#me telling this guy he’s cute and giving him my number bc we’ve been snapping for 43 days and talked on a dating up for a week before that
lil-cattz · 5 months
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i need to be wifed up so bad
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tiffgeorgina · 4 years
what did you think of the new episode???
OH LORD i had a lotttt of thoughts on this episode, understandably. CONTENT WARNING FOR DISCUSSIONS OF SUICIDE AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF THIS POST (it’s a long paragraph). also obviously spoiler warning for 2x08.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
please reach out to somebody if you’re feeling distressed after this episode, or if you or a loved one is considering self harm or suicide. im always here if you need somebody to vent or talk to. i love you all and i would be devastated if anything happened to any of you. 
anyways, episode discussion below:
-first of all, the corgina scene at the very beginning was PRICELESS. tiff and corkie had it DOWN until tiff lost her cool. i was DYING. casey wilson invented the word “fuck.”
-marcus/dawn and connie/mo double date. this whole scene had me CACKLING. marcus being such a comrade was not at all what i expected. the three-on-one connie smackdown i could not BREATHE. also includes classic moments such as “we’re doing black shit right now keith” and regina stealing every scene she’s in. also WOMEN xosha roquemore (connie) in dark lipstick is the best part of s2 prove me wrong
-also kind of out of order but dawn calling mo her best friend did not sit right... like in my soul. it’s like inherently wrong. so STRANGE to hear her say that.
-but connie sucks at being subtle lmfao dawn was not having any of that 
-“i can’t vote. im a felon” just out of nowhere GOD. and the fact that that’s the first time dawn’s learning that mo went to prison is fucked up. i’ve never seen a woman want a man to shut up so badly, and i’ve never been so glad that said man did not shut up lmfao
-tiff and blair’s apartment looks so good yes god!! also this season keeps referencing blair’s parents and it’s kind of putting me on edge. especially since next episode is “blair [being] forced to revisit his past.” on another note, andrew’s voice in this scene is SO FUNNY. you can tell he’s a voice actor i think
-also like we knew blair was into older men but now we like know lmfao. the richard gere jokes had LAYERS these writers outsold
-ok blair&tiff’s relationship... yikes. i cannot tell what the writers want their relationship to be. are they unhealthy and toxic and bad to each other? or are they platonic soulmates and life partners? make up your MIND, showtime.
-first blarris scene was TENSE. acting good
-the confirmation that roger has kids... i mean i suspected it from the moment tuc’s character was announced in september but it makes the ending so much more painful. i KNOW that’s the only reason why they pushed the fact that the harrises are parents in this episode, bc it was never confirmed earlier.
-i hate how funny michael hitchcock is. im trying to hate newell but im laughing. why are his lines so funny who wrote this. 
-the sound design in this episode was a lot to take in. the music was intense asf and it stays intense throughout the whole ep
-keith cracking onto blair and trying to reconcile with him bc he’s feeling empathetic but blair shutting him down... can’t say keith doesn’t deserve it but i would’ve loved to have seen keith and blair just talk about being closeted and having affairs and shit.
-THE TRUMP CHILDREN LMFAOOOO they all look so smug the casting was great this ep
-mo shit talking connie TO HER FACE bc he knows connie can’t give up the act... fucking priceless i love to see it acab
-dawnroe physical contact hhhhh can you tell im rewatching this ep as i type this
-the wording on the “you’re with the FBI?” line is so perfect. bc it makes it totally sound like dawn’s onto mo and connie when really she’s just like “you’re siding with the FBI bitch?” highkey genius line
-posted this too early by accident oops. im still editing im not done yet lmfao
-ROGER GRABBING BLAIR’S HAND I AM ASCENDING. i knew about the hand holding scene there but i didn’t think roger would initiate it <3
-roger nearly kissing blair :’/
-LORD the trump children are little shits god
-daddy says it makes me look hot. you mean cute? ...no.
-oh GOD not this blarris scene. i like to believe that a gay person generally wouldn’t threaten to out another gay person on principle, but blair has shown how shitty of a person he's become all season. i hate it and it’s still ooc but i’ve seen worse on this show tbh.
-roger’s got a point, if he supports his campaign fund manager right off the bat, he’ll look like a total fraud and his career will be over. the fact that blair barely gives a shit really speaks to what his character has become. “fuck them” what a classic line
-ANDREW’S ACTING!!! his voice when he says “you use me” ugh i felt that in my chest. plus roger looking away after he says that... i mean god this cast is so talented
-blair snapping god. he’s got a point, he and roger have been dysfunctional asf all season. doesn’t justify threatening to out somebody AT ALL but finally hearing some emotion out of blair, a little bit of anger and frustration, it’s refreshing.
-does “who are you, blair?” count as a parallel to “who are you, pfaff?” from 1x01?
-blair outing roger to newell... yikes. again ooc and bad. blair’s a shitty guy but we’ve seen him have empathy before, even in s2. why would they make him do this i don’t get it.
-keith finding out about lenny is good. maybe something will finally come of this arc?
-parallel to 2x02 with blair mentioning his mom’s phrase, cool. probably gearing us up for more references to his parents next ep, culminating in a flashback to his childhood in 2x10.
-this scene where the trump kids are destroying everything is classic. you can genuinely tell that everybody there was having so much fun shooting that. idk, it’s nice.
-trump reveal HA what a great end to that scene
-keith coming by and fucking everything up... i mean i guess everybody KNOWS now. dawn/marcus is over (good) and dawn is probably right pissed at mo rn. but hey, fuck em all resurgence!!! ive been waiting for it and now it’s here!
-im scared, what’s connie gonna do? fuck cops
-“that’s a long way to go just to get a dig in” “it was a stretch but-” see what happens when you’re a narc? you lose your wit :/ sad! nice exit line from connie tho
-CW SUICIDE MENTION. ok time to talk about what definitely needs to be talked about. god this has had my chest hurting all day yesterday. i knew blarris would be outed eventually bc sho likes to milk every plot point for every bit of drama they can get out of it, but i did not expect roger to take his life. and blair finding him is just devastating. i said this on twt, but the fact that somebody could be so overwhelmed with internalized homophobia that being outed could cause them to commit suicide is so incredibly and deeply sad to me. i’ve been crying for a while over that fact. 
im just. im really sad. i’ve connected so much with these characters over the past two-ish years and this is such a devastating turn of events. i have no words. it isn’t bad writing or ooc by any means, it’s just so extremely and incredibly sad. there are probably thousands of people who have been in roger’s exact position before, and the realism really hits me hard. i can’t put into words how overwhelming sad this makes me. 
also pretty upset that this came as a COMPLETE shock to me and all my friends. we all watched on the sho streaming service, which did not have the “viewer discretion advised” card before the ep. the premier did, but the episode on the app did not. i really REALLY wish they had added that before i had seen the episode so i could prepare myself, even if just slightly. also wish they had added a suicide hotline number at the end. 
seeing blair grieve his loss is going to hurt but it’s probably going to give us closure too. i think about this show all the time, and now thinking about it makes me so overwhelmingly sad. i sound dramatic but this show has been with me for so long. not being able to see much of blair’s reaction beside the initial shock has been haunting me. im so scared for what the future episodes are going to bring.
thank you for reading, i love you all <3
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softyn · 5 years
Misunderstanding | Huang Renjun
Requested by anon: your jeno was absolutely perfection omg😭💗 can you please do a similar one for renjun where he gets jealous too🥺
Words: 1.1K
Genre: fluff
Warnings: A hint of minsung bc I’m a thirsty hoe for them.
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You were peacefully lying down on Renjun’s bed when a notification appeared on the screen of your phone.
“Who is Han?” He asked, looking at your phone.
“He’s a friend of mine, we are in the same class.” You said, texting your friend Jisung, back.
“Oh... you’ve never talked about him before.” Renjun was confused, you talked about all your friends with him but you never mentioned a “Han” before.
“That’s because we weren’t that close before but do you remember the project I talked to you about some days ago? He’s my partner.” You explained.
Renjun just nodded and turned his attention to the movie you were watching.
And that’s how all started.
Every time Renjun called you to go to your apartment or to invite you over the dorms, you would be busy hanging out with Jisung.
“Sorry, Han and I are working on our project, the deadline is due next week.”
“Oh, I already told Han I would meet him.”
“Ah... Sorry, Renjunnie, I’m with Han right now, but I’ll pass by later, okay?”
Renjun was starting to get really upset, you were always with that Han guy and it was starting to hit Renjun’s nerves.
Renjun sighed, you’ve been turning off all the dates with him and even if he was upset he keeps trying, their comeback was just around the corner and he wanted to spend his last free time with you.
He dialed your number and waited for you to pick up.
“Hey Renjunnie, what’s up?” You asked.
“Hey y/n, want to grab something to eat? It’s been weeks since the last time we hang out.” Renjun suggested but your silence made him sigh.
“I... I’m sorry I’m with Hannie right now bu-
“Hannie?” Renjun asked.
“Yeah... Jisung, Han Jisung, my friend.” You said.
“Since when are you that close?” he snapped.
You stayed silent for some seconds, debating if you should tell him about your sleepover with Jisung, you knew he was pissed and tell him that, only would worsen things up. “I’m sorry, baby, I promise you I’ll go to the dorms tomorrow and we will spend the whole day together.” You said.
“Please don’t mind, just spend the day with your new best friend, just like you’ve been doing these past weeks.” He said before hanging up.
Feeling angry, Renjun tossed his phone on his bed and massaged the bridge of his nose.
He wasn’t angry because you were close with a guy, of course not.
He was angry because it seemed like you were, slowly, forgetting him.
You didn’t text or hang up with him as much as you did before and Renjun was starting to think that, maybe, you preferred Jisung’s company over his, and that made him feel angry.
He didn’t want to lose you.
You looked at the phone sadly, now that you were thinking about it, maybe, you have been hanging out with Jisung a way too much.
“Oh god just go already.” Jisung groaned, gaining a strange look from you. “Just go and get your man.” He said.
“Are you sure?” You asked.
“Of course I am, he is your boyfriend and we can talk about the Minho thingy any other day.” He smiled, letting you know that it was okay. “Plus, we’ve been hanging out a way too much and people will start thinking that I’m dating you, iugh.” He joked, making you laugh.
“Okay, I’m sorry and... Thank you.” You smiled before leaving his house.
You knocked at the door, waiting for one of the members to open, it was already late so you really hoped that they weren’t sleeping already.
Minutes passed and still, no one opened the door, so you knocked again.
“Go open the door someone!” Who do you think that was Johnny, shouted from inside the house.
“Hyung you’re closer!”
“Jisung just go!” And some seconds after that, Jisung opened the door.
“Y/n-noona? Why are you here this late?” He asked surprised.
“I’m here to see Renjun.” You smiled and he let you in.
The first thing you saw when you stepped in was Johnny, Kun, and Jungwoo in the kitchen, drinking whatever they were drinking, meanwhile, Yuta, Mark, Doyoung, and Renjun were watching a movie in the living room.
 “Y/n! Why are you here this late? Do you want some milk?” He asked, lifting up his cup.
Upon hearing your name, Renjun looked away from the television to look at your direction.
“No, thank you Jungwoo, I just wanted to talk to Renjun.” You said, looking at him as well but he looked at the television again.
“I thought you were with your friend.” He said.
“I was but... I realized that you are true, I’ve been hanging out a way too much with Jisung.” You admitted.
Renjun made a face and crosses his arms above his chest, he wanted to be mad at you for ignoring him, even if it wasn’t on purpose, but he couldn’t.
