#medical condition tw
chantelbedford · 1 month
𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 @charliesxdavis
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Things in the Davis/Bedford household had felt like a whirlwind over the course of the last month. With Charlie's diagnosis on Chantel's birthday, she'd been doing everything in her power to help him out as much as she could; the two had even agreed to do a test of Charlie's DNA, see if there was any sort of family members out there that were a match to help him out. However, what they hadn't expected was for the test to show up more than just a distant cousin. They'd learned there was someone in town - right here in Kismet Harbor - that appeared to be Charlie's son. Of course Chantel had been filled with confusion, worry and excitement, however, she couldn't jump the gun, had to let Charlie move at his own pace. That was what Charlie did best after all. She looked up as Charlie moved through the doorway to their shared home, smiling down at Houston who was gnawing on a book on his spot on the floor. "Look who came to join us bud." she smiled, taking Houston's hand and waving it at Charlie as she smiled up at him. "Hey there handsome." she winked, sitting up a little straighter. "How are you feeling today?" she questioned, looking at him. "You look great."
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wolfontheloose · 1 year
|| Marsden & Ryden ||
Who would’ve thought that Ryden would ever look forward to shopping for shoes so much. Anything he did with his bae, anything at all was pretty much a party, worthy of looking forward to. Having finished something up real quick at the car shop, Ryden made his way towards Mars’ apartment, slipping inside and being greeted with a quiet place for a change. Asher had probably taken the little girl for her daily stroll and that usually meant that Marsden was catching up on some much needed sleep. And sure enough, there he was, resting on the couch in the living room with a plush toy clutched to his chest, probably laying down in the middle of picking toys up after Maria Elena, just to rest his eyes but ended up dozing off, still holding the item he was supposed to put away.
It filled Ryden up with the sad sort of softness because he knew just how easily the siren got tired lately and though there were some good and some bad days, the bad days when he felt exhausted, sick and dehydrated happened much more often and it tore Ryden apart to see his favorite person struggling. Uncaring and untouchable as he appeared, when Ryden cared deeply for someone, he felt them within his very core and every trouble they had, every hurt they experienced, Ryden would feel it as his own ache and pain, like he couldn’t help sharing their troubles, taking some of it upon himself so they weren’t suffering alone.
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Approaching silently, still pretty good at sneaking up even though he’d lost his supernatural dexterity and nimbleness, he pried the plush toy out of Mars’ clutching fingers as carefully as he could, letting it drop to the floor to rejoin all others still littering the place. Lowering himself down onto the edge of the couch, he leaned over the siren’s sleeping form, planting a gentle kiss on his sleeping beauty’s forehead. Out of the neckline of Ryden’s shirt, a darkened silvery chain slipped out, a new one with a chain lock engraved with a cursive letter M to match the one with the letter R Marsden now always wore.
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museinitalics · 2 years
Location: Somewhere On The Street With: @adimuses (Reza) Event: Fenrir Fog
The wall of fog was so dense that it was considerably difficult to see anything in front of the young male witch. If he outstretched his arms his fingertips were obscured from view by the fog, only really able to see clearly if something was just about a foot or two in front of him so he hadn't used his car, it would be much too dangerous trying to drive in this fog, so he'd just left it at the pub with plans on going back to get it once the fog cleared up but it didn't seem like that was happening any time soon.
He'd closed up the pub early and sent home all the staff, hardly anyone was coming out for such leisurely desires such as drinking when the whole city was covered in this thick fog. It was magic, his aversion to magic very much affected by this sudden change in environment but there was nothing he could do but be out in it, cloth face mask uselessly doing its best to filter out the traces of magic that hung heavily in the air. It clung to his lashes and felt like sandpaper but he trudged on walking, focusing on not walking into any poles or walls or other people -- not that there were very many out and about -- while he had his shoulders hunched up close to his ears and his hands shoved into his coat pockets, clutching the inhaler in his pocket in case he needed it suddenly.
Chae knew the way to walk to get back to his flat, or so he thought, this thick fog was making it harder to navigate and he couldn't remember with his head so dizzy whether or not he had made the right turn he needed to take. He pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger and looked down at his feet as he walked forward, glancing down only for a moment but considering how thick the fog was, it was just the right amount of time to almost bump into a body that seemingly came out from nowhere. He started, halting suddenly but falling forward and backward simultaneously as momentum willed him forward but his steps tried to pull him backward to avoid a collision.
