#meanwhile momo is just a disaster waiting to happen
alexiethymia · 2 years
summary: [Post-TYBW] Momo falls in love. It's messy business. 
[read on ao3]
part 1
It happens on an ordinary day.
They’re in his office sharing amanatto from Isane-fuku –no, Isane-taichou now (she still feels echoes of sadness. It seems so unfair for someone so kind to just be gone, for Momo to still remain when the reason she – and many others – remains alive in the first place is no longer here, and yet -), the weather is pleasant, a mild breeze entering through the open window that she cannot help but feel at peace.
When before, Isane-san might have joined her, unfortunately, her new responsibilities keep her busy. Rangiku-san, for some reason, had escaped with a hearty wave and a cheeky wink that she still had trouble deciphering. It was fortunate that her captain hadn’t been there when she made her speedy exit (however knowing Rangiku-san, it had probably been intentional), so when Hitsugaya-kun returns to a room bereft of his vice-captain, and containing only a package of amanatto and a sheepish smile, he can only sigh in resignation.
He apologizes for doing work while she’s visiting, but this – him at his desk, eyes glued to his papers but keeping an ear out, and her, animated and gushing about the newest manga she’s been reading – is more than enough for Momo.
He hadn’t really understood, but Momo was nothing if not a voracious reader, so when Hirako-taichou had brought back picture books from the Living World called ‘manga’ from his friends, it was inevitable that she’d get hooked. She even managed to get Nanao-san to join in her latest reading obsession, not without a lot of nudging from Yadomaru-taichou. Still, not even Yadomaru-taichou could get either of them to try out the racier ones she preferred.
It is in the midst of her latest spiel on the ending of a manga she had been reading (‘-so moving, even when it seemed like she loved another, he was steadfast-’ eyebrows bunched together in confusion, ‘I thought this was a story about hanafuda’ ‘It’s karuta, Shiro-chan.’ His unimpressed look shows he still didn’t understand the difference.) that he suddenly interjects.
“So it’s the same as that manga,” it’s awkward in his mouth, but he says it anyway, and only with a slight grimace, “with the princess and her guardian?”
Here, Momo stops, stares. “Which one?”
He waves the hand holding his brush around in a lazy gesture, “The one where the princess was betrayed by her first love who kills her father, and she runs away with her guardian. You said she eventually falls in love with her guardian who’s loved her since childhood.”
Momo continues to stare. Hitsugaya-kun, misunderstanding her gaze, shifts his eyes away, “Did I get it wrong?”
Momo flails, waving her arms wildly, “No, no! You’re right, it’s just like that one. It’s just…” She bites her lip, hesitating on whether or not to continue. Hitsugaya-kun merely raises a brow, waiting.
Momo shakes her head. It’s silly. It’s just that, she talked about that one with him, months and months ago. This is the first time they’ve actually been alone since the invasion. Whenever she’d go off-tangent, he’d be nodding along absentmindedly as he scrutinized another report Rangiku-san left unfinished. She’d always assumed he wasn’t really interested and Momo didn’t begrudge him that since she knew with certainty that he’d give her his full attention if it was something truly important. It was just nice to spend time with him.
She’d actually forgotten about that particular story till he mentioned it. It had resonated with her, a story about admiration turning into poison. Reading that story made her feel like water was filling her lungs, and yet she still pushed through, just so she could see that girl of fire reignited.
“It’s actually not yet finished. We still don’t know what happens to the both of them from here on out…” she says quietly, in contrast to her earlier energy. Hitsugaya-kun only nods. Funny, she remembers that story made her feel like drowning, so why is it that now, as she looks into Hitsugaya-kun’s eyes, she feels like burning like that girl of fire? (It was a story that resonated with her.)
That particular interaction done, Momo expects Hitsugaya-kun to go back to his reports, expects it, wishes it even (if only so she no longer has to look into his eyes). Instead, not only does he continue looking at her, he surprises her by saying,
“Your hair has gotten longer.”
She brushes the ends of her hair self-consciously, “What are you talking about, Shiro-chan? No, it hasn’t. It’s still the same.”
“Yes, it has,” he drawls.
“No, it hasn’t.”
“Yes, it has.”
Momo pouts. This is silly. What they’re doing is silly, arguing about her hair of all things.
Momo is happy about where they’ve ended up after the invasion. Shiro-chan’s shoulders are lighter as if his captain’s cloak isn’t so heavy anymore. The lines on his face have lessened, and Momo couldn’t be more thankful. But just because she was happier that he smiled more didn’t mean she wasn’t entitled to feel disgruntled at the self-satisfied smirk on his face, no matter how slight it may be.
She was about to launch into another denial when he surprises her yet again.
Shiro-chan – Hitsugaya-kun reaches his arm across his desk toward her. He lets his fingertips kiss the ends of her short hair, and brushes a wayward strand away from her forehead, before retreating.
It is only then that Momo breathes out (she didn’t realize she’d been holding her breath in the first place).
“Be careful,” he says, voice sly, “You don’t want to burn your hair off accidentally – again – like that disastrous kido training session.”
It takes a while for her to place the event, but when she does, she really can’t help the full-blown pout. Oh, she’s worked herself up and crossed the threshold to righteous indignation (otherwise, she’ll have to examine everything else going on right now). “Honestly, Hitsugaya-kun! That only happened because you weren’t paying attention!” Actually no, she’d just been recruited into the Gotei, and Hitsugaya-kun right after her. She’d been so excited to train with him (to impress him if she was being honest) that things got out of hand and her hair got caught in a shakkaho spell.
(She can’t believe she forgot, but now that she remembers, what sparks vividly in her memories is the rapid transition of Hitsugaya-kun’s expression from feigned disinterest to heart-stopping panic.)  
