residentanchor · 4 years
Roceit with gilded cage for bad things happen?
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Here ya go anon. First spot for @badthingshappenbingo tho definitely not my best work.
His Valiant Knight
Prompt: Guilded Gage Pairings: Roceit, Familial Anxciet, Roman and Remus are brothers Characters: Janus, Roman, Virgil(mentioned), Remus(mentioned/off screen) Warnings: Unsympathetic Remus, imprisonment, loss of freedom, hints of possible bodily harm(vague), pretty fluffy actually... (I’m doing this wrong) Word Count: 800+  AO3 Link: Here
“Do you like it?” Roman shifted the weight on his feet as he gave a weak smile. He had a bit of paint still on his hands, unable to scrub all of it off before eagerly searching for Janus to show him the finished painting. Janus had barely glanced at the work before Roman had asked his opinion. 
“This… is what you were working on?” He could still see the wet paint on the canvas as a stunning field lined with trees and flowers stared back at him. “Roman, this is…”
“Not my best, I know,” Roman moved around the other toward the painting, staring at it fondly. “It doesn’t do the real thing justice. The actual meadow is breathtaking-”
“No, no,” Janus held out his hand, eyes still locked on the painting as he slowly took it in. “This is magnificent! You are too harsh on yourself.”
Janus glanced up at Roman and saw the man try to hide his blushing face. Roman glanced back and they smiled softly at one another for a moment before Roman turned back to his painting. “You think so?” He had asked so gently, Janus wondered if he was meant to hear it.
“I do. If the real thing is even more beautiful, I’d love to see it one day.”
“I could take you!” Janus watched Roman perk up excitedly before quickly deflating. “Oh, I mean… maybe one day we could go?”
Janus hummed to himself and smiled sadly, tucking his hands behind his back. “I wouldn’t hold my breath.” He ignored the deep sigh that Roman let out as he stared at the painting fondly. The open meadow looked so warm and inviting, far nicer than the small garden they held on the grounds. 
Roman took a few steps closer before slowly reaching out and sliding his hand across the other’s face. Janus let Roman turn his head until their eyes met as he smiled. “One day, I promise,” Roman whispered. Janus closed his eyes and Roman brushed his thumb across Janus’ cheek. “I’ll get you out of here and we’ll go to that meadow together.”
“Your brother would never allow me to leave.”
“My brother is a fool thinking he could keep you locked away.” Roman spat the words out with disdain, not bothering to hide his hatred.
Janus smiled and opened his eyes once more. “It is a comfortable prison, at least. With excellent company.” Reaching up, he grabbed Roman’s hand that was pressed against his face and pulled it to his lips, kissing it lovingly. “Is it truly a cage when my warden is so generous to me?”
Roman sighed and gently tugged his hand away, holding it to his chest. He frowned and turned his head, staring out the nearby window. “Janus, your brother has asked me to help him look for you. I don’t know what to say. If Remus found out I gave your location away…”
“I will be fine if you decide to help Virgil. ”
“But I can’t risk that!” Roman’s shoulders hiked up to his ears as he hunched in on himself. “I worry what he’d do to you. I worry he’d take you away if I say anything. Then we’d never be able to find you again. I would never be able to...”
“Then don’t say anything.” Janus stared back at the painting as he felt Roman’s gaze return to him. “Virgil is overly cautious but that’s because he’s smart. You don’t have to tell him everything, just enough to piece things together himself. If you, for example, tell him you searched this mansion and leave the results vague, his curiosity will get the better of him.”
“I don’t want to lose you…” Roman stepped closer and reached out toward Janus, hesitant to touch him. “I love my brother but this is wrong. I just… don’t know what to do. How can I earn your freedom without risking your health? You know how Remus can be.”
“Then don’t risk anything.” Janus finally turned and grabbed Roman’s slowly retreating hand. “A prison with you is hardly a prison at all.”
“Remus wouldn’t like that. He brought you here to fall in love with him, not me.”
