espeonage1995 · 6 years
New Blog Announcement!
Hey guys! espeonage1995 is here, but I’m also known as @mechaspirit in my other blog that’s for Choices. I’m creating a new one, because I want to get back and start posting fics from different fandoms. Plus, this blog also serves as my writing workshop so I’ll also be doing my OC Profiles, drafting ideas, headcanons, and/or creating my own story. Feel free to follow me in my new blog. 😊💞💗❤️💫✨🌸🌺💙💖💕💚💛
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blightarts · 6 years
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Previous Chapter: Extreme Mode Engaged!
Next Chapter: More Coming Soon!
Disclaimer:  Pokémon is a property of Game Freak and Nintendo, while Endless  Summer is a property of Pixelberry. I do not claim any rights here.
Author’s Note: If the “Keep reading” doesn’t work, go here for the full post. I’ve decided to split the chapter into 2 parts. Part 1 is here. The script is too long to fit in one chapter.
@princesstopgun, @mechaspirit, @lovearyn, @kaitloyalist, @choicesmarvel, @sceptilemasterr, @hey-its-vy, @skyila, @choicesyouplayandmore, @mysteli, @helentwombly, @scgdoeswhat, @choicesaholic​, @jakemckenzietrash, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @abhirio, @diego-vii, @daniela2510, @izzycheeese, @brightpinkpeppercorn​
Recommended Music: Contest! (Pokémon)
A few minutes later...
I.R.I.S.: And now to introduce our next contestant. She is the first place winner of the previous contest that took place in Orderve City. She also happens to be one of Vishakha’s favorites. Introducing Mika and her Espeon!
Mika and her Espeon rush out of the curtains and wave at the audience. With a smile on her face, Mika begins her performance.
Mika: Alright, Espeon, use Psyshock!
Espeon’s eyes glow as she conjures small spheres of psychic-energy and hovers them around the stage, illuminating the contest hall.
Mika: Good! Now, use Signal Beam!
Espeon charges the gem on her forehead and fires a prismatic beam towards the psychic spheres. The spheres puff into pink smoke and covers the entire stage. Mika and Espeon are concealed in the smoke.
Mika: Use Psychic, Espeon!
Espeon’s eyes glow and takes control of the giant smoke using telekinesis. She then spreads the smoke across the floor in the entire hall, like how a smoke machine functions. Mika then places her hand on Espeon’s head and calmly says...
Mika: Last one, use Synchronoise.
Espeon nods and the two take a deep breath. Mika quickly begins to sing with confidence, while Espeon amplifies her voice with her own psychic powers and Synchronoise. The entire crowd marvels at Mika’s soothing yet powerful voice.
Taari: Woah...
Reginald: She’s like...
Elena: Celine Dion...
Reginald: Exactly.
Mika finishes her performance with a last high pitch note and the entire crowd does a standing ovation. Mika and her Espeon smile at the cheering crowd who rains the two with roses.
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Blight and the other contestants watch from the curtains.
Blight: Wait... when and where did the crowd get roses?
Kaitlyn: Look! There’s a guy there with a Roserade, using Petal Dance.
Blight: Oh! Makes sense...
The pink smoke clears and Vishakha stands from her throne to comment on Mika’s performance.
Vishakha: I gotta say that you have been killing it with these performances, Mika. First, a giant green owl, and now, a singing concert?! You guys have great talent!
Mika: Thanks a lot, Vishakha.
Mika and her Espeon happily walk out of the stage as I.R.I.S. reappears.
I.R.I.S.: And now to introduce our final contestant. She is the first place winner of the first contest of this year that took place in Metropeal City. She is also one of Vishakha’s favorites. Introducing Kaitlyn and her Serperior!
Serperior slithers from the curtain with Kaitlyn mounting her on the back. Kaitlyn then gets off of Serperior and begins their performance.
Kaitlyn: Right then. Serperior, use Grassy Terrain!
Serperior screeches and a field of plant life start to cover the entire stage. Grass grows from the floor; vines cover the walls and the ceiling; and flowers bloom from all the green.
Kaitlyn: Great! Now, use Leech Seed then Aqua Tail!
Serperior swings her tail and throws a bunch of seeds at the center of the grass field. Small saplings start to grow from where the seeds are thrown. Her tail then glows blue with Water-type energy as she leaps up and slams her tail on the ground. The water then helps the saplings grow into a large tree, with the top reaching the ceiling.
Kaitlyn: Use Leaf Storm, Serperior!
Serperior circles around the tree and a tornado of razor sharp leaves start to whirl around the tree. The leaves then leave lots of cuts across the tree, with some leaves piercing through it. It’s almost as if Serperior is trying to do wood carving.
Kaitlyn: Now, finish it with Aqua Tail!
Serperior’s tail glows blue again as she slams it at the stump of the tree. The sliced parts of the tree then fall of to reveal a giant wooden statue of Kaitlyn and Serperior. The two then do the same pose as the one in the statue.
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The crowd clap their hands as the sunlight from the glass ceiling glistens the wooden statue. Kaitlyn and Serperior bow while Vishakha stands from her throne to give her comment.
Vishakha: You really have a thing for carving statues, huh? That’s two in a row, Kaitlyn and you’re rolling. Keep up the amazing work!
Kaitlyn: Thank you so much, Vishakha!
As Kaitlyn returns backstage, Vishakha turns to her sister, Rachel.
Vishakha: She’s got potential, you know? She might even beat me...
Rachel: You think so?
Vishakha: Mhm.
After the performances of all of the contestants, I.R.I.S. calls for an intermission while the results of the judgement are being tallied. 
Recommended Music: Contest Lobby (Pokémon)
Taari, Reginald, Elena and Vishakha reach the back stage and regroups with Kaitlyn, Mika, Blight and Zh’en.
Blight: Yo!
Kaitlyn: Hey, guys!
Mika: Did you enjoy our performances?
Zh’en: H-Hey...
Taari rushes to Zh’en with a smile.
Taari: You were so awesome, Zh’en! I couldn’t stop dancing after what you did!
Zh’en: Hehe... Thanks, Taari...
Taari grins and jumps around, while Zh’en smiles and rubs her head shyly. Everyone else gives them some space to enjoy each other’s company. Reginald walks over at Kaitlyn and Mika. 
Reginald: You guys were phenomenal as always. Your performances get better every time I see a new one!
Kaitlyn: Thanks, Reggie!
Mika: That really means a lot.
The three friends high five and hug each other. Vishakha and Elena approach Blight and Katherine. 
Vishakha: Well if it isn’t the cookieless man.
Blight: Shush...
Elena: Your performance rocks. Pun intended.
Katherine giggles and hugs Blight. Blight looks over at Katherine and hugs her back.
Blight: Well, I had to do my best, since the two people I love the most gave it their all.
Katherine smiles and pecks Blight’s cheek, while Vishakha lightly punches his arm.
Vishakha: Gee. Thanks, Jester.
Katherine: Thank you, Blight. 
Vishakha then approaches Mika and Kaitlyn.
Vishakha: You guys never cease to amaze me.
Kaitlyn: Well, we have to work harder to achieve our dreams.
Mika: We won’t lose no matter what.
Vishakha grins and hugs them both.
Vishakha: Just remember; whatever happens, always have someone who has your back... who keeps you motivated to work harder... who always picks you up when you’re down...
While Kaitlyn and Mika hug her back and smile, Vishakha looks over at her uncle Blight and Elena. Kaitlyn and Mika look over at Taari, Reginald, and at each other. The three smile, knowing that they have such important people in their lives.
A few minutes have passed and the audience returns to their seats in the contest hall, eager to hear the results of the contest. Vishakha and I.R.I.S. take the stage and call upon the top three contestants.
I.R.I.S.: Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. It’s now time for us to announce the top three contestants of Ursidae Town’s Contest.
The auditorium becomes quiet as tension fills it. I.R.I.S. accesses the files regarding the results. She then announces the third place winner.
I.R.I.S.: For third place, we have Mika and her Espeon.
