#me nodding and going ‘hmm’ while I drink out of a straw in a beanbag chair
Last night I had a dream that I only vaguely remember where someone tried to switch hualian and beefleaf but kept failing because too much of Hua Cheng’s character was him being whipped and they didn’t know how to deal with that. I was entirely useless but did find their approach to making Xie Lian gender-fluid interesting (i don’t remember what they did when doing that).
I was basically just sitting there with a sprite I got from a movie theater that was closing (dream right before this one) and being entirely useless as help (but I was entertained)
#emma posts#there were some other things going on at the same time as well#I think someone was trying not to get murdered and we spent half the time on a highway with no car for some reason#my dreams don’t really have a clear plot#a lot happens at the same time#it’s like it has three sun plots at once but one of the sun plots has someone almost dying#I was disappointed when the first place i tried to get a drink had orange soda instead of sprite come out of the dispenser#for some reason I found the gender-fluid thing relatable even though I’m not gender fluid#I don’t even remember how#but in the waking world I only have two sets of pronouns and they are interchangeable all the time#there was also swimming involved at some point but I’m pretty sure that was just because i like swimming#my life was being threatened while i was swimming to escape but I could have probably taken a different route#for some reason the change in depth perception when my glasses were off vs when I was wearing them was even more extreme? like a telescope#I’d say that with my fuzzy waking memory I lost the plot but I’m pretty sure there was more than one to begin with#feel like drawing a picture that is like me: in a beanbag with a sprite watching someone#them: hands in their hair ranting beside their desk#I am half zoned out#but I don’t think i will draw it#them: so much of his character is based around Xie lain#me nodding and going ‘hmm’ while I drink out of a straw in a beanbag chair
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minahraven · 7 years
Meeting Daddy (Taehyung/ BTS)(Fluff/Smut)
Summary: My friends knew I was into dd/lg. At their suggestion, I went to a Littles mixer to get to know others like me. The last thing I expected was to find something I didn’t know I was looking for.
Pairing: Daddy!Taehyung x Reader; Daddy!Jungkook X Little!Jimin (non-central)
Word Count: Ongoing
Genre: Fluff/ Possible Smut
Warnings: This story deals with dd/lg/ daddy kink. While the dd/lg is primarily non-sexual, it may include sexual connotations. I will, however, try to keep it outside that sphere, unless readers prefer sexy-Daddy (not my thing, but I’m here to please my readers! ^_^ ) The story will likely include some smut later on, though that hasn’t been determined yet.
It was the first time I had done something like this. Hell, I wasn’t even 100% sure what ‘this’ was. All I knew for sure was that my friend had insisted that this was something I needed to do, ‘for me’. At last, it was my turn, and I took the slip of paper and nametag the greeter handed me, sticking the tag to my top and heading inside. The room was dimly lit, but not intimidating. Quite the contrary. The place was warm and inviting, with stuffed toys dotted here and there, tables of sandwiches, snacks and juice boxes, and a variety of tvs showing all sorts of cartoons surrounded by beanbags and plush rugs. Here and there stood a number of people, most of whom seemed to be in couples, though there were several either standing off to one side looking awkward or in groups talking quietly amongst themselves.
I found myself drawn toward the tvs and, before I had even realised I was doing it, was kicking off my shoes and sinking onto one of the beanbags to watch Beauty and the Beast. Before long, a few other women around my age and I were gathered around the tv, happily singing along with our favorite songs, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Looking up, I saw one of the men I had seen as I entered the room, holding out one of the juice boxes for me with a warm smile. Grinning at him, I took it and immediately set about fighting with the straw, glaring at it when it refused to separate from the box. With a deep, cheerful chuckle, he held out his hand again and I looked up at him.
“Want me to get that for you?” I nodded, holding up the box and he took it, crouching down beside me with an even warmer smile and quickly managing to get the straw into the box. Holding it for me, one hand steadying the straw, he gestured to me to drink. I watched him carefully for a moment, feeling unsure of what to do in a situation such as this. He seemed harmless enough, and I leaned forward, gingerly taking a sip of the juice, grinning when I discovered it to be my favorite flavour. “Nice?” he asked, tilting his head curiously, and I nodded.
“I like fruit punch best,” I said softly, ducking my head. I wasn’t used to talking to anyone about that side of me, and suddenly saying it out loud made everything much more real.
“Me too!” he said brightly, letting himself drop to sit beside me. “Where’s your daddy?” I shook my head, fixing my gaze on a fingernail as I picked at it.
“I don’t have one. Never had one. My friend said I should come here to meet one but I dunno.” I hadn’t noticed that I had slipped into the more childish tone until I heard a soft ‘tsk’ from beside me. I raised my eyes to see him looking at me sadly, an exaggerated pout on his lips.
