#me reaping: this fucking sucks!!
jackwalkerstan · 2 years
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...... i have bad news gang 
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nicolethered · 2 years
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Gwendoline Christie as Principal Larissa Weems in Wednesday episode 1x05 “You Reap What You Woe”
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golyadkin · 7 months
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less than 20 pages until i'm finished the second draft and this manuscript is kicking my ass
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shescreature · 1 year
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arctic-hands · 1 year
(I say this as a psychotic bipolar who has spent time in the psych ward) I'm baffled as to how grippy socks came to exclusively refer to the psych ward experience when they pass out the socks in every ward of the hospital. I have ninety-nine pairs (lying) and only one pair comes from a psychiatric hospitalization, the rest come from countless ER trips that often lead to multi-day admittances for various chronic physical ailments
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They reaped what they sowed
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dr-gaytorius · 1 year
Being full of hate and loathing is bad for you yeah, but truthfully it also makes you so fucking annoying lol like yeah we get it you're cynical and see the bad in everything and struggle to find the beauty and scowl at strangers and your first instinct is to criticize everything and find the negatives in everything around you, and it makes you abysmal to be around. Like yeah ok my liege edgelord that's cool, anyway you're repelling the gentleness and kindness you seek and thus perpetuating your own and general misery, also you're annoying as fuck frankly
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naivety · 1 year
been feeling like i'm regressing right past every improvement i've made these last three years including actual physical savings and any personal growth and baseline happiness and everything in-between and i've never felt so demoralized in my LIFE, even compared to when my baseline happiness was worse because i kept my expectations so low at the time in comparison. like do we care?? do we care ladies?? what is the point ladies
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hqmillioncorn · 1 year
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Lalapril 4/29: Light
guest starring @windupiceheart’s everyone’s good friend b’ig nunh 
Cherrypit ran ahead of his sister. 
She had been acting strange ever since she woke up so he was a little worried. This whole situation was messed up! Why was that meanie doing something like this to them?! What had they ever done to him?!
Cherrypit waited for his sister to catch up as she slowly walked ahead, her hands covering her mouth.
From his waiting place, Elidibus frowned.
...What was the last thing Babycorn remembered?
Was it something about Ardbert?
No, wait. It wasn’t Arbert. It was an Ascian.
She didn’t quite know which one. It felt like she should know.
Babycorn blinked again and again. No matter how many times she blinked, her surroundings stayed the same. Everywhere she looked was a bright white. There were no landmarks, no ground, no anything she could discern.
It felt like somebody had trapped her inside an empty canvas.
Which she really hoped wasn’t the case.There was no time to be trapped somewhere like this! She still had to chase after not-Ardbert and give him a piece of her mind after he decided to bully her and Cherrypit with all these stupid illusions or whatever.
Babycorn paused, then looked around some more, this time with more panic than before.
Could this be another one of not-Ardbert’s mean tricks? Just like the last few? What was his goal in messing with them like this?! Where was she?! 
Where was Cherrypit?!
Suddenly it felt like Babycorn finally woke up.
Her eyes went wide with shock when she realized that it didn’t matter where she was really. What actually mattered was that Cherrypit wasn’t with her. “Cherry? Cherry?!” Babycorn jumped to her feet and called out to him as loud as she could.
Babycorn started to run.
But no matter how much she ran, she got the feeling she wasn’t going anywhere.
It was just like that time she tried to run on a frozen lake. No matter how much her legs moved, she stayed in one place. While everyone else had a much easier time. Including Cherrypit who simply slid across the ice while standing in place.
The memory made Babycorn laugh. It also made her a little bit sad, but she had no idea why.
Regardless, she didn’t have time to feel anything right now, especially since there was still no sign of Cherrypit anywhere.
Babycorn stopped.
She felt her stomach grumble.
“Ow…” There was a sharp pain in both her stomach and head. She couldn’t decide what part to hold in pain. The pain had caught her so off guard that it caused Babycorn to drop to her knees.
Only momentarily though. It took only a few seconds for her to get back up. The pain had disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. “Huh…” Babycorn nervously smiled. It wasn’t her first encounter with sudden pain and it probably wouldn’t be her last.
Living with an eternally bleeding wound on your stomach sort of got you used to that.
Babycorn looked down at her white dress for any abnormalities. Thankfully there weren’t any stains that she could see but she did see something else.
The shadow of someone standing right in front of her.
“Ahh-!!?” Babycorn jumped back in fear. Though she had wished for someone to appear and help her, she never actually expected someone to show up.