The audience claps at the mention of Mika’s name, as she approaches to receive the Bronze Ribbon. Meanwhile, Taari, Reginald, and Elena clap as Mika enters the stage and receives a Bronze Ribbon. Vishakha approaches her and pins the ribbon.
Vishakha: Congratulations, Mika. Your singing voice was amazing to get you this far.
Mika: Thank you so much, Vishakha.
The two smile at each other and exchange hugs afterwards.
I.R.I.S.: For second place, we have Zh’en and his Sableye!!
The audience cheers loudly at the mention of Zh’en’s name. She happily enters the stage while Taari cheers loudly from his seat. Reginald and Elena smirk at him. Vishakha approaches Zh’en and pins the ribbon.
Vishakha: That was a perfect first performance, Zh’en. You have a bright future ahead of you. Keep it up.
Zh’en: Thank you, Vishakha!
The two exchange hugs with a smile. 
I.R.I.S.: And finally, the moment we’ve been waiting for. For first place, we have… Blight and his Noivern!!
The audience bursts into a deafening cheer. Taari, Reginald and Elena lose their minds and started jumping around. Kaitlyn, Mika and Zh’en clap excitedly while Katherine covers her mouth with her hands and cries tears of joy as Blight runs to the stage. He and Vishakha grin at each other proudly. Vishakha then pins the ribbon on his outfit.
Vishakha: Congratulations, Jester. You really are awesome! I told you that you won’t regret this decision. I saw the thrill in your eyes earlier.
Blight: Heh. Thanks, your Highness. And you’re right; I don’t regret it. It’s the most fun I’ve had all year.
Blight reaches for a handshake but Vishakha shrugs it off. Instead, she pulls her uncle into a tight hug. Blight smiles and hugs her back.
I.R.I.S.: That’s it for Ursidae Town’s Contest. The next contest takes place in Aegis Town. Till next time, ladies and gentlemen! Thank you and good night!
Recommended Music: Friend A (Your Lie in April)
After the contest ends, Kaitlyn is backstage and leans onto a wall. Vishakha enters and sees her.
Vishakha: Hey...
Kaitlyn: Oh, hey, Vishakha...
Even though Kaitlyn tries her best to hide it, Vishakha can still see her sadness.
Vishakha: Kaitlyn... you’re...
Kaitlyn: I know... I know... I lost...
Vishakha pulls Kaitlyn in a comforting embrace and tries to lift her spirits up.
Kaitlyn: I didn’t even get to be in the top three....
Vishakha: Sshh... don’t think about that too much. Just keep moving forward. Failing hurts. I know. I’ve been there. But someone once told me; “One will never know true success without first knowing failure.” And from that moment, I didn’t let my failures break me. Instead, I let them teach me, train me into someone better.
The two girls pull away.
Kaitlyn: You really think that I’ll be as good as you?
Vishakha: Yeah... Heck, maybe you’re even better!
Kaitlyn giggles and smiles.
Kaitlyn: Thank you, Vishakha...
Vishakha: There we go! A smile!
The two pull each other into another hug and rejoin the others.
Recommended Music: Surf and Sand (ES)
After the contest, the kids are hanging around the lobby. Hugs are exchanged as the kids start to congratulate Mika, Kaitlyn and Zh’en.
Reginald: That was truly the best contest I’ve seen so far.
Kaitlyn: I’m so excited for the Grand Festival.
Mika: Me too!
Taari smiles and turns to Zh’en.
Taari: I hope you get to join the Grand Festival, Zh’en!
Zh’en: Yeah... I hope so too.
Zh’en smiles at Taari with confidence. Mika and Kaitlyn nod at each other and approach the Vaanti girl.
Mika: We’ll give you a chance, Zh’en.
Zh’en: Hmm?
Kaitlyn: It means that Mika and I won’t participate in the next contest, since we already have a place in the Grand Festival.
Zh’en: Really?
Mika: Mhm!
Blight: Plus, you have a higher chance of winning first place if the three of us don’t enter.
The kids turn to Blight.
Taari: You’re not participating in the next contest, Sir Blight?
Blight: Nope. I have more pressing matters in Aegis Town. Like speaking with Aleister.
Reginald: My father?
Blight: Yep. He hired me for a special Rourke International project. It’s classified.
Kaitlyn: Do your best and good luck then!
Blight: Thanks.
Vishakha approaches the group.
Vishakha: Come on. We’re having an buffet special in the hotel. You guys must be so hungry.
The stomachs of the kids growl and they laugh at each other. They join up with Blight, Vishakha, Katherine and the rest of the Aryndelle Princesses for a celebration. The group spends the entire night, bonding and partying to their heart content. They eventually go to sleep and get a good night’s rest.
The next day, Taari, Reginald, Kaitlyn and Elena are gathered in front of the Ursidae Gym. They all take a deep breath and nod at each other with determination.
Taari: Ready?
 Reginald: Absolutely.
Kaitlyn: Yeah!
Elena: Let’s do this!
Taari grins and looks at the Gym.
Taari: Here we go!
The third contest of La Huerta comes into a close as the challengers make their way towards the Ursidae Gym. How will Craig become a challenge to them? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT EPISODE OF POKÉMON SUMMER VERSION!!
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choices related ask. 14-22
Hello and thanks for the ask! 🤗
14. Are you fan of the romance books?
Overall, yes if it has interesting characters and executes the plot and take the tropes to a different direction. 
15. Which MC resembles you the most?
Appearance wise: the Latina Female Character from Endless Summer
Personality wise: Not entirely, but The Freshmore’s MC since she support her friends and being there for them, just not to the point where I’m considered the Group Mom™️ lol. 
16. Which side character is the best in your opinion?
I’m a sucker for the best friend characters like Zack and Diego. 😝
17. What are your OTPs?
Oohhh, I’m either between Liam X MC or Hana X MC❤️
18. Did you ever cry because of a book?
Tbh, I’m not the type that gets over emotional because of a book, but there are two exceptions. One was the scene in ROE book 3. The second is the scene when Whitlock confronts Hex in TC&TF book 3. (Please pass the tissues) 😭😭
19. Something you always wanted to say to one of your LIs?
@ Liam, Hana and Ben: LOVE ME 😂😭
20. Favorite choices blog(s)?
@kennadavenportgayle, @youruinedmylifebynotbeingreal, @lanapowellblog @miss-twombly and many more! Y’all are amazing! ❤️
21. Something that you have in common with a character?
Hana from TRR: Back in high school (I’m in college now), I use to try to get approval from not just my parents, but other people like my old “friends,” until I stopped giving a shit. 😂  (Pardon my language)
The Cousin from ROE: Super personal, but my relationship with my mom is kinda based off of her relationship with hers. Although we butt heads and get into arguments here and there, we still love each other. Not to mention, my mom didn’t try to kill someone.
The Party Twin from ROE: I didn’t relate to her until she found out that her pregnancy was a false alarm when she said that she was scared because she was branded as the screw- up. I usually the one in my family that messes up and I always beat myself up for it.😕 
22. Have you played any other games from pixelberry?
Actually no! Choices is the first app I played from Pixelberry! 😯
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scgdoeswhat · 4 years
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Choices Character of Color Appreciation Week, Day 7
Endless Summer - 
Cris McKenzie || Michelle Nguyen
Throwing this all the way back to my ‘Wonderful AU’ where we completely ignore all 3 shit endings. Here we have just two best friends catching up over a quick cocktail (cosmopolitans, of course; an oldie but a goody just like ES) at Cris and Jake’s newest bar before opening for the evening. 
Click for HQ otherwise it’s blurry af!
Thanks to @choicescocappreciationweek for hosting! It’s been a blast celebrating such wonderful characters!
