#but in the waking world I only have two sets of pronouns and they are interchangeable all the time
Last night I had a dream that I only vaguely remember where someone tried to switch hualian and beefleaf but kept failing because too much of Hua Cheng’s character was him being whipped and they didn’t know how to deal with that. I was entirely useless but did find their approach to making Xie Lian gender-fluid interesting (i don’t remember what they did when doing that).
I was basically just sitting there with a sprite I got from a movie theater that was closing (dream right before this one) and being entirely useless as help (but I was entertained)
#emma posts#there were some other things going on at the same time as well#I think someone was trying not to get murdered and we spent half the time on a highway with no car for some reason#my dreams don’t really have a clear plot#a lot happens at the same time#it’s like it has three sun plots at once but one of the sun plots has someone almost dying#I was disappointed when the first place i tried to get a drink had orange soda instead of sprite come out of the dispenser#for some reason I found the gender-fluid thing relatable even though I’m not gender fluid#I don’t even remember how#but in the waking world I only have two sets of pronouns and they are interchangeable all the time#there was also swimming involved at some point but I’m pretty sure that was just because i like swimming#my life was being threatened while i was swimming to escape but I could have probably taken a different route#for some reason the change in depth perception when my glasses were off vs when I was wearing them was even more extreme? like a telescope#I’d say that with my fuzzy waking memory I lost the plot but I’m pretty sure there was more than one to begin with#feel like drawing a picture that is like me: in a beanbag with a sprite watching someone#them: hands in their hair ranting beside their desk#I am half zoned out#but I don’t think i will draw it#them: so much of his character is based around Xie lain#me nodding and going ‘hmm’ while I drink out of a straw in a beanbag chair
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cxlamarisalxmi · 1 year
Being Miguel’s daughter and hosting Venom [2]
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[Platonic One-Shot]
c/w: fighting, depictions of violence and gore, angst, female pronouns (she/her), feminine gendered terms used to describe reader, Venom is a big softie, only for you though 🤭
a/n: this is marked as part two because the first one shot was the first part, the drabble was more of an introduction to the idea 😭 I understand there might be some confusion about how these parts are set up but yeah the drabble was intended to introduce the idea more than it was meant to be an actual part of the series— like an extended epigraph… sort of
It was raining the day your father had decided to return to your dimension— the dark and gloomy rain clouds above thick and heavy as they devoured the sky.
With them they brought raindrops thick and heavy in density that were spat out in a torrential downpour. Falling in copious and rapid quantities.
You had been sitting perched on the corner of a building’s roof, observant and watchful as you patrolled the streets from your perch.
The darkness that had followed the overcast night sky left the street lamps and starkly bright city lights bright and prominent in their glow. And your sensitive and finely tuned auditory perception picked up on the sounds of tires driving through rainwater on the pavement. The sound of particularly nocturnal people walking, bustling and moving about— the way their shoe soles stepped on the soaked through concrete of the sidewalk, some splashing as they came across puddles in the divets of the ground.
Everything that involved your senses and being aware of the world around you sharpened dramatically, now keen on focusing on the world around you. Listening starkly for any kind of traumatic event occurring.
“I like the rain.”
“Me too.”
“The atmosphere is relaxing. We feel at peace.”
You couldn’t help but agree, the weather more than accommodating in the sense your mood had improved drastically.
It had been two weeks since your father had made his appearance, and since then you had been tightly wound and more than a little hurt at his abrupt intrusion. Even more hurt at the way he had just left without so much as an ounce of effort in trying to get you to talk to him.
He had called your name, and he did speak to you— that was something you could acknowledge, but the fact he hadn’t bothered trying beyond that spoke a lot about what your relationship had come to. What it still was.
He didn’t care about you, he never had and the encounter from a little less than half a month ago gave you the impression that he never would.
A small part of you could admit that you had hoped maybe he would come after you, chase you down, take you into his arms and hold you tenderly. Lovingly.
An even larger part overwhelmed that feeling with a cold and bitter indifference that made you more angry than sad. Sparked to life when he left you behind in a home you didn’t know, with people you didn’t trust— and festered to much more significant levels as the years continued to pass with not a single word from him.
You shouldn’t have expected him to make an effort to fix your relationship, and you hated that you were so bothered that he hadn’t tried at all. You should’ve known that he hadn’t ever intended to be involved with you at all. And you should’ve just accepted that your relationship was beyond fixing— and there was no point in trying to repair something that had died a long time ago. Irreparable— damaged and broken.
And whilst anger and hate had spread and taken over most of your heart and soul, there was still a small part inside that was more hurt than anything.
That small child inside that had depended on her father more than ever in the wake of her mother’s death. A little girl that had quickly learned he wasn’t dependable, she couldn’t count on him at all. And she was quick to learn that there wasn’t anyone who had her back, was on her side. It developed into her trusting absolutely no one— “the only one I can really trust.. is me.”
“[Y/Name]? Are you okay?”
“Yes,” you murmured quiet and tame as you continued to watch over the city. The darkness and ache that had consumed your heart so very deeply at the remembrance of your father had dissipated when your friend had spoken to you. “I’m fine V.”
“Was it about him?”
You didn’t respond and they had expected that you wouldn’t, and didn’t say much after that. And you appreciated their understanding that you didn’t want to talk about them.
There was a moment of tranquility, peace in the loud bustle of your city as the rain continued to fall. But then your senses tingled as the familiar sound of a portal spinning open erupted behind you. There wasn’t a moment of stillness that you allowed before you were spitting webs at the wall behind the portal.
Miguel walked through the portal a moment later, it closed a second after and then you were launching yourself at him.
He may have not had the tingle at the expense he wasn’t even really changed like you had been. He hadn’t been bitten but had his genetic code changed, and his abilities came from a vial of liquid he injected directly into his bloodstream to keep his powers sharp and potent.
So, whilst he didn’t have the spider senses that tingled anytime danger was nearby, his natural instincts had been sharpened finely. Thus, he was able to bring up his arms as you drop kicked him into the wall you had slung your webs at.
Even though he was blocking his face protectively you had put enough strength behind the kick to hurt him, and he grunted as your kick connected sending him flying back.
[Y/Name] jumped to meet him against the brick wall and grabbed him by the throat, tightening her clawed fingers around his neck before she was pulling him from the wall and throwing him off the building to the street below.
The previous feeling of peace and content that had warmed her chest and blood had diminished, and was now replaced with thorough rage. Hot and ferocious.
[Y/Name] had sworn to Venom that she absolutely would resort to murder if her father ever returned to her universe, and here he was. So the alien didn’t falter nor make an effort to halt the anger that was slowly but surely filling his host’s body.
Another portal opened up behind her and she felt an itch of annoyance as she felt the familiar presence that made her senses tingle. Jessica Drew.
A snarl tugged at her features as she curled her lip and looked over her shoulder, a ferocious glare fierce and angry in her bright eyes.
“Of course.”
Jessica stared as a thick, black matter pooled from her back and slid across her lean and muscular frame. The alien-like viscous oil gliding across every plane of her frame, concealing her entire white and blue suit in a tightened black version of it instead.
“[Y/Name],” Jessica began soft and quiet— an attempt to somehow quell the furious fire of rage she could feel hot and angry from where she stood several feet behind the young teenager. “I know what you must be feeling—”
“You don’t know shit.”
“You want to kill him. And I can’t let you do tha—”
Her sentence was cut short when she was suddenly thrown backwards, her senses had tingled but not nearly quick enough. And she had been sent backwards to the brick wall in consequence, she gaped at the O’hara stood in front of her on the edge of the roof.
She had turned to face Jessica with her back, and the blackened webbing surrounding her body seemed to pulse and tightened around her body. Every time she squirmed attempting to loosen them, cut them or escape they would just tighten. She resorted to calling out to [Y/Name] instead—
“Spider-Woman doesn’t kill people!”
[Y/Name] willed her mask to peel away, the small and thin tendrils crawling up her neck and hugging her forehead only made the harsh glare she threw at Jessica over her shoulder much darker. The snarl she gave baring abnormally sharp canines seemed to make her even more intimidating— it made Jessica uncomfortable how a simple look made a chill rake down her back.
“You’re right. But we do.”
And she shivered again at the alien voice that rumbled from the young adult’s chest. The words she spoke only succeeding in making her all the more uncomfortable and frightened. The tone she spoke in was deep and ferociously monstrous. And Jessica stared as the O’hara glared back for a single second before she jumped disappearing over the side of the roof.
[Y/Name] landed on the sidewalk paved along the side of the asphalt road, she jumped forward flipping out of the way as her father shot a web at the spot she occupied previously.
But he had jumped to meet her midair and they grappled as they fell back to the road, she managed to wrangle a hold on the back of his suit and brought forth Venom’s strength to throw him down the road before landing on it herself.
Miguel’s sharpened instincts flared aggressively as his young daughter launched a car at him. He spun around extending his arm forward simultaneously— the long and sharp blade on his forearm cutting the car cleanly in half. But she had been there to surprise him, lunging forward after she had thrown the car knowing he’d cut it in half opening up an ambush as she erupted in between each piece of the vehicle.
He gasped silently in shock at her appearance through the split and grunted when her punch connected to his face. Enough strength from her abilities coupled with Venom to send him flying back. And he flipped midair to land on his feet several feet down the street, he dug the blades on his forearms into the pavement to halt his movement as he looked up.
“I suffered! Alone! For twenty years, because of your cowardice!” [Y/Name] shouted as she stormed down the street, the mask Venom provided peeling back to reveal a ferocious snarl tugging her lips back and baring abnormally sharper canines.
“Protecting the security of the multiverse is not cowardly!”
“You knew invading another universe at the expense of your variant’s death was wrong! You knew your presence could collapse the very fabrics of a dimension! You always knew!” She roared in exclamation to his rather weak defense, having stopped just a few feet in front of him to properly put her feelings forward. Give him everything she had bottled up inside that had erupted suddenly since his abrupt appearance in her dimension two weeks ago.
Miguel just stood there, he swallowed thickly at her statement as he held eye contact with her. There wasn’t any indication he was intimidated by her on his face, his expression blank and guarded with slanted brows and narrowed eyes. But internally he was dreading the fight that would no doubt occur, she was anomoly after all.
“But— when she told you she was pregnant, when she told you she was excited to start your family.. what did you do? What did you do? You. Ran!”
“She was never meant to bear children! Never meant to give birth to you— that was not my fault!”
The audacity he had to ruin her life and not even acknowledge it only made [Y/Name] all the more furious, her blood boiling beneath her skin as she tightened her vicious snarl. “Not your fault?!”
[Y/Name] advanced forward, she reached to her left— her muscular forearm flexing beneath the deep black Venom suit as she gripped the side of another car and effortlessly lifted it throwing it at him.
He jumped to the side to dodge but she was there to meet him once again, having leapt from her spot on the street to put her knee in his face. He couldn’t bring his arms up quick enough to block it this time, and she forced him backwards when she utilized Venom’s alien strength to really hurt him.
Miguel grunted as her strike connected and he was thrown into the side of the building off to the side. She followed right behind him tearing her arm back and throwing it forward the second she was close enough. The hit had enough power and strength in it to send him right through the brick wall and into the empty warehouse within.
[Y/Name] landed several feet away from the form of her father on the ground, he was slow to get back to his feet but once he had he turned to face her. And she could tear his throat out at the scowl carved into his features, the conversation that followed only making her all the more infuriated.
“I’m not here for any other reason than to capture the anomaly in your dimension.” He says, a still blank and guarded look on his face. One that his young daughter matched only to a degree that looked more like she was enraged rather than unbothered.
“There’s no anomaly here, Venom and I would’ve picked up it’s unnatural scent immediately.” She reasoned.
“You wouldn’t know of it’s presence. Because it’s you.”
“You are an anomaly, you were never meant to be born.. never meant to be bitten… never meant to host Venom. You don’t belong. You need to be contained.”
[Y/Name] froze, Venom inside stilling too as he and herself processed the words that had just fell from her father’s mouth. All was quiet for but a moment—
Miguel watched as a dark look overtook her features, from enraged previously to downright hostile as her eyes darkened to an unseen degree. He felt a shiver of fear and intimidation shuck down his back in a brief burst.
“You bastard.”
The snarled words growled from her throat sent another ripple down his spine. And he swallowed thickly as the deep black viscous matter of Venom returned, and then she bore the same appearance as before.
The same lean and muscular frame but now entirely black with a white spider insignia, her mask’s eyes now more monstrous-like as opposed to the regular diamond shape as most spider people.
[Y/Name] Venom snarled ferociously, Miguel watched as the alien bulked up his daughter. Not so much so that it wasn’t proportionate but enough to have him breathe out a brief exhale of uncertainty and anxiety.
His daughter had become powerful in his absence, and he had caused the black hatred to plague her heart. The fact she only looked at him with hate and a fiery light of murder and bloodthirsty rage was his fault and his fault alone. He had no one to blame but himself.
So, he really had no one to blame for this fight that would occur one way or another. He wasn’t sure he could beat her, and for the first time in a long while he felt a surge of anxiousness brew to life in his stomach. His heartbeat slightly erratic at the new feeling of diminished confidence in his chest.
He knew this would be hard, he knew he was walking into this fight with a significant power difference, and he knew for damn sure he wasn’t certain he’d keep his head. And Miguel had no one to blame for it—
But himself.
a/n: started writing out requests so expect to see those soon but don’t get too excited as I can’t promise when exactly they’ll be finished and posted, my classes are kicking my ass and my job fucking sucks so.. bear with me please and I hope you enjoyed!
Taglist: @violilaqrs @christinesdemoness1958 @erensbbg @nickey-diano @gamersansblog @ayyybee @raweggeater @shrekstoesblog @azzy-ozborn @nda-approval @9kaaulitz @jazjelspen @myconglomerateromance @sweetheartlizzie07 @nyx-does-stuff @krazy-kattzz @sparklyphantom @loser-alert @bath1lda
Sorry if I missed you on the taglist!
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kaeyas-beloved · 2 years
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Characters: Childe, Diluc, Kaeya, Kazuha, Xiao (separate)
Genre: Fluff + Scenarios
Summary: Snippets of the Genshin men with their pride and joys <3
CW: afab!reader + pregnancy + birth mention but no pronouns or descriptions for these present, spoilers for Childe’s real name, Xiao has a daughter, Childe has twins (boy and girl), Kaeya and Kazuha have a son, unspecified for Diluc, unspecified nightmare in Childe’s, petnames towards reader (darling -> Kaeya, my dove -> Kazuha), some self-doubt in Kaeya's and Xiao's, I don’t think Diluc’s is that good and Childe’s may appear rushed in one part but meh
a/n: I have the cutest ideas that make me the softest. I just hope I was able to get across that cuteness here <3
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“Papa…” At the poking and shaking against his back, Childe sleepily blinks his eyes open. The room is dark, moonlight painting the walls a faint blue-white colour. Tilting his chin down the male catches a look at the top of your head, face nuzzled into his chest with his arms wrapped around you securely.
Again, small hands try to gain his attention, "P-papa...please."
There's a sudden surge of urgency that tightens his chest, the watery call of his name throwing him into protective mode. Slowly, as to not disturb you, Childe pulls his arms from you before turning over. The moment ocean-blue eyes meet teary ones of the same colour he's up and out of bed, kneeling in front of his children.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" he rushes, worry clear in everything he is and does - from his eyes to his voice and even to the way his hands fuss over the twins, one palm cupping each of their heads as he tries to soothe them. Though, when all that answers him is continued sniffles, Ajax's concern only grows. Left with the last course he can take, the male pulls the two into a hug, pouring every ounce of love and warmth he can into it. Quiet whispers of 'you're okay' and 'I'm here' fill the air, uncaring of the tears that stain his shirt.
Never before has he felt so useless as his children continue to shake and sob in his hold. What else is there for him to do? What would take away their tears? Archons he’d do anything to make sure they don’t cry like they are now, like their world is ending.
Instinctively Ajax’s embrace tightens, and somewhere along the line he began gently swaying the two, pressing comforting kisses to their foreheads.
Finally, after what felt like a heartbreaking eternity, their cries begin to fade. He waits a moment before trying again, "can you tell me what's wrong now? Why are you two crying?" Though he fears their answer the male bats them down, hoping to be the one they can fall back on.
His daughter hiccups, wiping at her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt, "W-We had a nightmare. Y-you-!" His eyes widen, hearing enough to grasp the situation. His shoulders slump just a little, glad that it’s not the worst of the worst that could’ve happened.
"Hey now, shhh, it’s alright. Nothing will happen to me or you or to anyone else, okay?" Ajax is quick to cut her off, seeing her start to choke on her sobs again. Never does he want them to think he or you would leave in any form, something he truly believes won’t happen any time soon.
His little girl nods, face planting back into his shoulder with another fresh wave of tears. He makes sure to pull his son back in as well, rubbing his hands up and down their backs. He smiles, even if they can’t see it, "Papa's got you, okay? I promise, and you know me, I never break my promises."
The three spend a little while more in their comforting hug before Ajax pulls back, effortlessly picking them both up and setting them down on the bed. "You two can sleep with us tonight. We'll keep the scary dreams away. And, as a treat, I'll make your favourites for breakfast tomorrow. Sound good?"
Though he has to shush his children's cheers in fear of waking you, he wouldn't have it any other way. It's a sign that they're feeling better after all. And as he pulls the blanket over the three of them, grateful that his kids are feeling better while wrapping his arms back around you all, Ajax thanks the gods and you for the tiny family he's been blessed with to love, protect and be loved by, intending to forever keep you all safe.
The silence within the winery was not something new to its inhabitants and workers. Well, before the newest addition to the Ragnvindr family it was the norm at least. Now, such peace is a welcome blessing. So, when you returned one evening to a dead quiet home, your curiosity quickly peaked. Even when the baby wasn't making noise there was always at least some finite noise - the crackle of a fire, the almost silent footfalls of the winery's workers, the scribble of a pen. None of that could be heard though, and it was no later than six in the evening.
Toeing off your shoes, you take care to remain quiet. Your first thought is to check the living room. Ever since the birth of your child, Diluc could be found with the little one all over the house. It would be surprising to not see the two together in all honesty. One of the areas that's frequented more than the others is the main lounge space, the wide open section the perfect place for playtime.
Or, perhaps, it’s also the perfect place for nap time.
There, leaning back against the couch was the man himself, mop of red hair released from its usual confines and splaying everywhere. The male's ability to fall asleep even upright never fails to surprise you (you find this usually happens when he wants to rest his eyes for 'just a moment'). Before him lay a stack of papers, the smallest you've ever seen, pen laying unattended not too far. Though, above all other observations, the main eye catcher is the way your two most precious people are sleeping.
Your child, strapped safely in their carrying pouch (originally a gag gift from Kaeya, though proven very useful for when Diluc wants to work and spend time with his little one) has their head resting on their father's chest, cheek smooshed and mouth slightly parted. Diluc remains protective even while asleep, a hand placed securely against your child's back, keeping them close. What was important though was how at peace they were and who were you to ruin this calmness?
So, you take a seat on the matching chair, quietly waving Adelinde over and asking for something to drink before picking up a book. Really though, with how cute they are, you're sure you'll be focusing on the two redheads more than the novel.
When you presented the idea of going into town, Kaeya couldn't help but grow nervous. Shouldn't you rest more? You'd been extremely tired lately and on top of that the baby had been even more of a handful the last few days.
“Darling, I can go get groceries for us,” your husband offers, adjusting his son in his arms. There’s a smile on your face as you glance up from putting on your shoes. Joy blossoms in your heart at the sight of the man you love holding the product of your shared love. What makes the image all the more heartwarming is how alike your son is to his father.
Cooing his name, you straighten up, waking until you’re right in front of the pair, “I’ll be okay, I promise. Some fresh air would do me some good. Besides, it’s not like I’m going very far. I’ll be back in a couple hours, max.” For once at a loss on what to say, Kaeya reluctantly lets you go, now left alone with just his son for company.
He hates to admit it, even to you, but truth be told the male hasn’t the faintest clue what to do. Taking care of Klee or Bennett is one thing, but his own? The mere fact changes everything.
After lingering awhile longer at the door, Kaeya breathes in, turning to walk into the living room. "It seems it's just you and me now little guy." He smiles, gently bouncing the tiny human in his arms. Kaeya's shoulders relax just a little when he gets a happy giggle in response.
He's got this.
. . .
He does not got this.
After taking a seat on the ground Kaeya had spotted a picture book discarded across the room. Figuring that you must have been entertaining the little one with it the male grabs it, deciding that it would be a good start. All his confidence went down the drain though when he couldn't pull a single reaction from his carbon-copy son. Page after page, the boy would just stare at the pictures, not a thought behind his tiny eyes. Kaeya swears to the Archons above that at one point his kid even looked up at him once, a face that could only be read as 'what are you doing?' painted on it.
Sighing, Kaeya stares down at the picture in the book. For a while he just maintains eye contact with the woodland rabbit, cartoonish and with a carrot sticking out of its mouth. He thinks it's rather cute, something babies would definitely like. So why isn't his reacting?
"Almost done," he mumbles, slipping his eyes shut and flipping the page, turning the book back around for his son to see. The male already knows the one line printing in the book, ready to recite it and receive nothing in response.
He's interrupted before he even starts.
Kaeya's eyes fly open, locking on the little human sitting in front of him. There, clear as day, is his son, hand stuck in his mouth but with an undeniable smile plastered on his face. He does a double take, gaze flicking between his son and the picture in the book. "Do you like the snowflake, little one?" Again, louder this time, is a confirming coo, hand slipping from his toothless mouth to clap. Like he understood what his father was asking.
It's a shame you weren't there to see the brightest, most genuine smile Kaeya's ever had. Now, whenever he says 'snowflake' the little baby instantly smiles.
"Please... please..." you're close to tears at this point, a broken record of pleas falling from your lips. Nothing seems to work, feeding, changing, walking around, nothing will settle the poor little fussy baby of yours. You’re so close to giving up, about to settle into the chair within the nursery and just hope the little one tires himself out when approaching footsteps catch your attention.
Stepping through the doorway, that familiar head of white with a sole streak of red appears, an all too knowing smile on his face. "Good evening, my dove. Having some trouble?" Silently you nod, passing the little one over to him when asked nonverbally. "That's no good. I can't have my two favourite people crying, now can I?"