Graciously, Hitsugaya-kun doesn’t contradict her version of events, but he does catch her attention, “Hinamori,” just one word, her name, so firmly that she pauses (and holds her breath again) when he smiles (not a smirk or a grin, but a true-blown smile that she’s only ever glimpsed once-), “How many times do I have to tell you? It’s not ‘Hitsugaya-kun’, it’s ‘Hitsugaya-taichou’.”
This isn’t Shiro-chan’s smile, because she’s hardly ever seen him smile when they were kids.
It’s not that his cloak isn’t heavy anymore, it’s just that he’s grown into it, even if in truth he’s only grown a mere centimeter.
This is what she’d felt back then when she’d first seen that smile, this disquiet and unease, and curious perfect blankness that she’d felt when she realized that her Shiro-chan had transformed into a captain. That same feeling that she was being left behind, but still, the awe that she could not help, as she gazed at him soaring in the heavens, her Shiro-chan (because no matter what he would always be her Shiro-chan) protecting them all. This same feeling she’d pushed aside, unconsciously, time and again, in order to avoid thinking about it, because otherwise everything would – change.
(Oh, she finally understands, Rangiku-san.)
It happens on an ordinary day. The light doesn’t hit him just right. He hasn’t grown any taller than her. They still haven’t finished the amanatto Isane-taichou carefully packed for them as a souvenir. That brilliant smile slowly fades away into a look of confusion, the more she sits there, gaping at him, “Hinamori?”
It is on a perfectly ordinary day that Momo realizes she’s in love with him.
“Hinamori…?” He asks again, this time worry coloring his voice. He reaches out a tentative hand, but Momo bolts upright. She consciously stills her arms against her sides, else she’ll instinctually try and cover her (burning, burning) face.
“Hi-Hitsugaya-taichou!” She stuttered! She has never stuttered in front of him. She feels conscious of everything - her too-loud voice, the ends of her hair brushing her shoulders, her fisted hands, her scarlet face. “I beg your leave. I forgot that I have to meet with Hirako-taichou right about…now. Yes, now! I have to go right at this moment. Bye!”
And before Hitsugaya can so much as grasp at her – to ask what on earth was wrong, he didn’t expect his oft-repeated reminder to garner such a reaction, it was habit by now, was she mad at him, did he do anything – she has already shunpoed away leaving behind only the scent of peach blossoms, and a confused captain in her wake.
“Momo! Where’s the fire? What’s got ya in so much of a hurry?” One thing that Shinji noticed about his lieutenant was how graceful she was. Even when she was only walking, she always seemed so light on her feet, as if dancing on flower petals. There is none of that grace, here, now, as she barrels head first into him.
“Taichou!” Her head shoots up, voice so panic-stricken that Shinji’s heart jolts. He places the back of his hand against her forehead. “Ya running a fever or somethin’? If you’re sick, you should head to the fourth. Don’t go runnin’ yourself ragged, I promise I’ll finish all the paperwork.”
She shakes her head lightly. “Never mind that,” Wait, what? Momo not reminding him about his paperwork? This must be serious. “Do you notice anything different about me, Hirako-taichou?”
“Besides you bein’ outta breath, ya mean?” Even if he had no idea whatsoever about what was going on with his lieutenant, Shinji still decided to indulge her. If anyone deserved a scheduled psychotic break, it was her. He grasped his chin in hand and scrutinized her. Ah, he knew what this was about. His face was introduced enough times to a straw sandal for him to not say the right thing this time around.
“Don't worry, you haven’t gotten fatter. Heck, I think you should eat more. You’re light as a bird.” There, Hiyori would have no excuse to kick his face in now.
“Thank you, sir,” she says, voice clipped, “But no, I mean do you think my hair has gotten longer?”
Shinji narrows his eyes and looks closer, huffs out, “Nah, it hasn’t changed a bit.”
Evidently, that had been the wrong thing to say. Flabbergasted, Shinji could only watch as his lieutenant buried her face into her hands to muffle a frustrated scream.
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bakugou-tm · 5 years
Perfect (Bakugou x Reader Song Fic)
So here’s that good ole sappy fic I was talking about, if you didn’t already know it’s inspired by Ed Sheeran’s song Perfect. Listen to the song here while you read the story for better enjoyment, I hope you all enjoy!
Bakugou didn’t even remember what the fight was about.
The two of you always had petty fights, after all when two stubborn heads clashed an argument was always bound to happen every once and awhile.
All the ash blond could remember is that this time he crossed the line. The way he screamed at you with no mercy. The way your body visibly froze at the words he spat in your face.
Never will he forget the way those beautiful (e/c) eyes began to gloss over before warm tears spilled down your soft cheeks.
Gritting his teeth, Bakugou continued to pace around the loud gymnasium awaiting his girlfriend to walk through the gym doors anytime now.
Of course the two of you had to have a large fight just two days before the Winter Ball. Since year one at UA when the two of you started dating you had always gone together, the two of you knocking any couple out of the water.
But this year, he had truly ruined everything.
Tapping his foot anxiously against the wooden floors, Bakugou’s crimson eyes scanned the room in hopes of you maybe already being here.
His friends seemed to notice his nervous demeanor, each of them looking to each other before a certain red head decided to speak up.
“Hey bro just chill out okay? She’ll be here..” Kirishima said, patting his friend on the shoulder cautiously, “After all Mina was finally able to convince (L/n) by buying her a dress.”
The ash blond let out a huff at his friend’s remark, his fingers tapping nervously against his bicep until the doors to the gym swung open.
Jerking up he stood up ready to greet his love with open arms until he saw a disheveled Mina instead, her eyes a bit worried.
Bakugou let out a slight mix of a growl and whine as Mina walked over to them quickly, his shoulders slumping even though he remained curious as to why she looked so bummed.
“Why the glum face?” Kaminiari asked with a raised brow, his eyes scanning behind the pink girl before frowning, “Where’s (L/n)?”
Mina sheepishly looked down to her feet, specifically avoiding Bakugou’s gaze before letting out a forced laugh, “Heh.. about that... well I think (L/n) changed her mind..”
