blightarts · 6 years
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Previous Chapter: A Way for Us to Bond
Next Chapter: An Unexpected Outcome
Disclaimer:  Pokémon is a property of Game Freak and Nintendo, while Endless  Summer is a property of Pixelberry. I do not claim any rights here.
Author’s Note: If the “Keep reading” doesn’t work, go here for the full post. 
@princesstopgun, @mechaspirit, @lovearyn, @kaitloyalist, @choicesmarvel, @sceptilemasterr, @hey-its-vy, @skyila, @choicesyouplayandmore, @mysteli, @helentwombly, @scgdoeswhat, @choicesaholic​, @jakemckenzietrash, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @abhirio, @diego-vii, @daniela2510, @izzycheeese, @brightpinkpeppercorn​
Recommended Music: Kickback (ES)
After a night of smiles and food, the kids wake from their slumber at the Quarr’tel Cottages. As they exit the building, they come across a familiar girl. Taari’s eyes light up as he smiles.
Taari: Zh’en!
Zh’en flinches and sees the group. They wave towards her while she waves back, trembling.
Zh’en: He-hey... guys...
She takes another gaze towards Taari and blushes. She quickly looks the other way and runs. Taari is left confused while the other kids smirk at him. The Vaanti boy turns to the group and pouts.
Taari: We’re just best friends, you guys!
Everyone else: Suuuure...
Taari leaves and goes on ahead towards the Quarr’tel Gym while the others laugh and follow. As they reach the gym, they are reunited with Blight and Vishakha. The two best friends spot the kids.
Blight: Ah, there you are!
Vishakha: Are you guys ready?
Kaitlyn: More than ever!
Reginald: Absolutely!
Elena: Ready to kick some a--
Vishakha: Language, big Sis.
Elena covers her mouth and chuckles. Meanwhile, Taari looks around for Rachel and Meg.
Kaitlyn: Hey, where are your sisters, Vishakha?
Reginald: Yes, and where is Katherine, Blight
Vishakha: Oh, we asked them to go ahead towards Ursidae Town to meet up with my other sister and plan my performance.
Mika: You have a fourth sister?
Vishakha: Yep. Her name is Samantha.
Everyone enters the gym and they are immediately greeted by I.R.I.S. 
I.R.I.S.: Greetings, children, Blight and Princess Vishakha. The L1Ch-qU33n is waiting for you at the battlefield. Please step into the teleportation pod to reach it.
Blight: Thanks, I.R.I.S.
They then enter the pod and are instantly transported to the Quarr’tel Gym battlefield. Zahra is laid back at the audience seats and spots her visitors.
Zahra: You’re here. Terrific.
Zahra makes her way to her side of the battlefield while Blight, Vishakha and Mika take their seats to watch the battle.
Zahra: So... who wants to go first?
Taari VS Zahra
Reginald & Elena VS Zahra
Kaitlyn VS Zahra
Recommended Music: Kickback (ES)
After the three battles, Zahra meets with the kids at the center of the battlefield.
Zahra: Well, you guys seem to have improved a lot ever since the Pokélympics.
Taari: Thanks, Miss Zahr--
Zahra quickly puts at Taari with an intimidating look.
Zahra: “Zahra” is fine, squirt! No need for the “Miss”.
Taari trembles and nods while the group chuckles. Zahra composes herself and pulls out four of her badge.
Zahra: For pwning the L1Ch-qU33n in the Quarr’tel Gym, I reward you the Corvus Badge.
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Corvus Badge - 3 out of 8 Badges Collected.
The four kids store their badges in their cases. Afterwards, they thank Zahra and shake hands with her, even though she doesn’t want to. Blight, Vishakha and Mika rejoin the kids on the battlefield.
Blight: Alright, I guess it’s time for us to head to Ursid--
Vishakha: Not so fast, Jester!
Blight turns to Vishakha in confusion. 
Blight: What is it, your Highness?
Vishakha: I’ve been wanting to do this ever since I caught you in Orderve City.
Blight: Yeah?
Vishakha points at finger towards Blight and grins in determination.
Vishakha: Let’s battle!
Blight: ......
Vishakha: ......
Blight: ......EH?!?!
Blight VS Vishakha
After the battle between the two best friends, everyone regroups at the Gym entrance. Zahra points northwards.
Zahra: Ursidae Town is that way. The journey will take at least a day if you keep moving but stop once to rest and revitalize.
Blight: Thanks, Zahra.
The two techies fist bump and salute each other before parting, while everyone else say their goodbyes.
Vishakha: See ya soon, Z.
Reginald: See you at Ursidae Town soon.
Mika: Bye!
As the group make their way towards the northern gate, Zahra secretly speaks with I.R.I.S.
Zahra: I.R.I.S.?
I.R.I.S.: Yes, L1Ch-qU33n?
Zahra: Make sure they stay on the path and don’t wander off somewhere dangerous.
I.R.I.S.: Understood.
What is to come next to our group of wonderful misfits? And what does Zahra mean from her request? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF POKÉMON SUMMER VERSION!
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mechaspirit · 6 years
A Fluffy Addition to the Family
Author’s note: This is a birthday gift for @princesstopgun ! Happy Birthday, V! Note that I’m going to use the name of her ES MC in this story.
Book: Endless Summer
Pairings: JakexMC
Summary: Here in the Mckenzie Household, the couple welcomes a new member of a family...
It’s rather quiet in the McKenzie household. Unusually quiet. And this is starting to freak Emily out.
As far as she knows, her husband has a day-off from his flight duty and wouldn’t leave the house without telling her where he was going. Plus, his truck is still parked outside so he wouldn’t have gone anywhere. Once he noticed Emily coming home from either work or hanging out with the girls, he would rush towards her and greets her with a passionate kiss, like he always does. Except for this time...he didn’t.
Her concern started to increase by the time she heard a crash from their bathroom and rush towards it. It was then that she finally found
“Hey, Princess. Back so soon, already?” Her husband grinned, holding onto a towel somewhat protectively. The woman raised an eyebrow at him.
“Jake, what’s going on? Why did I hear a-”
A whimpered was heard, but not coming from either of them. Emily saw something inside the towel Jake was holding that made her squeal in awe and excitement. She immediately went over to pick up a small, furry, black-and-brown creature, whose eyes were half-shut. But then, the little furball managed to open his beady black eyes, saw who was holding him affectionately, and gave Emily few small licks to her nose.
“He’s so adorable,” she cooed at the German Shepherd puppy before turning to the ex-military pilot, “Where did you find him?”
“One of our neighbor’s dog brought the little critters to this world and she couldn’t afford to take care all of them so she’s giving them away for free,” Jake then smirked at his wife, “And I take with that silly smile on your face, you like your gift.
“I love him,” Emily replied before kissing Jake on the lips, “Thank you!”
After helping the pilot drying off the little pub with the blow dryer and settle him on the couch between them, Jake spoke up.
“Any idea what you’re going to name the little guy?”
Emily thought for a moment while giving the puppy a little rub on the head. “Hmm...I want to name him ‘Jakey-Wakey’.”
“Don’t you dare, Princess!” Jake looked horrified for a moment which made Emily laughed.
“I’m just kidding, Top Gun,” she reassured him, “I’m going to name him, ‘Rover’.”
It became official that Rover is part of the McKenzie family. Even though he creates a lot of trouble (and steal Emily’s attention from Jake), they still love him.
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mysteli · 6 years
Ooh! Thanks so much for the ask. 💜
Vish has to be the sweetest person I’ve ever met in this fandom and definitely one of the closest to me! When I joined, she welcomed me with open arms and she’s become one of my closest friends and fellow cookie queen! 🍪🍪🍪 I love her so much and she’s just amazing and this fandom doesn’t deserve her. Love you, V! 💜💘💘💕❤️
Send me a tumblr url and I’ll tell you what I think of them
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softmahito · 6 years
Omg I'm in love with your Jake X MC high school AU!!! 😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕💕💕
dhvbadivbdv thank you so much!! it’s definitely one of my fave from the drabbles i wrote so far! ♥♥♥♥♥
btw @lahuertasprincess decided to be cheeky and requested part 2 so there will be more to the story soon 👀😂💕
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mind-reader1 · 6 years
Queen of Hearts (Ch. 29 Part 2)
Drake x MC (Emma Barnes)
TRR AU: What would happen if Emma loved Drake but had to marry Liam?
Catch up here
Warnings: major angst
Note: I’m sorry. Next chapter we get to some even juicier drama (and some NSFW)!
Word Count: 1,171
Summary: It’s been 3 years since Drake and Emma got married, 2 since they found out she was infertile. How has treatment and the fake marriage affected them and their relationship after so long? 
Chapter 29 Part 2: Better Life - P!NK 
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I've been up late watching you breathe Wondering if you're going to leave Don't tell me what you see That you actually believe it
But I've been up late nights Staring at the street lights All the cigarette smoke, can't escape a closing window And my head's like "what happened to you, it's alright" Baby, it's not alright What if we're a closing window
But I can't shake the feeling That you picture a better life, better wife, better nights, better high I can't shake the feeling (I can't shake the feeling) Do you picture a better life?
*** 2 years later ***
Emma was laying with her back to Drake, wide awake. More and more events had been calling Emma away for Royal duties and she could tell there was a rift growing between them. She had been through six rounds of IVF and they had all been unsuccessful, it was taking a toll on them. Last week had been the first time they'd had sex in months, whereas three years ago when they first got married they couldn't keep their hands off each other, now it felt like they barely looked at each other. She got up to get dressed because she was needed at the palace, they were holding a press conference today and she was dreading it. Liam had gotten Olivia pregnant, after lots of arguing about how they were going to explain it, they settled on telling the press that she was a surrogate for them since Emma couldn't get pregnant. She hated that she had to tell the nation, but it was important, rumors had already infiltrated the court, she seemed to be at the center of them all. A loveless marriage with Liam, her relationship with Drake in a bad place as they watched Kiara throw herself at him more and more every council meeting, rumors that Emma didn't want children, people even beginning to wonder if Olivia was really a surrogate. In an effort to spend some more time with Drake and try to fix what was wrong with them, she brought him to the palace for the press conference.
“Are you going to be watching?” She asked as she changed into a little black dress. Drake shrugged.
“I don't like watching you play house with him Emma.” She sighed.
“I don't either, but I could use a friendly face in the crowd.”
“Yeah, I guess I'll watch then.”
“Thank you.” Emma found Liam and Olivia, all of them walking out together to face the press. Cameras flashed the instant they appeared, Emma plastered on a fake smile and stood on one side of Olivia, Liam on the other.
“Thank you all for coming! We have an announcement we would like to make. Before we do though, we ask that you be respectful, and we will be answering questions at a later date.”
“As you're all very aware, I haven't produced an heir yet. This has been a trying time for us, and we have discovered that I….” Emma took a deep breath to calm her nerves and searched for Drake in the crowd, locking eyes with him. “I cannot have children; Lady Olivia has been so generous as to be our surrogate.”
“I'm just so glad I was able to help my friends, and, no the baby won't come out with bright red hair, Emma is still the baby's mother!” Olivia joked, and Emma prayed she was right.
“Yes, we're so grateful to Lady Olivia for helping us, we can't wait to finally start our little family!” Liam placed a hand on Olivia's very pregnant belly and Emma did the same, her smile faltering as Drake walked out of the press conference. They said good-bye to the press and Emma chased after Drake. She found him in the secluded courtyard he had taken her to after he won his duel, that felt like so long ago now as she stepped up beside him, staring into the fountain.
“Drake.” He wouldn't look at her.
“Drake please!” he finally looked up at her and Emma didn't like what she was seeing. He was upset, she could see it in his eyes, he had never looked at her like that though, only Liam.
“Give up the charade.”
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about Drake.”
“The marriage, your marriage to Liam! Ask him for a divorce, give up the charade Emma!” she looked down at her feet.
“You know I can’t Drake. It’s not a good time.” Drake scoffed and ran a hand through his hair.
“Really? Give me one good reason you can’t end it now! It’s been three years since Anton was defeated. Liam's secured the crown, the people love him, now he's even got an heir. Do you not want everyone to know about me? Are you ashamed because you've been queen for so long?” Emma took a step back reeling, she couldn't believe he had even implied that.
“How could you say that?! I love you Drake Walker and if I could tell the world that right now I would! I can't though, if Liam and I got divorced now, think of the consequences. It would ruin my reputation; the tabloids would never leave us alone.” Drake laughed incredulously.
“You think your reputation and Liam's won't be wrecked when that baby has bright red hair? Everyone already whispers about it at court anyways. The problem is you won't commit Barnes, you won't commit to being with me.” Emma reached out for him, but he pulled away and she flinched. He hadn't called her Barnes while they were alone for three years, it sounded foreign to her.
“I lay in bed next to you every night Drake! I wake up, happy to be by your side in our home. I've been trying for three years to give you the baby we want so desperately. Tell me that's not commitment!”
“We're still hiding behind closed doors and you haven't given me one good reason why. Oh, and while we're at it, all this talk about kids was great before we got married, but let's be real. Those kids would be raised as royalty and I'd never stand a chance, it was a great dream, but it can never happen, I'd never get to be their dad.” Emma was crying as she tried to grab Drake's hand.
“That's not true Drake! They would be my kids too and I'll be damned if Liam takes that from us after everything else. I want nothing more than to be with you and only you Drake, but Liam would never give me the divorce even if I asked. It's just not possible.” He shook his head and forced back the tears welling up in his eyes.
“Then maybe this isn't working anymore Barnes. I'm done. I'm tired of sharing my wife, it's all or nothing.”
“Drake please!” She begged stumbling towards him, but he turned and walked away so she couldn't see the tears streaming down his own face. Emma fell to her knees, she couldn't believe what had just happened.
“Fine! Why don't you go fuck Kiara then! Everyone knows she's obsessed with you!” It felt like a nightmare. Drake had just left, just walked away without turning back. She didn't want to believe they were over, but his words were so final. She decided that she'd sleep at the palace tonight and go back home in the morning to talk to him after they both had some time to calm down, she couldn't believe that he would just walk away like that.
Next Time: Drake left, will they be able to fix things or are they done for good? Will Drake find comfort with Kiara or will he fight for Emma? Will Emma finally ask Liam for a divorce? 
Tagging: @notoriouscs @brightpinkpeppercorn @ooo-barff-ooo @leelee10898 @princesstopgun @choicesyouplayandmore @sleepwalkingelite @roonarific  @indigo39 @skyila @speedyoperarascalparty @andy-loves-corgis  @furiousherringoperatortoad @drakewalkerfics @findingdrake @sue9659 @smritysriv @larryssunflower @likethetailofacomet @zaffrenotes @mrsdrakewalkerblog @agent-bossypants @endlessly-searching-for-you   @cgd03 @simsvetements @jovialyouthmusic @akrenich @jlouise88
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julia-highstorms · 6 years
ILITW Appreciation Week - Masterlist
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Day 1 (22 Oct): Everyone Plays Together
Thank you so much to everyone who have participated! ✨😆 we’re pleased to see all your love for all these amazing characters and we absolute cannot wait to see what else you’re going to submit during this week! Tomorrow’s theme is Fight or Flight - favorite scene/most iconic moments
On theme (‘Everyone Plays Together’):
Connor Green by @endlessflame
Stacy Green by @choicesaholic
Tom Sato by @trashy-choices-blog
Ava Cunningham by @oh-my-choices
Bro Hug (Andy Kang & Tom Sato) by @teamtomsato
Lucas Thomas by @itlivesontheinternet
Noah and Mimikyu (Noah Marshall) by @blightarts
Noah Marshall by @spectrelier
Parker Shaw (ILB) by @priyasayeed
Post No.01 and No.02 (Noah Marshall) by @lovethemarshalltwins
Pieces of Writing:
Amen, Amen - Chapter 1: Reckoning (Noah Marshall) by @littlecrookedheart
If Jane Was Here (Noah’s PoV) - Chapter 13: Fight or Flight (Noah Marshall) by @teamtomsato
Lucas x MC (fluff) by @thedepthsremember
Andy Kang by @princesstopgun
Andy Kang by @goldsbloom
Ava Cunningham by @capitolina-padua
MC & Dan Pierce by @h-artfeld
Noah Marshall playlist by @teamtomsato
Don’t forget to tag your posts with #ILITW Appreciation Week and tag the hosts @choicesaholic @nuttatulipa @teamtomsato to make sure we’ll see it! 😊 And if we missed someone, don’t hesitate to tell us!
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daniela2510 · 6 years
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Jake x MC moments💖
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O h w e l l h o t d a m n how to breathe?????
Honeymoon with Jake! Super worthy scene and oh heaven it was steamy af... we were blessed guys! This chapter particularly made me feel lucky that we got to marry him! And everything about that chapter was precious; the ceremony, the honeymoon, the feelings, the gang's picture, our friends, MC's attire, Jake's outfit and the blessed art of him dressed formally❤ in few words, it was an amazing and beautiful chapter
@delphinuskelly @brightpinkpeppercorn @whatmcsaid @princesstopgun
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endless-vall · 6 years
The Map - Part Sixteen - Last Chapter, The End.
<< First  < Previous .
Summary: The final battle takes place, but the future has never been brighter. 
Author’s note: This is it. This is the final chapter of my multi-chapter Endless Summer story, “The Map”. 
I hope you’ll like it. 