Calm as ever, Kazuha walks towards the crib, eyes never leaving the glossy red ones of his baby. Even as he sets his son down, his cries growing louder at the loss of his parent's warmth, Kazuha never loses that pleasant smile of his. The faint clank of the wooden mobile catches his attention, an idea coming to mind.
"Hush little one, look," he mutters. All at once you can feel the spring breeze coming through the window pick up, the vision clipped to Kazuha's shoulder blade lighting up. With the wind came the brightly coloured leaves Inazuma offers, the colours dancing around in a way much like when the male jumped high into the air, nature his aid.
Eyes closed in concentration, the gust swirls around the room before settling to the area around the crib and mobile. A shift occurs, and it's like the tiny wind becomes a being of its own, playful as it nudges against the hanging wood carvings. It appeared surprised at first, the sensations foreign. It tried again, and again another clank sounded, this time exciting the tiny wind. By now the baby's cries have stopped, tiny red eyes staring up, mouth agape. Leaves fall from the cluster as the elemental energy floats down, now face to face with the little one. It gently brushed against the child's face, something like rubbing noses together. But that's all it took; it was all giggles and clapping from there, and you, you finally got to relax, sinking into the chair more.
A tired smile spreads on your face, the sight of your bundle of joy happy heartwarming. That, and the smile on your husband's face doesn't go unnoticed by you either. Even with his eyes remaining shut, the sounds of delight alone are music to his ears, spurring him to continue his magic trick.
Long after you retire for the night, finally gaining the much needed rest you deserve, the yaksha continues to stand guard. Gold eyes shift from the open balcony to where the little one rests, any noise or shift in the air unable to go unnoticed under his watch. He keeps his distance from the crib, fearing his karmic debt will harm the tiny baby you two created. Yet the moment Xiao's keen ears pick up the slightest whine, the beginning of his child's cries piercing the silence of night, it's like some other force far more powerfully takes control.
In a blur of green Xiao's beside his daughter, hands already reaching in to pick her up like he's seen you do many times before. There’s a rush of emotion coursing through his veins - his first desire is to let you sleep more, you’ve done a lot and he just wants to share the workload between the two of you. Secondly, there’s this ache that rings in his chest, it only hurts more and more the longer his child wails. Her cries are different from the piercing screams of babies in town. Instead of wincing and growing irritated, Xiao worriedly stares down at the bundle in his arms, wondering how to soothe her.
“It’s alright, I got you,” he whispers. There’s a tiny part of him that feels stupid for saying that, the phrase foreign on his tongue and unfitting of his usual character. You’ve said it before though and it worked, so the greater whole of him pushes past the self-served embarrassment.
However, as his daughter refuses to settle Xiao feels the hope he had that he had this dwindle. He begins to run through all the tricks he's seen you do and in his flurry of thoughts, his eyes dart to you. By some miracle you still managed to remain asleep, blankets draped up to your gently rising and falling shoulders.
You would've calmed her by now... he thinks, deflating further. Just as he's about to give up and wake you, accept that he's just not fit for the job as a dad, an idea finds its way into his thoughts.
Mixed in with the silence of the night and the tiny cries of his child, faintly the melody of Xiao humming can be heard. It takes a couple beats but the tune catches the tiny baby's attention, her sobs dying down into happy giggles and gurgles. Relief fills him as he unconsciously smiles softly, rocking his arms as he begins to walk around the room. His feet, with a mind of their own, take the two to the balcony, a gentle breeze ruffling his hair.
No longer in a state of despair, bright yellow eyes much like her father's gaze up at the star-littered sky, wonder in her expression. Maybe he does have the capability to be a dad.
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Tag list: @spoopy-fish-writes // @that-enby-alien // @xenuuu // @kaeyaloml // @x-zho // @mariposa666haruka // @psycho-nightrose // @kaerui-kaisen // @hoshikechi // @genshin-impact-writings // @stage-lucida
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aforestescape · 5 months
simon ‘ghost’ riley and johnny ‘soap’ mctavish x reader - adorable. now give them both a boyfriend
content includes: i want two boyfriends and i want the boyfriends to be boyfriends. male!reader or gn!reader; ‘boyfriend’ used for reader but no defined pronouns, eludes to sex
i was rambling with some online friends earlier about how great it’d be to have two bfs
more of them here.
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beds: double cuddles. being the middle spoon is the best until it’s not…
in the beginning of your relationship napping and sleeping together is a bit awkward. not because you aren’t all comfortable with each other at this point; it’s the fact that none of you have a bed truly big enough to fit the three of you comfortably.
johnny is a clingy sleeper. large body seeking out whoever’s limbs are closest and koala-ing onto them. simon on the other hand prefers to spread out and seems to hate the feeling of covers or blankets over him. he sleeps naked most of the time and will kick all the covers off in his sleep. it’s not uncommon to find yourself waking between slumber and having to try and drag the blankets back over yourself. only to find your arm and/or leg stuck in johnnys hold that strengthens with your movement.
and they’re both just large. beefy and hairy men, taking up all the space on the bed. summer nights being the worst, even with the air con set to a staggering 16 degrees celsius. all that muscled mass and body fat, sticky skin and ticklish hair. growing boners pressed against tight skin, you can hardly get a well rested night.
no matter your size it’s never not a mess of limbs to untangle from come morning. only the fact that it’s them making you put up with the less than great sleeping arrangement.
but those are just the days you decide to sleep together in bed. of course there are nights when one of you decides to stay in your respective flat. or even rarer nights when you all manage to sleep on your own, nobody to share space with.
needless to say, when you all finally move in together you spend a good amount of money on a bed large enough for the three of you.
two times the love
one thing to be said about having two partners, you had double the chances for a person to put up with your jokes and attitude. after a particularly hard day at work, having to deal with your coworkers who were always a bit too nosey. somehow never understanding that you don’t owe them an introspective look into your life. especially your love life that they were keen on working out after they realized you were dating two attractive and well fit men.
coming into your home, grumbling as the door slams a little harder than normal behind you.
you let out a sigh of relief as you spend the rest of your night in the comfort of their bodies. simon letting you nuzzle your head into the heft of his arm. johnny running the palm of his hand over your head in a soothing manner, mumbling sweet words to you in his thick accent.
coming home to cuddle with them, play games, cook dinner together. your own little bubble in the world that made you feel safe. you were safe, they’d protect you even when you don’t need it.
“i’m glad we can all be gay together,” you say jokingly, voice muffled against simon’s arm.
another night spent in your kit, leaned against the counter with a cooler in your hands. johnny sitting on top of the island across from you and simon stood next to his spread legs. you watch fondly as you all chat, simons fingers splayed over johns thigh. squeezing in an absentminded gesture, stimming more than anything.
nowadays it was rare for you all to see each other at the same time. even though you’d finally all saved and scrapped change to move in together, a nice little house with a decent amount of land. enough space for a garden that you’d brought up wanting to start. how rewarding it’d feel to cook for each other with the foods you grew.
but a new place meant a shift in routines, having to grow around and between each other’s schedules. especially being in a relationship with multiple people, you’d learned how to work a calendar as best you could.
so you took the time to enjoy this. just you and your boys, drinking and filling your home with a new warmth that’d you’d already grown used to. easily recognized as the same warmth that squeezed in time with your heartbeat. you were pulled from your thoughts as your boyfriend laughed uproariously. simon giving johnny a warning tap on his leg.
“aye- im only teasin’ love.”
you watch simon roll his brown eyes before cutting over to you. “and what do you think of this? says everyone can use two more boyfriends.” simons voice is dry but you can tell he’s amused or maybe it’s the infectious laugh johnny had.
“hmm. two more men, that means john and kyle right? i think we’d need a bigger bed than the one we have now but i’m more than happy to share you idiots with them.”
falling into domestics
onto the topic of beds again. you’d already agreed it’d be an important investment. you spent a few days wondering if you should splurge upwards ten thousand for an alaskan king. a hefty price but it could be worth it.
that is until johnny brings up the fact that you can just make your own for cheaper. says he’d seen it online and it was a simpler and cheaper solution to your problem. with that out of the way you ordered two full sizes and a few different bed sets. you all ended up spending the most time on trying to find a bed frame than anything else.
coming home one day from running errands to find simon in the yard. rented table saw connected by an extension cord running to the house and a decent sized pile up of wood. some pieces already cut down the size and shape. you didn’t question him, not wanting to interrupt his process until later in the evening when you were having dinner.
when he gruffed out that he was making you a bed you were surprised. sharing a glance with johnny and then looking back at simon. biting your bottom lip as you’re struck with just how fucking hot that was. your boyfriend spending days in the hot sun to make a bed just for you to break in together.
simon agreed it was reward enough as you and johnny spent the first night in your new bed worshipping his body. hours of attention to his freckled and scarred skin. kissing, biting, and licking stripes up taut skin that had simons head tossed back into your pillows. whispering words of praise and love in his ears as you made love to him into the early morning hours.
delegating dates: i want my boyfriend to have a boyfriend and i want for them to go on boyfriend dates
you look up from behind your desktop monitor, watching as johnny ruffles his hand through his mohawk. he’d been growing out the hair, letting it shag down to the nape of his neck. you’d spent many hours running your fingers through the thick strands. pulling on his hair to bring him to your level for a kiss was quickly becoming a favorite activity of yours.
you watched in amusement as he spent minutes of time fiddling with his hair. somehow even after dating so long he still gets nervous to go on dates. it’s incredibly sweet, a sentiment you share with simon. as he runs product through his hair to get it managed you let your eyes drift over his body. your gaze darkening slightly at just how delicious your boyfriend looks.
you wish to yourself that you weren’t behind in your work pace so that you could enjoy just how good your partners looked tonight.
watching as simon has enough of johnny’s taking too long, stalking over to wrap his big arms over the smaller man’s waist. you watch quietly as simon leans his head down to mumble something in his ear, taking note of the shiver that runs over johns body.
you can feel your breath steal away just watching them love each other. so soft with one another, obvious affection for your eyes only to truly witness and understand. sometimes you’re really struck by how much you adore them. how utterly lucky you feel to be able to love them and in turn how they love you.
biting your lip, you slip your phone from your desk to take shots of them.
one of simons blonde head obscured into johnnys neck. johnnys pretty pink lips parted on a breath as he tilts his neck for him. another with johnnys pouted lips spreading into a grin. another click and they’re kissing, lips moving slowly with practiced effort.
it was truly like beholding art. some sort of feat and testament of the universes power to bring such gorgeous men together. to let them love one another in ways that simon and you could only ever grow up craving. a love that johnny so readily gave to you, a love he knew instantly upon meeting would be reserved for you two alone.
special edition: shared custody
before you move in together, riley is practically a child of divorce, the poor sweet pup. he’s simons biological child of course, but now you and johnny are his stepdads. so he’ll spend days between your flats. at first he’s not a big fan of all the traveling. but as soon as he realizes the long drives mean new places to explore he quickly perked up.
now he looks forward to weekends at yours or johnnys. a different path to take, somehow something’s always just a little different for him to be bound with energy on walks. and your place is near a pets store. if he wasn’t a better behaved pup, he’d try dragging you to the door everytime you get close to it. but since he is a good boy instead he’ll give you the saddest eyes. nosing your pants leg to get your attention as if you would skip getting him a treat.
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okay but we had such a good and silly conversation about what we’d do with two partners and😭 i have so many more thoughts. also i’m a pet play ghoap truther👆🏽so if/when i write more for this expect it
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deathbxnny · 1 year
hello! can you do headcanons of jing yuan, blade, dan heng and luocha with a nilou like s/o? not necessarily a dancer could be any other art that embodies beauty, just her peaceful nature, positivity, innocense and kindness and wanting to make other's happy? thank you alot!
A/N: Hello! Thank you for the request! I absolutely love the idea! It's so cute!<33
Content: Established relationship, fluff, dancer reader, romance, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread!))
》Jing Yuan
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This man is absolutely whipped for you, that's for sure. He loves absolutely everything about you.
Your innocence and kindness is exactly what he needs as a general with hard and long hours of work. You motivate him to give his all and best everyday. You motivate him to wake up in the mornings with your gentleness and positivity. Your existence motivates him to breathe.
He is proud to have you at his side, always flaunting you to his coworkers and showing you off at any given moment. Who would not be jealous of the general, when he has such a great s/o?
Jing Yuan adores your dances more than life itself at times. He attends absolutely every single performance, no matter how nusy he actually is, and enjoys every second of it.
In fact, he makes sure everyone watches them as well with his influence, promoting your art so well, that absolutely everyone in the Xianzhou Luofu knows about it.
He'd do anything for you and makes sure to keep that pretty smile on your face no matter what.
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He swore to himself, that he'd protect your innocence and positivity with his life. Whilst he sees nothing positive or good in the world anymore, you motivate him to continue living everyday and therefore finds it only fair to protect you from the horrible truths of this world.
You're so different than him and somehow, that makes you two work. You bring warm light into his dark, cold world and he's more grateful for that than he'd ever dare admit. You keep him sane and relaxed on even his worst days with your naturally peaceful nature and he loves you for it. It's what drew him to you in the first place.
He enjoys watching you perform a dance for him, mainly because he's too possessive over you, to let anyone else see it. It is something only for his eyes to see. No one deserves to see you dance, except for him.
Watching you move so smoothly with the music keeps him at ease and makes his troubled thoughts and soul still for even just a moment.
If you look closely, you might even catch a small smile on his face, as his dreamy eyes watch you move.
》Dan Heng
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At first, he was a little confused and unimpressed with your positive and happy nature... yet overtime, he began falling in love with you for it.
You didn't mind how quiet or reserved he was. You didn't judge him, for not really knowing how to be in a relationship. Instead, you were patient and gentle with him, always so peaceful and kind.
You coaxed him out of his shell with your sweet words and kind gestures, making him feel a warmth he never thought he'd ever deserve to feel again.
He watches your dances with wonder in his eyes, his heart thumping wildly in his chest, as he's completely unable to look away. You take away his ability to breathe with your beauty and dance alone and he doesn't mind it at all. In fact, he'd die, if it meant to see you dance just for him one more time.
He protects you with his life, knowing the cruelty of the world too well to ever dare lose you.
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The stern doctor and happy-go-lucky assistant/dancer duo people really need.
Your positivity and want to help everyone comes in perfectly here. You sometimes help him out at work, mostly calming and caring for patients, as they receive their treatment.
You keep him calm and focused on very stressful days, always there to motivate him and remind him how far he's come. He truly couldn't do it all without you.
He especially loves it, when you also take care of him as well with your gentle and peaceful nature. Luocha thinks it's nice to be the one taken care of for once and you are more than willing to do so.
Absolutely protects you from more gory sights at work and doesn't let anyone harm you. Your innocence and kindness is something he deems as special in this dark world.
He loves watching your performances alot. They give him peace and a break from all his troubles. If he could watch you all day for hours on end, then he would, without hesitation.
A/N: I hope this was okay! I'm barely awake rn, so I'm sorry if there are many mistakes! Thank you again for the request!
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staylovesmiley · 1 month
Connected~ Chapter 3
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ᯓᡣ𐭩Pairing; Bangchan x Fem!Reader
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩Summary; Lumi had been a trainee at JYPE for years. Having entered the company a couple years after Chris the two became good friends, maybe even more. As she watched her best friend finally achieved his dream, the distance between them grew. With her debut date finally set in stone, will the two be able to rekindle their flame or will the connection between them falter?
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 Notes; This is an ABO!AU. in this world when someone reaches puberty they will present with one of three sub genders; alpha, beta, or omega. Scent glands are located near the pressure points on the neck and small hormonal patches called scent blockers can be placed over them to reduce or rid an individual of their scent for a period of time depending on the strength of the hormones in the patch.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩ᯓᡣ𐭩Warnings; abo!au, female!reader, poly!pack dynamics, angst, mild violence, smut, old friends to lovers, she/her pronouns used for reader, jealous Bangchan, Reader is an OC, Mentions of unhealthy dieting(forced by the company), Reader is three years younger than Chan (‘00 liners unite!!)
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The second the door had closed behind them, the air felt heavy with unspoken words and left the omega feeling as if the gravity had been sucked out of the room.
The two made their way over to the couch where Lumi gestured for Chan to have a seat, she herself sitting in a chair opposite from where he stood by the sofa. He did so, looking over to watch her anxiously as if she would disappear at any moment and he would wake up from whatever dream it was that allowed him to see the dancer again.
They sat like that for a while in silence, just watching each other from over the coffee table as neither one were sure how to start the difficult conversation ahead. “You look good, Chris…” came her timid voice, hands gesturing to him and he felt a heat creep up the back of his neck and onto his cheeks. “Oh um, thank you….so do you- I like your hair.”
It was her turn to blush as her gaze fell to her lap and a hand came to run through the pink loose curls as they fell to hide her face from the other. “Thanks-“ Another wave of silence washed over them, the sounds of other idols and staff filling the halls outside and working as a distraction against the situation at hand.
Taking a deep, shaky breath, the alpha spoke up finally. “Why didn’t you tell me…” the hurt in his voice stung as Lumi refused to meet his intense stare as he once again seemed to be trying to read her mind to find the answers for himself.
“I tried, I did…that day in the studio when you told me about the show-“ his heart felt like it stopped at that, he knew there had to have been something more Lumi wanted to discuss but in his excitement and selfishness he brushed it off and just hoped she’d tell him. He wished in that moment he could go back in time and push her to tell him what was really on her mind, even if she resisted for his sake at first he knew he could have gotten her to tell him the truth eventually.
“Why did you leave? If you were still planning to become an idol why switch companies?” She sighed, running a hand through her hair anxiously as he continued to question her. “Because I wasn’t going anywhere at jype, Christopher. They were going to keep me in the basement until I aged out or until I eventually slipped up and was no longer worth keeping around.”
His brows furrowed, arms up defensively. “You don’t know that! You quit before you could find out-“ his accusation only seemed to light a fuse inside of her as she shot up from her seat to tower over the alpha. “I didn’t quit! I found a company that actually valued me enough to debut me!” Chan scoffed, eyes rolling dramatically as he also rose from his seat. “Yeah after seven.fucking.years! Seriously, Lumi? You think that’s any better than what could have happened if you stayed?! You could have been debuted by now and already have a few years of idol life under your belt by now had you just stayed!”
As his voice began to rise so did the omega’s temper and she laughed incredulously, shaking her head at the raven haired alpha. “At least at KQ I wasn’t alone. By the time I finally decided to leave you had already replaced and forgotten about me.”
Now Bangchan felt his anger spike, giving her a glare as he stepped up so their chests were practically touching. “What the fuck do you mean, Lumi? The second I had a moment of peace I went looking for you and you were gone!” Shaking her head, the dancers rage persisted. “Yeah after you didn’t so much as spare a glance my way in the halls for months, Christopher! Seriously- you don’t realize how fucked up that was?!”
Lumi turned away from him, fingers running through her hair as she tried to calm down. She felt like she was back seven years ago watching her best friend, the only home she had come to know in the foreign country, completely ignore her while his laughter with his newfound pack echoed throughout the company no matter where she went she would see glimpses of his dimpled smile directed at the members she couldn’t help feel like had taken the alpha from her.
“You don’t seem to realize that I was busy! There was so much pressure on me, Lumi- I couldn’t even sleep I was trying to hold an entire new pack together while also under the stress of training and preparing to debut while it was all being filmed for millions to watch just waiting for me to fail!” The volume of his voice caused it words to bounce off the walls of the green room, the intensity of his outburst chilling those who happened to be in the vicinity to hear their argument.
The omega scoffed, shaking her head as she whipped around. “Yeah, I get that. I told myself that for so long- that you were just busy. But you don’t think I was under a lot of stress as well?! So much was changing, the company was putting more pressure on me to diet and change my appearance, to improve in areas that looking back now I don’t know how I was supposed to even get any more precise than I already was? It was all too much and on top of it all I lost the only support system I had-“ Tears pooled in her eyes, threatening to spill over as she stepped back over to him with a finger poking at his chest.
“You, Hanji, and Bin were like my family, my-“ Her voice caught in her throat slightly but she persisted, refusing to shed a single tear in front of him. “My pack.” With a shaky breath, Chan stared down at her with wide eyes and a shocked expression as he took in her words. “You all abandoned me, got a nice shiny new pack and all this fame and it didn’t matter if I stayed or if I left….everything was different and you didn’t need me anymore. Or didn’t want me-“
Chan reached out, his chest tightening as he felt the strong urge to comfort the omega, to assure her that it would be okay and that he was there now and that he would make it up to her, but as he lifted his arms to pull her into an embrace she stepped away quickly. “I think you should go, Chan….it’s almost time for the end of the show and our groups are gonna be needed on the stage soon.” Her voice was small, and he swore he saw a single tear slip down her cheek. His throat felt impossibly dry as he nodded, eyes still not leaving her until he heard the door open and close behind them.
“Um- Hi! So sorry to interrupt but we gotta go line up to go on stage.” Mani spoke firmly, trying to sound polite but the alpha could tell there was a slight bite behind their words as they moved to wrap an arm protectively around the younger omega.
Chan nodded, head swimming as he felt like he was lost in a haze from the adrenaline and anger filled state he had been in moments ago. “Right- sorry….I’ll be going.” With that he backed out of the room, feeling like there was a rock sitting in the pit of his stomach as he made his way back to the kids to get ready to go back to the stage as well.
After that day, the rest of promotions for both groups was tense behind the scenes.
Lumi would greet Jisung and Changbin warmly, meeting with them in the cafeteria or in her green room to catch up. They even exchanged phone numbers and promised to keep in touch once it was all over.
Chan didn’t attempt any further contact with the dancer, feeling as if a knife were being twisted in his gut anytime he saw her laughing and smiling with one of his members from afar. The alpha couldn’t bring himself to start their conversation back again, guilt eating away at his conscious as her words bounced around his head like a dodge ball loud and squeaky in a large echoing gymnasium.
“You abandoned me” and “You didn’t need me anymore. Or want me-“ are the words that kept him awake, far worse than his sleep apnea ever had before.
The kids tried several times to get him to come around. Felix practically begging him once to tag along when he and Changbin went out for hotpot with the pink haired omega. He’d politely declined the younger alpha’s invitation, using the excuse that he had something he wanted to work on in the studio.
