpack, so it can double as a daypack or make sure your larger backpack has a section for the water pouch.
Sometimes you are not going to want to lug around a large pack, so it’s really nice to have a small daypack that you can use when needed. My Waterfly sling daypack fit snug inside my larger backpack and was fantastic for short tours from the lodge.
You may be able to use your credit cards at a few random places in Georgetown, but any further out and it’s cash only. Most places will take USD, sometimes giving you change in Guyanese currency, so there’s no need to do a currency exchange.
Not including lodging and tours, I spent an average of $25 per day on tipping, snacks and souvenirs.
Have copies of your passport, vaccination card, tickets, etc in a separate bag from the original. You can also take photos of them to store on your phone.
Yellow Fever Vaccination Card
Technically, the country of Guyana only recommends the yellow fever vaccination, but if you fly Copa Airlines it is a mandatory requirement and you will be turned away from your flight without one. Double check with your airline and the country requirements before deciding to forgo the vaccination.
There are some quiet nights in the jungle, so bring a deck of cards, pocket game or a book (it’d be a good time to read mine: Bucket List Adventures!!—shameless plug)
Goodies to Eat
After a few days of chicken, cassava and okra you may be craving some treats from home. Bring a couple of your favorite bars, tea or snacks. I brought an assortment of Kind Bars and ate them all!
Sewing Kit
Just in case your clothing gets snagged on a branch in the jungle, bring a small sewing kit, like the ones you find in a hotel room (or this one) for some quick repairs.
Remember, that if you are taking small planes, all of your gear and luggage should weigh no more than 40lbs total!!! For me this was one small carryon suitcase and a 44L backpack.
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/300a6I9 via IFTTT
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thecandywrites · 5 years
Rakshasa- Sulaimon and Zakira
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Ya’ll I would like to say I’M SO SORRY. I did NOT mean to forget about this story, for like, over a year? Like I had to go through my phone’s library looking for something else and I found all my Rakshasa stuff saved to my phone because I HAVE/HAD PLANS for this story and I had this chapter mostly written all this time that I just...FORGOT about. But I reread it and I finished this chapter, finally. So to be clear, this is fanfiction of @momolady‘s Rakshasa, King Amit’s royal court with her permission to reference her work. but this is set BEFORE the war of the crown jewels, like this is set like after Foluke and Kalidas as far as time frame goes, when Mythri’s sons are still like, 6-7 ish? before the birth of Mythri’s daughter. So if you follow all that, just keep in mind this is set before all that. 
What I need to do is go back and edit this and repost it to this blog using my collage app because before I just used Tumblr’s thing and it sucked and you can only get like 9-10 pictures before it maxes out. 
But in the meantime, here is chapter 9. 
Rakshasa Part 9
Zakira woke up, feeling even more at ease and happy than she had the previous morning. She looked down at Anna sleeping soundly next to her and then lifted her head to see Sulaimon sleeping peacefully on the chaise lounge. Because he was asleep she felt comfortable staring at him and really taking note of every little thing about him. The more she looked, the more she realized...she was very attracted to him. He was handsome, and very sexy if she was honest but more than that, he was kind, generous, charming, patient, humble and most importantly gentle, and even funny, very much so. But the way he was laying in the chaise lounge, she could see he had morning wood and she found herself staring at it hungrily, very hungrily.
 Zakira bit her lips and judged by how deeply both Sulaimon and Anna seemed to be sleeping, thought it would be safe to quietly please herself and snaked her hand between her legs and began to try to quickly and quietly as she could- give herself and orgasm.
Sulaimon awoke to smelling the most amazing, mouth watering smell wafting into his nose before his ears flicked to Zakira and could hear her slightly labored breathing and very carefully squinted one eye open to see Zakira laying on her back with her eyes closed tight and judging by the way her hand was moving furiously under the covers at her crotch as her legs were opened wide, he realized what was happening and shut his eyes before his body reacted very strongly to her and he had to pretend to roll away from her in his sleep to hopefully hide his rock hard length and once he did and tried to keep his breathing slow, deep and even just in case she looked over at him, she would think he was still sleeping.
His movement caused her to pause but once she figured he was still sleeping she resumed and continued to stroke her clit. The sound of her breathing and the muffled wet slipping sound being the only sounds in the room besides Sulaimon’s and Anna’s breathing.
Sulaimon closed his eyes tight and clenched his jaw and had to ball his fists up to keep from actually reaching down to stroke himself as his ears devoured every tiny little noise Zakira made as the head of his own dick leaked a river of precum and soaked his underwear. The closer she came to her own release the more labored her breathing became and the more Sulaimon’s hips and tail begged to move but he forced himself to lay perfectly still. But just listening to her come closer and closer to orgasm and his own imagination and wishful thinking, wishing he was the one to give her this great pleasure had him close to orgasm himself and he wasn’t even touching himself. Then when she got really close and started softly gasping and panting it was almost too much for Sulaimon. His whole body was tense from trying to look relaxed and still. Then when she gave the most delicious but tiny keening cry when she came, Sulaimon couldn’t help it, he came into this own underwear, it was the sexiest thing he had ever heard before. Sulaimon suddenly smelled her release as the pheromones she released in her cream seemed to fill the air and Sulaimon did his best not to immediately take a huge breath of it into every centimeter of his nose and lungs. He had to swallow because his mouth watered so much. It was better than that perfume ever could be as his ears continued to train on her as she recovered as his own cock, thankfully, began to soften and shrink.
Only when his ears heard her breathing change and go back to a sleeping rhythm, did he finally chance a look at her over his shoulder and realize she was asleep again before he let himself fully relax then get out of bed and gather his bathing things and wrote her a note to tell her he would be going to bathe real quick and escaped the room to clean himself up but as he walked down the halls he could hear the other couples have their morning sex and while he felt jealous, he also knew to be grateful for the closeness he was able to acquire and couldn’t help but hope that soon he’d be among them. He bathed by himself, quickly cleaning himself up and returning to Zakira’s room to find Zakira and Anna were still asleep, so he took his previous note and threw it away before making his bed up so it was at least neat and tidy before Zakira and Anna finally stirred awake.
“Good morning,” Sulaimon greeted softly, a fond smile on his face as he turned as he was just finishing up folding his blanket.
“Good morning,” Zakira greeted back sleepily, a very pleased smile on her face that Sulaimon did his best not to grin knowingly at as she stretched before Anna needed to nurse, Zakira pulling her breast out of her top to nurse her and relax into the bed. Once Anna was done nursing, she immediately came over to Sulaimon as she babbled to him excitedly.
“Well good morning Beautiful, it’s good to see you too.” Sulaimon greeted as he picked her up and kissed her cheeks and hugged her before he brought her over to the little table Zakira had been using to change her before he went ahead and changed her diaper as Zakira got up and got her bathing suit on and then a tunic and a pair of shorts on top of that, putting even more of the perfume on today than she had the first two days combined before Sulaimon had to fight not to get a boner again, but his expression as he got Anna dressed made her laugh and giggle before he continued to make faces and silly noises at Anna to get her to laugh, absolutely loving the sound of her sweet laughter which insighted his own soft chuckling.  
“Do you have two coin purses?” Zakira asked when she went into his other bag to get her coin purse out to put it into the diaper bag but found hers, Sulaimon's and the third.
“Nope, just the one.” Sulaimon answered with a mischievous grin.
“Then who does this belong to?” Zakira asked as she held up the third.
“You,” Sulaimon answered once he was done and put Anna safely back onto the bed with her toys so he could get dressed for the beach behind the dressing curtain.  
“Where did it come from?” Zakira asked.
“Guess,” Sulaimon prompted with a chuckle.
“Your father.” Zakira huffed a laugh but Sulaimon peeked over the top of the dressing panels and grinned when he saw her smile and shake her head. “And let me guess, he gave it to you to give to me, he probably gave it to you while I was trying on bathing suits.” Zakira ventured.
“Close, he gave it to me while you were napping.” Sulaimon answered.
“Why didn’t you refuse to take it from him?” Zakira asked as her brows furrowed but an amused smile never leaving her.
“He didn’t hand it to me. He put it into my bag himself.” Sulaimon answered before he came out from behind the dressing curtain, only wearing his swim trunks and nothing else which made Zakira pause and stare at his bare chest and abdomen as all other rational and logical thoughts left her brain since the urge to go to him and touch him and stroke him and really feel how soft his fur and how hard his body was all over seemed to take over her brain.
“W-why...why didn’t you um, try to stop him?” Zakira tried to ask as she barely managed to pull her eyes off of his torso and back up to eyes where the tiniest smirk was on his lips as he may or may not have been flexing for her benefit.
“There was no stopping him, it was the right thing for him to do and he would have found a way to give it to you one way or another.” Sulaimon shrugged and Zakira just exhaled out of her nose and shook her head but her smile just grew more fond.
“Yeah, he did strike me as that kind of person.” Zakira relented and put the second coin purse into the rest of her things before grabbing a handful of coins from it and put it into her original coin purse that she had received from the treasury, thinking that would be more than enough money for the coast, imagining there would probably be shops of all kinds selling shells and jewelry and probably all kinds of seafood dishes.
“You’ll want to bring a blanket and a light jacket, it can get a little chilly once the sun sets, the coast is always windy.” Sulaimon advised as he fought his grin when she would keep catching herself staring at him and try to look away again.  
“Oh, ok, um, which one do you think?” Zakira asked as she got her coats, jackets and warmer things out and started laying those out onto the bed for him to go over.
“Hmm,” Sulaimon hummed as he reached out and felt the thickness and the materials that made them up before choosing one that should keep her warm as well as looking particularly beautiful and soft. “Probably this one or even this one.” Sulaimon gestured between the two that would be best before gesturing to his preferred one.
“Ok,” Zakira nodded and got a second bag and packed the sweater jacket and a small blanket and another outfit to change into once she would be done swimming as well as a little jacket for Anna and another blanket to swaddle her in and extra clothes for her too and put those into the larger bag along with the diaper bag itself as Sulaimon got a tunic on and his daggers around his waist that still had her engagement ring in the little pocket of them along with a jacket for himself before he put that into the larger bag and slung the larger bag over his shoulder and picked up Anna and left with Zakira at about the same time the other mothers were leaving their rooms.
“Where’s Remi?” Zakira asked Zumar.
“He’s getting our ride, an elephant.” Zumar informed her excitedly.
“He has an elephant?” Zakira asked excitedly.
“Yeah, he commands a troop of them.” Zumar answered.
“Oh, awesome.” Zakira smiled.
Meanwhile Sulaimon’s family was waiting inside in the grand lobby talking to Zara Joy as they waited patiently on Zakira, Anna and Sulaimon as Joy explained Zakira’s full situation while also encouraging them that Zakira would be worth waiting for and to be gentle, generous, patient and kind to her and everything would work out for the best before you couldn’t help but to tell them to go ahead and begin packing for a trip to Willow and back and to make sure they brought plenty of extra carts to cart off not just her things but cuttings and vines and all sorts of plants along with more fruits and produce as well as to acquire a lot of wine jugs because when they would be going there, the grapes would be ready to be harvested and turned into some of the best if not the best wine they would ever drink, along with beer which considering Willow were descendants of Egyptians, beer and wine went with most meals and that even though it was a bit of an acquired taste, it was also exceedingly good and to also get dozens of baskets for the raw gemstones because there would be more of them than they could possibly carry but to disguise it all as food stuffs in large baskets to keep from getting robbed or anything and that they would need at least one large cart just for the gemstones and to go ahead and buy dozens of large baskets just for the gems and that Wenet would be making all of the gemstones that would ever be on Zakira’s land come right up to the surface and that as soon as the sheep were done grazing that they would just need little garden shovels to dig them all up as well as informed them that Zakira actually had a herd of sheep and a herd of every variety of goats along with a few cows and several horses and that Zakira had discovered a way to spin a variety of fabrics that were both unbelievably soft while being very warm that was her signature trademark and that any clothes made using her fabrics were always the best as well as being worth the most and to let her cook once in a while because cooking did make her happy and that her food was always the best in all of Willow before Zakira and Sulaimon along with the other couples showed up and started to get ready to go while Sully sent his attendant with the orders and instructions to his Steward to start preparing to go to Willow along with repeating all of your instructions and advice but put higher numbers with them just in case you had been low-balling those numbers.
“Wow,” everyone from Willow breathed in awe when they left the palace to see a line of elephants at the bottom of the stairs.
“Look what Daddy is riding!” Zumar exclaimed to Zehra who kicked and squealed excitedly as she came near and watched as Remi got down from on top of the lead elephant’s head and came down to greet her. Hugging her and kissing her sweetly even though they had only been apart for merely an hour.
“Meet Tyra,” Remi introduced.
“Hi Tyra,” Zumar greeted as she came and pet the elephant before Remi instructed her on how to get up and held Zehra and hugged and kissed his daughter affectionately so her mother could climb up on Tyra easier as the elephant herself helped Zumar up onto her back before Remi got up too as Zumar scooted back so he could sit where he had been sitting and once he got up he handed Zehra back to Zumar to hold again and put back into her mother’s sling before Zumar scooted closer to Remi, putting one arm around Zehra and the other around Remi the best that she could before kissing his back sweetly, making Remi reach down and rub her arm that was around him affectionately.
Zakira was led past the elephants to see over a dozen carriages, the first one obviously belonged to the royal family and then there was a couple of carts behind it that had all sorts of things on it, a tent and special chairs and umbrellas and blankets and towels and things.
The next 7 carriages however belonged to Sully and his wife followed by three carts of stuff followed by dozens of other carriages and carts belonging to the families of the escorts followed by dozens and dozens of horses who were still being led out of the royal stables.
“Zakira? Could Ajay ride Daunte?” Zaida asked once she learned that Zakira wouldn’t be riding her horse to the beach.
“As long as Ajay is gentle with him.” Zakira answered as she looked from Zaida to Ajay a little warily. “Just remember that Daunte is very touchy about his sides so you can not kick him to go faster unless you want to do nothing but run the whole way there, only squeeze, gently. And ask him to do what you want. He’s good with spoken commands and you have to talk nicely to him, if you yell at him when he hasn’t done anything bad, he might buck you off.” Zakira cautioned Ajay. “Actually let me go with you and introduce you, otherwise he may not take you as a rider.” Zakira suggested.  
“I’ll be right back,” Zakira told Sulaimon and left with Zaida and Ajay and quickly walked to the stables where Daunte was getting upset that the other horses were about to go on a ride without him. His big black body pressing up against the door to the stall while his head and neck stretched out over the top of the lower door to get a good view of the rest of the barn.
“Hey Baby, how’s my Baby Daunte?” Zakira cooed to Daunte who was so relieved and thrilled to finally see his ‘mama’ again and whinnied to her and rubbed his face all over her front before hugging her as she hugged him as Zakira giggled. “Yes I’ve missed you too, you been a good boy?” Zakira continued to coo to him as she hugged him and pet his neck. “Yes I’m sure you have, listen, I have a friend I want you to meet, this, is Ajay, can you be nice to Ajay?” Zakira introduced and got Ajay’s hand and brought it to Daunte’s muzzle to let Daunte smell him.
“So listen I need you to be good and let Ajay ride you and not buck him off ok?” Zakira asked Daunte as Ajay pet Daunte’s head.
“Ok good, come on Baby.” Zakira led him to the saddling area and got her riding pad that had stirrups  and put that on him. “Good boy, you’re such a good boy.” Zakira praised Daunte as he stood perfectly still and let her cinch it up on him before she led him out of the barn with the other horses.
“Oh my gods, he’s beautiful!” Sulaimon’s family praised when they saw Zakira’s big black stallion.
“Thank you, this is Daunte, I helped birth him, his mama is Fawn who is still back in Willow. He’s only three and he’s been a dream to teach how to take a rider.” Zakira praised as Sulaimon’s family came up to greet the horse.
“His conformation is perfect.” Tavi, Hazine’s husband awed since his family was in the horse business.
“Conformation?” Zakira repeated in confusion.
“The way he’s put together, his proportions, the way he stands, where and how high his withers are.” Tavi tried to explain.
“Oh, well, good,” Zakira nodded. “You hear that? They think you’re perfect.” Zakira giggled to Daunte as she put her forehead on his. “Ok, now Ajay is going to ride you and you’re going to be good right? No bucking, no trying to scrape him off on a tree or anything right?” Zakira prompted Daunte before she gestured to Ajay to get on Daunte. Daunte stood perfectly still to let Ajay get on him and once he was on Daunte looked at Ajay questioningly then back to Zakira.
“Oh, you’ll live, it’s only for a day.” Zakira reminded Daunte who brushed his head back onto her front again. “Thanks, like I didn’t have enough of your hair on me already.” Zakira teased Daunte with a snickering laugh but when she went to get into the carriage, Daunte followed her like a puppy and began to whiny again.
“It’s a carriage, I’m allowed to ride in a carriage and take a mode of transportation that isn’t you.” Zakira reminded him with another laugh as everyone snickered and got into one of the several carriages that Sully had brought before she got into the one that Sulaimon, Anna, Dalia and Yanni and their four kids in it and realized it was quite plush and very comfortable. “See? I’m ok, the carriage isn’t eating me or anything.” Zakira said from the window seat as she reached out to pet Daunte’s head before Daunte put his head through the window to see inside the carriage and to sniff and lick Anna who was happy to have him close again, kissing his muzzle and petting his nose, making everyone laugh again. “No, there’s not room enough to have you in here with me.” Zakira teased which made everyone continue to laugh as she tried pushing his head out. “You’re making yourself look ridiculous, come on, out,” Zakira persuaded Daunte as she managed to push his head out of the carriage.
“Go, go find Zaida, make sure she’s ok. Ajay is supposed to be with her, let him be with her. I know you love me and you want to stay with me, but I don’t know how narrow the streets may be and you can’t ride next to me. I know you want to, but you can’t ok? Go, go find Zaida.” Zakira ordered him before Daunte huffed and finally let Ajay lead him away.