“You must be pretty nervous, huh? Being here all by yourself?” I nodded and he set the juice box down, holding his shirt so that I could see the nametag he was wearing. “My name’s TaeTae. I can be your pretend daddy for tonight if you want. I don’t have a little of my own either so I came along to see if there was anyone that needed me.” I eyed him for a moment before nodding tentatively. He immediately beamed and held his arms out, gesturing with his fingertips for me to sit on his knee. I felt shy at being asked to do so by a complete stranger, but obeyed nonetheless, his arms quickly wrapping around me to stabilize me as one hand held the juice box up for me to take another sip.
Within an hour, TaeTae and I were inseparable. Where I went, he was close behind, making sure I was alright. If anyone seemed to make me nervous, he would give me an excuse to leave, though he allowed me much more freedom than I had expected. Unlike some of the caregivers dotted around the room, he didn’t insist I stay by his side, nor did he insist I ask permission before doing anything. Instead, he was more than willing to allow me to turn to him only when I needed to, or step in whenever I seemed to need him. I found myself more and more attached to him, feeling unusually comfortable with him. He made me feel safe and cared for, and whenever I did something that was somewhat out of my comfort zone successfully, I caught him beaming proudly from the sidelines. If I turned to him for support, he was more than thrilled to step in and protect or help me.
By the time late evening rolled around, I was already feeling worn out from the pressure of the day, and I began to yawn widely. I felt a hand on my waist almost immediately, gently pulling me closer to the figure I was rapidly becoming familiar with, as another hand moved to stroke my hair gently as it guided my head to rest against his chest.
“Are you sleepy, angel?” The soft rumble of Tae’s voice instantly made me feel even more little, and before I realised it, I was turning in to him, nodding as I closed my eyes and ducking my head at the light chuckle the behaviour brought. “Come on then, little one. Let’s find somewhere to sit down and you can take a nap, hmm?” I nodded again and allowed him to pull away and lead me toward one of the larger beanbags. He sank down onto it and gently pulled me into his lap, once again cradling my head against his chest and combing his fingers lightly through my hair as he leaned back against the wall behind him. “There we go,” he murmured, the soothing tone easily filtering through the remnants of my adult mind that were trying to keep me awake and setting me at ease. “You just close your eyes, babygirl.” I had just done so when I heard a rustling and Tae moved slightly, looking up.
“Who’s this then?” a soft voice crooned, and I opened my eyes, looking up at the men standing over us, smiling gently. One of them crouched down beside us, his smile spreading until his eyes were barely visible. “Hi there, cutie. I’m Jiminie and this is Kookie. Is this your daddy?” He gestured toward Tae and I looked up at him, a single raised eyebrow and amused smile the only response he gave, as though leaving the question to me to answer. I bit my lip nervously, thinking for a moment, before wrapping my arms around Tae’s waist and turning back to Jiminie, nodding emphatically.
“I just met him today but he’s my new daddy, so be nice,” I muttered, eyeing him carefully. I was on edge thanks to the nickname he had given me, but instead of being offended, he simply laughed, Tae and Kookie joining in.
“Looks like you’ve found the perfect one for you, hyung,” Kookie laughed as he dropped down to sit next to us, grinning at me. Tae pulled me closer to him, nodding and resting his chin on my head.
“I guess you could say it was little at first sight.” I groaned at the terrible joke and he gave me a squeeze, pressing his lips to the top of my head. “I’m sorry sweetness, that was awful. You go on back to sleepies. I’m just gonna talk to Jiminie and Kookie, if that’s okay. They’re my friends.” The assurance of their friendship set me at ease and I nodded quickly, giving them a small smile before closing my eyes and nuzzling into Tae’s chest, pulling my legs up beside me and smiling a little to myself when he automatically moved to accommodate them.
“You really just met her?” Kookie’s voice was soft as he attempted not to bother me, something I was grateful for, given my tiredness.
“Yep. She got here a little after we did and it was weird. She was so happy about being little but you could tell she just wasn’t used to it, like no one ever let her before. She was so cute, so I got her a drink and she said she didn’t have a daddy. Never did. I said I’d be her pretend daddy for the night and I figured we’d maybe get along, but it’s like we’ve known each other for years.” He gave a small sigh, his arms tightening a fraction as he nuzzled my hair gently. “I dunno, it’s weird. I’ve never felt like this, whatever this is.”
“Maybe love?” Jiminie’s voice chimed in, only to be interrupted by a quick scoff from Kookie.
“You can’t fall in love that fast.”
“Sure you can! I’ve seen it.”
“Not like this. This is something different.”
“Nuh uh. This can be love. You’re just cynical.”
“And you’re being little.”
“Well yeah! I’m a switch, you goof.”