Chan saw through social media and heard through stories from his pack about how his friend was doing and it felt like daggers to his heart every time but he would never show it. The leader always put on a smile and nodded, telling them that he was glad she was doing well.
Deep down there was a longing to be in their place, but he didn’t think that would ever be possible. Not after the asinine moves he had pulled.
Lumi was no better.
Anytime she met with one of them she found herself subconsciously searching for his scent on them, any lingering of his presence in the air around his pack members.
Once when she hugged Jeongin in greeting when she had met up with the younger for coffee before his vocal lesson one day she caught a large wave of warm vanilla washing over her and it made her feel lightheaded in the best way possible. It turned out that the beta had borrowed one of the alpha’s hoodies since the one he had wanted to wear was in the wash still.
None of them were oblivious to it either.
They saw the look in their leader’s eye whenever she was brought up, the longing and sorrow deeply settled there no matter how hard he tried to bury it.
They noticed the way the dancer clung to them more on days they had borrowed something of Chan’s, her demeanor seeming more at peace with the alpha’s scent close to her.
Jisung was the worst, almost egging it on and watching with amusement as he tried to break down both of their resolves piece by piece.
First, he would allow the omega to scent him heavily whenever they hung out just to go back to the dorm and take a nap in the leader’s bed, leaving Lumi’s scent behind for the alpha to find when he got back home late after working in the studio.
Second was he would always borrow something of the oldest’s before meeting up with the dancer after realizing how she would behave with his scent present. Once he even got lucky and on a particularly chilly day he had met Lumi for dinner, she had forgotten her jacket in the manager’s car so he offered her the zip up hoodie he had on.
He didn’t mention that it wasn’t exactly his, but Chan’s instead.
Once the smell of vanilla and something like brown sugar surrounded her the omega’s cheeks tan warm and her heart began beating rapidly. Lumi didn’t utter a word about it, silently enjoying being able to soak up the alpha’s scent in the most direct way that she had the chance to in seven years.
As they were parting ways after the meal, Jisung cheekily insisted she hold onto the jacket and return it next time they saw each other, feigning worry for her health should she catch a cold without it. Really he was just using it as another means to attempt and bring the two former friends back together again.
As summer turned to fall and the air outside began to chill significantly, Lumi found herself spending more and more time with the members of stray kids.
She even managed to bond with Minho, who she previously had never officially met, due to his close bond with Jisung.
With Halloween approaching the pink haired dancer found herself with a rare night to herself at the dorm as Mani had gone to visit her father for the weekend.
Lumi decided to call Jisung and invite them over for a night of snacks and horror movies in honor of the upcoming holiday. Much to her dismay he didn’t seem to enthused with the idea of scary movies.
“Come on, Hanji it’ll be fun! I know you aren’t the biggest fan of horror but we can all get scared together! The guys are all invited, of course. Just let me know a headcount so I can get the right amount of snacks.”
With a smirk, the beta thought about his current plan involving getting the dancer and his leader to reconnect. “Do you mind if Chan hyung tags along too? It’ll be an excuse we can use to finally pull him out of the studio…you know how he can be.”
Oh she knew very well how he could be, back then at least, she could only imagine how bad it got now that they were actually debut and there being a new level of expectation placed on his shoulders. Hesitantly, she thought it over while Han waited impatiently on the other line. “Lumi? Still there?” The omega startled a bit, having gotten lost in thought of the alpha she couldn’t deny she missed desperately being in her space where his comforting smell of warm sugary vanilla could be left behind and linger for days to come. “Sure- he can come.”
Han tried not to sound too happy at the extended invitation, punching his fist in the air and causing Hyunjin to give him a curious yet judgmental look from across the practice room. “Awesome! Okay, we’ll be over in like an hour? Don’t worry about snacks me and the guys will pick them up on our way! Text me whatever you want, ‘kay?”
Lumi shook her head, hoping this wasn’t a bad idea before agreeing to text him her desired snacks before ending the call. Suddenly she felt the apartment wasn’t tidy enough with the addition of a somewhat special guest and so while waiting for them to finish their work at the company and head over the dancer began cleaning up and making sure everything looked to her standards before anyone arrived.
Just as he has said, roughly an hour later there was a knock at the front door startling the dancer a bit as she had been so busy making sure the place was presentable she seemed to lose track of the time. “I’m coming, just one second!” The omega looked down at her appearance in just a sports bra and a pair of loose fitting sweatpants and made a little groan before rushing to the small laundry room in the back of the apartment to find a shirt.
Another knock sounded after a few minutes as she was struggled to find a decent shirt to put on that was clean. “Just come in! Door is unlocked-“ she called out, figuring by the time they all made it in she would have found something and be able to greet them in the main area of the apartment. Lumi was mistaken, however. With her upper body almost fully inside the dryer as she searched frantically for any clean shirt at that point, a chorus of giggling and whispers drew her attention.
“Baby what are you doing?” Changbin called out, his tone amused and somewhat teasing. At the sound of them standing outside the laundry room door, the omega hit her head on the way out of the dryer. “Ah-“ she held the back her head where it had hit the top inside of the dryer, sitting defeatedly on the floor. “I can’t find a shirt-“ Lumi huffed, looking up to see not only Changbin but the entire rest of the stray kids were standing there staring at her. Some wore wide eyes expressions while others seemed to find it amusing, others smirked.
Felix spoke up, crossing his arms over his chest. “Hey, I’m not complaining if you can’t find one.” He flirted playfully causing the dancer to blush and look away.
Chan, who was standing beside the freckled alpha, felt the familiar sting of jealousy burn inside him at his members obvious staring at the omega’s partially dressed state. “Here, baby- put this on.” Han said as he tossed her a hoodie, the same zip up hoodie of Chan’s he had loaned the dancer a few weeks previously.
She gave the beta a smile, pulling it on and zipping it up most of the way. “Thank Hanji. I was a little distracted earlier and forgot I was doing laundry and wasn’t exactly fully dressed-“
Chan felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest when he saw what Jisung had handed her to wear. That hoodie- one of his favorites that he had been missing and didn’t have a clue where it had gone.
As the group made their way back to the living room, the alpha took hold of the beta producer’s shoulder and held him back to have a word while the others went on ahead. “Where the fuck did you find that? I’ve been looking for that hoodie for weeks now!” He said through grit teeth, staring at Jisung with bewilderment.
The younger smirked and offered his leader a shrug. “I wore it out a few weeks ago to meet Lumi and she forgot her jacket- it was cold out and I didn’t want her to get sick so I said she could borrow it.” The alpha glared, causing Han to hold his hands up in defense. “I was gonna get it back! But everyone was staring and I saw it laying on her bed from the open door to her room so I just- thought fast?” He explained, rambling slightly in true Han Jisung fashion.
Wait, on her bed? Why was his jacket, which she had to have known was his from the scent, on her bed of all places? His mind began working overtime and the once defensive Jisung regained his smug smile before moving to join the others in the living room. “Come on, hyung or we’ll miss the beginning of the first movie!” He called out cheerily, plopped himself down on the floor in between Minho’s open legs where he sat with his back resting against the bottom of the couch.
Chan stood frozen, blinking a few times before shaking his head and making his way after the beta into the living room. He looked over to see Lumi cuddled up into Changbin’s side with a bowl of popcorn on their laps, his stomach doing flips seeing how she had pulled the hood of his jacket up causing the scent that remained embedded in it from countless wears by the alpha to surround her almost completely. It caused something inside him to snap and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her through the entirety of the first movie.
One movie down and they were all getting a bit more hungry than just snacks could fix so they all agreed ordering in would be the best decision.
Lumi stood in the small kitchen of her shared apartment, phone in hand as she placed the order for pizzas to be delivered for all of them.
As she leaned against the counter, making sure the address was put in correctly and hitting confirm she felt another presence enter the room. Looking up she came face to face with Chan as he stood directly in front of her.
Upon the sudden close proximity, the dancer jumped and almost dropped her phone in surprise. “Geez, Chris- warn a girl next time will ya?” She joked, trying not to seem to on edge around the alpha though her mind was spinning knowing he was so close she could reach out and touch him. The last time they were this close it was during a screaming match as they argued about her departure from jype.
“What was my hoodie doing on your bed?” He said accusatorially, looking the omega in the eyes as she seemed to freeze at the question. “I- Ji let me borrow it the other day? It’s just where it landed when I took it off, it’s not a big deal…” She explained it away, not wanting to admit to him that she had slept with it on almost every night since receiving it.
His fingers caught the hem of the hoodie, rubbing the fabric between them slowly as he stepped even closer. “It looks good on you…” he said it so quietly she thought she misheard him, until she looked up into his eyes and saw how softly they admired her. “Chris….” Her voice was hesitant, swallowing hard as the smell of vanilla and rose water engulfed them both.
The alpha quickly caged her in against the counter, head dipping down towards her neck yet he made no further move to scent her. “I’ve been such an idiot.” He said, head falling to rest against her shoulder.
Lumi’s breath caught in her throat at the contact and without thinking on it further she set her phone on the counter behind her and brought her arms around his waist slowly, afraid of scaring him off should she move too suddenly.
Chan sighed, shoulders slumping with relief as she took him into her arms so carefully. “You were…but I wasn’t very fair to you, either-“ he pulled away, looking into her eyes with furrowed brows. “Stop that, Lumi. You were right…I- I abandoned you completely. I can’t believe I did that…I don’t know what was wrong with me.”
She shook her head, one of her hands moving to cup his cheek while she looked into his eyes with an empathetic expression. “You were so young…we both were- you had the weight of the fucking world on your shoulders and I didn’t offer you any grace on that fact.” He continued to frown, leaning into her touch as he let the smell of sweet roses flood his senses. “Missed this…missed you-“
The omega smiled, resting her forehead against his. “I won’t go anywhere if you don’t…” she teased, causing the alpha to wince. “Again, I’m sorry…seeing you reconnecting with Ji and Bin has been torture- I felt like I didn’t deserve your forgiveness…or your friendship.” Lumi frowned now, moving her other hand now to cup the other side of his face and smoosh it slightly. “Christopher you’re too hard on yourself, always have been. Can you just- relax for once? Not be so- self sacrificial?”
Chan blinked rapidly, eyes shifting from hers to her lips as decided to listen to her words and crash his lips against the omegas in what he considered to be a very selfish act on his part.
For a moment she froze, gasping against his lips in shock at his actions. Soon she was melting into the kiss, hands still cupping his face as his came to rest on her hips.
The kiss was hungry, laced with years of longing and desperation for each other and before long Lumi was moving her hands to lock behind his head as she deepened the kiss with a swipe of her tongue across his lower lip.
A low growl erupted from the alpha’s chest, causing goosebumps to raise on the dancer’s skin. Chan mumbled a quick “jump” against her soft lips and as she followed the direction he was lifting her up and placing her on the counter behind them.
Lumi bit back the squeal that threatened to escape at just how strong the alpha was, wrapping her legs around his waist while continuing to kiss him with enough passion she hoped would convey just how much she needed him even after all those years apart. A need that scared her and caused her fear of being abandoned yet again to spark to life suddenly.
Eventually the had to pull away for air, chests heaving as they attempted to catch their breaths stolen in the heat of the moment. From the living room they both heard the sound of Changbin calling out to ask if the food had been ordered yet or not, both of their heads turning to make sure no one had witnessed their blatant act of pda.
“Oh um- yeah Binnie I just finished placing it now!” Lumi answered, trying not to sound so breathless as Chan bit his lip to hold in his laughter. “We should go back to the others…” she said, placing a hand on his chest to push him away so she could hop down from the counter only for his hand to wrap around her wrist and hold it there. “Are we….we need to talk about what just happened-“ he said, looking into her eyes with an unreadable expression.
Shaking her head, the pink haired dancer pulled her hand away before getting down from where he placed her on the counter top and stepped around him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about- nothing happened.“ was all she said before disappearing to reclaim her spot next to the omegan rapper.
Oh he was so absolutely and royally fucked.
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author’s note; oh this is gonna be so fun~ hope you guys enjoyed! This chapter is brought to you by “the perfect pair” by beabadoobee as I had that shit on loop while writing this ᕱᕱ₊˚⊹♡ as always lmk what you think~~
taglist; (pink users means I was unable to tag) @coastinglove @breadedloafs @miraculous-disaster
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bumblesimagines · 9 months
this doesn't mean anything.
- Sarah Cameron
this doesn't mean anything.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
Got carried away with this one
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In the world of the Outer Banks, Kooks were seen as untouchable. They were the stuck-up, spoiled, privileged kids who could do, say, or buy anything they wanted as long as they had daddy or mommy's credit card in their back pocket. They puffed out their chests, turned up their nose, and spat venom just because they knew they could. Their parents would flock and point fingers if any harm came to them, demanding Sherriff Peterkin and Deputy Shoupe do something about the 'dirty Pogues targeting their poor babies' as if Peterkin and Shoupe could do anything more than let them off with a warning or a brief night in a cell.
While they were utterly pathetic and useless, (Y/N) found them incredibly amusing. Nothing was better than watching the smugness get knocked right out of a Kook. Tears would immediately spring in their eyes and their perfect skin would stain with purple and red coloring that'd stay no matter how many ice packs they put to it. The Kooks that talked the biggest game were often the ones that squealed first in fights. Their scratchy, obnoxious voices would plead for mercy, shouting empty promises of staying away and never bothering them again. Rafe Cameron was the only one who could handle a little pain, but even then, the boy was as boring as watching paint dry. One look from his daddy dearest and he went away with his tail tucked between his legs. 
His sister, as (Y/N) came to learn, was a lot more fun.
"Remember the rules, guys. No hardcore drugs, don't get blackout drunk, and don't start anything without me." (Y/N) called out after his younger brother and his group of friends. He was certain the nerd would keep them out of trouble, as he always did when they hung out, but a reminder never hurt anybody. The four of them scampered further down the beach, kicking up sand in their wake and disappearing amongst the other teenagers. They weren't much younger than him, only a year or two below him in school, but they were as annoying as children and attracted trouble wherever they went.
Fishing his cigarette pack out of his jacket pocket and sticking one between his lips, he allowed his gaze to drift over the party-goers present. Pogues, Kooks, and a few tourists who appeared wildly out of place with their big sun hats blocking half their vision. He recognized Rafe and his posse of coked-up boys lingering near the water and Barry making use of eager Kooks and their heavy pockets. His attention dropped down to his lighter and he grunted when it refused to light for longer than a second.
"Maybe it's a sign you should quit." A feathery voice piped up behind him and he turned around to find the treasured princess of Figure Eight.
Everyone knew Sarah Cameron. She was the beloved daughter of Ward Cameron, the pride and joy of Figure Eight, and the most envied and desired girl in Kildare. Everyone tripped over themselves trying to be in her good graces, trying to get a taste of the Cameron wealth and status. Ever since she entered high school, he'd heard all about her numerous relationships. She lept from boy to boy and left a trail of broken, jealous hearts in her path. Her most recent boy toy had been Topper Thornton, the son of the renowned Doctor Thornton and grandson of Judge Holden. JJ had left enough bruises on him for (Y/N) to know him well. (Y/N) thought they looked more like siblings than lovers.
"Nobody ever taught you not to talk to strangers, princess?" 
"I would hardly call you a stranger." She said and lifted the mai tai in hand up to her pink-colored lips. Her eyes twinkled with the setting sun, lightening the deep shade of brown. "Everyone knows the Maybanks."
"And nobody likes them. You might have to forfeit your Kook card if you get caught talking to me, Miss Cameron." He cooed teasingly and she smiled despite herself, rolling her pretty eyes and brushing her hair away from her face when the wind gently tousled it. His eyes drifted down to the dark knee-length sundress she wore decorated in orange and yellow flowers. It looked better than what most of the girls from the Cut wore to fancy events.
"I don't care about my Kook card, (Y/N). I think this whole... Pogue vs Kook thing is so stupid. We're all living on the same island. Why should we be giving each other shit for where we were born?" 
"I'm sure you'll be a just and fair ruler, princess." His words made her roll her eyes again and she laughed quietly into her can. Even her drink of choice screamed rich. Everyone else stuck to cheap beer or half-filled bottles they stole from the kitchen cabinet when their parents weren't home. Sarah twirled a piece of her hair around her finger, glancing away from him and toward her friends. They hadn't noticed her yet and for a moment, (Y/N) expected her to call out to them and walk away. But she looked back at him with a familiar coy smile. 
"Wanna talk somewhere more... private?"
He wondered how annoyed John B would be when he learned he'd taken Figure Eight's princess back to his place. It'd been closer than the Maybank residence and had less chance of a drunken and drugged Luke staggering through the front door ready to ruin (Y/N)'s night. Kiara would certainly throw a tantrum about him sleeping with her ex-best friend and if Kiara got upset, Pope would quickly follow in defense of his crush. Annoying little shits but they made JJ happy and that was enough for (Y/N) to tolerate their shenanigans. 
Tugging up his pants and zipping them back up, he gazed at the dozing Kook. Her long blonde hair had been sprawled out over the dark pillowcase and she'd buried half her face in the pillow, her parted lips forming a small spot of drool. As content and comfortable as she looked, he needed her back home before she chose to overstay her welcome under false assumptions. 
"Hey, princess." (Y/N) reached down to move some strands of hair away from her face and shook her shoulder. She whined quietly and squeezed her eyes before rolling fully onto her stomach and burying her face further in the pillow defiantly. "You need to get going before Ward calls the cops 'cause his precious girl didn't come home."
Tiredly lifting her head, she squinted at him through the sunlight. "Are you worried about Ward or worried about what your friends will say?" 
"My friends won't give a shit about me taking the Kook princess's virginity, sweets." Her face reddened considerably and he smirked. "My brother's friends might get pissed if they see a Kook on our turf. And I don't want problems with Carrera. She makes good food."
Sarah finally sat up and raked her fingers through her hair to detangle the knots as she searched the floor for her belongings. Her eyes finally settled on her underwear and she pursed her lips, the tips of her ears turning a soft red. "You ripped them." She murmured and her fingers began to toy with the ends of her hair. 
"You didn't complain when I did it." (Y/N) scooped the sundress up from the floor and tossed it in her direction, arms folding over his chest while he watched her get dressed and rise from the bed. She awkwardly tugged at the dress and retrieved her torn underwear from the floor before shoving it into her purse and turning to face him. 
"I can drop you off at Word for Word. It's the closest store to Figure Eight so one of your little friends should be able to pick you up. I'd drive you home but I've got work and Barry will kill me if I'm late again." (Y/N) explained quickly and slipped his shirt back on, snatching his keys from the nightstand and jerking his head toward the door when Sarah remained rooted in her spot. 
"That's it? You're just going to... ditch me in the middle of nowhere?" She stared at him in a mixture of surprise and irritation, and (Y/N) sighed, preparing the speech he often found himself telling those who couldn't catch a hint. He was a Maybank, for Christ's sake. Nothing about the men in his family screamed commitment. His father could hardly hold down a job and JJ was as much of a playboy as the next guy.
"Sarah, baby, this doesn't mean anything. I'm sorry if your feelings are hurt but I asked if you were sure and offered to drive you back like five times last night. If you wanted your first time to be with your soulmate, you should've let me know and I would've taken you back to your boyfriend. Now, unless you want to get into a screaming match with Kiara, I suggest you start figuring out who's taking you the rest of the way."
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cultofdixon · 1 year
At least there’s no bears
Daryl Dixon • They/Them Pronouns • Usually Daryl can see where the traps lay…but then you got caught • ANGST/SFW • TW: Injuries / Blood Loss / Anxiety
Requested by: Anon
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Daryl slowly sat up in his bed knowing he has the hunt today and that his partner will be joining him. Which meant he had to get ready and then drag their ass out of bed so they could get ready.
Once they both were ready, Y/N stretched their back out waiting for the archer who was currently informing the early bird Rick on their whereabouts for the morning.
“Hey, eat” Daryl startles them out of their thoughts as they tiredly take the protein bar handed to them and started to dig in while they walk to the gates.
It was a cold and nice morning for the two to go on foot for the entirety of the hunt. Even if Y/N does miss his bike to at least go a bit further out.
“You still waking up?”
“Meh.” They shrug adjusting the rifle on their back as they held onto the strap while looking around. “Why do we have to hunt early? Like. It’s what 5AM?”
“Have a watch to confirm that?” Daryl laughs a bit only to be hit with a pebble in the back of the head. As he quickly whips back, Y/N pretended like nothing happened only for him to playfully glare. “I’d be careful of any left behind traps. Don’t think there’s anything as serious as a bear trap but better to be aware”
“Why do people hunt bears? Some of them may be stupid, then others just want to steal your picnic baskets”
Daryl stopped once more only for Y/N to run right into him from not paying attention. He gave them a confused look.
“For someone who had a brother with only a few working brain cells. He didn’t watch cartoons? YOU didn’t watch cartoons?”
“Yogi bear”
“Merle only watched cartoons or fights”
“Sounds very Merle coded” Y/N laughs a bit as they branched off a bit into a different direction to check out a bush with fruit on it.
The archer kept an eye on them for the most part, not like they would need the extra set of eyes since their first response in danger is to fight or find the closest hiding spot. They were also one of those adventure types from the old world and would almost always be outside so he knew that they knew about certain signs of danger and especially what’s poisonous or not.
“Those berries good?”
“Nah. But it could be good bait for small critters that can have it” Y/N plucked a handful as the two quickly turned to the sudden scurry that was too quick for a walker and Daryl went to follow.
When the tracks came up empty, Daryl was hit in the head again and turned to Y/N who had just caught up to him.
“Did yea hit me with a berry?”
“No but thanks for the idea” Y/N laughs kneeling down to grab the acorn that fell, also grabbing the few acorn caps off the ground. “You ever wear these on your finger tips? As a kid?”
“And pretend your fingers were friends or some shit”
“That’s incredibly sad. If only I lived near the forest in Georgia then we would’ve been friends. Always find me in the trees”
“City kid?”
“Yeah but my sister always took me to the park to get outside and yknow, also not to hear bickering soon-to-be divorced parents” They laugh a bit as they took one of Daryl’s hands to put an acorn cap on one of his fingers before finding another bush in their peripheral to go investigate.
Daryl looks at the little acorn cap they put on his finger and thought it was cute of them, but before a smile could even grace his features. Fear shot right through him.