Recognizing that she wasn’t alone anymore, Babycorn’s fear quickly switched to curiosity as she looked up to see who had joined her.
The faint image of a dark red-haired miqo'te flickered in front of her. He was wearing a really fancy uniform, though the uniform was a little torn in some places. Almost like he had been in a big fight before this or something.
Or at least, that’s what Babycorn figured.
His eyes were a dark blue and they were looking right down at her. Babycorn gave him the benefit of the doubt. It's not like there was anything else to look at around here anyway.
It was kind of scary but it was nice to see someone here with her. Especially someone who looked like they were nice.
“Hi! My names Babycorn!” She extended her hand out as far as she could so she could shake this stranger’s hand. It was something she had recently learned people did and she was very excited whenever she got the opportunity to try this cool new thing out.
The strange miqo'te remained silent, only staring down at her.
Babycorn did not find this strange one bit.
“Did you get trapped here too?” Babycorn looked around again. Even if the other ten times she had done this had proved fruitless, there was still the chance she might have missed something. “Don’t worry! We’ll find our way out and get back home! I-I’m sure of it!” Babycorn knew she was saying this more to convince herself than this stranger but there had to be something she could do to help!
The weird stranger only watched in silence as Babycorn stepped all around him., desperately looking for anything that would lead them out of where they were trapped.
Suddenly, the stranger spoke.
“Monty. My name is Monty.”
Babycorn looked up in surprise.
“Monty?” It was nice to hear someone else’s voice! “Nice to meet you! I’m Babycorn Corn!” It was polite to also introduce yourself after someone else does. It was something she had also learned by now.
“Don’t worry Monty! I’ll find us a way out of here!
Babycorn still wasn’t sure how they got trapped in here but surely if they made their way in that meant there was a way out, and she was going to find it.
Monty looked down at her.
Their gazes met and Babycorn froze.
She recognized that look.
A terrified smile crossed her face as she began to slowly back away from Monty. “W-We’re not doing anything…” The familiar saying escaped her lips without a second thought. It felt as if she was backed up into an alley in Ul’dah all over again.
Monty stepped closer to her, his eyes glued to her.
“I hate you.”
Babycorn tried to cover her ears.
“How could you?!”    
A number of silhouettes began to emerge from the white surrounding them. They were flickering in place just like Monty was. Babycorn could see their mouths moving but she couldn’t hear anything that they were saying. She didn’t recognize any of them either.
There were so many of them.
All of them looked so different.
“How could you do this to us?!”
Babycorn shook her head, over and over. “I get it! I get it!! You can stop!” It wasn’t like she had forgotten about the people she had hurt back then. How was she supposed to know?! She wouldn’t have known! She must have hurt a lot of people!
Otherwise why would so many people in Ul’dah have hated them?
Suddenly, Babycorn noticed something in front of her.
Monty was stretching out his arm towards her, he was holding something in his hand. Then, without a second thought, Babycorn got closer to see what he was holding. When she saw that it was a simple piece of meol she didn’t think too much about it.
Then it all came rushing back.
The way she had accepted the offer to eat meol, falling under Vauthry’s control, attacking her friends, Thancred telling her that meol was made of sin eaters…
How she couldn't remember how many pieces of meol she had actually eaten.
“This is me.” Monty held the meol closer to Babycorn. “This was me.”
Babycorn’s desperate whispers were drowned out by the people around her holding up their own piece of meol. A piece of themselves. Telling her that this was them. Whispering their names to her. Shouting their stories to her, how they had died, when they had died.
She had done this. Babycorn had done this. Babycorn was the reason they were dead now.
“Stop! Please stop!!”
She had done this
She did this.
“Hey! Leave her alone already!!”
A very familiar voice rang in Babycorn’s ears.
The next thing she knew, the silhouettes around her and even Monty had disappeared into thin air. The mysterious figures had been replaced with the presence of only one person, but Babycorn couldn’t tell who it was or if this was good or bad.
Babycorn rubbed at her eyes. The light all around them wasn’t doing much to help her see clearly. Even though it was hard to see, there was no way she would ever mistake that little heart shaped antennae for anyone else.
“B’ig Nunh…?”
‘B’ig Nunh’ looked confused to be addressed as such. He looked behind his back and to his sides to see if Babycorn was talking to someone else that wasn’t him.
Because that certainly wasn’t his name.
“Are you talking to me…?” He asked.
Before Babycorn could answer however, she was already at his side, giving him a hug around his legs. “Woah?! Hold on! Let go!!” ‘B’ig Nunh’ raised a leg and wiggled it around as Babycorn continued to hold onto it for dear life.
