#mean jeonghan
"I'd do anything" (M)
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Desperate to expunge your squeaky clean record you go to Jeonghan and tell him you’ll do anything if he’ll get you drugs
Tags: dubcon, bad reputation!Jeonghan, good student!yn, afab yn, anal, bribing, begging, creampie, rough sex, mean!jeonghan, impact!play, safewords made but never used, yn is a virgin, but really just so jeonghan can tease them for it, teasing, virginity is taken very not seriously, multiple orgasms?, fingering, a dash of exhibitionism cause yeah, condescending!jeonghan, this is not realistic okay, *squint* talks of aftercare, drugs are mentioned
But Brie, this isn’t an accurate representation of someone losing their virginity, but brie why is Jeonghan so rough and mean, but brie why can’t you think of any other way to describe someone “getting hot” or “turning red” BECAUSE…. BECAUSE…. SHUT UP OKAY?!
You couldn’t help the way that you paced back and forth in front of Jeonghan’s dorm room door, trying to figure out if this was really the move. After all, wasn’t all of this a bit much?
Yes, in elementary school you had preened under the attention of being the good kid. Even in middle school you had enjoyed being what everyone considered to be the teacher’s pet, but when you hit high school… It got old. You were so tired of the way that people would talk to you. The way that they looked down on you because, you actually studied during your free period, and because your teachers trusted you to run errands for them during class.
You weren’t just some good kid who was constantly doing the right thing. You weren’t just interested in studying all the time. You wanted to be invited to parties. You wanted to have friends who you went drinking with.
But your reputation in high school was set. Unwavering. So, you thought you would just wait until college and finally you would be free.
And then college was the same.
You had to do something drastic. You were desperate to get your reputation expunged.
And so that’s why you were here.
“Look at who it is…”
You jumped, your teeth biting into the back of your hand as you screwed your eyes shut, trying to shake the pure fear out of your body at having been caught… Here. By just the person that you were trying to see.
“Ah… Jeonghan!” You said, raising your hand to the back of your neck.
Jeonghan raised an eyebrow at you, a few strands of his long dark hair falling in his face. You swallowed hard under his watchful gaze, turning your eyes away from him. That… Was quite the mistake. Suddenly you found yourself pressed up against Jeonghan’s door, his hand pressed by your hand on the door, his other hand on his doorknob. You swallowed hard at having suddenly been pressed up against the wall. Like you were in a fucking anime.
You didn’t really… Know Jeonghan all that well. You knew about as much as everyone did. Rumored to have mafia connections. Quiet… Mostly kept to himself, staying only around a select few.
You hadn’t ever heard of him actually doing anything that really labeled him as a bad boy, but he had the label none-the-less.
Maybe it came from this: His cocky behavior.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” Jeonghan asked, a smile flickering across his lips. “Wasn’t expecting our school’s star student coming knocking on the black sheep’s door.”
You swallowed, and you were pretty sure the sound was audible.
“Do you live here?” You asked with a laugh. “I had no clue.”
Jeonghan stared at you. You sucked in another breath.
“I need drugs.”
Jeonghan’s eyebrows shot up in surprise and he pulled back a little. He stared at you for a few seconds, clearly unsure of what to say. Then he pulled all the way back and nudged your shoulder with his.
You stumbled to the side as Jeonghan opened his dorm room door, and you watched for a few seconds in confusion before realizing that Jeonghan was just going to leave you out in his hallway. You pushed between him and his opening bedroom door.
“I’m serious,” you blurted insistently. “I need drugs.”
“What are you going to do with drugs?” Jeonghan asked you back. “You wouldn’t even know how to use them.”
Frustration strummed through you.
“Yes, I would, you just… Smoke weed or whatever,” you insisted. “And like, you shoot heroin with a needle.”
“You’re asking for heroin?” Jeonghan asked back.
“I’m asking for marijuana!” You blurted back. Even as you spoke Jeonghan was placing the palm of his hand to your mouth. You protested adamantly as he pushed you back into his dorm room. You stumbled upon no longer being pressed against the door and Jeonghan shut his dorm room behind you.
“Marijuana,” Jeonghan said, in a mocking tone. “Is not exactly legal here. It’s not easy to come by. And why do you think that I would be able to get it for you.”
He locked his door with a click.
“Or even want to get it for you.”
“Well…” You trailed off. “I mean…” You had no real reason to think that Jeonghan could get this for you. And you had no bargaining tricks to actually get him to get you the drugs either. Your mind raced as you tried to figure out what you could say. What a good thing to convince him would be.
“I’ll let you fuck me.”
Silence filled the room. Jeonghan’s eyes trailed down your body as you began to burn a deep red. You swallowed hard, wondering what was making you so impulsive. I’ll let you fuck me? What the fuck kind of proposition was that?
His eyes made their way back up your body and he put his hands on his hips, bunching his baggy white shirt up with it. He opened his mouth, surely to reject you.
“Anywhere,” you blurted back instead. “You can fuck me anywhere you want. Men like that right?”
Jeonghan seemed even more thrown off by your words.
“What are you even talking about?”
Oh my god, you wished you would just shut up.
“You would let me fuck you in the ass?” Jeonghan asked. You couldn’t tell if he was amused or not. You firmly pressed your lips together so that you wouldn’t say anything else stupid. You gave him one curt nod.
Silence fell between you and Jeonghan as he stared you down, but you refused to back down from whatever he was trying to get you to back down from.
Finally, he sighed, looking away from you.
“Why didn’t you just go to Hansol?” He asked you. As he spoke, he guided you over to his bed, pushing you down on it. You watched him with the innocence of… Well, the good kid that everyone always painted you as. You moved your hands to your lap, watching as he walked to the complete opposite end of his dorm. He took a seat on his roommate’s bed, propping his elbows up on his knees. He was… The very definition of man spreading.
You suddenly remembered that he had asked you a question.
“I…” You weren’t really certain of how to answer. Why hadn’t you just gone to Hansol? Everyone on campus knew that Hansol was a stoner and if Hansol was a stoner then he would certainly know where to buy you something.
And Hansol was a really sweet guy. If you were to ask him there would be no question on whether or not he would help you achieve your goal.
“I don’t know Hansol that well,” you finally said. Jeonghan let his head rest on his knuckles.
“And you know me better?” He pressed. Your fingers dug into your pants, your teeth catching the inside of your mouth nervously. “Why do you even want drugs?”
Now that was a question you could answer.
“I’m tired of my reputation.” You blurted. “Tired of everyone talking to me like I’m some innocent kid just because I get good grades and I’m nice to teachers. I’m not perfect, I don’t need to be babied.”
Jeonghan hummed.
“Well, despite your adamancy you are innocent,” he stated. You glared at him, fingers pinching your thighs through your pants.
“I’m not innocent,” you pressed.
“Yes, you are,” Jeonghan argued back, his lips quirking up at the sight of your frustration. “And that’s why you came here. Isn’t it?”
“I came here to ask you to get me drugs,” you said back.
“Well, I won’t get you any,” Jeonghan replied just as evenly. Your eyes widened at the flat-out denial of your request.
“But-!” You stood up without really thinking. “Jeonghan I’ll do anything.”
Jeonghan’s eyebrows quirked.
“Seriously! Anything you want Jeonghan. You can do anything you want to me, I’m serious. I’d-”
“Is that not prostitution?” Jeonghan asked. Your mouth dropped open, and once again he had left you stuped.
“It just seems like you’re trying to sell your body to me,” Jeonghan pointed out. He pulled himself up a little bit, raising his eyes to make your gaze more even now that you were standing. He leaned back on his hands and his head fell to the side a bit. “In that case you would be bribing me to commit a crime by trying to get me to commit a different crime.”
Your jaw stayed open.
“I just thought-” God, what kind of guy even was Jeonghan? “If you’re not going to do it then just tell me you aren’t going to do it.”
“I already told you I wasn’t going to do it,” Jeonghan replied calmly.
At this point, your heart was racing and your face was burning red. Every part of you wanted to just storm out angrily, and Jeonghan seemed to read that in your eyes.
“What’s wrong angel, did I make you mad?” He asked. “You’re used to getting everything that you want, aren’t you?”
If it was possible your face burned even hotter.
“That’s not true.”
“Then why are you still here?” Jeonghan pressed. He got up to his feet, reminding you of your unfortunate height difference. He walked back over to you and his fingers buried into your hair. He tugged your hair at its roots so that you were forced to look up at him.
You felt your mouth go dry.
“You said you aren’t innocent, but you are and that’s why you really came here today,” Jeonghan said. He once again looked you up and down, a small humming leaving his throat as he stared at you.
“You wanted me to come expunge your record. You wanted to prove to everyone that you truly are in fact no longer innocent. You knew that if you asked Hansol he would let you smoke with him. And you also knew that to get what you want you don’t even have to smoke weed.”
Jeonghan shifted his weight, but he didn’t loosen his grip.
“You could do something as innocent as start smoking cigarettes and people would start to look at you differently. All you have to do to get those is go to the closest gas station.
Jeonghan leaned forward a bit, his face growing closer to yours. He smiled as your eyes flickered down to his lips.
“You want me to take your virginity.”
Your eyes widened.
“I’m not a virgin.”
He laughed.
“No?” He clearly didn’t believe you. “And I suppose I was wrong about everything before too.”