“son of a—-FUCK!” Y/N yells as their voice echoed through the forest followed by the thud of their body hitting the ground. They looked down to find the bear trap latched onto their left ankle. “Fuck fuck FUCK” they were too afraid to move and once Daryl finally came over.
The color in his face drained as he knelt down to assess what happened.
“You should’ve watched where you were going”
“Seriously?!” Y/N snaps at him for stating an annoying yet obvious response. Only for the sudden jerk to worsen the pain as they couldn’t look at their blood drain from their body or they might pass out. “Oh god”
“Jesus fuckin’ christ—-We gotta get this shit off yea without taking the foot”
“Oh?!” Daryl stops messing with it to lock eyes with Y/N a moment as neither exchanged a word. “What the fuck is happening right now?! Did I hurt yea further or—-“
“SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE THE WALKERS HEAR YOUR YELLING” Y/N snaps only for Daryl to cover their mouth waiting for the snap of twigs he heard to just be a critter and not what they had said a few seconds ago.
“I wish yea didn’t adapt your feelings to the situation when you’re the goddamn one that’s injured.”
“Freaking out to my full potential will only make me sob and the pain a whole lot worse” Y/N squeezed their eyes shut to fight back the tears as it was starting to get way worse. They carefully took their belt off even if it meant shifting, a wince, and Daryl flinching to the pain response. “Tourniquet”
“Smart. Very smart” Daryl takes the belt from them and got started applying such above their ankle before assessing what he should do next.
A lot of blood.
A lot of fucking blood.
It’s a 2hr window before they might lose it even with a tourniquet.
Y/N watches as Daryl thinks too loud in front of them. They were worrying about him even if they are the one bleeding less now. They clear their throat to get his attention as his expression instantly went to stress and worry thinking something worse was happening.
“Take the bear trap off, wrap the wound in your bandana, then carry me home so Denise can patch me up” their voice was shaky after silently crying a bit to themselves. Daryl did exactly what they said, a bit confused why they were so clear minded about it.
Next thing they knew, Daryl was carrying Y/N on his back all the way back to Alexandria.
“This shouldn’t have happened…”
“D, come on…”
“I knew this area had fuckin’ traps last time I was out. Should’ve taken them out before dragging you out here”
“You didn’t drag me out here” Y/N frowns. “And you would’ve gotten yourself caught in a bear trap. It just happens by accident”
“You shouldn’t have come…”
“I wanted to. You asked and I said yes…even if you didn’t I would’ve come out to find you if you’re didn’t leave a note like you usually do” They rest their head on his shoulder trying not to let the blood loss beat them with the exhaustion. “Shits unpredictable sometimes…”
“You’re too optimistic sometimes” Daryl sighs, listening to them hum in agreement as he felt their body shift against him. Making his anxiety pick up the pace to get to Alexandria.
It’s been a few hours and Y/N woke up exhausted but at least patched up and in the infirmary. They noticed they were alone but at least there was crutches to help them get around.
As they managed to get up and out of the building, Daryl was starting to head back to them carrying something when he noticed them on the crutches.
“You’re supposed to stay in the fuckin’ bed”
“Don’t tell me what to do” Y/N scoffs. “I wanna be in my bed. With you. Thank you very much” they were about to move past him when Daryl took their crutches leaving them still in a flamingo pose. “Daryl. Don’t be a dick”
“Let me set shit down inside and I’m carrying yea to bed. And ain’t taking no for an answer”
“Then can you hurry up? You or Denise or whoever took my jacket and I’m cold” Y/N frowns waiting for Daryl, watching him go inside the house leaving them out there longer than they had wanted.
But Daryl came back out in a little bit of a sprint with one of his sweaters, helping them get it on before picking them up bridal style and going toward the house.
“You gonna be nurse back to health?”
“Ain’t leavin’ yea that’s for sure”
“You’re sweet”
“You’d fall down the stairs if I left yea alone”
“I think I’m gonna take back calling you sweet” Y/N laughs resting their head on his shoulder as he pushes every door he had to open with his foot. Eventually getting to their room and setting them on the bed.
The archer carefully propped up their ankle using his pillow and covered them with his blanket. Y/N got comfortable watching Daryl move around the room moving a few things but then he left to grab something.
When he came back a moment later, Y/N had fallen asleep given their body was still wiped out and the drugs Denise gave them still floated around. Daryl set the glass of water on their nightstand along with fresh bandages for when they wake up so he could put new ones on. In the mean time, he moved to his side of the bed taking his boots off before bringing his whole self beside them.
Y/N opened their eyes a sec to see him beside them as they carefully moved their self close enough to bring their head on his shoulder. Daryl rests his head on top of theirs taking the time to finally relax.
“At least there wasn’t any bears”
“Shut up and go to sleep”
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anyasathenaeum · 11 months
Elysium (Dad!Vash fic) - Chapter 1
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A/N: Hi everybody! So, I felt kinda beat up after Tumblr wiped my requests, but then I randomly got inspiration to write a Dad!Vash fic. This is going to have multiple chapters (no idea how many yet), but I'll be writing it as I can. I've cross-posted it to AO3 here.
Story Summary: Vash the Stampede remains in hiding after the disaster of Julai city. In the year since the disaster, you and Vash have had children and are living a quiet life in town, until one day, the arrival of bandits threatens to rip away the life you and Vash have built together. What will Vash give to protect his family?
Warnings: Reader is AFAB in this work, referred to using she/her pronouns and "Mama" by the kids, explicit mentions of pregnancy, childbirth, and violence
Chapter Wordcount: 5.8k
Chapter 1: On The Horizon
"Mama? Mama, wake up." 
A little voice called from the side of your bed, and you groggily registered the feeling of little hands tugging on yours as your eyes fluttered open.
All you could see were two pairs of identical blue eyes, both wide open as they gazed at you curiously and somewhat impatiently. As soon as you awoke, two sets of identical grins broke out on your children's' faces.
"Mmm? What is it, my loves?" You asked groggily, sitting up in bed with a big yawn as you rubbed your sleepiness from your eyes. It couldn't have been later than 6 or 7 in the morning, but your twin children had always been early risers, much like their father.
"We brought you something!"
You watched as the boy, Nicholas, and his sister, Rem, came into your room with a tray they were holding. On it was a plate of food, as well as a cup of water and some beautiful flowers.
"Oh? Did you two make me breakfast in bed?" You asked, your heart warming at the sight of your babies doing this for you, "Thank you, my loves! I love it."
You took the tray from your children and placed it beside you on the bed before leaning over and enveloping both children into your arms, hugging them close and kissing their heads, causing them both to giggle happily as they hugged you back.
"Love you, mama!" Nicholas chimed happily, with Rem nodding her head in agreement and echoing her brother's sentiment, "Yes, mama, we love you!"
You chuckled happily as you hugged your children close, feeling their small bodies against your own. As you glanced up at the doorway, you felt your heart flutter at the sight of your husband smiling at you and your children.
Vash couldn't help but feel his heart swelling in his chest as he watched his children, your children, hugging you and giggling happily as you held them close in your and his shared bed, his smile only growing as he watched the scene before him.
In the past, Vash never would've dared to let himself hope that he'd ever experience happiness like this. He never would've let himself dream that he would have a family, have children and a spouse that he loved more than anything in his life. And yet, against all his expectations, against all his beliefs, happiness fell into his lap the day the two of you realized you were expecting.
You had found Vash shortly after the disaster at Julai city, when the entire city was turned into a crater in the ground and 90% of the population had been wiped out when Vash fell from the sky. Vash had been a broken man, unable to even speak from the grief and the shock of what had happened when you found him. His memories surrounding the incident were muddy at best, but eventually, they returned to him and Vash slowly began to work through what had happened.
During that time, a kind woman by the name of Sheryl and her only living grandchild, Lina, had taken you both in and gave you refuge as you and Vash recovered from the Julai incident, with Vash taking on the name "Eriks" as you both hid from the world. Many nights were spent with you comforting Vash as he wept from nightmares that plagued him constantly, or Vash holding you close and protecting you as memories tried to pull you into their dark depths.
Those nights together brought you and Vash closer together than ever before - the two of you had always been fast and good friends, but this... being each other's anchor when one was caught in a storm of grief and sadness and anger... it brought you two together in a way neither of you had anticipated.
You two had both chosen to silently let whatever bond the two of you had develop and become whatever it was going to become. However, after one particularly bad nightmare where Vash had dreamt of losing you and woken up crying, only to find you looking at him worriedly and with such warmth and tenderness behind your eyes, Vash couldn't help but blurt out those three words.
"I love you."
Vash had fully been crying as he said those words to you breathlessly, as if desperate to get them out into the real world, desperate for you to understand how much you meant to him. He had clutched you desperately to him, his face buried in your hair as he took in your comforting, familiar scent between sobs, mumbling over and over again.
"I love you. I love you, (Y/N), I love you. You're everything to me. P-Please... don't go."
Your heart had broken for him that night, before being set alight when you realized what Vash had said to you. He loved you. You wanted to scream with joy, but instead, all you could do was pull the man you loved so much closer to you, burying your face into him as you held him tighter than ever before as he cried against you.
"I love you, too, Vash. So, so much."
After that night, you and Vash were inseparable, and it was clear to anybody who saw you and Vash together that the two of you were in love and nobody would ever come between you. Grandma Sheryl and Lina had been kind in helping you both find a home to call your own in the town. A beaten-up, neglected old house on the outskirts of the town that desperately needed some love and care eventually became your new home, a home where neither you nor Vash needed to hide.
One day, out of the blue, you had suddenly realized your body was changing. When Vash had placed his hands on you, your belly had begun to glow with faint plant runes, much like the markings on Vash's body whenever he tapped into his Plant abilities and powers. As you looked at him curiously, you watched Vash's eyes widen and his jaw drop open.
"(Y/N)... you're pregnant."
"Woah, woah, woah, what do you mean "pregnant"?" You replied immediately, frowning at him. "That's not possible... is it?"
Vash looked down at you and replied softly, his eyes trained on your stomach, "It's possible. Just... extremely rare."
Your mind had began to spiral as your hand pressed to your belly protectively, as if to shield the life that was growing within it from the world.
"I'm pregnant," You repeated, clearly stunned, your hand beginning to mindlessly rubbing circles over your belly, tracing the plant markings that announced your pregnancy.
You and Vash had to sit down and discuss how everything was going to change now that you were pregnant, and at the end of that conversation, Vash had taken your hand in his and stood up before guiding you towards town.
"Vash? Where are we going?" You had inquired, gazing at him as he continued walking ahead of you, almost as if in a hurry.
He didn't answer you, instead just borderline dragging you through town until he stopped suddenly before an unassuming building. You had raised an eyebrow at him, clearly asking for an explanation.
"Marry me."
You blinked.
Vash had grinned at you, his smile warmer than anything you'd ever seen from him before.
"Marry me, (Y/N). You're pregnant with my child, and I want you to be assured that no matter what happens, I'll always be there to love you and our child and protect you both for as long as I live."
You continued to stare at him as if he had grown a second head, failing to take in exactly what Vash had asked of you. Once it sunk in, your eyes widened and you had begun to splutter.
"B-But, Vash, what if you have to go on the run again? I can't be the reason you're held back! That's not fair to you."
Vash had stepped forward and pulled you to him, his large hand splaying over your abdomen protectively yet incredibly tenderly. His voice was low and gentle.
"(Y/N)... I don't care. You and this child are my family, now. And I swear to always protect my family. I love you both so much, and I refuse to let any harm come to either of you. I'll be damned if I leave you and my child unprotected. The best way for me to ensure your safety is by staying by your side. Forever."
You felt yourself moved to tears as you looked at Vash, who was simply smiling down at you with such love that it made your heart flutter in your chest. You pulled him down by the back of his neck and kissed him with everything in you, trying to show him just how much you loved him through your actions.
"Okay," You whispered softly once the two of you had broken apart, "I'll marry you."
Without another word and grinning like he had just won the greatest prize on the planet, Vash took your hand in his much larger one and guided you into the building, where the two of you signed a marriage license and exchanged vows and rings to symbolize your commitment to each other.
After that day, you and Vash prepared for the arrival of your child. You had managed to create a nursery, crib and all, and awaited nervously for the day your child would arrive.
Your pregnancy advanced more rapidly than that of a regular human, given your baby was half-human, half-plant, and you found yourself struggling to carry the baby as your pregnancy progressed. Your body had to adjust more rapidly than anticipated, and Vash was terrified for your safety as time went on. He refused to let you do anything that potentially risked your safety or the baby's, constantly stepping in and taking over whatever task you were trying to accomplish.
"(Y/N), be careful," Vash would admonish you gently, "Don't want anything to happen to you or the little one."
It got to the point where Vash would've wrapped you in bubble wrap if he could've, and it drove you gently insane.
"I swear, Vash, if you don't let me do this, I'm going to scream."
Eventually, your waters broke about 4 1/2 months into your pregnancy and you had rushed to the medical clinic in the town. With several hours of screaming various profanities, pushing, and nearly breaking every bone in Vash's hand, you had managed to bring your baby boy into the world.
"Nicholas," You had uttered the moment you saw your little boy, panting heavily as the nurses took him away to get him cleaned up and swaddled.
"Nicholas?" Vash asked gently, clearly fighting off tears as he gazed at the little blue bundle in the nurse's arms. "After Wolfwood?"
"Yeah..." You replied, gazing at Vash with a warm smile as he held your son, "I think it fits."
"I-It does," Vash choked out, tears beginning to pour down his face as he held little Nicholas close and nuzzled the little baby's cheek with the tip of his finger, "Our little boy. Our Nicholas."
Vash looked over at you as he began to weep completely, "Oh, (Y/N)... thank you. Thank you for giving me him. Thank you for giving me my family. I love you so much. You two are everything to me."
You had smiled and opened your mouth to reply when another crippling contraction ripped through you, tearing a scream from you. Vash jumped and immediately came over, reaching out to you, fear evident on his face.
"Mayfly?! What's wrong?!"
You couldn't even answer him, groaning and crying out in pain as contraction after contraction wracked your body, your hands gripping the sheets for dear life. The doctor and nurses came sprinting in, and after a minute or two of careful assessment, the doctor promptly announced.
"There is another baby, it's coming now."
"Another?!" You shrieked, looking at the doctor and then at Vash, who looked positively stunned, his mouth open and his eyes owlishly wide.
"Yes," The doctor confirmed, "It seems you were carrying twins. The second baby is coming now."
Thankfully, this baby came quicker than its older sibling, and within a couple pushes, another little wailing sound filled the air as your daughter announced her arrival into the world.
You were completely exhausted, unable to even keep your eyes open as the nurses brought your daughter back, cleaned and swaddled to rest on your chest. As your energy slowly returned, you managed to open your eyes and look at your daughter for the first time.
Both she and Nicholas had wisps of Vash's blonde hair, and the same big blue eyes he had. They even had matching birthmarks under their right eyes, complimenting the one Vash had beneath his left eye. Near carbon copies of their father.
You glanced over at Vash and you could see him sobbing almost hysterically from joy as he leaned down and kissed your forehead.
"Mayfly... oh, Mayfly... they're perfect. They're perfect. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you..."
Vash sat by your side and held you and your children close. The little girl yawned on your chest before dozing off promptly, much like her twin brother was sleeping happily in Vash's arms.
"What should we name you, little one?" You whispered gently, caressing your daughter's soft cheek with your fingertip.
You and Vash sat there quietly, just gazing down at your newborn babies, reveling in how things had forever been changed when Vash suddenly whispered.
"What about "Rem"?"
""Rem"? Like your adoptive mother?" You asked softly as you gazed at your daughter.
Vash nodded, wiping away his tears gently, "Yeah... is that okay?"
"I think it's perfect," You answered softly, reaching out to hold your husband's hand gently, squeezing it as you spoke.
"Nicholas and Rem," Vash repeated back, gazing down at the little bundled blankets in his and your arms.
He gave a watery smile as he looked back up at you, tears silently streaking down his face.
"My family, (Y/N). Our family."
Vash let out a shaky laugh before continuing, "I never thought I could ever be this happy. I feel like I swallowed a box of fireworks. I love you, (Y/N). I love you more than anything, and I... I love them. Little Nicholas... little Rem... I love them. Do they know just how much happiness they bring with them? Do they know I'd do anything to protect them?"
You couldn't help but laugh a little, your own tears going down your cheeks as you kissed Vash's cheek.
"I'm sure they'll know as they get older. I love you, Vash. I love our family, and I'll do anything to protect you, to protect them, too."
Vash slowly scooted into your hospital bed, sitting next to you and holding you close as he continued to hold Nicholas and as you continued to hold Rem. This was your family, now.
Rem and Nicholas proceeded to grow up pretty quickly due to their being half-human, half-plant, and within a year, they were already the equivalent of a human 4 year-old, able to walk and talk and tell stories and do things, like making you breakfast in bed with some help from their father.
"Thank you, my love, for making sure they didn't burn down the kitchen."
Your voice snapped Vash from his revelry as he stood in the doorway, and he looked up to see you smiling lovingly at him from your shared bed, your breakfast tray next to you and your children still hugging you tightly.
"Oh, my pleasure, Mayfly," Vash chuckled as he walked in and hugged you and the children, all of you giggling and laughing together. A moment of complete and utter happiness.
"Now, what should we do today?" You asked playfully, pressing a kiss to the top of both Rem and Nicholas's heads, before glancing up at Vash with a warm smile.
"How abouuuut...." Vash drawled playfully, before snagging Rem and Nicholas under their arms and pulling them into him as they squealed and laughed happily, "We all go see Grandma Sheryl and big sister Lina?"
"Yes!" Nicholas cried happily, clapping his little hands together, "Grandma Sheryl! Big sis Lina!"
"I wanna go!" Rem cried out, echoing her brother's sentiment as she tugged on Vash's shirt, looking up at him with the same big blue eyes he possessed.
You couldn't help but laugh at the sight of your family, and you exclaimed, "Alright, then! We'll do a field trip to Grandma Sheryl's and big sis Lina's! Papa's gonna go call Grandma Sheryl to let her know we're coming, but why don't you two come tell me what you made me for breakfast?"
Nicholas and Rem beelined right back to you, quickly crawling onto the bed and pointing at the different things they had made you for breakfast as Vash headed downstairs to call Grandma Sheryl.
"I made the eggs!" Rem said, a proud smile on her face.
"I made the pancakes!" Nicholas chimed in, crossing his arms over his chest.
"No, Papa made the pancakes!"
"No, I did!"
"No, you didn't!"
You couldn't help but laugh and pull the twins into you, hugging them close to stop their bickering, "Now, now, fighting won't get either of you anywhere. You both worked very hard to make me breakfast, so thank you, my loves. I love you both very, very much."
"Love you too, mama," Nicholas replied, burying his face into your tummy, as Rem snuggled into your side with a mumble of "Love you, mama."
You sat there as you slowly ate your breakfast, chuckling as the twins took pieces of food themselves from your breakfast tray ("Just to try, mama!" Rem assured you as she put a piece of pancake in her mouth).
Once you were done, you sent the kids to get dressed and ready to go see Grandma Sheryl while you took the time to shower and get ready for the day yourself. As you came out of the bathroom, you were greeted by the sight of Vash sitting on your shared bed, a frown on his face. He seemed lost in thought.
"You alright, Vash?" You asked softly, coming over to stand in front of him.
Vash quickly snapped out of his thoughts as he glanced up up at you, a small smile appearing on his lips as his hands came up to grab your hips before tugging you closer to him.
"Nothing, Mayfly. Just..." Vash trailed off, clearly trying to find a way to explain whatever was bothering him.
"It's okay, Vash," You encouraged him, cupping his face in your hands and making him look at you, "What's wrong?"
Vash sighed heavily before saying softly, "Grandma Sheryl says bandits have been wreaking havoc in town over the past couple days. Sounds like they've been behind all kind of trouble. I don't think we should still go see her. I don't want to risk your safety, or Rem's or Nicholas's. I don't want anything happening to you."
You frowned as you heard this, and you thought to yourself for a few moments before speaking up, "Well... why don't you and I go into town first and see how bad it is? If it's truly dangerous, we come straight back and spend the day home, instead. If it's okay, then we can bring the kids along and go see Sheryl."
Vash just gazed at you, carefully taking in your words and your expression before exhaling softly, "That might be the safest approach. Although, I don't think you should come either."
"Why not?" You asked, looking at Vash with a frown on your face.
"Because I don't want you in any danger, (Y/N)," Vash answered simply, pulling you into his lap and hugging you close to him, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, "And I don't want to leave the children home alone if bandits are in the area."
You sighed as you felt Vash press a soft kiss to your neck, and you knew he was right - if bandits were nearby, causing havoc in town, it was best not to leave Rem and Nicholas alone, unprotected.
"Alright..." You conceded, looking down at your husband, "I'll stay here with the kids. But, you need to be careful, Eriks. Promise me you'll come right back here."
You shot him a look as you used his fake name. He was never "Vash the Stampede" anywhere except within the four walls of your home; instead, he was "Eriks Saverem".
You had originally thought him using his adoptive mother's last name wasn't the best idea, but Vash argued that he needed a last name and Rem's last name was as good as any, given she was his mother in every way that mattered.
"Besides, who else would recognize that last name?" Vash had asked, a small smile on his face as he remembered his adoptive mother.
"Your brother, all the individuals who work for your brother, Brad and Luida..." You had listed off, counting them off on your fingers, which caused Vash to whine.
"Alright, alright," You had conceded in the end, sighing with a roll of your eyes, "But don't come crying to me if you have to go on the run again."
In the present, you pressed a soft kiss to Vash's lips before you stood from his lap, patting his back gently.
"Be safe out there, my love," You whispered gently, "Come home to us. Come home to me."
"Always, Mayfly," Vash replied with a warm smile, "I will always come home to you. I swear it on my life."
"Good," You retorted, "I'll be keeping you to your promise."
"I'd expect no less."
Vash grinned at you, before taking your hand in his and pressing a kiss to your wedding ring - a way of sealing his promise to you.
"I love you, Stampede," You whispered to him, reaching out and brushing a strand of his now-long blonde hair out of his face, tucking it behind his ear tenderly.
"And I love you, (Y/N)," Vash replied softly, catching your other hand in his and kissing your palm tenderly in return.