“Ahh, see, that is why he is a fool,” Janus tugged on Roman’s hand, pulling him in closer. “For how could he have such a knight guard my cage and not expect me to fall in love?”
“I wish I didn’t-”
“Shhh, none of that.” Janus pressed a finger to Roman’s lips. “You have made my stay as bearable as possible and for that, I am grateful.”
“Roman!” The sound of Remus’ voice caused both to flinch and quickly pull away from one another, each trying to hide their red faces. “Bring my little bird to me, will you?” 
Roman sighed and dusted off his shirt before turning to Janus. “My brother calls.”
“So he does.” Janus reached out and Roman offered his arm. “Lead the way, I suppose. But this conversation is far from over.”
Taglist: @helloisthisusernametaken @entitydark @lightningbug04 @moonstone-fox @another-sandersidesblog @thesynysterunknown @roo-kangas @singingjo-blog-blog @unikornavenger @rememberfateau-nowoffical @sanders-sides-trasshcan @sleepyssnail @jemthebookworm @spectralheartt @fandomsofrandom @johnlaurensadmirer-johnsenpaiowo @rosie601 @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @izzyfandoms @zaidiashipper @enbyamy @romanmustberomantic @daylnvale @that-one-sunfish-with-a-wig-on @squiddney69 @decayingfoxx @watchoutforthefanfics @pigeonsinatree @lynnthefander @k1ngtok1 @wewuzraw @lovelyisthesunrise @sparkedawg @pukingdraws @pixelatedrose @lovelyisthedawn
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impractical-au · 6 years
Impractical- Remy’s Origins
Roman’s Origins Virgil’s Origins Logan’s Origins Patton’s Origins Master List Character List
While stifling a yawn, Copy Cat took a seat on the edge of the roof and leaned back, looking out across the city. “It’s late, how much longer are we going to be out?” “The night is still young! True crime is only just beginning in the veil of night!” The Prince stood proudly, walking back and forth across the rooftop. “We must stay alert!” “Speak for yourself, I have work early in the morning,” Copy Cat wiped at his eye as a tear ran down and sighed. “I’m not used to staying up so late and these contacts are killing me.” “Aww, just a little bit longer?” The Prince walked over to his companion who stared up, eyes drooping as he stretched his arms over his head. “Then we can get you home for the night.” “This cat is not nocturnal. I’m ready for a cat nap.” The Prince smiled and spun around, his cloak billowing behind him. “Worry not, my faithful companion! We just need to let the city know we are here!” He peered over the edge of the roof and stared down at the quiet streets as cars drove by. “Those other two are still out there! We must let them know that we will not be intimidated by them!” Prince waited a moment for a reply before he spun around. “Come on, Pat Cat, at least humor me.” Prince froze, staring at his friend sound asleep on the edge of the roof, except… “‘Fraid he can’t hear you, babe.” Someone held onto Copy Cat’s shoulder, bending down as they watched the masked man doze off. The hero couldn’t make them out other than the darkened glasses that covered their eyes and the jacket they wore. “He looked a little sleepy so I gave him a hand.” The figure wiggled their fingers at the Prince with a smirk before keeling down completely. “Not a smart idea to have them out so tired like that, you can make some mistakes.” “Who are you?!” The Prince took a stance as his hands lit up, blue sparks shooting out and ready to attack. The mysterious figure simply clicked their tongue and sighed. “You really gonna try that with me? Your friend here seems to be having some nice dreams.” At their words, their eyes glowed a hazy white that lit up the glasses and caused Copy Cat to smile. He giggled and sighed, leaning back and snuggling into them as he continued to dream. “I would hate to have to change it into a terrible nightmare.” Princey immediately unclenched his hands, letting the sparks die off. “Good, glad you see things my way.” “Stand and face me, villain! I will not allow you to harm my partner!” Finally, the figure helped Copy Cat off of the ledge and carefully lay him down onto the rooftop where they stayed asleep. “Fine, ruin my aesthetic, why don’t you?” They stood up and stepped closer, letting the Prince finally see them more clearly in the pale moonlight that was washed out by the glow of the city. For some reason, they decided a crop top with a fluffy cloud printed on the