“I swear, he gets anxiety if we’re separated.” Zakira joked as everyone else continued to snicker their laughter. “I wanted to bring his mama instead because she is much calmer and isn’t nearly as spirited as he is but he wouldn’t let me leave Willow without him and I didn’t need a pack horse so Daunte it was, besides I’m pretty sure Fawn is pregnant anyway, she didn’t need that kind of stress on her body.” Zakira shrugged.
Zakira soon found Thalia, Dalia’s daughter next to her between her and Sulaimon and Shaeen, Dalia’s son right across from her, Shaeen looking at her like she was the most beautiful, sublime creature he had ever seen and Zakira could tell he had a crush on her, even though he was only 9 while Thalia was only 6 and Sura who was 4 and sitting between Dalia and Yanni, drawing on a piece of paper while Dalia’s two year old sat on Dalia’s lap while they broke into the breakfast basket that had all sorts of foods in it to eat breakfast on the way there.
“So how long will it take to get to the coast?” Zakira asked between bites of her breakfast.
“About half an hour.” Dalia answered.
“Oh that’s not bad.” Zakira nodded before she got into her bag and got her notebook she had been writing songs in along with a thesaurus and a pencil.
“What are you doing?” Thalia asked.
“I’m writing some songs for the concert in a few days.” Zakira answered.
“Why do you need a thesaurus?” Thalia questioned.
“Well a thesaurus will give me words that are similar to other words so that the song will have the same meaning but will still rhyme. Like for instance...” Zakira started going through examples and had Thalia read the songs herself since only in the last two years she was learning how to read herself as everyone else watched on in amusement and appreciation as the other families of Willow continued to gather and get ready to go before they all finally left for the coast.
However the time passed quickly as they watched Zakira continue to work with Thalia who seemed to learn more from the brief time with Zakira than she usually did spending her whole day with the private tutors back at home while Yanni seemed to be just as inspired by Zakira’s songs that he took out a stack of music sheets and started to write melodies and writing down Zakira’s songs on them.
As soon as the ocean breeze blew and wafted into the carriage Zakira was pulled from the books to look out and could faintly see the ocean in the distance, smiling excitedly at the sight of such beautiful blue waters and the gentle morning waves.
“So how often do you guys get to go to the beach?” Zakira asked Thalia.
“A lot during the summer,” Thalia answered. “Usually once a week or once every two weeks. It’s a lot of fun, I always eat so many prawns!” Thalia answered excitedly.
“I know I saw you eat a lot of them yesterday,” Zakira giggled before Thalia listed off all the seafood she liked or didn’t like and before Zakira knew it they were at the shore and it was time to leave the carriage before Sully picked out his preferred spot and their servants began to set up the large tent like canopies and chairs and things for everyone.
Soon however Daunte returned to her without Ajay.
“Oh my goodness, where’s Ajay? You didn’t buck him off did you?” Zakira laughed and got his riding pad and halter off of him as she saw Ajay nearby, his family and Zaida’s family having a similar set up as her own.
“Come on, let’s get in the water while they’re setting up.” Dalia invited as she and her sisters and sisters in law and the guys started stripping down to their bathing suites while the babies simply wore special diapers. Zakira agreed and stripped down to her bathing suit and everyone including Sulaimon fought not to stare, she was the sexiest woman there before Zakira got Anna back from Sulaimon and walked with everyone else towards the water, her feet sinking into the silky soft sand with Daunte still following her like a puppy before he stopped and sniffed at the waves washing up onto the shore.
“Now you just have to be careful because the waves can get strong enough to knock you over and over there is a rip tide where a current can pull you out to sea.” Gulnar warned as they walked out into the water, it getting deeper, the water coming up to their upper thighs, because it was late summer, the waters were perfectly warm yet refreshing before they found the sand bar and sat down on it with the babies and little kids as the older kids went out into the deeper water with their grandpa or ‘Papa’ as they called him before he started throwing them out, all of them squealing and laughing as their Papa threw them, all of them knowing how to swim and swimming back to him once they reemerged before swimming back so he could throw them again, the water being wonderfully refreshing as Daunte came into the water and started playing in it before he came out to see Zakira before the other horses joined him in the water, all of them banding together and went out further in the water to swim and play in the water too, the younger kids from Willow swimming with them and playing games around the horses and getting onto their backs when the horses were in water deep enough that they could stand and would stand on the horse’s back and jump off of them as Shaeen found Zakira’s younger cousin, Zakila, who was his age and looked like a younger and slightly lighter version of Zakira herself and promptly fell in love with her and befriended her and wouldn’t leave her side.
“Here, I’ll take Anna so you can enjoy the deeper water.” Coral invited to Zakira before Anna happily went to Coral who started to teach Anna how to swim a little as Sulaimon and Zakira took to the deeper water themselves.
“Can you swim?” Sulaimon asked her.
“Yeah, I’m just trying to get used to the rhythm of the waves.” Zakira answered as her body adjusted to the rhythm the ocean seemed to have. “Does it sting to open your eyes under the water?” Zakira asked.
“It does a little but your eyes get used to it after a while.” Sulaimon answered.
“Ok, well let me try.” Zakira prompted and dove into the waters and opened her eyes, preparing herself for the sting but once she did, she saw the reef that was further out and began swimming to it with Sulaimon swimming next to her under the water before she had to breathe and came up to the surface above the water.
“Wow!” Zakira awed as she looked down through the crystal clear waters to see the gorgeous coral reef.
“It’s called a coral reef. They’re like special animals that live like plants, some of them sting you if you touch them though.” Sulaimon informed her.
“Can you show me which ones to touch and not to touch? I’m pretty sure I can dive down that deep.” Zakira asked hopefully.
“Yeah, come on, deep breath.” Sulaimon encouraged before both of them took a deep breath and dove down, Sulaimon pointing to different ones and nodding no before pointing to others and nodding yes before reaching out to touch them while the brightly and beautifully colored fish swam around them before Zakira reached out to touch the same ones Sulaimon did before they swam back up to the surface to breathe again.
“Now there are some really big fish and sharks that you have to look out for, I’ll point those out to you too, if they come close, reach out, grab them by the nose and push down and away.” Sulaimon tried to inform her as they both caught their breath.
“Ok,” Zakira nodded breathlessly as she tread water before they continued to dive and Sulaimon pointed at an eel and nodded ‘no’ to Zakira before seeing a few sail fish out deeper then they saw sting rays, Sulaimon taking Zakira’s hand over to them and showing her how she could pet them before she did, the sting rays swimming curiously around them in the water, brushing up against them before swimming away before they saw a shark patrolling the reef at a comfortable distance and Sulaimon brought Zakira back up to the surface.
“Ok that huge fish, that’s a shark, but it’s a kind that doesn’t attack, I’ve swam right next to those kind before. So we’re ok. Having fun?” Sulaimon explained and asked as he noticed how Zakira couldn’t stop smiling.
“The most fun I’ve ever had in my life, this is great.” Zakira beamed as she caught her breath before they continued to dive some more seeing more different kinds of fish than Zakira knew existed before Zakira felt her milk come in and knew Anna would be getting hungry.
“Ok, my milk came in I gotta go back and nurse Anna.” Zakira informed Sulaimon before they swam back just as Anna started to get a tiny bit fussy and started looking around for her mama.
“I know, I know, time to eat.” Zakira cooed to Anna as she took her back and noticed Sulaimon’s other sisters were nursing their babies right out into the water, leaning against their husbands chests as their husbands had their backs to the waves to serve as a wave break so their wives could nurse comfortably and the babies wouldn’t choke or drown. And so Sulaimon got into position and for the first time Zakira cozied up to Sulaimon’s chest and did what his sisters and sisters in law were doing. Zakira relaxing completely as she let Sulaimon wrap his arms around her waist to help hold her up and in place and sighing in relief as Anna drained her full breast and then sighing in happiness and contentment at the feeling of being with family and being in Sulaimon’s embrace.
“So how was the reef?” Coral asked.
“Gorgeous, I love it.” Zakira beamed before she turned her head and leaned up to kiss Sulaimon on the cheek. “Thanks for showing it to me.” Zakira thanked him sweetly and Sulaimon couldn’t help but kiss her cheek back as everyone managed not to squeal at the sign of affection while Zakira smiled brightly and giggled in turn, realizing how good Sulaimon’s kiss felt on her cheek while her mind wondered what his kisses would feel like all over her, her cheeks staining deep rose at the salacious thought.
“You’re welcome, any time.” Sulaimon murmured as he couldn’t help but purr happily again and nuzzled his face next to hers as she nuzzled back, a loving and adoring smile gracing her features. Oh yeah. She could see herself living the rest of her life here, with Sulaimon.
“The tent is ready my lady and the restaurant will have lunch ready within half an hour.” Sidra, Coral’s lady in waiting informed Coral and everyone else as she waded into the water, picking up her skirt so it wouldn’t get wet.
“Thank you Sidra.” Coral thanked her appreciatively. Once the babies were done nursing, they got up and waded back to shore before drying off and getting redressed before going into a restaurant that was on the other side of the road that separated the beach from city, everyone dawning their flower necklaces again as they came in and saw a very large table set up with name Kouri, which was the family’s last name on it and had been covered in banana leaves and they sat down as wine and punch was brought out to drink, Zakira preferring the super sweet punch to the wine that was a bit dry before more pitchers were brought out that had spiced rum mixed in with the punch for the grown ups that Zakira could have gulped and chugged down it was so good to go along with the fresh bread and oils and sauces to snack on while their lunch was being cooked.  
“I need like a vat of this to take home, it’s so good.” Zakira giggled as she drank the rum punch and felt the alcohol relax her and bring happiness and merriment to her heart before laughing even more at the jokes Sulaimon and his family started to tell before a feast was brought out and put on the table while Sulaimon finally was brave enough to put his arm around her shoulders as he sat next to her.
“Oh my gods, that’s a bug! A very big ugly bug!” Zakira noted with a snickering laugh as she looked at the very large lobster that was halved as she picked up a feeler and lifted it to look at the outside as the others roared with laughter at her assessment of it.
“It does, but it’s a delicious bug.” Sulaimon snickered as he took one of the knives on the table and cut her a little bite of it before dipping it into a butter then a spicy sauce and handed it to her before she took a bite of it while it was still in his hand since Zakira was still in her lap as she held her and bounced her a little on her thigh as Zakira made a face at the thought of eating a bug as the others laughed in amusement before she blinked in surprise at the taste.
“Do you like it?” Sulaimon asked.
“I do, I didn’t think I would but I do.” Zakira had to admit before Sulaimon put the rest of the bite in her mouth and she chewed it with a pleased grin before Sulaimon got a bite of the lobster and dipped it into a little bit of butter and handed it to Anna to try. Anna however immediately liked it and tried to eat his fingers to eat the rest of it.
“Ok, ok, ok, don’t actually eat me!” Sulaimon teased Anna who laughed evilly which got everyone else to laugh at her laugh.
“Oh yeah, she’s a stinker, come on, she won’t bite me.” Sully invited with a chuckle before Zakira passed Anna over to him so he could feed her before Zakira dug into the food that was put directly onto the banana leaves, loving all the different flavors and sauces and sides and variety of everything and noting how each fish tended to taste different but loved everything, especially the crab and the smaller sweeter fish and the roasted pork that had had been turned on a spit, it had been glazed with coconut milk while rubbed with spices so it’s skin was crisp and practically candied while the meat was tender, well flavored and still wonderfully moist.
Once they started slowing down eating the main course, the desserts were brought out, sweet doughnuts rolled in honey and sugar that Zakira nearly inhaled, her appetite being just as big as it was yesterday if not more so and for the first time in two years, besides her pregnancy, she actually felt hungry and in more ways than one. The closer Sulaimon inched closer to her the closer she found herself inching closer to him until she found his arm around her once more, once he was done eating and wiped his hands off on his napkin, this time his fingertips gently grazing over her shoulder and upper arm as she snuggled into his side and sipped the rum punch so she wouldn’t get drunk, just delightfully buzzed and relaxed and happy as Anna curled into Sully’s arms and chest and fell asleep, her belly full and Sully’s purring lulling her to take a nap as the other babies fell asleep too as the kids started to almost nod off themselves since their bellies were full too.
After they were done, Sully ordered a few more gallon jugs of the rum punch and discretely paid for it since he had sent the money to pay for lunch with his servants ahead of time. And once they were delivered, everyone thanked Sully for buying lunch and took their jugs and back to their canopy on the beach, all the kids and the grandparents taking a nap which left the adults and parents freedom to do what they wanted.
“Hey Kira, me and the other girls were gonna race our horses on the beach, did you want to race Daunte?” Grace invited.
“You know I think I will.” Zakira nodded in agreement and left and got Daunte who was laying down in the sand, having followed the other horses around and had been watered and fed when the other horses had been fed and watered as Sulaimon and his siblings and their mates followed her curiously.
“Hey Dante, you wanna race Baby?” Zakira asked him as she got up on his back once he rolled over to his stomach so she could get on him before he got up, Zakira directing him with her words and legs as she held onto his long mane since he wasn’t wearing his bridal or anything before the other horses got into a group as everyone lined the beach, the horses racing on the shore where the water met the sand, Zakira taking a rear spot on purpose.
“Why are you back there?” Sulaimon asked.
“He races better if he has other horses to pass.” Zakira answered as she pat his neck.
“Wouldn’t you feel better in a saddle?” Tavi asked.
“Nah, I’m good,” Zakira waived off before the other horses got in place. “But you should go to the finish line.” Zakira grinned mischievously before Sulaimon and his siblings and their mates eagerly and quickly jogged down the beach to get to the finish line in time.
“Ready? Set? Go!” Grace’s mom called out before Zakira kicked then held on tight as Daunte sprung into action and raced going out into the water a little to pass the other horses as Zakira encouraged him by saying ‘Go Baby Go!’
“Wow! Look at him go!” Sulaimon and everyone else exclaimed when they saw how Daunte kept passing every horse until he was in the lead and still pulled out ahead until he saw another horse up ahead on the beach who wasn’t even racing and kicked into the fastest run he had to catch even that horse as Zakira held on tight with her legs but smiled brightly and let go of his mane to pull her arms out wide to mimic the feeling like she was flying and right now she could swear she was because of how much her heart was soaring.
“Holy shit, that has to be the fastest horse I’ve ever seen!” Tavi exclaimed, which was saying something because his family also raced horses as Zakira ran past them to win the race but Daunte wouldn’t slow down until he ran up and passed the last horse on the beach, Sulaimon and his family watching in curious amusement once Daunte had passed that horse did he finally slow down and let Zakira lead him back to the others.
“You show off!” Zakira teased Daunte as she relaxed on his back and pet his neck as he came back.
“What would you think about breeding him?” Tavi asked.
“I don’t know if he would know what to do.” Zakira snorted a laugh. “But if you wanted to, sure, I don’t mind.” Zakira shrugged before she looked over at Sulaimon who seemed to read her mind and helped her down from her horse, her sliding down into his waiting arms as he took a moment and just held her bridal style for a moment before he let her back down on her feet.
“Thank you,” Zakira smiled at him before she went up to Daunte and pet him before he rubbed his face on her front again. “Yes I love you too, you raced really good, I’m very proud, now go, go play.” Zakira ordered as she gestured to the other horses before he trotted away and bumped his sister who was Grace’s horse who was the second horse to pass the finish line before she took Sulaimon’s hand as he walked her back down the beach, the two falling into a very easy and delightful conversation before it got a little deeper.
“So how come you’re the only one of your siblings still unmarried?” Zakira asked him as she walked along side him on the beach, her fingers intertwined with his as the waves crashed up and covered their feet as they stepped into the fading hoof prints.
“Well I’d like to say I’ve been waiting for you to come along but that’s not the truth.” Sulaimon admitted with a little huff of a laugh and a sigh before Zakira’s prompting look pushed him to explain.
“Well, I don’t know if you’ve picked up on this, but I was really awkward and shy as a kid and a teenager and I couldn’t talk to girls or women to save my life and I don’t have a head for my father’s business, well, besides the book keeping part, so since I was kind of aimless as a teenager, I got recruited by the army and found out I was good at it and finally found an aim and a purpose and since I wasn’t the first born son who is usually pushed to follow tradition, I was free to choose the army and once I was in, I loved it and threw myself into it as a career and I was always at the top of my classes and performed really well and flew up the ranks but because I was so focused on my career and always around the training arena, I never really had a life outside of it and never really socialized with anyone but my fellow men and it wasn’t until I turned 20 when I was the youngest general ever appointed that I realized all of my men who were usually older than me, all had families and by that point all my siblings had been meeting people and getting married and having kids and even though all of them tried to set me up at each wedding, I never clicked with anyone. And unless you’re in an active battle or war, or training, being a general is a really boring job so I started reading a lot to fill my time and read a lot of really good books and after that, every girl I met just seemed so flat or shallow, I guess, or gold diggers. All they saw was my titles or my family home and any and all prestige my family and I had and they never really saw me and living at home with everyone getting married and starting their families only made my own singleness almost unbearable so I moved out and into the barracks with my men who were single and it became a little easier and after that I was just in a rut.” Sulaimon explained, keeping his gaze down at the sand instead of at Zakira who listened patiently.
“I can understand that, the rut part I mean. And I hope you never think I’m...” Zakira tried to explain as she realized she really only started to really warm up to him recently, but it was on account of his merits and personality and family, not because of what he was or anything outside of that, she had been happy and content with just thinking he was just as relatively poor as she was.
“Oh gods, no! Never.” Sulaimon quickly reassured her and lifted his head to consider her. “No, I know for certain you’re not like that, not even close.” Sulaimon added with a meaningful look that Zakira smiled appreciatively at that.