"Alright, off with you," You chuckled, stepping away from your husband and turning to head downstairs, "That way you can be back sooner."
All you could hear was Vash chuckling as you went downstairs, finding Rem and Nicholas playing in the living room of your small home. When you appeared, both of them looked up at you and smiled.
"What is it, Mama?" Rem asked suddenly, cocking her small head to the side as she studied you intently, almost exactly the way her father did.
You quickly forced a smile as you came over to where your children were sitting, joining them on the carpet.
"Well," You began softly, "Apparently, it's a bit hard for us to go see Grandma Sheryl and big sis Lina right now. Papa's gonna go take a look and see if we can still go."
Nicholas and Rem exchanged looks, and Nicholas now piped up, "Hard, mama?"
"Yes, my love," You answered, continuing to explain, "There are some bad guys in town, and neither Papa nor I want anything to happen to you two."
"Bad guys?" Rem asked, her eyes filling with a bit of fear. "Are they gonna hurt us?"
"No, my love," You replied immediately, "Papa and I will protect you two, we won't let anything or anybody hurt you. I promise."
Rem quickly scrambled over and hugged you tightly, and you could feel your daughter trembling in your embrace. You quickly held her close, stroking her hair gently.
"Mama's got you," You whispered to her gently, "And Papa's got you, too. Always."
Nicholas slowly came over and joined the hug, and you held both of them close. Suddenly, you felt an additional set of warm, muscular arms wrap around you and the twin, and you heard Vash's voice speaking gently.
"Mama and Papa will always protect you two. Always, my loves."
Rem and Nicholas shifted slightly so that they could hug both you and Vash at the same time, and you all held your group hug for a few moments before Vash finally pulled away.
"Alright, Papa's gotta go on a little adventure," Vash said gently, patting the children's heads, "I'll be back soon. Promise me you'll protect each other and Mama if anything happens."
"We will!" Nicholas exclaimed immediately, standing up straight, "I'll protect Mama and Rem!"
"No, I'll protect Mama and Nicholas!" Rem retorted, nudging her brother.
Before the twins could get into another small spat, Vash laughed heartily and pulled them into another hug.
"That's my girl and boy! I'm relying on you both, okay? See you both soon. I love you two."
"Love you, Papa!" Rem and Nicholas chimed in unison, and you mouthed to Vash as he glanced at you, "I love you".
With a final kiss to the top of the twins' heads, and a gentle kiss to your lips (met by loud "EWWWW"s from the twins), Vash stepped out of the house and headed into town.
Grandma Sheryl's warning had proven to be true - as Vash walked through the town, he noticed multiple buildings that now had holes in the wall, windows that were shattered, and that the inside of these buildings were filled with debris and torn to shreds. Vash could see smoke coming from some other part of town, and a feeling of dread began to take root in his chest.
'Oh, Gods... should I tell (Y/N) to get the children ready to move? Should we run? Should we go somewhere else, to a different town?' Vash's thoughts began to go wild as he carefully treaded through town, keeping an eye out for any sign of trouble. 'What if (Y/N) gets hurt? What if one of the children get hurt? What if-?... No, Vash, no, don't go there.'
Vash was snapped out of his internal panic by a cry from not too far away, and as he looked up, Vash saw a couple bandits surrounding an older gentleman who was laying on the ground, curled up in the fetal position as he tried to protect himself from the blows of the bandits. Vash recognized the older gentleman as the town doctor, the same doctor who had helped you deliver Nicholas and Rem about a year ago, a kind man who many looked to as the town grandfather.
"Hey!" Vash immediately shouted, his body moving before he could make sense of the situation, "Leave him alone!"
Vash managed to intervene, getting the bandits away from the doctor and helping him to his feet. The poor doctor was bleeding from his face where he had no doubt been kicked or punched, and one of his eyes were turning black.
"If ya know what's good for ya, get outta here!" One of the bandits, likely the leader of this particular squad, sneered at Vash. The other bandits circled around their leader, no doubt waiting for a sign to go after Vash and the doctor.
"Sorry, but no," Vash replied coolly, gazing at the bandits and trying to ascertain how much of a threat they posed. "What reason could you possibly have to attack the town doctor?"
"Because he said something I didn't like," the bandit leader retorted snidely. The bandit leader squared himself and approached Vash, getting much too close to him for Vash's comfort.
"I'll say it one last time - if ya know what's good for ya, leave. Now. Or we won't hold back on ya."
The bandit leader's eyes blazed as he said this, poking Vash hard in the chest in an attempt to intimidate him into backing off. However, Vash just shook his head once more.
"Sorry, guys, but violence doesn't fly with me. I'd suggest you get out of here before things go badly for you," Vash replied, even going so far as to smile at the bandit leader.
This, however, incensed the bandit leader, and he immediately swung at Vash, who easily dodged his attack and moved fast enough to flip the bandit leader onto his back and slam him into the ground.
"Aww, come on, guys!" Vash exclaimed, "There's no need for fighting! Just leave the doctor alone, simple as that!"
The other bandits came at Vash, but not one of them managed to get close to him as Vash swiftly dodged and evaded their attacks and used their attacks against each other. Within moments, most of the bandits lay on the ground, moaning softly and stirring a bit as they tried to regain their bearings.
"Mr. Saverem, thank you so much!" The doctor cried, shaking Vash's hand enthusiastically, "Your assistance was greatly appreciated!"
Vash went to answer the doctor, but he noticed how the bandit leader was now gazing at him, a look of pure and utter hatred on his face. Vash felt his heart fall to his feet - this wasn't over yet.
"S-Saverem, eh?" The bandit leader wheezed out, slowly getting to his feet and shooting Vash a wicked grin, "Good to have a name for the man whose ass I have to kick."
Vash sighed tiredly, "Look, buddy, I'm not in the mood to fight you again. Can you please leave so I can get on with my life, as can the rest of the town? I'm pretty sure you guys got everything of worth from here, anyways."
"We'll see about that," the bandit leader replied coolly, grinning once more at Vash and the doctor before holding something up in his hand. Vash felt his heart twist violently in his chest as he realized what it was - a picture. The picture Vash always carried on him in his pocket.
Of you, Rem and Nicholas.
Where did he get that?!
"My, my, she's a beauty," The bandit leader mused, his eyes filled with fire as he traced your smiling face in the photo. Vash had never felt such a strong urge to burn a picture before as the bandit leader traced over your face and then the faces of the twins, "And look at them. They look just like you, Mr. Saverem. You're a lucky man."
Vash suppressed a shiver as the bandit leader said his name with emphasis, and the smirk that grew on the bandit's face made Vash want to sprint home and hide you and the twins away from the world, somewhere where nobody could ever hurt any of you.
"Although..." The bandit leader continued, still smirking at Vash as he spoke, "I wonder at what point your luck will run out."
Vash had to bite his tongue, instead desperately fighting to remain calm and seem unbothered by the bandit leader's faintly veiled threats towards himself, towards you and the children.
So, instead, Vash merely shrugged and answered as if he didn't understand the threat the bandit leader was making, "I'm not sure."
The bandit leader's evil smirk only grew bigger as he crumpled the picture in his fist and threw it down on the ground, "Guess we'll have to find out."
With that, the bandit leader turned on his heel and stormed off, his lackeys trailing behind him as best they could as they ran off from where Vash had fought them off.
"Mr. Saverem..." The doctor spoke quietly, looking mortified, "I-I'm so sorry, I- I didn't think-"
"Don't worry, doctor," Vash responded kindly, picking up the now-crumpled photo off the ground before helping the older gentleman stand up a bit straighter and guiding him over to a bench nearby, "I think that guy was gonna find my name out one way or the other."
"You need to get home, son," the doctor spoke softly, looking at Vash worriedly despite his own wounds, "He made a threat to your family. And there's plenty of bandits in town. God knows what they might try to do. You need to go home. Now."
Vash shook his head, the fear beginning to seep into his veins as he replied, "I can't just leave you here, though. What if they come back?"
"Somehow, I don't think they will," the doctor answered, the smallest smile appearing on his lips. "Now, go home. Go to your family."
With a final nod, Vash quickly took off towards your home, going from a walk to a jog until he was full on sprinting towards the house. His panic was beginning to overwhelm him as he sprinted back towards his home, where his family was hidden. Hopefully, you'd still be there, playing with Rem and Nicholas, none the wiser as to the threats made against you and your children because of Vash's actions.
'Please, please, please, let them be there. Let them be alright,' Vash pleaded in his mind, unsure of who he was pleading to as he sprinted home.
Right away, Vash felt a sense of relief when he saw your shared home. None of the windows had been smashed, the doors were all closed, and your home looked completely untouched. No sign whatsoever of any kind of break-in.
'Thank the Gods,' Vash breathed a deep sigh of relief as he raced up the steps and opened the door, coming into his house, fully prepared to pull you and the twins into a tight hug and not let go of any of you for quite some time.
"(Y/N)? Mayfly?" Vash called as soon as he entered the house, quickly looking around to try and spot you or the children.
However, nothing answered him except silence. The house was eerily quiet.
"Rem?! Nicholas?!" Vash called, his voice growing louder as he walked from room to room. There wasn't even the slightest sign of any disturbance having occurred in any of the rooms - everything was perfectly in place.
'Where are they? Did (Y/N) take the kids out somewhere?' Vash wondered, continuing to look around until he had searched the house from top to bottom for some sign of where you and the children might've gone.
As Vash came back downstairs, he was at a complete loss of where you all might've gone. The panic and fear from before began to reappear, taking root once more in Vash's stomach as his mind began to race.
Where could you have gone? Where were Rem and Nicholas? Were you alright? Were you alive?
Vash's mind swirled with so many questions that he nearly missed the piece of paper lying on the kitchen table, alongside something glinting in the bright sunlight - your wedding ring, next to a piece of a broken children's toy that both Rem and Nicholas had treasured.
As Vash picked up the note, staring at your ring and the broken toy, he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces before it began to thunder in his chest from fear and horror as he read the unfamiliar handwriting on the note.
"Your luck has run out. Check the abandoned school building."
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kowaiitenshii · 1 year
Sunkiller Lullaby Part Four
Pairing: Darth Vader X Reader
Plot Summary: Your new guardian is revealed, and Lord Vader begins teaching you the ways of the Force. 
Warnings: Unburnt!Vader. Canon-divergent. Descriptions of an injury. Lowkey toxic relationship. Corruption. Reader is a former slave. Improper use of the Force probably. Distressing visions. Vader is his own warning. Tension. AFAB Reader, feminine pronouns and descriptions used. Vague feminine nudity described. Mild 18+ warning. 
Words: 6.4k
A/N: Hello everyone! It's finally here!! Thank you so much for all the support on this series, I appreciate each and every one of you, and I can’t wait to keep writing more for you! Please enjoy!
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Eyes rolling in your head, you groan softly as you blink back into consciousness, sight and sound fading back in. As the fuzziness in your vision clears, the first thing your gaze locks onto are those horribly familiar blazing yellow eyes. 
Your eyes widen instantly, the feeling of him cradling you suddenly becoming scorching. You tense violently in his grasp, and you barely managed to stifle a startled gasp. 
“Easy, Princess.” your guardian soothes, a sanguine grin spread over his lips. 
You’re frozen at the sound of hearing his voice for the first time, the smooth, even cadence to it. 
Yet, you can’t help but correct him. 
“(Y/N).” You say quietly, but firmly. This situation is already awkward enough, you don’t think you can handle him confusing you for royalty, the idea making your head swim again. 
“(Y/N), then.” He replies coolly. “My mistake.” 
His eyes slice up to the top of your head, and you are suddenly made painfully aware of the fact you are still wearing the ruby circlet your Master had gifted you. Your heart thuds painfully in your chest, and your breaths come all too quickly.
The shocking fact that this mysterious man truly even exists is still hitting you like a thunderbolt. 
The sight of him exactly as you dreamed, the palpability of his touch, his scent, it’s all so overwhelming. 
You feel like the whole of your being is set aflame. 
Scrambling away from him as quickly as you can muster, you attempt to stand on shaken legs. He rises from kneeling as you do, placing a firm hand on your lower back to steady you. 
“Easy.” he soothes you again, the feeling of his touch so acute that you tense again. 
“You must be quite shaken.” He asserts. 
“Y-Yes.” you falter, shambling out of his grasp. 
It is only then that you realize your droid friend is in a frenzy, asking if you are alright.
 You muster a nod before plopping onto the edge of your bed and snatching the circlet off of your head, placing it on your bedside table. 
“I am bringing antihistamines and tea to help with the vertigo at once Milady, I insist!” the friendly droid declares while nodding fervently, before hastily leaving the room. 
As the droid leaves the two of you in tense silence, you hang your head in your hands and take deep breaths. Shock and dread pool together and mix in your gut, and paired with your lightheadedness it makes you nauseous. 
Calm down. You tell yourself. 
They were only dreams. It wasn’t as if he had been there too. It’s not the end of the world. Just a deep secret you will have to hide. 
You can do that right? You can hide your dream induced fascination? 
Sure you can. 
You have to. 
As you collect yourself, you can feel the weight of his gaze upon you. In the waking world, you squirm beneath it, the authenticity and the palpability of his existence still feeling surreal and therefore, uncomfortable. 
Your suite feels much smaller with his presence crowding it, the air thick with it, and the room suddenly feels claustrophobic. 
You look up at him with a cautious glance, swallowing dryly before your voice breaks the silence. 
“What is your name?” you ask your mysterious suitor quietly, your voice much breathier than you would have preferred. 
“My name is none of your concern.” He says matter-of-factly, simply standing by the door with his hands folded. 
“...Alright then.” You say, stunned for a moment by his shirking off of your question.
You let out an annoyed sigh through your nose, hanging your head back in your hands. 
Nothing makes any sense, and you are beginning to think that making sense of the situation is a task for another day. 
The smooth sound of his voice slices through the silence, and your gaze cuts up to meet his. 
“My apologies if my presence here upsets you, my Lady.” He says softly, dipping his head in respect as he speaks. For a split second, your chest tightens, your mind jumping to the conclusion that he must know. 
“I cannot imagine that you are often in the company of any Sith Lords beside Lord Vader.” he explains with a smile on the edge of his lips, and you release the breath you didn’t know you had been holding. 
You shake your head, clearing your throat softly. 
“You are correct. Lord Vader is the only Sith Lord I have ever met, but your presence is not a bother to me.” you say, your hesitant gaze flicking from him to the floor and back. “I am simply very, very tired.” you lie, picking at your nails idly. 
Well, it wasn’t a complete lie anyway. You were tired, exhausted even. 
He tips his head in understanding, a soft smile spreading across his lips. You’re struck by his smile, though if you’re honest, you’re struck by everything about him. 
He is exactly as you remember, and your heart strings pull uncomfortably tight in your chest. He stands across the room near the door, and you steal nervous glances at him every chance you get. 
He stands tall with his back to the wall, his posture disciplined, gloved hands folded in front of him. His golden hair falls in those same perfect, gleaming waves upon his shoulders, his lips plump and pursed in his observation, his aura murky and suffocating. His incandescent, fiery eyes scan the room, and you look away before your eyes can meet. 
Suddenly, his attention turns to the door and the friendly service droid enters as if on cue. It quickly comes over to you with a saucer and cup of tea in hand, along with two small capsules. 
“Here you are, Madam.” it says, placing the tea on your bedside table and handing you the capsules. 
“Please take the medicine at once, Milady, it will do wonders.” the droid insists, and you comply, tossing the capsules back with a swig of warm tea.
“Thank you, my friend.” you say to the droid with a terse smile. 
“Of course, Milady. If there should be anything else you require during the night, simply have your guardian send for me.” The droid says, a hint of worry in its voice. 
“Absolutely. If anything were to happen, you shall be the first to know.” you assure the droid with a gentle smile. 
“Very well, Madam. I shall leave you to rest then.” the kind droid says with a bow, before quietly leaving for the night. 
As you’re left in wretched silence with your new guardian, the ambient noise of the room seems deafening. The buzzing of the lighting, the quiet humming of the ship’s climate controls, even the sound of your own breathing is overwhelming as you zone out, staring into the patterns on the carpeting. 
You have the biting urge to run, to leave the room that is filled with his drowning presence.
So you do, in the least conspicuous way possible. 
Slipping off of the silken sheets and keeping your gaze to the floor, you pace towards the washing room for a bath. 
“What are you doing?” your mysterious guardian asks, the sound stopping you in your tracks. 
Closing your eyes and clenching your fists to steady yourself, you swallow hard before responding. 
“I’m going for a soak. I need one after today.” you state, valiantly attempting to hide your shaken nerves. 
“Then I shall assist you.” he asserts smoothly, and you can hear heavy footsteps approaching, his energy closing in. 
Your eyes snap open, and you instantly feel your cheeks go hot.
He can’t be serious. 
“That won’t be necess-” you stammer out before he cuts you off. 
“You just fainted and you are injured. It is absolutely necessary.” He insists, and you can feel his menacing shadow just behind you, the hairs on your neck standing on end. 
“It is not necessary. I do not need someone watching me bathe as if I were a child.” you hiss through gritted teeth, your hands now trembling from the build up of nerves. You try to leave the conversation at that, quickly pacing towards the entrance of the washroom. 
Before you can enter, he swiftly slips around you and blocks the doorway, leaning against the frame with a strong arm and towering over you. 
“Unfortunately it is necessary my Lady. If you were to faint again or somehow otherwise become hurt, Lord Vader will have my head.” he says, and as infuriating as it is you know it to be true. 
“And you think that would be my problem?” you spit, meeting his scorching gaze with a defiant glare. “That I should let you watch me bathe simply because of that? I think not.” 
He throws his head back and lets out an amused sigh, before meeting your icy gaze in a way that makes it melt. 
“If you take me for a degenerate, you are sadly mistaken, Milady. I would not even need to look.” he says, a smirk sliding across his lips as he watches your eyes go wide and the flush on your cheeks deepen. 
“A-And how is that?” you falter, your facade beginning to crumble. 
Letting out an amused huff and rolling his eyes, he lets his eyes fall shut. You watch in a mixture of wonder and confusion as he raises his right hand, flicking up a single finger. As he does, the lights in the washroom come to life. 
When he opens his eyes again, he gives a satisfied chuckle at your shocked expression. 
“Did you think Lord Vader was the only Sith Lord who is strong with the Force?” he laughs, and you’re struck, rooted to the spot knowing you have no counter arguments and no excuses; and you hate that fact. 
You had no idea he would be this frustrating in the real world. 
Knowing there’s nothing you can say to deter him, you let out an indignant huff and duck under his arm to enter the washroom. 
He follows behind with a chuckle, the door sliding shut behind him. You immediately begin throwing off your clothes in your frustration, and you’re surprised to find him facing the wall when you turn back around. 
Hmph. At least he respects what’s left of your dignity to some extent. 
With shaking hands you turn on the faucet for the tub, allowing it to fill with steaming water. You do your best to ignore the man in the corner and the dark effulgence of his aura that fills the room, finding it difficult with the clench of anxiety tightening in your chest. 
Despite the trembling in your bones and the rapid pace of your heartbeat, you slip into the tub, being careful to keep your bandages dry. The hot water is a shock to your skin, and you ease yourself into it. 
As your body adjusts to the temperature, you can feel the bone-deep exhaustion melting away. You begin to pour salts and aromatics into the tub, sinking deeper into relaxation with every inhale of the calming aroma. 
However, you aren’t completely off the edge of your anxiety. Every so often, your eyes flit over to the man standing in the corner; ensuring he’s still facing away from you, that he won’t suddenly move and try something. 
It’s hard to fully give in and relax, to fully trust in someone. 
Until recently, trust had been a concept entirely foreign, a word that held no meaning. In your past, trust had been little more than a promise of betrayal.
It’s hard to let that feeling go, as your hesitance and mistrust of others had become your shield so long ago. 
But things are different now. 
You aren’t there anymore, and you’re still grappling with that reality. 
Yet, no matter how many times you look up, he never moves an inch. He stands still as a statue, facing the corner, his hands idly folded behind his back. 
You wonder if the only thing keeping him to his word is the imminent threat of Lord Vader’s wrath. 
It also crosses your mind that you may be prematurely judging your guardian, and you wonder if he truly is anything like he was in your dreams. 
You remember the warmth and comfort he had brought you, the softness of his skin, the taste of his lips. 
Remembering it all makes you blush, and you sink deeper into the tub. 
Could all of it really just be a dream? 
It had to be, you guess, for there are no other explanations. 
Letting out a soft sigh through your nostrils, you busy yourself with washing up, hoping to rid your mind of all your itching questions and burning nerves. You grab a soft washcloth from the woven basket next to the tub, submerging it before pouring a dab of perfumed soap onto it. You get to work cleansing yourself of the muck and dust and dried blood left from being unconscious on the flight-deck, and all goes well until you begin to have to stretch to reach certain places. 
As you stretch your left arm out to cleanse your leg, you tense and let out a sharp, pained hiss, dropping the cloth and clutching your injured arm to your chest with the pain ringing through you. 
The sound of your guardian’s voice cuts through the silence as a knife. 
“Will you let me help you?” he asks, his voice soft, and low. 
You stare at his broad, turned back for a moment, caught off guard by his question. 
You take a moment to contemplate your answer, still clutching your aching arm to your chest. 
The question leaves you feeling vulnerable, and vulnerable is not something you are easily willing to be anymore. 
However, there’s something soft in the way he says it. 
Will you let me? 
It implies the help was always there, waiting, and it relieves you of the humiliating task of asking for it.
Then, the tremoring memory of your Master’s voice cuts through your mind with a pertinent reminder. 
Let go of your past, girl. 
The past is not your reality. 
What was is gone. 
Finally, you relent. You wish for nothing more than to feel clean, to absolve yourself of the day’s sins; and if this was how you achieved it, then so be it. 
“Fine.” you accept coldly, inevitably steeling your nerves against the possibility of a negative outcome. “You may help.” 
The man lets out a small huff, before becoming entirely silent and still once more. Watching in quiet curiosity, you observe the soaked cloth as it begins to levitate out of the water, ringing itself out. 
You flinch slightly at the sharp sound of the droplets hitting the surface of the water, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, your eyes switching between the cloth and the man in the corner. 
He stands still, his hands folded resolutely behind his back, his head hanging and eyes shut. 
