#mech hunter
keferon · 2 months
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Monster hunter au part 10
Head in hands. Ratchet can't see, but carries the lantern anyway because it's not for him, it's for everyone else. He can't see, so when he shines it towards the mechs approaching him, this is for them to see better in the dark forest. He can't see, so he makes sure everyone who might need him can see him. It was never about him, it was about what he does for others.
Rung here actually knows he's God, but can't perform divine miracles. Although he can and does know things he's not supposed to know. Also, ironically, he knows everything Ratchet did after he blinded himself because Ratchet was carrying his spark around with him the whole time. So the phrase "Primus sees what I say he sees" was kind of prophetic haha
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tatsumimimi · 1 year
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agbpaints · 12 days
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Well the wamham and the big guys tied my poll so I was forced to make my own decision for once here and I decided to paint the 9K as my first mini from the kickstarter. I wasn't really certain how to paint the mech, which force to put it in, but helpfully the included Alpha Strike card has some suggestions used by members of the Bounty Hunter's retinue and holy hell Kyudo's scheme rocks.
I fell into a fugue state painting this, broken only by a dance class, and I gotta say I'm really pleased with the results. IDK how many more models I'm gonna try to card match like this but in the course of doing this I got some valuable practice varrying my greys between my faux gunmetal and the armor
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hear me out:
boothill would be to the stellaron hunters what argenti is to the astral express crew (aka "weird honorary member that shows up every so often to help them fight a thing/complete a mission before fucking off into space again")
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doveshovel · 3 months
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Mecha WizardEgg the Star Stable starter horse
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n4tsum1-san · 3 months
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it's canon that firefly once used the SAM armor to barbecue meat, does this mean the stellaron hunters have barbecue parties?
(from firefly's character introduction)
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mlady-magnolia · 2 months
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Just wanted to share some Honkai/HSR OCs because they’re infecting my brain rn
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sandy-shocks · 8 months
ok my more in depth thoughts of the Sam=Firefly theory
So we know Sam is a mech suit from the planet Glamoth, with someone piloting it. Assumed to be a man based off the general build of the suit. Sam was built to fight against the Swarm to save his planet but ultimately the planet died to the swarm. We get all this info from Welt and the description of the Glamoth planar ornament set.
Firefly comes from a planet that was destroyed by either the swarm or antimatter legion from what she told us, she also stated shes on Penacony for the watchmakers legacy and cant tell us who she actually is. Another thing that interests me is she said in the real world shes stuck in what she calls a medical cabin and unable to move and experience things with her own body due to her terminal illness. It's said in a way that makes me think she can do all those things in a body that's not her own though. Sam is the 'medical cabin' shes stuck in, it would explain why the other Stellaron Hunters seemingly don't know who's actually piloting Sam, she can't live normally outside of it.
Sam only appears after her 'death' and Black Swan states the burnt enemies were very recent and they didn't exist in those places before we find Firefly, he wasn't there before she left. I think people are misinterpreting the memories of her we see as Sam being the one to lure her in and get her killed, but I think the line where she says 'Mecha, why?' is supposed to be something along the lines of 'Why do you know about that' not about why hes betraying her and the person she was with was someone unknown right now.
Theres just so many little things like their whole colour schemes matching, the firefly shaped wings in the 2.0 music video the same green colour as her, both of them very specifically mentioning the phrase 'scorched earth'. I do wholly think the theory has a good chance of being true.
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web-pets · 4 days
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some general fossil fighters fanart
in order: rosie & duna killing hunter, professor diggins in rush,
spinax mech suit hunter, and peabody mech but more like a suit
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dragonkid11 · 2 months
Welcome to a brand new Trashtalk series where I briefly summarize on the Gears from the North in Heavy Gear 4e.
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toastedghost-s · 2 months
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keferon · 1 month
If it's not too much to ask, what would Megatron's origin be then?
Ooohhhhehe I love this one.
Megatron is Dredge, a living stone statue or stone giant. Living in the far future. Not as far as Brainstorm, but in the future.