You walked slowly until you were next to him. “I’m sorry.” You said sitting in the free spot next to him.
He still looked at the television but his face made you chuckle, he clearly forgave you.
You hugged him and said sorry again. “Han just wanted some help with the guy he likes and we’ve been planning how he would confess, I didn’t realize how much time we were spending together.”
“Wait, the guy he likes?” Renjun asked, now, turning to look at you.
“Yeah, Minho, he’s a great dancer.” You informed and you saw his cheeks starting to blush.
“Oh God, why don’t you tell me these things first?” He asked covering his face.
“What?” You laughed but still confused about his behavior.
“I... I thought he liked you or something or that... you liked him, I feel so dumb right now.” He said making you laugh.
“Renjun, I would never! I love you a way too much to be hanging out with guys in that way.” You said and he hugged you.
“I’m sorry I acted like that, I was scared to lose you.” He said and you hugged him tightly.
“You will never Renjun, I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” He said, giving you a short but cute kiss.
“Can you two act all lovely-dovely in your room?” Doyoung said, looking at the both of you with a disgusted look.
“Doyoung shut up!” Yuta and Mark, who were hugging each other, holding hands and with tears in their eyes, while they looked at you both with admiration, nagged at him.
// Masterlist //
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considergoldenkamuy · 5 years
calloused hands
i tried to make this good bc i love my son but it isn’t as serious or impactful as i would have liked. also, we’re pretending he came back to japan halfway through high school
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"Good morning, Genzo-kun." The man offered the elementary schooler a grin, who nodded in return. "What brings you here this early in the morning?"
"Oh. I just wanted to get some green tea since we're out at home."
"You're in luck, we just got a new shipment." The man smiled, before standing up. But just as he was about to go to the door, a girl around Genzo's age walks in, holding a heavy-looking crate with bottles inside. "Ah! I told you that you didn't have to get it."
"But you're tired!" She frowns at her father, and Genzo suddenly can't move.
She's really cute, with nice brown hair, tied up by an orange elastic with a cherry blossom charm, warm chestnut eyes, pale skin, and a kind face. She's wearing a tee shirt, but it's smudged with dirt, and a pair of shorts. The girl looks oddly masculine, but he feels his heart stop.
"You're just on time, actually. Could you give one to the boy over there?"
When she notices him, Genzo's shoulders raise, a little pink tinting his ears when she beams at him.
"Hello!" The girl walks over to him and offers him the box. "Here, pick one! They just got here so it doesn't really matter which."
"O-Oh..." He stammers awkwardly, not having expected her to be so forward. The boy takes one carefully. "Thanks."
"Sure!” She sniggers, introducing herself before asking for his name.
"Wakabayashi Genzo. I live next door."
"That's weird, I've never seen you before." She frowns, but smiles again. "Okay! Nice to meet you! I have to put these away now, bye!"
He stares after her in confusion and bewilderment, making her father laugh.
"Don't try anything weird, okay?"
"Nothing, nothing." The man chuckles as he goes back to the counter. "Take it, it's on the house."
"Oh - thank you!" He smiles, waving as he leaves and runs back home. The store owner is still grinning a little.
"Looks like our daughter's already got an admirer, honey." He hums, glancing at the portrait of a woman next to the cash register. The man smiles nostalgically. "Looks like he's a good one."
"Ah, Wakabayashi-san!"
Genzo almost flinches at the sound of her voice, the entire team turning toward the voice.
"She's pretty..." Someone murmurs but he doesn't have the time to snap at them. A familiar girl comes into view, stopping her bike and taking the large bag from the back onto her shoulder, looking like it weighed nothing at all.
Genzo says her name as a greeting with a friendly smile. "Did you come all the way here just to deliver?"
"Of course I did, no one at your house ever comes to the door." She huffs lightly before seeing everyone else. "Oh - I'm sorry, did I interrupt practice?"
"No, it's fine!" Tsubasa chips in. "We just finished a practice match."
"Good." She looks relieved as the girl quickly makes her way down the small incline over to Genzo. "Should I put them by your bag?"
"Oh - no, it's fine. I'll take them."
The boys watch with curiosity as the girl takes a small box from the bag and hands it to him.
"I'm glad I ran into you, otherwise you'd have to pick it up tomorrow - see you later!"
"Bye!" He waves after her and she grins, waving back before she's at her bike again and off in the distance.
"Who was she?" Kojiro asks, raising a brow.
"Oh. She and her father run a small store next door to my place."
"You've got a girl that cute living right next to you?!" Ishizaki exclaimed.
"Er..." Genzo's expression turns awkward, not really sure how to respond. "Yes...?"
They refuse to leave him alone after that.
"You're here too?!"
They stare at each other in surprise. They're in the same high school homeroom.
"Eh?! You know Genzo-kun?!"
"Mhm, but I haven't seen him in a while."
"You gotta to introduce us some time, he's super cute!"
The girl shifts awkwardly as the girls in her class interrogate her.
"There you are."
Her expression brightens, hearing a familiar voice. She's saved. Her classmates look moonstruck and shocked when the Wakabayashi Genzo, the school's male idol, walks over to her with a casual air. He's smiling.
"Wakabayashi-san." The girl greets him warmly, standing.
"Come on, I promised you that you could watch practice when I got back." He notices the other girls staring at him. "Can I help you?"
"O-Oh, uhm," they all start stammering nervously.
"C-Can I have your number?" One manages, making him blink. Genzo stares for a moment before smiling sheepishly.
"You're Sakamoto-san, right? Sorry, I don't know you very well, so I'm not very comfortable with..."
"N-No, it's fine! I'm sorry!" The girl stammers. "I shouldn't have asked so suddenly!"
"I'm sorry, again." Genzo chuckles awkwardly before seeing his friend walk up to him. His rather impressive height makes her look small in comparison, but neither seem to be acknowledging it. "Let's go?"
She nods, and the two leave the room without another word.
"Where's that bruise from?"
Genzo perks when he hears the store owner ask his daughter a concerning question.
"Oh. It's nothing, I got hit by a basketball during gym today."
"You need to be more careful!"
He knows that's not why, Genzo knows it. She's been getting a lot of bruises and cuts lately, but she refuses to tell him how - she's been avoiding him, even. He's getting worried.
"You need to stay away from Genzo-kun, stupid bitch. He's ours, not yours!"
The girl flinches when she gets kicked again, curling up in a ball as her vision begins to grow blurry. She's tired of this, but she can't tell anyone. Her dad would beat the girls up and she doesn't want Genzo to know. She chokes, a little blood dripping from her lips as she lays still. The girls scoff at her, ramming a foot into her side again. She cries out weakly, back slamming into the all of the school and crumpling onto the floor.
"Maybe we should just find some other boy and have him teach you not to fight back. Maybe he can play with you a bit."
"But we can just do that, can't we?" One of them asks, a wicked grin on her face. Fear flashes in the girl’s eyes as she struggles to back away from them, but the leader is already smirking and holding her down. She tries to scream, but her voice is almost gone.
"S...Stop it....! Don't touch me - !" The teen tries to wrench away from them, but they've already yanked off her blazer and ripped open her shirt. Tears start spilling down her face as she weakly attempts to fight back, but her body is too tired and hurt to do anything.
"Look at the poor thing, she's sobbing." One mocks her, yanking her head up by her hair before slapping her across the face. They pull her skirt off with a bit of trouble. "Shut up, unless you want us to make this worse."
"Are you in here?"
All of them freeze when they hear their very Genzo's voice calling out to her from outside in the gym, calling the girl's name. There's a few other pairs of footsteps behind him.
"Are you sure she's still on campus?" It's Kojiro - the girls all pale. If he finds them, they're done for - his reputation as aggressive is by no means a secret, nor is it false.
"Can we check the closet?" Tsubasa's light voice reaches them as well.
Two girls go to the door and make sure the lock is done from the inside. It clangs a few times.
"Huh? That's weird, it's locked."
"Locked? That's impossible, the door can't be locked unless it's from the inside."
"Wait." Genzo walks up to the door, looking a little worried. He calls her name carefully.
"There's no way she's - "
The sound of struggling followed by a chair toppling over is all the three need to get a deathly clear idea of what's going on. Genzo's worried face turns into one of dread and panic. He calls her again, louder this time. "Are you in there?! Say something!"
"Wakaba - stop it! Get away from me!"
The three of them all look horrified before Hyuga shoves the other two out of the way and readies himself before kicking he door down. There's several squeaks and the three teammates are almost too shocked to move by what they see.
The very one they've been searching for is cowering on the floor with maybe three or four girls on top of her, her clothes almost entirely ripped to shreds and removed with bruises and gashes all over her body. There are seven girls in the room in total besides, and they all look panicked.
Genzo is the first to recover, uncharacteristically shoving Tsubasa out of the way and rushing over to the young woman fallen on the floor. His eyes are full of pure and chilling rage, a snarl on his face that makes them all cower.
"Get the fuck away from her before I kill you."
They all shiver in fear, but one steps forward.
"We were just trying - !"
"To what? Bully her? Harass her? Sexually assault her? Because that's exactly what it looks like."
Kojiro growls, even the usually calm Tsubasa looking furious. Genzo makes a beeline to the girl’s trembling form, her assailants backing away from him like he would burn them. He kneels by her side, looking worried out of his mind.
"Did you guys find her?!" Misaki calls from the gym door.
"Call the teachers or police and an ambulance here. Now." Kojiro's demanding voice doesn't leave space for argument. They all seem to get the basic idea and immediately get to it, the assailants seeming to suddenly realize how deep the shit was that they were in.
"N-No - !"
"Shut up!"
Kojiro's shout quiets everyone in the gym and closet, save Genzo, who is taking off his sweater and carefully pulling it over the girl's head so she has something to wear other than her underwear and unclasped bra. This situation is too mortifying to be worried about getting flustered.
"You think you can fucking talk your way out of this?! You have no god damn idea how worried we've been because of how many injuries she's been getting recently with no explanation! Something has been wrong for weeks now, and you think we're actually going to fucking let you off after seeing you ripping her fucking clothes off while she's screaming?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Genzo just wraps his arms around the girl, letting her sob quietly, shaking and sucking in unsteady breaths. He murmurs to her softly, reassuringly.
"It's okay now. It's okay. I'm here."
Trembling, her fingers grasp onto his shirt as the girl tried to choke down the whimpers. He ignores the blood from her cuts and nose that are staining his shirt - they don't matter. What matters is arresting these psychopaths and getting her to a hospital.
"The police and hospital are on their way here." Matsuyama steps forward. He already figured out what happened from Kojiro's outburst. "You can try escaping, but all of us are stronger and faster than you are. Stay still and things will be easier for all of us."
The girls are quiet and stunned as they're brought into the cars, the team making sure that Genzo and his friend got into the ambulance safely.
"I hope she's going to be okay," Ishizaki murmurs as the red and white vehicle drives off. No one speaks, but everyone knows they all agree with him.
Her father is absolutely livid when he gets the news, but when he sees his daughter and only living family on a hospital bed with an IV and more bandages than he's ever owned, all of it is replaced with worry.
"Thank you, Genzo-kun. I mean it."
"Don't thank me. I'm just glad she's safe." He murmurs, eyes never leaving the girl's face. The man watches Genzo's expression before a bitter sweet smile crosses him.
"You really love her, don't you?"
The boy looks a little surprised before he smiles sadly in return.
"...I guess I really do."