“I’m going to begin now. Alright?” he asks, his voice quiet. 
“A-Alright.” you mimic back to him, your voice trembling. You curse yourself for being so easily shaken by something that shouldn’t be such a big ordeal. 
The washcloth connects with the skin of your right leg which you struggled to reach, and it takes everything in your being not to flinch. Even with indirect contact, you feel his electrifying energy equally as intensely. 
The cloth slides slowly over your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. He cleanses your lower legs and lower parts of your thighs thoroughly and gently, careful to avoid any sensitive areas. As you become accustomed to the sensation, you relax marginally. 
The cloth slides up your leg, traveling over the curve of your hip and pausing at the side of your abdomen just before your ribs. 
Your guardian peers over his shoulder, however his eyes remain shut, keeping his promise. Realizing he is once again asking your permission, you lean back in the tub and allow him to continue. 
Your cheeks heat as the cloth slides sensuously over the tender flesh of your ribs, over the soft skin just beneath your breasts. It sends a shiver down your spine, the mixed sensations of the soft cloth, the warm water, his radiant energy. 
Letting out a tempered sigh, you finally allow yourself to relax, laying your head back and letting yourself enjoy the simple pleasure of having someone doting on you. Each swirl of the warm cloth against your skin serves to relax you more and more, until everything else melts away but the pleasant sensations and the sound of your own breathing. 
Eventually, the cloth slides softly up the valley in the middle of your chest, gliding up over your collar bone, and you flush as it stops abruptly. 
Your heart thumps against your ribcage, waiting for your guardian to ask to continue. 
But the question never comes. 
You almost wish it did. 
Feeling a vague sense of disappointment, you finish up the job yourself before allowing the tub to drain. You carefully raise yourself up out of the tub and slip on a towel, your guardian still silently awaiting any signs of distress. You clear your throat awkwardly, and he peers over his shoulder, his eyes open this time. 
“Finished?” he asks, a soft smile on his lips. 
“Quite.” you answer quietly, exiting the washroom with your mysterious suitor following close behind. 
You slip into an exceptionally comfortable looking set of red silken sleep robes, only allowing your towel to drop once your valuables are covered. The energy in the room is slightly tense as you slip into your bed, your guardian seating himself in the plush armchair that sits against the wall across from your bed. 
It's still so strange. Everything is. It’s too much to think about. 
His strangling presence doesn’t leave you the room to question the reality of him being here, your only option is to accept it. 
The day in its entirety has been too much too quickly, and all you want to do now is slip into escapism. 
So, you pick up one of the ancient tomes of knowledge from your bedside table, tucking into and becoming lost in tales of the Sith. 
Your midnight guardian watches all the while, and eventually the tense silence settles into something more comfortable. 
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After a while, you finally lose the fight with sleep, the ancient omnibus still in your relaxed hand. Darth Vader still watches from his seat, silently observing the gentle rise and fall of your chest as you breathe, the gentle fluttering of your beauteous lashes as you dream.
All the while, he feels the foreign beating of his own heart. 
He is pleased with himself. You recognized him alright, but silly girl, you still didn’t know.
Although he had not planned on becoming your night watchman, he would do anything to unravel the mystery coiled up and hidden within you, anything to keep you safe. 
And he refused to back down now.
Rising from his seat, he carefully takes the book from your fingertips, placing it on your bedside table. He pulls the covers over you, taking a moment just to look upon you, his chest tightening in a way that he tries to ignore before resuming his position. 
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Bare feet padding quietly through the misty, lush green forest that surrounds you, rain-soaked leaves squish softly beneath them. There is a dense fog that flows between the trees, sticking to your skin and clinging to your clothes. 
It is almost peaceful, with the sounds of nature surrounding you and the gentle breeze blowing through your hair, but you can sense a presence hidden deep within the forest of this dreamland that leaves you on edge. 
You walk for what seems like hours, twisting and turning deeper and deeper into the seemingly endless expanse of trees. You look over your shoulder every now and then, expecting an attack that never comes. 
All the while, you can hear the subtle, unmistakable sibilance of Lord Vader’s breathing through the trees, somewhere off in the distance. Like a moth to a flame you follow it, but no matter how long or how far you walk, you are never able to reach him. 
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The next morning, you stretch and rub your eyes before a sharp pain brings all the memories flooding back. You carefully sit up, using your uninjured arm to prop yourself up. You look around the room, illuminated by the rays of a passing sun, and you are surprised to find it empty. 
Without the grand, thunderous energy of your mysterious guardian filling it, the room feels almost too empty, too quiet. 
You give a gentle sigh, sliding out of bed. You walk a bit more stiffly today, small aches here and there littering your body. Slipping out of your sleepwear, you toss them into the laundry chute located on the wall by the washroom door. 
You pace over to your vanity mirror, eyes immediately falling upon the wide, deep bruise painted upon the greater portion of your chest and upper arm. Hesitantly, you slip cautious fingers beneath the gauzy bandages interwoven between your chest and upper arm, taking  your first peek at your injury. 
Hissing as the bandage peels away from the skin, you wince at the sight of the angry, red skin of the burn, and you hate to imagine the kind of scar it will leave. 
You replace your bandaging, dressing yourself in loose, flowing robes in an effort to maximize your comfort. The most you do to your hair is comb through it and fix any stray pieces, unwilling to put any more effort into it. 
It is then that a familiar rapping sounds at your chamber door, and for the first time today your spirits are lifted. 
“Come in!” you call out, and your droid friend enters. 
“Good morning, Madam! Are you feeling alright this morning?” The kind service droid greets you. 
You shrug and nod, smiling lightly at the droid. 
“As alright as one can after being shot, I suppose.” you answer, a hint of playful sarcasm in your tone.
“That will have to do, I suppose. Are you ready for your breakfast, Milady?” the droid asks, and you nod, seating yourself at your table. The droid nods its acknowledgement, serving you a meal consisting of brightly coloured exotic berries and fruits, buttered toasts, and sweet, tangy yogurts.
You eat slowly, savoring every bite and taking your time to replenish yourself. 
To your surprise, your droid friend has no announcements, no agenda for you today. 
“Lord Vader has ordered you to take the day to do as you please, Milady.” the droid explains. “To rest, he said.” 
“Does Lord Vader have any obligations today?” you ask, quirking up a surprised eyebrow. 
“None, Milady.” the droid replies. 
You shrug idly, standing from your place at the table. 
“Then I shall join him.” you state, and the droid nods, seeming vaguely surprised with you. 
“As you wish, Madam.” the droid affirms.
Injured or not, spending the entire day languishing in your chamber would bore you to death. 
The droid dutifully leads you to Lord Vader’s private quarters, entering the combination into the keypad and giving you a respectful bow in parting. You nod a goodbye back to your companion before entering, and it dawns on you as you cross the threshold that you are not afraid. 
Of course, goosebumps still frost over the back of your neck as you approach, but the churning dread you’ve felt every other time has washed away. 
As if you had been testing the frigid waters of Vader’s aura, and you had finally become acclimated to the bone-chilling temperature. 
Entering the room fully, your eyes immediately land upon your Master. He is seated at his work desk, his dark cloak draping over the backrest of his chair. His massive form is leaned over, and as you approach you can see that he is toiling over the machinery of his right hand. You take the sight in for a moment, having had no idea that his hand was cybernetic in the first place. 
“Morning, my pet.” he says, acknowledging your presence without ever looking at you. 
The new term of endearment isn’t lost on you, your cheeks heating ever so lightly,  although you do not acknowledge it. 
“Morning, my Lord.” you reply, watching as he fumbles with one large hand to try and repair the other. His glove is limiting his dexterity, and you can’t imagine that the visibility through the visor of the helmet is helping. Feeling his frustrations rippling around him, you pull up a chair, sitting next to him and earning a curious glower. 
“May I try?” you offer, and that gets his attention. He gives you an appraising look for a moment, before setting his tool down and laying his thick arm upon the table, the sleek biomechanics of his palm facing up. 
You take his large hand in yours, inspecting it closely as Vader tenses ever so slightly. You examine the mechanisms of his hand, marveling at the advanced technology. It is cool to the touch, shining beneath the white lighting. 
Despite it obviously being some of the Empire’s most advanced machinery, you believe you can see the problem. 
Vader watches you intently the entire time, his gaze burning through you, his body unmoving. 
Using a delicate hand, you adjust a couple sensors and tighten a few connections as your heart flutters in your chest under his close observation, the feeling of holding his hand in yours making your fingertips buzz like static. 
“Where did you learn such skills?” The Sith Lord asks, a hint of genuine curiosity in his voice. 
“If someone with my background wants to survive, they must learn to be proficient at many jobs, my Lord.” you answer honestly with a soft smile, securing the protective covering back over your Master’s prosthesis. He says nothing in response, flexing and clenching his fingers, watching them with silent approval. 
You can sense that he is pleased with your work, and you feel moderately proud of yourself. 
Vader takes a long look at you, pulling his thick glove back over his hand, the leather giving a quiet squeal as it stretches, the expression of his helmet as unmoving and stern as it ever is. 
The more time you spend with him, the more you learn to rely on reading his body language to decode his thoughts and emotional state. Like right now, the way he sits silently next to you, his breathing quieted. The way he keeps stretching his fingers out and clenching them again. You had gained a bit of his interest, perhaps even surprised him. 
It’s his turn to surprise you then as he stands abruptly, his cloak swishing behind him and brushing over your legs with a cool gust of air. 
“Come.” Lord Vader commands. “There is something I want to show you.” 
You blink at him for a second, before rising and obediently following your Master.
He leads you out of his quarters and into an adjacent room in the corridor. 
It’s capacious, dimly lit, and almost entirely empty save for a huge apparatus across the room the likes of which you’ve never seen. It is rounded at the top and bottom, like a great dragon’s egg, cracked and held open on either end. 
You come to understand that it is some sort of chamber, meant to entirely enclose somebody within. Claustrophobia hits your gut with a torrent of nausea at the thought, and you jolt slightly at the feeling of a wide hand on the small of your back. 
“Fear not, pet. I will not force you to go in there today.” Lord Vader says, his tone almost teasing as he reassures you. You can feel your cheeks heating up, a rush of relief washing over you as he ushers you to sit.
Brows pinching in confusion, you watch as Lord Vader strides a few feet away, sitting on the slick, shining tile and facing you. 
You are really at a loss this time, there is no guessing what your Master has planned and you are becoming tired of constantly asking why or how, a dull acceptance beginning to settle in your bones. 
“I would like you to try something for me.” He explains, and your throat bobs in anticipation of what your Master will say next. 
“As you wish, Master.” you respond, knowing there is no other choice but compliance. At the same time, you can feel yourself becoming more resigned to Lord Vader’s will, more trusting of the things he has planned for you.
A dangerous game it is, making the devil your most trusted friend. 
“You are going to meditate. Try to connect to the Force.” Lord Vader commands, his dark voice echoing all around the sparsely decorated room. His words only serve to confuse you further, cocking your head as you respond. 
“But I cannot use the Force, my Lord.” you say as if reminding him. “I do not know how.” If you were quite honest, you had no idea that using the Force was even an option for someone like you, and the idea takes you aback. 
“Perhaps that is what you think. But I will show you the way.” He replies, and you blush ever so slightly. 
Your mind is in a frenzy for a moment as you process the implications of this. 
That it was possible for you to learn the ways of the Force. 
That with the Force, came the promise of power. 
You feel as if the two of you are opening the doorway to everything you’ve been hunting for your entire life. 
Lord Vader watches you closely, feeling a measure of satisfaction as he watches your body tense and your eyes widen, as he feels the grasping, desperate energy simmering within you. 
He is throwing you the bait, all you must do is take it. 
He needs to know if you are as powerful as he suspects, needs to unravel the mystery tangled up within you, to find the source of the invisible threads of fate that bound him to you. 
If he is correct about you… you may be the long awaited key to unlocking the peace and freedom he has spent his entire life attempting to actualize, and he feels an irksome twinge of hope at the idea. 
“Close your eyes.” Lord Vader commands. 
Looking at your Master with a curious eye, you oblige his demands. You slip your eyes shut, taking in a deep breath through your nose and relaxing your shoulders. 
“Good.” Vader praises you. “Now breathe.” 
Shifting slightly, you take in a deep breath and let it out at a measured pace. 
“Feel the air rushing into your lungs, the oxygen flowing through your body.” Lord Vader instructs, and you obey. You feel the air as it fills your lungs, the emptiness as it leaves them. You feel the steady beating of your heart, the interconnectedness of your entire being as it works. As you focus, your body becomes more relaxed, your hands resting palm side up over your crossed knees. 
“Can you feel it?” your Master asks, the sibilance of his voice and his breathing and the electrical hum of the chamber serving as exquisite white noise. “The energy that passes through you, that surrounds you?” he asks. 
Relaxing into the buzzing energy that soaks into you, that moves through your very veins as your own flesh and blood, you give a slow affirmative nod. 
“Good…young one.” He says, and it’s becoming harder to focus on him. 
“Reach out into it.” Lord Vader coaches you. “Open your mind.” 
Breathing deeply, your lips part slightly as you focus upon the effervescent energy that fills the room, swirling around the two of you and moving through you. Fingertips tingling, you let go of your skepticism. You breathe deeply, slowly, feeling the clouds in your mind clearing. It feels as though a great weight is lifted from your shoulders, and you begin to envision a door within your mind, misty shadows swirling out from the gap beneath the door. 
“Open it.” Vader says, his unmistakable voice sounding a million miles away. 
You reach out to the metaphysical door, the handle cold against your palm as you turn it. 
All the while, Lord Vader watches with bated breath. 
Opening the door within your mind, you feel the lurch in your gut as you fall off the precipice. The air is nearly taken from you as a torrential downpour of the energy floods in, tumbling and plummeting in your mind's eye; your entire body erupting in frigid goosebumps. Suddenly, it feels like your whole being has been flipped on its axis, the swaying sensation nearly sickening. 
Still you push through it, exploring through the ephemeral, glowing energy of the spiritual plane. You see yourself standing in an endless line of versions of yourself, stretching as far as the eye can see in either direction. 
Heart thumping with trepidation, you outstretch a hand to the turned back of yourself, fingertips nearly burning. Before your fingertips can connect with the soft fabric of your own robes, you’re plunged back into the depths, dragged under the waves within your mind. 
You sink into the icy waters, feeling as it carries you deeper, the waves cradling you. 
When you fall through the treacherous ocean to the other side, you’re presented with the chilling image of yourself in chains. She is thin and exhausted, dark circles under her eyes and her skin rubbed raw where she is bound to the floor by wrought iron. Chills running through your bones and your blood running cold, you watch in horror as you are ripped apart. You watch yourself torn apart in agonizingly lurid detail, rooted to the floor, you can feel a fine sheen of sweat forming upon your worried brow. 
All the while, the sharp frisson of the Force surges within and around you in tidal waves. Stunned, you watch an alluring, monstrous version of yourself materialize from the inky depths of the ether. She reaches with shadow-stained fingertips to gather the pieces of herself, a blithe expression painted over her features. She carefully fits the pieces of herself back together, soldering her very soul back together with gold. 
When she is finished, and the ruined version of herself glows with her golden cracks, she tenderly gathers her in her arms. She holds the broken girl until she melts into her touch, and they meld together to become one. 
She turns to look at you, and goosebumps ice over your skin as you see that her eyes are gleaming yellow fire as they fall upon you. You watch with a haunted expression as she reaches out a hand to you, your heart beating at a dizzying pace. 
Come back to me. 
You hear the echoing whisper all around you, though her lips do not move. 
Come back to me. 
The void calls again. 
Cautiously, you reach out your hand, your eyes locked upon your own reflected back at you in a glowing inferno. A blissful smile slides across her lips as you brush your fingertips, the sensation like that of touching a livewire. 
In an instant as you make contact, you’re shocked by both the buzzing in your fingertips and the feeling of being plunged back into the icy waves of the Force. 
The current is tumultuous, untamed, washing over you and dragging you under. As the chill seeps through you and you sputter and choke, the echo comes again. 
Come back. 
Come to me. 
It whispers, the energy swirling warmly around you and enveloping you in its grace, pulling you back to the surface of the waves. 
Come back. 
It whispers a last time, and as you settle back into your body, the sounds of the room fade back in. The humming of the dim lights, of the electronics, the steady thrum of your own heartbeat. The hissing ebb and flow of Vader’s breathing, close to your ear. 
“Come back to me, pet.” he whispers, his modulated voice uncharacteristically gentle as he coaches you. The feeling of your own body comes back in, and you can feel the heavy sensation of your Master’s strong arms wrapped over your shoulders. You realize he has pulled you into his arms, kneeling behind you, his head dipped toward your ear, pulling you back to earth. 
It almost feels… nice. 
Opening your eyes, your nerves tense and your heart flutters as you turn to look at Lord Vader. 
“You have done well, young one.” he says, his deep voice reverberating through you. His arms that drape over you are warm, and strong, grounding you within your own body. 
For that, you are thankful. 
Your mind and body swim from your breakthrough, your eyes and limbs heavy and your synapses fried from the effort. There’s so much more you can sense, so much more that you are acutely aware of, and it’s an attack on your senses. 
Sensing this, Lord Vader gathers you in his arms and stands with you. 
“There is so much potential in you, (Y/N).” he says quietly, almost as if he is only saying it for himself to hear. 
Your energy is so spent, your body so tired, and as Lord Vader carries you back into his chamber, something dawns upon you. 
For the first time, being in your Master’s arms, being so close, it feels safe. 
A dark shadow of warmth radiates off of him, and it feels as if you are exactly where you are supposed to be. 
For the first time, you let your walls down, even if just for a little while. 
You relax into his strong arms, letting him shoulder the weight of your exhaustion. Leaning your face into the sleek, cool armor of his chestplate, you breathe in his scent and let the steady sound of his breathing wash everything else away. 
Entering his private chamber with the door sliding shut behind him, Lord Vader paces to one of the long white couches against the wall and carefully lays you down. 
He stands over you, a newfound sense of his darkly possessive energy running through you. 
“You have made me proud, my pet.” he tells you, brushing a lock of hair away from your face and setting your body alight with the gesture. 
“Rest now, there is much to plan.” 
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Credz: lightsaber graphic credit @saradika
Taglist: @heyitsaloy @poisonedsultana @cryptidsrcool @mayhemories @sxoulchvn
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@mysardencut @lauriidoesstuff @msrawog @mushy-mushroom04
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carpenoctxrn · 10 months
Simon Riley x Reader (GN Pronouns)
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synopsis: everything I believe simon would do with his S/O during Christmas
also feminine reader but not implied gender.
simon who loves the idea of decorating his house. at first he didn't want a house as he felt like it would be a empty shell and a reminder of how he is never around, how he will never be normal so an apartment would be more okay. but he decided financially if he can afford a good house he should purchase it. so he bought a two story house that has some acres but tons of trees surrounding it.
simon who asked his darling naturally after passing that milestone of being in a relationship as long as they had, he felt it would only be appropriate to ask them to move in. at first their darling was hesitant but ultimately they knew the answer was yes.
few months after simons darling moved in it was christmas. he felt as if he should ask his darling if they were interested in decorating the houses. he was met with online emails for delivery dates of christmas trees, gold and red ornaments, wreaths, gigantic candy canes to decorate the outside of the house, a bunch of out door lights, and a light up reindeer pulling santa set up to be placed on the roof. that was the only answer he needed.
as the couple would go out to the town to watch movies, shop for grocery, or to satisfy food cravings they would occasionally purchase knick knacks for christmas to hang around the house or to decorate during the festive season. simon didn't think ill of the holiday nor did he feel excited. some christmas he spent it being deployed and the ones he stayed at home were not different than every other day.
simon who is actually a bit excited this holiday because he has a sense of home in house all because of their darling. he loves waking up and having their darling ask them for help hanging things. he loves how domestic it feels when they set and begin decorating their christmas tree.
simon who definitely overspends on gifts for his darling because he wants the christmas to resemble a christmas catalog. he bought name brand everything without looking at the price tag. he bought them make-up if they used any, clothes of their aesthetic and color, gaming equipments if he felt like they need it, shoes from converse to YSL heels, and so many lingerie from small businesses all around the world that would ship to your location. it was tough getting the deliveries before his darling but he decided to just offer picking up the mail or anything if it was delivered to the post office rather than the drive way that was about one mile away from the house.
simon who helps his darling cook for their christmas dinner and offers to do the dishes afterwards while his darling showers and gets dressed. but before his darling went upstairs he decided to give some gifts early to his darling. like the brown silk dress that was skin tight and had long sleeve. it complimented the 24k gold bracelet that had your's and his initial engraved on it. along with some fluffy white socks that made them smile.
simon who wears black cargo pants with the maroon shirt you bought him to wear. he wore his silver rings, bracelets, and dog tags that complimented him. and also black fluffy socks too.
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the divider is by @pommecita
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crowsource · 8 months
🐦‍⬛ 𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐒 —quotes taken from the first novel in rebecca ross' letters of enchantment duology. some edits have been made to allow for rp purposes. feel free to adjust for pronouns/names/etc.
