I need a vacay
would accept just a tiny one
like, gimme 15 days of not having to smile and ask "how can I help you today"
can I? please? can I not "what are your expectations for this consult?" for 15 full glorious days?
last time I had time off was more than 4 years ago and I'm not, like, melting inside
I can manage, I guess
but can I please stop?
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This is my study guide which I made for my test to help me prepare they are like notes but more concise and less time consuming 
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primary-survey · 5 years
Big sick
You know when you have a young and previously healthy patient coming in really sick. And ITU, medical, A&E and radiology consultants all completely perplex as to what is happening. And when you have no sats, BP of 60 and lactate of 20. Cardiac arrest at some point. And you still have no idea what the hell is wrong with them. So you’re just trying to put out fires. But there are so many of them. 
Well, this. 
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internallypediatric · 6 years
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I mean, we’ve known that doxy doesn’t stain teeth for years (it happened with tetracycline so people just assumed). But now that it’s in the LITERAL BIBLE OF PEDS INFECTIOUS DISEASE, maybe people will start letting me use it to treat MRSA skin infections (because our clinda resistance rates are BaNaNaS but we keep using it anyways… blerg)
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dxmedicalstudent · 7 years
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Sometimes we all need a reminder of just why we do what we do. What’s the thing that keeps you going?
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librarylemon · 8 years
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Stay hydrated you beautiful nerds🤓
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Christmas tree and neuroanatomy
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statlab-facts-blog · 7 years
Note:Microhematocrit from capillary puncture values are slightly higher.
Hematocrit measures the Red Blood Cell mass by seperating the plasma from the blood cells. It is expressed as a percentage by volume of packed RBCs in the whole blood.
Decreased HCT
Acute and chronic blood loss
Chronic disease
Hemolytic reaction
HCT less than 20% can lead to cardiac failure and death.
Increased HCT
HCT more than 60% can lead to spontaneous clotting.
ARUP Source
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yeoldebytche · 7 years
Yo, medbrl, I need some help!
Since Dr. Google isn’t helping, I figured I’d ask you: For about a week, the right side of my throat has been killing me anytime I swallow. This started on Saturday, right after - I mean IMMEDIATELY - I ate a piece of raw shrimp. Soda, tea with lemon and fresh lemonade feel good to drink, water and any kind of artificial lemonade don’t. I can still eat, just fine, but it is bothering me. I don’t have insurance and as a single woman with no children, I don’t qualify for Medicaid. I just want to have a clue of what it *could* be before I make an appointment with a sliding scale doctor. Anything helps!
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doc-in-progress · 8 years
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#medschool life 🤓
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Chrome extensions I find useful
Many a time you have to read the news or maybe a long webpage and you scroll through the page and you find that you do not have the time or maybe the motivation to read such a long webpage and to be fair for me a long webpage is a lot of effort that I do not want to put and in that situation  I use Podcastle. It is a really useful chrome extension which can help you read webpages and even better you can download or share the audio file it has created.This extension creates a podcast out of the webpage and you can even change the voice from male to female or vice versa.
2.Pi Reminder
I was really terrible with time management and whenever something important was coming up I used to think that I will remember it but more often than not I used to forget about the task and there was nothing to remind me and thus this habit of overestimating my ability to remember cost me a few times. I tried using a few apps but they were not suited to me and in a bid to find an app suited just for me I scouring the chrome web store and found Pi Reminder. It is a great chrome extension which is easy to use. You just sign up and then put a reminder for the important task and a notification will pop up on that date and time which you have specified. Since I use my laptop most of the time this extension id very useful for me. This extension can also be connected with your desktop.
3. Dualless
Sometimes I need to access to pages at once like when I am making notes on google docs through a PDF and going back and forth between the two tabs is just tiring and I am not able to capture the whole information and since I use my laptop I cannot really have the dual monitor and thus I use dualless. It is a great chrome extension to divide your screen into perfect ratios and it has options for the division.
4.One Tab
For research and study, I sometimes have a lot of tabs open and having a lot of tabs open especially in your laptop is not a good thing if you want it to run faster and thus I highly recommend One Tab. It is a really good chrome extension which stores all of your tabs in one tab and if you click on the link it opens the tab once again.
5. Checker Plus for Gmail
Checking your Gmail is very important and sometimes you may just forget to see through it. I know that I have and to see that I don't forget to check my Gmail I downloaded Checker Plus for Gmail.  It notifies me every time an email comes and I could also read a little bit of what the email is about. I could also delete the email or mark it as read.
These chrome extensions have helped me and I hope they help you.
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internallypediatric · 7 years
Continuing adventures in inadequacy
Working in the ED this month, and every time I introduce myself to an attending they keep saying, “Oh, great - I love med peds residents! You guys are always super smart!”
Meanwhile, internally:
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mymedlife · 9 years
Hey so ive been on your blog recently, and i keep seeing stuff like studying step three etc. Can you tell me what that is, thanks!
Step 3 is the third and final exam in a series of tests required to get your medical license in the United States.  
There are two flavors of exam, USMLE which is taken by MD’s and COMLEX which is taken by DO’s. However most DO’s take both the USMLE and the COMLEX so they have more residency opportunities. 
Part 1 is computer-based and taken while in medical school.  
Part 2 is subdivided into two parts—one being computer-based and the second being a hands-on exam.  These also are taken during medical school.
Part 3 is taken after medical school graduation, during residency. 
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medstudentsrock · 9 years
So far my Step studying is not going so well. Anyone please help me to make a study schedule that is manageable. Materials i am using: FA, usmle qmax (question bank), usmle rx flash facts (flash cards), dit videos and sketchy micro. I feel lost
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theyangsideofme · 9 years
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Back to reality.
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mjosenavadatt · 9 years
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Todo muy bonito y emocionante. Ahora realidad 😑🔪
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