"Usually I wouldn't allow dating or anything, but try talking to her when she's ready for it. My daughter's liked you for a long time, she's never wanted to be a bother, either. That's probably why she never told you about this."
Genzo stares at the man for a moment before nodding.
They sit in a comfortable silence.
"Oh. Hi, Wakabayashi-san." Her voice is scratchy as she smiles tiredly and hesitantly, feeling him holding one of her hands in both of his. Genzo feels himself freezing, so many emotions flooding through him before he smiles, even if there's tears beginning to flow down his cheeks.
He whispers her name so softly, with a relief and revering typically reserved for prayer. It takes him a moment to speak, but all he can manage is a lame: "Hi."
Neither of them say a thing - her room is dead silent, but the air is warm. She wants to say she's sorry, and they both know that he knows it. So she doesn't speak. He wants to say he's so glad she opened her eyes and that she's steady on her way to recovery, how worried he's been, and they both know that she knows it.
So Genzo presses his forehead against her knuckles, and cries.
He cries, and cries, and cries, the guilt overwhelming. And yet he finds himself in her loose embrace once more, the girl sitting up slightly to wrap her arms around his form.
"It's okay, Wakabayashi-san. You didn't do anything wrong. Don't blame yourself."
She's so kind, she forgives so easily, giving him forgiveness he damned well knows he doesn't deserve. No, he doesn't deserve anything she gives him. He doesn't deserve her forgiveness, her warmth, her kind words, nothing.
"I'm so happy." Genzo's voice was soft and trembling, almost cracking as he holds her tightly. "I...I just..."
"What's wrong?"
She waits patiently for him. Even when the girl presses her lips to his forehead, he can't choke out the words he's wanted to say for years. Because he doesn't deserve to know what her answer would be. Even when he tries to speak, that simple phrase is mangled in his mind, shaped into something his skewed logic considers safer, when what would truly save him would be to just tell her.
I love you, Genzo wants to say, and yet it comes out so wrong.
"I don't want anything like this to happen to you again."
But the girl merely chuckles, petting his head.
"It won't. I promise."
The air is thick with tension, but he has to tolerate it. He can't confess to a girl he so strongly believea would never return his feelings. Her warmth is so comforting, he selfishly wants it all for himself. So Genzo nuzzles a little closer and falls asleep, the girl's calloused hands combing her fingers through his hair.
Maybe one day, Genzo Wakabayashi will be good enough for her.
But today is not that day.
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byebyechloe · 5 years
So I’ve been contemplating writing this for awhile...
about.... let’s see, I need to do the math.
we broke up January 15th.
Then we talked until, what would you say? the third Monday of February?
Yes, February 18th. I remember that night well. It shook me to the core, that's when our break up... really began to be our break. up. 
but then let me throw this at you. this low low low LOW number.
18 days. (That’s how many days you had me blocked. I’m assuming... if not less. I accidentally came up on that realization one day. So who knows.)
I took the ballsy choice of adding you back on snap, being subtle. you added me back the same night, and thats when it all began again. 
well... kinda, took us until, when? probably like 2 Fridays later? I slid into your texts to tell you about a artist I liked and thought you’d vibe too. Ironically, you already fucked with him too. 
Then that next weekend I gave you the entire snapchat tour of the 2nd Ben Rector concert we didn't attend together, but this one we had planned too...
and then I think... the next Friday is when I took a huge risk on my mental health and dropped sam off at Julies and off I was! back to the place in the middle of the damn trees, just to spend a night with you again, that I thought would just be a random hook up, and then we’d just let it all go again. but no.
I left that bed with plans to be back the next weekend, and then plans to hangout when you moved home for the “short” time you had planned before “moving away back east”, that ended up being an entire summer, and you ended up being A LOT closer than you planned when you did finally move away again in October. But this moving away didn’t happen of course, until after another big “I'm sick of you!” argument from us both (after an ironically, perfect Saturday with you. I still think about that night. so cute and romantic in the weirdest, not romantic way.) and then we talked on and off for another time. this was a little longer than 18 days, but wasn’t longer than 3 weeks. And you were back around, and I was stronger alone, but so was my strong belief in the damn signs I've been getting the last fucking YEAR of us doing this ~thing~ of ours from the big guy up there (imagine me pointing, yanno me, i’m an awkward bitch who points, bet you can imagine my torn up nails too. you always remind me to stop biting them. thanks for that.)
Oh.. yeah, hey, happy 1 year of crossing paths (again, if you count the years we didn’t really /know/ each other, but were in the same friend circle... somehow. idk.) and taking away my right to say “i’ve never fallen inlove like for real for real!” (my words, not society’s.) 
But yeah, when I sit here and type, I realize I won’t get as much out as I will whenever you give me the chance to say it all out loud (if you could be /so/ kind), but let me get to my favorite part of the last 365 days.
I’ll start with the fact that... that night.... I almost cancelled on you 3 fucking times. This was before I caught on to God’s lessons that he embedded in our encounter and friendship. Now I see this was his small beginning and it was with the fact that we both come from two different lives and backgrounds, that being symbolized by the fact that I usually eat dinner at like... 5 pm. and you are a more 7 pm guy. By 6:30 I was not only hangry, but beginning to let my anxiety and trust issues from my past start to creep in. “He is really gonna pull this? after 3 weeks of us talking? AND its the day before my birthday? how rude.” I thought. I even told my friends twice I wanted to drop the date, and they both said to do what made me happy. But yanno what I did that I never do? especially in that season of life I was in? (this was “fuck guys, none of them deserve me anyway) phase, by the way. I’m still in it, but you’re an exception.)
I just said... “no. I’ll give him 10 more minutes”.... three times. But yanno what?
It was the best decision I ever fucking made in my ENTIRE life. (other than that one time we... yanno... had sex for (my) the first time (ours together). Sorry but I mean you saw this coming right?) 
You kept me talking and laughing from the moment I walked out of my front door that night... all the way until, well, that night we broke up in January. Yet, I think you still made me giggle a few times before we finally hung the 3 hour phone call up. 
OH! Our first date was November 15th, 2018. Crazy... we broke up literally... 2 months after our first date. That’s super weird. This isn’t the first time that dates have aligned like that in my life. It’s whatever, ANYWAY. 
Back to the story! So. Yeah. Best night of my life. seriously. Going out with you that night was the best decision I ever made. It was so fun and sweet and carefree and I was so happy. 
Bro-- you make me /SO/ fucking happy.
 Even after all the shit we’ve gone through, I’d still pick you over any guy on this damn planet, and that says a lot about me considering you’re very deep into your “bachelor szn” of life right now. Which I’m happy af for you for, that is a sick time of life, and you deserve to live it. I just appreciate you keeping me around for the nights you want someone to hold and kiss and watch movies with. (the dinner was an added bonus, and very sexy. so keep it up for me pls. I promise I will reciprocate my thanks.)
But anyway. The 1st date, it was the night I think God sealed the deal of the whole “you’re gonna fall inlove with this guy when y'all kiss” thing. I never really believed in that shit, partly bc I hated hallmark movies and hated the entire feeling of love after what I thought I knew from my last big relationship before you, but I was so wrong.
I still think about our first kiss a lot, and I hate to admit that because I am not that OOZY with love and emotions. But I do. And I never realized that was the night I fell in love with you, I realized that the last night you and I stayed at Julie and Camden’s... yanno before you met some new girl and started seeing her like 3-4 nights a week? yeah same. I wasn’t a complete mess though, I worked on school and fell in love with the art of teaching, so that was cool. But yeah. That night. You and I literally had so many nights like it this summer, but, yet, THAT night is when I was trying to fall asleep and the memory of our first date was like “yo what up bitch time to relive this day again.”
and I did. and it was amazing. and then when it got to that kissing part (Sam was so annoyed by us, I think. I don’t really remember. it was THAT good of a kiss my dude.) I really realized that is when I began to believe in the fact that a man could possibly love me, or care for me, or just like me again. I was so happy. 
I have learned so many lessons from this whole 365 days (and counting) experience. Let me explain.
- be patient. (THIS was the biggest and hardest one, and its ongoing. I want to say I’m doing better.) I've had to really stop myself from getting upset and remind myself, “God wouldn’t keep him around in my life like this if he didn’t have a reason too.” He’d give me all the signs to leave. I’m not too blind to look at both sides, I just see more promise in the good side than to be dramatic and listen to the bad side. I see dedication and hard work on the good side. 
- be trusting. (Now I know you get me when I say, trust issues take up your whole damn life. Maybe not as much anymore because we both are/have gone through the stage of life where you learn “people only take as much as you give. So give a little at a time.” which is what your doing now, and is what I learned to start doing... then I met you and ended up dumping all my trust into you. but not in the way you may think, it has taken this entire year for me too. so you’re welcome). I have really started seeing how much I trust you, and how much you deserve it. But I won’t lie and say there aren’t times you don’t deserve me, and I KNOW that. But I refrain from screaming it at you, because.... what is that going to help at this point? The time isn’t here yet, if it ever comes, but if it does, you’ll know I’ve waited to say it, followed up with the whole hearted reason I never let it be why I gave up, because I never will give up on you.*
* When you and I started dating (11...24...18.... yeah. you get why I put it in numbers, right?) You told me in text that night to not give up on you, because you’re still young and still learning. I said I understood and wouldn’t, because you made me (and still do) the happiest girl on this earth. no cap, boo. You also said it and say it almost every time you are drunk and next to me in bed. “Don’t give up on me baby. please.” and my most favorite time, which was Christmas, “Don’t give up on me baby and I swear, I’m going to make our life together so damn great.” and yanno? I still believe it. and Always will. (scouts honor, boo.)
- Be understanding. (This one is gonna get deep.) So, I know, most movies will show you a girl who is a friend of the girl in love, or the guy who is the best best friend of the guy who is also in love tell one of the two that they need to just man up and say how they feel to the other one, even if that other one doesn’t want to believe it. Or better yet, tell the person THEY don't see how inlove they are with a person. Now I won’t sit here and act like I haven’t wished I could come across you with the desire in my heart to just tell you “don’t you see how fucking perfect we are for eachother?” because thats not realistic. That would of pushed me away from any man (and actually has before) who said it to me. SO WHY would I ever try to make someone push you to believe it? Let alone myself? You will realize it yourself someday, or maybe a friend will notice it and mention it to you, but I won’t ever be the one to tell you I think you are dumb for not seeing our potential. I’m fine with waiting until you figure it out. As far behind as you are in the feelings and independence stage in life... emotionally... I am in the independence and living stage... physically. We just did things backwards. 
This is getting long (if it wasn’t a surprise) but...
I love you, boo. I always will, and apparently have since the first night you took me to chilis. So let’s just say this has been a wild year, but I can’t wait for the rest of the others. 
Have fun with whatever/whoever you’re doing, Hope to see ya soon and get my face wash back that I “forgot” two weeks ago.
your future wifey, hehe. ;)
love always, Chloe. (or when you like to make me mad, Coco.)
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intothedanvers-e · 6 years
Young, Dumb, & Broke
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Word Count: 1.3k
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: You just graduated high school and were ready to embark on your last summer of being a dumb teen and going on adventures before having to face the realities of the adult world. One day you were driving to a lake to meet some of your friends when your car broke down in the middle of nowhere. With no service and no gas stations around you wandered a little down the street and found one house where you went to ask for help. You expected to find an old couple living in the middle of nowhere, but a nice young British guy (Tom) answered the door. Due to unforeseen circumstances you spend the rest of the afternoon and most of the night together, but when it’s time to leave he says he wants to see you again. You exchange numbers with the cute British guy and embark on a long, secretive summer fling. You both lie about what you do for a living and what you were both doing in the middle of nowhere, but the moments you too bonded were all genuine. Will he find out about your plans after summer? Will you find out what he actually does for a living? Will this fling extend past summer?