OMG I MISS ENDLESS SUMMER SO MUCH. it’s been a long time since i’ve created anything for ES and it felt really good to draw my girls??? also laughing because 2 rich, successful, fashion forward women are still in their la huerta threads 🤣 and sorry, got kinda carried away with all the red lol
Clarette LeFleur (TE) | Aurora Emery (OH) | Bryce Lahela (OH) | Lily Spencer (BB)
Tagging the old ES gang and a few others under the cut: 
@brightpinkpeppercorn @queen-of-effing-everything @mysteli @itsagoodluckkiss @xo-endlessmayhem-xo @mechaspirit @sophie-summer @endlessly-searching-for-you @endless-vall @endlessflame @princessstellaris @endlesshero1122 @sceptilemasterr @wiselight @choicesyouplayandmore @zaffrenotes @darley1101
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watatsumi-island · 4 years
Ok so this is completely random but like who wants cursed choices asks can reblog this IDK 😂
Tagging some people who might be interested: @ntoraplayschoices @n-whas @astridvolari @silverlitskies @fluffykitten246 @mechaspirit @princessstellaris @blightarts @brightpinkpeppercorn @what-do-you-mean-theyre-evil and anyone else 😁
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mahariel-theirin · 4 years
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for 30 diamonds you can see the whole picture
If you feel inclined to give me diamonds, my ko-fi is: maharieltheirin
whole image under the cut for slightly nsfw
@astridvolari​ @brightpinkpeppercorn​ @shathaibra​ @lxdy-starfury​ @keviriass​ @lolimugly​ @mechaspirit​ @vandalasal​ @adriansbiss​
if you want to be removed or added to the tag list, let me know!
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Death of Mai Sakatoku
Maseru, Lesotho
Tall mesas jutted out from the flat dry land of Lesotho like fins on the back of a massive underground fish, dwarfing the rail line strung through it. The trains served the vibrant city. It shined like a beacon around a landscape shrouded in darkness, buildings glittering with electric light.
It was a frigid July, but they would not see snow. The winds sucked the moisture out of everything. It was like standing under the vent of an air conditioner. Sergey kept his face completely covered. Even his eyes were shielded by goggles. He watched his two companions through the scope of a rifle, men from the Student Union. Dressed completely in black, he was indiscernible from the dark landscape that surrounded him. 
The wind picked up, but the skin tight combat suit had nothing for it to grasp or move to give away his position. The ultrablack of the high caliber rifle seemed open a portal into a gun-shaped void. 
Only the glass of the scope had the potential to reflect light. So a moonless night was chosen for the occasion.
Out of the darkness came a high pitched scream, like a banshee condemning them all. The brakes on the train had to be applied miles away to get it to stop before it came to the town. It emerged from the shadows, bright silver, painted with graffiti, slowing to a lumbering halt in front of the two men.
Only then did Sergey stir, to take a breath to still his heart. He wasn’t intending to kill anyone today, but provide protection for a very sensitive delivery from people with a very poor track record of leaving their business partners alive.
He wasn’t sure what was in the shipment but it must be something related to dragons. The people who they were dealing with were insurrectionists. Terrorists if you asked some. Sergey kept a dim view of politics, understand that both sides were equal liars and only paid lip service to ideals in their pursuit and desire for power. His main concern was for one of the people he couldn’t see.
Chu Zihang was also on standby for support, namely, to alert him of any unusual funny business. He was on the train, disguised as a simple Chinese business man in need of emergency transport. He imagined him there, in a smart business suit, carrying nothing but his luxury suitcase and a black bag.
The door of the shipping container rolled open and men poured out like ants surrounding the two Student Union Members and wielding automatic rifles. After them, a man in a bright red cap stepped out, smoking a cigarette and waving to someone within.
Chu Zihang hopped out, looking appropriately confused and terrified. This wasn’t the city! Sergey grinned at his over the top performance. Is fearful chattering earned him an angry shout from the red capped ringleader.
The Student Union member presented the briefcase full of bills.
The ringleader waved Chu Zihang over from where he was cowering in a corner.  Perhaps to inspect the bills? The guy was smart to use someone who was familiar with the currency to examine it.
Zihang looked them over, flipping the stacks and then he turned and nodded to the man in the red hat.
Sergey watched as someone else came out of the car, carrying a box. It opened the box to show the Student Union Members.
In an instant, everything went South. 
Chu Zihang leaped on the red cap. He drew his sword straight from the black bag and held it to the man’s throat.
Perhaps they thought they could pull off a fake artifact? There is scope he examined the men to see if they valued their leader’s life.
Another car opened! He swung his scope over, took aim at a shadowy figure in the dark and fired. The man dropped from the car and onto the dirt. The other student Union members opened fire on the group who scrambled for cover. 
Sergey didn’t have much time to think, aiming and picking them off one by one and hoping that the Student Union members could avoid injury. Chu Zihang laid the ringleader flat with a blow to the head and dove into the fray disabling one with a kick to the groin that made Sergey flinch.
Once all the insurrectionists were subdued he disappeared back into the train.
“The boxes were switched somewhere along the line. They didn’t intend to fool us. Someone else is involved.. Fall back.”
He immediately got up from his position.
He didn’t see the attack coming, only felt his breath leave him in and instant. He sailed back away from his rifle and landed on the ground. He rolled, fighting for air and drawing his knife.
Something grabbed his wrist and twisted it hard, just short of breaking it.
But he couldn’t see his attacker.
He was struck again, this time on the back of the neck. He fell stunned.
He heard a soft feminine voice whisper. “I’ve taken care of the sniper. Make your get away while you can.”
The artifact was being stolen?
He felt his mind recede, sliding back into darkness as another consciousness took over his senses. His eyes snapped open and a hum emitted from his throat. A silent surge of energy shattered the tree next to the voice and the debris briefly revealed a human shape.
From where he lay his arms gathered under him and sprang him up, smashing his foot into her stomach. The lives she’d put in danger were far more precious.
Just as she hand grabbed his wrist, he grabbed hers, pinning her with his soulskill. He brought his foot down onto her forearm with all his might and smiled with satisfaction at the sound of crunching as the bones gave way. 
Much to his surprise, she didn’t seem phased at all. Instead, her legs kicked up. Sergey staggered briefly under the twin blows. They smashed his goggles, the glass frames flying.
Then she saw them, the bright red eyes and the spinning mandala shape around his pupils. They weren’t a typical dragon-hybrid yellow eyes but something different entirely.
“The Hell are you?” She whispered.
Sergey mutely retrieved his dagger. He could feel her struggling against his SoulSkill, like a bird fluttering in the trap. She flailed against the ground but couldn’t rise. “You should not have interfered.”
When he approached her eyes were amused rather than fearful. “You find this funny?”
“Yes... actually. Because killing me will only ensure your death.”
“Hm. Well... I’ll just take your word for it. He knelt next to her stabbing in and drawing the blade across her neck, turning her to so the spray would  go away from him. 
He watched the light of shock immediatly fade from her eyes. Then out of habit from his hunting days, he tied her up  to drain her out like a deer carcass.
Chu Zihang’s voice cut through his mind suddenly and the Sergey found himself awake again, unsure of what happened.
“Yes! I came under attack!”
“Are you injured? You went radio silent?”
Sergey’s throat closed, staring in shock at the body of a woman hanging from a tree. “I... ...I’m okay... My attacker is dead.”
“...very well. Search for the artifact.”
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Thanks to @blues-disasters and @mechaspirit for the tag. I hope you regret having to look at this 😂
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I feel like this is a perfect time to say, I do most things on my phone. I usually write in my notes and do all my Tumblr activity on the app. I also cannot draw or apparently color in lines with my fingers on my phone screen 😂😂😂 I’m so sorry you guys have to look at this, I’m too embarrassed to tag anyone. Template by @gibbarts
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Art by @joeyhazell-art-pride
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fugoukeijis · 4 years
tagged by @greywarenns. tysm, clio!! ❤❤
tag yourself: autumn edition
tea or hot chocolate? cozy books or halloween movies? plaid or corduroy? foggy mornings or twinkly nights? orange or black? pumpkin or apple pie? wool or velvet? picking fruit or carving pumpkins? libraries or coffee shops? cinnamon or peanut butter? spooky or cozy halloween? candles or fairy lights?
tagging @reehlia @p-irozhki @mechaspirit @kuroosbaby @aominne @yokamis @uzuittengen @itachihaa and anyone else who wants to do it! <3
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deathbyarcana · 5 years
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cpt-indigo · 5 years
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Hey choices tumblr fandom, @princessstellaris @erncstsinclaire @mechaspirit @spacetravels @o-a-crutchfeild @client-327 @itlivesinyourchoices @mariaoz @choicesraccoon and me have all teamed up to host an It Lives In the Woods appreciation week here! It will start October 21 and last until the 27th with different prompts for each day. There will also be various side activities we will be creating along with prizes.