front and a leather jacket made for a good fashion choice, and the glasses weren’t glasses at all. They were darkened like sunglasses but appeared more like safety goggles than anything. They smiled and slowly made their way across the rooftop toward the Prince. “So, what do you want from us you fashion reject?” They gasped and placed a hand over their heart. “Ouch, that like, really hurt. Come now, surely you can’t be serious?” They pointed to the Prince and scrunched their nose in disgust. “Dressed like that? Seriously, babe, I look great in comparison.” The Prince glared, his fingers itching to lash out. “You can call me Insomniac. I’m society’s worst nightmare.” “Wow. Real original. Good job, how long did it take for you to come up with that?” “Hmm,” Insomniac took another step closer, keeping a few feet distance between them. “About as long as it took for me to look good in this jacket.” They winked flirtatiously, enjoying the Prince’s reaction as he flushed. “So, they’re your partner, hmm?” “Wha-yes. I mean, no! I mean…” Prince held out his arms, waving them back and forth frantically. “Partner in justice! Nothing more!” “Oooh, really?” Insomniac looked over their shoulder and watched Copy Cat still snoozing on the rooftop happily. “Hey!” Prince stepped forward, holding out his hands as they sparked back to life. “Eye’s off! What do you want from us?” “Nothing, just checking out the others. I mean, you made quite a ruckus across the world, I traveled all this way to this city just to meet you.” The Prince blinked in surprise as his hands calmed down, the blue sparks vanishing once more. “You and that dark one. And then I get here and there’s two more!” Insomniac walked passed Prince and to the edge of the roof. “I think I’m gonna have some fun.” “Wait! What about Copy Cat?” Insomniac looked over his shoulder slowly to the Prince. “I mean, he’ll wake up, right?” “Oh come now. I’m here to have fun, I’m not that evil.” The Prince ran over to his friend snoozing on the side and Insomniac took the chance to leave before the Prince decided to finally take action. After they managed to sneak away down the fire escape as they planned, Insomniac lifted thier goggles and let out a sigh, looking up at the building. “Well, gurl, that was interesting.” Replacing their goggles, they smiled and turned to walk off casually through the city. “Now, Remy, what to do to get the attention of the other two? Hope they’re more fun than that.” 
Taglist: @arandompasserby @waywordwriter (I’m adding my general taglist as well since it’s still technically my writing and I was posting all of this on my main blog originally anyway) General: @helloisthisusernametaken @entitydark @lightningbug04 @moonstone-fox @another-sandersidesblog @thesynysterunknown @roo-kangas @singingjo @unikornavenger @rememberfateau-nowoffical @sanders-sides-trasshcan @sleepyssnail @jemthebookworm @spectralheartt @fandomsofrandom @johnlaurensadmirer-johnsenpaiowo @rosie601 @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @izzyfandoms @zaidiashipper @enbyamy @romanmustberomantic @daylnvale
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somatelina · 8 years
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Me and my friends.
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residentanchor · 4 years
The ROman fans are gonna hate me, but I have to request Self-Loathing with Roman for your Bad Things Happen Bingo
Hope I managed to get this one sad enough for you! @badthingshappenbingo
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Nothing Left
Prompt: Self-Loathing Pairings: None Characters: Roman Warnings: Self deprecation, negative thoughts, tears Word Count: 900 AO3 Link: Here
Roman’s part of the mindscape he lived in was his pride and joy. The room was connected to him, changing and shifting with his thoughts and becoming exactly what he needed it to be at any moment. As Roman sat down at the overly ornate desk in the wing attached to his room, his mind was racing with what to do next. A flurry of ideas raced around his mind, popping up and being dismissed just as quickly. He stared down at the papers in disarray on his desk, his eyes flickering across them frantically. Ideas he had been proud of just hours before stared back at him almost mockingly. Even though he was wearing his prince outfit, he could feel the room growing colder as a chill began to settle in.
