#mean lesbian/sweet gayboy solidarity!!!!!!
melto · 2 years
i know i talk about it all the time but rinko and shunpei’s relationship is so awesome it is everything to me. throughout their shared arc both are simply continually causing issues for themselves and the other by what is generally considered to be their strengths but due to being unable to find a happy medium between rinko's "harshness" and shunpei's "softness". both of them often work in the extremes of these parts of themselves but usually haruto is able to level it out because both of them trust him and have sort of figured out how to mostly allow these parts of themselves to be more aid than hindrance.
both rinko and shunpei are threatened and on the defense right off the bat in this arc.. rinko might lose her job which she sees as her losing her way of being able to protect people and shunpei did get in the way of her catching the person in the first place so it's hard for her to not blame him in part. what threatens shunpei is rinko's jab about him being useless to haruto. which is well. literally basically shunpei's biggest insecurity and while he does get reassurance from haruto (in ways that i will not talk about now bc its not about them) it's still hard for him to hear. they are both trying to prove themselves in general, rinko's more aimed towards her boss while shunpei's is more aimed at her. and they just cannot stop butting heads because they are both insecure and threatened with no haruto to level them out so it's just them at 100 and like they just dont get the other's way of doing things. rinko thinks shunpei is too naive and a push over and shunpei thinks she's too mean and stubborn (even though he can also be stubborn). they're stuck in this competition of proving their worth but both refuse to admit that their insecurity and reaction to it is what is causing all these problems and their heads to butt over and over again. shunpei really just goes UHHH time to steal a cop car and also harbor a fugitive to prove my point and rinko is simply. Well being an unjust cop lol and like throughout they kinda and slowly start to see the merit in the other's ways but it comes off as much more like well i guess ur right this one time or well that was just a lucky move :/ even though they both know deep down that it's not just that. both are still trying to prove something, to themselves and to each other and everyone else.
i think at this point they arent even sure what they are trying to prove anymore, they both are on the same page of wanting to just protect the gate at this point but the how isnt lining up between them but then of course they are able to fully realize the other's strength in what they thought was bad about them while in water (typical kamen rider move). rinko has an outburst at the gate that is harsh and direct but she is completely correct. it is still coming from a place of compassion but also frustration, because sometimes you need to be harsh in order for things to happen and change, even if someone doesnt want to hear it. the gate turning to shunpei to be comforted like he had been doing the whole time and instead being faced with him backing away and admitting that rinko is right and he agrees with her even though it was hard for him is just...so big for him. for them. like he turns to rinko to say it, to make it clear that he wasn't bullied into it or was feeling shameful for agreeing with her, which took her by surprise because it's so shunpei and i dont think she's ever really been on the receiving end of his earnesty before and like shunpei is generally pretty good at melding his optimism into what people need, which is exactly what he does, not only for the gate but also for rinko because she's watching the way he reworks her sentiment into something just as stern but with more hope and empathy and she just stares at him and says a little 'shunpei' is in part to shunpei's true strength hitting her and also that he switched from saying "i'm on your side" to "we're on your side". neither have to outright say that they get it now because they both actively show it in this moment and the rest that comes after.
they realize that they actually can work well together and help each other be stronger and grow even though they go about their similar goal in differing ways and also that it's not just because of haruto, it's just as much because of them. they did this without him. they grew and were challenged without him. it was just them and i think since so much growth is highlighted with haruto's presence that it's just. So significant that he wasnt there with them as they went through it. if he was they never would have been able to come to this understanding or truly see the other's strength or come to admire the other for it. they can protect and save people still even without a wizard there. that's what they end up proving. that they are capable of it and they did it together!!!
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
Wen Qing!! And hiei!
oooh two faves!!! a double whammy!!! (also spoilers for the untamed below if anyone cares about that)
Sexuality Headcanon:
wen qing: lesbian obviously
hiei: gayboy obviously
Gender Headcanon:
wen qing: nb gnc lesbian!!!
hiei: doesnt have one, too much of a gremlin
A ship I have with said character:
wen qing: her and yanli!!!! just rewatched the episode where she finds her in the woods feeling ill and takes care of her and escorts her back and we didnt get to see ANY of it hello???? we were robbed but anyway i dream of an au where wq realizes that something is up with her brother and breaks out of jinlintai and finds yanli and they take jin ling and get tf out and everyone lives thank you. plus it would be fuckin hysterical to see jiang chengs reaction to this
hiei: honestly the only ship i really like for him is yusuke. him and kuwabara is funny and sweet tho
A BROTP I have with said character:
wen qing: i want her and mianmian to have interacted, i think she would like the strength of her convictions. also we were robbed of wlw/mlm solidarity with wangji
hiei: kuwabara is a good fit here but i wish we could have gotten some hiei and shizuru interaction i think it would have been funny. i also think she could have gotten him to just talk to his sister already dammit. same goes for keiko tbh i just want him to have female friends i think he needs them if hes ever going to have yukina in his life and i want that for him so
A NOTP I have with said character:
wen qing: her and wei wu🤢. wei wuxi🤢. i cant bring myself to say it but one time i saw fanart of them and im still recovering. wangxian married and have a kid aside, it just seems so clear to me that they treat each other the way they treat their siblings like ??? no thnx
hiei: anything nasty obvs. ive never seen anyone put him with yukina THANK GOD if i did i would have to end them right there. i kind of dont really care for him and kurama i know its popular but honestly i think a lot of the good stuff hiei has to say about him is bc he cant stop talking about how much he hates humans and how much better demons are lmao
A random headcanon:
wen qing: okay this one is kinda sad but i dont think why she becomes a doctor ever gets addressed and i like to think its because she was trying to cure her brother and maybe she had a different dream when she was young but chose to give it up so she could study ;_;
hiei: feels like an common one but i love him not knowing anything useful about the human world but refusing to admit it. kurama gets him a credit card so he stops stealing food from his house and hiei has no clue what that means and runs up a huge bill buying expensive snacks and cool looking antique shit
General Opinion over said character:
wen qing: my general opinion is that I LOVE HER and she deserved better!!! shes the best doctor in qishan and she just wants to help people and take care of her clan and her brother!!! as much as i love our main boys shes sincerely probably my favorite character i just really love her. she puts on a front about only helping people out as a repayment for kindness but its clearly a defense thing to protect herself and wen ning bc she never stops helping people even at at risk to herself like the first thing we see her do at cloud recesses is save the gate guard from wen chao like !!!! i just adore her shes kind and shes funny and ready to tease her loved ones and protect those who need protecting but no one protected her in the end im sorry i made this sad :’((((
hiei: an all time favorite. my first anime crush unfortunately. a big dumb dummy head. when i watched the dub on toonami when i was 8 i wanted yukina to Know so bad that i used to dream about it
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