“What do you mean changed her mind?” Bakugou growled, though rather than his expression looking filled with fury it was filled with worry.
The pink skinned girl looked up to Bakugou with saddened eyes before turning her back to him and waving for them to follow her.
“It’s best if you see for yourself.”
Honestly, Bakugou wished you just hadn’t shown up.
Anything would beat finding you under a tree, your knees pulled to your chest as you sobbed into the quiet night.
“Dude... what did you say to her?” Kaminari said, Kirishima and Sero quickly elbowing him causing him to yelp in pain, but Bakugou ignored all of it.
All he could do was watch your beautiful form crying, crying because of him.
“Fucking hell...” Bakugou muttered, turning around as he began to pace back and forth on the sidewalk, his large palm running through his ash locks.
If he had just not been an asshole for once none of this would have happened. You would have been happily dancing in his arms in the warm gym with those beautiful (e/c) eyes looking up at him and that adorable smile you always wore.
Instead you were out in the cold alone, crying over something that wasn’t your fault to begin with. Even though your hair was done perfectly and your magnificent form was holding one of the prettiest dresses he had ever seen, you were forced to feel miserable the entire night because of him.
Normally Bakugou’s friends would be scolding him for this, knowing he deserved all of this from the beginning, but this time they could feel the guilt radiating off him. The fact that Bakugou Katsuki himself showed any sign of remorse for his actions was crazy enough, so to see him so crushed made his entire squad feel crushed as well.
All of them stood their in silence, guilt and worry looming over them before Mina snapped her fingers, a smile appearing on her face.
“Wait Bakugou, wasn’t that tree where you and (L/n) kissed for the first time?”
Everyone’s eyes moved to Mina, including Bakugou’s confused ones, “I guess so? Why the fuck does that matter now?”
Suddenly Mina’s expression brightened, her eyes snapping over to the rest of the group with a determined look in them.
“I have an idea for Mission Save Bakugou and (L/n) from crumbling! Kaminari and Kirishima, I need you to go grab Jiro, Koda, and Uraraka. Sero I need you to go back to your dorm and grab your mini projector and bed sheets.” Mina instructed, everyone seeming to comply with her demands before she turned to Bakugou, “Bakugou I need you to send me every photo you have with (L/n) stat!”
Everyone seemed to break off except the ash blond, his gaze a bit wary of Mina as he pulled out his phone, “The fuck are you planning raccoon eyes?”
Mina only grinned, her palms rubbing together as the both looked back to your form under the tree.
“I’m going to fix this disaster you created but you’re going to owe me big time, now are you willing to comply?” Mina asked, her face serious causing Bakugou to nervously look her up and down before groaning in reply.
“What else do I have to fucking lose?”
Letting out a giggle, Mina mouthed a quiet yes before snatching Bakugou’s phone from his hands.
“Alright, here’s the game plan...”
You had tried, you really did. Honestly it was more of a guilt trip when Mina showed up to your door with a beautiful purple dress.
“C’mon it’s your favorite color and everything!” Mina whined as she held up the beautiful lavender dress up to your body, “And I know that cute little body of yours would look hot in this baby!”
Letting out a snort you snatched the dress from her, setting it down on your desk before you began shooing her out the door.
“If I wear this will you please leave me alone about it?”
MIna bursted into an excited shriek as she skipped out the door, “I swear on it! Scouts honor!”
Rolling your eyes you waved your fingers goodbye before closing the door as she skipped down the hallway.
But the night of the ball itself when you put on the admittedly gorgeous dress, you couldn’t help but feel the horrible feelings you had felt before wash all over you.
Now here you laid, under the very tree where it all began.
You would never forget the way Bakugou held you close up against him, your back against the firm bark of the tree while your front was pressed up against his sturdy body as he held you lovingly.
“I have never felt this way about anybody (S/o)...” Bakugou whispered, his hand brushing against your cheek as you smiled warmly to him, your lips just ghosting against his own.
“Neither have I.”
And with that the two of you shared your first kiss, a surprisingly gentle and magnificent feeling that made you feel like you were on top of the world.
You would never forget the three words he spoke to you under this tree, truly making you fall under his spell. The first time he had ever said I love you as he held you lovingly in his warm grasp.
“I love you too..” You whispered, forgetting the reason you were under the tree as you daydreamed, only to snap back into reality when a cold breeze hit your  cheek like a slap to the face.
Letting your head fall back down a sharp cry escaped your lips once more as fresh warm tears strolled down your face, surely ruining the makeup Momo had worked so hard to put on for you.
You had probably let your whole class down. Mina was probably so upset you had broken your promise, Momo must’ve been disappointed she spent hours doing your makeup only for you to ruin it, the whole class must’ve been furious that you couldn’t just push your feelings aside and enjoy your last Winter Ball as a class.
But most of all, your boyfriend must have been heart broken inside. Sitting all alone awaiting for you to come.
Part of you had been expecting some sort of apology. Admittedly you had yelled at him, but he ultimately was the one who hurt you right? Maybe this was your fault, after all Bakugou Katsuki never apologies for anything. You should have known better.
Digging your nailed into the soft fabric of your dress you hid your face in your knees, letting all of these thoughts swarm your mind until a soft melody began to play.
At first you just though it was your mind playing tricks on you, a small huff escaping your lips before you lifted your head to see a floating white sheet before you.
A small gasp of surpise escaped your lips at the sight of a random floating sheet until a flickering of a screen began to appear on the sheet before a picture of you and Bakugou appeared on it.
“W..What the...” You muttered under your breath, suddenly sitting up as you looked the large sheet up and down before the melody you heard from before played loud and clear.
I found a love, for me. Darling just dive right in, and follow my lead.
Your ears perked up once you heard the lyrics of the song, immediately recognizing it as one of your favorite love songs you had heard Bakugou talking about.