You can create edits, fics, drawings, etc, to participate and use the tag #eptw (everyone plays together week) in your posts!
Further details on everything will be revealed in the coming weeks, including the prompts for each day and we hope you’ll play along and create with us for this week!
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
Azalea/Imalia Apprentice April Asks #2
Man, I did myself in on this one!  It only took me the whole week!  So many "Whoa...I haven't come up with that yet..."  But that's the point of these asks!  To develop characters!  Thanks so so much to @samjmorgan​​, @mechaspirit​​, and the several anons for sending me asks!  I hope you like my answers!  Once again, novel below the cut. XP
1. What does your character feel when they see their LI for the first time each day?
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Julian:  He's always awake before her, but won't move until she does.  As soon as her bleary eyes see him, she smiles; that warm blossoming feeling filling her chest.  Her beautiful disaster is alive, well, and right where she left him.  She wraps her arms and legs around him and pulls him in tight for a full-body hug.  "Good morning, angel," he whispers to her.
Lucio:  Their connection usually has them waking up at the same time.  Even with a messy bedhead, Lucio makes Azalea's heart flutter the moment she lays eyes on him.  His skin is warm and soft, and it gets cute little goosebumps as soon as she touches him.  Lucio.  Her Lucio.  *Que make-out session.*  Morning breath?  Meh, who cares.
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Her sleep is sporadic due to her nightmares, and she wakes up multiple times during the night.  Every time her eyes land on Asra next to her, her heart rate slows down and she drifts back off to sleep.  When it's finally time to get up, however, she will whimper and pull him close, letting her deep emotions and love spill over to him.  He's been the longest constant in her hellish life, and she's just so happy to have him next to her.  To be able to call him hers.
2. What things does your character love about their LI?
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Julian:  She LOVES how smart he is.  She feels like she can have an actual intelligent conversation with him about absolutely (well...almost) anything.  He askes intellectual questions about magic and she is more than happy to go on a spiel about the little intricacies and science behind magic.  And she loves to ask him about medicine and how the human body works.  It ends up benefitting both of them in their respective professions.  She also loves how he towers over her but will fall to his knees in an instant.
Julian loves Azalea’s stubbornness.  Once she gets her mind set on something, it’s gonna go her way. (she snagged him, didn’t she?) He absolutely loves it when she throws off all of her inhibitions and goes on a night run across the rooftops.  He can’t keep up with her when she’s elevated.  The sky is her playground, and it makes her look even more angelic to him.  He adores the way she speaks to him and holds him when he’s feeling stressed.  She’s so soothing and comforting, and she won’t let him go until he asks.
Lucio:  She loves his energy and excitement.  He's not the smartest pickle in the jar, but he can match her when it comes to being active.  Running races, playing sexy hide-and-seek, sparring...he's the only person in the world who can wear her out.  And he has been the most encouraging person to her.  His wonder and awe when he watches her do magic makes her feel as awesome as he says she is.  And he loves it when she reads one of her new stories to him.  He sits there, riveted by the images she's weaving with her words.
Lucio loves how completely and utterly kind she is to him.  She actually listens to him and encourages him, believes in him.  No one has ever done that before.
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Imalia loves everything about Asra.  She loves how beautiful his magic is.  Watching him cast leaves her utterly spellbound.  The glowing swirls, the glittering lights, the musical trills his magic makes.  It is unlike anything Imalia has ever experienced.  She loves how she can talk about anything and Asra immediately seems to understand.  Magical theories, sacred geometry and leylines, blessed and cursed artifacts, enchantments, ancient incantations...he is just as invested and curious as she.  She can teach him a new spell and he can get it right almost immediately as well as understand it.  And he is the most calming presence she could be around.  If her anxiety is flaring up or if she had a particularly nasty nightmare, Asra can calm her down within minutes.
Asra loves how giving and encouraging Imalia is.  She spends so much time learning new things only to turn around and share her knowledge with even more enthusiasm.  She simply can't keep knowledge to herself.  And she would gladly give her life to save someone she loves.
3. What things about their LI annoy them?
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Julian:  He can still be a spastic dumbass.  And sometimes he will go on these long tirades about how he just doesn't deserve to be with her.  She will let him get his grievances out, and then calmly explain WHY he is wrong.  And he has this really annoying habit of leaving his dirty socks right beside the laundry hamper.  And Julian tends to leave cups of cold, unfinished coffee just lying around the place.  As for Azalea herself, she tends to think that he doesn't always understand what she is talking about, so she will spend too much time re-explaining a concept he already knows.  And sometimes she can be a little to micro-managey when it comes to stuff around the shop.
Lucio:  As above, spastic dumbass.  He also has absolutely NO idea or sense of money management.  And he can be lazy.  And if she's spending too long on her shop's expenses/cleaning, or if she's reading and not paying enough attention to him, Lucio will start to whine and flop around like a little kid.  Azalea herself still has a few trust issues with Lucio on certain things like money.  He’s so used to lavish things and sometimes needs reminding that Azalea’s shop doesn’t bring in THAT kind of revenue.  Azalea KNOWS Lucio doesn’t understand what she’s talking about sometimes, so the re-explaining isn’t so bad.  But it does bore Lucio.  He can’t help but feel put-out with Azalea’s micro-managing.  He wishes she would just sell the shop and move them back into the Palace since she is Court Magician.
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Asra still likes to run off on his own without giving any specifics about where/what he's doing.  The running off is fine, but Imalia would at least like an idea of what he's planning.  Just in case he might need some help.  Her worst fear is for him to get in trouble and need her, but she isn't there.
4. Who does what chores?
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Julian:  Azalea handles the cooking, laundry, and cleaning the floors.  Julian handles the dusting (putting that height to good use!) and the dishes.  They both do random little fix-its around the shop, but Azalea is better at it since she had spent three years randomly alone.  Azalea loves Julian's expressions when she climbs on the roof and hangs upside down to fix a shingle or the shop’s sign.  He’s trying to catch a glimpse of his favorite boob.
Lucio:  (assuming he is no longer Count and lives with her at the shop) OMG this lazy bum.  It took Azalea a while to get him used to the idea of washing his own clothes, and even longer to teach him how to do it right.  She still takes care of cooking (he is NOT allowed!) and the floors, but they share dusting duty.  And she taught him how to fix things.  The first time he got a chair to stop wobbling, she had to stop him from throwing open the windows and yelling "I AM THE FIX-IT KING!!!" to the entire neighborhood.  She also gave him a job as shop courier.  He needed to learn how to earn his living.  Also took him a while to figure out how to deliver orders without breaking anything.  😒
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Well, Imalia has servants at her estate, so she doesn't really NEED to do any chores.  But she's not the lazy type, and will at the very least cook for herself and the entire household.  She likes seeing their faces when they taste her latest atroci-uh dish.  In seriousness, she's a pretty decent cook.  Asra will usually gather reagents and ingredients they will need in their magical research.  As far as household chores, he keeps the windows clean.  He loves how the sunlight filters in through the stained glass.
5. Do they prefer to stay at home, or do they like to go out?
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Julian:  Being the working stiffs they are, they will usually stay at home.  But a few times a week they will head down to the Rowdy Raven for a good time, or visit with their friends.  Azalea does eventually become Imalia's apprentice again and gets tutored three times a week; they will usually go out somewhere as a group afterward.