“No kidding. Sometimes I think your switch is stuck in one position. You’re li-“
“Guys!” Tae’s voice hissed abruptly, his hand moving to cover my ear, though it only muffled the sound slightly. “Lily’s trying to sleep. Can you stop arguing?” Immediately they apologised quietly, though more voices joined them a few moments later.
“Hi Yoongi-hyung,” Kookie murmured as another man sank down next to us, my eye cracking open to see who he was before blinking shut again, ignoring the sounds of others dropping around me.
“Don’t tell me you found one already. I was going to introduce you to one I met over by the blocks,” the newcomer muttered and I curled further into Tae’s chest at the implication that he might choose someone else, feeling his body curve protectively around me, his voice taking on a sharper tone as he spoke to Yoongi.
“I don’t need to be introduced. This one’s perfect.” Another gentle kiss was pressed on the top of my head, this one lingering as his fingers traced around the shell of my ear, tucking my hair behind it as I mewed happily at the touch. He chuckled quietly, nuzzling his nose against the spot he had kissed, and another small chuckle answered from Yoongi.
“So I see. You’re pretty smitten, huh?” The quiet hum of contentment was Tae’s only answer, though it was clearly enough. “Well, she is pretty adorable.
“Yep, I’m pretty smitten with my pretty kitten,” Tae chuckled, causing me to curl up even further at the compliment. “Aren’t you asleep yet, little one?” he murmured, moving his head slightly to see my face, and I shook my head. “Are we being too noisy? We can be quiet if you want.” I shook my head again and tightened my arms. I liked hearing his voice, feeling soothed by it. He seemed to understand the gesture and rested his hand on the side of my head, cradling it against his chest. “Thanks for dragging me out tonight, guys.” He spoke softly, but I could hear him clearly. “I kinda thought you guys were kidding about the whole daddy thing but you’re right, that’s what I was missing.”
“So you think you’ll stick with her?” Yoongi’s question made me tense slightly, the fingertips on the side of my head tightening a fraction as the arm around my waist did the same.
“Try and stop me.” The slight growl in his voice caught me off guard, but the others simply chuckled. “Actually, I…I think Jiminie might be right,” he added, a soft ‘what?’ coming from one of the others before Kookie stepped in.
“Jimin-hyung said he thought Tae-hyung was in love. I said it wasn’t possible.”
“Of course it is!” Another voice I hadn’t yet heard cut in, a hand resting on my back and causing me to flinch slightly.
“Shhh, it’s okay honey. That’s just Namjoon-hyung. You can trust him.” I gave a small nod, forcing myself to relax, and felt a small kiss on my head as a reward. “Good girl.”
“Look at them! That’s not love? You’d have to be nuts to think that.” My cheeks flared at Namjoon’s matter-of-fact tone, glad that my face was still buried against Tae’s chest. “Have you ever seen him act like that? I mean ever?”
“No…” Kookie admitted reluctantly, a soft giggle from Jiminie interrupting him. ”Oh, you shut up!”
“Hey!” I could hear the pout in Jiminie’s voice and lifted my head just in time to see Kookie roll his eyes and wrap his arms around his friend.
“I’m sorry, baby,” Kookie murmured, pulling Jiminie closer and pecking a small kiss to his forehead. I blinked in surprise, looking up at Tae.
“Sorry sweetie, I forgot to tell you. Jiminie’s Kookie’s little…when he’s actually being little.” I nodded slowly, a small ‘oh’ escaping as I turned to look back at the pair, eyes widening to see the sudden change in Jiminie. He had gone from acting much like the others to curling up on the floor with his head on Kookie’s lap, grinning happily at me. Almost as a reflex, I returned the grin, Jiminie’s giggle erupting again as he reached out a hand toward me, flexing the fingers. I had nothing to offer, so simply held out my hand tentatively, the immediate sound of happiness that the gesture caused telling me I had chosen right as he grasped it, waving it around gleefully.
“Okay, that is freaking adorable,” Yoongi muttered and I turned to look at him, the look of disbelief on his face quickly changing to a warm smile when he saw me watching him. “Sorry, little’un. I’m just not used to seeing Jimin behave like that. It’s nice to see him have a little friend for a change.” I grinned at him before turning the grin toward Tae, his own quickly forming as he nuzzled my nose.  
“You’re the cutest thing ever, you know that?” I shook my head quickly in disagreement, but he stuck out his bottom lip in an exaggerated pout. “Yes you are! Going from all shy to being such a big brave girl and making a friend? I’m proud of you!” Again, I mewed happily and nestled into him, watching as Jimin clambered into Kookie’s lap, copying my every move. Sighing contentedly, I closed my eyes, yawning widely before allowing myself to drift off to sleep as the conversation continued around me.
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