I know it took me a long time to finish it, and even more to post it. I want to take this chance and thank everyone who supported me, and read this story. Although I started writing it after the book ended, the response and the support  was amazing. I never thought there’ll be so much love and appreciation for my post-final story, so I want you to know you all are amazing and dear to me! <3
Endless Summer is finished, but it’ll always be in our hearts. Our precious gang deserve it’s happy ending, and here they finally have it. 
Tagging: @writtenbycandy​ @meeraaverywalker @asprankle​ @liam-rhys-x-mc-x-constantine​ @dandeservestheworld​ @endlessly-searching-for-you​ @quacksonlover​ @kamybelen-blog​ @endlessflame​ @truekender​ @princesstopgun​ @nekkidmolerat @mysteli . I hope I got everyone who asked to be tagged! Comment on this post to let me know if you wanna be tagged as well.
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La-Huerta was indeed a normal island now. It didn’t have the Celestial anymore and some parts of it’s abnormal zones but it was La-Huerta nonetheless.
It was secluded from the outside world, mainly so the watchers would be safe. Not appearing on any map beside the one embedded in Varynn’s memory.
“This place is still one of the most beautiful things I got to witness.” Diego told Taylor, who was sitting next to him on the plane.
Just like their journey began, this is how it was going to end.
But an ending isn’t the sad part, because it just means they’ll get to start a new chapter.
“Yeah,” She nodded, her heart fluttering in her chest.
This was it. This is where everything started.
And this is where it ends, and they start a new chapter in their lives.
“But isn’t… The island’s heart kinda useless… Right now?” Craig furrowed his eyebrows., still trying to make sense out of everything.
“Yeah, it is.” Varynn confirmed, shrugging.  
“But Rourke’s a wacko.” Aliester explained. “So he still wants it.”
“We could just… Give it to him.” Mike popped his head into the passengers area, noting.
Everyone exchanged baffled looks between each other.
“What do you mean-” Before Raj could complete his question Taylor jumped in.
“That could actually work.” She said.
A moment of silence passed through the group.
“You want to… Trick him?” Zahra asked, not waiting for a response. “Sick! I’m in.” She flashed a grin, fist-bumping Craig.
“Yeah… That could… Actually work.” Aliester and Estela nodded too. 
They seemed to be the most skeptical beside Taylor, so if they agreed on it - this plan was worth trying.
Everyone else exchanged looks once again. It seems they were in agreement.
“Let’s do this.”
Taylor rose up, exchanging a brief look with Mike. He nodded and she flashed him a smile before climbing into the cockpit of the plane.
Jake was flying the plane now. Remarkably so.
“Hey princess.” He smiled as she sat beside him.
“Brings you memories, hotness?” She couldn’t believe she could ever forget the man sitting in front of her.
But to be fair - she had a part of her literally taken away. And she still found him, still remembered him in the end.
“Actually, yes.” He shot her a wink before looking back at the sky ahead.
They fell into light conversation, until Jake announced they were getting close and Mike came back, switching his seat with Taylor’s.
Getting to La-Huerta turned out to be easier than expected, and soon the gang was setting foot on the long-lost island.
But, unfortunately, getting there was the easy part.
“What now?” Michelle asked, voicing everyone’s thoughts.
“Here,” Varyyn pointed into the distance. A group of Vaanti soldiers were drawing near them.
“Even though I remember everything, it’s still kinda fricky to see all of it in person.” Craig commented.
“I’m right there with you.” Zahra calmly stated, her hand nervously finding it’s way to Craig’s. He blinked at their linked hands, but didn’t complain. A pinkish color decorated his cheeks instead, but he shook his head and himself out of it, giving Zahra’s hand a tight, reassuring squeeze.
“Yeah, dudes.” Raj added, and Taylor turned towards everyone.
“Okay, guys. We need to focus.” She reminded them.
“Right.” Jake gulped, standing next to her staring into the skyline. The Vaanti finally reached the gang, and reported back to Varyyn. 
They’ve narrowed down Rourke’s possible location and had the main area surrounded.
“We were waiting for you.” Seraxa finished explaining. “What are you’re orders?” She asked.
“Ask them,” Varynn smiled, gesturing towards the group. 
“We have a plan.” Taylor stepped to the front. 
Seraxa shot her a knowing smile, happy to see her again. Taylor smiled back at her, for a moment before continuing.
“Take us to Rourke.”
“will he ever give up?” Michelle complained while on their way, clearly annoyed but eager to stop him.
“No, apparently, he’ll never. Which is why I think we should think this through. How do we wanna act? Do we really want to just capture him?” Aliester stepped up.
Taylor arched her eyebrows. “What’s the other option?” She asked, even though she had an idea.
A silence fell through the group, everyone hanging their gazes at each other.
“… We could kill him. End this once and for all.” Estela said what everyone were thinking, but too afraid to say.
“Let’s hope it won’t come to that.” Taylor answered, shaking her head.
“Are you serious?” Zahra countered, siding with Estela. “After everything he’s done, the baster deserves it!” She continued.
“But are we really the judge for it?” Quinn narrowed her eyes at them, defending Taylor.
“Of course we are! Who else could?!” Zahra raised her voice, having enough of that.
“Guys, guys! Let’s calm down!” Taylor placed herself between the two sides of the group, worked up.
“Catalysts, are you ready?” A warrior of Seraxa’s asked them, calming the atmosphere.
Taylor hanged her eyes on him, her expression falling unsettled. “Not really.” She shrugged.
“Too bad for you.” Suddenly, the ground beneath them shaking. A huge robotic shape burst through the ground, carrying countless weapons on its hands and back.
“Ahhhh!” The gang was caught off-guard, everyone falling and being thrown away into different directions.
“Taylor!” Without giving it much thought, Jake threw himself over Taylor, defending her with his body.
“Taylor??” Most of the gang got to safety, hiding behind blocks of wood and shields the Vaanti had supplied.
“I’m alright!” She let them know, pulling Jake with her to hind behind a broken branch. It wasn’t much comfort but it was better than nothing.
The robotic mechanism hovered in the air, firing its weapons without an aim. Peering inside there, was seated - without a doubt, Everett Rourke.
He had an unshaved messy beard, and an even messier hair, and a chaotic, crazy look in his eyes.
“He lost it completely, haven’t he?” Taylor asked rhetorically, speaking mainly to herself.
“He needs to pay for what he’s done to Ben.” Jake clenched his jaw, balling his fists until his knuckles flashed white.
Taylor looked at him worriedly. “And he will.” She placed a comforting hand over his shoulder.
They haven’t had a chance to decide on their course of action or plan, but there wasn’t much time left at the moment.
But even Jake had to agree, that doing the dirty work himself wasn’t Rourke’s style. Maybe he had lost every ounce of his sanity.
“But we need to think this straight. Charging in without a plan will only result in someone getting hurt.” She ran her hand down his back, and could feel his body relaxing - just the slightest - under her touch.
“We need to regroup with the others.” He didn’t let his emotions to get the best of him, as he initially did.
Taylor smiled at him, weakly. “Exactly.” She said.
“Follow my lead.” Jake had a determined look in his eyes, and Taylor gave him a nod.
He charged out, leading them through the open space, using the smoke screen Rouke’s shooting created as a diversion. Somehow, they managed to get to the group unscratched.
Reuniting with the group, a few Vaanti warriors surrounded them with shields. “We need a distraction,” Seraxa barked out. 
“Any volunteers?”
“Rourke! Stop shooting! We have what you want.” Taylor was the bait, as per usual.
Jake grabbed her shoulders and kissed her forehead before sending her on her way, only after she’d promised she’d make it back safe.
She was waving her arms, holding a glowing purple orb in her hand.
Was that the Island’s heart? Not really. It was just some cool rock Varyyn had given her. But it should’ve been enough to trick Rourke,
long enough for them to seize him.
They still haven’t worked out what they wanted to do with him once they have him under lock, but that was something to worry about later.
They’ll cross that bridge when they get to him. And as long as everyone’s on board. and safe.
“Rourke!” She shouted once again, and the rain of bullets finally ceased. 
From inside the huge, mechanic creature, Rourke was squinting his eyes, trying to make out if she was telling the truth.
“It’s the island’s heart. Really. You can have it.” She spoke with her tone up. extending her arm for him to ‘see’ better.
“But only if you stop this madness and come down here to get it.” She made it clear.
They needed him out of his armor, if they wanted a chance.
“Get down there? Never!” He swung one of his robotic arms at her, but the attack was stopped before it reached her, held down by a number of Vannti warriors, that managed to grab it with some forest vines.
He was fuming, furious, but didn’t have too many choices.
“Will you really hand it over, no fighting?” He asked. His voice suddenly sounded rugged, helpless, desperate. Taylor almost felt bad for him.
Rourke has lost his sanity in an attempt to bring back his wife, but he also committed murder and various other crimes, trying to become the emperor of the Earth. So Taylor’s compassion could only go that long.
“Really.“ She placed one hand over her heart.
Yes! He bought it.
She wasn’t entirely lying. She’d give him whatever she was holding in her hands. It’s just that it wasn’t really what he was looking for.
He got out of his suit. The ground under them finally stopped shaking, and the insane amount of shooting ceased.
It was obviously a trap, but Rourke wasn’t exactly… Sane anymore.
The bags under his eyes indicated he hadn’t slept in days at a time. The scratches on his hands and chest hinted he was injured, maybe even sick. His hopeless attempt at retrieving the Island’s heart gave them a sense of what was left of the man’s brain and… It was not good.
But lying to Rourke, never went as planned. The moment he realized their trick, he pressed a button on top of his glove, blowing everything in the radius of ten meters around them up.
The man was anything, but unprepared. Even when he’d lost his mind, he had a backup plan up his sleeve.
Taylor was standing right next to him. He might’ve taken the blow too, but she sustained the outburst. Most of all, she was thrown away in the air and down a cliff.
While rolling down the hill, Taylor’s instincts kicked in and her hands fought to grab anything in her way.
Finally, she managed to lunch herself onto a brunch that was sticking out of the pillar, rocks and sticks brushing past her and into the long, deep void.
She forced herself not to look down, focusing all her might on hanging onto the branch.
“Taylor!! Jake’s voice hurried to come, and he abandoned his post in favor of helping her.
Quickly, but carefully and calculatedly, he slid down until he was almost able to reach her.
"Jake, no!” Someone yelled at him, scolding him for leaving himself out in the open, leaving himself vulnerable to Rourke’s doings.
But the cry for help went by with no use, Jake would risk his life without giving a second thought for the people he held dear.
“Jake” Taylor mouthed helplessly.
“Hold on! I’m almost there!” He grind his teeth, stretching as far as he could until his fingers brushed against Taylor’s hand.
Her breathe came out ragged, uneven, as she fought not to fall for her death. Her eyes remained fixed on Jacob. That man gave her power she didn’t know she had. He gave her hope, he was she sole reason she kept holding on.
He brushed against her hand a couple of times, but was unable to catch her in his grip.
It was so hopeless, that even Rourke didn’t bother shooting at them.
“Taylor,” He begged, furrowing his brows in concern. “You have to reach up, and take my hand. I can’t reach down any further, but if you hoist yourself, even just slightly–” He explained, and Taylor nodded, cutting him off.
“I got it. I’ll… try.” She answered, the fatigue already audible in her voice. Panting, she tried to reach up. She felt as her other hand slid down, as she tried to grab on to Jake.
“Almost there…” He encouraged her.
Her hand gently patted Jake’s, a huge, relived smile spreading across his lips. “Yes, I got you–”
Just when her hand slipped off the tree branch. “No!” Jake shouted.
It took her a couple of moments, before she grabbed onto the next available spot. This time she held onto the cliff-side, and she hoisted herself far enough to roll over and lay on top of the rock, her hands finally getting a break from trying to hold on.
“Taylor!” Jake’s voice sounded now a lot further than before.
“I’m… fine.” She breathed out. “Maybe.” A pounding pain in the side of her body suddenly pierced through her, now that she wasn’t trying to hold on to dear life and the adrenaline started to tone down.
“Taylor, I’ll-” The inside of his eyes glossy, as he tried climb further down without falling.
“Jake.” She cut him off. The look in her eyes suddenly determined and decisive. “Just leave me here, Jake. You can’t get down here without slipping and falling. The cliff is too steep and we’ll only end up with two casualties instead of one. Just concentrate on taking down Rourke, according to our plan and come back for me later!” She urged, her eyes scowling at him.
“I’m not leaving you!” He countered, still trying to climb down. A few rocks rolled down his path as his steps became more and more dangerous, dangling and threatening to join Taylor’s fate.
“You’re being unreasonable! It’s crazy! Just come back for me later!” She begged.
“Of course I’m being crazy! I already lost you once! I just got you back. I’m not losing you a second time.” He was as decisive as her, and the nickle finally dropped in her brain.
“Jake…” her voice soft, she felt her heart beats growing stronger in her chest. She finally stood up on her feet.
The distance between them didn’t seem as much as it did a few minutes ago.
Maybe it was Jake’s unbelievable stubbornness, or the fact that whenever they combined their power, anything seemed possible, but suddenly hope was set in the horizon.
Jake was closer than ever, and Taylor clutched to her side with one hand, and tried hoisting herself up with the other.
“Almost… there-” their hands linked, and Jake was pulling her up. Only god knows how he managed to do it, but quickly and surely enough they were all the way up the cliff.
They rolled over each other, getting further from the edge, both panting if relief. “I… can’t believe we just did that.” Taylor confessed, immediately bursting in giggling.
“I can.” Jake noted, 
burying his face in the crook of her neck and joining her contagious laugh. 
The mere fact of having her in his arms once again was enough to send Jake to the stars, and he’d enjoy it a few seconds further before joining their mission back.
The rest of the gang left them be, both driving Rourke away and trying to seize him.
“We should join them.” Taylor sat up, looking into the direction they most likely went to.
“We should. But you’re injured-” Jake stared at her worriedly.
“I’ll manage, Michelle could take a look at it, all the more reasons to catch up with the rest of the group.” She bit down on her lower lip.
Jake was right. She was injured, and weakened. She was used to be the first in the line of fire, the leader of the group. It’s not that she didn’t trust them to succeed without her, but she was worried someone else might get hurt, and that was the last thing she wanted to see happen.
“Okay, let’s go.” Jake finally agreed, at her convincing. He stood up first, then gave Taylor a hand. After helping her up, he threw her hand around his shoulder and supported her waist.
It might slow them down, but it’s the only way he can be sure Taylor will be 100% fine.
Rejoining the group, Michelle and Grace ran up to them. They took Taylor out of Jake’s arms, sighing in relief while starting to tend to her wound.
The cut wasn’t too deep, but it needed to be looked into.
“Where is Rourke?” Jake questioned, seeing the Vaanti and their friends fighting Rourke’s robot pawns in the distance.
Rourke, on the other hand, was nowhere in sight.
“He’s inside that cave over there. The robots are guarding it, it’s impossible to get past them.” Grace explains, while helping Michelle however she can to treat Taylor.
“Impossible…” Jake frowns, looking at the fight ahead.
It was true, in a sense. There were more robots fighting than people on their side, and unlike robots, the group and the Vannti actually got tired, throughout the fight. It was only a question of time.
“Unless…” Taylor suddenly spoke up, gaining Jake, Michelle, and Grace’s attention.
“Unless?” Jake repeated after her.
“He left his mecha-suit, all the way over there.” Taylor said, pointing in the right direction. “If one of us wears it, he can definitely take all of those robots out and turn the scales in our favor!” She explains, her plan, as always, so crazy it might actually work.
“I’ll do it.” Jake jumped, determined, and decided with a nod.
“It was my plan, it only makes sense that I go-”
“You, young lady, are not going anywhere.” Michelle frowned at her.
“Young?? We’re literally the same age.” Taylor’s eyebrows rose up, as she blinked at Michelle in disbelief.
“A-a-a-a-ah!” Michelle pointed a finger at her scoldingly. “Nope. You don’t have a say in this.” She added.
Taylor’s gaze drifted pleadingly between Garce and Jake, but both stood tall alongside Michelle.
“I’m doing it and that’s it.” And with that, Jake disappeared from Taylor’s sight.
She raised a hand to her chest, clutching over her heart.
Oh lord… please bring her Jake back safe and in one piece.
And, as planned, Jake arrived, flying in, a couple of minutes later, just when it looked like the gang was about to lose hope. He wiped out Rourke’s army of robots.
He landed near everyone, while Grace and Michelle helped Taylor to walk over as well.
“Woah!!! Dope!” Despite his exhumation, Craig still managed to get excited over Jake wearing Rourke’s mecha-suit.
Jake opened his helmet, lifting the glass window for his eyes and nodding. “So where’s the bastard? We have some unfinished business…”
"Bring me Taylor Astra. Bring her to me now." Rourke demanded. "You're in no place to be setting ultimatums." Jake threatened, holding his mecha-arm equipped with a gun pointed at Rourke. They had cornered him, inside the cave. Once all his robotic pawns were taken care off, Rourke was left with no line of defense, and capturing him seemed to be fairly easy. They'd chasen him off until they hit a dead end, the only thing that was behind Rourke was a giant hole in the ground, and he had nowhere left to go.
"No, it's okay." Taylor stepped in front of the group. Michelle was still supporting her side in her first few steps, before Taylor assured her it was fine and walked alone.
"Taylor, n-" Everyone started protesting, but she shook her head.