“B’ig I’m so glad you’re here!!” Babycorn finally let go of her good friend and plopped down onto the ground. “It's so scary in here! Oh! How did you get in here too?!” Surely if he figured out how to enter this weird place he knew the way back out.
“Why do you keep calling me that? That’s not my name!” ‘B’ig’ yelled down at her. He took a large step away from her to make sure that Babycorn would not try and jump on him again. It was already hard enough to shake her off the first time.
He was also a little taken aback, Babycorn was bouncing back so easily. Especially from the little he had seen of what was happening just a few seconds ago.
“Whaaaaaat?” Babycorn couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “What do you mean B’ig?! You look like B’ig. You talk like B’ig! And you move like B’ig! Of course you’re my good friend B’ig Nunh!”
Who else could it be??
“My name is Oroden!”
Hearing his name felt like Babycorn had taken a huge tumble, but she wasn’t exactly sure why.
“O-Oroden…?” Babycorn began to retreat into herself. She took a few cautious steps back and looked up a Oroden with a fearful look, which he noticed right away. As soon as Oroden raised a hand up to her to ask her to stop Babycorn quickly jumped back. 
This sort of reaction was pretty much what he had expected before.
“Do you hate me too…?” Babycorn whimpered.
Oroden let out a sigh, scratching the back of his head he wondered how he even got into this situation in the first place. None of the lessons in knightly orientation had ever prepared him for something like this. He decided to take a seat on the ground. Thinking that maybe this dwarf would see him as less of a threat if he was around her height.
He gestured to the ground next to him. “Here. You can sit here.” He watched as Babycorn looked down to the ground then back up to him. It was clear she was still a little scared. Oroden tilted his head and unbeknownst to him that caused the heart antenna on his head (only visible to Babycorn) to wiggle a little.
Babycorn let out a small laugh and stepped just a little towards him. Then a little bit more, until she finally decided to take a seat next to her familiar unfamiliar friend. 
She wiggled herself into a sitting position she liked and smiled. That smile faded into a frown pretty quickly after Babycorn remembered where she was.
“Um…” Babycorn tugged on both of her braids nervously, “Do you hate me too, Mr. Oroden…?”
Oroden looked out into the vast nothingness surrounding them and let out a hum. “Hmm…I would have to say that I still kind of hate you too.”
Babycorn wanted to cry.
“But!” Oroden paused, “I don’t hate you as much as they do.” He used his head to gesture behind him, hoping that Babycorn would figure out what he meant.
Babycorn was confused. From what the others had told her, they had every reason to hate her guts. “Why not?” she asked, “You’re here cause I…I ate you with meol like the other guys, right?” Babycorn felt sick all over again.
Oroden nodded. “Yeah, you did.”
“Knew it.”
“But there’s something else.” His tail swished behind him, curling itself towards Babycorn. “For some reason I can’t find it in me to hate you that much. Almost as if I know you…?”
“You do know me B’ig-!”
“Oroden.” He corrected her again.
“Oh. Right! Sorry!”
It was so strange. Oroden had told her that he wasn’t B’ig, but then why did they look exactly the same? Maybe it had something to do with her? Babycorn wondered if she had somehow managed to make some stranger look completely different just because she wanted some company.
Suddenly, the image of B’ig flickered away for just a moment.
But a moment was all Babycorn needed to see what Oroden really looked like.
In B’ig’s place sat a tall au ra, with dark hair and dark horns. He was wearing a uniform of some sort. One that Babycorn would expect a knight from Ishgard would wear. His clothes looked torn too, just like Monty’s had been.
Oroden noticed Babycorn’s strange look and looked down at her. “Is there something wrong?” he asked.
“No! Nothing!” Babycorn answered earnestly, “I like your horns!”
“Oh, thanks?” Oroden reached up to touch his horns on instinct. Unfortunately for Babycorn it just looked like B’ig was parting some of his hair. If only she had caught more of that au ra guy, she might have thought of more things to compliment him about.
“Well…” Oroden suddenly stood up, extending a hand towards Babycorn. “You should probably wake up now. You don’t want to keep everyone worried.” He knew that Babycorn had spent too much time in here already. Any more time spent here and he probably wouldn't be able to stop the others from going after Babycorn again.
Babycorn was confused. As usual. “Wake up?” Was she dreaming or something?
“You tripped and knocked yourself out while running after Elidibus. Your brother must be worried sick out there.”
Just the mention of Cherrypit was enough to get Babycorn to wake up.