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marsdenlee · 1 year
Location: Corner of the street in So Op, near Descray With @eliasamiri
The day was surprisingly chilly, maybe it was lingering bad weather from Founder’s Day or maybe even the Earth itself was grieving the imbalance of power that was happening throughout the town. Either way, the skies were gray and humidity filled the air, not enough to do anything for him as a siren but enough to be noticed as he inhaled vapor, cool air pleasant against the bare places of his face and neck that felt heated from the mild fever he’d been coasting through, day three and the fever hadn’t broken but it hadn’t gotten worse and maybe he was just a bit delirious, just enough to think that going for a walk to pick up some food was a good idea for him right now. He couldn’t be blamed, at least that’s what he told himself as he had donned his jacket and left the house, sitter there to watch his daughter while he stepped out for what was only meant to be a twenty minute walk. Couldn’t be blamed when he’d spent the last few days cooped up in the apartment with a shrieking 13 month old who didn’t understand why her father couldn’t pick her up like he used to, who didn’t understand why he was sleeping more than usual, why he kept sitting in the bathtub to soak in the water for hours and he was just tired, so very very tired of being within the same rooms, unable to do all the things he’d grown so used to doing. Even brushing his daughter’s hair was arduous. Getting dressed was a chore. He just needed to get some air, to go outside, stretch his legs, use his body in the way he wanted to without feeling trapped in it but after picking up the bag of food he’d ordered, his body gave out. There wasn’t even a bench here, he just picked a spot on the sidewalk and sat down on the curb with his head in his hands and the plastic bag of to-go food next to him as he tried to catch his breath and stop the world from spinning. 
This sucked. This sucked so much. He couldn’t even move for he didn’t know how long. It was only until someone randomly walking by finally decided to check in and see if he was okay that he lifted his head and lied, of course, said he was just waiting for his friend. They didn’t seem super convinced but left him alone because what stranger would linger too long for some random person sat on the curb. Either way, Mars knew that he couldn’t just stay here and he didn’t want to call his sitter to come get him and Ryden was working. He would probably leave work in an instant to come and get him but he already felt guilty enough that Ryden was needing to take care of him so much when he was around that he didn’t want to call and worry him again or face some scolding for having tried to even do this in the first place, so he called the one person who he figured could help him without maybe realizing just how bad off he was. “I got some food, too much food, ya gotta help me eat it, bud. Meet me at the corner of Welsh and Finnigin, I'll send you the location, oh and bring a bottle of water,” he had said into the phone when he called Elias and once it seemed like the other man would indeed meet him here, Mars hung up and then waited and again, held his head in his hands, only lifting it when he heard a familiar tap of a cane against the sidewalk. “Boo,” he said without warning when he noticed Elias nearby.
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santiagoxflores · 1 year
LOCATION: JD’s House WHO: @juandiego-flores
Stranger, it was the perfect word to describe anyone now in his life.  Just a few weeks ago, Santiago stumbled into Opulence and changed from a witch to a siren with no recollection of the event that transpired or well anything.  Thankfully, he had a wonderful family that came and picked him up but he didn’t know them from adam.  The one named Juan Diego offered his house, since Santiago lost his apartment for not paying rent the last few months given his disappearance.  It seemed JD was putting in effort in rebuilding their relationship, which helped significantly.
Today was like any other day, he got back from his doctor’s appointment doing a few scans of his brains and trying to do memory exercises, but still nothing.  Thankfully, JD was home when he got to the house and it was an opportunity to get to know his brother all over again.  Seeing JD in the kitchen, he walked in and offered a soft smile, “hey JD,” he softly said.  “So I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hangout if you’re not busy?  Maybe do something we used to do before I lost my memory, whatever that might be.”