Lucio:  Lucio, being the exhausting booger he is, has to go out and mingle with people.  So they will typically go out when the workday is done.  When Azalea becomes Imalia's apprentice again, Lucio is encouraged to do ANYTHING else but come along.  (Imalia and Lucio dated for three years, and that ended badly; so she tries to steer clear of him)  It doesn't always work, however, because Lucio is nosy and he remembers how well Imalia's head-of-household Ben made desserts.
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Since she and Asra both like to travel, they typically go out somewhere.  Even if they stay at home they will be traveling the Magical Realms.
6. What are some little things they do for each other throughout the day?
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Julian:  She will make him coffee and prepare him lunch to take to the clinic with him.  She will leave him little notes in the lunch telling him how amazing he is and how much she loves him.  If he is working late, she brings him dinner.  He will tie little notes to Malak's leg for her to receive, or bring her flowers when he gets off work.  He has also become the new bearer-of-pumpkin bread.  When he gets home, she will sit him down in a chair and give him a shoulder and back rub or draw him a nice hot bath.
Lucio:  She keeps a full cookie jar for him.  She keeps the pantry stocked with food he likes and will cook it just perfect for him.  She also whispers dirty little nothings in his ear and will give him sneaky butt pinches.  He needs to know he's wanted, after all!  If his prosthetic is bothering him, she will help soothe the irritation.  He will give her random shoulder rubs and neck nibbles and will make sure Corva's food and water are always full.  He also likes to blow most of his money on random gifts for her.
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She will paint Asra's nails while telling him lots of "no shit, there I was" stories.  Smoking green with him while reading, going on long walks with him, and constantly praising him.  Asra will wash Imalia's hair when they bathe together and give her amazing scalp massages to ease away tension.  He also loves to brush her hair and come up with new braid configurations for the top of her head.
7. What are some private jokes they share?
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Julian:  There was this one time when they were adventuring overseas and they wanted to grab something to eat before they set out to investigate this temple that Imalia had told them about.  It was supposed to have this magical jar that could hold a human soul.  The only vendor in the town they were in sold this strange grilled fruit on a stick that smelled absolutely awful.  They still ate them and it didn't taste too terrible.  But it strangely filled them with energy and they made it through the temple just fine.  Now when they see kebabs, they look at each other and snicker.  Also, when they pass a haberdasher and see a nice pirate-style hat, Julian will pass Azalea a quirked eyebrow and grin.
Lucio:  Whenever Azalea hears a goat bleat, she will glance to Lucio and snicker because his laugh sounds exactly the same.  Lucio will laugh like a madman when Corva will imitate Azalea's frustrated "Fucking hell!"  He also taught her how to say "Mama's ass" in his accent.   Lucio:  "Ey, Corva, what's the solution to this problem?" Corva:  "Mama's ass!" Azalea:  "OMG!!!" *blush* Corva:  "Fucking hell!"
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She and Asra have run afoul of a few bandit gangs with the most ridiculous names.  So now when they hear of bandits causing trouble, Asra will say "Is it The Fighting Dragon's Blood Macho Men again?"   Imalia:  *snarfs her drink* "It might be the Serpent's Hand." Asra:  *laughs out loud*   Faust:  ?
8. What are some embarrassing couple stories?
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Julian:  One time Azalea was bringing him lunch at work, and the thank-you kiss became rather intense.  A patient came in, and Julian realized that he had gotten...ahem...excited.  He had to come up with a lame excuse to give himself time to calm down.
Lucio:  One time he and Azalea were toking up in the loft of the shop when Nadia came in.  It was a new strain that was really potent, and Lucio couldn't hide the fact that he was high as hell.  When he tried to follow Azalea down the stairs, he lost his balance and tumbled the rest of the way down, ending up in a pile at Nadia's feet.  He instantly blurted out in a loud exaggerated whisper:  "Azzie, don't tell Noddy that I'm high!!" Nadia:  "Don't worry Lucio, I will never find out." Lucio:  "Good.  Hey, Azzie, are we gonna screw when she leaves?" Azalea:  "....Omg...I am so sorry, Nadia." Nadia:  "It's alright, you took him off of my hands after all." (I'd draw this if I could XD)
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One time she and Asra started "getting down" in her study.  They were so focused on each other that they didn't notice Ben come in and set down a tray of refreshments for them.  When they were done, Imalia noticed the tray and said "How long has that been there?" Asra:  "I don't know...I swear it wasn't there before...we..." Imalia:  "...Shit, Ben, why do you have to be such a ninja?" They couldn't look him in the eye at dinner that night.
9. Is their relationship open or exclusive?
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Julian/Lucio:  Exclusive.  Azalea gives her heart to one person only.  Her love envelopes her lover and all she longs for is them.  More than one person would feel mediocre and cheap because she would have to divide her love.  She loves with everything she is.  And it turns out that both Julian and Lucio get really jealous at the thought of sharing her.
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Imalia and Asra are exclusive and deeply committed to each other; but they would have a threesome if they met someone who struck both of their fancies.  That hasn't happened yet, however.
10. How often do they need to be intimate?
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Julian:  They need to be intimate at least twice a week.  Jobs can be stressful, and they need to relieve that stress.  Azalea is all too happy to indulge Julian's desires, and he is happy to service her needs in return.  He's amazing at following direction.  ^_~
Lucio:  Sex is a daily occurrence with them.  Rarely, they will have had such an exhausting and busy day that sex just wasn't in the schedule...but rarely.  More often than not, it's vanilla sex.  But they make an effort to have several spicy sessions a week.  There have been weeks where they went at it a little rough at the beginning, and they were too sore to keep up their normal routine.  Those were sad weeks.
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At the very least they have sex once a week; however sex can happen at the drop of a hat with these two.  Anywhere, anytime.  The longest sessions happen in the Magical Realms where they can explore and experiment for as long as they want.
11. Have they ever fought?
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Julian:  Over little things, more than most.  Things get tense with two people trying to be in a committed relationship.  Something as stupid as “geez, dirty socks on the floor AGAIN?!  The laundry basket is right here!” can, unfortunately, escalate into a rather heated argument about something entirely different.  But dammit, we are COMMITTED!!! (I’m NOT leaving this bitch/bastard because I LOVE them, and we have been through WAY too much SHIT for something as amorphous as emotions to drive a wedge between us!)  Cue some time apart to get their thoughts and emotions together and a very teary-eyed snotty apology.
Lucio:  Yeah, mainly over money management.  Lucio always thought the word "budget" meant "cheap."  He didn't understand that you can't use the money for shop repairs to buy that gaudy cloak he saw in a store window.  He also didn't know that shops had to buy the things they sell.  He thought store wares just...appeared.
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Asra gets irate at the risks Imalia is all too ready to take at a moment's notice.  He wants her to stay safe and it's quite hard when she suddenly decides that she has to drain a quarter of her blood as a reagent for a spell that will lift the curse on a village.  She thinks that she will be alright since she merged with the Lord of Nightmares.  But Asra reminds her that Lon is a chaos goddess and might not save her.
12. Describe their perfect date
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Julian:  It's been busy at the shop and the clinic, and Azalea and Julian have been wanting a date night for a while now.  Azalea closes the shop early and prepares a picnic for the two of them.  Meanwhile, Julian closes his clinic and hauls ass down to the Rowdy Raven to pick up a special bottle that he ordered from Barth.  He gets back to the shop just as Azalea is tucking everything away in a basket.  Arm in arm, the walk to the hidden garden.  They spread out a blanket and set everything up.  Under the glow of the Deadly Starstrand, they feed each other and enjoy that entire bottle.  They giggle and snuggle together, talking about the "remember whens" of their first meeting.  Azalea then pins Julian against that crumbling wall and enacts her secret desires of that night long ago.