She couldn’t keep her brother worried! Though she was a little sad that she didn’t get to say goodbye to Oroden. He seemed like a nice guy…
With that thought in mind, Babycorn woke up with a jolt.
No, it couldn’t be true, could it?
Had she…really killed her friend?
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Why am I sad for no reason
She says, with the sad for no reason disorder
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Stainless steel frets, mother of pearl inlays, ebony fretboard. Leveled, crowned, dressed, polished. Next up: making a compensated nut from scratch. After that, finish, then it's done.
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king127 · 2 months
The conversation sucked but was so what I needed. I was asked to respect his decision to move on. & I asked for the respect to not have sex anymore. Because I love my husband & it makes it harder for me to move on. I was being cordial, not trying to fight. But instead of saying okay & ending the conversation I get shit talked about me. Like what?
I want to move on peacefully as well, just as he requested & not having sex with someone I love who no longer loves me back makes me wrong? So much negative things being said to me. When the convo could’ve been so short. Just crazy. Proves me how toxic he truly is.
But the conversation was needed for me to understand that I am not the only one who messed up. I was lied to & made to believe we’d always work through it & always get stronger through our downfalls. I mean I literally got all the proof of his betrayal, but to him it was nothing & I’m the bad guy. He told me to stay when I should’ve left & now he denies it lmao Okay. We both messed up. Take accountability as I have. I was willing to always try & you lied about never giving up & always trying & that divorce was never an option. Thanks for showing me your true colors. Even showing me how much of a snitch he is by threatening me with law enforcement like really. Thank you for the push. I’m with our kids 85% of the time cause you work a lot & that’s okay I understand that but you threaten to try to get me in trouble with the law. Fake AF. So unbelievable but it’s okay. Thank god I didn’t decide to go back to that place when you asked me to for our kids. I knew it wasn’t gonna be a good idea & I’m so thankful I stuck to my gut feeling.
& he’s mad I use this app to vent instead of talking to people & posting on apps where people know us. Don’t nobody know me here. Don’t nobody even care. You left me, you can’t dictate how I heal myself from being fooled. Crazy how the truth unfolds when things get rough.
#people really switch up on you#never trust a person who speaks poorly about you when man#never trust someone who only blames you#only good thing was the children who taught me to be gentle & loving cause they so stuck up my ass. lol#I let myself trust someone after never trusting a soul due to the bad that was done to me by people who were supposed to protect me#God sees everything & saw me try my best#yes I made mistakes but nothing to be treated so poorly about#both of us fucked up & at least I take accountability for my actions#glad I could now see the toxicity & lies told#never was his love just had been settled for#I couldn’t even get the same respect of what’s best for me to move on but I have to respect his decision#I’m so dumb#I let him in & he failed me & lied to me#trying to make me believe I’m bad when I know I’m not#I tried he gave up. I kept my promise to god in my marriage not him & god sees it all so stop your lies#belittling my feelings & speaking so poorly of me#you reap what you sow. & god has a better plan for. glad he pushed my limits. it so helpful#sucks I love him but reading everything he texts me for over a month helps me. I’ve been cordial & our texts prove it#manipulation at its finest. crazy how one switches up & blames everyone else but themselves#I tried. that’s all that matters. couldn’t reciprocate the respect asked of me. respect was never there#I was never the one. I have so much proof. it helps me move on & be strong for myself#I deserve better & will better myself for myself & my kids that he asked for to do it the right way yet breaks apart another family#make it make sense. but honestly it don’t even matter. things won’t get better. he hates me & I can’t trust him#when someone threatens you with the law & is okay with being snitch you can never trust them. with no trust nothing will get better#he don’t wanna make it work. I’m happy he disrespected me. was needed to let go as asked. I was never the one#just another lesson babygirl#I know I did my best but ain’t gonna keep being stupid for someone who disrespects me & makes everything an argument#like I literally just wanted to not have sex so I can let go. sex makes things confusing. I wasn’t fighting. n got the worst said to me.#like why can’t I get the respect I was asked for. I’ve been cordial. tryna be respectful to eachother for our kids. but he cant even do tha#ashamed in myself for letting someone in. fooled me so bad it’s crazy how someone can be so fake. I’m shocked by the reaction of my request
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hampterguts · 9 months
y. youre kidding me