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Inktober 22: Scratchy
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stigmvtas-archived · 1 year
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welcome to marina, EDEN SHEPHERD ( cis woman, she/her ) ! they are a THIRTY TWO year old who has lived over on PROSPECT HILL for HER ENTIRE LIFE and works as a ANTIQUE'S SHOP OWNER. everyone says they look a lot like GRETA ONIEOGOU. what do you think? — JAMES, 24, THEY/THEM, EST.
full name: eden beatrice shepherd.
birthday: september 4th, 1991.
astrology: virgo sun, cancer moon, sagittarius ascending.
sexuality: bisexual.
currently listening to: simulation swarm by big thief.
last known location: [[[cannot be found]]]
brief history.
grew up on a commune in prospect hill, not too far off from the rest of the island but far enough. it's very much a like, down to earth, all natural - holistic, hippie community.
asthma / medical condition; from childhood, eden's afflicted with asthma. it's bad enough that she spends more time in town, staying with her grandmother in hyland park, than at the commune.
in high school she decides to move in with her grandmother, her condition never worsening but never getting better - it's easier to be closer to the hospital.
is kind of outcasted in high school because she's known as the weird commune girl, walking barefoot around town just because shoes hurt. eden rarely let it phase her, though.
goes to college for bioengineering, because it feels like a combination of what she loves, and what she experiences on the day-to-day. is accepted to ivy leagues, but chose to stay in marina for her education.
meets someone during her masters program, a tourist who'd been traveling the world, and shortly after her graduation from the program she just. runs off and travels with them. they're kind of serious, but eden doesn't realize that they're that serious until they're proposing to her.
says yes, because what else do you say? they stay together for a good amt of years and are set to marry in greece, but eden gets cold feet and promptly. abandons her fiance at the altar.
moved back to marina after that, and hasn't left again since. it's been a few years since then.
inherited her grandmother's antique shop, but her grandma ada's still alive and kicking, she just didn't want to fuss with the finances anymore. the shop is essentially just ada's home in hyland, but the first floor's taken up by shelves and books and tables filled with old knick knacks, junk, and the occasional actually valuable antique.
facts & temperaments.
asthma / medical condition; took a big risk traveling with her asthma, because after years of being stagnant in progression, it's becoming resistant to treatment. is currently on an experimental medication for it. but she has that thang on her at all times.
a peacemaker. would rather solve other's problems than add to them, or fight with anyone - hates conflict. professional at running away from it. everyone in her family jokes that she should've become a therapist instead of a bioengineer, since she hasn't done much with her degree.
will help you with any task, big or small, without question. will only tease you a little bit, but knows when to let up. likes to be a comforting person, and is personable in the sense where she'll know all your favorites, but you won't know much about her or her issues.
doesn't like to be fretted over, very much likes to do things herself. knows how to fix most things herself, and is constantly doing DIYs around the commune and her grandmother's house.
can be a bit high strung even if she tries hard to not come off like it. needs things under her control, despite how much she says she can go with the flow. very anxiety-ridden!
is very sentimental and doesn't throw away anything that provokes strong memories for her. is minimalist on the outside, but keeps at least one closet just filled with shit that she can't bring herself to throw away, even if it doesn't fit her aesthetic.
doesn't do committed relationships very much, because they kind of scare her? doesn't know how to be fully emotionally intimate, so settles with hookups.
overthinker. can be brutally honest at times, but probably doesn't want to hear it from others. anger is slow and quiet, builds if provoked. master at the silent treatment, and is a lifetime grudge-holder if you do manage to get on her bad side.
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mvrrow · 1 year
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[ laura harrier, cis woman, she/her ] - was that eden shepherd i saw by the lighthouse today? i heard that the thirty one year old who has been in nightrest for on and off throughout her life and works as the owner of ada's antiques has a reputation of being softhearted, but also evasive. they reside in ashmore & people in town usually associate them with collapsing beneath the sun; the rays of light dancing off your damp skin, wild honey with its tendency to stick to everything it touches, and handmade quilts sewn together by bittersweet nostalgia. let’s hope the killer doesn’t go after them next. [ james, 24, they/them, est, n/a ]
full name: eden beatrice shepherd.
birthday: september 4th, 1991.
astrology: virgo sun, cancer moon, sagittarius ascending.
sexuality: bisexual.
currently listening to: simulation swarm by big thief.
current mood: afraid 😱
current location: [[[cannot be found]]]
last tweet: ...im pretty sure i just found a box of vintage sex toys in the basement. thanks grandma! #scarred
grows up in a tiny commune off asbury grove, surrounded by nothing but woods; it's her mother, her father, and their entire gaggle of children. eden's not the first, nor would she be the last.
it's a good community - holistic, and the kids are homeschooled - but it's a good community. tightknit, everyone helps everyone and nobody is left abandoned. eden spends her days learning about the life cycle of insects and birds, what it means to die; the lifespan of trees and the evils of deforestation.