“What do I do?” He whispered, picking up a piece of paper before crumpling it up and dismissing it, tossing it over his shoulder. It hit the floor and disappeared in a burst of sparkles, vanishing from existence. Roman then picked up another before repeating the action. Again and again, papers were being discarded and tossed, an explosion of sparkles hitting the floor over and over. Finally, all the papers were gone and Roman sat back in his throne-like chair with a huff. “What do I do?!”
He threw his hands over his face, covering his eyes before they pushed up and ran through his hair. Taking a moment to try and quell is growing anger, he blinked rapidly a few times before staring at the ceiling of his room that mimicked the night sky. A few stars stared back at him while some clouds had begun to form. “I gave him everything... Where did I go wrong?!”
Roman sat in silence for a moment before angrily pushing away from his desk and began pacing. “Roman, you are so important to me.” “I am your creativity! I come up with your ideas! I help you make your dreams come true!” Roman began to shout into his room as the chill settled in more. Every time Thomas had asked something of him, Roman poured his entire being into making sure it was the best it could be.
“I genuinely don’t know what I would do without you.”
“I work so hard every day to create the things you put out into the world! I am the reason we can do this whole thing as a career!” Even Logan acknowledged that Roman was essential with their lifestyle. Roman hated to admit he was a people pleaser, changing his ideas at the drop of a hat just to make the others happy. No matter what he wanted.
“You have gotten me through some of my roughest days!”
“You need me, Thomas! You’ve told me you’ve needed me! You’ve…” Roman stopped pacing, out of breath as his eyes began to water. “You called me your hero.”
“...but I need the other guys, too.”
Why. Why why why.
“Why am I not… good enough?” Roman looked around, the question hanging in the air unanswered. His eyes began to sting with the threat of tears. “I did everything you wanted, why am I never good enough?!” Roman turned and pushed over his chair before knocking everything off of his desk, slamming his hands down onto it. “You wanted to be a good friend so I helped you lie. You wanted to be a good person so I gave up the callback! Our dream! Then you…” Roman felt his throat close up and watched the tears well up in his eyes. His vision began to blur and he blinked, tears racing down his face. “You wanted so much and I gave you everything. And then you told me I was wrong and you sided with…” Roman clenched his teeth, a soft sob escaping him. He pushed off of the desk as the tension left his shoulders. “Why, Thomas? You listen to Remus, you listen to Janus, you… We were supposed to be good.” Roman shook his head and stumbled back, standing in the middle of his room. He heard the thunder roll across the mindscape, the ceiling surely mimicking his mood and now completely covered in storm clouds. “Why am I not good enough? Why am I never good enough for you no matter how hard I try? If you don’t listen to me then what is the point of me?! What more do you want from me? I don’t have anything left!”
Roman felt his legs shake before they gave out, hitting the plush carpet hard. He ignored the sting and clutched his heart as tears continued to stream down his face. “I gave up everything for you, I thought I was being selfless every step of the way. I kept giving and giving… until there was nothing left.” Roman managed a small chuckle between his sobs. “Of course, you don’t listen to me, I’m so useless! I can’t even do my job right! The very thing I was created for! I-” Roman’s voice quivered as he sucked in air, finding it harder to breathe. “I don’t… know what to do anymore… I don’t…” He shook his head and fell, his head nearly touching the floor. Sobs racked his body as he shook, the thunder growling with anger as the sound of torrential rain began to echo through his room. “I don’t know anything anymore…”
General Taglist: @helloisthisusernametaken @entitydark @lightningbug04 @moonstone-fox @another-sandersidesblog @thesynysterunknown @roo-kangas @singingjo-blog-blog @unikornavenger @rememberfateau-nowoffical @sanders-sides-trasshcan @sleepyssnail @jemthebookworm @spectralheartt @fandomsofrandom @johnlaurensadmirer-johnsenpaiowo @rosie601 @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @izzyfandoms @zaidiashipper @enbyamy @romanmustberomantic @daylnvale @that-one-sunfish-with-a-wig-on @squiddney69 @decayingfoxx @watchoutforthefanfics @pigeonsinatree @lynnthefander @k1ngtok1 @wewuzraw @lovelyisthesunrise @sparkedawg @pukingdraws @pixelatedrose @lovelyisthedawn
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residentanchor · 5 years
Skirting Around the Problem
I wrote a demiboy Patton fic because! :D
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: Patton was feeling confident enough to try a skirt but some people are just jerks.