"This is it," She ignored them. "This is the end, Rourke." She told him, her voice calmer than ever. The hint of a smile appeared in the corners of her mouth. A comforting one, almost promising a good ending. For all.
He blinked at her, his oh-so-determined look of his eyes finally wavering.
"Bu- But I was so close... I could have had her... Could've saved everyone..." He fell to his knees.
Taylor nodded, as if understandingly, sympathetically.
"Don't go too near him-" Diego begged, she could hear the caution in his voice.
She took a couple more steps, standing right in front of Rourke.
"I know... But this is not the way. It never was. She wouldn't have wanted it that way." She comforted while putting a mirror in front of him.
"You... Know that. Don't you?" She questioned.
Rourke gulped, slowly but surely - nodding at her.
"You knew that all along?"
"I guess..." Something in his eyes changed. As if his conscious, his sanity, was getting back to him. "I did." He confesses.
A look of great grief passed through his face, when he realized all the harm that he's done. Every single person he hurt in the process. All his crimes and evil doings.
Throwing a look behind his shoulder, and into the huge pit-hole, he sighed. In some sort of closure and acceptance, he shot a quick smile at Taylor, and everyone behind her. He paused on Aliester and gave a firm nod to Estela, before turning back to Taylor.
His last words, echoing in her ears. "I guess there's only one thing left to do now." 
He spread his hands to both of his sides, and stopped fighting. He let his body fall back.
"No!" Taylor tried grabbing onto him. Her instincts acting faster than her mind could wrap around, but she was still too slow.
She watched closely as Rourke fell to his death. 
For the first time in years... He looked in peace.
"This is over. This is really over."
Bonus :
“So, should we get going back to the states?” Sean asked, his hand wrapped around Michelle, who nodded as if she was joining the question.
“I guess so?” Jake shrugged, looking around. A few long minutes had passed, everyone were catching their breath. Everyone were still calming down, trying to let their mind wrap around the fact it was truly over. Around the fact they succeeded, and could finally turn a new leaf in their lives’ journey.
His eyes fell on Taylor - On his wife, who he couldn’t stop calling that way. He was so in love with her. 
She was patched up and taken care of. She was still a bit shaken from everything, but she was there. And his. 
From now on - till forever.
He couldn’t believe he ever forgot her - but it was the way thing had to go, in order for them to reunite eventually.
In his heart, he always had strong feelings for her. Even if in the beginning they weren’t exactly positive.
“We could use the same plane we took on the way here. Heh, it’s the first time you didn’t destroy an aircraft we used!” Zahra was standing hand in hand with Craig, but she sent a wink in Jake’s way.
Everyone shared a laugh, before Jake grinned, turning to Mike. “It’s because I had my co-pilot this time.” He assured them.
“Well, from now on - You’ll never lose him.” Aliester spoke up. Grace was curled up under his arm. 
Everything seemed to be in place. Right.
Everyone exchanged the same looks on their faces. Happiness, pure bliss. 
“Are we ready to go?” Mike asked.
Suddenly, the sound of heels echoed in the cave's hallways. 
Shadows of two figures appeared behind them.
The gang members turned around, not even having enough time to get their guard on, only to be shocked to find two woman, standing side by side, smiling at them.
Two woman who supposedly should’ve hated each other - but right now seemed to be getting along pretty well, holding each other's hand.
Olivia Montoya and Imogen Rourke stood there, in front of the gang, smiles smeared over their faces.
“Do you have some extra space in that plane of yours?” Olivia asked, sending a warm smile to Estela.
“Mom!” Estela didn’t question it, neither did she answer her. She just ran up to her, wrapping her in a crushing hug, teary-eyed.
“Mom?” Aliester took a cautious step forward. Grace gave him a nudge, pushing him in support towards her.
“Come here, my boy.” Imogen opened her arms, throwing them to the sides. Aliester proceeded towards her. He was still wary but his pace quickened until he was in her arms.
After Olivia, Estela, Imogen and Aliester shared that touching reunion, they turned around to face the gang.
“Now we’re ready.”
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blightarts · 6 years
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Previous Chapter: Autumn is Here!
Next Chapter: Pwning the L1Ch-qU33n
Disclaimer:  Pokémon is a property of Game Freak and Nintendo, while Endless  Summer is a property of Pixelberry. I do not claim any rights here.
Author’s Note: If the “Keep reading” doesn’t work, go here for the full post. Special thanks to @princesstopgun and @mechaspirit for the contribution of some funny scenes in this chapter. Thank you so much, you two. 😊
@lovearyn, @kaitloyalist, @choicesmarvel, @sceptilemasterr, @hey-its-vy, @skyila, @choicesyouplayandmore, @mysteli, @helentwombly, @scgdoeswhat, @choicesaholic​, @jakemckenzietrash, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @abhirio, @diego-vii, @daniela2510, @izzycheeese, @brightpinkpeppercorn​
Recommended Music: In the Moment (Choices)
After the battle against the new Sea Guardian, Gyarados, Taari and the rest of the gang gather in front of Taylor, Jake and Quinn.
Quinn: Thank you so much, guys, for keeping the Guardian at bay and incapacitate it before we got here.
Jake: Well... I’m still a bit annoyed that the new one is a lot easier to deal with than the last one. We had to take on Cetus three times! THREE TIMES!! That son of a bitch even had three heads on our final battle with him.
Jake crosses his arms and pouts while Taylor smiles shyly and calms down her husband.
Taylor: But really, thank you much, guys.
Bligh approaches Taylor and shakes her hand while Jake nods at him.
Blight: Glad to help, Taylor. 
After expressing their gratitude, Taylor and Jake turn towards their daughter, Kaitlyn and her Lucario.
Jake: But what I’m most happy about is that our li’l Marshmallow’s partner is finally evolved.
Jake proceeds to pat Lucario’s head as the latter wags his tail. Taylor hugs Kaitlyn proudly.
Taylor: I’m so happy for you, Kaitlyn.
Kaitlyn: Thanks, Mama, Papa.
The two parents smile at their child. Taylor reaches for her handbag and pulls out a special box. She hands it to Kaitlyn.
Taylor: It’s time, my dear.
Kaitlyn slowly opens the box and her eyes light up. The box seems to contain a bracelet with a Mega Stone.
Kaitlyn: Is... is that...?
Taylor and Jake nod as Kaitlyn quickly dons the bracelet. She and her friends take a moment to admire her new accessory.
Kaitlyn: It’s so beautiful.
Mika: It matches you.
Reginald: That looks just as magnificent as my Mega accessory.
Taari: I wonder when I’ll get mine.
Kaitlyn turns back to her parents.
Kaitlyn: Thank you so much!
She rushes towards them and pulls them in a tight and loving embrace. They hold each other for a moment and pull away.
Jake: Now go out there and kick some butt, li’l Marshmallow.
Taylor: Jake!
Kaitlyn: Haha. Okay, Papa.
Taylor, Jake and Quinn say their goodbyes to the group and make their way towards the Prisma City route. Aryn and Izzy turn to the groups as they have plans of their own.
Aryn: Well, Izzy and I are going back to Aryndelle to deal with those... pffft... boring political discussions.
Izzy giggles and continues.
Izzy: We’ll be back by the time the next contest starts. In the meantime, you guys enjoy your journey to Quarr’tel Town and Ursidae Town.
Aryn, Izzy and the princesses pull themselves into another family group hug. In the midst of it, they turn to Blight. The man startles at their stare.
Blight: What?
Rachel: Join us, Uncle Blight!
Meg: Yeah!
Elena: There’s still room for you.
Izzy: Come on, Blight. 
Blight rubs his head shyly.
Blight: Well... uhh... group hugs are not really my thing...
Aryn gives him an unamused look.
Aryn: Get in the hug, your freeloader.
Blight: I am not a freeloader.
Vishakha remains silent as her eyes gleam red. She leaves the group hug and approaches her uncle. She then grabs his collar and drags him across the ground towards the group hug. Blight struggles while Katherine giggles.
Vishakha: You’re getting in that hug.
Vishakha throws him into the group and turns to Katherine with a bright smile.
Vishakha: Wanna join us, Katherine?
Katherine: Sure!
The redhead girl skips merrily towards the Aryndelle Family while Blight stands and dusts himself off. The two then proceed to hug with the rest of the family, enjoying each other’s company. As they pull apart, Aryn and Izzy wave goodbye to everyone. 
Recommended Music: Eterna Forest (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl)
The rest of the group then exit the gates of Orderve City and journey through the Forest of Rebirth. As they admire the beautiful trees around them, Meg asks...
Meg: So why was this called the “Forest of Rebirth”?
Taari, Reginald and Kaitlyn turn to her with an answer.
Taari: Well... around nine to ten years ago, after Mister Tyler and Miss Taylor saved the world and the Vaanti have revealed themselves to the world, the island has gone through a lot of changes.
Reginald: My parents told me that the World Government sent out environmentalists to the island to start a Tree Planting program on this very forest surrounding Quarr’tel Town.
Kaitlyn: The forest was once burned down due to a civil war among the Vaanti. And after the program, the forest looked so new, like it was reborn. That’s why it’s called the “Forest of Rebirth”.
Meg: Ooooh. I see.
As they continue their way, Vishakha glances to the side and spots a familiar Pokémon, a wild Pikachu. She stops in her tracks and squeals.
Vishakha: AAAHH!! A Pikachu!!
She then skips merrily towards the Pikachu while chanting its cries.
Vishakha: Pi~ka! Pi~ka!
But before she could reach it, she is lightly punched on her head by Blight. She then stops and crouches down, holding her head. 
Vishakha: Ow ow ow...
Blight: Let’s not waste time here, your Highness. The next contest is in a week.
Blight grabs the back of her collar and gently drags her back to the group. Vishakha crosses her arms and pouts.
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Vishakha: You’re the worst, Jester...
Blight: I know.
While Blight drags Vishakha back to the group, he notices them looking towards the sky. He stops and looks up as well. Vishakha starts ranting.
Vishakha: Hey! What’s the big deal?! Why did we stop?!
Blight accidentally lets go of her collar and she drops on the ground.
Vishakha: OW! HEY!!
She turns to glare at him but also notices something in the sky. The group spots a peculiar comet, with blue and orange streak lines.
Rachel: What is THAT?
Reginald: I... I don’t know. I’ve read a lot about space but I’ve never seen that kind of comet before.
Elena: Well, the fact that it’s barely moving from this view, it means that’ll probably take a few months for it to noticeably move.
The group shrugs off the comet as Blight helps Viskaha back up. She glares at him again for a few seconds before walking ahead. Blight chuckles and follows. With the group just halfway towards Quarr’tel town, they stop at a fork on the path.
Mika: Huh... the road seems to split here...
Kaitlyn: Both paths lead to Quarr’tel Town, but I can’t tell which is the shorter path...
While the group thinks about the situation, Blight looks at the left path and Vishakha looks at the right path.
Blight: This way...
Vishakha: This way...
Recommended Music: Whachoo Lookin’ At?! (Choices)
The two best friends startle at each other’s response and glare at each other. They start to debate.
Blight: The left path is the shorter path.
Vishakha: No. The right one is.
Blight: Wanna bet?!
Vishakha: Yeah!
Everyone else: Here we go...
The group cross their arms and give the two an unamused look.
Vishakha: Last person between us to reach Quarr’tel Town will get to treat the winner and everyone else.
Blight: Deal!
The two then proceed to grip each other’s hands tightly and shake them aggressively.
Blight: How do you manage to shake hands firmly and aggressively at the same time?
Vishakha: I took a seminar.
Blight: Where?
(Note: The last three lines is a reference to Brooklyn 99 Season 1 Ep. 13.)
After the agreement, they turn to the others.
Vishakha: So, who wants to join my team?
Everyone else: Eh?
Blight: Don’t worry. You guys won’t take part on the bet. We just need some company. 
Vishakha: Plus, it’s a way for us to bond.
Everyone else: Got it.
After a few seconds, Taari and Reginald step up.
Taari: I wanna join Mister Blight. He seems to be an awesome person!
Reginald: Agreed. I want to know more about his battle tactics.
Blight: Great! One step closer to victory!
Vishakha: Pffft. Yeah, right.
Meanwhile, Kaitlyn and Mika walks towards Vishakha.
Kaitlyn: We’ll take her Highness’s side.
Mika: It’s a way for us to bond and maybe share ideas for the next contest.
Vishakha: Aww. I’m flattered. And also... don’t call me, “Your Highness”. Only Jester has the right to call me that.
Kaitlyn and Mika tilt their head in confusion.
Kaitlyn: Really?
Vishakha: He’s the only one allowed to call me that. It gives me a sense of uniqueness.
Blight: Plus it shows us that, even though we tease each other, we’re still best friends.
Katherine: Those two are basically the very definition of best friends.
Mika: Oh! I get it now.
After a few minutes, the two teams are finally formed. Blight’s team is composed of him, Katherine, Taari, Reginald and Elena. Meanwhile, Vishakha’s team is composed of her, Meg, Rachel, Mika and Kaitlyn.
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Vishakha: Alright, now let’s settle team na--
At the mention of the name, Blight’s team react differently. Katherine giggles; Taari cheers along; Reginald crosses his arms and smiles; and Elena does a face palm.
Vishakha: Alright... then our name would be Team Pri--
Vishakha glares at Blight while he shrugs. Everyone else smiles shyly.
Blight: Great minds think alike, your Highness.
Vishakha: Hmph!
The group disperse and went on their separate ways. Meanwhile, a hidden camera among the trees observes the group. A familiar voice contacts Zahra in Quarr’tel Town.
Voice: L1Ch-qU33n, the children have passed the intersection, along with the royals of Aryndelle.
Zahra: About time they got here. At least they’re safe after all that Sea Guardian bullcrap. Alright, I’ll be making the preparations. Meet them at the gates and welcome them.
Voice: Understood.
Recommended Music: Eterna Forest (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl)
On the left path towards Quarr’tel Town, Blight walks ahead of the group while the others try to match his pace. Taari runs up to Blight.
Taari: So, Mister Blight. What are you to Aryndelle exactly?
Blight: Well, I am the Master of the Foundry, aka the guy who does the technological advancements there.
Taari: Ooooh.
Blight smiles at Taari’s interest and continues.
Blight: You see... Long ago, Aryndelle was once split into five Kingdoms; Abanthus, Ebrimel, Bellmere, Fydoria and Stormholt. After the war against the Iron Empire, the five Kingdoms have agreed to merge into one, along with their allies from Aurelia and the Foundry. And when Aryn was sworn in as queen, she named it Aryndelle.
Taari: Wow...
Blight: I know right?!
Reginald: What about your way of combination moves?
Blight turns to Reginald.
Reginald: How did you come up with such amazing combos?
Blight chuckles and answers the question.
Blight: When in the state of a battle, you have to make sure that you’re unpredictable so that your opponent won’t come up with a countermeasure. I’ve experimented on different kinds of combination moves to come up with the best of the best.
Taari and Reginald’s eyes light up, while Elena shrugs and smirks.
Elena: Trust me. Out of everyone in Aryndelle, he’s won the most battles. And even if he wins against Aryn more often, he never challenged her for her throne.
Katherine: I love his humility.
Elena: Yeah... right... “Humility”.
Elena rolls her eyes. Meanwhile, Katherine catches up to Blight as the two smile at each other and kiss.
Recommended Music: Again (Your Lie in April)
Meanwhile on the right path towards Quarr’tel Town, Vishakha also walks ahead of her own group, with Kaitlyn and Mika catching up to her.
Kaitlyn: So, Miss Vishakha...?
Vishakha: No need for the “Miss”, Kaitlyn. Vishakha will do.
Kaitlyn: Okay.
Vishakha: So what’s up?
Kaitlyn: How did you come up with such great performances?
Vishakha contemplates for a brief moment and gives her answer.
Vishakha: Sometimes... I stay up all night to think and practice...
Mika: Won’t that be bad for you?
Vishakha: It is but...
She smiles and looks up to the sky.
Vishakha: ...Jester’s always there for me.
Mika: You guys mess around so much, yet you still care each other so much. How’d you two meet?
Vishakha: It was when I first visited the Foundry when I was six years old...
Inside the Forge, the home of the Master of the Foundry, Izzy and a young Vishakha are walking around. 
Izzy: Alright, dear. Mommy will be back. She just have to meet up with a good friend.
Vishakha: Okay, Izzy-mommy.
Izzy leaves Vishakha for a bit. As she waits for her mother to return, Vishakha curiously finds a room full of machinery. When she walks over to touch one of them, she wounds herself. Vishakha clutches her wounded finger while muttering.
Vishakha: Ow ow ow...
A few seconds later, a young man with goggles enters the room and spots her.
Blight: Hey, what are you doing here?
Vishakha doesn’t answer him. She remains silent and scared. Blight approaches her while taking out a small bandage. He gently holds her hand and binds the wound. He then smiles at her.
Blight: All better, your Highness.
Blight grins while Vishakha tilts her head in confusion.
Vishakha: “Your... Highness”?
Blight: You are Princess Vishakha, right? I think it suits you.
Vishakha giggles and points towards Blight.
Vishakha: Jester!
Blight: Uhh... what?
Vishakha: You made me smile and feel better. I want you to be my Jester!
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Kaitlyn: Wow. I didn’t realize you guys were THAT close after all the shenanigans you do.
Vishakha: We may tease each other a lot but that’s just on the outside. He’s not just my uncle... he’s my best friend.