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❝ It takes courage to let down your armor, to welcome people to see you as you are. ❞
❝ I can’t risk having people behold me as I truly am. ❞
❝ You will miss so much by being so guarded. ❞
❝ I don't think you realize how strong you are. ❞
❝ Sometimes strength isn't swords and steel and fire, as we are so often made to believe. Sometimes it's found in quiet, gentle places. ❞
❝ I hope you will find your place, wherever you are. ❞
❝ I think we all wear armor. I think those who don’t are fools, risking the pain of being wounded by the sharp edges of the world, over and over again. ❞
❝ I am coming to love him, in two different ways. Face to face, and word to word. ❞
❝ I am destined to always be at war within myself. ❞
❝ Your grief will never fully fade; it will always be with you--a shadow you carry in your soul--but it will become fainter as your life becomes brighter. ❞
❝ You are not alone. ❞
❝ I never told you that I love you. And I regret that, most of all. ❞
❝ That’s it. You’re doing great, ____. ❞
❝ I think there is a magical link between you and me. A bond that not even distance can break. ❞
❝ It’s not a crime to feel joy, even when things seem hopeless. ❞
❝ ____, look at me. You deserve all the happiness in the world. And I intend to see that you have it. ❞
❝ I don’t want to wake up when I’m seventy-four only to realize I haven’t lived. ❞
❝ I’m not going anywhere, unless you tell me to leave, and even then, we might need to negotiate. ❞
❝ I realize that people are just people, and they carry their own set of fears, dreams, desires, pains, and mistakes. ❞
❝ I can’t expect someone else to make me feel complete; I must find it on my own. ❞
❝ I pray that my days will be long at your side. ❞
❝ Let me fill and satisfy every longing in your soul. May your hand be in mine, by sun and by night. ❞
❝ Let our breaths twine and our blood become one, until our bones return to dust. Even then, may I find your soul still sworn to mine. ❞
❝ I’m not afraid to be alone, but I’m tired of being the one left behind. ❞
❝ I broke my engagement, quit my job, and traveled six hundred kilometers into war-torn land to be with you. ❞
❝ And yet I keep moving forward. On some days, I’m afraid, but most days, I simply want to achieve those things I dream of. ❞
❝ Let us make our names exactly what we want them to be. ❞
❝ How do you make your life your own and not feel guilt over it? ❞
❝ I am so afraid. And yet how I long to be vulnerable and brave when it comes to my own heart. ❞
❝ I grew something living in a season of death. ❞
❝ I don’t think you can even begin to understand what your words mean to me. ❞
❝ I want your hand to be in mine, no matter what comes. ❞
❝ You’re distracting me, ____. ❞
❝ Endings were often found in beginnings. ❞
❝ By law, we’re both legal adults who can drink and be formally charged for murder. ❞
❝ Be safe. Be well. I’ll write soon. ❞
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Pairing: Florence Pugh x Actress! Reader 
Summary: A documentary is being filmed to show a life that was taken in an accident. Florence who is accompanied by three other co-casts, share their memories and thoughts on the actress, friend and fiancé. 
| Heavy Angst with Light Fluff? | 4.3K | Death & Greif |She/her pronouns |
Requests are closed.
Notes: I have used different coloured font for those who speak just to make it less confusing. 
AC: This was inspired by a song I was recently shown called ‘snowflake’ by Powfu ft. Jaden Smith & Sarcastic Sounds – I’m not exactly sure why I went with this idea but I felt it was something a little different and I was bored. I hope you enjoy & my apologies for the heavy angst (I’m not really sorry). 
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Florence opened the front door of her home with a tissue clenched in her right hand and greeted the camera crew and director that welcomed her with soft and sympathetic smiles. No smiles in the world were able to ease the paining stabbing hurt she felt in her heart but still, she let them in to her home with a soft smile and a few handshakes.
“I thought we could film in the backyard, if that’s okay” Florence suggested once closing the front door. “Yeah, that sounds great, we can just move inside once the sun starts to set” the director who is also the interviewer suggested earning a nod from Florence before she led them out to the back patio. The documentary took interviews with other friends, family, and co-stars over the course of two months. Now, it these interviews were the last to film before the documentary went to final editing. The documentary was a Disney+ exclusive given that you had worked closely with Disney and having a major role in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe. 
Florence had the decking table set with plenty of refreshments along with a cheese board that she’d made herself and a few of your favourite snacks. She’d applied so little make up that she shook her head in the mirror with disappointment on the waste of products used, knowing today would end with soaked cheeks and puffy eyes and a promise she would wake up with a runny nose and stinging eyes. With her sat three close friends and co-stars that you worked with, Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, and Hailee Steinfeld. The three arrived easy in the morning, the four of them having tea and coffee before sharing their thoughts on what to expect from the interviewer. 
The cameramen and crew set up their equipment as Florence, Elizabeth, Hailee, and Scarlett had made themselves comfortable at the table. A warm mug of tea gave Florence a sense of warmth that she so tenderly needed to get through the next couple of hours. When the documentary was first pitched to her by your manger and publicist, she said no and that if anybody were to tell your story it should be those closest to you and not a bunch of media outlets and information on past headlines and interviews. A couple of months later, your manger and publisher came back to Florence with the idea that she’d have full control over the documentary and the final cut was her call but again she said no and suggested that the only way they’d get her to agree to have the documentary moving forward would be for it to be a sit down with your closest friends and family while they share their favourite memories and wishes for you. It wasn’t a lie that Florence was rightfully pissed off that not even a year after your death that she was being asked for things like merchandise and interviews, photoshoots and other little things that didn’t sit right with her, she was grieving you and the last thing she wanted was to be placed in the spotlight. 
“We’re ready to start whenever you guys are” the director smiled softly once more. Florence was never going to be truly ready to do this, but she knew deep down you would’ve wanted her to do this for the fans. Those who made your career take off, the ones who showed up to events just to catch a glimpse of you, the ones who would send in their questions for interviews, the ones who made fan-pages and showed support for you in their own little way, the ones who made Florence smile softly at night as tears rolled down her cheek watching the fan cams people tagged her in, the ones who sent her messages with love, she was doing this for them. So, they could find closure and find comfort that even though you’re not longer here, you would live on through them and those closest to you. 
“I’m ready” Florence said in an almost whisper, her heart racing already. Scarlett placing a comforting hand on Florence’s knee giving her a light squeeze to say she’s here and it’ll be okay. But it wasn’t okay, nothing was the same since you left the world for another. Nothing was okay at night when Florence found the energy to cook dinner for 1 when it used to be for 2, or in the mornings when she expected to see a posted note on her phone from you telling her you’d see her after work and that you were thinking of her, nothing was okay, not a single thing. 
“We’d like to start with getting a couple of shots of the beautiful photos you have around the house, if that’s okay of course” Leon, the director spoke. Florence nodded slowly then led one of the cameramen inside. They took shots of the few photos that Florence had hanging on the walls of the two of you, some goofy ones from on set, ones with her family and yours and lastly, a couple from events that the two of really loved. The slightest smile tugged on her lips as she watched the cameramen get the shots before they returned to the table on the patio. There was a silence between everybody as the director got comfortable and grabbed their notes, the cameramen made sure to get the ‘perfect’ shots while Florence, Hailee, Scarlett, and Elizabeth sent each other soft smiles as they waited.
“I would like to start with some easy questions, some light ones to start. If at any point any of you need to take a break just say the word and we will” Leon spoke with a warm smile, the table giving him a soft nod in agreement. 
“I want to start with Scarlett, now, you met Y/n on the set of Captain America: The Winter Soldier in 2013, tell us what you remember the most” 
Scarlett nodded as Leon spoke, a smile tugging softly at her lips as she remembered the memory. “I’d heard about Y/n from mutual friends of course, she’d just finished filming her small role in Iron Man 3 before we started filming Winter Soldier the following April. I remember being her age and how stressful filming things so close together could be but that didn’t seem to bother her, she was so excited and eager to learn. I remember she’d just turned 15 a few weeks into filming, her mother was on set every day and made sure she was eating between takes and doing her homework which was didn’t like at all” Scarlett chuckled at the memory of the roll of the eyes and slight groan you sent to your mother after a scene. “Everybody loved her, we all made sure to watch over her, especially at her age and working as much as she was. What stood out to me was just how beautiful and full of life she was, she was always pulling some kind of prank or joke on the cast and crew which made work more fun than what it already was, she made everybody excited to come back the next day” She adds with a wide smile. 
“In the movie, Y/n’s character becomes almost tied to your character, Natasha Romanoff, did the two of you practice lines together?” 
“Oh, all the time! Winter Soldier was her big major role. In Iron Man 3 she was introduced to Tony Stark who at firsts pushes her away but by the end takes her under his wing then in Winter Soldier her character gets a bit too comfortable with her status as Tony’s little helper and tries to adventure out and find her own feet which led to Natasha Romanoff finding her in a wrong time, wrong place situation. Y/n was so excited to work, she loved everything about filming sometimes when she wasn’t doing her homework you would find her behind the cameras with the crew watching scenes being taken and asking a million questions between shots. So, working with her as much as I did at the time and how close our characters became, Y/n quickly became like a little sister to me” 
Florence watched as Scarlett answered and couldn’t help but nod in agreement with her comment of how you’d ask a million questions, or you’d be seen with the camera crew between takes. 
“From there we move onto the first Avengers movie, Age of Ultron which is when you met her, Elizabeth?” 
“Yes, I did” Lizzie smiled, “She as a delight to work with and I remember telling Kevin just before we finished filming Age of Ultron that he can’t get rid of her character no matter what and he laughed a little and told me there was no plans on doing any of that. She had raw talent that not a lot of young people at her age know how to show or channel but she did, she was always on time, she remembered her lines better than any of us, she was respectful and like Scarlett said, a goof ball. We all had so many laughs together, I still have a video on my phone from a prank she pulled on Sebastian” She added with a chuckle before taking a small mouthful of water. 
“Do either of you remember when Y/n started doing her own stunt work?”
“She mentioned to me that she wanted to be an actress who did it all, she wanted to try going all genre of movies and do her own stunts but her parents weren’t a fan of the idea so but she somehow convinced them before we started filming Civil War so here she was at 16 years old learning to do her own stunt work then from there all her stunt work was her own and she loved it. She’d get so excited whenever she was able to do her own stunts” 
“Florence, you met Y/n at a movie premiere before working with her on Black Widow. Which premiere was that and do you remember it?”
“I first met Y/n in passing at a gala in 2017 and met her properly in 2019 at the Fighting with My Family premiere and then again at the Little Women premiere. She said she’d seen Midsommar and was blown away with the movie which then led to a million and one questions, she wanted to know everything about doing a film like that and mention how much she’d love to do something similar. That night we exchanged numbers and became friends after that. 
When I got the role for Yelena Belova, I remember telling her about it and she gave me the run down on everybody she’d worked with while doing Marvel and how much she loved everybody. She didn’t tell me that she’d also be in the movie so that surprised me a lot when I got to set the first day.”
“Scarlett, you mentioned in an interview that you saw something between Florence and Y/n while on set, did you push them together a little or just let things take their course?” 
“I knew Y/n had a crush on Florence shortly into filming Black Widow, she came to me and asked if I thought getting flowers sent to her while on set would be inappropriate. That was the first time I’d ever seen her nervous before, her cheeks were so red I don’t think any layer make up would’ve hid that” Scarlett laughed causing chuckles from the others. “I was there when the delivery guy came up to Florence with this massive bouquet of flowers, the little smile on Florence’s face told me she also felt something” 
“I know I never mentioned what was written on the card” Florence spoke while looking to Scarlett, “but that was her way of asking me out to dinner. The card said, ‘I hope this is okay and if it is, could I please take you to dinner when we’re not filming and if it is then enjoy the flowers and forget dinner’ and she drew a little smile face at the bottom. I don’t why I thought it kind of funny just way she worded it, but I did go to dinner with her two days later” she adds. 
“It was two? See now I didn’t know that”
“That’s because she ordered pizza, and we ate it in my trailer at like 11pm” Florence chuckled as the memory played in her mind. 
“So, from there on was it official with the two of you?”
“Not straight away, we took some time to get to know each other on that level. We’d been texting and catch up over drinks a few times before filming so we weren’t strangers, but I could she was nervous about a relationship due to personal things she’d told me, so we took it slow. Working with each other every day helped with that”
“If you remember, would you like to share the first kiss story?”
Florence’s cheeks went slightly red, and her heart sunk as her smile slightly dropped, it hit her she’d never feel your touch again. 
“I-it was cut from the movie because it was off script” Florence started, Scarlett kindly placing a hand on Flo’s back and rubbed gently. “We had a scene where Yelena was being harsh on Y/n character, it was sudden. I finished my line and next thing I knew she was leaning in for a kiss, I went for it. She didn’t even think about it or who was around us and I liked that oddly enough. I still feel her smile against my lips as she whispered a sorry when the director called cut. I have that clip on disc somewhere” 
Flo blinked back her tears as she told the story, her eyes fell to her hands in her lap as she slowly shook her head when her tears started to flow. “We’ll take a minute” Leon said before he gestured for the crew to give her a minute. They walked into the kitchen and waited until Florence was ready again. 
“If this is too much, too soon, don’t do this Flo” Hailee reached for Florence’s hand for comfort. “It’s fine, I can do this” she replied, “I just miss her so much”
“We all do honey, it’s okay” Elizabeth smiled softly at the broken blonde. 
After a few more silent moments, Florence said she was ready to continue, wiping the tears from her eyes not caring to retouch her light make up. Leon and the crew got comfortable in their seats once again before looking over his notes he mentioned that he wanted to talk more about the relationship if Florence was up for it. She nodded and mentioned she’d love to share her favourite moments. 
“What was things like for the two of you after filming Black Widow?”
“We wrapped up filming in October 2019 so that was a few months before Covid took over, we still spent time together, we went for lunch and tea because she saw how much of a tea drinker I am” Florence chuckled once more, “then when Covid started to creep in she got a little worried and would call me just to say she missed me. We made the decision for her to move in when they were starting to shut down things and ask people to stay home. I think that worried her because she’d been filming non-stop for a few years that she didn’t really have a home to go to, she was staying in hotels and trailers, or she’d fly home to be with her parents and she mentioned she didn’t exactly want to leave LA so I just told her she could stay with me while the pandemic was happening” 
“So, you both spent the two years together after only dating a few months?”
“Yeah. But it never felt like that, Y/n and I clicked. She always made me laugh to the point my insides would hurt, she was sweet, loving and she cared so much. I never felt like we were moving too fast or anything like that. That’s not to say we didn’t have arguments, we did here and there but we always came back and spoke about it like adults. With her the pandemic didn’t feel like a drag. Every day was exciting even though we couldn’t do much, she found something for us to do. I taught her how to make home-made ice cream after I learnt it myself, she would sit and watch me do my ‘Cooking with Flo’ videos and poke fun at the fact I don’t like doing Instagram live. Y/n found joy in anything and everything, I didn’t matter at all what we did, she was just happy to be doing something, you couldn’t get her to sit still for too long”
“Was that hard at any point with the pandemic?” 
“Uh, sometimes. I mean, like everybody, you discover things about yourself that you didn’t know, and I found that I suffer from anxiety more than I thought I did and for Y/n she struggled with something’s, and we went through a couple of dark patches, but she was working on it once the pandemic allowed us to leave our homes again” 
“I’m going to ask a tough question now, Y/n’s accident. Where were you or what were you doing when you heard the news? Can we start with Hailee?” 
Hailee nodded before looking to Florence whose jaw clenched and her eyes filled with tears once more. Hailee was fighting back her own as she took a deep breathe in before exhaling. 
“Y/n was insane to work with, I just want to say that. I loved working with her for the second season of Hawkeye, her character, and the way she brought them alive has always been inspiring for me when I was casted for Kate Bishop. 
That day should not have happened. We were getting ready to do a scene and she was to jump off a ‘building’, she was harnessed and hooked up to the safety wires, everything was normal about it. I watched as they took her to the jump mark and she had this big smile on her face, our photographer took a picture of her just as she gave the cameramen the thumbs up. Director called action and that was basically the end of it” Hailee paused as tears started to stream down her face, dabbing them softly with a tissue she continues, “She jumped like she’d been practicing for 10 minutes beforehand and next minute everybody just rushed to her. Emergency services were called, our Onsight paramedic asked everybody to step back. I remember seeing her lying there on the landing mat, I wanted to be by her side, but security wasn’t letting anybody near her, we all just assumed she’d broken a bone or something” 
Leon could see it was getting a bit much for Hailee and moved on to Lizzie, asking her the same question. 
“I was home with my husband, Robbie, we were just making lunch when Scarlett called me. She was crying so I said ‘what’s wrong? Is everything okay?’ and just said you need to come to New York, and I looked at Robbie and something just didn’t seem right, so I asked again, ‘Scar what’s going on?’ and that’s when she told me. 
At first, I didn’t believe her, how does something like that happen? There are so many safety steps for a reason, you know. I couldn’t stop crying that day, I just kept thinking it wasn’t true and that this was her playing a prank, a sick one at that but when I saw the headlines as I tried to book a flight to New York that’s when I sort of hit me that it was true, she was gone.” 
Lizzie grabbed a tissue from Hailee sending her a soft smile. Leon nodded a thank you and looked to Scarlett, again asking her the same question.
“Florence called me asking if I had heard the news, I said no as I was at my office doing some promotional work. Florence just bursted into tears and told me there was an accident and Y/n was hurt. I knew by Florence’s reaction that hurt wasn’t the word she meant and my heart broke. I was already in New York, so I called Lizzie like she mentioned and then I went to be with Florence.” 
“Florence, do you want to share?”
It wasn’t an easy nod, but she managed to do so as she grabbed a backup tissue. 
“I was with her in New York while she was filming, we were staying at a hotel, so she didn’t have to live in a trailer, and I was able to cook and what not. At the time I was getting the vegetables prepared for dinner and my phone just wouldn’t stopped buzzing. I had all these text messages and miss calls from friends and family. I opened a text from Raffie, my sister who said ‘please tell me it’s not true. Answer your phone, we’re worried’. I thought ‘god has somebody told them something stupid’ so I called her back and she said, ‘is Y/n okay?’ and I was more confused, I said, ‘yeah she’s filming why?’ and then she sent me the link to a headline. 
‘Actress, Y/n Y/L/N, pronounced dead at 25 after stunt fail’ in big bold letters made me sick. There was no way I just found out via the media, but I had serval missed calls from Hailee and Y/n’s manager. I stared at the headline in disbelief, Raffie says I hung up on her, but I don’t remember that. 
Hailee came to the hotel in tears as she told me. They needed me to confirm her identity which was stupid because we all knew it was her, but I went to the morgue they told me she landed wrong and that she wouldn’t have felt a thing. They let me be with her for a while longer after I confirmed her identity. She just looked like she was sleeping but she was cold and there wasn’t anything I could do to warm her” Florence broke into tears, “I just wanted to hold her, tell her I love her, that she is the love of my life, but she was just cold, and her chest wasn’t rising and down like it should’ve. My entire world just fell apart, my heart was broken. I stayed with her as they pulled the sheet over her beautiful face, I’ll never forget it.” Florence added with more tears, chocking on her words. Hailee stood up and walked to hug her tightly. Leon stopped the cameras to give the women a moment. 
“I can’t do this” Florence stood up, “I’m sorry, I hope you understand” she added before walking to her room. Her tears not stopped even after the Leon and the crew left, leaving the four women in a time of grief once more. 
Two months passed by, and the documentary was set to release in a matter of hours as Florence had your closet friends and family over to watch it together. She made sure to cook your favourite meal, your favourite snacks on offer, anything you loved she made sure that was on offer. Today was about you and the life you lived, short but strongly loved and adored.
The documentary was hard to watch but brought tears, smiles, laughs and more tears as your loved ones watched it as one. Florence finding a bit of comfort and closure by the time it was over. She knew the fans were waiting for a post of anything from her, so she did just that, pulling together 10 of her favourite photos and videos of you, 5 of each just to keep it even. 
“florencepugh: it’s here, it’s out and it’s beautiful. 
If you have the chance to sit down and watch this documentary, please do. Y/n was a gift to this world and this documentary shows it. From her goofy side to her loving side and back to her goofy side, she’s inspired each and every single one of us who knew her, and I hope you find the same inspiration in her like we have. 
Y/n loved you all to the ends of the earth, she saw the comments, the messages, the fan pages, the video edits, and she loved them. You guys are her family, she always said that, and I hope this documentary can help you deal with this sadness we are all feeling. 
I know some of you are mad about this situation and best believe I was mad as well. How could something like this happen? we don’t know. We know that everything was done by the book to keep Y/n safe that day but sometimes we can’t have answers and we’ll never truly understand what happened. We want somebody to blame, I understand but please, don’t blame anybody but the way life works. 
Y/n, my beautiful, beautiful angel, I love you and not a day goes by where I’m not thinking about you or looking back on our favourite memories together. I’m broken that we didn’t get the chance to go ahead with the plans we made but I will always call you my wife, my love, my darling, my snowflake, my all. I miss your smile and your contagious laugh, I miss the posted notes and the shared glasses of wine, I miss the warmth of you touch and the sparkle in your eyes, I miss you dearly, but I know wherever you are, you are with me, with all of us. I love you so much my angel, forever and I can’t wait to meet you again in another life. 
For now, I’ll see you later for tea and cake, my love x” 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @natasha-belova | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145  | @sophie-xox | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | 
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weemssapphic · 2 years
Have a cute song-fic request for Larissa x fem/nb reader. Song is called Bloom by The Paper Kites. I’ll leave the context up to you. I just think of reader singing/saying something like this to Larissa 🫶���
Thank you, @veeisgayasf <3 I absolutely ADORE this song, it is so soft and lovely and makes my heart feel full. This is more inspired by how I feel listening to the song, I hope it lives up to your expectations nonetheless!
Larissa Weems x fem/gn!reader (no mention of pronouns)
words: ~850
warnings: none I think? pure fluff
In the morning when I wake And the sun is coming through Oh, you fill my lungs with sweetness And you fill my head with you
Soft rays of sunlight filtered through the sheer white curtains covering the windows next to your bed, drenching your sheets in a golden halo.
Your fingers curled languidly in luxurious sheets as you pressed into the warmth of the body next to you, staving off the faint chill of the morning air outside the bed. 
It was still early, the clock on the bedside table gave away the time: 6:30am. The rest of the world was still asleep, the only sounds were the low whistle of the wind in the trees outside, the rustle of the leaves, a far away chirping of birds. Your world, however, was resting in your arms, chest rising and falling in a deep, steady rhythm. 
Shall I write it in a letter? Shall I try to get it down? Oh, you fill my head with pieces Of a song I can't get out
Long, silver curls draped over Larissa’s bare shoulder and you reached out, fingertips dancing over her lightly freckled skin as you brushed a lock of hair off her arm. She shifted in her sleep, a soft sigh escaping her lips, turning her face towards you, and your breath caught in your lungs. Blonde eyelashes fluttered against her cheeks and you thought she looked like an angel in that moment, ethereal and peaceful. 
Larissa had taken your breath away from the moment you’d first met her. In her role as principal she was a force to be reckoned with, a storm of a woman; in charge, demanding of respect, firm, but diplomatic. But you got to see another side of her: soft, gentle, even silly. Without makeup she was even more impossibly stunning, pale skin glittering in the soft rays of dawn, lips twitching lightly as she dreamed.
Can I take you to a moment Where the fields are painted gold And the trees are filled with memories Of the feelings never told?