Lucio:  Lucio got permission from Nadia to set up a special rendezvous in the palace garden.  (She adores Azalea and helped him come up with the idea)  A table with a magnificent spread was set out for them with a chilled Golden Goose.  They spent the evening laughing and talking, Lucio telling Azalea stories of his past glories.  Azalea confesses that she didn't think much of herself or her talent until he came into her life.  Lucio spends a while kissing up and down the length of Azalea's arms, showering her with praise.  He then takes her up to his old wing via the portal in the garden and gives her the full Count experience. ^_~
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There is a meteor shower tonight.  Imalia sets up a tent (looks small, but is huge inside) in a clearing in the Dark Forest that has all the trappings.  A magician's feast, different types of drinks and wine, and big fluffy bed covered in tons of vibrantly colored pillows.  Outside, they lay in the grass and stargaze.  Imalia tells Asra the history and mythology behind the constellations overhead and what significance they have to different kinds of magicians and mages.  Asra already knows all this, but he loves to hear Imalia talk.  They watch the shooting stars flit by overhead, and both exclaim when a particularly bright one passes by or makes a loud popping sound.  They then retreat into the tent where they eat and weave light magic in the air to entertain each other.  Then Asra pulls out a stick of that special incense and the rest of the night is spent rolling in those pillows.
13. Do they have an evening routine?
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Julian:  When they are home for the night, Azalea will make some tea for them and Julian will pick out a good book.  They will sit and read together for a while before drawing a hot lavender bath.  They will wash each other and cuddle until the water gets cold.  Then a cup of chamomile before going to bed.  Fun times may occur at this point.
Lucio:  Azalea will spend some time teaching Lucio how to read for as long as she can keep his attention.  She will then reward him with some intimate time followed by the lavender bath.  She will pour him a glass of wine and tea for herself, and they will talk and tell each other jokes and stories until they fall asleep.
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They don't really have a routine; the only routine thing about their evenings is the fact that they go to sleep.  They are usually working on experiments together, exploring, reading, drinking, or playing games.
14. Describe a "paid scene" with your character and their LI
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Julian:  Julian and Azalea are getting ready to attend a soiree at the palace.  Azalea helps Julian button his cuffs and slips in some sweet kisses to his wrists.  She then tells him to hold his arms up and don't move.  She slowly buttons up his shirt, leaving smoldering kisses up his chest as she fastens each button.  Julian is a blushing mess, each kiss making him hotter and hotter.  When she closes the final button at his neck, she gives him a mischievous love bite right below his collar.  She then tells him to help her fasten the back of her dress.  He gets a wicked glint in his eye and does as she says, but throwing in a little bit of the temperature magic she had been teaching him.  Icy touches make her shudder while hot touches make her groan.  He finishes off with a blazing kiss to her shoulder which he drags up her neck and ends with a playful nip to her earlobe.
Lucio:  An aerial dancing troupe had performed in the palace earlier that evening.  Azalea talked to Nadia and got the troupe to leave their rigs up.  The room seems to be littered with draping curtains and ropes.  Azalea easily coaxes Lucio into the room and ties a blindfold around his eyes.  She tells him to count to ten and then come find her.  He does as she asks, but pouts when all he can see are the curtains and ropes swaying.  He creeps around each one, listening for her.  He hears her giggle and sees some of the curtains move.  He dashes forward to find her, but she isn't there.  She leads him around the room like this for a good while until finally she spins down from one of the curtains and hangs upside-down in front of him.  She gives him that classic Raimi Spider-Man upside-down kiss.  He asks her what else she can do from that angle.  She replies by sensuously touching him while swaying from the fabric.  Eventually, all riled up, he plucks her down from there and hurries off with her to her room.
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Imalia tells Asra that she respects the Arcana, but doesn't really hold much reverence towards them since they seem rather useless to her.  Asra pulls out his deck and offers to give her a reading.  Imalia sighs, but agrees.  He lays out three cards and flips one.  Just as he suspected, it's The Empress upright.  He listens to the card and tells her what it says.  "Of all the opportunities you've had, there is one you have wanted more than any other.  It scares you, but it's embedded so far down inside you that it's part of who you are.  You want more than anything to be a mother."  Imalia starts, her face turning a deep red.  "It's expected of you," Asra continues, "so a large part of you wants to reject the idea.  The idea pins you down to your royal bloodline.  But that isn't why you want it.  You want it because you want to share the bond that you had with your father with a child of your own.  You want to teach them, encourage them, and watch them grow into something amazing."  He puts the cards away and looks at her mischievously.  "What do you think of the Arcana now?"  Imalia grimaces and says "I think they talk too much."
15. Would they go on a double date?
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Definitely!  Azalea/Julian and Azalea/Lucio have gone on double dates with Imalia/Asra many times!  (However, with Azalea/Lucio, Imalia and Lucio typically end up trying to outdo each other with stories of their badassery)
16. Who pops the question?
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Julian:  They propose to each other!!  They both wanted it, knew they did, but weren’t exactly sure how to go about it.  They snuck around each other (the only time in their relationship that this happens) and bought rings.  Then, on the night each had planned, Julian goes to the kitchen to make them tea and get the ring he’d bought.  When he turns around, Azalea is already kneeling in front of him with the ring she’d bought.  He’s flabbergasted, and kinda numbly holds out his ring.  The next day was full of them guffawing and telling the story to everyone else.
Lucio:  He did.  It was not at all what Azalea was expecting.  She always thought he would propose at a party, in front of everyone in Vesuvia.  But no...he waited until they were alone and comfortable, lounging in the grass of the palace garden.  He just...asked her.  No flourishes, no showy display.  As for the ring...he did really well.  It wasn't some huge gaudy thing that wouldn't look right on her at all.  It was a simple silver band with three gorgeous moonstones set on it.  He really thought about what she would like.
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She does.  They are on holiday together in Nopal during the Painted Daisy Festival.  While sitting next to each other at a bonfire, Imalia stands up.  She proclaims that she has had the vast fortune of traveling the world, having many adventures, performing great deeds, and teaching some of the brightest minds the world has ever seen.  But it all pales in comparison to the person she has fallen in love with.  She simply can't see herself doing anything greater than spending her life with him.  She kneels down in front of him and produces a golden ring etched in magical runes.  She says that he has been there longer than anyone else in her life.  Would he mind keeping that bad habit up for a while longer?  Say, forever?
17. Describe the wedding
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Julian:  It takes place at the Palace (at Nadia's insistence).  Julian is a nervous wreck, thinking that surely Azalea will change her mind and leave him standing at the altar.  Portia smacks sense into him, reminding him that she was part of Azalea's bridal party and had JUST seen her.  Imalia is Azalea's maid-of-honor, and is bossing people around like a drill sergeant, accompanied by Mazelinka; they wanted to make sure Azalea could just enjoy this day and not be bothered by the minutiae.  When Azalea walks down the aisle, she is a glittering spectacle of white pearls, moonstones, crystals, and feathers from Corva. (she had been saving Corva's shed feathers for this occasion).  When they exchange vows, Corva perches on Julian's shoulder, and Malak on Azalea's.  They present them with the rings.  Que smooches and a hell of a reception with lots of table dancing!
Lucio:  Same as above, at the Palace.  Nadia and Azalea arranged everything, but kept Lucio's tastes very close in mind.  Azalea wanted a nice wedding, but not anything as huge as the Masquerade.  The palace was littered with white roses and moonflowers.  Imalia actually tended to Lucio in this one.  His mother was invited and actually showed up, which made Lucio nervous as hell.  Imalia assured him that everything was going to go smoothly, and if Morga did anything, Imalia would do something worse.  Despite her choice of groom, Azalea was still her best friend and this day was going to go PERFECTLY.  Down the aisle, Azalea was escorted by Mercedes and Melchior.  They looked amazing, all clad in white.  Azalea’s dress was the same as above, but she actually wore diamonds (even though she hates them).  The rings were tied to M&M's collars...which could have been a horrible decision if the dogs got riled up, but Imalia had Balthazaar at the ready to pursue and snatch, should that happen.  With the final kiss, sealing the deal, M&M tore out of the sanctuary to chase birds.  The reception was a big party, just like Lucio wanted.  He never left Azalea's side for a moment, showing her off to everyone in the kingdom.