Mika: Can the three of us be like that?
Vishakha: Of course! Maybe we may not be as close as I am with Jester but still very close friends.
Recommended Music: Surf and Sand (ES)
After walking for a while, the group’s stomachs all roar at once.
Meg: Well... this is awkward.
Rachel: Yeah... all at the same time.
Elena: Can you imagine if the other groups stomachs roared at the same time as ours?
After saying the same things, all members of both groups laugh. After a few minutes, they’ve set up their makeshift tables and prepared food. They’ve even called out their own Pokémon to join them.
On Blight’s group, they are having Onigiri (Japanese Rice Balls). Whilst eating, the group start to bond. Taari, Reginald and Elena are discussing battle tactics with Blight while Katherine leans on his shoulder and smiles at their conversation. On the other hand, Reginald’s Metagross and Nidoking have friendly competitions, like arm-wrestling, after not seeing each other for a long time. The other Pokémon around them cheer.
On Vishakha’s group, they are having Rice Crackers. Whilst eating, Vishakha, Kaitlyn and Mika are practicing their performances. Meanwhile, Rachel and Meg are seated on a log, watching the practice and playing with Vishakha’s Pikachu. Some of the Pokémon practice with the three contestants, while the others cheer and jump around.
Few minutes have passed and Taari spots a Joltik nearby. He approaches it and picks it up.
Taari: Aww... aren’t you a cute one?
Reginald and Blight cautiously get close to Taari.
Reginald: I don’t think that’s a good idea, Taari.
Blight: Yeah... Joltik’s can be very dangerous.
Taari grins at them and proceeds to gently scratch Joltik.
Taari: You don’t know what you’re saying guys.
Joltik then uses Thunderbolt and electrocutes Taari. The boy suffers for a little before the Attaching Pokémon leaps off of his hand. Taari falls on the ground while the rest of the group look at him, hilariously disappointed.
Meanwhile, everyone in Vishakha’s are playing with Pikachu after practicing. But what they don’t realize is that Pikachu is now feeling uncomfortable. She begins releasing sparks on her cheeks. Vishakha flinches and tries to warn the group.
Vishakha: Uhh...
But before she could warn them, Pikachu has already unleashed Thunderbolt. The attack electrocutes everyone, including the other Pokémon, but does not affect Vishakha. She just stands there, taking the attack, and shrugs.
Vishakha: Ehh... this doesn’t affect me anymore...
Pikachu eventually stops and everyone falls to the ground. Few more minutes have passed and everyone is set up. They continue on their journey towards Quarr’tel Town. 
Once reaching the intersection and with the gate to the town in sight, Blight and Vishakha spot each other and start to run towards the gate. For a brief moment, Vishakha spots the determination in Blight’s eyes. She then slows down on purpose to let him win. As he reaches the gate, Blight starts to cheer.
Blight: I did it! I DID IT!! I finally won a bet against her Highne--
Suddenly, a small machine near the gate quickly displays a hologram right in front of Blight, causing him to startle and fall on the ground.
Blight: Woah!!
I.R.I.S.: Welcome, friends of the L1Ch-qU33n. My name is I.R.I.S. and welcome to Quarr’tel.
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As everyone approaches I.R.I.S., Blight stands up and dusts himself off.
Blight: Geez, remind me to add “Avoid startling people” on your program, I.R.I.S.
I.R.I.S.: I apologize, Sir Blight. But the L1Ch-qU33n requested me to greet you once you pass the gate.
Rachel: “L1Ch-qU33n”?
Kaitlyn: I think she means Zahra Namazi.
Meg: The Gym Leader and new Clockmaker of Quarr’tel Town?
Reginald: The very same...
Reginald approaches I.R.I.S. and smiles.
Reginald: Hello, grandmother.
Everyone else: WHAT?!
While everyone in the group is startled with what Reginald said, Blight and Kaitlyn remain calm.
Taari: Y-you two... are related...?
Mika: How?! She’s an A.I.!
Elena: This is some weird shi--
Vishakha: Language...
After a minute of regaining composure, the group huddles around I.R.I.S.
Mika: So, what’s the story between how you’re... err... family?
Reginald: Well, before she was a hologram designed by my twisted grandfather, she was originally human. Her true name is Imogen Rourke. She may not be my grandmother, technically but she still sees me as her grandson.
Taari: Oooh. I get it now.
As the group discuss, they are called out by a familiar voice.
Voice: Finally! It was getting boring waiting for you guys.
The group turns to see Zahra grinning at them. 
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She turns to Blight.
Zahra: ‘Sup, Blight. Whatcha doing here?
Blight: Just wanted to see how I.R.I.S. is doing. Plus I wanted to accompany these kids.
I.R.I.S.: My status is at a normal rating, Blight. But if you’re willing to make advancements, then I’d be happy to accept updates.
Blight hands Zahra an envelope and a flash drive.
Blight: Here’s everything you need to increase her capabilities.
Zahra: Dope. Alright, I’m off. I’ll see the little runts by the gym tomorrow.
Zahra and I.R.I.S. bid farewell to the group as they wave to them. Afterwards, they head towards a Japanese-style restaurant. As they take their seats and have finished ordering their food, Blight and Vishakha discuss.
Vishakha: I guess you won, Jester.
Blight: Yeah... but not technically...
Vishakha’s smile falters as she sees the doubt on Blight’s face.
Blight: You lost on purpose didn’t you?
Vishakha: ...Yeah.
Blight pulls her into a warm hug as she hugs her back.
Vishakha: You’ve been losing a lot of our bets lately, Jester. I just thought that giving you a win would make you really happy...
Blight: I know. But seeing you happy is more important to me. And I don’t mind losing if that’s what it takes to see you smile. That is why... I’m sharing the pay with you.
Vishakha: ...Thank you, Jester...
The two linger in each other’s embrace as Vishakha takes a cookie from her cookie box and hands it to Blight.
Vishakha: Here, Cookieless man.
Blight grins and humbly takes the cookie. As the night goes on, everyone enjoyed each other’s company while having such a wonderful dinner.
After a bonding journey, everyone has finally reached Quarr’tel Town. How will Taari, Reginald, Kaitlyn and Elena handle their battle against Zahra after learning from Aryndelle’s Best? FIND OUT ON THE NEXT CHAPTER OF POKÉMON SUMMER VERSION!!
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ladyseaheart1668 · 6 years
Endless Summer Book 4 : Daughter of Vaanu (Chapter Thirty-Three)
Description: It is a day to give thanks. But our heroes know they must always keep on their guard
Tagging: @mysteli @xo-endlessmayhem-xo @princesstopgun @endlesshero1122 @whatmcsaid @tigerbryn11 @feartheendlesssummer
Notes: Whew! This is a long one! ^_^; Once again, I want to thank @endlesshero1122 for inventing five characters and giving me full permission to use them. Dylan, RJ, Ysa, Zig (not Ortega!), and Alex are those characters, and you will all be seeing a lot more of them. :)
Chapter 33: Days of Plenty
“May I come in, darling?”
The question shakes me out of my momentary stupor. “I...I suppose so.” I take the chain off the door and pull it open, stepping aside. My mother steps inside, the heels of her pumps clicking on the hardwood floors. I shut the door behind her. It has been awhile since I've seen her. I take her beautiful white suede coat, trimmed with faux fur, and hang it on the coat rack by the door. Months, at least. She has aged some in that time; a few more fine lines, a few more gray hairs. But she is still flawlessly put together in her sophisticated royal blue dress suit and pumps, with her hair swept back in a French twist. She is clutching a designer briefcase, with her name engraved on the edge in an elegant serif font. I can't help but feel shabby in my sweater and mom-jeans, standing in the foyer of a luxury London flat that has definitely lost some of its showroom quality thanks to baby-proofing and two busy parents who can't exactly keep up with cleaning.
“...Would you like some coffee? There's a fresh pot brewed and everything.”
“Thank you, dear, that would be lovely.”
I lead her into the kitchen, only to immediately regret my decision when I get in there and remember what a disaster area it is. I move toward the cupboard to find a coffee cup, hoping my body blocks the pile of dirty dishes in the sink. Not that it will make much difference with the countertops covered in half-cleaned spills and the floors unwashed. To my horror, I turn away from the cupboard and find I am too late to stop my mother from putting her hand down right into the sticky remains of an apple juice disaster from yesterday morning. Aleister and I had blotted up the amber puddles on the countertops and the floor with almost our entire supply of clean tea towels, but we were both running late. By the time we got home, we were both too tired to do anything more. We figured that no lives would be lost if we waited until morning to dig out the kitchen cleanser and the mop. But then, neither of us were expecting guests. There's a pit in my stomach as I offer my mother a hand wipe. At least we keep boxes of those stocked in every room.
“I'm sorry about that. I was trying to fill Reggie's sippy cup with apple juice yesterday, but somehow, I managed to drop the bottle and we didn't have time to give it a proper cleaning. I was planning on doing that this morning...”
“I see...” My mother accepts the wipe, delicately blotting her perfectly manicured hands, and conspicuously moving away from that area of the counter. I wince as I hear the soles of her shoes squelch in the sticky residue on the floor. “...Have you considered hiring a bit of domestic help? Perhaps a nanny or a housekeeper?”
“We have a several babysitters on call for when we're both working,” I say firmly. “We haven't found that we have need of a housekeeper right now.”
“The soles of my shoes might disagree,” she quips.
“Well, the soles of your shoes don't live here,” I snap. As her eyes narrow slightly, I take a deep breath, forcing a smile as I hand her a cup of coffee. “Why don't we go into the living room? I can't promise it will be immaculate, but at least you're not likely to find apple juice puddles in there.”
As we head into the living room, Aleister emerges from the bedroom with Reggie in his arms. He smiles politely at my mother, though his gaze is lukewarm as he regards her.
“Mother Hall. I thought I heard your voice. What a surprise.”
“Aleister.” My mother and husband come together to peck each other obligingly on the cheek. Mom smiles at Reggie, tickling him under the chin. “And Reginald Mason Rourke. How handsome you're becoming.”
“Can you say hello to your grandmother, Reginald?” It appears that the diamond tassel earrings dangling from my mother's earlobes have caught Reggie's eye because he squeals excitedly, reaching for one with surprising speed. Luckily, Aleister is faster. “Now, Reginald, 'say hello' does not mean attempt to steal her lovely earrings.”
“No harm done. I am glad that you are home. I was honestly hoping to speak with you both. Will you join us in the living room?”
“Do you have time, sweetie?” I ask pointedly. “If you don't, I can fill you in later.”
“I am the C.E.O. Well, one of them. I can take a few extra minutes.”
We continue into the living room, where Mom sits on a cuddly toy lion when she sinks into an armchair. She doesn't say anything about it, but she does make a very pointed face as she sets it aside. Aleister and I sit on the sofa, with Aleister balancing Reggie on his knee.
“I am here,” my mother says, looking at Aleister, “because your father has been in contact with me.”
Aleister looks up sharply. I feel my chest go tight, and my hand flies to his.
“You mean...recently?”
“Early in September. He wanted me to look into a former employee at Mansingh Transglobal. The mother of your friend, Alodia Chandler.”
The silence that follows her announcement is so thick that even Reggie seems to sense that something isn't right. He goes quiet, his chubby little face scrunching up uncertainly. When he starts to squirm and whine, Aleister lets him down to crawl around on the soft carpet at our feet.
“...What did you find out?” I finally manage to ask.
“Not a lot. Cassandra Chandler was a computer science major who worked as a researcher. She died about the time I became the C.E.O. There doesn't seem to have been much that was extraordinary about her, and it isn't exactly hard to believe that Everett Rourke would be interested in her since his obsession with her daughter is not exactly a secret.”
“No, I suppose it isn't,” Aleister concedes. “But then why bring this information to us if you don't think there is anything substantial to it?”
“Because for one thing, you deserve to know that your father has been in contact with me. For another, Alodia Chandler is a friend of yours. And you two experienced Rourke's obsession with her firsthand. You might not know much about why he was obsessed with her, but you know more than I do.” She opens her briefcase, and pulls out a sheaf of papers, held together with a binder clip. “Here's what I could find on her. Perhaps Alodia will be interested in it.”
“...Thank you, Mom.” I accept the papers.
“Well, I have taken enough of your time and my own. I must be off.”
“Of course. I'll walk you to the door.”
I get my mother's coat and show her out. After watching her go, I return to the living room. Aleister is leafing absently through the papers she left us. I come up beside him to put an arm over his shoulder.
“I think I may have to hold off on those sketches. I feel like I should go through those papers today.”
Aleister looks up at me. “Do you think whatever's in here is that important?”
“I don't know. Just...something about this doesn't feel right. My mother was acting strangely.”
“Was she?”
“It seemed so to me...”
Aleister sighs, rising to his feet. He approaches me and takes my shoulders gently, bending to kiss my cheek.
“I have to leave for work now, darling. Perhaps you can agree to wait until I get home so we can go over those papers together?”
It's my turn to sigh. “You really want me to wait?”
“Yes, darling. Two heads will be more effective than one. Besides, I want you to be able to work on your sketches today.”
“In between keeping our son out of trouble and making our flat a little more presentable?”
“Precisely. Let's worry about puzzling out the mystery of Alodia's human parent together.” He pauses for a moment. “...Besides, if we find something, we may be tempted to call her, which might not be entirely welcome while she is trying to make a good impression on her in-laws—not to mention the fact that she is at least six hours behind us.”
“All right, fair.” I am quiet for a moment, frowning. “...Hey...Mom said your father contacted her in early September. That was before they confiscated his phone, right?”
“Yes, I believe so. ...Why do you ask?”
“...Like I said. Something just doesn't feel right.”
If I have to be at the hospital working instead of with my family on Thanksgiving, at least I'm working the noon-to-midnight shift, which means that for once I can be the one making sure Sean has a decent breakfast before seeing him off and crawling back into bed for a couple more hours' sleep.
“Oatmeal,” I inform him, setting the bowl in front of him, “and whole grain toast. A nice carb-o-licious breakfast to give you energy for the game today.”
He grins at me. “I have the best fiancée.”
I come up behind his chair to wrap my arms around his shoulders. “Your fiancée wishes she could be at the game today cheering you on, instead of at the hospital.”
“I know, babe.” He leans back into my embrace. “But you're doing great things at the hospital. You know how insanely proud I am of you.”
I admit I feel a smile playing around my mouth when he says that. “I know.” I kiss his cheek. “...I hope you know I'm proud of you, too.”
“I do know. But it's really nice to hear it, too. ...Think you'll have a couple minutes to watch a little of the game?”
“It's hard to say. You know how unpredictable a hospital can be.”
“Of course. Want me to wait up for you tonight? It's only gonna be a little after midnight when you get home.”
“You're gonna be exhausted after the game.”
He shrugs. “I'll still wait up if you want me to. I'll rig up some device to keep me awake.”
I snort. “Some device?”
“You know, some pulley sytem connected to my head or my shoulder that will turn on the stereo super loud if I start to nod off.”
He demonstrates, drawing an invisible pulley system in the air with his fingers, and then pretends to be nodding off, a theatrical snore interrupted by a vocal imitation of a loud metal riff. I laugh.
“No need to go to those kind of lengths. If you're up when I get home, I will be happy to see you. But if you're tired, you should sleep.”
“All right, I'll sleep. If I am tired.”
“Good boy.”
“...I love you, Michelle.”
“I love you, too, Sean.” I give him another peck on the cheek, and go to sit down across from him where my own breakfast is waiting. “Now eat your oatmeal. You've got a big game today.”
These past few weeks have been like a dream. Me and Tio Nicholas and Mom together in a peaceful San Trobida. Having Quinn here with us only adds to the utopian atmosphere. In fact, in the moments when the chimera wavers and worries about the world outside creep in, having someone else who was on La Huerta with me has helped to keep panic from setting in. Besides that, she has been a general boon to have around the house, helping with the chores and just generally being a joy. There are moments when I worry that I am keeping her here against her will. I promise I've told her that she doesn't have to stay if she would rather go back to her own family, especially for Thanksgiving. But apparently, she has spoken to her parents, and encouraged them to make Thanksgiving romantic occasion for the two of them. Since I am clearly not holding her against her will and thus I cannot release her, the only thing I can do is to make sure she knows how much I appreciate her presence.
On Thursday morning, I wake up early to make her pancakes. I've never been much of a cook, but with her and Raj giving me a few lessons, I've at least overcome my fear of the kitchen enough to follow a recipe. I prepare a breakfast tray, garnish it with a flower in a cup of water, and carry it up to the guest bedroom where she has been staying. She's still asleep when I get up there. To my chagrin, just my entering the room isn't enough to wake her. I linger in the doorway with the tray in my hand, wondering whether I should wake her, come back later, or just stay here. It seems my hesitation makes the decision for me, because after a moment or two, Quinn starts to stir. I feel myself standing up straighter as she turns her bleary gaze on me.
“Estela?” She sits up, blinking. “What's going on?”
I clear my throat, holding out the tray. “Um...this is for you...” I wince at myself. What am I doing, standing in the doorway, holding out the tray as if I expect her to come get it? I cross the room as quickly as I can without spilling anything to set the tray over her lap. She smiles, laughing a little.
“What is this?”
“...Breakfast. It's...to say thank you. For coming with me to San Trobida, and for staying with us these past couple weeks. You have been very helpful around the house, and my mom and tio can't say enough good things about you. So...thank you.”