Jeonghan’s head tilted down a little bit and you let your head tilt up a bit too, your brain lost in a haze, thinking that he was going to kiss you. Jeonghan’s lips were so close to yours.
“Got you.”
Your face burned.
“This doesn’t mean I’m a virgin,” you murmured. Jeonghan’s fingers released your hair, and he took a step back from you. You cleared your throat, brushing your fingers through your strands in order to tidy yourself back up again.
“I’m not going to take your virginity,” Jeonghan said pointedly. “Why did you think that I was going to do it anyways?”
“What do you want me to do then?” You asked, finally relinquishing to the idea that you were in fact a virgin. “You want me to go to someone else? Let some other person take my virginity and then come back to you and beg you to buy me drugs.”
Jeonghan’s eyes widened a bit.
“Don’t just ask people to take your virginity,” he blurted. “And just ask Hansol. I’ll call you for him.”
Jeonghan took a few steps away from you in order to get his phone out. He started to mess with it, but you just huffed.
“Well, is there something wrong with me then?” You demanded. “Is that what it is? I’m too innocent to fuck.”
Jeonghan laughed dryly, not looking up at you as he presumably pulled up Hansol’s contact.
“You being too innocent isn’t why I won’t fuck you.”
You snatched his phone out of his hands, forcing him to look at you .
“Then why?” You prodded. Jeonghan shifted his weight, propping one of his hands on his hip.
“Because I’m not going to go easy on you just because it’s your first time. If you taunt me with being able to fuck any hole on you, I’m going to do it. No hesitation.”
“But you are hesitating,” you grumbled. Jeonghan rolled his eyes.
“You don’t want me to?”
You let silence fill the room at his question, which made him smile.
“You’re hesitating,” he pointed out.
“Just fuck me,” you insisted. “Please.”
Jeonghan put a single finger to your forehead and leaned forward.
Your eyes zeroed in on his finger.
“One: You can’t tell anyone,” he said. “I don’t want people on my ass for being the ‘bad boy’-” He used air quotations. “- who took your virginity.”
Your eyebrows furrowed slightly.
“Two: You’ll tell me if you’re uncomfortable with anything that is happening,” he replied firmly. “I may be… Rough but I’m not heartless. It’s your first time if you need me to go… Slower…”
He seemed to be a bit bothered as he said that. You could tell that he was rethinking whether or not he wanted to actually take your virginity.
“Just say something,” he finally said. “Seriously, no shame.”
“It’s not going to bother me,” you protested. “Just cause it’s my first time doesn’t mean that I won’t… Like it.”
Jeonghan’s finger pressed harder into your forehead.
“You don’t know what I’m into,” you said.
Jeonghan hummed and then spoke a word. Your eyebrows furrowed and you repeated it in confusion. Jeonghan rolled his eyes.
“It’s your safe word,” he stated plainly. “I’ll stop if you just say stop, but if that’s uncomfortable to you for some reason-”
“I know what a safe word is,” you interrupted him. Feeling a bit annoyed. “I told you. You don’t know what I’m into.”
Jeonghan didn’t look entirely convinced.
“Three… You have to beg for it and prove you really want it.”
Your face burned under his gaze, not entirely sure what he wanted you to say. Sure, you had read tons of stories about this, and watched a handful of videos where someone had to beg but… To actually have to do it.
“I’m not patient,” Jeonghan mumbled. You swallowed hard and forced yourself to keep your eyes on him.
“Please fuck me,” you mumbled softly. “I want you so badly Jeonghan.”
You thought you sounded a bit robotic, but Jeonghan seemed to like it. His lips quirked up a bit in amusement. Once again, his fingers buried in your hair, and he held you tight, forcing you to look him in the eyes.
“Really?” He pressed, wanting more.
“Really,” you agreed. “I’ve… Been thinking about you ever since I first saw you.”
You wished you could say it wasn’t true but Jeonghan was right in his accusations that you had been strategic in the way that you had gone about this whole situation. You had been desperate to get his attention, and you had genuinely thought that you would be able to trick Jeonghan into thinking that you didn’t want it so badly by coming under the guise of I’ll do anything for drugs.
But it seemed that wasn’t the case. He had seen right through you.
“Life isn’t one of your shitty porn videos,” Jeonghan chided you softly. “If you wanted to fuck me… Well angel, you should have just asked.”
Jeonghan tipped his head down a bit more, his nose brushing yours as his lips ghosted yours.
“Last chance to stay pure.”
The tone of his voice told you that he didn’t actually believe that fucking someone made them impure, and still the words sent a shiver through your body. You tilted your chin up, letting your lips brush his. Jeonghan laughed at your weak attempt to initiate the kiss.
“Is it your first kiss too?” He teased you lightly. At this rate he was so close to you that you were confident that he could just feel the redness of your cheeks by your twos close proximity.
You raised both of your hands to Jeonghan’s head.
“Shut up.”
You pulled him close to you, squashing your lips together, but the fact that you actually hadn’t kissed anyone before was pretty evident.
Jeonghan laughed against your lips and pulled away slightly, his fingers burying into your hair again.
“It really is your first kiss,” he said in awe.
“It’s…” You trailed off, face burning. “Don’t laugh at me.”
“I’m not laughing at you,” Jeonghan assured lightly. His hands dropped to your side, and he tugged at the bottom of your shirt. “It’s just amusing… Do you really not care about the importance of your first time?”
He gave you a small kiss, and then pulled your shirt over your head. He gave you another kiss, putting one hand to the small of your back and the other hand to the clasp of your bra.
“Firsts don’t really mean anything,” you mumbled. Jeonghan feigned offense.
“If firsts don’t mean anything does that mean I’m not special?”
You snorted at his faux tone but that didn’t matter at all to him. You hadn’t even realized what he was doing until suddenly your bra had loosened around your chest. Your face burned red, and you suddenly raised your hands to your chest, holding up your bra weakly. Jeonghan snorted at you.
“You know if I’m going to fuck you anywhere than I am going to be seeing you naked right?”
Your face was still bright red.
“That doesn’t mean I’m not going to be a little embarrassed about it,” you mumbled softly. Jeonghan took your wrist with one of his hands, forcing your arm away from your body, letting your bra to lopsidedly fall off your other arm. As he moved your arm he also moved your body, guiding you over to the wall. He didn’t push you against it but he may as well have with how close he was to you. He made sure to toss aside your bra once he had released your arm, and then he took you by your hips, now pressing you into the wall.
“Let’s see what we are working with,” Jeonghan mumbled, and the way that he looked at you made you realize what it was like to be seen as an object. And not in the way that you had seen people describe it on tiktok. No, you knew now what it felt like when one of the characters of your adult fantasy novels said that the male lead looked at them like an object.
Heat rushed through your body so quickly that you were surprised when Jeonghan raised his hand to pinch at one of your nipples and it was rock hard. You resisted the urge to push him away, because you had never been touched by someone like this before, and you were finding the burn of your body intoxicating.
Jeonghan raised his other hand to your breasts, completely cupping the other one, and you raised your hand to your mouth, biting down on your knuckle to keep from making any embarrassing sounds. You tried to watch Jeonghan as he began to fondle with your breasts, but the heat in his eyes that you had only ever seen written before was a bit overwhelming. You found yourself having to turn your head, pressing your hand into your mouth harder as he squeezed and kneaded your breasts.
“No one’s ever touched you like this before either huh?” Jeonghan observed, and when he spoke you realized that he was very close to your neck. As soon as the words were completely out of his mouth, his lips had latched on your neck. You cried out against your hand and shook your head to say no even though he couldn’t see you.
Jeonghan’s head dipped a bit lower after having bit down a few times on your neck. He kissed over your collarbone and then his mouth was gently sucking one of your nipples into his mouth.
You gasped out in surprise and your hands darted to his head, your fingers grabbing at his hair.
“A-Ah, Jeong-”
You felt his lips curve up into a smile and his teeth nipped lightly at your nipple.
“You’re so reactive,” he murmured. “I forgot how loud virgins are.”
“Stop calling me a virgin,” you whined. In response Jeonghan lowered one of his hands, sliding it down your hips. He unbuttoned your pants with a single flick, and slowly pushed his hand into your underwear. Your face burned and your hands tugged at his hair urgently.
“What are yo-” You were interrupted by your own surprised moan as Jeonghan slipped a finger into you. You slammed your hand over your mouth at the sound of your moan.
“Even a virgin would be better than you at handling a finger in their cunt,” he murmured. His head dipped back down, refocusing on your tits. You tugged at his hair with the one hand that wasn’t (poorly) stifling your moans.
“It’s like you’ve never even fingered yourself before,” Jeonghan said, his voice heightened in amusement. His fingers slipped from you, and he pulled away from you. He slipped his finger into his mouth.
“Drop your pants.”
You stared at him; your hands having had to catch yourself on the wall in surprise at the loss of his support. He raised an eyebrow at you as you panted there dumbly.
“Don’t look at me like an idiot, take off your pants.”
You nodded and struggled to get the pants off. Once they were tossed aside awkwardly on the floor Jeonghan sat down in front of you, looking up at you from where he was now cross-legged on the floor.
“Spread your legs,” he mumbled softly. You did so the best that you could while standing against the wall. “Good… Now, I want you to run your hands down your body…”
Your eyebrows furrowed and again- You did the best that you could to slid your hands down, a bit confused on where you were going. Jeonghan rolled his eyes.