Ship: Moxiety
Warnings: transphobic assholes, insults, threats, insecurity, misgendering, blackmail(kinda)
Patton had really hoped that college was going to be different than high school. 
Not that high school was bad! It was just… absolutely dreadful. All the insecurities piled on top of the hormones and the desperate need to be validated was just a terrible mix. Much like Patton was, everyone else in their graduating class was figuring themselves out. So, they had hoped college was going to be a nice, fresh start! They were going to a college far enough away that they had really, really hoped that it would all be a new experience.
A week in, Patton had learned that it would not be the case.
Some of the popular kids from their high school were there and had run into them. Seeing ‘Patton the shy boy’ in high school didn’t help ‘Patton the bold demiboy’ in college. Seeing them in a pretty floral skirt on a they/them day had torn all of Patton’s confidence away in an instant. The mocking and insults came swiftly as someone took photos to text to everyone back home. This isn’t how Patton wanted to explain everything to their parents. This wasn’t how they wanted to show themselves to the world.
“Should we start calling you Patty now, huh?”
“Yeah! You trying to be a girl or something?!”
When they had put on the grey and blue bow in their hair that day, they had been confident enough to try out a skirt. Of course, this was the day they found some of their old classmates. “I don’t have to be a girl to wear a skirt…”
The group burst out laughing, pointing at Patton as they did so. “Oh yeah?” One of them spoke out. “Says who?”
“I do.”
Patton turned and jumped in surprise. If running into the old popular bullies from high school was a shock, Patton didn’t see this one coming at all. The school punk, the scary kid at the back of the class. The one no one dared mess with… was standing right behind them.
Virgil seemed taller than Patton remembered, but maybe that’s because they had never really been this close. Virgil was wearing a new purple hoodie, with the hood up of course, and a leather jacket on top. His hair was newly dyed purple, brighter than the last time Patton had seen it. They looked just as bored and as intimidating as they remembered him to be, however. 
“Oh, look who it is! You coming to protect your new girlfriend?” One of the bullies taunted.
Virgil’s blank expression didn’t change before he looked down at Patton. “Your pronouns?”
“Your pronouns? What are they?”
Patton jumped after they realized what Virgil was asking. “Oh! Um, he/him?”
Virgil raised an eyebrow, the first change of expression Patton had seen. “Are you asking me or telling me?” His eyes shifted a bit before flickering back down to Patton’s. “Your bow, is it the demiboy flag or is that a coincidence? Do you use they/them as well?”
“I knew you were all talk!” One of the bullies cut them off, not letting Patton answer. “Bet all those rumors about you were fake!”
Virgil took a step forward and placed a hand on Patton’s shoulder. “Let me handle this.”
The bullies let out a collective ‘Ooooh’ as Virgil stepped between Patton and the rest of the group. “Gonna do something about it, emo boy?”
Virgil frowned and stood up tall. Patton had realized he always slouched a bit, but seeing Virgil at his full height was a bit of a shock. He was easily over 6 feet, but Patton wasn’t going to ask just how tall he was. 
“I do have a problem. You make fun of someone and misgender them, of course I’m gonna have a problem.” 
The head bully started laughing as he smiled at Virgil. “Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?”
“I don’t know, Paul. You tell me?” The head bully, Paul, laughed as all of his friends joined in. “If all people who wear skirts and dresses are girls, should I start calling you Pauline?”
Paul immediately grew angry as the laughter stopped. “You saying I wear skirts?”