“Oh, Estela, it's my pleasure. Really. Having your long-dead mother return home and revealing the details of our vacation through hell to your uncle seems like the kind of thing the presence of a friend could help you navigate more easily.”
“And so it has. ...And even if I don't need to thank you, I do want to.”
She pats the bed beside her. “Well, why don't you start by sitting down and helping me eat these pancakes?”
I take a seat on the edge of the bed, pushing a small cup of warmed syrup in her direction. She picks it up and drizzles the stuff over the pancakes.
“I was thinking...that you and I could make a day of it today. I could take you into the city and show you some of the sights. ...What do you say?”
She grins. “I can hardly think of a better way to spend a day that begins with breakfast in bed.”
I smile back. “Good. Because I want this day to be special for you. Also, if you had said no, that would have been decidedly awkward.”
Shooting an episode of a cooking show is never a one-day affair, but every show handles their schedule a little bit differently. Some chefs choose to set aside a block of a few days and knock out several episodes in a single day of shooting. That's not so practical for me, since I like to travel for my episodes. But I still have to shoot each episode several times over before there's enough that the wizards in the editing department can splice the best bits together into a winning episode. By the time we have enough footage for the Rome episode, I am worn out, and I can tell Lila is, too. Neither of us feel safe leaving her on her own, even if we are in Italy, but I can't exactly invite her to help with the episode, either. We feel even less safe putting her in front of a television camera. So, she's spent a lot of time just sitting around, and I know well that boredom can be even more exhausting than work.
On the last day of shooting, we're finished before noon. I help the crew clean up, then leave the set to look for Lila. I find her sleeping on the couch in my dressing room. I shake her shoulder gently.
“Lila? Wakey-wakey.”
She blinks at me and yawns, stretching. “Are we done for the day?”
“We're done for the episode.”
“Mmm.” She pushes herself upright. “On to the next one?”
“In due time. But we've got a bit of a break now. About a week.”
“So, what will we do until then?”
I grin. “Something that I hope you'll like. How would you feel about a holiday in Tuscany?”
I wake up with the sun Thanksgiving morning, only to find that Jake and his family are already awake. I can smell cooking from downstairs. As I make my way down, I can hear the familiar sounds of the Macy's parade broadcast coming from the television in the living room, as well as voices from the dining room where the family has gathered for breakfast.
To my great relief, my late night awakening never becomes a topic of conversation during breakfast. I am greeted warmly and welcomed into the meal, where they ask me how I am feeling and if I slept well. No one questions it when I reply that I slept very well, thank you. I make quick work of scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon, and help Bernadette and Rebecca with the breakfast dishes. We have to hustle, Bernadette says, because we don't have much time to dawdle before we have to begin preparing dinner.
“Are there going to be many people?” I ask, meticulously loading plates into the dishwasher.
“Depends on what you consider 'many',” Rebecca replies.
“It's the usual crowd for us,” Bernadette says. “Frank's brother Pete and his girlfriend, my brother Emile with his wife and their two boys, my mom, and a couple of our old friends who don't have anywhere else to go for the holiday.”
“Well, that's bigger than most Thanksgivings I ever had growing up. It was usually just my aunt, my uncle, me, and Diego. Sometimes his parents came too, but they didn't really do Thanksgiving themselves so that wasn't often.”
“Well, you're gonna get the full McKenzie experience this year,” Rebecca quips. “And if that isn't enough to make you regret marrying my baby brother, nothing will.”
“Oh, boy. Jake did mention it was going to be chaotic. Anything I should be forewarned about?”
“Well, you're not the only one who's meeting the family for the first time. Uncle Pete's girlfriend  is someone we've only “met” over Facebook so far.”
“She seems like a nice woman, though,” Bernadette adds. “Her name is Aubrey. I think she's from Chicago originally. About twenty years younger than Pete, but once you get to be a certain age, that's not much of a difference.”
“Hey, as long as everyone is legal and consenting, I don't pass judgment,” I remark. “Well, not moral judgment, anyway. I admit to having my opinions on whether what people are doing is altogether wise, but only when it involves people I know well.”
“Sound policy,” Rebecca says approvingly. “Anyway, you'll be in good company with Aubrey. Now, about Uncle Emile and Aunt Lorraine...”  
* * *
Once the dishes are done, I head back upstairs to get dressed. I've packed a long floral-printed  sundress with an empire waist and a matching shrug. I add some subtle jewelry, a touch of makeup, and sweep my hair back into a French braid. I brush my teeth and head back downstairs, where the parade has been replaced on the television with a football game.
“Is this the Condors' game?” I ask, coming to sit beside Jake on the couch.
“They're not playing for a couple hours,” he answers, taking my hand and kissing it. “But don't worry. I made sure Pop knows we're die-hard Condors fans. ...You look beautiful, by the way.”
I grin and kiss his cheek. “I'll do then?”
“Absolutely. You're gonna knock 'em all dead.”
It's not even noon when the McKenzie guests start arriving. The first is an old neighbor, Sidney Everly. To describe her as an elderly widow calls up an image that is quite contrary to her actual presence. The moment I am introduced as Jake's wife, she squeals and pulls me into a hug that can only be described as crushing. Clearly, her slender, stooped appearance belies her strength.
“So someone finally snapped up Jake McKenzie! And he's put a bun in her oven!”
“Okay, okay, Sidney, don't swarm her,” Jake chides, gently but firmly separating us. “Remember she is pregnant.”
“Oh, phooey, she's not going to pop,” Sidney scoffs, but she doesn't try to hug me again. “All right, Bernadette, put me in the kitchen and set me to work!”
Next to arrive is Jesse Atwood, an equally animated bachelor who comes with a violin case and tray of exquisite-looking handmade chocolate eclairs topped with berries and dusted with powdered sugar. He is quickly followed by Bernadette's younger brother and sister-in-law, Emile and Lorraine Landry, with their teenage boys, Neil and Ethan. Seventeen-year-old Neil is friendly and seems eager to get to know everyone in the room. Ethan is fifteen years old, and I'm not sure if he's going through a surly teenage phase or if he's just overwhelmed by the number of people present, but he arrives with earbuds firmly in his ears and barely glances up from the game he's playing on his phone when I'm introduced. The family doesn't seem phased by this, which tells me that whatever it is, it's not personal, so I leave him be.
Finally, Frank's brother Pete shows up with his girlfriend Aubrey, a short, slim woman in her late forties with dark brown hair cut just above her shoulders and styled in a fluffy perm. She grins when we're introduced and shakes my hand. There is relief in her soft gray eyes.
“Glad to meet you, Alodia. I think you and I are the major curiosities here tonight.” She leans in a little closer. “Though I think you're probably a little more of a curiosity than I am. No offense.”
“None taken. Between my backstory and my baby bump I expect to be fielding a lot of questions tonight.”
“Come on, everyone!” Sidney calls from the kitchen. “There's a feast to be prepared! Anyone who's helping with the cooking, in the kitchen! Everyone else--”
“Everyone else will please heed my instructions and not Sidney's!” Bernadette says firmly, though I can see a smile on her lips. “Alodia, sha, maybe you can help serve up some cider and snacks?”
Sidney, Bernadette, Rebecca, Jesse, and Emile take over the kitchen, preparing mostly sidedishes while Frank and Pete take turkey-duty outside to the grill. I spend a little while running cider, beer, and platters of appetizers out to the living room and to the men out by the grill. To my surprise, Ethan immediately comes to help me, though he doesn't take his earbuds out. Jake has been in the living room chatting with Neil. About my third trip out to the living room, he catches my hand.
“Hey, Princess. I know Mom and ol' Sidney can turn into a pair of Major Generals when they're cooking together, but don't let 'em push you around.”
I smirk. “You really think they can push me around?”
He actually seems to consider that for a moment before smiling. “I guess not. But don't you push yourself around, either. Promise me you'll rest if you get tired?”
“Promise. But if you're really concerned, you could come give me a hand.”
He chuckles. “Okay, fair.”
A few minutes later, he and I are sitting at the kitchen table together and peeling potatoes. After a short while, Neil, Ethan, and Aubrey come to join us. Neil dominates the conversation for awhile, filling everyone in on his preparations for college. But when the conversation starts to reach a lull, Ethan surprises me by filling the silence.
“Do you know if your baby is a boy or a girl yet?” he asks me.
“Not yet,” I reply. “We're going to learn that next week.”
“Have you done the wedding ring test yet?” Sidney asks.
Jake raises an eyebrow. “The what?”
“You tie the mom-to-be's wedding ring on a piece of thread and dangle it over her belly. If it swings back and forth like a pendulum, it's a boy. If it swings in circles, it's a girl.”
“Are you sure?” Aubrey asks skeptically. “I'd always heard it was the other way around.”
“I can look it up on my phone,” Neil offers.
“Oh, there's really no need,” I chuckle. “I don't have a wedding ring.”
Sidney gasps. “You mean Jake didn't even get you a ring?!”
“...Uh...we weren't exactly married in a traditional ceremony.”
“We have a handfasting ribbon,” Jake adds. He briefly explains the handfasting ceremony, naturally replacing anything suspiciously Vaanti with something that sounds more like it was thought up by college students. “I still have that ribbon.”
“You do?” I'm startled and I don't hide it. “You've never mentioned that to me. Where is it?”
“I had it framed to keep it preserved. I put it in a safe place at my grandparents' place. ...I never thought of going to get it when we moved to California because...well...I had you back. And there was a lot going on.”
“Ohhh! You should get it as long as you're in Pearl River!” Sidney exclaims. “It's not like you're far from your grandparents' place.”
“That's actually not a bad idea,” Jake concedes.
“I wouldn't mind seeing that ribbon again,” I agree.
“Maybe you could do the ring test with that, just with a regular ring,” Ethan suggests. “Maybe the ribbon will have the same kind of...energy you need.”
“Oh, there's no need for that test,” Bernadette scoffs. “She's carrying high. It's a girl.”
“Well, the old lady on the plane yesterday agrees with you,” Rebecca snickers.
“Hey, we're not listening to the old lady on the plane!” Jake says firmly.
“Why, what did the old lady on the plane say?” Neil asks eagerly.
I laugh at his enthusiasm. “Well, I ended up getting airsick while we were landing, so I was throwing up into a paper bag while everyone was getting their things.” I go on, describing the old woman and her daughter, to the amusement of everyone except Jake.
“The old bat is wrong, by the way,” he grumbles. “Alodia looks as beautiful as ever.”
“I have to agree with Jake,” Sidney declares. “If that baby's stolen your good looks, then you must be too pretty for anyone's good. I think you've got a boy.”
“Whether or not her looks have been stolen, girls do cause more sickness,” Bernadette insists.
“What have your cravings been like?” Sidney asks.
“Well...peanut butter's been the big one...” l
“There, you see? Protein. That means it's a boy.”
“Not American peanut butter, sha,” Bernadette scoffs. “You know how much sugar is in American peanut butter?”
“Well, I have been especially fond of peanut butter cookies,” I point out.
This goes on for awhile. Everyone chimes in with the various wives' tales they've heard for predicting the baby's sex. They ask me about my moods, hair growth, breakouts, stretchmarks, and whatever else they can think of. Neil even looks up a Chinese sex-prediction chart on his phone that asks for my birthday and the month we conceived in, which my best guess places in July. That chart tells me I'm having a girl, which pleases Bernadette. Of course, no matter what the wives' tales say, she remains convinced I'm having a girl. Sidney is of the opposite opinion, and Rebecca seems to agree with her.
“Y'all are being ridiculous!” Jake declares, exasperated. “Even once we know the sex, it's not like that's going to predict their personality or anything like that.”
“Jake's got the right of it,” Jesse agrees, stirring the gravy on the stove. “Maybe y'all should keep the sex secret until the baby's a few months old.”
“Are you gonna keep the name secret, too?” Sidney scoffs.
“We wouldn't have to,” Jake retorts. “We've already chosen the name, and it's unisex.”
“I hate unisex names.”
“Sidney, you have a unisex name!”
“That don't mean I like it!”
“Well, girl or boy, our baby is River Skye McKenzie, and that's that.”
Sidney considers that. “Well, okay. That's a good name.”
“Good for a boy, but even better for a girl,” Bernadette declares haughtily.
“You're impossible, Mom,” Jake sighs.
“Yes, I am. Now go see if your Pop needs help with the turkey.”
I prepare a small meal to take to my father for our Thanksgiving dinner. Well, actually it's more like a Thanksgiving lunch, since I am going to be eating with him early in order to make it to Rochelle's apartment on time. I did tell him I had been invited to another dinner later in the day. He didn't ask where I was going, but I suspect he knows. I have never made my affection for Tahira a secret, which does kind of worry me now. But all I can really do is swear that I will never let myself be used against her.
I arrive at the mansion where I grew up—the one that now serves as my father's prison—and make my way up the walk, clutching the cooler full of Thanksgiving food. I put it down to ring the doorbell and bounce lightly on the balls of my feet while I wait, breathing warm air into my cupped hands. I should have worn gloves, but I was running late getting out of my apartment, and by the time I thought of it, it was just too late to go back. The seconds melt into each other, and I am just about to ring the bell again when my father answers.
“You're late, Grayson.”
“...I'm sorry, dad. The turkey took longer than I was expecting.” I heft the cooler with a grunt and all but waddle through the front door. Dad raises an eyebrow at the cooler.
“What's in there?”
“Food. Thanksgiving lunch. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and a pumpkin pie. Traditional fare. I also bought a bottle of wine.”
“Hmm. Anything that will require reheating?”
“Most of it hasn't had that much time to get cold. But I suppose it wouldn't hurt to warm the vegetables.”
“Very well. I suppose you had better bring that stuff right into the kitchen. I know how eager you are to get onto your other dinner.”
I grit my teeth, needled by the thinly-veiled barb in his words. “Well, it isn't like I'm going to eat and run,” I assure him, trying not to sound annoyed.
“Of course not. Shall we eat off the fine china?”
While the food rewarms, we take the our time setting the dining room table. We spread out a white tablecloth of Irish linen with matching placemats and napkins. We lay out the silver cutlery and the antique china plates that I can remember adorning the holiday tables of my childhood. Each plate is uniquely painted with pictures of various fruits and flowers in beautiful pastel colors. In a moment of nostalgia, I claim the one with the ripe peaches surrounded by raspberries for myself. That one was always my favorite. My father doesn't comment on my choice, but I do see him smile fondly at the plate for a moment. He lights a pair of beeswax candles in crystal candleholders. I carve the turkey in the kitchen and arrange it on a platter. Then we lay out the food and take our seats. For a moment, neither of us move.
“...Do you think we should say grace?” I ask hesitantly.
“I suppose.”
“We don't have to,” I say quickly. “It's only that it's tradtional...”
Dad doesn't respond. He pulls the bottle of red Zinfandel toward him and snatches up the winged corkscrew. I wince a little as he jams the sharp end of the screw into the cork, but I make myself focus on how much the corkscrew looks like a little person or a human-shaped robot with two long arms. As dad twists the robot's head, it raises its arms as if in some stiff, jerky dance. And then as Dad pushes its arms down, it detatches itself from the bottle, taking the cork with it. Dad places it aside with the cork still attached and picks up the bottle.
“Say when,” he instructs me as he tips the bottle over my glass. Dark red liquid flows from the bottle's mouth and sloshes in the basin of my wineglass. I cut off the flow at half a glass. Dad raises an eyebrow at me for a moment before moving to pour a larger glass for himself. He sets down the bottle and begins filling his plate with turkey, potatoes, stuffing, and beans. After a moment, I do the same.
“I suppose,” he says at last as he picks up his knife and fork and begins slicing his turkey into bite-sized pieces, “that you shouldn't have too much to drink if you are going to be driving to Tahira's dinner before long.”
“...No,” I agree. “That wouldn't be responsible.”
He pauses, glancing sidelong at me. “...It is Tahira you will be spending the evening with, isn't it?”
“Among others. Her mother will be there, and Dax Darcisse and Poppy Patel.”
“But Tahira is the one you really want to see.”
“Is that your oh-so-subtle way of asking if she and I are finally seeing each other?” I quip, hoping to disguise my discomfort with this line of questioning.
“It hardly seems like the best idea to be dating someone you work with. Much less someone who works for you.”
“We're both smart people, Dad. We know how to keep our personal lives separate from work.”
“Don't be naive, Grayson. No one actually knows how to do that.”
I feel myself stiffen. Deep breaths, Grayson. You don't want a fight to sour your mood before you see Tahira.
“Well, we'll just do our best then, and deal with any problems as they come up.”
“...You know what she is, son.”
I almost drop my fork as my veins turn to ice, but I manage to keep it together. I lower my fork to my plate, its prongs still sporting a lump of mashed potatoes.
“What she is, Dad, is a woman I care for deeply, and have done since we were in college together. She is smart and fun and kind and—“
“Powerful,” Dad adds. He puts down his fork and knife, leaning back and tenting his fingers. He fixes me with a penetrating stare. “Let's not beat around the bush, Grayson. Tahira is Dragonness. You know she is.”
I sigh. I consider feigning surprise, but it's probably too late for that. Besides, I'm not sure how much good it would do. Is it really that much more dangerous for my father to know that I know her identity when he already knows it himself? Suddenly, I feel exhausted.
“...What do you want me to say, Dad?”
“I only want you to be honest with me.”
“...Then yes. I know who she is. And I know you know, too. ...I also know the real reason you attacked Northbridge was because you wanted to use her power to bring Mom back.”  