Jerking your head around for any sign of Bakugou you raised an eyebrow when you saw him nowhere to be found, only a new picture forming on the sheet. It must have been some sort of slide show.
Well I found a girl, beautiful and sweet. I never knew you were the someone waiting for me.
Suddenly the pictures began to fade away with more popping up, the slide show coming across many pictures of you and the ash blond holding each other close.
Little did you know your classmates were behind the entire thing. Jirou was a few feet away behind a tree, using her earphone jacks to play the melody of the song while Ochako used her quirk to keep Sero’s bed sheet floating. Meanwhile Mina controlled the projector to keep the picture slide show going to distract you from Bakugou and Kirishima that were behind the bed sheet.
Cause we were just kids when we fell in love, not knowing what it was. I will not give you up this time.
The next few pictures caused you to burst into giggles as you watched the pictures of you and your boyfriend having an icing fight in the kitchen. You remembered when you and your friends had decided to make Christmas cookies. The idea seemed great in theory until you and Bakugou had an argument over how much icing to put on top.
It ended up leading into the battle of icing, causing you and Bakugou to have more icing decorated on the two of you than the actual cookies.
But darling just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own. And in your eyes you’re holding mine, baby I’m...
While you seemed to be preoccupied on one side of the bed sheet, your eyes taking in each old photo of the two of you with a sappy smile on your face, Bakugou was nervously pacing behind the bed sheet with his friend.
“Is she liking it? She isn’t still crying is she?” Bakugou asked in a nervous tone, almost peaking his head around the bed sheet before Kirishima tugged him back.
“Relax dude she’s totally loving it, and she’s totally gonna love that you’re doing this all for her.” Kirishima said with a reassuring smile.
Dancing in the dark, with you between my arms. Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song.
Bakugou inhaled sharply, his teeth gritting as he looked over to his friend.
“I can’t fucking mess this up shitty hair.”
Kirishima let out a sigh of sympathy for his friend, patting his shoulder reassuringly as he led Bakugou to the center of the bed sheet, “And you won’t bro, your girl is out there waiting for you. Just be genuine and remind her how much you love her.”
The ash blond made a small nod but mostly to reassure himself as he waited for his cue to walk out.
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath but you heard it... darling you look perfect tonight.
Though part of you was wondering what was all happening, knowing Bakugou’s friends must have been behind this, you couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the pictures.
You and Bakugou truly had been together for a long time, you couldn’t believe how the two of you had stuck together through thick and thin.
Letting out a quiet sniffle you smiled up to the makeshift screen before the sheet suddenly flopped to the ground revealing the certain ash blond you had been thinking about this whole time.
Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know. 
You noticed the reluctance in Bakugou’s step, but he eventually walked over to you, his calloused palms taking your own soft ones in his own before lifting you up to your feet.
The two of you stared at each other for awhile, though you remained silent your eyes were doing all the talking as you stared at each other passionatly.
“Can I have this dance?” Bakugou muttered softly, extending his arm out properly as small hiccup escaped your lips.
Wiping your wet face from the tears you gave a small nod, kicking off your heeled shoes before taking Bakugou’s hand as he pulled you up against his chest and began to sway along to the melody.
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I’ll share her home.
The two of you started off with a simple sway, the two of you just staring up to each other as your feet danced along the dew covered grass beneath you.
Each step you took seemed to lighten the air of any awkwardness as you held onto each other as if one of you would disappear if the other let go.
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets. To carry love, to carry children of our own.
Along with the lyrics, one of Bakugou’s palms began to rub against your stomach softly when the song spoke about children causing a light blush to dust across your cheeks as he smiled down to you.
We are still kids but we’re so in love, fighting against all odds. I know we’ll be alright this time.
At the sound of the chorus starting back up, you let out a shriek of surprise when the ash blond dipped you down, your hair sprawling out against the grass below you before he pulled you back up.
The same warm smile remained on his face while your own lips mirrored his own smile, your arms wrapping tightly around his neck as he let your feet dance along the cool grass. 
Darling just hold my hand, be my girl I’ll be your man. I see my future in your eyes, baby I’m...
The two of you hadn’t even noticed how you’re swaying had turned into large steps, the ash blond leading your body along with the beat of the song, your dress and hair twirling around with his movements.
You were absolutely mesmerized by him, a soft blush returning to your cheeks when his free hand softly brushed across your cheek as he mouthed ‘I see my future in your eyes’
Letting out a choked up laugh you gripped onto the dashing suit he was wearing, letting your head rest against his chest to hide your blushing face.
Dancing in the dark, with you between my arms. Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song. When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful I don’t deserve this, darling you look perfect tonight.
You blinked for a moment when you felt his fingers cup your chin and lead your head to look up to him as he smiled down to you mouthing the last words to that last verse.
Biting your lip to fight back warm tears you smiled brightly up to him, the two fo you swaying so much you hadn’t even noticed yourselves backing into a nearby stream.
Luckily the water wasn’t two deep, just reaching up to the bottom of your shins and Bakugou’s ankles, but it certainly was cold enough to make the two of you jump in surprise.
Looking up to each other you both bursted into laughter unitarily, using each other to lean on as you happily began to dance around in the water, your bare feet causing small splashes while the guitar melody played out.
Flashing a small grin you kicked your foot up to splash a bit of water at him causing his eyes to widen before a wicked grin danced across his own lips.
Suddenly he leaned down to scoop up a bunch of water and swipe it at you causing you to shriek in surprise as you held your hands up to block the water from getting on your face.
The two of you went on for awhile as the beat of the song continued until Bakugou stopped for a moment, admiring the way you twirled around the water so happily.
Even with your dress ruined and soaked, your makeup a mess, and your hair soaked and stuck to the sides of your face you had never looked so beautiful in his eyes.
Baby I’m...
Suddenly the ash blond ran to you without warning at the sharp chorus of the song, your eyes widening as he grabbed you by the waist and lifted you up, spinning you around while you bursted into laughter while holding onto his shoulders.