MEDICAL CONDITION / CHILDHOOD ILLNESS; eden's first asthma attack is sudden and sharp; a breathlessness she's never felt before, a new fear fresh in her six year old body. the body remembers its trauma - and even now, she can still feel that ache from her first attack. it's a downwards, upwards, and all around sideways spiral after then - combined with a weak immune system, she's quick to sicken. pneumonia and bronchitis, as soon as the flowers bloom.
the commune is great, and it's her home - but they can't provide the help she needs, not anymore; her grandmother, ada, takes her in - only for summers at first, just so she can get the treatment she needs at the local hospital, still near family.
she falls in love with nightrest quickly - has never seen the beach before then, doesn't know the joys yet of crystal clear waters - can only admire how the ocean stretches beyond the horizon. she loves her grandmother too - she's her favorite, after all - and they spend almost all their time together, manning ada's antique shop. ada teaches eden to knit, to sew - how to put a nail through wood, the sweet taste of their fruits of labor. how to be independent, how to be reliable. how to live.
her childhood and teenhood is split between the commune and nightrest; split between two worlds, but after spending summer after summer in the small town - eden and her grandmother send in a scholarship application for wardwell. she's always excelled in school - their homeschooling regime surprisingly strict, more advanced than she would've been otherwise - but it's still a surprise when eden's actually accepted into the private institute.
her courses aren't as hard as she thought they'd be, much less a worry than the student population; whispers of her being the weird commune girl - the girl who walks the town barefoot, middle of the night - nightgown blowing against the wind. she's a witch, they whisper. schoolyard taunts making up for years of missed elementary teasing. eden never pays them much mind - head always held high, eyes always cast down upon those who look at her the wrong way.
the one thing eden finds, is that attention finds her. whether it's curious interest or purposeful distaste, or a deeper temptation - she entertains it, bathes in it; her reputation goes from witch to whore, and all she does is smile.
high school comes and goes, and so do all the rumors - their weight heavy on her shoulders towards the latter years; but university is different. after consoling her grandmother, then her parents, then half the commune - insisting her health is in perfect condition - eden packs up and heads to boston university.
she majors in bioengineering - it's an umbrella of all the things she cares about; healthcare, and agriculture - energy and sustainability. gets through all four years and half of her masters program before meeting the love of her life.
andrew dyers puts all her worries at ease with just the sound of his voice. his peace is hers; he's her voice of reason, when her thoughts scatter her. she puts her masters degree on pause, just to travel the world with him. leaves everything she's ever known, because all she wants is to be by his side. it's scary - eden's asthma's improved little by little throughout the years, and she doesn't get as sick nearly as often - but he's always stood by her. even during their fights - storming off in the middle of european cities, cold shoulders and silent treatments - he's never left her side.
when he proposes - it's the happiest eden's ever been. marriage was once a distant thought - and now she's trying on wedding dresses, tasting cakes - picking out her perfect venue, all the way in greece.
INFERTILITY; it's partially a routine visit, and partially eden preparing for their future together in advance - when she finds out the news. she can't have children - at least not of her own, not from her. not with drew. and her world collapses before her, her dreams and pinterest boards crumbling down.
she keeps the news from drew - doesn't want to confront it, doesn't want to think of it - she knows that he'd still love her, still want to be with her; but her mind's a jumble of thoughts - there's too much to plan, and the back of her mind starts voicing doubts.
PANIC ATTACK / ASTHMA; the day of the wedding is the culmination of her every doubt, her every fear - she has a panic attack for the first time in her life, triggers her asthma - is practically glued to her inhaler. everything is too much for her, the future suddenly so unclear - her worries finally shattering her. and she runs. she abandons her wedding - abandons drew - and gets on the nearest flight back to massachusetts.
her grandmother welcomes her back with open arms - listens to her, cries with her - and nightrest is where eden stays. it's coincidental, but ada's health's declining and it's the perfect time for eden to stay around the house, to care for her. it's also her excuse, in a way - as awful as it feels.