“Thank you.” Zakira grinned. “But yeah I can totally understand the rut part, that’s been the last two years of my life. After my mother passed, I found out I was pregnant only a month later. Then it was a struggle just trying to prepare for Zahir and my father to return and getting ready for the baby and then days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and just doing the same things over and over again, making cloth diapers for the baby and making my brother’s old room a nursery since he would be building a house for himself and Grace when he would be getting back and once I had over a hundred diapers in every size a baby could possibly need and more baby blankets and clothes than any baby could ever wear and it was only half way through my pregnancy. Then I was so listless, I cooked every recipe I knew of and invented dozens more but…. slowly but surely every passion I had faded and died and I was left an anxious mess and then none of my food tasted right because it was like every flavor faded and was bland and I couldn’t write any songs because my creative well dried up and I couldn’t play any instruments because everything sounded off and flat in my ears and I couldn’t bring myself to even dance because I didn’t feel like dancing and it didn’t matter how good any rhythm was played, it would never move me and it didn’t matter how many times I cleaned the house top to bottom it still felt empty and lifeless and suffocating-ly small, which compared to even my room at the palace it kind of is, but it felt that way because my family wasn’t in it and then I just couldn’t stand the sight of the actual house and so I would go walking and just walk and walk until the village wasn’t in sight any more and my feet hurt so bad I couldn’t walk anymore and Fawn and Daunte would still follow me because he was a yearling at the time and Zahir and I helped birth Daunte together a few months before he left and he had promised me that we would train Daunte how to take a rider together once he came back but that never happened. So then once I couldn’t walk anymore, Fawn would get down on the ground and let me step over her and then take me back to the village and I would just cry the whole way back because- here I was, pregnant, about to bring life into the world and I couldn’t be happy about it because I didn’t have my immediate family to be happy about it with and then once my feet healed I would just spend all day in the fields with my herds and just lay on a blanket in the tall grass with a pile of fruit and then one day when I was out in the field napping, just waiting to hear Zahir’s voice to greet me when I went into labor and I fought it, for a whole day, my friends cousins dragged me back to my house and I fought every step of the way because I didn’t want to give birth without Zahir. My mother in law and my sisters in law and aunts and cousins and friends still gathered around me and Zamira and her mother and grandmother helped deliver Anna. I had never been around so many people but still felt so isolated and alone. It took three days to birth Anna. The first I was in denial I was in labor and mentally did everything I could to convince my body that I wasn’t in labor and to wait just another day, another week but one thing I found out was that when a woman’s body goes into labor, it’s something that can’t be brought out of, especially when it’s time for the baby to come out and then it took two more days in hard labor, but because I had fought it so bad, my body took an extra long time to finally relax and get in the groove. It was awful. I was beyond weak, because you can’t really eat anything while you’re in labor and Mira and her mother and grandmother tried to make me drink this special tea but it tasted disgusting and so I didn’t drink enough of it and I almost died a few times. But when Anna came out, I finally found my will to live again and was able to bounce back and then it was back to the waiting game but the more time went on, the angrier I got because Zahir had missed so much and then when Anna was only a few months old, finally the men came back. But I was so heartbroken that Zahir wasn’t among them or even my father and brother weren’t among them either that I fell into a depression that lasted the whole winter. I barely ate, I managed to eat just enough to keep my milk flowing but I still lost a lot of weight, I was practically skin and bones with boobs by spring even though I had half the village staying with me and taking care of my house and feeding me, some of them a little forcefully.” Zakira chuckled at the ‘forcefully’ part as she remembered Zara Joy and several others practically stuffing her mouth and all of you laughing as they moved her jaw to chew for her before she would give in and chew on her own.
“And then once spring came I got out of the worst of it but I still felt like I was in a rut until Zara Joy came back with Lomi and when Anna took to him as well as she did and when Zara Joy told me about you, it piqued my interest and I felt like I had been stirred back to life and here I came, but the closer we got to the Crown City- the more nervous and anxious I got because I doubted everything Zara Joy and Lomi told me because I had it in my head that because Zahir’s promise to return to me didn’t come true that nothing anyone ever said would ever come true either because he along with my parents had never ever lied to me before.” Zakira explained as she did her best not to cry as Sulaimon let go of her hand to wrap his arm around his shoulders while her arm wrapped around his waist as her head rested on his shoulder, his heart breaking at her confession while also warming at the realization that she was finally letting him in and so he listened closely and respectfully as they continued to walk along the beach until they had passed his family’s tent like canopy going the other direction before Sulaimon offered every comforting thought he could think of before he assured and reassured her that he would never lie to her either before he stopped walking and hugged her again and just held her for a few long moments because he could tell she just needed a hug and Zakira was ever so thankful and grateful he seemed to be able to pick up on that and hugged him back tightly and held him in turn and really let all her anxiety and anger go and simply stayed in the moment, smelling the ocean and the flowers from the flower necklaces which seemed to have lasted an unusually long time and were still as fresh as they had been when they had been picked but most importantly, smelling Sulaimon and felt the softness of his fur on her face and the warmth of the sunshine and his embrace and couldn’t help but smile. She couldn’t help but feel like this was where she was meant to be. She felt truly safe and happy and completely at peace again. When she pulled away she wasted no time in actually kissing him, framing his face and kissing him firmly. Sulaimon’s eyes went wide for only half a heartbeat before he closed his eyes and kissed her back, keeping his arms wrapped around her tightly and keeping her flush against him as Zakira’s arms wrapped around his neck and shoulders and clung to him like he was her lifeline and for all intensive purposes, he was.
And when Sulaimon deepened the kiss and threaded his fingers though her hair as one hand came up to rest behind her head as the other arm wrapped possessively around her back, the floodgates opened and Zakira kissed him for all she was worth and it felt so much better than she thought it would, or even better than she could have imagined and it ignited a fire within them both that Sulaimon had never felt before while Zakira was only all too familiar with but was so happy and grateful it returned with full force and the more they kissed the more alive she felt until she was just as alive as she felt before there was ever even a hint of a war or battle.
“I love you,” Sulaimon professed when they finally broke for air.  
“I love you too.” Zakira returned and it didn’t feel forced, it felt true and honest and real.
“Will you marry me?” Sulaimon asked.
“Absolutely, I want you, Anna and I to move into your parents house to live with the rest of your family though.” Zakira claimed as they put their foreheads together and stared adoringly in each other’s eyes.
“Consider it done. We could move in tonight if you wanted to.” Sulaimon immediately answered which got Zakira to laugh.
“Ok maybe not tonight, but definitely after Zara Joy’s wedding.” Zakira allowed.
“Actually I heard talk of Zara Joy’s wedding becoming a mass wedding,” Sulaimon hinted.
“You know that’s funny because Zara Joy may have given me a dress that could totally be a wedding dress too, the note Zara Joy put with it said to wear it to her wedding and at the concert but I’m fairly certain it is a wedding dress in it’s own right and it’s in my favorite color, purple.” Zara smiled brightly with a mischievous glint in her eyes that Sulaimon completely fell in love with.
“You could wear anything and make it look amazing.” Sulaimon praised.
“Aww, likewise,” Zakira cooed. “I guess we’ll have to go ask Zara Joy for a ring now.” Zakira giggled excitedly.
“No need, I already have a ring, it’s in my pocket with my daggers.” Sulaimon beamed.
“Really?” Zakira asked before Sulaimon took her hand and began running back to the canopy with her, both of them laughing with delight before they came back into the canopy as Coral, Sully and the children all woke up before Sulaimon got the ring out and everyone reached out for each other and shook each other as they did their best not to squeal before Sulaimon took a knee in front of Zakira in the middle of the canopy as everyone gathered around them, all of them holding tightly to each other as the brightest most excited smiles plastered themselves onto their faces.
“Zakira SuNamune, will you marry me?” Sulaimon asked as he presented his father’s ring which Sully had been working on for over a year. An exquisite alexandrite ring with halos of diamonds all around it, Sully had picked it because it was by far one of the most beautiful rings he had ever created and the alexandrite matched Zakira’s eyes and when Sully had met Zakira, Sully knew that the ring had been fated for her and that it belonged to her. Especially when she had come to his house wearing his jewelry that you had bought for her, all of her jewelry in fact had been bought from Sully since you had brought all of Zakira’s outfits into his shop and he and his sons had matched their best jewelry to each outfit. You had paid him handsomely for every piece, having brought actual bars of gold to pay for it all on a little cart to pull everything since it was far too heavy to carry and had raved about Zakira to them which got them very interested in trying to meet her.
“Yes!” Zakira squealed happily before everyone cheered and Sulaimon jumped to his feet and put the ring on as Zakira started crying happy tears, a bright happy smile never leaving her lips and by a small miracle, it fit perfectly and Zakira kissed Sulaimon again before peppering every inch of his face with kisses as he picked her up and spun her around happily as Anna shrieked in happiness and kicked excitedly from her spot in Sully’s arms before Sulaimon put Zakira down so they could go over to her.
Zakira took Anna from Sully and started kissing her all over too before she turned to Sulaimon.
“Daddy.” Zakira said to Anna as she pointed to Sulaimon before placing her hand on Sulaimon’s chest as Sulaimon started to tear up and put his hand over Zakira’s and squeezed affectionately.
“Dada?” Anna repeated as she looked from her mother to Sulaimon before she reached for him. “Dada!” Anna squealed happily again as Sulaimon happily took her and hugged her tightly and started crying as did everyone else.
“That’s right, I’m your Dada, and I’ll be the best Dada I can be and I’ll love you forever.” Sulaimon vowed to Anna who hugged him back before Anna just kept saying ‘Dada!’ over and over and over again as her legs kicked excitedly and she started kissing him all over too as Zakira stood by and cried even more before she came into Sulaimon’s embrace again as Sulaimon hugged his girls tightly and kept going back and forth, kissing one and then kissing the other as everyone cheered which got the daughters of Willow to come and check out what was going on.
“Is everything ok?” They asked as they cautiously came into the canopy.
“Yes! Guess what?!” Zakira asked before she shoved her left hand into their faces before they screamed and squealed in excitement before they hugged her and kissed her and Sulaimon before they grabbed Zakira by the left hand before Zakira grabbed Sulaimon’s hand and happily let them drag her and Sulaimon out of his parent’s canopy and out with the rest of them, all of them squealing the news to their cousins and friends who all rushed over to them. Zakira being the last one to officially get engaged but also being the one that all her friends and extended family had been waiting for and soon Sulaimon was almost overwhelmed with hugs and kisses to the cheeks by all people of Willow while also getting congratulated by all his friends and family as well since they too had followed him out of the canopy, all the mothers and fathers of Willow congratulating Coral and Sully on having Zakira as a future daughter in law.
Especially Zuhrah’s mother Zohar who’s son was Zahir and gave some amazing insights to them about Zakira as well as a lot of well deserved and earned praise and then once Zakira announced that she would be moving to the crown city, all the daughters of Willow who would be doing the same rejoiced before Zuhrah requested to buy Zakira’s house so that her and Riyad could move into it and Zakira immediately agreed and simply requested to come during the harvest time and still collect her grapes to make wine from them to which Zuhrah readily agreed and offered to tend to Zakira’s vines during the year and also offered that when Zakira and her family would come, that they could take half the produce that was ready at that time of year and that if she came during the early harvest which was in summer that she could keep half the produce on the lands then too since Zakira’s lands always produced the most and best produce anyway and Zakira ended up giving most of it away and was more than even the whole village could consume which Zakira readily agreed to as well, Sully and Coral readily agreed to make the trip to Willow at least twice a year and whenever Zakira wished to go and visit which Zakira was especially grateful for.
Then as the afternoon went on, Zakira and Sulaimon walked along the beach and collected seashells and sea glass as they talked about their future and what they wanted and needed from each other which was eye opening yet thrilling and comforting for both of them since they realized they both needed the same things from the other and realized they showed affection in very similar ways too which pleased them both greatly before the winds picked up and the waves got bigger, big enough to surf a little on them. Sulaimon and his siblings and their mates pulling out their surfboards and showing Zakira how to surf which Zakira wasn’t immediately great at but had a lot of fun trying and learning anyway.
Once it got to be dinner time, they went back into the city for dinner, a different restaurant this time which had a different kind of rum punch, this one had lots of mango, coconut and pineapple, where as the other one at lunch seemed to be passion fruit, papaya and pineapple and a special watermelon drink that had special rum poured directly into a watermelon that had a hole bored into the side and then shaken up and then a thick wire inserted to crush the flesh to release the juices held into the flesh and Zakira loving both just as much and drinking them and eating another seafood spread, this one heavy on the crabs, prawns, lobster and a very great variety of fish, fried and in curry sauces with heavenly rice and Zakira got to try mussels which she didn’t particularly care for and all kinds of clams which she did like very much, the smaller ones especially and oysters which she liked too before trying squids and cuttlefish and even an octopus, preferring the stewed and heavily spiced curried ones better than the grilled ones she didn’t care for the tough texture of the grilled ones. All while Sulaimon and his family took mental notes on. Sulaimon hand fed her since her arms were full since she nursed Anna through part of dinner and once Anna was done, Coral got her back and tried feeding her more fish, prawns and lobster since those three tended to be her favorites as Anna seemed to transform into the perfect baby for her new grandparents, also for dinner they seemed to have a few new guests, a lot of the daughters of Willow and their families had come in and Zakila and Shaeen shared a seat as they ate together, Zakila being taken with Shaeen just as much as he was taken with her, the two giggling and murmuring and whispering lowly to each other and Zakira watched on to make sure her cousin still behaved herself while Dalia and Yanni watched their son with much amusement and only hoped this new romance would last, Zakila was absolutely stunning, even for a girl of only 9, they could see she would grow into a devastatingly handsome woman when she grew up. But she wasn’t the only one, a few more girls had found their way to Zakira’s table to eat with the children of Sulaimon’s brothers and sisters, having radiated to the Rakshasa children just like their big sisters had and excited to make new friends.
After dinner, they all went back to the beach to watch the sunset. Sulaimon sitting on his beach lounge chair with Zakira sitting between his legs as she laid back on him while he had one arm around her waist again, this time Zakira lovingly stroked his arm and the back of his hand with both of her hands with her light but super soft blanket over them as Anna laid her head and chest on Sulaimon’s shoulder a small blanket over her as well as she cuddled into his neck while her pelvis and legs rested on Zakira’s shoulder, her eyes growing heavier and heavier as she was tempted to go to sleep early especially when Sulaimon was purring and stroking her back tenderly over the blanket, it had been a big day for her with lots of excitement and new tasty foods and she had taken to the water like a fish and had loved trying to learn how to swim and had splashed and played in the water to her heart’s content and now she was resting on her parents and was happy. Her mama was happy and content and at peace and that seemed to bleed into her too.
Zakira flicked her eyes occasionally from the stunning sunset and her gorgeous engagement ring to her cousin Zakila who was sitting next to Shaeen on his beach lounge chair as Shaeen put his arm around her shoulders as they shared his light blanket since it was getting colder out as the two cuddled close before Zakila surprised Shaeen and herself by kissing Shaeen’s cheek sweetly, giggling softly when his ears laid back bashfully before he stole a kiss from her in turn, making her blush and giggle even more before she buried her face into the crux of his neck and shoulder as she hugged him and Zakira could only smile fondly at how innocent they both were, remembering how Zahir and herself would do that all the time when they were that age. Zakira expected herself to feel guilty over the memory but she didn’t feel anything of the sort. She found herself feeling grateful- that she had Zahir in her life for the time that she did while also being happy that she found happiness again. Somehow she knew that Zahir would be happy and proud of her for continuing to live her life and finding ways of being happy again and being strong enough to move on and love again. Anna fell asleep just as the sun set and was soon snoring softly in Sulaimon’s trained ear as the other families had started fires right on the beach and had even broke out the instruments they brought and had started to play which drew Zakira’s attention as she felt the music truly move her again and grinned when she realized she wanted Sulaimon to dance with her. She picked up the jug of watermelon punch from the sand beside them and took a long pull from it to really relax and feel loose before she sat up and picked up Anna from Sulaimon’s shoulder as he watched her curiously, wondering what she was up to.
“Coral, would you mind holding her for a while?” Zakira asked hopefully.
“Of course Sweetheart.” Coral smiled as she readily took Anna’s sleeping form into her arms since Sully already had his arms full with his two other infant grand children, both of them snoring blissfully away while their parents were cozied up too.
“Come on, dance with me,” Zakira invited as she giddily took Sulaimon’s hand and pulled him off his chair with an excited smile.
“Uh, I can’t really dance but ok...” Sulaimon mumbled as she let him lead him away as his siblings and their mates scrambled to get up and join them, knowing it was going to be a show if their brother who only danced when forced at weddings while being at least half drunk was going to dance as Coral got up too putting her palm over Anna’s ear as her other each was pressed to her chest so the noise of the music and the others wouldn’t wake her while Sully told his attendants to go ahead and start taking everything down so that when his children and their mates were done dancing, they could go home.
“You don’t know how to dance?” Zakira asked Sulaimon as she looked over at him as they walked over.
“Um...ok, I don’t dance well,” Sulaimon confessed.
“Oh, well maybe you just needed to find the right partner.” Zakira grinned cheekily which got Sulaimon to grin in turn. She did have a point.
“Coming to dance with us?” All the girls and young women asked excitedly when they saw her walking over to them, her walking stride matching the beat.
“Yes I am,” Zakira crooned before they all squealed in delight and rushed her to pull her into the center of them dancing before pulling Sulaimon’s sisters and sister’s in law with them too before they all started to dance to the beat, Sulaimon’s sisters along with Aila’s daughters learning how the daughters of Willow danced and learning to dance that way too before Grace started singing her signature song that was titillating and provocative to say the least but the way all the women danced in unison to the song, following Zakira’s lead spoke of it actually being one of her songs and the way they all rode the beat was beyond sexy and Sulaimon and every other man there watched on with hungry eyes and watering mouths and barely concealed hard on’s.