#read ll 25#i liked three things in technicality but um. hated their presentation completely and entirely#i ripped this to shreds elsewhere um. to ppl who do not know abt this comic#bc ive never seen ppl complain abt the things i did not like in this comic. at all#anyways im surprised i fucking despised the double-ending. usually i like exploration of variation. but this felt truly sinister#felt like it REALLY was trying to give bad vs good ending which! i hate!#especially when characters becoming more disabled vs not is seen as a choice to choose between as a reader#ESPECIALLY WHEN THE WRITING WORKED SO HARD TO PRESENT ITSELF AS HATING THE CONCEPT OF MORAL ABSOLUTISM AND THE IDEA PEOPLE CAN BE#QUANTIFIED AS 'GOOD' OR 'BAD'#haha noooo dont rejoin society. youll be abused by corrupt systems and become more disabled and have to face consequences for your#actions and revert to your worst self lol.#just join the eternal fratboy ship where nobody(else) dies and we can all take care of each other mentally. like a cult#like ok yeah the ship is supposed to be like a new home ok yeah. but youre all fratboys. in a big ship.#'turns out postwar society SUUCKS im getting a van lets go solve a random mystery pls just get me off this planet' to#'i was right postwar society sucks im staying in the van. guys just stay in the van with me. forever btw'#shouldve made a sequel series. the quest to find at least 1 good therapist#like srry yes its very ro/dimus ending but um. not so great as a story conclusion imo#LOVE the series LOVE most of the little arcs. the endings though? hollow. devoid of meaning#i personally think brai/nstorm shouldve gotten that physical disability like. right around elegant chaos. and kept it.#no 'you reap what you sow' no 'optional bad end' fuck you its cool that he has an assist i love it so much#altho tbh i guess giving him that right after EC would feel very 'reap what you sow' still....... maybe in the peak of EC then? idk#hell. all the way back to getting shot in the chest. or maybe the dark cybertron situation even. when they revealed hes technically unwell#waaaaaghhhhhh.#dummy posts
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Okay but I love the idea that everyone just thinks Nico calls himself the Ghost King as like an emo thing but no, he literally is that. They all find out it’s his actual title little by little in the most unusual situations.
Uh oh, the Hekate cabin summoned the wrong ghosts during a seance and now the spirits are tearing up the place! No worries tho, we have a resident son of Hades, right? Nico walks into the cabin and immediately, the items that were being thrown around like an indoor hurricane all drop to the floor at once. Three little kid ghosts appear in front of Nico with their best smiles as he sighs down on them like “what did I tell you three?” And proceeds to lecture them for the next ten minutes while the Hekate campers watch on struggling to understand what was happening until Nico opens a rift to the underworld and corrals the three through while the kids call “come play with us again, King, or we wouldn’t get bored and come mess with people!” As they disappear into the mists.
Or like Thanatos appears in CHB one day and everyone is freaked cause who died?? Are they all dying?? What’s happening?? But no, he just glides over to Nico and bows respectfully with a “King Nico, a pleasure to see you again. It seems I will need your assistance again with wayward souls I have recently reaped from mortality” and Nico is just sucking a juice box as he nods along to all of this as if it’s another fucking Tuesday. Then he just leaves,, with the God of Death after promising Will to be back by dinner so everyone is like ‘WHAT THE FUCK’ and then there’s like Percy and Annabeth off to the side like ‘imagine having royal duties at 14, couldn’t be me’
Please, I need this
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bxlladxnnabxtch · 2 months
Wiped Off the Map
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Rhysand x Reader
Summary: You walk in on Rhysand and Morrigan talking about bringing a certain Cursebreaker back to the Night Court. When the destruction of your home started off in a similar situation - how far will you go to convince Rhysand it's a bad idea?
Read pt. 2 to Wiped Off the Map - HERE
Warnings: Profanity, angst.
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“She’s not coming back to our court.” You said, your tone biting through any excuse Rhysand threw your way. “Her presence on Night Court soil will start a war.” You tapped your finger on the table to emphasize your point, your eyes narrowing as you saw Rhys’ harden in determination.
“She needs help.” He reasoned, your lips pursed, a pulse of frustration running through you. “She can get it somewhere else, she’s Cursebreaker, she has everyone falling at her feet.” You spat, feeling a spark of anger begin to roil through you. You took a deep, shuddering breath that had Cassian sending you a pointed look.
You had just come back from training, your chest heaving as you greedily sucked down mouthfuls of air, eager to soothe the burning in your lungs. You could still feel the sweat slide down your back, grimacing at the feeling as you brushed away a sweat soaked strand of hair from your vision.
Your eyes locked on Rhys and Morrigan talking about the girl in question, and a pang of fear had struck you so deep you felt your magic force the mountain to shudder beneath you. The event sending the pairs eyes shooting in your direction. They both knew your past, the destruction the same action they were debating right now had reaped on your family’s camp. But their concern for the girl seemed to trump their consideration for your past and by proxy, their entire fucking court.