FAMILIAL DEATH; that was almost two years ago; with ada's recent passing, eden inherits not only her grandmother's antique business, but her house as well - a given, considering ada's business was out of her home.
suddenly a business & homeowner - eden's been busy managing ada's financial affairs, fixing her books - refurbishing and restoring her victorian home in all its glory. it's not the life eden had expected - or particularly wanted, at first. but she feels happier now, compared to when she first ran away.
ASTHMA; first thing's first she's an asthma girlie<3 has that inhaler ON HER at all times. her asthma attacks aren't that often or as bad anymore bt u never know. she's kind of scared of them #scarredforlife
rly kind n will go out of her way to help others whether it's with tasks or with advice or literally. anything. is the type to cook u chicken soup if u say u have a sneeze.
at the same time though she's pretty closed off when it comes to her own personal problems or Deep Feelings. a little repressed.
it's a mix of being overlooked by her parents as a middle kid, sometimes - to being fussed over too much, when she was sick. to being talked about in high school, and just plain being stubborn.
personable when it comes to others like she knows ur favorite color, ur big three zodiacs, and what u did last summer.
DIY queen she does everything herself because why spend money when u can do it urself. does not stop
her grandmother's house-slash-antique shop is like a very old victorian that her grandmother snagged right when the family moved to nightrest. it's her family home before her dad joined the commune w her mom so there's a lot of history there n it makes eden feel. comforted idk
the ground floor is pretty much just all antique shit. almost a hoarder's situation to the point where eden's been going through pieces and seeing what's even valuable / worth selling. the only semi-cleared space is the kitchen n bathroom but otherwise eden stays upstairs.
she has a doberman named daisy mae because when murders first started happening in the town eden said<3 absolutely not. n got herself a guard dog. she's trained her very well n she's very proud of it.
also a little bit emotional support bc eden is like. a bit all over the place. a little highstrung, at times, i'd say.
she hides it very well bc she makes lists and pinterest boards n has a Need to Plan everything to the T but when things stop going her way or she feels like she's losing control she like unravels a bit into a mess of anxiety. #anxiousqueen
is a bit. broke admittedly. ran through her savings when taking care of her grandmother n is just hoping that the business will be enough to get her by. if needed she can fall back on her degree but her passion's a bit. misplaced atm
bet ur ass she kept every single piece of designer that drew bought her throughout their relationship. she feels immense guilt about the entire runaway bride thing but these items r sentimental ok. they're kinda comforting. even though eden's in the wrong. let her be delulu.
has not been in a committed relationship since drew. he was her only serious one tbh. big fan of hookups n the concept of friends w benefits, even moreso one night stands. nobody is allowed to sleep in the same bed as her, she'll probably sneak out when they're asleep if its not at her place.
definitely a bit of an overthinker. she has to analyze everything.
will be honest with u. will try to be nice about it, without sugar-coating it. will speak her thoughts if she has to.
holds a grudge like a motherfucker. she's hard to anger, and already has too much patience for others - but when u get on her bad side, ur there for life. queen of passive aggressive comments and never letting it go. will bring it up in conversation n acknowledgement will not satiate her.
has mastered the silent treatment. she goes so silent when she's upset n thats how u know u've fucked up.
i think thats all! truthfully idk if any of this will be true when i actually write her so!<3
childhood friends, from when she spent her summers in nightrest to when she moved for school. people who've known her since high school.
consistent friends who've been by her side for years n have supported her on the sidelines
people who were like wtf? when she just ran away from her wedding bc that probably got her on some shit lists even if they didn't know drew personally. bc eden definitely didn't tell anyone why.
enemies<3 moreso from when they were younger probably but like i said. eden holds a grudge of a lifetime. she'll be like i know u called me a whore in 11th grade because ur boyfriend liked staring at my tits more than looking at even just ur face. n thats not my problem i hope u got the help u needed. sounds like it was traumatic.
hookups obv. one night stands n friends w benefits n people who like get that she doesn't need anything serious rn and never has.