He gets a medical degree, suffers sleepless nights before an exam, and writes poetry. The regular mechs treat him with a little wariness, but no more than that. Overt oppression of monsters is long past, thanks to the efforts of Orion and many other mechs.
Megatron has never and will never meet Orion Pax, but he can see him if he looks at illustrations in historical articles.
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kc5rings · 1 year
Man, I want an Abyssal Hunter summer event
Let me set the scene, it’s post Stultifera Navis and medical recommends Laurentina take a bit of leave time somewhere she can comfortably relax and get used to the occasional switch back to Specter. Of course Skadi and Gladiia (maybe Andreana too, though I’m not sure how she’d be assigned there) accompany her to keep an eye on things
Now, it’s clearly established that the Hunters adore the ocean and it’s comforting waves and depths, but for obvious reasons the real ocean is out of the question for a relaxing trip
But, what about the fresh waters of Siesta’s manmade inland sea/lake? Comforting deep waters and only minimal horrors! Probably!
So things start out normal, and per Kal’tsit’s specific request the Hunters keep a low profile. We get some good interactions between Laurentina and Specter getting comfy with each other, maybe a beat or two of the other Hunters accepting them as two individuals in one body etc
Then boom, we have our crisis. Some gang/group of thieves/Government spooks etc descend on the resort and take control of things, setting up a hostage situation. And Specter ends up one of the “Hostages”
From there on it’s a Guy Ritchie movie of these hardened badasses who had the perfect plan all laid get, getting bodied at every turn because they foolishly hadn’t anticipated Fucking Supersoldiers on vacation
The narrative keeps hopping between Specter with the hostages, Laurentina occasionally taking over a making a mess before switching back and leaving the dudes scratching their heads over why their buddy Jerry is out cold when the only one near by was that quiet nun, and the other Hunters moving through these dudes like paper trying to find Laurentina
The most important part here is, Kal’tsit’s specific request that they keep a low profile and the Hunters not viewing a few armed goons as a legitimate threat means they are actively trying not to kill anyone.
Laurentina is having a fun home alone/hide and seek game with the Hunters casually trying to find where she’s wandered off to. Meanwhile the goons are experiencing a combination of The Thing and Snatch with no goddamn idea what’s going on
Add in an exasperated local guide/someone from Rhodes who is supposed to keep tabs on them trying to keep up and I think we’ve got the basis for a fantastic/funny summer event
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softpaladin · 11 months
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based on this old favorite reaction image of mine
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tatsumimimi · 1 year
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doveshovel · 2 months
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The SSO mech AU is heavily eva, paci-rim and ac6 inspired but. random au lore stuff I think about sometimes below :)
KEEPRS is this universe's specialized defense organization, based in Jorvik, whose purpose is to protect the world in the event of Garnok's revival (NERV style)
Dark Core is a private mercenary company, in partnership with GED (a mech engine/generator manufacturing company with a monopoly on energy systems worldwide).
Pilots are chosen through a scouting/testing process. If they pass, they undergo rigorous mental and physical training. A neural connection puts a great deal of strain on the pilot's mind and body, and they must be able to withstand it. KEEPRS has a lower turnover rate, as their training methods are slower, but have fewer immediate health risks. Dark Core has a very high turnover rate, relying mainly on a few gifted pilots with a natural aptitude that can be trained and mobilized as quickly as possible. Those who fail are disposed of. They pay exponentially better, but are a very dangerous employer.
AIDEEN is a KEEPRS system designed to support pilots, connected directly to their brain and nervous system. Her primary functions are to monitor vitals, manage life support systems, and provide guidance. Each pilot's AIDEEN is slightly different, tailored to create as much cohesion as possible between pilot and mech. Different companies have their own variants with different names for a system with similar functions. Hunter's AIDEEN is malfunctioning, and has gained sentience. With a will of her own, she's capable of breaking artificial limits set by her programmers, but keeps her pilot's actions in line with her own interests.
Kembell and Drake are both handlers for GED/DC mercenaries. Similarly, Elizabeth and Rhiannon are KEEPRS main handlers.
The Bobcats and Bulldogz teams are both participants in professional level mech-fighting coliseum tournaments.
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