“A war is going to happen either way.” Morrigan offered, her maroon dress shifting as she turned in her chair to regard you. Your eyebrows furrowed, your mouth coming to hang open as you looked at her incredulously. “So you decide to burn bridges now- are you two fucking with me right now? Do you even realize what this will do to our relations with the Spring Court? Not to mention- the entirety of fucking Prythian.” You waved your hands across the room, as if you could encompass the entirety of the continent in a single sweep. A bitter laugh escaped you, your body in complete disbelief that they were even considering this for a moment.
“She has abilities from every court, that may be worth sacrificing relations with Spring- they’re already strained enough as it is. She is more of an asset than anything.” Rhysand said, sending a look at Cassian. You had no doubt the two were talking amongst themselves, and it only sent more anger coursing through you.
Another tremble shook the mountain which had Rhys looking at you in warning. Morrigan looked between you two, her lips pursed. “You mean powers she doesn’t even know she has? Where are you going to put this girl? Are you going to keep leaving us here to clean up your messes while you go play house at Hewn City?” Morrigan bristled at the mention of the Court of Nightmares, her figure going tense. You noted Cassian steping closer to you two, ready to save the mountain from being destroyed should you start a brawl. You felt a slam against your mental shields so hard you physically recoiled, staggering a step. “Stay the fuck out of my head.” You growled, Morrigan looked at her cousin in shock, surprised at the fact he’d actually try to get past your mental shields. Your anger simmered into a rage, your expression twisting. “You better not think you’re bringing her anywhere near Velaris. You keep dropping everything for this girl as if she’s part of your duties or some shit. It’s a bargain Rhys- one that’s optional on your part. I’m beginning to think you prefer playing dad then spending time with your family- that in case you have forgotten- you’ve left here for half a century.”
Cassian sucked in a breath. Morrigan looked like you had just slapped her. Rhys’ eyebrows rose, but he stared at you silently. Your breaths and the soft ticking of the clock were the only sounds heard as you stared at him, your eyes conveying just how abandoned you’d felt since Under the Mountain.
Nobody dared to speak, nobody moved as you looked between them. You seemed to sag as you realized he wasn’t going to cave. You bit your lip, your head falling as you shook your head. You looked back up, seeing Cassian eyeing you in sympathy, and you felt your eyes begin to sting as your jaw clenched.
“Y’know what Rhysand? You may act like you know what you’re doing, but ever since we came back from Under the Mountain, your priorities have been severely out of line.” Your heart chipped a little bit as your memories flashed back to that dark, agonizing place. Your wings folded tightly to you, the action purely muscle memory from having to keep them tucked in to fit through the passageways.
A scowl grew on your face, and you sent Cassian and Morrigan a glance before turning toward the stairs. “Let me know when you get them back in order.” You said coldly. You didn’t look back at the trio as you came to the landing and took them two at a time. You thought about how Cassian hadn’t spoken the whole exchange, and another flood of anger rushed through you at his inability to back you up. You passed Azriel on the way up and ignored the way his shadows seemed to reach out to you, as if in comfort. You didn’t allow yourself to look up at him either, you knew his face would be blank and you didn’t think you could take more indifference.
You wanted nothing to do with anyone until they realized what this meant for Prythian. One stupid girl, and they were ready to go to war for her at the drop of a hat. Your scowl only grew as you made your way up to the roof, and didn’t think twice before you sent yourself soaring off it.
You knew this was partially immature, you knew they would send themselves into a frenzy when they found your room empty the next morning, though you couldn’t find it in yourself to care as you thought about how this one decision would bring the Night Court to its knees.
You would disappear. Until Rhys saw reason, and until the rest of them stopped following him so blindly. Just like Under the Mountain, you weren’t going to allow Rhys to make decisions for you. And just like after that tiny village on the border of the Winter Court was wiped from the map, you were alone.
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sytoran · 1 year
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kinktober day 002 | secretary!natalie rushman x ceo!reader
natasha's mission to retrieve a thumbdrive file involves seducing a high-ranking executive, and the seduction goes smoothly. a little too well, in fact, that she doesn't notice you're not all you seem to be.
cont. reader has a cock, power play, begging
word count. 1869
kinktober masterlist || main masterlist
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To Natasha, you were nothing more than just another target.
She was an unfathomably, dangerously-skilled assassin, feared across nations and intelligence bureaucracies. She was a Red Room widow gone rogue, taking things in her own stride and shifting the world upside down as she pleased. Renowned political figures and billionaire executives were dropping like flies, and you, were no different.