unrequited crushes mostly on her but sometimes<3 her heart does things<3 n she is susceptible to a pretty face on occasion.
please let her be the unofficial aunt to ur muses' children she loves kids so much n gets along w them so well
college friends!! people who knew her as this like <3 passionate science nerd n is just like ? this isnt bioengineering ? standing in her shop
shop patrons <3 please fund eden's life. the store is nice i promise. just a little old.
neighbors i love a civil small talk that isnt about murder. people who've known ada growing up themselves n have their own funny little stories abt ada bc she was a bit like<3 eccentric i think.
but also actually a close friend group wld be nice? like a best friend or somebody she can tell her secrets to <3 give me like the one person who knows she's infertile. let her traumadump!!!
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micah-weber · 2 years
Place: Opulence Hospital Emergency Room With: @elora-opulence​
Micah stood outside the door to her room with his fingers clenched firmly around the spell jar he’d made with J.C. in the waiting lobby, worrying the inside of his cheek with his tongue and teeth. Per hospital policy, visitors were meant to only be for family members but Elora didn’t have any family in town, she’d left them all in France and so he’d lied to the nurse and said he was her brother. The nurse had given him a very skeptical look for obvious reasons but allowed him to go through, no actual evidence that he had been lying about their relationship so now he was here, outside of her room, building up the courage to walk inside and see how she was. 
Jean-Claude had been sparse with his details on how she was, no doubt wanting to spare Micah from the truth but how she looked meant little. He couldn’t let her be alone. He pushed open the door and stepped inside, immediately greeted by electronic beeping and whirring. The last time he’d been in a hospital room like this was after the car accident that ended his little sister’s life and sent him to prison for four years. The anxiety of that memory played at the forefront of his mind as he approached the side of the bed where Elora would lie and he would attempt to offer her a small smile meant to be reassuring, “Hey,” he promptly toed over a chair, pulled up beside the bed and sat down, elbows resting against the soft mattress side as he raised up the spell jar within his hands, “Made you a get well soon charm.”
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greywoodrpg · 9 months
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𝕧𝕚𝕣𝕘𝕚𝕝 𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕪𝕝𝕤
he appears as though he was born thirty-two years ago but is actually sixty-five, is a faerie and lives in the outskirts as a clerk in out of the attic, and is in the mirror fantasy. he looks an awful lot like jung jinyoung.
“Y’know what’s good for migraines? This herbal remedy I put together.”
tw: medical condition
Virgil doesn’t remember much about how he ended up here. All he knows is that he came to on the banks of a pond surrounded by fog. He followed a trail to Greywood, and has stayed there ever since. But he has nightmares of a house on fire, of screaming an unfamiliar name, and a feeling that he’s missing someone important to him. The burns on his body tell a story that he hasn’t been able to hear. He hates looking at the sky because it feels wrong somehow, upside down, and he feels like he’s going to fall into it. He’s plagued by migraines and dizziness.  It’s been a few years since he found himself there, and while it still doesn’t feel like home, Virgil has been making do. He’s slowly adjusting to life. He likes to garden in his spare time even though it’s difficult for him to do any amount of hard labor because of that dizziness. He has a fascination for flowers and mushrooms that bloom at night, and he loves anything poisonous.  He took a job as a clerk at Out of the Attic, but his main source of income is perhaps less than legal plants. He can’t remember if he found them so easy to grow back home, but now, it feels like second nature. He has connections to people who pay him more than well enough, and he’s fairly good at keeping these plants secret from snooping neighbors and any cops who might pass by.  
“what power did he attain when settling in greywood?”
Virgil’s power is being able to summon mushroom circles from the ground. The mushroom circles can be quite powerful if he does them right, and the effects can vary depending on what type of mushrooms he uses. Some call sleeping humans out of their beds and convince them to dance with him. Others make humans very trusting of him, and allow him to compel them. He’s harmless enough since all he tries to do is make them buy his products. 
penned by... einar
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vanescos · 2 years
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ALIZEH ROSHAN. The Tarnished Radiance. 37. Personal Assistant.
INGRID SALINAS. The Enduring Ascent. 42. Dept. Head of Herpetology.
JAYESH PATEL. The Caged Alchemist. 38. Owner of L.A. Lakers.