Dancing in the dark, with you between my arms. 
Placing you down, the two of you looked out in awe as you saw the night sky covered in fireflies dancing around the two of you. Koda must have been the cause of this.
As if many stars to light up the sky you watched them with your mouth agape, not noticing the way the ash blond was lovingly watching you with every bit of admiration he held for you in his gaze.
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song.
Tugging at your arms once more your attention was brought to your lover as he lead you into your swaying movements once more, twirling your damp form in the water causing your hair to spin around with you.
Letting out another burst of giggles as he spun you outwards, you let your arm swing outward before twirling back into his chest.
I have faith in what I see, now I know I have met an angel in person, and she looks perfect.
Keeping you close against his chest, you let your arms wrap around his neck tightly while his arms wrapped around your waist keeping your bodies pressed together, your lips just barely centimeters away from one another.
“I don’t deserve this, you look perfect tonight.” Bakugou sang along with the final words of the song, his warm breath dancing across your lips as he lovingly looked down to you.
Smiling warmly you ignored the warm tears streaming down your face before smashing your lips up against his. This was all Bakugou had needed to feel before he melted into the kiss, holding you tightly against him.
While Bakugou still held his usual passion in this kiss, instead of it being rough it held certain gentleness and desperateness as he kissed your perfect lips deeply.
The two of you kept going until you couldn’t breath. Eventually you broke away but kept your heads against each other as you panted against each others lips, your (e/c) eyes looking longingly into his own.
There were no words to be said as the melody of the song began to fade away, all Bakugou would think was how grateful he was for his friends to pull this together and for you to forgive him this easily.
Letting out a small laugh you let your hands run into his wet locks as you gripped onto his head tightly, burying the side of your face into his neck while he held onto your back tightly.
The ash blond had many things to say in this moment as the two you held onto each other: an apology, a thank you, even another kiss.
But there only five words that rung in his head as he placed a warm kiss on your forehead, holding the love of his life against his chest under the bright moon lit sky.
“I love you (L/n) (F/n).”
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 164: Life or Death Battle
Previously on BnHA: The internship kids returned to the dorms and were greeted by their worried pals. Iida hemmed and hawed. Momo made some tea. Satou shoved an entire cake into Deku’s mouth. Ochako realized she wanted to save people in addition to earning money to ease her parents’ poverty. Sero and Kirishima showered Kirishima with affectionate concern. Bakugou quietly chilled on the couch pretending not to be worried. Kaminari slid over and called him “Kacchan” like the homeboy he is. It was all amazing. The next morning, Bakugou and Todoroki headed off to their provisional license course. All Might and Present Mic showed up to chaperone them, and we learned from All Might that Kurogiri was indeed captured by Gran Torino and Naomasa, but Giganto escaped after dealing some heavy damage. The group arrived at the training course location, and everyone’s windy fave Yoarashi greeted them along with Camie (the real one!) and fucking Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (Seiji). Also Endeavor was there to watch. And he’s going to have a private chat with All Might. Should be lots of fun, this.
Today on BnHA: Our best boys Bakugou, Shouto and Inasa (and Camie) begin the day’s training course. Endeavor cheers Shouto on from the stands and everyone is like “...” but then they notice All Might sitting next to him and they’re like “OH FUCK YEAH, ALL MIGHT.” Gang Orca walks out onto the floor, compares all of the kids to fish feces, and fucking yeets my three faves across the room. He then informs them that they lack heart, and thus he is assigning them a special trial. Enter a group of about 25 screaming elementary schoolers, plus their harried teacher who is constantly on the verge of tears. Baku, Shouto, Camie and Inasa are told that they’ll be in charge of them, and that to pass this test they’ll need to cooperate and move the children’s hearts. This is, of course, a recipe for perfect chaos, and to make things even more entertaining, Mic decides to do play-by-play commentary. Meanwhile, a surprisingly subdued Endeavor asks All Might exactly what it means to be “the Symbol of Peace.”
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 187 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.) 
looks like the kids have changed into their hero costumes and are trudging towards wherever the course will be taking place
aww Inasa is aggressively trying to be friends
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also I’m kind of with Inasa on this one. sorry Shouto. I’ve only had cold soba noodles like once but I wasn’t that big a fan. but udon is the shit though
Shouto apparently feels very strongly about this
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I honestly can’t tell if he’s just really particular about his food, or if he feels like Inasa is trying to sneak up a metaphor on him and he’s like NOPE, NOT HAPPENING. THIS ZARU SOBA IS NOT GIVING UDON THE TIME OF DAY
oh my god Inasa is literally saying “WE’RE GONNA BECOME BEST BUDS WHETHER YOU LIKE OR NOT”
did you hear that Shouto. WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT
that means it’s happening. because like. look at him. this big fluffy airbending teddy bear is not going to not let it happen
meanwhile Bakugou is watching and being creeped out. by their attempts at friendship? or something else?
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I’ve been having a bit of an insomniac phase myself. so I feel ya bro
also they’re in this gym that, surprisingly, actually looks like a normal gym?? although there’s a bunch of playground equipment in one corner which is odd
Mera says that so far they’ve been doing the training course with the ten of them, but today there will be an eleventh person joining them
so is that Camie then?
meanwhile All Might and Mic are entering the spectator area and looking for someplace to sit
Mic wants to sit near the front to see better, but All Might doesn’t want to stand out
well he is pretty famous. and not to mention that Endeavor’s still right there as well and I don’t know if they’ve had their chat yet orz
oh jesus
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yep. wouldn’t want to distract anyone. definitely not looking to do that, nope
starting to see why Shouto was angsting so much over that text
so Endeavor is actually screaming encouragement at him, but in his obnoxious Endeavor way
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I feel like. he’s actually trying. oddly enough. but he’s just. so terrible. in so many ways
oh snap I forgot all about this
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yep. the guy that wouldn’t autograph your book and subsequently changed the course of your life by causing you to withdraw your application from U.A.