When Grace was done with her song, Hope sang hers and it was like every woman transformed into a belly dancer or even an exotic dancer at a private gentleman’s club but it was again, every girl taking the lead from Zakira and while each young woman put her own twists and flair to each move, Zakira still was the best, Joy had been right. Zakira was, hands down the best dancer, because she was sexy, sultry and classy without being vulgar. Grace though, she was quite vulgar and it seemed to be her mission to get Omar to loose his load in front of the gods and everyone as he danced with her.
“If that’s how Kira danced for her first husband, I’m pretty sure Anna came into existence soon after.” Yanni murmured lowly in Sulaimon’s ear and Sulaimon could only murmur an ‘uh huh’ and a nod in agreement, not even bothering to take his eyes off Zakira, he was practically hypnotized by the sway of her hips, the jiggle of her breasts and the curve of her smile.
“Let me guess, Anna is going to be a big sister tonight.” Murad teased as he bumped Sulaimon’s arm with his own which still didn’t break Sulaimon’s gaze off of her.
“Uh huh,” Sulaimon said more firmly with a more emphatic nod which got his brothers and brothers in law to snicker a laugh before Ziva started singing her song as she got Riyad, the strawberry blonde tiger to sway with her from behind to the sensual beat and rhythm as all the other girls went and grabbed their mates and led them back between the fires all of them not even putting up a fight or anything before Zakira pulled Sulaimon’s arms up and out a bit and then nestled her back against his front as her hands held onto his.
“Ok, try to keep up with me.” Zakira purred over her shoulder giving him a look that Sulaimon swore could melt his clothes off and keep his dick hard forever. And for the first time without much alcohol involved, Sulaimon did his best to move with her and surprised himself and his family when he was able to keep up enough with her. Of course her subtle but completely intentional- grinding her ass into his dick and once she had it squarely in the dip between her butt cheeks and then sliding them up and down his shaft had a lot to do with it too. She had been right, it was all about having the right dance partner. That and the music was very easy to dance to as well, even the King and Queen were dancing the same way they all were.
“Zakira, it’s your turn, sing ‘Drunk In Love’!” all the girls and young women begged and pleaded before Zeena sang her little bit to tempt to try to sing it as the musicians began to play the song all of them giving Zakira hopeful looks.
“I’ll do Zahir’s part.” Zed offered.
“Please?!” They all pleaded which made Zakira laugh and shake her head and hide her blushing face behind her hands as she stopped dancing.
“No,” Zakira shook her head no as she palmed her own burning cheeks.
“Why?!” They all asked.
“I don’t want to embarrass him!” Zakira pointed to Sulaimon over her shoulder.
“Why would I be embarrassed?” Sulaimon asked.
“Well, it’s a very sexual song that usually has a very sensual dance to go along with it.” Zakira informed him.
“Why would that embarrass me? If it would make you happy and if it’s something you want to do, you should do it, don’t worry about me, I’ll be just fine.” Sulaimon reassured her.
“Ok fine,” Zakira quickly caved which got everyone to cheer. “Zed, you can do Zahir’s part if you want to but I’m gonna change my part so go ahead and do what you feel is right.” Zakira grinned as they all squealed in delight, knowing Zakira’s songs that she was inspired with on the spot were always some of her best work as Zakira took a deep breath and did a small voice exercise to make sure her voice wouldn’t crack. “Ok, one more time Zeena.” Zakira bid her before Zeena did her little part as Zakira moved to a rhythm that no drum was playing to but Sulaimon still moved with her because she was currently hiding his hard on and his body demanded that it move with her and to always be moving with her for the rest of it’s life as his hands rested on her waist and hips.
“I been drinkin, I been drinkin, I get filthy when that liquor get into me. I’ve been thinkin, I’ve been thinkin. Why can’t I keep my fingers off it? Baby, I want you, na, na,” Zakira sang out as her hands went to Sulaimon’s thighs and raked up them with her clawed hands to his hips and then his ass and squeezed as Sulaimon paused and tried not to come from just that simple touch as everyone hollered in excitement as they followed suit and their mates were in a similar position Sulaimon was in as the rolled in at the same rhythm her hips were already moving before she continued to sing her song, changing the lyrics to involve more innuendo than anything.
“Can’t keep your eyes off my fatty Daddy, I want you, na na. Drunk in love, I want you….” Zakira grinded herself especially hard when she said ‘Daddy’ with a mischievous grin over her shoulder at him. “We woke up in the kitchen saying ‘how the hell did this shit happen?’ oh baby. Drunk in love. We be all night. Last thing I remember is our beautiful bodies grinding off...” Zakira sang as she practically slithered down Sulaimon’s body, his hands stroking up her sides and back as she went down and back up again, his hands following the same path that they had made on her way down before finding their place on her waist and hips again as Sulaimon’s breath crashed from his lungs, that was hands down, the sexiest thing anyone had ever done to him and he was ready to pick her up and find her horse and jump on it and ride off back home that instant because he needed her like he needed air in his lungs. But they were surrounded by people and spectators and so he could do little else but pull her hard against him and grind subtly back into her. “Drunk in love!” Zakira sang out with a growl in her own voice that Sulaimon could have sworn sounded Rakshasa to him and only turned him on more and as Zakira continued to sing, thankfully the other girls joined in as back up but Zakira’s voice still carried over everyone and everything and was the most beautiful voice anyone from the Crown City had ever heard before. The more she sang and danced, the brighter her smile got as did everyone else’s. The daughters of Willow rejoicing that their favorite daughter had come back to herself. Sulaimon was one lucky man.
After the song ended everyone rejoiced and cheered before Sulaimon just couldn’t take it anymore, he looked over to where their canopy had been to see it had been taken down and the last of their things were being packed up to which he was ever so grateful for because it gave him a reason to pull away from the party.
“Things just got packed up, we should go home My Love, now.” Sulaimon growled sexily in Zakira’s ear before softly nipping her neck and shoulder which made her gasp in delight and the brightest most giddy smile plastered itself on her face again.
“Yup, time to go back.” Zakira nodded in agreement. “Good night guys! Time for us to call it a night.” Zakira bid everyone who wanted hugs and kisses on the cheeks and to give her their congratulations and praise before she was able to pull away and take Sulaimon’s arm once more as they made their way back to the carriages where Sulaimon put on his jacket and Zakira quickly put on her sweater jacket to stave off the chilly night air and got Anna back from Coral and kept her wrapped in her small blanket before getting into the carriage with Sulaimon, her small blanket covering the three of them as they cuddled close but all the blanket did was hide their stroking, Sulaimon stroking up Zakira’s sides and center through the bottoms of her bathing suit while Zakira stroked his still rock hard length through the fabric of his swim trunks until he had close to cumming and had to reach over and stop her hand to keep himself from cumming in the carriage in front of his sister and brother in law and their family who looked to be asleep but still but that didn’t stop him from going back to stroking her center, the pads of his fingers digging into her folds through her bathing suit bottoms before she took his hand and shoved it under her bathing suit before his fingers explored her curiously before finding her clit again and feeling the wetness drench his fingers as he sunk his fingers into her sopping wet core and found that oh so special spot inside her that made her head plow back into his shoulder as she bit her lips and shuddered a breath through her nose as her eyes looked at Dalia and Yanni to make sure they were asleep as she shifted so he could please her more comfortably as she tried to silently enjoy this wonderful pleasure as Sulaimon did his best to use her subdued reactions to guide him and shortly before they got back to the palace, Zakira came around Sulaimon’s fingers, her clit engorging as her inner walls constricted and fluttered around his fingers as she held her breath and fisted her hand into his swim trunks as her head lulled back onto his shoulder as her eyes squeezed shut as her mouth was open in a silent scream as her whole body became tense then lax before she stilled his own hand and gave him the look he had been waiting for all this time, the ‘I’m going to have so much sex with you’ look before she kissed him hungrily before the carriage came to a stop and Sulaimon pulled his hands from her as he quickly but hungrily licked his fingers clean which made Zakira blush deeply before he gathered their stuff as Dalia and Yanni woke up too as the motion of the carriage stopping stirred them awake.
“Hey, would you mind if we came over tomorrow during lunch so we could discuss wedding plans?” Dalia asked.
“Uh, actually I already have a dress and jewelry but sure if you want to.” Zakira agreed.
“Ok, I’ll let my mom and my sisters know. Goodnight Kira, sweet dreams, when and if you actually get a chance to sleep.” Dalia giggled with a wink as Zakira giggled with her.
“Same to you.” Zakira snickered, kissing Dalia’s cheeks before Sulaimon helped her out of the carriage, Sulaimon’s other family leaving their carriages to hug and kiss her goodbye before she and Sulaimon slipped back into the palace with everyone else who had started to come back.
Once inside the room, Sulaimon put Anna into a little bassinette since she was still sleeping soundly before it felt like Zakira practically attacked him, trying to keep kissing him and stripping him out of his clothes as he did the same to her, literally using his claws to sever the strings of her bikini so that she was bared to him before she pinned him to the bed and eased herself down onto him, moaning in sweet relief at feeling filled and stretched again, for the first time since she gave birth as Sulaimon’s eyes nearly rolled backward in pleasure as his hands stroked all over her body, up those killer legs to her hips and waist then to her breasts before they started leaking milk as he then sat up to lick the milk up, his tongue making her shiver and giggle.
“May I?” He asked as he watched even more milk start to dribble out of her nipples.
“Help yourself.” She invited as he licked it up again and closed his mouth over a nipple as his purring became super loud because her milk was, actually so delicious, he almost felt guilty for ‘stealing it’ from Anna but he didn’t think she’d miss it. And the way Zakira was pushing her breast into his mouth and scratching his head, especially behind his ears while she rode him with the same rhythmic movements she had danced to earlier, and moaned at feeling the pressure being built up in her breasts get released was amazing. Even the feel of his arms wrapping around her in between stroking her body all over was amazing before he switched his attention to the other breast liking up the little river of milk dripping down her breast and rib cage, tasting the salt of the ocean on her skin before he rolled them and pinned her to the bed, his mouth kissing her mindless before kissing her neck and chest before kissing even lower, pulling out so he could kiss her ribcage and belly, especially each and every stretch mark she had on her lower belly that the bathing suit had covered up a little, kissing them with care and tenderness that had her eyes watering as she was becoming overwhelmed with emotion, he really did love her, every inch of her, she couldn’t help but feel loved and wanted and desired and sexy and it touched her mind, heart and soul, before he gave a teasing lick to her folds while he looked up from between her legs with a fire in his eyes that stole her breath away and had her gushing again as his tongue continued to lick and speared her folds, licking at her entrance hungrily, he never would have thought such a thing would have tasted so good, but it did and he it was driving him wild with lust and when his nose rutted up against her nub, her legs wrapped around his head as she writhed and made the most delicious sounds his ears had ever devoured.
“Sula, please, please, please,” Zakira pleaded desperately as he was getting her close to her second orgasm and when he traded his tongues for his fingers again so his tongue could sweetly torture her nub as he closed his lips around her clit and sucked hard, it was all over, her legs squeezed his head as her toes curled and her whole body shuddered and convulsed as her belly fluttered as her chest heaved and her voice cut off as she called out his name which was music to his ears as she clawed at the bedding as Sulaiman rode out her orgasm and drank her cream up greedily, his loud purring a constant and even causing his tongue to have a slight vibrating quality which only made the sensations that much more potent.
“Holy shit, wooow.” Zakira panted as she came down from her high and caught her breath.
“Thanks,” Sulaiman grinned as gave her swollen woman hood one last teasing lick which caused her to shiver before he kissed his way back up her body.
“You ok? Or do you need a minute?” He asked with the smuggest grin ever.
“How did you get that good at that?” Zakira asked as she playfully narrowed her eyes at him.
“Uh, honestly, I usually suck at that, I’ve only done that once before and she nearly clawed my face off after like 20 minutes and she wasn’t getting any closer, but then again, young, stupid, didn’t have a clue what I was doing and I was half drunk, and it was my sister Hazine’s wedding which was...like...five years ago? Because Kareem is 4 now.” Sulaimon answered honestly.
“So how did you go from that to..well that magnificence you just gave me if you haven’t had practice?”  Zakira posed curiously.
“Uh, honestly Lomi and some of the others have been giving me pointers for, uh, well three weeks now.” Sulaimon admitted.
“Wow,” Zakira smiled happily. “Lucky me, ok, I’ve rested, back on the horse.” Zakira teased as she wrapped her legs around his waist and guided him toward her center as he snorted a laugh and kissed her softly before he reached down between them to line himself up with her entrance before he didn’t warn her and just sheathed himself to the hilt in her as her whole body writhed again as her mouth hung open as a moan spilled from her throat as her eyes closed as her hands went to his back to scratch and claw down that because his elbows were placed on either side of her head to keep most of his weight off of her so as not to crush her and her scratching cause his own eyes to close in serenity as his purring almost became a growl that and the feeling of being sheathed in her was the best feeling ever. She was heavenly, inside and out as his hips suddenly started to snap into hers, finding a natural rhythm and made love to her and worshiped her body with his own and only when she got to three orgasms did he finally let himself loose in her and stuffed her full and when they had recovered, he rolled over to lay next to her as she got Anna out of her bassinet and cuddled Anna between them as the three of them finally fell asleep.
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avenging-fandoms · 7 years
Wedding Day, Honeymoon / Dacre Montgomery Headcanon
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*requested by anonymous *i warned you fam, it’s a long list of headcanon ideas pt.1 Dacre: -what he’s like to the newborn baby and what he does to keep you safe(? after giving birth and just him being v protective to his smol angels -cooking w him -meeting his family -WEDDING DAY YES YES YES omg and maybe even honeymoon ooooo -lazy day?? -him getting a pet for your birthday *in which y/n and dacre get married and go to Bora Bora for their honeymoon *warning: nun *PLEASE send me requests!!!!! i can do whoever :)
- so dacre was more nervous than you when it was just hours before the wedding
- "you're not getting cold feet, are you?"
- "no, i'm just fuckin nervous"
- you stood in front of the mirror and stared at yourself
- you couldn't believe you would be marrying dacre
- you couldn't believe you finally found the love of your life
- you put setting spray on once again to make sure your make up didn't run
- "y/n? let's go, they're ready for y- oh my"
- "do i look okay?"
- "okay? when they 'speak now or forever hold your peace' i'll butt in and marry you myself"
- "joeeeee"
- "alright, alright, let's go"
- joe walks you down the aisle cause he's like your brother and your wedding was small
- your hand tightly gripping his arm and the other holding your flowers
- there were flower petals on the aisle, courtesy of Saskia being the flower girl
- when dacre saw you, he couldn’t help but cry 
- he couldn’t help but cry at the fact that you were going to be his for the rest of his life
- you reached dacre joe kissed your cheek
- “i love you, y/n, i’m so proud of you”
- “i love you too, joe”
- he stepped away and you walk up to dacre
- “stop crying”
- “i can’t, i just can’t believe you’re mine”
- as david (yes, harbour) , was marrying you two, you and dacre never broke eye contact
- you slid the rings on each other’s fingers and both of you couldn’t stop smiling
- “alright, for the moment you’ve all been waiting for, i know pronounce you, husband and wife. you guys can kiss now”
- you leaped into dacre’s arms and kissed him passionately, everyone cheering 
- you two walked out of the ceremony area and to the room where you got changed
- “we’re married”
- “you did tell me you’d marry me”
- “i know, but i can’t believe it, i’ve married the love of my life”
- “shut up and kiss me”
- one arm held your cheek and the other held your back as he kissed you, dipping you a bit
- “if we’re late, do you think they’ll know?”
- “we have a couple of hours until the reception”
- “then let’s do it”
- you two were giggling and being quiet like teenagers all over again
- dacre made sure to lock the door cause he didn’t want someone to walk in on him and his wife
- when you two were finished, you fixed your hair and your dress and dacre fixed his clothes
- “we’re not mature”
- “that’s why we’re married”
- when the reception happened, everyone whooped when you two walked into the room
- “give it up for mr. and mrs. montgomery-harvey!”
- “it’s time for the first dance as husband and wife”
- you and dacre slowed danced to your guys’ song
- your head laid on his chest and you held one of his hands, the other around his shoulders
- his hand held your and the other on your waist
- “i’m so glad i get to call you mine, baby”
- “you’re such a sap”
-”i’m serious. i never expected to find the love of my life in my best friend. i never saw it before, but when i did, i fell for you so hard. and my heart would always race around you, my stomach would erupt in butterflies when you smiled and i fuckin fell for you every day, if even possible” he started to cry again
- “stop it!”
- both of you laughed and the song ended, everyone cheering
- the rest of the night was so fun, and you didn’t have to get drunk 
- it was 2 am and the reception was finally over, and you were so tired
- “baby we got our honeymoon tomorrow”
- “oo bitch i’m so excited!”
- “we’re married, but we still talk like we’re friends”
- “we’re best friends, loser, did you forget?”
- “of course not”
- he carried you into the house and you laughed
- “we’re the basic movie couple”
- “and i wouldn’t want to be basic with anyone else”
- he placed you on the bed and you yawned
- dacre slipped off your clothes (you changed when it got too hot for your wedding dress) , leaving you in your underwear
- you rolled onto your side and watched dacre undress himself
- “i’d tap that, and i can. cause you’re mine, forever! mwahahahah” you laughed evilly and dacre laughed, jumping on top of you
- “you’re hilarious when you’re tired”
- “funnier than you’ll ever be”
- “bullied by the bride”
- “shut up and sleep, montgomery”
- “you’re a montgomery too”
- “oh right”
- the next day you woke dacre up by bouncing on his waist
- “wake up baby, we’re going to paradise today!”