“Down to your pussy angel,” he murmured. “But… Don’t touch your clit. Want to watch you finger yourself.”
Your eyebrows rose in surprise.
“I’m not going to-”
“Didn’t you say you would do anything for those drugs?” He asked you. Your lips pressed in frustration. “Or were you just saying that because you wanted me to fuck you? You didn’t think I was going to hold you to that promise? Anything?”
Your body was warm. Did that mean that he was going to do everything you offered…? Did that mean-
“You know a virgin shouldn’t be so excited to do anal,” Jeonghan commented. Before you could argue that he was gesturing at you to move faster.
“Come on, if you can’t even finger yourself why should I fuck you? I can’t teach you everything,” he commented, and there was a disgruntled tone in his voice that made you lightly bang the back of your head against the wall as you finally slid one of your fingers into yourself.
“I know how to finger myself,” you murmured, your voice was a bit airy as you spoke. Your finger was a bit shorter and thinner than Jeonghan’s had been. Just a bit. So, you were a bit frustrated even though he had only been fingering you for a little bit. You slipped a second finger into you, trying to pish your fingers as deep into as you could manage.
“You’re doing such a good job,” Jeonghan praised lightly. “I don’t even know why you came. You don’t need me to get off do you?”
You looked down at Jeonghan, face surely bright red at being watched. Jeonghan tilted his up a bit.
“Why don’t you play with your tits too huh? Give me a bit of a show.”
You opened your mouth to protest cause this wasn’t what you meant when you said anything but even as you were doing that you were raising your free hand to knead and pinch at your breasts. A whine left your mouth at the feeling instead of a sentence of protest towards Jeonghan.
You let your head hit the back of the wall again, and your eyes fluttered shut as you tried to pretend that Jeonghan wasn’t there watching you in his room, fucking yourself against the wall. But… It was all you could remember, that Jeonghan was watching. His little hums of approval vibrating through the room every once in a while.
You pressed a third finger into you, curling your fingers deep inside of you, forcing out a gasp.
“A bit presumptuous with all those fingers, I didn’t even have to tell you.”
A sound of frustration was your only reply.
“Y/n,” he voice came sharp. “Look at me.”
You reluctantly pried your eyes open and looked down at Jeonghan. Your hand fucking your pussy was soaked. You wanted to pretend that it wasn’t because of Jeonghan because experiencing your fantasies wasn’t always supposed to be as good as reading about them, but despite that thought in your head you knew that you had never dripped down your thighs like this at home for fantasies.
“You ever fucked yourself in the ass before?” He asked you, rather bluntly, you thought. You shook your head, biting down on the inside of your cheeks. Jeonghan hummed.
“And yet you offered it up? You probably could even fit a pencil in there, much less your fingers, or my dick,” he commented, and again that way he spoke down to you was such a ridiculous turn on you wanted to scream into your hands. People never spoke down to you. Not your teachers, or other classmates, not even your parents had ever spoken down to you. It was thrilling to be spoken to like this.
“You don’t have to fuck me…” You didn’t want to say it so casually like he was. “There.”
“I don’t,” Jeonghan agreed. “But you want me to, don’t you?”
You shook your head, closing your eyes in embarrassment.
“Did you get ready for me?” He asked you, his voice again heightened in amusement.
You shook your head, but your thoughts turned to the what to do before anal google search you had done before coming here.
You would be joking if you said you hadn’t really been hoping this night would take this turn. You would be just straight lying if you said you hadn’t done most of what the google results had told you.
But to finger yourself there? That was humiliating.
As your thoughts raced, you felt Jeonghan close the distance between you two. He tapped your cheek, and you felt your eyes flutter open. You were staring up at Jeonghan whose face was framed in his hair falling forward from looking down at you.
“You like it when I talk down to you,” he murmured softly. “I bet you’d really like it if I was a bit more physical.”
Again, you wanted to scream but you kept your face as straight as you could keep it.
“You want me to hurt you?” He continued; his voice so airy that you nearly missed the question. You pressed your lips together, and you nodded once. His eyes narrowed. “I need it vocal.”
You were immediately slapped, hard across your face. You stumbled, grabbing Jeonghan’s arm to keep yourself steady just at the surprise of being hit.
“Say it louder.”
You looked up at Jeonghan, your pupils blown. You had always wondered what it would feel like to be hit by someone. Always fantasized about it, weakly slapping yourself while listening to strangers on reddit’s gonewildaudio’s subreddit degrade you. But that didn’t hold a candle to the way that hit made you feel. Your pussy clamped around nothing, and your fingers dug into Jeonghan’s arm.
“Oh my god yes, please,” you blurted before you could feel shame for your excitement. “Please hurt me, It feels s-so good.”
You wanted to cry, because you needed Jeonghan to touch you more. You needed his fingers inside you. You wanted his cock inside of you.
The excitement was thrumming through your body.  You hadn’t even seen Jeonghan’s cock yet.
Jeonghan forced your chin up.
“You would give a shitty blowjob,” Jeonghan commented as if he could read your mind. “I don’t feel like teaching you how to take cock down your throat properly.”
Jeonghan took you by your shoulder, and walked you over to his desk, bending you forcibly over it. You moaned as your cheek pressed into the cold wood.
“You want me to stop,” he mumbled. “Just use your safeword. I know you’re good at listening.”
“Okay,” you breathed.
Jeonghan’s hand came down on your ass hard, jolting your entire body.
“Let’s see…” He mumbled, ignoring your yelp. He knelt down in front of you, his thumbs coming to your folds and spreading them for him. “Your pussy still looks like it needs a cock in it.”
He sighed as if he was disappointed in you. You let your forehead hit the desk. He pushed two of his fingers into you, and as he did so he was clicking his tongue.
“And you’re dripping like a bitch in heat all over me…” He continued. He pulled his fingers out of you after only a few pumps and ran them through your folds as if to try and gather all of the wetness.
“Let’s see if you’re even wet enough for this…” Jeonghan slid his now soaked fingers up to your asshole, pushing lightly to see if your rim would give. He didn’t try very hard and instead took his head.
“Yeah… You definitely aren’t ready for this,” he mumbled. But as he did, you felt a different one of his fingers dragging through your wetness and then pushing at your asshole. He forced the finger into you, forcing a moan out of you.
“Well, my pinky can fit, so I guess you’re not a completely lost cause,” he murmured. You kicked one of your feet into the ground, fighting the urge to push back on Jeonghan because the burn of just his pinky finger inside of you was absolutely intoxicating. You felt like you were going to explode, you wanted him to do more, you wanted him to put more in you.
“Je-Jeonghan,” you said, but your voice was small and shaky as he eased his pinky in and out of you. “I-I can take more.”
Jeonghan hummed, ignoring you.
“Jeonghan,” you moaned again, shimmying your ass. “I want you to fuck me with more.”
Jeonghan slapped your ass and you lost his finger completely.
“You’re rushing it,” Jeonghan chided. “You really want me to just pull out my dick and start fucking you when you’ve never even fingered your ass before.”
Your face burned so hot you were glad that he couldn’t see. You wondered what it would be like if he did just fuck your ass right there. You wondered how big he was, and how big he would feel with just his tip forcing it’s way past-
Your thoughts were interrupted by Jeonghan beginning to push a bigger finger into you, and you pushed back against it. You were so tight that it was a bit of an effort to try and even get his finger further into you. His other hand gripped at your waist.
“You’re so impatient it’s making me a bit angry,” he warned, and you hoped that he left bruises on your hips from how hard he was holding you. Jeonghan began again, to work his finger in and out of you, but he was taking his time and you were getting impatient. More impatient than before.
Jeonghan began to ease a second finger into you, making you hit your palm against his desk. God, you needed more. You had never come without a vibrator, but right now you felt like you were going to come just on Jeonghan’s fingers alone.
“You were right,” you bit out, hoping he was listening. “I should have asked Hansol to get me drugs. Cause he would already be fucking me by now.”
Your words had the desired affect even though, at first you thought you had really fucked up. Jeonghan left you completely, slapping your ass hard.
“You want it like that?” He asked you. You swallowed hard and just as you were about to apologize you heard a zipper. Moments later you felt something fat and heavy hit your back.
“You want to play that game?” Jeonghan asked. He grabbed you by your hair and pulled you up from the desk. You cried out in surprise as you were flipped around and hiked up onto his desk. Jeonghan let his heavy cock land on your bare pussy and he grabbed you roughly by both sides of your face, dragging you into a rough, possessive kiss. He broke it just when you thought you were going to suffocate.
“What were you going to do if you went to Hansol then?” H asked. “Cause I promise you, Hansol won’t fuck you the way that I’m going to.”
He pulled back wrapping both of his hands to hit your clit with his heavy cock. You jumped at each hit, feeling like you’d get yelled at for grabbing him so instead you grabbed at the edges of Jeonghan’s desk.
“I bet you Hansol would have been so gentle, probably would have talked you through all this shit, praised you for how frankly stupid you are at this,” Jeonghan mumbled. He shook his head and rubbed his bare tip between your slick folds. “But I’m not even going to fuck you with a condom.”
He grabbed the back of your neck, pushing so that your eyes were forced to look down at where his cock was teasing your entrance.
“Because even cheap whores can’t argue with a paying customer. Because they’ll take whatever they get.”