Authors Note: hello everyone! first of all i know i missed an update last week, im so sorry ive hit really bad writers block with this series which i know is dumb bc im only on chapter 5 but ive been trying to get out of that funk recently which is also why this chapter is a little short. i hope you all understand :) thank you again for all the support in this series! i never thought this many people would like it <3 if you want to check out any of my other writing here’s my masterlist! if you have any feedback or comments please dont hesitate to send them my way!! yes i will keep updating this series on tuesdays! i hope i can shake this bad patch of writers block soon bc i genuinely enjoy writing this series so just bear with me and pls pls pls dont hate me. ok i love yall <3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5
You endured through your 8 hour shift without saying much to any of your co-workers. You would usually jump at any opportunity to tell your best friend about what happened to you, but to be completely honest you were still hurt about what happened the night of the bonfire. She quickly caught on that you were giving her the silent treatment and asked the manager to move her position for the day. You weren’t going to lie, it fucking sucked feeling like your best friend didn’t give a shit about you. You knew you only had about half an hour left of work at the restaurant and luckily you got to clock out before the big afternoon wave. You didn’t want to admit it to yourself but you were really excited about being able to see Tom again. The two of you had made plans for just around sunset, which gave you enough time to get home and get yourself ready and go out with him in an actually decent cute outfit.
“Table 8 got customers,” your manager said to you, snapping you out of your daydream.
You nodded and walked over to table 8. At it were two beautifully stunning women. You handed them two menus and smiled.
“Hi I’m Y/N I’ll be your server this afternoon, can I get you guys started on anything? Drinks?”
The two women gave each other a sneaky smile.
“Um we’re waiting for three of our friends they’ll be here in like 30 to 45 minutes. Can we just order drinks and like a small appetizer and then fully order when they get here?”
“Yeah that’s fine. Unfortunately, I’m clocking out in about 30 minutes so if they don’t get here by then my co-worker Brenda will take their orders.”
They looked at each other slightly disappointed.
“Okay I’ll take a Sprite. You Z?”
“I’ll take a coke. What would you recommend for the appetizer? My friend here Laura is lactose intolerant so it can’t be the mozzarella sticks unfortunately.”
“Honestly I think we have really good garlic bread. It’s handmade and comes with this amazing homemade marinara sauce.”
“I trust you Y/N, we’ll have an order of that.”
You wrote it down on your order pad and smiled.
“I’ll bring those drinks right out to you.”
You got the drinks for them and took it to them. They were both smiling and giggling before you walked to their table but stopped as soon as you got there.
“Hey Y/N are you from around here?” the one her friend called Z asked you.
“Yeah I am. Not too far from here.”
“Do you know where we can get some really good Mexican food? Not that this restaurant isn’t amazing already but a girl needs her burrito fix sometimes.”
“Yes I do actually!” you said taking out your order notepad, “I can write the address for you guys. They have the best salsas there, no joke.”
You ripped the paper and handed it to them.
“Y/N you are a lifesaver. The best waitress we’ve encountered here so far.”
You wrote your name on the paper and smiled.
“I know the owner, if you mention me and order the deluxe salsa and chips she’ll give you the salsa she usually saves for her regular customers.”
“You’re a real one,” the girl named Laura said smiling at you.
You walked back over to the registers where you heard the cooks gossiping about some people.
“Yeah they’re part of the thing that shut down all of downtown!” the main cooks said.
“Wait who?” you said sticking your head in the window that connected the kitchen and the register.
“The girls on 8. They’re actresses.”
You made a surprised face. They seemed so nice and genuine. The cook slid you a plate with garlic breads and a bowl with marinara sauce. You grabbed it and took it back to the girls.
“Here you are girls. Unfortunately, I am clocking out for the afternoon so my co-worker Brenda will be helping you from here on out.”
“Aw man! We were hoping to introduce our new friend to our friends, but I guess they’re taking longer than expected. Well it was nice to meet you Y/N, we will definitely be back here to see you again.”
“I’ll be here all summer,” you said smiling at them.
They handed you a 50-dollar bill.
“From two former waitresses who know how much doing this sucks. You are one of the good ones.”
You smiled at them and put it in your pocket.
“Thank you ladies. I hope you’re enjoying my city and I look forward to seeing you both again.”
You walked to the backroom and clocked out. You were going to leave out of the front like you always do but you didn’t want to risk seeing your “best friend” so you left out the backdoor. You got into your car and drove home with a huge smile on your face.
A few hours later you were dressed and doing your makeup. You didn’t want to overdo it so you did some natural looking makeup. You finished by 5:30, an hour before you were supposed to go get Tom. You went downstairs to make yourself busy, but came face to face with your mom bringing her luggage inside.
“There you are,” she said locking the front door.
You froze on the last step of your stairs.
“Didn’t realize you were back.”
“Came home as soon as I heard the voicemail you left me.”
“But you didn’t think to call me or text me or maybe ask what happened?”
“I came home didn’t I?”
You sighed and started climbing up the stairs again.
“Well it was taken care of so you shouldn’t have.”
“What do you mean?”
You didn’t answer and went upstairs to grab your bag and a jacket. You came back down to your mom standing at the bottom of the stairs checking all her bank statements.
“What do you mean it’s taken care of, I don’t have a charge on the card?”
You grabbed the car keys off the table next to the front door.
“I took care of it, alone. Again. I’m going out, don’t wait up for me.”
Before she could say anything you walked out the door, and took off in your car.
You arrived at Tom’s house about 30 minutes earlier than you were supposed to be there. You were going to call him but then remembered this was a dead zone in terms of phone signal. You parked your car in his driveway and went to knock on the front door. You heard footsteps, and suddenly a shirtless Tom with a towel wrapped around his waist opened the door. You’d seen him shirtless before, I mean you guys were in the pool late at night, but this time it really caught you off guard. You looked up at the ceiling and apologized.
“Shit sorry, I just uhh left my house a little earlier so I got here earlier and I was gonna call you but um- “
“Yeah no service, that’s fine. I was just getting out of the shower. Come on in.”
You walked behind him, still refusing to look at him. You were trying to hide how flustered you felt.
“Are you ok?”
You sat on the couch and looked at your feet.
“Yeah why?”
“You just haven’t looked at me,” he said laughing.
“I, uh, didn’t know if you wanted me to so.”
“I don’t mind.”
You looked at him as he stood there with a cheeky grin on his face.
“Go get ready Holland!” you said throwing a couch pillow at him.
“I’m just saying if you feel inclined to end the date early, be my guest.”
You gave him a fake shocked expression.
“You’d have to be lucky enough to get at least 4 or 5 dates before that Holland,” you said winking at him playfully.
“Oh look forward to it baby,” he said before disappearing up the stairs.
What a flirty little shit.
Taglist: @hollandlovely @greenarrowhead @justanotherfangirl2015 @oh-dear-tommy @marvelnerdxinfinity @lafayettes-baguettes-1 @hollandhugs @tiredofallthetroubles @marvel-ing-at-it-all @built4broadway @lostandafraiddepressedgirl @isisqueenoffandoms @for-my-mind @hbmoore1986 @dafnouche @justapotatonow @bellagrayson-wayne @marvelousspidey @chemiste @maryylea
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parkjmini · 7 years
bts as fuckboys
[a/n]: inspired by @sweetersuga  | original post: x i wrote it as the perspective that you’re already close friends w them/have been with them before !!
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he’s the funny, sarcastic one where he could be kind of mean bc he takes it a lil far
“you’re such trash you sleep with every girl”
“at least I can get someone to sleep with me”
he flashes a smile in the hall bc he KnOws iT GeTs oN YouR NeRveS
“When’s my birthday”
“January 1st bc u set off my fireworks baby”
“i am disgusted”
piggy back rides on those goddamn strong broad set of shoulders ooffff
“I’ll call you, ya?”
He never calls u bc he probably forgot too busy improvin himself
you have a streak with him and all he sends are selfies with the caption “I hope your day is as beautiful as I am (:”
He catches you staring in class one day and he’s like “take a pic, it’ll last longer babe”
so now u have a gallery full of jin and he wont let u delete them bc he thinks they’re all masterpieces you do too but youd never admit it
the only fuckboy that’s tolerable bc he’s rlly just a big goof 
“why don’t you ever have sleeves on your shirt jin”
“these shoulders are on display, honey, can’t cover up the jewels”
he’s kind of obnoxiously loud that u want to shove ur fist into his mouth to sh u t  him uP 
“dude, jimin’s hot”
“okay but so am i ??”
“ok ya youre really hot but so is jimin”
“just trying to get my baby some more dick jeEZ”
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“hey yoongs why dont we go on a date??”
“uuhhhhhh since when were we dating? lmao dont trip” 
gets a new number every 2 months bc he loves fucking w them crazy bitches too much
“sometimes you need to mess around with the ones who can bite off your dick, being risky is hot (-;”
“BEinG riSkY iS hOt ya u wont have a penis anymore at the rate you’re going”
kind of smells like a mixture of alcohol and cologne 
“let’s play a game, if u lose u have to take off ur clothes, if i lose u have to take off ur clothes”
“wait but yours stay on ?? wtf yoongi??”
��no mine will come off right after i see u naked (;”
the one to play with the ends of your skirt/dress/shirt bc it gets u so flustered and he lives seeing u flustered 
straight up Arrogantᵀᴹ at times its hot but ur so annoyed by it that u wanna knock some sense into him
wont ask for nudes but will ask to see some goods
“can i see ur tits”
“for the 4039th time, no”
“well, a man can try”
SMIRKY MC SMIRKY HERE like it just comes OUT of NOWHERE and it is OUT to ATTAC 
u dont have a snap streak w him bc it always breaks bc he replies every 3 years bc he was “busy”
but he’s always the fourth person to like your instagram posts???????
and to comment the water droplet/eye/tongue emoji combo ????
loves when u swat his hands away from gripping your thigh 
(i wanted to use this gif but it was so big and rectangle and didnt fit but u need to see that gif to really take in the fuckboy bc i cannot find a representation as accurate as that gif is)
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always greeting you whenever he sees you
“hey babygirl”
“hoseok we just saw each other in chemistry”
“ok and????? can’t i say hi to my baby?”
“but im not”
“lmao every girl is my baby”
raises his eyebrows any time you fix your dress or your shirt
asks to borrow a pencil and never returns it
“where is my pencil hoseok”
“where is my kiss (y/n)”
“we didnt agree to that”
“well i didnt agree to give it back”
“dO u NoT kNOW whAT BoRRoW meANS”
loves to share so he shares a lot of his snacks with u
“omg i love snacks!!”