RILEY THORTON. The Famished Chaos. 34. Bartender. Hitman.
RUELLE ESPINOSA. The Reckless Dream. 28. EMT.
YANMEI YIN. The Misguided Bloodhound. 53. Editor-in-Chief.
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nonranghaes · 9 months
"it's just me."
you barely get a chance to roll onto your back before soonyoung's already climbing onto the bed and somewhat on top of you and your blankets, and it's only seconds later that he crashes. it's far from the first time this has happened (soonyoung is clingy and cuddly, especially when he's sleepy), but he manages to knock the wind out of you nonetheless. he rests his head on your chest, and you wiggle an arm out to curl around him as best as you can in your semi-trapped position.
"just go back to sleep," he murmurs. "everything's fine."
you stroke his hair, thumb dipping down to graze his cheek at one point. "soonie--"
"i mean it," he says, eyes peering up in the low light to see yours. "i'm fine. just need to nap." his hand finds yours, and he wraps your arm around him as he snuggles in. he plants a kiss against your chest before resting his head against it again, eyes fluttering shut. "you can rest a little longer, too."
you settle back down after a moment, arms wrapped around soonyoung as you shut your eyes again. sometimes you swear this tiger is a teddy bear, but regardless of which he is, he's yours.
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I'm getting whumperflies from my textbook's chapter on behaviorism. The cold, calculated way it talks about behaviors completely separate from the person doing them and the emphasis on reinforcement and punishment are just so very whumpy. Generally it uses attention as an example of reinforcement, which leads to stuff like "it's effective to avoid eye contact and conversation while restraining a patient so that misbehaving isn't unintentionally reinforced through attention." Like that's one of the whumpiest things I've ever read and it's in a psychology textbook. Imagine a whumper just completely ceasing any eye contact or conversation while Whumpee is being punished because attention is a reinforcer
Behaviorism is so fucked up
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sufrimientilia · 1 month
The Director
humiliation | dehumanization | conditioning @augusnippets Day 16
cw: medical/lab setting, subject whumpee, captivity, see above
The operating theater was dim and quiet, free of machines and stainless metal trays and the buzz of nurses poking at every part of him. Maybe that was a good sign.
Although the observation deck overhead was dimly lit up as well. That definitely wasn’t.
He had been forced into some cushy padded chair. The researcher fussing over him was a vaguely familiar and unwelcome face by now, and most of the time she didn’t even bother speaking directly to him. “Director. I have been looking forward to showing you the progress we’ve made with this study. I think you’ll be… quite impressed.”
She was squeaky today, talking up to one big reflective wall. Like she had something to prove.
He pulled at his restraints. “Really chose your star student for this one, huh?”
“You’re aware of my efforts to achieve a state of neuroplasticity for our behavioral conditioning program,” the researcher continued unfettered, propping a halo-shaped machine right over his head. “Through exhaustive trials, I’ve finally achieved an inducible state of docility and submission. Each brain reacts so differently, but we are particularly proud of Subject 3B-167. He has taken to the induction very well.”
“The fuck are you talking about?” He started fighting even harder. The padded cuffs always had such a distinct way of cutting into his wrists and ankles, raw and ragged even under layers of gauze. “I haven’t taken to shit! All you do is drug me and cut me open and act like a fuckin’ cu—”
The machine gave one shrill little tone and lit up with a ring of blue light. Every part of him locked up like it was electricity, a single lightning strike through every muscle, clenching and stretching his skin gaunt. It lasted only as long as the beep, and then he just went slack— limp and lifeless, eyes glazed, mouth dropping open under the blue haze.
“Initial findings are promising: we’re seeing a consistent reduction in resistance, with the subject entering a compliant state in under three seconds.” She flicked her fingers in front of his eyes. He didn’t even twitch. “His reactivity varies, but most cognitive faculties are effectively shut down.”
She flicked off the blue light. The subject jerked and shuddered hard, blinking like it was just an odd muscle spasm. And then he kept on fighting without skipping another beat, not realizing the gap in his efforts. “—cunt! You stupid cunt! What are you trying to—ghh-”
The light flicked on and he slumped under its glow. She pushed his head back against the headrest. “I’ve tested this across various states of consciousness, but the results are especially intriguing when the subject is under duress. It seems the stress amplifies the effectiveness of the trigger. We can achieve total behavioral suppression.”