“And I suppose she told you that?”
“Yes! She did! Are you going to deny it?”
“No, in fact. I am not going to deny it. Nor will I deny that my plan did not work out as I had expected.”
“And what were you expecting?”
He sighs, letting his hands drop onto the table to rest on either side of his plate. He picks at a bit of turkey skin hanging off the edge of the plate.
“I had believed the power to bring Helena back existed in the world on the other side of the Prism Gate. ...The world where Dragonness was born. I had hoped that if we managed to make it there, we would find her people. Find a the power necessary. Alas, that was not the case.”
I don't answer. I pick up my fork and knife and tear into the turkey on my plate, covering my silence by stuffing my mouth with the meat. Dad watches me eat for a moment.
“...Do you not approve, Grayson?”
I choke down a mouthful. It gets stuck at the back of my throat, but I force it down with a deep drink of wine. I set my glass down and stare at my plate.
“...Mom is gone, Dad.”
“She doesn't have to be.”
“Yes! She does! She's dead!”
My father's eyes narrow, his expression darkening. “You watch your mouth, son.”
“I'm only saying what's true! Mom is dead! She has been dead for years! It's not like I'm happy about it, but it's a fact!”
“All this from the boy who wasn't willing to do what needed to be done in Bayside for fear that some people would have to pick themselves up by their bootstraps and move on.”
“Dad, you were talking about displacing living people from their homes! Do you realize how many lives you snuffed out on the day you decided to attack Northbridge?! Eight! Eight people died because you can't let Mom rest!”
My father eyes me steadily. “I could bring them back, too.”
I feel a chill cross my shoulders. “...What...? What are you...?”
“There is a way, Grayson.”
“Dad, no...please...” I reach across the table to cover his hand with mine. “Let it go. Please. Please don't make Tahira suffer to bring Mom back.”
“I don't mean Tahira. ...There is another way.”
I can feel my heart spasming in my throat. “...Dad...please. I don't know if you just never grieved Mom properly or what, but...all I've wanted for years is for us to be a family!”
Dad puts his other hand on top of mine, grasping it firmly. “And we will be! As soon as I can find the power to bring her back, we--”
“No!” I pull my hands back sharply, feeling tears burning in my eyes. “Not us and Mom! Mom is gone! I mean you and me! You're still my father! I am still your son! We're still a family! Or we could be if you would let Mom go and look at me!”
For a moment, I think I actually see genuine remorse in my father's face. It's only a flicker, just for an instant, but even when it vanishes, his expression is softer somehow. Gentler.
“...You don't understand,” he says softly.
“No. No, Dad, I don't. ...I don't understand why you turned your back on me when I needed you most. How one day we could be so close and you could show me so much affection...and then as soon as Mom was in the ground, it was like you turned cold as her grave. For years, I thought you had stopped loving me. For years, I thought I had done something wrong.” I can't hold back a few tears as the scared little boy I used to be comes to the surface of my mind, bringing his hurt, his abandonment, his confusion. “I realize now you were just in pain, but...but the fact is you still haven't dealt with that pain. ...This...isn't how Mom would have wanted us to be to each other, Dad. She would have wanted us to hold each other. Support each other in her absence.”
“She would have wanted to be with us!”
“Of course she would have! But she isn't! God dammit, for all you accuse me of not being realistic, you can't even accept...” I trail off, my voice strangled by unshed tears that clog my throat. My head drops into my hands on the table.
I feel a touch on my shoulder, the palm of my father's hand resting gently on my back. I don't shrug him off, even though my head tells me I should. To have my father resting a hand on my shoulder to comfort me...it's like a mouthful of water to a man who has crossed the desert. Such unspeakable relief. And yet...so far from enough.
“My son...my boy...my child. Please, listen to me. I know I failed you. In so many ways. I failed your mother, too. But that is what I am trying to fix.”
Now I do shrug him off.
“No. No, Dad. What you're doing isn't fixing anything.” I lift my head, but I don't look at my father. “Until you get help, we're never going to be the family Mom wanted us to be. I'm sorry.”
He knows what I'm implying. That when he comes to trial, I am going to argue in favor of having him committed. But to my surprise, his only reaction now is a sigh.
“...It's okay, Grayson. It will be okay. I promise. I know how to fix everything now. When I am through, it will be as if all those lonely years never even happened.”
He goes back to his dinner, clearing his plate in silence. I look down at the meal going cold on my plate, the moist turkey, lumpy mashed potatoes and oily green beans obscuring the delicately painted peaches and raspberries. I don't feel like eating anymore. Something about Dad's reaction has me more unsettled than ever.
“Come on, Dax! We're going to be late! Rochelle said dinner is at three o'clock, and it's now 2:20!”
“Okay! Okay! I'm coming!” Dax sighs, reluctantly putting aside his project. His eyes linger on the tiny object for a moment before he sighs again and starts to straighten up his workstation.
“Is that the thing you told me about?” I ask. “The hologram thing?”
“That's it.”
“How's it coming?”
“Well, actually. Really well. I even think I should have it ready to present by New Year's Eve.”
I raise an eyebrow. “I'm impressed. Considering you've only been working on it for a month now.”
“What can I say? I'm motivated. Also, the technology involved already exists, it's just a matter of making it more portable and easier to disguise.”
I put my arms around him, kissing his cheek. “That's a really nice thing you're doing for them, sweetie. I'm proud of you.”
He leans into my embrace, going quiet for a moment. “...I started to imagine what he described...being trapped on the outside...while...” He swallows. “...If it were you...or Tahira. I'm closer to the two of you than I've ever been to anyone. ...If one of you were hurt or sick and I was stuck on the outside...”
“Well, if you can pull this off, that won't be something they have to worry about.”
“I can pull it off,” he says with determination. “I know I can.”
“I know you can, too. Now come on. I am not going to be late for Rochelle's famous taffy-apple salad.”
It's another jolly holiday at the Hsiao household. And I promise I'm not actually saying that ironically. I actually like my boyfriend's family, and I will readily admit that I am very, very lucky that way. Far from being what some racially insensitive douches would imagine, Kira and Huan Hsiao are not actually super strict, conservative “tiger parents,” like Asian parents tend to be on TV. A more accurate description of them would be snarky hippy goofballs. Well...hippies who still eat meat, I guess. So maybe not hippies.
But they are animal lovers. Their house is a crazy menagerie of four cats Nikky, Snickerdoodle, Tootle, and Buttercup; a German shepherd/collie mix named Tiffany; Mindy and George, a pair of rabbits; a parakeet named Tinker; and a ball python, hilariously named Monty—particularly hilarious because the python in question is female. We humans finish our Thanksgiving feast in the early afternoon, and Kira and Huan immediately set to work making sure the animals get their own. The cats are the most insistent, twining around Kira's ankles and yowling as she dishes Fancy Feast on top of Meow Mix and garnishes it with Temptations treats and catnip. And I know I've been staying at their place too long because I have started to recognize brands of cat food.
“Yes, yes, my little darlings,” Kira sings. “Food is coming!”
“Good god,” I groan. “Those things are cute when they're all purry and keeping my toes warm at night, but they are so friggin' noisy when they're hungry!”
“They're not that different from human babies that way,” Kira quips, carrying two double-bowls of catfood to the placemat on the floor in the corner. The cats immediately go quiet, digging into their feast. Kira calls out to Tiffany, who has been waiting patiently on the floor by the kitchen door. At the sound of her name, the dog leaps up on her paws, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as her tail starts to wag. Kira reaches into a plastic bag labled “Pampered Pets” and pulls out what I realize has to be a dog treat, but which looks enough like a cupcake that I want to eat it myself.
“Aww, you got Tiffany a pupcake!” Joey laughs.
“Of course! They're her favorite special occasion treats.”
Kira makes Tiffany sit and lie down before placing the treat a few feet in front of her nose. Tiffany licks her chops, her tail thumping eagerly, but she obediently waits for the signal before attacking her pupcake, wolfing it down in two bites.
“Oh, hey!” Joey leaps up from the table. “Let's go play Road From Xanadu! We gotta finish it before you guys go back to Northbridge!”
Craig pushes back from the table, stretching his arms over his head. “Nothing like video games after Thanksgiving dinner,” he agrees. “I'm in.”
Joey comes around to grab my arm, tugging insistently. “Come on, Zahra! We can't play without you since you're Amaya!”
“Well, you could make her an NPC,” I point out, even as I get to my feet.
“But then we'd have to start over!”
“Well, we can't have that. Let's go.”
The truth is, though, I'm a little reluctant to play. Road From Xanadu is this obscure RPG game set in this weird dimension where a bunch of people from various other dimensions and alternate timelines end up. From what I can gather, it's basically a dimension converging on all other dimensions. The main character is a badass warrior woman with weather magic whose whole mission is to get back to her own dimension in order to prevent a horrific disaster from killing her family. Along the way, she's tormented by visions of a past life that seem to be hinting that the disaster was actually an attack by someone from a past that she can't remember. It all feels a little too much like AU La Huerta for me to be totally comfortable, but Joey is super into it, so I've been trying to hide my misgivings.
We head into the living room where the fireplace is going, turn on the TV and the game console, and curl up on the couch with Joey wedged between us. The game loads up and the menu flickers up onto the screen in front of us. We search for the save marked ZCJ and load up our game. I frown as my character shows up on the screen, but without Craig or Joey's, and with a completely dark background.
“Wait...where were we again?”
“Illusory Cities,” Joey reminds me. “Field of Mirrors. Remember? We're trapped in the mirrors, and you have to get us out.”
So my character wanders through a field of mirrors where her friends are trapped inside their dreams, trying to wake them up so they can move on to collect the next item in their fetch quest to build the portal that will take them back to her dimension. Craig and Joey yell hints and encouragement, and finally, I manage to break everyone out.
“Dude, Amaya is totally falling in love with Felix,” Craig declares, grinning. “I knew I chose the right character.”
“I bet they kiss before we stop playing tonight,” Joey agrees.
“You talkin' about Felix and Amaya or Craig and me? Because if it's the latter, you'll definitely win that bet.”
“Hey!” Joey holds up a hand in front of my face. “No kissing over my head. If you wanna kiss, you gotta warn me so I can move.”
Of course, by this point Buttercup has jumped into my lap and made herself comfortable, tucking her feet underneath her body and laying her head on my knee. I know from experience that she won't move until forced to by either her bladder or mine.
“I don't think that's happening any time soon, kiddo,” I sigh. “Okay, let's get back to it. We gotta find something called 'Wild Time'...”
By a quarter to three, everyone has arrived at my mother's apartment except Grayson. My last three texts have gone unanswered, and I'm starting to get anxious, though I try to distract myself by setting the table. Finally, I feel a vibration in the pocket of my jeans, accompanied by the chime of my text alert. I fish my phone out of my pocket and read the message.
Grayson: Waiting outside. Am I late??
I exhale, feeling an easy smile curve my lips as reliefs flood through me in soothing waves. I thumb out a response:
Right on time. I'll come down to let you in.
I call over my shoulder to let Mom know where I'm going before I rush out into the hallway and down the stairs. Grayson is waiting outside the front door with a bunch of flowers in one hand and a bottle of wine tucked under the opposite arm. I grin as I hold the door open for him.
“As much as presents are appreciated, don't think I haven't noticed that you can't hug me while you're holding those.”
Stepping into the foyer of the building, Grayson immediately sets the flowers and wine on an end table and pulls me in for a fierce, needful kiss, dipping me slightly in his arms. I melt into his embrace, raising my arms to wind around his neck as I taste his mouth. He tastes like he brushed his teeth just recently. Finally, he straightens, bringing me with him, and reluctantly breaks the kiss, resting his forehead on mine.
“Okay, I forgive you. ...Trying to recreate V-J Day in Time Square?”
“...I love you, Tahira.” His voice is a whisper, and there's a weight to it that puts a lump in the pit of my stomach.
“I love you, too, Grayson. But...are you all right? Did lunch with your dad not go well?”
“I have to tell you something,” he murmurs, his eyes still closed. “Something Dad said has been worrying me since he said it. But...I don't want to spoil the holiday. Just promise me you won't let me leave without telling you tonight.”
My first impulse is actually to say 'okay', push his words to the back of my mind, and get on with my holiday. But even as I consider it, I know that I'll never be able to concentrate on having a good time with that hanging over my head.
“What do you mean? What did he say?” When he hesitates, I take his face in my hands, turning it toward me. “Please, Grayson. Don't hold back. I'd rather you just say it than leave me to imagine the worst.”
He hesitates another moment. A knock at the lobby door makes us both jump. We turn to look out the clear glass door and find a man balancing a foiled-draped casserole dish in one hand and waving at us with the other. His wife and two young children stand behind him, bundled up and bouncing against the bite of the chilly November air. He gestures to the doorknob. Grayson clears his throat, blushing as he pushes the door open. The small family scurries into the warmth of the lobby and toward the elevator. He sighs.
“We shouldn't talk out here,” he mumbles, not meeting my eyes. “Let's get somewhere we can talk privately.”
“...Yeah. Okay. Maybe it can wait until after dinner.”
He smiles, but it looks a little forced. Then his eyes light up and he scoops up the bouquet he had placed on the side table, placing it in my arms carefully as if it were a swaddled infant.
“Sorry I'm later than expected, by the way. I stopped to pick those up on the way.”
I can't help but smile as I regard the colorful bouquet in my arms, pink roses and miniature carnations arranged amidst snowy white chrysanthemums, yellow Peruvian lilies, lavender, statice, and huckleberry. I put my nose in the armful of flora and inhale a fragrant blend of perfumes.
“They're absolutely beautiful.”
His smile is genuine again as he casually takes up the wine bottle and offers me his hand.
“I couldn't resist a few roses,” he says, “but I've always thought roses alone were a little...well, boring. If I'm going to bring someone flowers, I want something colorful.”
“I approve of your choice.”
Everyone else clearly approves of it too, if their gushing reaction when we get back up to Mom's apartment is any indication. While Mom is busy hunting for a vase, and Dax and Poppy are helping her find the ladle she was looking for a moment ago, I see an opportunity and impulsively decide to to take it. I take Grayson by the hand and pull him into the bedroom. I shut the door, pressing the lock down for good measure.
“So, what were you going to say about your Dad?”
He shifts uncomfortably, looking cornered. “I...thought you said it could wait until after dinner.”
“I know. But I also said I'd rather know than spend dinner imagining the worst.”
For a moment he is quiet, and I think he is going to protest again that it should wait until after dinner. But then he nods.
“...We got into a fight, which will probably not come as much of a surprise. He knows that I know who you are, by the way. I didn't tell him, but he guessed and I didn't know how to deny it, or if it would even do any good.”
“It probably wouldn't have,” I agree. “It's okay. We'll deal with it. Was that all?”
“No. ...We were arguing about his obession with bringing Mom back. I was begging him not to make you suffer for it. ...He said that he didn't have to use you. That there was another way. Some of the things he said...it started to sound like he wasn't just talking about bringing Mom back. He was talking about rewriting history so she never died at all.”
I feel an electric chill skitter down my spine. “...That...that sounds like...”
“I know. ...I can't help but wonder if he's managed to learn something about the Janus Project.”
I come home in the evening to find that the flat has been scrubbed top to bottom. In the sitting room, the evening news flickers on the television, the volume turned to something just barely audible. My wife is curled up on the sofa under a throw blanket, her glasses set aside on the coffee table beside the baby monitor. She appears to be dozing lightly, and as I approach, I can see from the screen on the baby monitor that my son is asleep as well, contentedly sucking his thumb in his crib. I smile, kneeling beside Grace and bending to kiss the top of her head. She stirs and stretches at my touch, smiling up at me.
“Hey, honey,” she says around a yawn. “There's tuna noodle casserole in the refridgerator. I already ate, but it wouldn't take much to heat it up.”
“You're a treasure,” I reply. She reaches over to fumble for her glasses, and I guide them to her hand. “I brought home macroons for dessert. Can I fix you a plate with some tea?”
“That would be heavenly. Could you also give me a hand getting off the couch?”
I chuckle, standing and offering my hand. She takes it, groaning a little as I help pull her to her feet. Once standing, she flops theatrically against my chest, resting her head on my shoulder and pretending to snore. I laugh.
“I am not surprised you're so tired. The flat looks beautiful.” I drape one of her arms over my shoulders and wind the other around her waist, pulling her close to my side as if I am helping her walk with an injured leg. “But I hope this was not just because your mother sat on a cuddly toy this morning.”
“There are some ways Mom can still get to me,” she admits. “...But I was also trying to keep busy so I wouldn't be tempted to peek at the files she left us. Besides, the flat needed a good scrub. I just hope my back doesn't regret it in the morning.”
I guide her to a kitchen chair and stand behind her for a moment, rubbing her shoulders. “I'll tell you what, darling. Why don't you have a nice hot bath while I have my supper, and then we'll look at the files together over tea and macaroons. Deal?”
* * *
Grace takes her time in the bath, and when I finish dinner, we both get into our pajamas. Curled up on the sofa with a pleasant fire going, two cups of hot tea and a tray of macaroons, it's almost easy to forget what we're actually looking for with the documents spread out across our laps. Not that we seem to be finding much that is obviously incriminating.
“I am quite surprised to hear myself say this, but it seems Alodia's mother was in fact quite an ordinary woman.”