He forced his cock into you all at once, and you screamed at the sudden thrust. You had fucked yourself countless times on dildos that honestly did compare to Jeonghan’s width and length, but you still felt like you had never been fucked by anything before. The base of his cock stretched you so hard that you felt tears begin to trail down your cheeks, but it felt so good that you didn’t want Jeonghan to stop.
Jeonghan moved one of his hands to your shoulder, and the other to your hip so that he could begin to force his fat cock into your pussy that had only just been spread open enough for this to feel pleasant. You were starting to think that you shouldn’t have been so hasty with the anal because at this rate you didn’t think he would fuck your ass at all.
Not that you cared too much. His fingers dug into your shoulders as his groans filled the air, cock twitching everytime it pushed too far in because it drug a yelp out of you everytime and made you clench hard around Jeonghan’s cock. He let his forehead drop forward, against yours, and he shook his head against yours.
“God you’re so stupid you don’t even know how you’re supposed to act during your first time,” Jeonghan mumbled. “You aren’t supposed to want it this rough. You aren’t supposed to talk about other men.”
Jeonghan accentuated his points with his thrusts, and he nudged your nose with his, smashing your lips together again. You tried to keep up with him, but to be completely honest you were pretty much solely moaning against his lips. You couldn’t even respond to anything he was saying you were just nodded when you could, screaming into his mouth with each deep thrust.
Of course, once again, you had that pleasure ripped away from you.
A frustrated sob left your lips, but it was interrupted by a soft kiss from Jeonghan.
“Oh don’t worry angel, we’re just getting started,” he whispered against your lips. You were a bit confused by his words but then he was dragging you off the desk again, bending you back over it, the tip of his cock pressing against your tight asshole.
“You want me to fuck your ass? Then it would be my pleasure.”
He had to hold your hips tightly (both to get himself into you and to stop your wiggles of anticipation). It took a moment (you suspected he was going easy on you), before finally his tip was into you. You both let out matching moans and he weakly bent over your body, burying his face in the back of your neck.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, you are so tight,” he blabbered nonsensically. He pushed further into you, and the burn and stretch of his cock in your ass felt so good that you had to push your fist into your mouth, biting down hard on it to keep from screaming too loud.
“You’re such a slut y/n,” Jeonghan babbled as he pushed into you. “Good kids like you shouldn’t act like this. Good kids like you shouldn’t let bad guys like me fuck you. We don’t treat you right.”
You whined into your fist, shaking your head to shake off his words. This felt too good. Your pussy was clamping on air, dripping all over his desk and on your thighs. Jeonghan held you still until he had finally pushed all the way into you, his head raising so that he could thread his fingers back into your hair.
“Such a bad little slut,” he mumbled, and then he began to pull out. At first his thrusts were slow, because you were so tight there was nothing else that he could do. But as he continued, he grabbed at your other wrist, and trapped it behind your back so that he could hear you.
You were a mess of tears, and pleasure, the burn of his cock as he began to fuck you hard and fast and your moans could probably be heard by the entire floor.
“God, you feel so fucking good,” he mumbled against your skin, his teeth bit down on the back of your neck. “I like this so much… Did you think of the consequences to your actions before doing this? Coming here? Asking me to fuck you?”
You shook your head silently, and it wasn’t enough for him, his other hand circled around your body and his fingers pressed to your down to your pussy.
 You sobbed out in complete and utter pleasure.
“Do you know what I’m going to do to you?” He asked you as suddenly his fingers pressed into your pussy, three fingers filling you up so full that for a second you forgot how to breathe.
“I’m going to cum in your fucking ass and watch it drip out of your ass and into your pretty little pussy how do you like that?”
You nodded, and finally were able to find the words.
“Yes Jeonghan please, I need that so badly, want you to cum in my ass, please please-“
As you begged you started to feel something warm spurt deep in your ass. Your forehead hit the desk, as you sobbed in pleasure, feeling an orgasm rip through so powerful that your vision briefly blurred, your entire body shaking.
It wasn’t until he finally, stopped thrusting, his cock still buried deep in your ass that you even realized what a mess you were making of his desk. You were crying, you knew that for sure, and suddenly Jeonghan pulled you up by the strands of your hair.
“How does that feel angel? Do you feel good?” He asked you, his tone again condescending.
“G-good,” you admitted shamelessly. “Th-Than-nk you.”
Jeonghan hummed and pushed you back into the desk. He slipped his cock out of your now used ass, and then plugged it with three of his fingers. His hand left your hair, and you felt his cock head tease at the entrance of your pussy.
“Clearly, I haven’t taught you a good enough lesson. You aren’t supposed to like this. You are pure, the perfect kid on campus.”
He pushed his cock into your pussy in one full push.
“Oh god-”
“Don’t you want to protect your image?” He asked you. “You really want everyone to know that Yoon Jeonghan fucked both of your sloppy holes and left cum in them?”
Excitement thrummed your body.
You wished you could say that you were thinking about using the safe word he had provided you earlier but you didn’t care about that at all. You were sobbing just from the pleasure of it all. So excited at the prospect of having your pussy full of cum. You had always wondered what that was like. You already loved the feeling of Jeonghan’s cum in your ass. The feeling of his fingers keeping it plugged up.
He didn’t have to fuck you long before you were coming on his cock.
And that dragged him over the edge as well.
The warm spurts of cum in your pussy were completely different from the toys you had played with to try and simulate this feeling before.
As soon as Jeonghan finished filling your pussy with his cum he took a step back, his warmth leaving your body.
Both of your whole felt empty, your clit desperate for attention despite having come just from Jeonghan’s cock already.
You moaned as you felt his cum beginning to drip out of your ass and down to your pussy, which was also dripping cum, presumably onto Jeonghan’s floor.
“You look so pathetic,” Jeonghan said, that condescending tone still there. “A virgin fucked to tears and yet somehow you seem so grateful.”
He sighed and then his hands were soothing over the small of your back. You preened into his touch, steady breaths leaving your lips as he guided you up. Your body was still shaking a bit so when he turned you around all he did was wrap his arms around your body, pressing your back to the desk as he hugged you tightly.
He stood there completely silent for a few minutes, making sure not to say anything. After a while, your head drooped tiredly onto his shoulder and he sighed, pressing a small kiss to the side of your neck.
“How’re you feeling?” He asked you softly. You felt a bit embarrassed that he was reassuring you.
“I feel fine,” you mumbled. “Like I’ll be a bit sore tomorrow…”
His cum dripped down your thighs.
“But isn’t that what everyone’s first is like?”
Jeonghan eased you back by your shoulders so that you could see him.
“I thought firsts didn’t matter?” He asked. Your face began to burn red again.
“They don’t…” You murmured, a smile crossing your face. “But it was a pretty good first.”
You were tired, but excitement still strummed through your body.
“Yeah, my first time I was slapped, fucked over a desk, and he came in both my ass and my pussy,” you said as if you were telling the story to someone. “Oh and it was an infamous bad boy who did it.”
Jeonghan laughed at your words.
“We have a communal bathroom,” he said. “But I’ll sneak you into the boys one so you can get clean in peace. I’ll help you shower.”
“Oh aftercare,” you teased lightly. Jeonghan gave you a somewhat amused look.
“How come you were so embarrassed to ask me to fuck you that you came under the guise of needing drugs, but now you are smiling and laughing while your cunt and your ass drip my cum.”
He made a good point.
“Dream come true…” You murmured, your voice barely above a whisper. Then after a few moments: “Wait does that mean you’re not going to get me drugs?”
“No,” Jeonghan said with a laugh. “I told you to go to Hansol if you wanted to smoke some weed.”
You gaped at him, but he just pushed you back by your forehead a bit while he rummaged through his things to get some clothes.
“Hey Hansol, I need some weed,” you mumbled. “Don’t worry you can fuck me any-“
Jeonghan was back on you in an instant, his fingers digging into your shoulder, just by your collarbone.
“Don’t offer random people to fuck your ass.”
His gaze on you was a bit scary… Unwavering. You pressed your lips together and nodded once.
“You shouldn’t let people fuck you without a condom either,” he continued, sounding a bit unamused. “Or cum in your ass. If you’re going to be a slut, you could get something… You should just fuck one person.”
A beat passed as you realized what he was saying. Your pressed look turned into a smile.
“You mean-”
“Don’t overthink it,” he grumbled. “I’m going to get so much shit if it gets out that I took your virginity so just… Keep everything on the down low, okay?”
You nodded excitedly.
“Yeah. DL, I got it.”
Jeonghan looked at you like he didn’t quite believe you.
Finally, he relented and handed you a t-shirt.
“But no drugs,” he mumbled. “You don’t need to start doing that shit. I’m not going to fuck you if you smell like weed all the time.”
“Got it!” You agreed. “No drugs.”
Jeonghan sighed and shook his head at your eagerness.
“And you’re staying the night. Can’t have you walking home after this or anything.”
Again, the idea was a bit exciting.
“Virginity taken and a sleep ov-”
Jeonghan shoved the shirt you hadn’t yet taken in your face with a sigh as he realized that fucking you, wasn’t going to be like fucking most people.
“Come on, you’re dripping cum all over the floor.”
You pulled the shirt out of your face enough to smile at him.
“Thank you Jeonghan.”
He sighed.
“You did good y/n, you did really good.”
And then he helped you get his shirt on and get you to the bathroom.