“oh baby me too” and trust me, he’s not talking about the food
has the brightest, kindest smile so it catches you off guard when he says some snarky fuckboy comment
loves physical contact !!!!! always has a hand on your back, or shoulder, or thigh, or hand, or arm
lets you wear his hats/jackets/hoodies bc he thinks youre sooo cute in his clothes
he walks around school with his hands in his pockets like a doUCHEBAG
catches you off guard by spinning you around with his arm around your waist 
uses the line “im a dancer” to get girls what an eyeroll
the type to drag you onto the middle of the dance floor at a club just so he could show off his skillz which are actually super bomb like even ur impress and uve seen them 308443 times
he got that sweatpants dick print 
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changes his contact name to Daddy on your phone
“oh shit did you see her ass”
“look here bootylover123 stfu”
winks at you a lot in the halls 
“do you have a fucking eye problem namjoon”
“its a wink” 
“u do it so much that im beginning to think youre eye is having a spasm 
lets you copy his homework if he got a hug in return
the type to comment a peach emoji on your instagram photos even if there is no butt involved
loves when you sit on his lap 
one time there weren’t enough seats on the bus and he patted his leg for you to sit
“i know you hate standing (y/n), take a seat itll be fine”
“why can’t u be a gentleman and give up your seat for me?”
*alMOST CHOkES from LAUGHING* “me???!!! a gentleman??? wow u expect too much, just sit your big ass down on daddy’s lap or suffer standing”
buys you lunch bc he loves showing off his e x p e n s i v e w a l l e t 
he could go from having a full blown brilliant monologue as to why he exists to giggling about how your moles r arranged into the shape of a penis 
calls girls mami or ma 
asks for ass pics at like 1:32 AM 
and u send him pictures of ur elbow crease 
and he actually thinks its ur butt
BLASTS baby makin music from his car and causes a public disturbance 
has the highest count of broken beds, not bc of a high body count, but bc he actually breaks the bed everytime he sleeps w someone
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spaces out when ur wearing a low cut top bc hes too busy staring at ur cleavage 
his streak snaps are either mirror pics, his abs, mirror pic of his abs, and occasional dick pics
“wanna play 20 questions (;”
“we’ve played 20 questions like 20 times already”
“ok gr8 ill start first: will u let me hit it from the back??”
offers to netflix and chill all the time and it sux bc he actually knows all ur fav shows
ok let me reiterate, jimin knows all ur favorite anythings bc he listens to u 75% of the time bc he thinks ur voice is sexy 
will never fail to compliment you when u look good 
“damn baby, is this all for me????”
“no i just dont want to look like a hobo today”
gets super jealous when any other guys speak to u even tho hes piping down like 8 other girls 
“jimin they’re my frIENDS ur not even my bf why u tripping”
“they arent acting like theyre ur friends. i know fuckboy behavior when i see it (y/n) its my occupation, i do the same shit w girls”
“thats good then, someone else wants me too”
“not good bc ur HOT ASS IS MINE )-:”
youre saved as #1 babygirl on his phone no objections
walks into class with a new hickey in a new place every day 
he has SEX EYES u could never look him directly in the eyes bc theyre so captivating 
fucking walks like an arrogant prick down the hall and whistles when u pass 
brags about his big dick when its honestly not as exaggerated as he says 
has a picture of you in one of his shirts as his homescreen wallpaper 
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“i wont show anyone, im not messed up like that” yea be careful w this one honey, pretty sure jungkook, hobi, yoongs, namjoon all know how ur tits look like
has the perfect innocent face where u have no idea that he’s fucking 4 other girls
always responds after 12 am and calls u at 3 am 
“tae im fucking sleeping”
“damn thats hot what else u doin??”
“hanging up on u goodbye im going to block ur number”
“pls don-”
uses the line, “i just dont think we’re compatible” on E V Ery GIRL 
offers to hangout but never follows up with it bc he’s never seen out in public with a girl unless its his momma 
“jasmine is telling everyone you gave her chlamydia, u get checked bro??”
“dont worry about it”
body count means a lot to him 
loves hugs bc he likes feeling boobs squished against him
sometimes INTENTIONALLY lowers his voice bc he KNOWS ur into that shit 
thinks youre playing hard to get when rlly u just dont care lol
“i know u want all of this, (y/n)”
“i think ur mistaken”
“right bc i want all of u (:” 
“ya tae let’s not get ur feelings mixed w mine ok thx u”
NO SUCH THING AS PERSONAL SPACE the boy is a koala and will latch onto u 
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the biggest fuckboy of them all
has slept w almost every girl in the school and is v proud of it
“what’s your name again”
“rlly jungCOCK” 
“ok (y/n) i know ur fkcing name so can u learn mine”
u dont think he’s ever had a gf b4 bc he doesnt believe in labels OR commitment which hes pretty vocal abt 
unlike jimin, he doesnt own up to his dick pics and swears that they were “”accidents””
SCrEENsHOTS! but ur smart so ur face is NEVER in ur pics
“who’s boobs r on ur phone kook”
“i dont have photogenic memory (y/n) i wanted to remember those cuties without a shirt on (;”
looks too fucking good w a fresh cut that u need to avoid him in the halls or ull melt to goo
only owns white tees and timbs lmao hahahaha 
smirks when you bend down to pick something up 
that or he yells, “one more time, babe!”
“wat u doin”
“without me!!1???” 
he’s on tinder too so once he’s done with the sampling pool at school, he can broaden his horizons 
a car enthusiast and will get offended if u dont think his rims r cool
thinks youre really hot when you yell at him or hurt his feelings 
youre his prized possession bc he actually likes talking to u but will never admit it 
has a specific nickname for u that he doesnt call his other girls bc its YOURS !! 
“hey cutie”
“hey jungCOCK”
hates the nickname jungCOCK 
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starlight-parkers · 7 years
Being Tony Stark’s Daughter and Dating Peter Parker would include:
Author’s Note: I really love these headcannon lists so I decided to try them out, hope you enjoy <3
Warning(s): swearing and Deadpool tbh
Being Tony Stark’s Daughter and Dating Peter Parker would include:
•meeting him by chance at Starbucks. -they’d call out ‘Stark’ to come pick up your drink and Peter would freak out.
•he’d try and talk to you about the 'stark internship’ and you’d be like 'tf are you?’ -“Hi I’m P-Parker Pete, I mean Peter Parker” -“okay do you want like an autograph or something???”
•he’d be like stumbling over his words and you’d think he was cute so you’d sign his arm with your number and he’d freak out. •he wouldn’t know whether or not to call you or how to talk to you so he just wouldn’t. -Ned yelling at him bc Peter is stupid. •and you’d be upset that this Parker Pete dude didn’t call you back and Tony would try to cheer you up. •you’d be a huge Spider-Man fan •like high-key Spidey fan •and for some reason Tony forgot to tell you that he knew Spiderman. •so you’d flip shit when Tony would come into the compound with an unmasked Spiderman. -“you?? Know?? SPIDEY?? And you??? Didn’t??? Tell me???” -“(Y/N) please, I’m old and highly susceptible to heart attacks” •then you’d flip shit on Peter for not calling you. -“and you Parker Pete! You didn’t call me??” •completely ignoring the fact that Peter is spiderman. •dropping by during training sessions. •distracting Peter. •getting sent out bc you’re too distracting. •convincing Tony to let you go public school so you can 'monitor’ Peter’s progress. •Peter showing off your friendship to everyone. •picking up Ned and Peter in one of Tony’s flashy cars just to prove Flash wrong. •sticking up for Peter 99.9% of the time. •Peter being grateful for having you as a friend. •friend :’) •you end up crushing on Peter haaaard -it being painfully obvious to everyone but Peter -Ned teasing you for it until the end of time. •he asks you out at one of Liz’s parties during 7 minutes of heaven. -“so- *kiss*-I was thinking- *kiss*-maybe later we could- *kiss*” -“yes Peter I’ll go out with you” •keeping it a secret from Tony bc he thinks dating will interfere with Peter being Spiderman. •dating for like a year behind Tony’s back. •the avengers finding out bc Wanda accidentally reads your thoughts one day :) -“you made out with Peter?” -“WHo toLd yOu ThAt?” •overprotective mother!Steve Rogers. •dates swinging above the New York skyline. •cute nicknames •angel •baby •dARLInG •Peter sneaking into your room when he gets hurt. •making up crazy excuses when Tony almost barges into your room. -“IM ON MY PERIOD! BLOOD! BLOOD EVERYWHERE!” -“I’m too old for this” •Tony inviting Peter to team dinners. -holding hands under the table. -blowing kisses when Tony isn’t looking. •makeout sessions on the roofs of sky scrapers. •attempting to do the Spider-Man kiss. -“Peter I think we’re doing this wrong” -“No I got this” *web snaps* “AHhH” •“Y/N NO” “Y/N YES” •Ned being disturbed by your PDA. •kisses by the lockers. •flash flirting with you •jealous!Peter •he’d like clench his jaw and glare and you’d find that really hot tbh. •but then flash would say some dumb shit like “how’d penis Parker get a hot babe like you?” •you almost breaking Flash’s arm •Peter cheering you on.
•Slapping Peter’s ass at school when no ones looking
•Peter blushing all the time bc it happens on a daily basis
•Getting angry at your dad when he takes away Peter’s suit. -“Y/N talk to me” -“Not until you give Peter back his suit” -“he doesn’t deserve it” -“he deserves everything in the world and so much more than you. He tried to help you, but you didn’t listen!” •Tony being hurt bc you’ve never fought with him before. •him wondering why you’re defending Peter. •it finally clicking that you’re dating Peter. •Tony being mad at you for keeping it a secret. •Peter not wanting to come between you and your dad’s close relationship •coming to Peter’s defence when Tony tries to 'kill’ him. -“dad no! I love him” -“you love me?”
-“ew this is so sweet I can feel the diabetes already”
•PDA around the avengers tower after that -“The 'making out’ is disturbing me”
-“Same, Thor, same”
•cuddles -“you’re really soft” -*you booping peters nose* “yeah well you’re really cute” •dad jokes.
-“Peter! Peter! What time did the man go to the dentist?!’’
-”(Y/N) go away"
-“Tooth hurt-y! get it?” •study dates -turning into makeout sessions -resulting in you guys being supervised by vision •you trying on the suit -almost suffocating -accidentally swinging out into the streets of New York -you going to hospital -lectures from Tony. •getting the talk from Wade -crying afterwards bc Wade is weird. -Tony trying to kill Wade •“PETER NO” “PETER YES” •passing notes in class •staring at each other in class •detentions together -resulting in you making out in the back. -resulting in you guys getting kicked out of detention -never getting detention from other teachers bc they are disturbed by teen romance •girl talks with Michelle and Liz -Ned and Peter trying to spy on you guys -Ned and Peter treating it like a secret mission and having code names. -“Nedstar 101, I have visual on the birds” -“copy that Peterpiper” -“you know we can see you guys right” -“abort mission! abort mission! We’ve been compromised!” •getting mad when Peter doesn’t ask you to homecoming. -him being really confused bc he thought he didn’t have to ask since you guys were dating. •Peter getting the silent treatment. -“BaBbBeeee” -“PlEASe talk to mEee” •Asking Ned for help -failing miserably and making you even more mad. •going to Tony for help -also failing miserably. -“she’s your daughter??? How did this go so wrong???” -“I don’t know!? I’m a failure!?” •Peter sitting outside your bedroom door for like 2 hours. -forgiving him when you come home to find him sleeping there. •tickle fights -Peter accidentally kicking you in the face. -going to the hospital again. -getting lectures from Tony and Steve. •cooking with Aunt May •May loves you •girl talks with May -Peter trying to spy on these. •going to Thai restaurants with May and Peter -sometimes Tony would come -things would get weird -Thai food puns •May and Peter coming to spend family holidays with you and the avengers. -Tony being weird with Aunt May -reJectIoOoN •forehead kisses •Peter bringing you lunch bc you always forget to eat. •Peter crying over the titanic -“Pete are you crying?” -“No this is liquid pride” •Movie nights with the Avengers -Tony and Peter crying and laughing over the same scenes -you and the avengers being weirded out. •Peter braiding your hair •Playing with Peter’s hair -it helps him fall asleep or calm down from stress. •falling asleep on one another -the avengers taking photos of you guys -someone knocking something over effectively waking you up. -proceed to you screaming at the avengers for like 5 minutes. •naps together •you being the big spoon -Peter never admiting that to anyone. -you telling everyone. •late night calls -effectively running up Tony’s phone bill. -“Y/N WHY IS YOUR CELL PHONE BILL OVER ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS?!?!” -“I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS A PROBLEM I MEAN WE’RE BILLIONAIRES” •Tony showing off you and Peter’s relationship -cos he’s a proud dad -uncle!Tony loves his spiderling. •You making Peter the happiest he’s ever been and vice Versa. •“I love you” “Meh you’re alright Pete”
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kpopsinarios · 7 years
Intro | Jun | Vernon | Seungcheol | Joshua | Jihoon | Mingyu
Jihoon was your average smart kid
well… kinda
he mostly slept in class but somehow managed to make really good grades despite the fact that he was literally snoring on a desk most of the time
the only time you really saw him goofing off or having fun was when he was with his giant group of friends
they would hug him and tease him and he would just let them do it bc he loved them so much how could he say no?? but you had heard him make some witty comments before and damnnnnn they were hilarious
but anyways he was always kinda mysterious? you really wanted to get to know him
so one day in math class, you sat down next to him and poked his shoulder until he turned to give you a glare
“I’m y/n.”