This time, Natasha Romanoff was going undercover as Natalie Rushman.
It had been embarrassingly easy for her to infiltrate security and create a false persona for herself. Climbing up the ranks of a corporate business like this one had been more time-consuming, sure, spanning over a few months, but Natalie would reap what she sow.
Chief Executive Officer Y/N L/N was all-too-easy to fool, even more gullible than the other targets Natasha had preyed upon. 
All it took was the classic seduction: bending over to ‘pick up a pen’, coincidentally right in your field of vision, clinging onto your arm and looking up with wide doe eyes while you talked, giggling shyly when you made a joke and tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
In the end, all her targets got caught up in the Widow’s Web. You were rendered useless and completely at Natasha’s mercy, waiting to be preyed upon for manipulation and her own personal gain.
Or at least, that’s what you let her think.
“Fuck, baby,” you cursed, eyes screwed shut as your secretary bobbed her head up and down the girthy length of your cock, lewd noises escaping both your lips.
Natalie looked up at you through glossy eyes, bottle-red lipstick smeared but unarguably pretty, batting her eyelashes every so often. It had only taken a week of flirting before you took her home, your actions seemingly foolish.
“Take it all down your throat, Natalie, fuck,” you said breathily, hands tugging onto her hair as you chased your own high. Natasha almost choked on the length in her mouth at the fast pace you had set, but she quickly hollowed out her cheeks to engulf your wet heat once more.
Shit, it had been a while since Natasha had gotten such a thick cock, above average in length, too. Normally, these high-ranking executives had disappointingly miniscule excuses of a member, but this was thrillingly different. 
Still, Natasha couldn’t forget why she had made all this effort to get to your house.
“Fuck, babe, you’re too good at this,” you comment breathlessly, chest heaving as you come down from your high. “Bedroom?”
To speed up the process, Natasha finished you off with her hands working on the base of your cock, calculated squeezes and strokes that had you jerking your hips up as you toppled over the edge. Jets of hot white come went down Natasha’s throat, as she greedily sucked and swallowed.
Tastes fucking good too, she thought. Maybe this won’t be so bad.
Natasha had to refrain from rolling her eyes. What you wanted was predictable, to have your cock inside her. She wanted something different, though. It was why she had embarked on this mission in the first place.
“Can we go to your office?” Natasha asks instead, never failing to load up on that sultry tone that had people falling to their knees. She licks her lips drenched in your seed, kissing her way up your unbuttoned shirt as she rises to her feet. Her navigation of your surprisingly well-built body ends at the column of your neck.
Calculatedly, Natasha presses her slick lips to the hot skin of your neck, her residual lipstick making an enviable mark there. 
“I want you to bend me over your office desk.”
Natasha can’t help but smirk at your affected reaction. You hastily lift your secretary up by the back of her thighs, letting her hook her legs around your torso. A sloppy kiss kickstarts your burning need to meet her needs.
Of course, the sole reason why Natasha wanted to go to your office was to retrieve a very important thumb drive that was stored there. As you were the CEO of an incredibly powerful corporate firm, being able to have that kind of information meant a wealth of power, influence, and information.
There isn’t a doubt of the sinful possibilities floating through your mind right now, as you single-handedly unclasp her bra and rid of her remaining garments, as you stumble your way over to your office.
Everything was going according to Natasha's plan.
As if on cue, you kick open the door of your office and ungracefully deposit Natasha onto your desk. The way you’re manhandling her is arguably hot, and when you trail kisses down the back of Natasha’s neck, she quite nearly forgets what she came here to do.
“Need you inside me, now,” Natasha growls out, because she needs to get this operation going. What scares her for a moment is that her statement isn’t entirely untrue, because you were evidently more skilled than any of her previous counterparts and she so craved release.
 You certainly don’t disappoint in that aspect, forcefully bending Natasha over the desk as she wished, then painstakingly slowly dragging her skirt down with your teeth. 
“Fuck,” Natasha doesn’t mean to whimper when your cock slides between her wet folds, collecting slick arousal with that huge shaft, but she does whimper, and you let out a low noise from your chest.
As you’re busy getting your cock lubricated enough to enter her, Natasha seizes this opportune moment of your distraction to slides her hand over the desk to where your laptop was, unplugging the thumbdrive just as you speak up again.
“You’re fucking naughty, hm?” you growl, and Natasha freezes.
The fear envelops her whole, before Natasha realizes that you’ve remained blissfully oblivious to her actions and were trapped in the haze of sex.