Taglist: @vintageot5, @woo8hao, @toruro, @wonudazed, @kkakkameori
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wifeyoozi · 3 months
could you rate svts pull out game pls? 🤩
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Svt pull out game
seungcheol : 10/10 pulls just in time to cum on your ass doesn't waste a single drop
Jeonghan : -1/10 bitch knows how to pull out but won't just to annoy you
Joshua : 8/10 pulls out a little early has to jerk rest of his way
Jun : 5/10 always pulls too late and the cum just splattering on your pussy
Hoshi : horanghae/10
Wonwoo : 11/10 perfect aim can shoot up to your hair when giving back shots (he doesn't but just to emphasize how good his aim is)
Woozi : 0/10 lazy ass bitch. Doesn't bother pulling out. Would rather wear a condom than pull out.
Seokmin : 9/10 always cums on them tiddies
Mingyu : 10/10 back shots for life
Minghao : 9/10 pulls out early but only to make you suck him to his orgasm and cums down your throat perfectly
Seungkwan : 7/10 underestimates how close he is and pulls out too late so all the cum is dripping on your tummy
Vernon : 3/10 "why pull out when i could creampie you?" That's what he tells you to hide the fact that his pull out game is mid
Dino : 9/10 practiced the pull out skill to (almost) perfection
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yoonzinoswife · 2 months
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anyone can be a babygirl..... but it takes a man, to be a WIFE
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jeonsupershy · 5 months
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1 year with FML Thank you for reminding us that we are worthy of fighting for the life we desire🤍
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ashmp3 · 10 months
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fluffy jeonghan you are the star🪽🍧❄️🧊🌨️🤍
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frxxxncx · 11 months
Hello, the other day I started thinking about Jeonghan reaction, how would the boy react to seeing you masturbating with a teddy bear?
teddy bear
notita: Enjoy you request, I made it with lots of love 🫶 if there’s any typo or incoherence, it was completely intentional, it’s for the sake of learning about my mistakes.
Warnings: reader’s masturbating with a teddy bear, f. masturbation, stablished relationships, istg my man is jealous of the bear.
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Jeonghan was so tired from his schedule, having pre-recordings and rehearsals so early in the morning needed to be illegal.
But when he got home and you didn’t welcome him with a hug, it made him feel even more exhausted. He called out your name various times while taking his shoes off, but your lack of response made him feel a little worried.
He hurried to your shared bedroom, and found you in the middle of such a promiscuous act. You were only using your favorite pair of lacy and white underwear, while grinding against the cute and fluffy stuffed animal that Jeonghan got you for your anniversary.
Your hips moved messily, only wanting to increase the pleasure of the plastic and hard nose of the teddy bear rubbing your clit.
Your boyfriend was simply amused, his cock twitched in his pants excitedly, all the fatigue in his body fading away to the thought of folding you and shoving his hard on inside your warm and tight embrace.
He walked towards the bed, loud enough for you to hear his heavy steps getting closer, with now open eyes you looked at him, while riding the plushie toy, hips moving sloppily and a lewd smile painting your pretty face, Jeonghan could have cum to that image of you, mouth agape and hands fondling your own body.
When he got close enough, his hand tucked one of your loose strands of hair behind you ear carefully, and touched your cheek, caressing the skin softly, you closed your eyes, enjoying the touch, but never stopped moving your hips.
His thumb stroked your lower lip, and the kiss that followed almost melted you, it felt like he wanted to devour you whole, his tongue brushed your palate making you moan.
The poor teddy bear was soak in your arousal and Jeonghan didn’t hesitated to throw the toy into the corner of the room, feeling a little jealous.
“Jeonghan, the bear” you said between moans, still into the kiss, while your lover hovered over you, starting to grind his knee into your pulsating cunt.
“I’ll buy you a new one” he said grabbing one of you hands to place it over his cock, it felt hot and heavy, under your touch, making you clench around nothing “But next time, don’t try to ride the bear, you can ride me instead, it’ll feel better, I’ll make you cry” his fingers replaced his knee, giving your clit all the attention it wanted once he tugged your underwear, placing it beside the bed.
His lips stroked your neck making you shiver, whines slipping from your mouth loudly, you yearned for him since you woke up, alone and needy.
His fingers were working you up so good, now pistoning in and out, curling and hitting just the right places inside of you, delighted by the feeling of your slick and your velvety walls clenching on his fingers.
The sound of the zipper caught your attention, making you look down, Jeonghan cock, rose proud over his clothed abdomen, red, angry and shiny, ready to be shoved on your tight hole.
“I’ll fuck you, so good, you’ll see, I’m way better than a teddy bear”
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disastrous-aries · 4 months
Jeonghan and Wonwoo: haha bet you couldn't see this duo coming
Jun and Rihanna: it might seem crazy what I'm about to say-
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aimeecarreros · 1 year
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fairyhaos · 24 days
guys why is it literally gonna be september so soon :((( the year is just flying by pls we're almost at the end of 2024
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akeminy · 13 days
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Pathetic (M)
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(I did not edit this picture. Weverse literally just dropped it and I’m so lazy)
Title: Pathetic
Part one of the Pathetic series
When your best friend Jeongyeon drags you to a frat party, you aren’t expecting much. Certainly not to be fucked dumb by notorious man whore Yoon Jeonghan, but hey, what happens at a frat party, stays at a frat party.
Simplified tags: 6k words, Porn with Plot, frat boy!Jeonghan, college student!y/n, best friend!Jeongyeon, soft!dom to hard!dom Jeonghan, mean!Jeonghan (and y/n loves it), submissive!y/n, female!y/n (sorry gender-neutral friends), heavy degradation, light masochist!y/n, sadist!Jeonghan, mild pain kink, vaginal fingering, creampie, spitting, slapping, big dick!Jeonghan, blowjob, mentions of aftercare but I don’t write it happening he just says what he’ll do
Warnings: This fic is filthy, dub con (I personally think that the consent is explicit enough but I’m tagging it this way just to be careful since it is intense), Jeonghan is a fiend. There is spitting, a creampie, degredation, like Jeonghan calls you pathetic. You thank him for him treating you like trash. There is after care but there is also light slapping, I’m serious this is literally the filthiest thing I have ever written. I’m embarrassed to have written it, and I hope that the five people who like things like this enjoy it. Jeonghan starts off as a soft!dom, but quickly turns to a hard!dom
I have this... secret blog that I wrote one story on cause I was embarrassed by it and didn’t want it to be on this blog and on that blog I asked if anyone wanted this kind of fic and I had like twelve people like the post so here we go.
“Really Jeonghan? Another fling that you just dropped for no reason?” Seungcheol asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Jeonghan hummed as he placed another lego block together, glancing over at the instructions for the house that he was building.
“Just not a good fit.”
“And by that he means she couldn’t handle him,” Soonyoung pipped up, unhelpfully. Seungcheol sighed.
“What is he? A monster in the bedroom?”
“Have you not heard him with people?” Jihoon asked, a look of disgust on his face as he handed Jeonghan the next lego brick he needed. “They’re sluts, all of them- and I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, he calls them that.”
Seungcheol seemed surprised, but Jeonghan didn’t bat an eye at the accusations.
“They like it, but not as much as I want them to,” Jeonghan replied with a sigh. “This last girl... She doesn’t listen, and not in a cute brat way. She just chases her orgasm and that’s good enough for her.”
Soonyoung snorted.
“Isn’t it enough that you’re able to make her orgasm?”
A smirk spread over Jeonghan’s lips.
“I make everyone I sleep with orgasm.”
“Topic change, topic change,” Seokmin requested desperately from where he was lounging on the couch. The room fell silent for a little bit, but Seungcheol’s curiosity wasn’t going to be quelled just yet.
“You’ve been blowing through fuck buddies for months and you haven’t found a single one that you want to keep. What makes you think you are ever going to find this perfect...” He trailed off, not sure how to finish it.
“Whore,” Jihoon finished. They all looked at him. He shrugged. “He wants the perfect whore. Literally.”
“Desperate for my cock, desperate for my cum...” Jeonghan sighed. “Desperate to cum, but only if I say so. Obedient, and desperate and sloppy-”
“I am begging for a topic change,” Seokmin interrupted. “It’s bad enough we have to hear Jeonghan fucking people-”
“I’m just saying. It doesn’t seem like you’ll be able to find the perfect person-” Jihoon cleared his throat and Seungcheol sighed. “The perfect whore. Why don’t you just settle?”
“The problem isn’t that the perfect whore doesn’t exist,” Jeonghan replied. “It’s that I’ve been looking in the wrong places. I’ll find them. It just takes time.”
“Yay, conflict resolution,” Seokmin cheered humorlessly. “So that means I can go back to my book and you all can go back to your legos and we can talk about next weeks party and not Jeonghan finding the perfect whore.”
A little laugh spread throughout the room and finally Seungcheol allowed the topic to go towards what other frats and sororities to invite to the party.
“I want you to go over this again with me, very slowly,” you said, your eyebrows narrowing at Jeongyeon. She gave you a bright smile, brushing back her bob.
“I want you to come with me to a frat party,” Jeongyeon said slowly. You gave Jeongyeon an unamused look.
“A frat party?” You repeated humorously.
“Not just any frat party,” Jeongyeon continued just as brightly. “Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia’s party.”
You groaned, but she wasn’t having it.
“Come on! You know that Jimin hates Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia and he never goes to their parties.”
“You and Jimin’s thing is-”
“Infuriating?” Jeongyeon grumbled.