“And I’m tired. I also already know who you are. We’ve been in at least one class together every year since the 4th grade.”
wow he’s lucky he’s cute otherwise you woulda snapped back, but instead you tried to be nice and ask him about his opnion of the class
Jihoon gave you a blank stare before putting his head back down with a groan, and he was asleep again in no time rude
after class, you made sure to poke him again until he woke up, looking dazed
“School’s done.”
“Oh.” his expression was softer than you’d ever seen it before, and honestly what the hell how is he so gorgeous? “Thank you.”
and then he just grabs his stuff and leaves while you stare after him wondering how on earth you’re gonna get closer to him
you had to stay later after school that day because you were asking your English teacher a few questions
as you were walking through the halls, suddenly you heard singing
like really really good singing coming out of a classroom just up ahead
whoever the guy was sounded like an actual angel omg
you tip-toed, trying to peek through the window to get a glimpse of who was singing but they must have been standing off to the side because it looked like the room was empty
so naturally, you decided to plop down right by the door and enjoy the music
as the melodies echoed through the halls, you let yourself lean back against the wall and get comfortable
apparently you got too comfortable though, because suddenly the singing went silent and before you could react, the door had opened and Jihoon of all people walked out, giving you a look mixed with fear and shock
“What are you doing here?”
“Well I heard singing and I-”
“No you didn’t,” he interrupted. “You didn’t hear any singing.”
and just like that he walked off, once again leaving you wanting to know more about him
the next day in math, his head was on the desk, but his eyes searched the room for you, glancing at the clock and then back to the door
when you finally walked in, he heaved a sigh of relief, closing his eyes and trying to actually go to sleep until he heard you settle into the chair next to him
Jihoon waited for you to poke him, and when you didn’t, he turned to you wearily to find a smug smile on your face
“So you like singing.”
“No I don’t.”
“But I caught you! Plus I didn’t get a chance to say so yesterday, but you’re really good. That’s why I stopped to listen.”
his eyes suddenly held an emotion you couldn’t quite place it’s love okay he’s had a crush on you since 4th grade when he saw you hang upside down from the monkey bars by your knees
“Thanks I guess… I don’t usually perform for an audience. I mean I sing with the guys but they don’t really count.”
you didn’t realize, but class had started, and the teacher wasn’t pleased that you two were still talking. “Y/n, what’s the answer to number 2?”
you looked at Jihoon desperately and he mouthed the answer to you quickly. “Five?”
“That’s correct. If you don’t want to be called on like that in the future, I suggest you pay attention in class rather than talk to your boyfriend.”
your face grew hot and you saw Jihoon flinch out of the corner of your eye
after class, he grabbed your hand and dragged you down the hall, ignoring all your questions
looking around, he made sure the hall was clear before pulling you into an empty classroom
he closed the door behind you, then faced you with a small smile on his lips
“She called me your boyfriend.”
“Yeah I’m sorry-”
“Honestly I don’t mind. I mean I wouldn’t mind if it was true either…”
bYE your heart just stopped functioning
your face must have shown how you felt because he suddenly went red and covered his mouth
“I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut.” he mumbled, before sighing. “Look, I actually really like you, despite how I’ve acted in the past. I even….”
he trailed off so you couldn’t fully hear what he said, but you thought you got the gist of it. “You wrote a song?”
he nodded hesitantly, but you could tell that he also felt pretty proud of himself
“It’s a little cheesy, but it’s a love song.”
“Sing it Jihoon, please? I’d really love to hear it.” you begged, and a smile grew on his face that almost made you forget what day it was because it was so stunning
“On one condition.”
“You have to go on a date with me afterwards.”
lmao uh you wanted to do that anyways??? so of course you agreed
so he sang you the song he had written, and by the end of it you were standing there slack-jawed
“Now, about that date-” he started
“Jihoon that was crazy! You wrote that yourself?”
he laughed while he assured you that he had, in fact, written the song himself
after a few more minutes of you sputtering out what was probably a million compliments, he grabbed your hand and you walked over to a little diner together
he ordered you a milkshake to share, and as you two sipped out of the straws, you told jokes and laughed and got to know each other a bit more
you talked a lot about his 12 nut job friends that he loved to the moon and back he mostly told embarassing stories about them, and one about Jun getting chased out of church service by Joshua made you laugh so hard that milkshake almost came out of your nose
by the time it was dark and you both needed to go home, neither of you really wanted to leave
yet there you were at your front door, both of you looking away awkwardly because you didn’t want the date to end
Jihoon cleared his throat, before facing you. “Tonight was a blast, y/n. So I was kinda thinking that maybe you’d wanna go steady with me? It’s okay to say no and all, I mean I would understand-”
you cut him off by pressing a kiss to his cheek, and his hands actually started shaking why is he so cute I’m crying, I’m in love w him
“I’d love to.”
by the time you got to school the next day, everyone knew about you and Jihoon
not that you minded lol, you just walked up to him and he wrapped his arm around you, and that was that
you were his and he was yours, and you both liked it that way
he’d often write you songs and sing them to you after school ended
though one time, he got caught by the greasers, and they started to tease him
“At least I’m in a relationship.”
that shut them up real quick
you laughed while Soonyoung stumbled to think of a comeback, and the only thought in your head was how lucky you were to hear Jihoon singing in the hall that day
and as he looked over at you with your nose scrunched and face red from laughter, he couldn’t help but think the same thing
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winetae · 7 years
⇾ nudes, not flowers | 01
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⇁ Hoseok x female reader x Jungkook
⇁ smut || fuckboi!au
⇁ public sex, slight voyeurism/exhibitionism, dirty talk, dom!junghope, demeaning names during sex if you aren’t into that, jealousy
⇁ 5.5k
. . .
You’re not supposed to fall for Jung Hoseok and his repertoire of awful pick-up lines—but you do. The problem is: he’s afraid of commitment, and bolts at the idea of settling down. After that, you decide to stay far away from fuckboys, but his friend decides to test your new found resolutions.
↳ or : Jungkook wants to see how far he can push Hoseok until he snaps 
⇁ 01 | 02 ; sequel 
a/n; …. why tf did i do this to myself!!! (this is just smut that i had to split into two parts rip) anyways tagging @kstopping @gxtsmxt @thotmi bc nothing says i love you like a junghope smut am i right
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Jung Hoseok.
His name alone draws your attention. It’s impossible not to know who he is—he’s somewhat of a living legend on campus. You have only heard echoes of his wild adventures but those bits and pieces are enough to have you doubting their legitimacy. The guy who sits behind you in your Tuesday seminar worships the ground Jung Hoseok walks on; he keeps anyone who listens up-to-date on Hoseok’s newest exploits. There’s always a new story, and in each one Hoseok manages to outdo himself.
No one in their right mind would even attempt to try those things. Some of them don’t even seem humanly possible. But if, by chance, the tales happen to be true—well, you’re just surprised no one has kicked him out of college yet.  
You’ve never met him before, you don’t even know what he looks like, but you imagine he’s someone who basks in all the attention. You can tell what kind of person he is if he’s friends with people like Kim Taehyung. He’s probably the life of every party. You imagine he’s the type who can hold his liquor like a pro, someone who has thousands of friends on facebook. To put it simply: he’s someone who is the complete opposite of you.
That’s why the last place you expect him to be is here, in the library you work at, sauntering your way with an easy smile on his face.
“Hey girl,” he winks at you, hands in his pocket. “Remember me?”
“Pardon?” You resist the urge to turn around to make sure he is indeed talking to you.
You’re positive you have never met him before. From the way he walks, to his confident posture and disarming grin, he exudes the kind of charisma that can attract anyone’s attention.  Paired with his devastating good looks, you’re absolutely certain you would have remembered him.  You try not to make it too obvious, but his sleeveless shirt hangs low; his sun-kissed collarbones catching your attention.
“Oh right, I forgot that we only met in my dreams!”
You gape at him, not sure how to answer. He seems to deflate at your lack of reaction.
“You were supposed to laugh,” he sighs, dejectedly.
“I’m… that was really terrible,” you sputter, slightly horrified. “Does that actually work?”
“Oh, that line?” He shrugs, flipping his snapback around so that his forehead was now uncovered. He looks impossibly more attractive. You hate it. “You might be surprised.”
You want to tell him yeah, it would be surprising if someone fell for that. The words don’t come out. The longer you stare at his face, the more you’re convinced that, yes, someone could have totally fallen for that.
“I’m Jung Hoseok.”  
“Jung Hoseok?” you parrot, your eyes widening upon realization.
“I don’t know what you’ve heard about me, but most of it is not true!” he clarifies quickly.
“So it wasn’t you who ran around campus naked last Halloween?”
“In my defense,” he protests, but has the decency to look sheepish, “it wasn’t because I wanted to. I lost a bet.”
You nod, pretending to understand. It’s hard to wrap your head around the idea of such a thing. Why would someone agree to that? Wasn’t it a bit too much? Suddenly visions of him naked, sprinting while singing the national anthem at the top of his lungs, flash through your mind.
You clear your throat and look down, guilty for imagining him that way.
“So… are you going to tell me your name?” he smiles.
“___,“ you say after a couple seconds of hesitation. Really, what’s the harm in giving him your name?
He repeats it, testing the way it sounds. His voice is nice. It’s all kinds of smooth, and you’re certain your name has never sounded as good as it did right then.
“Are you a freshman? I don’t think we’ve met before.”
“Yes… How did you know?”
“I would have remembered such a pretty face.”
Your nose crinkles, but you can’t stop a small laugh from escaping.
“Cute,” he grins, gaze lowering to eye the flush coloring your cheeks. “I can’t wait to see you again tonight.”
“Yeah, in my dreams,” he winks.
With that, he turns on his heels and leaves just the way he entered.
You don’t expect to ever see him again.
According to the rumors, he doesn’t seem like the type to spend his time in libraries. He doesn’t seem like the type to read books, actually. That’s why you almost fall off your stool when he shows his face again the next day.  