oh shit now All Might’s getting recognized too
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I hope they cheer the fuck out of All Might and it’s like, who even fucking cares about Endeavor
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that’s Bakugou’s dad, you know. ever since chapter 120. and Deku’s dad too, obviously. Shouto he can be your dad too if you want. plenty of All Might to go around, and it’s not like your old man is doing such a bang up job
Shouto is literally saying “hmph” and even Bakugou is staring at him like “what’s this guy’s problem”
Mera’s telling everyone to calm down and pay attention to him again lol
and now real!Camie is properly introducing herself
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so that’s the cover story Shiketsu came up with? or is that a story they’re telling the other kids? or does Camie herself genuinely believe this and no one actually knows she was briefly abducted and replaced by Toga?
and um. just to make sure. this is the real Camie though... right?
she’s acting differently enough that I think it is
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Seiji is sitting with a Shiketsu teacher in the stands and they’re discussing it!
he says she’s “a complete and utter fool” and the teacher is gently correcting him and saying she’s “just bubbly”
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so they did figure it out!
Seiji seems to actually be beating himself up for not realizing that she’d been replaced
(ETA: yeah, so rereading this, I’m getting some definite shipping pings from them now. Seiji’s clearly guilt-stricken about what happened to her, and clearly worried about her still. he didn’t attend any of the previous training sessions, based on Bakugou’s reaction, but he came along to this one now solely because Camie was going. he’s not going to let anything happen to her again. Seiji is, in fact, just a big ol’ softie you guys.)
the teacher is saying they need to make up for the absence of the Symbol of Peace immediately
I guess with this being the first time Shiketsu has been targeted, they’re finally realizing how serious this is too. U.A.’s been mixed up in this for a while, so they already know
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he’s talking some shit about them, oooh
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I assume he’s purposely trying to rile them up for whatever reason. probably because at least several of them are only here in the first place because of their poor anger management
everyone is instantly sobering up
lol Seiji
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wow Gang is really laying it into them
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ben·thos /’benTHäs/ (noun): the flora and fauna found on the bottom, or in the bottom sediments, of a sea, lake, or other body of water
did you just call my son a sea sponge. did you just compare them to fish poop
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his feet
he just. flung him
is it weird that I really want to make this into an icon
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is the whole rest of the chapter going to be like this
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this is now my favorite chapter in the history of time. also this is one instance where I’m already sure it’s impossible for the manga to be outdone by the anime. because how could it be. visually this is flawless
oh wait? is that it? just those three? no one else needs extra guidance?
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so they’ve already singled out these three in particular as being the ones with the most potential, huh. sorry, Rest of the Kids
he’s chewing out Bakugou for his behavior toward the rescuees, and the other two for their whole starting-a-ridiculous-fight-in-the-middle-of-a-disaster-rescue-scenario
he says the thing they lack most is “heart”, and that they can’t expect to be heroes without it
“do you think that everyone will willingly grasp your hand when you offer it to them?!” oooh I like that. basically these idiots need to learn to be more approachable
“survive this life or death battle” lol oh shit
based on the tone of this chapter so far, I can’t help but wonder if this is going to end up being something comedically tame after all of this dramatic buildup
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oh my god. suddenly I’m thinking back to that playground equipment. don’t tell me...
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holy shit. I count at least 24 of these tykes. and it looks like at least some of them have already manifested their quirks too oh shit
oh my god
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Katsuki please don’t murder the small muppet child. I believe in you. babysit the shit out of these brats. you can do it
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why do I suddenly have the feeling that maybe the elementary school just needed a substitute really last-minute and so this somehow ended up happening
now the big bird kid who called the grenades lame is running away crying
Bakugou is being chewed out by the other children and desperately trying to do some crisis management that consists of yelling at the kid to “STOP CRYING DAMMIT”
who the fuck is this
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does Monoma have a younger brother we don’t know about
meanwhile three other children have cornered Shouto and are grabbing something on his utility belt and shouting “IT’S A PEEPEE” repeatedly
on the plus side, I can already sense Endeavor’s fight or flight instincts kicking in, and with any luck he’ll be out of there before we even get started
Shouto is patiently explaining that the thing on his belt is not, in fact, a peepee
this approach is not really working out for him
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meanwhile still more children have surrounded Inasa and are just. punching him. for absolutely no reason
but Inasa is just taking it, and looking up at Endeavor and thinking “I won’t become like him.” awww
and yet this is not really working out either
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you know, I wouldn’t have expected this to be the case, but so far Bakugou is actually managing the best here
Camie’s there too, and she’s asking if she’s supposed to be part of this training as well and what’s up with that
Gang says she’s a special case since she didn’t participate in the real test
she’s exasperated, but says that she likes kids anyway so whatever
and there’s a panel that we’re just going to skip riiiiight on past, thank you very much
suffice to say, the female kindergartners are now ganging up on Camie out of jealousy that their popular male classmate appears to like her
also, forget what I said before about Bakugou faring the best so far
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little Billy, that is not a toy. please put down the grenade
these kids make flashback!baby!Kacchan look like a perfect little angel. at least he was cute
Gang somehow has faith in them though
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you guys. if Kacchan somehow manages to bond with a bunch of snot-nosed little brats and become their mama I will lose my shit. please please please
(ETA: arguably this is exactly what happened. what a fine arc)
the rest of the class is meanwhile being shuttled along to have some boring lecture
lol Bakugou is despairing loudly
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and seriously though, wasn’t he always the leader of his little pack of brats even as a child? can’t he just somehow tap into that little brat energy and take command of this group of kids as well? he does have a weird sort of charisma, and always has. and he’s shown patience and leadership in the past at unexpected times. I really think he can do this if he just puts his mind to it
