Just. A bunch of mechdrakes
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New moonless nights character just dropped
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His name is charon and the fact that forklift is in the first image isn't a coincidence
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Lineart for another moonless nights character
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Yes they're a bit overdesigned. Yes her name is daedelus. Yes the little ankle wings are a reference to that
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Tfw you accidentally hurt your boyfriend's sister's girlfriend
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Thinkin about... Speaker's redesign
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He started out like this, bright-eyed with a pose and expression that communicates he has a sense of childlike wonder
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And then his eyes dulled and his pose and expression became more neutral, telling people that he's lost whatever shine he had in the past
But I also felt like his old design looked too young+small when in reality he's very much an adult and quite tall
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The twins tm
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The blue one is gate, the brown one is fence
Gate is calm and sarcastic
Fence is feral and sincere
Do not separate them
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Still can't get this lad out of my mind
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This is forklift. He lives in a small town with his bf where they solve mysteries (also he might be the moon but that's not important)
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The joke is that this actually happens in the story
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*points* children
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Once I figure out the silver to purple ratio in hack's design it'll be over for you bitches
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I decided to put too much effort into a shitpost again
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This is basically their dynamic
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Another non-mechdrake character in the mechdrake story
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This is arum, she broke into a government building once and is a raging lesbian
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I hope you guys like speaker as much as I do
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Kronos has been designed
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He has earrings despite not having ears. We stan
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She got possessed by a hummingbird once
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Things about kronos
His body mod (extra horns) is relatively recent, he only got them a couple years ago
He's British but not in the polite way, more in the 'i don't recall having gender with your mom last night' way if that makes any sense
He would literally die for carmine, I've never mentioned carmine but they absolutely exist
He can and will fistfight a child
He's gotten possessed by a demon twice
He fought a mob boss behind a denny's at 3am
He can kick open a locked door
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