He’s not here for the books, you realize, watching him make a beeline towards you.
“___ !” he calls out, waving at you. “Hey.”
He’s wearing another one of those sleeveless shirts that show off his biceps. You don’t stare this time. You don’t.
“Hey, I was wondering… I think I lost something yesterday.”
You scrunch your eyebrows trying to remember if he had left any belongings behind. You’re about to inform him that nothing had been reported to the lost and found, when he continues.
“I lost my number… So, I was hoping I could have yours?”
Your eyes widen at his forwardness and his not-so-smooth pick-up line.
There’s something absurd about the entire situation—Jung Hoseok in a library, Jung Hoseok knowing who you are, Jung Hoseok asking for your number. His fan in your Tuesday seminar probably wouldn’t believe you if you told him.
You’re not sure what it is that has you agreeing.
Giving him your number turns out to be the worst decision of your life. At least, that’s what you tell your roommate.
“Why? Does he send you dick pics?”
“What? No!”
“Oh don’t act so surprised. I heard he has a pornstar dick,” she grins wickedly. “Fucking massive. I heard his nickname is the pussy terminator.”
“Oh my God,” you groan, hands covering your ears. “Shut up for one second.”
“Well something tells me you’re about to find out soon, so please share the details once it happens,” she laughs, head thrown back.
“What are you saying…” you object. “I don’t think I could date someone like him.”
“Who said anything about dating?” She snatches your phone from your grip. “This guy is down to fuck. Wait—what the fuck? Who says this kind of shit? ‘You must be tired because you’ve been running through my mind all day’. Oh wow, what a romantic.”
She continues to look unimpressed, “’If I send you flowers, will you send me nudes?’ Is this guy for real?”
You take your phone back, embarrassed. “I find it kind of funny.”
“If I was him, I would just stick to sending dick pics,” she mumbles then catches the disapproving look you’re sending her way. “Oh please. Like you haven’t imagined what his dick looks like.”
“Can you just stop talking about dicks for one second,” you complain.
“You’re acting all modest now, but you know what they say!” she giggles, standing up and gathering her books. “You have to watch out for the quiet ones.”
She sidesteps the notebook you throw at her, cackling.
“See you later!”
It goes on like this for a while.
He shows up at the library so often now that other people are starting to notice. (“Holy fuck, Jung Hoseok can read?”) It amuses both of you to see the expressions of shock when people realize it really is Jung Hoseok in the library, reading a book on traditional herbal medicine.
For the record: he doesn’t actually read the book. He just needs an excuse to talk to you.
Honestly, the more you see him, the harder it is to resist his charm.
You try to deny it, but even his gross pick-up lines are kind of endearing. All of them definitely make you cringe. Some of them manage to sound sweet. Some of them are so fucking weird you wonder if he’s actually used them successfully.
It takes another week until he convinces you to go out with him. Except it’s not a date. He just “wants to see you in person”. You only agree because he promises free food. Not because you like him or anything.
You expect someone like him to cheap it out and bring you to McDonald’s so he can buy something off the dollar menu. Your guess isn’t completely off—but Shake Shack is still considerably better. Despite your lack of experience, you know he’s trying to ease you into sex. A part of you would probably agree right away if he asked, but something inside you wants to see how far you can drag this out until he gets bored and moves on to someone else.
Things don’t exactly go as planned.
Hoseok is like fucking sunshine. Sometimes you wonder how he’s even real. Whenever he smiles your way, you find yourself smiling back. You really, really shouldn’t. You shouldn’t be texting him during class; shouldn’t be looking forward to seeing him show up at the library when you’re working. But you find yourself doing all these things. Maybe it’s when he calls you sweetheart, or maybe it’s when he brings you lunch, that you think to yourself: I’m fucked.
So, surprisingly, you’re the one who gives in first. You tell him your roommate won’t be there for the weekend because she’s driving down south to see her parents. And if that isn’t an invitation, then you’re not sure what is.
That night he eats you out on your couch.
“You’re so pretty,” he praises, nuzzling your neck, breathing in your scent.
“I usually—I’m not usually like this…” he confesses hoarsely, lips red and swollen.
Like what? you want to ask, but he sucks at your weak spot and you go limp. Hoseok feels better than whatever image you could have conjured up in your mind.  His body is fucking amazing. Even though you’ve seen him shirtless before, it’s a hundred times more satisfying now that you can freely rake your nails down his abs and watch them tighten.
His hands are busy roaming the expanse of your legs. He pushes your skirt up and quickly peels off your underwear. You want to laugh at his impatient expression but there’s a fire between your thighs that makes even breathing difficult.
“Such a pretty cunt.” He spreads your legs apart with both hands, admiring the way you glisten for him.
You feel shy beneath him but he keeps your legs wide open, enjoying the way you squirm and your cheeks redden. He hasn’t even touched you yet but you already feel wrecked.
He dives headfirst into your heat, letting out a muted growl. His tongue drags up your slit and you throw your head back in response, biting harshly on your lower lip, trying to contain any sounds.
His mouth is everywhere; you feel his tongue sink inside you, sucking on your lips, licking at your clit. He leaves no time to get used to one method before he switches tactics. It feels wet and messy, but so, so good. He seems to know exactly what you like and what you need, always pulling back when he feels your muscles tense beneath his fingers. He keeps you right on the edge, teasing until you’re about to go delirious with need.
You bury your fingers in his hair, bringing his face closer, trying to reach your end. It’s almost shameful how wanton you probably look—hips raised in the air, thrusting up to try to get more pressure on your clit.
You look down and the sight is almost enough to make you come apart. Hoseok looks like he belongs between your legs, his face shining with your juices, tongue working insistently at your folds.
“Hoseok,” you whine, tugging at his hair. He hums, relishing in the way you gasp his name repeatedly like a prayer.
“Please, give me your fingers,” you beg, your hips wiggling helplessly against his mouth.
He pulls back and you whine at the loss of contact.
“What is it, sweetheart? You want my fingers?”
You nod, pulling the strands of his hair, trying to bring him closer.
“Tell me, sweet thing.” There’s an edge in his voice that has you trembling under him. “Tell me you want me to stuff your cunt with my fingers.”
“I’m—please, Hoseok, please.”
“Please what?”he questions, his tone expressing his dissatisfaction. “Come on, you can do better than that.”
“Please, I—” you blush, words having a hard time leaving your mouth. “I need your fingers. I need you to fuck me with your fingers.”
“Hmm.” He seems to consider your request.
And suddenly he’s working two fingers in your entrance. They slide right in because of how slippery he’s made you. He pumps a couple of times, watching you writhe against him, before he works in a third finger. The stretch feels good, though, and you can’t help but tell him so. You try to keep your eyes open, attention flickering between his fingers thrusting up into you, his biceps flexing, and his brow furrowing in concentration. You can feel his fingers scrape the inside of your walls, searching for that one spot that will make you a fucking mess. He knows he’s found it once you moan loudly, body thrashing.
He zeroes in on that spot, smirking at your slack-jawed expression of ecstasy.
“You can cum for me, baby,” he smiles. “You’ve been good.”
It only takes a few extra well placed flicks of his thumb until you’re falling apart, body seizing up, toes curling. It takes a few moments to realize that you’re shouting expletives, hands grabbing onto Hoseok’s wrist trying to bury him even deeper.
“Oh my god.” You try to catch your breath. “That was the best orgasm of my life.”
Hoseok grins.
Traces of your orgasm darken the fabric of the couch and you have no fucking idea how you will explain the stain to your roommate.
(“Why the fuck does it smell like someone emptied the can of Febreze in here?” she’ll ask when she returns. You don’t really have any acceptable excuses so you stay silent, shrugging.)
Hoseok can’t seem to stay away from you—not that you want him to. He spends most of his free time either at your apartment when your roommate isn’t there, or at his place. Apparently he rooms with an older guy, who has already graduated. His roommate kind of has OCD which you don’t question once you see that all of the books in the living room are organized by color, then alphabetically by author.
Everything goes really well for the next couple of weeks. The sex gets better every time to the point where you start to wonder if cumming that many times is healthy for you. It goes so well, in fact, that it should have set warning bells off. It really shouldn’t have surprised you, given the number of warnings you’ve received, when it all falls apart.
Hoseok has just given you two back-to-back orgasms. You feel on top of the world, like you usually do after he fucks the feeling out of your legs.
“My older sister is visiting this weekend. I really want you to meet her. I told her we could all meet for lunch on Saturday, so I hope that’s okay. I’m sorry I didn’t ask before, but we didn’t have anything planned anyways.”
When he takes longer than expected to answer, you turn back around to look at him.
“Why? Is Saturday not good—”
“I’m sorry,” he sighs, cutting you off.
His fingers are fiddling with the sheets as if they’re suddenly the most interesting thing in the world.
“Why are you sorry?” you question, already dreading the answer.
“I just…  I don’t think we’re on the same page…” he finally lets out, looking up at you. “Don’t get me wrong—you’re a great girl—it’s just, well, relationships aren’t my thing.”
You feel dizzy. Your expression must have betrayed you, because he breaks away from your gaze.
“I’m graduating soon,” he continues.  “So there’s really no point in getting tied down.”
“I’m just asking you to meet my sister…“ you try, ignoring the way his words hurt.
“Sure, but then next month I’ll be meeting the parents, and then…” he trails off, frowning. 
“I don’t even understand why being my boyfriend is such a big deal! I’m not asking you to get married.”
The argument is affecting you more than it should. You feel stupid for somehow expecting this relationship to go anywhere. Maybe if Hoseok hadn’t been so nice and attentive, treating you like you meant more than a good fuck, then maybe you wouldn’t have expected so much in the first place.
“You said you weren’t fucking anyone else…” you say softly, tears prickling your eyes.
The last thing you want is to cry in front of him. You don’t want him mistake your angry tears for sad tears. Because you aren’t sad. You’re not.
“I wasn’t lying, sweetheart.”
The term of endearment irritates you further.
“Then what’s the difference? Why can’t we be official?”
“It’s not the same… Relationships aren’t the same,” he tries to explain, eyes refusing to meet yours. “Putting a label on things just sucks the fun out of everything. See… we’re already fighting.”
“I don’t understand you, Hoseok. We’ve been exclusive for a while so I don’t see why you can’t just say you’re dating me. Are you ashamed of me or something? Is this a pride thing?”
“It has nothing to do with pride. I told you—I don’t do relationships. That’s it. There’s nothing more to it.”
“But what if I wanted more?” you ask in a small voice. “Why can’t you just give it a try?
He swallows.
“I’m sorry,” he licks his dry lips. “You’re right. You deserve better.”
“Yeah,” you agree quietly. “I do.”
That weekend you go meet your sister alone. You’re not sure how to tell her you and Hoseok broke up (although can it be considered breaking up since you weren’t actually dating?).
“You did a good thing. Sure, guys who give you multiple orgasms are fun for a while, but if they can’t stick around, then they’re ultimately no good.”
You nod.
“Just stay away from guys for a while… You need some time to yourself.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” It had been a while since you spent some time to yourself. For the past couple of weeks, Hoseok had been a giant magnet, with you stuck at his side. You had been way too fascinated and enthralled by his presence.
“Remember: you don’t need dicks to get yourself off! Have fun! Hang out with your friends. Maybe pick up a hobby or something. Like playing the guitar, or pole dancing. You know… Whatever you want.”