“Well, I don't know about 'ordinary,'” Grace remarks. “According to everything here, she was a genius at computer science. She headed nearly eighty percent of Mansingh Transglobal's computer science projects in 1995.”
She passes me the page she's looking at, and I skim over it. A few project names jump out at me.
“ 'Project Jupiter'...'The Trojan Project'...Anything with a Greco-Roman theme might bear looking into further. With the Trojan Project, I'm inclined to guess it had something to do with computer viruses. ...Perhaps an attempt to develop some sort of antivirus software.”
“Or digital condoms,” Grace suggests, grinning. I snort, poking her shoulder lightly.
“Trojan always was a terrible name for a condom.”
“Huh...now this is interesting.”
“What is?”
Grace holds up the page in front of her. “Apparently Cassandra Chandler worked on one of the most advanced digital painting/rendering programs of the early nineties. She won an award for her own digital art. And...oh! I think Mom included samples...” She turns to a few glossy photo prints. “Wow. This is beautiful.”
She passes me a picture of a digitally rendered sunset over the ocean. “Impressive. The colors, the shading...very advanced for the early nineties.”
“And look at this moonscape. It's so lifelike, it's like looking at a photo.”
“Clearly, she was very talented. ...Perhaps we should send this to Alodia. I'm sure she would like to have some piece of her mother to hold...on...to...Grace...?”
Grace is staring at the photo in front of her, her dark eyes wide. I peer over at the picture and feel my breath catch in my throat. It's another beautifully rendered piece of digital art, a portrait depicting a young woman posed beneath a palm tree. It is as clear as a photograph, or a Holbein portrait. Her blue eyes, golden blonde hair, her pale skin...
“Good heavens...but...that's...”
“Yeah,” Grace agrees. “It's Alodia.”
It's hard to have a totally good day when you're working at a hospital. Even if none of your own patients die, it's hard to ignore the fact that people do die there every day. And yet, at the same time, people are born there every day, too. Lives are saved, or changed for the better with surgeries that improve quality of life. It's difficult to have a totally good day, but if you know where to look, it's hard to have a totally bad one, too. For me, today managed to even out. I was busy, which kept my shift from dragging too much, but now I'm definitely feeling it. Now, what I really want is to go home, put on my pajamas and curl up in bed with Sean so I can fall asleep to the sound of his breathing.
I finally get home at nearly a quarter to one. There's a note in Sean's handwriting taped to the door of our apartment when I get there:
Hey, Beautiful. Left something on the coffee table for you. Love you! --Sean.
I smile, folding the note and tucking it into the pocket of my jacket. The first year we were dating back at Hartfeld, he was always getting me little gifts to leave in my room at the sorority house when we were both too busy for a real date night. They were never expensive, but they were always meaningful and romantic. A refridgerator magnet with my name on it, a caduceus keychain, a bunch of lilacs from the hedge that grew on campus, my favorite spinach bread from the bakery in town, or a stick of rock candy from the old-fashioned candy shop next door. Lately, he seems to have picked the practice up again. Except now, I try to reciprocate more often.
The apartment is dark when I get inside. I turn on the light in the foyer, slip off my shoes and hang my coat in the closet. I make my way into the living room and switch on the floor lamp. On the coffee table, an Easter basket has been lined with tissue paper and repurposed to hold a small collection of bath items—body wash, lotion, and spray that all appear to be the same scent; an orange-infused sugar scrub for my hands and feet, and two bath bombs. I pop open the body wash and inhale the subtly sweet aroma of orange blossom, chamomile, and vanilla, sighing rapturously. I'm going to get Sean something really special to thank him for this. Some nice cologne or a new duffle bag for away games...or maybe a gift certificate for a massage at my favorite spa. I reach into the basket to pull out the bath bombs and hold them to my nose. As I do, a sticky note that had been attached to one of the fragrant spheres comes loose and flutters to the ground. I pick it up, squinting slightly to make out the writing in the somewhat dim light of the floor lamp:
Hi, Beautiful! =) Turn on the TV and press play! Don't adjust the volume! Love you! – Sean
I pick up the remote and press the power button. The TV flickers to life, and a frozen image of Sean in his Condors' uniform appears on the screen. I recognize the Condors' home stadium behind him, and on the edge of the screen, I can make out the hand of a sportscaster holding up a microphone. I press play.
“Sean, do you have any final thoughts before the game gets underway today?”
The volume is loud enough to make me jump a little, worried that I'm going to wake Sean. But, since his note explicitly told me not to adjust the volume, I resist the urge. On the screen, Sean smiles warmly into the camera.
“First of all, I just want to wish a happy Thanksgiving to my amazing fiancee, Dr. Michelle Nguyen. She couldn't be at the game today because she's busy being an amazing doctor at the hospital. But if you're watching, babe, I just want to tell you that I'm so proud of you and I love you with my whole heart.”
The big light flicks on overhead, making me jump. I turn to see Sean smiling at me from the doorway that leads into the kitchen.
“We won today,” he says. I smile, pausing the recording and going to kiss him.
“That's wonderful. And thank you for the gifts. But why are you still awake? You must be exhausted.”
He shrugs, kissing me back and lacing his fingers at the small of my back. “I had a nice long nap after the game. I wanted to be awake when you got home. I've got a little surprise for you.”
“Another one? I know I was bummed about working on Thanksgiving, but you don't want me to get spoiled.”
“And what if I do?” he counters with mock-haughtiness. I snort.
“Well, in that case, who am I to argue?”
He keeps one arm around my waist as he leads me through the kitchen to the dining room. As we approach, I realize that I can see candlelight flickering inside. The first thing I notice when I round the corner and Sean turns up the lights is Tricia, grinning from her seat at the end of the table. The table is spread with my favorite tablecloth, decorated with a centerpiece of pillar candles draped with evergreen branches, pinecones, and clementines. Though the table is crowded with chafing dishes and a decanter filled with some kind of spiced cider, they've managed to find room for three place-settings. Delicious smells that had been previously masked by the scent of the bath bombs in the living room fill the air. Tricia gets up, coming to fold me in a warm embrace.
“Happy Thanksgiving, honey.”
I feel tears coating my eyes as I hug her back. I think my smile might actually split my face apart. “Oh, Tricia! You're awake, too?”
“Well, someone had to make sure the food was edible. I couldn't leave that in my son's hands.”
“Hey!” Sean feigns offense, lightly poking his mother. “I helped!”
I pull back, wiping at my eyes. “You both should be sleeping,” I chide around a mindlessly happy chuckle. “But as long as you're both awake, what are we eating?”
“It's kind of a Thanksgiving breakfast-for-dinner deal,” Sean explains, going to lift the cover from each dish in turn. “Apple-pumpkin pancakes, turkey bacon, and a skillet with potatoes and green beans. Plus cider to drink.”
“Thank you. Both of you. This is...I think this is exactly what I need tonight.”
Sean comes to take my hands, kissing my forehead. “I know you've been feeling overworked lately. I want to make sure you know that you can count on me when things get rough. Whether it's by getting you a few bath bombs, helping my mom cook you a nice meal, or just by holding your hands and listening. I want to give you what you need so that you never feel alone like did before.”
I wind my arms around his torso, resting my head on his chest so that I can hear his heartbeat.
“I know I'm not alone. And that's exactly what I'm thankful for tonight.”
Grayson's words are still bothering me the morning after Thanksgiving. I didn't repeat them to anyone at dinner last night, and I did my best to bury my anxiety. But clearly I'm not hiding it that well this morning, because Mom feels my forehead and wonders aloud if I want to stay home from the soup kitchen. I force myself to smile.
“I'm fine, Mom. Just nursing a turkey hangover.”
“Well, you don't feel warm,” Mom admits, but she doesn't look entirely convinced. “But you still don't have to come. Grayson and I can manage the food just fine.”
“It's okay. I want to come. Since I was ten years old, I've only missed one Black Friday at the soup kitchen. I'm not going to miss this one just because I'm sleepy.”
When Grayson arrives to take us over to the soup kitchen, one look in his eyes tells me that I'm not hiding my anxiety from him very well, either. As we're loading the Thanksgiving leftovers into his car, he finds a moment to take me aside.
“Are you all right?”
“Not you, too,” I groan. “I already had Mom feeling my forehead this morning.”
“...You're worried about what I told you about Dad.” It's not a question. There is an unmistakeable note of guilt in his voice. I put a hand on his arm.
“Hey. I'm glad you told me, okay? ...But yeah, it worries me. ...If he knows about the Janus Project, he might know about my cousin, too. I'm worried about how he came by that information, too.”
“I'll work on getting that out of him,” he promises, enfolding me in a hug. “I'm not just going to leave it where it is.”
“I know.” I nestle in his arms. “...You'll still stay and help at the soup kitchen though, right?”
“Of course! I'm not going to bail on you and your mom and the hungry citizens of Bayside just to interrogate my dad.”
I can't help but chuckle. “I'm so glad you have your priorities in order.”
* * *
We arrive at the soup kitchen by ten in the morning. For the next couple hours, we help the breakfast crew clean up, and then set to work laying out the lunch food. We're not the only ones who have donated our Thanksgiving leftovers. On top of that, there are canned goods and non-perishables that were collected by the Bayside public schools and churches, so there is plenty to work with and plenty to keep me busy until the people start arriving. Most of the diners come from the local homeless shelter, but there are also Bayside residents who regularly choose between paying rent and buying groceries. The Grand has been a big help in the area, but it takes time for a local economy to recover from hardship. While Mom and I serve food, Grayson helps people find places to sit and cleans up after them when they finish.
For a little while, the work keeps my mind occupied. Then the lunch rush slows to a trickle, Mom goes into the back to wash dishes, and my thoughts start to catch up with me. It's almost a relief when I see the doors open to admit a group of kids, but as they gather up their trays and make their way to the line, I start to think that they may be here without a parent or guardian. No one appears to have followed them in.
There are five of them, four boys and one girl. They all look like they're one family, all dark-haired and olive-skinned. The oldest boy doesn't look any older than sixteen, if that much. The others all look to be around ten or eleven, though the youngest boy might be as young as seven. I make myself smile in spite of my concern, counting out five plastic plates to spread out on the countertop in front of me.
“Good afternoon,” I say brightly. “What can I get for you?”
“I want turkey and stuffing!” one of the boys yells, bouncing excitedly in place. “Oh! And I want those cherries! And a brownie! And can I have grape juice, too?!”
“Slow down, RJ!” the oldest boy hisses. “Give the lady a chance to catch up!”
Eventually, RJ's plate is loaded with everything he desires, and I can turn my attention to the other children. The boy who looks about RJ's age is much more polite and reserved in his requests, and the youngest boy is so shy that he blushes as he points to each dish that he wants. The oldest boy puts his arm around the girl's shoulders.
“What do you want, Ysa?”
The girl shakes her head. “I'm not hungry.”
“I know you're not feeling well, but you gotta eat something, okay?”
I smile sympathetically at her. “Not feeling well?”
“My stomach hurts,” she replies, pouting slightly.
“Well, how about some soup? Split pea? Chicken noodle? Tomato? Broccoli chedder?”
“...Tomato...” she says after a moment. I ladle out a cup of creamy red soup, and stack some Saltines on the side of the plate. With all of them served, the kids take their trays to the nearest table they can find.
A sudden chill across my shoulders makes me shudder. For an instant, it occurs to me that I might actually be coming down with something. Then, a sharp, gnawing pain in my gut tells me what's really going on. I groan internally. Menstrual cramps. I'm an alien superhero from another dimension, and I still get menstrual cramps. So unfair. Maybe I should find Grayson and have him take me home. I know from experience that I probably won't be much use until I can either get some Midol or putting a heating pad on my belly.
“Well, this all looks like shit.” The familiar voice breaks into my thoughts. My head snaps up and my eyes lock with Caleb's, peering out from underneath the hood of a heavy winter coat. He smirks. “How ya doing, sweetheart? Can I get some grub?”
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mysteli · 6 years
open eyes (kamilah x mc) - smut
A/N: just a fluffy morning fic for kamilah and elena. hope you like it! it’s shorter than my other fics but still fun.
Warning: smut
Words: 1197
PERMA TAG LIST: @brightpinkpeppercorn@cocomaxley@hopefulmoonobject@alesana45@jellybean-marshmellow@mymandrake@regrettingnathan@dobie2112@princesstopgun@mechaspirit@skyila@mind-reader1 @xo-endlessmayhem-xo@sakaily@justboredtrash@regina-and-happiness@flyawayblue56@annekebbphotography@endlessly-searching-for-you@reginasayeed@zigortega4life@abbiebishopsie@eileendannie@alesana45@diamondoasis@speedyoperarascalparty @liam-rhys@idonthaveachoice@gayyyyyy69@forgottenl0v3r@choicesfanboy@carlieg20@skydoesntblue@fanfictionreccomendations @mkatschoicesblog @indiacater@nitta-jaeguet
This fic: @riseandshinelittleblossom@therocksofmay@ilovekamilahsayeed@tephy24@queerchoicesblog@gavryllo@shanonfernandes @kinda-iconic@satansangellover@hayden-park@countrymusicandncis-blog@psychopathdreamer21@tigerbryn11@reginasayeed@lovemeshamelessly@a-meredith@jellymonster@give-me-ernest-sinclaire@demonknightrevelations @torifontaine @zoe6111@pcktsprgrl @esteladannishreyakamilah@timmagicktoad @kellypenac
tagged everyone from my last kamilah fic 
Summary: Relentless teasing leads to a morning Kamilah and Elena will never forget. 
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Elena sleeps soundly beside the love of her life, experiencing a rare peaceful slumber that only shows up when the nightmares of the supernatural world come back to haunt her. This is a moment of bliss and harmony, a feeling that almost never arrives. Only when it means to. However, Kamilah is limited to essentials when it comes to her kind. Sleep is an option instead of a requirement and she’s chosen to spend the sleeping hours admiring her little firefly with intrigue and interest, cherishing the sight of Elena with no worries hovering over her mind. Just an empty dream that will cause no harm to her.
Guess you could say that’s Kamilah’s worst nightmare. Just the thought of anything bad happening to Elena makes her skin crawl. She props herself closer to the sleeping girl and Kamilah’s dark eyes light up with curiosity, as an idea pops into her head. They’d already been a little worn out from their heavily enforced night of passion, which of course made it easier for Elena to fall asleep. Exhaustion comes easy for her but Kamilah... she could last for centuries. Maybe even forever. 
As a lightbulb ignites in Kamilah’s head, a sly smirk crosses her lips and she stares at Elena for another second, her gaze skimming over the covers that mask Elena’s bare body and how her closed eyes shift now and then to reveal how she’s dreaming. If you looked long enough, you’d notice the hint of a smile playing at the corner of her lips.
Kamilah plays out her plan in her mind a few times and her wry smile only widens and her eagerness only grows. With that, she shifts further towards Elena, pivoting herself so she’s on top of her under the covers. Their skin barely brushes and Elena’s body flinches momentarily but is soothed back to sleep after a few seconds. Exhaling softly, Kamilah continues acting out her idea. 
She positions herself so she’s looming over Elena, her hot breath hovering over her jaw as heavy sighs escape her. Soon after, she attaches her lips onto Elena’s face and starts planting slow, soothing kisses from her jaw to the base of her neck, leaving a featherlight trail within her wake. The kisses grow more firm as she places more down but no matter the dynamic, it still has the same effect and Kamilah can practically feel the shivers radiating off of Elena’s body as she begins to awaken. But it’s a little too early for that to happen quite yet.
Kamilah continues her lip lock over Elena’s collarbone and she fixes her gaze on her lover’s stunning features as she begins sucking on the skin, careful about her supernatural instincts and making sure she keeps them hidden. A light breathy moan escapes Elena and that satisfies Kamilah enough to release her lips and leave a hickey in place. As she pulls away, she strokes the skin she affected and makes sure no blood was drawn. Luckily there were no fatalities.
Next, Kamilah lets her lips target the skin restricted by the covers. She starts tugging the silk sheets down and focusing her attention on Elena’s chest. She’s more careful about Elena in the morning because that is when she’s at her most delicate. Not even when she’s in danger or something more extreme. Nope, the mornings. When she’s exhausted. But Kamilah plans to defy her rules this morning.
As she teases Elena by leaving a trail of kisses in the space between her breasts and she can feel Elena shudder in response, yet her hands have not opened at this point. Kamilah realises her methods need to be more effective. She sneaks a hand over Elena’s thighs and spreads them out slightly, grazing her inner thigh with her fingertips for a moment, taunting and teasing, which is something Kamilah clearly loves to do. Elena’s body tingles with pleasure as Kamilah starts brushing her wet lips over her skin and planting slow kisses as she ventures. The best feeling to Kamilah is the satisfaction of gaining approval from the one you love through the affection you provide them with. She adores the reactions and exploring the most effective movements. 
She moves her fingers closer to Elena’s sex and she can sense how wet she is without even using physical contact. With that, Kamilah forms a smirk and starts brushing her fingers over Elena’s folds, causing her to grip the sheets with her fists and bite her lip, yet her eyes still refused to open. Kamilah continues to explore the surroundings, never quite making contact with Elena’s clit, which is all part of the teasing game really. 