“Stupid,” you corrected.
Jeongyeon and Jimin were two people impossible to be around. Because their hatred for one another didn’t stop at talking smack about one another behind their backs. It didn’t stop at shooting insults at one another in person. It didn’t even stop at Jimin railing Jeongyeon in the dorm room with you in your bed trying desperately pretend like it wasn’t happening.
Jeonyeon and Jimin hated each other to a point where their frustration could only be culled by rough sex every few weeks, and you were desperate for the two to evolve past that.
“Come on, I know that you don’t want me to fuck around with Jimin tonight, and who knows maybe I’ll go home with someone different from Phi Mu if we go there tonight,” Jeongyeon pleaded.
“I’d prefer if you didn’t go home with anyone,” you replied. “I’ll have to find somewhere else to go and-”
“We’ll find someone for you too!” Jeonyeon replied enthusiastically. “Then we both will go home with someone and it will be perfect!”
You pressed your lips together firmly, a clear indication that you weren’t convinced but Jeonyeon grabbed you, hugging your arm.
“Please, the boys at Phi Mu are so handsome. Surely, you’ll find someone you like,” she insisted. 
You sighed as you looked at your friend, realizing that your hopes of studying for the night were completely over.
“Doesn’t everyone call them Alpha Mu boys?” You asked. Jeongyeon rolled her eyes.
“Same diff,” she mumbled. “Come on. You’re not going to just make me go alone are you?”
“I’m not wearing heels,” you said finally.
Your heels clacked against the wooden floorboards of the frat house as Jeongyeon practically dragged you through the house. She had the cutest outfit on. A pink dress that resembled that of a loosely torn shirt, with a corset to cause a bit of a silhouette and a pair of heeled white boots on top of it all. That along with her radiant smile she looked like a punk angel. You had tried to match her in ways, sticking with a corset and a loose shirtish dress. You had a choker on that resembled a collar (at her insisting) and regrettably you were wearing a lacy pair of lingerie. Just in case, as Jeongyeon would insist.
You sighed, the thought of being here still being mildly annoying. Frat parties themselves were frustrating. Loud, crowded, sweaty. But on the Brightside Alpha Mu parties had music produced and mixed by Lee Jihoon, so while loud it was bearable.
Jeongyeon practically knew all of the Alpha Mu boys. You wondered idly who she was trying to find tonight. She dragged you up to one of the boys- tall and lanky, and grabbed his arm to get his attention.
“Jun,” she whined. He looked at her over his shoulder, eyes lighting up when he saw her.
“You made it!” He said excitedly. His eyes flickered over to you. “You brought y/n!”
“You said you had someone for her!” Jeongyeon replied, both of their voices extremely loud as to hear one another over the music. “Someone good?”
Your eyebrows widened.
“Wait, you set me up?” You blurted. Jeongyeon didn’t even look upset.
“Of course, I did! I didn’t make you wear lingerie just to socialize all night!” She said. Your face flushed red, but Jun didn’t seem to care about the fact that he now knew what you were wearing under your clothes. Instead, he pointed away from the two of you.
“I’ll be right back,” he said. “I just need to grab him, okay?”
Jeongyeon nodded.
“Okay! We’ll be here!”
“I don’t want to be set up!” You insisted as soon as Jun was far enough that you didn’t think he would hear, which... Wasn’t that long.
“That’s what single people always say,” Jeongyeon said with a roll of her eyes. ”Jun said that you’re really going to like this guy! And that way you have less to do on your end so I can spend as much time as I want trying to find someone for me to spend the night with.”
“You should just go home with Jun,” you said with a roll of your eyes. “I mean it’s not like you guys haven’t fucked bef-”
“Y/n-” Jun’s voice called out over the sound. You looked up to find Jun standing there with someone else. You smiled at him.
“Uh, hi,” you called over the noise of the party.
“Hi, I’m Chan!”
You smiled at the person in front of you politely, noticing that behind Chan, Jun was talking to someone else, who looked notably annoyed. Your eyebrows strewn slightly at the man and for a second you caught one another's eyes. He looked away from you after a moment, his eyes peering at you from under the long strands of his hair.
After only a second, you turned your attention back to Chan. You figured you might as well get this over with.
Chan was... Nice, but that was about it. As awful as it was getting to know anyone at a loud party, you weren’t exactly thrilled to have to yell at him as he drank beer after beer.
You stuck to water but after a while you just couldn’t stand it anymore. You politely made an excuse to get away from him, saying that you were tired and you wandered up the stairs of the house, not wanting to admit to Jeongyeon that the guy that Jun had set you up with just simply wasn’t a match and you wanted to leave.
As you wandered the rooms upstairs, you walked past closed doors in which you could hear moans. You sighed in frustration. At least someone was going to get laid tonight. It seemed like your lingerie really wouldn’t be of any use tonight.
You entered the first empty bedroom that you could find. A king size bed with fluffy blankets in the center of room, a bookshelf with pictures of boys on the shelves, and paintings and the walls. You hummed and began to look around, the sound of the party muted behind the walls of the room.
You finally thought that you had found some peace.
“What are you doing?” A voice asked. You glanced over your shoulder, sighing when you saw the person from earlier. The one who looked annoyed when you had first met Chan. Your eyebrows rose slightly at him.
“Escaping the party.” You paused for a moment your lips pursing and your head falling to the side slightly. “Escaping Chan.”
“You don’t like Chan?” The person asked.
“No I like Chan, I just...” You trailed off.
“Not the sort of person you put on a matching set for?” The person piped up, a small smile crossing his lips as he spoke. You rolled your eyes.
“Sure,” you said, even though- He was right. Chan seemed too nice to be someone that was going to rail you to sleep that night. Regardless, of how attractive he was. As you looked around the room, you noted that the man at the door wasn’t backing down. Instead his eyes were drifting, making their way across your body.
You couldn’t really say you didn’t like the attention.
In fact, while Chan had been handsome, with his long chiseled face, and parted hair, this man was a whole other kind of attractive. He was pretty. His hair was long and wavy, falling past his ears, and yet not touching his shoulders. As your eyes trailed past his pink lips and down to where his shirt lay, just barely covering one of his collarbones. You looked back up at him, to see that he had definitely noticed your interest.
You looked away from him.
“Sorry am I in your room?” You asked him, clearing your throat.
“Yeah,” he commented. “It was getting a bit too loud for me out there too. I was going to close my room door.”
You glanced back at him and he gestured towards the door knob.
“You’re welcome to stay, of course.”
You knew what he meant and your intention in coming out tonight hadn’t really been to get laid. Sure, you had humored Jeongyeon. You had dressed the part, and said the right things but you knew from the minute that you looked at Chan you were going to be spending the night with your vibrator.
But... There was something about this guy.
You shrugged.
“If you don’t mind the company,” you replied. The man hummed and closed the door behind him with a click.
“Jeonghan,” he said, gesturing to himself.
Jeonghan...? You had heard his name from Jeonyeon before.
“Ah, the same one with a different fling every week?” You said, before you could really think over what you had said. Jeonghan hummed and walked over to his closet.
“So you’ve heard of me.”
“A few things,” you replied back. “That you don’t stick in one place for long.”
“But I always get positive reviews,” Jeonghan replied. As he spoke, he took the hem of his shirt, lifting it over his head. Your eyes widened in surprise at the sudden appearance of his six pack. Your cheeks flushed red and you looked away suddenly.
Fuck, he was hot.
“Sorry, it’s hot in here,” Jeonghan said. You heard his hangers clanging softly, and after a few moments they stopped, you looked back at him but he was still standing there shirtless, looking theatrically stumped. “And with nothing better to put on.”
He shrugged and walked over to his bed, taking a seat at the edge. He gestured to your outfit.
“You’re dressed nice... Like Jeongyeon.”
“She’s my best friend,” you replied pointedly. You leaned forward slightly, your fingers slightly dragging up the corner of your skirt. You tried to play it off as accidental, just a brush up of your skirt that would flash the corner of your lacy underwear.
You could tell that Jeonghan knew it wasn’t accidental.
“You want to play a game?” Jeonghan asked. You shrugged offhandedly.
“Depends on the outcome.”
“Come here,” Jeonghan said softly. You looked at him from across the room, your eyebrows raised.
“Why should I?” You asked. His lips quirked up slightly.
“If you do, you’ll get to cum, and if you don’t...”
He knew he didn’t have to finish that threat.
You walked over to Jeonghan, coming between his knees. His hands fell to your sides, squeezing your hips slightly as you raised your hands to his shoulders. You swallowed thickly at the proximity of the two of you.
“Tell me what you want,” Jeonghan said. Your nose scrunched slightly, mostly in embarrassment.
“I want you to fuck me,” you said softly. The smile that spread across Jeonghan’s face was one of pure delight.
“Really?” He asked, his voice riddled with surprise. His fingers dipped below the hem of your shirt and his fingers daintily brushed over the lace of your lingerie. You shivered a little under his touch, your fingers gripping at his shoulders a little bit tighter. “You really want some stranger to fuck you upstairs at a frat party?”
The degrading chide in his voice made your cheeks flare up even more. You cleared your throat, your eyes trailing away from him.
“Well, if your reputation proceeds you, I would love to be one of your...” You mumbled. Your face blazed even redder. “Sluts.”
One of Jeonghan’s fingers raised to your face, tilting your chin towards you. His eyes flickered down to your lips.