- “looking at you from this angle is paradise”
- “too cheesy, goodbye”
- you tried to get off of him but he grabbed your waist and slammed you to the bed
- “you’ll never leave me”
- “i wouldn’t want to”
- dacre started to kiss your neck and you sighed, licking your lips
- “dacre we have to leave soon”
- “so? we still have some time”
- his fingers trailed down your stomach and you bit your lip softly
- “fine, but if we’re late, i’m divorcing you”
- you and dacre made it to the plane in just the knick of time
- “so we aren’t getting a divorce?”
- “we’ll see”
- on the plane, dacre kept teasing you, tracing patterns on the inside of your thigh as you watched Netflix on your laptop
- “can you stop?”
- “doesn’t this guy turn you on? like wow! he’s so hot” 
- he pointed to himself on the screen and you rolled your eyes
- “steve is my favorite, sorry. he literally just said ‘yeah it’s me don’t cream your pants, like, what a king”
- “oh boy”
- after watching that scene you glared at dacre
- “i don’t like billy”
- “no one does”
- “he’s hot, that’s it. i’d tap that”
- you and dacre watched the episode and you cuddled close to him
- after you finished the episode dacre teased you even harder
- “baby, please”
- “just knowing you’re mine for the rest of my life just turns me on so much”
- “my god, can’t you keep it in your pants for once?”
- he placed his hand on your thigh and his ring was so cold
- “i can’t help it when you’re my wife”
- the plane ride to Bora Bora was smooth, and you fell asleep after you and dacre were done
- you two walked off the plane and the warm air hits you
- “i made the mistake of wearing sweatpants”
- “i packed shorts in your carry-on, go change”
- “ok, we are for sure not getting a divorce now”
- you went off to the bathroom and changed
- “holy shit! that’s my wife? man i’m lucky”
- you blushed a deep crimson color and hid your face in your hands
- “i honestly hate you”
- “you love it”
- you and dacre rent a car and drive to the airbnb
- “this is gorgeous!”
- “but not as gorgeous as you”
- “stop sucking up, you’re not getting laid tonight”
- “i highly doubt that”
- “whatever, let’s go to the beach”
- you and dacre change and you threw your hair up 
- “fuck we can’t go out when you look like that!”
- “it’s... a bathing suit?”
- “and you look stunning. quickie before we go?”
- “no!”
- you two start to walk onto the beach that was just steps away from the airbnb
- “sex on the beach?”
- “dacre!” 
- you two lay in the sun for a bit before splashing around in the water. the sun started to set and you leaned against dacre’s chest with his arms wrapped around you and your hands gripping his arm
- “we’re that couple”
- “we’re cute though”
- for the rest of the honeymoon, and you and dacre did activities such as sky dive, snorkel in a reef, swim, and of course:
- have sex almost every day
- the whole time you couldn’t believe that you were truly happy, and married to your best friend
- and dacre? he was falling for you all over again, despite you two already in love
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sotheywrotestories · 7 years
Hey! ☺️ can you please write a Hamilsquad x reader about you guys traveling like maybe going to a different state or country or something and basically how it would go traveling with the squad. Thank you! 😘❤️
Pairings; Hamilsquad x Reader
Warnings; I don’t think so? Uncooperation?
A/N: Can y’all guess what the flight number is? Also, sorry! I got a little carried away!
“Our flight leaves in three hours, we are leaving in ten!” I shouted down the hallway. 
“Why?” Herc shouted back. 
“Because I said so, that’s why,” I sighed, loudly.
I heard a few grumbles from our bedroom and decided to go see what was happening. 
“YOU’RE NOT PACKED?” I screamed, my hands on my head. 
“Erm- no. We happened to forget?” Alexander said, backing away slowly. 
I sighed and put one hand on my hip, one over my eyes, and counted to ten. 
“Okay. Each of you, get five of your favorite shirts and three of your favorite pants. And then get one toothbrush and put it in a Ziploc,” I instructed. 
All four boys scrambled to do what I asked. 
When they came back, I slowly started to roll all of the cloths and place them neatly into their respected places in the correct suitcases. One for Laf and Herc, one for Alex and John, and one for me. Then, I placed Alex’s notebooks, Herc’s cross stitch template, Laf’s catalog, and John’s turtle book into my carryon. 
“We’re five minutes behind schedule!” I shouted. 
I grabbed sleepwear for everyone and managed to cram swimwear and my presents for them into the suitcases. Two jackets for each boy, underwear, and socks. 
“Let’s go!” I said, rolling out of the house with three suitcases and a duffel. 
Checking in was a mess. Alexander kept trying to run away to berate people who ran into me. John was trying to wiggle his way into first class. Lafayette was rapidly talking to a French couple he met, and Hercules was trying to get a girl to tell him where he bought his dress. 
“Miss, we don’t have any open seats,” the cashier looked at me. 
“No, no. Trust me, it’s fine,” I sighed. “John, honey, please stop.”
John nodded and blushed awkwardly. 
“Here are your tickets. Are you checking any baggage?” she asked. 
I nodded and dropped the three suitcases on the scale. 
“Is that your carryon?” she pointed at the duffel. 
“Yes, is that okay?” I asked worriedly.
“Perfectly fine,” the woman smiled, handing me five tickets.
“Behave!” I shouted when John and Laf said they were heading off to get food. 
“Hey, (Y/N)?” Alex asked. 
“Yes, Alex, can I get a pen from the store?” Alex asked. 
“I thought I packed one?” I asked.
“No, I can’t find one,” Alex sighed.
“Yes yes,” I sighed, pulling a ten dollar bill out of my purse. 
Alex thanked me and skipped off. I felt someone sit next to me and wrap their arms around me. 
“Thank you,” Herc whispered in my ear. 
“For what?” I whispered back, turning to face him, nuzzling my face into his cheek. 
“Getting us here on time and keeping us in check,” Hercules said, kissing me. 
“Of course, Lovie,” I smiled into the kiss. 
“Now boarding flight B03,” a voice crackled. 
“That’s our flight!” I jumped up. “Can you go get Laf and John?”
Hercules nodded and ran off. I sprinted towards the store and grabbed Alex just as he was checking out. 
“What?” Alex asked.
“Our flight is boarding!” I panted and ran towards our bags. 
It took Hercules two minutes to come back with Laf and John. 
“Let’s go!” I shouted, grabbing my duffel and heading to the desk.
Apparently, Alex is afraid of flying. I love him. I love him more than anything. But ow my hand. 
We were only in the air for about four hours. And in that time, Alex managed to panic 23 times. 
When we landed, Alex was the first out of the plane, and the first to call a cab. We all followed and Laf and I got our own cab. When we arrived at the hotel, the first thing the boys wanted to do was swim. I laughed and agreed, having grabbed our bags just before exiting the airport. 
We all changed into our bathing suits for the pool.
“I’m going to catch up, I need to call my mom,” I said. 
John nodded and ushered the boys out. 
There was a small tree in the corner of our room per my request. I grabbed the presents out (that the boys failed to see as they hadn’t packed) and put them under the tree. I went out to swim after that.
I screamed and pushed Alex back even harder. I was sitting on Lafayette’s shoulders and Alex was on Hercules. John was acting as a referee to make sure no one hit their head on the edge of the pool.
Finally, Alex fell into the pool.
“Yes!” I shouted. “I win!”
Lafayette laughed then dunked me in the pool. I popped back up and spurted water.
“Laf!” I shouted.
He laughed and picked up to throw me again. We all splashed around for about fifteen minutes before getting out. 
When we got to the room, I stopped them. “Okay, there’s a surprise in there for you.”
John looked at me skeptically. “What...is it?”
I gave a playful shrug and rushed in, followed by the boys. I had pulled the tree into the middle of the room and put the presents under it.
“Surprise!” I shouted.
“(Y/N)!” Lafayette shouted. “You said no presents!”
“I lied,” you giggled. “But! You can’t open them until tomorrow!”
Tomorrow came soon. I mean, the second it was tomorrow, Alex was shaking me awake. 
“No, Alex, give me at least five more hours,” I complained, turning and snuggling into Herc again. 
Sure enough five hours later, I was being shaken awake. “No, one more hour.”
“But you said five. It’s been exactly five,” Alex whined. 
“Please, for god’s sake go to sleep, Alex,” Hercules whined, pulling me closer to his chest. 
Alex grumbled and flipped over. And, exactly one hour later, we were all up. 
“Okay, okay, open them!” I clapped excitedly. 
Laf opened his present to find five different cookbooks, two in total French, one titled “The Taste of America”, and two of my grandma's old books that he was interested in. 
“(Y/N)!” Laf shouted, pulling me into a hug. “I love them!”
I giggled and gave him a kiss. 
John had a smaller package. The size of a postcard. He opened it to see a picture of a turtle. 
“Haha, it’s um- it’s cute?” John looked around awkwardly. 
Hercules elbowed him in the ribs. 
“No, no! That’s an actual turtle,” I said.
John looked at me blankly. 
“Honey, I reserved a turtle at the pet store,” I say.
“NO WAY! I LOVE IT!” John shouted, tackling me in a hug. 
I laughed and kissed his forehead.
“Me next, me next!” Alex shouted already opening his paper. 
I had gotten him a biography of one of his idols and a notebook that you can microwave to clear up. 
“I know, I know. I ran around all over New York to find it,” I chuckled. 
“I love it! Thank you!” Alex said, giving me a fistbump. 
Finally, Hercules opened his. It was a hand-crocheted beanie. 
“Wow! (Y/N), where did you get this?” Hercules asked. 
“I made it,” I said. 
Hercules’ head snapped up. “Really?”
“Yep. Look inside the hat!” I said. 
Hercules unrolled the hat and pulled out the templates. They were these insanely expensive pieces of paper that supposedly instructed Hercules how to sew some things. 
“(Y/N), you shouldn’t have!” Hercules exclaimed while pulling me into his lap. 
“Ah, but I did,” I said. 
Needless to say, the boys loved their presents. 
When we landed back in New York (after having a pain free flight, as Alex sat next to John), I rushed everyone back to the apartment. I say rushed, I mean dragged Hercules, Laf, and Alex while John sprinted towards the pet shop closest to our home to pick up his turtle. 
Once we had the turtle, who was named Newt, we walked to the apartment. 
“Wait here,” Alex said, walking into the apartment ahead of me. 
Once I was told it was okay, I was utterly taken away. There was a grand piano sitting where my old keyboard used to be. 
“W-what is this?” I asked, dropping my bags immediately. 
“We know we all agreed on no presents, but it would seem that neither of us followed that, did we?” Alex asked. 
“But, what is this?” I stuttered.
“Surprise!” all four boys shouted.
“Play us a song!” Lafayette requested. 
I sat down and started to play an old song I knew.
“I love it. I love you guys!” I said, standing up and giving them a hug.
“We love you, too.”
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For Better or Worse Ch 4
Ok, so I’m going to say this now. I’m so sorry for leaving this as a cliffhanger. But the chapter was almost 8k words and I didn’t want to have an 18k word chapter. that’s a little much. Also, in case you’re wondering. I do ride motorcycles myself so that’s where most of this chapter came from. 
For Better or Worse
Chapter 4
“Remember, when I lean, you lean with me,” Nyx reminded her as they came across the first curve in the road.
Luna did as she was told and leaned with him, holding onto him a little tighter. As the ride progressed, Luna slowly let go of any concerns she had about the safety of riding the motorcycle with him. Nyx was proving to be a competent driver and soon she began to look forward to the curves and hills in the road. The parallels in riding the motorcycle and horses and chocobos were almost uncanny to the point that she really enjoyed it. It was just so….freeing. The wind running over them, the open road, being able to look around and really enjoy the fast moving scenery. But those curves, damn those were fun, leaning with him, feeling her whole body move in unison with his was...just...amazing. He didn’t mind her holding onto him in fact there were several instances where he would take his hand down off the handlebars just to press her hands and arms into him. Like he was checking to make sure she was still there. It was reassuring and sweet. There were even times where he would simply pat her arm and hold up a thumbs up to her as he glanced over his shoulder at her. She smiled and returned the gesture before returning her hands and arms to his waist.
When they finally stopped to refuel and relieve themselves, they double checked the map and plotted a new course.
“Well, if we take this way there’s this city, this one and this one.” Nyx pointed out.
“Well I don’t know about you but if we could stop somewhere with a decent shower and an actual bed that would be great.” Luna proposed as she shoved her hands into the pockets of the jacket before feeling something in one of the pockets.
“Ha,” Luna laughed before she pulled it out. A small wallet with an infinity symbol embossed onto the leather. “Oh no way!” She gushed as she eagerly opened it up.
“Ok, apparently, I’m Luna Ulric, and I’m from Galahd.” Luna said as she pulled the ID out of the wallet to look it over carefully before showing it to him.
“What?” Nyx said as he took it from her and looked at it closer in disbelief.  
“Hey, how come I…?” Nyx began before felling around in his own jacket to find a wallet of his own. “Ok, this works.” Nyx said as he pulled out his own to find his own ID and a credit card along with some cash.
“Ooh, look at your credit card.” Luna said as she looked at her own. “Bottom right corner.” She clarified.
“It’s the same infinity symbol.” Nyx shrugged.
“Exactly, a card without a limit. In the lore, the Pack contained a coin purse with the same symbol, but it would be empty to anyone who held it but the Guardian and the guarded. For them, you could dump it upside down and just coins would pour out of it like a never ending waterfall. So this is an updated version of that.” Luna explained with bright and excited smile as she squealed in uncontrolled glee.
Nyx smiled and laughed as he shook his head.
“We should probably stop at a store and get supplies like shampoo and conditioner and soap and stuff. Also a change of clothes or two wouldn’t hurt. This bike has saddle bags that look to be empty so we have space for a few things.” Luna noted happily before Nyx got back on the bike so she could get back on herself.
They rode until they reached the first city and pulled off when they found a suitable hotel with all kinds of stores and restaurants around it. They stopped at the hotel first to reserve a room before going out and getting what they needed.
“Oh, we need candy,” Luna said as she took the cart and carefully placed her helmet in the basket before she looked for the candy isle. “It’s been weird to ask for a candy bar from that bowl.” Luna murmured to him as they found the isle in question. “Ah yes, I’ll take one of these, and one of these, ooh, can’t forget this,” Luna chattered as she pulled various things off the shelves. Nyx rolled his eyes but couldn’t help but put his own favorite candy in the cart as well.
“Ooh, and junk food,” Luna added as she walked briskly to the other isle.
“I don’t care if I’ll have orange fingers, worth it,” Luna defended as she pulled a small orange bag of cheddar flavored snacks and put them in the cart. Nyx laughed as he pulled down his own chips and put them in the cart too. Gosh it had been way too long since either of them had the chance to eat anything that was so unhealthy yet oh so tasty.  
“Oh and pop, soda, whatever you call it,” Luna said as she went and pulled a two liter down and put it in the cart as well.
“Yeah, you can get pop, I’m getting beer.” Nyx remarked as he walked to the alcohol isle with Luna following him.
“This should do,” Nyx said as he put a six pack into the cart.
“Now we need soap and stuff.” Luna suggested as she turned and went to the other side of the store before getting side tracked by clothes placed in the middle of the store.
“I’m going to go get myself something.” Nyx said as he gestured to the men’s clothes section.
“Go for it, I’ll meet you in the shampoo, soap section.” Luna smiled as she waved him off.
Luna was grateful for the privacy as she picked out some underwear and another bra along with socks and a pair of pajamas and a swimsuit because the hotel had a pool and a hot tub and she was going to use them both.
She happily picked out all that she wanted and felt she would need for the next few days before heading to the meeting point. She found she had gotten there first and proceeded to try and choose what shampoo, conditioner and body wash she wanted.
By the time Nyx found her she was still deciding.
“Why did you get a bathing suit?” Nyx asked as he noticed a tiny piece of it poking out from her other clothing choices.  
“Because the hotel has a hot tub and a pool, tell me you’re not going to use at least the hot tub.” Luna proposed before Nyx pursed his lips.
“You’re right, I’ll be right back.” Nyx nodded as he left and headed back to the clothes section to get himself swim trunks.
When he came back Luna was still trying to decide what to get.
“Good lord, just pick something already,” Nyx complained.
Luna glared at him before she huffed and continued to look.
“This is an important matter that needs careful thought.” Luna defended sarcastically.  
“No it’s not, just pick something,” Nyx prodded.
“Fine, I’m getting this and this and this then.” Luna said as she put them in the cart.
“Why are you getting two things of conditioner?” Nyx deadpanned.
“One is for me, and the other is for you.” Luna informed him.
“I got a two in one, it has conditioner in it already.” He explained as he went to grab it and take it out.
“Not enough,” Luna batted his hand away. “You need a serious, heavy duty conditioner because it was like having straw waving in my face today.” Luna pointed out as she gestured to his hair before grabbing the ends for emphasis. “See, your ends are crunchy, hair shouldn’t be crunchy,” Luna emphasized.
Nyx blushed slightly at the interaction but didn’t move to distance himself either.
“And don’t worry, I’ve already smelled it, it’s not going to make you smell ‘girly’ if that’s what you’re afraid of,” Luna assured him as she pushed the cart to find hair accessories.
“Oh, I need hair ties,” Luna said as she found a pack that had different sizes before picking out a small comb and brush too.
“Are we done yet?” Nyx whined.
“Yes, we’re done, unless you can think of anything we’re forgetting.” Luna answered.
“There’s no way all of this is going to fit on the bike.” Nyx pointed out.
“We will find a way, besides, this Pack has a cool trick still up it’s sleeve.” Luna winked as they walked to check out.
Once out in the parking lot, Luna put their things on the ground before taking the pack off and finding little ties in the sides and bottom and undoing them.