Kamilah’s eyes darken so suddenly, flashing a deep crimson red as she makes direct eye contact with Elena and she shivers at the astonishing sight. A sight of true hunger and real desire. Kamilah is one who won’t be denied and Elena has no reason to deny the vampire queen. With permission in tact, Kamilah slips her finger inside Elena and that’s when her eyes shoot open in shock at the unexpected move. Her line gaze rises in all its glory and she soon melts into an assured state of pleasure. Kamilah twists and moves her fingers as much as possible, eager to know what kind of reactions she can stifle out of Elena. To increase her power, she wraps her mouth around Elena’s nipple and starts sucking as roughly as she can. She wants Elena to shudder and writhe beneath her, with no words left to say and no ability to think or move. Kamilah then adds another finger to the mix, chasing a loud moan from Elena and sweat creases her forehead as pleasure overtakes her body. She has no room for protest or denial. This is what she wants every morning from now on.
“Damn... Kamilah.” Elena mutters, as Kamilah keeps her movement at a steady rhythm, not prepared to make the amount of pleasure falter in any way. She wants this to be the best way Elena will ever be woken up. She wants no one else on her level. “Ah...”
Kamilah shifts the speed of her movements even more until the pace is so much faster than before that Elena’s reactions can barely keep up and soon, she’s completely lost for words... only her release can express her emotions for her.
Later, they lie back where they were last night, entwined in each other’s arms, enjoying each other’s company after a strong session of love. 
Elena snuggles up to Kamilah as the vampire queen lovingly strokes her golden blond hair and rests her jaw on top of her head. Their watery gazes meet for a moment and Elena forms a small smile.
“Well that’s a fucking way to wake up.” Elena mutters, suddenly sleepy once more. “Especially to you.”
Kamilah bites her lip slightly nervously and lets out a light laugh. “Thought you didn’t like being woken up.” She reminds Elena, almost wishing she hasn’t for a second but then the soft chuckle is chased out and a light exhale.
“Heh. Well there’s always an exception when it comes to you.”
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Prompt: Thank you for the prompt, @endlessly-searching-for-you ! Fictober Prompt - Oh please, like this is the worst I have done. Also, Halloween/Raj fic prompt from @9k4 Characters/Pairings: Jake x F!MC (Millie) Summary: Raj is throwing a Halloween party! The McKenzie family will show up in an adorable family costume ... right? This is an AU where everyone went back home and lived happily ever after.
Rating: G! (a teeny bit of innuendo because, well, Jake) Word Count: 1780 Disclaimer: I do not own these characters (except for that OC), they belong to Pixelberry. I am borrowing them. There’s lots of fluff. 
Few more things: This features a character from @mind-reader1 ‘s lovely and fantastic “Love at First Gazpacho” (go read it!). Also, THANK YOU to everyone who was supportive of my last fic. I really appreciate all of you.
Tag List:@mind-reader1 @choicesyouplayandmore @princesstopgun @indigo39 @roonarific @choiceslife @indescribablechoices @riseandshinelittleblossom @daniela2510 @thedaryllee @mysteli @endlessly-searching-for-you @zaffrenotes @likethetailofacomet @ooo-barff-ooo @agent-bossypants @sleepwalkingelite @cocomaxley @writtenbycandy @xo-endlessmayhem-xo @truekender @dancetothestoriesinyoursoul (Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed to the tag!!) ***
Excitedly, she snuck into the house and tucked away into the spare bathroom not too far from the front door of their modest house. It was the night of Raj’s annual Halloween party and Millie wanted her family to make a good impression. Reason being that Raj’s girlfriend from Spain, Sofía, was in town with him during his usual October hiatus and would be attending his party for the first time. 
Usually Millie really didn’t care to impress anyone but Raj, her beautiful, carefree, boisterous friend was smitten with this woman and damnit, Sofía was going to like the rag tag McKenzie family.
“Perfect!” Turning around in front of the mirror to take a 360 degree view of herself, she beamed as the Peanut M&M costume fit her petite frame just right, hugging her belly to draw attention to the growing human inside of her. After carefully tying up her brown hair into a messy bun on top of her head, she donned white hand gloves and quietly exited the room.
“Jake!” She called, walking through the empty living room and kitchen. “Vanessa!” Jogging upstairs, Millie quickly scanned the bedrooms finding nothing except an abandoned tea party. Obviously, her lectures about how thoughtful tea party hosts make sure that their guests, Mr. Yeti and Ms. Sabertooth, made it home to their toy box were lost on her husband.
A squeal echoed followed by a fit of giggles. “Higher, daddy!” Oh yes, they were definitely in the backyard and her husband was probably tossing their five-year old daughter.
Hurriedly, she made her way back down to the ground level and burst out the door to their sprawling backyard. “Alright Red and Green, the Yellow M&M is here and –“ Mouth agape, she saw Jake, in his signature and fraying green bomber jacket and jeans catch Vanessa, wearing her matching jacket and jeans.
Hearing her voice, his ears perked up and he set their daughter down. “She made it six feet up, I swear it.” Ruffling the child’s sandy blond hair, he looked over at Millie and raised an eyebrow, amused. “Ain’t you cute. Trying something new, Princess?”
Vanessa bounded over to her mother who had crouched down with her arms outstretched, drawing her in for a hug. She shot Jake a look before giving her daughter a kiss on the forehead. “Mommy! You’re candy!” Bouncing, she tugged at the yellow material of her sleeve, “Where’s my costume?”
“Why don’t you go inside and wash that grass stain off and we’ll get your costume, okay?” Her big blue eyes sparkling, Vanessa nodded and ran inside.
Offering a hand, Jake helped Millie up and gave her a quick kiss. When he pulled away, he wasn’t met with the large smile he was accustomed to but rather a forehead creased with worry. “Jake. Please tell me you picked up your costumes from the alterations place?”
Scratching his head, he shrugged. “Was I supposed to?” Millie’s eyes slowly widened. “Wait. Is Raj’s party tonight?” Unable to speak, she tapped the imaginary watching on her wrist and held up one two fingers before tapping her wrist again. “Ah, hell, no, I didn’t. I saw your note this mornin’ and I forgot.” Running a hand through his shaggy hair and rubbing the back of his neck, he grinned sheepishly. “I’m sorry, Princess. Still a bit lagged.”
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Millie took in several deep breaths to calm down. Unfortunately, they were victims of circumstance in this case. Her studio was busier than ever, causing her to drop off the Green and Red M&M costumes for alterations later than she’d hoped and he had just returned from a long humanitarian mission in Eastern Europe. The combination of Ambien and Melatonin, one which had worked so well for him back in his Navy days, hadn’t quite kicked him back into a regular sleep schedule and he was out cold until it was time to pick up Vanessa from preschool.
“It’s alright.” Her tone was defeated. “You and Vanessa can go to the party as well, you. Harper and I...” Smiling, he looked down at her belly and placed a hand on it, patting gently. “…Can go as a lonely peanut M&M that fell out of the bag. We’ll have two couple’s costumes.”
Placing his hands on her shoulders, he looked into her eyes with determination. “Hey now, I’ll fix it.” She let out a deep breath. “That’s a Jake McKenzie guarantee.” Rolling her eyes, she groaned. His ‘guarantee’ always made her of think of the odd combination of crash landing during a storm, escaping mercenaries, and basking in the afterglow in front of a fireplace of an abandoned lodge. “I got two hours?” She nodded. “Be right back.” He gave her another kiss and this time, she softened her face and grabbed the lapels of his jacket, locking their lips for just a few moments longer before letting him go.
*  * *
After dumping in the last bag of candy into the party mix and stirring it, Mille tapped her fingers on the kitchen counter. Jake was only gone for half an hour and it had been about 45 minutes since he’d come home and dragged Vanessa to the garage to work on her costume.
Walking into the mud room which connected the kitchen and he garage, Millie gently pulled the door ajar and she winced when she heard a snap, snap, snap.
Leaning against the wall, she wrung her hands as she listened to her husband and daughter idly chat. “Get me those white boots and I’ll help you put them on.” Millie tried to occupy herself with straightening the family pictures on the wall when she heard Jake hoot then chuckle. “Well hot dog, Loch Nessie, you’re a Green M&M!” The child’s laughter filled the garage. “Why don’t you go show your momma?”
Seconds later, Vanessa burst out of the garage and spun around a few times. “Now we match, Mommy!” Putting a hand over her mouth to conceal any sort of reaction, Millie eyed her daughter. Two large circular pieces of green felt enveloped the five-year-old, held together by staples. On Vanessa’s front side was a painted ‘M’ and on her back there was a painted ‘W’.
Trying not to be horrified at her costume, Millie instead picked her daughter up and placed her on the sink in the mudroom. Reaching into her nearby purse, she pulled out a tube of red lipstick. “Just one more finishing touch.” Gently, she ran the lipstick across Vanessa’s lower lip and instructed her to rub her lips together. “There you go! You’re the most beautiful Green M&M!” Vanessa beamed proudly before her mother set her back down on the floor and instructed her to pick up a coloring book out of activity box and wait for her parents in the kitchen.
A hand holding a staple gun came through the door and she heard Jake call out, “Princess. Can you get me into my costume?” Sighing, Millie walked into the garage and stapled Jake in between a pair of huge red felt circles.
* * *
Raj’s front yard was illuminated by approximately 109 pumpkins, each of them carved with a different design and housed a brilliant candle. Sofía admired each pumpkin with Vanessa along with Reginald Rourke, Tracy Nguyen-Gayle, and Xiana Soto.
Bringing his wife a cup of gazpacho and a small plate of hot cheese-coated bread, Jake caught the tail end of her recounting their costume fiasco to Diego and Grace. “And he literally stapled our child into her costume. Stapled!” Millie took a drink of her cider before picking up a piece of bread and biting it.
Shrugging, Jake took a sip of the pumpkin ale that he actually didn’t regret picking up out of the cooler. “Oh please, like this is the worst I have done.”
Cocking her head to the side, Millie put the cup of cold soup up to her lips and took a long drink, looking at her husband who had employed his signature smirk along with a wink. Her eyes darted to her daughter who was very excited to see a pumpkin that looked like Stitch.
Despite the fact that some of the staples had started to come undone in Vanessa’s costume and despite her little friends dressed in professional costumes, Vanessa was ecstatic. On the car ride over to Raj’s house and to whomever she could talk to at the party, Vanessa boasted about how her father had made her costume and that they matched. Vanessa and Jake were melted M&Ms while Millie and “baby harpy” were still fresh in the bag.
Millie’s lips twitched up into a smile. “You’re right, Top Gun. There was last year, when you let her watch ‘Halloween’ with you.”
“Never too early to get the kiddo into the Halloween spirit.”
Grace stifled a laugh. “Didn’t you get her the Michael Myers mask?”
Jake took another drink of his beer. “Nah. I got her a William Shatner mask,. She insisted on wearing it inside out.” Looking at his friends’ astonished faces, he put his hands up in protest. “She loved that movie. Hummed the theme song for a week.”
Diego couldn’t help but laugh as he bit into a cookie shaped as a finger. “Was that the week when Vanessa couldn’t sleep?”
“No, actually.” Millie bitter lip to keep from laughing as well. “You’re thinking of the week she watched ‘The Princess and the Frog’ and couldn’t sleep because she was excited to go back to Louisiana and visit her Nana.”
“Actually, Princess … she was more lookin’ forward to collecting all the frogs for you to kiss and turn into Princes.” Jake corrected, stealing one of her pieces of bread as Millie made a face.
“You’re the only frog I want to kiss.” Mille leaned in kiss her husband, giving their friends the cue to leave. Pulling at the red felt, she leaned in and gently elbowed his ribs. “I can’t wait to tear up this costume.”
“Hey now.” He wrapped his free arm around her waist as she gave him a peck on his lips. “This is an expertly crafted, two of a kind, exclusive McKenzie piece.” Laughing again, she kissed him again. Grinning, he lowered his voice. “Also, is that a threat or a promise?”
Before she could answer, Sofía, hand in hand with Vanessa, walked over to the couple. “Millie! Jake! Your costumes are my favorite.” Jake shot an “I told you so’ look towards Mille and gave Vanessa a fist bump. “I am … impressed. Please, Jake, tell me more about how you made these!”
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softmahito · 6 years
This is a tumblr hug 💕 Pass it on to 10 other people and don't break the chain! Have a lovely day!
ily ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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FMK: Jake, Drake and Michael 😈
Fuck: Drake. I waited 2 whole 19 chapter books to do it. 
Marry: Jake because no other person could every take his place in my heart, especially after the ending of ES! And by the way, he’s ALREADY my husband. 
You made me kill my teenage LI, you cruel cruel human being! :( 
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mechaspirit · 6 years
Back at Westchester...
Author’s note:  Hope it’s not too late to post it, but this is for It Lives in the Woods Appreciation Day and here, I decided to create the fic based on what’s happening back at Westchester during the events of It Lives Beneath. Hope you guys enjoy! 💗💗💗
Disclaimer: All rights go to Pixelberry.
Pairings: AndyxMC
Tagging: @mind-reader1 ,@brightpinkpeppercorn,@scgdoeswhat , @princesstopgun,@queenaryn,@itsagoodluckkiss,@sophie-summer , @xo-endlessmayhem-xo,@endlessly-searching-for-you,@sceptilemasterr ,@blightartsand@daniela2510 and@mysteli !
Tagging for ILITW Appreciation Week: @choicesaholic  @nuttatulipa  @teamtomsato (Thank you guys so much for hosting this!)
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“Oh, Luna. What did Ava do to you this time?”
Vivian giggled at the sight of her black cat, who clearly was dressed up as a witch, thanks to her gothic, kitty-loving friend. Long story short, Vivian and her boyfriend, Andy, just came back from their date after the latter finished his college exams and they let Ava take care of their furry friends while they’re gone. And it was clear that the gothic girl was having way too much fun doing that.
While Luna glared and hissed at Vivian in annoyance after her reaction to her “costume”, Dawn trotted over and licks Luna on the face before setting her chin on the feline’s back. The white-hair girl smiled, noticing that Dawn is a splitting image of Hilda. Only smaller and acts more of a younger sister to Luna. God, she really missed that dog so much.
She quickly turned to Andy, who have his face planted on the dining table, clearly exhausted.
“You okay?” Vivian asked in concern.
“Ugh, not really. These exams are bull,” the dark hair replied, lifting his head up and rubbed his temples, “On top of that, I have a stupid psychology paper due tomorrow at midnight,” Andy quickly turned to the white-hair girl, “You still have report from last semester that I could “borrow”, do you?”
Vivian laughed at his remarks and shook his head, “Not a chance, Kang, because that would be plagiarizing. Besides, I think I already throw that crap away, last year, during spring cleaning.”
Andy groaned and faceplanted on the table again, causing Vivian to get up from the floor and wrapped her arms around him from behind. She quickly kissed him on the temple.
“Hey, you’re almost there, Andy,” she reassured him, “Just one more semester and then you’ll be free from college and on your way to your basketball career. Plus, we still have that reunion with our friends to go to as well as continuing to build our lives together. You didn’t forget that, did you?”
The dark hair smirked and stood in front of Vivian and leaned in closely to the point where their foreheads are touching. “Hell no. There’s no way I’ll ever forget.”
Vivian gave him a warm smile right before their lips met in a passionate kiss. About few minutes later, they held onto each for a long time in a loving embrace. It was only then until Vivian can feel Andy’s shoulder tensed a bit.
“You still worried about, Tom?” she suddenly asked, though she knew that it was more of a statement than a question.
“...Yeah,” Andy admitted, feeling conflicted the moment he heard his best friend’s name again, “Last time I heard from him was when he decided to move to Pine Springs. I get that he needs some time alone to clear his head, but I just wish he would’ve told me. You know the gnawing feeling where you can’t help but feel that something bad might happened? That’s the feeling that I have right now.”
The white-hair girl pondered on his words before gently traced her fingers around her neck, where the bruise from a few years ago used to be, and her stomach started to churn slightly.
“Yeah, I know. More than you may think.”
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Tag Game!
I was tagged by @brightpinkpeppercorn and @ooo-barff-ooo :)
1. Are you named after anyone?
No. But I currently share my name (both first and last) with a very accomplished older actress and I like to bask in her glory.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Some ten minutes ago. I stepped on a Lego.
3. Do you have kids?
One two-year-old son but the little rascal has energy of five
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Me? Sarcasm? Never.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their voice. I suck at remembering faces, but I remember voices just fine, so I started to concentrate on sounds, not visuals.
6. Eye color?
Dark blue or green, depends on light.
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
8. Any special talents?
Oof. Is stopping fights before they even start a special talent? It’s the most useful one I have.
9. Where were you born?
In a hospital, I think.
10. Do you have any hobbies?
All things crafty. Martha Stewart doesn’t even hold a candle.
11. Do you have any pets?
Two cats, one black and one tabby. Also a husband if it counts
12. How tall are you?
5′4″, if I did the math correctly. 165 cm 🇵🇱🇪🇺
13. What sports do you play/have you played?
Shopping is my cardio. Besides that, I’m a lazy potato
14. Favorite subject in school?
Math and manual arts (it’s a crappy translation, but I can’t think of anything. These were classes where we learned how to build a birdhouse or a 3D model, sew, embroider, and even make an aesthetically pleasing sandwich)
15. Dream job?
Something with low requirements and high salary. Join IT today! okay that part about low requirements is not really true but I’ve been there for too long
Edit: I actually forget to pass it forward. @darley1101 @christopher-powell @pilitella @princesstopgun @mysteli you were my first suggestions, sorry if you already did that, and by no means feel obligated ❤
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