All Might, Mic, and Endeav are sitting in the spectator section in silence
Endeav and Mic are dotting up a storm lmao
oh my
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he says an event without commentary has no soul
brother I’m right there with ya. why do you think I even do this. we should go get kicked out of a movie theater together
All Might’s asking if they really need “soul”, and FUCKING DUH THEY DO, ALL MIGHT
oh shit he’s commandeered Mera’s microphone
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I can’t believe this man is the fucking U.A. traitor. maybe. admittedly seeming less likely by the minute
anyways, now that Mic is gone, All Might is figuring he might as well get this awkward conversation over with
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he says that he doesn’t really know what to say to Endeavor in his current state
Endeav is asking if All Might’s aware that over the past month the crime rate has risen by three percent
hmm. someone sucks at his current job of being number one, huh
oh no
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is Endeavor
having character development
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okay look. one, dude is basically a rapist, albeit in a manner that’s just barely society-approved. two, he beat his wife and child. and three, he then had his wife committed when she had a breakdown and never bothered to do anything to try to help her (and also, you know, he’s the one who caused said breakdown in the first place)
so just a reminder. that Endeavor. not a nice guy
...but. it’s a story. and if a character actually shows a desire and willingness to try and change... well. I’m not necessarily just going to dismiss it out of hand
but this motherfucker needs to show some remorse, though. otherwise, fuck that
so whatever, Endeavor. let’s see. I have a feeling this is going to be a long, arduous process, and it might not even pan out. but it’s interesting, at the very least. and so in that sense, I’m here for it. hell, I welcome it. after all, we sure as hell didn’t get too much complex character development in the previous arc, Nighteye aside. so this... this is good
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lmaoooooo @ “likes beer” oh god. no salary in the world would ever be enough to compensate teachers for everything that they do and all the shit they have to put up with
the fact that she’s a newbie is apparent just at a glance. give her a year or two under her belt and I bet you anything her personality completely changes. teaching is basically baptism by fire. but she will eventually learn to improvise, adapt, and overcome. and she’ll probably be a lot more drunk too lmao
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 172: Festival Planning and New Attack Training
Previously on BnHA: We spent some time with Gentle, our New Villain who commits chivalrous crimes to punish the worst scum of society, such as guys who sell expired pudding. He’s not as popular as that trendy League of Villains because he’s not big on violence. But he does have a new project up his sleeves! Meanwhile at U.A., class A got to work planning their cultural festival program. Jirou was in need of a drummer, and Bakugou somehow ended up getting volunteered. Turns out he’s actually pretty good, but he was reluctant to perform because he overheard some jerks from the department of gen ed talking shit about class A and blaming them for starting trouble all the time. So he wasn’t keen on the idea of performing to indulge these people. However he is on board to aggressively “knock them dead with his sound”, whatever that means! Everyone was like “...well all right then!” And everything was looking up. And then we found out that Gentle plans to invade U.A. during the festival. Because apparently we can never have nice things.
Today on BnHA: Jirou recruits the rest of the band members: Momo on keyboard, Tokoyami and Kaminari on guitar, and her own self on vocals. A handful of kids -- Todoroki, Kirishima, Sero, Kouda, and Aoyama -- are assigned to the “staging” team in charge of making everything look cool. And the rest of the kids are assigned to the Dance Team, including IIDA FUCKING TENYA, because when I tell you guys this manga always delivers everything I want, I mean ev.ery.thing. With that settled, Deku meets with All Might the next day and discusses his recent progress (or lack thereof) with One for All. All Might tells Deku he needs to develop a long-range attack, and they head out to the woods for some training. Deku learns that 20% Full Cowl gives him enough power to unleash wind pressure attacks. And with a little nudging, All Might gets Deku to realize he can create a new attack by activating 20% OFA in specific parts of his body, the way he did back before he mastered Full Cowl. Then to end the chapter, we cut to Aizawa and Mirio, who are bringing Eri to visit U.A. for the very first time.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 199 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
look who knows how to play the piano because she’s so stinkin’ rich!
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oh my god look how cute she is
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look how cute they are. GOD THIS IS THE BEST
Jirou says she’s gonna be on bass, so they just have guitar and vocals left!
cool cool. they can get literally anyone to do those and I’ll be happy. anyone EXCEPT Iida, that is. because Iida needs to be on that dance floor you guys
lol Todoroki
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I’m fucking dying. Todoroki is nailing that space alien combination of “knows just enough to ask oddly specific questions while still somehow being totally naive and clueless”
Mina is explaining to those unaware that “staging” refers to things that set the atmosphere, such as disco balls, sparklers, streamers, etc.
I wonder if putting Aoyama in charge of that would lead to success or disaster
ooh, apparently Aizawa made arrangements to borrow the gym! so they’ll really have room to go nuts
I have no idea what’s going on in Mina’s head you guys but omg
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yes. yes. I can see it now
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this girl has a fucking VISION and she will not be deterred
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okay so I’m fairly convinced now that Mina might actually be a creative genius and they should really let her loose more often in training. let that imagination go wild and see where it takes you. she could come up with some extremely unpredictable strategies. I’m serious
amazingly, no one is even arguing this except for Aoyama lol. he’s standing there all “I’m the disco ball?” while the rest of them are all “oh is this what you meant by teaming up? cool beans”
(ETA: no one argued it because this is literally what they ended up doing. pretty sure the staging team had one planning meeting and were all “okay, so basically just do all that stuff Mina said?” and agreed on it and then spent the rest of the month playing on their phones while pretending to work real hard. they didn’t even bother to work out the actual logistics of it until basically the night before. this is why Deku hadn’t checked that fucking rope you guys.)
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I want to save this panel and use it as a meme reaction image omg
and that clack you see is the sound of the intern kids finally returning from their supplementary courses!
they’re excited to also get in on this!
Ochako is surprised that Jirou’s not singing!