She dimmed the light until it turned off. This time he took longer to snap out of it, blinking hard before pulling in a sharp breath. He exchanged her observant stare with a confused one before finally lifting his head. He looked around. “What… What the hell’s going on?”
“Repeated therapies make the subject highly suggestible and seems to affect memory retention. He doesn’t even remember most of the procedures.” She sounded amused here. “Each reset wipes the slate clean.”
“What the fuck are you talking about, lady?”
The blue ring. His pupils blew wide. His neck kept landing at an uncomfortable, awkward angle, and the researcher shoved his head back before he could drool all over himself. “His defiance is only a facade now. Gone in an instant.”
When the light shut off, it took a long moment for him to regain his bearings. His brow hardened— frustration, maybe, like everything was too slow to follow. “Why ‘m I…” He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. He glared up at the researcher. “Just get it over with or lemme go, why are y—”
The blue light flicked on. Every part of him surrendered to the misty glow, eyes rolling upwards to give the halo a blank stare. “It feels good to obey,” the researcher said, following the same compliance protocols. “Resistance fades; obedience remains.”
Next time the light turned off, he barely woke up. He stayed slumped against the padded chair, dazed and confused, blinking owlishly at the dark ring hovering above him. “What ‘re you… doing…”
“Subject 3B-167. Follow my finger closely.” His gaze tracked a slow horizontal. Up and down. “Very good. Noted for compliance.”
“Wha’?” He weakly pulled at the restraints. “Mm not, n’no…”
A twilight haze of blue. His gaze roamed along the arc of it, enraptured and lost, paralyzed all over by the usual mantras. A subject’s identity is in their obedience. Obedience is his natural state. He exists to obey. Obey, obey, obey.
Eventually, the light dimmed all the way and the subject was still a drooling mess. He didn’t snap out of it, not even with enough prodding and pushing. He just mumbled out an incoherent string of sound and stared at the empty ring.
“From here we would move on to hypnotic conditioning. I find the subjects tend to be incredibly receptive in this state,” the researcher said, standing proudly next to her mindless subject like he was some pretty prototype. “My next phase will involve refining the protocols to ensure long-term compliance without the need for constant reinforcement. It will take time, but we're on a good track."
The microphone from the other side of the glass finally sparked to life, and it was with the greatest approval to be had from The Director: “Keep going. I want to see more.”
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marsdenlee · 1 year
Location: Opulence General Hospital With: @opheliasflood
He probably looked like an oversized delinquent, rolling down the hallway in a 'borrowed' wheelchair with a metallic 'Get Well Soon!' balloon tied to his wrist, streaming and bobbing behind him, all covered in tattoos and wearing black sweatpants with skeleton legs, visible white socks pulled up beneath their hemline, black Adidas slides on his feet and instead of a leather jacket he wore a black hoodie that was too big for him because it wasn't his own. Another 'borrowed' item, this time from Ryden. If he couldn't be with his buttery croissant then he at least wanted to have a piece of him around.
"Mind getting the door for me?" Mars would ask some random person in the hall outside of Ophelia's room, inclining his head in the direction of the door that would lead to her and they obliged, "Thanks," -- which sounded more like 'danks' -- and he gave them a single flick of a finger gun in their direction before he rolled in.
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Marsden greeted, wheels of the wheelchair squeaking a little as he rolled toward the edge of her bed, "Dis a fucked up game of tag we playin' right now but," he untied the 'Get Well Soon!' balloon from his wrist and handed it over to Ophelia as he said, "Tag. Yer it, an' no tag backs." He didn't look any better than the last time they saw each other when she'd visited him in his apartment, still appearing fatigued with deep dark circles around his eyes and despite sounding a bit more energetic there was still a lingering heaviness to his voice, a low gravel he couldn't quite shake, and a dullness to his somewhat dry skin.
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bamsara · 1 year
You got drugged!!!??
Yeah it wasn't great lol
I spent most of that day in the medical tent (I went as soon as I felt *off*) and the health workers took great care of me and were super nice so it worked out in the end. First time going to a music festival was really an experience huh
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