“Don’t worry love, I’ll treat you just the way that you deserve.”
Jeonghan’s fingers lowered to your throat, his hand making it’s way to the back of your neck.
“You’re so pretty,” he mumbled. “Just pretty enough for someone like Chan. You look so delicate.”
“I’m not delicate,” you murmured back, but the praise itself was making it hard to keep eye contact with Jeonghan.
“No?” Jeonghan breathed. He was so close to you that both of your breaths were intermingling. His grip on your neck was tight. “Is that why you didn’t want to spend the night with Chan? You want someone to rough you up? Someone to treat you like a little whore?”
You couldn’t help the airy moan that left your lips at the sound of the word.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” Jeonghan asked you. You nodded, feeling yourself growing closer to him as his fingers ran closer to your core over the lace of your panties.
“I’m going to need some words from you,” Jeonghan said seriously, his other hand tightening around the back of your neck. “Or else you’re going to get jack shit from me.”
“I do,” you said immediately. “I want you to kiss me.”
He pressed hard on the back of your neck, pressing you closer to his lips until they had crashed together. Despite how gentle Jeonghan had started off, the kiss was when he started to show his true colors. You whined against his lips as he forced his tongue into your mouth, pressing you closer to him.
He pulled you off of him, smiling when you leaned forward, desperate for his lips again. He hummed, his fingers dipping down underneath the hem of your lingerie, and he pressed his fingers down to your clit. You whined, throwing your head back.
“F-fuck,” you mumbled, rolling your hips towards Jeonghan. “I really fucking need this. Jeongyeon has been hammering sex into my head all day.”
“Yeah? You really that starved for sex?”
You nodded, leaning forward to catch Jeonghan’s lips again but he didn’t give you the satisfaction. He pulled back.
“No,” he chided. “You’re a bit needy aren’t you?”
You whined in response as Jeonghan’s fingers slid past your clit, to your already wet folds. He shook his head.
“Chan get you like this?” He asked. “Even though he was too vanilla for you, he is very attractive. Did he make you needy? Would you have resorted to your vibrator tonight thinking about him? Wishing he would treat you the way you want to be treated?”
As Jeonghan spoke he worked one of his fingers into you, his long fingers pushing deeper inside of you than your own fingers could. You whined, shaking your head.
“N-No,” you murmured. “It wasn’t him.”
Jeonghan hummed again, like he didn’t really believe you, so you continued.
“You made me like this,” you insisted. Your fingers tightened on Jeonghan’s shoulders, and your eyes lowered to Jeonghan’s lap where you could see a tent in his sweatpants. When you glanced back up Jeonghan didn’t seem very convinced. “How am I supposed to respond to the way you’ve been treating me?
Jeonghan scoffed.
“You should be fucking humiliated,” Jeonghan replied. “You’re doing everything I want you to, taking every single thing I give you-” As Jeonghan spoke he pushed another finger into your pussy, causing a small, pleasurable burn to run through your body. “I bet you’d even thank me for it. Are you going to thank me for fingering your stupid wet cunt?”
Your face blazed but you nodded obediently.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, your voice quivering as soft moans slipped from your mouth.
“Thank you for what?” Jeonghan asked. Your eyes fluttered down, and Jeonghan crooked his fingers deep inside of you.
“Thank you for f-fingering me,” you said, your eyes shooting back up to Jeonghan’s. He smiled.
“Good girl,” he praised. “But you don’t really deserve this, you know that?”
You whined as he shoved a third finger inside of you. His pace was fucking agonizing. His fingers slowly spreading your pussy... Hopefully so that it was ready for his cock.
“At least, you haven’t really proven yet that you deserve this,” Jeonghan amended. He slipped his fingers from you and your whine was cut off by Jeonghan sticking his fingers into your mouth. You immediately sucked them clean, moaning around them. He hummed again, seeming to still be unsure of exactly what to make of you. His hand gently pressed against your stomach, pressing you backwards.
“Get undressed, I want to see you.”
As you began to take your clothes off (struggling immensely with the corset that you had barely gotten on in the first place), Jeonghan stood up as well. Your eyes stayed glued to his chest until he lowered his sweatpants down and kicked them away to reveal his cock.
You faltered in your ministrations, your mouth dropping when you saw the size of Jeonghan’s cock. God, you had never slept with anyone bigger than Jeonghan. Never even imagined you would see a cock as big as his. You felt greedy, you wanted to have his cock inside you immediately, but you did your best to keep that to yourself. You quickly regained consciousness and finished tossing your clothes to the floor.
You stood there for a moment, letting Jeonghan look at you silently, his eyes trailing up and down your body, the smallest hint of a smile crossing his lips.
“God, you may be a pathetic slut, but you are absolutely gorgeous,” he said. He pointed down to the floor in front of his spread legs and then leaned back on his hands. “Come on. Show me what you can do. Show me that you’re not just a waste of time.”
You immediately dropped to your knees, squeezing yourself between his legs, your hands wrapping around the base of his cock. You stared at it for a second, just admiring his cock, before suddenly remembering what you were supposed to be doing.
You sucked the tip of his cock into your mouth, moaning around it, just relived to have a cock inside of your mouth. You whined as you pressed his cock deeper inside of your mouth, getting too excited and pressing his cock further into your mouth.
You barely thought about it as you pushed your mouth as far down his cock as you could, choking almost immediately. You gagged around his cock, pulling off and coughing to the side.
“You’re so big,” you said between coughs. Jeonghan scoffed.
“You’re just not trying hard enough.”
He slid his fingers into the strands of your hair and pushed your head back down on his cock.
“If it’s too much for you, just tap my thigh,” Jeonghan said, before beginning to push you down. He pushed you to the part where you first started coughing, but he didn’t stop there. He kept pushing, ignoring your gags as he eased you down on his cock.
Your fingers squeezed against his thighs, but you were halfway down his cock, and you wanted to be good so fucking badly. But despite that, Jeonghan pulled you off of his cock, letting you gasp for air.
“No, no,” you insisted. “I was okay. I’m okay, push me back down.”
Jeonghan’s eyebrow quirked.
“Really?” And the heightening of his voice made it clear just how surprised he was.
Jeonghan was quick to push you back down on his cock, this time going even faster than before. Despite your gags, he finally pushed you to the base of his cock. Your nose brushed against his pelvis, and tears ran down your cheeks, but after a few moments you felt your breathing through your nose began to even out, and your throat settled around his cock.
Jeonghan’s tight grip on your hair loosened, and his fingers threaded through your strands in a way that was almost comforting.
“You certainly are a determined slut,” Jeonghan praised. “Go ahead then, show me what your worth.”
You slowly raised yourself off of his cock, now finally able to really show Jeonghan what you were made of. You began to work his cock in and out of your mouth, hollowing it every now and then while one of your hands fiddled with his balls.
If you were insecure about your blowjob abilities, you weren’t with the way that Jeonghan was moaning at your actions. His fingers had settled down around the base of your neck, squeezing ever so slightly when a particularly loud moan left his mouth, a good girl sure to follow.
All it did was make you that much wetter. You were pretty sure that at his point you were literally dripping on his floor, but you didn’t care. As Jeonghan’s cock twitched in your mouth, you felt excitement course through you.
You could tell he was getting close.
You picked up your pace, sucking his cock with even more determination. You could taste the salty precum dribbling from the tip of his cock.
Jeonghan’s fingers suddenly tightened in your hair, and he yanked you up off of his cock. You coughed, trying to catch your breath.
“You’re such a disgusting whore, you want my cum that much?” Jeonghan asked. You whined, your fingers reaching forward trying to wrap back around his dick.
“Please, Jeonghan. I’ve been so good, I deserve it,” you pleaded. He scoffed.
“That’s for me to decide,” he said. “And I don’t think I want to put my cum anywhere then in this-” He gave your pussy a slap- not too hard. It was as if he was testing to see how you would react to it. It was just hard enough for you to yelp and jerk slightly. Jeonghan hummed. “Cunt.”
He pulled you up by the hair, pulling you close to him. He roughly slammed his lips to yours, his mouth sucking your bottom lip into his, his teeth nipping down on it just enough to puff it up.
“You want that? You want me to come in your pathetic cunt?” You were nodding enthusiastically at the question, but Jeonghan barely took note of it before pushing you face down into his bed. He grabbed you by your hips and pulled your ass up so that he could line the tip of his cock to your leaking cunt.
“God, you’re such a little whore. You’re going to make such a mess on my bed. You're dripping all over it.”
You whined, as Jeonghan pressed two of his fingers deep inside of you without any warning. You couldn’t help the way you laid your head to the side, your tits brushing aginst the comforter in a way that made you shiver.
“I wonder if you even really deserve my cock.”
You propped up onto your elbows, turning to look at Jeonghan with large eyes. You had never been with a man that had made you this desperate before in your life. Sure, you loved sex but there was something about Jeonghan that made you a complete different person. All that you could think about was his thick cock and having it pressed deep inside of you.
Just the suggestion of being filled with his cum made your mouth drool and you had never let a stranger fuck you without a condom. But with Jeonghan? It was all you wanted. You felt feral.
“Please Jeonghan I’ve been so good. I need your cock, I need it so bad. I don’t even have to cum I just need your cock in me. I need you to fill me with your cum,” you begged. Jeonghan reached forward, his cock still just brushing your soaking folds. His fingers wrapped around your throat, and he pulled you up by it, momentarily constricting your airways. You gasped desperately as Jeonghan pressed his face to yours.