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She and Asra elope.  Something to spring on Azalea randomly.  XD  Plus, Imalia is exhausted with royal and court life; arranging a royal wedding would cause so much headache, and she just knew she would be sending a few nobles to the infirmary with their murmurs about Asra's social standing.  Better to just say "Oh, by the way, this is the person I married.  Suck it."
18. Any babies?
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Julian:  Two kids:  Nora and Rylen.  They both inherit Azalea's premature greying so they enchant their hair like their mother.  Auburn at the roots, but Nora's fades into gold.  Rylen's fades into deep green.  Nora is tall and has the same proclivity for acrobatics that her mother does.  She also has a tendency to get into fights.  Rylen is shorter and is a bookworm who wants to be a doctor like his father.
Lucio:  Two kids:  Darien and Etoile.  As with the previous two, they inherit Azalea's greying.  But they don't enchant their hair.  They both like how the blonde roots fade into silver at the ends.  Darien is a sweet kid who is just really unlucky.  He gets into jams, his magic goes wild, and he tends to lose important things.  This is due to whatever deal Morga made when Lucio was a baby.  Etoile is an overachiever who is headstrong and bulletproof like her father.  She inherits Azalea's smarts which makes her even worse as far as being headstrong because she is, unfortunately, always correct.  She does deeply care for her older brother, however, and will knock someone out if they mess with him.  She ends up helping him with his crappy luck by making him MANY good luck charms to counteract.  The two of them become an adventuring duo, furthering magical research and discovery.
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She and Asra have one child (at first; I want to create two more), a daughter named Celestia (Lessie).  She is slightly darker of skin tone, with Asra's beautiful white hair and Imalia's crimson eyes.  She is coy and mischievous, but can also turn on a dime into a yelling ball-buster.  She is best friends with Azalea's kids (both versions) and they get into all sorts of trouble together.  She is very good at inventing new magic spells.  Mainly good for pranks.  She eventually follows in her mother's footsteps and becomes a Magister as well as a potential heir to the throne of Seiruun.
19. Do they stay in Vesuvia, or eventually move somewhere else?
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Julian/Lucio:  Vesuvia is home.  It's where her heart is and it's where she learned all of her greatest lessons in life.  She could never leave.
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Imalia and Asra set up a portal to Imalia's home country of Seiruun.  They have dual citizenship there, and Asra is given the title of Prince since he married Sairuun's only Princess.  As such, they have to make appearances at court functions.  But Vesuvia is home.  Until (or if ever) Queen Dreen Suval has children of her own, Celestia is named the heir to the throne of Seiruun.
20. Talk about that family life.  What's it like?
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Julian:  Azalea continues to run the shop and Julian his clinic.  But since the family got so large, they had to move out of the loft and buy a house (they found a nice one close by).  Azalea teaches Nora and Rylen how to make potions and tinctures, as well as nurture their magical talents.  Rylen wants to be like his father, so Julian takes him on as his apprentice at his clinic and teaches him everything he knows.  Azalea has to come to get Nora from the guards after she gets into fights on a somewhat regular basis.  She decides that Nora should get a proper "schooling" from Imalia.  So Imalia keeps Nora nice and busy and helps her channel her energy to more productive means than fighting.  Meals are always spent together as a family.
Lucio:  Azalea continues to run the shop, and Lucio actually steps up to help in raising Darien and Etoile.  They move into a fancy house.  Morga steps in every so often and insists on taking the children out on hunts.  When she sees how horrible Darien's luck is, she spends more attention on Etoile.  Azalea isn't pleased with this.  So she makes Darien her helper and apprentice at the shop and teaches him ways to counter his awful luck.  Etoile is the one who figures out exactly what he needs and makes him a LOT of luck charms.  They need to be re-energized every so often, but they seem to do the trick and Darien's true potential starts to shine.  Morga is forced to eat her words on one hunt when he slays a bear larger than any Morga has ever seen.  She begins to piece together Darien's condition and realizes who is actually at fault.  Her.  So she sets about to rid Darien of the curse of bad luck.  Lucio and Azalea love spending time with their kids, reading, telling stories, and playing with magic.  Meals are a family event with everyone taking part.
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Imalia tries her best not to dote on Celestia, but she just can't help it sometimes.  The child is so amazing, and she loves how much like Asra she is.  She and Asra take her on family trips the the Magical Realms and help her construct her own Magical Gateway.  Asra introduces her to several of the Arcana, and the Magician absolutely adores her.  At one point, Celestia manages to slip into the Devil's realm and paints a penis on the frozen Arcana's face.  Imalia is immensely proud when Celestia agrees to take on the massive responsibility of becoming heir to Sairuun, but she doesn't put off her education either.  Through her own effort and hard work, she becomes a Magister.
BONUS.  Petnames.
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Azalea calls Julian "Beautiful Beanpole" and "my darling doctor" and Julian calls Azalea "Angel," "darling," and "dearest"
Azalea calls Lucio "Hot Stuff" and "babe" and Lucio calls her "Azzie" (sounds like Ozzy) and "baby"
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Imalia calls Asra "Starlight."  Asra calls Imalia "Professor."  Imalia also calls Lucio "Shitiot" (Shit/Idiot)
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blightarts · 6 years
Truth Serum
Pairings: Jake x F!MC
MC Name: Yurika
Summary: Jake gets captured by Arachnid soldiers for interrogation and is eventually saved by Yurika.
Disclaimer: Endless  Summer is a property of Pixelberry. I do not claim any rights here.
Author’s Notes:This small fic is dedicated to my good friend, @mechaspirit. You were one of my first few followers. Consider this a thanks for sticking with me and for putting up with all of the shenanigans I do with the group. 😂
Tagging: My Jake x MC friends, @princesstopgun, @choicesyouplayandmore, @choicesmarvel, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @jakemckenzietrash, @scgdoeswhat, @mysteli, @skyila
If “Keep Reading” doesn’t work, go here.
After the escape from Rourke’s MASADA Complex, the Catalysts are separated. After learning the true identity of the Endless and witnessing Raan'losti, Yurika, along with Yvonne and Uqzhaal, tries to escape the oncoming lava and thunderstorm. A huge tree trunk falls towards the group and they manage to dive out of the way. As the tree crashes down, a cloud of sparks and thick smoke billows outward. Yurika and Yvonne hold their breath and trek through the thick smoke.
Yvonne: Kff! Got to keep... moving!
Yurika: Can’t... breathe.
The two women fall of the ground, coughing helplessly. Through the haze, the fiery glow becomes brighter as trees and undergrowth are rapidly consumed. Yurika begins to lose consciousness... when a pair of hands reach out to her and Yvonne.
Estela: Come on, you two! I’ve got you both.
Yurika and Yvonne look up in surprise to see Estela.
Yurika: Estela?!
Estela helps them onto their feet and they hurry out of the smoke. Afterwards, the three move on through the forest, seeking to outdistance the spreading fire.
Estela: Can you make it?
Yurika: I think so. Nice timing, by the way.
After a few minutes of trekking out of the forest in order to avoid more natural chaos, they come across a cove. Yurika looks around and in curiosity, turns to Estela.
Yurika: Hey, where’s Jake and the others? Last time I saw you guys, you were still in the chopper.
Estela stays silent and avoids eye contact. Yurika reaches out to her.
Yurika: Estela? Did something happen to them?
Unable to keep the truth any longer, Estela looks into Yurika’s eyes.
Estela: The four of us split up to find the others not too long ago. Sean and Craig search along the eastern coast while Jake and I search around this area. Suddenly, a group of three Arachnid soldiers attacked us. I managed to hold one of them off but Jake wasn’t so lucky.
Yurika starts to feel uneasy.
Yurika: Is he...?
Estela instantly grabs Yurika’s hand with reassurance.
Estela: No! He’s not dead! He was just captured. He’s alright... for now. I tried to chase them but then the eruption happened and I saw you and Yvonne.
Yvonne: We have to save him.
Yurika looks down and clenches her fist.
Yurika: No... you two rest up. I’ll take care of this.