-- oh no
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when I said “literally anyone” I should have been just slightly more specific huh
oh thank god they’re making these guys try out first
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I can’t fucking wait to see this in the anime omg
Hagakure says that Jirou’s singing is actually amazing and she thinks she should be on vocals
but Jirou really doesn’t want to and says it’s just gonna complicate things
but they’re all encouraging her!
oh my god she’s gonna do it!
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can’t fucking wait. omg. it’s gonna be like a whole year, but hopefully it’ll be worth it
so now Jirou says they need two guitarists
Kaminari is volunteering which is GREAT because Jirou and Momo are already there, so yeah
but Mineta is also volunteering which is. less great
oh my god
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at this point the list of people I ship Bakugou with is significantly longer than the list of people I don’t ship him with, I think
sometimes Horikoshi does nice things. I’ll admit
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Mineta is sulking and the girls are taking pity on him, and honestly I don’t mind it. weirdly. because it’s one of the few times he’s not being a little troll. he just looks small and sad
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MAYBE I’M JUST FEELING GENEROUS TODAY. Mineta, you can exist today
like, even when Mina offers him a “harem part”, he doesn’t turn completely gross, he just kind of goes red a bit. I’m completely fine with this. Horikoshi can write this toned down version of Mineta and I’m cool with it. but I’m sure it won’t last though. alas
(ETA: my biggest problem with Mineta is that he beat Mirio in that goddamn poll his character has no purpose other than being obnoxious. he literally has no other personality traits besides “pervert.” if Horikoshi made even the slightest attempt to tone down that bullshit and actually try to do more with him I’d probably make more of an effort to at least tolerate him. but alas, that ship has sailed I think.)
holy shit how late did they stay up planning this??
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you actually got Bakugou to stay up 5 whole hours past his bedtime. incredible
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do you guys think Bakugou knows how to do that thing where you twirl the drumstick around on your fingers
also if he doesn’t get to shout “WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB!!!! ONE TWO THREE FOUR!” then I will forever be upset about the opportunity wasted. in fact, it’s happening in my mind whether Horikoshi likes it or not. that is canon. prove me wrong
(ETA: I have my own mental version of this entire performance and let me tell you, it is very specific)
I’m gonna play some Yeah Yeah Yeahs because right now that’s kind of my mental image for what the band might sound like lol
so now we’re cutting to the break room the next day and Izuku is having some tea with dad
it’s very cute but also All Might’s wondering if Deku had something he specifically wanted to talk to him about, since he’s meeting up with him at such a busy time
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geez All Might can’t a boy just have some TEA with his DAD without being INTERROGATED, GEEZ
but also he’s 100% right to ask, and he does it so gently so that Deku can either take the invitation to talk, or decline politely if he so chooses. All Might really is the best
sure enough, Deku does have something on his mind!
he’s telling All Might about how he was able to bring out 20% of OFA under duress, but only for a short time, and even then it put a ton of strain on his body. not only that but it wasn’t even enough to win
so he’s trying to figure out how he should fight in the current situation, since he can’t master 100% yet
um whoa
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say what now??
I mean like, obviously yes, that would be ideal. but are you implying that there’s some sort of obvious long-range move he should be able to figure out?
Izuku says he wants to learn how to do a weather-altering technique (and I forgot All Might could do those; has he even done it since the opening chapter?), but right now he’s not able yet
but All Might says he has “a few other...” and then he trails off
and he’s saying they should change locations
omg. I’m so hyped!?!
so now they’re in a forested area on the school grounds, and Deku has changed into his gym uniform
is this still during school hours. and Deku still has those supplemental lessons on top of that. All Might doesn’t have any classes he’s supposed to be teaching either? just drop all of your fucking responsibilities then why don’t you
All Might is telling Deku to break out 20% full cowl, and Deku is hesitating
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“YEAH!! IT’S FINE!” lol okay then
so here we go!
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this is always so badass. and I appreciate it so much more when it’s not in the context of a super dragged out fight coming on the tail end of 40 chapters of nonsense
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:D what’s he gonna doooo
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Deku is wincing though and he’s saying “but in any case, my body’s...”
but All Might is wagging a finger in a knowing way and he’s telling Deku to look back at his journey
damn we got like a powerpoint and everything
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does Deku’s mind just naturally think this way. because he’s trained it through all of that obsessive note-taking. I realize this is mostly for our benefit, but it really wouldn’t surprise me if his thoughts actually were this organized
anyways his eyes are widening, because he’s clearly drawn some conclusion from this pattern that I have yet to see! I don’t have a big hero brain like you Deku
All Might says he wasn’t always bringing out 100% himself??
oh shit
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so since he is capable of holding 20% briefly without doing permanent damage to himself, then if he combines points two and six -- drawing out 20% OFA to a specific part of his body -- then he can utilize this badass new air attack!
though All Might says it’s gonna be harder than it sounds, and that it requires significantly more nuanced control
so Deku’s thinking that he’s gonna practice with his fingers
oh god
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I’m still traumatized from that fight against Todoroki honestly. I look at this and can’t help but think “oh shit he’s gonna snap them all one by one” oh my god. it’s making me very uncomfortable even though I’m fully aware it’s not actually going to happen. Deku you’ve fucked me up
oh snap and we’re fast-forwarding to the day of the cultural fest!!
(ETA: lol no, I just thought this because I saw Eri there. jumped the gun just a bit)
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oh my god. I’m so excited oh shit
IT’S ERI’S PROFILE YOU GUYSSSSS. I’m gonna link to it over on aitaikimochi’s tumblr! here!
THIS OUTFIT IS THE CUTEST EVER. I’m gonna gush over it some more in tomorrow’s recap too. it’s just so cute
the clothes Aizawa got her just go to prove that no one is perfect. having some flaws just adds to his charm though
I also want to see Eri eating apples with Tokoyami now
so she is indeed six! my approximate guess was right! however as of where the manga currently is, she’s just about to turn seven. she’s getting so big! they have to figure out what to do about school for her. although her dad is a teacher so
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