“You’re fuckin’ naughty, wanting me to bend you over my table like that. Beg for my cock, and maybe I’ll let you use it.”
Natasha gulps, not understanding why she’s threatening to start drooling onto your desk, her body building up so much slick.
She’s the Black Widow, for fuck’s sakes, and she bowed down to no one. She was in control, dictating the decisions that crafted this very situation, hooking you around her pretty little finger.
After all, she had already retrieved the thumb drive. Her mission was already over, already completed. She had no reason to stay. She could knock you out cold in a matter of mere seconds, so why was she so hesitant?
Your grip hardens at her disobedience, and Natasha can’t help the whine that tumbles out when you pull your cock way from her wet heat. 
“You want it, hm? Then beg for it,” you repeat, dangerously close to Natasha’s ear, raising goosebumps with your hot breath brushing the surface of her skin.
Natasha wails when you push her back into the desk, pebbled nipples pressing into the cold glass. She’s clenching around nothing, wet walls fluttering emptily, slick arousal dripping down her thighs. 
Suddenly, you bring your hand up and harshly slap Natasha’s ass. The moan she lets out is downright pornographic, high-pitched and long-lasting as a red blush blossoms on her rounded ass, the pain stinging her skin and pricking tears behind her eyes.
It’s been so long, her body screams at her. You need this. Need to be fucked, need to be used.
“Beg for it.”
“Please! Need your cock, please,” Natasha babbles, finally, giving in to your urges. When you thrust your whole length down her tight pussy, all in one go, Natasha almost falls apart instantly.
You thrust up into her, hard, thick length pushing past her slick walls. If Natasha thought you were big before, with your cock in her mouth, now she knew you were fucking huge.
It isn’t long before you’re fucking into her with an animalistic nature, skin slapping against skin with dirty, lewd noises. “Can’t take the size, baby?” you question dryly, pulling on her hair as Natasha drools onto your desk.
Your cock is hitting her cervix with almost every thrust. The pleasure not only stems from the fact that you were the biggest she had ever taken, but also from your sheer skill.
Natasha’s first orgasm of the night comes in a tidal wave. It’s like water breaking through a dam, hitting her with a strength she didn’t know her body possessed. Her walls flutter around your girthy cock as she squirts. 
“Oh, Y/N!” Sinful moans of your name fall from Natasha’s lips as you thrust even deeper than she thought imaginable.
In other words, that was only the beginning of the rollercoaster-esque high you would bring Natasha to.
Natasha awakes with groggy eyes. There’s a warm, muscled forearm splayed over her torso, and it takes a fraction of a second before Natasha remembers it’s you.
“Shit,” she whispers, looking out of the window at the rising sun. She was supposed to leave your house last night, but the events had gotten more than out of hand.
The ache in Natasha’s legs and back is a blaring reminder of that fact. The image of sweaty, slick bodies moving together in a darkened room flashes across Natasha’s mind, and she has the decency to flush a pink-red.
Checking again for the thumbdrive in her strewn clothes, Natasha nods to herself assuredly and gets herself together to make an exit. Her eyes float to your sleeping figure. Looks like she had worn you out.
“You’re kinda stupid, but you were a good fuck,” she whispers with a tilted head.
As soon as the front door of your house clicks shut, you sit up slowly, letting the blanket slide over your toned abdominal muscles and down to your waistline. 
“Just a good fuck?” you ask amusedly. “Squirting three times in a row seems better than good, if I do say so myself.” Relaxed, you reach over to your bedside and take your phone.
Dialling in a number that you’d memorised by heart, the receiver picks up in less than two rings. “You’re fuckin’ late,” a gruff voice sounds out. “What did we tell you about not fucking the targets for the whole bloody night?”
You scoff in half-annoyance and amusement. As long as you got the job done, your bosses didn’t have any reason to question your methods. "You’re just jealous you didn’t get a taste of that sweet pussy,” you drawl out contedly, delighting in the aggravated huff that crackles over the line.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist,” you continue, your face taking on a more serious expression. “The Widow left my house thirty seconds ago, with the false thumb drive."
"Swapped it out while she was cumming on my cock, sir."
"......Microchip tracking device?"
"Implanted in the top button of her blouse."
"Audio recorder?"
"In the hem of her very scandalous skirt.”
There is a pause on the line, but you know not to fear. When a low chuckle is emitted from the other end, you can’t help but smirk in smug satisfaction. The next words you hear are almost as sweet as Natasha’s moans of your name.
"Well done, Agent. Your mission is complete."
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