You don’t need dicks, echoes in your mind for the rest of the week. It’s good advice, you think. You don’t need dicks. Especially Jung Hoseok’s. You were perfectly fine before he waltzed into your life with his collection of snapbacks and branded shoes, so you were sure you could be fine without him.
You decide not to mope around. You want to rebel. It’s kind of sad that the only adventurous thing you’ve done since you entered college is fuck Jung Hoseok, so you want to try changing that. Your roommate is ecstatic. She’s the fun one and usually complains that you don’t let loose enough.
“Let’s go to a club tonight!”
“Tonight? It’s a weekday.”
“Yeah! It’ll be fun!” she dances around your room in excitement.
“I have class tomorrow morning though…”
“You mean the lecture on sixteenth century European art? Missing that boring thing once won’t hurt you,” she rolls her eyes, before going through your closet.
“Wait, what are you doing?” you panic, afraid she’s going to make you into her new experiment. There’s no way you’re going to a club in fuck me heels and tight tube dresses. “I’ll go, but only if you let me wear what I want.”
“Fine, fine,” she waves, plopping down on your bed. She seems to regret agreeing once she sees you pick out a simple pair of jeans and a modest black sweater.
“We’re going to a club, ___, not to your art lecture!” she grumbles, but relents when you pout at her.
You’ve only been to this club once. Truthfully you’re not much of a party-scene kind of girl, but you decide that letting go tonight might do you some good. The music isn’t all that bad, and your friend promises to pay for most of your drinks—so at the very least you can get drunk and then call a taxi home.
“Holy shit!” your friend yells at you, after downing a second shot of tequila. “I think I just saw Jeon Jungkook!”
“Yeah. He was in our aquarelle workshop in January… He’s seriously the sexiest guy I’ve seen in my life. Well, after Park Jimin because, damn, what an ass. Fuck. How come all the hot guys all stick together? They’re like a pack. Anyways, Jungkook was the one with the hot piercings and dyed hair. Do you really not remember?”
“Erm, vaguely.”
“Oh right! That was when you were seeing Jung Hoseok!” she shouts over the music. Clearly the shots and the cocktails are getting to her, because she wouldn’t be mentioning Hoseok if she was perfectly sober. “No wonder you don’t remember Jungkook… Damn, Jung Hoseok is such a nice piece of ass.”
“Can you quiet down? Oh my gosh,” you tug on her sleeve, annoyed. “And we weren’t seeing each other… It wasn’t like that.”
“I saw him sneak in your dorm so many fucking times! I don’t know what you guys did in your room but I’m pretty sure you guys weren’t studying.” Her eyebrows wiggle suggestively.
“Oh! I heard he’s into really kinky stuff, is that true? Did he make you call him master?”
“Can you shut up for one second,” you groan. “I don’t want to talk about him. Ever.”
“Fuck, I bet the sex was really good,” she sighs but then suddenly freezes.
“What? What is it?”
She clutches your wrist, “Uh, let’s go get more drinks at the bar!”
You turn around, trying to catch a glimpse at what made her so nervous.  Your roommate isn’t easily shaken up so you can’t help but worry. She tugs at your wrist insistently, but you stay stubbornly rooted to the ground when—oh.
Hoseok’s at one of the tables in the back, overlooking the dance floor. You wonder how you could have missed his presence in the first place. He looks good—of course he does—but you can only focus on the two girls flanking his side. Both of them are beautiful, with long , toned legs that are showcased perfectly under short, colorful dresses. In comparison you feel so plain dressed in your dark sweater and washed-out jeans.
It makes you a bit sick when you see one girl’s hand run up his firm chest, the other leaning to whisper in his ear. Telepathically you’re trying to tell Hoseok to push them off of him. He doesn’t.
“Hey, let’s go get a drink,” your friend urges.
“Yeah, vodka sounds good,” you agree, distracted. “Vodka sounds fucking terrific right now.”
That’s how she gets you to knock back three shots in a row. It’s a terrible idea, but the sting makes you momentarily forget how much of a fuckboy Jung Hoseok is.
The shots aren’t the best idea. It makes the dancing messy, but hey, at least you don’t care anymore about Hoseok and his harem of models.
You’ve been dancing for a while when your feet start to cramp. You need a break. By now, you’re pretty sure you’ve sweat most of the alcohol out of your system. You’re a bit tired now that you aren’t high on vodka, and images of Hoseok paint the inside of your eyelids when you close your eyes.
You’re startled once you smell the scent of smoke. You push yourself off the wall, looking around. That guy—the one your roommate pointed out to you earlier—is smoking right beside you. Inside the club.
He takes a drag of his cigarette and blows.
“You’re ___, right?”
You nod, watching the smoke drift into nothingness. You want to know how he knows your name, but then remember he used to be in your art workshop. Maybe he’s just better at memorizing names and faces, you think.
“Are you even allowed to smoke in here?” you say nervously, looking around, fully expecting someone to stomp over and drag him out by the collar.
He shoots you a look before chuckling to himself, “hm, I didn’t think you would be that type.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I can just tell,” he smirks. “That you’re a good girl.”
You pause, slightly startled by his choice of words.
“Um,” you say unsurely, choosing to ignore the way his words combined with the heated look in his eyes send a pulse down your spine.
“It’s written all over your face.”
You’re not sure how to respond, so you settle on watching him throw out his cigarette.
“I didn’t think that was his type,” he says in a low tone that you can barely hear over the pumping bass.
You can feel his eyes trace down the curves of your body. It makes you fidget. Something about the way he looks at you, pausing to stare at your hips and thighs and chest, makes you want to cover yourself up. Which is ridiculous—you’re already sweating under the thick fabric of your sweater, and your jeans don’t even cling to your skin.
“I think,” he says slowly, the tip of his tongue dragging over his bottom lip. “That you’re probably not as good as you let people think.”
You swallow, trying not to let him affect you.
He closes in until his body pins yours against the wall. You can feel his strong muscles under his shirt, his thick thigh digging against the inside of your leg. You can hardly believe someone as sexy as Jungkook is looking at you as if you’re the most interesting person in the room. There are prettier girls, more confident and sure of themselves, and you’re certain that Jungkook would have no trouble waving any one of them over.
You find yourself unable look away from him, not when he’s so close you can feel his breath ghosting over your cheek. You wonder if his eyes are always this dark, this hungry.
When his lips press into yours you feel yourself go slack, his thigh between your legs the only thing keeping you from collapsing into a puddle. He tastes like whisky and cigarettes. It should disgust you, yet there’s something addicting about it that makes you open your mouth to let the kiss deepen further.
It’s like your body doesn’t belong to you anymore. All rational thoughts vanish, until all that’s left is a pulsing need between your thighs. There’s no need to think, no need to worry, because Jungkook’s got you. His body cages around yours securely, strong arms wrapping around your waist.
“Jungkook, wait,” you pull back, trying to catch your breath.
His lips chase after yours, swallowing any of your half-hearted protests.
His hands sneak up your torso, nails catching on the fabric.  You keen, powerless. It should be shameful, how easily he’s manipulating your body in front of all these people.
“Wait… people might see,” you watch his hand grasp your breast.
He doesn’t even bother to caress it, just sinks his hard fingers into your flesh, making you thrust your chest out in pain.
“So? Don’t you want them to see what I’m going to do to you? How good I’m going to make you feel?”
“Oh my g-“ you moan, his words making your skin burn up. “Jungkook!”
Your eyes roll back in pleasure. Jungkook nips at your jaw before sucking bruises down your throat.
You don’t know what makes you do i—but you look around, trying to see if anyone’s watching your sinful activities. Everyone seems to be caught up in their own world, and you almost breathe a sigh of relief until—
You shudder when your eyes meet Hoseok’s. There’s no doubt in your mind that he’s staring at you, and even from this distance you can see him grit his teeth. The sight sends a rush of helpless arousal to your core. You don’t know why this is turning you on so much. You should be pushing Jungkook off of you, but all you do is press harder into him.
The girls that were beside him previously aren’t there anymore. Good, you think distantly. You wonder how long Hoseok’s been watching you and Jungkook. There’s a part of you that hopes he’ll march over and shove Jungkook away from your body, spin you around and spank you, punishing you, showing everyone that you are is. The fantasy has you biting your lips, tipping your head to the side so Jungkook has more access to the sensitive skin of your neck.
“You like that he’s watching, don’t you baby girl?” Jungkook’s hands dig into your sides, demanding your attention.
“Ah—what?” Your focus snaps back to him, cheeks flushing when you realize you’ve been caught.
He leans in even closer, so that his mouth is next to your ear.
“Bet Hobi’s imagining his hands on your body instead,” he breathes into the shell of your ear. You close your eyes, imagining Hoseok’s hands pulling you apart alongside Jungkook’s. “Bet he wants to feel you open wide just for him…”
He pulls back, smirking at your fucked out expression. He shifts his body so yours is more exposed to the rest of the room.
“Suck,” his voice commands, bringing two fingers up to your lips. “Come on—show him how dirty his girl is.”
You can’t seem to stop yourself from following his instructions, even though your eyes shut in embarrassment.
His other hand snakes down to cup your heat. Fuck. You can feel your lower body squirm, trying to get more friction. He spreads his fingers around; even through your jeans the pressure feels heavenly. It’s not enough. You whimper around his fingers.
“You’re so hot, fuck. I bet if you weren’t wearing your jeans you would be dripping all over the floor.”
Your body arches at that, words muffled by his hand. Your hips move back and forth, trying to feel his fingers as much as possible. You wish he would just slide his hand past the waistband of your jeans and touch your folds directly, but you have a feeling he’ll only do that if you beg. You’re half grateful he’s making you suck on his fingers because you’re not sure what you would have begged him to do to you in a room full of people. You’re so out of it, drunk on arousal, that you’re sure you would be up for anything.
“Fuck, you’re doing so good. Keep grinding on my hand like a good slut.”
You whine, rolling your hips urgently into his palm, trying to get yourself off. At this point, you don’t care any longer if you cum in front of all these people; all that matters is that you reach your end.
The more frantic and desperate you get, the harder you suck on his fingers, trying to distract yourself from the wave of pleasure that’s about to crash over you. You shouldn’t be doing this in public, not when anyone can see. It’s wrong but there’s no denying how wet you are right now. You’re convinced Jungkook can feel it soak through your jeans, wetting his fingers.
“Open your eyes,” Jungkook orders you, fingers pressing harder, giving your clit more friction. “Look at him. Show him what a good slut you are for me.”
Fuck. Your eyes search for Hoseok’s. You jerk into Jungkook’s hand when you meet his gaze. You don’t have any words to describe how he’s looking at you. He looks angry, yes, but he’s also fucking turned on by all of it. You can tell by the way he’s working his jaw. It’s the same face he has when he’s about to cum inside you and—fuck. Your eyes widen when you notice he has his fucking hand inside the front of his jeans. You watch him work over his cock shamelessly, eyes fixed on you and the way your hips are still jerking back and forth over Jungkook’s hand like your life depends on it.
You can’t tell if it’s Jungkook’s relentless ministrations or Hoseok’s intense scrutiny, but you can’t hold back your orgasm any longer. Your body slumps forward, your head landing on Jungkook’s strong chest. You feel yourself cream your underwear, fluid running down your thighs and through your pants. All the while, Jungkook is murmuring praises you can’t discern over the pounding of your heartbeat and the rushing of blood in your ears, but all you can think about is Hoseok. You wonder if he came at the same time you did, if he imagined you pulsing around his cock like you used to, if he groaned out your name when he finally released.
➵ 02 
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