“You’re so fucking pathetic. Begging a stranger to fill you with cum.”
He pushed you back down on the bed, pressing his hand on your back as to press your ass further in the air.
“But I pity a whore who has done this much and still needs a cock in her. So I’ll humor you.”
Without warning, Jeonghan pushed his cock inside of you, all the way down to the hilt. Your whole body jolted forward before you even realized what had happened and you cried out at the sudden intrusion. You unashamedly practically screamed at every thrust, your fingers digging into Jeonghan’s sheets as he fucked his cock into you.
He didn’t seem to care about the way that you were barely able to keep yourself up on the bed. All he cared about was digging his fingers into your hips to the point at which you knew there would be bruises there the next day.
“God, you’re so fucking loud. Do you know that? Do you really want everyone to know how pathetic you are.”
You didn’t even care how humiliating it was.
“Yes Jeonghan. Fuck your cock feels so fucking good,” you sobbed into his sheets. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Jeonghan snickered.
“I need to see how absolutely pathetic you look right now,” Jeonghan said. He pulled himself out of you and flipped you on the bed. You instantly spread your legs out for him, and he grabbed your thighs to pull you close to him, and without warning reinserted himself inside of you.
He pressed down on your belly fucking you fast and hard. You felt your eyes flutter closed as he fucked you, but it didn’t last long.
“Open your eyes you whore,” he snapped. You felt a slight pain on your cheek, your eyes shooting open as you realized that Jeonghan had lightly slapped you. You felt your walls tighten around Jeonghan’s cock, and a loud moan escaped your lips.
“Oh, you like that?” Jeonghan asked. He laughed and dragged you up and scooped the back of your neck up so that you were forced to look at him dead in the eyes. “You like it when I slap you like the fucking slut you are? You are depraved, you know that? Useless to anything other than being fucked.”
Jeonghan’s other hand lowered to your clit, and he pressed down on it hard.
“You’re going to cum aren’t you?” Jeonghan observed. You wondered what gave it away. The mascara surely running down your face as tears of pleasure left your eyes or the way you were desperately grinding your hips down on Jeonghan’s cock.
“You’re going to cum after being treated like absolutely useless trash.”
You were barely listening to him, lost in the sensation of his fingers on your clit and his cock slamming so deep into your pussy that every few seconds you had to practically scream a moan.
“Open your mouth whore.” You immediately opened it, sticking your tongue out. You watched as Jeonghan leaned forward, spitting into your open mouth. “Now fucking swallow.”
You swallowed obediently.
“Now thank me. Thank me for fucking spitting in your mouth like the whore you are.”
“Thank you,” you blurted out. “Thank you so much for fucking me even though I barely deserve it.”
“You’re self aware,” Jeonghan murmured. He spit again, this time on your cheek and smeared it over your face with another slap. “I’m going to cum, you hear me? And if you want to cum you will only do it after I do.”
You could barely keep yourself conscious, much less control the fact that your orgasm was rapidly approaching.
“And if you do cum before me, I’m going to fucking splatter my semen all over my face and you are going to go back down to that party and explain to everyone that you were bad and you didn’t deserve to have my cum in your cunt, do you hear me?”
You nodded, but it wasn’t enough for Jeonghan. He reached forward and slapped you again, this time harder.
“Thank you,” you cried out, the slap only making it harder not to cum. “I hear you, I understand. Please cum Jeonghan, please fill me up. I need to feel your cum inside me, I want it so much.”
You kept babbling, making Jeonghan roll his eyes.
“God you really are so pathetic.”
He pushed two of his fingers into your mouth, momentarily gagging you, but just as he did so you felt warm ropes of cum begin to fill your cunt. You cried around Jeonghan’s fingers, your body shaking as you tried to hold back your own orgasm.
You started to beg against Jeonghan’s fingers again, to the point where he had to remove them as he continued to fuck his cum deep inside of you.
“Please, can I cum now? I need to Jeonghan, I need to cum.”
Jeonghan hummed.
“You think you deserve to? You really think you get to cum on my cock?”
You nodded desperately but it wasn’t enough. All of a sudden Jeonghan pulled away from you. His cock slipping from your pussy. You felt tears rolling even faster down your face as you realized what he was taking away from you. You fell forward to your knees, grabbing at Jeonghan’s thighs as you practically crawled towards him.
“Thank you so much Jeonghan. Thank you for your cum, thank you, thank you,” you babbled incoherently. “But please, I want to cum. I want it so badly.”
“Yeah?” Jeonghan asked, honestly looking bored of you. He leaned down, grabbing you by the hair, ripping your head back roughly. “You think you can handle being choked baby? Think you can come just from my hands wrapped around your neck?”
“I... Please, I need more. Just a little more. Your thigh? Please, can I at least have your thigh?”
Jeonghan sighed, shaking his head.
“Pathetic, absolutely pathetic.”
But still he lifted you up so that you were sat on his thigh and his eyes wrapped around your throat.
“You can’t breath until you cum.”
His fingers tightened around your throat but it didn’t even matter, you found yourself silently screaming Jeonghan’s name as you rolled your hips down on Jeonghan’s thigh, feeling your walls spasm as Jeonghan’s cum leaked out of your swollen pussy.
Jeonghan’s hands loosened around your throat and your forehead fell forward on Jeonghan’s head. You were quick with your thank you’s yet again, fingers squeezing his thigh.
The orgasm was practically painful at the lack of Jeonghan’s cock in your pussy, but you were still thankful to have it at all. You tilted your head up, your nose brushing against Jeonghan’s. You looked up at him, lips curled up into a tired smile.
He hummed looking at you.
“You know what? You did deserve to cum,” he mumbled. He grabbed you by your hips, lowering you back down on his cock. He lifted you up, pressing you against as wall before beginning to rail you again. You were so sensitive but you didn’t even care. You wrapped your arms around Jeonghan’s shoulders, thanking him over and over again until he was cumming deep inside of you again.
“Now cum you pathetic slut. Cum all over my cock.”
You felt both Jeonghan’s cum and your own slick leaking out of your pussy around his cock as another orgasm ripped through you. As soon as you came down from your high, your face fell into Jeonghan’s chest.
“Fuck, Jeonghan, I’ve... I’ve never been fucked like that in my life.”
Jeonghan pulled you off of his cock, carrying you over to his bed, laying your head down on the pillow.
“Yeah? It wasn’t too much?” He asked you softly. You were surprised by the tone of his voice. You looked up at him, taking note of the gentle look on his face.
It was like he was a completely different person.
“Too much?” You asked with a laugh. “No, I loved every second of it.”
Your face flushed bright red.
“Will I ever admit to anyone the way I let you treat me and how much I liked it?” You asked. “Absolutely not, that goes to my grave but... I would let you do it again.”
Your eyes flickered away from Jeonghan’s but you heard the hum that left his mouth regardless.
“I’m going to draw a bath for you and get you something to drink okay?” Jeonghan said. You whined in protest.
“I don’t want to get up.”
“I don’t care, you need to get cleaned off.”
He looked away from you.
“Are you on birth control? Do you need me to buy you some plan B?”
You waved it off.
“I’m sure I’ll be okay.” You tried to lean up by propping yourself up on your elbows, but you were too weak.
“You can spend the night,” Jeonghan said. “I’ll be back for you in a second.”
You were silently for a second.
“Thank you.”
“It’s the bare minimum,” Jeonghan laughed. “I’ll be back.”
The door shut between him and as you rolled over you were lucky enough to find your phone with a message from Jeongyeon.
Hey, you’re not with Chan? Where’d you get off to?
Your face burned.
Ended up with someone else. Don’t wait up for me.
You let your head fall back down against the fluffy pillow. You certainly hoped that this would not be the last time that you saw Jeonghan.
“Jeonghan, did you really have to steal Chan’s date like that?” Jun sighed. Jeonghan looked up from his legos, eyebrows high.
“Steal? She came in my room. All I did was what she wanted me to do.”
“It was fine, she wasn’t feeling me,” Chan said dismissively. “Honestly not really my type either.”
“But exactly mine,” Jeonghan said, a smirk crossing his lips. “Jun, if you had told me sooner that Jeongyeon had such a dirty friend, I would have settled for one fuck buddy ages ago.”
Jun groaned, burying his face in his hands.
“And now I know too much about y/n.”
“Now?” Jihoon blurted. “You were lucky. You were downstairs at the party. I could hear every depraved thing Jeonghan said to that girl. And she thanked him for it.”
“As someone at the party,” Soonyoung piped up. “We could hear it too. Please tell me that she’s not a keeper.”
Jeonghan didn’t say anything. He just turned his attention back to his food, but everyone at the table could tell by the smile on his face, that there wouldn’t be much peace in the house the next time y/n was around.
Part Two: The Art of Humiliation
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wifeyoozi · 3 months
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Just your one boyfriend flirting with your other boyfriend leaving wrecking you head to toe on a random Tuesday night 🩷🫶🏻 (read tags for smut mini scenario)
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horangslay · 1 month
well my day is ruined, Jeonghan is going to enlist like the next 6(ish) weeks so no more ot13 until 2030...
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kyeomies · 15 days
240428 ✰ follow again to seoul day 2
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bixiaoshi · 2 years
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