Estela: What?! Yurika, you can’t! It’s too dangerous.
Yurika: Every second we waste makes things dangerous for Jake! And besides... you need to rest after what you have been through.
Estela: Then take Yvonne with you.
Yurika shakes her head and points to a wound on Yvonne’s leg.
Yurika: She got that when a tree almost fell on us and a splinter grazed her leg.
Estela sighs and gives in to Yurika’s demands. She takes her spear and gives it to Yurika.
Estela: Be careful, Yurika. The tire tracks from their vehicle might still be there.
Yurika gives her a meaningful nod before running off back into the forest.
After a never-ending search, Yurika manages to spot a military Humvee in a clearing. She quickly hides herself in a bush. Meanwhile, inside the Humvee, Jake is restrained and is being interrogated by the soldiers that captured him.
Arachnid Solder 1: Where are they, Wolf?
Jake: Look, buddy. I’m telling you. I don’t know. You guys separated all of us when we tried to escape your boss’s research complex.
A second soldier punches Jake in the face but he isn’t fazed. 
Jake: Ha! Is that all you’ve got? I’ve received better punches from our QB.
Arachnid Soldier 2: You piece of--
Before the second soldier could punch Jake again, he is cut off by the third soldier.
Arachnid Soldier 3: Hold on. Violence doesn’t work on this dirt bag. We need to be smart about this.
Jake: “Smart about this”? Pffft. You guys haven’t been smart about anything ever since you joined the force.
Jake chuckles while the third soldier shrugs him off and pulls out a syringe filled with a blue serum.
Jake: What’s that? A super-soldier serum? You gonna turn me into Captain America?
Arachnid Soldier 1: Real funny, Wolf.
Arachnid Soldier 3: No more jokes out of you. This is a truth serum.
Jake: Yeah, right. Those don’t exist.
Arachnid Soldier 2: Unless you work with someone like Rourke.
Jake appears to remain unfazed but on the inside he is scared of what truths he might spill. The soldier injects the serum into Jake and the latter winces.
Arachnid Soldier 3: Now... where are the rest of your group?
Jake: You ain’t getting anything from me...
Jake tries to resist but he was unable to. He slightly twitches and starts to speak the truth.
Jake: I... I... only know the location of the four of us... You’ve already seen half of us... The... other half... is at the... eastern coast...
The Arachnid soldiers marvel at their success.
Arachnid Soldier 1: Good boy, Wolf. Now, let’s silence that loud mouth of yours.
Jake grits his teeth. The first soldier readies his gun, but not before a spear breaks through the Humvee’s window and pierces the side of his head, killing him. Jake and the other two soldiers are caught by surprise.
Arachnid Soldier 2: That bitch is back! Quick! Let’s kill her now while she’s unarmed.
Jake: Katniss?
The second soldier opens the Humvee door and walks out. On the other side of the door, Yurika kicks it close and the soldier is knocked to the ground and drops his gun. Yurika runs to pick it up and shoots the soldier on the head.
Arachnid Soldier 3: Got you now!
Yurika turns to see the third soldier pointing his gun at her, ready to fire. But not until he was kicked by Jake. The soldier falls to the ground as Yurika takes aim and shoots them dead. 
After an exhilarating fight, Yurika approaches the Humvee and finds Jake restrained inside it. Jake’s eyes light up at the sight of his girlfriend.
Yurika: Hey there, Top Gun.
Jake: Princess? Man, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.
Yurika: Let me help you.
Yurika removes Jake’s restraints. He sits on the Humvee’s driver seat and starts the engine, while Yurika calls shotgun. Jake drives the Humvee onto the forest, on their way towards the cove.
Jake: Thanks for saving my ass, Princess.
Yurika: You weren’t scared, were you?
Jake: Pffft. Of course not!
Still under the effects of the truth serum, Jake twitches and tells the truth.
Jake: Actually, I almost peed my pants. I’m so glad you were there.
Yurika looks at him in confusion.
Yurika: What?!
Jake: Nothing!
Yurika squints her eyes.
Yurika: What happened? What did they do to you?
Jake: They did absolutely nothing to me.
Jake twitches one more time.
Jake: They injected a truth serum inside me.
Yurika giggles and Jake becomes irritated.
Jake: It’s not funny, Princess. I don’t know how long this damn serum is gonna make me tell the truth and I don’t want you to take advantage of it.
Yurika: Oh, I will, Top Gun.
Jake nervously gulps as Yurika leans in closer to him.
Yurika: Do you love me?
Jake: I... I...
Jake twitches again.
Jake: I love you, Yurika.
He slowly stops the Humvee and quickly covers his mouth with his hands. Yurika laughs and leans closer, removing Jake’s hands from his mouth.
Yurika: Aren’t you just the cutest thing...
Yurika eventually closes the gap and kisses Jake. He gives in and returns the kiss, savoring her soft and tender lips. After a few seconds, they pull away. Yurika smiles at Jake, while his face becomes red.
Yurika: Admit it. You’re enjoying this aren’t you?
Jake looks away, embarrassed.
Jake: No, I do--
He twitches once again.
Jake: Yes.... I do...
Yurika laughs one more time and settles down on her seat.
Yurika: Alright, that’s enough torture for you. We should probably get moving. Estela and Yvonne are probably worried about us.
Jake sighs in relief and steps on the accelerator. After a few minutes, they reach the cove. Estela and Yvonne are seated by a campfire at the beach. Yurika and Jake step out of the Humvee and walk towards them.
Jake: Thanks again for saving me, Princess.
Yurika: Anytime, Jake...
Yurika smirks and attempts to torture Jake one more time.
Yurika: So... Do you actually love me?
Jake: Yes.
Yurika: Aha!... wait...
Yurika hushed at what Jake said. He grins.
Jake: The serum’s effects are gone, Princess. 
Yurika: Y-you... uhh....
Jake chuckles and grabs Yurika by the waist, before pulling her to another passionate kiss. She cups the sides of his face and savors the moment. After pulling away, they regroup with Estela and Yvonne as they plan to find the rest of the Endless Summer gang.
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mysteli · 5 years
the reason I’d suggest reading this is so I can explain what this is exactly. and you’ll only really get it if you’ve read most of endless Summer.
I heard the song used in this vid and felt I needed to use it for a video and this was while I was looking for a song for ride or die, which is coming soon. somehow it reminded of endless summer and how the first timeline ended which was with everyone dying and MC being the only one left so I wanted to recreate how that aftermath must have played out. it is random I know but I really wanted to do it so I hope u like it. it’s quite sad but I am really happy with how it turned out.
p.s: u can find all the faceclaims on my actual endless summer trailer
tags: @brightpinkpeppercorn @princessstellaris @mechaspirit @endlessly-searching-for-you @scgdoeswhat (any es stans)
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scgdoeswhat · 5 years
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Happy birthday to my first choices love, Jake McKenzie 💖
Had the urge to do a random speedpaint, so this is what happened. I can’t claim if it’s any good, but hey, first creative content posted for 2020 🙌 That’s a win in my book 😂
Tagging a few Jake lovers... @brightpinkpeppercorn @endlessflame @endless-vall @xo-endlessmayhem-xo @sophie-summer @choicesyouplayandmore @endlesshero1122 @mechaspirit @endlessly-searching-for-you​ @princessstellaris​ @darley1101​ @zaffrenotes​
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watatsumi-island · 4 years
Me: *checks setting to change sthg*
*sees follower count*
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@astridvolari @ntoraplayschoices @bonnie-the-sleepybunny @fluffykitten246 @puffybunny123 @obsessed-with-gacha @blightarts @silverlitskies @princessstellaris @the-watcher-writes @puffybunny89 @tyrilstarfury @julia-highstorms @keviriass @ouranhighschoolhostclub20 @what-do-you-mean-theyre-evil @itsbrindleybinch @eileendannie @random-blog-of-random-stuff-etc @waytooattuned @brightpinkpeppercorn @mechaspirit @baltersome love you all ❤💛💚💙💖🖤💗👂💝💞💟❣
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