“I need you to hold all this stuff,” Luna requested of the bag before Nyx opened up the saddle bags and started to put some things away in there as he watched her out of the corner of his eye. To his surprise, it was like the Pack suddenly became Marry Poppins bag that didn’t didn’t seem to have a bottom as Luna put bag after bag in the Pack.
“Tada!” Luna cheered as she picked the Pack up and put it over her shoulder.
“Shouldn’t that weigh a lot?” Nyx asked.
“No, I mean it’s a little heavier than before but not too heavy,” Luna remarked as she waited for him to get on and stabilize the bike before getting back on herself.
Once back at the hotel, they parked the bike and took the grocery bags from the saddle bags and walked in to find their room.
Once in the room they unloaded their bags onto the king size bed before Luna took the pack off and dumped the contents out.
“This is the bag that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend...” Luna began to sing as they watched the contents fall out.  
“No, don’t start that shit, I won’t get it out of my head,” Nyx warned her before she laughed in response.
“You’re no fun,” Luna teased as she stuck her tongue out at him as they sorted through their newly acquired things.
“Uh huh,” Nyx shook his head as he pulled out his things from the lot before putting the new clothes aside and his toiletries and stuff in the bathroom.
Luna put her toiletries away in the bathroom too, bumping into Nyx several times as they tried to get around each other before going through the clothes and picking out an outfit.
“How about we go out for dinner?” Luna suggested.
“Sure, where did you want to go?” Nyx asked.
“I don’t know, somewhere we can sit down at table or booth or something.” Luna shrugged as she gathered her things. “I’m going to get a shower.” Luna announced as she walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.
Nyx sat in the little living area the room had and turned on the TV. He watched the news first and they showed Insomnia, still in shambles before it was announced that the world was still mourning the loss of King Regis along with Lady Lunafreya, the Oracle, who was presumed to be dead as well, even though no body was found. Suddenly, it dawned on Nyx that he could call Libertous and let him know that he was ok.
He got up and walked over to the phone before picking it up and dialing Libertous’ cell number.
“Hello?” Libertous asked curiously.
“Hey Hero,” Nyx smiled.
“Nyx! Where the hell are you?” Libertous asked.
“I’m fine, I’m on my way to Altissia,” Nyx answered as he tried to keep his voice quiet.  
“How did you get out of the city? I looked for you for days, I went to your apartment and salvaged that cork board of yours,” Libertous informed him.
“It’s a really long story,” Nyx said. “Look, I’m with the Princess, I’m following my last order to get her to Altissia safely but you can’t tell anyone, the Empire thinks she’s dead and we need it to stay that way so we don’t get hunted down.”
“Got it, right, right, sorry man, she talked me into letting her leave by herself.” Libertous tried to explain.
“Yeah she’s good and talking her way into getting whatever she wants.” Nyx chuckled.
“But you’re safe, you’re not hurt or anything?” Libertous asked again.
“I’m fine, I’m not hurt, Luna’s...I mean, the Princess, is not hurt, we’re fine, we’re ok.” Nyx assured his friend. “Are you still going back to Galahd?” Nyx asked.
“Yeah, there’s nothing left to keep me in Insomnia,” Libertous answered. “When are you coming back?” Libertous asked.
“I don’t know,” Nyx answered.
“Well how are you calling me?” Libertous questioned.
“We stopped at a hotel, I’m using our room phone. I guess I should get another cell phone huh?” Nyx guessed.
“Yeah and then call me again,” Libertous stressed.
“I will, I will, I should go,” Nyx said as he tried to end the conversation.
“Hey, what should I tell everyone?” Libertous asked.
“Don’t tell them anything, but keep my board ok?” Nyx instructed.
“I will, thank you for calling me and letting me know you’re ok,” Libertous said.
“You got it bud, I’ll call you again when I get a phone, take care of yourself.” Nyx insisted.
“You too,” Libertous replied before they ended the call.
Nyx blew out a breath of relief, at least Libertous knew he was alive and at least Libertous was ok too.
“Who was that?” Luna asked as she appeared out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her head and dressed in her new clothes.
“Libertous, I called to tell him I was ok,” Nyx answered.
“Are you sure that was safe?” Luna questioned.
“Yeah, I can trust Libertous to have my back, he won’t tell anyone.” Nyx assured her.
“Ok,” Luna said, believing him before taking her hair out of the towel and combing it out again.
“Hey, Nyx? How do women in Galahd, wear their hair usually? My ID said that I’m from Galahd and I want to look like I come from there,” Luna explained.
“Uh,” Nyx stuttered as he tried to remember how his mom and his sister did their hair. “Well, you don’t have to, I doubt...” Nyx tried to counter.
“But I want to,” Luna insisted as she finished combing out her hair.
“Well, usually, they braid this tiny little piece and drape it...” Nyx tried to explain as he traced the direction of the braid across his own forehead.
“So like this?” Luna mirrored.
“Well, that’s if you’re not married, if a woman is married the braid goes the other way.” Nyx clarified.
“Well I’m assuming by my ID that our cover is that we’re married and we’re on vacation or something, so my little braid would go like this then?” Luna said as she grabbed a small piece of hair from the other side and draped it over her forehead in the opposite direction as before.
“I guess?” Nyx shrugged.
“Want a divorce already?” Luna teased.
“No,” Nyx shook his head no as he chuckled.
“Good, ok so you should get a shower and I’ll try to figure this braid thing out.” Luna suggested as she pulled the chair out from the desk and set it in front of the dresser where a mirror was and put her hair things on top of the dresser before attempting to get her hair to cooperate.
“Don’t forget to use the hair conditioner!” Luna reminded him loudly after he was in the shower for a few minutes.
“But I don’t wanna!” He called back sarcastically.
“Don’t make me come in there and do it for you!” Luna threatened before she giggled.
“You wouldn’t dare,” Nyx called her bluff.
“Oh wouldn’t I?” Luna purred as she opened the bathroom door and peek her head around it. She knew she wouldn’t see anything, the shower had a cloth shower curtain that obscured any view. The action made Nyx practically jump out of his skin he fumbled the stupid bottle and it clattered to the bottom of the tub after falling on his foot. His strangled, startled yelp caused Luna to laugh so hard. Ugh to see his face would have been priceless.
“Fuck! Luna!” Nyx growled as he nearly slipped and hurt himself.
“Make sure you use a lot and let the conditioner soak in for a few minutes,” Luna reminded him firmly before shutting the door again and going back to try and get this little braid right.  
“Fuck,” Nyx hissed as he picked it up and rolled his eyes as he begrudgingly poured out a glob of it and put it in his hair.
“It’s oily!” He complained.
“Silky,” Luna protested. “Soft, won’t irritate my face,” Luna added.
“I got something that will irritate your face...” Nyx muttered under his breath.
“What was that?” Luna asked, not hearing what he said.
“Nothing,” Nyx called back. Gosh she fit into the roll of a nagging wife all too easily.
‘Just wife would be nice,’ his heart sighed.
‘Oh no, not you too,’ his reason argued.
‘It’s called our ‘cover’, act the part, call her darling or baby or honey or something,’ his heart suggested.
‘Ok that...may not be a bad idea,’ his sense of reason reasoned.
Nyx rinsed the stuff out of his hair and tried to rinse the rest of it off before he got out and got dressed in the bathroom.
When he got out he could see Luna trying to get the braid right but she was getting frustrated.
“Want some help?” Nyx asked.
Luna huffed before she bowed her head in defeat. “Yes,” Luna admitted as she undid the last failed attempt to get the braid right.
Nyx smiled as he walked over and combed out her hair again before his quick and nimble fingers found just the right amount of hair to go into the braid before getting to task.
“You braid so fast.” Luna said as she remained seated and watched him work from the mirror.
“A lot of practice.” Nyx smiled at her from the mirror before focusing back on the braid and within moments, he was done, he took one of the smallest hair ties she had gotten and tied the end before letting go of her hair.
“There,” Nyx said as he looked at his handy work.
“Thank you Nyx,” Luna said graciously as she gathered the rest of her hair and put it into a bigger braid. “Should help with the helmet hair thing.” Luna shrugged as she quickly braided the rest of her hair.
“Ready?” Luna asked as she stood.
“Yeah, let me get my boots on,” Nyx answered as he took a new pair of socks and his boots over to the chair in the sitting room and put them on.
“Oh, the hotel offers a laundry service, so if we put our clothes in this bag, they will get washed and returned to us in the morning.” Luna explained as she put her old clothes in the bag to get laundered.
“Ok,” Nyx agreed as he gathered his own clothes from the bathroom and put them in the bag too. Luna filled out the laundry tag and put on the door handle before calling down to the front desk and letting them know they had a laundry bag.
She went to put on her jacket and checked the pocket to make sure the Ring of the Lucii was still there, only to find two more rings along with it.
She pulled all three out to look at them closely.
“What do you have there?” Nyx asked as he put his own jacket back on.
“Wedding rings I think, I found them with the Ring of the Lucii,” Luna answered as she took the matching wedding bands and put them in Nyx’s hand.
“For our cover?” Luna guessed.
“Sure if you want,” Nyx agreed as he put the thicker of the bands on his left hand’s ring finger. “Huh, they got my ring size right.”
Luna simply presented her left hand for him to put the ring on her finger for her.
“With this ring, I take you, Nyx Ulric to be under cover husband,” Luna joked.
Nyx chuckled. “With this ring, I take you, Luna, to be under cover wife,” Nyx mirrored.
“You may now kiss the bride,” Luna smiled and stood up on her toes and quickly kissed him, taking him by surprise.
“Close enough,” Luna giggled as she turned and made sure she had a room key with her before they left, their motorcycle helmets in tow.
Nyx was completely floored and couldn’t wipe the stupid grin off his face even if he tried. He couldn’t believe she kissed him. Granted it was a quick, peck on the lips but she took him by such surprise that he barely could purse his lips for her to kiss them and he couldn’t act fast enough to kiss her back.
“Hey hun?” Nyx asked softly as they walked down the hall to the elevator.
“Yes?” Luna answered back sweetly. “What about the steak house?” Nyx suggested.
“Sounds great,” Luna smiled before they got on the elevator. Luna took a chance and slid her hand into his as they stood side by side in the quiet elevator and was supremely pleased that Nyx interlocked their hands together and held her hand.
“We’re just going to go for it huh?” Nyx guessed.
“Yup,” Luna beamed before the elevator opened again and they walked hand in hand out to their motorcycle to go have dinner.
Once they arrived at the restaurant, they joined hands again before Nyx let go so he could open the door for her.
“Aw, aren’t you chivalrous?” Luna gushed as she walked in through the open door.
“I try,” Nyx smiled as he continued to hold the door open for others that were going out.
“Ulric, table for two,” Luna informed the hostess before Nyx appeared next to her.
“Ten minutes,” the hostess told them as she handed them a buzzer for them to wait in the waiting room.
“Thank you, could I see a menu?” Luna asked before the hostess gave her one.
Luna thanked the hostess again before they found a spot in the waiting area.
Nyx sat down and put his arm on the back of the bench before Luna sat next to him and leaned into his open side and looked the menu over, trying to figure out what she wanted to eat.
Nyx glanced over at it, already having a good idea of what he wanted.
Within five minutes their buzzer went off and they stood and went to the podium to return their buzzer before they were led to their table.
Nyx tried to ignore how most of the guys at all the other tables took notice of Luna as she walked though the restaurant. But then they took one at him and immediately averted their gaze.
‘Damn straight mother fuckers, she’s with me,’ Nyx smirked as he took his seat.
Their waitress came and got their drink orders and Nyx was not surprised in the least that Luna ordered a fruity cocktail.
“I’ll just take a draft,” Nyx said as he picked out the beer he was going to drink. Nothing that would really get him that buzzed but it would relax him.
They ordered and enjoyed their meal as it progressed.
Luna noticed that their server, although polite seemed to be making eyes at Nyx and would look in his direction every so often before talking with the other waitresses. Luna tried not to get jealous. She knew very well how handsome Nyx was and knew that once they were around other people, this kind of thing was bound to happen. But what really made her heart soar was the fact that Nyx didn’t seem like he noticed or cared. His gaze scanned the room every so often but she assumed that was Nyx being alert to their surroundings which he always was. She did notice however that more than a few guys had been making eyes at her throughout their meal but Luna coolly ignored them. She was with Nyx her husband, well, sort of, why would she ever need to look at any other man?
‘Well, except Noctis,’ her reason pointed out.
‘Yeah but Noctis isn’t here, you need to play your part and enjoy your time with Nyx, who knows how much time you have left with him anyway, make the most of it.’ Her heart urged.
Then a young family was seated near them and Luna’s heart nearly melted at the sight of their children, the youngest was a baby, maybe six, seven months old? It was sitting up on it’s own and drooling on it’s teething toys but was otherwise the most darling thing Luna had seen in a while.
Nyx followed her gaze to where the family was sitting behind him.
“What a cute baby,” Luna said softly.
“Yeah,” Nyx agreed with a smile of his own. The baby turned and looked at Luna who lit up and gave the baby the biggest, brightest smile she could. The baby smiled back and started babbling at her. The mother of the child leaned over to see the interaction between Luna and her child and smiled at Luna herself before attending to her other children.
Luna put her hands over her face and played ‘peek a boo’ with the baby who laughed hysterically.
Nyx couldn’t help but laugh himself at her antics. The baby threw it’s teether at Luna but Nyx caught it mid air much to the baby’s astonishment.
“Did you drop something?” Nyx asked as he turned slightly to hand it back to the baby.
“Thank you. Sorry,” The dad said as he took the toy from Nyx to hand back to the baby himself.
“It’s ok, I don’t mind,” Nyx smiled.
Now the baby became obsessed with the throwing it’s toy at Nyx just to watch him catch it, every time he did, the baby continued to rock with laughter as it started to clap.
“You should eat.” The mother tried to insist as she cut up the baby’s food into tiny bites so it could eat too.
“Listen to mom, time to eat,” Nyx gently insisted as he gave the toy back to the dad.
“Thank you so much,” The mother thanked them.
“You’re welcome,” Nyx replied, giving her a slight nod before turning around in his seat to face Luna once again before going back to finishing his meal.
“Aww, when are you going to give me one of those?” Luna fawned and laughed when Nyx choked on his beer, the liquid coming up into his nasal cavity, slightly, causing him to cough and sneeze as he tried to stave off choking as his eyes watered because it burned. Nyx snatched up his napkin and tried to blow out his nose as he tried to remember how to breathe normally. The family behind him couldn’t help but laugh along with Luna at his reaction. Luna did that on purpose.
“Well, we can try tonight if you want,” Nyx answered smoothly once he recovered and was rewarded with Luna’s eyes widening in surprise as she gasped slightly, nearly choking on her own drink before he chuckled to himself. Two could play that game.
“Promises, promises,” Luna purred back as she blushed deeply before she changed the subject.
Goodness gracious this was fun.
When the bill came, Luna gestured for the waitress to come closer so she could ask her something. Luna leaned up and murmured something that Nyx couldn’t make out. The waitress nodded and opened up her notepad to show Luna something and Luna dug into her jacket to get her wallet before she handed the waitress her card.
“I thought I was paying for dinner?” Nyx asked curiously.
“You are, paying for our dinner.” Luna answered him with a small smile.
“Then what was that?” Nyx inquired as he gestured to the exchange Luna had with the waitress.
“Oh I’m paying for that family’s meal. Raising a family is hard and expensive and I rarely get the chance to bestow kindness like this,” Luna answered with her voice dropped so that the other family didn’t overhear. Nyx was proud of her for being so generous.
The waitress returned with their cards and both of them wrote out generous tips before sliding their cards back into their prospective wallets before taking their leave. Luna made sure to waive a small waive and a smile to the family before they walked out.
“That was really fun,” Luna hummed as they got back on the motorcycle to go back to their hotel.
“Hot tub?” Nyx asked as they walked into the hotel.
“Oh yeah,” Luna confirmed as they made their way back to their room.
“I call the bathroom,” Luna said as she grabbed her suit and stole away into the bathroom to change.
“Whatever,” Nyx shook his head as he got undressed before putting his swim trunks on and turned the TV back on as he waited for her.
“Ready?” Luna asked as she came out of the bathroom in her bikini, a simple, black bikini.
‘Fuck, she’s hot,’ Nyx couldn’t help himself from thinking.
“Yup,” Nyx nodded as he jumped up and turned the TV off.
“Towel?” Luna offered as she handed him one from the bathroom.
“Thanks,” Nyx said as he took it from her and strategically put it in front of him to help hide the erection that had sprung in his trunks as he tried not to stare at her lovely form as they made their way down to the inside pool and hot tub.
“Oh good they have towels down here,” Luna said as she came into the heated room and found a cart full of them and grabbed a few and put them on a chair for them. Before they made their way to the hot tub. Luna got in first and sank into the hot water and blew out a breath of relief as the stress and tension in her body began to float away.
Nyx groaned in appreciation as he got into the water and tilted his head back as his eyelids closed as he relaxed into the water himself.
“We should have been doing this all along,” Luna muttered as she relaxed in the hot tub.
“Well, we’re doing it now,” Nyx remarked as he didn’t bother to open his eyes as they continued to relax.
Soon however, he heard another guy clear his throat as he came over to get into the hot tub himself.
“Well hello there,” He greeted Luna smoothly.
Luna’s eyes snapped open as she quickly turned her head to consider who was talking to her and found that he wasn’t looking at her face, instead he was looking at her body, rather greedily and it made her feel instantly uncomfortable. “Hello,” Luna greeted back politely but instinctively went across the small pool to sit next to Nyx again, Nyx instinctively put his arms up to rest on the edge of the hot tub and Luna nestled as close as physically possible into his side and shoulder, using his arm as her head rest. The guy’s face fell slightly at the realization that they were together.
Nyx couldn’t help but grin triumphantly as Luna settled once more into him as she attempted to relax again.