Virgil looked away with a bored expression. “I’m not saying anything. I just know you like wearing that blue dress you keep in the back of your closet when no one’s around. Maybe don’t pick on other people because you are afraid what you see in yourself, huh?”
Paul bared his teeth and squared his shoulders, immediately becoming defensive. “You got proof, huh tough guy? Or are you just asking me to knock some sense into you?”
“Yes.” Paul froze at Virgil’s still very bored expression as he dug a phone out of his pocket. “About the proof, I mean. Would you like your friends to see?” He looked down and began typing away with his one hand. “It hugs your form nicely. It genuinely is a nice color on you.” Virgil stopped and looked up. “Or you can leave Patton alone and delete all the photos you took of them.”
“You’re bluffing.”
Paul looked unsure as his friends behind him began to whisper amongst themselves. Virgil took out his other hand from his jacket and began typing away at his phone quickly. “I can upload it right now if you want?”
All the color from Paul’s face washed away as he leaned back. His friends began to laugh and he turned around, panicking. “Shush! There is no photo! I never wore a dress!”
“Hmm, maybe,” Virgil spoke up. “You just have to walk away right now and leave Patton alone.”
With a huff, Paul turned around and waved at his friends. “Come on, guys. Let's get out of here.”
There were barely a few feet away before Virgil called out to them. “Paul! You ever wanna talk, I’ll delete it!” They didn’t act as they heard them as they walked away.
Patton watched in awe and took a few steps closer, peeking over at Virgil’s phone. A photo was displayed right on the front, just as Virgil had said. It looked like a surprise photo of Paul in a powder blue dress as he was caught by surprise. Patton barely got a glance before Virgil tapped away and pocketed it once more. “Y-you had a photo?”
“Yeah, but I’d never share it. I’d never sink that low.” Virgil kept his eyes on the retreating group as he spoke. “Paul only calls you names because he sees himself in you and that scares him. He’s jealous because you’re braver than he is.” Virgil turned and smiled down at Patton, causing their heart to flutter. “Name’s Virgil.”
“I know! We, ah, we went to high school together?”
Virgil turned and looked surprised this time. “You remember me?”
Patton stuttered a bit at the response. “Remember you? You were the coolest kid in school! Everyone was too afraid to bother you!”
“Ah, a lonely existence. Very unlike you, Patton. Always talking to people, surrounded by friends…”
They ducked their head away and grabbed their skirt in their hands, swaying it back and forth. “Ah, I just didn’t like being alone.”
“So, was I right?” Patton looked up and Virgil pointed at their bow. “A demiboy?”
“Oh, yes! It’s a bit more of a they/them kind of day but I wouldn’t mind either today, honestly.” Patton looked back down at their skirt. “I was feeling a bit confident but it was probably a bad idea.”
“The skirt? Why is it a bad idea?”
“Well, it’s kind of asking to be picked on, isn’t it?”
“No.” Patton looked back up and saw the serious look on Virgil’s face. He wasn’t kidding. “Absolutely not. It’s not your fault that they’re dicks. You should be able to wear what makes you comfortable without having to worry about someone saying something.”
“Well, that’s a nice thought but…”
“Not a thought, not while I’m around.” Patton looked up at Virgil, eyes widening and… was that a blush on Virgil’s face? “Ah, where are you headed? I only had one early morning class and I’m free for the day. I could escort you?”
Patton couldn’t stop smiling if they tried. “That would be wonderful!”
Taglist: @helloisthisusernametaken @entitydark @lightningbug04 @moonstone-fox @another-sandersidesblog @thesynysterunknown @roo-kangas @singingjo @unikornavenger @rememberfateau-nowoffical @sanders-sides-trasshcan @sleepyssnail @jemthebookworm @spectralheartt @fandomsofrandom @johnlaurensadmirer-johnsenpaiowo @rosie601 @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @izzyfandoms @zaidiashipper @enbyamy @romanmustberomantic @daylnvale @that-one-sunfish-with-a-wig-on @squiddney69
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