A memory of the previous day danced around inside your skull. You and Larissa had driven from the Academy out to a little grove in the forest. You’d insisted on surprising her, laughing wholeheartedly at the weary gaze she’d given the blindfold you’d insisted she wear once you’d parked the car at the roadside by the forest edge.
With the help of a friend you’d set out a whole picnic for the two of you: a massive white blanket, covered in cushions and fluffy blankets for comfort. All of Larissa’s favorite foods, spread out on wooden boards, with golden cutlery and fancy wine glasses for Larissa’s favorite bottle of red.
You wanted to engrave the memory of Larissa’s smile when you’d slipped off the blindfold in your memory forever, wanted to savor the sound of the gleeful laughter that bubbled out of her chest as she plopped down on the pillows with an almost childlike sense of glee. This was the Larissa that no one else got to see, your Larissa.
You had taken turns reading to each other from To the Lighthouse, sipping wine until the evening had pulled the sun down and the light had faded too much to make out any words on the page. Larissa’s head rested on your thighs and you traced lazy patterns on her arms with your fingertips, not wanting the moment to draw to a close.
When the evening pulls the sun down And the day is almost through Oh, the whole world it is sleeping But my world is you
You placed a kiss on the corner of her mouth, relishing in her deep exhale and the way that Larissa nuzzled ever closer to you underneath the sheets. Her arm grazed over your hip bone. You nuzzled your nose into the crook of her neck, breathing her in, allowing her scent to engulf you. Cinnamon. Amber. Red wine from the previous night’s activities. 
Larissa opened one eye and peered down at you, watching the blush that formed furiously on your cheeks at having been caught staring. You were caught in her gaze, mesmerized by the adoration you saw swimming in her cerulean eyes. 
“Can I be close to you?” you breathed. Larissa’s affirming hum vibrated through her chest, tickling your cheek as it rested against her. Her arm came around your shoulder and pulled you on top of her, shifting her hips and threading your legs together. 
You planted a kiss on the column of her throat, receiving a kiss on your forehead in return and feeling the corners of Larissa’s lips turn up in a smile against your skin. Her arms tightened around your midsection, pulling you into her and you felt her breathing begin to even out again. In that moment you knew, as if you hadn’t known it already in a hundred moments before: she was your entire heart.
Can I be close to you? Ooh, ooh
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deathbxnny · 3 months
hello! aventurine, blade and sunday with a teen!reader like margarita blankenheim?
dont know if youre into ec, but its shocking that margarita is canonically 16💀
anyways, reader is very skilled at making poisons, are often in denial about the reality they live in and pretending that theyre happy despite not being happy at all and mostly pretending that their problems dont exit at all, often comparing themselves to a “doll” due to the prolonged explotation and neglect,and much like sunday, they believe that sleep and dreams will make other people and themselves happy
Despite my deep obsession with Vocaloid and Hatsune Miku in general, I have to admit that I never really got into the EC lore, despite still knowing the lyrics to all songs by heart lol. (If you play "Madness of Duke Venomania" at my funeral and I DON'T wake up... then you'll know that I've truly left you guys-)
After post edit: I misread this request and accidentally made it into a romantic relationship with an Aged up reader!! I'm sorry for that Anon but hope this is okay anyways!! :((
Content: Reader is kind of delusional/crazy?, vague mentions of non-descriptive neglect, mostly bitter sweet, romantic relationship, kind of suicidal descriptions in Blades part?, vague brain washing in Sunday's part, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not proofread))
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Blade didn't get along with you at first. Mainly because he thought that your insistence on escaping reality was rather futile and pathetic. He saw dreams as a waste of time, always seeking the comfort of the dark reality he was forced to live through to find his way on the dark path he treaded.
And yet, over time and through the many missions you were sent on together, he learned of your own cruel fate and past, one filled with a loveless, neglected existence, akin to a broken, thrown away doll you often compared yourself with. He felt his emotions develop in odd ways for you, a mutual understanding despite your stark differences leading you into an aimless relationship only the two of you could comprehend.
Despite your lack of belief in yourself, that you often hid in utopian daydreams, he still found your talent for poisons rather interesting and even impressive. He had requested a vial of the worst poison you could make once, drinking it all in one go after a warm thank you. It didn't kill him, ofcourse, yet the pain of momentary death by your own hands was enough to drive him into another, much deeper level of appreciation and love for you.
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Aventurine understood you from day one, even if he didn't agree with all of your views. He knew the yearning for freedom all too well. He, too, attempted to escape all his troubles behind the mask of a sly gambler, the illusion, however, often shattered by the branding on his neck. You two bond over this silent feeling of helplessness as you try and find your way out of the hell that life created for you. This is what made you become an unlikely couple over time.
He enjoys spoiling you with all he has, perhaps as a way to compensate for the many trips and travels he has to take. It's also a way for him to show his deepest appreciation for your existence in his life, one he doesn't take for granted. He definitely funds your love for poison making, even if he doesn't fully understand why you enjoy it. He, however, views it as his own love for gambling, simply a coping mechanism, which makes him not question it any further than that.
With that said, he views himself as a doll as well, in a way, one especially crafted to be at your side. And yet... if the world eventually teared your strings in different directions, whether it be through the actions of other or even his own, he hoped this momentary solitude you two attained was enough to prove that you are more than your broken past.
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Oh, how Sunday adored you from day one. You matched his ideals and understood him perfectly. You didn't put him down for his opinions, nor did you judge him for them. Your views were the same, after all. Dreams are an escape from the harsh reality that the "weak" couldn't handle. So where was the harm in coddling and keeping them safe in a realm far from it all? He saw himself as your savior through his plans, one's he eventually crafted to fit your perfect world. He wanted to make you happy, finally repaying you for the love and kindness you showed him.
He doesn't let you view yourself as a doll and often gently lectures you into seeing yourself as his "angel" instead. Every God needed a messenger, after all. Sunday also tries healing you from your broken past, attempting to undo years on years of heartache and pain all on his own. And he KNOWS he can do it one way or another, even going as far as using his tuning ability on you to help. He doesn't see anything wrong with it anyway, since it helps you feel much better, doesn't it?
Your love for poison making confuses him at first... but over time, he sees it as rather useful for the "elimination" of people who cross you both. Don't worry about some of your vials going missing. Just dream on and be happy, just like he always tells you to.
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Alrightttt, I hope this was okay, Anon, and thank you again for the request!! (Sorry again for messing up the request, I haven't slept in a while😭😭😭)
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staylovesmiley · 3 months
Going Dumb~ Chapter 3
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ᯓᡣ𐭩Pairing; Kim Seungmin x Fem!reader , Stray Kids x Fem!reader
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩Summary; It had been over a decade since you had last seen each other, having met in choir when Seungmin was living with his grandparents in LA and you with your Aunt. Now that you are both presented adults, how will he handle a change to the reality of you he had made in his mind in your absence over the years?
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 Notes; This is an ABO!AU. in this world when someone reaches puberty they will present with one of three sub genders; alpha, beta, or omega. Due to Alphas and Omegas experiencing rut and heat, some jobs are restrictive as to what sub genders they will hire, specifically singling out omegas as heat suppressants are harder to obtain than rut suppressants. Scent glands are located near the pressure points on the neck and small hormonal patches called scent blockers can be placed over them to reduce or rid an individual of their scent for a period of time depending on the strength of the hormones in the patch.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩ᯓᡣ𐭩Warnings; abo!au, beta!kim seungmin, almost all alpha!straykids, female!reader, poly!pack dynamics, angst, mild violence, mentions of sexual harassment/assault and discrimination, smut, enemies to lovers, Kim seungmin is kind of an ass I’m so sorry dandy boy, she/her pronouns used for reader, jealous seungmin, I have only ever wrote one abo story before but it is one of my favorite genres so I hope I can do this justice~
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Chan could tell something had happened the second he stepped into the dorm, having been in the studio working late as usual when Seungmin had exploded rather unfairly on you.
He set his bag down by the couch and looked where the young beta sat with his head in his hands for what had probably been hours. “Hey pup, what’s wrong?” The eldest asked as he ran his hand over his shoulders in what was supposed to be a soothing manner but only succeeded to cause the younger to tense under the touch.
“I fucked up-“ is all he said, running his hands over his face tiredly as he still struggled to find the words he wished to say that could make up for his earlier outburst. “You fucked up…how?” As the scent of saltwater and sun filled the apartment it signaled to the second eldest that the pack alpha had returned and caused Minho to stir where he had begun to doze off beside you.
The alpha was carefully not to wake you as he slowly removed his limbs from where they were holding your frame in your slumber, quickly making his way into the living room to join Chan and Seungmin. “I’ll tell you how he fucked up.” This caused the beta’s head to snap up as he looked at his hyung with guilt swimming behind his eyes. “He was a complete ass to our guest, he said some horrible things to her and she ran away crying.” Minho recounted the events to the pack alpha as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at the younger with distaste.
Chan looked between the two carefully. The look of shame on the beta’s face told him that the younger alpha was speaking the truth. “Seungmin what the fuck- what has gotten into you?! Seriously- this is so childish of you.” The eldest ran his hands through his hair in exasperation and his eyes landed on your room. “I’ll go check and see if she’s-“ “asleep.” Minho cut him off, shaking his head. “She cried herself out pretty quickly and so I stayed with her while she slept but I wasn’t sure what bullshit Seung would try and spin to you so I decided to tell you myself.” Chan raised an eyebrow at the second eldest, now noticing how heavily your scent had melded with the dancers.
“You scented her- didn’t you?” The older alpha questioned as he stepped closer and sniffed lightly at Minho’s now stilled form. “Well I uh-“ there was a soft growl from the man sitting on the couch and he shot up. “Are you fucking kidding me?! You scented her- Minho hyung what the fuck you don’t even know her!” This only angered the alpha again and if it wasn’t for Chan he would have lunged at the beta. “And you do?!?”
Chris growled deeply, the sound practically shaking the floor and causing you to startle awake in the other room. “That is enough out of the two of you! Sit. Down.” With a glare from the oldest the two sat on opposite ends of the sofa with eyes downcast to the floor.
You stared at the door to your temporary living arrangement with wide eyes as the scent of two agitated alphas and one equally if not more agitated beta reached your nose and caused you to whimper softly as you felt stilled with fear. Images of your childhood flashed through your mind as your scent began to become laced with distress.
Not having good control of your scent at the best of the times, now it was even more difficult for you to get a handle on as it alerted the others in the dorm that something was wrong. “Shit- I told her I’d stay with her…” Minho cursed under his breath and started to make it way to you before Chan reached out to stop him. “I’ll go, you and Seungmin go to your rooms and cool off. Seriously, get it together.”
The pack alpha padded down the hall to your room and knocked gently causing you to jump slightly. “Wh-who’s there?” You asked softly, though the scent of the ocean was already seeping through the cracks of the door and enveloping your senses. “It’s Chan, can I come in?” You took a deep, shaky breath but gave him the go ahead.
He came and took a seat at the edge of the bed, not making any moves to get any closer as you were still back against the pillows with your knees pulled up to your chest. “Is everything okay?” You said softly, afraid to meet his eyes. “I feel like I should be the one asking you that.” Chan chuckled, shaking his head before patting the spot next to him.
You scooted forward to sit beside him and shrugged. “I’m fine- but I uh I get the feeling I’m causing nothing but trouble for you and your pack…” the alpha rolled his eyes a bit light heartedly and shook his head again. “Not at all, well maybe for one member in particular. But I feel he’s the one making it a problem for himself, not you…”
You whined a bit, putting your head in your hands. “Same difference- maybe I should just go stay at a hotel…I honestly don’t see why that was such an issue in the first place.” You sighed, running a hand through your hair still a bit messy from your earlier nap. Chan looked down at you with a slight smirk as he thought of how cute you looked like this, now that he knew you were safe and everything was more or less okay, he couldn’t blame Minho much for wanting to scent you like he had. “I told Mr and Mrs Kim I didn’t mind and that it would only be for a bit but they insisted that Seungmin wanted me to stay here…”
That caused Chan’s attention to peak back to your words. “So you were under the impression he wanted you to come?” You nodded softly, groaning a bit. “Yeah, and like an idiot I got all excited thinking of how we’d catch up and then…well you know how he’s been since I got here. I guess they may have fibbed a bit to get me to drop the hotel idea-“
The alpha shook his head and laughed. “I’ll say- well listen, it’s getting late. But, I wanted to invite you to our album release party tomorrow evening. I can send a car to pick you up from your work if you’d like?” You turned to face him, blinking in confusion up at his dimpled and hopeful smile. “You want me to come to your album release party? That Seungmin will be at?” You raised an eyebrow at him questioning his motives. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
Chan nodded and his grin simply widened. “Yup. It’ll be the kids, a few staff, and you if you’d like? Something small but there will be food and drinks.” Sighing, you shrugged. “I’m probably crazy for agreeing but sure…it sounds like it could be fun- if you’re sure it won’t cause anyone to get upset by me being there.” The alpha brushed off her concern, sending her a wink. “I’ll keep everyone in line. Besides, Minho has hogged you to himself for long enough today. You should get to spend time with all of us.” He teased, nudging your side as he could still smell the younger alpha’s heavy caramel scent mixed in with your own.
With your agreement to attend the release party the next evening, you bid each other a good night and the alpha retired to his room to get a few hours of much needed sleep before the chaos continued as their schedules were soon to get even busier than they had been in preparation for the comeback.
In the morning you were shocked to find the dorm empty even at the early hour you had to get up at to get ready for your teaching job. You made your way through your morning routine and as you finished up and made your way to the kitchen with the intention of just grabbing something quick you saw a plate already made for you with a note hastily scribbled out sitting beside it. Picking up the piece of paper carefully, you read it aloud to yourself.
“I’m sorry for last night. Seungmin.”
A smile found its way to your face as you set the note back on the counter and heated up the plate in the microwave before digging into the delicious breakfast left for you.
The day went by rather uneventfully, lunch was spent alone the same as the day previously as you had yet to make anything close to an acquaintance at your new job. There were a few looks thrown your way in the hall by some of the alpha teachers, causing you to rush into your office and feel at your scent glands only to realize you had forgotten to reapply your blockers before you left.
The rest of the day was spend in your classroom, praying your scent wasn’t too strong today as you tried to push through the work day. You told yourself from now on you’d keep extra scent blockers in your desk for situations like this, mentally cursing yourself for taking Minho up on his idea to not wear them around the dorm in the first place.
It was already getting dark by the time you finished up and heard the ping of a text coming through your phone. You looked to see it was Chan letting you know the driver he had sent to pick you up had arrived and was waiting outside for you.
You made your way down and waved to the driver politely before sliding into the back seat. “Good evening, thank you so much for picking me up.” You said as best as you could to the driver who nodded in response with a warm smile before driving off towards the large JYPE building.
You were let out at the side of the building, the driver explaining how to enter before leaving to park the car somewhere nearby you assumed. With a shaky sigh, nerves wracking your being, you made your way inside and quickly became overwhelmed with not knowing where to go.
Luckily a familiar face came to your rescue, having run into Felix and Hyunjin coming out of the elevator. “There you are! Chan got a text from the driver saying you arrived so we came down to get you!” Felix said, a bright smile on his face as he strolled up beside you with his taller alpha friend in tow. The smell of chocolate liquor and worn leather washed over you as the two approached, causing you to breathe in deeply as if to drown yourself in it. The combination of their scents felt like how you would imagine an old Hollywood movie would smell, only a bit sweeter, and you tried your best to keep your citrusy scent from tainting it.
Felix stood at your left while Hyunjin moved swiftly to flank your right side. “We’re so happy you could make it, the album released earlier in the day but we all had schedules to attend so this is the first time we are actually getting to relax and celebrate it.” Hyunjin explained as the two lead you into the elevator and up to where everyone was partying in an empty conference room in the building usually used for meetings and things of the sort.
“Really? Well I’m glad Chan invited me! I’d be lying if I said I didn’t try to keep up with what you guys have put out…I’ve just always been a bit too hesitant to reach out to Seungmin directly to offer my congratulations-“ This caused the two alphas to give each other a look before their gaze returned to you. “That’s in the past, you’re here to congratulate him now!” Felix said, trying to lighten to mood before it could be dulled any by your past regrets.
As the three of you entered the room, your senses began to feel overwhelmed from the start. Speakers somewhere in the room played music from what you assumed was their new album, the smell of the food they had catered in mixed with new scents of the staff members present you have yet to meet along with those of the pack you we’re currently dwelling with, and the bright fluorescent office lights beamed down from overhead. The combination of these things immediately causing your head to pound and your nerves to increase as your instincts were on edge in such an environment.
Minho picked up on the change in your scent from across the room, though it was still familiar enough that it made him nudge Jisung in the side to signal to the other that he was leaving their conversation a bit early. The younger alpha pouted before looking to where the alpha was heading and your scent found his nose, suddenly understanding why the older left his company to tend to you.
Warm caramel soon enveloped you, calming your racing mind and causing your senses to regulate as Minho took your hands into his and pulled you to him. “Bunny, you made it.” His voice was soothing amongst the loud chatter and music in the room, causing you to nuzzle into his chest on instinct for some sort of shelter from it all. “Wouldn’t wanna miss out on celebrating a successful comeback for you guys. It would be rude since Chan went out of his way to invite me-“ you said softly, pulling away from him only slightly to give the alpha a smile
Felix and Hyunjin exchanged yet another knowing look before smirking to one another and disappearing to get refreshments and join conversation with others in the room. Jisung came up slowly from behind Minho, smiling softly with a hesitant wave. “Hey Bunny, you hungry? There’s lots of food if you want something to eat.” He offered, motioning towards the catering table.
You followed his gesture and looked the food over from afar before your stomach answered for you with a light growl. “I guess I could eat-“
You allowed the two alphas to lead you over to the table of refreshments, making yourself a small plate with some of the finger foods available before moving off to the side of the room with them to eat.
Sat on a small couch in the corner of the room, you between the pair as they took turns offering you and each other food off of their plates. Not thinking much of it, you began to do the same thing as the three of you fell into simple conversation about your days and how they were. “Wait- some people have been giving you weird looks today because of your scent?”
Jisung looked at you appalled with cheeks stuffed by the little chocolate cakes he had piled on half of his plate. His deep coffee scent turning more bitter as his brows furrowed. “Well yes but it could just be cause I’m new- I didn’t really see many of the other faculty on my first day and so I just so happened to meet a lot of them for the first time without my blockers on.” You explained before taking a small bite of a sandwich, swallowing before finishing your thought. “I’m sure it’s just a coincidence-“
Minho shook his head, setting his plate down. “If they continue to give you trouble you’ll talk to your boss, yeah?” The alpha’s tone compelled you to agree, not wanting to disappoint him. “Promise me?” He added, deep brown eyes softening as they looked into your own. “I promise, if my coworkers give me trouble I’ll go to my boss.” The alpha smiled, offering you a cookie from his plate almost as if in reward.
From the other side of the room, Seungmin’s eyes followed your every move from the moment you had entered the conference room. Slowly, anger began to bubble up in his chest as he watched you becoming closer with the two alphas sat on either side of you. Changbin stood by his side talking about some new elements he had added to his work out routine, trying and failing to get the beta interested in possibly joining him more often during his work out sessions. The one sided conversation was completely abandoned however as Seungmin saw Minho offering you a small cookie which he held up to your mouth for your to bite rather than just handing it to you to feed yourself.
That was it. He couldn’t fully comprehend the feelings washing over him but he knew anger was amongst them and so he leaned into it fully as he stormed up to the two of you and all but smacked the cookie out of his hyung’s hand. “What the actual fuck do you think you’re doing?” The beta growled, glaring down at you as he decided that was where he would direct his anger. “First you’re sneaking out to dinner with him and letting him scent you before bed and now you’re letting him hand feed you?! What do you like- like Minho or something?!” He practically howled, chest heaving and he felt like steam could have come blowing out of his ears.
“Look, it’s one thing to be an annoying attention whore in elementary school but we are adults now, I think it’s time to grow up and get a grip. Acting like you’re in heat for fucks sake.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes before something unexpected happened.
A loud crack echoed through the room as with the beta’s outburst all conversations had died to draw their full attention to your side of the room. The sharp sound of skin coming into contact with skin was from where you had just slapped Seungmin clear across the face, now standing up slowly until you were almost chest to chest with the beta. Tears stung at the corners of your eyes but you had had enough of his insults, or his ignorance.
Your eyes were practically red with anger as your words seeped out from your lips like venom. “Look, I get that it’s been a long time since we’ve last seen each other and we’ve lost touch over the years but Jesus Christ Seungmin-” You looked him up and down, disgust and hurt evident in your eyes. “What the fuck happened to you?”
“I cannot believe I thought so highly of you, Kim Seungmin.” The tears had began to slip down your cheeks but you didn’t care at this point, you needed to finish what was on your mind.
“I don’t know what happened to change you into this….this fucked up shell of who you used to be but clearly it wasn’t the game because your members have been nothing but kind and welcoming to me.” He looked like he was about to speak up so you cut him off before he could get the chance.
“You’re a heartless, stuck up, ignorant and arrogant asshole who doesn’t understand what a true friend is if it hit him in the face….cause it just fucking did.” You spat at him, jabbing a finger into his chest with ever word before reaching behind you and grabbing your bag from the floor by the couch where you had set it. You made your way through everyone and towards the door. “I should have let you find out the hard way how cruel people are so maybe you wouldn’t treat others this way. Seriously, seek fucking help for your mental block.” Slamming the door on your way out, all eyes went from where you had exited to where Seungmin stood with his hand clutching the place you had slapped him. “What…..the fuck.” Came Jisung’s small voice from the couch, plate of sweets now abandoned as everyone tried to process what had just happened.
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author’s note: gAH I’m so so SO sorry for the long wait for an update to either of my stories- ໒꒰ྀི ◞ ◟꒱ྀིა you have all been so kind and gracious towards me I really hope you all enjoy this chapter despite the somewhat cliffhanger at the end hehe~ new chapter should be out soon and hopefully some of the angst with get cleared up I had intended to put a lot of answers to the past in this chapter but decided to wait a bit longer on it ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა NOT TOO MUCH LONGER THOUGH HOPEFULLY!!!~~
taglist; @coastinglove @skzswife @maisyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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