“So where are you from?” The guy asked Luna. “Galahd,” Nyx answered calmly as he leveled a look at the guy.
“Wow, what are you doing all the way out here?” He asked.
“Vacation.” Nyx answered concisely.
“Oh,” The guy nodded.
Things were awkwardly quiet for a few moments before another couple, a much older one, came out from the pool and joined them.
“Oh come on Frank,” the older woman tittered. “Hey guys, how are you this evening?” She greeted warmly.
“Fine, how are you this evening?” Luna returned warmly in turn.
“Oh fine, fine, just on our way to see the grandkids,” the woman answered as she sat down in the hot tub.
“You don’t look old enough to have grandchildren,” Luna flattered.
“Oh aren’t you a sweet thing?” The woman waved off.
“I wish,” the other guy grumbled to himself under his breath but everyone ignored him.
“Oh sweetie I have several grandkids,” the woman explained.
“Keeping them all straight is a problem,” the older man laughed as he came in and sat down himself.
Something about him reminded Nyx of his own grandfather.
“I’m Frank by the way,” the older man introduced himself to Nyx.
“Nyx,” Nyx nodded as he shook Frank’s hand.
“Nick?” Frank repeated.
“No, Nyx,” Nyx repeated.
“Nicks,” Frank said with a nod before turning to the other guy.
“James,” he nodded as he shook Frank’s hand as well before Frank turned to Luna.
“What’s your name?” Frank asked politely.
“Luna,” Luna smiled as she shook his hand too.
“Oh lovely to meet you Luna, I’m Betty,” the older woman introduced herself and shook Luna’s hand too.
“Lovely to meet you too,” Luna smiled.
“So how many grandchildren do you have Betty?” Luna inquired curiously.
“Seven,” Betty smiled before listing all of them off along with their ages.
James quickly lost interest and left to go swim in the pool while the two couples talked. Once James had left Luna moved to the other side of Nyx so that herself and Betty could talk more easily.
“What happened to your chest son?” Frank asked Nyx.
“Oh, I was...struck by lighting,” Nyx answered, figuring that was the best way to describe how the King’s magic affected his body.
“Oh, lucky guy to have survived.” Frank said.
“Yeah, lucky,” Nyx nodded.
“So was that before or after you met your wife?” Frank inquired.
“Before,” Nyx nodded as he looked from Frank to Luna who was deep in conversation with Betty.
“How did you two meet?” Frank asked. “Honey,” Nyx said as he gently stroked Luna’s arm to get her attention. “Yes dear?” Luna asked as she paused her current conversation to consider him.
“Frank wants to know how we met.” Nyx posed.
“University,” Luna quickly answered as if she had been waiting for someone to ask her that very question. “Yes I was taking Political Science and Medicine and Nyx was taking...what again?” Luna asked, completely unsure of what to come up with for him.
“Security and Law Enforcement.” Nyx supplied.
“Oh that’s right,” Luna nodded in agreement. “Yeah we formally met at a party, it was really romantic, I didn’t hardly know anyone there but there was really pretty fireworks,” Luna supplied. “We just...hit it off and became inseperable ever since.” Luna smiled.
“Aww, and how long have you two been married?” Betty asked.  
“Less than a year.” Luna answered.
“Aww, still honeymooners.” Betty gushed.
“Yeah,” Luna giggled as Nyx pulled her to him to kiss her temple.
“Aren’t you two precious, well I wish you the best, you two look really happy. And I’m happy we could scare that other guy off, he couldn’t take his eyes off you since you walked into the pool room.” Betty revealed.
“Yeah I know,” Nyx nodded.
“Problem with being with beautiful women, everyone wants to be with them too.” Frank remarked. “I still keep a baseball bat around for when guys can’t take their eyes off of you,” Frank told his wife. “Oh stop you,” Betty gushed as she pat Frank’s chest.
“Does that mean I need to keep like two baseball bats?” Nyx posed to Luna.
“Three,” Luna laughed.
“Well, we should get going, it was lovely talking with you, enjoy your stay and I hope you make it to your grandchildren safely.” Luna bid them as Nyx and herself got up and out of the hot tub.
“They were lovely,” Luna said as they made their way back to their room.
“Yup,” Nyx agreed.
Luna and Nyx took turns rinsing off hot tub water before getting dressed in pajamas and digging into their junk food as they watched TV from the little sofa in their room. They shared their snacks as they watched various things before settling on Nyx’s favorite cartoons. Luna laid her head onto Nyx’s shoulder as she felt herself grow sleepy. Nyx moved his arm so that she could lean into his side once more as Nyx wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He could get used to this.
They stayed that way until Luna fell asleep. Nyx felt her body sag and tilted his head forward to try and see her face, he moved her bangs out of her face, his fingertips finding and following the delicate braid draped across her forehead. Goodness gracious she was beautiful.
‘Nocits is a lucky guy,’ his reason reminded him. The thought brought him back to reality and caused his heart to restrict painfully in his chest. For all of this pretending and flirting, he couldn’t change who he was and who she was and what her future would most likely be. He thought about what his options were, if Noctis and Luna did end up getting married, would he stay? Would he stay in the Glaive? Would he resign himself to be a soldier once again or would he return to Galahd? If he stayed, how close could he reasonably and realistically stay with her? Would they be friends, he was already sworn to protect the King, would he serve Prince Noctis the same way he had served his father? Would he let his affections for Luna...would he turn into Drautos and serve a King he would loathe because he felt and somehow knew in every fiber of his being that he could love the Queen better than the King could. Or would he simply leave it all behind. Could he live with himself either way?
Luna’s face twisted slightly as she started to wake up. Nyx’s breathing had quickened along with his heart rate and his heart was pounding under her ear.
“What’s wrong?” Luna asked as she tried to wake up a little to sit up.
“Nothing,” Nyx answered as he tried to silence his thoughts.
“What time is it?” Luna asked as she looked about the room for a clock.
“Late, we should get to bed.” Nyx answered as he sat up.
Luna hummed in agreement and got up and staggered over to the bed and put herself under the covers as Nyx turned off the lights and things in the room before settling in on the other side of the bed.
“Good night love, I hope you feel better,” Luna murmured drowsily as she yawned before she fell back asleep.
Nyx bit his lips in the dark, she was not making this easy. Heaven help him.
Luna could tell something was bothering Nyx but she was also too tired to argue with him she could sense the fear and anxiety radiate from him and didn’t know how to fix it. She could feel him start to close himself off to her again. But she knew why, he was trying to save himself, trying to save them both from unhappy futures always wondering ‘what if’.
She had denied herself these kinds of relationships not knowing what exactly what her duties were going to ask of her in the future however she found herself wondering that if she gave into her wants, her temptations and desires just this once, letting herself live life to the fullest and ‘sow her wild oats’ so to speak if she could be satisfied in that fact so that she didn’t wonder ‘what if’ for the rest of her life, she would know for certain. But she also knew that Nyx had too much honor to really go for something like that.
The next morning, Nyx awoke to find Luna’s back to him but she wasn’t sleeping, she had already awoken and her eyes focused on nothing as she thought everything over.
When Nyx stretched as he started to wake up, Luna rolled over to face him once more.
“Good morning,” Luna greeted as she tried to contain her anxiousness.
“Good morning,” Nyx replied as he rolled over to face her. “When you wake up a bit, I need to talk to you,” Luna informed him.
“I’m pretty awake now...” Nyx answered hesitantly as he started to frown.
“Do I make you uncomfortable?” Luna posed.
“No,” Nyx quickly shook his head.
“Is pretending to be my husband asking too much of you emotionally?” Luna asked.
Nyx opened his mouth before the words died in his throat. He shut his mouth and subconciously held his breath for a moment before exhaling and closing his eyes.
“I...I don’t know how to answer that.” Nyx finally admitted.
“If it is, if you think that we are getting too close and that will compromise us. That’s...I will do my best to make peace with it... We can take the rings off, stop this charade and just try to get to Altissia as quickly as possible because once you do, once you fulfill your duty of seeing me to Altissia safely, you’re free, you’re free to go back to Galahd and to live out the rest of your life how you see fit, happy and content knowing you did all that was asked of you and move on with your life, forget all about me, forget all about any of this if you want.” Luna gave him an out. “It will be easier for you if we regain our professional distance.”
Luna bit her lips from keeping herself from talking any more. She knew that she needed to end it there. She closed her eyes shut as she prepared herself for him to say yes. She tried to keep her breathing under control even though her heart was pounding in her chest. She opened her eyes again needing to search those glorious blue eyes again, even if it was for one of the last times she ever would.
“What do you want?” Nyx asked. He needed to know if she really wanted what she was saying or if she was just trying to give him an out. “Honestly?” Luna asked, unsure if she should really speak her mind on the matter.
“Please, only ever be honest with me,” Nyx invited. “I really want to know what you want.” Nyx insisted.
Luna took a deep breath and tried to steady her voice.
“I have been fighting an inner war with myself because part of me, the sensible, wiser part, says we should do what I just proposed. That I’m better off not knowing any different and to ‘save myself’ any misery and heart ache that will come when we part ways. That’s mostly what my head tells me. My heart, my emotional part of me, keeps telling me to make the most of having you all to myself and to push off going to Altissia because I don’t want to be parted from you, for any reason, for any length of time and I know, that’s not reasonable, or realistic and extremely selfish but I just don’t care. I’m drawn to you on so many levels more than I have ever been drawn to anything or anyone before and I just want to jump head first into everything and live this small but pivotal time in my life to the fullest and not have any regrets or not wonder about all the ‘what ifs’ that will keep me up at night because I will know. I will know what it was like to be liked for myself and for once in my life to be ‘normal’ and not worry about the future or duty or obligation and just really, be in the moment, as long as you’re in that moment with me,” Luna disclosed quickly, trying to get it all out before she lost her nerve. “But only if you would want that too.” Luna added as she dropped her gaze, unable to hold his gaze any longer. She curled in on herself as she waited for his answer. She both dreaded and depended on it and felt her eyes gloss with tears that threatened to fall.
She saw something move out of the corner of her eye, it was his hand, reaching out to her, she moved to intercept it with her own hand but before she could, his hand had cupped her cheek and gently moved her face up to face him. When she looked up, he had moved across the bed and his face was now only a few inches away from hers.
“Ok,” Nyx whispered softly before finally claiming her mouth with his own.
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topfygad · 5 years
45 Things to Pack for the Rainforest
Packing in general is tricky, double that when you are packing for an adventure in the South American rainforest that will have you doing everything from piranha fishing the rivers to camping in hammocks deep in the Amazon jungle to a Jaguar safari. Not to mention the constant battle with humidity, strong sunshine and pesky critters!
I spent 10 memorable days in the country of Guyana’s jungle and here’s the packing list based on my trip.
What to Wear: Jungle Clothing & Accessories
Hiking Boots
A pair of comfortable, hiking boots with ankle support and have good tread are a necessity. The trails can be muddy and uneven causing you to slip easily (a couple people in our group slipped while on a jungle mountain climb!), so make sure they are a good quality boot. Also, get something with breathable material, so your feet won’t get too hot.
My hiking boots were the Bearpaw brand, but are unfortunately discontinued. These Columbia Newton Ridge boots are very similar and highly rated.
Trail Shoes
For milder hikes, exploring the villages or to hang out in in the evenings bring a low ankle hiking shoe. The KEEN Terradora hiking shoe offers both style and comfort.
Waterproof Sandals
After a long day hiking the first thing you’ll want to do is give your feet some room to breath, but you also want to be protected from the mosquitoes, so bring a pair of waterproof sandals that you can easily wear with a pair of socks (I know that sounds very fashionable, but you will thank me later!). These are also great in the outdoor showers where you may feel uncomfortable in bare feet.
Sun Hat
A full brim hat will help keep the sun off of you and keep you cooler. Make sure that you get one with a tie around your neck so it doesn’t fly off when you’re riding in the boats. I brought the Bodvera Outdoor Hat and it worked out great especially because of the crisscrossed fabric around the middle of it so that I could hook a carabiner through it and hang it from my backpack when not in use.
Though you probably won’t want to swim in the rivers (piranhas! Need I say more?), there may be a pool at one of the lodges and it’ll be a big relief from the humidity to be able to jump in!
Bring quick dry full-length pants with lots of pockets and in neutral colors (bright or flowered fabrics can attract bugs). It’s practical if one pair can be either rolled up to make capris or unzipped to turn into shorts, though most of the time you will want to be wearing pants that cover your legs to protect you from insects. A pair of long comfy leggings are also great for hanging out around the lodge.
I brought one pair of prAna Halle pants, two pairs of  North Face Aphrodite 2.0 Pants (so comfy!!!) and one pair of Black Diamond Credo pants.
Long-Sleeved Shirts
The best shirts for the rainforest are long-sleeved button-ups with a collar that can be flipped up to keep the sun off your neck. Though breathable quick dry ones are said to be the best (like this one from Colombia), I wore simple lightweight button-ups from a discount store like Marshall’s and it was fine. Also bring a couple of comfy long-sleeved shirts to change into when your hanging around the lodge or sleeping in the jungle.
Tank Top
You will be in some areas with less bugs and you’ll want to remove your long sleeved shirt to relieve you from the rainforest heat. Slip a tank (or tee) underneath your outfit and you’re all set. Tanks are also perfect for sleeping in since most lodges will not have air conditioning, but will proved mosquito nets. I bring a variety of simple ribbed Zenana tanks on EVERY trip!
A couple t-shirts are nice to have for the lodges or for under your long sleeved shirts. I brought the cute Not All Who Wander Are Lost t-shirt pictured below.
You’ll want to make sure that ALL your shirts are long enough to tuck securely into your bottoms to prevent bugs from finding their way up your back. One night while we were camping my shirt was accidentally untucked for an hour and I woke up with little bites on my butt. No fun!
Bring comfortable and quick drying underwear and sports bras to wear underneath your clothing. You don’t need to bring a pair for everyday since these are easy to wash by hand in the sinks at the lodges.
You should have comfortable hiking style socks that are mid to long length (no ankle/bootie socks!) They need to be long enough to be able to tuck your pants into them when hiking through the rainforest so no critters can crawl up your legs. I brought five pairs of SEOULSTORY7 hiking socks.
A sarong or large scarf has many uses, so it’s always wise to travel with one. In the Amazon jungle it can be used as a makeshift towel, to cover your shoulders at the lodge (when your tired of wearing long sleeves!) or to wrap around your bathing suit if you are going for a swim.
Rain Jacket/Poncho
The rainforest is true to its name! Sometimes you will be hiking and with no warning there will be a torrential downpour. Carry a lightweight, compact rain jacket with you that can be added to any outfit. No need to bring a heavier jacket, you will not use it! I brought the Cheering Waterproof Windbreaker Jacket which didn’t offer complete rain protection, but it was very lightweight.
A neckwrap is practical because it can be used in so many ways: around your neck to shade from the sun, to keep your hair off of your face and to put around your mouth so no bugs will get through. These VANCROWN Wraps did the trick and they come in variety packs!
Hair Ties
It is so hot and humid that, if you are anything like me, your go-to hair style will be “bun and done”. Bring plenty of strong hair ties in case you lose a couple along the way.
There is more to traveling through Guyana’s rainforest than just shaded pathways, you will also be out in the middle of the sun a lot! Protect your eyes with a pair of polarized lens sunglasses. Make sure they are not too expensive, as they can easily be dropped in the mud or lost in the mucky waters.
Cooling Towel
A cooling towel was a last minute addition to my luggage…thank God! There will be nothing better than soaking a cooling towel in water and then wrapping it around your neck. ChillPal makes the ultimate chilling towel that can keep you cool for hours!
Most lodges offer a laundry service that is fairly cheap, so there’s no need to pack a different outfit for every day.
Safety & Medical
First Aid kit
Your jungle tour guides will typically carry a medical kit for your group, but you should have a little one of your own for things like small cuts and blisters. You can buy yourself a travel-sized kit that’s got a little of everything in it (like this one!). But, if you need to buy items individually here’s a general list of things you need:
Zinc Oxide Tape
Antiseptic Wipes
Assorted Band-Aids
Wound Dressing x2
Hydration Powder x 12
Blister Dressing
Anti-fungal Cream
Hydrocortisone Cream
Foot powder
Anti diarrheal medicine
Antibacterial Wipes
Mosquito/Insect Repellent
Remember, you’ll be in the humid rainforest and that means BUGS! Though many of the lodges will supply a bottle of insect repellent, some do not and you will definitely want to bring your own to be protected.
I used a healthy spray of Off! Deep Woods on my exposed areas and carried Repel Mosquito Wipes, plus used mosquito repellent patches on my wrists and ankles. In hindsight, I would have also added the Sawyer Permethrin insect repellent that you spray directly on your clothing and lasts six washings. 
Anti-Itch Cream 
Unfortunately, even with being overly protected (unless you plan on wearing a hasmat suit!) the likelihood of getting a couple bug bites is pretty high, so bring along an anti-itch cream to keep you from scratching your bumps and making them worse! A good cortisone cream will do just fine.
The sun is almost always out in Guyana and all over the Amazon jungle, even though you’ll be hiking through the rainforest’s canopy of trees there are long stretches of open patches and uncovered boat rides. It’s best to get a UVA & UVB, non scented sunscreen, so you won’t attract insects. I only brought a small tube of Neutrogena Beach Defense SPF 70.
Shampoo & Body Wash
You may need both shampoo and body wash when camping in the jungle or staying at the lodges, as some do not provide these basics. A 3-ounce tube should suffice, I always use the Humangear GoTubes because the containers are flexible (so I can get the very last bit of product out of them!) and I’ve never had them leak.
Face Wipes
The humidity will cause you to sweat…A LOT! That will make your face feel and look very greasy. It will be very refreshing to use a hydrating wet wipe to remove the grub.
Tissue Packs
Pocket-sized tissue packs will come in real handy when there are bathrooms without a supply (happens more often than you’d think) and when the forest is your restroom.
Some tiny bugs may be attracted to your minty fresh toothpaste, so get tubes with a twist cap that can be securely fastened.
Keep in mind that because of the excessive rainforest sweat you may be using more deodorant than normal.
You can bring makeup, but frankly it will just melt off your face, so it’s better (and easier!) to not wear any.
A headlamp is perfect for wildlife night-spotting, sitting around campfire or reading in your hammock. The ones with the red filter option are best because it can help to keep the bugs from pestering you. All headlamps are not the same! Make sure that your headlamps light is strong enough (like the Black Diamond Headlamp I used). Also, don’t forget to load up on AAA batteries!
There are thousands of photo opportunities in Guyana, as well as anywhere in the Amazon jungle, so don’t forget to bring your camera equipment! I carried a waterproof GoPro, an Iphone (the camera is actually amazing in the right light!) and my Canon 6D DSLR camera with a standard lens. What was missing? There are so many beautiful birds and wildlife in the Amazon rainforest, but many times they are hard to capture without a zoom lens. Next time, I’d definitely add a 300mm zoom lens for my camera.
Wildlife is unpredictable and mostly likely isn’t going to just happen to be a couple feet away so you can get the perfect view (especially the birds). You will get a lot of use out of a good pair of binoculars. For a more economical pair (under $30!) choose the Bushnell Flacon binoculars. If you plan on being a birder or want something more heavy duty try the Nikon 7577 MONARCH 7.
When you research outlet adapters for Guyana there will be a few different suggestions: type A, D and type F. I brought all three, but all outlets encountered during my entire trip were a standard American 3-prong. Just to be safe, you may want to bring a universal adapter. I’ve used the Tenachi Universal Adapter all over the world with no problems, though this upgraded adapter has USB ports whereas the Tenachi does not.
Surge Protector
Electricity is available in most lodges, but many places have very limited outlets—sometimes only one per room. So bring along a compact surge protector with a few extra outlets on it. This was you can charge multiple items at once!
Waterproof Watch
With the age of cell phones, a watch is not a total necessity unless you don’t want to be always grabbing for your phone or want to protect it from a random downpour. My Armitron  jelly strap watch worked nicely.
Battery Backups
Some lodges electricity is run by generator and they will turn it off at night, so you can’t be guaranteed that your electronics will be charging overnight. Plus, there are excursions deep in the forest that will keep you away from a power source for a day or two. You won’t have WiFi or cell service most of the time, but if you like to use your phone for photos and/or entertainment bring backup power. I used a battery backup Iphone case and the Rav external backup battery. Between the two, I always had power.
Take a look at your itinerary to see what size backpack you may need, keeping in mind that if you are flying to remote areas in small planes there will be a 40lb TOTAL luggage limit. You may want to solely bring a backpack or do what I did and bring a small piece of carryon luggage and the 44 Teton backpack. This worked perfectly for me since we were mostly staying at lodges with one night of camping.
Dry Bags
Dry bags can be used to protect your valuables during river crossings or when the rain unexpectedly strikes, and also to hold wet clothing.
I did not bring enough carabiners! These practical clips can be used to attach things to the exterior of your backpack and bags. I used the only one I brought to clip my hat to the back of my backpack, but I wish I’d had extra in order to be able to to attach the water bottle, hair ties and so much more.
Hydration Bag
Staying hydrated is essential in the rainforest and a small 2-3 liter hydration backpack will help you do it. You can get a small one that slips into your larger backpack, so it can double as a daypack or make sure your larger backpack has a section for the water pouch.
Sometimes you are not going to want to lug around a large pack, so it’s really nice to have a small daypack that you can use when needed. My Waterfly sling daypack fit snug inside my larger backpack and was fantastic for short tours from the lodge.
You may be able to use your credit cards at a few random places in Georgetown, but any further out and it’s cash only. Most places will take USD, sometimes giving you change in Guyanese currency, so there’s no need to do a currency exchange.
Not including lodging and tours, I spent an average of $25 per day on tipping, snacks and souvenirs.
Have copies of your passport, vaccination card, tickets, etc in a separate bag from the original. You can also take photos of them to store on your phone.
Yellow Fever Vaccination Card
Technically, the country of Guyana only recommends the yellow fever vaccination, but if you fly Copa Airlines it is a mandatory requirement and you will be turned away from your flight without one. Double check with your airline and the country requirements before deciding to forgo the vaccination.
There are some quiet nights in the jungle, so bring a deck of cards, pocket game or a book (it’d be a good time to read mine: Bucket List Adventures!!—shameless plug)
Goodies to Eat
After a few days of chicken, cassava and okra you may be craving some treats from home. Bring a couple of your favorite bars, tea or snacks. I brought an assortment of Kind Bars and ate them all!
Sewing Kit
Just in case your clothing gets snagged on a branch in the jungle, bring a small sewing kit, like the ones you find in a hotel room (or this one) for some quick repairs.
Remember, that if you are taking small planes, all of your gear and luggage should weigh no more than 40lbs total!!! For me this was one small carryon suitcase and a 44L backpack.
source http://cheaprtravels.com/45-things-to-pack-for-the-rainforest/
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
45 Things to Pack for the Rainforest
Packing in general is tricky, double that when you are packing for an adventure in the South American rainforest that will have you doing everything from piranha fishing the rivers to camping in hammocks deep in the Amazon jungle to a Jaguar safari. Not to mention the constant battle with humidity, strong sunshine and pesky critters!
I spent 10 memorable days in the country of Guyana’s jungle and here’s the packing list based on my trip.
What to Wear: Jungle Clothing & Accessories
Hiking Boots
A pair of comfortable, hiking boots with ankle support and have good tread are a necessity. The trails can be muddy and uneven causing you to slip easily (a couple people in our group slipped while on a jungle mountain climb!), so make sure they are a good quality boot. Also, get something with breathable material, so your feet won’t get too hot.
My hiking boots were the Bearpaw brand, but are unfortunately discontinued. These Columbia Newton Ridge boots are very similar and highly rated.
Trail Shoes
For milder hikes, exploring the villages or to hang out in in the evenings bring a low ankle hiking shoe. The KEEN Terradora hiking shoe offers both style and comfort.
Waterproof Sandals
After a long day hiking the first thing you’ll want to do is give your feet some room to breath, but you also want to be protected from the mosquitoes, so bring a pair of waterproof sandals that you can easily wear with a pair of socks (I know that sounds very fashionable, but you will thank me later!). These are also great in the outdoor showers where you may feel uncomfortable in bare feet.
Sun Hat
A full brim hat will help keep the sun off of you and keep you cooler. Make sure that you get one with a tie around your neck so it doesn’t fly off when you’re riding in the boats. I brought the Bodvera Outdoor Hat and it worked out great especially because of the crisscrossed fabric around the middle of it so that I could hook a carabiner through it and hang it from my backpack when not in use.
Though you probably won’t want to swim in the rivers (piranhas! Need I say more?), there may be a pool at one of the lodges and it’ll be a big relief from the humidity to be able to jump in!
Bring quick dry full-length pants with lots of pockets and in neutral colors (bright or flowered fabrics can attract bugs). It’s practical if one pair can be either rolled up to make capris or unzipped to turn into shorts, though most of the time you will want to be wearing pants that cover your legs to protect you from insects. A pair of long comfy leggings are also great for hanging out around the lodge.
I brought one pair of prAna Halle pants, two pairs of  North Face Aphrodite 2.0 Pants (so comfy!!!) and one pair of Black Diamond Credo pants.
Long-Sleeved Shirts
The best shirts for the rainforest are long-sleeved button-ups with a collar that can be flipped up to keep the sun off your neck. Though breathable quick dry ones are said to be the best (like this one from Colombia), I wore simple lightweight button-ups from a discount store like Marshall’s and it was fine. Also bring a couple of comfy long-sleeved shirts to change into when your hanging around the lodge or sleeping in the jungle.
Tank Top
You will be in some areas with less bugs and you’ll want to remove your long sleeved shirt to relieve you from the rainforest heat. Slip a tank (or tee) underneath your outfit and you’re all set. Tanks are also perfect for sleeping in since most lodges will not have air conditioning, but will proved mosquito nets. I bring a variety of simple ribbed Zenana tanks on EVERY trip!
A couple t-shirts are nice to have for the lodges or for under your long sleeved shirts. I brought the cute Not All Who Wander Are Lost t-shirt pictured below.
You’ll want to make sure that ALL your shirts are long enough to tuck securely into your bottoms to prevent bugs from finding their way up your back. One night while we were camping my shirt was accidentally untucked for an hour and I woke up with little bites on my butt. No fun!
Bring comfortable and quick drying underwear and sports bras to wear underneath your clothing. You don’t need to bring a pair for everyday since these are easy to wash by hand in the sinks at the lodges.
You should have comfortable hiking style socks that are mid to long length (no ankle/bootie socks!) They need to be long enough to be able to tuck your pants into them when hiking through the rainforest so no critters can crawl up your legs. I brought five pairs of SEOULSTORY7 hiking socks.
A sarong or large scarf has many uses, so it’s always wise to travel with one. In the Amazon jungle it can be used as a makeshift towel, to cover your shoulders at the lodge (when your tired of wearing long sleeves!) or to wrap around your bathing suit if you are going for a swim.
Rain Jacket/Poncho
The rainforest is true to its name! Sometimes you will be hiking and with no warning there will be a torrential downpour. Carry a lightweight, compact rain jacket with you that can be added to any outfit. No need to bring a heavier jacket, you will not use it! I brought the Cheering Waterproof Windbreaker Jacket which didn’t offer complete rain protection, but it was very lightweight.
A neckwrap is practical because it can be used in so many ways: around your neck to shade from the sun, to keep your hair off of your face and to put around your mouth so no bugs will get through. These VANCROWN Wraps did the trick and they come in variety packs!
Hair Ties
It is so hot and humid that, if you are anything like me, your go-to hair style will be “bun and done”. Bring plenty of strong hair ties in case you lose a couple along the way.
There is more to traveling through Guyana’s rainforest than just shaded pathways, you will also be out in the middle of the sun a lot! Protect your eyes with a pair of polarized lens sunglasses. Make sure they are not too expensive, as they can easily be dropped in the mud or lost in the mucky waters.
Cooling Towel
A cooling towel was a last minute addition to my luggage…thank God! There will be nothing better than soaking a cooling towel in water and then wrapping it around your neck. ChillPal makes the ultimate chilling towel that can keep you cool for hours!
Most lodges offer a laundry service that is fairly cheap, so there’s no need to pack a different outfit for every day.
Safety & Medical
First Aid kit
Your jungle tour guides will typically carry a medical kit for your group, but you should have a little one of your own for things like small cuts and blisters. You can buy yourself a travel-sized kit that’s got a little of everything in it (like this one!). But, if you need to buy items individually here’s a general list of things you need:
Zinc Oxide Tape
Antiseptic Wipes
Assorted Band-Aids
Wound Dressing x2
Hydration Powder x 12
Blister Dressing
Anti-fungal Cream
Hydrocortisone Cream
Foot powder
Anti diarrheal medicine
Antibacterial Wipes
Mosquito/Insect Repellent
Remember, you’ll be in the humid rainforest and that means BUGS! Though many of the lodges will supply a bottle of insect repellent, some do not and you will definitely want to bring your own to be protected.
I used a healthy spray of Off! Deep Woods on my exposed areas and carried Repel Mosquito Wipes, plus used mosquito repellent patches on my wrists and ankles. In hindsight, I would have also added the Sawyer Permethrin insect repellent that you spray directly on your clothing and lasts six washings. 
Anti-Itch Cream 
Unfortunately, even with being overly protected (unless you plan on wearing a hasmat suit!) the likelihood of getting a couple bug bites is pretty high, so bring along an anti-itch cream to keep you from scratching your bumps and making them worse! A good cortisone cream will do just fine.
The sun is almost always out in Guyana and all over the Amazon jungle, even though you’ll be hiking through the rainforest’s canopy of trees there are long stretches of open patches and uncovered boat rides. It’s best to get a UVA & UVB, non scented sunscreen, so you won’t attract insects. I only brought a small tube of Neutrogena Beach Defense SPF 70.
Shampoo & Body Wash
You may need both shampoo and body wash when camping in the jungle or staying at the lodges, as some do not provide these basics. A 3-ounce tube should suffice, I always use the Humangear GoTubes because the containers are flexible (so I can get the very last bit of product out of them!) and I’ve never had them leak.
Face Wipes
The humidity will cause you to sweat…A LOT! That will make your face feel and look very greasy. It will be very refreshing to use a hydrating wet wipe to remove the grub.
Tissue Packs
Pocket-sized tissue packs will come in real handy when there are bathrooms without a supply (happens more often than you’d think) and when the forest is your restroom.
Some tiny bugs may be attracted to your minty fresh toothpaste, so get tubes with a twist cap that can be securely fastened.
Keep in mind that because of the excessive rainforest sweat you may be using more deodorant than normal.
You can bring makeup, but frankly it will just melt off your face, so it’s better (and easier!) to not wear any.
A headlamp is perfect for wildlife night-spotting, sitting around campfire or reading in your hammock. The ones with the red filter option are best because it can help to keep the bugs from pestering you. All headlamps are not the same! Make sure that your headlamps light is strong enough (like the Black Diamond Headlamp I used). Also, don’t forget to load up on AAA batteries!
There are thousands of photo opportunities in Guyana, as well as anywhere in the Amazon jungle, so don’t forget to bring your camera equipment! I carried a waterproof GoPro, an Iphone (the camera is actually amazing in the right light!) and my Canon 6D DSLR camera with a standard lens. What was missing? There are so many beautiful birds and wildlife in the Amazon rainforest, but many times they are hard to capture without a zoom lens. Next time, I’d definitely add a 300mm zoom lens for my camera.
Wildlife is unpredictable and mostly likely isn’t going to just happen to be a couple feet away so you can get the perfect view (especially the birds). You will get a lot of use out of a good pair of binoculars. For a more economical pair (under $30!) choose the Bushnell Flacon binoculars. If you plan on being a birder or want something more heavy duty try the Nikon 7577 MONARCH 7.
When you research outlet adapters for Guyana there will be a few different suggestions: type A, D and type F. I brought all three, but all outlets encountered during my entire trip were a standard American 3-prong. Just to be safe, you may want to bring a universal adapter. I’ve used the Tenachi Universal Adapter all over the world with no problems, though this upgraded adapter has USB ports whereas the Tenachi does not.
Surge Protector
Electricity is available in most lodges, but many places have very limited outlets—sometimes only one per room. So bring along a compact surge protector with a few extra outlets on it. This was you can charge multiple items at once!
Waterproof Watch
With the age of cell phones, a watch is not a total necessity unless you don’t want to be always grabbing for your phone or want to protect it from a random downpour. My Armitron  jelly strap watch worked nicely.
Battery Backups
Some lodges electricity is run by generator and they will turn it off at night, so you can’t be guaranteed that your electronics will be charging overnight. Plus, there are excursions deep in the forest that will keep you away from a power source for a day or two. You won’t have WiFi or cell service most of the time, but if you like to use your phone for photos and/or entertainment bring backup power. I used a battery backup Iphone case and the Rav external backup battery. Between the two, I always had power.
Take a look at your itinerary to see what size backpack you may need, keeping in mind that if you are flying to remote areas in small planes there will be a 40lb TOTAL luggage limit. You may want to solely bring a backpack or do what I did and bring a small piece of carryon luggage and the 44 Teton backpack. This worked perfectly for me since we were mostly staying at lodges with one night of camping.
Dry Bags
Dry bags can be used to protect your valuables during river crossings or when the rain unexpectedly strikes, and also to hold wet clothing.
I did not bring enough carabiners! These practical clips can be used to attach things to the exterior of your backpack and bags. I used the only one I brought to clip my hat to the back of my backpack, but I wish I’d had extra in order to be able to to attach the water bottle, hair ties and so much more.
Hydration Bag
Staying hydrated is essential in the rainforest and a small 2-3 liter hydration backpack will help you do it. You can get a small one that slips into your larger backpack, so it can double as a daypack or make sure your larger backpack has a section for the water pouch.
Sometimes you are not going to want to lug around a large pack, so it’s really nice to have a small daypack that you can use when needed. My Waterfly sling daypack fit snug inside my larger backpack and was fantastic for short tours from the lodge.
You may be able to use your credit cards at a few random places in Georgetown, but any further out and it’s cash only. Most places will take USD, sometimes giving you change in Guyanese currency, so there’s no need to do a currency exchange.
Not including lodging and tours, I spent an average of $25 per day on tipping, snacks and souvenirs.
Have copies of your passport, vaccination card, tickets, etc in a separate bag from the original. You can also take photos of them to store on your phone.
Yellow Fever Vaccination Card
Technically, the country of Guyana only recommends the yellow fever vaccination, but if you fly Copa Airlines it is a mandatory requirement and you will be turned away from your flight without one. Double check with your airline and the country requirements before deciding to forgo the vaccination.
There are some quiet nights in the jungle, so bring a deck of cards, pocket game or a book (it’d be a good time to read mine: Bucket List Adventures!!—shameless plug)
Goodies to Eat
After a few days of chicken, cassava and okra you may be craving some treats from home. Bring a couple of your favorite bars, tea or snacks. I brought an assortment of Kind Bars and ate them all!
Sewing Kit
Just in case your clothing gets snagged on a branch in the jungle, bring a small sewing kit, like the ones you find in a hotel room (or this one) for some quick repairs.
Remember, that if you are taking small planes, all of your gear and luggage should weigh no more than 40lbs total!!! For me this was one small carryon suitcase and a 44L backpack.
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/300a6I9 via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
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